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Groups, Permutations, Subgroups

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

Groups, Permutations, Subgroups

1. If G is a group such that ( ab ) n  a n b n for three 10. If G is group such that (ab)m = am bm for three
consecutive integers m for all a, b G show that
consecutive integers n for all a, b in G, then prove
G is abelian.
that G is abelian .
11. Let G be an Abelian group and let H = {g  G| |g|
divides 12}. Prove that H is a subgroup of G. Is
2. If the group G has no non-trivial subgroups, show
there anything special about 12 here ? Would your
that G must be finite of prime order.
proof be valid if 12 were replaced by some other
positive integer? State the general result.
3. Show that a group of order 9 must be abelian.
12. Let H = {A GL (2, R)| det A is rational}. Prove
4. Let G be a group having no proper subgroups.
or disporve that H is a subgroup of GL(2, R).
Show that G should be a finite group of order
What if “rational” is replaced by “an integer”?
which is a prime number or unity.
5. What is the maximum possible order of a  a b  
permutation in S8, the group of permutations on GL (2, R) =   c d  / a , b , c , d R , ad – bc  0 
  
the eight numbers {1, 2, 3,..........8}? Justify your
 a a 
answer. 13 13. Let G =   
 / a  R , a  0  Show that G is a
 a a 
6. Let  = (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) (2, 4, 6) (8, 10). If  m is a group under matrix multiplication. Explain why
5-cycle, what can you say about m? each element of G has an inverse even though
the matrices have 0 determinants.
7. If in a group G, a5 = e, aba–1 = b2 for a, bG then
show that  (b) = 31 14. Suppose that a cyclic group G has exactly
three subgroups: G itself, {e}, and a subgroup of
order 7. What is |G|? What can you say if 7 is
  a b   replaced with p where p is a prime?
8. Let G =    / a , b , c , d Z under addition.
  c d  
15. Let G be an Abelian group and H = {x G | xn =
  a b   e for some odd integer n (n may vary with x)}.
Let H =    G / a  b  c  d  0 . Prove that H is a subgroup of G. Is H a subgroup
  c d 
if “odd” is replaced by “even”?
Prove that H is a subgroup of G. what if ‘0’ is
replaced by 1 ? 16. Given that  and  are in S4 with  = (1432),
 = (1 2 4 3) and (1) = 4, determine  and .
9. Let G be a group and suppose there exist two
relatively prime positive integers m and n such 17. Suppose a and b belong to a group, a has odd
that am bm = bm am and an bn = bn an  a,b G.. order and aba-1 = b-1. Show that b2 = e .

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

18. Suppose that H is a subgroup of a group G and 27. Suppose G is the group defined by the following
|H| = 10. If a belongs to G and a6 belongs to H, Cayley table
what are the possibilities for |a| ?

16. Suppose that G = { e, x, x2, y, yx, yx2 } is a non-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Abelian group with |x| = 3 and |y| = 2. Show that 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
xy = yx2. 2 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3
3 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
20. In Z 24 , list all generators for the subgroup of
4 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5
order 8. Let G  a and let a =24. List all 5 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
generators for the subgroup of order 8. 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7
7 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6
21. In Z, find all generators of the subgroup 3 . If a 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
has order, find all generators of the subgroup
a3 . (i) Find the centralizer of each member of G
(ii) find Z(G).
(iii) Find the order of each element of G. How
22. In Z24, find a generator for  21  10. Suppose are these orders arithmetically related to the
order of the group ?
that a  24. Find a generator for

a 21  a10 . In general, what is a generator 28. Find all subgroups of S3. Show that union of any
two nontrivial distinct subgroups of S3 is not a
m n
for the subgroup a  a ? (10) subgroup of S3.

29. In a group G, if a5  e and a  b  a 1  bm for some

23. Let G be a group and let a be an element of G.
(i) If a12 = e, what can we say about the order positive integer m, and some a, b  G, then prove
of a? If am = e, what can we say about the 5
that b m 1  e.
order of a?
(ii) If G is an infinite group, what can you say
30. Determine the number of elements of order 2 in
about the number of elements of order 8 in a
the symmetric group S4.
group: 21600, 21602, 21604?
31. Show that the functions f = 1/x, g = (x – 1)x
24. Let R* be the group of nonzero real numbers
generate a group of functions, the law of
under multiplication and let H = { x R* | x2 is
composition being composition of functions, which
rational } . Prove that H is a subgroup of R*.
is isomorphic to the symmetric group S 3 .
Can the exponent 2 be replaced by any positive
integer and still have H be a subgroup?
32. Find all subgroups of the group Z of all integers
under usual addition.
25. Let S7 and suppose = (2143567) . Find 
What are the possibilities for  if S9 ?
33. Let GL(2,  ) be the group of all non-singular 2×2
26. In the group S3, show that the subset matrices over  . Show that each of the
following sets is a subgroup of GL(2,  )
H = a  s3 / o(a)divides 2 is not a subgroup.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

38. Use Lagranges theorem to prove that a finite

 a 0  
(i) H=    GL(2,) ad  0 group cannot be expressed as the union of two of

c d   its proper subgroups.

 a b   39. Let S be any non-empty set and let A(S) be the

(ii) H=    GL(2,) either a or b  0 .
  b a   set of all one to one mappings of the set S on to
itself. Then show that A(S) is a group with respect
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 to composite of mappings as the composition. Is
34. Let    ,
 6 4 7 5 2 3 1 it an abelian group?
40. If H and K are finit esubgroups of a group G,
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O( H )O( K )
 then O ( HK ) 
1 4 6 7 3 5 2 O(H  K )
be elements of S7.
(i) write  as a product of disijoint cycles. 41. Prove that a group G is abelian if every element
(ii) write  as a product of 2–cycles of G except the identity elelement is of order two.
(iii) Is  an even permutation?
42. Let G   (a, b) / a, b  and not both zero and
(iv) Is  1 an even permutation?
* be a binary operation defined by
(a, b)* (c, d )  ( ac  bd , ad  bc ). Show that
35. Let G   1, i,  j, k , where i2  j2  k2 1,
(G,*) is a commutative group.
i  (1) i,12  (1)2  1, ij   ji  k, jk  kj  i,
43. Let S be the set of all rational numbers except 1.
and ki  ik  j
Define * on S by a*b=a+b-ab.
(i) Construct the cayley table for G. Show that (S,*) is a group.
(ii) Show that H  1, 1 G
(iii) Construct the Cayley table for G/H. 44. If H is a subgroup of a group G such that x3  H
36. Let G  G L(2, ) and let for all x  G. Prove that
is abelian.

H   A G det A is rational .
Prove or disprove that H is a subgroup of G. 45. Suppose G is a finite group of order pq, where p
What if we replace ‘‘rational’’ by ‘‘integer’’ ? and q are primes with p>q. Show that G has at
most one subgroup of order p.
Where G L (2,  ) is 2×2 matrices of non-zero
determinant with coefficients from the field .
46. Let G be a group such that for all a, b  G
 a b   (i) a b =b a
37. Let G    a, b, c, d  z under addition.
 c d   (ii)   a  ,   b    1
then show that   ab     a   b  .
 a b  
Let H     G a  b  c  d  0 .
c d   47. Let ‘S’ be the set of all real numbers except -
Prove that H is a subgroup of G. What if ‘0’ is 1.Define a  b  a  b  ab .Is  S ,   a group?
replaced by 1 ?
Find the solution of the equation 2  x  3 =7 in ‘S’.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

48. If G is a group in which

(a.b)4 = a4.b4, (a.b)5 = a5.b5 and (a.b)6 = a6.b6,
for all a, b  G, then prove that G is Abelian.
49. Prove that if every element of a group (G, 0) be
its own inverse, then it is an abelian group.

  a a  
50. Let G     a   , a  0  Show that G is
  a a  
a group under matrix multiplication.


