POC - OPCUA Server - UserManual 1 04.utexa

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User Manual

Version 1.04
Oerlikon Barmag Software Solutions (SWS)
Customer Actual Version Last Version
Utexa DTY 4
Project Date
May 17, 2023
Author Document
Dept. SWS, GH POC.OPCUA_Server.UserManual_1_04.utexa.docx
OPC UA Server Host Interface

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Version Date Description

1.00 2021-07-30

1.01 2021-08-16

1.02 2021-10-05

1.03 2022-05-09

1.04 2023-05-16

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Objective ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 General Architecture .......................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Comments and Questions.................................................................................................. 5

2 Data Transfer in General ................................................................................................. 6

2.1 OPC UA Connection .......................................................................................................... 6
2.2 OPC UA Objects ................................................................................................................ 6

3 Method, Alarm and Event Message Interface ............................................................... 7

3.1 General Data Model ........................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Objects and Methods ......................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Requesting new Records ................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Method ‘GetNextRecords()’ ............................................................................................... 8
3.3.1 Sample Call in OPC UA Client ........................................................................................... 9
3.3.2 Method Parameters ............................................................................................................ 9
3.3.3 Data Returned by Methods .............................................................................................. 10
3.4 Doff Data .......................................................................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Object and Method ........................................................................................................... 10
3.4.2 Data Entity 'Doff Data' ...................................................................................................... 10
3.5 Shift Data ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.5.1 Object and Method ........................................................................................................... 11
3.5.2 Data Entity 'Shift Data' ..................................................................................................... 11
3.6 YarnRun Data .................................................................................................................. 11
3.6.1 Object and Method ........................................................................................................... 11
3.6.2 Data Entity ‘YarnRun Data’ .............................................................................................. 11
3.7 Codes for Reason of Doff or Yarn Break/Cut .................................................................. 11

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1 Introduction
1.1 Prerequisites
A good understanding of OPC UA and the underlying technologies is required to use this
document and the software it describes (see https://opcfoundation.org/ for further information).

1.2 Objective
In order to provide access to machine and production data by customer-side host IT systems,
the ‘Plant Operation Center’ (POC) provides the 'POC OPC UA Server'. This interface layer
enables the ERP or similar software on the customer side to retrieve data from POC. The
underlying technology of this layer is OPC UA.

1.3 General Architecture

The 'POC OPC UA Server' module is designed with the guideline of providing a secure, efficient
and reliable interface conforming to open standards. 'Open Platform Communications' -
'Unified Architecture' (OPC UA) is a client to server communication architecture designed for
multipurpose data exchange in industrial applications. OPC UA implementations are available
for a variety of platforms used for industrial automation purposes.
The explicit OPC UA interface offers the following advantages to the customer
• customer can use standard 'off-the-shelf' products to retrieve the data
• customer applications will not affect the safe operation of the POC system
The 'POC OPC UA Server' uses objects and variables (Data Access), methods (OPC UA
Server Method Facet) and events (Alarms and Conditions) from the OPC UA standard. The
client can browse the OPC UA server to view the objects, their properties and methods.

1.4 Comments and Questions

Questions and comments are kindly addressed to:

Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Software Solutions (SWS)
Leverkuser Str. 65
D-42897 Remscheid

Note: some graphics in this document have been created using the OPC UA client software
'UaExpert', copyright of the company Unified Automation GmbH.

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2 Data Transfer in General

2.1 OPC UA Connection
The POC OPC UA server supports only the OPC UA binary protocol, which is the commonly
used protocol for communication between OPC UA client and server. The alternative OPC UA
communication via HTTP/SOAP is not supported.
The OPC UA server interface is addressed by the following URL:
Method and Event opc.tcp://<IP address POC server>:4842/POC-HostIF
Message Interface

OPC UA communication supports integrated security. The OPC UA interfaces of POC support
authentication with user name and password. The login is:
User Name POC-HostIF
Password <will be given directly to the customer>

Upon customer request a connection as 'Anonymous' can be enabled; in that case user name
and password do not have to be provided.

