Info 1601 Lecture 1 - HTML

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INFO 1601

Lecture 1: HTML
Nicholas Mendez
What is HTML

● Hypertext Markup Language

● Belongs to a family of languages called
Markup Languages
● MarkUp languages are used to format text
based documents
● HTML is used for formatting web pages
Components of an
HTML element

● Tags are the typed representation of

html elements.
● They are written using angle brackets
along with referencing a recognised
tagname of an html element.
● Some elements have an opening tag
and a closing tag while some elements
are self closing.

● Elements that have closing tags

can have text content or other
elements nested between the
● This allows the browser to know
what content belongs to which
Attributes 1
● key value pairs of data that help define
additional details on elements
● Attributes are always defined on the opening
● Attribute values must be enclosed in quotes
● An attribute can have multiple values but an
attribute name can only be used once per tag
● Boolean/Empty attributes do not take a value.
Boolean attributes just need to be present in the
open tag to be applied and omitted to not be
applied. eg checked/disabled/required
Attributes 2: Global Attributes

These are optional attributes that can be added to all tags and vary in function below are some

Attribute Description Example

hidden Hide the element from the document <p hidden="true"> ... </p>

title Adds a tooltip when a pointer hovers over the element <p title="my paragraph"> ... </p>

style Allows inline styling <p style="color: red"> ... </p>

id Attaches a unique identifier to the element <p id="para-1"> ... </p>

class Attach an identifier to group multiple elements <p class="header-paras"> ... </p>
Attributes 3: Required Attributes

Some elements have attributes which must be specified and given a value. The following are
some examples

Tag Required Attribute Example

Image - img src: Specified the source location of the image <img src="image.png"></img>

input type: specifies the type of input element <input type="text">

Hyperlink - a href: hyperlink reference url <a href=""></a>

Attributes 4: Event Attributes

These are optional attributes that allow us to define some behaviour in response to an event
which occurs on an html element. These attributes usually begin with "on"

Attribute Description Example

onload Fires after element has finished <body onload=".."></body>


onclick Fires after an element is clicked <button onclick="..."></button>

Example HTML Page
HTML Elements

HTML Elements
Metadata Elements

These are a class of elements which allows us to add information which help describe the web page itself as well as
link other files to it. Meta-data elements must be children of the head element. Meta-data elements are written with
the meta tag and must provide the attributes; name and content. Here is a list of possible meta tags you can add to a
website which would be used by different browsers or services.

The title element sets the title of the website and would be shown in the tab of the website in the browser.

The link tag is used to link external files to the website such as css files, web manifests or preloading javascript files.
Section Elements

● Semantic elements that help

developers and browsers
understand the structure of the
● Eg: header, nav, article, section,
footer, aside
Interactive Elements

● Elements that respond to user interaction (clicking,

● Summary & Details <summary> <details> : creates a
collapsible UI
● Dialog shows a popup to display additional content

● The internet is a global network of various types of servers that run operate over various
protocols eg: FTP, SMTP, POP, HTTP, SSH, Telnet, DNS
● Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the fully specified address of a resource on a network.
● Different of internet applications would require different URL formats Eg
○ email smtp://[email protected]
○ web
Absolute URLs/Paths

● A path is the address of a file on a network/disk

● Absolute paths gives the fully specified address of the
resource that will remain the same regardless of the Hosted files Root relative paths
● Two ways of giving absolute paths
○ Origin relative: We include the host along with
the path, this scheme can work with both
internal and externally hosted resources

EG. href=""

○ Root relative: The host is excluded, the path

starts at the document root directory, this
scheme only works for internally hosted
resources as the origin is implied to be the same
as the source file

EG href=”/200/300.webp”
URL Addressing - Relative URLs/Paths

This is when we use relative addressing to specify the location of a resource (destination) relative to the location of
the current webpage being edited (source).

In short "/" is used to delimit directories. "." to reference something in the same directory of the source file and ".." is
used up to the parent directory f the source file.

Source Destination Destination Directory Relative Destination Root Relative Address


index.html kass.mid ./media/audio/kass.mid /media/audio/kass.mid

index.html signup.html ./page/signup.html /pages/signup.html

signup.html index.html ../index.html /index.html

signup.html results.js ../src/result.js /src/results.js

signup.html kass.mid ../media/audio/kass.mid /media/audio/kass.mid

Note if the source is in the root directory, then its directory relative and root relative
address to any destination is the same
Anchor Elements
● Weblinks are created using the anchor tag <a>
● Links allows developers to direct the user to; a portion of the page, an external website or even another application.

<!-- Linking to Another Web Page →

<!-- Linking to a Specific Element on Another Page --> <a href="">
<a href=""> Visit
Go to Section 1 on Example Page </a>
<!-- Linking to an Email Address (Mailto) -->
<!-- Linking to a File for Download --> <a href="mailto:[email protected]">
<a href="path/to/file.pdf" download> Send Email
Download PDF </a>
<!-- Linking to a Phone Number -->
<!-- Linking with a Tooltip --> <a href="tel:+1234567890">
<a href="" title="Visit Call Us"> </a>
Visit with Tooltip
</a> <!-- Linking to a Different Section of the Same
Page -->
<!-- Using JavaScript in an Anchor Tag --> <a href="#section2">
<a href="javascript:alert('Hello World!');"> Go to Section 2
Click to display alert </a>
</a> <!-- Content and target section -->
<p>Some content...</p>
<h2 id="section2">Section 2</h2><br>
Table Elements
● Tables are used for visualizing multi-dimensional data
● Table elements are as follows:
○ Table Head <thead> : The head section of a table which contains table headers
○ Table Header <th> : A column header of the table
○ Table Body <tbody> : The contents of the table
○ Table Row <tr>: Separates the rows of a table
○ Table Data <td>: Separates a column within a row
○ Table Footer <tfoot>: The footer section of the table
Form & Input
● While tables are the fundamental method for
data output; forms are used for data input
● In forms we make use of appropriate
elements, validation, defaults and layout to
facilitate a good user experience.
● Form design is a critical task for functioning
Using the appropriate form elements.
Purpose Element(s) Purpose Element(s) Comment

Single <select> & <options> Numeric input type="range"

Options <datalist> & <options> input type="number"

<input type="radio"> Text input type="text"

Time input type="date" input type="password" masks input

input type="datetime-local" input adds validation


input type="month/week/time">
input type="text" hides the virtual keyboard
Multiple <select multiple>
input type="text" affects mobile virtual
ollection <input type=”checkbox”>
inputmode="numeric/tel/deci keyboard
Buttons <button> <input type=”button”>
Color input type="col

Submission <submit> <input type=”submit”>

File input type="file"

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