H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com
Cyclic Group, Normal Subgroups,
Homomorphism & Isomorphism

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

Cyclic Group, Normal Subgroups,
Homomorphism & Isomorphism

1. Show that the additive group of integers modulo 10. Prove that the relation of isomorphism in the set
4 is isomorphic to the multiplicative group of the of all groups is an equivalence relation.
non Zero elements of integers modulo 5. State
the two isomorphisms. 11. If in a group G there is an element a of order 360,
what is the order of a220 ? Show that if G is a
2. If G is a cyclic group of order n and p divides n, cyclic group of order n and m divides n, then G
then prove that there is a homomorphism of G has a subgroup of order m.
onto a cyclic group of order p. what is the kernel
of homomorphism ?
12. 
Find all homomorphisms from  6,  . into 
3. Suppose that H, K are normal subgroups of a
finite group G with H a normal subgroup of K. If
  4 , 
P=K/H, S= G/H, then prove that the quotient
groups S/P and G/K are isomorphic. 13. Suppose that G is a cyclic group and that 6 divides
|G|. How many elements of order 6 does G have?
4. If p is the smallest prime factor of the order of a If 8 divides | G |, how many elements of order 8
finite group G, prove that any subgroup of index p does G have ? If a is one element of order 8, list
is normal. the other elements of order 8.

5. If H is a cyclic normal subgroup of a group 14. If M,N are such that x–1 Mx = M and x–1 Nx = N
G then show that every subgroup of H is normal for all x G, and if M N = (e), prove that mn =
in G. nm for any m M, nN.

15. If G is a group and |G : Z(G)| = 4, Prove that G/

G Z(G)  Z2  Z2.
6. If C is the centre of a group G and is cyclic,
prove that G is abelian. 16. Prove that a non empty a subset H of a group G
is normal subgroup of G iff for all x,y  H, g  G,
7. Let G be a group of order 2p, p being a prime. (gx) (gy)–1 H
Show that there exist a normal subgroup of G of
order p. 17. Let T denote the group of all non-singular upper
triangular 2 × 2 matrices with real entries i.e.,
8. If H and K are normal subgroups of a group G
 a b
such that H  K  e , show that h k=k h for all the matrices of the form,   where a, b, c 
 c d 
h  H and k  K .
1 x  
9. Show that the set of even permutations on n R and ac  0. show that H     T is a
0 1  
symbols , n>1, is a normal subgroup of the  
normal subgroup of T.
symmetric group S n and has order
H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

18. Let  *,  be the multiplicative group of non- 26. Show that 12 is a normal subgroup of the group
(3,  ). Write the cayley table for the factor
zero reals and (GL(n, ), X ) be the multiplicative
group of n  n non-singular real matrices. Show 3
group .
that the quotient group GL(n, ) SL(n, ) and 12

 *,  are isomorphic where

27. (i) Show that the group (, ) is not cyclic.
SL(n, )   A  GL(n, ) / det A  1.
(ii) Find all homomorphisms from ( 6 , ) into
What is the centre of GL  n,   ? ( 4 , ).

19. Find the order of the cyclic subgroup of the

multiplicative group G of invertible 4×4 matrices 28. Show that (Q, +) is not isomorphic to (Q+ ,) .
generated by
29. (i) Consder the rings Z and Z6. Let f :    6
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1  be defined by f (n)  [n] for all n  Z. Show

0 0 1 0 that f is a homomorphism and find ker f.
  (ii) Show that the ring 2z is not isomorphic to 5z.
1 0 0 0

20. Prove that the group 4 12   3 . 30. Let G be the set of all 3×3 real matrices M such
that MM T = M T M = I 3 and let

21. Let GL(2, ) denote the set of all nonsingular H   M  G det M  1 , where I3 is the identity
2×2 matrices with real entries. Show that matrix of order 3. Then show that
(i) G is a group under matrix multiplication.
 a b   (ii) H is a normal subgroup of G.
SL(2, )     GL(2, ) : ad  bc  1 is a
 c d   (iii)  : G {1,1} given by (M)  det M is onto.
normal subgroup of the group GL(2, ). (iv) G H is abelian.

22. Let N be a normal subgroup of a group G. show 31. If G is the additive group of real and N is the
that G/N is abelian iff for all x, y  G , xy x 1 y 1  N subgroup of G consisting of integers, prove that
is isomorphic to the group H of all complex
23. Find all homomorphisms from   8 ,  into numbers of absolute value 1 under multiplication.
  6 ,  .
32. Let G be the group of all non-zero complex
numbers under multiplication and let G' be the
24. Let a and b belong to a group. If | a | 12,
group of all real 2×2 matrices of the form
| b | 22, and a  b  {e}, prove that
 a b
a 6  b11.  b a  , where not both a and b are zero, under
 
matrix multiplication, show that G  G .
25. If H is a subgroup of a group G such that x2  H
for every x  G , then prove that H is a normal
subgroup of G. 33. (i) The centre Z of a group G is normal subgroup
of G,.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

(ii) Show that the group  G  {0,1, 2,3},  4  and 44. Verify that the set E of the four roots of x4 1  0
forms a multiplicative group. Also prove that a
the group  G   {1, 1, i, i}, . are isomorphic.
transformation T, T (n) = i n is a homomorphism

34. Let Pn be the symmetric group on n symbols. from I  (group of all integers with addition) onto
Prove that An is a normal subgroup of Pn. E under multiplication.

35. If H and N are subgroups of a group G and N is 45. Let G be a group of real numbers under addition
HN H and G ' be a group of ve real numbers under
normal subgroup of G. Then  . multiplication . Show that the mapping f : G  G '
N H N
defined by f  x   2a a  G is a homomorphism.
36. Let R be a ring with unity. Using its elements, we
Is it an isomorphism too ? supply reasons.
define ring R' by defining a  b  a  b  1 and
a  b  ab  a  b a, b  R. Prove that R is 46. How many generators are there of the cyclic group
isomorphic to R'. G of order 8? Explain.

37. If G is a group and H is a subgroup of index 2 in 47. Taking a group { e, a, b, c} of order 4, where e is
G, then H is a normal subgroup of G. the identity, construct composition tables showing
that one is cyclic while the other is not.
38. If o(G )  p n , where p is a prime number, then
the centre z  {e} i.e, o( z )  1. x y
48. Let G be the set of all real 2×2 matrices  .
0 z 
39. Show that the group (G  {0,1, 2,3},  4 ) and the
where xz0. Show that G is a group under matrix
group (G1={1,-1,i-i},.) are isomorphic.
multiplication. Let N denote the subset
40. Let G be the group of non- zero complex numbers   1 a  
under multiplication, and let N be the set of   : a  
complex numbers of absolute value 1. Show that   0 1 
G / N is isomorphic to the group of all positive Is N a normal subgroup of G? Justify your answer.
real numbers under multiplication.
49. Give an example of a group G in which every
41. Let G be a group of order 2p, p prime. Show proper subgroup is cyclic but the group itself is
that either G is cyclic or G is generated by a, b not cyclic.

with relations a p  e  b 2 and bab  a 1 . 50. Show that a cyclic group of order 6 is isomorphic
to the product of a cyclic group of order 2 and a
42. Prove or disprove that  ,   and   ,.

are cyclic group of order 3. Can you generalize this?
isomorphic groups where  denotes the set of
all positive real numbers.

43. Prove that a non-empty subset H of an group G

is normal subgroup of r r r
G  for all x, y  H , g  G ,  gx  gy   H .

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

Combined Topics of Set-I & Set-II

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

Combined Topics of Set-I & Set-II

1. Prove that if a group has only four elements then 10. Let = (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) (2, 4, 6) (8, 10). If m is a
it must be abelian. 5-cycle, what can you say about m ?

