"Design Is Absolutely Key ... : The Generator Hostel Model. Where Experience Is Everything

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Design is absolutely key...

:the generator hostel model, where experience is everything – from the

unique venues to the background music - is disrupting the hotel industry, as CEO Fredrik Korallus
explains. Recuperado de la base de datos de UESAN (061723)

"Design is absolutely key..."

The Generator hostel model. where experience is everything -
from the unique venues to the background music - is disrupting the hotel industry,
as CEO Fredrik Korallus explains

FoR A MAN who spends so much of his and one of the things 1 wanted to do was The customer is king
lile travelling that he claims not to have a standardise the messaging from country "When 1 first started out. 1 worked as a
daily routine, it's good to know he stops to country. 1 thought that we needed bellboy in Sweden and then a busboy in
short ol "working every second of every consistency in our signage and print a restaurant in Bermuda. Those jobs gave
day". We caught up with Fredrik Korallus, material. So, 1 commissioned the designs. me a real insight into running my business
CEO of Gener ator Hostels, to lind out A few weeks later, 1 was sitting on a beach today. l learned how important it is to
how the brand's winning combination of looking over all the samples and realised treat people properly and give them the
hipster hospitality and innovation is set to that it would be a fatal llaw - our brand best time you possibly can when they're
disrupt the conventional hotel model. would lose its identity and uniqueness. 1 spending their money with you."
cancelled the job. lt cost us money, but it
Travel is an education was so worth it.'' Change perceptions
"Aithough l'm Swedish-born, l'm really "l've worked with big brands, such as
a globetrotting noma d. l've lived in nine A sense ofhumour helps Radisson and TGI Fridays, so many people
countries spread over four continents, "In 2005, 1 was invited to deliver a speech were surprised when 1 took this new role
and have explored and experienced to 500 travel bookers in Swedish, but on. They thought that hostels were noisy,
everywhere from Gran Canaria and the when 1 got up there, 1 realised that 1 hadn't grubby, places, but the opposite is true.
United States to Senegal, Brussels and spoken my mother tengue lor so long that Our model is disruptive to the hotel
beyond. lt's given me an education that 1 didn't know the correct way of using the model and our systems are more
you can't get in books, and taught me so language in a business scenario. 1 could adaptable. We sell beds, they sell rooms."
much about different cultures and norms, get by inlormally, but not here. 1 got off
and the diversity of the planet. lt has also the stage, went up to the organiser and Consider the aesthetics
stood me in good stead prolessionally." said that 1 would have to do it in English. "For us, design is absolutely key. The

They all had a good laugh at my expense, lurniture, the rooms, the bars, the cool "

Be approachable but 1 took it in good spirit." music playing pretty much 24/7 - it's all

"The brilliance of my team is everything. highly considered to appeal to our target <

We don't script our stall or overly train market. lt's a crucial part ol what makes o

them and sometimes you can't tell VITAL STATISTICS us successlul."


the dillerence between them and the

customers in our hostels. 1 make sure NAME Fredrik Korallus Be aware of changing values
1 chat with the kitchen porters and the NATIONALITY Swed1sh AGE 53 "In Copenhagen, we have a great
housekeepers, and 1 don't walk around LANGUAGES Engl1sh. Span1sh. Generator that is extremely popular with
with a fancy job title on my badge - just Swedish all sorts ol dillerent travellers. The city is
my name. Anyone can come and ask me CAREER 2015-present: CEO. also home to Noma, one of the world's
anything they like. l'm honest with my Generator Hostels; 2012-2014 best restaurants, and it's interesting to
team and as k them to be honest with me." CEO. The Hotel Collection: note that we'll have people spending €35
2000-2011: COO. Carlson Hotels on a bed with us and then €1,000 on
Know your brand Worldwide: 1998-2000: MD. dinner at Noma. Why? People's priorities
"When 1 lirst joined Generator, 1 noticed Hotel and Catering Training Co have changed: they want to spend their
that it was very much a localised brand money smarter.''

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