Verna Workshop

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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > General Informat ion
Ge ne ral Informat ion > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Ge ne ral Informat ion IDENT IFICAT ION NUMBER VEHICLE IDENT IFICAT ION NUMBER LOCAT ION


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1. Geographic z one - K : Korea 2. Manufacturer - M : Hyundai motor company 3. Vehicle type - H : Pas s enger 4. Vehicle line - C : ACCENT 5. Model & Series - F : STANDAD (L) - G : DELUXE (GL) - H : SUPER DELUXE (GLS) 6. Body type - 3 : Sedan 3 - Door - 4 : Sedan 4 - Door 7. Res traint s ys tem - 3 : Drive s ide - Active belt and air bag Pas s enger s ide - Active belt or pas s ive belt - 4 : Both s ide - Active belt and air bag - 5 : Depowered - Air bag 8. Engine type - C : Gas 1.6 DOHC - G : Gas 1.5 SOHC 9. Driver s ide - 1 ~ 9, X 10. Production year - 3: 2003, 4 : 2004, 5 : 2005, 6 : 2006 11. Plant of production - U : Uls an (Korea) 12. Vehicle production s equence number - 000001 ~ 999999 PAINT CODE CODE NW EB CS HL YA TI UA WS ZG VS COLOR Noble White Ebony Black Clean Silver Hiphop Red Potomac Blue Tundra Green Hof Gold Technical Gray Mas s Green Celadon Blue

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1. Engine fuel - G : Gas oline 2. Engine range - 4 : In line 4 cycle 4 cylinder 3. Engine development order - E : Alpha engine 4. Engine capacity - B : 1495 cc - D : 1599 cc 5. Production year - 3 : 2003, 4 : 2004, 5 : 2005, 6 : 2006 6. Engine production s equence number - 000001 ~ 999999


1. Model - H : M5AF3 2. Production year - 2 : 2002, 3 : 2003, 4 : 2004 - 5 : 2005, 6 : 2006, 7 : 2007 3. Gear ratio - 2073 : 3.650 4. Trans mis s ion production s equence number - 000001 ~ 999999


1. Model - T : A4AF3 2. Production year - 2 : 2002, 3 : 2003, 4 : 2004 - 5 : 2005, 6 : 2006, 7 : 2007 3. Gear ratio

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- K : 3.443 - L : 3.656 - N : 4.041 4. Detailad clas s ification - AD : 1.5 DOHC - ID : 1.6 DOHC 5. Spare 6. Trans mis s ion production s equence number - 000000 ~ 999999



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WARNING / CAUT ION LABEL (CON'T ) A : SRS INFORMATION WARNING Death or s erious injury can occur. Children 12 and under can occur. The back s eat is the s afes t place for children. Never put a rear-facing child s eat in the front. Sit as far back as pos s ible from the airbag. Alway us e s eat belts and child res traints .


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SEE OWNER'S MANU AL This car is equipped a s ide airbag for each front s eat. Do not us e any acces s ory s eat covers . Us e of other s eat covers could reduce the effect of the s ys tem. Do not ins tall any acces s ories on the s ide or rear the s ide airbag. Do not us e exces s ive force on the s ide of the s eal. For further information, s ee the owner's manual.

C : CAUTION AIRBAG ESPE UNIT Detach connector before unmounting. As s emble s trictly according to manual ins tructions .

D : PASSENGER MODULE CAUTION CAUTION Don't open, remove or trans fer to another vehicle. Ris k of malfunction and bodily injury! This unit is to be ins talled and/or dis mantled by trained pers onnel only. This item contains an explos ive to be ins talled igniter.

E : SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (AIRBAG) INFORMATION The airbag is a Supplement Res traint Sys tem (SRS). You mus t always wear the s eat belts . The airbag s ys tem condition is normal when the "SRS" lamp in the clus ter flas hes approximately 6 times after the ignition key is turned on and then goes off. If any of the following condition occur, the s ys tem mus t be s erviced. "SRS" lamp dos e not light up when the key is turned on. "SRS" lamp s tays lit or flas hes continuous ly. The airbag has inflated. The airbag s ys tem mus t be ins pected by an authoriz ed dealer ten years after the vehicle manufacture date s hown on the certification label, located on left front door opening area. WARNING Failure to the above ins tructions may res ult injury to you or other occupants in the vehicle. See the "SRS" s ection in owner's Manual for more information about airbags .


Emissio n Gro p Id entificatio n


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1. Model Year - 4 : 2004 2. Manufacturer Subcode - HYX : HYUNDAI MOTOR 3. Family Type - V : Pas s enger car 4. Dis placement 5. Sequence Characters .


1. Model Year - 4 : 2004 2. Manufacturer Subcode - HYX : HYUNDAI MOTOR 3. Family Type - R : EVAP/ORVR 4. Canis ter Work Capacity 5. Sequence Characters

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When heavy rear components s uch as s us pens ion, fuel tank, s pare tire, tailgate and trunk lid are to be removed, place additional weight in the luggage area before hois ting . When s ubs tatial weight is removed from the rear of the vehicle the, center of gravity may change and cam caus e the vehicle to tip forward on the hois t.

Since each tire/wheel as s embly weights approximately 30lbs (14kg), placing the front wheels in the luggage area can as s is t with weight dis tribution. Us e the s ame s upport points to s upport the vehicle on s afely s tands . 1. Place the lift blocks under the s upport points as s hown in the illus tration. 2. Rais e the hois t a few inches (centimerers ) and rock the vehicle to be s ure it is firmly s upported. 3. Rais e the hois t to full height to ins pect the lift points for s ecure s upport.

If the vehicle needs to be towed, call a profes s ional towing s ervice. Never tow vehicle with jus t a rope or chain. It is very dangerous . - The operator loads the vehicle on the back of truck. This is bes t way of trans porting the vehicle. - The tow truck us es two pivoting arms that go under the tires (front or rear) and lift them off the ground. The other

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two wheels remain on the ground. If the vehicle cannot be trans ported by flat-bed, if s hould be towed with the front wheels off the ground. If due to damage, the vehicle mus t be toward with the front wheels on the ground, do not following : Manual Trans mis s ion Releas e the parking brake. Shift the trans mis s ion to neutral. Automatic Trans mis s ion Releas e the parking brake. Start the engine. Shift to [D] pos ition, then [N] pos ition. Turn off the engine.

Improper towing preparation will damage the trans mis s ion. Follow the above procedure exactly. Follow the above procedure exactly. If you cannot s hift the trans mis s ion or s tart the engine (automatic trans mis s ion), your vehicle mus t be trans ported on a flat-bed. It is bes t to tow vehicle no farther than 19miles (30km), and keep the s peed below 30mph (50km/h). Trying to lift or tow your vehicle by the bumpers will caus e s erious damage. The bumpers are not des igned to s upport the vehicle's weight.




Bo lt no minal d iameter (mm) Pitch (mm) T o rq ue Nm (kg .cm, lb.ft) Head Mark 4 Head Mark 7

M5 M6

0.8 1.0

3 ~ 4 (30 ~ 40, 2.2 ~ 2.9) 5 ~ 6 (50 ~ 60, 3.6 ~ 4.3)

5 ~ 6 (50 ~ 60, 3.6 ~ 4.3) 9 ~ 11 (90 ~ 110, 6.5 ~ 8.0)

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M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M18 M20 M22 M24

1.25 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

12 ~ 15 (120 ~ 150, 9 ~ 11) 25 ~ 30 (250 ~ 300, 18 ~ 22) 35 ~ 45 (350 ~ 450, 25 ~ 33) 75 ~ 85 (750 ~ 850, 54 ~ 61) 110 ~ 130 (1,100 ~ 1,300, 80 ~ 94) 160 ~ 180 (1,600 ~ 1,800, 116 ~ 130) 220 ~ 250 (2,200 ~ 2,500, 160 ~ 180) 290 ~ 330 (2,900 ~ 3,300, 210 ~ 240) 360 ~ 420 (3,600 ~ 4,200, 260 ~ 300)

20 ~ 25 (200 ~ 250, 14.5 ~ 18.0) 30 ~ 50 (300 ~ 500, 22 ~ 36) 60 ~ 80 (600 ~ 800, 43 ~ 58) 120 ~ 140 (1,200 ~ 1,400, 85 ~ 100) 180 ~ 210 (1,800 ~ 2,100, 130 ~ 150) 260 ~ 300 (2,600 ~ 3,000, 190 ~ 215) 360 ~ 420 (3,600 ~ 4,200, 260 ~ 300) 480 ~ 550 (4,800 ~ 5,500, 350 ~ 400) 610 ~ 700 (6,100 ~ 7,000, 440 ~ 505)

1. The torques s hown in the table are s tandard values under the following conditions : Nuts and bolts are made of galvaniz ed s teel bar. Galvaniz ed plain s teel was hers are ins erted. All nuts , bolts , and plain was hers are dry. 2. The torques s hown in the table are not applicable : When s pring was hers , toothed was hers and the like are ins erted. If plas tic parts are fas tened. If s elf - tapping s crews or s elf - locking nuts are us ed. If threads and s urfaces are coated with oil. 3. If you reduce the torques in the table to the percentage inddcated below, under the following conditions , if will be the s tandard value. If s pring was hers are us ed. : 85% If threads and braring s ufaces are s tained with oil : 85%

RECOMMENDED LUBRICANT S Parts OIL & GREASE ST ANDARD Hot Climate : SAE 20W -40, 20W-50 (ABOVE 32F For 0C) Engine oil API SH, SG or ABOVE Normal Climate : SAE 10W-30, 10W-40, 10W-50 (ABOVE -10C For -23C) Cold Climate : SAE 5W-30, 5W-30, 5W-40 (BELOW100 FoR 38C) Trans axle Manual Auto Power Steering Brake Fluid Coolant Trans axle linkage, parking brake cable mechanis m, hood lock and hook, door latch, s eat adjus t, tailgate latch, door hinges , tailgate hinges HYUNDAI GENUINE PARTS MTF 75W/90 (API GL-4) DIAMOND ATF SP-III, SK ATF SP-111 PSF-3 DOT 3, DOT 4 or equivalent Ethylene glycol bas e for aluminium radiator.

Multipurpos e greas e N LGI grade #2

Always us e Genuine Hyundai parts and recommedended fluid.

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Us ing any other type of parts and fluid can caus e s erious damage of the vehicle. LUBRICANT S CAPACIT IES Descriptio n Oil pan Engine oil Oil filter Total Cooling s ys tem Manual trans axle Automatic trans axle Power s teering Capacities [liter (U.S. q us., lmp.q ts.)] 1.5/1.6 3.0 (3.17, 2.64) 0.3 (0.32, 0.26) 3.3 (3.49, 2.90) 6.5 (6.87, 5.72) 2.15 (2.3, 1.86) 6.1 (6.45, 5.37) 0.9 (0.95, 0.79)

SELECT ION OF ENGINE OIL Re comme nde d SAE viscosit y grade s :

For bes t performance and maximum protection of all types of operation, s elect only thos e lubricants which : 1. Satis fy the requirements of the API clas s ification.

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2. Have the proper SAE grade number for expected ambient temperature range.


PROT ECT ION OF T HE VEHICLE Always be s ure to cover fenders , s eats , and floor areas before s tarting work.

The s upport rod mus t be ins erted into the hole near the edge of the hood whenever you ins pect the engine compartment to prevent the hood from falling and pos s ibly caus ing injury. Make s ure that the s upport rod has been releas ed prior to clos ing the hood. Always check to be s ure the hood is firmly latched before driving the vehicle.


Be s ure that all neces s ary tools and meas uring equipment are available before s tarting work.

Us e s pecial tools when they are required.

Firs t find the caus e of the problem and then determine whether removal or dis as s embly before s tarting the job.

If the dis as s embly procedure is complex, requiring many parts to be dis as s embled, all parts s hould be dis as s embled in a way that will not affect their performance or external appearance. 1. Inspectio n o f parts Each part, when removed, s hould be carefully ins pected for malfunction, deformation, damage, and other problems .

2. Arrang ement o f parts All dis as s embled parts s hould be carefully arranged for effective reas s embly.

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Be s ure to s eparate and correctly identify the parts to be replaced from thos e that will be us ed again.

3. Cleaning parts fo r reuse All parts to be us ed again s hould be carefully and thoroughly cleaned by an appropriate method.

When replacing parts , us e HYUNDAI genuine parts .

Standard values , s uch as torques and certain adjus tments , mus t be s trictly obs erved in the reas s embly of all parts . If removed, the following parts s hould always be replaced with new ones . 1. Oil s eals 2. Gas kets 3. O-rings 4. Lock was hers 5. Cotter pins (s plit pins ) 6. Plas tic nuts

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Depending on their location. 7. Sealant s hould be applied to gas kets . 8. Oil s hould be applied to the moving components of parts . 9. Specified oil or greas e s hould be applied to the pres cribed locations (oil s eals , etc.) before as s embly.

Us e gauges and tes ters to correctly adjus t the parts to s tandard values .


1. Be s ure to dis connect the battery cable from the negative (-) terminal of the battery. 2. Never pull on the wires when dis connecting connectors . 3. Locking connectors will click when the connector is s ecure. 4. Handle s ens ors and relays carefully. Be careful not to drop them agains t other parts .


Always prevent gas oline or from touching rubber parts or tubing.


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1. Bas ically, all meas urements in this manual are taken with a tracking gauge. 2. When a meas uring tape is us ed, check to be s ure there is no elongation, twis ting or bending. 3. For meas uring dimens ions , both projected dimens ioners and actualmeas urement dimens ions are us ed in this manual.

1. Thes e are the dimens ions meas ured when the meas urement points are projected from the vehicle's s urface, and are the reference dimens ions us ed for body alterations . 2. If the length of the tracking gauge probes is adjus table, meas ure it by lengthening one of two probes as long as the difference value in height of the two s urface.


1. Thes e dimens ions indicate the actual linear dis tance between meas urement points , and are us ed as the reference dimens ions when a tracking gauge is us ed for meas urement. 2. Firs t adjus t both probes to the s ame length (A=A') before meas urement.

Check the probes and gauge its elf to make s ure there is no free play.

Meas urements s hould be taken at the center of the hole.


1. Check the terminal for tightnes s . 2. Check terminals and wires for corros ion from battery electrolyte, etc. 3. Check terminals and wires for open circuits .

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4. Check wire ins ulation and coating for damage, cracks and degrading. 5. Check the conductive parts of terminals for contact with other metallic parts (vehicle body and other parts ). 6. Check grounded parts firmly that there is complete continuity between their attaching bolt(s ) and the vehicle's body. 7. Check for incorrect wiring. 8. Check that the wiring is clamped to prevent contact with s harp corners of the vehicle body or hot parts (exhaus t manifold, etc.). 9. Check that the wiring is clamped firmy to provide enough clearance from the fan pulley, fan belt and other rotating or moving parts . 10. Check that the wiring has a little s pace s o that it can vibrate between fixed and moving parts s uch as the vehicle body and the engine.

A blade type fus e tes t leads provided to allow checking the fus e its elf without removing it from the fus e box. The fus e is good if the tes t lamp lights up when one lead is connected to the tes t leads (one at a time) and the other lead is grounded. (Turn on the ignition s witch s o that the fus e circuit becomes operative)


1. Prior to s ervicing the electrical s ys tem, be s ure to turn off the ignition s witch and dis connect the battery ground cable.

In the cours e of MFI or ELC s ys tem diagnos is , when the battery cable is removed, any diagnos tic trouble code retained by the computer will be cleared. Therefore, if neces s ary, read the diagnos tic before removing the battery cable.

2. Attach the wiring harnes s es with clamps s o that there is no s lack. However, for any harnes s which pas s es the

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engine or other vibrating parts of the vehicle, allow s ome s lack within a range that does not allow the engine vibrations to caus e the harnes s to come into contact with any of the s urrounding parts and then s ecure the harnes s by us ing a clamp.

3. If any s ection of a wiring harnes s interferes with the edge of a parts , or a corner, wrap the s ection of the harnes s with tape or s omething s imilar in order to protect it from damage.

4. When ins talling any parts , be careful not to pinch or damage any of the wiring harnes s .

5. Never throw relays , s ens ors or electrical parts , or expos e them to s trong s hock.

6. The electronic parts us ed in the computer, relays , etc. are readily damaged by heat. If there is a need for s ervice operations that may caus e the temperature to exceed 80C (176F), remove the electronic parts beforehand.

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7. Loos e connectors caus e problems . Make s ure that the connectors are always s ecurely fas tened.

8. When dis connecting a connector, be s ure to grip only the connector, not the wires .

9. Dis connect connector which have catches by pres s ing in the direction of the arrows s hown in the illus tration.

10. Connect connectors which have catches by ins erting the connectors until they make a clicking s ound.

11. When us ing a circuit tes ter to check continuity or voltage on connector terminals , ins ert the tes t probe into the harnes s s ide. If the connector is a s ealed connector, ins ert the tes t probe through the hole in the rubber cap until contacts the terminal, being careful not to damage the ins ulation of the wires .

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12. To avoid overloading the wiring, take the electrical current load of the optional equipment into cons ideration, and determine the appropriate wire s iz e. No minal siz e 0.3mm 0.5mm 0.85mm 1.25mm 2.0mm 3.0mm 5.0mm SAE g aug e No . AWG 22 AWG 20 AWG 18 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG 12 AWG 10 Permissible current In eng ine co mpartment 7A 9A 12A 16A 21A 31A Other areas 5A 13A 17A 22A 30A 40A 54A


If a large amount of unburned gas oline flows into the converter, it may overheat and create a fire haz ard. To prevent this obs erve the following precations and explain them to your cus tomer. 1. Us e only unleaded gas oline. 2. Do not run the engine while the car is at res t for a long time. Avoid running the engine at fas t idle for more than 10minutes and idle s peed for more than 20 minutes . 3. Avoid s tart-jump tes ts . Do s tart-jumps only when abs olutely neces s ary. Perform this tes t as rapidly as pos s ible and, while tes ting, never race the engine. 4. Do not meas ure engine compres s ion for an extended time. Engine compres s ion tes ts mus t be made as rapidly as pos s ible. 5. Avoid coas ting with the ignition turned off and during prolonged braking. 6. Do not dis pos e of us ed catalytic converter with parts contaminated by gas oline or oil.


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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Engine Mechanical Syst em
Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Ge ne ral Informat ion SPECIFICAT ION
Descriptio n General Type Number of cylinders Bore Stroke Total dis placement Compres s ion ratio Firing order Valve timing Intake valve Opens (BTDC) Clos es (ABDC) Exhaus t valve Opens (BBDC) Clos es (ATDC) Valve overlap Cylind er head Flatnes s of cylinder head s urface Flatnes s of mainfold mounting s urface Overs iz e rework dimens ion of valve s eat hole Intake 0.3mm (0.012 in.) O.S. 0.6mm (0.024 in.) O.S. Exhaus t 0.3mm (0.012 in.) O.S. 0.6mm (0.024 in.) O.S Oversiz e rewo rk d imensio ns o f valve Guide hole 0.05mm (0.002 in.) O.S. 0.25mm (0.010 in.) O.S. 0.50mm (0.020 in.) O.S. Camshaft Cam lobe height Intake Exhaus t Joumal O.D Bearing oil clearance End play Valve Valve length Intake Exhaus t Stem O.D. Intake Exhaus t Face angle thicknes s of valve head (Margin) Intake Specificatio n In-line, Double Over H ead Cams haft 4 76.5mm (3.0118 in) 87mm (3.4252 in) 1599 cc (97.54 10 1-3-4-2 Limit

5 35 43 5 10 Max. 0.03mm (0.0012 in.) 0.15mm (0.0059 in.) 0.1 mm (0.0039in.) 0.2mm (0.008in.)

30.7 ~ 30.721 mm (1.2087 ~ 1.2095 in.) 31.0 ~ 31.021 mm (1.2205 ~ 1.2213 in.) 27.3 ~ 27.321mm (1.0748 ~ 1.0756 in.) 27.6 ~ 27.621mm (1.0866 ~ 1.0874 in.)

11.05 ~ 11.068mm (0.435 ~ 0.4357 in.) 11.25 ~ 11.268mm (0.443 ~ 0.4436 in.) 11.50 ~ 11.518mm (0.453 ~ 0.4535 in.)

43.4484mm (1.7106 in.) 43.8489mm (1.7263 in.) 27mm (1.0630 in.) 0.035 ~ 0.072mm (0.0014 ~ 0.0028 in.) 0.1 ~ 0.2mm (0.004 ~ 0.008 in.)

42.9484mm (1.6909in.) 43.3489mm (1.7.66in.)

91.7mm (3.6102 in.) 92.3mm (3.6339 in.) 5.955 ~ 5.97mm (0.2344 ~ 0.2350 in.) 5.935 ~ 5.95mm (0.2337 ~ 0.2343 in.) 1.1mm (0.0433 in.) 0.8mm (0.031in.)

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Exhaus t Valve s tem to valve guide clearance Intake Exhaus t Valve g uid e Ins talled dimens ion O.D. Intake Exhaus t Service s iz e Valve seat Width of s eat contact Intake Exhaus t Seat angle Overs iz e Valve spring Free length Load Squarenes s Cylind er blo ck Cylinder bore Out- of- round and taper of cylinder bore Clearance with pis ton Pisto n O.D. Service s iz e Pisto n ring Side clearance No. 1 No. 2 Endgap No. 1 No. 2 Oil ring s ide rail Service s iz e Co nnecting ro d Bend Twis t Connecting rod big end to cranks haft s ide clearance Connecting rod bearing oil clearance Unders iz e Crankshaft Pin O.D. Journal O.D. Bend Out- of- round, taper of journal and pin End play Und ersiz e rewo rk d imensio n o f pin 0.25mm (0.010 in.)

1.3mm (0.0512 in.) 0.03 ~ 0.06mm (0.0012 ~ 0.0024 in.) 0.05 ~ 0.08mm (0.0020 ~ 0.0031 in.)

1.0mm (0.039in.) 0.10mm (0.0039in.) 0.15mm (0.0059in.)

12.8mm (0.504 in.) 12.8mm (0.504 in.) 0.05, 0.25, 0.50mm (0.002, 0.010, 0.020 in.) overs iz e

0.8 ~ 1.2mm (0.031 ~ 0.047 in.) 1.3 ~ 1.7mm (0.051 ~ 0.066 in.) 45 0.3, 0.6mm (0.012, 0.024 in.) overs iz e 44.00mm (1.7323 in.) 21.6kg/ 35mm (47.6lb/1.3780 in.) 45.1kg/ 27.2mm (99.4lb/1.071 in.) 1.5 or les s 76.50 ~ 76.53mm (3.0118 ~ 3.0130 in.) Les s than 0.01mm (0.0004 in.) 0.025 ~ 0.045mm (0.0009 ~ 0.0017 in.) 76.465 ~ 76.495mm (3.0104 ~ 3.0116 in.) 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00mm (0.010, 0.020, 0.030, 0.039 in.) overs iz e

0.04-0.085mm (0.0015-0.0033 in.) 0.04-0.085mm (0.0015-0.0033 in.) 0.20-0.35mm (0.0079- 0.0138 in.) 0.37-0.52mm (0.0146-0.02 in.) 0.2-0.7mm (0.0078- 0.0275 in.) 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00mm (0.010, 0.020, 0,030, 0.039 in.) overs iz e 0.05mm (0.0020 in.) or les s 0.1mm (0.0039 in.) or les s 0.100-0.250mm (0.0039-0.0098 in.) 0.018-0.036mm (0.0007-0.0014 in.) 0.25, 0.50, 0.75mm (0.010, 0.020, 0.030 in.) 45 mm (1.77 in.) 50 mm (1.97 in.) 0.03 mm (0.0012 in.) or les s 0.005 mm (0.0002 in.) or les s 0.05- 0.175 mm (0.0019- 0.0068 in.) 44.725 ~ 44.74mm (1.7608 ~ 1.7614 in.)

0.1mm (0.004in.) 0.1mm (0.004in.) 1.0mm (0.039in.) 1.0mm (0.039in.) 1.0mm (0.039in.)

0.4mm (0.0157in.)

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0.50mm (0.020 in.) 0.75mm (0.030 in.) Und ersiz e rewo rk d imensio n o f jo urnal 0.25mm (0.010 in.) 0.50mm (0.020 in.) 0.75mm (0.030 in.) Flywheel Runout Oil pump Clearance between outer circumference and front cas e (body clearance) Front cas e tip clearance Side clearance Inner gear Outer gear

44.475 ~ 44.49mm (1.7509 ~ 1.7516 in.) 44.225 ~ 44.24mm (1.7411 ~ 1.7417 in.) 49.727 ~ 49.742mm (1.9577 ~ 1.9583 in.) 49.477 ~ 49.492mm (1.9479 ~ 1.9485 in.) 49.227 ~ 49.242mm (1.9380 ~ 1.9386 in.) 0.1mm (0.0039 in.) 0.12 ~ 0.18mm (0.0047 ~ 0.0070 in.) 0.025 ~ 0.069mm (0.001 ~ 0.0027 in.) 0.04 ~ 0.085mm (0.0016 ~ 0.0033 in.) 0.04 ~ 0.09mm (0.0016 ~ 0.0035 in.) 0.13mm (0.0051in.)

Eng ine o il pressure Engine at idle [Oil temperature is 90 to 100C 147KPa (1.5 kg/ cm, 21.33ps i) (194 to 215F)] Relief spring Free height Load Co o ling metho d Co o lant Quantity Radiator Type Rad iato r cap Main valve opening pres s ure Vacuum valve opening pres s ure Co o lant pump T hermo stat Type Valve opening temperature Full-opening temperature Eng ine co o lant temperature senso r Type Res is tance Air cleaner Type Element Exhaust pipe Muffler Sus pens ion s ys tem 46.6mm (1.8346 in.) 6.1kg at 40.1mm (13.42lb/ 1.578 in.) Water-cooled, pres s uriz ed, forced circulation with electrical fan 6.5 liter Pres s uriz ed corrugated fin type 81.4 ~ 108 kpa (11.8 ~ 15.6 ps i.,0.83 ~ 1.1kg/cm ) -6.86 kpa (-1.00 ps i, -0.07 kg/cm or les s Centrifugal type impeller Wax pellet type with jiggle valve 82C (180F) 95C (203F) Heat-s ens itive thermis tor type 2.31 ~ 2.59k at 20C(68F) 146.9 ~ 147.3 at 110C(230F) Dry type Un woven cloth type Expans ion res onance type Rubber hangers

O.D. = Outer Diameter I.D. = Inner Diameter O.S. = Overs iz e Diameter U.S. = Unders iz e Diameter

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Item Cylind er Blo ck Front engine s upport bracket bolt and nut Engine s uppot bracket s tay bolt Oil pres s ure s witch Cylind er head Cylinder head bolt Intake manifold bolts or nuts Exhaus t manifold nut Cylinder head cover bolt Cams haft bearing cap bolt Rear plate bolt Main Mo ving system Connecting rod cap nut Cranks haft bearing cap bolt Fly wheel M/T bolt Drive plate A/T bolt T iming system Cranks haft pulley bolt Cams haft s procket bolt Timing belt tens ioner bolt Timing belt idle bolt Timing belt cover bolt Front cas e bolt Eng ine Mo unting Right mounting ins ulator (large) bolt Right mounting ins ulator (s mall) nut Trans mis s ion mount ins ulator bolt Trans mis s ion ins ulator bracket to s ide member bolts Front roll s topper ins ulator bolt Front roll s topper bracket to s ub frame bolt Rear roll s topper ins ulator bolt Rear roll s topper bracket to s ub frame bolt Oil Oil Oil Oil filter pan bolts pan drain plug s creen bolts Nm 45 ~ 55 45 ~ 55 13 ~ 15 30+(90)+Releas e all bolts +30+(90) 15 ~ 20 25 ~ 30 8 ~ 10 12 ~ 14 32 ~ 35 32 ~ 35 55 ~ 60 120 ~ 130 120 ~ 130 140 ~ 150 80 ~ 100 20 ~ 27 43 ~ 55 8 ~ 10 20 ~ 27 90 ~ 110 50 ~ 65 90 ~ 110 30 ~ 40 45 ~ 30 ~ 45 ~ 30 ~ 60 40 60 40 Kg .cm 450 ~ 550 450 ~ 550 130 ~ 150 300+(90)+Releas e all bolts +300+(90) 150 ~ 200 250 ~ 300 80 ~ 100 120 ~ 140 320 ~ 350 320 ~ 350 550 ~ 600 1200 ~ 1300 1200 ~ 1300 1400 ~ 1500 800 ~ 1000 200 ~ 270 430 ~ 550 80 ~ 100 200 ~ 270 900 ~ 1100 500 ~ 650 900 ~ 1100 300 ~ 400 450 ~ 300 ~ 450 ~ 300 ~ 600 400 600 400 Ib.ft 33 ~ 41 33 ~ 41 10 ~ 11 22+(90)+Releas e all bolts +22+(90) 11 ~ 15 18 ~ 22 6~7 9 ~ 10 24 ~ 26 24 ~ 26 41 ~ 44 89 ~ 96 89 ~ 96 103 ~ 111 59 ~ 74 15 ~ 20 32 ~ 41 6~7 15 ~ 20 66 ~ 81 37 ~ 48 66 ~ 81 22 ~ 30 33 ~ 44 22 ~ 30 33 ~ 44 22 ~ 30 9 ~ 12 7~9 30 ~ 33 11 ~ 16 15 ~ 18 9 ~ 11 15 ~ 20 6~7 9 ~ 11 18 ~ 22 13 ~ 14 11 ~ 14 6~7 3~4 11 ~ 14 13 ~ 18 11 ~ 14 18 ~ 22 11 ~ 14 37 ~ 44

12 ~ 16 10 ~ 12 40 ~ 45 15 ~ 22 20 ~ 25 12 ~ 15 20 ~ 27 8 ~ 10 12 ~ 15 25 ~ 30 17 ~ 20 15 ~ 20 8 ~ 10 4~6 15 ~ 20 18 ~ 25 15 ~ 20 25 ~ 30 15 ~ 20 50 ~ 60

120 ~ 160 100 ~ 120 400 ~ 450 150 ~ 220 200 ~ 250 120 ~ 150 200 ~ 270 80 ~ 100 120 ~ 150 250 ~ 300 170 ~ 200 150 ~ 200 [80 ~ 100 40 ~ 60 150 ~ 200 180 ~ 250 150 ~ 200 250 ~ 300 150 ~ 200 500 ~ 600

Alternator s upport bolt and nut Alternator lock bolt Alternator brace mounting bolt Coolant pump pulley Coolant pump bolt Coolant temperature s ens or Coolant inlet fitting bolt Thermos tat hous ing bolt Air cleaner body mounting bolts Res onator mounting bolts Intake manifold to cylinder head nuts and bolts Surge tank s tay to cylinder block bolts Throttle body to s urge tank bolts Exhaus t manifold to cylinder head nuts Exhaus t manifold cover to exhaus t manifold bolts

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Oxygen s ens or to exhaus t manifold Front exhaus t pipe to exhaus t manifold nuts Front exhaus t pipe bracket bolts Front exhaus t pipe to catalytic converter bolts

30 ~ 40 30 ~ 40 40 ~ 60

300 ~ 400 300 ~ 400 400 ~ 600

22 ~ 30 22 ~ 30 30 ~ 44

Stand ard value Antifreez e ETHYLENE GLYCOL BASE FOR ALUMINU M Mixture ratio of anti-freez e in coolant 50%

1. Pos ition the vehicle on a level s urface. 2. Warm up the engine.

If a vehicle has been out of s ervice for a prolonged period of time, warm up the engine for approximately 20 minutes . 3. Turn off the engine, and wait 2 or 3 minutes , then check the oil level. 4. Check that the engine oil level is within the level range indicated on the oil dips tick If the oil level is found to have fallen to the lower limit (the L mark), refill to the "F" mark.

When refilling, us e the s ame type of engine oil. 5. Check that the oil is not dirty or contaminated with coolant or gas oline, and that it has the proper vis cos ity.

Be careful not to burn yours elf, as the engine oil is hot. 1. Run the engine until it reaches normal operating temperature. 2. Turn off the engine 3. Remove the oil filler cap and the drain plug (on the oil pan). Drain the engine oil.

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4. Ins tall and tighten the drain plug to the s pecified torque. T ig htening to rq ue Drain plug : 40 ~ 45 N m (400 ~ 450, 30 ~ 33 lb.ft) 5. Fill the crankcas e with fres h engine oil through the oil filler cap opening. Drain and Refill Without oil filter : 3.0 liter (3.17 U.S.qts , 2.64 lmp.quts ) Draing and Refill With oil filter : 3.3 liter (3.48 U.S.qts , 2.64 lmp.quts ) 6. Ins tall the oil filler cap. 7. Start and run the engine. 8. Turn off the engine and then check the oil level. Add oil if neces s ary.



Be careful not to burn yours elf, as the engine and engine oil are hot. 1. Us e a filter wrench to remove the oil filter. 2. Before ins talling the new oil filter on the engine, apply clean engine oil to the s urface of the rubber gas ket.

3. Tighten the oil filter to the s pecified torque.

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T ig htening to rq ue Oil filter : 12 ~ 16 Nm (120 ~ 160, 9 ~ 12 lb.ft) 4. Run the engine to check for engine oil leaks . 5. After turning off the engine, check the oil level and add oil as neces s ary.


1. Satis fy the requirements of the API clas s ification. 2. Have proper SAE grade number for expected ambient temperature range.


1. Wait until the engine is cool, then carefully remove the radiator cap.

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2. Confirm that the coolant level is up to the filler neck. 3. Ins tall a radiator cap tes ter to the radiator filler neck and apply 140 KPa (1.4 kg/cm, 20ps i ) pres s ure. Hold it for two minutes in that condition, while checking for leakage from the radiator, hos es or connections .

1. Radiator coolant may be extremely hot. Do not open the s ys tem becaus e hot, or s calding water could gus h out caus ing pers onal injury. Allow the vehicle to cool before s ervicing this s ys tem. 2. Be s ure to clean away any mois ture from the places checked completely. 3. When the tes ter is removed, be careful not to s pill any coolant from it. 4. Be careful, when ins talling and removing the tes ter and when tes ting, not to deform the filler neck of the radiator. 4. If there is leakage, repair or replace with the apropriate part.


1. Remove the radiator cap, wet its s eal with engine coolant, then ins tall it on the tes ter. 2. Increas e the pres s ure until the gauge s tops moving. Main valve opening pres s ure : 83 ~ 110 kPa (0.83 ~ 1.1 kg/cm, 12 ~ 16 ps i) Vacuum valve opening pres s ure : -7 kPa (-0.07 kg/cm, -1.0 ps i) 3. Check that the pres s ure level is maintained at or above the limit. 4. Replace the radiator cap if the reading does not remain at or above the limit.

Be s ure that the cap is clean before tes ting, s ince rus t or other foreign material on the cap s eal will caus e an incorrect reading.


1. Meas ure the s pecific gravity of the coolant with a hydrometer. 2. Meas ure the coolant temperature and calculate the concentration from the relation between the s pecific gravity and temperature, us ing the following table for reference.

