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1) Define investment. As a student, are you saving or borrowing? Why? market.
Aninvestment is thecurrent commitmentof fundsforaperiodoftimeinorder
> The primarymarketinsecuritiesiswherenewissuesaresoldbycorporationsto
to derive a future flow of funds that will compensate the investor forthe time acquire new capitalviathesaleofbonds,preferredstockorcommonstock.The
valueof money, theexpectedrateofinflationoverthelifeoftheinvestment,and sale typicallytakes placethrough aninvestment banker.Thesecondarymarket
provide a premium for the uncertainty associated with this future flow of funds. is simply trading in outstanding securities. It involves transactions between
Students in general tend to be borrowers because they are typically not owners after the issue has been sold to the public by the company.
employedso have noincome, butobviously consumeandhaveexpenses.The Consequently, theproceeds fromthe saledo not go tothe company,as isthe
usual intent is to invest the money borrowed in order to increasetheirfuture case with aprimary offering.Thus, the priceof thesecurity isimportanttothe
income stream from employment- i.e., studentsexpectto receive abetter job buyer and seller. The functioning of the primary market would be seriously
and higher income due to their investment in education. hampered in the absence of a good secondary market. A good secondary
2) Briefly discuss the five fundamental factors that influence the risk marketprovidesliquiditytoaninvestorifheorshewantstoalterthecomposition
premium of an investment. of his or her portfolio from securities to other assets (i.e., house, etc). Thus,
The fivefactors that influence the risk premiumon an investmentarebusiness investorswouldbereluctanttoacquiresecuritiesintheprimarymarketiftheyfelt
risk, financial risk, liquidity risk, exchange rate risk, and country risk. they would not subsequently have the abilityto sellthe securities quicklyat a
=>Business risk is a function of sales volatility and operating leverage. The known price.
combined effect of these two variables can be quantified in terms of the
coefficientof variation of operating earnings. Operatingleverageoccurswhena CT-2
firm has fixed costs that are to be met regardless of sales volume.
=>Financialrisk is afunction oftheuncertaintyintroducedbythefinancingmix. ) What is MARKOWITZ PORTFOLIO THEORY? What are the assumptions
The inherent risk involved inthe inabilityto meetfuture contractual payments, regarding investor behavior as per.
such as interest on bonds, etc., or the threat of bankruptcy. Financial risk is Markowitz Portfolio Theory, developed by Harry Markowitz in the 1950s, isa
measured in terms of a debt ratio (e.g., debt/equity ratio)and/or theinterest cornerstone of modern portfolio management. It provides a mathematical
coverage ratio. =>Liquidity riskisthe uncertaintyan individual faces whenhe framework for constructing an optimal investment portfolio that balances
decides to buyorsellaninvestment.Thetwouncertaintiesinvolvedare:(1)how expected return with risk.
longit willtaketobuyor sellthisasset,and(2)whatpricewillbereceived.The The key concept of Markowitz Portfolio Theory is diversification. Markowitz
liquidity riskondifferent investments canvary substantially(e.g.,realestatevs. demonstrated that by investing ina combinationof assetswith uncorrelatedor
T-bills). negatively correlated returns,investorscanreducetheoverallrisk(measuredby
=> Exchange rate risk is theuncertaintyof returns onsecurities acquired ina portfolio variance) of their investment portfolio without sacrificing expected
different currency. The exchange rate risk is caused by fluctuations in the return.
investor's local currency compared tothe foreign-investmentcurrency. The risk =>The Markowitz model is based on several assumptions regarding investor
applies to the global investor or multinational corporate manager who must behavior:- 1. Investors consider each investment alternative as being
for investors tobuysecurities thatthey missedout on duringtheinitialoffering. represented by aprobability distribution ofexpected returns oversome holding
Therefore, the two markets support each other. period.2.Investors maximizeone-period expected utility,andtheirutilitycurves
3) Discussthethreecomponentsofaninvestor’srequiredrateofreturnon demonstrate diminishingmarginal utility ofwealth.3.Investorsestimatetherisk
investment. of the portfolio on the basis of the variabilityof expected returns.4. Investors
Answer: The required rate of return is the minimumrate ofreturn an investor base decisions solely on expected returnandrisk, so theirutilitycurves are a
should accept from any investment to compensate him for delaying functionofexpected returnand theexpectedvariance(orstandarddeviation)of
consumption.In other words,aninvestorinveststodaytoenjoythebenefitsata returns only. 5. For a given risk level, investors prefer higherreturns tolower
later stage. The components ofaninvestor’srequiredrate ofreturn that could returns.Similarly,foragivenlevelofexpectedreturn,investorspreferlessriskto
compensate him for the risk taken are: more risk.
