Bca 4 Sem Updated Jan 2024

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AKS University

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

AKS University, Satna

Study and Evaluation Scheme
BCA/BSc (IT) 2022-25
(New Education Policy)
Sr. Subject Group Subject L T P Total
Code Credit
(In Hr) (In Hr) (In Hr)
1 2 - - 2
2 Minor Project - - 4 2
Major Subjects
Database Management
3 4 - - 4
Systems Using PL/SQL
Database Management
4 - - 4 2
Systems Using PL/SQL - Lab
Minor Subjects
Internet Application Using
5 4 - - 4
Java Programming
Internet Application Using
6 - - 4 2
Java Programming - Lab
Choose Any one (Open Elective)
E-Commerce - -
7 4 4
Computer Maintenance - -
and Troubleshooting
Total Credits 14 12 20

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

Entrepreneurship Development
OBJECTIVE: To provide students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to become
successful entrepreneurs and contribute to economic development.
OUTCOME: The outcome of the Entrepreneurship Development course is to equip students with the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to identify and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities.
UNIT 1: Introduction Entrepreneurship and Theories of Entrepreneurship: Theory of Achievement
Motivation, Theory of Entrepreneur as a risk taker, Theory of Creative destruction; Entrepreneurship
Categories: by chance, need choice, force; Myths, challenges and process of Entrepreneurship, Definition
of Startups and types of Internet based startups.
UNIT 2: Difference between Scientist, Entrepreneur, and Manager; Characteristics of Entrepreneur;
Entrepreneurial Mindset and its enablers, difference between idea and opportunity, Link between
creativity and innovation, character of creative climate with cases of world most creative companies, types
of innovation, link between technology and innovation.
Opportunity Analysis: Opportunity sighting: Market Driven, People Driven; Opportunity Evaluation
Process, Approaches to ideation, Ideation techniques, Idea to Opportunity Mapping. Business Model –
Functions and Factors of Business Model
Introduction to Pitching, types of pitch, Aspects of funds, types of capital, concept of break-even, sources
of funds, types and nature of investors, understanding of the three financial statements: profit and loss
account, balance sheet, cash flow statement, Introduction to Business Plan its types and different sections.
Collaboration: Why Collaborate, types and approaches of collaboration; Networking: Why Network: places
of networking, stages of networking, good networking practices; Distinction between data, information,
intelligence and knowledge, Components of Knowledge; Intellectual Property: Its life cycle, its types and
IP Rights
Text Book:
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice by Raj Shankar, ISBN: 978-81-8209-269-3

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

Database Management Systems Using PL/SQL

Course Learning Outcomes(CLO):
After completing this course student will be able to:
1. explain the features of database management systems and relational database.
2. design conceptual models of a database using ER modelling for real life applications and
construct queries in relational algebra.
3. create and populate a RDBMS for a real-life application, with constraints and keys, using
4. retrieve any type of information from a database by formulating complex queries in SQL.
5. e analyse the existing design of a database schema and apply concepts of normalization to
design an optimal database.

Unit 1: Introduction to DBMS:

Why database? Characteristics of data in database, DBMS.Whatare database advantages of
DBMS?Database Architecture and Modeling: Conceptual, physical and logical database models,
Role of DBA, Database design.Entity Relationship (ER) Model: Components of ER-model, ER
modeling symbols, Relationships.Enhanced Entity Relationshi (EER) Model: An introduction,
Superclass and subclass entity types, Specialization, Generalization, Attribute inheritance,
Categorization& Aggregation.
Keywords: DBMS, DBA, Entity Relationship (ER), EER, Superclass, Subclass, Specialization,
Generalization, Categorization & Aggregation.

Unit 2: The Relational Data Model:

Fundamental Concepts: Relations, Null Values, Keys, Foreign Keys, Integrity Constraints Entity
Integrity & Relational Integrity.Normalization Process: First Normal Form, Functional
Dependencies, Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form, Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF),
Fourth Normal Form; Other Normal Forms Fifth Normal Form & Domain/Key Normal
Form.Transforming a Conceptual Model to a Relational Model:Transforming Objects Sets and
Attributes, Transforming Models without External Keys, Transforming Specialization and
Generalization Object Sets,Transforming Relationships: One-One Relationships, One-Many
Relationships, Many-Many Relationships; Transforming Aggregated Object Sets, Transforming
Recursive Relationships.
Keywords:Keys, Normalization, BCNF, Aggregated Object Sets, Recursive Relationshi s.