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RELAT ION BET WEEN COOLANT CONCENT RAT ION AND SPECIFIC GRAVIT Y Co o lant temperatur C ( F) and specific g ravity 10 (50) 1.054 1.063 1.071 1.079 1.087 1.095 1.103 2 0 (68 ) 1.050 1.058 1.067 1.074 1.082 1.090 1.098 30 (8 6) 1.046 1.054 1.062 1.069 1.076 1.084 1.092 40 (104) 1.042 1.049 1.057 1.064 1.070 1.077 1.084 50 (12 2 ) 1.036 1.044 1.052 1.058 1.064 1.070 1.076 Freez ing temperature C ( F) -16 (3.2) -20 (-4) -25 (-13) -30 (-22) -36 (-32.8) -42 (-44) -50 (-58) Safe o perating temperature C ( F) -11 (12.2) -15 (5) -20 (-4) -25(-13) -31 (-23.8) -37 (-35) -45 (-49) Co o lant co ncentratio n (Specific vo lume) 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%

If the concentration of the coolant is below 30%, its anti-corros ion properties will be advers ely affected. If the concentration is above 60%, both the anti-freez e and engine cooling property will decreas e, affecting the engine advers ely. For thes e reas ons , be s ure to maintain the concentration level within the s pecified ragne. Do not us e together with another brank's product. RECOMMENDED COOLANT Antifreez e ETHYLENE GLYCOL BASE FOR ALUMINU M Mixture ratio o f anti freez e in co o lant 50% [Except tropical areas ] 40% [Tropical areas ]


When pouring engine coolant, be s ure to s hut the relay box lid and not to let coolant s pill on electrical parts or the paint. If any coolant s pills , rins e it off im mediately. 1. Slide the heater temperature control lever to maximum heat. Make s ure the engine and radiator are cool to the touch. 2. Remove the radiator cap. 3. Loos en the drain plug, and drain the coolant.

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4. Tighten the radiator drain plug s ecurely. 5. Remove, drain and reins tall the res ervior. Fill the tank halfway to the MAX mark with water, then up to the MAX mark with antifreez e. 6. Pour coolant into the radiator up to the bas e of the filler neck, and ins tall the radiator cap loos ely. 7. Start the engine and let it run until it warm s up (the radiator fan comes on at leas t twice). 8. Turn off the engine. Check the level in the radiator, add coolant if needed. 9. Put the radiator cap on tightly, then run the engine again and check for leaks .


1. Before checking engine compres s ion, check the engine oil level. Als o check that the s tarter motor and battery are all in normal operating condition. 2. Check the DTC and note it. Us e the s can tool to clear the ECM'S memory. 3. Start the engine and wait until engine coolant temperature reaches 80 ~ 95C (176 ~ 205F). 4. Dis connect the fule pump connector. 5. Turn off engine and dis connect the s park plug cables .

6. Remove the s park plugs . 7. Dis onnect the I.G. connector. 8. Crank the engine to remove any foreign material in the cylinders . 9. Ins ert the compres s ion gauge into the s park plug hole.

10. Depres s the accelerator pedal to open the throttle fully. 11. Crank the engine and read the gauge. Standard value : 1500kpa (15Kg/cm, 218 ps i)

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Limit : 1400kpa (14Kg/cm, 203 ps i) 12. Repeat s teps 9 to 11 over all cylinders , ens uring that the pres s ure differential for each of the cylinders is within the s pecified limit. Limit Max 100 kpa (1.0 kg/cm, 14 ps i) between cylinders 13. If a cylinder's compres s ion or pres s ure differential is outs ide the s pecification, add a s mall amount of oil through the s park plug hole, and repeat s teps 9 to 12. (1) If the addition of oil makes the compres s ion to ris e, it is likely that there may be wear between the pis ton ring and cylinder wall. (2) If compres s ion remains the s ame, valve s eiz ure, poor valve s eating or a compres s ion leak from the cylinder head gas ket are all pos s ible caus es . T ig htening to rq ue Spark plug : 20 ~ 30 N m (200 ~ 300, 14 ~ 22 lb.ft)


1. Rotate the s teering wheel counter-clockwis e throughly.

Do watch not to over load. 2. Lift the vehicle by us ing of jack.

3. Remove the engine s upport bracket. (14mm bolt and 2nuts , 17mm bolt)

4. Remove the drive belts and the water pump pulley. (10 mm 4 bolts )

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5. Remove the timing belt upper cover. (10 mm 4 bolts )

6. Remove the cranks haft pulley.

7. Remove the timing belt lower cover. 8. Place the pis tion of No. 1 cylinder to TDC of the compres s ion s troke by rotating the cranks haft clockwis e.

Cranks haft is to be rotated clockwis e otherwis e, the tens ion is inadequately adjus ted.

9. Loos en the tens ioner bolt of pivot s ide and s lots ide.

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10. Rotate the cranks haft clockwis e as many as 2 teeth of cams haft s procket. 11. Check that the teeth of the s procket and belt coincide with each other. 12. Tighten the s lot s ide bolt firs t and then tighten the bolt of pivot s ide. 13. Check the tens ion of the timing belt. When the tens ioner and the tens ion s ide of the timing belt are pus hed in horiz ontally with a moderate force [approx. 49N (11 lb)], the the timing belt log end is approx. half of the tens ioner mounting bolt head radius (cros s flats ) away from the bolt head center.

14. Rotate the cranks haft pulley two turns clockwis e s o that the timing belt pos itions on the pulleys . 15. Ins tall the timing belt lower cover. 16. Ins tall the cranks haft pulley. 17. Ins tall the timing belt upper cover. 18. Ins tall the water pump pulley and engine s upport bracket.


1. Check that the belts are not damaged and are properly fit for the pulley grooves . 2. Apply 100 N (22 lbs .) force to the back and midway portion of the belt between the pulleys as s hown in the illus tration, meas ure the amount of deflection with a tens ion gauge.

1. When ins talling the V-ribbed belt, check that the V-ribs are properly aligned. 2. If nois e or s lippage is detected, check the belt for wear, damage, or breakage on the pulley contact s urface, and check the pulley for s coring. Als o check the amount that the belt is deflected.

Stand ard value: Itmes Inspectio n Ad justment

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New For alternator Deflection mm (in.) Tens ion N (lb) Deflection mm (in.) Tens ion N (lb) Deflection mm (in.)


5.1~6.0(0.200~0.236) 4.0~4.4(0.157~0.173) 5.0~5.7(0.200~0.224) 350~500(79~112 8(0.31) 250~500(56~112) 6.0~9.0(0.24~0.35) 650~750(143~165) 5.0~5.5(0.20~0.22) 470~570(106~128) 400~500(88~110) 6.0~7.0(0.24~0.28) 320~400(72~90) -

For air conditioner For power s teering

1. The belt tens ion mus t be meas ured half - way between the s pecified pulleys . 2. When a new belt is ins talled, adjus t the tens ion to the central value of the s tandard range indicated under "New" in the above table. Let the engine idle for 5 minutes or more, and check the s tandard value indicated under "Ins pection." 3. When adjus ting a belt which has been us ed,or newly ins talled, after 5 minutes or more of operation, refer to the s tandard value indicated under "U s ed" in the above table. 4. Refer to the s tandard value indicated under "Ins pection" for periodic ins pections .



1. When meas uring, turn the res et button in the direction of the arrow and s et the gauge needle to the RESET pos ition. 2. If the tens ion gauge is removed from the belt, the needle will s till indicate the tens ion. Read the tens ion value after removing the gauge.

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If the belt is too loos e, it will caus e nois e or s udden wear. If the belt is too tight, the engine coolant pump bearing or the alternator can get damaged. 1. Loos en the alternator nut "A" and the tens ion adjus ter lock bolt "B". 2. Us ing the tens ion adjus ter bolt, adjus t the belt tens ion to the s pecification. 3. Tighten the adjus ter lock bolt "B". 4. Tighten the alternator nut "A". 5. Check the tens ion or the deflection of belt, readjus t if neces s ary. T ig htening to rq ue Alternator s upport bolt and nut : 20 ~ 25 Nm (200 ~ 250, 14 ~ 18 lb.ft) Alternator lock bolt B : 12 ~ 15 Nm (120 ~ 150, 9 ~ 11 lb.ft) Alternator brace mounting bolt : 20 ~ 27 Nm (200 ~ 270, 15 ~ 20 lb.ft)

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cial Se rvice T ools SPECIAL T OOLS
T o o l (Number and name) Cranks haft front oil s eal ins taller (09231 - 22000) Illustratio n Use Ins tallation of the front oil s eal

Cranks haft front oil s eal guide (09231 - 22100)

Guide of oil s eal

Cams haft oil s eal ins taller (09221 - 21000)

Ins tallation of the cams haft oil s eal

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Valve guide ins taller (09221 - 3F100A/B)

Removal and ins tallation of valve guides

Valve s tem oil s eal ins taller (09222 - 22001)

Ins tallation of valve s tem oil s eals

Valve s pring compres s or (09222 - 28000) Valve s pring compres s or holder (09222 - 28100) Water temperature s ens or (09221 - 25100)

Removal and ins tallation of intake and exhaus t valves

Removal and ins tallation of the water temperature s ens or

Cranks haft rear oil s eal ins taller (09231 - 21000)

Ins tallation of engine real oil s eal and cranks haft rear oil s eal

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > T rouble shoot ing T ROUBLESHOOT ING
Sympto m Low compres s ion Pro bable cause Blown cylinder head gas ket Worn or damaged pis ton rings Worn pis ton or cylinder Worn or damaged valve s eat Low oil pres s ure Low engine oil level Faulty oil pres s ure s witch Clogged oil filter Worn oil pump gears or cover Thin or diluted engine oil Oil relief valve s tuck (open) Exces s ive bearing clearance High oil pres s ure Exces s ive engine vibration Oil relief valve s utck (clos ed) Loos e engine roll s topper (front, rear) Loos e trans axle mount bracket Loos e engine mount bracket Remed y Replace gas ket Replace rings Repair or replace pis ton and/or cylinder block Repair or replace valve and/or s eat ring Check engine oil level Replace Replace Replace Change and determine caus e Repair Replace Repair Re-tighten Re-tighten Re-tighten

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Loos e center member Broken trans axle mount ins ulator Broken engine mount ins ulator Broken engine roll s topper ins ulator Nois y valves Thin or diluted engine oil (low oil pres s ure)

Re-tighten Replace Replace Replace Change

Worn or damaged valve s tem or valve Replace guide HLA abnormal operation Connecting rod and/or main bearing nois e Ins ufficient oil s upply Thin or diluted engine oil Exces s ive bearing clearance Timing belt nois e Low coolant level Incorrect belt tens ion Leakage of coolant 1. Heater or radiator hos e 2. Faulty radiator cap 3. Thermos tat hous ing 4. Radiator 5. Engine coolant pump Clogged radiator Foreign material in coolant Repair or replace parts Tighten or replace clamps Replace gas ket or hous ing Repair or replace Replace parts Replace coolant Replace parts Replace parts Clear res triction or replace parts Adjus t or replace Replace Repair or replace Refill coolant Replace Repair or replace Replace or repair Speed the engine up (for venting) or Replace the HLA Check engine oil level Change and determine caus e Replace Adjus t belt tens ion

Abnormally high coolant temperature Faulty thermos tat Faulty radiator cap Res tricted flow in cooling s ys tem Loos e or mis s ing drive belt Faulty water pump Faulty electric fan Ins ufficient coolant Abnormally low coolant temperature Faulty thermos tat Faulty temperature s ens or wiring Inoperative electrical cooling fan Damaged thermo s ens or, electrical motor, radiator fan relay and wiring, fus e Loos e connections Broken pipe or muffler Abnormal nois e Detached baffle plate in muffler Broken rubber hanger Pipe or muffler contacting vehuicle body Broken pipe or muffler

Exhaus t gas leakage

Retighten Repair or replace Replace Replace Correct Repair or replace

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Re pair proce dure s ENGINE AND T RANSAXLE ASSEMBLY

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Make s ure jacks and s afety s tands are placed properly and hois t brackets are atteched to the correct pos ition on the engine. Make s ure the vehicle will not roll off s tands and fall while you are working under it.

Us e fender covers to avoid damaging painted s urface. 1. Remove the battery.

2. Detach the air cleaner.

3. Dis connect the connectors for engine harnes s .

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4. Dis connect the engine ground. 5. Dis connect the connectors for the alternator harnes s and the oil pres s ure gauge wiring.

6. Dis connect the brake boos ter vacum hos e.

7. Remove the main fuel line, the return and vapor hos es from the engine s ide.

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8. Dis connect the trans axle oil cooler hos es . (A/T)

When dis connecting hos es , make identification marks to ens ule they are reconnected correctly.

Be careful not to s pill oil or fluid from hos es . Plug the openings to prevent foreign material from entering. 9. Drain the engine coolant.

10. Dis connect the radiator upper and lower hos es on the engine s ide, then remove the radiator as s embly. 11. Dis connect the heater hos es (inlet and outlet) on the engine s ide.

12. Dis connect the accelerator cable at the engine s ide. 13. For vehicles with automatic trans mis s ion, remove the control cable from the trans mis s ion.

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14. Dis connect the inhibitor s witch and s olenoid valve connector.

15. Dis connect the vehicle s peed s ens or connector.

16. Dis connect the clutch tube.

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17. Dis conncet the air conditioner compres s or from the mounting bracket.

18. Jack up the vehicle. 19. Dis connect the s tart motor connector and ground.

20. Dis connect the front exhaus t pipe from the manifold.

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Us e wire to s us pend the exhaus t pipe from the bottom of the vehicle. 21. Remove the knuckle form the front damper.

22. Remove the caliper from the knuckle and hang the caliper from the front damper with wine.

23. Remove the wheel s peed s ens or form the knuckle. (with ABS)

24. Attach a chains or cables to the engine. Us e an engine hois t or a chain hois t to s lightly rais e the engine (enough to s upport the engine's weight while proces s ing with the following s teps ).

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25. Remove the s teering joint bolt.

26. Remove the engine mounting bracket from the engine.

27. Slowly rais e the engine (to the extent that the weight of the engine and trans mis s ion as s embly is not applied to the mounting portions ) and temporarily hold it in the rais ed pos ition.

Check that all cables , hos es , harnes s es , connectors etc. are dis connected from the engine. 28. Remove the caps from the ins ide of the right fender s hield and remove the trans axle mount bracket bolts .

29. Remove the s ub frome fixing bolts and nuts .

30. While directing the trans mis s ion s ide downward, lift the engine and trans mis s ion as s embly down and out of the vehicles .

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > T iming Syst e m > T iming Be lt > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > T iming Syst e m > T iming Be lt > Re pair proce dure s DISASSEMBLY
1. Lift the vehicle by us ing of jack.

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2. Remove the engine s upport bracket. (14 mm bolt and 2 nuts , 17 mm bolt)

3. Remove the power s teering belt. 4. Remove the air conditioning compres s or belt. 5. Remove the alternator belt.

6. Remove the coolant pump pulley.

7. Remove the cranks haft pulley.

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8. Remove the timing belt cover.

9. Move the timing belt tens ioner pulley toward the coolant pump and temporarily s ecure it.

10. Remove the timing belt.

If the timing belt is reus ed, mark with an arrow to indicate direction of rotation (on the front of the engine) to make s ure that the belt is reins talled in the s ame direction as before.

11. Remove the cams haft from the cams haft s procket. 12. Remove the cranks haft s procket and flange. 13. Remove the timing belt idler. 14. Remove the timing belt tens ioner.

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1. Check the cams haft s porcket, cranks haft s procket, tens ioner pulley, and idler pulley for abnormal wear, cracks , or damage. Replace as neces s ary. 2. Ins pect the tens ioner pulley and the idler pulley for eas y and s mooth rotation and check for play or nois e. Replace as neces s ary. 3. Replace the pulley if there is a greas e leak from its bearing.

1. Check the belt for oil or dus t depos its . Replace, if neces s ary. Small depos its s hould be wiped away with a dry cloth or paper. Do not clean with s olvent. 2. When the engine is overhauled or belt tens ion adjus ted, check the belt carefully. If any of the following flaws are evident, replace the belt with a new one.

Descriptio n 1. Hardened back s urface Back s urface is glos s y, non-elas tic and s o hard that when your fingernail is pres s ed into it. no mark is produced.

Flaw co nd itio ns

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2. Cracked back s urface rubber

3. Cracked or s eparating canvas

4. Badly worn teeth (initial s tages ) Canvas on load s ide of tooth flank worn (Fluffy canvas fibers , rubber gone and color changed to white, and unclear canvas texture)

5. Badly worn teeth (las t s tage) Canvas on load s ide of tooth flank worn down and rubber expos ed (tooth width reduced)

6. Cracked tooth bottom

7. Mis s ing tooth

8. Side of belt badly worn

Normal belt s hluld have precis ely cut s ides as if cut by a s harp knife. 9. Side of belt cracked

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1. Ins tall the flange and cranks haft s procket as s hown. Pay clos e attention to their mounting directions .

2. Ins tall the cams haft s procket and tighten the bolt to the s pecified torque. T ig htening to rq ue Cams haft s procket bolt : 80 ~ 100 Nm (800 ~ 1000, 59 ~74 lb.ft) 3. Ins tall the idler and tighten the idler bolt to the s pecified torque. T ig htening to rq ue Idler bolt : 43 ~ 55 Nm (430 ~ 550, 32 ~ 41 lb.ft)

4. Align the timing marks of the cams haft s procket (A) and cams haft bearing cap (B). Then align the timing marks of cranks haft s procket and front cas e with the No.1 pis ton placed at top dead center on its compres s ion s troke as s hown in the illus tration.

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5. To ins tall the timing belt tens ioner, firs t mount the tens ioner, s pring, and s pacer. Temporarily tighten the bolts . Next, temporarily tighten the tens ioner long hole s ide was her and bolts . Ins tall the bottom end of the s pring agains t the front cas e as s hown in the illus tration.

6. Secure the tens ioner, pos itioned towards the water pump.

7. Ins tall the timing belt on the cranks haft s procket. (1) Cranks haft s procket (2) Timing belt idler (3) Cams haft s procket (4) Timing belt tens ioner.

8. Ins tall the timing belt on the cams haft s procket. When the timing belt is ins talled on the cams haft s procket, make s ure that the tens ion s ide is tight. Then, check to ens ure that when the tens ion s ide is tightened by turning the cams haft s procket in a revers e direction and all timing marks are in line. 9. Tighten the tens ioner bolts . T ig htening to rq ue Tens ioner attaching bolt : 20 ~ 27 Nm (200 ~ 270, 15 ~ 20 lb.ft) 10. Turn the cranks haft two turns in its operating direction (clock-wis e) and realign the cams haft s procket timing mark with the top dead center pos ition. 11. Then recheck the belt tens ion Verify that when the tens ioner and the tens ion s ide of the timing belt are pus hed in horiz ontally with a moderate force [approx. 49N (11lb)], the timing belt cog end is aprox. 1/2 of the tens ioner monting bolt head radius (acros s flats ) away from the bolt head center.

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12. Ins tall the timing belt cover.

T ig htening to rq ue Timing belt cover bolt : 8 ~10 Nm (80 ~ 100, 6 ~ 7 lb.ft) 13. Ins tall the cranks haft pulley. Make s ure that the cranks haft s procket pin fits the s mall hole in the pulley. T ig htening to rq ue Cranks haft pulley bolt : 140 ~ 150 Nm (1400 ~ 1500, 103 ~ 111 lb.ft) 14. Ins tall the water pump pulley.

15. Ins tall the alternator belt and adjus t the belt tens ion. 16. Ins tall the air conditioning compres s or belt and adjus t the belt tens ion. 17. Ins tall the power s teering belt and adjus t the belt tens ion.

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cylinde r He ad Asse mbly > Camshaft > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cylinde r He ad Asse mbly > Camshaft > Re pair proce dure s DISASSEMBLY
1. Dis connect the breather hos e and the P.C.V. hos e. 2. Loos en the center cover bolts and then remove the center cover. 3. Remove the ignition coil as s embly and the s park plug cables .

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4. Loos en the cylinder head cover bolts and then remove the cylinder head cover.

5. Remove the cams haft s procket. 6. Remove the cams haft bearing caps and timing chain.

7. Remove the cams haft. 8. Remove the HLA.

1. Check the cams haft journals for wear. If the journals are badly worn, replace the cams haft. 2. Check the cam lobes for damage. If the lobe is damaged or worn exces s ively, replace the cams haft. Stand ard value Intake : 43.4484 mm (1.7106 in.) Exhaus t : 43.8489 mm (1.7263 in.) Limit Intake : 42.9484 mm (1.6909 in.) Exhaus t : 43.3489 mm (1.7066 in.)

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3. Check the cam s urface for abnormal wear or damage, and replace if neces s ary. 4. Check each bearing for damage. If the bearing s urface is exces s ively damaged, replace the cylinder head as s embly or cams haft bearing cap, as neces s ary. Cams haft end play : 0.1 - 0.2 mm (0.0039 - 0.0079 in.)

1. Check the lips for wear. If the lip threads are worn, replace. 2. Check the oil s eal lip contacting s urface of the cams haft. If it is worn, replace the cams haft.


Pro blem Temporary nois e on s tarting a cold engine. Continuous nois e when engine is running after s itting more than 48 hours . Normal

Po ssible cause

Actio n This nois e will dis appear after the oil in the engine has reached normal pres s ure. Nois e will dis appear within 15 minutes when engine runs at 2000~3000 rpm If it does n't dis appear, refer to item 7 below

Oil leakage of the high pres s ure chamber on HLA, allowing air to get in.

Continuous nois e when engine is firs t Ins ufficient oil in cylinder head s tarted after rebuilding cylinder head. oil gallery. Continuous nois e when engine is running after exces s ive cranking. Continuous nois e when engine is running after changing HLA. Oil drain out of the high-pres s ure chamber in HLA, allowing air to get in. Ins ufficient oil in HLA.

Do not run engine at a s peed higher than 3000 rpm as this may damage HLA. Continuous nois e during idle after high s peed running. Engine oil level too high or too low. Exces s ive amount of air in the oil at high engine s peed. Deteriorated oil Check oil level. Drain or add oil as neces s ary. Check oil s upply s ys tem Check oil quality.

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Nois e continuous for more than 15 minutes .

Low oil pres s ure Faulty HLA.

Check oil pres s ure and oil s upply s ys tem of each part of engine Remove the cylinder head cover and pres s down on the HLA by hand. If it move, replace HLA.

Be careful of hot HLA.

HLA nois e could occur to your engine due to malfunction of HLA if you us e additives bes ides engine oil regulated to HMC.


1. Ins tall the HLA. 2. Align the cams haft timing chain with intake timing chain s procket and exhaus t timing chain s procket as s hown.

3. Ins tall the cams haft after lubricating the cams haft journals with engine oil.

4. Ins tall the bearing caps . The markings on the caps are for intake/exhaus t identification. I: Intake cams haft E: Exhaus t cams haft

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5. Tighten the bearing caps to the s pecified torque in two or three s teps as s hown. T ig htening to rq ue Bearing cap bolt : 12 ~ 14 Nm (120 ~ 140, 9 ~ 10 lb.ft)

6. Us ing the s pecial tool, cams haft oil s eal ins taller (09221 - 21000), pres s fit the cams haft oil s eal. Be s us re to apply engine oil to the oil s eal lip. Ins ert the oil s eal along the cams haft front end and ins tall by driving the ins taller with a hammer until the oil s eal is fully s eated.

7. Ins tall the cams haft s procket bolts to the s pecified torque. T ig htening to rq ue Cams haft s procket bolt : 80 ~ 100Nm (800 ~ 1000, 59 ~ 74 lb.ft)

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8. Align the cams haft s procket and cranks haft s procket timing marks . Place the pos ton in the No.1 cylinder to top dead center on the compres s ion s trokie. (Refer to the timing belt) 9. Ins tall the cylinder head cover. T ig htening to rq ue Cylinder head cover bolts : 8 ~ 10 Nm (80 ~ 100, 6 ~ 7 lb.ft)Ins tall the s park plug cables , ignition coil as s embly and cylinder head center cover.

10. Ins tall the timing belt and then tighten the timing belt tens ioner pulley. 11. Ins tall the timing belt cover. T ig htening to rq ue Timing belt cover : 8 ~ 10Nm (80 ~ 100, 6 ~ 7 lb.ft)

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cylinde r He ad Asse mbly > Valve > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cylinde r He ad Asse mbly > Valve > Re pair proce dure s DISASSEMBLY
1. Us ing a tool remove the cylinder head bolts in the order s hown in the illus tration.

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2. Us ing the s pecial tool (09222-28000, 09222-28100), remove the valve retainer lock. Next remove the s pring retainer, valve s pring, s pring s eat and valve.

Arrange thes e parts s o that they can be reins talled in their original pos itions .

3. Remove the valve s tem s eals with pliers .

Do not reus e the valve s tem s eals .


1. Check the cylinder head for cracks , damage and coolant leakage. If cracked, replace the cylinder head. 2. Remove s cale, s ealing compound and carbon deops its completely. After cleaning the oil pas s ages , apply compres s ed air to verify that the pas s ages are not clogged.

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3. Check the cylinder head s urface for flatnes s in the direction as s hown in the illus tration. If flatnes s exceeds the s ervice limit in any direcftion, either replace the cylinder head or machine the cylinder head matching s urface lightly. Flatness o f cylind er head g asket surface Standard : Les s than 0.03 mm (0.0012 in.) Limit : 0.2 mm (0.008 in.)

1. Us ing a wire brus h, clean the valve thoroughly.

2. Check each valve for wear, damage and dis tortion of the head and the s tem at B pos ition. Replace, if neces s ary. If s tem end, A, is hollowed out or worn, res urface as neces s ary. This correction mus t be limited to a minimum. Als o res urface the valve face. Replace the valve if the margin has decreas ed to les s than the s ervice limit. Marg in [Standard] Intake : 1.1 mm (0.043 in.) Exhaus t : 1.3 mm (0.051 in.) [Limit] Intake : 0.8 mm (0.028 in.) Exhaus t : 1.0 mm (0.040 in.)

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1. Check the free height of each valve s pring. If they exceed the s ervicd limit, replace the s prings . 2. Us ing a s quare, tes t the s quarenes s of each s pring. If a s pring is exces s ively out - of - s quare, replace it. Valve spring [Standard] Free height : 44 mm (1.7323 in.) Load : 21.6 kg/35 mm (47.6 lb/1.3780 in.) 45.1 kg/27.2 mm (99.4 lb/1.0709 in.) Out of s quare : 1.5 [Limit] Free height : - 1.0 mm (- 0.039 in.) Out of s quare : 3

Check the valve s tem-to-guide clearance. If the clearance exceeds the s ervice limit, replace the valve guide with the next overs iz e part. Valve stem-to -clearance [Standard] Intake : 0.03 ~ 0.06 mm (0.0012 ~ 0.0024 in.) Exhaus t : 0.05 ~ 0.08 mm (0.0020 ~ 0.0031 in.) [Limit] Intake : 0.1 mm (0.0040 in.) Exhaus t : 0.15 mm (0.0059 in.)


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1. Cut away the inner face of the valve s eat to reduce the wall thicknes s .

2. Enlarge the diameter of the valve s eat s o that it matches the s pecified overs iz e hole diameter of the new valve s eat ring. 3. Heat the cylinder head to about 250C (480F) and pres s - fit an overs iz e s eat ring for the bore in the cylinder head. 4. Us ing lapping compound, lap the valve to the new s eat. Valve seat co ntact wid th Intake : 0.8 ~ 1.2 mm (0.0315 ~ 0.0472 in.) Exhaus t : 1.3 ~ 1.7 m m (0.0512 ~ 0.0670 in.) VALVE SEAT INSERT OVERSIZ ES Descriptio n Intake valve Seat ring Exhaus t valve Seat ring Siz e mm (in.) 0.3 (0.012) O.S. 0.6 (0.024) O.S. 0.3 (0.012) O.S. 0.6 (0.024) O.S. Siz e mark 30 60 30 60 Seat ring heig ht H mm (in.) 5.1~5.3(0.2008~0.2087) 5.4~5.6(0.2126~0.2205) 6.2~6.4(0.2441~0.2520) 6.5~6.7(0.2560~0.2638) Oversiz e ho le d iameter I.D. mm (in.) 30.7~30.721 (1.2087~1.2095 31.0~31.021(1.2205~1.2213) 27.3~27.321(1.0748~1.0756) 27.6~27.621(1.0866~1.0874)


1. Us ing the s pecial tool (09221-3F100 A/B), withdraw the old valve guide toward the bottom of cylinder head. 2. Recondition the valve guide hole s o that it can match the newly pres s -fitted overs iz e valve guide.

3. Us ing the s pecial tool (09221-3F100 A/B), pres s -fit the valve guide. The valve guide mus t be pres s -fitted from the upper s ide of the cylinder head. 4. After the valve guide is pres s -fitted, ins ert a new valve and check for proper the clearance

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5. After the valve guide is replaced, check that the valve is s eated properly. Recondition the valve s eats as neces s ary. VALVE GUIDE OVERSIZ ES Over siz e mm (in.) 0.05 (0.002) 0.25 (0.010) 0.50 (0.020) Siz e mark 5 25 50 Oversiz e valve g uid e ho le siz e mm (in.) 11.05~11.068 (0.4350~0.4357) 11.25~11.268 (0.4429~0.4436) 11.50~11.518 (0.4528~0.4535)


1. Clean each part before as s embly. 2. Apply engine oil to the s liding and rotating parts . 1. Ins tall the s pring s eats . Us ing a s pecial tool (09222-22001), tap the s eal in pos ition lightly.

Do not reus e old valve s tem s eals . Incorrect ins tallation of the s eal could res ult in oil leakage pas t the valve guides . 2. Apply engine oil to each valve. Ins ert the valve into the valve guide. Avoid pus hing the valve into the s eal by force. After ins erting the valve, check that it moves s moothly.

3. Place valve s prings s o that the s ide coated with enamel faces toward the valve s pring retainer and then ins tall the retainer.

4. Us ing the s pecial tool (09222-28000, 09222-28100), compres s the s pring and ins tall the retainer locks . After ins talling the valves , ens ure that the retainer locks are correctly in place before releas ing the valve s pring compres s or.

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When the s pring is compres s ed, Check that the valve s tem s eal is not pres s ed agains t the bottom of the retainer. 5. Clean both gas ket s urfaces of the cylinder block and cylinder head. 6. Verify the identification marks on the cylinder head gas ket. 7. Ins tall the gas ket s o that the s urface with the identification mark faces toward the cylinder head. 8. Tighten the bolts to the s pecified torque in the s equence s hown.

Cylind er head bo lt 30 Nm (300, 22 lb.ft)+90+Releas e all bolts + 30 Nm(, 22 lb.ft)+90

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cylinde r Block > Pist on and Conne ct ing Rod > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cylinde r Block > Pist on and Conne ct ing Rod > Re pair proce dure s DISASSEMBLY CONNECT ING ROD CAP

Keep the bearings in order with their corres ponding connecting rods (according to cylinder numbers ) for proper reas s embly. 1. Remove the connecting rod cap bolts , then remove the caps and the big end lower bearing.

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2. Pus h each pis ton connecting rod as s embly toward the top of the cylinder.


1. Us ing the s pecial tools , dis as s emble and reas s emble the pis ton and connecting rod. 2. The pis ton pin is pres s fit into the rod little end, and the pis ton floats on the pin. 3. The tool cons is ts of a s upport fixture with fork ins erts , guides , adapters , an ins taller and a remover. The pis ton is s upported in the s upport fixture while the pin is being ins talled or removed. Guides help pos ition the pin as it is ins talled or removed, while the rod is s upported by fork ins erts . 4. To remove the pin from the pis ton, place the pis ton in the s upport fixture with the rod res ting on the fork ins erts . Pas s the remove tool through the top of the s upport fixture and us e it to pres s out the pin.

5. To ins tall a new pin, the proper fork ins erts mus t be in place to s upport the rod. 6. Pos ition the rod ins ide the pis ton. Ins ert the proper pin guide through one s ide of the pis ton and through the rod. Hand tap the pin guide s o it is held by the pis ton. Ins ert the new pin into the pis ton from the other s ide and s et the as s embly into the s upport fixture with the pin guide facing down.

The pin guide s hould be centered on the connecting rod through the pis ton. If as s embled correctly, the pin guide will s it exactly under the center of the hole in the tool's arch, and res t evenly on the fork ins erts . If the wrong s iz e pin guide is us ed, the pis ton and pin will not line up with the s upport fixture.

7. Ins ert the ins taller tool through the hole in the arch of the s upport fixture and us e an hydraulic pres s to force the pis ton pin through the rod little end. Continue pres s ing until the pin guide falls free and the ins taller tool s eats agains t the top of the arch.

Do not exceed 1250 500 kg (2765 1102 lb) of force when the ins talling tool s eats agains t the top of the

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1. Check each pis ton for s cuffing, s coring, wear and other defects . Replace any pis ton that is defective. 2. Check each pis ton ring for breakage, damage and abnormal wear. Replace the defective rings . When the pis ton requires replacement, its rings s hould als o be replaced. 3. Check that the pis ton pin fits in the pis ton pin hole. Replace any pis ton and pin as s embly that is defective. The pis ton pin mus t be s moothly pres s ed by hand into the pin hole (at room temperature).

1. Meas ure the pis ton ring s ide clearance. If the meas ured value exceeds the s ervice limit, ins ert a new ring in the ring groove to meas ure the s ide clearance. If the clearance s till exceeds the s ervice limit, replace the pis ton and rings together. If it is les s than the s ervice limit, replace the pis ton rings only. Pisto n ring sid e clearance No.1 : 0.04 ~ 0.085 mm (0.0016 ~ 0.0033 in.) No. 2 : 0.04 ~ 0.085 m m (0.0016 ~ 0.0033 in.) Limit No. 1 : 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) No. 2 : 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)

2. To meas ure the pis ton ring end gap, ins ert a pis ton ring into the cylinder bore. Pos ition the ring at right angles in the cylinder wall by gently pres s ing it down with a pis ton. Meas ure the gap with a feeler gauge. If the gap exceeds the s ervice limit, replace the pis ton ring.

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Pisto n ring end g ap [Standard dimens ions ] No. 1 : 0.15 ~ 0.30 mm (0.0059 ~ 0.012 in.) No. 2 : 0.30 ~ 0.45 mm (0.012 ~ 0.018 in.) Oil ring s ide rail : 0.2 ~ 0.7 mm (0.0079 ~ 0.0276in.) [Limit] No. 1, No. 2 : 1.0 mm (0.039 in.) Oil ring s ide rail : 1.0 mm (0.0.39 in.)

Pisto n ring service siz e and mark Stand ard 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) O.S No ne 25

The mark can be found on the upper s ide of the ring next to the end.


1. When the connecting rod cap is ins talled, make s ure that the cylinder numbers , marked on rod end cap at dis as s embly, match. When a new connecting rod is ins talled, make s ure that the notches holding the bearing in place are on the s ame s ide. 2. Replace the connecting rod if it is damaged at either end of the thrus t faces . If it has a s tratified wear in, or if the s urface of the ins ide diameter of the s mall end is s everely rough, replace the rod.

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1. Ins tall the s pacer.

