Bartle Teoria de La Medida Cap5y6
Bartle Teoria de La Medida Cap5y6
Bartle Teoria de La Medida Cap5y6
Since all these terms are finite, we obtain
Integrable Functions
f belongs on to R by
5.3 THEOREM. A measurable function f belongs to L if and only if If f and g belong to L, then IfI and IgI belong to L. Since
If belongs to L. In this case
If + SI < If I + I SI it follows from Corollaries 4.7 and 5.4 that f + g
belongs to L. To establish the desired relation, we observe that
(5.3) I ffdd fIfId. f +9 = (f+ + g+) - (f- +9-).
PROOF. By definition f belongs to L if and only if f + and f' belong Since f + + g+ and f - + g- are nonnegative integrable functions, it
to M + and have finite integrals. Since If I + = If I =.f + + f - and follows from the observation made after Definition 5.1 that
If I = 0, the assertion follows from Lemma 4.5(a) and Corollary
4.7(b). Moreover,
5(1+ S) dµ = 5(1 + g+) dµ - f(f- + g-) dµ.
ffdpl Iff+ dp - Jfdal If we apply Corollary 4.7(b) and rearrange the terms, we obtain
f f + dp + f f- dp = f III CIµ f(f+g)d/ = f f + dw - f f- dp + fg + du - fg - dw
5.4 COROLLARY. If f is measurable, g is integrable, and If I < IgI,
then f is integrable, and
= f f dµ + fg dµ. Q.E.D.
We shall now show that the integral is linear on the space L in the 5.6 LEBESGUE DOMINATED CONVERGENCE THEOREM. Let (fn) be a
following sense. sequence of integrable functions which converges almost everywhere to a
real valued measurable function f. If there exists an integrable function
5.5 THEOREM. A constant multiple of and a sum f + g of functions
g such that I fn I c g for all n, then f is integrable and
in L belongs to L and
PROOF. If a = 0, then of = 0 everywhere so that By redefining the functions fn, f on a set of measure 0 we
may assume that the convergence takes place on all of X. It follows
5afdi ,c = 0 = a f dp . from Corollary 5.4 that f is integrable. Since g + fn >, 0, we can
apply Fatou's Lemma 4.8 and Theorem 5.5 to obtain
If a > 0, then (af ) + = a f + and (af ) - = a f -, whence
Therefore, it follows that PROOF. Let (t7) be a sequence in [a, b] which converges to to, and
apply the Dominated Convergence Theorem to the sequence (ft)
(5.5) ffdit c lim inf fn d/L . defined by f7t(x) = f (x , t,) for x e X. Q.E.D.
Since g - fn >, 0, another application of Fatou's Lemma and Theorem 5.8 COROLLARY. If the function t -*f (x, t) is continuous on [a, b]
5.5 yields for each x c- X, and if there is an integrable function g on X such that
f (x , t) c g(x), then the./unction F defined by
fgdp - f f dµ = f (g - f) dµ < lim inf f (g - fn) dµ
(5.8) F(t) = 5 f (x, t) dd(x)
= fg dµ - lim sup J J n dµ,
is continuous for t in [a, b].
from which it follows that PROOF. This is an immediate consequence of Corollary 5.7. Q.E.D.
(5.6) lim sup fin < f f dµ. 5.9 COROLLARY. Suppose that for some to c- [a, b], the function
x -*f (x, to) is integrable on X, that afl at exists on X x [a, b], and that
Combine (5.5) and (5.6) to infer that there exists an integrable function g on X such that
tn- t x c- X.
f(x, t) is X-measurable for each t e [a, b] . Additional hypotheses will
be stated explicitly. Therefore, the function x -* (aflat)(x, t) is measurable.
5.7 COROLLARY. Suppose that for some to in [a, b] If x E X and t c- [a, b], we can apply the Mean Value Theorem (see
Reference [1], page 210) to infer the existence of a s, between to and t
(5.7) f (x , to) = lim f (x , t } such that
t to
for each x e X, and that there exists an integrable function g on X such .f(x, t} - .f(x, to) = (t - to) (x, s2).
that I t) I c g(x). Then
Therefore we have
5 f (x, to) dd(x) = lim 5f(x, t) dp(x)
t "to I.f(x, 0 I < Il(x, ro)I + I t - tol 9W9
Integrable Functions 47 48 The Elements of Integration
which shows that the function x - f (x, t) is integrable for each t in Therefore we have
[a, b]. Hence, if t,, t, then b
'(t) dt = H(b) - H(a)
_ f(x,tn)-f(x,t)d
tn-- t
F(tn) a
t-t n `(x.
