Spire Magisters Guide Web-Vdtnb9
Spire Magisters Guide Web-Vdtnb9
Spire Magisters Guide Web-Vdtnb9
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Magister’s Guide
The Magister’s Guide
A Spire Gamesmaster Sourcebook
Published by Rowan, Rook and Decard 2021
Liberty 5
Advancement Beats 8
Acquisitions 10
Safehouse 13
Welcome to The Magister’s Guide – this is a collection of advanced, supplemental and/or optional
rules that you can choose to slot into your game of Spire, as well as a collection of advice and general
thoughts on how best to use the material presented in the book.
In the four years since release, we’ve done a lot of thinking about how the core rules can be
adapted, expanded and changed to better tell stories set in the city of Spire.We’ve come along a long
way as designers, too. We hope that we can take what we’ve learned in the development of our other
titles and return to Spire with a more confident hand, giving you more options than ever, and making
your games as good as they can be.
We’ve been continually amazed by the support and enthusiasm that our community has put behind
Spire – we sketched out a strange and dangerous world, gave you the keys, and let you run wild. What
you’ve built and the stories you’ve created have been wonderful to see. As we draw back further from Spire
and increasingly trust other writers to expand the game, the project has gathered its own momentum. It’s
beautiful to watch something we built grow, change, and evolve outside of our control.
Now: here’s a bunch of extra stuff to jam into your games. Go have fun with it.
In the Strata sourcebook (and specifically the The easiest way to determine whether a
Better The Devil scenario), we introduced a new crime is serious enough to warrant marking
mechanic called Control which represented stress to Liberty is to consider whether it
the ongoing efforts of the disgraced drow noble makes aelfir citizens feel threatened. Stealing
house Starys to cement themselves as the rulers supplies from a drow-owned cafe doesn’t
of Spire – when player characters knowingly or bother the high elves, but breaking into an
unknowingly aided Starys, they marked stress Amaranth conservatory and making off with
to a shared resistance called Control. Control the family jewels has dozens if not hundreds of
fallout, rolled for as normal, consisted of things powerful citizens calling for increased guard
such as cultural shifts, loss of freedoms, patrols and harsher punishments for thieves.
unfavourable marriages, and smear campaigns. Some districts – Derelictus, Red Row, Perch,
This offered a different flavour of oppression and so on – are considered “lawless” by the city
from the usual aelfir oppression (which was as a whole, and crimes committed within their
also happening alongside it). boundaries do not mark stress to Liberty.
Liberty is an evolution and development of However, many of these places have their own
the Control mechanic, and – like all the rules in way of keeping the peace, and reprisals can be
this book – are optional. It represents the efforts quick and fierce – we suggest using Reputa-
of the state to suppress and actively sabotage tion stress and fallout instead.
rebellion. Unlike Shadow resistance, which If you wish to present the loss of Liberty as
focuses on being investigated or punished by the something which must be perpetually fought
authorities, Liberty is a broader measure of against – rather than a punishment for rebel-
overall oppression – and because this is a game lious or criminal acts – then you can mark
about the player characters, it will worsen or stress to Liberty whenever the characters Lay
improve as a result of their actions. Liberty is a Low (Spire, p. 10). Similarly, if other crimes
resistance shared between all players and kept take place in the orbit of your characters (i.e. a
track of by the GM. named NPC performs obvious criminal acts)
When the player characters commit a crime you can opt to mark stress, but taking control
and that crime is discovered (whether or not out of the players’ hands can be frustrating if
they are implicated), mark stress to Liberty – handled poorly, so be careful.
D3 for minor infractions, D6 for serious
crimes, and D8 for truly grievous acts. Roll for
fallout as normal.
6 Magister’s Guide
choose a district or neighbourhood to are devoted to militarising the city’s law enforce-
apply this fallout to. Loud overclocked ment agencies. Any official Council agent (City
magelights and smoking gas-lamps now Guards, Black Guards, Solar Paladins, etc)
illuminate the district throughout the increase their Armour rating by 1 and carry
night, making it hard to conceal your pistols (D6, Ranged, Reload) unless they were
movements. All Sneak and Steal already armed with something more impressive.
actions in this area have a minimum
difficulty of 1. BAD INTEL. Infiltrating the Ministry, agents for the
aelfir disseminate inaccurate or dangerous inform-
NO CONGREGATION. Drow may now ation throughout the organisation in an attempt to
not gather in groups of 5 or more unless undermine their enemies. The GM should provide
they are at church or work. increased information on behalf of the Ministry,
some of which is useful and some which isn’t; the
PAPERS, PLEASE. Drow moving players will have no way of knowing what’s true or
between districts in Spire are required to not until they investigate themselves. Failing to
provide documentation at checkpoints follow orders due to suspicion will upset their
and have it stamped – unless they sneak Magister and the Ministry in general.
in, which causes its own problems.
BOUNTY. The reward for actionable information
POUND THE PAVEMENT. City Guard on malcontents is significantly increased. When a
patrols are increased throughout Spire, player character marks stress to Shadow, they
with vital resources hurriedly realloc- mark 1 additional stress.
ated to arm and armour the agents of
the Council. Once per session, should BRANDING. In addition to fines and durances as
they desire, the GM can introduce a punishment for crimes, the city now requires that all
City Guard patrol into any situation. drow criminals are branded or tattooed on their
hands, forearms, neck and face with symbols repres-
UPPED STICKS. Rent hikes, brutal enting their transgressions. While some Red Row
policing measures and unemployment gangsters go to great lengths to fabricate impressive
spread through the city like wildfire. and intimidating brands, to the majority of the inhab-
Choose an individual-level NPC bond itants of the city, this is dehumanising and cruel.
connected to one of the player charac-
ters – they move away from the area, CLOSED THOROUGHFARES. After dark,
and are no longer accessible. travel between districts is forbidden to drow
unless they are in the company of an aelfir.
Moving between districts requires an Evade
check – or a Deceive check for one of your
number to successfully pose as an aelfir citizen.
New Systems: Liberty 7
In Heart: The City Beneath, we replaced the
broad advancement system of Spire (“change TYPE AND LEVEL
something in the city, and gain power”) with Unlike in Heart, player characters in Spire share
something more focused and controlled – beats. a common goal – glorious revolution and
In short, beats are challenges, goals or dethroning the cruel Spiral Council. This leads
achievements that a player selects at the end of a to two broad types of beat.
session and pursues throughout the next one (or Shared beats affect the whole group, and are
multiple sessions) – if they achieve those beats, accessible by any of the players. They can
they can advance by selecting a new ability from represent an official mission granted to them by
the ones provided by their class. Once a player the Ministry, goals they’ve decided upon them-
has achieved (or “hit”) a beat, they cross it off selves, or shared misfortune. Viewed together,
their list – they can’t achieve it a second time. they’ll form an outline of a campaign. Shared
Each character has two beats “active” at the beats can be used as many times as there are
start of each session – these are the events that characters, but only once by each character.
they’re signalling to the GM that they want to Personal beats are distinct to each character
happen. Players are free to pursue as many and reflect their development, story arc and rela-
different beats as they desire but can only claim tionships with NPCs and each other. Personal
a maximum of two per game and one per situ- beats can only be used once.
ation; this limit is in place to reduce the overall There are three levels of beat, each associated
mental strain on the GM and avoid proactive with advancements of the relevant grade – low,
players advancing too far past passive ones. medium and high. A player can expect to fulfil a
Heart uses Callings – tragic motivations chosen low beat the session after they select it if they put
by the players at character creation – to provide their mind to it (and you provide suitable oppor-
beats. While some beats are aspirational for the tunity); medium beats should take 2-3 sessions
character (“claim a valuable item,” “make a and high beats are the sort of thing you’d take
friend”) they often aren’t things that they would 4-5 sessions to achieve. Alternatively, you can
want to happen to them. Instead, they’re strictly think of the level as associated with the import-
things the player is choosing to pursue – events ance and gravity of the beat, or how much they’d
such as “take minor Blood fallout” or “betray transform the person who underwent them.
someone who cares for you.” We’ve provided some examples of beats below to
Beats have worked really well for Heart so, while give you an idea of how to balance them.
Spire’s advancement system as it stands works well, As a guideline, you’ll need more low
we wanted to offer some rules for using beats in advances than medium and more medium than
your games of Spire.You’ll have to create them high, and you’ll need more personal beats than
yourself, rather than choosing from a list, but we’ll shared ones.
do everything we can to make the process as
straightforward as possible.
New systems: Advancement beats 9
There’s a whole world of options available to
up-and-coming rebels in the city of Spire – ACQUISITION LEVEL
experimental equipment, connections to rich All you have to do is work out whether it’s a Low,
and powerful people, hidden magicks and Medium or High acquisition and go from there.
forbidden prayers, extortionate property Ultimately, the level of an acquisition is going to
rentals – but it’s not always easy to work out be a negotiation between you and the players, as
how to get them, and as the GM, how to give well as informed by the general tone of play at
them to the players. Acquisitions solve all your table and mutual expectations that have
these problems and more. already been established. In the following
Acquisitions are a means of adjudicating examples we assume a fairly pulpy, free-flowing
what it will take for a player character to get tone where characters don’t have to worry about
something – anything – that isn’t an advance paying their rent or affording enough to eat unless
listed as part of their character class (or one of they suffer appropriate fallout – if your game is
the extra advances they have access to). Using more grim or more luxurious than the default,
acquisitions, a player can ask for: you can adjust up or down as appropriate.
Some things aren’t important and don’t require
• Abilities from a class other than their own a roll or any sort of associated drama; these you
• Access to an extra advance can give to players instantly as a matter of course.
• Equipment (built or purchased)
• Consumables (made or purchased) LOW ACQUISITIONS are easy to access and
• Bonds unlikely to result in major complications. If
• Removing fallout they’re equipment-focused then they’re
• Favours probably cheap, legal or not terribly illegal,
• Access to property or accommodation and easy to make. Removing most Minor
• Safehouses fallout, Individual-level bonds, and Low
• Other mechanical and story benefits advances are all Low acquisitions, too.