2. In a group G, the commutator of (a, b) ; a, b  G 11. Let G = Z4  Z4, H = {(0,0), (2,0), (0,2), (2,2)},
is the element aba1b1 and the smallest subgroup and K = (1, 2) Is G/H isomorphic to Z4 or Z2
containing all commutators is called the
commutator subgroup of G. Show that a quotient  Z2? Is G/K isomorphic to Z4 or Z2  Z2?
G 12. If G has no proper subgroups, prove that G is
group is abelian iff H contains that the
H cyclic of order p, where p is a prime number.
commutator subgroup of G.
13. If | G | = 30 and |Z (G)| = 5, What is the structure
3. Give an example of an infinite group in which of G/Z (G)?
every element is of finite order.
14. Suppose that a is a group element and a6 = e.
4. Let G be a group. Consider the set of elements What are the possibilities for |a| ? Provide reasons
of the form xyx 1 y 1 where x and y are in G. If H for your answer.
is the smallest subgroup of G containing all these
elements, show that H is a normal subgroup of G 15. Find group elements  and  in S5 such that || =
and that the factor group G/H is abelian. 3, || = 3, and || = 5.

5. In a group G, if a5 = e and a * b * a–1 = bm for 16. Suppose a is a group element such that | a28 | =
some positive integer m, and some a, bG, then 10 and | a22 | = 20. Determine | a |.
prove that b m –1  e . 17. Let a and b belong to a group. If |a| = 24 and |b| =
10, what are the possibilities for |< a >< b >|?
6. If G is a group of real numbers under addition
and N is the subgroup of G consisting of integers, 18. (a) Let a and b belong to a group. If |a| = 12, |b|
prove that G/N is isomorphic to the group H of all
= 22, and ab  e , prove that a6 = b11.
complex numbers of absolute value 1 under X n .

7. If a cyclic group has an element of infinite order, 19. Suppose a and b are group elements such that
how many elements of finite order does it have ? |a| = 2, b  e, and aba = b2. Determine |b|.

8. Find a group that contains elements a and b such 20. Find three elements  in S9 with the property that
that |a| = 2, |b| = 11, and |ab| = 2.  3 = (157) (283) (469).
9. Suppose a group contains elements a and b such 21. If |a5| = 12, what are the possibilities for |a|? If
that |a4| = 12, what are the possibilities for |a|?
|a| = 4, | b | = 2, and a3 b = ba. Find |ab|.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

22. Suppose that a and b are group elements. If |b| = (ii) Let G = <a> be a cyclic group of order 35.
2 and bab = a 4, determine the possibilities 7
Then the index G : a   5.
for |a|.
(iii) H  e,(1 2) (3 4) is not a normal subgroup
23. Suppose G is a group that exactly eight elements
of A4.
of order 3. How many subgroups of order 3 does
G have? (iv) The group (, ) is isomorphic to (, ).

24. (i) Prove that W = intersection of all gHg-1 is a  1 1

normal subgroup of G. 32. Consider the element A    in SL (2, R).
(ii) Given the permutation x = (1, 2) (3, 4), y = (5,  0 1
6) (1, 3), find a permutation a such that
 1 1
a-1xa = y . What is the order of A?If we view A   
(iii) Provez that there is no a such that  0 1
a-1 (1, 2, 3)a = (1, 3) (5, 7, 8). as a member of SL  2, Z p  (p is a prime), what is
(iv) Prove that there is no permutation a such that
a-1(1, 2)a = (3, 4)(1, 5). the order of A ?

25. In S3 give an example of two elements x, y such 33. Find all the subgroups of Z 21Z .
2 2 2
that ( x. y )  x . y .
34. Let G  GL(2, R ).
26. Let G be a group and a, b  G, such that ab \ ba  1 1  
and O(a) and O(b) are relatively Prime. Then (i) Find C     .
Prove that O(ab) = O(a) O(b).  1 0  

 0 1  
27. Given an example of an infinite group that has (ii) Find C     .
exactly two elements of an infinite group that has  1 0 
exactly two elements of order 4. (iii) Find Z(G).

28. Suppose that G is a non - Abelian group of order

  a b  
p3 (where p is a prime) and Z(G)  {e}. Prove 35. Let H     a, b, d  , ad  0 . Is H a
that |Z(G)| = p.   0 d  
normal subgroup of GL (2, R )?
29. Suppose a group contains elements a and b such
that | a | 4,| b | 2, and a 3b = ba. Find |ab|.
36. Let G  Z 4  Z 4 , H =  0,0  ,  2,0  ,  0, 2  ,  2, 2  ,
30. Determine the number of homomorphisms from and K  (1, 2) . Is G/H isomorphic to Z 4 or
the additive group Z15 to the additive group Z10 .
Z 2  Z 2 ? Is G/K isomorphic to Z4 or Z 2  Z 2 ?
( Z n is the cyclic group of order n).
37. (i) If H is the only subgroup of order n in a group
31. Find whether the following statements are true G, then prove that H is a normal subgroup.
or false. Give a proof in case it is true or else give (ii) Show that k = {e, (1 2) (3 4), (1 3) (2 4), (1 4)
a counter example (2 3)} is a normal subgroup of A4.
(i) There may exist a subgroup of order sixteen
in a group of order fifty. 38. Let T be the group of all complex numbers Z
such that |z| = 1. Show that C * T   

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

39. Let G be a group and N be a normal subgroup of 46. If H is a sub group of a group G such that x 2  H
G. Let f be a mapping from G  defined by G
N for all x  G. Prove that is abelian.
f ( x )  Nx for x  G. Then f is a homomorphism
of G onto G/N and kerf = N. 47. If G is a non-abelian group of order p3, where P
is prime number, show that O(Z)=P.
40. Give a counter example of justify that in a
semigroup with left identity, if every element has 48. Let G be a group and let a G be of finite order
a right inverse with respect to the left identity, it
‘n’ (i.e, o(a)=n). Then for any integer K we have
need not be a group.
o (a k )  where (n,k) denotes the H.C.F..
41. (i) Let  = (1 3 5 7 9 8 6) (2 4 10) what is the (n , k )
smallest positive integer n for which of n and k.
n 5
  ?
49. P3 be the symmetric group on three symbols a, b,
(ii) In S 3 , find elements  and  so that c and A1 be the alternating group on three symbols
  2,   2 and   3. a, b, c. From the composition table for the quofient
42. Show that the only homorphism from the group group A .

Q*, to Z ,  is the zero homomorphism

where Q*  Q–{0}. 50. The equation x 2 ax  a 1 is solvable for x in a
group G if f a is the cube of some element in G.
 a b
43. Let G be the set of all real 2×2 matrices  0 d  O(G )
  51. If G is a finite group then O  c( a)  
O( N (a ))
where ad  0, under matrix multiplication. Let
where N(a) is the normalizer of a in G.
  1 b 
N    . 52. If G is a group of order 35, show that it cannot
  0 1 
have to subgroup’s of order 7.
Prove that
(i) N is a normal subgroup of G. 53. What is the maximum possible order of a
(ii) G/N is abelian. permutation in S8, the group of permutations on
the eight numbers {1,2,3,....,8}? Justify your
G answer. (Majority of marks will be given for the
44. If G is a group such that is cyclic, where justification).
Z (G )
Z(G) is centre of G then show that G is abelian.
54. If in a group G there is an element a of order 360,
what is the order of a220? Show that if G is a
Z cyclic group of order n and m divides n, then G
45. (i) Find all the subgroups of , where
(12) has a subgroup of order m.
Z=group of all integers under addition and (12)
= subgroup of Z consisting o0f all multiples of 55. Show that in a symmetric group S3, there are four
12. elements  satisfying  2 = Identity and three
(ii) If G is a group and H is a subgroup of index 2
in G, prove that H is a normal subgroup of G. elements satisfying  3 = Identity..

