Cucumber Tree 07-04-2021
Cucumber Tree 07-04-2021
Cucumber Tree 07-04-2021
Spring 2021
West Virginia Forest Products Center wants to express our appreciation to the individuals and organizations who provided invaluable input to this strategic
marketing and applications feasibility study. The key issues identified within this report could not be fully identified and explored without their help. We want
to give special thanks to the USDA Rural Development Grant Program for their financial assistance and West Virginia Design Build, LLC for their technical
and analytical assistance.
Table of Contents
Foreword ......................................................................................................................1
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................2
Introduction ................................................................................................................3
Stakeholder Engagement........................................................................................... 5
Resident Survey. ......................................................................................................................... 5
Business Survey ................................................................................................................... 6
Market Potential ......................................................................................................... 7
Market Potential – Introduction. ........................................................................................ 7
SWOT Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 8
Design Values ...............................................................................................................9
Clear Wood Values ............................................................................................................. 9
Design Calculations ..........................................................................................................13
Design Summary ...............................................................................................................15
Value-Added Applications & Opportunities ...........................................................16
Furniture and Building Products..................................................................................16
Timber Structures. .............................................................................................................18
Engineered Wood Products. .........................................................................................19
Thermally Modified Wood ............................................................................................ 19
Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 21
References ................................................................................................................. 22
Executive Summary
The design values determination provided valuable information about the
This strategic product development action plan serves as a roadmap to
characteristics of the cucumber tree. The cucumber tree is a very stiff wood. The
develop value added markets for the cucumber tree into the third decade of
stiffness of a material is the product of a geometric property, moment of inertia,
the 21st century. It assesses how to leverage a region's natural resource asset for
with a material property, the modulus of elasticity. The moment of inertia is the
competitive advantage and identifies target markets upon which to focus its
same for any material as long as its cross sectional geometry is the same. The
product development efforts. It also outlines strategies and tactics to best
modulus of elasticity is thus an indicator of the material stiffness. The modulus of
position the cucumber tree for value-added applications. Properly promoting
elasticity for the cucumber tree was greater than white oak, red oak, Douglas fir,
the cucumber tree will market it and compete in the global economy. It takes a
and southern yellow pine. The bending strength of the cucumber tree was
best practice approach and provides key indicators for monitoring adding
slightly less than these compared species. The cucumber tree is strong, stiff, and
value to the cucumber tree.
Strategic Product Development Planning Process The action plan needed to add value to the cucumber tree is to promote,
promote, and promote. The West Virginia Forest Products Center has developed
a brochure in conjunction with this study and has a dedicated space on its web
Engagement site for the cucumber tree.
Based on the market assessment findings and industry analysis the study
indicated four industry applications that will do the most to advance the value
A four-step process is used to prepare the development plan. It started with of the cucumber tree. The target industry applications are:
stakeholder engagement, wherein West Virginia Design Build (WVFB)
conducted one-on-one interviews and group meetings with a diverse cross-
section of citizens and forest products industry workers. • Niche Solid Wood Furniture
• Architectural Wood Elements
Current market assessment indicated the cucumber tree has been assimilated • Exposed Timber Structural Members
with yellow poplar and is sold as yellow poplar. It is interesting to note the log
• Engineered Wood Products
yards and sawmills pay less for cucumber logs than yellow poplar logs. The main
• Thermally Modified Wood
current uses for the cucumber tree are: 1) saw timber for lumber (sold as poplar),
2) peeler logs for veneer and plywood cores, and 3) pulp wood for paper and
The Cucumber Tree (Magnolia acuminata), so named because of the slight resemblance
of its fruit to a cucumber, is also called cucumber magnolia, yellow cucumber tree,
yellow-flower magnolia, and mountain magnolia, is the most widespread and hardiest
of the eight native magnolia species in the United States. They reach their greatest size
in moist soils of slopes and valleys in the mixed hardwood forests of the southern
Appalachian Mountains. The soft, durable, straight-grained wood is similar to yellow-
poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). They are often marketed together and used for pallets,
crates, furniture, and plywood. Cucumber-tree is widely distributed. It grows on cool
moist sites mostly in the mountains from western New York and southern Ontario
southwest to Ohio, southern Indiana and Illinois, southern Missouri south to
southeastern Oklahoma and Louisiana; east to northwest Florida and central Georgia;
and north in the mountains to Pennsylvania (Smith, 1990).