Unit 3: Relational database implementation:

Relational Algebra and Calculus Relational Algebra:Union, Intersection, Difference, Product,
Select, Project, Join Natural, Theta & Outer Join, Divide, Assignment.

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

Relational Calculus: Target list & Qualifying Statement, The Existential Quantifier, The
Universal Quantifier.
Keywords: JOIN, Target list, Existential Quantifier, Universal Quantifier.

Unit 4: Relational database implementation (continued):

Relational Implementation with SQL,Relational Implementations: An Overview.
Schema and Table Definition: Schema definition, Data types & domains, Defining Tables,
Column Definition.Data Manipulation: Simple Queries (SELECT, FROM, WHERE),
Multiple-Table Queries, Subqueries, Correlated Subqueries, EXISTS and NOT EXISTS
operators, Built-ln Functions (SUM, AVG, COUNT, MAX, and MIN), GROUP BY and
HAVING clause, Built-In Functions with Subqueries.Relational Algebra Operations:
DELETE. Using SQL with Data Processing Languages; View Definition, Restrictions on
View Queries and Updates.Keywords:Schema, SELECT, Data Manipulation, Database
Change Operation, View.

Unit 5:Physical Database Systems

Introduction, Physical Access of the Database.Physical Storage Media: Secondary Storage,
Physical Storage Blocks.Disk Performance Factors: Access Motion Time, Head Activation
Time, Rotational Delay, Data Transfer Rate, Data Transfer Time.
Data Storage Formats on Disk: Track Format, Record Format—Fixed-Length Records &
Variable-Length Records, Input/output Management.File Organizing and Addressing
Methods: Sequential File Organization, IndexedSequential File Organization, Direct File
Organization, Hashing: Static Hash Functions and Dynamic Hash Functions.
Keywords:Disk Performance Factors, Sequential File Organization, IndexedSequential File
Organization, Direct File Organization, Hashing.

Textbooks, Reference Books, Other Resources

1. Gary W. Hansen & James V. Hansen, "Database Management and Design", 2ndEd., 2007, Prentice
Hall of
India Pvt Ltd.
2. Instructional Software Research & Development (ISRD) Group, Lucknow "Introduction to
Management Systems", 2006, Ace Series, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
3. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, "Fundamentals of Database Systems", 7th Edition, 2016,
Reference Book:

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

l. Raghu Ramakrishnan & Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", 3 rdEdition, 2014,
Hill Education
2. C.J. Date,"An Introduction to Database System", 8th Edition, 2003, Pearson
3. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudharshan, "Database System Concepts", 6 th Edition,
2010, Tata
McGraw Hill
Books published by M.P. Hindi Granth Academy, Bhopal

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

DBMS System using PL/SQL – Lab

Aim: To draw ER Model and Relational Model for a given database. Show ER to Relational Model
Resources used: MS-Access/Visual-FoxPro/SQL-Server/etc
Problem Definition: List the data requirements for the database of the company which keeps track of the
convany employee, department and prqiects. The database designers provide the following description:
l . The company is organized into departments. Each department has unique name, unique number, and
particular einployee to manage the department. We keep track of the start date and the employee
begins Inanaging the department. The department has several locations.
2. The department controls a number of projects each of which has a unique name, unique number and
a single location.
3. store each employee names social security number, address, salary, sex and dob. An employee is
assigned one department but Illay work on several projects which are not necessarily controlled by
the same department. We keep track of the depaftment of each employee works on each project and
for insurance purpose. We keep each dependent's first naine, sex, dob and relation.
Theory: The ER data model was cleveloped to facilitate the database design by allowing specification of
an enterprise schema that represents the overall logical structure of the database. The ER model data
model is one of the several data models. The semantic aspect of the model lies in its representation
of the Ineaning of the data. The ER model is very useful many database design tools drawn on
concepts from the ER model. The ER model employs 3 basic notations: entity set, relationship set and

Svrnbols Used in ER Notation

Enthy set: An entity ss a set of enaaes of the sarne type that st-
ere the properoes ettnbuzes2
Weak entity set: An enaty set m;.3Y not have
sufficient attnbutes to farrn a pc-emery key. Such an
entity set ES tecrned es week enbty set-

Real tion-ship Set: A relaoo,nshpts an assoc:2ätzon

—nongseverag entrees- A reie:gonstup set is a set of
:e2eaonship of the same type
Identification relationship set for weak entity set :
The re2aac.ash:p assoc=atingeme entry sex the
sdenzrfytng entity set catted the idenäfyangrelaoonshtp.