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

56. Let G be a group and x and y be any two 66. Let M be a subgroup and N a normal subgroup
5 1 2 of a group G. Show that MN is a subgroup of G
elements of G. If y  e and yxy  x , then
show that O  x   31, Where e is the identity and is isomorphic to .
N M N
element of G and x  e.
67. If  is a homomorphism of G into G with kernel
57. If G is a finite Abelian group, then show that
K, then show that
O  a, b  is a divisor of l.c.m of O  a  , O  b  . (i) K is a normal subgroup of G.
(ii)    a     a 
58. In the symmetric group Sn of Permutations of n
symbols, find the number of even permutation.
68. If P is a prime number and P   G  , then prove
Show that the set An of even permutations forms
that G has a subgroup of order P .
a finite group. Identify Sn and An when n  4.14 .
59. What is the maximal possible order of an element 69. If a group is such that  ab   a 2 b 2 for all a, b  G
in S 10 ? Why? Give an example of such an then prove or disprove that G is abelian.
element. How many elements will there be in S10
of that order? ) 70. Show that the set of cube roots of unity is a finite
Abelian group with respect to multiplication.
60. How many elements of order 2 are there in the
group of order 16 generated by a and b such that 71. Show that the set S  1, 2,3, 4 forms an Abelian
the order of a is 8, the order of b is 2 and
group for the operation of multiplication
bab 1  a 1. modulo 5.

61. How many conjugacy classes does the 72. If every element except the identity, of a group is
permutation group S5 of permutations 5 numbers of order 2, Prove that the group is abelian.
have? Write down one element in each class
(preferably in terms of cycles).
73. Let G  a  R : 1  a  b. Define a binary
62. (i) Prove that a group of prime order is abelian . ab
(ii) How many generators are there of the cyclic operation* on G by a * b  for all a, b  G.
1  ab
group  G ,  of order 8?
Show that  G,* is a group .

63. If in a group G a5  e , e is the identity element of

74. Show that every group consisting of four or less
G and aba 1  b2 for a, b  G then find the order than four elements is abelian.
of b.
75. If every element of a group G is its own inverse,
64. Show that a group of P is abelian, where P is a
2 Prove that the gorup G is abelian. Is the converse
prime number. true ? Justify your claim.

65. Let K be a field and G be a finite subgroup of the 76. Show that the set of matrices
multiplicative group of none zero elements of G.  a – b  
show that G is a cyclic group. S =   a, b    is a field under the usual
 b a  

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

binary operations of matrix addition and matrix 82. Show that the alternating group on four letters
multiplication. What are the additive and A4 has no subgroup of order 6.
multiplicative identities and what is the inverse of
 1 –1  83. Let R0 be the set of all real numbers except zero.
  ? Consider the map f :   S defined
1 1 
Define a binary operation ‘*’ on R0 as a  b  a b;
 a –b  Where |a| denotes absolute value of a. Does
by f(a + ib)=   . Show that f is an
b a   R0 ,  form a group? Examine.
isomorphism. (Here  is the set of real numbers
and  is the set of complex numbers.) 84. Let G be the set of all those ordered pairs (a, b)
of real numbers for which a  0 and defined in G,
77. Give an example of an infinite group in which an operation  as follows: (a, b)  (c, d) = (a c,
every element has finite order. b c+ d)
(i) Examine whether G is a group with respect
78. What are the orders of the following permutations to the operation . If it is a group, is G
in S10? abelian?
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  (ii) Is  H ,   a subgroup of  G ,  
 
 1 8 7 3 10 5 4 2 6 9  when H = { (1,b) / b  R}.
and (1 2 3 4 5) (6 7).
85. If M and N are normal subgroups of group G
such that M  N  e , show that every element
79. Let a and b be elements of a group, with a2  e ,
of M commutes with every element of N.
b6  e and ab  b a. What is the centre of GL (n, IR)?
Find the order of ab, and express its inverse in
each of the forms a m b n and b m a n . 86. If  is the set of real numbers and   is the set
of positive real numbers, show that  under
80. Show that the set G   f1 , f2 , f3 , f 4 , f 5 , f 6  of six addition (  , +) and   under multiplication

transformations on the set of Complex numbers (  , ) are isomorphic. Similarly if  is the set of

defined by f1  z   z, f 2  z   1  z rational numbers and   the set of positive rational

numbers are (, ) and (  , ) isomorphic ?
z 1 Justify your answer.
f3  z   , f4  z   ,
 z  1 z

1  z  1
f5  z   and f 6  z  
1  z  z
is a non-abelian group of order 6 with respect to
composition of mappings.
81. Let IR -{-1} be the set of all real numbers omitting
-1. Define the binary relation * on G by
a  b  a  b  ab. Show (G, *) is a group and it is

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

Rings, Subrings, Integral Domain & Fields

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

Rings, Subrings, Integral Domain & Fields

1. Find all the units of the integral domain of Gaussian

integers. 9.  
Show that in the ring R = a  b –5 / a, b Z , the

elements = 3 and = 1 + 2 –5 are relatively

2. If the integral domain D is of finite characteristic,
show that the characteristic must be a prime prime, but  and  have no g.c.d in R, where
number. = 7 (1  2 5) .

3. If each element of a ring is idempotent, show 10. Is  Z6 , 6 , 6  a field? Jusitfy..

that the ring is commutative.
11. Show that S = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8} is a subring of Z10
4. Let A be a ring and I be a two sided ideal with unity different from that of Z10, the ring of
generated by the subset of all elements of the integers modulo 10.
form a b – b a ; a, b  A, prove that the residue
A 12. Let R be the ring of 3 × 3 matrices over reals.
class ring is commutative. Show that

  x x x 
5. If a finite field of characteristic p has q elements  
S    x x x : x is a real number 
show that q  p n for some n.   x x x 

is a subring of R and has unity different from the

6. Prove that a non- void subset S of a ring R is a
unity of R.
sub ring of R, if and only if, a  b  S and
ab  S for all a, b  S . 13. Prove that the only idempotent elements in an
integral domain R with unity are 0 and 1. What
7. Show that the set I  I of integers is commutative happens if R is not an integral domain ?
ring with respect to addition and multiplication
defined as follows. 14. Let M be the set of all 3 × 3 matrices of the
(a, b) + (c, d) = (a+ c, b+ d)
a 0 0
(a, b) . (c, d) = (ac, bd)  
Where, a, b, c, d  I . following form : 0 a 0 where a, b, c   2
 
b c a 
8. Let x be a non-empty set and (R, +, .) be any
show that with standard matrix addition and
ring. Define the set M(X, R), to be the set of all
functions from X to R. multiplicatin (over  2 ) show that with standard
i.e., M(X, R) = {f / f : X  R} matrix addition and multiplication (over  2 ), M
Define + and . in Map (X, R) by pointwise
is a commutative ring. Find all the idempotent
addition & multiplication. Show that
elements of M.
(Map (X, R), + .) is a ring.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

15. Find the elements in 12 which are zero divisors. Where
 a b 
16 Is there any integral domain which has six SL (2, R) =    GL 2, R  / ad  bc  1
 c d 
elements?  

17. Show that the mapping f :   M 2    defined 24. Let   1 be a root of x 3 = 1. Prove that
T  a  b  C | a, b,  Q is a subfield of the
a b 
by f  a  ib    is a homomorphism of field C.
 b a 
rings. Find ker f. Is f a monomorphism? Is f an 25. Let M be the set of all 3×3 matrices of the
isomorphism of  onto M 2    ? following form:
a 0 0
18. Give addition and multiplication tables for 2z/8z.  
Are 2z/8z and z4 isomorphic rings. 0 a 0
b c a
 

 a b   where a, b, c   2 . Show that with standard matrix

19. Let R     a, b  Z 7  with the usual
 b a   addition and multiplication (over  2 ), M is a
matrix addition and multiplication and mod commutative ring. Find all the idempotent
7 addition and multiplication of the entries. Prove elements of M.
that R is commutative ring. How many elements
are in R? Is R a field? What happens when Z7
is replaced by Z5 ?
26.  
Prove that the set R  a  2b, a, b  I is a ring.
Is it an integral domain ? Justify your answer.
20. Find an integer n that shows that the rings Zn
need not have the following properties that the 27. Is there any integral domain which has six
ring of integers has. elements? Justify
(i) a2 = a implies a = 0 or a = 1.
(ii) ab = 0 implies a = 0 or b = 0. 28. Let R1 and R2 be two rings. Show that R1×R2 is
(iii) ab = ac and a 0 imply b = c . an integral domain if and only if any one of them
Is the n you found prime? is an intgral domain and the other contains only a
zero element.
21. Let R be a ring and let M2(R) be the ring of 2 × 2
matrices with entries from R. Explain why these 29. Let R be a commutative ring with unit element
two rings have the same characteristic. whose only ideals are (0) and R itself. Show that
R is a field.
22. Construct a multiplication table for Z 2 [i] , the ring
of Gaussian integers modulo 2. Is this ring a field? 30. Find all homomorphisms from the ring  onto .
Is it an integral domain?
31. If in a ring , x 4  x for all x , then show
1 1
23. Consider the element A    in SL (2, R). that  is commutative.
 0 1

1 1 32. Find the group of units in the ring  8 .