Cucumber tree can be used for wood products and resembles yellow poplar except that the
wood is heavier, harder, and stronger. This species was commonly used for lumber in the
Appalachian Mountains, especially in West Virginia and adjoining states such as Kentucky.
Cucumber tree wood was used when the application requirement was for a light, strong wood
such as wagons and gates. The wood currently is usually sold with yellow poplar, primarily as
peeler logs for plywood cores. It has not been sold as cucumber tree lumber since 1928 (Betts,
Cucumber-tree is nearly as strong as red oak (Modulus of Rupture is 12,300 lbf/in3 vs 14,380
lbf/in3 for red oak) and is more stiff (Elastic Modulus is 1,820,000 lbf/in2 vs 1,760,000 lbf/in2 for red
Cucumber-tree is the hardiest of the native tree size magnolias. Cucumber-tree is found
scattered in the oak-hickory forest. In the Appalachian and Cumberland Mountains,
cucumber tree commonly occurs with yellow-poplar, eastern hemlock (Tsuga
canadensis), white ash, basswood, birches, sugar maple, northern red oak, black oak,
and white oak. Common understory vegetation includes hemlock, sugar maple, beech,
birch, and rhododendron.
The cucumber tree has a wide sapwood that is a creamy white to grayish color. The
comparatively narrow heartwood color ranges from a medium to dark brown,
sometimes with green, purple, or black streaks. The grain is straight, with a fine, uniform
texture and a moderate natural luster. The endgrain is diffuse-porous with small pores
in no specific arrangement, usually solitary and radial multiples of 2-3. The growth rings
are distinct and the rays are faintly visible without lens and the parenchyma marginally
The cucumber tree named because the tree’s unripe fruit is green and resembles small
cucumbers. Cucumbertree is actually related to other species of Magnolia, and the
woods within the genus cannot be reliably separated visually. Additionally, Magnolia
species are difficult to tell apart from Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) unless you
are an Appalachian logger. The tree is light, very strong, and quite stiff. Unique niche Cucumber Tree Bark (WVFPC)
applications will be any that requires light weight and good strength.
Stakeholder Engagement
The stakeholder engagement involved one-on-one interviews and group
conversations centered on awareness of the cucumber tree, acceptability of Question Yes No
using the wood for value-added products, and knowledge of current uses. Over
90 individuals participated in this phase of the strategic product analysis 1) Working knowledge
process. The surveys were directed to two distinct focus groups, community 5% 95%
of Forest Products
group with little or no knowledge of the forest products industry, and a business
focus group consisting of individuals involved in primary processing of forest Industry?
2) Aware of the
2% 98%
When asked “what are the most significant challenges facing central cucumber tree?
Appalachia”, community stakeholders indicated that poverty, available jobs,
and quality of education are the most significant areas of concern. Their 3) Value having strong
feedback serves as important considerations for the remaining phases of the
75% 25%
& stiff hardwood?
strategic product development process. Strategic product development
planning is most effective when diverse stakeholder groups become engaged Source: West Virginia Design Build Survey
early in the planning process. Those who determine the potential uses for the
cucumber tree can impact economic growth in central Appalachia. They have a
stake in the community and play an important role in economic development. a working knowledge of the forest products industry? 2) Have you
That is why a conscious effort was made to ensure that the development plan ever heard of the cucumber tree? 3) Do you think there is a value
aligns with the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) of in having a hardwood that is strong yet very light? 4) What are
regional economic development authorities. potential uses for an Appalachian hardwood that is strong, stiff,
and light? Results of the informal survey are shown the table
Community Survey above. The Consumer Survey indicates the need to communicate
and market the cucumber tree to the general public is significant
The community survey was conducted via informal conversations by West and the value of utilizing this hardwood species seems promising.