} [h(x, b) - h(x, a)] dd(x)
Since this integrand is dominated by g(x), we may apply the Dominated
Convergence Theorem to obtain the stated conclusion. Q.E.D. _f Ifa
Ifa f (X I
t) dt] dp(x) .
5.10 COROLLARY. Under the hypotheses of Corollary 5.8,
The interchange of the order of (Lebesgue) integrals will be considered
fF(t) dt = [ff(xt)d(x)] dt in Chapter 10.
a fa
5.G. Suppose that f is in L(X, X, p) and that its indefinite integral is 5.M. Show that the conclusion in the Exercise 5.L may fail if the
hypothesis t(X) < +ao is dropped.
A(E) = f dp, E E X. 5.N. Let f, = n x[o.1/n], where X = R, X = B, and is Lebesgue
measure. Show that the condition IfI c g cannot be dropped in the
Show that A(E) >, 0 for all E E X if and only if f (x) > 0 for almost all Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem.
x E X. Moreover, A(E) = Q for all E if and only if f(x) = Q for almost
5.0. If fn EL(X, X, p), and if
allxEX. Go
5.H. Suppose that f1 and f2 are in L(X, X, p) and let Al and A2 be I fn I dd < +co,
their indefinite integrals. Show that A1(E) = A2(E) for all E E X if n=1
and only if f1(x) = f2(x) for almost all x in X. then the series > fn(x) converges almost everywhere to a function f in
5.1. If f is a complex-valued function on X such that Ref and Imf L(X, X, p). Moreover,
belong to L(X, X, p), we say that f is integrable and define ffdii _ j'fnd.
ffdd= 5Refdi, + i Imfdd. S.P. Let fn c- L(X, X, µ), and suppose that (fn) converges to a
function f Show that if
Let f be a complex-valued measurable function. Show that f is
integrable if and only if If I is integrable, in which case lim fin - .f I dµ = 0, then f If I dw = lim fin I dµ
f dµ f If I dw- S.Q. If t > 0, then
J +COe
5.J. Let (f7) be a sequence of complex-valued measurable functions Moreover, if t > a > 0, then e r tx c e_. Use this and Exercise
which converges to f. If there exists an integrable function g such 4.M to justify differentiating under the integral sign and to obtain
that f, c g, show that the formula
xne-x dx = n!
5 f dj = lim
5 f n dp . JO
It is easy to check that N1 and Nc are norms and that Np satisfies (i), 6.5 LEMMA. The space L(X, X, p) is a linear space under the
(ii), (iii). It is a consequence of Minkowski's Inequality, which will operations defined by
be proved subsequently, that N. satisfies (iv).
(c) The linear space 11 of all real-valued sequences u = (un) such lJ + 9)(X) = f (X) + 9(X), (af)(x) = of (x), x E X,
that N1(u) = I l < +ao is a normed linear space under N1 . and NN is a semi-norm on L(X, X, p). Moreover, N ,,,(f) = 0 if and
Similarly, if 1 c p < co, the collection 1p of all sequences such that only if f (x) = Q for jc-almost all x in X.
NN(u) = 11 lunlP}1rp < +oo is normed by Np.
(d) The collection B(X) of all bounded real valued functions on X PROOF. It was seen in Theorem 5.5 that L = L(X, X, p) is a linear
is normed by space under the indicated operations. It is clear that Nu(f) > 0 for
Non -sup {Ir(x) I : x E X}. f EL, and that
In particular, the linear space of continuous functions on X = [a, b] is Nu(at) = f l all dp = l al f I.fI dp = I at Nu0')
All the preceding examples have been proper norms on a linear Moreover, it follows from the Triangle Inequality that
space. There are also semi-norms on a linear space that are of interest.
The following are some examples.
Nu(f + S) = 5f+gI dp _< 5(fI + I dp
6.3 EXAMPLES. (a) On the space Rn, consider the semi-norm
No(u1, ... , un) = sup {lull , ... , l= lunl}-
= f If I dw+ f I SI dw=Nub+Nu(S)
HereNa(u1,...,un) = 0 if and only if u2 = un = 0. Hence Nu is a semi-norm on L, and it follows from Corollary 4.10 that
(b) On the linear space C[0, 1] of continuous functions on [0, 1] to Nu(f) = 0 if and only iff(x) = 0 for almost all x. Q.E.D.
R, define the semi-norm In order to make L(X, X, µ) into a nonmed linear space, we shall
N0(1) = sup { If (x) l :0cx identify two functions that are equal almost everywhere; that is, we use
equivalence classes of functions instead of functions.
Here N0(f) = 0 if and only if f (x) vanishes for 0 c x c I.