What is the order of A? If we view A   
 0 1
as a member of SL (2, Zp) (p is a prime), what is 33. Let n be a fixed +ve integer and let Z n be the
the order of A ? ring of integers modulo n.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

Let G  a  Z n / a  0 and a is relatively prime to ' n ' . (ii) Let R be the ring of all real valued continuous
functions on [0, 1]. Show that the set
Show that G is a group under multiplication defined
S   f  R : f ( 1 2)  0 is an ideal of R.
in Z n .
Hence or otherwise, Show that a  n   a  mod n  42. 
Show that z 3  m  n 3 : m, n  z  is a

for all integers relatively prime to n where  (n) euclidean domain.

denotes the number of positive integers that are
43. Let Jn be the set of integers mod n. Then prove
less than n and are relatively prime to n.
that Jn is a ring under the operations of addition
and multiplication mod n. Under what conditions
34. Let F be a finite field. Show that the characteristic
on n, Jn is a field? Justify your answer.
of F must be a prime integer p and the number of
elements in F must be P m for some positive 44. Show that any finite integral domain is a field.
integer m.
45. Show that (1+i) is a prime element in the ring R
35. (i) If D is an integral domain and if na = 0 for of Gaussian integers.
some a ¹ 0 in D and some integer n  0,
Prove that D is of finite characteristic. 46. Show that every field is without zero divisor.
(ii) What is the relation between the
characteristic of D and the number n ? 47. Let Q be the set of all rational numbers show
(iii) Prove that order of a finite field F is pn, for that Q  2   a  b 2 : a, b Q  is a field under
some Prime p and some positive integer ‘n’
the usual addition and multiplication.
36. Show that any finite commutative ring with no
zero divisors must be field. 48. Show that zero and unity are only idempotents of
Z n if n  p r , where p is a prime.
37. Let x be a non-empty set and (R, +, .) be any
ring. Define the set M(X,R) to be the set of all 49. Let F be a field of order 32. Show that the only
functions from X to R.
subfields of F are F itself and 0,1 .
i.e, M ( X , R )   f f : X  R
Define + and . in Map (X,R) by pointwise 50. Show that a field is an integral domain and a
additionand multiplication. Show that non-zero finite integral domain is a field.
(Map(X,R),+,.) is a ring.
51. Find the multiplicative inverse of the element
38. Show that the centre of a divison ring is a field.  2 5
1 3  of the ring, M , of all matrices of order
39. Prove that order of a finite field F is Pn, for some  
prime p and some positive integer n. two over the integers.

40. If S1 and S2 are two subrings of a ring R then z

52. The residue class ring is a field iff ‘m’ is a
S1  S2 is a subring of R if and only if  m
S1  S2 or S2  S1. prime integer.

53. (i) In the ring of integers modulo 10

41. (i) Show that the centre of a ring R is a subring
of R.  i.e z10 , 10 , 10  , find the subfields.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

(ii) Prove or disprove that only non-singular (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x)

matrices form a group under matrix and (f.g)(x)=f(x).g(x), x  0,1
54. Prove that the set of all real numbers of the form where f , g  F .
a  b 2 , where a and b area real numbers, is
a field under the usual addition and multiplication. 63. Let C  { f : I  [0,1]  IR | f is continuous}.
Show C is a commutative ring with 1 under point
55. Prove that if the cancellation law holds for a ring wise addition and multiplication.
a then a( 0)  R is not a zero divisor and Determine whether C is an integral domain.
conversely. Explain.

56. Let R be the set of matrices of the form 64. Suppose that there is a positive even integer ‘n’
such that a n  a for all the elements ‘a’ of some
a  b
b a  , a , b  F , Where F is a field with usual ring R. show that a + a = 0,  a R and
 
addition and multiplication as binary operations, a  b  0  a  b a, b R.
Show that R is a commutative ring with unity. Is
it a field if F  z2 , z5 ? 65. Let R be ring with unity. If the product of any
two non – zero elements is non – zero. Prove
57. Do the following sets form integral domains with that a b = b a =1. Whether Z 6 has the above
respect to ordinary addition and multiplication? If property or not explain. Is Z 6 an integral domain?
so, state if they are fields:
i) The set of numbers of the form b 2 with b
ii) The set of even integers
iii) The set of positive integers

58. Give an example of a ring having identity but a

subring of this having a different identity.
59. Show that Z7, is a field. Then find ([5] + [6])
and (–[4])–1 in Z7

60. Show that the set {a + b  : 3=1}, where a and

b are real numbers, is a field with respect to usual
addition and multiplication.

61. Prove that the set Q  5   {a  b 5 : a, b  Q}

is a commutative ring with identity. (15)

62. Let F be the set of all real valued continuous

functions defined on the closed interval
0,1. Prove that  F , ,  is a commutative Ring
with unity with respect to addition and
multiplication of functions defined pointwise as
below :

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com


Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.


1. If Z is the set of integers then show that 9. Show that < x + 2 > is a maximal ideal of Q[x]
Z [ 3]  {a  3 b / a, b  Z } is not a unique Q[ x ]
and hence is a field.
factorization domain. x2
 a b 
2. If R is a unique factorization domain, then prove 10. Let R=   / a, b Z and let  be the
that any f  R  x  is an irreducible element of R  x  b a 
iff either f is an irreducible element of R or f is an  a b
irreducible polynomial in R  x  . mapping that takes  b a to a – b.
 
(i) Show that  is a homomorphism
3. Prove that x2  1 and x2  x  4 are irreducible (ii) Determine the kernel of 
over F, the field of integers modulo 11. Prove also (iii) Show that R/keris isomorphic to Z.

F  x F  x 11. Show that the following polynomials are irreducible

that 2 and 2 are isomorphic over the field F idndicated.
x 1 x x4
(i) x3 – 9 over F =  13 (ii) x4 + 2x2+ 2 over F = Q.
fields each having 121 elements.

4. Show that every maximal ideal of a commutative 12.  a b  

If R    / a, b, c real  and
ring R with unit element must be a prime ideal.  o c  

5. Prove that for any two ideals A and B of a ring R,  0 b  

I    / b real  ,show that
the product AB is an ideal of R.
 0 0  
(i) R is a ring.
6. If A, B be two ideals of a ring R, then AB  A  B.
(ii) I is an ideal of R.
Give an example to show that there exist ideals A
(iii) R|I  F  F, where F is the field of real
and B such that AB  A  B .
 a b  
7. Show that in the ring R   / a , b  Q  13. Find out if x3 + 3x + 1 is irreducible over Q. Write
 
  0 0  an element of Q [x] / < x3 + 3x + 1 >. Is Q 
Q[x]/ <x3 + 3x + 1 >?
  0 b 
the set M    / b  Q is a maximal 14. Show that x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1 is irreducible over
 0 0  the rationals.
ideal of R.
15. Let R be the ring of all real-valued continuos
8. Let R be an integraldomain with unity. Prove that function on the closed unit interval. Show that M
the units of R and R[x] are same.
  2 
=  f  R : f  3   0  is maximal ideal of R.
 