2. Ins tall the upper s ide rail. To ins tall the s ide rail, firs t put one end of the s ide rail between the pis ton ring groove and s pacer, hold it firmly, and pres s down with a finger on the portion to be ins erted into the groove (as illus trated).

Do not us e a pis ton ring expander when ins talling s ide rail. 3. Ins tall the lower s ide rail by the s ame procedure des cribed in Step 2.

4. Apply engine oil around the pis ton and pis ton grooves . 5. Us ing a pis ton ring expander, ins tall the No.2 pis ton ring. 6. Ins tall the No. 1 pis ton ring.

7. Pos ition each pis ton ring end gap as far away from its neighboring gaps as pos s ible. Make s ure that the gaps are not pos itioned in the thrus t and pin directions . 8. Hold the pis ton rings firmly with a pis ton ring compres s or as they are ins erted into cylinder.

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9. Ins tall the upper main bearings in the cylinder block. 10. Ins tall the lower main bearings in the main bearing caps . 11. Make s ure that the front mark of the pis ton and the front mark (identification mark) of the connecting rod are directed toward the front of the engine. 12. When a new connecting rod is ins talled, make s ure that the notches for holding the bearing in place are on the s ame s ide. 13. When as s embling, bolts s hould be fas tened by the angle - torque controlled method as the following. (1) Apply oil to the thread of nuts and s pot areas . (2) Tighten the connecting rod bolt. T ig htening to rq ue Connecting rod cap nut : 32 ~ 35 Nm (320 ~ 350, 24 ~ 26 lb.ft)

After removing the connecting rod bolt, do not us e if again. When us ing a new bolt, do not tighten the bolt more than 3 times . 14. Check the connecting rod s ide clearance. Co nnecting ro d sid e clearance Standard : 0.10 ~ 0.25 mm (0.0039 ~ 0.0098 in.) Limit : 0.4 mm (0.0157 in.)

15. Ins tall the oil s creen. 16. Ins tall the oil pan. 17. Ins tall the cylinder head.

1. Check the cylinder bore s iz e code on the cylinder block bottom face.

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1.6 L Class A B C Cylind er bo re inner d iameter 76.5~76.51mm (3.0118~3.0121in.) 76.51~76.52mm (3.0121~3.0126in.) 76.52~76.53mm (3.0126~3.0129in.) Siz e co d e A B C

2. Check the pis ton s iz e code on the pis ton top face.

Stamp the grade mark of bas ic diameter with rubber s tamp. 1.6 L Class A B C Pisto n o uter d iameter 76.465~76.475mm (3.0104~3.0108in.) 76.475~76.485mm (3.0108~3.0112in.) 76.485~76.495mm (3.0112~3.0116in.) Siz e co d e A B C

3. Select the pis ton related to cylinder bore clas s . Oil clearance 0.025 ~ 0.045mm (0.00098 ~ 0.00177in.)

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cylinde r Block > Crankshaft > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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M/T : Manual Trans mis s ion Vehicles A/T : Automatic Trans mis s ion Vehicles

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cylinde r Block > Crankshaft > Re pair proce dure s DISASSEMBLY
1. Remove the timing belt, front cas e, flywheel, cylinder head as s embly and oil pan. For details , refer to the res pective chapters . 2. Remove the rear plate and the rear oil s eal. 3. Remove the connecting rod caps . 4. Remove the main bearing caps and remove the cranks haft. 5. Remove the cranks haft pos ition s ens or wheel.

Mark the main bearing caps to permit reas s embly in the original pos ition and direction.

1. Remove the Trans mis s ion and clutch. 2. Remove the flywheel.


1. Check the cranks haft journals and pins for damage, uneven wear, and cracks . Als o check oil holes for clogging. Correct or replace any defective part. 2. Ins pect the cranks haft journal for taper and out - of - round. Stand ard value Cranks haft journal O.D : 50 mm (1.9685 in.)

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Cranks haft pin O.D : 45 mm (1.7717 in.) Cranks haft journal, pin out-of-roundnes s and taper : 0.005 mm (0.0002 in.) or les s


Vis ually ins pect each bearing for peeling, melting, s eiz ure, and improper contact. Replace the defective bearings .


1. Meas ure the diameter of the cranks haft journal and pin. 2. Meas ure the diameter of the cranks haft bore and connecting rod bore. 3. Meas ure the thicknes s of the cranks haft bearing and connecting rod bearing. 4. Meas ure the clearance by the value that s ubtract the diameter of journal and pin and the thicknes s of bearing from the diameter of bore. Co nnecting ro d bearing o il clearance 0.018 ~ 0.036 mm (0.0007 ~ 0.0014 in.) Cranks haft main bearing oil clearance NO. 1,2,4,5 : 0.022 ~ 0.040 mm (0.0009 ~ 0.0018 in.) NO.3 : 0.028 ~ 0.046 m m (0.0011 ~ 0.0018 in.)

Check front and rear oil s eals for damage or wear. Replace any s eal that is defective.


1. Remove the s ens or wheel. 2. Check the s ens or wheel for damage, cracks and wear, and replace if neces s ary. 3. Check the clearance between the s ens or wheel and the crank pos ition s ens or with a depth gage. Stand ard value Clearance between s ens or wheel and crank pos ition s ens or : 0.5 ~ 1.1 mm (0.020 ~ 0.043 in.)

1. Meas ure the depth of the top of s ens or wheel tooth and the cylinder block mounting block. 2. Meas ure the difference between s ens or length and depth. 3. Sens or length is the dis tance between the end of the s ens or and the inner point of the contacting face.

1. Check the clutch dis c contacting s urface of the flywheel for damage and wear. Replace the flywheel if exces s ively damaged or worn. 2. Check the clutch dis c contacting s urface of the flywheel for runout. Stand ard value Flywheel run-out : 0.1 mm (0.0039 in.)

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3. Check the ring gear for damage, cracks , and wear, and replace if neces s ary.

1. Ins tall the upper main bearing ins erts in the cylinder block. When reusing the main bearing s, remember to install them by referring to the lo catio n marks mad e at the time o f d isassembly. 2. Ins tall the cranks haft. Apply engine oil to the journals . 3. Ins tall bearing caps and tighten cap bolts to the s pecified torque in the following s equence; center, No.2, No.4, front, and rear caps . Cap bolts s hould be tightened evenly in 2 to 3 s tages before they are tightened to the s pecified torque. The caps s hould be ins talled with the arrow mark directed toward the crank pulley s ide of engine. Cap numbers mus t be correct. T ig htening to rq ue Main bearing cap bolt : 55 ~ 60 Nm (550 ~ 600, 41 ~ 44 lb.ft) Connecting rod cap bolt : 32 ~ 35 Nm (320 ~ 350, 24 ~ 26 lb.ft)

4. Make certain that the cranks haft turns freely and has the proper clearance between the center main bearing thrus t flange and the connecting rod big end bearing. Standard value Cranks haft end play : 0.05 ~ 0.175 mm (0.0019 ~ 0.0068 in.)

5. Ins tall the oil s eal in the cranks haft rear oil s eal cas e. Us e the Special Tool, Cranks haft Rear Oil Seal Ins taller (09231 - 21000) as s hown. Pres s fit the oil s eal all the way in, being careful not to mis align it.

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6. Ins tall the rear plate and tighten the bolts . 7. Ins tall the connecting rod caps . 8. Ins tall the flywheel, front cas e, oil pan and timing belt. For further details , refer to the res pective chapters .

Ins tall the flywheel as s embly and tighten the bolts to the s pecified torque. T ig htening to rq ue Flywheel bolt : 120 ~ 130 Nm (1200 ~ 1300, 89 ~ 96 lb.ft)

1. Check the cylinder block cranks haft bore s iz e code.

Record the cylinder block cranks haft bore s iz e code letters on cylinder block as s hown. Reading order is from left to right with front cranks haft bore s iz e code s hown firs t. Class a b c Crankshaft bo re d iameter 54~54.006mm (2.1259~2.1262in.) 54.006~54.012mm (2.1262~2.1264in.) 54.012~54.016mm (2.1264~2.1266in.) Siz e co d e A B C

2. Check the cranks haft main journal s iz e code.

Record the main journal s iz e code letters on the cranks haft balance weight. Reading order is from left to right as s hown, with No.1 main journal s iz e code s hown firs t.

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Crankshaft main jo urnal d iameter Class I II III Main jo urnal bearing thickness Co lo r Yellow Green No color Black Blue No .3 (Center bearing ) Co lo r Yellow Green No color Black Blue 3. Choos e proper main journal bearing in table. Main jo urnal bearing thickness 1.999 ~ 2.002 mm (0.0787 ~ 0.0788 in.) 2.002 ~ 2.005 mm (0.0788 ~ 0.0789 in.) 2.005 ~ 2.008 mm (0.0788 ~ 0.0790 in.) 2.008 ~ 2.011 mm (0.0790 ~ 0.0791 in.) 2.011 ~ 2.014 mm (0.0791 ~ 0.0793 in.) Main jo urnal bearing thinckness 2.002 ~ 2.005 mm (0.0788 ~ 0.0789 in.) 2.005 ~ 2.008 mm (0.0789 ~ 0.0790 in.) 2.008 ~ 2.011 mm (0.0790 ~ 0.0791 in.) 2.011 ~ 2.014 mm (0.0791 ~ 0.0793 in.) 2.014 ~ 2.017 mm (0.0793 ~ 0.0794 in.) Main jo urnal d iameter 50.032~50.038mm (1.9697~1.9699in.) 50.038~50.044mm (1.9699~1.9702in.) 50.044~50.050mm (1.9702~1.9704in.) Siz e co d e b c

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cylinde r Block > Cylinde r Block > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cylinde r Block > Cylinde r Block > Re pair proce dure s DISASSEMBLY
1. Remove the timing belt, cylinder head, front cas e, flywheel, pis tons and cranks haft. 2. Remove the oil pres s ure s witch.

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Inspe ct ion
1. Check the engine block for s cores , rus t and corros ion. Als o check for cracks or any other defects . Replace the block if defective. 2. Us ing a s traight edge and feeler gauge, check the top s urface of the block for warpage. Make s ure that the s urface is free from gas ket chips or other foreign material. Standard : 0.03 mm (0.0012 in.) or les s Limit : 0.06 mm (0.0024 in.) or les s

3. Meas ure the cylinder bore with a cylinder gauge at three levels in the direction of A and B. If the cylinder bores s how more than the s pecified out-of-round or taper or if the cylinder walls are badly s cuffed or s cored, the cylinder block s hould be rebored and honed. Overs iz e pis tons and rings mus t be fitted. Cylinder I.D : 76.5 ~ 76.53 mm (3.0118 ~ 3.0130 in.) Cylinder I.D taper : 0.01 mm (0.0004 in.) or les s

4. If a cylinder ridge exis ts , cut away with a ridge reamer. 5. Overs iz e pis tons are available in four s iz es . Pisto m service siz e and mark mm (in.) 0.25 (0.010) O.S. : 0.25 6. When boring the cylinder to the overs iz e, maintain the s pecified clearance between the overs iz e pis ton and the bore, and make s ure that all pis tons us ed are the s ame overs iz e. The s tandard meas urment of the pis ton's outs ide diameter is taken 39.35 mm (1.55 in.) from the top land of the pis ton.

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Pisto n - to - cylind er clearance 0.025 ~ 0.045 mm (0.0010 ~ 0.0018 in.)

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cylinde r Block > Engine Mount s > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cylinde r Block > Engine Mount s > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL

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Remove the engine mounting s upport bracket from the engine.


1. Remove the air cleaner.

2. Remove the trans mis s ion mounting bolt. (17 mm)

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3. Detach the cap from ins ide the right fender s hield. Remove the trans mis s ion mounting bolts . (14 mm)

4. Remove the trans mis s ion bracket.



Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cooling Syst e m > Wat e r pump > Compone nt s and

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Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cooling Syst e m > Wat e r pump > Re pair proce dure s DISASSEMBLY
1. Drain the coolant and dis connect the coolant inlet pipe connection hos e from the coolant pump. 2. Remove the drive belt and engine coolant pump pulley. 3. Remove the timing belt covers and the timing belt idler. 4. Remove the coolant pump mounting bolts , then remove the alternator brace.

5. Remove the coolant pump as s embly from the cylinder block.

1. Check each part for cracks , damage or wear, and replace the coolant pump as s embly if neces s ary.

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2. Check the bearing for damage, abnormal nois e and s luggis h rotation, and replace the coolant pump as s embly if neces s ary. 3. Check for coolant leakage. If coolant leaks then the s eal is defective. Replace the coolant pump as s embly.

1. Clean the gas ket s urfaces of the coolant pump body and the cylinder block. 2. Ins tall a new coolant pump gas ket to the coolant pump and tighten the bolts to the s pecified torque. T ig htening to rq ue Coolant pump to cylinder block : A : 12 ~ 15 Nm (120 ~ 150, 9 ~ 11 lb.ft) B : 20 ~ 27 Nm (200 ~ 270, 15 ~ 20 lb.ft)

3. Ins tall the timing tens ioner and timing belt. Adjus t the timing belt tens ion. 4. Ins tall the timing belt covers . 5. Ins tall the coolant pump pulley and drive belt, and then adjus t the belt tens ion. 6. Refill the s ys tem with clean coolant. 7. Run the engine and check for leaks .

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cooling Syst e m > T he rmost at > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
1. Drain the coolant s o its level is below thermos tat. 2. Remove the inlet fitting and gas ket.

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3. Remove the thermos tat. 4. Immers e thermos tat in hot coolant to check proper valve opening temperature. Replace if neces s ary. Valve opening temperature : 82C (177C) Full opening temperature : 95C (205 F)


1. Heat the s ens or by s ubmerging it in hot engine coolant. 2. Check that the res is tance is within the s pecified range. Resistance At : 20C (68F) : 2.31 ~ 2.59 k

1. Check that the flange of the thermos tat is correctly s eated in the s ocket of the thermos tat hous ing. 2. Ins tall a new gas ket and the coolant inlet fitting. 3. Refill the s ys tem with clean coolant. T ig htening to rq ue Coolant temperature s ens or : 20 ~ 40 Nm (200 ~ 400, 15 ~ 30 lb.ft)

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cooling Syst e m > Radiat or > Re pair proce dure s DISASSEMBLY
1. Dis connect the radiator fan motor connector.

2. Set the temperature of the heater control to the hot pos ition. 3. Loos en the radiator drain plug to drain coolant.

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4. Dis connect the upper and lower hos e and overflow tube. 5. For vehicles with automatic trans mis s ion, dis connect the oil cooler hos es from the automatic trans mis s ion.

Plug the ends of the oil cooler hos es and the automatic trans mis s ion fittings to prevent trans mis s ion fluid from s pilling out and foreign material from entering. 6. Remove the radiator mounting bolts .

7. Remove the radiator together with the fan motor. 8. Remove the fan motor from the radiator.

1. Check the radiator for bent, broken or plugged fins . 2. Check the radiator for corros ion, damage, rus t or s cale. 3. Check the radiator hos es for cracks , damage or deterioration. 4. Check the res ervoir tank for damage. 5. Check the radiator cap s pring for damage. 6. Tes t the pres s ure of the cap us ing a cooling s ys tem checker. 7. Check the radiator cap s eal for cracks or damage.


1. Check that the radiator fan rotates when the battery voltage is applied to the terminals .

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2. Check that abnormal nois es are not produced while the motor is turning.

1. Fill the radiator and res ervoir tank with clean coolant mixture. 2. Run the engine until the thermos tat opens , and then s top the engine. 3. Remove the radiator cap, and add coolant up to the filler neck of the radiator, and then fill the res ervoir tank to the upper level. Replace the radiator cap. 4. Check that there are no leaks from the radiator, hos es or connections .

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cooling Syst e m > Radiat or Cap > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cooling Syst e m > Radiat or Cap > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
1. Check the radiator cap for damage, cracks and deterioration.

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2. Attach a radiator cap tes ter to the radiator 3. Pump the tes ter until the pointer s tabiliz es . 4. If the pointer s tays cons tant for 10 s ec. at a point exceeding the s ervice limit, the radiator cap is good.

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cooling Syst e m > Engine Coolant Hose / Pipe s > De script ion and Ope rat ion COOLING SYST EM

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cooling Syst e m > Engine Coolant Hose / Pipe s > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Cooling Syst e m > Engine Coolant Hose / Pipe s > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION REASSEMBLY
Fit on O-Ring in the groove provided at the coolant inlet pipe end, wet the O-ring with coolant and ins ert the coolant inlet pipe.

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1. 2. 3. 4.

Do not apply oil or greas e to the coolant pipe O-ring. Keep the coolant pipe connections free of s and, dus t, etc. Ins ert the coolant pipe fully into the cylinder block. Do not reus e the O-ring. Replace it with a new part.

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Lubricat ion Syst e m > Oil Pump > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Lubricat ion Syst e m > Oil Pump > Re pair proce dure s DISASSEMBLY
1. Remove the timing belt. 2. Remove all the oil pan bolts . 3. Remove the oil pan. 4. Remove the oil s creen. 5. Remove the front cas e as s embly.

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6. Remove the oil pump cover.

7. Remove the inner and outer gears from the front cas e. The matching marks on the inner and outer gears indicate the direction of ins tallation.


1. Check the front cas e for cracks or damage. Replace as neces s ary. 2. Check the front oil s eal for worn or damaged lips . Replace if defective.


1. Check the oil pan for failure, damage or cracks . Replace if defective. 2. Check the oil s creen for failure, damage and cracks and replace if defective.


Check the s urfaces contacting the gears for damage or wear.


1. Check the gear tooth s urfaces for wear or damage. 2. Meas ure the clearance between outer gear and front cas e. Body clearance : 0.12 ~ 0.185 mm (0.0047 ~ 0.0073 in.) Tip clearance : 0.025 ~ 0.069 mm (0.0010 ~ 0.0027 in.) Side clearance Inner gear : 0.04 ~ 0.09 mm (0.0016 ~ 0.0035 in.) Outer gear : 0.04 ~ 0.085 mm (0.0016 ~ 0.0033 in.)

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3. Check the tip clearance on the pump roter.


1. Check s liding condition of the relief valve ins erted in the front cas e. 2. Ins pect for dis torted or broken relief valve s pring. Stand ard value Free height : 46.6 mm (1.8346 in.) Load : 6.1 kg/40.1 mm (13.42 lb/1.578 in.)


1. Us e an ohmmeter to check the continuity between the terminal and the body. If there is no continuity, replace the oil pres s ure s witch.

2. Check the continuity between the terminal and the body when the fine wire is pus hed. If there is continuity even when the fine wire is pus hed, replace the s witch. 3. If there is no continuity when a 50 kPa (7 ps i) vacuum is applied through the oil hole, the s witch is operating properly. Check for air leaks . If air does leak, the diaphragm is broken. Replace the s witch.

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1. Ins tall the outer and inner gears into the front cas e. Make s ure that the inner and outer gears are ins talled in the s ame direction as s hown. 2. Ins tall the oil pump cover and tighten the bolts to the s pecified torque. After the bolts have been tightened, check to ens ure that the gear turns s moothly. T ig htening to rq ue Oil pump cover bolt : 8~ 12 Nm (80 ~ 120, 6 ~ 9 lb.ft)

3. Ins tall the relief valve and s pring. Tighten the plug to the s pecified torque. Apply engine oil to the relief valve. Relief valve plug 40 ~ 50 Nm (400 ~ 500, 30 ~ 37 lb.ft)

1. Ins tall the front cas e as s embly with a new gas ket, and tighten the bolts to the s pecified torque. T ig htening to rq ue 20 ~ 27 Nm (200 ~ 270, 15 ~ 20 lb.ft) Length A : 30 mm (1.18 in.) B : 45 mm (1.77 in.) C : 60 mm (2.36 in.)

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D : 22 mm (0.89 in.)

1. Us ing the s pecial tool, Cranks haft oil s eal guide(09231 - 22100), ins tall the oil s eal. 2. Us ing the s pecial tool, Cranks haft front oil s eal ins taller (09231-22000), ins tall the oil s eal.

3. Ins tall the oil s creen. 4. Clean both gas ket s urfaces of the oil pan and the cylinder block. 5. Apply s ealant into the groove of the oil pan flange as s hown.

Apply s ealant approx. 4mm (0.16 in.) in thicknes s . After application of s ealant, do not exceed 15 minutes before ins talling the oil pan.

6. Ins tall the oil pan and tighten the bolts to the s pecified torque. T ig htening to rq ue Oil pan bolt : 10 ~ 12 N m (100 ~ 120, 7 ~ 9 lb.ft)

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Int ake And Exhaust Syst e m > Air Cle ane r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Int ake And Exhaust Syst e m > Air Cle ane r > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the air duct connected to the air cleaner. 2. Remove the air intake hos e at the air cleaner s ide. 3. Remove the air cleaner cover and filter. 4. Remove the air cleaner mounting bolts and remove the air cleaner.

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Ins tall the air cleaner as s embly following the revers e order of removal.

1. Check the air cleaner body, cover, or filter for dis tortion, corros ion or damage. 2. Check the air duct for damage. 3. Check the res onator for dis tortion or damage.

4. Check the air cleaner filter for res triction, contamination or damage. If the filter is s lightly res tricted, remove the dus t and other contaniments by blowing compres s ed air from the upper s ide through the filter.

5. Check the air cleaner hous ing for res trictions , contamination or damage.

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Int ake And Exhaust Syst e m > Int ake Manifold > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Int ake And Exhaust Syst e m > Int ake Manifold > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Dis connect the MAP, ISA and TPS connect.

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2. Remove the intake air hos e connected to the throttle body. 3. Remove the accelerator cable. 4. Remove the P.C.V. hos e and brake boos ter vacuum hos es .

5. Dis connect the coolant hos e connections front the throttle body.

6. Dis connect the fuel injector harnes s connector.

7. Remove the dilivery pipe with the fuel injectors .

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8. Remove the intake manifold s tay.

9. Remove the intake manifold. 10. Remove the intake monifold as s embly and gas ket.


1. Replace the intake manifold gas ket and ins tall the intake manifold. 2. Ins tall the intake manifold s tay. 3. Ins tall the delivery pipe with the fuel injectors .

Be careful not to drop the injectors when removing the delivery pipe.

4. Connect the fuel injector harmes s connector. 5. Ins tall the P.C.V hos e and brake boos ter vacuum hos e. 6. Ins tall the intake air hos e to the throttle body. 7. Ins tall the accelorator cable. 8. Connect the ISA and TPS wire harnes s connector.

INSPECT ION Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Int ake And Exhaust Syst e m > Exhaust Manifold > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Int ake And Exhaust Syst e m > Exhaust Manifold > Re pair proce dure s DISASSEMBLY
1. Dis connect the oxygen s ens or connect.

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2. Remove the exhaus t manifold heat protector. 3. Remove the exhaus t manifold as s embly from the cylinder head. 4. Remove the exhaus t manifold gas ket.


1. Check for damage or cracking. 2. Check for damage or cracking of welding between exhaus t manifold and converter.

Ins tall the exhaus t manifold in the revers e order of removal.

Replace the exhaus t manifold gas ket and lock nut when reas s embling.

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Int ake And Exhaust Syst e m > Muffle r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Me chanical Syst e m > Int ake And Exhaust Syst e m > Muffle r > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL REAR MUFFLER

Before removing or ins pecting the exhaus t s ys tem, ens ure that the exhaus t s ys tem is cool. 1. Dis connect the rear muffler from the center muffler. 2. Remove the rubber hangers and remove the rear muffler.

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1. Remove the center muffler as s embly from the rear muffler and front exhaus t pipe.

2. Remove the rubber hanger, then remove the center muffler.


1. Remove the front exhaus t pipe clamp bolts . and remove the front exhaus t pipe nuts from the catalytic converter. 2. Remove the front exhaus t pipe and center muffler bolt.


1. Temporarily ins tall the front exhaus t pipe, the center exhaus t pipe, and the rear muffler, in that order. 2. Tighten the parts s ecurely. Make s ure there is no interference with any body components .

Engine Me chanical Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 28 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

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Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Detecting Co nd itio n Accumulated air mas s Check Accumulated air mas s when coolant temp. is 74 degC(165.2 F) > limit, f(tms t, tum) Ambient temperature (model) 0-45 degC( 32 F~113 F) Engine s peed > 720 rpm Integrated air mas s > 0.182 kg Soak time (model) > 18000s ec Coolant temperature at s tart 0-45 degC( 32 F~113 F) Cranking intake air temp - int. air temp > 7.5 degC(45.5 F0 Low s peed drive (<40KPH(24.854848 mile)) ratio < KLVTHTIM 1 s ec Po ssible cause

Enable Conditions

Contaminated, deterriorated or damaged ETCS Faulty thermos tat Foreign materials fouled ETCS Faulty ECTS Faulty PCM

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

If any codes relating to ECTS, IATS circuits are pres ent,do all repairs as s ociated with thos e codes before proceeding with this troubles hooting procedure.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ECTS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

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If the output data changes as temoerature changes ,the s ens or is good If the ECTS output is in invers e proportion to water temperature,the s ens or is normal. Service s tandard When ECT is 0C (32F) : 4.27 0.3 V When ECT is 20C(68F) : 3.44 0.3 V When ECT is 40C(104F) : 2.72 0.3 V When ECT is 80C(176F) : 1.25 0.3 V 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Component Ins pection" procedure.


1. Cooling Sys tem ins pection (1) Check cooling s ys tem coolant level and fill if low. (2) Check for a proper cooling s ys tem operation. Es pecially check that cooling and condens er fan working normally. (3) Remove the thermos tat and check the following items : 1) Stuck or damaged Full open lift : 8.5mm(0.33 in) or more

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2)Verify the temperature at which the valve begins to open.Initial valve opening temperature : 82C(179.6F) Full valve opening temperature : 95C(203F) (4) Is a problem found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure Go to "Check ECTS" as below. 2. Check ECTS (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Open circuit ECTS . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure 3. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 1 of ECT s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify ECTS voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.5 V

(6) Is ECT s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Engine Elect rical Syst em
Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Ge ne ral Informat ion T HE MICRO 57 0 ANALYZER

Becaus e of the pos s ibility of pers onal injury, always us e extreme caution and appropriate eye protection when working with batteries .



1. Connect the tes ter to the battery. A. Red clamp to battery pos itive (+) terminal. B. Black clamp to battery negative (-) terminal.

Connect clamps s ecurely. If "CHECK CONN ECTION" mes s age is dis plyed on the s creen, reconnect clamps s ecurely.

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2. The tes ter will as k if the battery is connected "IN A VEHICLE" or "OUT OF A VEHICLE". Make your s election by pres s ing the arrow buttons ; then pres s EN TER.

3. Choos e eigher CCA or CCP and pres s the ENTER button.

- CCA : Cold cranking amps , is an SAE s pecification for cranking batteried at 0F (-18C). - CCP : Cold cranking amps , is an SAE s pecification for korean manufacturer's for cranking batteries at 0F (-18C) 4. Set the CCA value dis plyed on the s creen to the CCA value marked on the battery label by pres s ing up and down buttons and pres s EN TER.

The battery ratings (CCA) dis plyed on the tes ter mus t be identical to the ratings marked on battery label. 5. The tes ter (Micro570) dis plays battery tes t res ults including voltage and battery ratings . A relevant action mus t be given according to the tes t res ults by referring to the battery tes t res ults as s hown in the table below.

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6. To conduct s tarter tes t, continuous ly, pres s ENTER. BAT T ERY T EST RESULT S RESULT ON PRINT ER Good battery Good recharge No action is required Battery is in a good s tate Recharge the battery and us e Battery is not charged properly Charge and tes t the battery again (Failure to charge the battery fully may read incorrect meas urement value) Replace battery and recheck the charging s ys tem. (Improper connection between battery and vehicle cables may caus e "REPLACE BATTERY", retes t the battery after removing cables and connecting the tes ter to the battery terminal directly prior to replacing the battery) Charge and retes t the battery. And than, tes t res ults may caus e "REPLACE BATTERY", replace battery and recheck the charging s ys tem REMEDY

Charge & Retes t

Replace battery

Bad cell-replace

Whenever filing a claim for battery, the print out of the battery tes t res ults mus t be attached.


1. After the battery tes t, pres s ENTER immediately for the s tarter tes t.

2. After pres s ing ENTER key, s tart the engine.

3. Cranking voltage and s tarter tes t res ults will be dis played on the s creen.

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Take a relevant action according to the tes t res ults by referring to the s tarter tes t res ults as given below.

4. To continue charging s ys tem tes t, pres s ENTER. ST ART ER T EST RESULT S RESULT ON PRINT ER Cranking voltage normal Cranking voltage low Charge battery REMEDY Sys tem s hows a normal s tarter draw Cranking voltage is lower than normal level Check s tarter The s tate of battery charge is too low to tes t Charge the battery and retes t Replace battery If the vehicle is not s tarted though the battery condition of "Good and fully charged" is dis played. Check wiring for open circuit, battery cable connection, s tarter and repair or replace as neces s ary. If the engine does crank, check fuel s ys tem.

Replace battery

When tes ting the vehicle with old dies el engines , the tes t res ult will not be favorable if the glow plug is not heated. Conduct the tes t after warming up the engine for 5 minutes .


1. Pres s ENTER to begin charging s ys tem tes t.

2. If ENTER button is pres s ed, the tes ter dis plays the actual voltage of alternator. Pres s ENTER to tes t the charging s ys tem.

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3. Turn off all electrical load and rev engine for 5 s econds with pres s ing the accelerator pedal.

4. Pres s ENTER.

5. The MICRO 570 analyz er charging s ys tem output at idle for comparis ion to other readings .

6. Take a relevant action according to the tes t res ults by referring to the table below after s hutting off the engine and dis connect the tes ter clamps from the battery.

CHARGING SYST EM T EST RESULT S RESULT ON PRINT ER Charging s ys tem normal/Diode Charging s ys tem is normal ripple normal No charging voltage Alternator does not s upply charging current to battery Check belts , connection between alternator and battery Replace belts or cable or alternator as neces s ary Alternator does not s upply charging current to battery and electrical load to s ys tem fully Check belts and alternator and replace as neces s ary REMEDY

Low charging voltage

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High charging voltage

The voltage from alternator to battery is higher than normal limit during voltage regulating. Check connection and ground and replace regulator as neces s ary Check electrolyte level in the battery One or more diodes in the alternator is not functioning properly Check alternator mounting and belts and replace as neces s ary

Exces s ripple detected

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > T rouble shoot ing T ROUBLESHOOT ING
IGNIT ION SYST EM Sympto m Engine will not s tart or is hard to s tart (Cranks OK) Suspect Area Ignition lock s witch Ignition coil Spark plugs Ignition wiring dis connected or broken Spark plug cable Ignition wiring Ignition coil Spark plug cable Spark plugs and s park plug cable Ignition wiring Spark plugs and s park plugs cable Remed y (See Pag e) See page EE-14 See page EE-13 See page EE-12 Repair See page EE-12 Ins pect See page EE-13 See page EE-12 See page EE-12 Ins pect See page EE-12

Rough idle or s talls

Engine hes itates /poor acceleration Poor mileage CHARGING SYST EM Sympto m

Suspect Area

Remed y (See Pag e) Check fus es Replace light Tighten loos e connections See page EE-19 See page EE-27 Repair Check fus es Replace fus ible link See page EE-19 Repair wiring See page EE-27 Tighten loos e connection or repair wiring Replace fus ible link Repair See page EE-19 Replace battery See page EE-19 Repair wire

Charging warning indicator Fus e blown does not light with ignition Light burned out s witch "ON" and engine off Wiring connection loos e Electronic voltage regulator Charging warning indicator does not go out with engine running (Battery requires frequent recharging) Drive belt loos e or worn Battery cables loos e, corroded or worn Fus e blown Fus ible link blown Electronic voltage regulator or generator Wiring Drive belt loos e or worn Wiring connection loos e or open circuit Fus ible link blown Poor grounding Electronic voltage regulator or generator Worn battery Electronic voltage regulator Voltage s ens ing wire ST ART ING SYST EM Sympto m Engine will not crank Suspect Area Battery charge low Battery cables loos e, corroded or worn out Trans axle range s witch (Vehicle with automatic trans axle only)

Engine hes itates /poor acceleration Overcharge

Remed y (See Pag e) Charge or replace battery Repair or replace cables See page TR group-automatic trans axle

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Fus ible link blown Starter motor Ignition s witch Engine cranks s lowly Battery charge low Battery cables loos e, corroded or worn out Starter motor Starter motor Ignition s witch Short in wiring Pinion gear teeth broken or s tarter motor Ring gear teeth broken

Replace fus ible link See page EE-37 See page EE-14 Charge or replace battery Repair or replace cables See page EE-37 See page EE-37 See page EE-14 Repair wiring See page EE-37 See page EM group-fly wheel

Starter keeps running Starter s pins but engine will not crank

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cificat ions SPECIFICAT ION
IGNIT ION SYST EM Items Ig nitio n co il Type Primary res is tance Secondary res is tance Spark plug s NGK CHAMPION Gap ST ART ING SYST EM Items Starter Type Rated voltage No. of pinion teeth No-load characteris tics Voltage Amperage Speed Commutator diameter Standard Limit Undercut depth Standard Limit CHARGING SYST EM Items Alternato r Type Rated voltage Speed in us e Voltage regulator Regulator s etting voltage Temperature compens ation Specificatio ns Battery voltage s ens ing 13.5V, 90A 1000 ~ 18,000 rpm Electronic built-in type 14.55 0.2V -10 3 mV/C Specificatio ns Direct drive type 12V, 0.9KW 8 11.5V 60A, Max. 5,500 rpm, Min. 29.4 mm (1.157 in.) 28.4 mm (1.118 in.) 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) 0.2 mm (0.008 in.) Specificatio ns Mold coil type 0.87 10% () 13.0 15% (k) BKR5ES-11 RC10TC4 1.0 ~ 1.1 mm

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Battery Type Cold cranking amperage [at -18C (0F)] Res erve capacity Specific gravity [at 25C (77F)]

MF55AH 500A 85min 1,280 0.01

- COLD CRANKING AMPERAGE is the amperage a battery can deliver for 30 s econds and maintain a terminal voltage of 7.2 or greater at a s pecified temperature. - REVERSE CAPACITY RATING is amount of time a battery can deliver 25A and maintain a minimum terminal voltage of 10.5 at 26.7C(80F) T IGHT ENING T ORQUE Items Generator terminal (B+) Starter motor terminal (B+) Battery terminal Spark plug Nm 5~7 10 ~ 12 4~6 20 ~ 30 kg cm 50 ~ 70 100 ~ 120 40 ~ 60 200 ~ 300 lbft 3.6 ~ 5.1 7.3 ~ 8.8 2.9 ~ 4.3 15 ~ 22

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ignit ion Syst e m > De script ion and Ope rat ion DESCRIPT ION Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ignit ion Syst e m > Re pair proce dure s ON-VEHICLE INSPECT ION INSPECT SPARK T EST
1. Remove the s park plug cable. 2. Us ing a s park plug s ocket, remove the s park plug. 3. Remove the ignition coil. 4. Ins tall the s park plugs to each s park plug cable. 5. Ground the s park plugs . 6. Check is s park occurs while engine is being cranked.

To prevent gas oline from being injected from injectors during this tes t, crank the engine for no more then 5~10 s econds at time.