Virginia Design Build staff over a 9 month window. Although informal surveys
can be subjective, the questions were structured such that they were affirmative
or negative and not quantifiable in nature. The questions were: 1) Do you have
Stakeholder Engagement
Business Survey “Appalachia’s greatest asset is its
Forest products business owners, managers, and employees identified a potential.” — Local Stakeholder
different mix of challenges for the community. Foremost in importance was the
ability to attract/retain skilled employees, the quality of public schools, the
regulatory environment, development and permitting process, and
utilities/infrastructure. Three distinct groups of primary forest products The business survey indicated a knowledge of the species by loggers,
producers; loggers, log concentration yards, and sawmill personnel were asked log concentration yards and sawmills. The focus groups did not
the following questions: 1) Are you familiar with the cucumber tree? 2 ) Is the differential cucumber tree from yellow poplar and considered them
cucumber tree different than yellow poplar? 3) Do you think there is a value in
having a hardwood that is strong yet very light? 4) What are the uses for the
interchangeable. A few called the cucumber tree “stiff poplar”. The
cucumber tree? timber primary processing group did indicate there is a value for a
light but stiff and strong Appalachian hardwood.
BUSINESS SURVEY Some of the uses indicated by the group included: 1) saw timber, saw
timber is sold to sawmills together with yellow poplar to produce
Focus Groups lumber. It is usually the butt log of the tree; 2) peeler logs, peeler
Question Loggers Log Yards Sawmills logs are sold to plywood manufacturers to fabricate the core of the
plywood; 3) pulp wood, pulp wood is sold to paper mills, pellet mills
Yes No Yes No Yes No
& oriented strand board manufacturers.
Aware of Cucumber
98% 2% 95% 5% 64% 36%
Interestingly, all three uses provide low value for the cucumber tree.
Cucumber Tree
20% 80% 16% 84% 13% 87%
different from poplar?
Value having stiff,
strong, & light 61% 39% 65% 35% 76% 24%
Market Potential
Market Potential
The wise use of under-utilized, low valued hardwoods could balance forest
The emergence of the green economy, however, may change the furniture market trends
composition by creating a homogeneous demand on Appalachian species. Using
Cost reduction and product differentiation in terms of quality, features and service are
alternative species would also help minimize the dependence on traditional species.
among the categories that could increase the competitive advantage of a firm (Porter
West Virginia has abundant forest resources that contribute significantly to the
1985). The rise in niche markets for customized products and services now becomes
state’s economy. It is the 3rd most heavily forested state in the nation covering over
essential as customers demand and expectations increased. In value chain assessment, the
12 million acres of forest land and has been relatively stable since the late 1980s
use of local materials is viewed more sustainable, as this may mean lower price, faster
(USDA Forest Service, 2016). Most of this forest area is available for timber
delivery, reduced transportation costs and carbon emissions (Buehlman and Schuler
production. Timberland makes up 97% of this total forest area making it economically
important to the state. In addition, WVs forests have been maturing and the acreage
of large diameter stands has been steadily increasing since the 1975 inventory (Ross,
The commercial logging industry can quite easily separate cucumber tree logs from
2020). Thus, the state’s forest products industry can continue to capitalize on this rich
yellow poplar creating a ready source of raw materials. Log concentration yards and
forest resource base. Export markets, however, have shown good potential due to the
sawmills typically pay less for cucumber tree than for yellow poplar for no apparent
rise in the emerging markets like China, Russia, India, and other countries that
reason. The solid wood products sector can utilize cucumber tree in veneer and plywood
consider American furniture as a brand status symbol. On the other hand, value-
manufacturing, engineered wood, flooring, lumber, architectural woodwork, and millwork
added services are important to customers in developed countries. Appalachian
manufacturing. The wood furniture industry can utilize cucumber tree in cabinet and
manufacturers, therefore, should think of innovative ways to continuously improve
casework manufacturing, solid office furniture and household furniture.
their products from product development to the selling and item disposal (Moya,
The purpose of examining market potential is to gain a better understanding of
the strengths, assets, and challenges important to economic development
Given the abundance of forest resource and productive timberlands in West Virginia,
and the community’s potential for growth. Central Appalachia has the natural resources
the state’s economy is more specialized in wood products than is the nation (Childs,
and forest industry clusters to facilitate expansion of the cucumber tree as a focus
2005). It is still one of the top timber producing states in the nation producing more
hardwood species. The name “cucumber tree” alone will invoke curiosity among potential
than 700 million board feet of lumber, 770 million square feet of OSB and 800 million
consumers of solid wood Appalachian hardwoods. Proper marketing of this species will
square feet of veneer annually (WV Department of Commerce, 2017). The economic
increase sales of the cucumber tree and hence, increase the value of this extraordinary
importance of the forest products industry in the state has been widely recognized.