H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

25. Find all prime ideals and maximal ideals in the

16.  
Show that Z  –5   a  b –5 : a , b  Z is not a
ring  8 .
Euclidean domain.

17. If R is a commutative ring with unit element and 26. In Z  5  , prove that 1  3 5 is irreducible
M is an ideal of R, then show that M is a maximal but not prime.
ideal of R iff R/M is a field.
27. Let F be the field of integers modulo 5. Show
18. Let R be a Euclidean domain with Euclidean that the polynomial x2  2 x  3 is irreducible over
valuation d. Let n be an integer such that
F. Use this to construct a field containing 25
d 1  n  0 . Show that the function dn : R – {0} elements.
 S, where S is the set of all negative integers
28. If A, B be two ideals of a ring R, then AB  A  B.
defined by dn(a) = d (a) + n for all a  R  0 is
Give an example to show that there exist ideals A
a Euclidean valuation. and B such that AB  A  B

19. Prove that x 2  x  4 is irreducible over F, the 29. Prove or disprove that if D is a principal ideal
field of integers mod 11. Also prove that domain, then D[x] is a principal ideal domain.

F  x
30. Show that the polynomial 25x4  9x3  3x  3 is
x  x  4 is a field having 121 elements.
irreducible over the field of rational numbers.

31. An integral domain R with unity is a UFD iff every

 a b  non zero, non unit element is finite product of
20. Let R   0 
a, b, d Z  and
 

 r s   32. Prove that a finite integral domain is a field. What

S     r , s, t Z , s is even . If S is an ideal of
happens if the integral domain is infinite?
 o t  
R, what can you say about r and t ?
33. Show that 3 is an irreducible element of   5  .
21. Show that Z 3  x  / x 2  x  1 is not a field.
34. Show that Z  6  is not a U.F.D.
22. Show that Z [ 6] is not a unique factorization
35. Let F be the field of integers modulo 5. Show
domain. Why does this show that Z [ 6] is not
that the polynomial x 2  2 x  3 is irreducible over
a principal ideal domain?
F. Use this to construct a field containing 25
23 Let R be the set of all real numbers and R be the
set of all real-valued continous functions defined
on R. Define. 36. Discuss the irreducibility of f ( x)  x 4  1, over
(f + g) (x) = f(x) + g(x) and (f .g)(x) = f(x)g(x) rationals.
for all f, g  R and for all x  R. show that
(R, + , .) is a Euclidean domain. 37. Prove that x2+1 is irreducible over the field F of
F [ x]
integers mod 11. Also prove that is a
24. Show that Z  7  is not a U.F. D. x2  1
 
field having 121 elements.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

38. Show that x 4  x  3 is reducible over the field 48. Let R be the ring defined by
Z5 of integers modulo 5. 
R= a  b(1  i 19) 2 a , b  Z 
Then R is a PID but not a Euclidean domain.
39. Is the ideal M   0, 3, 6, 9 a maximal ideal of
Z/(12), the ring of integers modulo 12? Justify 49. Prove that Z(R), the centre of a ring R, is only a
your answer. subring of R and need not be an ideal of R.

50. If A and B are two ideals of a ring R, Prove that

40. Find all prime ideals and maximal ideals in the
is an ideal of R if and only if either A  B or
ring  8 .
B  A.
41. Prove that a group of order 30 can have at most
7 subgroups of order 5.

42. Let a, b be elements of an abelian group of orders

m, n respectively. What can you say about the
order of their product ab ? 

43 Show by example that the product of elements of

finite order in a nonabelian group need not have
finite order.

44. Let R be the ring defined by

 
  a  b 1  i 19  
2 | a, b   .

Then prove that R is a PID but not a Euclidean


45. Let R denote the ring of all real-valued continuous

functions on the closed interval [0, 1]. is (0) a
prime ideal of R? Justify.

46. Show that Z 6 is not a unique factorization

domain. Why does this show that Z 6 is not a

principal ideal domain?

47. Show that the set

  a 0 
S    a, b are integers
  b 0 
is a left ideal in the ring M2 of 2×2 matrices over
integers. Further show that S is not a right ideal
in M2.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

Combined Topics of Set-IV & Set-V

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

Combined Topics of Set-IV & Set-V

1. Let ( R, , ) be a system satisfying all the axioms 9. Prove that an integral domain can be embedded
for a ring with unity with the possible exception in a field.
of a+ b = b+ a. Prove that ( R, , ) is a ring.
10. Prove that a polynomial domain K  x over a field
2. In a ring R, prove that cancellation laws hold, iff K is a principal ideal domain.
R has no zero divisors.
11. Is there any integral domain which has six
3. Let R be a ring with identity. Suppose there is an elements? Justify
element ‘a’ of R which has more than one right
inverse. Prove that ‘a’ has infinitely many right 12. Let R1 and R2 be two rings. Show that R1 × R2 is
inverses. an integral domain if and only if any one of them
is an integral domain and the other contains only
4. Construct the addition and multiplication table for a zero element.

Z3  x
Where Z 3 is the set of integers modulo  1 1
x2 1 13. Consider the element A =   in SL (2, R).
 0 1
3 and x 2  1 is the ideal generated by  x 2  1
1 1
in Z 3 [ x ] . What is the order of A? If we view A =  
0 1
as a member of SL (2, Zp) (p is a prime), what is
5. Find the greatest common divisor in J  i  of
the order of A? (20)
 i  3  4i and 4  3i
14. Let R denote the ring of all real-valued continuous
 ii 11  7i and 18  i functions on the closed interval [0 , 1]. Is (0) a
prime ideal of R? Justify.
6. Show that the set of Gaussian integers is a
Euclidean ring. Find an HCF of the two elements
5i and 3+i.   a b  
15. Let S     a, b  R  . Show that : C 
  b a  
7. Show that the numbers 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 with addition
and multiplication modulo 10 form a field a b
S given by  (a  bi)   b a  is a ring
isomorphic to J 5 , the ring of integers modulo 5.  
Give the isomorphism explicity. isomorphism.

8. R is a commutative ring with identity and U is an 16. Determine all ring homomorphisms from Z6 to
ideal of R. show that the quotient ring R/U is a Z6. Determine all ring homomorphisms from
field if and only if U is maximal. Z20 to Z30.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

17. Show that the quotient ring [i] (1  3i) is (i) Prove that IJ is an ideal of R and IJ  I  J.
isomorphic to the ring  10 where [i] denotes (ii) Is it true that IJ  I  J ? Justify your
the ring of Gaussian integers. answers.

18.  
Show that in the ring R  a  b 5 / a, b  Z , the  a 0 
27. Show that the set S    a, b are integers is
elements   3 and   1  2 5 are relatively  b 0 
prime, but   and  have no g.c.d. in R, where a left ideal in the ring M2 of 2×2 matrices over
integers. Further show that S is not a right ideal
  7(1  2 5). in M2.

19. Show that x 2  x  3 is irreducible over the field 28. Let F be the field of integers modulo 5. Show
Z5 of integers modulo 5. that the polynomial x 2  2 x  3 is irreducible over
F. Use this to construct a field containing 25
20. Let R be a commutative ring with identity and elements.
a, b  R. Show that I   ra  tb r , t  R  is an
ideal of R. 29. Give an example of a finite commutative ring
which has a maximal ideal which is not a prime
21. Let f(x) = x5 +[2]x4 +[2]x3 +[3]x2 +[4]x +[3] and ideal.
g(x) = x3 –[2]x2 +[3]x –[1] be two polynomials in
Z6[x]. Find the polynomials q[x], r ( x )  6 [ x] so a b 
30. Show that in the ring R=    a, b Q the
that f ( x)  q ( x ) g ( x)  r ( x) where eigher   0 0 
r( x)  [0] or deg r( x)  deg g ( x).
 0 b  
set M     b  Q is a maximal ideal of
22. Let f : R  R1 be a homomorphism of a ring R  0 0 
onto a ring R . Then  R 1. 31. Let a, b be two non-zero elements of a Euclidean
ker f domain R. If b is not a unit in R then d(a) < d(ab).

