Building Contract Form Sample
Building Contract Form Sample
Building Contract Form Sample
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2.01 The CONTRACTOR shall commence the Construction not later. than five (5) days
after the execution of this contract upon receipt of the initial advance payment, and
shall regularly proceed. and complete the construction within ONE HUNDRED FIF·
TY (150) working days counted from the commencement of the work, unless
prevented by fortuitous events, In which case the OWNER mav extend the time ac·
2.02 In the event that the construction is not completed within the aforesaid period of
time, the OWNER is entitled and shall have the right to deduct from any sum to
become due the contractor the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY PESOS or ten
percent of one percent of the contract price for every day of delay as LIOUIDATED
DAMAGES, and not by way of penalty.
4.05 Should the OWNER require the CONTRACTOR to peform work over and above that
required by this Agreeme':'!t, cost shall _b!t to Contrl!<?t
amount and, likewise, should he be ordered to omit work as required by this Agree-
ment, the cost of work omitted shaii be deducted fromthe- Contract Amount': In -
either case, the cost of additions or reductions shall previously be mutually agreed
upon in writing by both OWNER and CONTRACTOR upon recommendation of the
Architect before execution.
5.01 An initial advance payment of thirty percent (30%) of the Contract price or Two
Hundred Fifty Five Thousand (P255,000.00) Pesos shall be released by the
OWNER to the CONTRACTOR after the signing of the Contract papers and presen-
tation of all documents enumerated in Article 6.
5.02 Payment on account of this Contract shalt be made by OWNER every thirty days
hereof In an amount equivalent to ninety percent (90% of the value of the
estimated work as computed by the Architect using as a basis the
"BREADKOOWN OF WORK" and Corresponding " VALUE" mutually agreed upon
between the Architect and the Contractor prior to the start of construction see An-
nex "0". (see page 383 for sample of value of work)
5.03 That. prioi to and as a condition precedent to any payment to be made by the
OWNER hereunder to the CONTRACTOR, the latter shall submit an affidavit signed
by him to the effect that all materials used by him in the work as well as all wages
and sa\aries to which the Contractor's employees assigned to the work are entitled
to receive under the law had been paid by the CONTRACTOR.
5 .04 Final and full payment of the Ten Percent (10%} retention fee and all balances
herein above mentioned shall be made by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR upon
fulfilling the conditions set forth in the General Condition .
5.05 Should the OWNER fail to pay within 30 days the sum in any certificate shall
receive in addition to the sum in the certificate, interest thereon , at the legal rate in
7.01 The CONTRACTOR lhll procure at his own expense all the necessary licenses,
building permits, and sanctions of the proper authorities In respect of
said wen, and geneelllly comply with the building and other regu,ations of auch
authorities, including the final permit for occupancy after the completion of the
construction to the satisfaction of the OWNER and his representative, and shell
keep the OWNER indemnified against all fines and penalties and losses incurred by
reason of any breech of this stipulat ion.
IN W ITNESS WHEREOF, the partfes to this Agreement have on the day and year first above
given, hereto set their hands at the bottom of this page and on the left-hand margin of all the
other pages of this Agreement this day of 1986, in the City of Baguio Philippines.
By :
W itness Witness
Before me, a Notary Public in and for the City of Baguio, personally appeared
- - - - - - - - · w ith Residence Certif icate No. A . issued at
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ on 1986, both known to me and
t o me known to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged
to me that the same is their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Corporation
represented by him, for the purpose therein set forth.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial seal this _ _ in
day of 1986 in the City of Saguio, Philippines .
Doc. No. _ _ ;
Page No. _ _ ;
Book No. _ _ ;
Series of 1986.