GeographyCA (2nd) May2017

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Master of Science 2th Semester

Physical Geography-II
(Climatology & Oceanography)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks :60
Note. (i) Attempt five questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory. Select one question from each of
the four Units. Credit will be given for suitable marks/diagrams and examples. Students can
use unmarked/ transparent stencils of the world/country and coloured pen/pencil.
(ii) For USOL/Reappear/Improvement candidate(s) who have not been assessed earlier for
internal Assessment the question paper(s) in their case shall be of maximum marks allotted
to the paper(s) concerned.
1. Attempt any ten in about 25 words:
(i) Particulate Matter (ii) Albedo
(iii) Characteristics of troposphere (iv) Conduction and convection
(v) Short waves radiation. (vi) Katabatic wind
(vii) Mean Annual temperature (viii) What is Ferrel's Law ?
(ix) The Roaring Forties (x) Define Af used in Koppen's climate
(xi) Condensation and its types (xii) Define Continental slope and Shelf with
the help of diagram

(xiii) Zoo Planktons (xiv) Back wash
(xv) Drifts

o Unit -I
nature and scope. .r c
Climatology is a part of physical geography and an atmospheric science give your views and discuss its


p e
Define the Mechanism of Solar Radiation and discuss distribution of insolation received at the earth's
surface during different times of the year.
a Unit - II
p .r c
4. How is Atmospheric Pressure belts formed? Discuss the Global wind system with the help of a diagram

6. b r
What is Global warming? Discuss its causes, consequences and controlling measures.

Unit - III
Explain the term Hydrosphere and Oceanography. Discuss the nature and scope of oceanography
7. Write notes on any two:
(a) Topography of Ocean basins
a p
(c) World pattern of salinity.
r p
Horizontal distribution of Ocean temperature

8. b Unit -IV
What do you mean by movements of Ocean water? DiscussOcean Currents of the Pacific Ocean with
the help of map.
9. What are Coral Reefs ? Discuss the Subsidence Theory of regarding corals reefs with the help of

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