23. Show that x 4  x  3 is reducible over the field 32. Prove that every principal ideal domain is unique
Z5 of integers modulo 5. factorization domain. Show by an example that
the converse is not true.
24. Prove that the characteristic of an integral domain
is either a prime or zero. 33. Show that <x + 2> is a maximal ideal of Q[x] and
Q[ x ]
25. Let R be the ring of all the real-valued continuous hence is a field.
 x2
functions on the closed unit interval. Show that
  1  34. If A, B be two ideals of a ring  , then
M   f  R f    0 maximal ideal of R.
  3   AB  A  B. Give an example to show that there
exist ideals A and B such that AB  A  B.
26. Let I and J be ideals of a ring R. Let IJ be the set
35. Let R be a commutative ring and S an ideal of R.
of all possible sums  aibi, where a :I,bj  J
i 1
Then the ring of residue classes R/S is an integral
domain if and only if S is a prime ideal.
for i  1,2,....n and n  N .

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

36. The ring of integers is a Euclidean ring. 49. Let ‘D’ be a principal ideal domain. Show that
every element that is neither Zero nor a unit in
37. Find the gcd of –3+11i and 8–iinZ[i]. Also find ‘D’ is a product of irreducibles.
x, y [i ] such that gcd (–3+11i, 8–i) =
(–3+11i)x + (8–i)y. 50. Let F be a field and let

I  an x n  an 1 x n 1    a0 | a n , an 1 , , a0  F and
38. Let R be a principal ideal domain. Show that any
an  an1    a0  0
non-zero ideal p  R is prime if and only if it is
Show that Iis an ideal of F[x] and find a generator
for I.
39. Prove that the polynomial 1  x  x 2  ...  x p 1 ,
 a 0 
Where p is a prime number, is irreducibel over 51. Shwo that the set S    : a, b are integers is
  b 0 
the field of rational numbers.
a left ideal in the ring M2 of 2×2 matrices over
40. If R is a commutative ring with unity, then and integers. Further show that S is not a right ideal
ideal M of R is maximal if and only if R/M is a in M2.
52. Let R be the ring of all real-valued continuous
41. Prove J  3  is not a U.F.D., J being the ring functions on the closed unit interval. Show that
of integers.
  1 
M1   f  R : f    0 is a maximal ideal
42. Every Euclidean domain is a principal ideal   5 
domain. of R.

43. If f ( x )  R[ x ] is both primitive and irreducible 53. Prove that Z(R), the centre of a ring R, is only a
element of R[x] then f(x) is irreducible element subring of R and need not be an ideal of R.
of K[x].
44. Show that any maximal ideal in the commutative 54. Show that in a boolean ring R, every prime ideal
ring F[x] of polynomials a field F is the principal P  R is maximal.
ideal generated by an irreducible polynomial.
55. Find the g.c.d of 11+7 i and 18i in Z[i].
45. Let R be the ring of all real valued continuous
functions on the closed interval [0, 1]. 56. If  is a real number such that 0    1, show
 1  that M    f  R : f ( )  0 is a maximal ideal
Let M   f  x  / f    0 , show that M is a
 3  of R, where R is the ring of real - value dcontinuous
maximal ideal of R. functions on the closed unit interval.

46. Let M and N be two ideals of a ring R.Show that 57. Prove that
M  N is an ideal of R iff either M  N or (i) the intersection of two ideals is an ideal.
(ii) a field has no proper ideals.
NM .
58. If R is an integral domain, show that the
47. Prove that x2  x  4 is irreducible over F, the field polynomial ring R[x] is also an integral domain.
of integers modulo 11. And prove further that
F  x 59. Show that d  a   d  ab  , Where a, b be two
is a field having 121 elements.
x x4 non-zero elements of a Euclidean domain R and
48. If P is prime then prove that Z p is a field. Discuss b is not a unit in R.
the case when P is not a prime number.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

60. Prove that every Euclidean domain is PID. 70. Show that the quotient ring Z [i]/ (1 + 3i) is
isomorphic to the ring Z/ 10Z where Z [i] denotes
61. If R is a commutative ring with unit element and the ring of Gaussian integers.
M is an ideal in R, then show that M is maximal
ideal if R / M is a field. 71. Show that Z[x] is a unique factorization domain
that is not a principal ideal domain .(Z is the ring
62. Show that in an integral domain every prime of integers ). Is it possible to give an example of
element is irreducible. Give an example to show principal ideal domain that is not a unique
that the converse is not true. factorization domain? ( Z[x] is the ring of
polynomials in the variable X with integer). (15)
63. Define a unique factorization domain. Show that Z5  x
72. How many elements does the quotient ring
z  5  is an integral domain which is not a x2  1
 
have? Is it an integral domain? Justify your
unique factorization domain.
64. If R is a ring with unit element 1 and  is a
73. How many proper non – zero ideals does the ring
homomorphism of R onto R', prove that (1) is
the unit element of R'. Z12 have? Justify your answer. How many ideals
does the ring Z12  Z12 have? Why?
65. Let J = {a + bi | a, b   } be the ring of Gaussian
integers (subring of  ).
74. 1  3 in Z [  3 ] is an irreducible element
Which of the following is J : Euclidean domain,
principal ideal domain, unique factorization domain but not prime. Justify your answer.
? Justify your answer.
 a b  
66. Let R C = Ring of all real valued continuous 75. Let R    where a, b, c, d  Z  .
 c d  
functions on [0, 1], under the operations
(f + g) x = f(x) + g(x) Show that R is ring under matrix addition and
(fg) x = f(x) g(x). multiplication.

   a 0  
 1 Let A    / a, b  Z  . Then show that A
Let M =  f   f    0 .

 2   b 0  
Is M a maximal ideal of R? Justify your answer. itself ideal of R but not a right ideal of R.

67. Is the ideal generated by 2 and X in the polynomial 76. Show 

that Z  2   a  2b / a, b  Z  is a
ring Z ( X ) of polynomials in a single variable X Euclidean domain.
with coefficients in the ring of integers Z, a
principal ideal? Justify your answer. 77. Let H and K be two subgroups of a finite group

68. Describe the maximal ideals in the ring of G such that H  | G | and | K | | G | . Prove

Gaussian integers [i]  a  bi | a, b   . that H  K  e.

78. Show that the ring
69. Consider the polynomial ring Q[x]. show  
Z  i   a  ib / a  z, b  z, i  1
p ( x)  x 3  2 is irreducible over Q. Let I be the
of Gaussian integers is a Euclidean domain.
ideal in Q[x] generated by p(x).Then show that a
Q  x  I is a field and that each element of it is of
the form a0  a1t  a2t 2 with a0 , a1 , a2 in Q and 
t  x  I.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

Full Chapter

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

Full Chapter

1. If H and K are subgroups of a group G, then show 11. Prove that a normal subgroup H of a group G is
that HK is a subgroup of G iff HK=KH. maximal, iff the quotient group G/H is simple.

2. Show that every group of order 15 has a normal 12. Let G be a finite set closed under an associative
subgroup of order 5. binary operation such that
ab  ac  b  c & ba  ca  b  c  a, b, c  G
3. Show that an ideal ‘S’ of the ring of integers Z is prove that G is a group.
maximal ideal iff ‘S’ generated by a prime integer.
13. Let G be a group of order P n , where P is a prime
4. Show that in an integral domain every prime
number and n > 0. Let H be a proper subgroup of
element is irreducible. Give an example to show
that the converse is not true. G and N (H) =  x  G / x 1hx H h  H  . Prove
that N(H)  H.
5. If S is an ideal of ring R and T any subring of R,
then prove that S is an ideal of S+T = {s+ t |s  S, 14. Prove or disprove the statement: the polynomial
t  T}.
ring I  x  over the ring of integers is a principal
6. Show that a necessary and sufficient condition ideal ring.
for a subset H of a group G to be a subgroup is
HH 1  H 15. Prove that H  K is a subgroup of  G ,   if and
only if H  K  K  H .
7. Show that the order of each subgroup of a finite
group is a divisor of the order of the group. 16. If G is a finite group of order g and H is a
subgroup of G of order h , then prove that h is a
8. Let F be a field and let P(x) be an irreducible factor of g.
polynomial over F. Let P  x  be the ideal
17. Let F be a field and F[x] denote the set of all
generated by P(x). Prove that P  x  is a maximal polynomials defined over F. If f(x) is an irreducible
ideal. polynomial in F[x]; show that the ideal generated
F x
9. Let f be a homomorphism of group G onto a by f(x) in F[x] is maximal and f  x is a field.
group G with kernel H. For each subgroup K
of G define K by K=  x  G | f ( x ) K  prove 18. Prove that a finite integral domain is a field.
that (i) K is isomorphic to K/H
19. Prove that the order of each subgroup of a finite
group divides the order of the group.
10. G/K is isomorphic to
K 20. Write if each of the following statements is true
or false:

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

(i) If a is an element of a ring (R,+,.) and m 31. Give an example of an infinite integral domain
n that has characteristic 3.
and n  N , then  a m   a mn
(ii) Every sub group of an abelian group is not
32. Prove that A5 has no subgroup of order 15 to 20.
necessarily abelian.
(iii) A semi group (G,.) in which the equations
ax=b and x a=b are solvable (for any a,b) is a 33. Find a permutation  such that  2  (13579)
group. (268).
(iv) The relation of isomorphism in the set of all
groups is not an equivalence relation. 34. Give an example of a finite noncommutative ring.
(v) There are only two abstract groups of order Give an example of an infinite noncommutative
six. ring that does not have a unity.