Everyone needs somewhere to take off their
boots and fall asleep at the end of the day. For
the vast majority of drow in Spire this takes the
form of cramped flats, overcrowded terraced
houses and ad-hoc accommodation set up in
unfavourable locations such as disused factories
in the Works, unguarded Vermissian stations,
tent villages in Derelictus, and Perch which is
lashed and nailed to the side of the upper
superstructure and frequently falls off. But for
the Ministry’s purposes, you’ll need a safehouse.
In a city that’s trying to kill or arrest them at
every turn, providing a safe(ish) space for Minis-
ters to plot, regroup and recuperate is vital. Cells
without a stable location from which to operate
are frequently subject to unsustainable security
breaches as suspicious families and room-mates
stumble across illegal materials – and providing a
base allows the Ministry to have at least a rough
idea of where their Ministers are meeting and
how to keep tabs on them. Or eliminate them all
in one go, if need be.
Most safehouses are repurposed civilian struc-
tures with false walls, hidden doors and unob-
trusive silhouettes; they’re commonly located in
busy thoroughfares and inside other, larger struc-
tures which provide operatives cover upon entry
and exit. The more extensive locations have
hundreds of feet of winding tunnels, ritual ante-
chambers, multiple entrances, stockpiles of A false door in the manager’s office in a Works
equipment and emergency resources; most of factory (the Manager was killed and replaced
them are just half a pub basement walled off by with a Ministry plant six years ago) which
amateurs. Given the warrenous nature of Spire, leads, through a shoulder-scraping web of
expanding a safehouse is usually possible (if crawlspaces and vents, to a completely walled-
risky) and successful Ministers can see their off and surprisingly spacious storage area.
labours and faith rewarded with improved
quarters or, more likely, access to new premises. Ropebridges and planks lashed together in
the dark vastness above an ancient Ivory Row
theatre which has been proudly performing
YOUR FIRST SAFEHOUSE the same interminable play every single night
If you’re using these optional rules, give the for one hundred and twelve years.
players a safehouse at the start of the campaign
(or after they prove their worth to the Ministry In the “haunted” cells beneath a Blue Port
with a suitably harrowing initiation mission) police garrison where no City Guard dare
with an advance of your choosing attached to it. tread; the ghosts are a mixture of spooky
You’ll need to provide a rough location of the noises made by enterprising Ministers and
safehouse and a few details about it. Here are the occasional actual phantom dragged in
some ideas to get you started. and bound by a friendly Mortician.
A disused algae vat in the Garden District, Atop a Tower of Silence in New Heaven;
covered with a tarp and multiple dusty signs mostly, the Carrion-Priests they’ve paid off to
reading “OUT OF ORDER.” Underneath keep guard remember which is the tower with
the tarp are a few cots, a stash of knives and the paramilitary cult and which is the
unstable explosives, and a ramshackle shrine one they’re supposed to put the bodies
to the Hidden Mistress. in, but sometimes they get it mixed up.
14 Magister’s Guide
Once the cell is set up in a safehouse, they can MASTER GUNSMITH. The fervent priests of
start to improve it by selecting upgrades from the Mistress preach the power of blades and
the list below. Unlike advances, these aren’t shadows, but on the streets of Spire, sometimes you
divided up into Low, Medium and High – but need to really show people you mean business.
some of them have prerequisite upgrades that Requires GUNSMITH. Once per session,
are required before they can be accessed. To each player may add one of the following tags
earn an upgrade, player characters can to a firearm they are using: Brutal, Conceal-
undertake a Medium acquisition (p. 10–12) or able, Extreme Range, Piercing, Spread D3,
choose one instead of a Medium advance – a Surprising. The tag remains on the weapon
reward from the Ministry in exchange for for the remainder of the situation.
causing disruption in Spire.
A starting safehouse has enough space and BLADE MAIDEN. The blade maiden holds an
resources to support three upgrades (including important role in the Ministry’s faith: crafting and
the first free one). To apply additional upgrades sanctifying edged weapons to function as blessed
past the first three, players will need to take the instruments of the Hidden Goddess. Once per
BREATHING ROOM upgrade, which does session, each player may add one of the
not count towards their maximum. following tags to a bladed weapon they are
using: Bloodbound, Brutal, Conduit, Piercing.
BREATHING ROOM. Safehouses are never The tag remains on the weapon for the
luxurious, spacious accommodation – but it can remainder of the situation. In addition, each
be nice to have a bit of space to think and get character can pick up a sacred longblade (D6)
things done. Increase the number of upgrades from the safehouse should they need it.
your safehouse can support by 3.
EXPLOSIVES. Someone drops these off once a
GUNSMITH. Ever since humans dug the first week; you’re kind of glad they don’t make them
gun out of a collapsed arcology and started on-site, as they’re alarmingly dangerous. Once
shooting each other with it, the face of combat has per session, each player character can
never been the same. Once per session, each retrieve a bomb (D6, Dangerous, One Use
player may ignore the effects of the following Only, Spread D3).
tags when applied to a gun for a single action:
Dangerous, Reload, Tiring, Unreliable, SECRET ENTRANCE. If you’re lucky you’ll
Unstable. In addition, each character can pick get one of the ones with a rotating wall and a
up a pistol (D6, Ranged, Reload) from the hidden switch, but usually it’s just covered up with
safehouse should they need it. a tarp. Once per session, each player character
can remove D3 Shadow stress.
ters tend not to perform mortal sacrifice – it’s COMPROMISED. [Minor, Safehouse, Bond,
messy and unsubtle – but there remains an old Shadow] Some interested parties are poking
guard of zealots who believe that the goddess around the area, putting their noses where
demands blood in literal, and not merely figur- they don’t belong, and generally being a
ative, means. Once per session, when a player nuisance. You cannot access your safehouse
drags an aelfir into this room and murders abilities for the remainder of this session.
them, refresh D8. If multiple players take part
in the murder, they each refresh D6 instead. REQUISITIONED. [Moderate, Safehouse,
Bond, Silver] You enter your safehouse to
SANCTUM OF THE LEFT HAND. Living find that it has been taken over by an Exarch
double lives as revolutionaries can be a lot for a – a high-ranking mystic in the Ministry who
fragile mortal mind to handle; in this pitch-black you’re surprised would ever show their face
room, an agent can share their burdens with the to mere Ministers. They have a mission for
goddess. Once per session, one player character you that is as crucial as it is dangerous, which
in the cell can remove a minor or moderate is to say that it is plenty of both, and until
Mind fallout or clear all marked Mind stress. you fulfil their objectives you’re stuck with
them and their weird magic.
safehouse is concealed behind a fully legal business DEMOLISHED. [Severe, Safehouse, Bond,
of some kind, providing cover if you need it; it Shadow, Reputation] Your safehouse is
doesn’t make much money, though. Once per destroyed; anyone inside it is killed, or at the
session, one player character in the cell can very least injured and on the run. Lose all
remove a minor or moderate Shadow fallout advances invested in it and plot your revenge.
or clear all marked Shadow stress.
Your safehouse is also home to some sort of illegal
(and profitable) business: drug labs, smuggling,
identification forgery, etc. Once per session,
one player character in the cell can remove a
minor or moderate Silver fallout or clear all
marked Silver stress.
Clerics of glorious sunlight or the ineffable MISER’S CURSE. [Divine, Low advance] Azur
ferocity of nature are all well and good, but doesn’t want you to keep the money; he wants you
when you’re trying to move and shake things in to spend it. Mark D6 stress to Mind or Silver
the biggest city on the continent, you need a to cast this spell by slipping a cursed coin into
cleric of cash to get things done. Azurites are the target’s belongings. All items of value on
priests of Azur, the golden god of trade, and their person first become uncomfortably hot
they control the Blue Docks on the south side and then actively burn their skin; people
of ground-level Spire; where the Knights of the without much should be able to discard their
North Docks rely on legbreaking and purse before they take any lasting damage, but
protection rackets to keep the peace (as it especially ostentatious or wealthy targets might
were), the Azurites have an inscrutable web of mark D3 or D6 stress before they can pull off
allegiances, debts, favours and grudges that every last piece of jewellery.
maintain a sort of precarious equilibrium.
For the Ministry, the Azurites are invaluable –
every radical organisation needs funding, after all, EQUIPMENT
and always it’s useful to have someone who
knows how to cut a deal and get hold of contra- SILVER ROBES. These robes are actually
band supplies. Whether it’s illegal black moon- blue, and “silver” refers to the wide variety of
amber, several crates of explosives, a stable supply currency stitched within the folds and seams –
of malak or a prominent politician’s loyalty, the sten, queens, Nujabian manat, Yssian arjon,
Azurite knows where to get it; and if they don’t, Aliquami som and countless others They’re
they definitely know someone who does. noisy, uncomfortable and hard to wash, but
sometimes it’s nice to have spare change.
(Armour 2, Heavy.You can mark Silver stress,
ABILITIES as well as Blood stress, to Silver Robes.)