Market Potential
Strengths Weaknesses
Logistics infrastructure: rail, interstates Persistently high poverty rates
Diverse economic drivers (manufacturing, tourism, healthcare, Underperforming K-12 schools
Higher education institutions (good community colleges) Drug related crime
Natural Resources Inadequate skilled workforce / lack of soft skills
Favorable cost of living compared to other national MSAs Capital is limited for small business community / entrepreneurs
Historical preservation and cultural richness Small number of headquarters leading to few corporate leaders active in forest
products economic development
Ability to draw people back after years away Limited opportunities for young professional’s career advancement
Quality of life Limited public owned land available to attract high wage projects
Opportunities Threats
Retain and attract more talent Lack of coordination between governmental entities
Further diversify economic base Perception of drug use and public education limits progress
Continue efforts to attract affluent visitors, lengthen visitor stays and increase spend Limited public transportation for workforce
Grow entrepreneurial resources and support entrepreneurship Companies unable to scale
Invest in WVU Tech as the regional university with the greatest potential to achieve a high Status quo bias
level of research talent in the forest products industry
Develop infrastructure and ecosystem as well as local and regional support for the value- Land assets not always developed for highest and best use from an employment
added forest products industry perspective
Leverage WV Development Office and other assets to increase int’l trade and investment Shortage of quality teachers
Partner with colleges and universities to advance creative technology industries and Trade wars and other temporary global economic challenges that arise
Design Values
The allowable design stresses (reference design values) for magnolia acuminata is The NDS Supplement lists reference design values for lumber and timber for
not included in the National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS). A numerous commercial softwood and hardwood species. Table 4A (Reference
standardized procedure exists for establishing allowable properties from the clear Design Values for Visually Graded Dimensional Lumber 2”-4” Thick) and Table 4D
wood strength values of a particular wood species. American Society for Testing and (Reference Design Values for Visually Graded Timbers, 5” x 5” and Larger). A large
Materials (ASTM) Standards D2555, Standard Practice for Establishing Clear Wood number of tree species are harvested for use and are not found in the NDS
Strength Values, and D245, Standard Practice for Establishing Structural Grades and Supplement,in particular, Magnolia acuminata, the cucumber tree is not listed.
Allowable Properties for Visually Graded Lumber, provide the test data and the Many small mills in central Appalachia have access to ample supplies of the
code-referenced method for determining allowable design stresses. ASTM D245 also cucumber tree. Most North American tree species from which timber can be
provides the means to adjust the reference design values for timbers when the harvested have been tested to obtain strength properties that are summarized in
grade-limiting defects are less than permitted by grading rules for select structural ASTM D2555. Strength test results are also provided in the Wood Handbook
wood species and can be achieved using the test results listed in D2555. produced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Products Laboratory
(Anthony and Nehil, 2018). (available as a free download from
Modulus of Modulus of Compression, Specific
Shear Strength Perpendicular to
Rupture Elasticity Parallel to Grain Gravity
Species Grain
Std. Std. Std. Std. Std.
Avg., Avg., Avg., Avg., Avg., Std.
Dev., Dev., Dev., Dev., Dev., Avg.
psi ksi psi psi psi Dev
psi ksi psi psi psi
7420 1187 1565 344 3140 565 991 139 567 92 0.44 0.044
Design Values
Data given in ASTM D2555 were obtained by testing unseasoned small clear natural-growth characteristics. ASTM D245 procedures take clear wood specimen
specimens (e.g., bending tests were conducted on 2-inch by 2-inch by 30-inch variability into account when establishing properties that are then used to
specimens), and do not give allowable design values for seasoned timber with determine allowable design stresses (Anthony and Nehil, 2018).