In a typical OPC UA client the address configuration looks as below

The actually accessible endpoints may differ from the exemplary list show above.

2.2 OPC UA Objects

The OPC server exposes several objects, representing the different types or sources of data
within the POC system.

In a typical OPC UA client the objects can be found under the 'Root -> Objects' path.

The Server object is a general object to access status information of the OPC UA server.

The POC specific OPC UA elements are in namespace '2' unless stated otherwise. This index
refers to the URL 'http://oerlikon.com/poc'.

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3 Method Interface for Record-Oriented Data

3.1 General Data Model
3.1.1 Objects and Methods

Record-based data is provided via different OPCUA objects, each for a different kind of data.

The object itself does not hold any data, but provides a method, with which the data can be

Details on how to request data can be found in section '3.2 Requesting new Records'.

3.2 Requesting new Records

The records are identifiable by a unique and sequential numeric ID. To obtain new records the
client software on the customer side calls an OPC UA method of the respective OPC UA object.
The method identifier is specific for the type of data to be retrieved.

The client passes the ID of the last record retrieved as input parameter to the next call. The
customer-side system can however also retrieve previous records by providing a lower record
ID or can pass 0 as record ID to obtain the oldest record still existing in POC storage.

Note: records, for which the maximum storage duration in POC has expired, are
automatically deleted and can no longer be accessed.

The process to fetch records via the OPC UA interface is independent of the type of data to be
retrieved. The data contents are determined by the referenced object and method name.

The following sequence diagram demonstrates the retrieval of data.

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Custo er ost POC ost nter ace

OPC Client OPC er er

connect re to to

connect rsp

lo in ( )

lo in con ir ed

GetNextRecords re (pre Record d axNrRecords )

GetNextRecords rsp (records ON data lastRecord d )

GetNextRecords re (pre Record d axNrRecords )

GetNextRecords rsp (records ON data lastRecord d )

GetNextRecords re (pre Record d axNrRecords )

GetNextRecords rsp (records ON data ( ) ( ) lastRecord d )

disconnect re

disconnect rsp

- Internal queues may cause certain latency times until the records are passed to
the POC server and inserted into the POC database.

3.3 Method ‘GetNextRecords()’

Each object for record-based data provides a method 'GetNextRecords' with the same name
and parameters. Only the format of the data returned differs per object.

The method returns a JSON-encoded string for each data record. The possible JSON
properties are listed specifically for the type of data in the following sections.

The method should be continuously called by the customer's host system in order to check for
new data.

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3.3.1 Sample Call in OPC UA Client

3.3.2 Method Parameters

The parameters are identical for all methods, which retrieve record-based data. The data is
returned as JSON-coded strings in the 'records' parameter. Contents and structure of the data
returned are however specific to the method called.

Parameter Type Direction Description

prevRecordId Int64 IN ID of last record read, i.e. any entries newer than
given ID are requested

Note: to start with the first record pass '0'

maxNrRecords Int32 IN maximum number of records to return

Note: the maximum possible number of entries is

limited by POC.

records Array of OUT Array with each element containing the JSON-
String encoded data

Number of array elements is the minimum of both

the customer provided 'maxNrRecords' and the
POC internal limit of 100 records

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Parameter Type Direction Description

lastRecordId Int64 OUT ID of the last record returned; this value should be
passed as input parameter with the next sub-
sequent call

3.3.3 Data Returned by Methods

The 'GetNextRecords' method of each object returns an OPC UA array of strings with each item
in the array consisting of the JSON-encoded data of the corresponding dataset. A record is
identified by the ID of the record, which is a sequential unique index.

3.4 Doff Data

The doff data will be created after each doff. Due to data transmission times within the involved
systems ( PLC, CAT, UNITENS, POC ) doff data / package data will be delivered with a certain
delay after the actual doff.