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7. Us ing a s park plug s ocket, ins tall the s park plugs . 8. Ins tall the s park plug cable and ignition coil.


1. Remove the s park plug cable(A).

When removing the s park plug cable, pull on the s park plug cable boot (not the cable), as it may be damaged. 2. Us ing a s park plug s ocket, remove the s park plug(B).

Be careful that no contaminats enter through the s park plug holes .

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3. Ins pect the electrodes (A) and ceramic ins ulator(B).

INSPECT ION FO ELECT RODES CONDIT ION DESCRIPTION DARK DEPOSIT S - Fuel mixture too rich - Low air intake WIT HE DEPOSIT S - Fuel mixture too lean - Advanced ignition timing - Ins ufficient plug tightening

4. Check the electrode gap(A). Stand ard (New) 1.0~1.1 mm (0.039~0.043 in.)

5. Carefully remove the s park plug cable by pulling on the rubber boots (A). Check the condition of the s park plug cable terminals (B), if any terminal is corroded, clean it, and if it broken or dis torted, replace the s park plug cable. 6. Connect the ohmmeter probes and meas ure res is tance.

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RESISTANCE : 5.6K/m 20%

7. Res is tance s hould not be higher than 10K per meter of cable. If res is tance is higher, replace the cable.


1. Meas ure the primary coil res is tance between terminals 1 and 2.

Standard value : 0.87 10% 2. Meas ure the s econdary coil res is tance between the high-voltage terminal for the No.1 and No.4 cylinders , and between the high-voltage terminals for the N o.2 and No.3 cylinders . Standard value : 13.0k 15%

Be s ure, when meas uring the res is tnace of the s econdary coil, to dis connect the connector of the ignition coil.


1. Remove the connector located under the s teering column. 2. Check for continuity between terminals . If there is no continuity, replace the ignition s witch.

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1. Dis connect the s park plug cable and connector. 2. Remove the ignition coil(A). 3. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


1. Dis connect the cranks haft pos ition s ens or connector. 2. Remove the cranks haft pos ition s ens or(A).


1. Dis connect the cams haft pos ition s ens or connector. 2. Remove the cams haft pos ition s ens or(B).

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Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Charging Syst e m > Sche mat ic Diagrams CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FOR CHARGING SYST EM

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Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Charging Syst e m > Alt e rnat or > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Charging Syst e m > Alt e rnat or > Re pair proce dure s REPLACEMENT
1. Dis connect the battery negative terminal firs t, then the pos itive terminal. 2. Deis connect the generator connector(A) and "B" terminal cable(B) from the generator(C).

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3. Remove the adjus ting bolt(A) and mounting bolt(B), then remove the generator belt(C). 4. Pull out the through bolt(C), then remove the generator(D).

5. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal. 6. Adjus t the generator belt tens ion after ins tallation (See page EE-27).

1. Remove the generator cover(A) us ing a s crew driver(B).

2. Loos en the mounting bolts (A) and dis connect the brus h holder as s embly(B).

3. Remove the s lip ring guide(A).

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4. Remove the nut, pully and s pacer.

5. Loos en the 4 through bolts (A).

6. Dis connect the rotor(A), front cover(B), and rear cover(C).

7. Reas s embly is the revers e of dis as s embly.


1. Check that there is continuity between the s lip rings (A).

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2. Check that there is no continuity between the s lip rings and the rotor or rotor s haft. 3. If the rotor fails either continuity check, replace the generator.

1. Check that there is continuity between each pair of leads (A).

2. Check that there is no continuity between each lead and the coil core. 3. If the coil fails either continuity check, replace the generator.


When us ing a new belt, firs t adjus t the deflection or tens ion to the values for the new belt, then readjus t the deflection or tens ion to the values for the us ed belt after running engine for five minutes . Deflectio n metho d : Apply a force of 98N (10 kgf, 22 lbf), and meas ure the deflection between the alternator and cranks haft pulley. Deflectio n Us ed Belt : 8.5 ~ 11.5 mm (0.33 ~ 0345 in) New Belt : 5.5 ~ 8.0 m m (0.22 ~ 0361 in)

If the belt is worn or damaged, replace it.

Belt tensio n g aug e metho d : Attach the belt tens ion gauge to the belt and meas ure the tens ion. Follow the gauge manufacturer's ins tructions .

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T ensio n Us ed Belt : 340~490 N (35~50 kgf, 77~110 lbf) New Belt : 690~880 N (70~90 kgf, 150~200 lbf)

If the belt is worn or damaged, replace it.

If ad justment is necessary : 1. Loos en the adjus ting bolt(A) and the lock bolt(B). 2. Move the alternator to obtain the proper belt tens ion, then retighten the nuts .

3. Recheck the deflection or tens ion of the belt.

For the power s teering pump belt and A/C compres s or belt adjus tments , refer to s ection 17 and s ection 22.

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Charging Syst e m > Bat t e ry > De script ion and Ope rat ion DESCRIPT ION
1. The maintenance-free battery is , as the name implies , totally maintenance free and has no removable battery cell caps . 2. Water never needs to be added to the maintenance-free battery. 3. The battery is completely s ealed, except for s mall vent holes in the cover.

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Charging Syst e m > Bat t e ry > Re pair proce dure s

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2 . CHECKING SHEET Inspectio n Items & co ntents 1. Acid Leakag e * Type of acid leakage - Leakage on the fus ion part for joining the cas e and cover. - Leakage on the terminal part - Leakage on the other parts * Clean the wet part or was h it, then dry it before checking with naked eyes . * Determine a part where leakage might have occurred ; check it by tipping the battery, if the leakage takes place again. * Conduct a vis ual ins pection for breakage, deformation, or cracks . 2 . Outsid e d amag e and breakag e * Check with naked eyes . Jud g ment criteria 1. Damage in the cas e or cover due to outs ide impact. 2. Acid leakage on the molding part of the cas e or cover. (weld line or gate hole) 3. Damage on the terminal or cracks in the cover. 4. Acid leakage due to the tipped battery or s lant s torage. 5. Acid leakage due to poor welding of he cover. (with no damage) 1. Outs ide damage due to caus es without damage due to mis treatment. 2. Outs ide damage due to mis treatment. 3. Damage due to a s park between terminals . Respo nsibility User Manufacturera Remarks

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4. Damage and breakage due to heat. 3. Measure the vo ltag e fo r the battery ; but wait at leas t one day before meas uring in cas e of recharging, and recharging s hould be made in accordance with the charging ins tructions . 1. 12.0V 2. 11.0V< battery voltage<12.0V due to over-dis charge. 3. Below 11.0V due to charge condition failure. 4. Below 11.0V due to dis charged for a long period. 5. Below 11.0V due to internal s hort circuit. 4. Lo ad test ; For 15 s econds with a half of the CCA electric current value, but the voltage on the dis chaarging s tage s hould be above 9.6V (275C) - Conduct the tes t with a battery tes ter. (Refer to the tes ter manual) 1. Load tes t res ult: below 9.5V

Refer to load tes t Refer to load tes t Refer to load tes t Refer to load tes t Refer to load tes t

2. Load tes t res ult: above 9.6V

Mfg. Defect us able

3. LOAD T EST 1. Perform the following s teps to complete the load tes t procedure for maintenance free batteries . 2. Connect the load tes ter clamps to the terminals and proceed with the tes t as follow : A. If the battery has been on charge, remove the s urface charge by connect a 300 ampere load for 15 s econds . B. Connect the voltmeter and apply the s pecified load. C. Read the voltage after the load has been applied for 15 s econds . D. Dis connect the load. E. Compare the voltage reading with the minimum and replace the battery if battery tes t voltage is below that s hown in the voltage table. Vo ltag e 9.6 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.1 8.9 8.7 8.5 T emperature 20C (70F) and above 16 C (60 F) 10 C (50 F) 4 C (40 F) -1 C (30 F) -7 C (20 F) -12 C (10 F) -18 C (0 F)

- If the voltage is les s than s hown in the table, the battery is good. - If the voltage is greater than s hown in the table, replace the battery.


1. Make s ure the ignition s witch and all acces s ories are in the OFF pos ition. 2. Dis connect the battery cables (negative firs t). 3. Remove the battery from the vehicle.

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Care s hould be taken in the event the battery cas e is cracked or leaking, to protect your s kin from the electrolyte. Heavy rubber gloves (not the hous ehold type) s hould be worn when removing the battery.

4. Ins pect the battery carrier for damage caus ed by the los s of electrolyte. If acid damage is pres ent, it will be neces s ary to clean the area with a s olution of clean warm water and baking s oda. Scrub the area with a s tiff brus h and wipe off with a cloth mois tened with baking s oda and water. 5. Clean the top of the battery with the s ame s olution as des cribed in Step(3). 6. Ins pect the battery cas e and cover for cracks . If cracks are pres ent, the battery mus t be replaced. 7. Clean the battery pos ts with a s uitable battery pos t tool. 8. Clean the ins ide s urface of the terminal clamps with a s uitable battery cleaning tool. Replace damaged or frayed cables and broken terminal clamps . 9. Ins tall the battery in the vehicle. 10. Connect the cable terminals to the battery pos t, making s ure the tops of the terminals are flus h with the tops of the pos ts . 11. Tighten the terminal nuts s ecurely. 12. Coat all connections with light mineral greas e after tightening.

When batteries are being charged, an explos ive gas forms beneath the cover of each cell. Do not s moke near batteries being charged or which have recently been charged. Do not break live circuits at the terminals of batteries being charged. A s park will occur when the circuit is broken. Keep open flames away from the battery.

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Charging Syst e m > De script ion and Ope rat ion DESCRIPT ION
The charging s ys tem included a battery, an generator with a built-in regulator, and the charging indicator light and wire. The generator has s ix built-in diodes (three pos itive and three negtive), each rectifying AC current to DC current. Therefore, DC curent appears at generator "B" terminal. In addition, the charging voltage of this generator is regulated by the battery voltage detection s ys tem. The generator is regulated by the battery voltage detection s ys tem. The main components of the generator are the rotor, s tator, rectifier, capacitor brus hes , bearings and V-ribbed belt pulley. The brus h holder contains a built-in

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electronic voltage regulator.

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Charging Syst e m > Re pair proce dure s ON-VEHICLE INSPECT ION

Check that the battery cables are connected to the correct terminals . Dis connect the battery cables when the battery is given a quick charge. Do not perform tes ts with a high voltage ins ulation res is tance tes ter. Never dis connect the battery while the engine is running.


1. After having driven the vehicle and in the cas e that 20 minutes have not pas s ed after having s topped the engine, turn the ignition s witch ON and turn on the electrical s ys tem (headlamp, blower motor, rear defogger etc.) for 60 s econds to remove the s urface charge. 2. Turn the ignition s witch OFF and turn off the electrical s ys tems . 3. Meas ure the battery voltage between the negative (-) and pos itive (+) terminals of the battery. Standard voltage : 12.5~12.9V at 20C (68C) If the voltage is les s than s pecification, charge the battery.


1. Check that the battery terminals are not loos e or corroded. 2. Check the fus ible link and fus es for continuity.


1. Vis ually check the belt for exces s ive wear, frayed cords etc. If any defect has been found, replace the drive belt.

Cracks on the rib s ide of a belt are cons idered acceptable. If the belt has chunks mis s ing from the ribs , it s hould be replaced.

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2. Us ing a belt tens ion gauge, meas ure the drive belt tens ion. DRIVE BELT T ENSION New belt Us ed belt If the belt tens ion is not as s pecified, adjus t it. 690~880 N (150~200 lb) 340~490 N (77~110 lb)

- "New belt" refers to a belt which has been us ed les s than 5 minutes on a running engine. - "Us ed belt" refers to a belt which has been us ed on a running engine for 5 minutes or more. - After ins talling a belt, check that it fits properly in the ribbed grooves . - Check with your hand to confirm that the belt has not s lipped out of the groove on the bottom of the pulley. - After ins talling a new belt, run the engine for about 5 minutes and recheck the belt tens ion.


1. Check that the wiring is in good condition. 2. Check that there is no abnormal nois e from the generator while the engine is running.


1. Warm up the engine and then turn it off. 2. Turn off all acces s ories . 3. Turn the ignition s witch "ON". Check that the dis charge warning light is lit.

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4. Start the engine. Check that the light goes off.


PREPARAT ION 1. Turn the ignition s witch to "OFF".

To find abnormal conditions of the connection, actions s hould not be taken on the two terminals and each connection during the tes t. 2. Connect a digital voltmeter between the generator "B" terminal and battery (+) lead wire to the battery (+) terminal. Connect the (+) lead wire of the voltmeter to the "B" terminal and the (-) lead wire to the battery (+) terminal.

CONDIT IONS FOR T HE T EST 1. Start the engine. 2. Switch on the headlamps , blower motor and s o on. And then, read the voltmeter under this condition. RESULT 1. The voltmeter may indicate the s tandard value. 0.2V max. 2. If the value of the voltmeter is higher than expected (above 0.2V max.), poor wiring is s us pected. In this cas e check the wiring from the generator "B" terminal to the fus ible link to the battery (+) term inal. Check for loos e connections , color change due to an overheated harnes s , etc. Correct them before tes ting again. 3. Upon completion of the tes t, s et the engine s peed at idle. Turn off the head lamps , blower motor and the ignition s witch. PREPARAT ION 1. Prior to the tes t, check the following items and correct as neces s ary. Check the battery ins talled in the vehicle to ens ure that it is in good condition. The battery checking method is de s cribed in "BATTERY". The battery that is us ed to tes t the output current s hould be one that has been partially dis charged. With a fully charged battery, the tes t may not be conducted correctly due to an ins ufficient load. Check the tens ion of the generator drive belt. The belt tens ion check method is des cribed in the s ection "COOLING". 2. Turn off the ignition s witch. 3. Dis connect the battery ground cable. 4. Dis connect the generator output wire from the generator "B" terminal. 5. Connect a DC ammeter (0 to 100A) in s eries between the "B" terminal and the dis connected output wire. Be s ure to connect the (-) lead wire of the ammeter to the dis connected output wire.

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Tighten each connection s ecurely, as a heavy current will flow. Do not rely on clips . 6. Connect a voltmeter (0 to 20V) between the "B" terminal and ground. Connect the (+) lead wire to the generator "B" terminal and (-) lead wire to a good ground. 7. Attach an engine tachometer and connect the battery ground cable. 8. Leave the engine hood open.

T EST 1. Check to s ee that the voltmeter reads as the s ame value as the battery voltage. If the voltmeter reads 0V, and the open circuit in the wire between the generator "B" terminal and battery (-) terminal, a blown fus ible link or poor grounding is s us pected. 2. Start the engine and turn on the headlights . 3. Set the headlights to high beam and the heater blower s witch to HIGH, quickly increas e the engine s peed to 2,500 rpm and read the maximum output current value indicated by the ammeter.

After the engine s tarts up, the charging current quickly drops . Therefore, the above operation mus t be done quickly to readthe maximum current value correctly. RESULT 1. The ammeter reading mus t be higher than the limit value. If it is lower but the generator output wire is in good condition, remove the generator from the vehicle and tes t it. 63A min.

The nominal output current value is s hown on the nameplate affixed to the generator body. The output current value changes with the electrical load and the temperature of the generator its elf. Therefore, the nominal output current may not be obtained. If s uch is the cas e, keep the headlights on the caus e dis charge of the battery, or us e the lights of another vehicle to increas e the electrical load. The nominal output current may not be obtained if the temperature of the generator its elf or ambient temperature is too high. In s uch a cas e, reduce the temperature before tes ting again. 2. Upon completion of the output current tes t, lower the engine s peed to idle and turn off the ignition s witch. 3. Dis connect the battery ground cable. 4. Remove the ammeter and voltmeter and the engine tachometer. 5. Connect the generator output wire to the generator "B" terminal. 6. Connect the battery ground cable. PREPARAT ION 1. Prior to the tes t, check the following items and correct if neces s ary. Check that the battery ins talled on the vehicle is fully charged. For battery checking method, s ee "BATTERY". Check the generator drive belt tens ion. For belt tens ion check, s ee "COOLING" s ection. 2. Turn ignition s witch to "OFF". 3. Dis connect the battery ground cable. 4. Connect a digital voltmeter between the "B" terminal of the generator and ground. Connect the (+) lead of the voltmeter to the "B" terminal of the generator. Connect the (-) lead to good ground or the battery (-) terminal. 5. Dis connect the generator output wire from the generator "B" terminal.

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6. Connect a DC ammeter (0 to 100A) in s eries between the "B" terminal and the dis connected output wire. Connect the (-) lead wire of the ammeter to the dis connected output wire. 7. Attach the engine tachometer and connect the battery ground cable.

T EST 1. Turn on the ignition s witch and check to s ee that the voltmeter indicates the following value. Battery voltage If it reads 0V, there is an open circuit in the wire between the generator "B" terminal and the battery and the battery (-), or the fus ible link is blown. 2. Start the engine. Keep all lights and acces s ories off. 3. Run the engine at a s peed of about 2,500 rpm and read the voltmeter when the generator output current drops to 10A or les s . RESULT 1. If the voltmeter reading agrees with the value lis ted in the Regulating Voltage Table below, the voltage regulator is functioning correctly. If the reading is other than the s tandard value, the voltage regulator or the generator is faulty. Reg ulating Vo ltag e T able Vo ltag e reg ulato r ambient temperature C ( F) -20 (-4) 20 (68) 60 (140) 80 (176) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. Reg ulating vo ltag e (V) 14.2 ~ 15.4 14.0 ~ 15.0 13.7 ~ 14.9 13.5 ~ 14.7

Upon completion of the tes t, reduce the engine s peed to idle, and turn off the ignition s witch. Dis connect the battery ground cable. Remove the voltmeter and ammeter and the engine tachometer. Connect the generator output wire to the generator "B" terminal. Connect the battery ground cable. Be s ure to check the following before tes ting: Generator ins tallation and wiring connections Generator drive belt tens ion Fus ible link Abnormal nois e from the generator while the engine is running 2. Turn the ignition s witch to the OFF pos ition. 3. Dis connect the negative battery cable. 4. Dis connect the generator output wire from the generator "B" terminal. Connect a DC tes t ammeter with a range of 0-100A in s eries between the "B" terminal and the dis connected output wire. (Connect the (+) lead of the ammeter to the "B" terminal. Connect the (-) lead of the ammeter to the dis connected output wire).

An inductive-type ammeter which enables meas urements to be taken without dis connecting the generator output wire is recommended. Us ing this equipment will les s en the pos s ibility of a voltage drop caus ed by a loos e "B" terminal connection. 5. Connect a digital-type voltmeter between the generator "B" terminal and the battery (+) terminal. (Connect the (+) lead of the voltmeter to the "B" terminal. Connect the (-) lead of the voltmeter to the battery (+) cable.

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6. 7. 8. 9. Reconnect the negative battery cable. Connect a tachometer or the s can tool. Start the engine. With the engine running at approx. 2500 r/min, turn the headlights and other lights on and off to adjus t the generator load on the ammeter s lightly above 30A. max. 0.3V

When the generator output is high and the value dis played on the ammeter does not decreas e to 30A, s et the value to 40A.Read the value dis played on the voltmeter. In this cas e the limit becomes max. 0.4V. 10. If the value dis played on the voltmeter is s till above the limit, a malfunction in the generator output wire may exis t. Check the wiring between the generator "B" terminal and the battery (+) terminal (including fus ible link). If a terminal is not s ufficiently tight or if the harnes s has become dis colored due to overheating, repair, the tes t again. 11. After the tes t, run the engine at idle. 12. Turn off all lights and turn the ignition s witch to the OFF pos ition. 13. Dis connect the tachometer or the s can tool. 14. Dis connect the negative battery cable. 15. Dis connect the ammeter and voltmeter. 16. Connect the generator output wire to the generator "B" terminal. 17. Connect the negative battery cable.

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > St art ing Syst e m > Sche mat ic Diagrams CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FOR ST ART ING SYST EM

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Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > St art ing Syst e m > St art e r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > St art ing Syst e m > St art e r > Re pair proce dure s REPLACEMENT
1. Dis connect the battery negative cable. 2. Dis connect the s tarter cable(A) from the B terminal(B) on the s olenoid(C), then dis connect the connecto(D) from the S terminal(E).

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3. Remove the 2 bolts holding the s tarter, then remove the s tarter. 4. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal. 5. Connect the battery pos itive cable and negative cable to the battery.

1. Dis connect the M-terminal(A) on the magnet s witch as s embly(B).

2. After loos ening the 2 s crews (A), detach the magnet s witch as s embly(B).

3. Loos en the brus h holder mounting s crews (A) and through bolts (B).

4. Remove the rear bracket(A) and brus h holder as s embly(B).

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5. Remove the yoke(A) and armature(B).

6. Remove the, lever plate(A) and planet s haft packing(B).

7. Dis connect the planet gear(A).

8. Dis connect the planet s haft as s embly(A) and lever(B).

9. Pres s the s top ring(A) us ing s s ocket(B).

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10. After removing the s topper(A) us ing s topper pliers (B).

11. Dis connect the s top ring(A), overrunning clutch(B), internal gear(C) andplanet s haft(D).

12. Reas s embly is the revers e of dis as s embly.

Us ing a s uitable pulling tool(A), pull the overrunning clutch s topring(B) over the s topper(C).


1. Remove the s tarter. 2. Dis as s emble the s tarter as s hown at the beginning of this procedure. 3. Ins pect the armature for wear or damage from contact with the permanent magnet. If there is wear or damage, replace the armature.

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4. Check the commutator (A) s urface. If the s urface is dirty or burnt, res urface with emery cloth or a lathe within the following s pecifications , or recondition with #500 or #600 s andpaper (B).

5. Check the commutator diameter. If the diameter is below the s ervice limit, replace the armature. Co mmutato r d iameter Standard (New) : M/T : 29.9~30.0 mm (1.177~1.181 in.) A/T : 28.0 ~ 28.1 mm (1.102~1.106 in.) Service limit : M/T : 29.0 mm (1.142 in.) A/T : 27.5 mm (1.083 in.)

6. Meas ure the commutator (A) runout. A. If the commutator runout is within the s ervice limit, check the commutator for carbon dus t or bras s chips between the s egments . B. If the commutator runout is not within the s ervice limit, replace the armature. Co mmutato r Runo ut Standard (New) : 0.02mm (0.001 in.) max. Service limit : 0.05mm (0.002 in.)

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7. Check the mica depth (A). If the mica is too high (B), undercut the mica with a hacks aw blade to the proper depth. Cut away all the mica (C) between the commutator s egments . The undercut s hould not be too s hallow, too narrow, or V-s haped (D). Co mmutato r mica d epth Standard (New) : M/T : 0.5~0.8 mm (0.020~0.031 in.) A/T : 0.4~0.5 mm (0.016~0.020 in.) Service limit : M/T : 0.2mm (0.008 in.) A/T : 0.15 mm (0.006 in.)

8. Check for continuity between the s egments of the commutator. If an open circuit exis ts between any s egments , replace the armature.

9. Check with an ohmmeter that no continuity exis ts between the commutator (A) and armature coil core (B), and between the commutator and armature s haft (C). If continuity exis ts , replace the armature.

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1. Check that there is no continuity between the (+) brus h holder (A) and (-) brus h holder (B). If there is no continuity, replace the brus h holder as s embly.

2. Ins ert the brus h (A) into the brus h holder, and bring the brus h into contact with the commutator, then attach a s pring s cale (B) to the s pring (C). Meas ure the s pring tens ion at the moment the s pring lifts off the brus h. Spring tensio n M/T : 13.7~19.6N (1.4~2.0 kgf, 3.07~4.41 lbf) A/T : 15.7~17.7 N (1.6~1.8 kgf, 3.53~3.97 lbf)

3. Pry back each brus h s pring(A) with a s crewdrive, then pos ition the brus h(B) about halfway out of its holder, and releas e the s pring to hold it there.

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4. Ins tall the armature in the hous ing, and ins tall the brus h holder. Next, pry back each brus h s pring again, and pus h the brus h down until it s eats agains t the commutator, then releas e the s pring agains t the end of the brus h.

To s eat new brus hes , s lip a s trip of #500 or #600 s andpaper, with the grit s ide up, between the commutator and each brus h, and s moothly rotate the armature. The contact s urface of the rus hes will be s anded to the s ame contour as the commutator.


1. Slide the overrunning clutch along the s haft. Replace it if does not s lide s moothly. 2. Rotate the overrunning clutch (A) both ways . Does it lock in one direction and rotate s moothly in revers e? If it does not lock in either direction or it locks in both directions , replace it.

3. If the s tarter driver gear (B) is worn or damaged, replace the overrunning clutch as s embly: the gear is not available s eparately. Check the condition of the flywheel or torque converter ring gear if the s tarter drive gear teeth are damaged.

1. Do not immers e parts in cleaning s olvent. Immers ing the yoke as s embly and/or armature will damage the ins ulation. Wipe thes e parts with a cloth only. 2. Do not immers e the drive unit in cleaning s olvent. The overrun clutch is pre-lubricated at the factory and s olvent will was h lubrication from the clutch. 3. The drive unit may be cleaned with a brus h mois tened with cleaning s olvent and wiped dry with a cloth.

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1. Remove the s tarter. 2. Dis as s emble the s tarter as s hown at the beginning of this procedure. 3. Ins pect the armature for wear or damage from contact with the permanent magnet. If there is wear or damage, replace the armature.

4. Check the commutator (A) s urface. If the s urface is dirty or burnt, res urface with emery cloth or a lathe within the following s pecifications , or recondition with #500 or #600 s andpaper (B).

5. Check the commutator diameter. If the diameter is below the s ervice limit, replace the armature. Co mmutato r d iameter Standard (New) : M/T : 29.9~30.0 mm (1.177~1.181 in.) A/T : 28.0 ~ 28.1 mm (1.102~1.106 in.) Service limit : M/T : 29.0 mm (1.142 in.) A/T : 27.5 mm (1.083 in.)

6. Meas ure the commutator (A) runout. A. If the commutator runout is within the s ervice limit, check the commutator for carbon dus t or bras s chips between the s egments . B. If the commutator runout is not within the s ervice limit, replace the armature. Co mmutato r Runo ut

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Standard (New) : 0.02mm (0.001 in.) max. Service limit : 0.05mm (0.002 in.)

7. Check the mica depth (A). If the mica is too high (B), undercut the mica with a hacks aw blade to the proper depth. Cut away all the mica (C) between the commutator s egments . The undercut s hould not be too s hallow, too narrow, or V-s haped (D). Co mmutato r mica d epth Standard (New) : M/T : 0.5~0.8 mm (0.020~0.031 in.) A/T : 0.4~0.5 mm (0.016~0.020 in.) Service limit : M/T : 0.2mm (0.008 in.) A/T : 0.15 mm (0.006 in.)

8. Check for continuity between the s egments of the commutator. If an open circuit exis ts between any s egments , replace the armature.

9. Check with an ohmmeter that no continuity exis ts between the commutator (A) and armature coil core (B), and between the commutator and armature s haft (C). If continuity exis ts , replace the armature.

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1. Check that there is no continuity between the (+) brus h holder (A) and (-) brus h holder (B). If there is no continuity, replace the brus h holder as s embly.

2. Ins ert the brus h (A) into the brus h holder, and bring the brus h into contact with the commutator, then attach a s pring s cale (B) to the s pring (C). Meas ure the s pring tens ion at the moment the s pring lifts off the brus h. Spring tensio n M/T : 13.7~19.6N (1.4~2.0 kgf, 3.07~4.41 lbf) A/T : 15.7~17.7 N (1.6~1.8 kgf, 3.53~3.97 lbf)

3. Pry back each brus h s pring(A) with a s crewdrive, then pos ition the brus h(B) about halfway out of its holder, and releas e the s pring to hold it there.

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4. Ins tall the armature in the hous ing, and ins tall the brus h holder. Next, pry back each brus h s pring again, and pus h the brus h down until it s eats agains t the commutator, then releas e the s pring agains t the end of the brus h.

To s eat new brus hes , s lip a s trip of #500 or #600 s andpaper, with the grit s ide up, between the commutator and each brus h, and s moothly rotate the armature. The contact s urface of the rus hes will be s anded to the s ame contour as the commutator.


1. Slide the overrunning clutch along the s haft. Replace it if does not s lide s moothly. 2. Rotate the overrunning clutch (A) both ways . Does it lock in one direction and rotate s moothly in revers e? If it does not lock in either direction or it locks in both directions , replace it.

3. If the s tarter driver gear (B) is worn or damaged, replace the overrunning clutch as s embly: the gear is not available s eparately. Check the condition of the flywheel or torque converter ring gear if the s tarter drive gear teeth are damaged.

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > St art ing Syst e m > De script ion and Ope rat ion DESCRIPT ION
The s tarting s ys tem includes the battery, s tarter motor, s olenoid s witch, ignition s witch, inhibitor s witch(A/T), ignition lock s witch, connection wires and the battery cable. When the ignition key is turned to the s tart pos ition, current flows and energiz es the s tarter motor's s olenoid coil. The s olenoid plunger and clutch s hift lever are activated, and the clutch pinion engages the ring gear.

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The contacts clos e and the s tarter motor cranks . In order to prevent damage caus ed by exces s ive rotation of the s tarter armature when the engine s tarts , the clutch pinion gear overruns .

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > St art ing Syst e m > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION ST ART T EST

The air temperature mus t be between 59 and 100F (15 and 38C) before tes ting. Reco mmend ed pro ced ure : Us e a s tarter s ys tem tes ter. Connect and operate the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's ins tructions . Tes t and troubles hoot as des cribed. Alternate Pro ced ure : Us e the following equipment : - Ammeter, 0~400A - Voltmeter, 0~20V (accurate within 0.1 volt) - Tachometer, 0~1,200 rpm Hook up a voltmeter and ammeter as s hown.

After this tes t, or any s ubs equent repair, res et the ECM/PCM to clear any codes . Check the Starter Engagement : 1. Turn the ignition s witch to START (III) with the s hift lever in or pos ition (A/T) or with the clutch pedal depres s ed (M/T). The s tarter s hould crank the engine. A. If the s tarter does not crank the engine, go to s tep 3. B. If it cranks the engine erratically or too s lowly, go to "Check for Wear and Damage" on the next page. 2. Check the battery, battery pos itive cable, ground, s tarter cut relay, and the wire connections for loos enes s and corros ion. Tes t again. If the s tarter s till does not crank the engine, go to s tep 4. 3. Unplug the connector from the s tarter. 4. Connect a jumper wire from the battery pos itive (+) terminal to the s olenoid terminal. The s tarter s hould crank the engine.

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A. If the s tarter s till does not crank the engine, remove it, and diagnos e its internal problem. B. If the s tarter cranks the engine, go to s tep 6. 5. Check the ignition s witch (s ee page EE-14). 6. Check the s tarter relay (s ee page EE-47). 7. Check the A/T gear pos ition s witch (A/T) or the clutch interlock s witch (M/T). 8. Check for an open in the wire between the ignition s witch and s tarter. If cranking voltage is too low, or current draw too high, check for : dead or low battery. open circuit in s tarter armature commutator s egments . s tarter armature dragging. s horted armature winding. exces s ive drag in engine. Check Cranking rpm Engine s peed during cranking s hould be above 100 rpm. If s peed is too low, check for : loos e battery or s tarter terminals . exces s ively worn s tarter brus hes . open circuit in commutator s egments . dirty or damaged helical s plines or drive gear. defective drive gear overrunning clutch. Check starter d iseng ag ement With the s hift lever in N or P pos ition (A/T) or with the clutch pedal depres s ed (M/T), turn the ignition s witch to START(III), and releas e to ON(II). The s tarter drive gear s hould dis engage from the torque converter ring gear or flywheel ring gear when you releas e the key. If the drive gear hangs up on the torque converter ring gear or flywheel ring gear, check for : s olenoid plunger and s witch malfunction. dirty drive gear as s embly or damaged overrunning clutch.


1. Check the hold-in coil for continuity between the S terminal and the armature hous ing (ground). The coil is OK if there is continuity.

2. Check the pull-in coil for continuity between the S and M terminals . The coil is OK if there is continuity.


1. Place the s tarter motor in a vis e equipped with s oft jaws and connecta fully-charged 12-volt battery to s tarter

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motor as follows : 2. Connect a tes t ammeter (100-ampere s cale) and carbon pile rheos tatas s hown is the illus tration. 3. Connect a voltmeter (15-volt s cale) acros s s tarter motor. 4. Rotate carbon pile to the off pos ition. 5. Connect the battery cable from battery's negative pos t to the s tartermotor body. 6. Adjus t until battery voltage s hown on the voltmeter reads 11 volts . 7. Confirm that the maximum amperage is within the s pecifications andthat the s tarter motor turns s moothly and freely : : Max. 90 Amps : Min. 2,800 rpm

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Cruise Cont rol Syst e m > Sche mat ic Diagrams CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FOR CRUISE CONT ROL SYST EM

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Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Cruise Cont rol Syst e m > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S LOCAT ION

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Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > Cruise Cont rol Syst e m > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
CRUISE REMOCON SWIT CH T EST 1. Dis connect the battery negative cable, then dis connect the pos itive cable, and wait at leas t three minutes . 2. Remove the driver's airbag (See page RT). 3. Dis connect the remocon s witch connector.

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4. Check the continuity between the terminals of the connector in each s witch pos ition according to the table. A. If there is continuity, and it matches the table, the s witch is O.K. B. If there is no continuity, replace the remocon s witch.


1. Dis connect the connector from the brake s witch. 2. Remove the brake s witch.

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3. Check for continuity between the terminals according to the table.

4. If neces s ary, replace the s witch or adjus t the pedal height.


1. Check that the actuator cable (A) moves s moothly with no binding or s ticking.

2. pos ition, M/T in neutral) until the radiator fan comes on, then let it idle. 3. Meas ure the amount of movement of the output linkage (B) until the engine s peed s tarts to increas e. At firs t, the output linkage s hould be located at the fully clos ed pos ition (C). The free play (D) s hould be 3.750.5 mm (0.150.02 in.) 4. If the free play is not within s pecs , move the cable to the point where the engine s peed s tarts to increas e, and tighten the locknut (A) and adjus ting nut (B).

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5. Turn the adjus ting nut (A) until it is 3.750.5 mm (0.150.02 in.) away from the bracket (B).

6. Pull the cable s o that the adjus ting nut (A) touches the bracket, and tighten the locknut (B).

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CRUISE CONT ROL UNIT AND CABLE 1. Loos en the locknuts (A) and dis connect the actuator cable (B) from the throttle linkage(C).

2. Dis connect the cruis e control unit connector(D). 3. Loos en the three mounting bolts (E), and remove the cruis e control unit with the bracket(F).

4. Loos en the locknuts (A) and dis connect the actuator cable(B) from the cruis e control unit.

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5. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


1. Dis connect the battery negative cable, them dis connect the pos itive cable, and wait at leas t three minutes . 2. Remove the driver's airbg (See page RT). 3. Dis connect the remocon s witch connector(A). 4. Loos en the two mounting s crews (B), and remove the cruis e remocon s witch.

5. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal. 6. Connect the battery pos itive cable and negative cable to the battery.