“natural growth characteristics”. To obtain reference design values (similar to
those published in the NDS), the procedures of ASTM D245 are used. These two ASTM D2555 Standard Practice for Establishing Structural Grades and
ASTM standards together make it possible to derive allowable stresses for most Allowable Properties for Visually Graded Lumber
North American timber species.
ASTM D245 provides a means of accounting for the maximum defects permitted
ASTM D2555 Standard Practice for Establishing Clear Wood Strength Values within a structural grade and determining the related allowable properties for
design. ASTM D245 defines the procedure for determining allowable design
ASTM D2555 addresses standard practice for establishing clear wood strength stresses for visually graded timbers starting from the average breaking strength
values. This standard has a set of tables with strength values that have been values given in D2555 for small clear specimens. These procedures help make the
obtained for nearly 100 North American hardwood and softwood species. These translation from small (2-inch by 2-inch by 30-inch) clear wood specimens to full-
values were the result of testing conducted in accordance with procedures size lumber and timbers containing knots and/or slope of grain characteristics.
defined in ASTM D143, Test Methods for Small Clear Specimens of Timber. The procedure is a multi-step process that considers the variability of material
properties within a given species, adjusts for load duration, incorporates a safety
Table 4 lists the values tabulated in D2555 for Magnolia acuminata, showing the factor, accounts for the effect of slope of grain and knots, when present, and
average (mean) and standard deviation values for modulus of rupture (bending provides other adjustments primarily for size and moisture content.
strength), modulus of elasticity, shear parallel to grain, compression parallel to
grain, compression perpendicular to grain, and specific gravity. The standard
deviation is an indication of the variability of the particular strength property for a
given species. This variation is needed when determining allowable design values
per ASTM D245. These are strength values and standard deviations for clear
wood specimens and so the variability is independent of the grade of wood. It is
an indication of the variability of genetic makeup and growth environments of
the trees within a species that has been subjected to D143 testing, rather than
indicating the strength properties of full-size lumber and timber that include
Cucumber Tree (WVFPC)
Design Values
Using the D143 test data given in D2555, the D245 procedure for establishing a wide range of strength values are obtained. The results are assumed to
allowable properties consists of four basic steps (Anthony and Nehil, 2018): reasonably fit a normal distribution curve, so that taking 1.645 times the standard
deviation and subtracting that from the average (mean) strength value yields the
1. Calculate the 5% exclusion limit (the lower fifth percentile) for bending, value below which only five out of 100 test results should fall. This is the 5%
tension parallel to grain, compression parallel to grain, and shear parallel exclusion value against which all additional adjustments are made when
to grain strength properties; note that compression perpendicular to calculating allowable stresses.
grain and modulus of elasticity are based on average values so the 5%
exclusion limit is not applied. Adjustment Factors: Although greatly reduced from the average strengths, the
5% exclusion limits still represent breaking strengths that require further
2. Apply the appropriate adjustment factor for the given clear wood reduction to arrive at allowable design values. Also, the D143 tests are conducted
property to achieve a factor of safety and adjust the test data to normal with an expected time-to-failure of 10 minutes. These test results must be
load duration. modified to adjust the strength value obtained from a 10-minute load duration
to allowable stresses suitable for normal load duration, defined as 10 years.
3. Determine the most severe strength ratios to be applied to bending, and
tension and compression parallel to grain, to account for the effect of
slope of grain and knots. A separate strength ratio is applied to shear
parallel to grain to account for checks and splits.
4. Determine if any other modification factors apply for the given timber in
its anticipated use.
Design Values
Adjustment factors are given in Table 8 of ASTM D245 for bending, tension and
compression parallel to grain, and horizontal shear. It also provides adjustment
factors for modulus of elasticity and compression perpendicular to grain. The
table further differentiates between softwoods and hardwoods for each of the
adjustment factors, although the differences are minor. Dividing the 5% exclusion
limit value by the appropriate adjustment factor produces the respective
allowable properties for clear, straight-grained wood in the unseasoned (green)
Design Values
There are three tables provided in D245 that give the strength ratios for various 1. Calculate the 5% exclusion limit for bending, compression parallel
combinations of knot size and member size. The tables give the strength and shear parallel to grain.
reducing ratios for knots on the narrow face of bending members, centerline
knots on the wide face of members, and edge knots on the wide face of Tension parallel to grain strength is based on a percentage of bending
members. strength in the ASTM D245 procedure and does require a separate
calculation; it is addressed in step (3) where strength ratios are calculated.