HIRED HELP. [Low advance] You try not to STEN GUN. This gun fires the nail-like coins
get your hands dirty; it doesn’t reflect well on known as sten instead of regular bullets.
your worth as a merchant. +1 Blood. If you (You can get five standard spherical bullets
didn’t choose a Bodyguard at character for a sten, so it’s five times more expensive –
creation, take one now.Your Bodyguard now and, users would argue, more impressive.) It
functions as an individual-level Bond and should be noted that sten tend to tumble in
gains the Brutal tag in combat. flight due to their non-aerodynamic shape,
which limits the range and application of this
MONEY, MONEY, MONEY! [Divine, Low weapon, but some people just like to make a
advance] You’re not above dipping into your point. (D3, Piercing, Point-Blank, Reload)
pockets to create a distraction or block someone’s
path. Mark D3 stress to Silver to activate this QUEEN’S CANNON. The Queen’s Cannon is
spell; you toss a handful of sten on the ground unusual in that it is so expensive to make and
and everyone in the immediate area is made operate that only an aelfir could afford it, but
aware of it. Folks in desperate need of money so artless that most aelfir would never dare
will swarm to grab the spare change (and commission it. It fires high-value silver and
create cover or a distraction for you in the gold coins known as denari (or queens) at
process), but more well-to-do types will just unfathomable speeds; each pull of the trigger
think you’re a bit strange. Mark D6 stress to costs about a month’s rent for an average
Silver instead to get everyone nearby excited drow citizen, and sustained fire could easily
to grab some free cash, regardless of their pay for months of upkeep on a run-down
current financial situation. sanctuary or temple. Forget the sten gun – if
you really want to show someone you mean
business, kill them with this. (D6, Point-
Blank. Each time you fire the Queen’s
Cannon, mark D8 stress to Silver.)
Additional material 19
The Blue Market is the Azurite territory, but possessed by the spirit of Azur; a grating,
those at the fringes are under constant threat grinding, golden thrum between your
from thieves who don’t share their piety. The shoulder blades that can only be cured by
shifting maze of temporary stalls and cloth trade. Until you buy something you don’t
pagodas belie a complex power structure; strictly need or sell something for a decent
unpopular Azurites are shifted out of the price, increase the difficulty of all rolls by 1.
protective ring of the inner Azurite circle and
out into the edges of the grand market square, CLEANED OUT. [Minor, Silver] Your pockets
where predatory gangs wait until they’re alone are empty. You cannot use any additional
and take everything they can get. Thieves make Silver resistance slots until the start of the
frequent use of Mercenaries (Spire, p. 99) to next session.
bolster their numbers. On occasion, they’ll be
hired to take something specific from a target, PRICED TO MOVE. [Moderate, Mind,
which will usually be something crucial to the Silver] At the end of a string of deals you
cell’s ongoing mission. have ended up with several pallets of some
hard-to-sell resource – live lobsters, moody
BLUE MARKET THIEVES revolvers, abstract art, work it out with the
Names: Quintain, Kline, Vystero GM – and you’ve got until the end of the
Description: Wearing stolen Azurite vest- next session to sell it on, otherwise you mark
ments arranged incorrectly D8, Brutal stress to Silver.
Difficulty: 0, or 1 if you’re trapped in their
Resistance: 4
Equipment: Slitters (D3, Concealable)
Special: The thieves aren’t out for blood USEFUL ELEMENTS
– they’re out for silver.They can
inflict Silver stress rather than A rich dickhead to fleece out of their money
Blood stress in combat; use the
following fallout, too. Once A bad Azurite, as in an Azurite that’s got even
they’ve got what they’re after, fewer morals than they normally have,
they’ll usually make their escape. to act as a counterpoint
While these vigilantes are most prevalent in SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
Perch – the luckless shanty district nailed and
lashed to the side of Spire thousands of feet BOUND RIFLE. [Divine, Low advance] You
above the ground – they operate throughout the have trapped a furious small god within an
city wherever they believe that justice is not archaic-looking rifle. Gain a bound rifle (D6,
adequately being served, and especially where Bound, Piercing, Ranged, Reload). Class
the City Guard are too scared to enter. While abilities which channel power through your
they are beloved by the oppressed masses in blade can be used through this rifle.
theory, their methods (hiding on rooftops for
hours at a time, whispering to the god they ARMOUR OF THE FALLEN HOST.
imprisoned in their knife, quietly murdering [Divine, Medium advance] You have access to
criminals) mean that it can be hard to get along a special suit of armour built out of remnants
with them in practice. scavenged from dead or retired Bound; each part
of it is home to a different godling that tries its
frantic best to keep you safe from harm. It func-
ABILITIES tions as an (Armour D8 (roll at the start of
each situation)) item, and you mark stress to
THE SECRET OF SACRIFICE. [Divine, Mind equal to half the armour rating
Low advance] The god buried deep in your blade (rounding up) at the beginning of each situ-
hungers for one thing above all else – the blood of ation in which you wear it.
the bastard who put it in there. Your blade gains
the Bloodbound tag. When you activate the
Bloodbound tag, you may opt to mark D6
stress to Blood instead of D3 to roll with
mastery and add the Brutal tag to your blade
for the remainder of the current situation. USEFUL ELEMENTS
THE SECRET OF SECOND STOREYS. Difficult but exciting escape routes
[Low advance] You are well-versed in the
ancient art of kicking people off tall buildings. Tight security with an exploitable flaw
Gain the Steal skill. When fighting at an elev-
ation higher than any other player character Something to do while they’re off on their
present in the situation, you roll with mastery. own that helps out the rest of the group
Names: DeWitt,Ynette, Sloan
Description: Shouting a list of the Bound’s al-
leged crimes aloud;Whipping a
bolas around their head; Laying
in wait behind a chimney trying
not to hyperventilate
Difficulty: 0 at range, 1 when they’re close
enough to use their nets
Resistance: 6
Equipment: Reinforced guard fatigues (Ar-
mour 2), Finch Carbines (D6,
Ranged, Unreliable), Heavy
clubs (D3, Brutal), bolas (D3,
Ranged, Stunning), nets, ropes
and climbing gear
FALLEN. [Minor, Blood] You tumble from an
elevated position. You roll with the impact
and land safely enough, but your enemies
have an opportunity to act and you’ll have to
find another route up if you want to get back
to where you were.
Introduced in the Black Magic sourcebook,
Blood-Witches are one of the strangest character
classes in Spire. As diseased occultists, they have
problems blending in with polite society, and
whenever something goes seriously wrong for
them they immediately transform into a
murderous zoetrope horror, which makes things
even more difficult.
Blood-Witches have a lot to offer the game in
terms of raw occult weirdness that even the
Vermissian Sage can’t keep up with, and if you
want to focus on the horrific elements of Spire,
they’re a perfect addition to the player group.
MENAGERIE. [Occult, Low advance] Your
blood warps and changes animals, bending them to SACRIFICIAL BLADE. [Low Advance]
your will. +1 Reputation. Gain an additional Witches portion off a measure of their life-force
familiar as per the Blood-Witch bond (Black into their knives to enchant them. Once per
Magic, p. 3). You can enhance this familiar session, when you kill a restrained or helpless
with BLOOD-BOUND COMPANION target with your athame, you may refresh D8.
normal (see Black Magic p. 4).You may take
this advance as many times as you desire,
creating a new familiar each time. USEFUL ELEMENTS
UNFETTERED TERROR. [Medium Horrible dank chambers and tunnels
Advance] When you use NIGHT TERROR
on an NPC, they mark D6 stress. If this is Mysterious runes, glyphs, sigils and occult
enough to reduce them to 0 Resistance, they scratchings
are completely at your mercy, and will likely
do whatever you tell them to. Young magicians desperate to join the Blood-
Witch cult
BLOOD-BOND. [Occult, Medium advance]
Sometimes the only way a blood-witch can trust Animals behaving strangely (too friendly,
their coven is to operate under conditions of terrified, walking on ceilings)
mutually-assured destruction. Mark D3 stress to
Blood to cast this spell; you draw forth a Impressionable people to terrify with blood
measure of your blood and infect your target magic and general weirdness
with the disease within (via an open wound,
ingestion, contact with cornea, etc) to bind Someone nice to try and act normal around
your fate to theirs. Until the next sunrise, when and inevitably upset
you mark stress and your target is within the
same district as you, they mark equal stress. Locations, items and people touched by the
TRUE POWER. [Occult, Medium advance]
[Occult] When you enter your true form Someone villainous to torment and hunt
(Black Magic, p. 4) you gain the Fight skill
and your unarmed attacks are (D6, Piercing).
Additional material 23
The moneyed drow of House Gryndel love a hunt, Occult, Minor] Tales of your exploits have
and in the urban confines of Spire it can be hard to spread to impressionable young occultists in
find suitable prey aside from the odd hyena or the city; one of them comes to you bearing a
particularly large raven.They’ll spend large sums of gift and begs to be allowed into your coven.
money to track down a Blood-Witch and then kill They refuse to stop trying, even if you turn
her in the most exciting way possible – usually by them away, as a means of displaying their
trying to trigger a shift into her true form in a busy devotion to the art.
area for extra collateral damage and then nailing
her through the head with a rifle shot. FERAL CURSE. [Blood, Mind, Occult,
Minor] The Witch virus hates right-angles,
HOUSE GRYNDEL WITCH-HUNTERS mathematics, computation and all things
Names: Jollity Gryndel, Phantasmagoria scientific – and it rears up in your R-complex
Gryndel, Distemper Gryndel feeling frantic and trapped in your skull.
Description: Whooping and firing their gun When you are in an area with the Technology
in the air; wearing traditional tag, increase the difficulty of all actions by 1.
Gryndel hunting dress of feath-
ers, leather and blood; trailed WITCH-SICKNESS. [Blood, Reputation,
by a long-suffering assistant Occult, Moderate] Most people can’t
with a spare shotgun and a contract the Witch virus that pulses through
stress headache your veins – turns out someone that you care
Difficulty: 1 if they’re on an official Hunt, about (preferably a bond) could, and
0 at all other times somehow you managed to infect them. They
Resistance: 6 begin the transformation into a blood-witch
Equipment: Glyph-marked bees in a glass and this ruins their life appropriately.
vial (Armour 3 against blood-
witch spells), a collection of MEAT. [Blood, Mind, Moderate] You are
filigreed hunting rifles (D8, struck with the sickening realisation that
One-Shot, Ranged) or shot- everyone in the world is just an ambulatory
guns (D6, Double-Barrelled, sack of wet electric meat, barely cognisant of
Point-Blank, Ranged), assort- their physical existence, scurrying through
ment of blades handed down life like fleas on a great beast. Increase the
for generations (D3) difficulty of all social actions by 1.