● The time value of money during the investment period 2) What is variance? Discuss the variance of return for a portfolio?
● The expected rate of inflation during the investment period Varianceis a statisticalmeasurethatquantifiesthedispersionorspreadofaset
● The risk involved of datapointsaroundtheirmeanorexpectedvalue.Inthecontextoffinanceand
We examine each of these components. investments, variance is commonly used to assess the volatility or risk
1) The timevalue ofmoney.Theideaisthatmoneyavailableatpresentisworth associated with the returns of an investment or a portfolio.
more than the sameamount inthe futureduetoits potentialearning capacity. =>Thevariance ofreturnsforaportfoliomeasureshowmuchtheactualreturns
Forexample, onemay need todeterminethefuturevalue(FV)ofaninvestment of the portfoliodeviate fromtheexpectedreturnsoveracertainperiodoftime.It
of $100,000 over10years invested ataspecificrate.Investorsgenerallyprefer provides insights into the level of volatility or fluctuation in the portfolio's
to receive moneyfrom aninvestmentsoonerrather thanlater. Money received performance. A higher variance indicates greater dispersion in returns,
by an investor today canbeinvested togenerateanadditionalreturntomorrow. suggesting higher risk, while alower varianceimpliesmore stabilityandlower
Therefore, theearlier thecashreceived,the greaterthe potentialforincreasing risk.
wealth. An individual may sacrifice the useof money foraspecified timewith Mathematically,thevarianceofreturnsforaportfoliocanbecalculatedusingthe
somecompensation inreturn.2)Theexpectedrateofinflation.Inflationmustbe following formula:
considered in any calculation to reflect the value of the investment ata later Portfolio Variance=∑i=1 ∑ j=1 wi wj ⋅Cov(Ri ,R j)
date. It suggests the spending power of money decreases over time due to Investors and portfoliomanagers usevariance (andrelated measuressuchas
inflation. Any lender would expect compensation for this decline in spending standard deviation)toassessandmanagetheriskoftheirinvestmentportfolios.
power. 3) The risk. Compensation for the potential riskmust bea subjectof A well-diversifiedportfolio aimsto minimizevariance byspreading investments
consideration whiledetermining the required rateof returnon investment.Risk across different assets with uncorrelated or negatively correlated returns,
factors vary fromone typeof instrumentto anotherorfromoneenvironmentto thereby reducing overall portfolio risk.
another.When there is ahigh degreeof certainty aboutaninvestment’sreturn, 3) What are thesimilarities anddifferences betweentheCML andSMLas
for example, in the case of treasury bills, the premium will be low.The most models of the risk return trade off?
fundamental principle of financial management is that the return must be Like theCML, the SMLshowsthetrade-offbetweenriskandexpectedreturnas
commensurate with the risk taken. a straight line intersecting the vertical axis(i.e.,zero-riskpoint) at the risk-free
2 rate. However, there are two important differences between the CMLandthe
1) Define capital market ?Characteristics of a Good Market? SML.First,the CMLmeasures riskbythe standard deviation(i.e., totalrisk)of
A capital market is a financial market whereindividualsand institutionstrade the investment while the SML considers only thesystematic component ofan
financial securities such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, and other long-term investment’svolatility. Second,as aconsequenceofthefirstpoint,theCMLcan
investments.The primaryfunctionof a capitalmarket istofacilitatetheraising beappliedonlytoportfolioholdingsthatarealreadyfullydiversified,whereasthe
ofcapital forbusinesses, governments,andotherentities.Itprovidesaplatform SML can be applied to any individual asset or collection of assets.
for investors tobuyand sellsecurities, enablingcapital toflowfromthosewith
surplus funds (investors) to those in need of funds (issuers). 2
Characteristics of a Good Market. ) Why do most investors hold diversified portfolios?