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0300 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

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Item onitoring Strategy Thres hold value Detecting Co nd itio n Multiple mis fire Mis fire rate for FTP E/M thres h > 2% Engine s peed 600-6440 rpm Engine load > Z ero torq. Eng. load change < 48-162%/s eg Eng. s peed change < 1900-4000 rpm/s No rough load < 0.3g 0 s ec after engine s tart Intake air temperature > -30 degC (-22 F) Vacuum leak in air intake s ys tem CKPS circuit malfunction Ignition circuit malfunction Faulty ignition coil or pulg wire Spark plug malfunction Low compres s ion due to blown head gas ket, leaking valve or pis ton ring Low/high fuel pres s ure due to faulty pres s ure regulator,res tricted fuel lines ,plugged fuel filter or faulty fuel pump Fuel injector circuit malfunction Faulty fuel injector Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

cas e1

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Thres hold value

1000 revs Mis fire rate for catalys t damage > 3.2 ~ 33% Engine s peed 600-6440 rpm Engine load > Z ero torq. Eng. load change < 48-162%/s eg Eng. s peed change < 1900-4000 rpm/s No rough load < 0.3g 0 s ec after engine s tart Intake air temperature > -30 degC (-22 F)

Cas e2

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

200 revs Failed cylinder s hut off

If any injectors , HO2S, ECTS, and MAP codes are pres ent, do all repairs as s ociated with thos e codes before proceeding this troubles hooting guide.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC).

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2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ignition timing" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Specification Idle : 0 ~ 20 BTDC 3000 rpm : 29 ~ 49 BTDC 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ignition coil connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between ignition coil harnes s connector and ignition s witch harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when ignition connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open or s hort circuit of battery line between FUSE 10(10A) of P/C-J/BOX and terminal 1 of ignition coil.


1. Check for CKPS s ignal (1) Engine "ON" (2) Monitor waveform at the terminal 1 of CKPS.

(3) Is the wave form dis played normally? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Go to "P0335 Cranks haft pos ition s ens or - no s ignal" procedure. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for fuel pres s ure (1) Reduce the internal pres s ure of the fuel pipe and hos es and cover the hos e connection with a s hop towel to prevent s plas hing of fuel. (2) Remove the bolt connecting the fuel line to the fuel delivery pipe. (3) Us ing the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor,ins tall the fuel pres s ure gauge to the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor. (4) Apply battery voltage to the terminal for thwe pump drive and activate the fuel pump:then,with fuel pres s ure applied,check fuel leakage from the pres s ure gauge or connection part.

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(5) Start an engine and warm up to operating temperature. (6) Check for fuel pres s ure at idle.

(7) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Go to "Compres s ion tes t " as below. Check fuel delivery s ys tem. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Compres s ion tes t (1) Perform compres s ion tes t at 300rpm.

(2) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Perform leak down tes t to determine s ource of low compres s ion. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for ignition coil and plug wires (1) Turn ignition s witch to OFF and dis connect ignition coil connector. (2) Check ignition coil and plug wires for cracks or carbon tracing. (3) Check res is tance of primary coil.

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(4) Check res is tance of s econdary coil. (5) Check for res is tance of plug wires . (6) Is the res is tance of ignition coils and plug wires within s pecification? Go to "Check for s park plug " as below. Faulty ignition coils or plug wires . Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s park plug Check the following items below for s park plug. (1) Remove s park plugs and check gap and plug condition. (2) Check the electrode condition(wear or carbon depos it) (3) Check the ins ulators condition(crack,etc) (4) Check the carbon depos it (5) Are s park plugs gapped properly and in good condition? Go to "Check for vacuum and PCV " as below. Fauity s park plugs . Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for vacuum and PCV Check for any s plit, dis connected or perforated vacuum hos es . Als o, check PCV valve for proper operation. (1) Remove the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve. (2) Ins ert a thin s tick into the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve from the threaded s ide to check that the plunger moves . (3) If the plunger does not move,the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve is clogged.Clean or replace it.

(4) Are vacuum hos es and PCV okay? Go to "Sys tem ins pection" procedure. Replace faulty vacuum hos es or PCV. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ?

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Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0301 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item onitoring Strategy Thres hold value Detecting Co nd itio n Cranks haft s peed fiuctuation Mis fire rate for FTP E/M thres h > 2% Engine s peed 600-6440 rpm Engine load > Z ero torq. Eng. load change < 48-162%/s eg Eng. s peed change < 1900-4000 rpm/s No rough load < 0.3g 0 s ec after engine s tart Intake air temperature > -30 degC (-22 F) Vacuum leak in air intake s ys tem CKPS circuit malfunction Ignition circuit malfunction Faulty ignition coil or pulg wire Spark plug malfunction Low compres s ion due to blown head gas ket, leaking valve or pis ton ring Low/high fuel pres s ure due to faulty pres s ure regulator,res tricted fuel lines ,plugged fuel filter or faulty fuel pump Fuel injector circuit malfunction Faulty fuel injector Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

cas e1

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Thres hold value

1000 revs Mis fire rate for catalys t damage > 3.2 ~ 33% Engine s peed 600-6440 rpm Engine load > Z ero torq. Eng. load change < 48-162%/s eg Eng. s peed change < 1900-4000 rpm/s No rough load < 0.3g 0 s ec after engine s tart Intake air temperature > -30 degC (-22 F)

Cas e2

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

200 revs Failed cylinder s hut off

If any injectors , HO2S, ECTS, and MAP codes are pres ent, do all repairs as s ociated with thos e codes before proceeding this troubles hooting guide.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ignition timing" parameter on the s cantool.

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The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Specification Idle : 0 ~ 20 BTDC 3000 rpm : 29 ~ 49 BTDC 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ignition coil connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between ignition coil harnes s connector and ignition s witch harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when ignition connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V.

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Pos s ible caus e : Open or s hort circuit of battery line between FUSE 10(10A) of P/C-J/BOX and terminal 1 of ignition coil.


1. Check for CKPS s ignal (1) Engine "ON" (2) Monitor waveform at the terminal 1 of CKPS.

(3) Is the wave form dis played normally? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Go to "P0335 Cranks haft pos ition s ens or - no s ignal" procedure. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for fuel pres s ure (1) Reduce the internal pres s ure of the fuel pipe and hos es and cover the hos e connection with a s hop towel to prevent s plas hing of fuel. (2) Remove the bolt connecting the fuel line to the fuel delivery pipe. (3) Us ing the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor,ins tall the fuel pres s ure gauge to the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor. (4) Apply battery voltage to the terminal for thwe pump drive and activate the fuel pump:then,with fuel pres s ure applied,check fuel leakage from the pres s ure gauge or connection part. (5) Start an engine and warm up to operating temperature. (6) Check for fuel pres s ure at idle.

(7) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Go to "Compres s ion tes t " as below. Check fuel delivery s ys tem. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Compres s ion tes t

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(1) Perform compres s ion tes t at 300rpm.

(2) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Perform leak down tes t to determine s ource of low compres s ion. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for ignition coil and plug wires (1) Turn ignition s witch to OFF and dis connect ignition coil connector. (2) Check ignition coil and plug wires for cracks or carbon tracing. (3) Check res is tance of primary coil.

(4) Check res is tance of s econdary coil. (5) Check for res is tance of plug wires . (6) Is the res is tance of ignition coils and plug wires within s pecification? Go to "Check for s park plug " as below. Faulty ignition coils or plug wires . Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s park plug Check the following items below for s park plug. (1) Remove s park plugs and check gap and plug condition. (2) Check the electrode condition(wear or carbon depos it) (3) Check the ins ulators condition(crack,etc) (4) Check the carbon depos it (5) Are s park plugs gapped properly and in good condition? Go to "Check for vacuum and PCV " as below.

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Fauity s park plugs . Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for vacuum and PCV Check for any s plit, dis connected or perforated vacuum hos es . Als o, check PCV valve for proper operation. (1) Remove the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve. (2) Ins ert a thin s tick into the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve from the threaded s ide to check that the plunger moves . (3) If the plunger does not move,the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve is clogged.Clean or replace it.

(4) Are vacuum hos es and PCV okay? Go to "Sys tem ins pection" procedure. Replace faulty vacuum hos es or PCV. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


63 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0302 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item onitoring Strategy Detecting Co nd itio n Cranks haft s peed fiuctuation Po ssible cause Vacuum leak in air intake

64 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM

Thres hold value

Mis fire rate for FTP E/M thres h > 2% Engine s peed 600-6440 rpm Engine load > Z ero torq. Eng. load change < 48-162%/s eg Eng. s peed change < 1900-4000 rpm/s No rough load < 0.3g 0 s ec after engine s tart Intake air temperature > -30 degC (-22 F) s ys tem CKPS circuit malfunction Ignition circuit malfunction Faulty ignition coil or pulg wire Spark plug malfunction Low compres s ion due to blown head gas ket, leaking valve or pis ton ring Low/high fuel pres s ure due to faulty pres s ure regulator,res tricted fuel lines ,plugged fuel filter or faulty fuel pump Fuel injector circuit malfunction Faulty fuel injector Faulty PCM

cas e1

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Thres hold value

1000 revs Mis fire rate for catalys t damage > 3.2 ~ 33% Engine s peed 600-6440 rpm Engine load > Z ero torq. Eng. load change < 48-162%/s eg Eng. s peed change < 1900-4000 rpm/s No rough load < 0.3g 0 s ec after engine s tart Intake air temperature > -30 degC (-22 F)

Cas e2

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

200 revs Failed cylinder s hut off

If any injectors , HO2S, ECTS, and MAP codes are pres ent, do all repairs as s ociated with thos e codes before proceeding this troubles hooting guide.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ignition timing" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Specification Idle : 0 ~ 20 BTDC 3000 rpm : 29 ~ 49 BTDC 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM

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memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ignition coil connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between ignition coil harnes s connector and ignition s witch harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when ignition connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open or s hort circuit of battery line between FUSE 10(10A) of P/C-J/BOX and terminal 1 of ignition coil.


1. Check for CKPS s ignal (1) Engine "ON" (2) Monitor waveform at the terminal 1 of CKPS.

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(3) Is the wave form dis played normally? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Go to "P0335 Cranks haft pos ition s ens or - no s ignal" procedure. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for fuel pres s ure (1) Reduce the internal pres s ure of the fuel pipe and hos es and cover the hos e connection with a s hop towel to prevent s plas hing of fuel. (2) Remove the bolt connecting the fuel line to the fuel delivery pipe. (3) Us ing the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor,ins tall the fuel pres s ure gauge to the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor. (4) Apply battery voltage to the terminal for thwe pump drive and activate the fuel pump:then,with fuel pres s ure applied,check fuel leakage from the pres s ure gauge or connection part. (5) Start an engine and warm up to operating temperature. (6) Check for fuel pres s ure at idle.

(7) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Go to "Compres s ion tes t " as below. Check fuel delivery s ys tem. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Compres s ion tes t (1) Perform compres s ion tes t at 300rpm.

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10/20/2010 10:16 AM

(2) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Perform leak down tes t to determine s ource of low compres s ion. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for ignition coil and plug wires (1) Turn ignition s witch to OFF and dis connect ignition coil connector. (2) Check ignition coil and plug wires for cracks or carbon tracing. (3) Check res is tance of primary coil.

(4) Check res is tance of s econdary coil. (5) Check for res is tance of plug wires . (6) Is the res is tance of ignition coils and plug wires within s pecification? Go to "Check for s park plug " as below. Faulty ignition coils or plug wires . Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s park plug Check the following items below for s park plug. (1) Remove s park plugs and check gap and plug condition. (2) Check the electrode condition(wear or carbon depos it) (3) Check the ins ulators condition(crack,etc) (4) Check the carbon depos it (5) Are s park plugs gapped properly and in good condition? Go to "Check for vacuum and PCV " as below.

68 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM
Fauity s park plugs . Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for vacuum and PCV Check for any s plit, dis connected or perforated vacuum hos es . Als o, check PCV valve for proper operation. (1) Remove the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve. (2) Ins ert a thin s tick into the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve from the threaded s ide to check that the plunger moves . (3) If the plunger does not move,the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve is clogged.Clean or replace it.

(4) Are vacuum hos es and PCV okay? Go to "Sys tem ins pection" procedure. Replace faulty vacuum hos es or PCV. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


69 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0303 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item onitoring Strategy Detecting Co nd itio n Cranks haft s peed fiuctuation Po ssible cause Vacuum leak in air intake

70 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM

Thres hold value

Mis fire rate for FTP E/M thres h > 2% Engine s peed 600-6440 rpm Engine load > Z ero torq. Eng. load change < 48-162%/s eg Eng. s peed change < 1900-4000 rpm/s No rough load < 0.3g 0 s ec after engine s tart Intake air temperature > -30 degC (-22 F) s ys tem CKPS circuit malfunction Ignition circuit malfunction Faulty ignition coil or pulg wire Spark plug malfunction Low compres s ion due to blown head gas ket, leaking valve or pis ton ring Low/high fuel pres s ure due to faulty pres s ure regulator,res tricted fuel lines ,plugged fuel filter or faulty fuel pump Fuel injector circuit malfunction Faulty fuel injector Faulty PCM

cas e1

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Thres hold value

1000 revs Mis fire rate for catalys t damage > 3.2 ~ 33% Engine s peed 600-6440 rpm Engine load > Z ero torq. Eng. load change < 48-162%/s eg Eng. s peed change < 1900-4000 rpm/s No rough load < 0.3g 0 s ec after engine s tart Intake air temperature > -30 degC (-22 F)

Cas e2

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

200 revs Failed cylinder s hut off

If any injectors , HO2S, ECTS, and MAP codes are pres ent, do all repairs as s ociated with thos e codes before proceeding this troubles hooting guide.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ignition timing" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Specification Idle : 0 ~ 20 BTDC 3000 rpm : 29 ~ 49 BTDC 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM

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10/20/2010 10:16 AM
memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ignition coil connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between ignition coil harnes s connector and ignition s witch harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when ignition connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open or s hort circuit of battery line between FUSE 10(10A) of P/C-J/BOX and terminal 1 of ignition coil.


1. Check for CKPS s ignal (1) Engine "ON" (2) Monitor waveform at the terminal 1 of CKPS.

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(3) Is the wave form dis played normally? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Go to "P0335 Cranks haft pos ition s ens or - no s ignal" procedure. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for fuel pres s ure (1) Reduce the internal pres s ure of the fuel pipe and hos es and cover the hos e connection with a s hop towel to prevent s plas hing of fuel. (2) Remove the bolt connecting the fuel line to the fuel delivery pipe. (3) Us ing the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor,ins tall the fuel pres s ure gauge to the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor. (4) Apply battery voltage to the terminal for thwe pump drive and activate the fuel pump:then,with fuel pres s ure applied,check fuel leakage from the pres s ure gauge or connection part. (5) Start an engine and warm up to operating temperature. (6) Check for fuel pres s ure at idle.

(7) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Go to "Compres s ion tes t " as below. Check fuel delivery s ys tem. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Compres s ion tes t (1) Perform compres s ion tes t at 300rpm.

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10/20/2010 10:16 AM

(2) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Perform leak down tes t to determine s ource of low compres s ion. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for ignition coil and plug wires (1) Turn ignition s witch to OFF and dis connect ignition coil connector. (2) Check ignition coil and plug wires for cracks or carbon tracing. (3) Check res is tance of primary coil.

(4) Check res is tance of s econdary coil. (5) Check for res is tance of plug wires . (6) Is the res is tance of ignition coils and plug wires within s pecification? Go to "Check for s park plug " as below. Faulty ignition coils or plug wires . Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s park plug Check the following items below for s park plug. (1) Remove s park plugs and check gap and plug condition. (2) Check the electrode condition(wear or carbon depos it) (3) Check the ins ulators condition(crack,etc) (4) Check the carbon depos it (5) Are s park plugs gapped properly and in good condition? Go to "Check for vacuum and PCV " as below.

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10/20/2010 10:16 AM
Fauity s park plugs . Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for vacuum and PCV Check for any s plit, dis connected or perforated vacuum hos es . Als o, check PCV valve for proper operation. (1) Remove the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve. (2) Ins ert a thin s tick into the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve from the threaded s ide to check that the plunger moves . (3) If the plunger does not move,the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve is clogged.Clean or replace it.

(4) Are vacuum hos es and PCV okay? Go to "Sys tem ins pection" procedure. Replace faulty vacuum hos es or PCV. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


75 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0304 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item onitoring Strategy Detecting Co nd itio n Cranks haft s peed fiuctuation Po ssible cause Vacuum leak in air intake

76 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM

Thres hold value

Mis fire rate for FTP E/M thres h > 2% Engine s peed 600-6440 rpm Engine load > Z ero torq. Eng. load change < 48-162%/s eg Eng. s peed change < 1900-4000 rpm/s No rough load < 0.3g 0 s ec after engine s tart Intake air temperature > -30 degC (-22 F) s ys tem CKPS circuit malfunction Ignition circuit malfunction Faulty ignition coil or pulg wire Spark plug malfunction Low compres s ion due to blown head gas ket, leaking valve or pis ton ring Low/high fuel pres s ure due to faulty pres s ure regulator,res tricted fuel lines ,plugged fuel filter or faulty fuel pump Fuel injector circuit malfunction Faulty fuel injector Faulty PCM

cas e1

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Thres hold value

1000 revs Mis fire rate for catalys t damage > 3.2 ~ 33% Engine s peed 600-6440 rpm Engine load > Z ero torq. Eng. load change < 48-162%/s eg Eng. s peed change < 1900-4000 rpm/s No rough load < 0.3g 0 s ec after engine s tart Intake air temperature > -30 degC (-22 F)

Cas e2

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

200 revs Failed cylinder s hut off

If any injectors , HO2S, ECTS, and MAP codes are pres ent, do all repairs as s ociated with thos e codes before proceeding this troubles hooting guide.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ignition timing" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Specification Idle : 0 ~ 20 BTDC 3000 rpm : 29 ~ 49 BTDC 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM

77 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM
memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ignition coil connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between ignition coil harnes s connector and ignition s witch harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when ignition connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open or s hort circuit of battery line between FUSE 10(10A) of P/C-J/BOX and terminal 1 of ignition coil.


1. Check for CKPS s ignal (1) Engine "ON" (2) Monitor waveform at the terminal 1 of CKPS.

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10/20/2010 10:16 AM

(3) Is the wave form dis played normally? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Go to "P0335 Cranks haft pos ition s ens or - no s ignal" procedure. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for fuel pres s ure (1) Reduce the internal pres s ure of the fuel pipe and hos es and cover the hos e connection with a s hop towel to prevent s plas hing of fuel. (2) Remove the bolt connecting the fuel line to the fuel delivery pipe. (3) Us ing the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor,ins tall the fuel pres s ure gauge to the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor. (4) Apply battery voltage to the terminal for thwe pump drive and activate the fuel pump:then,with fuel pres s ure applied,check fuel leakage from the pres s ure gauge or connection part. (5) Start an engine and warm up to operating temperature. (6) Check for fuel pres s ure at idle.

(7) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Go to "Compres s ion tes t " as below. Check fuel delivery s ys tem. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Compres s ion tes t (1) Perform compres s ion tes t at 300rpm.

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10/20/2010 10:16 AM

(2) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Perform leak down tes t to determine s ource of low compres s ion. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for ignition coil and plug wires (1) Turn ignition s witch to OFF and dis connect ignition coil connector. (2) Check ignition coil and plug wires for cracks or carbon tracing. (3) Check res is tance of primary coil.

(4) Check res is tance of s econdary coil. (5) Check for res is tance of plug wires . (6) Is the res is tance of ignition coils and plug wires within s pecification? Go to "Check for s park plug " as below. Faulty ignition coils or plug wires . Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s park plug Check the following items below for s park plug. (1) Remove s park plugs and check gap and plug condition. (2) Check the electrode condition(wear or carbon depos it) (3) Check the ins ulators condition(crack,etc) (4) Check the carbon depos it (5) Are s park plugs gapped properly and in good condition? Go to "Check for vacuum and PCV " as below.

80 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM
Fauity s park plugs . Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for vacuum and PCV Check for any s plit, dis connected or perforated vacuum hos es . Als o, check PCV valve for proper operation. (1) Remove the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve. (2) Ins ert a thin s tick into the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve from the threaded s ide to check that the plunger moves . (3) If the plunger does not move,the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve is clogged.Clean or replace it.

(4) Are vacuum hos es and PCV okay? Go to "Sys tem ins pection" procedure. Replace faulty vacuum hos es or PCV. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


81 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0562 COMPONENT INSPECT ION

Item Monitoring Strategy Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check Low Po ssible cause Open in control circuit (pin 14)

82 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM

Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

Voltage : < 10V 120 s ec after engine s tart 0.2 s ec None Charging s ys tem Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "Battery voltage" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Specification Engine s top : 11 ~ 13V Idle : 12 ~ 15V 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" proceduredure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure.

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10/20/2010 10:16 AM
Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (control relay power) (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect the main relay. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 and 5 of main relay harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for open in harnes s (main relay control) " as below. Check for open in power harnes s . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e the voltage at terminal 2 and 5 of main relay power line is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Opne circuit in main relay power line which goes to main relay terminal 2 and 5 through PCM fus e(20A) in E/C-J/BOX 2. Check for open in harnes s (control relay control) (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 14 of PCM harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for open in control harnes s . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


84 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM
1. Check control relay (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect the control relay (3) Apply 12V and a ground to 1 and 2 terminals of the control relay (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 5 of relay connector(To s ens or s ide)

(5) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected,replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good control relay and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace control relay and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


85 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM

Engine Ele ct rical Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0563 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


86 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM

Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, high Voltage : > 17V Vehicle s peed > 25 kph(15.53428 mile) 0.2 s ec None Charging s ys tem Faulty PCM Po ssible cause


Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, high Voltage : > 17V Vehicle s peed > 25 kph(15.53428 mile) 0.2 s ec None Charging s ys tem Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "Battery voltage" parameter on the s cantool.

87 of 91

10/20/2010 10:16 AM

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Specification Engine s top : 11 ~ 13V Idle : 12 ~ 15V 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" proceduredure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "Battery voltage" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Specification Engine s top : 11 ~ 13V Idle : 12 ~ 15V 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" proceduredure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or

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damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for generator voltage charging (1) Engine "ON" (2) Meas ure voltage between generator B+ and chas s is ground.

(3) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Over charging or bad connection of generator Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for generator voltage charging (1) Engine "ON" (2) Meas ure voltage between generator B+ and chas s is ground.

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(3) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Over charging or bad connection of generator Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Emission Cont rol Syst em
Emission Cont rol Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P04 20 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Detecting Co nd itio n Oxygen s torage capacity Difference of amplitude of downs tream O2 s ens or and amplitude of model s ignal : > 0.55 Engine s peed 1800-3200 rpm Engine load 15-40% Catalys t temp.(model) 530-760 degC(986~1400 F) Purge factor (high load canis ter) < 10 Clos ed loop control 100 s ec None Warm-up catalytic converter deteriorated. Leak in intake s ys tem. Faulty HO2S. Faulty PCM. Po ssible cause

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

If any codes relating to Oxygen(HO2S) s ens or.MAP, injector, a P0171,P0172 are pres ent, do all repairs as s ociated with them before proceeding with this troubles hooting procedure.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

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If the wave form of rear HO2S looks s imilar to that of front HO2S,catalytic converter may be broken. Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV For Rear HO2S -Part load(Approx. 2000rpm) : 500~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Start engine and warm up to operating temperature. 2. Meas ure waveform between terminal 2(up , down) of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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3. Are the s ignal wave forms between front and rear HO2S about the s ame? Catalytic converter faulty. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

SCHEMAT IC DIAGRAM Emission Cont rol Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P04 4 1 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

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Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Detecting Co nd itio n Rationality check Lambda controller : -0.06-0.06 Air mas s through idle control valve < 0.8kg/h (1.7637 lb/h) During Idle and vehicle s tands till Coolant temperature > > 70 degC(158 F) Altitude (model) < 2500 m Integrated purge mas s > 2grams Clos ed loop control enabled Po ssible cause

Enable Conditions

Open in battery circuit. Open in control circuit. Short to ground in control circuit Faulty PCSV Faulty PCM

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe None

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "EVAP.PURGE VALVE" parameter on the s cantool.

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The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard Idle : 0 % 1000~3000 rpm : 1.5 ~ 35 % 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P0441 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and

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PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect PCSV s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of PCSV harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between PCSV harnes s connector and battery power circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e the voltage at terminal 1 of PCSV is 0 V when PCSV is dis connected. Pos s ible caus e:Open or s hort circuit in battery power line after fus e(15A INJ)


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect PCSV s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of PCSV harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between PCSV harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Short circuit to chas s is ground between PCSV harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e the meas ured voltage is 0V when checking control line Pos s ible caus e:If the meas ured voltage indicates 0V,the problem is that control line is open, s o check the open circuit between terminal 46 of PCM and terminal 2 of PCSV


1. Check Operation of PCSV (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect valve connector and Remove Purge Control Valve. (3) Check that no air flows through valve. (4) Apply 12V and a ground to 1 and 2 terminals of the Purge Control Valve.(To s ens or s ide) (5) Verify that air flows through valve

(6) Does Purge Control Valve work properly ? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCSV and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCSV and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

The purpos e of meas uring injector res is tance is to find if the open circuit is in the component.So,check the continuity between s ignal line and ground line.

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1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Emission Cont rol Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P04 4 2 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

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Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Detecting Co nd itio n Pump motor current at monitor mode (rough leak) Increment of pump motor current < 1.08-2.34 mA PCM at power down Las t s oak time (model) > 5 hrs Duration of driving > 20 min Fuel tank level 15-85 % Ambient temp. (model) 1.5-40.5 degC(34.7~104.9 F) Altitude (model) < 2500 m Battery voltage 11.5-14.5 V Fuel filler cap loos e or mis s ing. Fuel filler cap o-ring mis s ing or damaged. Faulty or damaged fuel filler pipe. Leaking, dis connected or plugged fuel vapor lines . Fuel in lines due to faulty rollover(RV),on-board vapor recovery valve(ORVR valve). Improperly ins talled purge s olenoid (PSV). PSV s tuck open or clos ed. Leaking canis ter or catch tank Faulty leak detection module s olenoid valve. Faulty leak detection module. Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

Cas e1 Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Monitoring Strategy Cas e1 Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Pump motor current at monitor mode (s mall leak) Elaps ed time to increas e 0.5mA < 19-28 s ec Refueling > 5 L

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P0442 s et again?

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Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure.


1. Check Fuel Filler Cap (1) Warm-up engine to normal operating temperature. (2) Check fuel filler cap, o-ring s eal for being tightly ins talled, and in good condition. (3) Verify cap releas es vacuum at s pecified values (approximately 2ps i pres s ure and approximately 1.5 inches hg vacuum) (4) Are cap, o-ring and releas e pres s ures OK? Go to "Check Fuel Filler Pipe" as below Subs titute with a known-good Fuel Filler Cap and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Fuel Filler Cap and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check Fuel Filler Pipe (1) Check fuel filler pipe for cracks , damage and o-ring s eat for deformation. (2) Is fuel filler pipe okay? Go to "Thorounghly check all Fuel vapor hos es clamps " as below Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Thorounghly check all Fuel vapor hos es clamps between; Canis ter and rollover valve. Canis ter and ORVR valves . Canis ter and catcher tank. Canis ter and DMTL. Canis ter and PSV. PSV and intake manifold(At this point, verify arrow on PSV is pointing towards intake manifold. If it is not, revers e ins tallation). (1) With s ys tem s ealed and pres s uriz ed, check for leaks with a R134a leak detector. (2) Are vapor hos es and clamps okay?

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Go to "Check PSV" as below Replace all cracked/damaged hos es loos e clamps go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 4. Check PSV (1) Turn ignition OFF and dis connect hos e leading from PSV to intake manifold at PSV. Draw a vacuum at nipple and verify PSV hold vacuum. Turn ignition to ON and jumper a wire to chas s is ground at PSV control terminal 1 (s hould hear a faint click from PSV). Vacuum chould bleed off. Repeat this procedure 4 or 5 times to ens ure PSV reliadility. (2) Is PSV working properly? Go to "Check DM-TL" as below Subs titute with a known-good PCV and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCV and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 5. Check DM-TL (1) Temporarily ins tall a new DM-TL and check for proper operation. (2) Is problem s till remained ? Subs titute with a known-good DM-TL and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace DM-TL and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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Emission Cont rol Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P04 4 4 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Circuit continuity check, low Short circuit to ground or dis connected Open circuit continous None Po ssible cause Open in battery circuit Open in control circuit Short to ground in control circuit Faulty PCSV Faulty PCM

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1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "EVAP.PURGE VALVE" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard Idle : 0 % 1000~3000 rpm : 1.5 ~ 35 % 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect PCSV s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of PCSV harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between PCSV harnes s connector and battery power circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e the voltage at terminal 1 of PCSV is 0 V when PCSV is dis connected. Pos s ible caus e:Open or s hort circuit in battery power line after fus e(15A INJ)


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect PCSV s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of PCSV harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between PCSV harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Short circuit to chas s is ground between PCSV harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e the meas ured voltage is 0V when checking control line Pos s ible caus e:If the meas ured voltage indicates 0V,the problem is that control line is open,s o check the open circuit between terminal 46 of PCM and terminal 2 of PCSV


1. Check PCSV

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(1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCSV and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCSV and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

The purpos e of meas uring injector res is tance is to find if the open circuit is in the component.So,check the continuity between s ignal line and ground line.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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Emission Cont rol Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P04 4 5 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Circuit continuity check, high Short circuit to battery Short circuit continous None Short to battery in control circuit Faulty PCSV Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

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1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "EVAP.PURGE VALVE" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard Idle : 0 % 1000~3000 rpm : 1.5 ~ 35 % 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect PCSV s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of PCSV harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between PCSV harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e the voltage at terminal 1 of PCSV is 12 V when PCSV is dis connected. Pos s ible caus e : Short circuit in battery power line after fus e(15A INJ)


1. Check PCSV (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCSV and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCSV and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

The purpos e of meas uring injector res is tance is to find if the open circuit is in the component.So,check the continuity between s ignal line and ground line.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions .

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4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Circuit continuity check (Pump motor) Dis connected open circuit Continuous Open in control circuit. Faulty DMTL. Faulty PCM. Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC).

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2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P2400 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect DM-TL connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between DM-TL harnes s connector and control relay. Open circuit between DM-TL harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1. In cas e,when DM-TL connector is dis connected, the voltage of DM-TL terminal 4 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in battery power line after fus e (10A ECU #1). 2. ECM als o s ets P0444 and P0562 if it detects the open circuit in DM-TL power line.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between DM-TL harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector Open circuit between DM-TL harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the DM-TL connector is dis connected,the voltage of DM-TL terminal 1 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 30 of PCM and terminal 1 of DM-TL.


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1. Check for s hort between Pump Control and battery. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Fuel s ender connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 4 of Fuel s ender harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good Pump motor and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Pump motor and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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10/20/2010 10:18 AM

Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Circuit continuity check (Pump motor) Shorted to GND Open circuit Continuous Open in control circuit Short to ground in control circuit. Faulty DMTL. Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

23 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P2401 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification?

24 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

Go to "Check for s hort between Pump Control and Solenoid Control harnes s " as below. Short circuit to chas s is ground between DM-TL harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s hort between Pump Control and Solenoid Control harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of DM-TL harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Shorted circuit between Pump Control circuit and Solenoid Control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for s hort between Pump Control and chas s is ground. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.(To DM-TL s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good Pump motor and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Pump motor and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


25 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM
1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.



26 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM


Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Circuit continuity check (Pump motor) Shorted to battery voltage Shorted circuit Continuous Short to battery in control circuit Faulty DMTL. Faulty PCM Po ssible cause


Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Circuit continuity check (Pump motor) Shorted to battery voltage Shorted circuit Continuous Short to battery in control circuit Faulty DMTL. Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P2402 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure


27 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM
1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P2402 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Check for s hort between battery and Pump control harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

28 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for s hort to battery in Pump control harnes s . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

In cas e,when the DM-TL connector is dis connected,the voltage of DM-TL terminal 4 is 12 V. Pos s ible caus e: Short circuit in battery power line after fus e. (10A ECU #1)


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Check for s hort between battery and Pump control harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure.

29 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM
Check for s hort to battery in Pump control harnes s . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

In cas e,when the DM-TL connector is dis connected,the voltage of DM-TL terminal 4 is 12 V. Pos s ible caus e: Short circuit in battery power line after fus e. (10A ECU #1)


1. Check for s hort between Pump Control and battery. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 4 of Fuel s ender harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good Pump motor and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Pump motor and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for s hort between Pump Control and battery. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 4 of Fuel s ender harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good Pump motor and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Pump motor and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

30 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.



31 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe 1.5-2.5 s Detecting Co nd itio n DM-TL : pump motor current Current at valve check > ref. current-2 mA Leakage on EVAP. SYSTEM Faulty DMTL. Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

32 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P2404 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect DM-TL connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification?

33 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM
Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Check for open or s hort circuit between Main relay and terminal 3 of DM-TL Es pecially check "10A ECU" fus e is blown or not ins talled Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect DM-TL connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for Open or s hort in Solenoid Control harnes s . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check Solenoid (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check Pump" as below. Subs titute with a known-good DM-TL and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace DM-TL and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check Pump (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector.

34 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM
(3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good DM-TL and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace DM-TL and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


35 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe 10 s ec Detecting Co nd itio n DM-TL : pump motor current Current at reference mode phas e < 12 Ma Leakage on EVAP. SYSTEM Faulty DMTL. Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

36 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P2405 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect DM-TL connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification?

37 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM
Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Check for open or s hort circuit between Main relay and terminal 3 of DM-TL Es pecially check "10A ECU" fus e is blown or not ins talled Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect DM-TL connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for Open or s hort in Solenoid Control harnes s . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check Solenoid (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check Pump" as below. Subs titute with a known-good Pump motor and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Pump motor and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check Pump (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector.

38 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM
(3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good DM-TL and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace DM-TL and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


39 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe 10 s ec Detecting Co nd itio n DM-TL : pump motor current Current at reference mode phas e > 40 mA Leakage on EVAP. SYSTEM Faulty DMTL. Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

40 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P2406 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect DM-TL connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification?

41 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM
Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Check for open or s hort circuit between Main relay and terminal 3 of DM-TL Es pecially check "10A ECU" fus e is blown or not ins talled Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect DM-TL connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for Open or s hort in Solenoid Control harnes s . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check Solenoid (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check Pump" as below. Subs titute with a known-good DM-TL and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace DM-TL and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.. 2. Check Pump (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector.

42 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM
(3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good DM-TL and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace DM-TL and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


43 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n DM-TL : pump motor current Number of not ended leak detection due to current change > 8 Leakage on EVAP. SYSTEM Faulty DMTL Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

44 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P2407 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect DM-TL connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification?

45 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM
Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Check for open or s hort circuit between Main relay and terminal 3 of DM-TL Es pecially check "10A ECU" fus e is blown or not ins talled Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect DM-TL connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for Open or s hort in Solenoid Control harnes s . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check Solenoid (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check Pump" as below. Subs titute with a known-good DM-TL and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected,replace DM-TL and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure . 2. Check Pump (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector.