The Carrion-Priests of New Heaven are a
microcosm of the revolution itself. Displaced ABILITIES
from the southlands after the aelfir war machine
rolled through their territory and demolished CARRION-TONGUE. [Divine, Low
settlements en route to forming a unified high elf advance] You speak the common language of the
empire, the Charnelites now cling to what few eaters of the dead. Mark D3 stress to Blood or
traditions they have left as they battle with the Mind to speak with a carrion-creature for a
well-established Mortician death cult atop the situation; if they’re not scared of you, they’ll
city of Spire. Ministry of Thought propaganda probably be up for a chat – especially in
paints them as bestial terrors in an attempt to exchange for some food or a treat. Crows are
sever what little public support they possess. the best conversationalists in Spire (as far as
And yet they keep fighting. They strive to this spell goes) and are about as intelligent as
maintain proper funerary rites, and to shepherd a five-year old; hyenas are a bit dim but gener-
others through the pain of death, and to offer ally enthusiastic; flies have tiny pinball brains
up spirits to Charnel in an attempt to sate his of panic and desire; vultures love a joke; and
furious hunger. There are streets in New some particularly patient and skilled priests
Heaven where Morticians simply will not go for have managed to commune with the
fear of hyena attack or death-curse, and small networked fungal ur-minds of the red-capped
but close-knit groups of second- and third-gen- mushrooms that grow on the bodies of the
eration faithful who welcome newcomers with dead in the Hanging Gardens, though it’s
open, if slightly blood-stained, arms. hard to understand anything they say.
NUJABIAN JEZAIL. A flintlock rifle used
extensively in the winding mountain passes MORTICIAN DEATH-RUNNERS
and blood-soaked slate valleys of Nujab; The streets and rooftops of New Heaven are the
thanks to a long barrel, custom manufacture staging ground for a holy guerrilla war between the
and a famously high-calibre shot, these well-established Morticians and the struggling
weapons outrange the faster-firing legrande Charnelites.As the Mortician Guild provides a means
and jaeger rifles used by enlisted soldiers of of stable employment and status, hundreds of scrappy
the Allied Defence Forces. Due to their young drow join up each year and attempt to earn the
weight and size, it’s rare to see one of these favour of their masters by taking funereal territory
relics outside of New Heaven for fear that it from Carrion-Priests.Their name – “Death-Runners”
will be confiscated by the City Guard. (D8, – is an informal one, and speaks to both their skirmish
Accurate, Extreme Range, One-Shot) combat tactics and high turnover rate.
Firebrands can be found everywhere in
Spire. In the wretched poverty of ABILITIES
Derelictus, despite starvation and
deprivation, some people still dream of a RUNNING HOT. [Low advance] You push hard to
better life for everyone – or just getting get the most out of everything. Gain the Techno-
enough respect and recognition to get out logy domain. Once per situation, re-roll an action
of the slums. In the grinding machinery of that you made using a piece of equipment as you
the Works and the sodden darkness of the overwork it. If none of the re-rolled dice show 7
Garden, labour unions form around or higher, the equipment is destroyed.
charismatic individuals eager to get an
advantage over their masters. In clubs and CAT AMONGST THE PIGEONS. [Low
hookah gardens all across the Silver advance] Well-behaved drow seldom make history.
Quarter, bored noble scions decide to upset You throw caution to the wind and get things
their parents by throwing their lot in with done, no matter the consequences. Mark D6 stress
the revolution, safe from repercussions to Shadow to add 2D10 to your next action roll.
thanks to money and connections.
All of them find their way to the STRENGTH OF BELIEF. [Divine, Medium
Ministry, and all of them burn bright in an advance] The hand of the oppressor shall not restrain
attempt to shine light into dark places. you; their bullets and blades will be cast asunder upon
your brow. Gain Armour 4 that can only be used to
absorb attacks from members of the City Guard,
the Ethics Board, the Allied Defence Force, the
Paladins, and any other agents of the state.
USEFUL ELEMENTS FOR THE CAUSE. [Divine, Medium advance] You
Injustice, generally told them when they joined you that this was going to be
dangerous; you hope they believed you. When you
Gullible (read: inspire-able) citizens to rile would mark fallout, remove a (permanent, not
up and get in trouble; name them for temporary) bond from your character sheet and
full effect clear all remaining stress. The fallout happens to
your bond rather than you, and they know that
Duranced work-gangs you’re at least tangentially responsible. (Or if it
kills them: their next of kin know.)
Debates, pub arguments, some pig-headed
conservative to show up in public
Raised platforms, plazas with good acoustics,
balconies – anywhere they can grandstand HEAVY OVERALLS. Reinforced and upgraded
work clothes that are popular with drow-of-the-
Offers to sell out their friends or betray their people Firebrands. The labour gangs of the Works
ideals which they can righteously refuse take great pride in wearing their colours, and
or feel terrible about accepting there’s a complex system of identification and
heraldry inherent in every boiler suit. (Armour 2,
Folk music, anti-fascist anthems, drums and Heavy, Camouflaged: The Works)
LEGAL SWORD. Officially, Spire bans civilian
Opportunities to create distractions for other, ownership of any blade greater than a palm’s
more mission-oriented player characters width in length, making swords functionally
illegal outside of the North Docks. In an attempt
to circumnavigate this law, this weapon has a
blade which is a palm’s width in length but
happens to be two feet wide and sharpened along
the top. An easily-removable hilt is lashed to a
hole on the side closest to the user, and it can be
affixed to what is technically the “side” of the
knife with a few minutes’ work. (D6, Unreliable)
Additional material 27
Gutter Clerics are hustlers of divine magic – FAILSAFE SCRIPTURE. [Divine, Low
metaphysical confidence tricksters who lie to advance] Your body is covered in protective tattoos
gods for a living – that were introduced in the and doom-absorbent relics. Once per session,
Sin sourcebook. They are positioned at the crux when you would take Mind fallout, take a
of the argument that occult magic and divine Minor Blood fallout instead as the sacred ink
magic are just the same thing in different hats; on your skin burns away the whirling chaos.
after all, if they can cycle through miracles
granted by gods thought long-dead and ALL-PURPOSE WARD. [Medium advance]
scoured out of existence, saying the words but You’ve read up on dozens if not hundreds of sacred
not feeling the faith, how is that different from wards and boiled them down to their core elements
the improvised, cruel glamour of the Idol or the – a barrier, a sacrament, and an enemy. Mark
pop-culture reality-hacking of the Inksmith? D6 stress to Silver to cast this spell as you
As such, almost no-one likes Gutter Clerics, hurriedly inscribe a boundary with blessed
because they’re convinced they’ve got the one chalk and moonsilver; when you do, pick a
and only set of keys to the back door of heaven. god who you’re invoking protection against.
Even the Ministry tries to keep them at arm’s Any devout worshipper of the god will be
length – they’re useful when you need an expert unable to cross the warded area; those who
on obscure religions and malevolent cults, but pay lip-service or just go to church for the big
when they start performing time and motion events are wracked with headaches and reduce
studies on your Conspiracy Shrines they can their difficulty by 1 for the remainder of the
quickly fall out of favour. situation or until they retreat over the wards.
The Ethics Board of the Spiral Council are incurred the wrath of one of the many gods
devoted to scouring out the existence of that you have tricked into lending you power.
proscribed knowledge. Their primary goal is to The GM selects a Low advance from those
eliminate any evidence of the Old Gods of the you have chosen; you lose all benefits of that
aelfir: the primordial entities which the high advance until you perform a ritual act
elves once worshipped in their northern seeking forgiveness from the god in question.
homelands. Given that Gutter Clerics draw
power from the echoes of these very same BROUGHT IN FOR QUESTIONING.
deities, they are a common target of the [Minor, Mind] You enter a trancelike state
terrifying Erasure Squads. (These adversaries where one of the gods you’ve been siphoning
are a heavier, more specifically anti-Gutter power from (or an angel of same) appears to
Cleric variant of those described in Sin, p. 109.) you in a vision and demands to know exactly
what it is you think you’re doing. Until you
ETHICS BOARD ENFORCER SQUAD convince them you’re on the level (or suggest
Names: Sword’s-Keen-Decision, Heav- a viable way of making amends) you are
enly-Hosts-A-Hundred, Vic- trapped in a vulnerable, unresponsive state.
Description: Putting the fear of god into a DANGEROUS KNOWLEDGE. [Moderate,
hapless City Guard witness; Mind] You get the impression that these
Anointing their iron mask with Forbidden Faiths might be forbidden for a
protective oils; Standing mo- reason. When you take fallout due a spell you
tionless in your bedroom when cast, any nearby allies mark D6 stress to
you return home Mind from metaphysical feedback.
Difficulty: 1, or 2 if you use any Medium-
level Gutter Cleric advances SLAVE TO GOD. [Severe, Mind] Your soul
against them has been hollowed out and replaced with the
Resistance: 9 ink-black godstuff of a forbidden deity. You
Equipment: Iron mask and warded robes are now a fragment of their consciousness
(Armour 2) Incinerator (D3, and act in perfect accordance with their will
One-shot, Point-Blank, Spread (although your fragile mortal form may be
D6) and bane spike (D6, Dev- lacking at times), and it is only a matter of
astating), scouring recorders, time before your body burns out under the
shackles and pins strain or the Ethics Board permanently
Special: The Erasure Squad uses magit- disables you.
ech music-boxes that scour all
knowledge of a particular subject AGENT OF FATE. [Severe, Mind] Your eyes
out of the brains of those who are opened to the glory of the Sisters Three
hear it; these are difficult to use and you become a walking doom. You are
on an unrestrained target, and retired from play, but will appear whenever a
represented by the fallout below: player character suffers severe fallout, and
you will have been partially responsible for
ERASED. [Moderate, Blood, Mind] All know- making it happen.
ledge of proscribed magics (the exact definition
of this is up to the GM, but anything related to
the Old Gods, Lekolé or Lombré is fair game)
is scoured from your mind. You cannot cast
spells of this type until you track down a source
of knowledge about them and mark D8 stress
to Mind to undo the work of the scouring
recorder, risking your sanity in the process.