(c) On the linear space of functions on [a, b] to R which have con- 6.6 DEFINITION. Two functions in L = L(X, X, p) are said to be
tinuous derivatives, consider the semi-norm p.-equivalent if they are equal jc-almost everywhere. The equivalence
N0(f)=sup{lf'(x) l :a <x <b}. class determined by f in L is sometimes denoted by [f] and consists of
the set of all functions in L which are ji-equivalent to f . The Lebesgue
Here N0(f) = 0 if and only if f is constant on [a, b].
space L1 = L1(X, X, fit) consists of all jt-equivalence classes in L. If
6.4 DEFINITION. Let (X, X, p) be a measure space. If f belongs to [ f ] belongs to L1, we define its norm by
L(X, X, p), we define
Ng(f) =ff l dd. Mill = f If I dp.
It will be shown that N. is a semi-norm on the space L(X, X, p) 6.7 THEOREM. The Lebesgue space L1(X, X, fit) is a normed linear
The Lebesgue Spaces L,p 55 56 The Elements of Integration
The product fg is measurable and (6.4) with A = I(x)/Iv and f + hI ° ELq. Hence we can apply Holder's Inequality to infer that
B = S(x)Igq implies that dll`ljQ
Since both of the terms on the right are integrable, it follows from If we treat the second term on the right in (6.7) similarly, we obtain
Corollary 5.4 and Theorem 5.5 that fg is integrable. Moreover, on Ilf + h II.J _< MfM IIv Ilf + hIIPP/9 + IIhIIP Ilf + h PP/9
integrating we obtain
lJ P + h D} Mf+ h IIDD/9'
MfgM1 ! I
6.14 COMPLETENESS THEOREM. If 1 4, p < oo, then the space L. is a implies that f E Lp . Since If - gk I p c 2p gp , we infer from the
complete normed linear space under the norm Dominated Convergence Theorem that 0 = lim Ilf - gk II P, so that
1Tp (gk) converges in Lp to f.
If I p p In view of (6.8), if m > M(s) and k is sufficiently large, then
PROOF. It has been stated that Lp is a normed linear space. To JIfm gklpd <sp.
establish the completeness of Lp, let (f,,) be a Cauchy sequence relative
to the norm II lip . Hence, if s > 0 there exists an M (e) such that if Apply Fatou's Lemma to conclude that
m, n > M(s), then
whenever m > M(e). This proves that the sequence (f7) converges to
There exists a subsequence (gk) of (fn) such that II9k11 - gk II p < 2 -k f in the norm of Lp. Q.E.D.
for k E N. Define g by
A complete normed linear space is usually called a Banach space
(6.9) g(x) = I + co I gk + 1(x) gk(x) I , Thus the preceding theorem could be formulated : the space Lp is a
Banach space under the norm given in (6.3).
so that g is in M + (X, X). By Fatou's Lemma, we have
J I gI p dd c lim inf Ig1l + Igk+1- Al dd. THE SPACE LOD
n " Co
We shall now introduce a space which is related to the Lp-spaces.
Take the pth root of both sides and apply Minkowski's Inequality to
obtain 6.15 DEFINITION. The space Lc = Lc (X, X, p) consists of all the
1/p n
equivalence classes of X-measurable real-valued functions which are
I gl P dp c liminf llglllp + llgk+l - gkllp
n"co k=1 almost everywhere bounded, two functions being equivalent when they
Mg1Mp + 1. are equal pc-almost everywhere. If f c L. and N E X with p(N) = 0,
we define
Hence, if E = {x E X : g(x) < +ao}, then E E X and p(X 1 E) = 0.
S(N) = sup {I f(x) I : x 0 N}
Therefore, the series in (6.9) converges almost everywhere and g XE
belongs to Lp.
We now define f on X by (6.10) lif 11 Go = inf IS (N) : N E X, µ(N) = 0}.
6.16 THEOREM. The space Lc is a complete normed linear space C.C. Let N be a norm on a linear space V and let d be defined for
under the norm given by formula (6.10). u, v c- V by d(u, v) = N(u - 6). Show that d is a metric on V; that
is, (i) d(u, v) > 0 for all u, v E V; (ii) d(u, v) = 0 if and only if u = v;
PROOF. It is clear that Lc is a linear space and that lif IIco > 0,
(iii) d(u, v) = d(v, u); (iv) d(u, v) C d(u, w) + d(w, v).
II0IIC* = 0, and IIUf- IIC* = I Ilf IIc* . If Ilf I= 0, then there exists a
set Nk E X with p(Nk) = 0 such that f (x) I c Ilk for x 0 Nk. If we put C.D. If f E L1(X, X, p) and s > 0, then there exists a simple X
N = Uk Nk, then N e X, jc(N) = 0, and =0 for x 0 N. measurable function 9) such that Ilf - 9) 111 < s. Extend this to L,
1 I
Therefore, f (x) = 0 for almost all x . 1 c p < oo. Is this true for Lc ?