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

Pru-nary key : The par-nary key is

used to denoæ a candidate by ane
database destgs-ers as the aæans of
idenasytnganaaes an ena:y set-

Many to znany relationship


One to One relationship


Generalization so.


Multi valued Attribute


Derlved Attribute
Dlscrlm!natlng Attribute of wreak entity set :
The discnfiüt%äbon of weak entity set is a set
güibutestha: aflmvs the to be Gde.

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

Relational Model:
Em 10 ee
fname SSN I address salary city deptno

De artment
de tno de tname m r SSN

De artment Location
deptno deptloc

roeno romame location deptno

Works on
SSN hours ro•name

namel relation bdate SSN

Employee Department Department Location

SSN deptno deptno

fname deptnamemgr_ deptloc
address SSN
Project Works on Dependents

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

projno SSN
relation bdate
projname hours
location projn
deptno Conclusion: We have drawn ER model
o and Relational Model for the same.

Aim: Implementation Database
I . Creation of Database with proper constraints (Pk, Fk etc)
2. Insert into database using different types of insert statements
3. Display
Resources used: MS-Access/Visual„FoxPro/SQL-Server/etc
Theory: The set of relations in 'a database must be specifies to the system by means of a data definition
language (DDL). The SQL DDL allows specification of not only a set of relations but also specific
information about the relation including:
l . The schema for each relation
2. The domain of values associated with each attribute
3. The integrity constraints
4. The set of indices to be maintained for each relation
5. The security and authorization information for each relation
6. The physical storage structure of each relation on disk
Create Table create table lab (AIDI, A2D2 AnDn, <integrity constraint-I >< integrity
where tab is the naine of the relation each Ai is the name of the attribute in the schema of relation tab and
Di is the domain type of the values in the domain of attribute Ai. There are a number of different allowable
integrity constraints. We specify here only the primary key for the relation.
A newly created relation is empty initially. We can use the insert command to load data into the relation.
insert into <table nanæ> values (Al, A2
The values are specified in the order in which the corresponding attributes are listed in the relation
To display the table after creation and insertion we use the following syntax:
select *front <table nanze>
Select clause is used to list the attributes desired in the result of a query. It corresponds to the projection
operation of the relational algebra. From clause lists the relations to be scanned in the evaluation of the
expression. The asterisk symbol ("*") is used to denote "all attributes".

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

Thus, we have successfully created the database of company and inserted values in the database.

Aim: Data Definition (schema) Modification
I. Alter table: add column, remove column, add constraint, remove constraint
2. Drop table
3. Show schema of any table
4. Applying different constraints check, not null, etc.
Resources used: MS-Access/Visual-FoxPro/SQL-Server/etc
Theory: The various command, clauses, flinctions used for the modification of database are as follows:
(1) Alter table: Alter table command is used to add attribute to an existing relation. All the tuples are
assigned to null as the values for the new attribute. The form of the alter table command is
Alter table r add A D
Where, r is the name of an existing relation. A is the name of the attribute to be added and D is the
domain of the added attribute. We can drop attribute from a relation by the command:
Alter table r drop A
(2) Update: In certain situation we may wish to change a value in a tuple without changing all values in
the tuple. For this purpose, the update statement can be used, as we could for insert and delete. We can
choose the tuple be updated by using a query.
eg, update
age=20 u,here
The preceding update statement is applied only to tuple where SSN=514065. If we want same changes
in all tuples, then we write
(3) Drop Table: To remove a relation from an SQL database we use the drop table command. The drop
table command deletes all information about the dropped relation from the database drop table r
The relation r and to delete all tuples from r, the following command is used.
deletefrom r
(4) Adding and Removing Colunms: To add a column to an existing relation, we use
alter table
r add A D
eg. alter table EMPLOYEE add age
To remove a column from an existing relation we use