30 Magister’s Guide
Idols are at the cutting edge of occult magic in DRAMATIC EXIT. [Occult, Medium
Spire – they hack together half-formed rituals advance] You get the last word in, even if that
and badly-researched black magic with the sheer means breaking the laws of space and time. Roll
majesty of their presence and talent and, Compel+Occult and make a suitably
somehow, it works.The line between “artist” and dramatic exit to cast this spell. As long as you
“Idol” is a fine one, and there are no end of failed break line of sight with every named character
glamour-wizards who are certainly beautiful present (they’re the only ones that really
enough, and certainly skilled enough in the black count) and don’t accidentally walk into a
arts, but who for some reason never broke broom closet or something, you disappear
through into the Ivory Row scene and remain a from the narrative completely and arrive later
hedge-witch in expertly-applied eyeliner. on in the plot by walking into a suitable scene.
Idols are tricky prospects for the Ministry –
they’re self-interested to a fault (they have to
be, otherwise their magic stops working) and EQUIPMENT
don’t like taking orders. Combined with their
penchant for drawing crowds, this makes them OBJET DE MORT. Spire is home to some of the
terrible agents of a shadowy goddess. But they most innovative and unhinged gunmakers in
hold remarkable sway in the upper echelons of the continent, if not the world, and while
Spire society, and they can spread an idea owning a gun for defence is technically illegal,
through a populace like wildfire, so the good owning one for artistic purposes is perfectly
often outweighs the bad. acceptable. These one-of-a-kind firearms are
absurdly overdesigned, either fragile or heavy or
both, and often ironic in their construction – all
ABILITIES of which backs up the argument that they’re not
really weapons per se, and more beautiful items
24-HOUR PARTY PERSON. [Occult, Low that happen to be able to kill people. (You could
advance] Seems like whenever you walk through hit someone with a statue and kill them, and we
a door, someone cheers and hands you a drink. put those outside schools, so who’s really at fault
+1 Reputation. When you activate your here?) (D6, Dangerous, One-Shot, Ranged.)
LIFE AND SOUL core ability, it happens
instantaneously – there’s no set-up time what- DEVOTEE. Not strictly equipment: this is a
soever, and you don’t have to do anything to person who fights for you. They might be in
make it happen. You can activate the ability your employ and survive on a modest stipend,
and kick in the door to a previously-quiet but it’s more likely that they’ve sworn their
library to find a raucous bacchanal kicking off service to you for free as you’re just so beau-
where seconds before there was only silent tiful and so talented. They were probably
reading and the quiet ticking of clocks. pretty handsome before they got their nose
broken so many times defending your honour,
STARVING ARTIST. [Low advance] People but here we are. (D3, Defensive.)
think that true art comes from suffering, which is
nonsense, but somehow it seems to work for you –
on a metaphysical level. When you are SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
suffering from Silver fallout or have four or
more stress marked to Silver, you roll with MAGIC PAINTBRUSH. [Medium advance]
mastery to cast Idol magic. The human who sold you this ebony-handled
brush claimed that it’s made from unicorn tail
COME TO ME. [Occult, Medium advance] hair, and whether that’s true or not, you can
You draw them in from miles around. Roll use it like a wand to channel your magical
Compel+Occult to cast this spell as you powers. Mark D6 stress to Silver to paint
prepare yourself in your quarters (light a few something into existence – but it only works
candles, pour some wine, spray on some with red paint, so you won’t be able to fool
scent) and speak your target’s name aloud anyone that what you’ve created is anything
into a mirror. On a success, they are other than a simulacrum. The paintbrush
compelled to drop whatever it is they’re operates on the rules of perspective relative to
doing and reach you by the most direct the user, so if you squint and paint a little
means possible. Once they arrive, they’ll bridge between two rooftops several stories
listen to what you have to say, but after that above you, the bridge will be full-size to anyone
the spell wears off and you’ll have to rely on who’s up there. Objects created with the magic
your (un)natural charm. paintbrush last for a few minutes at most.
Additional material 31
Introduced in Strata, Inksmiths are something
of a poster child for Spire character classes ABILITIES
mainly due to Adrian Stone’s incredible art and IT’S A MATCH. [Occult, Low advance]
the way that they can summon a man holding a Thank god no-one uses lighters in this town;
gun into any situation to make the plot more you’d never get anything done. Roll Investig-
interesting. They’re the least “fantasy” of all the ate+Occult to cast this spell when you’re
classes available to players – being cemented picking through a scene in search of answers.
firmly in film noir and pulp fiction archetypes – On a success, you find a matchbook from
which can cause some issues meshing with the somewhere that’s key to your ongoing invest-
rest of a party, as they seem to inhabit a slightly igation even if that place doesn’t give out
different world to everyone else. customised matchbooks. You could find a
But they’re very cool. And they have that thing matchbook for a smoking cessation clinic or
with the man with a gun. So let’s get into it. an arsonist support group if it would help
with your case.
Several hundred years ago, the Knights of the
North Docks were ordained to protect ABILITIES
travellers and traders that moved through
Spire’s river port in an effort to encourage HOLY WARRIOR. [Low advance] Some
trade, promote the safety and stability of the Knights still go in for the “ordained by the
city, and to give them something to do after the Goddess” shtick, even if the other ones think
Queen of Destera ran out of holy wars. Since they’re a bit naff for doing it. Gain the Religion
then, the aelfir rolled in, and they’ve gone from domain and lose access to the Crime
being a handful of devoted orders to at least a domain.Your PUBCRAWLER core ability is
hundred scrappy gangs operating out of pubs, replaced with the PILGRIM ability, which
breaking legs and collecting protection money functions exactly the same except it lets you
from those around them. The aelfir are largely find familiar churches, not bars. You are
content to let them run the place; as inefficient sworn to a temple of Our Glorious Lady in
as they are, their leader (the Duke) knows to the North Docks rather than a pub, and while
toe the line and they maintain a decent flow of your Quests still consist of some pretty grimy
business into the city. business, you dress it up as “collecting tithes”.
In any given Ministry cell, the Knight is the
wild card – their abilities push them towards LEGBREAKER. [Low advance] Nice business
unprompted action, which can be a bit difficult you got here; would be a real shame if someone
for some groups to plan around. Thankfully, broke all the windows, wouldn’t it? +1 Silver.
they’re one of the easiest classes to keep happy When you rough someone (or someplace) up
and engaged. for protection money or just plain rob them,
mark D3 stress to Reputation and down-
grade a Silver fallout you or another char-
acter are currently suffering from. Down-
USEFUL ELEMENTS grading minor fallout removes it.
Someone who definitely reckons they can JUST GETTING STARTED. [Low advance]
hold their own in a fight No-one makes you bleed your own blood. Gain
the Resist skill. When you are suffering from
Dares, challenges, duels ongoing Blood fallout, increase all the stress
you inflict by 1 step.
Pubs, bars, inns, taverns
Some sort of organised fighting contest (a advance] You’d rather die for something you
joust, a melee, a pit fight, etc), especially believe in than live for something you don’t.
if you can bet on it Any armour you wear gains the Assault tag
(mark 1 stress to Armour to roll with
Parties, festivals, parades – any excuse to use mastery in close combat).
their “Engage in reckless excess” refresh
A big fight they can wade into and get the EQUIPMENT
most out of their armour
PANZERHAMMER. Most Knights of the
A love interest who’s missing a couple of teeth North Docks look down on weapons like the
and has a solid right hook or a love interest panzerhammer; the reinforced iron spike
who’s looking for a bit of rough or both, coupled with a weighted head makes an
why not absolute mockery of armour, and if you can
counteract expensive quarter-plate and
Rivers, canals, waterways, boats helmet with what amounts to a masonry tool,
what’s the point of spending all the money
City Guard out of their jurisdiction, or who on it in the first place? Far better to carry a
want the Knight to get out of theirs sword, have fights go on much longer, and
weather dents and bruises rather than two
inches of metal in your brainpan. Still; for
when the lads are out for blood and don’t
want to mess around, most pubs have one of
these shameful weapons hidden in back.
(D6, Brutal, Piercing, Tiring)
Additional material 35
advance] There are very few actual “magic”
swords in Spire; arcane power has a cost, and
you can’t just stick a load of old wizardry in a
sword and expect it to work without any
problems. But Knights love a story, and may
spread rumours of their own swords being
magic to make themselves sound more
impressive. The bearer of this (D6) sword
gains +2 Reputation and access to the
Occult domain, and rolls with mastery in
combat against anyone who believes that the
sword is magic – that sort of thing can really
put an opponent on the back foot. Informing
people how mighty and arcane your sword is
becomes a necessary and often quite arduous
part of combat, but you can probably get
your squire to do it ahead of time.
36 Magister’s Guide
Around half the classes in Spire are clerics,
whether they’re clerics of death or money or EQUIPMENT
the other kind of death or spiders or their own FULL-MOON SHIELD. Many Lajhan
knife or the working class – the Lajhan is just eschew combat entirely, but some believe
the most honest about it, and happens to that it is their responsibility to guard Limyé’s
worship the moon. These priests are chosen. The design of the full-moon shield
fundamental champions of traditional Desteran dates back hundreds of years to the Home
drow culture, though continual efforts to Nations where specially-selected units of
underfund the Church of Our Glorious Lady clerics to the three drow moon goddesses
by the aelfir are weakening their influence on would stride into battle against the enemies
the average drow year on year. of Ys; those devoted to the full moon wore
They have two main functions in a party: heavy armour and carried broad shields to
interpersonal pleasantries and weird moon protect the archers of the red moon and the
magic. Both are generally useful, and compared skirmishers of the new moon. Carrying a
to some of the flashier characters (Idols and replica of one of those shields is the mark of
Firebrands, for example) can provide a much- a brave Lajhan indeed. (Armour 3. Charac-
needed counterpoint to help level out the ters within arm’s reach can use your Armour
pacing of your sessions. slots to soak incoming Blood stress.)