46 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM
(3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good DM-TL and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace DM-TL and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


47 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Circuit continuity check (Change-over valve) Dis connected Open circuit Continuous Open in control circuit Faulty DMTL Faulty PCM Po ssible cause


Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

48 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

Circuit continuity check (Change-over valve) Dis connected Open circuit Continuous Open in control circuit Faulty DMTL Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P2418 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

49 of 61

10/20/2010 10:18 AM

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P2418 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect DM-TL connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification?

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Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between DM-TL harnes s connector and control relay. Open circuit between DM-TL harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1. In cas e,when DM-TL connector is dis connected, the voltage of DM-TL terminal 4 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in battery power line after fus e (10A ECU #1). 2. PCM als o s ets P0444 and P0562 if it detects the open circuit in DM-TL power line.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between DM-TL harnes s connector and ECM harnes s connector Open circuit between DM-TL harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the DM-TL connector is dis connected,the voltage of DM-TL terminal 1 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 25 of PCM and terminal 2 of DM-TL.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF"

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2. Dis connect DM-TL connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between DM-TL harnes s connector and control relay. Open circuit between DM-TL harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1. In cas e,when DM-TL connector is dis connected, the voltage of DM-TL terminal 4 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in battery power line after fus e (10A ECU #1). 2. PCM als o s ets P0444 and P0562 if it detects the open circuit in DM-TL power line.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between DM-TL harnes s connector and ECM harnes s connector Open circuit between DM-TL harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the DM-TL connector is dis connected,the voltage of DM-TL terminal 1 is 0 V.

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Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 25 of PCM and terminal 2 of DM-TL.


1. Check for s hort between Solenoid Control and battery (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Fuel s ender connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 4 of Fuel s ender harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good Pump motor and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Pump motor and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for s hort between Solenoid Control and battery (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Fuel s ender connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 4 of Fuel s ender harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good Pump motor and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Pump motor and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed.

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2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.



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Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Circuit continuity check (Change-over valve) Shorted to GND Open circuit Continuous Short to ground in control circuit Faulty DMTL Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

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(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P2419 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification?

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Go to "Check for s hort between Solenoid Control and Pump Control harnes s " as below. Short circuit to chas s is ground between DM-TL harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s hort between Solenoid Control and Pump Control harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of DM-TL harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Shorted circuit between Pump Control circuit and Solenoid Control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for s hort between Solenoid Control and chas s is ground. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.(To DM-TL s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good Pump motor and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Pump moto r and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


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1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Detecting Co nd itio n Circuit continuity check (Change-over valve) Shorted to battery voltage Po ssible cause Short to battery in control circuit Faulty DMTL

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Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

Shorted circuit Continuous Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Evap. Leakage Tes t Evaporative Emis s ions Sys tems (EVAP) Leak Tes ts can be run by the Scan Tool. The tes ts are automated and provide either a pas s -fail res ult or directions to check for DTCs .

(1) Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). (2) Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. (3) Perform "07 EVAP. LEAKAGE TEST" mode (4) Is DTC P2420 s et again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection,bending, corros ion, contamination, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Check for s hort between battery and Solenoid control harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector.

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(3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of DM-TL harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for s hort to battery in Pump control harnes s . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the DM-TL connector is dis connected,the voltage of DM-TL terminal 4 is 12 V. Pos s ible caus e: Short circuit in battery power line after fus e. (10A ECU #1)


1. Check for s hort between Solenoid Control and battery. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect DM-TL connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 4 of DM-TL harnes s connector.(To s ender s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, eplace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good Pump motor and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Pump motor and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions .

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4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Fuel Syst em
Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0030 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


In order to control the emis s ion of the CO, H C and NOx components of the exhaus t gas , a heated oxygen s ens or (HO2S), mounted on the front s ide and rear s ide of the catalytic converter, detects the oxygen content in the exhaus t gas . The front HO2S s ignal is us ed to control air/fuel ratio (clos ed loop fuel control) and the rear H O2S s ignal is us ed to monitor front HO2S and catalys t for proper operation. The HO2S requires a minimum temperature to operate properly and provide a clos ed loop fuel control s ys tem. So the HO2S contains a heater element to reduce warm-up time and ens ure proper performance during all driving conditions , which allows for clos ed loop fuel control or catalys t monitoring immediately upon engine s tart-up. The ECM controls this heater element by duty cycle. The main relay s upplies voltage to the heater and the PCM provides a ground circuit for activating the heater.

The PCM determines front HO2S heater fault and s ets DTC P0030 if the front HO2S heater control driver ins ide the PCM fails or HO2S is not operational after an elaps e of predetermined time s ince engine s tart or front HO2S tip temperature is out of normal working range.


Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Contaminated, deteriorated or aged HO2S Heater res is tance out of reas onable range Faulty HO2S heater Faulty PCM Mis placed, bent, loos e or corroded terminals

Monitoring Strategy Heater current check Thres hold value Internal res is tance > thres hold f(exh. temp.,heater power) Exhaus t gas temperature (model) 370-900 degC (698~1652 F) Dew point end detected Battery voltage 10.7-15.6 V Continuous Heater open loop control

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

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This is the ins pection procedure to determine whether it is pres ent DTC or memoried one by monitoring the current s ignal or by us ing the function of os cillos cope with Hi-s can pro. 1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "A/F CLOSE LOOP" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens or's and/or PCM's connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector.

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3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins pection" procedure. Open or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between HO2S harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when checking s ens or voltage,the output voltage is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Blown fus e or open circuit in harnes s between E/C-J/BOX and terminal 4 of HO2S heater.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for open or Short to ground in control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


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1. Check HO2S heater (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good HO2S heater and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace HO2S heater and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


After a repair, it is es s ential to verify that the fault has been corrected. 1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0031 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


In order to control the emis s ion of the CO, H C and NOx components of the exhaus t gas , a heated oxygen s ens or (HO2S), mounted on the front s ide and rear s ide of the catalytic converter, detects the oxygen content in the exhaus t gas . The front HO2S s ignal is us ed to control air/fuel ratio (clos ed loop fuel control) and the rear H O2S s ignal is us ed to monitor front HO2S and catalys t for proper operation. The HO2S requires a minimum temperature to operate properly and provide a clos ed loop fuel control s ys tem. So the HO2S contains a heater element to reduce warm-up time and ens ure proper performance during all driving conditions , which allows for clos ed loop fuel control or catalys t monitoring immediately upon

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engine s tart-up. The PCM controls this heater element by duty cycle. The main relay s upplies voltage to the heater and the PCMprovides a ground circuit for activating the heater.

PCM s ets DTC P0031 if the PCM detects that the front HO2S heater control line is s hort to ground.


Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Open in battery and control circuit Short to ground in control circuit (pin 48 to 36) Faulty HO2S heater Faulty PCM

Monitoring Strategy Heater check, low Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Open or s hort circuit Continuous Heater open loop control

This is the ins pection procedure to determine whether it is pres ent DTC or memoried one by monitoring the current s ignal or by us ing the function of os cillos cope with Hi-s can pro. 1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "A/F CLOSE LOOP" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens or's and/or PCM's connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure

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1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins pection" procedure. Open or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between HO2S harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when checking s ens or voltage,the output voltage is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Blown fus e or open circuit in harnes s between E/C-J/BOX and terminal 4 of HO2S heater.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

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5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for open or Short to ground in control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S heater (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good HO2S heater and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace HO2S heater and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


After a repair, it is es s ential to verify that the fault has been corrected. 1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ?

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Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0032 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Heater check, high Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Short circuit Continuous Heater open loop control Short to battery in control circuit Faulty HO2S heater Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "A/F CLOSE LOOP" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can

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als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for open or Short to ground in control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S heater (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected,

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replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good IHO2S heater and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace HO2S heater and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0036 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

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Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Contaminated, deteriorated or aged HO2S Heater res is tance out of reas onable range Faulty HO2S heater Faulty PCM Mis placed, bent, loos e or corroded terminals

Monitoring Strategy Heater current check Thres hold value Internal res is tance > thres hold f(exh. temp.,heater power) Catalys t temperature (model) 370-900 degC (698~1652 F) Dew point end detected Battery voltage 10.7-15.6 V Continuous Heater open loop control

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S(B1/S2) " parameter on the s cantool.

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The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins pection" procedure. Open or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between HO2S harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when checking s ens or voltage,the output voltage is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Blown fus e or open circuit in harnes s between E/C-J/BOX and terminal 4 of HO2S heater.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for open or Short to ground in control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S heater (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide

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(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good HO2S heater and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace HO2S heater and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0037 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Open in battery and control circuit Short to ground in control circuit

Monitoring Strategy Heater check, low Thres hold value Enable Conditions Open or s hort circuit

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Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

Continuous Heater open loop control

(pin 28 to 35) Faulty HO2S heater Faulty PCM


Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Open in battery and control circuit Short to ground in control circuit (pin 28 to 35) Faulty HO2S heater Faulty PCM

Monitoring Strategy Heater check, low Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Open or s hort circuit Continuous Heater open loop control


Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Open in battery and control circuit Short to ground in control circuit (pin 28 to 35) Faulty HO2S heater Faulty PCM

Monitoring Strategy Heater check, low Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Open or s hort circuit Continuous Heater open loop control

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S(B1/S2)" parameter on the s cantool.

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The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S(B1/S2)" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature.

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3. Monitor the "HO2S(B1/S2)" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins pection" procedure. Open or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between HO2S harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for open or Short to ground in control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.

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1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins pection" procedure. Open or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between HO2S harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for open or Short to ground in control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,

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contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins pection" procedure. Open or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between HO2S harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure.

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Check for open or Short to ground in control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S heater (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(T s ens or s ide)Specification : o 80C : 8.0~14.0

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good HO2S heater and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace HO2S heater and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.1. Check HO2S heater


1. Check HO2S heater (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(T s ens or s ide)Specification : o 80C : 8.0~14.0

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good HO2S heater and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace HO2S heater and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.1. Check HO2S heater

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1. Check HO2S heater (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(T s ens or s ide)Specification : o 80C : 8.0~14.0

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good HO2S heater and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace HO2S heater and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.1. Check HO2S heater


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

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1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.



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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0038 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Short to battery in control circuit Faulty HO2S heater Faulty PCM

Monitoring Strategy Heater check, high Thres hold value Enable Conditions Short circuit

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

Continuous Heater open loop control


Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Heater check, high Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Short circuit Continuous Heater open loop control Short to battery in control circuit Faulty HO2S heater Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S HTR WIRE" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure

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1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S HTR WIRE" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector.

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3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for open or Short to ground in control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure.

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Check for open or Short to ground in control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S heater (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good HO2S heater and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace HO2S heater and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S heater (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good HO2S heater and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace HO2S heater and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


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1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 06 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Monitoring Strategy Detecting Co nd itio n Rationality check Po ssible cause

Cas e1

Intake manifold pres s ure : > Max. Thres hold Thres hold or < Min. Thres hold f(Eng.s peed, value TPS) Enable No TPS error detected Conditions Thres hold Intake manifold pres s ure < 400hPa value Enable Engine s peed = 0 Conditions Thres hold |Intake manifold pres s ure - ambient value pres s ure| < 20hPa Enable Engine s peed > 800 rpm Conditions 5 s ec MAP value is s ubs tituted by MAPs model value. TPS limp home mode. Engine s peed limitation. Minimum operation of EVAP control. Poor connection of MAP s ens or Faulty MAP s ens or Faulty TPS Dirty air cleaner Leakage in intake s ys tem Contact res is tance in connections . Faulty PCM

Cas e2

Cas e3

Diagnos tic Time

Fail Safe

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If any codes relating to TPS are pres ent,do all repairs as s ociated with before proceeding this troubles hooting procedure.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "map s ens or s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. It is normal that the output of MAP s ens or changes in accordance with TPS angle. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "TPS" parameter on the s cantool.

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4. Is voltege s ignal increas e? Go to "power Circuit ins pection" procedure. Temporarily ins tall a known good TPS and check for proper operation. If problem is corrected, replace TPS. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Monitor Scantool data TPS" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect MAP s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification?

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Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between MAP harnes s connector and reference voltage. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between MAP harnes s connector and ECM connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

In cas e,when MAP connector is dis connected,the voltage of MAP terminal 2 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 33 of PCM and Terminal 2 of MAP


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect MAP s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection " procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between MAP harnes s connector and s ignal circuit. Open circuit between MAP harnes s connector and ECM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when MAP connector is dis connected,the voltage of MAP terminal 1 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 16 of PCM and Terminal 1 of MAP


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect MAP s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between MAP harnes s connector and ECM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

In cas e,when MAP connector is dis connected,the res is tance of MAP terminal 4 is infinite. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 36 of PCM and Terminal 4 of MAP


1. Air intake s ys tem ins pection (1) Check air cleaner for dirt, blockage, or damage. (2) Check entire air intake s ys tem for leaks or blockages s uch as : Throttle body PCV valve Intake manifold Gas ket beween intake manifold and s urge tank Seals beween intake manifold and fule injectors Seal beween s urge tank and PCV pipe (3) Is entire air intake s ys tem okay? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 1 of MAP s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify MAP voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.5

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(6) Is MAP s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Check MAPS for contamination, deterioration, or damage. Clean MAPS with s uitable cleaner as nece air dry before reins talling. If problem s till exis ts , Subs titute with a known-good MAPS and check for pro If the problem is corrected, replace MAPS and then go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 07 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

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Monitoring Strategy Signal check, low Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Sens or voltage : < 0.25V Short circuit 5 s ec MAP value is s ubs tituted by MAPs model value. TPS limp home mode. Engine s peed limitation. Minimum operation of EVAP control. Open in power circuit (pin 33) Short to ground in s ignal circuit (pin 36 to 37) Faulty MAP s ens or Faulty PCM

Fail Safe

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "MAP s ens or" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. It is normal that the output of MAP s ens or changes in accordance with TPS angle. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage.

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3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect MAP s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between MAP harnes s connector and reference voltage. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between MAP harnes s connector and ECM connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

1.In cas e,when MAP connector is dis connected,the voltage of MAP terminal 2 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 33 of PCM and Terminal 2 of MAP


1. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect MAP s ens or connector and ECM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground. (5) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 4 of s ens or harnes s connector

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(6) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification?

(7) Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure.

(8) Short circuit to chas s is ground between MAP harnes s connector and s ignal circuit. Short circuit to ground between between MAP harnes s connector and s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check ECM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 1 of MAP s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify MAP voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.5

(6) Is MAP s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Check MAPS for contamination, deterioration, or damage. Clean MAPS with s uitable cleaner as neces air dry before reins talling. If problem s till exis ts , Subs titute with a known-good MAPS and check for pro If the problem is corrected, replace MAPS and then go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure.

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Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 08 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

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Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Signal check, high Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Sens or voltage : > 4.88V 1 s ec after engine s tart 5 s ec MAP value is s ubs tituted by MAPs model value. TPS limp home mode. Engine s peed limitation. Minimum operation of EVAP control. Open in s ignal circuit Short to battery in s ignal circuit (pin 33 to 37) Open in ground circuit Poor connection of MAP s ens or Faulty MAP s ens or Faulty PCM

Fail Safe

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "MAP s ens or" parameter on the s cantool.

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The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. It is normal that the output of MAP s ens or changes in accordance with TPS angle. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect MAP s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to power in harnes s " as below. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between MAP harnes s connector and s ignal circuit. Open circuit between MAP harnes s connector and ECM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

1.In cas e,when MAP connector is dis connected,the voltage of MAP terminal 1 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 16 of PCM and Terminal 1 of MAP 2. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect MAP s ens or connector and ECM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between reference voltage(5V) circuit and s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

When the terminal 1and 2 of MAP is s horted, the res is tence is below 1 ohm.

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1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect MAP s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between MAP harnes s connector and ECM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

1.In cas e,when MAP connector is dis connected,the res is tance of MAP terminal 4 is infinite. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 36 of PCM and Terminal 4 of MAP


1. Check ECM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 1 of MAP s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify MAP voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.5

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(6) Is MAP s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Check MAPS for contamination, deterioration, or damage. Clean MAPS with s uitable cleaner as nece air dry before reins talling. If problem s till exis ts , Subs titute with a known-good MAPS and check for pro If the problem is corrected, replace MAPS and then go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 1 1 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item DTC Strategy Detecting Co nd itio n Rationality check Engine s tart temperature < 30C(86F) Idle condition Enable Enable Conditions Vehicle s peed < 10km/h(6.2137mph) cas e1 Coolant temperature > 75C(167F) Thres hold Max. temp - min. temp(A s tuck s ens or Value s ignal)< =2.25C(36.05F) Diagnos tic 1 times 45 s ec continuous Time No idle and no fuel cut-off Enable Vehicle s peed > 50 kph( 31.06856 mile) Conditions Air mas s > 40kg/h cas e2 Thres hold Max. temp - min. temp(A s tuck s ens or Value s ignal)< =2.25C(36.05F) Diagnos tic 1 times 60 s ec continuous Time Enable 240 s ec after engine s tart Conditions Thres hold Intake air temperature < -30 degC( -22 F) Value Open in s ignal circuit Short to battery in s ignal circuit (Supply 4.8V to pin 42 ) Open in ground circuit Short to ground in s ignal circuit (Supply 1V to pin 42 ) Faulty IATS Faulty PCM Poor connections between IATS and ECM Mis placed,bent,loos e or corroded terminals . Po ssible Cause

cas e3

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Diagnos tic 15 s ec Time Enable Idle and no fuel cut-off Conditions cas e4 Thres hold Engine coolant temperature > 75C(167F) Value Diagnos tic 15 s ec Time Las t s oak time > 5hrs Enable Engine on-time < 40s ec Conditions Vehicle s peed > 10 kph(6.213712 mile) cas e5 Thres hold Intake temp. - Coolant temp > 10 degC( 50 Value F) Diagnos tic 2 s ec Time


Item DTC Strategy Detecting Co nd itio n Rationality check Engine s tart temperature < 30C(86F) Idle condition Enable Enable Conditions Vehicle s peed < 10km/h(6.2137mph) cas e1 Coolant temperature > 75C(167F) Thres hold Max. temp - min. temp(A s tuck s ens or Value s ignal)< =2.25C(36.05F) Diagnos tic 1 times 45 s ec continuous Time No idle and no fuel cut-off Enable Vehicle s peed > 50 kph( 31.06856 mile) Conditions Air mas s > 40kg/h cas e2 Thres hold Max. temp - min. temp(A s tuck s ens or Value s ignal)< =2.25C(36.05F) Diagnos tic 1 times 60 s ec continuous Time Enable 240 s ec after engine s tart Conditions cas e3 Thres hold Intake air temperature < -30 degC( -22 F) Value Diagnos tic 15 s ec Time cas e4 Enable Idle and no fuel cut-off Conditions Open in s ignal circuit Short to battery in s ignal circuit (Supply 4.8V to pin 42 ) Open in ground circuit Short to ground in s ignal circuit (Supply 1V to pin 42 ) Faulty IATS Faulty PCM Poor connections between IATS and ECM Mis placed,bent,loos e or corroded terminals . Po ssible Cause

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Thres hold Engine coolant temperature > 75C(167F) Value Diagnos tic 15 s ec Time Las t s oak time > 5hrs Enable Engine on-time < 40s ec Conditions Vehicle s peed > 10 kph(6.213712 mile) cas e5 Thres hold Intake temp. - Coolant temp > 10 degC( 50 Value F) Diagnos tic 2 s ec Time

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "IATS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

If the output voltage m oves in revers e direction while air temperature changes ,the IAT s ens or is normal When IAT s ens or is in malfunction, the default value for IAT is 20.3C. Service s tandard 0C (32F) : 4.0~4.4 V 20C(68F) : 3.3~3.7 V 40C(104F) : 2.5~2.9 V 80C(176F) : 1.0~1.4 V 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending,

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corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "IATS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

If the output voltage m oves in revers e direction while air temperature changes ,the IAT s ens or is normal When IAT s ens or is in malfunction, the default value for IAT is 20.3C. Service s tandard 0C (32F) : 4.0~4.4 V 20C(68F) : 3.3~3.7 V 40C(104F) : 2.5~2.9 V 80C(176F) : 1.0~1.4 V 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage.

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3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect IAT s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to power in harnes s " as below. In cas e over 5V : Short circuit to battery between IATS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. In cas e 0V : Open or s hort circuit between IATS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

1.In cas e,when IATS connector is dis connected,the voltage of IATS terminal 3 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 42 of PCM and Terminal 3 of IATS 2. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect IAT s ens or connector and ECM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

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(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Short circuit between MAP s ens or power circuit and IATS s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure 3. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect IAT s ens or connector and ECM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground. (5) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or harnes s connector

(6) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between IATS s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Short chas s is ground between IATS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect IAT s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between IATS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Open circuit between PCM harnes s connector and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when checking open ground circuit,the res is tence is infinite. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 36 of PCM and Terminal 4 of IATS.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect IAT s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to power in harnes s " as below. In cas e over 5V : Short circuit to battery between IATS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. In cas e 0V : Open or s hort circuit between IATS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

1.In cas e,when IATS connector is dis connected,the voltage of IATS terminal 3 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 42 of PCM and Terminal 3 of IATS 2. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect IAT s ens or connector and ECM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Short circuit between MAP s ens or power circuit and IATS s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure 3. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect IAT s ens or connector and ECM connector.

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(3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground. (5) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or harnes s connector

(6) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between IATS s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Short chas s is ground between IATS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect IAT s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between IATS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Open circuit between PCM harnes s connector and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when checking open ground circuit,the res is tence is infinite. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 36 of PCM and Terminal 4 of IATS.

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1. Check IATS Meas uring the res is tence of IAT s ens or is to find whether the open circuit exis ts in the s ens ors inner s ide. (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Open circuit IATS . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

The purpos e to meas ure IAT res is tence is to decide where open circuit exis ts and the method is to check continuity between IAT s ignal line and ground line. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 3 of IAT s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify IATS voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.5

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(6) Is IAT s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check IATS Meas uring the res is tence of IAT s ens or is to find whether the open circuit exis ts in the s ens ors inner s ide. (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Open circuit IATS . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

The purpos e to meas ure IAT res is tence is to decide where open circuit exis ts and the method is to check continuity between IAT s ignal line and ground line. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 3 of IAT s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify IATS voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.5

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(6) Is IAT s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 1 2 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Signal check, low Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Meas ured temperature : < -38.25C(-36.85F) Idle and no fuel cut-off 240 s ec after engine s tart 10.2 s ec No failurre detected on ECTS - The limp home value of IATS depends on ECTS. Failure detected on ECTS - PCM controls with mapping data. Open in s ignal circuit Short to battery in s ignal circuit (pin 42 to 33) Open in ground circuit Faulty IATS Faulty PCM

Fail Safe

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "IATS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

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If the output voltage m oves in revers e direction while air temperature changes ,the IAT s ens or is normal When IAT s ens or is in malfunction, the default value for IAT is 20.3C. Service s tandard 0C (32F) : 4.0~4.4 V 20C(68F) : 3.3~3.7 V 40C(104F) : 2.5~2.9 V 80C(176F) : 1.0~1.4 V 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect IAT s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF"

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(4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to power in harnes s " as below. In cas e over 5V : Short circuit to battery between IATS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. In cas e 0V : Open or s hort circuit between IATS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

1.In cas e,when IATS connector is dis connected,the voltage of IATS terminal 3 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 42 of PCM and Terminal 3 of IATS 2. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect IAT s ens or connector and ECM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Short circuit between MAP s ens or power circuit and IATS s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Ignition "OFF"

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2. Dis connect IAT s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between IATS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Open circuit between PCM harnes s connector and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when checking open ground circuit,the res is tence is infinite. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 36 of PCM and Terminal 4 of IATS.


1. Check IATS Meas uring the res is tence of IAT s ens or is to find whether the open circuit exis ts in the s ens ors inner s ide. (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Open circuit IATS . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

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The purpos e to meas ure IAT res is tence is to decide where open circuit exis ts and the method is to check continuity between IAT s ignal line and ground line. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 3 of IAT s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify IATS voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.5

(6) Is IAT s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 1 3 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Signal check, high Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Meas ured temperature : > 128.25C(262.85F) Idle 0.2 s ec No failurre detected on ECTS - The limp home value of IATS depends on ECTS. Failure detected on ECTS - PCM controls with mapping data. Short to ground in s ignal circuit (pin 36 to 42) Faulty IATS Faulty PCM

Fail Safe

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "IATS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

If the output voltage m oves in revers e direction while air temperature changes ,the IAT s ens or is normal When IAT s ens or is in malfunction, the default value for IAT is 20.3C. Service s tandard 0C (32F) : 4.0~4.4 V 20C(68F) : 3.3~3.7 V 40C(104F) : 2.5~2.9 V 80C(176F) : 1.0~1.4 V 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect IAT s ens or connector and ECM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 4 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground. (5) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or harnes s connector

(6) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between IATS s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Short chas s is ground between IATS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Check IATS Meas uring the res is tence of IAT s ens or is to find whether the open circuit exis ts in the s ens ors inner s ide. (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 4 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

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(2) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Open circuit IATS . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

The purpos e to meas ure IAT res is tence is to decide where open circuit exis ts and the method is to check continuity between IAT s ignal line and ground line. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 3 of IAT s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify IATS voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.5

(6) Is IAT s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac

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then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 1 6 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

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Item Monitoring Strategy Detecting Co nd itio n Rathionality check Po ssible cause

Thres hold Meas ured temp.-Model temp. : < -15C(5 value F) Cas e1 No block heater detected Enable Model temp. = f(air mas s , current model Conditions temp.) Diagnos tic 0.5 s ec Time Thres hold Max temp-Min temp : < 1.5-3 degC(34.7 value F-37.4 F) Cas e2 Enable Low heat power mode driving counter > 2 Conditions High heat power mode driving counter> 2 Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe The limp home value of ECTS depends on intake air temperature.

Poor connections Faulty PCM Faulty ETCS Contaminated, deterriorated or damaged ETCS Faulty thermos tat Foreign materials fouled ETCS

If any codes relating to ECTS, IATS circuits are pres ent,do all repairs as s ociated with thos e codes before proceeding with this troubles hooting procedure.


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1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ECTS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

If the output data changes as temoerature changes ,the s ens or is good. If the ECTS output is in invers e proportion to water temperature,the s ens or is normal. Service s tandard When ECT is 0C (32F) : 4.27 0.3 V When ECT is 20C(68F) : 3.44 0.3 V When ECT is 40C(104F) : 2.72 0.3 V When ECT is 80C(176F) : 1.25 0.3 V 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.

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1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ECT s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection " procedure. In cas e over 5V : Short circuit to battery between ECTS harnes s connector and ECM harnes s connector. In cas e 0V: Open circuit between ECTS harnes s connector and ECM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

1.In cas e,when ECTS connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open or s hort between Terminal 1 of ETCS connector and terminal 39 of ECM. 1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ECT s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between ECTS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Open circuit between PCM harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

In cas e,when meas uring res is tence of ground circuit,the res is tence is over 1ohm. Pos s ible caus e : Short circuit between PCM ground point and PCM terminal 35


1. Check ECTS (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Open circuit ECTS . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 1 of ECT s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify ECTS voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.

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(6) Is ECT s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 1 7

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Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Signal check, Low Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Meas ured temperature : < -38.25C(-36.85F) Open circuit 0.5 s ec The limp home value of ECTS depends on intake air temperature. Open in s ignal circuit Short to battery in s ignal circuit Open in ground circuit Faulty ECTS Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ECTS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

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If the output data changes as temoerature changes ,the s ens or is good. If the ECTS output is in invers e proportion to water temperature,the s ens or is normal. Service s tandard When ECT is 0C (32F) : 4.27 0.3 V When ECT is 20C(68F) : 3.44 0.3 When ECT is 40C(104F) : 2.72 0.3 V When ECT is 80C(176F) : 1.25 0.3 V 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ETC s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF"

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(4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to power in harnes s " as below. In cas e over 5V : Short circuit to battery between ECTS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. In cas e 0V: Open circuit between ECTS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

In cas e,when ECTS connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open or s hort between Terminal 1 of ETCS connector and terminal 39 of PCM. 2. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ECT s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between clus ter s ignal circuit and ECTS s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure 1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ECT s ens or connector.

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3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between ECTS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Open circuit between PCM harnes s connector and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

In cas e,when meas uring res is tence of ground circuit,the res is tence is over 1ohm. Pos s ible caus e : Short circuit between PCM ground point and PCM terminal 35


1. Check ECTS (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Open circuit ECTS . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of ECM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON "

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(3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 1 of ECT s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify ECTS voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.

(6) Is ECT s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 1 8 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

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Monitoring Strategy Signal check, High Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Meas ured temperature : > 138.75C (281.75 Short to ground in s ignal circuit F) (pin 39 to 35) Short circuit Faulty ECTS 0.5 s ec Faulty PCM The limp home value of ECTS depends on intake air temperature.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ECTS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

If the output data changes as temoerature changes ,the s ens or is good. If the ECTS output is in invers e proportion to water temperature,the s ens or is normal. Service s tandard When ECT is 0C (32F) : 4.27 0.3 V When ECT is 20C(68F) : 3.44 0.3 V When ECT is 40C(104F) : 2.72 0.3 V When ECT is 80C(176F) : 1.25 0.3 V 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure

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1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ECT s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground. (5) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(6) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between ECTS s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Short chas s is ground between ECTS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Check ECTS (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

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(2) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Open circuit ECTS . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 1 of ECT s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify ECTS voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.

(6) Is ECT s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


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1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 21 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

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Item DTC Strategy Detecting Co nd itio n Rationality check Po ssible cause

cas e1

Difference between load s ignal by Map s ens or and load s ignal calculated by TPS : Thres hold <0.75 Difference between load s ignal by Map value s ens or and load s ignal calculated by TPS : > 1.25 Enable Engine s peed > target idle s peed Conditions 20s ec after engine s tart Modeled relative load - relative load > Thres hold KLDRLTPS Modeled relative load - relative load > value KLDRLTPSv Poor connections Faulty TPS Faulty PCM Open or s hort in battery circuit Dirty air cleaner Off idle Air leak in intake s ys tem Deviation of fas t lambda control factor from Contaminated, deterriorated or 1.0 < 0.1 damaged TPS Engine coolant temperature > 85 degC( 185 Enable F) Conditions Engine s peed > 600 rpm Gradient of TPS s ignal < 0.15 % Vehicle s peed = 0 kph Vehicle s peed > 0 kph 5 s ec Throttle pos ition value is determined by function of engine s peed, MAP s ens or and idle duty.

cas e2

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

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1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "TPS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. It is normal that the output of TPS changes in accordance with that of MAP s ens or. Service s tandard Idle : 0%(250~850mV) Gradually open : Inccreas es Open fully : 75~85%(4000~4800mV) 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure.

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Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect TPS s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between TPS harnes s connector and reference voltage. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between TPS harnes s connector and PCM connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the TPS connector is dis connected,the voltage of TPS terminal 2 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 32 of PCM and Terminal 2 of TPS


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect TPS s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification?

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Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between TPS harnes s connector and s ignal circuit. Open circuit between TPS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the TPS connector is dis connected,the voltage of TPS terminal 1 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 16 of PCM and Terminal 1 of TPS


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect TPS s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between TPS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the TPS connector is dis connected,the voltage of TPS terminal 3 is infinite. Pos s ible caus e: Open circuit between terminal 17 of PCM and Terminal 3 of TPS


1. Check TPS (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide) (2) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

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(3) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Open circuit TPS. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of ECM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 1 of TPS s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify TPS voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.5

(6) Is TPS s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


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1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 22 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

96 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, low Calculated s ignal from s ens or : < 3.17% Engine s peed > 600rpm 0.02 s ec Throttle pos ition value is determined by function of engine s peed, MAP s ens or and idle duty. Short to ground in s ignal circuit (pin 16 to 17) Open in power circuit (pin 32) Faulty TPS Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "TPS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

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The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. It is normal that the output of TPS changes in accordance with that of MAP s ens or. Service s tandard Idle : 0%(250~850mV) Gradually open : Inccreas es Open fully : 75~85%(4000~4800mV) 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect TPS s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.

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Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between TPS harnes s connector and reference voltage. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between TPS harnes s connector and PCM connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the TPS connector is dis connected,the voltage of TPS terminal 2 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 32 of PCM and Terminal 2 of TPS


1. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect TPS s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to ground between TPS harnes s connector and s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the TPS connector is dis connected,the voltage of TPS terminal 1 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 16 of PCM and terminal 1 of TPS.


1. Check TPS (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide) (2) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

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(3) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Open circuit TPS. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 1 of TPS s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify TPS voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.5

(6) Is TPS s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Check TPS for contamination, deterioration, or damage. Clean TPS with s uitable cleaner as neces s ar dry before reins talling. If problem s till exis ts , Subs titute with a known-good TPS and check for proper o If the problem is corrected, replace TPS and then go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


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1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 23 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

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Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check high Calculated s ignal from s ens or : > 95.7% Engine s peed > 600rpm 0.02 s ec Throttle pos ition value is determined by function of engine s peed, MAP s ens or and idle duty. Po ssible cause Open in s ignal circuit Short to battery in s ignal circuit (pin 16 to 32) Open in ground circuit Poor connection of TPS Faulty TPS Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "TPS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

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The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. It is normal that the output of TPS changes in accordance with that of MAP s ens or. Service s tandard Idle : 0%(250~850mV) Gradually open : Inccreas es Open fully : 75~85%(4000~4800mV) 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect TPS s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification?

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Go to "Check for s hort to power in harnes s " as below. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between TPS harnes s connector and s ignal circuit. Open circuit between TPS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the TPS connector is dis connected,the voltage of TPS terminal 1 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 16 of PCM and Terminal 1 of TPS 2. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect TPS s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between reference voltage(5V) circuit and s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

When terminal 1 and 2 of TPS is s horted,the res is tance goes below 1.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect TPS s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between TPS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the TPS connector is dis connected,the voltage of TPS terminal 3 is infinite. Pos s ible caus e: Open circuit between terminal 17 of PCM and Terminal 3 of TPS


1. Check TPS (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide) (2) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(3) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Open circuit TPS. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 1 of TPS s ens or s ignal connector.

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(5) Verify TPS voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.5

(6) Is TPS s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Check TPS for contamination, deterioration, or damage. Clean TPS with s uitable cleaner as neces s ar dry before reins talling. If problem s till exis ts , Subs titute with a known-good TPS and check for proper o If the problem is corrected, replace TPS and then go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 25 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

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DTC Strategy

Signal check Temperature is below the certain values after cranking < 15C(59F)/5Min -7 ~ -10C(19.4 ~ 14F) < 10C(50F)/2Min : > 10C(50F) Forced the clos ed loop controller activation Contaminated, deterriorated or damaged ETCS Faulty thermos tat Foreign materials fouled ETCS Open in s ignal circuit (Supply 4V to pin 39) Faulty ECTS Faulty PCM

Thres hold value

Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

The limp home value of ECTS depends on intake air temperature.