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

Aller table r clropcohmm A

Eg alter table EMPLOYEE
drop column age
(5) Not Null: The not null specification prohibits the insertion of a null value. For a attribute any database
modification that would cause null to be inserted in an attribute declared to be not null generates an
error diagnostic. If an attribute is declared as the primary key then it cannot take a null value.
Eg, aller table EMPLOYEE alter
coluntn salary int NOT NULL
(6) Check: The heck clause. in SQL can be applied to relation declarations as well to domain declarations
when applied to a relation declaration, the clause check(p) specified a predicate p that must be
specified by every tuple in a relation. A common use of the check clause is to ensure that the attribute
value satisfy specified condition.
Eg, aller table
constraint el?? age
check (age>19)
Conclusion: Thus, we have executed all the queries required for the modification of database.

Aim: Simple SQL queries (Single table retrieval)
l . Make use of different operators (relational, logical etc.)
2. Selection of rows and columns, renaming columns, use of distinct keyword
3. String handling (%, etc.)
4. Update statement, case update
5. Delete, cascade delete (if possible)
Resources used: MS-Access/Visual-FoxPro/SQL-Server/etc
1. Select clause: Select clause is used to list the attributes desired in the result of a query. It corresponds to
the projection operation of the relational algebra:
Eg. select EMPLOYEE
-all attributes selectfname,
SSNfr0177 EMPLOYEE -only
fname and SSN
2. from clause: From clause lists the relations to be scanned in the evaluation of the expansion.
3. where clause: The where clause corresponds to the selection predicate of the relational algebra. It
consists of a predicate involving attribute of the relations that appear in the from clause.
(i) and: and clause is used when we want a result and all the conditions are satisfied in the where clause.
True and un1070M'n = [rue
False and unknovpn = unknovpn
Unknovpn or unknown unknown

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

(ii) as (Rencune operator): SQL provides a mechanism for renaming both relations and attributes. It uses
the as clause taking the form old nanæ as nen,l' name
(iii) distinct: If we want to eliminate duplicates, we use the keyword distinct in the aggregation expression.
eg. select distinct salary
(iv) String operations: The most commonly used operations on strings are pattern matching using the
operation like we describe the patterns by using the two special characters % and
%: The % character matches any
substring : The character matches any
eg, 'Perry%' matches any string beginning with "Perry".
matches any string containing "idge" as
substring matches any string of exactly three
%" matches any string of at least three characters
(v) Update and Case Update: In certain situations, we may wish to change a value in a tuple without
changing all the values in the tuple. For this purpose, the update statement can be used.
eg. update
sel age=20
SQL provides a case construct which we can use to perform both the update with a single update
statement avoiding the problem with the order of updates.
eg. update account set
balance =case
M'/aen balance<
=1000 then
balance *l. 05
else balance *l.
06 end
(vi) delete: To delete a tuple from relation r, we use the following command deletefr011? r where, r is the
name of the relation
Conclusion: Thus, we have executed simple queries in SQL.

Aim: Advanced SQL Queries-I
I . Group by, having clause, aggregate function
2. Set operations like union, union all and use of order by clause

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

3. Nested queries: in, not in, exists, not exists and any, all Resources used: MS-
1. Group by clause: These are circumstances where we would like to apply the aggregate functions to a
single set of tuples but also to a group of sets of tuples, we would like to specify this wish in SQL
using the group by clause. The attributes or attributes given by the group by clause are used to form
groups. Tuples
with the same value on all attributes in the g-roup by clause placed in one group:
select depl_no, avg(sal) as avg_sal
group by dept_no

2. Having clause.' A having clause is like a where clause but only applies only to groups as a whole
whereas the where clause applies to the individual rows. A query can contain both where clause and
a having clause. In that case
a. The where clause is applied first to the individual rows in the tables or table structures objects in
the diagram pane. Only the rows that meet the conditions in the where clause are grouped.
b. The having clause is then applied to the rows in the result set that are produced by grouping. Only
the groups that meet the having conditions appear in the query output. eg.
select dept_nofr0177
group_bydept_no having
avg (salary) > =all (select
avg (salary)
group by depQno)
3. Aggregate functions: Aggregate functions such as SUM, AVG, count, count (*), MAX and MIN
genel'ate summary values in query result sets. An aggregate functions (with the exception of count (
* ) processes all the selected values in a single column to produce a single result value: eg.
select clept_no, count (*)
group by depl_no
select nzax(salary) as
select sum(salary) as total_salary
select as Il?insal