Agoodmarket should provide accurate informationon the priceandvolumeof Answer:- Investors hold diversified portfolios inorder toreduce risk,that is,to
pasttransactions,andcurrentsupplyanddemand.Clearly,thereshouldberapid lower thevariance ofthe portfolio,whichisconsidered a measureoftheriskof
dissemination of this information. Adequate liquidity is desirable so that the portfolio. Adiversified portfolio should accomplishthis becausethe returns
participants may buy and sell their goods and/or services rapidly, at a price for the alternative assets should notbe correlated sothe varianceofthe total
reflecting the supply and demand. The costs of transferring ownership and portfolio will be reduced.
middleman commissions should be low. Finally, the prevailing price should Most investors hold diversified portfolios for several compelling reasons:
reflect all available information. => Risk Reduction: -> Diversification helps mitigate risk. By spreading
A good market for goods and services has the following characteristics: investments acrossdifferent assetclasses(such asstocks,bonds, realestate,
1. Timely and accurateinformationonthepriceandvolumeofpasttransactions. and commodities), investors reduce their exposureto thepoor performance of
2. Liquidity,meaning anassetcan bebought orsold quickly atapricecloseto any single asset. >>When one investment underperforms, others may
the prices for previous transactions (has price continuity), assuming no new compensate, leading to a more stable overall portfolio.
information has been received. In turn, pricecontinuity requires depth.3. Low =>MinimizingVolatility: >Diversification smoothesout portfoliovolatility. Assets
transaction costs,includingthecostofreachingthemarket,theactualbrokerage oftenmove inopposite directionsduringmarketfluctuations.Forinstance,when
costs,and the costoftransferring theasset. 4.Pricesthatrapidlyadjusttonew stocks decline, bonds may rise, providing a buffer against losses.
information, so theprevailingpriceisfairsinceitreflectsallavailableinformation
regarding the asset.
b) Identify the assumptions of capital market theory. tc.) heldwithinthe portfolio.>Determinetheweights:Determinetheproportion
heoryBecause capitalmarkettheorybuildsontheMarkowitzportfoliomodel,it
T of each security's value in the total portfolio value. Thiscan be calculatedby
requiresthesameassumptions,alongwithsomeadditionalones:1.Allinvestors dividing the valueofeachsecuritybythetotalvalueoftheportfolio.>>Calculate
are Markowitz - efficient in that they seek to invest in tangent points on the the betaforeachsecurity:Obtainthebetacoefficientforeachindividualsecurity.
efficient frontier. The exact location of this tangent point and, therefore, the Betavaluesareoftenavailablefromfinancialwebsites,databases,orinvestment
specific portfolio selected will depend on the individual investor’s risk-return research platforms. Alternatively, you can calculate beta using statistical
utility function. 2. Investors can borrow or lend any amount of money at the methods suchasregressionanalysis,wherehistoricalreturnsofthesecurityare
risk-free rateof return (RFR). (Clearly,itisalwayspossibletolendmoneyatthe regressed against the returns of a market index (e.g., S&P 500).
nominal risk-freeratebybuyingriskfreesecuritiessuchasgovernmentT-bills.It >>Calculate theweighted averagebeta:Multiply thebetaofeachsecuritybyits
is not always possible to borrow at this level.) 3. All investors have respective weight in the portfolio, and then sum these products to find the
homogeneous expectations; that is, they estimate identical probability weighted average beta oftheportfolio. Theformulaforcalculatingtheweighted
distributionsfor futurerates ofreturn.4. Allinvestorshavethesameone-period average beta of a portfolio is:
time horizon, suchas one monthoroneyear.Themodelwillbedevelopedfora Portfolio Beta=∑(Weight of Securityi ×Beta of Security i)
single hypothetical period, and its results could be affected by a different 3)Whatisanefficientportfolio?Howcanthereturnandstandarddeviation
assumption since it requires investors to derive risk measures and risk-free of a portfolio be determined?
assets thatare consistentwiththeir investment horizons.6)Therearenotaxes >>An efficient portfolio is a portfolio ofassets that offersthe highestexpected
or transaction costs involved in buying or selling assets. Thisisa reasonable return for a given level of risk or thelowest level ofrisk foragivenexpected
assumption in many instances. return. In other words, it represents the optimal combination of assets that
c) What is the theory of valuation? Discuss the processof valuationrequires maximizes return for a givenlevel of risk orminimizesrisk foragivenlevel of
estimates. return. Efficient portfolios lie on the efficient frontier, which is the set of all
>>Thetheory of valuation,also knownas assetvaluationorsecurityvaluation, possibleportfolios thatoffer the highest expectedreturnforagivenlevelofrisk,
is a framework used to determine theintrinsic valueofan asset orsecurity. It or the lowest level of risk for a given expected return.