21. State and prove the fundamental theorem of 35. Let a, b be elements of a group G. Assum ve that
homomorphism for groups. ab = ba.
22. If p is a prime number and e a positive integer, 36. (i) Prove that the group  z3 .
what are the elements ‘a’ in the ring p e of
(ii) Show that z9 is not a homomorphic image
integers modulo pe such that a 2 = a ? Hence of z16
(or otherwise ) determine the element in  35 such
that a2 = a. 37. (i) suppose a group contains elements a and b
such that |a| = 4, |b| = 2, and a3b = ba. Find
23. Let G be a group and let Z(G) be the centre of G. |ab|.
If G/Z(G) is cyclic then G is Abelian. (ii) Let  = (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) (2, 4, 6) (8, 10). If m is
a 5-cycle, what can you say about m?
24. Find the g.c.d in Z[i] of 2 and 3 + 5i.
38. Let R be a Euclideam domain with Euclidean
25. Find all the distinct conjugacy classes of S3. valuation d. Let n be an integer such that d (1) +
n 0. Show that the function dn : R – {0} S,
26. Give an example of a subset of a ring that is a where S is the set of all negative integers defined
subgroup under addition but not a subring. by dn (a) = d(a) + n for all aR – {0} is a
Euclidean valuation.
27. Find all subgroups of S3. Show that union of any
two nontrivial distinct subgroups of S3 is not a 39. Let F be the field of integers modulo 5. Show
subgroup of S3. that the polynomial x2 + 2x + 3 is irreducible over
F. Use this is construct a field containig 25
28. Show that 3 is an irreducible element of   5  .
40. Show that Z  –6  is not a U.F.D.
29. Let |G| = 33. What are the possible orders for the
elements of G? Show that G must have an element
41. (i) Let  *,  be the multiplicative group of non-
of order 3.
zero reals and (GL(n, ), X ) be the
30. 2
Prove that the polynomial 1  x  x  .........  x p1 multiplicative group of n  n non-singular real
where P is a prime number, is irreducible over matrices. Show that the quotient group
the field of rational numbers. GL(n, ) SL(n, ) and  *,  are isomorphic

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

SL(n, )   AGL(n, ) / det A 1. 52. P3 be the symmetric group on three symbols a,b,c
and A3 be the alternating group on three symbols
What is the centre of GL  n,   ? a,b,c from the composition table for the quotient
(ii) Suppose a group contains elements a and b P3
such that group .
| a | 4,| b | 2, and a 3b = ba. Find |ab|.

53. Let G be a group and H be a normal subgroup of

42. Prove that a map f : X  Y is injective iff f can G. Then show that there exists an epimorphism
be left cancelled in the sense that f : G  G H such that kerf=H.
f  g  f  h  g  h. f is surjective iff it can be
right cancelled in the sense that 54. Let R be a commutative ring and S and ideal of
g  f  h f  g  h. R. Then the ring of residue classes R/S is an
integral domain if and only if S is a prime ideal.
43. Let f : X  Y and g : Y  Z be both bijections,
55. Let G= GL (2, IR) and let H = {A  G/det A is
prove that g f is bijection and rational}.
( g  f ) 1  f 1  g 1 Prove or disprove that H is a subgroup of G. What
if we replace “rational” by “integer”?
44. Show that no group of order 30 is simple. Where G L (2, IR) is 2×2 matrices of non-zero
determinant with coefficients from the field IR.
45. Show that a group of order 56 cannot be simple. 56. Show that zero and unity are only idempotents of
Z n if n  p r , where p is a prime.
46. Show that a group of order 35 is cyclic.
57. (i) Let G be a group and let Z(G) be the centre
47. Let   G   108. Show that there exists a normal of G. If G/Z(G) is cyclic, then G is Abelian.
subgroup of order 27 or 9. (ii) Find the g.c.d in Z[i] of 2 and 3 + 5i.

48. Write the elements of the symmetric group S3 of 58. (i) Find all prime ideals and maximal ideals in
degree 3, Prepare its multiplication table and find the ring  8 .
all normal subgroups of S3 . (ii) In Z  –5  , prove that 1  3 5 is
irreducible but not prime.
49. If F is a finite field &  ,  are two non-zero
elements of F , then show that there exist 59. Is
  
Z  5   a  b  5 : a , b  Z  Euclidean
elements a & b in F such that 1   a 2   b2  0 . domain. Justify your answer.

50. Show that every euclidean domain is a UFD. 60. Prove that x2 + 1 is irreducible over the field F of
F[ x]
51. If f : G  G  is define dby f ( x)  1; x  0 integers modulo 11. Also prove that is a
x2  1
 1; x  0 field having 121 elements.
Where G = set of non-zero real numbers and
G   {1, 1} are groups. Prove that f is a 61. (i) Suppose a group contains elements a and b
homonorphism. such that | a | 4,| b | 2, and a 3b = ba. Find
Find its rank and nullity. |ab|.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

(ii) Let  = (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) (2, 4, 6) (8, 10). If  m is 68. (i) Prove or disprove that if H is a normal
a 5-cycle, what can you say about m? subgroup of a group G such that H and G H
62. (i) In which of the following pairs are the two
groups isomorphic to each other? are cyclic, then G is cylic.
(ii) Show by counter example that the distributive
(a) R Z and S 1, where R is the additive laws in the definition of a ring is not
group of real numbers and redundant.
S1 =  Z C : Z  1 under complex
69. Define irreducible element and prime element in
multiplication. an integral domain D with units. Prove that every
(b) (Z, +) and (Q, +) prime element in D is irreducible and converse of
(ii) Prove or disprove that if G is a finite abelian this is not (in general) true.
group of order n, and k is a positive integer
which divides n, then G has at most one 70. If R is a unique factorization domain (UFD), then
subgroup of order k. prove that R[x] is also a UFD.

63. The field of rational numbers with d (a)  1 for 71. Prove that in the ring F[x] of polynomials over a
all a  0 Q is a Euclidean domain. However, Q field F, the ideal I   P  x  is maximal iff the
with d (a )  a for all a  0 Q, is not a polynomial P(x) is irreducible over F.
Euclidean domain.

64. Let G be a group and N be a normal subgroup of

G. Let f be a mapping from G  defined by
f ( x )  Nx for x  G. Then f is a homomorphism
of G onto and ker f  N .
65. In which of the following pairs are the two groups
ismorphic to each other ? Justify your answer.
(i) R/Z and S', where R is the additive group of
real numbers and S    Z C : Z  1 under
complex multiplication.
(ii) (Z, +) and (Q, +).

66. If p is a prime number and e a positive integer,

what are the elements ‘a’ in the ring Z p of e

integers module pe such that a2 = a ? Hence (or

otherwise) determine the elements in Z35 such
that a2 = a.

67. Prove or disprove that  IR*,. is isomorphic to

 IR,  

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email : [email protected], www.ims4maths. com

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