Other Modification Factors: Several additional modification factors are identified
in ASTM D245 that can or should be applied as appropriate to the wood and its Bending strength at 5% exclusion limit: 7420 – (1.645 x 1187) = 5467 psi
conditions of use. These modification factors correspond with the “Adjustment
Factors” identified in the NDS. The modification criteria of ASTM D245 include Compression parallel to grain at 5% exclusion limit: 3140 – (1.645 x 565)
moisture content, size, duration of load, aging, preservative or fire retardant = 2210 psi
treatment including incising effects, temperature, bearing area for compression
perpendicular to grain, and repetitive members, as with closely spaced joists or Shear parallel to grain at 5% exclusion limit: 991 – (1.645 x 139) = 762 psi
In the 2021 edition of the NeLMA rule, the maximum slope of grain for 12 inch Compression perpendicular to grain: 567 x (1/1.67) = 340 psi
wide B&S is 1:14, the maximum size centerline knot on the wide face is 3-1/8
inches, and the maximum edge knot on the wide face is 2-1/8 inches.
Design Values
Design Values
A comparison to the NDS allowable stress design values for several select structural
(NELMA) wood species, Beams and Stringers is shown below.
Value-Added Applications & Opportunities
Value-added wood products (VAWP), also called secondary-processed products, are
wood products that have been processed into furniture, architectural woodworking The most significant growths of e-commerce furniture sales have been registered
and building products, exposed timber structures, profiled wood and engineered in the United States and Europe, followed by China. Following this performance,
wood products (EWPs). Glulam, which is made of sawn wood glued into beams, and North America currently represents the largest market, followed by China and
laminated veneer lumber (LVL), which is formed from gluing together sheets of veneer Europe. The mentioned regions represent over 90% of the worldwide e-commerce
and then re-sawing to desired dimensions. VAWPs frequently generate demand for a sales of furniture.
range of primary wood products. Cucumber tree is a light, strong, and stiff
Appalachian hardwood. Specific niches for this wood will promote increased use and When looking at single product categories, the higher market growth has been
value for the cucumber tree. registered for the upholstery segment where online sales cover about 15% of
global demand. A fast-growing category is outdoor furniture, followed by office
1. Wood Furniture furniture, whose online sales have been positively influenced by the pandemic
(reaching a 4% share on total segment consumption in 2020). Among the fast-
World furniture consumption during 2020 has been inevitably affected by the growing product categories, there are tables, coffee tables, chairs, and beds.
spread of the pandemic, which forced well over 100 countries worldwide to Cucumber wood can be introduced to manufacturers of wood furniture to provide
institute either a full or a partial lockdown in different periods of the year, affecting a unique product differentiation.
billions of people, who had to change in part their consumption habits. Firstly,
lockdowns provided people with the opportunity to focus on home and comfort 2. Architectural Woodworking and Building Products
and, above all, adapt their spaces to working from home. Secondly, in recent years,
the online channel eroded offline shares among the global furniture retail markets, With residential construction, home improvements, and related household
partially compensating the sharp decrease of brick and mortar stores' sales. expenditures accounting for roughly a fifth of GDP, housing market conditions are
a critical indicator of the economy’s health. new residential construction
According to estimates, world furniture consumption in 2020 recorded an rebounded quickly in the summer of 2020 and continued at a strong pace through
unprecedented decrease of 10% to a value of around US$ 400 billion at factory early 2021. Housing starts climbed 6.9 percent last year to 1.38 million units—the
prices, meaning about US$ 700 billion at end-user prices (Csil, 2021). Under those highest output since 2006 when production reached 1.80 million units.
circumstances, the e-commerce channel showed an opposite trend with the global Completions were also up 2.5 percent to 1.29 million units, while permitting rose
value of furniture sold online reaching a double-digit increase, now representing 6.1 percent to 1.47 million units (Harvard, 2021).