PRIEST-CATCHERS Mind, Reputation] Weighed down by
One of the biggest risks of being a priest of Our dolorous thoughts of your failings, you feel
Glorious Lady isn’t the fact that your church is that you have disappointed the Goddess and
massively underfunded, but rather that the second must make amends. Until you do something
you’re ordained you instantly become much more selfless for someone needy, increase the diffi-
valuable as a sacrifice in no end of grimy black- culty of all social actions by 1.
magic rituals. It’s rare to find the sort of
unscrupulous cove who’d try to kidnap and/or kill a WASTING AWAY. [Minor, Silver] You go
drow of the cloth, but anything is possible in Spire. without so that others might share in the
Priest-Catchers are specialist mercenaries who work Goddess’ bounty; you are in dire need of a sit
for Ivory Row occultists, and are paid top sten for down, a sandwich, and maybe twenty
living lunar clerics. minutes’ sleep. Your hands shake and you
feel feeble, increasing the difficulty of all
PRIEST-CATCHERS physical actions by 1 until you get some time
Names: Mr Pitch, MrWeyland, MrVictory to rest and recuperate.
Description: Adjusting the cufflinks on his
suit and nodding politely to the HOLY VISIONS. [Moderate, Mind] The
congregation as he waits outside Goddess “blesses” you with a bombardment
a temple; carrying a writhing of visions and hallucinations, making it hard
sack into an alleyway; locking to concentrate or even understand what’s
the door to the church to stop going on at any given point in time. Once per
you from escaping session, another player can refresh D6 when
Difficulty: 0 during the day, 1 at night they establish that something you believed is
Resistance: 7 true is in fact a misunderstanding brought
Equipment: Slim metal clubs wrapped in on by a hallucination – you mark D3 stress
leather (D3, Brutal, Conceal- to Mind from the confusion.
Special: Priest-Catchers fight to capture
rather than kill or drive away.
Use the following fallout to rep- USEFUL ELEMENTS
resent this in combat:
Tired, hungry, weary faithful
BAGGED. [Moderate, Blood] You are
bundled into a sack and dragged off to be Priests of Our Glorious Lady with problems
delivered to a mad up-Spire occultist; you’ll that a young go-getter with few scruples
need your allies to rescue you, or work some- could definitely solve
thing else out on your own if they’re other-
wise occupied. Lots and lots of bonds
While not every aelfir in Spire enforces the GLAMER MASK. [Occult, Medium
wearing of masks at all times – in bed, whilst advance] A folding mask made of stiff paper
making love or bathing, immediately upon birth, that can be reformed into a hundred different
etc – all members of aelfir high society understand patterns. If you touch the Glamer Mask to
that covering one’s face in public is the done another mask and spend a minute or so
thing. This belief extends to their servants, and rearranging it, it resembles that mask
it’s a poor Lord who’s seen out and about with perfectly. Anyone examining it by touching it
unmasked staff – a sign of rebelliousness, will discover it is a fake almost instantly, but
perhaps, or a lack of suitable funds. as far as vision goes, it’s a perfect copy.
Of all Ministry operatives, the Masked are
closest to the high elves that the organisation is
trying to overthrow – and therefore of great stra- EQUIPMENT
tegic value. While they may not be able to hold
their own in a street-fight or possess the unshake- POISON. Like daggers hidden behind the
able faith of a moon-priest, their access and skills back and scathing comments on a target’s
provide a route into the upper echelons of the cravate, poisons and potions are trademark
city and their hatred for the aelfir is limitless. weapons of the Masked. The poisons below
are generally introduced into the target’s
bloodstream via non-violent means (via
ABILITIES ingestion or dripping quietly into an orifice
while the target sleeps, for example) via a
MASK MAGIC. [Low advance] You begin to Sneak+Domain roll. All of these poisons
understand the true power of masks. +1 Mind. are illegal, to a greater or lesser extent,
Gain the Occult domain. When you spend depending on their lethality.
an entire night wearing a mask and staring
into a mirror with a single lit candle in front Inexorable Hecaton. At the end of a
of it, instead of suffering from the effects of week where they are dosed at least every
sleep deprivation, refresh D3. other day, the target marks D3 stress from
their internal organs slowly shutting down.
BACKSTAB. [Low advance] They never saw it Hecaton is hard to identify but takes a while
coming; you almost feel sorry for them. to kill the target, meaning that the poisoner
(Almost.) When you stab someone who trusts will need access to the target for a few weeks
you (or thought you no threat) in the back to ensure a clean kill.
with a blade, inflict (D6, Brutal) damage.
Quicksilver Ague. A single dose of this
MASK OF PERFECT REPLICATION. potion makes the target despondent, furious,
[Occult, Medium advance] Some of your tech- easily confused and prone to blinding head-
niques turn the stomachs of those possessed of a aches for about six hours. The lack of
less fierce will. To make this mask, cut off physical symptoms makes this a popular pre-
someone’s face and attach it over the top of duel poison to even the odds against a
your own – mark D6 Mind stress if they’re superior opponent, and over 30% of the
unconscious and D8 if they’re awake. The midnight standoffs on Silver Quarter
magic you imbue it with allows you to rooftops see one or both participants dosed
perfectly pass as them, right down to their with it. Targets under the effect of quicksilver
voice, height, mannerisms, and so on. The ague reduce their difficulty to 0.
only way you’ll be discovered is if you act out
of character, and even then, people are likely Love’s Idolatry. A classic love potion,
to suspect that you’re just behaving unusually mixed with the blood of the secondary target
rather than a stranger wearing their friend’s and introduced to the primary target’s
cut-off face as a mask. The MASK OF bloodstream while they sleep. Upon waking,
PERFECT REPLICATION lasts for about they will fall in love with the secondary target
a week – longer if you keep it cold – before it with a burning, alien intensity – if they don’t
rots away into uselessness. know the secondary target, this is akin to
madness, and even if they do know the
secondary target it can feel very strange
indeed. They will do whatever they can to be
close to their beloved, up to and including
risking their own life.
Additional material 39
Drow do not carry their young to term and
instead lay fist-sized eggs in community EQUIPMENT
hatcheries which are tended to by Midwives.
Given their crucial position in dark elf society, PROSTHETIC LIMB ARRAY. Some
Midwives are well-respected by the populace of midwives never quite get the knack of turning
Spire; their nightmare occult powers and themselves partially into giant spiders, and it’s
shapeshifting combat abilities certainly help, not strictly required to take care of eggs, so it
too. They form the cornerstones of drow isn’t that important in the long run. However,
neighbourhoods up and down Spire, often the public image of a proper midwife is a
acting as teachers and carers for their young conservatively-dressed drow with additional
charges with a collection of assistants. limbs semi-concealed under a bustle, so some
Midwives would seemingly make perfect choose to wear prosthetic alternatives to make
Ministry agents – they’re trained in combat and their lives easier. These prosthetics are also
the occult arts, they’re fiercely devoted to the popular with people impersonating midwives
continued existence and liberty of the drow, (not technically a crime but don’t let them
and they’re welcome almost everywhere – but catch you) and midwife-themed erotic
they have their own agenda. The Ministry dancers who titillate boisterous aelfir audi-
might make a business of backstabbing, ences in the Silver Quarter.
intrigue and betrayal, but the Midwives were
doing it long before the cult was a twinkle in ARACHNID GLAIVE. Archaic polearms
the Hidden Mistress’ eye, and will be doing it styled after ritual staves carried by Priestesses
long after they fade into insignificance. of Ishkrah; unpopular in modern Spire, as a
licence is needed to carry them in public and
their weight means they are of little use in one-
on-one urban combat. Most designs have a
ABILITIES black-wood staff as a base and an ornamental
spider at the tip gripping the heavy, single-
CHOICE ASSIGNMENT. [Low advance] edged blade. (D6, Brutal,Tiring)
Even rich drow want to have kids sometimes;
you looked after their eggs in a well-appointed
private hatchery. +1 Reputation. Gain the
High Society domain and lose the Low USEFUL ELEMENTS
Society domain. Gain an individual-level
bond with a young noble-born drow who you Children, communities, families, long-term
brought into the world, or if they’re still too concerns
young to be useful, their parents.
The opportunity to build something that will
HANDS OF SILK. [Occult, Low advance] endure
Glands pucker red-raw at your wrists; you pluck
thick strands of web from them. Gain the Pursue Someone or something tied to an altar
skill. You can declare that any non-ranged
weapon you are carrying has the Stunning tag A real bastard who deserves a good kicking
as you bind your foes with spider-silk.You can from a giant spider-nurse
easily restrain an adversary whose resistance
has been reduced to 0 with webs and transport Medicine, doctors, surgeries, biology
them where you wish.
Someone who’s keen to uphold traditions,
TRAPPED DOOR. [Occult, Low advance] as this is the way it’s always been done
Roll Fix+Occult to cast this spell on a door
within arm’s reach. By anointing it with Someone who’s keen not to uphold traditions,
shadow glyphs written in Ishkran ink, you as things need to change now
remove it from onlookers’ perception and
they no longer realise that it’s a door – it’s
just part of the wall. (If this traps them in a
room, they’ll work it out eventually.) When
you and your allies burst forth from behind
the door, your first action (as long as it’s to
kill or disable someone on the other side) is
rolled with mastery.