involves assessing the worth of anasset basedon various factorssuch asits =>Determining thereturn andstandarddeviation (whichisameasureofriskor
cash flows, earnings, dividends, growth prospects, risk characteristics, and volatility) of a portfolio involves a few steps:
prevailing market conditions. Valuation is fundamental to investment >Identify the assetsinthe portfolio:List allthe assets (stocks,bonds,etc.)that
decision-making, asithelpsinvestorsdeterminewhetheranassetisovervalued, make up the portfolio. >>Determine the weightsofeachasset: Decide on the
undervalued, or fairly valued relative to its current market price. allocation of funds to each asset in the portfolio. The weights represent the
>>This process of valuation requires estimates of: (1) the stream of proportion of the total portfolio value invested in each asset.
expected returns and (2) the required rate of return on the investment (its >>Estimate the expectedreturn of the portfolio:Multiply theexpected return of
discount rate). each assetby itsweight intheportfolio,andthensumtheseproductstofindthe
1. Stream of Expected Returns (Cash Flows) An estimate of the expected expected returnofthe portfolio.The formulaforcalculating the expectedreturn
returns from an investment encompasses not only the sizebut also theform, of a portfolio is:
time pattern, and uncertainty of returns,which affectthe requiredrateofreturn. Expected ReturnofPortfolio=∑(WeightofAsseti×ExpectedReturnofAsset
-> >Form of Returns: The returns from an investment can take many forms, i)
including earnings, cash flows, dividends, interest payments, or capital gains =>> Calculatethe portfolio'sstandard deviation (risk):Thestandarddeviationof
(increases in value) during a period. We will consider several alternative a portfolio measuresthe volatilityorriskoftheportfolio.Ittakesintoaccountthe
valuation techniques that use different forms of returns. covariance between thereturns of differentassets inthe portfolio.The formula
->TimePattern andGrowth: Rateof Returns Youcannotcalculate anaccurate for calculating the standard deviation of a portfolio depends on whether the
valuefor asecurity unlessyoucanestimatewhenyouwillreceivethereturnsor assets are perfectly correlated, positively correlated, negatively correlated, or
cash flows. uncorrelated. Inthe generalcasewhereassets are correlatedtosomedegree,
2) Required Rate of Return: >>Uncertainty ofReturns (CashFlows) Youwill the formula involves the weighted sumof variancesandcovariancesbetween
recall from Chapter 1 that the required rate of return on an investment is assets.
determined by: (1) the economy’s real risk-free rate of return, plus (2) the 4) What are mutual funds? Why do people buy mutual funds?
expected rateof inflationduring the holding period,plus (3)ariskpremiumthat >>Mutual fundsareinvestmentvehiclesthatpoolmoneyfrommultipleinvestors
is determined by theuncertainty ofreturns. Allinvestmentsare affectedbythe to investin adiversified portfolio of stocks,bonds, orother securitiesmanaged
risk-free rate and the expected rate of inflation because these two variables by professional fundmanagers.Whenaninvestorbuyssharesofamutualfund,
determine the nominal risk-free rate. they are effectively buying a portion of the fund's portfolio.The valueoftheir
#) Investment Decision Process: A Comparison of Estimated Values and investment isdeterminedbytheperformanceoftheunderlyingsecuritiesheldby
Market PricesTo ensurethatyoureceiveyourrequiredreturnonaninvestment, the fund.
youmustestimate the intrinsic valueof theinvestment atyourrequired rateof =>People buy mutual funds for several reasons, including:
return and then comparethis estimated intrinsicvaluetothe prevailing market >Diversification: Mutualfunds offer investors accessto adiversifiedportfolioof
price. You should not buy an investment if its market price exceeds your securities, which helps spread risk across different assets and reduces the
estimated value because the difference will prevent you from receiving your impact of adverse events on the overall portfolio.Thisdiversificationcan help
required rate of return on theinvestment. Incontrast, ifthe estimatedintrinsic mitigate the risk associated with investing in individual stocks or bonds.
value of the investment exceeds the market price, you should buy the >>Professional Management: Mutual funds are managed byprofessional fund
investment. managers who make investment decisions on behalf of investors. These
Previous-2021 managers conduct research, analyze market trends, and activelymanage the
fund's portfoliotoachieve thefund'sinvestmentobjectives.>>Convenienceand
) What are the popular sources of risk affecting firms and shareholders?