3.4.1 Object and Method

NodeIds: ns=2;s=DoffData and ns=2;s=DoffData.GetNextRecords

3.4.2 Data Entity 'Doff Data'

Field Name Type Description

rowId integer unique sequential record identifier
machineId integer unique machine id
machineName string machine name which is shown in the GUI
positionId integer position ID
jobId string ID of job
productId string product id (texturing lot), which is shown in the GUI
texMerge string texturing merge which is shown in the GUI
doffTime string doff time
doffReason integer Reason for doff as special code provided by machine ( Break,
Doff) (see section '3.7 Codes for Reason of Doff or Yarn
shortPackage integer 1=short package, 0=else
faultSum integer fault sum
quality string uality ‘ ’ ‘B’ ‘C’ or ‘-’
weight integer Weight in gram

3.5 Shift Data

The object provides shift-related data on the production.

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3.5.1 Object and Method

NodeIds: ns=2;s=ShiftData and ns=2;s=ShiftData.GetNextRecords

3.5.2 Data Entity 'Shift Data'

The shift data will be created after each shift.

Field Name Type Description

rowId integer unique sequential record identifier
machineId integer unique machine id
machineName string machine name which is shown in the GUI
startTime string shift start time
endTime string shift end time
shiftNumber integer index of shift (per day)
effMachine integer machine efficiency in tenth of a percent
effProduct integer production efficiency in tenth of a percent
effNominal integer nominal efficiency in tenth of a percent

3.6 YarnRun Data

The running yarn data are created for each yarn break, yarn cut or string up event.

3.6.1 Object and Method

NodeIds: ns=2;s=YarnRunData and ns=2;s=YarnRunData.GetNextRecords

3.6.2 Data Entity ‘YarnRun Data’

Field Name Type Description

rowId integer unique sequential record identifier
machineId integer unique machine id
machineName string machine name which is shown in the GUI
sensorId integer unique sensor id
runFlag integer 1=thread up, 0=break or cut
timeStamp string timestamp of the event (yarn break/yarn cut/string up)
reasonCode integer Reason of yarn break or yarn cut (see section '3.7 Codes for
Reason of Doff or Yarn Break/Cut')

3.7 Codes for Reason of Doff or Yarn Break/Cut

Reason codes 1-5, 7, 54, 56, 140 and 141 are used for doffs only.

Note: not each machine type supports all of these reasons

Reason Code Description

0 Initialization

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1 UNITENS C-quality doff

2 Manual doff
3 Winding time
4 Waste doff
5 PC doff
6 Yarnbreak sensor
7 Elastan doff
8 Rolling track occupied
9 Speed W4 timeout
10 No yarn suction
11 No tube
12 compressed air consumption injectors > max
13 No compressed air
14 UNITENS C-quality cut
15 Malfunction speed registration check tubes
16 Package did not reach rolling track
17 Malfunction SMP drive
18 UNITENS detected yarn break
19 Heater : malfunction
20 PC cut
21 Drives off
22 n*C-quality
Protection against wrap on drive roll at string up activated
23 yarn break sensor W3 checked
24 Heater box ventilation
25 Fault reset
26 Yarn cut after last doff
27 Ply changed
28 Dying mode changed
29 Heater auto-cleaning
30 timeout ATV registration
31 malfunction relay board G EL
32 Malfunction string up arm
33 Position inactive
34 malfunction data transfer relay board G EL
35 Malfunction ATT
36 EvoCooler liquid tank timeout
37 BCan-Slave configuration started ATT
38 Malfunction speed registration
39 Start jog mode