Additional material 41
SPIDERS. [Minor, Blood, Mind, Occult] Your
self-control slips for a crucial second and you
let loose a swarm of inquisitive spiders – they
might crawl out of your clothing, they may
start emerging from cracks in the walls, or you
might retch up a wet gutful of them. (Work
what’s tonally appropriate with your GM.)
This is understandably upsetting to everyone
nearby, unless they’re other midwives in
which case they’ll probably look down on you
for making a mess.
42 Magister’s Guide
The Mortician Executioners are a mix of
bureaucrat, priest and assassin; it is by their ABILITIES
hand alone that the state can legally execute
people by first declaring them dead and then SANCTIFIED KILLER. [Divine, Low
correcting the oversight with a blade. In advance] You have spent countless hours in
practice the state kills dozens if not hundreds of communion with Mehror, contemplating your
people each day through brutality, oppression, sacred task. Gain the Religion domain.
malnourishment and war, but for important When you attack a target who has been
people, it does the decent thing and makes their declared legally dead, your attacks gain the
death officially sanctioned. Brutal tag.
State executioners – especially those with the
skill to perform executions on unrestrained, SCYTHE THROUGH RED TAPE. [Low
and often resistant subjects – are prized recruits advance] Many Executioners are afforded
for the Ministry. Quite aside from their combat immense powers of access with their rank, and if
prowess, most people would not interrupt an that’s not enough, they can resort to good old-
Executioner about their business, and if they fashioned obstinance. Gain the Order domain.
can evade the attentions of their superiors they When you bluster your way through opposi-
can be a valuable asset. tion by waving documentation or citing
ordinances, roll with mastery.
Rules, order and restrictions Hollow bones. Modelled after exotic birds
from distant lands; feathers are optional. Roll
The administrative infrastructure of the city with mastery on Pursue checks.
– passes, permits, licenses and fines
Mourning Veil. Experimental ethereal skin-
Back doors, breakable windows, unorthodox graft from a banshee; covered with a veil, in
lines of sight and avenues of approach polite company. You no longer need to sleep,
but must spend an hour each night in moon-
A well-defended target with some tactical light or suffer wretched migraines.
weaknesses to exploit
INHABIT DEAD. [Occult, Medium advance]
Other Morticians,especially ones with perfectly The ability to animate and control the bodies of
reasonable questions about the the dead is one of the Mortician’s closely-guarded
Executioner’s behaviour secrets. Roll Compel+Occult to cast this spell
on a corpse within arm’s reach. (If the corpse
is more than a week old, increase the difficulty
by 1.) On a success, you gain control of the
corpse until the end of the current situation.
For the duration of the spell, your own body
collapses into a heap and you experience the
world through the corpse’s sense organs; your
control is inexact and you increase the diffi-
culty of all tasks by 1 If you would mark blood
stress when you’re controlling the corpse,
mark it to the corpse’s resistance of 4; if it hits
0, you are ejected and your consciousness
returns to your own body.
Additional material 43
tioners try their best to go undetected; others The Charnelites and the Morticians, death-cults
wear Mortician Greatcloaks. These oversized both, have long been warring atop the city for
floor-length cloaks (complete with a generous territory.While most of the fighting is done by street
cowl) are designed to flare dramatically at a gangs of delinquent priests and hangers-on on the
moment’s notice, framing the wearer perfectly streets of New Heaven, serious murder business is
and putting the fear of Mehror into their handled by Executioners – or, in the case of the
opponents. The cloak provides Armour 3 in Charnelites, sanctified killers known as Blood-
close combat only (it can’t turn aside a bullet, Hunters. These prowling assassins are whispered of
but it can confuse and wrong-foot opponents) in fearful tones amongst the Morticians – tales of
but increases the difficulty of all attempts to them coalescing from shadows, transforming into
blend in or go unnoticed by 1. great beasts and eating their foes to gain their power
are commonplace, and not without good reason.
Blood, Mind] Spilled blood and loose necro-
mancy mixes to create chaos. Treat as
PHANTOM VIAL (above) focused on you.
Shadow Agents are the ultimate instruments of TENEBROUS ESCAPE. [Divine, Medium
the Goddess – broken apart and reformed in advance] You dissolve your mortal form and
strange ways during their Ministry initiation become something more pure and graceful,
rites, they have become able to shift their flowing through the city like a rumour. Mark
identity to such an extent that many of them D6 stress to Mind to cast this spell. You
have forgotten who they originally were. immediately dissolve into a pool of shadow
While their masters appreciate their devotion and drip down through Spire, reforming
to the cause, this can cause friction with their somewhere safe the next time the sun sets –
fellow Ministers – Shadow Agents are widely if you have a safehouse it’s there, otherwise
regarded to be a bunch of inscrutable zealots, the GM picks where the Goddess deposits
and their constant changing of covers can make you. Your clothes and equipment aren’t
them hard to read, or trust. The truly strange transformed with you and stay in place; you
ones don’t survive for long (it’s hard to survive are reborn naked and vulnerable.
when none of your cell-mates think you’re on
the level) so it’s up to them to cultivate a LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD. [Medium
convivial, or at least polite, personality that advance] The Goddess provides. Gain the
ensures they can rely on their allies. Fight skill. Mark D3 stress to Mind to
summon a shadowy, half-real version of a
weapon that an enemy is using against you; it
ABILITIES has exactly the same stats as their weapon,
but dissolves into nothingness at the end of
QUICK CHANGE. [Divine, Low advance] the current situation.
Your false forms flicker over your face like
shadows; you’re not sure who you are anymore,
but you’re sure of what you have to do. +1 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
Mind. When you use THE RITE OF
MANY FACES core ability, mark D3 stress SHARP-MIND SLIVER. [Medium advance]
to Mind or Shadow to change instantly into Slivers are made in the Home Nations using
the cover identity and bypass the five jealously-guarded techniques known only to
minutes of preparation time. a few surgeon-artisans; these shards of metal
and crystal are implanted in the user and
BEYOND SUSPICION. [Low advance] You twist their body into new and terrifying
have a knack for appearing as though you’re no patterns with barely-understood magic.
threat, which is unfortunate for your enemies. Made of a series of resonant crystals studded
Any weapon you carry gains the Surprising along the left arm and a node at the base of
tag. If it already possesses the Surprising tag, the user’s brain, the sharp-mind sliver is
it gets the Brutal tag instead. automatically activated when the user under-
goes mental stress – it redirects and amplifies
PERFECT PLANNING. [Low advance] You the stress into a psychic blast issued from the
reach under your chair and pull out a gun no-one palm. The first time in a session you take
knew was there. Mark D3 stress to Silver or Mind fallout, clear stress as normal but
Shadow to pull a gun (D6, One-Shot, don’t mark the fallout. All adversaries nearby
Ranged) from somewhere within arm’s reach: mark stress as the madness is ejected from
under a counter, at the back of a cupboard, your outstretched hand; D3 for Minor
stuffed between the cushions on a sofa, inside a fallout, D6 for Moderate and D8 for Severe.
loaf of bread, etc. Whether you put it there, a
fellow Shadow Agent planted it, or it’s a spon- LEGEND-BEARER SLIVERS. [Medium
taneous miracle from the Goddess is up to you. advance] You have a series of slivers
containing knowledge harvested from
LAST RESORT. [Medium advance] They desperate scholars, retired Shadow Agents
think they’ve got you on the back foot, but and expendable Ministers; you can insert
they’ve walked right into your trap. Once per them into the itching, red-raw hole at the base
session, if there’s any way you could have of your neck to use the knowledge as if it was
feasibly prepared to do so ahead of time, you your own. Once per session, pick a skill or
detonate the explosive you placed earlier. domain; you gain access to it until the end of
Everyone present (aside from you and allies the session. You can change out the sliver
in arm’s reach of you) marks D6 stress to during the session to acquire a different skill,
Blood. Detonating explosives in tight but mark D3 stress to Mind if you do so.
quarters may have other side-effects.
Additional material 45
Loyalty is paramount to the Ministry of Our feedback from your gifts extinguishes every
Hidden Mistress. Punishment for betrayal is single light in the surrounding area, plunging
generally handled by the cell’s Magister (or another you and everyone else there into darkness
cell under their control) but for deep-rooted until the end of the current situation.
infractions, Internal Security operatives known
informally as Godhands are sent in to deal with the COLLATERAL. [Minor, Shadow] Someone
troublemakers. While these inhuman agents are saw you, and they’ll sell you out to the City
privately reviled by almost everyone in the Guard if you let them. Make sure they don’t
organisation, they are publicly afforded a great deal talk – kill them, buy their loyalty or otherwise
of respect due to their sacred position. ensure their silence.
The Vermissian is one of Spire’s greatest shames EQUIPMENT
– a grand attempt to build a functioning, state- VERMISSIAN CARBINE. In the early days,
of-the-art mass transit network. Thanks to the Vermissian was made up of multiple
budget cuts, dangerous levels of different train companies competing for
miscommunication between engineers and business – and on the borders between their
construction teams, and the way that the territories, opportunistic train bandits would
network pierced a festering rip between realities ride jury-rigged wagons down maintenance
in order to harvest cheap fuel, the project was a lines and rob good, law-abiding passengers
spectacular failure. Vermissian Sages navigate of their belongings before speeding away on
this strange space, siphoning power from a slip road. To counteract this, guards armed
alternate timelines and attempting to chronicle with short-barrelled, lever-action rifles were
the ongoing history of the drow despite constant positioned in every other carriage; it didn’t
efforts by the aelfir to grind it into nothingness. work, but some of the filigreed carbines
While most Sages are happy to work in the survive to this day and are treasured by
background and quietly protect their heritage, Vermissian Sages for their nostalgic value.
there are certainly occasional rogue elements (D3, Point-Blank, Ranged, Unreliable.)
who are more proactive in their approach to
saving the drow.The Ministry recruits extensively
from the Vermissian Collective, hoping to gain an SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
occult edge over their competition and perhaps METAPHYSICAL CROWBAR. [Low
divine some useful information from adjacent advance] A crowbar made from melted-
timelines where Spire never fell to the high elves. down Vermissian tracks that allows the user
to more easily pry open gates to alternate
dimensions. The crowbar allows you to use
ABILITIES your BACK DOOR core ability more than
once per session, but you mark D6 stress to
CULTIST OF THE CELESTIAL WYRM. an appropriate resistance each time you do.