If f, g e LCO , there exist sets N1, N2 in X with 4(N1) = p(N2) = 0 6. E. If f c- Lp, 1 c p < oo, and if E = {x E X : I f(x) I O}, then
such that E is Q-finite.
IIlf 11co for x O N1, 6.F. If f c- Lp and if E7t = {x E X : If(x) I > n}, then p(E) --* 4 as
Ig(x)I cc for x 0 N2.
11 S 11
n -* 00.
Therefore I
+ g(x)I c IIfIIc* + IIgIIco for x0 (N1 u N2), from C.G. Let X = N, and let t be the counting measure on N. If f is
which it follows that Ilf + 911 co c Ilf If co + 11911 Co. defined on N by f (n) = 1 In, then f does not belong to L1, but it does
It remains to prove that Lo is complete. Let (f7) be a Cauchy belong to Lp for 1 < p c cc. [Alternatively, let X = R, X = B, and
sequence in LO, and let M be a set in X with p(M) = 0, such that let p be Lebesgue measure and define g(x) = 0 for x < 1 and g(x) _
I c II I c. for x 0 M, n = 1 , 2, ... , and also such that I fn(X) - 1 /x for x > 1 .]
fm(x) I c IIfn - fm II. for all x 0 M, n, m = 1, 2, .... Then the C.H. Let X = N, and let A be the measure on N which has measure
sequence (fn) is uniformly convergent on X 1 M, and we let 1 In' at the point n. (More precisely A(E) = I I1In2 : n c- E}.) Show
f(x) = l im fo(x), x 0 M, that A(X) < +ao . Let f be defined on X by f(n) = Vn . Show that
=0, xEM. f c- Lp if and only if 1 c p < 2. [For a similar example, let X = (0, 1)
with Lebesgue measure, and consider g(x) = 1 /V x .]
It follows that f is measurable, and it is easily seen that IIfn - f IIC0 -* 0.
C.I. Modify the Exercise 6.H to obtain a function on a finite measure
Hence Lc is complete. Q.E.D.
space which belongs to Lp if and only if 1 p < po.
C.J. Let (X, X, l,c) be a finite measure space. If f is X-measurable,
let E7t = {x E X : (n -- 1) c If (x) I < n}. Show that f e L1 if and
G.A. Let CEO, 1] be the linear space of continuous functions on only if
[0, 11 to R. Define No for f in C[O, 1] by N0(f) = I Show that n 4(En) < +co .
No is a semi-norm on C[O, 1]. n=1
G.B. Let CEO, 1] be as before and define N1 for f in C[O, 1] to be the More generally, f c- Lp for 1 c p < cc, if and only if
Riemann integral of If I over [0, 1] . Show that Nl defines a norm on cc
If I P.)Apply Holder's Inequality to If I r in Lpjr and g = 1 to obtain G.S. Let f7z, /37, be as in the Exercise 6.R, and suppose that (f7) is a
the inequality Cauchy sequence. If s > 0, then there exists a S(e) > 0 such that if
MIMT -< Ilf 11 p tt(X) , E E X and p (E) < S(e), then /37z(E) < s for all n c- N. (Hint: Use
Corollary 4.11.)
where s = (11r) - (11p). Therefore, if /c(X) = 1, then IIfIIr c llfllp-
G.T. If f E L (X, X, p), then l c 11f 11. for almost all x. More-
6.L. Suppose that X = N and j is the counting measure on N. If over, if A < 11f ff co , then there exists a set E E X with p(E) > 0 such
f e Lp, then f e Ls with 1 < p c s < co, and MI Its c Mf. that I f(x)f > A for all x c- E.
. 6.M. Let X = (0, oo), let jt be Lebesgue measure on X, and let 6.U. If f E LP, 1 c p c ao, and g c- L., then the product fg c- L. and
.f(x) = x -1/2(1 + I log x 1) r 1. Then f e Lp if and only if p = 2.
MOP C 11AP11911COO
6.N. Let (X, X, p) be any measure space and let f belong to both G.V. The space Lro(X, X, p) is contained in L1(X, X, p) if and only
Lp1 and L,,,, with 1 c p1 < p2 < CC . Prove that f e L. for any value if p(X) < co. If p(X) = 1 and f c- L , then
of p such that p1 c p c p,2.
11ACO = lim 11APO
6.0. Let 1 < p < oo, and let (lip) + (11q) = 1. It follows from
Holder's Inequality that if f e Lp, then
ffgod =IIfIIp
G.P. Let f e Lp(X, X, p) , 1 c p c oo , and let s > 0. Show that 1
there exists a set EE e X with p(EE) < +oo such that if' F e X and
FEE=0,then If XFP < .