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

4. Union and Union Operators: Combines the result of two or more queries into a single result set
consisting of all the rows belonging to all queries in the union. This is different from using joins that
combine columns from two tables. Two basic rules for combining the result sets of two queries with
union are:
A. The number and the order of the columns must be identical in all queries.
B. The data types must be compatible:
select ntax(salary) as maxinnnn

union select
Specifies that multiple result two or more queries into a single result set consisting of all the rows
belonging to all queries into single result set consisting of all the rows belonging to all queries in the
union. This is different from using joins that combine columns from two tables. Two basic rules are

5. Order by clause: SQL allows the user to order the tuples in the result set of the query of a query by
the values of one 01' more attributes using the order by clause. The default order is in the increasing
order of values. We can specify the keyword DES if we want values in descending order.
6. Exists and not exists: Subqueries introduced with exists and not queries can be used for two seet theory
operations: Intersection and Difference. The intersection of two sets contains all elements that belong
to both of the original sets. The differenceGntains elements that belong to only first of the two sets.
select *from DEPARTMENT where exists
(select *fr017? PROJECT where

7. IN and NOT IN: SQL allows testing tuples for membership in a relation. The "IN" connective tests
for set membership where the set is a collection of values produced by select clause. The "NOT IN"
connective tests for the absence of set membership. The IN and NOT IN connectives can also be used
on enumerated sets. eg.
select projnamefrom PROJECT where dept_no not in
(select dept_nofrona DEPARTMENT where
depl_name= "chemistry 't)
selectfname from EMPLOYEE where SSIV in
(select mg-r_SSlVfrom DEPARTMENT)
Conclusion: Thus, we have studied and executed all the queries mentioned using various clauses.

Aim: Advanced SQL Queries -2.

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Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

(l) Join (Inner & Outer)

(2) Exists & Union
Resources used: MS-Access/Visual-FoxPro/SQL-Server/etc
JOINS: SQL joins are used to query data from two or more tables, based on a relationship between certain
columns in these tables. Type of JOIN:
Equi Joins:
This operation allows to connect, with a relation of equality, the tables which have at least a common
attribute. One must have n-l conditions of join, n being the number of tables which intervene in the
If no condition of join is specified, the corresponding query will realize the Cartesian product of the
implied tables. Syntax:
TABLE2.col l, TABLE2.c012...
FROM table namel, table name2
WHERE table namel.coll = table name2.c012

TYPE OF Equi-J0ins:
An equi-join is further classified into two categories:
(a) Inner Join
(b) Outer Join
(a) Inner Joiıı:
The INNER JOIN keyword return rows when there is at least one match in both tables.
SELECT colıımn_naıne (s)
FROM table naınel
ON table naınel.colııınn na172Ftable naıne2.colııınn name
(b) Outer Joiııs:
The outer join is returning all the rows returned by Simple join or equijoin as well as those rows
from one table that do not match any row from the other table, the syırıbol (+) represents outer join.
the outer table operator can appear only on side of the expression.
Type of Outer Joins:
Left OUTER JOIN: Return all rows from the left table, even if there are no matches in the right table.
TABLE2. coıııınn.....
FROM table naınel, table naıne2
WHERE table_naıne2.co/.ıımn;
Right OUTER JOIN: Return all rows from the right table, even if there are no matches in the
left table.

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Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

FROM lablenaınel,table naıne2
WHERE table_naınel.colııınn table_naıne2. coluınn(+);
EXISTS uses a subquery as a condition, where the condition is True if the subquery returns any rows, and
False if the subquery does not return any rows.
FROM labies
WHERE EXİSTS (subqııeıy),•
There are occasions where you might want to see the results of multiple queries together, combining their
output; use UNION.
The SQL UNION operator combines two or more SELECT statements.
SELECT co/zıınnnaıne(s) FROM table naınel
SELECT FROM table naıne2
Notice that SQL requires that the Select list (of columns) must match, column-by-column, in data type
This concept is useftıl in situations where a primary key is related to a foreign key, but the foreign key
value for sonıe primary keys is NULL. For example, in one table, the priırıary key is a salesperson, and
in another

table is customers, with their salesperson listed in the same row. However, if a salesperson has no
customers, that person's name won't appear in the customer table.
Conclusion: Thus, we have studied and executed all the queries mentioned using various clauses.