1 Accessibility:Mutualfundsprovideinvestorswitheasyaccesstoawiderangeof
Explain. investment opportunities without theneed forsubstantial capitalorspecialized
Let’s delve into the various sources of risk that can impact firms and their knowledge. >>Liquidity:Mutual fundsofferliquidity,allowinginvestorstobuyor
shareholders: sell shares on any business day at the fund's current net asset value (NAV).
=>Marketplace-Related Risks: >Themarketplace inwhichacompanyoperates 5) Distinguish between hedge fund and mutual fund. What to consider
isa primarysource ofrisk.These riskscannot alwaysbedirectlycontrolledbut before investing a hedge fund?
must be managed effectively. Examples include: –Demand Fluctuations: Hedge funds and mutual funds are both investmentvehicles that poolmoney
Changesin consumerdemands ordesires mayleadtoreduceddemandforthe frommultiple investors toinvestin a diversifiedportfolioofsecurities.However,
company’s products. –Competition: Competitors introducing similar or better there are several key differences between the two:
products at lower prices can threaten sales or profit margins. => Investor Eligibility:
=> Financing and Cash FlowRisks:These risks areassociated with obtaining >Mutual Funds: Mutual funds are typically open to retail investors and have
necessary financing and managing cash flow. Examples include: fewer restrictions on who can invest.
>Difficulty Obtaining Financing: Sometimes a company faces challenges in >>HedgeFunds: Hedgefunds are generallyopentoaccreditedorsophisticated
securing financing for expansion projects.>CashFlowConstraints: Insufficient investors, such as high-net-worth individuals, institutions, and pension funds.
cash flow can hinder operations and growth. =>Investment Strategies:>MutualFunds:Mutualfundstypicallyfollowtraditional
=> Employee-Related Issues: >Labor disputes, employee turnover, and other investment strategiessuchaslong-onlyequityinvesting,fixed-incomeinvesting,
workforce-related problems cancreaterisksforabusiness.>Ensuringapositive or index tracking. >>Hedge Funds: Hedge funds employ a wider range of
work environment and effective human resourcemanagementisessential.=> investment strategies, including long and short positions, derivatives trading,
International Risks:>Operating in global markets introduces risks related to leverage, arbitrage, andalternative investments such asprivate equityandreal
currency fluctuations, geopolitical instability, and regulatory differences. estate.
Companies must navigate these complexities to mitigate international risks. =>Liquidity: >M utual Funds:Mutual fundsofferdailyliquidity,allowinginvestors
2) What risk does beta measure? How can you find the beta of a portfolio? to buy or sell shares at the fund's net asset value (NAV) at the endofeach
Beta measures the systematic risk or market risk of an individual stock or tradingday. >>HedgeFunds: Hedge fundstypicallyhaveless frequentliquidity
portfolio in relation to the overall market.Itindicates howmuch the priceofa options, such as quarterly or annual redemption periods.
securitytendstomoveinresponsetochangesinthebroadermarket.Abetaof1 Before investing in a hedge fund, investors should consider several factors:
impliesthatthesecurity'spricemovementisperfectlycorrelatedwiththemarket, >>Investment Objectives and Risk Tolerance: Investors shouldunderstandthe
whilea beta greaterthan1indicateshighervolatilitythanthemarket,andabeta hedge fund'sinvestment strategy,riskprofile, andpotentialreturnexpectations.
less than 1 indicates lower volatility than the market. They should assess whether thehedgefund'sinvestment objectivesalign with
To find thebeta of aportfolio,youneedtocalculatetheweightedaverageofthe their own investment goals and risk tolerance.
betas of the individual securities held in the portfolio. >>Track Record and Performance: Investors should review the hedge fund's
Here's a step-by-step process: historical performance, includingbothabsolutereturnsandrisk-adjustedreturns.
>Identify the individual securities: List all the individual securities (stocks, bonds, They shouldevaluatetheconsistencyofreturnsoverdifferentmarketcyclesand
compare the fund's performance to relevant benchmarks.