If any codes relating to ECTS, IATS circuits are pres ent,do all repairs as s ociated with thos e codes before proceeding with this troubles hooting procedure.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ECTS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

If the output data changes as temoerature changes ,the s ens or is good If the ECTS output is in invers e proportion to water temperature,the s ens or is normal. Service s tandard When ECT is 0C (32F) : 4.27 0.3 V When ECT is 20C(68F) : 3.44 0.3 V When ECT is 40C(104F) : 2.72 0.3 V When ECT is 80C(176F) : 1.25 0.3 V 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was

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repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ETC s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to power in harnes s " as below. In cas e over 5V : Short circuit to battery between ECTS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. In cas e 0V: Open circuit between ECTS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

In cas e,when ECTS connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open or s hort between Terminal 1 of ETCS connector and terminal 39 of PCM.

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2. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ECT s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between clus ter s ignal circuit and ECTS s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ECT s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between ECTS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Open circuit between PCM harnes s connector and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

In cas e,when meas uring res is tence of ground circuit,the res is tence is over 1ohm. Pos s ible caus e : Short circuit between ECM ground point and PCM terminal 35

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1. Cooling Sys tem ins pection (1) Check cooling s ys tem coolant level and fill if low. (2) Check for a proper cooling s ys tem operation. Es pecially check that cooling and condens er fan working normally. (3) Remove the thermos tat and check the following items : 1) Stuck or damaged Full open lift : 8.5mm(0.33 in) or more 2)Verify the temperature at which the valve begins to open.Initial valve opening temperature : 82C(179.6F) Full valve opening temperature : 95C(203F) (4) Is a problem found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification vehicle Repair" procedure Go to "Check ECTS" as below. 2. Check ECTS (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Open circuit ECTS . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure 3. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 1 of ECT s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify ECTS voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.5~3.

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(6) Is ECT s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, det damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 30 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

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Monitoring Strategy

Rathionality check

Thres hold Sens or voltage : 0.06 ~ 0.4V value Cas e1 Enable Downs tream O2 s ens or voltage > 0.5 V Conditions Diagnos tic 8 s ec Time Thres hold Sens or voltage : 0.6-1.08 V value Cas e2 Enable Downs tream O2 s ens or voltage < 0.1 V Conditions Diagnos tic 10 s ec Time Fail Safe None Open in s ignal and ground circuit Short to battery in control circuit Faulty HO2S Faulty ECM Poor connections between HO2S and PCM Mis placed,bent,loos e or corroded terminals .

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

1. The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV For Rear HO2S -Part load(Approx. 2000rpm) : 500~1000mV 2. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.

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Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (s ignal) (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for open in harnes s (ground) " as below. Open circuit between HO2S harnes s connector and ECM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for open in harnes s (ground) (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and ECM harnes s connector.

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(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open circuit between HO2S harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to chas s is ground in harnes s " as below. Short circuit between HO2S s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 4. Check for s hort to chas s is ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between HO2S s ignal circuit and chas s is ground. Short to chas s is ground between PCM harnes s connector and HO2S harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S (1) Thoroughly check H O2S for contamination,deterioration or damage. (2) Is HO2S contaminated,deteriorated or damaged? Subs titute with a known-good HO2S and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, eplace HO2S and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Check PCM" as below. 2. Check ECM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (4) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (5) Simulate voltage at terminal 2 of HO2S s ens or s ignal connector. (6) Verify HO2S voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.2 ~

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(7) Is HO2S s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

It is not permitted to check the inetrnal res is tance of HO2S with analog multimeter.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 31 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Detecting Co nd itio n

Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Signal check, low Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Sens or voltage : < 0.04V Downs tream O2 s ens or voltage > 0.5 V Sens or in cold condition 8 s ec 0.1 s ec None Short to ground in control circuit (pin 18 to 36) Faulty HO2S Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV For Rear HO2S -Part load(Approx. 2000rpm) : 500~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.

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1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to chas s is ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Short circuit between HO2S s ignal circuit and chas s is ground. Short to chas s is ground between PCM harnes s connector and HO2S harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 , 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

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(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between HO2S s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S (1) Thoroughly check H O2S for contamination,deterioration or damage. (2) Is HO2S contaminated,deteriorated or damaged? Subs titute with a known-good HO2S and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, eplace HO2S and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Check PCM" as below. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (4) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (5) Simulate voltage at terminal 2 of HO2S s ens or s ignal connector. (6) Verify HO2S voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.2 ~

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(7) Is HO2S s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

It is not permitted to check the inetrnal res is tance of HO2S with analog multimeter.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 32 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Detecting Co nd itio n

Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Signal check , High Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Sens or voltage : > 1.08V Short circuit 5 s ec None Short to battery in control circuit Faulty HO2S Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV For Rear HO2S -Part load(Approx. 2000rpm) : 500~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can

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als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to battery between HO2S harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when HO2S harnes s connector dis connected,the output voltage at terminal 2 is 12V. Pos s ible caus e: Short circuit to battery in harnes s between E/R-J/BOX and terminal 2 of HO2S heater.


1. Check HO2S (1) Thoroughly check H O2S for contamination,deterioration or damage. (2) Is HO2S contaminated,deteriorated or damaged? Subs titute with a known-good HO2S and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, eplace HO2S and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Check PCM" as below.

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2. Check ECM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (4) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (5) Simulate voltage at terminal 2 of HO2S s ens or s ignal connector. (6) Verify HO2S voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.2 ~

(7) Is HO2S s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

It is not permitted to check the inetrnal res is tance of HO2S with analog multimeter.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 33 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Res pons e rate Thres hold value

Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

Abnormal combus tion Average period of 9 os cillation s ignal : >2.8 Improper fuel pres s ure Front and rear HO2S connectors s ec revers ed. Engine s peed 1800-2800 rpm Faulty fuel delivery s ys tem. Engine load 35-705% Leak in intake s ys tem. Catalys t temperature > 450 degC(842 F) Leak in exhaus t s ys tem. Faulty HO2S. Faulty PCM None

If any mis fire,purge s olenoid valve,MAP or HO2S heater codes are pres ent,do all repairs as s ociated with thos e codes before proceeding this troubles hooting procedure.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV For Rear HO2S

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-Part load(Approx. 2000rpm) : 500~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Sys tem ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for Exhaus t s ys tem (1) Vis ually check for leak from exhaus t s ys tem (es pecially between TWC converter and front exhaus t pipe). (2) Are any leaks pres ent? Go to "Compres s ion tes t " as below. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for Intake s ys tem Check intake s ys tem for leaks , cracks , loos e connection as follwing items : (1) Throttle body gas ket. (2) Gas ket between intake manifold and s urge tank. (3) Seals between intake manifold and fuel injectors . (4) Seals between s urge tank and PCV valves .. (5) Are any vacuum leaks pres ent? Go to "Check for fuel pres s ure " as below. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for fuel pres s ure (1) Reduce the internal pres s ure of the fuel pipe and hos es and cover the hos e connection with a

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s hop towel to prevent s plas hing of fuel. (2) Remove the bolt connecting the fuel line to the fuel delivery pipe. (3) Us ing the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor,ins tall the fuel pres s ure gauge to the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor. (4) Apply battery voltage to the terminal for thwe pump drive and activate the fuel pump:then,with fuel pres s ure applied,check fuel leakage from the pres s ure gauge or connection part. (5) Start an engine and warm up to operating temperature. (6) Check for fuel pres s ure at idle.

(7) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check fuel delivery s ys tem. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S (1) Thoroughly check H O2S for contamination,deterioration or damage. (2) Is HO2S contaminated,deteriorated or damaged? Subs titute with a known-good HO2S and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, eplace HO2S and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Check PCM" as below. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (4) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (5) Simulate voltage at terminal 2 of HO2S s ens or s ignal connector. (6) Verify HO2S voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.2 ~

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(7) Is HO2S s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

It is not permitted to check the inetrnal res is tance of HO2S with analog multimeter.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 34 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item Monitoring Strategy

Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, wiring interruption

Po ssible cause

Thres hold Sens or voltage : > 0.2V value Cas e1 Enable During fuel cut-off Conditions Downs tream O2 s ens or voltage > 0.2 V Diagnos tic 3 s ec Time Thres hold Sens or voltage : > 0.4 ~ 0.6V value Cas e2 Enable Conditions Diagnos tic 5 s ec Time Fail Safe None Open in s ignal and ground circuit Faulty HO2S Faulty PCM Poor connections between HO2S and ECM Mis placed,bent,loos e or corroded terminals .

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV For Rear HO2S -Part load(Approx. 2000rpm) : 500~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was

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repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (s ignal) (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for open in harnes s (ground) " as below. Open circuit between HO2S harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for open in harnes s (ground) (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and ECM harnes s connector.

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(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between HO2S harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S (1) Thoroughly check H O2S for contamination,deterioration or damage. (2) Is HO2S contaminated,deteriorated or damaged? Subs titute with a known-good HO2S and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, eplace HO2S and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Check PCM" as below. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of ECM. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (4) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (5) Simulate voltage at terminal 2 of HO2S s ens or s ignal connector. (6) Verify HO2S voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.2 ~

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(7) Is HO2S s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

It is not permitted to check the inetrnal res is tance of HO2S with analog multimeter.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 36 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Open HO2S Short HO2S Faulty HO2S . Faulty PCM . Poor connections between HO2S and ECM. Mis placed,bent,loos e or corroded terminals .

Monitoring Strategy Rationality check Thres hold value Counter of us hk > 1.25V during 0.05s ec after heater on-> off : > 5 times No s ignal check high error Heater on->off counter > 10 times

Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe



Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Open HO2S Short HO2S Faulty HO2S . Faulty PCM . Poor connections between HO2S and ECM. Mis placed,bent,loos e or corroded terminals .

Monitoring Strategy Rationality check Thres hold value Counter of us hk > 1.25V during 0.05s ec after heater on-> off : > 5 times No s ignal check high error Heater on->off counter > 10 times

Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe


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1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV For Rear HO2S -Part load(Approx. 2000rpm) : 500~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

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The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV For Rear HO2S -Part load(Approx. 2000rpm) : 500~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to heater control in harnes s

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(1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 , 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between HO2S s ignal circuit and heater control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to heater control in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 , 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

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(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between HO2S s ignal circuit and heater control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S (1) Thoroughly check H O2S for contamination,deterioration or damage. (2) Is HO2S contaminated,deteriorated or damaged? Subs titute with a known-good HO2S and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, eplace HO2S and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Check PCM" as below. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (4) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (5) Simulate voltage at terminal 2 of HO2S s ens or s ignal connector. (6) Verify HO2S voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.2 ~

(7) Is HO2S s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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It is not permitted to check the inetrnal res is tance of HO2S with analog multimeter.


1. Check HO2S (1) Thoroughly check H O2S for contamination,deterioration or damage. (2) Is HO2S contaminated,deteriorated or damaged? Subs titute with a known-good HO2S and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, eplace HO2S and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Check PCM" as below. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (4) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (5) Simulate voltage at terminal 2 of HO2S s ens or s ignal connector. (6) Verify HO2S voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.2 ~

(7) Is HO2S s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

It is not permitted to check the inetrnal res is tance of HO2S with analog multimeter.

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1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 37 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Short to ground in control circuit (pin 55 to 35) Faulty HO2S Faulty PCM

Monitoring Strategy Signal check, low Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Sens or voltage : < 0.04V Short circuit 5 s ec None

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

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The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV For Rear HO2S -Part load(Approx. 2000rpm) : 500~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to chas s is ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF"

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(4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Short circuit between HO2S s ignal circuit and chas s is ground. Short to chas s is ground between PCM harnes s connector and HO2S harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 , 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between HO2S s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S (1) Thoroughly check H O2S for contamination,deterioration or damage. (2) Is HO2S contaminated,deteriorated or damaged? Subs titute with a known-good HO2S and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, eplace HO2S and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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Go to "Check PCM" as below. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of ECM. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (4) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (5) Simulate voltage at terminal 2 of HO2S s ens or s ignal connector. (6) Verify HO2S voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.2 ~

(7) Is HO2S s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

It is not permitted to check the inetrnal res is tance of HO2S with analog multimeter.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure.

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Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 38 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Signal check , High Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Sens or voltage : > 1.08V Short circuit 5 s ec None Short to battery in control circuit Faulty HO2S Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV For Rear HO2S -Part load(Approx. 2000rpm) : 500~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to battery between HO2S harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when HO2S harnes s connector dis connected,the output voltage at terminal 2 is 12V. Pos s ible caus e: Short circuit to battery in harnes s between E/R-J/BOX and terminal 2 of HO2S heater.


1. Check HO2S (1) Thoroughly check H O2S for contamination,deterioration or damage.

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(2) Is HO2S contaminated,deteriorated or damaged? Subs titute with a known-good HO2S and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, eplace HO2S and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Check PCM" as below. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (4) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (5) Simulate voltage at terminal 2 of HO2S s ens or s ignal connector. (6) Verify HO2S voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.2 ~

(7) Is HO2S s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

It is not permitted to check the inetrnal res is tance of HO2S with analog multimeter.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions .

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4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P01 4 0 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

155 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Item Monitoring Strategy Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, wiring interruption Po ssible cause

Thres hold Sens or voltage : 0.4 ~ 0.52V value Cas e1 Enable Supply 0.45V Conditions Diagnos tic 600 s ec Time Thres hold Internal res is tance > 40 k value Cas e2 Enable Catalys t temperature (model) > 600 Conditions degC(1112 F) Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe None Open in s ignal and ground circuit Faulty HO2S Faulty ECM Poor connections between HO2S and PCM Mis placed,bent,loos e or corroded terminals .

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

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The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV For Rear HO2S -Part load(Approx. 2000rpm) : 500~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (s ignal) (1) Check for open in harnes s (s ignal) (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF"

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(4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for open in harnes s (ground) " as below. Open circuit between HO2S harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for open in harnes s (ground) (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between HO2S harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check HO2S (1) Thoroughly check H O2S for contamination,deterioration or damage. (2) Is HO2S contaminated,deteriorated or damaged? Subs titute with a known-good HO2S and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, eplace HO2S and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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Go to "Check PCM" as below. 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect HO2S s ens or connector. (3) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (4) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (5) Simulate voltage at terminal 2 of HO2S s ens or s ignal connector. (6) Verify HO2S voltage to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation voltage with s can tool within 0.2 ~

(7) Is HO2S s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination, de damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

It is not permitted to check the inetrnal res is tance of HO2S with analog multimeter.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0230 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe None Detecting Co nd itio n Circuit continuity check Shorted or dis connected Not monitor Po ssible cause Short to ground in control circuit (pin 70 to chas s is ground) Open in control circuit (pin 70) Faulty fuel pump relay Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "Fuel pump relay" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard Ignition s witch ON : ON 1.5 s ec OFF Engine running : ON 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect connect fuel pump relay. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 and 5 of fuel pump relay harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between fuel pump relay and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Connect fuel pump relay and PCM connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 70 of ECM harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between fuel pump relay s ignal circuit and PCM harnes s connector. Open circuit between fuel pump relay s ignal circuit and PCM harnes s connector. Open circuit pump relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1. In cas e the voltage at terminal 70 of PCM is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open circuit between fuel pump relay and ECM, or open coil in fuel pump relay


1. Check fuel pump relay (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect the fuel pump relay (3) Apply 12V and a ground to 3 and 5 terminals of the fuel pump relay (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of fuel pump relay connector(To s ens or s ide)

(5) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good control relay and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace control relay and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0261 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

164 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, low Shorted or dis connected Open circuit Continuous None Po ssible cause Open in battery circuit Open in control circuit Short to ground in control circuit Faulty injectors Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "INJ duration" parameter on the s cantool.

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The Injector operating time s hould be checked in P or N range, warmed-up and idling condition. The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard In idling: 2.2 ~ 5.0ms 2500 rpm : 2.0 ~ 5.0ms 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure.

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Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect INJ connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between INJ harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1.In cas e the voltage between terminal 1 of injector and terminal 27,6,7 and 47 of PCM is 1V res pectively. Sus pect area : Open or s hort circuit of power line from injector to PCM.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect INJ connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 27 of ECM harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below.

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Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between INJ harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect INJ connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between injector control circuit and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check INJ (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good INJ and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace INJ and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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The purpos e of meas uring injector res is tance is to find if the open circuit is in the component.So,check the continuity between s ignal line and ground line.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0262 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, High Shorted or dis connected Open circuit Continuous None Short to battery in control circuit Faulty injectors Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "INJ duration" parameter on the s cantool.

The Injector operating time s hould be checked in P or N range, warmed-up and idling condition. The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard In idling: 2.2 ~ 5.0ms 2500 rpm : 2.0 ~ 5.0ms 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ?

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Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect INJ connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to battery power 12V between injector harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1.In cas e the voltage of terminal 2 is meas ured 12V when the connector is dis connected. Sus pect area: Short to battery power line after fus e(15A for injector) when IG on.

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1. Check INJ (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good INJ and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace INJ and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

The purpos e of meas uring injector res is tance is to find if the open circuit is in the component.So,check the continuity between s ignal line and ground line.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0264 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, low Shorted or dis connected Open circuit Continuous None Po ssible cause Open in battery circuit Open in control circuit Short to ground in control circuit Faulty injectors Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "INJ duration" parameter on the s cantool.

The Injector operating time s hould be checked in P or N range, warmed-up and idling condition. The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard In idling: 2.2 ~ 5.0ms 2500 rpm : 2.0 ~ 5.0ms 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ?

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ault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect INJ connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between INJ harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1.In cas e the voltage between terminal 1 of injector and terminal 27,6,7 and 47 of PCM is 1V res pectively. Sus pect area : Open or s hort circuit of power line from injector to PCM.

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1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect INJ connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 27 of ECM harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between INJ harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect INJ connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between injector control circuit and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
1. Check INJ (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good INJ and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace INJ and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

The purpos e of meas uring injector res is tance is to find if the open circuit is in the component.So,check the continuity between s ignal line and ground line.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0265 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, High Shorted or dis connected Open circuit Continuous None Short to battery in control circuit Faulty injectors Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "INJ duration" parameter on the s cantool.

The Injector operating time s hould be checked in P or N range, warmed-up and idling condition. The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard In idling: 2.2 ~ 5.0ms 2500 rpm : 2.0 ~ 5.0ms 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ?

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect INJ connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to battery power 12V between injector harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1.In cas e the voltage of terminal 2 is meas ured 12V when the connector is dis connected. Sus pect area: Short to battery power line after fus e(15A for injector) when IG on.

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1. Check INJ (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good INJ and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace INJ and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

The purpos e of meas uring injector res is tance is to find if the open circuit is in the component.So,check the continuity between s ignal line and ground line.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


182 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0267 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


183 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM


Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, low Shorted or dis connected Open circuit Continuous None Po ssible cause Open in battery circuit Open in control circuit Short to ground in control circuit Faulty injectors Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "INJ duration" parameter on the s cantool.

The Injector operating time s hould be checked in P or N range, warmed-up and idling condition. The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard In idling: 2.2 ~ 5.0ms 2500 rpm : 2.0 ~ 5.0ms 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ?

184 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect INJ connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? o to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between INJ harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1.In cas e the voltage between terminal 1 of injector and terminal 27,6,7 and 47 of PCM is 1V res pectively. Sus pect area : Open or s hort circuit of power line from injector to PCM.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect INJ connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 27 of ECM harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between INJ harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect INJ connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between injector control circuit and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


186 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM
1. Check INJ (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good INJ and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace INJ and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

The purpos e of meas uring injector res is tance is to find if the open circuit is in the component.So,check the continuity between s ignal line and ground line.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


187 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0268 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


188 of 327

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Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, High Shorted or dis connected Open circuit Continuous None Short to battery in control circuit Faulty injectors Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "INJ duration" parameter on the s cantool.

The Injector operating time s hould be checked in P or N range, warmed-up and idling condition. The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard In idling: 2.2 ~ 5.0ms 2500 rpm : 2.0 ~ 5.0ms 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ?

189 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect INJ connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to battery power 12V between injector harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e the voltage of terminal 2 is meas ured 12V when the connector is dis connected. Sus pect area: Short to battery power line after fus e(15A for injector) when IG on.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


1. Check INJ (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good INJ and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace INJ and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

The purpos e of meas uring injector res is tance is to find if the open circuit is in the component.So,check the continuity between s ignal line and ground line.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


191 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P027 0 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


192 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM


Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, low Shorted or dis connected Open circuit Continuous None Po ssible cause Open in battery circuit Open in control circuit Short to ground in control circuit Faulty injectors Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "INJ duration" parameter on the s cantool.

1. The Injector operating time s hould be checked in P or N range, warmed-up and idling condition. The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard In idling: 2.2 ~ 5.0ms 2500 rpm : 2.0 ~ 5.0ms 2. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ?

193 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect INJ connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between INJ harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1.In cas e the voltage between terminal 1 of injector and terminal 27,6,7 and 47 of PCM is 1V res pectively. Sus pect area : Open or s hort circuit of power line from injector to PCM.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect INJ connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 27 of ECM harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between INJ harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect INJ connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between injector control circuit and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


195 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM
1. Check INJ (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good INJ and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace INJ and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

The purpos e of meas uring injector res is tance is to find if the open circuit is in the component.So,check the continuity between s ignal line and ground line.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


196 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P027 1 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check, High Shorted or dis connected Open circuit Continuous None Short to battery in control circuit Faulty injectors Faulty PCM Po ssible cause

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "INJ duration" parameter on the s cantool.

The Injector operating time s hould be checked in P or N range, warmed-up and idling condition. The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard In idling: 2.2 ~ 5.0ms 2500 rpm : 2.0 ~ 5.0ms 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ?

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect INJ connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground..

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to battery power 12V between injector harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1.In cas e the voltage of terminal 2 is meas ured 12V when the connector is dis connected. Sus pect area: Short to battery power line after fus e(15A for injector) when IG on.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


1. Check INJ (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good INJ and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace INJ and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

The purpos e of meas uring injector res is tance is to find if the open circuit is in the component.So,check the continuity between s ignal line and ground line.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


200 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0325 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


201 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM


Item Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check Reference level voltage : < lower limit,f(rpm) Reference level voltage : < higher limit,f(rpm) Engine s peed > 2800 rpm Knock control enabled No dynamic knock control Circuit continuity check, puls e tes t Integrator value difference(End value Startvalue) : <3.7V Circuit continuity check, z ero tes t Integrator offs et : > 0.234V Intergator gras ient : > 40 ~ 60V/s ec Engine s peed 1200-5200 rpm Continuous The ignition angle correction is determined by function of engine s peed, mas s air fiow. Po ssible cause

Cas e1

Enable Conditions Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value

Cas e2

Short to ground in s ignal circuit Open in s ignal circuit Faulty Knock s ens or Faulty PCM

Cas e3

Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ignition timing" parameter on the s cantool.

202 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Specification Idle : 0 ~ 20 BTDC 3000 rpm : 29 ~ 49 BTDC 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Knock s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF"

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
(4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. In cas e over 5V : Short circuit to battery between Knock s ens or harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. In cas e 0V: Open or Short circuit between Knock s ens or harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when knock s ens or connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open or s hort to ground and faulty PCM. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Knock s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground. (5) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(6) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between Knock s ens or harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Short circuit between Knock s ens or s ignal line and ground line. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

204 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect Knock s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure res is tance or voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between Knock s ens or harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Open circuit between PCM harnes s connector and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when checking the open ground circuit,the res is tance is infinite. Pos s ible caus e : Open circuit in ground line.


1. Check Knock s ens or (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Does each res is tance indicate continuity circuit? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good Knock s ens or and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Knock s ens or and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

205 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0335 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

206 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Open in s ignal circuit Open in ground circuit (pin 34 to 15) Faulty CKPS Faulty PCM

Monitoring Strategy Signal check Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe No s ignal during cranking : 8 times Phas e s ens or s ignal enabled Cranking None

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "CKPS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

207 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Specification Engine running : on 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect CKP s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between CKPS harnes s connector and ECM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

In cas e,when CKPS connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open circuit in s ignal line or faulty PCM 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect CKP s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground. (5) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(6) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between CKPS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Short circuit between CKPS s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect CKP s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification?

209 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between CKPS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when CKPS connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 2 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open circuit in ground line or faulty PCM


1. Check PCM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate frequency at terminal 1 of CKP s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify CKPS frequency to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation frequency with s can tool within

(6) Is injector operating s ound heard in propotion to s imulation frequency ? Check CKPS for contamination, deterioration, or damage. Clean CKPS with s uitable cleaner as neces air dry before reins talling. If problem s till exis ts , Subs titute with a known-good CKPS and check for pro If the problem is corrected, replace CKPS and then go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0336 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

211 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Reference mark check Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe No reference mark : > 20times Vehicle s peed < 1 kph( 0.621371 mile) or > 25 kph(15.53428 mile) Idle engine s peed > Target s peed - 100 rpm Continuous None poor connections Faulty target wheel tolerance Out of allowable air gap Faulty CKPS Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "CKPS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Specification Engine running : on 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

212 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect CKP s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground. (5) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(6) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between CKPS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Short circuit between CKPS s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect CKP s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

213 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between CKPS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when CKPS connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 2 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open circuit in ground line or faulty PCM


1. CKPS air gap Ins pection (1) Remove CKPS and calculate air gap between s ens or and tooth wheel. (2) Meas ure dis tance from hos ing to tooth on tooth wheel.(Meas urement "A") (3) Meas ure from mounting s urface on s ens or to s ens or tip.(Meas urement "B") (4) Subtract "B" from "A" = air gap

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(5) Are air gap within s pecification? Go to "Check PCM" as below. Fauity air gap. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure 2. Check PCM The purpos e of checking PCM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate frequency at terminal 1 of CKP s ens or s ignal connector. (5) Verify CKPS frequency to change while rais ing or lowering s imulation frequency with s can tool within

(6) Is injector operating s ound heard in propotion to s imulation frequency ? Check CKPS for contamination, deterioration, or damage. Clean CKPS with s uitable cleaner as neces air dry before reins talling. If problem s till exis ts , Subs titute with a known-good CKPS and check for pro If the problem is corrected, replace CKPS and then go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure.

215 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P034 0 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


216 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM


Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Signal check Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe The normal s erial fuel injection s tarts with cranks haft s ens or s ignal. Ignition timing is retarded. Signal high and no phas e edge : 12 times Signal low and no phas e edge : 12 times Irregular phas e edge : 12times Sens or s ignal reques ted Open in s ignal circuit Open in battery and ground circuit Short to ground in s ignal circuit Short to battery in s ignal circuit Faulty CMPS Faulty PCM

1. Engine "ON" 2. Monitor wave form at the terminal 2 of CMPS.

3. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found?

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to ""Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect CMP s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Open or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between CMPS harnes s connector and battery power circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

In cas e,when CMPS connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open or s hort circuit between I/P-J/BOX fus e(15A) and CMPS terminal 1.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect CMP s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification?

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Go to "Check for s hort to power in harnes s " as below. Open or s hort circuit between CMPS harnece connector and PCM harnes s connector. Fault PCM Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure

In cas e,when CMPS connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 2 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Open s ignal line or faulty PCM 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect CMP s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to ground between CMPS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Short circuit between CMPS s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure 3. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect CMP s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between CMPS s ignal circuit and power circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect CMP s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between Fuel s ender harnes s connector and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


220 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P04 61 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item DTC Strategy Detecting Co nd itio n Rationality check Po ssible cause Poor connections

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Thres hold value

Cons umed fuel (model) - cons umed fuel (actual) > 10 L or < -10 L Fuel level s ignal is valid Cons umed fuel (model) > 15 L Fuel level change at ins tant < 0.4 L 15 s ec after ignition on Faulty TPS Faulty PCM Open or s hort in battery circuit Dirty air cleaner Air leak in intake s ys tem Contaminated, deterriorated or damaged TPS

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

5 s ec Throttle pos ition value is determined by function of engine s peed, MAP s ens or and idle duty.

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor DTC(Diagnos tics Trouble Code) on the s cantool.

Service s tandard FULL : 0.3 ~ 0.9 V EMPTY : 4.5 ~ 5.2 V 4. Is the s ame DTC dis played again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found?

222 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Fuel s ender connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between Fuel s ender harnes s connector and PCM connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the Fuel s ender connector is dis connected,the voltage of Fuel s ender terminal 3 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 21 of PCM and terminal 3 of Fuel s ender. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Fuel s ender connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 3 of Fuel s ender harnes s connector.

223 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to ground between Fuel s ender harnes s connector and s ender s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the Fuel s ender connector is dis connected,the voltage of Fuel s ender terminal 3 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 21 of PCM and terminal 3 of Fuel s ender.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect Fuel s ender connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between Fuel s ender harnes s connector and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the Fuel s ender connector is dis connected,the voltage of Fuel s ender terminal 3 is infinite. Pos s ible caus e: Open circuit between terminal 3 of Fuel s ender and chas s is ground.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


1. Check Fuel s ender (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Fuel s ender connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 3 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good Fuel s ender and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Fuel s ender and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


225 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P04 62 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

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DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

Signal check, low Voltage < 0.1V Shorted circuit 5 s ec None Short to ground in s ignal circuit (pin 21 to ground) Faulty Fuel s ender Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor DTC(Diagnos tics Trouble Code) on the s cantool.

Service s tandard FULL : 0.2 ~ 0.7 V EMPTY : 4.5 ~ 5.2 V 4. Is the s ame DTC dis played again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.

227 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM


1. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Fuel s ender connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 3 of Fuel s ender harnes s connector. (5) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 3 of Fuel s ender harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(6) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to ground between Fuel s ender harnes s connector and s ender s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check Fuel s ender (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Fuel s ender connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 3 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good Fuel s ender and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Fuel s ender and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P04 63 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

229 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Item DTC Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Detecting Co nd itio n Signal check high Voltage > 4.9V Open circuit 5 s ec None Po ssible cause Open in s ignal circuit Short to battery in s ignal circuit Open in ground circuit Faulty Fuel s ender Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor DTC(Diagnos tics Trouble Code) on the s cantool.

Service s tandard FULL : 0.2 ~ 0.7 V

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
EMPTY : 4.5 ~ 5.2 V 4. Is the s ame DTC dis played again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure. Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Fuel s ender connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between Fuel s ender harnes s connector and PCM connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

231 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

In cas e,when the Fuel s ender connector is dis connected,the voltage of Fuel s ender terminal 1 is 0 V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort between terminal 21 of PCM and terminal 1 of Fuel s ender.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect Fuel s ender connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between Fuel s ender harnes s connector and chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the Fuel s ender connector is dis connected,the voltage of Fuel s ender terminal 3 is infinite. Pos s ible caus e: Open circuit between terminal 3 of Fuel s ender and chas s is ground.


1. Check Fuel s ender (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Fuel s ender connector. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 3 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

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(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good Fuel s ender and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Fuel s ender and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0501

233 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM


Item Monitoring Strategy Detecting Co nd itio n Rationality check Po ssible cause

Thres hold No vehicle s peed s ignal(during injection) : value < 3.75kph(2.330142 mile) cas e1 Engine s peed > 3000 rpm Enable Engine load > 50 % Conditions Coolant temperature > 65 degC(149 F) Thres hold No vehicle s peed s ignal (during fuel value cut-off) < 5 kph(3.106856 mile) Enable Engine s peed 1520-4000 rpm Conditions Coolant temperature > 65 degC(149 F) 20 s ec None Open in s ignal circuit Open in battery and ground circuit Short to ground in s ignal circuit Short to battery in s ignal circuit Faulty VSS Faulty PCM

cas e2

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "VSS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Service s tandard Approximately 40 Km/h

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" proceduredure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect VSS s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between VSS harnes s connector and battery power circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the connector of VSS is dis connected, the voltage of terminal 3 is 1V. Pos s ible caus e:Open circuit or s hort circuit after I/P-J/BOX fus e(10A)


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect VSS s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open or s hort circuit between VSS harnece connector and PCM harnes s connector. Faulty PCM Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1. In cas e,when the connector of VSS is dis connected, the voltage of terminal 2 is 0V.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Pos s ible caus e: If the terminal 2 voltage of VSS is 0V, the pos s ible caus e is likely to be open or bad PCM. 2. The voltage of terminal 2 is about 6.5~7.5V when the VSS connector is dis connected. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s When the voltage of VSS terminal 2 is 0V, the ins pection of s hort circuit is recommended to find open or s hort circuit of s ignal line. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect VSS s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. s hort circuit to chas s is ground between VSS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. s hort circuit between VSS s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect VSS s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
Open circuit between VSS harnece connector and Chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 1. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool.

(4) Is VSS s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Check VSS for contamination, deterioration, or damage. Clean VSS with s uitable cleaner as neces s ary and let air dry before reins talling. If problem s till exis ts , Subs titute with a known-good VSS and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace VSS and then go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


238 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0502 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Open in s ignal circuit Open in battery and ground circuit Short to ground in s ignal circuit Short to battery in s ignal circuit Faulty VSS Faulty PCM

Monitoring Strategy Signal check Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Cons tant vehicle s peed > 20 s ec Vehicle s peed > 0 kph(0 mile) 20 s ec None

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "VSS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

Service s tandard Approximately 40 Km/h

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" proceduredure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect VSS s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between VSS harnes s connector and battery power circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the connector of VSS is dis connected, the voltage of terminal 3 is 1V. Pos s ible caus e:Open circuit or s hort circuit after I/P-J/BOX fus e(10A)


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect VSS s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

241 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open or s hort circuit between VSS harnece connector and PCM harnes s connector. Faulty PCM Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1. In cas e,when the connector of VSS is dis connected, the voltage of terminal 2 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: If the terminal 2 voltage of VSS is 0V, the pos s ible caus e is likely to be open or bad PCM. 2. The voltage of terminal 2 is about 6.5~7.5V when the VSS connector is dis connected. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s When the voltage of VSS terminal 2 is 0V, the ins pection of s hort circuit is recommended to find open or s hort circuit of s ignal line. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect VSS s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. s hort circuit to chas s is ground between VSS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. s hort circuit between VSS s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

242 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect VSS s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between VSS harnece connector and Chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool.

(4) Is VSS s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Check VSS for contamination, deterioration, or damage. Clean VSS with s uitable cleaner as neces s ary and let air dry before reins talling. If problem s till exis ts , Subs titute with a known-good VSS and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace VSS and then go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure

243 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM
Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0503 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

244 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Signal check Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

Open in s ignal circuit Open in battery and ground Vehicle s peed > 275 kph(170.877078 mile) circuit Short to ground in s ignal circuit Short to battery in s ignal circuit Faulty VSS None Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "VSS s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

Service s tandard

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Approximately 40 Km/h

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" proceduredure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect VSS s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between VSS harnes s connector and battery power circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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In cas e,when the connector of VSS is dis connected, the voltage of terminal 3 is 1V. Pos s ible caus e:Open circuit or s hort circuit after I/P-J/BOX fus e(10A)


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect VSS s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open or s hort circuit between VSS harnece connector and PCM harnes s connector. Faulty PCM Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1. In cas e,when the connector of VSS is dis connected, the voltage of terminal 2 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: If the terminal 2 voltage of VSS is 0V, the pos s ible caus e is likely to be open or bad PCM. 2. The voltage of terminal 2 is about 6.5~7.5V when the VSS connector is dis connected. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s When the voltage of VSS terminal 2 is 0V, the ins pection of s hort circuit is recommended to find open or s hort circuit of s ignal line. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect VSS s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or harnes s connector.