Aim: Implementation of views.
l. Creation Q/views
2. Usage ofviavs
3. Creation ofviews using views
4. Drop via,p
Resources used: MS-Access/Visual-FoxPro/SQL-Server/etc
Views: Any relation that is not part of any logical model but is made visible to the user as a virtual
relation is called as a view. It is possible to support a large number of views on the top of any given set
of actual database relation. Views help in 2 ways:

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Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

I. For security purpose

2. Create a personalized collection of relation that is better user's intuition than is logical model
Creation of Views:
l. Views is defined using 'create view' command
2. To define a view we must give the view a better name and must state the query that computes the
create vieu'<view najne> as <query expression>
Where query expression is any legal query expression.
3. Once we have defined a view, we can use the view name to refer to the virtual relation that the
view generation.
4. Attribute name of the view can be specified explicitly as:
Create view V(VAI, VA2 VA,) as select (Al,A2 An) from RI where(p) where,
p: predicate
RI: relation
Al-An: attribute of view
V: view name

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Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

Internet Application Using Java Programming

Course Learning Outcomes(CLO):
1. After the completion of this course, a successful student will be able to do the following:
2. Use an integrated development environment to write, compile, run, and test simple object-
oriented Java programs.
3. Read and make elementary modifications to Java programs that solve real-world problems.
4. Validate input in a Java program. Design and use basic applet for web page.

Unit 1: The Java Environment:

History and features of java, C++ Vs java,OOPs concept, how java works, the concept of PATH
and CLASS PATH, A simple program, its compilation and execution, JAVA Program Structure,
Java Virtual Machine concepts, java platform overview, Primitive data types, variables and
constants, operators, expression,statement-branching,looping and jumping, labeled statements.
Object Oriented Programming in Java:
Classes, objects and methods: defining a class, adding variables and methods, creating objects,
constructor, Instances, field and methods initialization by constructors,Copy constructor, memory
allocation and garbage collection in java keywords, access methods Arrays, String and String
buffer classes, Wrapper classes, using the JDK tools.
Unit 2: Inheritance: Inheritance basics, Super class, Sub-class, Method overloading, abstract
Interfaces: defining an interface, implementing & applying interfaces, variables in
interfaces, extending interfaces. Multithreading and Exception Handling: Basic idea of
multithreaded programming; The lifecycle of a thread, Creating thread with the thread class and
runnable interface, Thread synchronization, Thread scheduling, Basic idea of exception handling:
The try, catch and throw, throws
Unit 3: Applet programming-Local and Remote Applets, Applet Vs Application, creating and
executing java applets, inserting applets in a web page, java security, passing parameter to applets,
Aligning the Display,HTML Tags & Applet Tag, Getting Input from User.
The AWT: The class hierarchy of window fundamentals; The basic user interface components
Label, Button, Check Box, Radio Button, Choice menu, Text area, Scroll list, Scroll bar; Frame;
Layout managers-flow layout, Grid layout, Border layout, Card layout.
Unit 4: The Java Event Handling Model: Java's event delegation model ignoring the event, Self
contained events, Delegating events, The event class hierarchy, The relationship between interface,
methods called, parameters and event source; Adapter classes, Event classes action Event,
Adjustment Event, Container Event, Focus Event, Item Event, Event, Mouse Event, Text Event,
Window Event.
Networking-basics, networking classes and interfaces, using java.net package, TCP/IP and
datagram programming.

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Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

Unit 5: Input/Output: Exploring Java i.o, Directories, stream classes

The Byte Stream: Input stream, output stream, file input stream, file output stream, print stream,
Random access file, the character streams, Buffered reader, buffered writer, print writer,
JDBC: JDBC-ODBC bridge, The connectivity model; The driver manager, Navigating the result
set object contents, java.sql Package, The JDBC exception classes, Connecting to Remote
Text Book And other Resource :