10% of furniture consumption at end-user prices on a world scale.
Value-Added Applications & Opportunities
For the first time in three years, single-family construction drove the increase in
production in 2020. Starts of single-family homes jumped to 991,000 units—a 12
percent gain for the year and the biggest percentage increase since 2013 (Figure
5). But even these impressive numbers probably understate the strong upturn.
After dropping to 685,000 units in April at a seasonally adjusted annual rate,
single-family starts averaged 1.16 million units from August 2020 through March
2021. This represents a substantial pickup from the previous 13 years when starts
consistently lagged below the one-million mark.
Given the extremely limited supply of homes for sale across the country, prices
will likely continue to rise for the foreseeable future even if interest rates tick up
and more sellers put their homes on the market. But in the longer term, robust
growth in housing construction will be necessary to temper conditions in some of
today’s overheated homebuying markets. However, homebuilders will need to
meet the growing demand for homes of various sizes and at different price
points, especially as millennials become a dominant force in the market.
The pandemic has in fact been something of a boon for the remodeling industry
by forcing a variety of housing and lifestyle changes that encourage
improvement spending. Many owners were suddenly faced with the need for
more space to work from home, help their children with remote learning, and
allow social distancing. In 2019, homeowner improvements continued to account
for fully two-thirds of the remodeling market, with strong gains in both per-
owner and total spending. Indeed, at $3,300, average per-owner expenditures Figure 5. (Harvard, 2021)
were up 13 percent from the peak of the housing boom in 2007. (Harvard, 2021)
Value-Added Applications & Opportunities
framed buildings is no greater than those built with other structural materials. As
Pandemic-induced changes in housing and lifestyle decisions, as well as the long as the wood structure is properly protected from the elements, a wood
longer-term evolution of real estate markets, point to strong growth in home structure is considered to be highly-durable. Large timber frame construction
improvement spending. Conditions also suggest that there is significant pent-up projects are environmentally responsible and sustainable. Timber is a renewable
demand for larger discretionary projects such as additions, alterations, and resource, and an increase in timber demand will encourage more forest growth
remodels, major projects that many homeowners are likely to have deferred to meet the supply.
during the pandemic. There will be robust demand for cabinets, casework, and
millwork in the foreseeable future. Promoting the cucumber tree in these areas Timber structure builders in the eastern US typically construct with eastern white
will significantly increase the usage and value the wood. pine, red oak, and white oak or transport Douglas fir across the country from the
west coast. Eastern white pine is soft and weak but easy to work. Both of the
3. Timber structures oaks are strong but difficult to dry and to fabricate, especially with hand tools.
Douglas fir is a good wood, strong and easy to fabricate but the shipping costs
Timber frame construction has significant usage in small commercial or and increased carbon content from shipping tend to diminish its favorable
residential structures. Most large buildings have typically been constructed from attributes.
steel framing, however there are many reasons to consider large timber framing
for your large wood building construction. Some of the benefits include: The cucumber tree is very strong and stiff. It is light and easy to work with hand
construction time, cost, durability, strength, and sustainability. tools and machine tools. It is an ideal candidate for timber frame structures. Why
is cucumber not used currently? The tree does not have a unique identity. It
Timber frame or post and beam structures can be prefabricated and quickly needs to be promoted as a very useful Appalachian hardwood. Former uses were
erected on the construction site, especially compared to steel or masonry for horse drawn wagons and wooden gates, applications that require strength
structures. The material cost of large timber frame structures can be similar to and light weight. The cucumber tree will make an excellent timber for use in mass
other construction materials, but the cost savings may be realized in the timber structures.
