Chapter - 2 1
Chapter - 2 1
Chapter - 2 1
This project report entitled the credit facilities . This has been bought out to know the customers
Or members opinion about the credit facilities provided by the society. This project is also
prepared to know the performance of the society.
In the beginning of human existence needs were simple and every individual Produced all that
was necessary to sustain life, keep provided his own food of animal flesh and vegetables, prepare
his own clothing, and found his own shelter.
After this state barter system came into existence. Barter system means trade with exchange of
goods with absence of money. At this stage of concept of dependency emerged in the routine life
of human beings. And their dependency demanded cooperation that is how cooperation was
In course of time people settled down in different occupations and with specializations exchange
of goods became wider and the money was introduced in trading which was widely accepted for
payment. As money started getting importance. Corporation was giving hand in hand with it.
So cooperation is an important thing, which plays an important role in all for goods and services
and in settlement of debts. Money is given and received without reference to the standing of a
person who offers it in payment.
1. To make detailed study of flow of credit provided by the Credit Cooperative Society.
2. Effective utilization of service by the members.
3. To study the problem connected with credit facilities provided by the society.
4. To study establishment, growth, and Progress off service provided by the Society.
5. To know the general opinion of the customers about the society.
6. To express our own opinion about these societies development services, to attract and hold the
. 1. A democratic organization
2. An association of persons
3. The basis is equality
4. It is a voluntary organization
5. It is a socio - economic movement
Principles of Co-operation: For a clear understanding of Co-operative ideology and to
differentiate from other business enterprises, the founding father of the Co-operative movement
laid down some definite principles, which were expected to serve as guide - posts for the future
development of the Co-operative movement.
1 W. P. Walkins defines, “Co-operative principles are the ideas inherent in the Co-operation
which determine that it is as a mode of action they are ideas which it is the purpose of Co-
operative activity to release.
2 Prof D. G. Karve defines, “Co-operative principle is a way of organizing and conducting a co-
operative activity which is an inherent and indispensable corollary of the ideal or the objective of
the co-operative movement. The principles of Co-operation have changed from time to time to
suit the changing environment and situation so that Co-operative movement may become more
meaningful and purposeful.
1. The employee’s Co-operative credit society is run on democratic principles, therefore, that a
member has the right to verify his accounts
2. The liability of the members is limited to the extent of the face value of the shares held by
3. Every member of the credit society has to contribute some money towards the shares and
4. “One member one vote” is the main principle of the employee’s Cooperative credit society
6. There is monthly salary deduction for the recovery of the loan; there is no possibility of bad
debts and over dues.
7. The credit Co-operative societies help the members by giving short-term loans to meet the
basic needs. Considering this background they study of financial aspects of employees
1. works for the economic welfare of poor or weaker sections of society.
2. To eliminate middlemen .
3. protect the interest of its members and society.
4. Helping their members.
5. Have an equitable and fair distribution of economic results based on the volume of
operations made through them .
1) Shortage of capital: It suffers from a shortage of capital as it is usually formed by people with
limited means.
2) Inefficient management:- These are managed by elected members who may not be competent
and experienced. Due to lack of managerial knowledge, they might not be able to run the society
3) Lack of Secrecy: They have to send their annual reports and accounts to the registrar of co-
operative societies. In this way, the secret of business becomes public.
4) Excessive government control: It suffers from excessive rules and regulations imposed by the
5) Conflict among members: The members are from different sections of society with different
viewpoints. If any or a few members become rigid, the result is conflict.