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40 Stop jog mode

41 malfunction inverter
42 malfunction inverter stroke modification
43 malfunction data transfer inverter stroke modification
44 Sympathy cut
45 Threadup not finished Ply changed
46 Start Teach-In mode
47 Stop Teach-In mode
48 Temperature out of outer tolerance
49 Temperature difference error
50 Temperature sensor error
51 Threadup not finished
52 Tube not synchronized
53 Knot cut
54 Knot doff
55 Bad knot cut
56 Bad knot doff
57 Yarn could not be caught by injector
Protection against wrap on drive roll at string up activated
58 yarn catch sensor checked
Protection against wrap on drive roll before string up
59 activated
60 Wrap on drive roll detected
61 Pause mode with section off switch
62 String up mode with section off switch
63 Diameter full package (Package formation) exceeded
64 malfunction data transfer inverter G2/W2
65 malfunction data transfer inverter G1/W1
66 malfunction data transfer inverter G1.1/W1.1
67 malfunction data transfer inverter G1.2/W1.2
68 malfunction data transfer inverter fume removal
69 malfunction data transfer inverter G EL
70 malfunction data transfer inverter G3/W3
71 malfunction data transfer inverter G2.X/W2.X
72 malfunction data transfer inverter W4
73 malfunction data transfer inverter W6
74 malfunction data transfer inverter W6.1
75 malfunction data transfer inverter W6.X
76 malfunction data transfer inverter Oil roll
77 Malfunction AGS G2
78 Malfunction AGS G1

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79 Malfunction AGS G1.1

80 Malfunction AGS G1.2
81 Malfunction AGS G1.3
82 Malfunction AGS G EL
83 Malfunction AGS G3
84 Malfunction AGS G2.X
85 Malfunction AGS W4
86 Malfunction AGS W6
87 Malfunction AGS W6.1
88 Malfunction AGS W6.X
89 Malfunction AGS Oil roll
90 malfunction inverter G2/W2
91 malfunction inverter G1/W1
92 malfunction inverter G1.1/W1.1
93 malfunction inverter G1.2/W1.2
94 malfunction inverter fume removal
95 malfunction inverter G EL
96 malfunction inverter G3/W3
97 malfunction inverter G2.X/W2.X
98 malfunction inverter W4
99 malfunction inverter W6
100 malfunction inverter W6.1
101 malfunction inverter W6.X
102 malfunction inverter Oil roll
103 frequency > f max G2/W2
104 frequency > f max G1/W1
105 frequency > f max G1.1/W1.1
106 frequency > f max G1.2/W1.2
107 frequency > f max fume removal
108 frequency > f max G EL
109 frequency > f max G3/W3
110 frequency > f max G2.X/W2.X
111 frequency > f max W4
112 frequency > f max W6
113 frequency > f max W6.1
114 frequency > f max W6.X
115 frequency > f max Oil roll
116 Drives stopped because of an error
117 Malfunction ATT
118 UNITENS detected yarn before threadup

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119 ATT setpoints not calculated

120 Yarn catch sensor detected yarn before threadup
121 Yarn break sensor detected yarn before threadup
122 Actual frequency of package out of tolerance
123 No stroke data to ATT
124 Yarn break sensor detected no yarn
125 speed out of outer tolerance G2/W2
126 speed out of outer tolerance G1/W1
127 speed out of outer tolerance G1.1/W1.1
128 speed out of outer tolerance G1.2/W1.2
129 speed out of outer tolerance fume removal
130 speed out of outer tolerance G EL
131 speed out of outer tolerance G3/W3
132 speed out of outer tolerance G2.X/W2.X
133 speed out of outer tolerance W4
134 speed out of outer tolerance W6
135 speed out of outer tolerance W6.1
136 speed out of outer tolerance W6.X
137 speed out of outer tolerance Oil roll
138 Malfunction power supply ATT
139 Malfunction ATT drive
140 Doff diameter reached
141 Max. diameter reached
142 Yarn break during knot transfer (UNITENS)
143 Yarn break during knot transfer (Yarnbreak sensor)
144 Yarn break because of missing POY
145 step motor: inadmissible dirty rail
146 Thread guide offset (belt jump)
147 rail to short
148 speed out of outer tolerance W5
149 speed out of outer tolerance fume removal 2
150 speed out of outer tolerance W6.1X
151 malfunction inverter W5
152 malfunction inverter fume removal 2
153 malfunction inverter W6.1X
154 malfunction data transfer inverter W5
155 malfunction data transfer inverter fume removal 2
156 malfunction data transfer inverter W6.1X
157 cut all yarn when powerfail W6
158 power failure

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159 emergency stop pushbutton

160 malfunction data-transfer heater control
161 Stop position because of malfunction data transfer SMP

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