Text Books:
1. Schildt java Complete Reference TMH
2. Das Rashmikanta Core Java, IE, Vikas
3. Bansal Nitin, AjitKumar,A Simplified approach to Java Programming,
4. Naughton&Schildt "The Complete Reference Java 2", Tata McGraw Hill
5. Deitel "Java- How to Program:" Pearson Education, Asia
6. Horstmann& Cornell "Core Java 2" (Vol I & II ), Sun Microsystems
7. IvanBayross "Java 2.0" : BPB publications
8. Ivor Horton's "Beginning Java 2, JDK 5 Ed., Wiley India. Book published by
M.P. Granth Academy, Bhopal

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

Internet Application Using Java Programming – LAB

1. Write a program to print numbers in words using Nested if and Switch Case.
2. Write a program called PassFail which prints "PASS" if the int variable "mark" is more than or equal
to 50; or prints "FAIL" otherwise
3. Write a program called OddEven which prints "Odd Number" if the int variable "number" is odd, or
"Even Number" otherwise.
4. Write a Program to find sum & average of 10 no. using arrays.
5. Write a program to display reverse of a digit no. using array.
6. Write a program to display grade according to the marks obtained by the student.
7. Find the factorial of number if number is given by user using command line argument.
8. Write a program to print Fibonacci series.
9. Write a program to display tables from 2 to 10.
10. Write a program to take an input from user and check given number is prime or not.
11. Write a program to implement method overriding.
12. Write a program to convert given string into. Uppercase and lowercase and get the length of string
Using array
13. Write a program to overload volume method to find out volume of cube and cuboid.
14. Write a program to design a class using abstract Methods and Classes.
15. Write a program to implement multiple inheritance by using Interface. 16. Write a program to
create a package of your name and use that package in a class
17. Write a program to implement parameterized constructor with default argument.
18. Define an exception called "Marks out of Bound" exception that is thrown if the entered marks
are greater than 100.
19. Develop a simple real life application to illustrate the use of multithreading.
20. Design an applet that takes three numerical values as input from the user and then displays the
largest of those three numbers on the screen

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

Course Learning Outcomes(CLO):
On the completion of this course student will be able -
1. To learn the fundamentals of E — Commerce and its process.
2. To understand the role of E- commerce in the present scenario along with the
concepts of security and its applications.
3. To gain knowledge of e-commerce business needs and resources and match to
technology considering human factors and budget constraints.
4. To apply knowledge of changing technology on traditional business models and
5. To have skills to Communicate effectively and ethically using electronic

Unit 1 : Introduction Brief history of e-commerce ,Types , Advantages & Disadvantages of e-

commerce , Elements of e-commerce , Principles of e-commerece , Messaging and Information
distribution , Messaging and information distribution , Common service infrastructure , other
key support layers.

Unit 2 : EDI to e-commerce: EDI - Origin System approach and communication approach ,
Migration to open EDI-Approach Benefits , Mechanics , E.com with WWW/Internet. E-
GovernmentConcepts, Applications of G2C, G2B, G2G.

Unit 3 : Electronic communication PC and networking , Network topologies and communication

media , E-mail , OSI and TCP/IP Models , LAN, WAN, MAN Internetworking — Bridges and
gateways , Internet Vs
Online services, Open vs. Closed Architecture , Controlled contained Vs Uncontrolled contained
, Metered Pricing Vs Flat pricing Innovation Vs Control.

Unit 4 :WWW & Electronic Payment System: Applications — what is web , Why is the Web
such a hit , The Web and E.Com ,Concepts & Technology —Key concepts , Web Software
development Tools. Electronic payment system — Overview , Electronic or digital cash ,
Electronic Checks , Online credit card based system other Engineering financial instruments
,Consumer legal and Business issues.

Unit 5 : Security and Application Need of computer security, Specific intruder approaches,
Security strategies, Cryptography, Public key encryption, Private key encryption, Digital

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

Advertising on the internet: Marketing, Creating a website. Electronic publishing issues, EP

architecture, EP tools, Web page EP-Baseline issues, Application tools and publishing on the

Text Book And other Resource :

Suggested Readings:
1. "Electronic Commerce" By Ravi Kalakota and Andrew B. Whinston.
2. "Web Commerce Technologies Handbok"By Daniel Minoli& Emma Minoli
3. "E-Commerce " By Dr. Varinder Bhatia
4. "Promise OfE-Governance" By MP Gupta
5. Book published by M.P. Granth Academy , Bhopal

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Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

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AKS University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of computer science and technology
Curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
( Revised as on 01 August 2023)

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