reduction to labor cost with the speed up in on-site erection. When constructed
and built correctly, large timber frame construction projects are strong and
durable. They are resistant to rot and decay, requiring a high moisture content
before they would rot or be susceptible to insects. The risk of fire in wood
Value-Added Applications & Opportunities
4. Engineered Wood Products and over a relatively shorter period. Thermal-modification alters the chemical
composition of the wood by degrading cell wall compounds and extractives. As a
The primary engineered wood product that the cucumber tree is best suited is result of thermal-modification treatment, wood’s dimensional stability, moisture
glued laminated timbers. Glued laminated timber, or glulam, is an engineered resistance, and resistance to rot and decay are improved allowing it to be suitable
timber product manufactured by gluing together smaller pieces of stress for many exterior applications such as decking and siding. However, thermal
graded and seasoned timber. The laminates are typically finger-jointed into treatment causes a lost in weight and mechanical strength during the process so it
continuous lengths, and available in both softwood and hardwood species. must be analyzed for use in applications where structural performance is critical,
Prior to gluing, the laminates are dressed to exact and uniform thickness. They such as support beams.
are clamped together under constant pressure until the glue has cured, and
before the members are planed and cut to exact size. Because glulam is made
up of many laminates, strength-reducing characteristics are often absent or just
confined to one laminate. As a result, the product is stronger than solid timber,
and its strength and performance predictions are usually very reliable. The
manufacturing process also allows for larger and longer members than would
“It’s not often that we see a revolutionary new
otherwise be possible with traditional solid sawn timber. process in the lumber industry. New
developments in thermal modification may well
Glulam is fabricated from Douglas fir and sometimes cedars in the western
be one of these processes.” Atlanta Hardwoods
states and southern yellow pine in the east. The design strengths for Douglas fir
and southern yellow pine are similarly strong. The cucumber tree is nearly as
strong as both Douglas fir and southern yellow pine and is stiffer. It would
make an excellent alternative to softwoods for glulam.
architects for interior wood working applications due to its pleasing aesthetics.
Thermally modified wood Heat treatment involves heating wood material to a
temperature of 375 - 425 °F while at the same time protecting it with steam and/or TML characteristics are similar to the untreated species characteristics. After
vacuum. The steam/vacuum keeps the wood from combusting, but it also influences treatment, finish quality often improves, grain patterns remain the same, and the
chemical changes in wood. The treatment removes the wood sugars (hemi-cellulose) sapwood and heartwood often become difficult to distinguish. Increased brittleness
from the wood and modifies the cell walls such that they will not absorb water. Note requires sharp tooling and often eased or beveled edges are preferred due to
that this process involves only heat and water, no chemicals are used in the thermal chipping.
modification process.
Ash has been the predominant species to modify for outdoor decking and balconies.
Properties of Thermally Modified Wood The cucumber tree could become a viable substitute for thermally modified decking.
Decay and rot resistant It has a strength similar to ash and is stiffer. There is an enormous market potential
Improved dimensional stability for thermally modified cucumber tree wood.
Uniform color throughout cross-section
Equilibrium moisture content is reduced
Wood will not absorb water
No chemical additives (non-toxic)
Thermally modified wood has been used in Europe for over twenty years. It is
guaranteed against rot and decay for 25 years. The thermally modified wood species
used in the US are ash, poplar, red oak, and southern yellow pine. Poplar is only used
in vertical applications, i.e., siding. White ash and red oak are used for horizontal
applications such as porch flooring or decking. Ash is becoming increasingly difficult
to obtain due to insect infestation. The thermal modification process causes the
wood to become a pleasing dark color similar to walnut and it is also used by Cucumber Tree Porch Flooring (WVFPC)
The name itself, “cucumber tree”, should foster interest in consumers wanting
a unique wood for furniture, cabinets, and millwork. Promoting the tree will
give greater opportunity for exposure to consumers seeking this “forgotten”
Cucumber tree should be very popular with timber structure fabricators since
it is easy to work with both hand and machine tools. The relative lightness of
the timbers will also be beneficial. Most importantly to these manufacturers is
the strength of the timbers. Cucumber tree will make excellent exposed roof
decking for these structures due to its weight and stiffness.
Adding value to the cucumber tree will increase the value chain from the
timber landowners, the loggers, the sawmills and the secondary forest
products producers. All of this added value will increase the economic
condition for central Appalachia creating a better place to live and increasing
A Cucumber Tree in the Woods (WVFPC)
the quality of life.
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