Finite - Element - Analysis - of - Residual - Stresses On Butt Welded Joints 2006
Finite - Element - Analysis - of - Residual - Stresses On Butt Welded Joints 2006
Finite - Element - Analysis - of - Residual - Stresses On Butt Welded Joints 2006
⎝ ∂x ∂y ∂z ⎠
I welding current (3)
Q heat generation rate
MIG Metal Inert Gas
S surface where q is the heat flux at the boundary. In welding problems,
T temperature the heat flux q may consist of one or more of the following
T0 room temperature modes: convective heat loss, radiative heat loss and boundary
V welding voltage heat. The heat flux losses on the surfaces of the welded plate
h convection coefficient due to the convection and radiation are given by:
k thermal conductivity q c = h ⋅ (T − T0 ) (4)
q heat flux
qc = ε ′ ⋅ ξ ⋅ (T 4 − T04 )
s plate thickness
t time (5)
v welding velocity where T0 is the room temperature, ξ is the Stefan Boltzmann
α coefficient of thermal expansion constant and (h, έ) are convection and emissivity coefficients,
ε strain respectively for all surfaces of the plate. In this study the flux
έ emissivity coefficient losses due to the radiation are not considered. In addition, a
υ Poisson’s ratio latent heat of fusion is taken into account to consider the phase
ξ Stefan Boltzmann constant transformation.
ρ density
σ stress
ys yield stress 1.2 Mechanical model
σx transversal residual stress The temperature history during the thermal analysis at the
σy longitudinal residual stress nodes of the FE mesh is calculated and saved, for the
η efficiency of heat-input mechanical analysis. During the structural analysis, these
temperature histories are used as thermal loading to produce the
residual stress field. In this way thermal strains and stresses can
1. ANALYSIS MODEL be calculated at each time increment. In thermo-mechanical
A theoretical evaluation of welded induced residual analysis, the plastic deformation of materials is assumed to
stresses and deformation can be achieved in two steps: (a) heat consider the Mises yield criterion and isotropic strain hardening
flow analysis; (b) residual stress and deformation analysis. rule. The rate relationship between thermal stress and strain is
[dσ ] = [D ep ] ⋅ [dε ] − [C th ]
Although the welding process can be simulated in one step by a described by the following equation:
coupled thermo-mechanical analysis, the uncoupled technique
allows to perform all computations more quickly and to utilize ⋅ dT (6)
fewer computer resources.
[D ] = [D ] + [D ] ,
1.1 Thermal model ep e p
In the thermal analysis, the transient temperature
distribution T of the welded plate is a function of time t and where [De] is the elastic stiffness matrix, [Dp] is the plastic
coordinates x, y, z, and the balance relation of heat flow of a stiffness matrix, [Dep] is total stiffness matrix, [Cth] is the
volume bounded by an arbitrary surface S is given by the thermal stiffness matrix, dσ, dε, and dT are the stress, strain and
following equation: temperature increment, respectively.
E x10 5[N/mm 2]
welding are made of mild steel, and the material thermal
properties are taken from Prasad and Sankaranarayanan [6] and
these vary according to the temperature history, as illustrated in
Figs. 3 and 4. The convective heat coefficient on the surfaces 1
was estimated to be 15 W/mm2°K according to [10].
The total effective heat generation rate input Q = ηIV is
assumed to be 1650 W; it corresponds to the following
welding parameters: welding current I = 110 A, welding 0
500 1000 1500 2000
voltage V = 20 V, welding velocity v = 3,33 mm s-1 and the
T [K]
efficiency of heat-input η = 0,75.
Moreover material mechanical properties (E, ys, α, υ) are Figure 5. Variation of Young’s modulus with
dependent on the temperature as showed in Figs. 5-8. temperature.
0.06 800
0.05 600
k [W/mm K]
ys [N/mm 2]
0.04 400
0.03 200
0.02 0
500 1000 1500 2000 500 1000 1500 2000
T [K] T [K]
700 2
α x10 [mm/K]
C [J/kg K]
400 0
500 1000 1500 2000 500 1000 1500 2000
T [K] T [K]
Temperature [K]
150 400
50 300
Tran 0 200 y [m
sv er io n
se po -50 o sit
sitio 100 al p
n x -100 din
[mm gitu
] -150
0 Lon
Transverse position x [mm]
470 0
570 1400
0 670 770 1000 1950
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Longitudinal position y [mm]
Temperature [K]
It shows a quick temperature drop close to FZ (x = 3.2 mm) but
temperatures further away from FZ increase at different rates which 800
are proportional to their transverse distance (x) from the weldment.
From Fig. 14 it can be noted that the variations of
temperature versus time have the same tendency for all four
selected locations. Before arrival of the welding arc (t < 9 s),
the temperature remains close to the room one. When the
welding torch approaches the cross section at y = 30 mm (t = 9
s), the temperatures of these points increase to their respective 400
maximum at different rates. As the welding torch moves away
from the cross section (t > 9 s), the temperatures of these
points decrease gradually at different rates with the proceeding
of the welding process. Although the overall varying tendency 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
of these temperatures versus time curves is essentially the T rasverse distance [mm]
same, there are great differences in the maximum temperatures
that can be reached. Figure 12. Transverse temperature distribution at
midsection (y = 250 mm) 7.5 s after passing arc.
2200 2200
Present FEM x=0 mm
2000 2000 x=6 mm
Experimental (Ref.10)
x=12 mm
1800 1800
x=18 mm
1600 1600
Temperature [K]
Temperature [K]
1400 1400
1200 1200
1000 1000
800 800
600 600
400 400
200 200
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
T rasverse distance [mm] Longiyudinal distance [mm]
Figure 11. Transverse temperature distribution at Figure 13. Longitudinal temperature distribution at
midsection (y = 250 mm) during passing arc (t =75 s). time of 75 s.
1600 200
800 50
200 -50
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
T ime [s] T ransverse distance [mm]
Figure 14. Computed temperature histories of points Figure 15. Longitudinal stress distribution at
(y = 30 mm) with different distances to central line. midsection (y = 250 mm).
3.2 Residual stresses distribution 16
Residual stresses are evaluated using the same mesh that Present FEM
was used for calculating the temperatures.
14 Experimental (Ref.10)
Normal stresses parallel to the direction of the weld are
called longitudinal residual stresses and denoted by σy. The
longitudinal residual stresses develop from longitudinal 12
expansion and contraction during the welding sequence. Fig.
15 shows the distribution of the residual stresses σy along 10
Residual stress σx [MPa]