[Low advance] You are part of the splinter sect It works on other dimensions too, allowing
of sages that worship theVermissian as the mani- you to roll with mastery when you crowbar
festation of a god. Gain the Religion domain. open a door to the Moon Garden or the
When you enter the Vermissian, you are Vyskant bloodsong empire, for example.
blessed by its magnificence, and refresh D3.
CONDUCTOR. [Occult, Medium advance] High advance] This strange-looking device
TheVermissian echoes through your bones; some- resembles a steel flask with a handle and
times you recite station names in your sleep, or trigger welded onto the side; it is suspiciously
scratch subway maps into your arms without heavy and users have said that it “lags”
thinking. When you are in an area with the behind the rest of the world on occasion,
Technology domain, reduce all stress freezing in place or rapidly changing position
marked by 2 (to a minimum of 0). in stressful situations. It functions as an
energy weapon (D8, One-Shot, Ranged)
GHOST TRAIN. [Occult, Medium advance] that, if it kills the target, transports them
The trains that were to navigate the Vermissian backwards through time and space by about
are cursed to exist in multiple parasitic dimen- half an hour. The target doesn’t remember
sions forever, flickering between impossible anything that happened between their re-
timetables; you hitch a ride on one of them. Roll entry point and their death, which may cause
Investigate+Occult to cast this spell when some confusion.
you are within (or very near to) the Vermis- Using the Chronometric Actuator on
sian Network. On a success, you are trans- yourself is a terrible plan; if it works, you
ported through the Network to a station of won’t remember that you used it and may
your choice – it takes about half an hour in end up repeating the same mistakes.
real time, although to you it feels both (Sustaining Moderate fallout from the device
instantaneous and interminably long. You is enough to “kill” you and send you back-
can bring others with you, but increase the wards in time; sustaining Severe fallout
difficulty of the action by 1 if you do. (If you indicates you have become trapped in an
don’t have a map of Spire or the Vermissian untenable time loop.
to hand, you can specify your destination
district and the GM can work it out.)
Additional material 47
There are many reasons not to delve into the every door you touch opens into the Vermis-
Vermissian – electrocution, ghost infestation, bone sian, breaking the rules of time and space
relocation, etc – but assassination by yourself is one and giving everyone nearby a nosebleed.
that few people consider until it’s too late.All too often Even if you don’t open a door, passageways
Vermissian Sages (and their accomplices) are hunted you travel down slowly shift into entrances to
down and killed by versions of themselves from the Vermissian. It’ll wear off after an hour or
alternate dimensions who got pissed off after one too so. (You hope.)
many freakish disruptions in the space/time
continuum. After all, when the Sage plucks resources DOUBLE. [Severe, Mind, Shadow] An
from a dimensional rift or reorganises reality so things identical version of you (played by the GM)
go their way, someone’s on the other end of that. appears, and: they are absolutely identical,
Turns out it was this lot, and they’ve had enough. right down to the smallest detail, right down
to the way that they know that they’re the
YOURSELVES, BUT FROM AN ALTERNATE DIMENSION real one. If for whatever reason either you or
Names: Your own names, but maybe the double dies, roll a D10; on a 6 or more it
with one letter changed or was the real one, otherwise it was the Vermis-
different surnames sian-made clone. The clone is actively
Description: Like you, but with weird circuitry malevolent and will hunt down and kill the
under their skin; like you, but party for daring to create it.
with an iridescent scarab beetle
the size of your fist attached to THE LAST TRAIN. [Severe, Mind] After
the base of their neck; like you, casting too many reckless spells and playing
but in black and white fast and loose with the rules of reality, you
Difficulty: 1; this isn’t the first dimension draw the attention of The Last Train (Spire,
they’ve travelled to p. 131), the only functional locomotive left
Resistance: 10 on the Vermissian network. It immediately
Equipment: Compact, anachronistic energy crashes through the scene, killing you, and
guns (D6, Brutal, Dangerous, causing horrendous destruction before
Ranged) disappearing back into a nearby tunnel (or
Special: If the situation looks truly dire, making a new one).
they will activate their reality-
hook failsafes and yank them-
selves (and everything in a 5ft
sphere around them) back to
their own dimension and return
to try again later on. Or earlier Train stations, metro tunnels, junkyards
on, if they can pull it off
Maintenance hatches, access tunnels, under-
floor passageways and crawlspaces
Spire is a very tall and very old city located towards the centre of the land
of Destera. Two hundred years ago the aelfir, or high elves, invaded from
the north and (with the help of gun-toting human mercenaries) took Spire
from the native drow, or dark elves.
The aelfir now rule Spire from gilded ice-palaces within the upper
areas of the city. They live lives of perverse luxury and senseless excess
compared to the countless drow who work in their factories, houses and
farms. Each drow is required to serve a Durance when they come of age
– four years of unpaid labour in the service of an aelfir lord.Working
conditions are poor, and injuries and deaths are common.
Traditional Desteran culture is under attack from the aelfir.Worship
of two of the three main goddesses of old Spire has been forbidden, and
as such, cults devoted to them have been destroyed or radicalised and
driven underground.
The player characters are members of one such cult – The
Ministry of Our Hidden Mistress – and call themselves Ministers,
paramilitary zealots living secret lives in service to their dark
goddess of grace, subterfuge and misdirection.They have sworn to
do anything necessary to remove the aelfir from power and return
Spire to the drow.
50 Magister’s Guide
Then, come up with something unusual going And, finally, you can come up with as many
on in the mission location. Again, some ideas: props as you like. Props are little hooks and
scene elements that give players an easy way to
• A wedding interact with the game. If you’ve got a fun idea
• A party but it’s not in-depth enough to be a location or
• A clash between two rival organisations an NPC, make a prop out of it.
• A riot
• A plague of ghosts • A rifle hanging over the mantlepiece
• A dark ritual • Two enormous dogs snoozing in the back yard
• A festival or parade • A chandelier
• Experimental theatre • One of those paintings with eye holes cut out
• A very recent murder • An anxious, late, overburdened delivery boy
• The worst storm in decades • An unattended kebab cart
Invent (or select from the books) three or so Pre-generate the characters (or use some of the
NPCs connected to the mission who could get up ones ready-made in the Spire campaign frames)
to something interesting and pose as opposition and ensure that each of them can use at least
to the player characters – or who could help them, one of their domains and one of their skills in
if given the right incentive to do so. If these people the game you have envisioned. Choose abilities
dislike each other, so much the better. for them that will key in with the mission area
NPCs are important because it gives both and the events as well as the requirements of
you and the players an opportunity to roleplay, the mission itself. Then – and this is crucial –
and a lot of character abilities rely on NPCs to write down all the locations, NPCs and props
function. Name them and allocate them to a on index cards (or similar, or some sort of di-
location; here are some loose concepts: gital equivalent).
When you play the game, arrange them
• The target, if the target is a person facing the players and ask them what they want
• The target’s bitter ex-husband to explore. Again: you can’t afford to mess
• A pious and righteous Solar Priest around, so don’t be coy with it. Let them know
• A lackadaisical occultist for hire, currently that this isn’t the be-all and end-all of their
out of work potential interactions in the game, but instead a
• The social-climbing head of the Liftsman’s series of prompts for them to investigate and
Guild elements to exploit.You’ll find that it saves a lot
• The target’s business rival of time that would normally be spent
describing the situation to them, and they’ll be
Once the situation’s in place, you need to add a able to get to the meat of the game sooner.You
twist. Something is going to happen that’s going can even give the index cards to players to keep
to surprise the players (and probably some of track of after they, say, recruit an NPC to the
the NPCs) and make the third act of the story cause or grab hold of a prop.
much more interesting. You can get as wild as That should be enough for a one-shot all on
you like with these as long as you reference them its own.
in the opening stages of the game a little.
essays 53
A respected member of the community frowns
at them
A bartender quietly and respectfully gets the club
out from under the bar and locks eyes with them
Children run away, scared
Someone yells an insult at them in the street
Gangsters flick open their jackets to show their
sidearms, just in case
Someone they care about looks uncomfortable
at their behaviour and leaves
Essays and advice 55
Strata is the first full-length sourcebook for the Spire roleplaying game. Written
by Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor, and with ten scenarios from a wide variety of
other authors, Strata gives more details on the best and worst that the city of
Spire has to offer. It won 2020’s silver ENnie award for Best Art for the
beautiful, full-colour artwork from Adrian Stone.
Try two new classes – the purple-prose black-magic pulp fiction occultist
Inksmith and the multifaceted and fractured Shadow Agent. Or expand any class
with many new extra advances: the flower-skinned Druid of the Living Spire, the
muckraking Gazetteer, the sigil-scrawling Children of the Runestack and more.
Grant Howitt and Christopher Taylor
Shadow operations
Beard | Biswas | Blades | Bradley | Chan | Ghouse
Howitt | Pitre | Punzalan | Taylor | Weathers Climb aboard the Last Train and steal the secrets of its locomotion. Assassinate
the most powerful man in the lawless undercity of Red Row. Defend the
wedding of Brother Hellion’s only daughter at the Church of the Gun. Spring a
gnoll prisoner-of-war from the best-defended prison in all of Spire. Kidnap a
reborn Saint gone rogue on the streets of Pilgrim’s Walk.
All these adventures and more await you in Shadow Operations, a collection of
eleven Spire scenarios designed to be run in a single session and written by a
wide variety of authors. Each of them is laid out in an easy-to-read format,
allowing you to get up and running as quickly as possible.