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(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. s hort circuit to chas s is ground between VSS harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. s hort circuit between VSS s ignal circuit and ground circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect VSS s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit between VSS harnece connector and Chas s is ground. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check PCM The purpos e of checking ECM is to determine whether there is any malfunction of PCM . (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool.

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(4) Is VSS s ens or s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Check VSS for contamination, deterioration, or damage. Clean VSS with s uitable cleaner as neces s ary and let air dry before reins talling. If problem s till exis ts , Subs titute with a known-good VSS and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace VSS and then go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0506 COMPONENT INSPECT ION


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Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Rationality check, low Thres hold value Eng s peed - des ired eng s peed : 200rpm Vehicle s peed = 0 Coolant temperature > 75 degC(167 F) Intake air temperature > 9.75 degC(49.55 F) Altitude (model) < 2500 m I-controller < -14.8 % Intake hos e Carbon fouied throttle plate Accelrator cable adjus s ted improperly faulty ISCA faulty TPS Faulty PCM

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

8 s ec None

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ISC actuator duty" parameter on the s cantool.

Service s tandard A/CON s witch OFF : 25~45% A/CON s witch ON : 35~55%

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" proceduredure.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ISCA connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between ISCA harnes s connector and control relay. Open circuit between ISCA harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1. In cas e,when ISCA connector is dis connected, the voltage of ISCA terminal 2 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in battery power line after fus e (15A INJ). 2. PCM als o s ets P1505 and P1507 if it detects the open circuit in ISCA power line.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF"

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(4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 , 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between ISCA harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 , 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort between open coil and clos e coil harnes s " as below. Short circuit to chas s is ground between ISCA harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for s hort between open coil and clos e coil harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1,3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

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(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Shorted circuit between ISCA open s ignal circuit and clos e s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check ISCA (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for ISCA s ticking " as below. Subs titute with a known-good ISCA and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace ISCA and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for ISCA s ticking. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Check that ISCA actuator valve is clean and not s ticking. (3) Check that throttle lever return s pring is clean and s ticking. (4) Check intake air s ys tem and vacuum hos es to intake air s ys tem. (5) Are the res ults of thes e checks OK? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good ISCA and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected,

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replace ISCA and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0507 COMPONENT INSPECT ION

255 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Rationality check, high Thres hold value Eng s peed - des ired eng s peed : < -100 rpm Fuel cut - off : > 2 times Air leak in intake s ys tem Vacuum hos e and PCV Vehicle s peed = 0 Accelrator cable adjus s ted Coolant temperature > 75 degC(167 F) improperly Intake air temperature > 9.75 degC(49.55 F) faulty ISCA Altitude (model) < 2500 m faulty TPS I-controller > 14.8 % faulty PCSV Idle control enabled Faulty PCM 15 s ec

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe


1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ISC actuator duty" parameter on the s cantool.

256 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Service s tandard A/CON s witch OFF : 25~45% A/CON s witch ON : 35~55%

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" proceduredure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ISCA connector. 3. .Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between ISCA harnes s connector and control relay. Open circuit between ISCA harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1. In cas e,when ISCA connector is dis connected, the voltage of ISCA terminal 2 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in battery power line after fus e (15A INJ). 2. ECM als o s ets P1505 and P1507 if it detects the open circuit in ISCA power line.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 , 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between ISCA harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF"

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(2) Dis connect ISCA connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 , 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort between open coil and clos e coil harnes s " as below. Short circuit to chas s is ground between ISCA harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for s hort between open coil and clos e coil harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 , 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Shorted circuit between ISCA open s ignal circuit and clos e s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check ISCA (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

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(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for ISCA s ticking " as below. Subs titute with a known-good ISCA and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace ISCA and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for ISCA s ticking. (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Check that ISCA actuator valve is clean and not s ticking. (3) Check that throttle lever return s pring is clean and s ticking. (4) Check intake air s ys tem and vacuum hos es to intake air s ys tem. (5) Are the res ults of thes e checks OK? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good ISCA and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace ISCA and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P0605 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

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Monitoring Strategy Internal control module check Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Check s um fault(ROM) PCM H/W modification required Once / drving None Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "CURRENT DATA" parameter on the s cantool.

4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" proceduredure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s at Memory power input

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(1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 12 of PCM harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure Open or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between PCM harnes s connector and Control relay ON input circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check PCM Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

SCHEMAT IC DIAGRAM Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P1 307 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

263 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Rationality check Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Continuous None Signal at vehicle s tands till is alternated : > 3 times Poor connections Faulty acceleration s ens or High res is tance in ground Faulty PCM


1. Engine "ON" 2. Monitor wave form at the terminal 3 of Acceleration s ens or.

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3. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect Acceleration s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and reference voltage. Open circuit between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and PCM connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when acceleration s ens or connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in harnes s between terminal 32 of PCM and terminal 1 of acceleration s ens or or PCM


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Acceleration s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and s ignal circuit. Open circuit between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

In cas e,when acceleration s ens or connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 3 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in harnes s between terminal 60 of PCM and terminal 3 of acceleration s ens or or PCM 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Acceleration s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and s ignal circuit. Open circuit between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when acceleration s ens or connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 3 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in harnes s between terminal 60 of PCM and terminal 3 of acceleration s ens or or PCM


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect Acceleration s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good Acceleration s ens or and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Acceleration s ens or and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Open circuit between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when acceleration s ens or connector is dis connected,the res is tance at terminal 2 is infinite. Pos s ible caus e: Open in ground circuit between terminal 17 of PCM and terminal 2 of acceleration s ens or.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


268 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P1 308 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Monitoring Strategy Signal check, Low Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Continuous None Voltage : < 1.5V

Short to ground in s ignal circuit (pin 60 to 17) Open in power circuit (pin 32) Faulty Acceleration s ens or Faulty PCM


1. Engine "ON" 2. Monitor wave form at the terminal 3 of Acceleration s ens or.

3. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect Acceleration s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and reference voltage. Open circuit between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and PCM connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when acceleration s ens or connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 1 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in harnes s between terminal 32 of PCM and terminal 1 of acceleration s ens or or PCM


1. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Acceleration s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good Acceleration s ens or and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Acceleration s ens or and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and s ignal circuit. Open circuit between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when acceleration s ens or connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 3 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in harnes s between terminal 60 of PCM and terminal 3 of acceleration s ens or or PCM


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


272 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P1 309 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause Open in s ignal circuit Short to battery in s ignal circuit (pin 60 to 32) Open in ground circuit Poor connection of Acceleration s ens or Faulty Acceleration s ens or Faulty PCM

Monitoring Strategy Signal check, High Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Continuous None Voltage : > 3.5V


1. Engine "ON" 2. Monitor wave form at the terminal 3 of Acceleration s ens or.

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3. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Signal circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Acceleration s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and s ignal circuit. Open circuit between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when acceleration s ens or connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 3 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in harnes s between terminal 60 of PCM and terminal 3 of acceleration s ens or or PCM 2. Check for s hort to power in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect Acceleration s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Ground Circuit Ins pection" procedure. Short circuit between reference voltage(5V) circuit and s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

When the terminal 1 and 3 are s horted ,the res is tance meas ured is below 1.

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1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect Acceleration s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage or res is tance between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage or res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good Acceleration s ens or and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace Acceleration s ens or and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Open circuit between Acceleration s ens or harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when acceleration s ens or connector is dis connected,the res is tance at terminal 2 is infinite. Pos s ible caus e: Open in ground circuit between terminal 17 of PCM and terminal 2 of acceleration s ens or.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P1 505 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Shorted to GND / Dis connected Open circuit Continous The limp home value of ISCA depends on engine s peed and throttle angle. -PCM controls with mapping data. Open in battery circuit Open in control circuit Short to ground in control circuit Faulty ISCA Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ISCA s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard A/CON s witch OFF : 25~45% A/CON s witch ON : 35~55% 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage.

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3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ISCA s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between ISCA harnes s connector and control relay. Open circuit between ISCA harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1. In cas e,when ISCA connector is dis connected, the voltage of ISCA terminal 2 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in battery power line after fus e (15A INJ). 2. ECM als o s ets P1505 and P1507 if it detects the open circuit in ISCA power line.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between ISCA harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort between open coil and clos e coil harnes s " as below. Short circuit to chas s is ground between ISCA harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for s hort between open coil and clos e coil harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Shorted circuit between ISCA open s ignal circuit and clos e s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check ISCA (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good ISCA and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace ISCA and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ?

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P1 506 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Circuit continuty check (opening coil) Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Shorted to battery voltage Shorted circuit Continous The limp home value of ISCA depends on engine s peed and throttle angle. -PCM controls with mapping data. Short to battery in control circuit Faulty ISCA Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ISCA s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard A/CON s witch OFF : 25~45% A/CON s witch ON : 35~55% 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure

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1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Check for s hort between power and control harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for s hort to battery in control harnes s . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the ISCA connector is dis connected,the voltage of ISCA terminal 3 is 12 V. Pos s ible caus e: Short circuit in battery power line after fus e (15A INJ).


1. Check ISCA (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 2 and 3 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

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(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good ISCA and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace ISCA and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P1 507 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Monitoring Strategy Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Shorted to GND / Dis connected Open circuit Continous The limp home value of ISCA depends on engine s peed and throttle angle. -PCM controls with mapping data. Open in battery circuit Open in control circuit Short to ground in control circuit Faulty ISCA Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ISCA s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard A/CON s witch OFF : 25~45% A/CON s witch ON : 35~55% 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage.

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3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect ISCA s ens or connector. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 2 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Short circuit to chas s is ground between ISCA harnes s connector and control relay. Open circuit between ISCA harnes s connector and control relay. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1. In cas e,when ISCA connector is dis connected, the voltage of ISCA terminal 2 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e: Open or s hort circuit in battery power line after fus e (15A INJ). 2. ECM als o s ets P1505 and P1507 if it detects the open circuit in ISCA power line.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

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(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort to ground in harnes s " as below. Open or Short circuit to chas s is ground between ISCA harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Check for s hort between open coil and clos e coil harnes s " as below. Short circuit to chas s is ground between ISCA harnes s connector and PCM harnes s connector. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for s hort between open coil and clos e coil harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA s ens or connector and PCM connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 3 of s ens or harnes s connector.

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(5) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Shorted circuit between ISCA open s ignal circuit and clos e s ignal circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check ISCA (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good ISCA and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace ISCA and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ?

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P1 508 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Circuit continuty check (opening coil) Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Shorted to battery voltage Shorted circuit Continous The limp home value of ISCA depends on engine s peed and throttle angle. -PCM controls with mapping data. Short to battery in control circuit Faulty ISCA Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "ISCA s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard A/CON s witch OFF : 25~45% A/CON s witch ON : 35~55% 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure

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1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure.


1. Check for s hort between power and control harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect ISCA s ens or connector. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 of s ens or harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for s hort to battery in control harnes s . Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when the ISCA connector is dis connected,the voltage of ISCA terminal 3 is 12 V. Pos s ible caus e: Short circuit in battery power line after fus e (15A INJ).


1. Check ISCA (1) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 1 and 2 of s ens or connector(To s ens or s ide)

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(2) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good ISCA and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace ISCA and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P1 624 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

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Monitoring Strategy Circuit continuity check Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Short to GND or dis connected Cooling fan control enabled

Open in battery and control circuit Short to ground in control circuit (pin 50 to GND) Faulty FAN Relay Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "COOLING FAN" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found?

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect RAD FAN Relay. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 and 5 of RAD FAN Relay harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between RAD FAN Relay harnes s connector and ECU #1 Fus e 10A. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect RAD FAN Relay. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of RAD FAN Relay harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification?

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for open or Short to ground in control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when RAD FAN Relay connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 3 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Short to ground in control circuit


1. Check RAD FAN Relay (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect RAD FAN Relay. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 5 of RAD FAN Relay connector(To s ens or s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good RAD FAN Relay heater and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace RAD FAN Relay and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P1 625 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Circuit continuity check Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Short to battery Cooling fan control enabled Continuous Heater open loop control Short to battery in control circuit Faulty FAN Relay Faulty PCM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "COOLING FAN" parameter on the s cantool.

Service s tandard 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Control circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for s hort to ground in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect RAD FAN Relay. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of RAD FAN Relay harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for open or Short to ground in control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

In cas e,when RAD FAN Relay connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 3 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Short to ground in control circuit


1. Check RAD FAN Relay (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect RAD FAN Relay. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 5 of RAD FAN Relay connector(To s ens or s ide)

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good RAD FAN Relay heater and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace RAD FAN Relay and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.


302 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P1 7 65 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


303 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM


Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Signal check Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Duty cycle from TCU < 12.5 % or >99.6 % Torque reduction s tatus enabled 20 s ec Contact res is tance in connectors Faulty PCM


1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor DTC(Diagnos tics Trouble Code) on the s cantool.

4. Is the s ame DTC dis played again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
Go to ""Component Ins pection" procedure.


1. Check PCM Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P209 6 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible Cause

305 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

DTC Strategy Enable Conditions Thres hold Value Diagnos tic Time

Shift rate Engine s peed 1600-3000 rpm Engine load 25-55 % Second lambda controller from downs tream lambda control > 1.2 s

Contact res is tance in connections . Exhaus t Sys tem Faulty Catalytic converter Faulty HO2S(B1/S2) Faulty PCM


1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the HO2S(B1/S2) parameter on the s cantool.

4. Is the s ame DTC dis played again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure.

306 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM
Go to "Sys tem ins pection" procedure.


1. Check Exhaus t Sys tem Ins pection (1) Vis ually/phys ically ins pect the following conditions : Exhaus t s ys tem between HO2S(B1/S2) and Three way catalys t for air leakage Damage, and for loos e or mis s ing hardware: (2) Was a problem found in any of the above areas ? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure


1. Check HO2S(B1/S1) (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Remove HO2S(B1/S1) (3) Vis ually/phys ically ins pect following items : Ins pect the HO2S(B1/S1) for any s ilicon contamination. This contamination will be indicated by a white powdery coating and this will res ult in a but fals e voltage s ignal If contamination is evident on the HO2S(B1/S1), replace contaminated s ens or (4) Was a problem found in any of the above areas ? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Go to "Check PCM" as below 2. Check PCM (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 2 of HO2S(B1/S2) s ens or s ignal connector.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

(5) Is HO2S(B1/S2) s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,det damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P209 7 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

308 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Item DTC Strategy Enable Conditions Thres hold Value Diagnos tic Time Shift rate Engine s peed 1600-3000 rpm Engine load 25-55 % Second lambda controller from downs tream lambda control < -1.2 s Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible Cause Contact res is tance in connections . Exhaus t Sys tem Faulty Catalytic converter Faulty HO2S(B1/S2) Faulty PCM


1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the HO2S(B1/S2) parameter on the s cantool.

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4. Is the s ame DTC dis played again? Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Sys tem ins pection" procedure.


1. Check Exhaus t Sys tem Ins pection (1) Vis ually/phys ically ins pect the following conditions : Exhaus t s ys tem between HO2S(B1/S2) and Three way catalys t for air leakage Damage, and for loos e or mis s ing hardware: (2) Was a problem found in any of the above areas ? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM


1. Check HO2S(B1/S1) (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Remove HO2S(B1/S1) (3) Vis ually/phys ically ins pect following items : Ins pect the HO2S(B1/S1) for any s ilicon contamination. This contamination will be indicated by a white powdery coating and this will res ult in a but fals e voltage s ignal If contamination is evident on the HO2S(B1/S1), replace contaminated s ens or (4) Was a problem found in any of the above areas ? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure Go to "Check PCM" as below 2. Check PCM (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Connect Scantool and Engine "ON " (3) Select s imulation function on s cantool. (4) Simulate voltage at terminal 2 of HO2S(B1/S2) s ens or s ignal connector.

(5) Is HO2S(B1/S2) s ignal value changed according to s imulation voltage ? Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,det damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replac then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions .

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4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P21 8 7 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Fuel trim limit Thres hold value Additive long term value : > 10% Coolant temperature > 70 degC(158 F) Intake air temperature < 80 degC(176 F) Throttle angle < 60 % Integrated air mas s > 10 grams Clos ed loop control enabled No trans ient control phas e No canis ter purge phas e Air mas s < 24 kg/h Faulty ignition s ys tem. EVAP PCSV malfunction. Faulty fuel injectors . Leak in exhaus t s ys tem. Faulty MAP,TPS,ECTS. Faulty front HO2S. Faulty PCM

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

30 s ec None

312 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "FR HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool. Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV

4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Sys tem ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for fuel pres s ure

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
(1) Reduce the internal pres s ure of the fuel pipe and hos es and cover the hos e connection with a s hop towel to prevent s plas hing of fuel. (2) Remove the bolt connecting the fuel line to the fuel delivery pipe. (3) Us ing the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor,ins tall the fuel pres s ure gauge to the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor. (4) Apply battery voltage to the terminal for thwe pump drive and activate the fuel pump:then,with fuel pres s ure applied,check fuel leakage from the pres s ure gauge or connection part. (5) Start an engine and warm up to operating temperature. (6) Check for fuel pres s ure at idle.

(7) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Go to "Check for Exhaus t s ys tem " as below. Check fuel delivery s ys tem. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for Exhaus t s ys tem (1) Check exhaus t s ys tem for leaks , cracks , loos e connection.(es pecially exhaus t manifold, catalys t around rear HO2S, etc) (2) Is exhaus t s ys tem okay? Go to "Check for Intake s ys tem"as below. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for vacuum and PCV Check for any s plit, dis connected or perforated vacuum hos es . Als o, check PCV valve for proper operation. (1) Remove the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve. (2) Ins ert a thin s tick into the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve from the threaded s ide to check that the plunger moves . (3) If the plunger does not move,the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve is clogged.Clean or replace it.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM

(4) Are vacuum hos es and PCV OK? Go to "Check for s park plug" as below. Replace faulty vacuum hos es or PCV. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s park plug Check the following items below for s park plug. (1) Remove s park plugs and check gap and plug condition. (2) Check the electrode condition(wear or carbon depos it) (3) Check the ins ulators condition(crack,etc) (4) Check the carbon depos it (5) Are s park plugs gapped properly and in good condition? Go to "Check for Fuel injector " as below. Fauity s park plugs . Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for Fuel injector (1) Check for fuel injector operation. (2) Are fuel injectors working normal and dis pens ing proper volume? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ?

315 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM
Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

SCHEMAT IC DIAGRAM Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P21 8 8 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Fuel trim limit Thres hold value Additive long term value : < -10% Coolant temperature > 70 degC(158 F) Intake air temperature < 80 degC(176 F) Throttle angle < 60 % Integrated air mas s > 10 grams Clos ed loop control enabled No trans ient control phas e No canis ter purge phas e Engine s peed < 920 rpm Faulty ignition s ys tem. EVAP PCSV malfunction. Faulty fuel injectors . Leak in exhaus t s ys tem. Faulty MAP,TPS,ECTS. Faulty front HO2S. Faulty PCM

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

30 s ec None

316 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "FR HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Sys tem ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for fuel pres s ure

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
(1) Reduce the internal pres s ure of the fuel pipe and hos es and cover the hos e connection with a s hop towel to prevent s plas hing of fuel. (2) Remove the bolt connecting the fuel line to the fuel delivery pipe. (3) Us ing the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor,ins tall the fuel pres s ure gauge to the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor. (4) Apply battery voltage to the terminal for thwe pump drive and activate the fuel pump:then,with fuel pres s ure applied,check fuel leakage from the pres s ure gauge or connection part. (5) Start an engine and warm up to operating temperature. (6) Check for fuel pres s ure at idle.

(7) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Go to "Check for Exhaus t s ys tem " as below. Check fuel delivery s ys tem. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for Exhaus t s ys tem (1) Check exhaus t s ys tem for leaks , cracks , loos e connection.(es pecially exhaus t manifold, catalys t around rear HO2S, etc) (2) Is exhaus t s ys tem okay? Go to "Check for Intake s ys tem"as below. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for Intake s ys tem Check intake s ys tem for leaks , cracks , loos e connection as follwing items : (1) Throttle body gas ket. (2) Gas ket between intake manifold and s urge tank. (3) Seals between intake manifold and fuel injectors . (4) Seals between s urge tank and PCV valves .. (5) Is intake s ys tem OK? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

318 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM


1. Check for vacuum and PCV Check for any s plit, dis connected or perforated vacuum hos es . Als o, check PCV valve for proper operation. (1) Remove the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve. (2) Ins ert a thin s tick into the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve from the threaded s ide to check that the plunger moves . (3) If the plunger does not move,the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve is clogged.Clean or replace it.

(4) Are vacuum hos es and PCV OK? Go to "Check for s park plug" as below. Replace faulty vacuum hos es or PCV. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for Fuel injector (1) Check for fuel injector operation. (2) Are fuel injectors working normal and dis pens ing proper volume? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

319 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P21 9 1 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Fuel trim limit Thres hold value Multiplicative long term value 1,2 : > 1.23 Coolant temperature > 70 degC(158 F) Intake air temperature < 80 degC(176 F) Throttle angle < 60 % Integrated air mas s > 10 grams Clos ed loop control enabled No trans ient control phas e No canis ter purge phas e Air mas s 1 40-80 kg/h Air mas s 2 > 100 kg/h Faulty ignition s ys tem. EVAP PCSV malfunction. Faulty fuel injectors . Leak in exhaus t s ys tem. Faulty MAP,TPS,ECTS. Faulty front HO2S. Faulty PCM

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

25 s ec None

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "FR HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

320 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Sys tem ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for fuel pres s ure (1) Reduce the internal pres s ure of the fuel pipe and hos es and cover the hos e connection with a s hop towel to prevent s plas hing of fuel. (2) Remove the bolt connecting the fuel line to the fuel delivery pipe. (3) Us ing the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor,ins tall the fuel pres s ure gauge to the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor.

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10/20/2010 03:03 PM
(4) Apply battery voltage to the terminal for thwe pump drive and activate the fuel pump:then,with fuel pres s ure applied,check fuel leakage from the pres s ure gauge or connection part. (5) Start an engine and warm up to operating temperature. (6) Check for fuel pres s ure at idle.

(7) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Go to "Check for Exhaus t s ys tem " as below. Check fuel delivery s ys tem. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for Exhaus t s ys tem (1) Check exhaus t s ys tem for leaks , cracks , loos e connection.(es pecially exhaus t manifold, catalys t around rear HO2S, etc) (2) Is exhaus t s ys tem okay? Go to "Check for Intake s ys tem"as below. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for vacuum and PCV Check for any s plit, dis connected or perforated vacuum hos es . Als o, check PCV valve for proper operation. (1) Remove the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve. (2) Ins ert a thin s tick into the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve from the threaded s ide to check that the plunger moves . (3) If the plunger does not move,the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve is clogged.Clean or replace it.

322 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM
(4) Are vacuum hos es and PCV OK? Go to "Check for s park plug" as below. Replace faulty vacuum hos es or PCV. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for s park plug Check the following items below for s park plug. (1) Remove s park plugs and check gap and plug condition. (2) Check the electrode condition(wear or carbon depos it) (3) Check the ins ulators condition(crack,etc) (4) Check the carbon depos it (5) Are s park plugs gapped properly and in good condition? Go to "Check for Fuel injector " as below. Fauity s park plugs . Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for Fuel injector (1) Check for fuel injector operation. (2) Are fuel injectors working normal and dis pens ing proper volume? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

Fue l Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P21 9 2 COMPONENT LOCAT ION

323 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Item Detecting Co nd itio n Po ssible cause

Monitoring Strategy Fuel trim limit Thres hold value Multiplicative long term value 1,2 : < 0.77 Coolant temperature > 70 degC(158 F) Intake air temperature < 80 degC(176 F) Throttle angle < 60 % Integrated air mas s > 10 grams Clos ed loop control enabled No trans ient control phas e No canis ter purge phas e Engine load1 30-55 % Engine load2 > 70 % Faulty ignition s ys tem. EVAP PCSV malfunction. Faulty fuel injectors . Leak in exhaus t s ys tem. Faulty MAP,TPS,ECTS. Faulty front HO2S. Faulty PCM

Enable Conditions

Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe

25 s ec None

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "FR HO2S s ignal" parameter on the s cantool.

324 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM

Service s tandard For front HO2S -When decelerating s uddeniy from 4000rpm : 200mV or les s -When engine is s uddenly raced : 600~1000mV -1500rpm : The fluctuation between 400mV or les s and 600~1000mV 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found? Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Sys tem ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for fuel pres s ure (1) Reduce the internal pres s ure of the fuel pipe and hos es and cover the hos e connection with a s hop towel to prevent s plas hing of fuel. (2) Remove the bolt connecting the fuel line to the fuel delivery pipe. (3) Us ing the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor,ins tall the fuel pres s ure gauge to the fuel pres s ure gauge adaptor.

325 of 327

10/20/2010 03:03 PM
(4) Apply battery voltage to the terminal for thwe pump drive and activate the fuel pump:then,with fuel pres s ure applied,check fuel leakage from the pres s ure gauge or connection part. (5) Start an engine and warm up to operating temperature. (6) Check for fuel pres s ure at idle.

(7) Is fuel pres s ure within s pecification? Go to "Check for Exhaus t s ys tem " as below. Check fuel delivery s ys tem. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for Exhaus t s ys tem (1) Check exhaus t s ys tem for leaks , cracks , loos e connection.(es pecially exhaus t manifold, catalys t around rear HO2S, etc) (2) Is exhaus t s ys tem okay? Go to "Check for Intake s ys tem"as below. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 3. Check for Intake s ys tem Check intake s ys tem for leaks , cracks , loos e connection as follwing items : (1) Throttle body gas ket. (2) Gas ket between intake manifold and s urge tank. (3) Seals between intake manifold and fuel injectors . (4) Seals between s urge tank and PCV valves .. (5) Is intake s ys tem OK? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Check for vacuum and PCV Check for any s plit, dis connected or perforated vacuum hos es . Als o, check PCV valve for proper operation. (1) Remove the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve.

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(2) Ins ert a thin s tick into the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve from the threaded s ide to check that the plunger moves . (3) If the plunger does not move,the pos itive crankcas e ventilation valve is clogged.Clean or replace it.

(4) Are vacuum hos es and PCV OK? Go to "Check for s park plug" as below. Replace faulty vacuum hos es or PCV. vRepair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. 2. Check for Fuel injector (1) Check for fuel injector operation. (2) Are fuel injectors working normal and dis pens ing proper volume? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Clut ch Syst em
Clut ch Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Sche mat ic Diagrams CIRCUIT DIAGRAM

Clut ch Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cial Se rvice T ools SPECIAL T OOLS
T o o l (Number and name) 09411-25000 Clutch dis c guide Illustratio n Use Ins tallation of the clutch dis c

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Clut ch Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > De script ion and Ope rat ion SYST EM CHECK KEY LOCK SYST EM
1. Check that the ignition key cannot be turned to "LOCK (OFF)" pos ition, when the pos ition of the s hift lever is not in "P" pos ition.

2. Check that the ignition key turns to the "LOCK (OFF)" pos ition, when the s hift lever is s et to the "P" pos ition.


1. Check that under the following conditions , the s hift lever cannot be movedfrom the "P" pos ition to any other pos ition. IGNIT ION KEY POSIT ION : "ON" BRAKE PEDAL : NOT DEPRESSED BUT T ON : PRESSED

2. Check that under the following conditions , the s hift lever can be moved fromthe "P" pos ition to other pos ition. IGNIT ION KEY POSIT ION : "ON" BRAKE PEDAL : DEPRESSED BUT T ON : PRESSED

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Clut ch Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

A. A/T and key lock control module

B. A/T s olenoid

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C. Key lock s olenoid

D. "P" pos ition s witch

Clut ch Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > T rouble shoot ing T ROUBLESHOOT ING
Sympto m Clutch s lipping Car will not res pond to engine s peed during acceleration Ins ufficient vehicle s peed Lack of power during uphill driving Difficult gear s hifting (gear nois e during s hifting) Pro bable cause Ins ufficient clutch pedal free play Clogged hydraulic s ys tem Exces s ive wear of clutch dis c facing Hardened clutch dis c facing, or oil on s urface Damaged pres s ure plate or flywheel Weak or broken pres s ure s pring Exces s ive pedal free play Hydraulic s ys tem fluid leaks , air trapping or clogging Unus ual wear or corros ion of clutch dis c s pline Exces s ive vibration (dis tortion) of clutch dis c Clutch nois y When clutch is not Ins ufficient play of clutch pedal us ed Exces s ive wear of clutch dis c facing A nois e is heard after clutch is dis engaged A nois e is heard when clutch is dis engaged Unus ual wear and/or damage of releas e bearing Remed y Adjus t Correct or replace parts Replace Replace Replace Replace Adjus t Repair or replace parts Replace Replace Adjus t Replace Replace

Ins uffcient greas e on the s liding s urface of bearing Repair s leeve Improperly ins talled clutch as s embly or bearing Repair Replace

Damaged pilot bus hing A nois e is heard when car is s uddenly rolled with clutch partially engaged Difficult to depres s clutch pedal Ins ufficient Ins ufficient Ins ufficient s haft Ins ufficient lubrication of clutch pedal lubrication of the clutch dis c s pline lubrication of the clutch releas e lever lubrication of front bearing retainer

Repair Repair Repair Repair

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Difficult to s hift gear or cannot s hift at all

Exces s ive clutch pedal free play exces s ive Clutch releas e cylinder faulty Clutch dis c out of true, runout is exces s ive or lining broken Spline on input s haft or clutch dis c dirty or burred Clutch pres s ure plate faulty

Adjus t pedal free play Repair releas e cylinder Ins pect clutch dis c Repair as neces s ary Replace clutch cover Adjus t pedal free play Repair or replace parts Ins pect clutch dis c Replace clutch cover Ins pect releas e fork Ins pect clutch dis c Replace clutch cover Replace clutch cover Replace clutch dis c Repair as neces s ary Replace clutch pedal bus hing Repair as neces s ary Replace releas e bearing Repair as neces s ary

Clutch s lips Clutch pedal free play ins ufficient Clogged hydraulic s ys tem Clutch dis c lining oily or worn out Pres s ure plate faulty Releas e fork binding Clutch grabs /chatters Clutch dis c lining oily or worn out Pres s ure plate faulty Clutch diaphragm s pring bent Worn or broken tors ion s pring Engine mounts loos e

Clutch nois y Damaged clutch pedal bus hing Loos e part ins ide hous ing Releas e bearing worn or dirty Releas e fork or linkage s ticks

Clut ch Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION T IMMING CHART

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1. Remove the s olenoid connector. 2. Us ing an ohmmeter, meas ure the res is tance between terminals .

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Standard res is tance : 12-16 3. Attach the pos itive (+) lead from the battery to terminal #9. and the negative (-) lead to terminal #8.

4. Check that an operation nois e can be heard from the s olenoid.


1. Remove the s olenoid connector. 2. Us ing an ohmmeter, meas ure the res is tance between terminals .

Standard res is tance : 12-16 3. Attach the pos itive (+) lead from the battery to terminal #2. and the negative (-) lead to terminal #1.

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4. Check that an operation nois e can be heard from the s olenoid.

Clut ch Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cificat ions GENERAL SPECIFICAT IONS
Item Clutch operating method Clutch dis c Type Facing diameter (Outs ide x Ins ide) mm Clutch cover as s embly Type Clutch releas e cylinder I.D. mm (in.) Clutch mas ter cylinder I.D. mm (in.) Hydraulic type Single dry with diaphragm. 1.5SOHC : 250 x 130 1.6DOHC : 215 x 145 Diaphragm s pring s trap 20.64 (0.81) 15.57 (0.62) Specificatio ns

I.D. : Ins ide Diameter

Item Clutch Clutch Clutch Clutch dis c thicknes s [When free] pedal free play pedal height pedal s troke Stand ard value 8.4 0.3 6 ~ 13 (0.24 ~ 0.52) 166.7 (6.6) 145 (5.6)


Item Clutch Clutch Clutch Clutch Clutch pedal to pedal s upport member pedal s upport member to mas ter cylinder tube flare nut tube bracket releas e cylinder mounting bolt Nm 19 ~ 28 8 ~ 10 13 ~ 17 4~6 15 ~ 22 kg cm 180 ~ 280 80 ~ 100 130 ~ 170 40 ~ 60 150 ~ 220 lbft 13 ~ 20 6~7 9 ~ 13 3~4 11 ~ 16

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Clutch releas e cylinder union bolt Clutch cover as s embly Clutch mas ter cylinder pus h rod nut Ignition lock nut Mas ter cylinder res ervior band

25 15 ~ 22 9 ~ 14 8 ~ 10 5~7

250 150 ~ 220 90 ~ 140 80 ~ 100 50 ~ 70

18 11 ~ 16 6 ~ 10 6~7 3~5

Items Contact s urface of releas e bearing and fulcrum of clutch releas e fork Inner s urface of clutch releas e bearing Inner s urface of clutch releas e cylinder and outer circumference of pis ton and cup Inner s urface of clutch dis c s pline Inner s urface of clutch mas ter cylinder and outer circumference of pis ton as s embly Clutch mas ter cylinder pus h rod, clevis pin and was her Clutch pedal s haft and bus hings Contact portion of releas e fork to releas e cylinder pus h rod Specified lubricants CASMOLY L9508 CASMOLY L9508 Brake fluid DOT3 or DOT4 CASMOLY L9508 Brake fluid DOT3 or DOT4 Wheel bearing greas e SAE J310a, NLGI No.2 Quantity As required As required As required As required As required As required

SAE J310a, Chas s is greas e, NLGI-No.1 As required CASMOLY L9508 As required

Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Syst e m > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion CLUT CH CONT ROL COMPONENT S

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Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Cove r And Dinode > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Cove r And Dinode > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Drain the clutch fluid and trans axle gear oil. 2. Remove the trans axle as s embly. (Refer to the "TR" group) 3. Ins ert the s pecial tool (09411-25000) in the clutch dis c to prevent the dis c from falling.

4. Loos en the bolts that attach the clutch cover to the flywheel in a s tar pattern. 5. Loos en the bolts in s ucces s ion, one or two turns at a time, to avoid bending the cover flange.

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DO NOT clean the clutch dis c or releas e bearing with cleaning s olvent.


1. Check the diaphragm s pring end for wear and uneven height. 2. Check the pres s ure plate s urface for wear, cracks and color change. 3. Check the rivets for loos enes s and replace the clutch cover as s embly if neces s ary.

1. Check the clutch facing for loos e rivets , uneven contact, deterioration due to s eiz ure, adhes ion of oil, or greas e, and replace the clutch dis c if defective. 2. Meas ure the thicknes s of the dis c when free.

3. Check for the tors ion s pring play and damage and if defective, replace the clutch dis c. 4. Clean the s plines on the input s haft and ins tall the clutch dis c. If the dis c does not s lide s moothly or if play is exces s ive, replace the clutch dis c and/or the input s haft.


The releas e bearing is packed with greas e. Do not us e cleaning s olvent or oil. 1. Check the bearing for s eiz ure, damage or abnormal nois e. Als o check the diaphragm s pring contacting points for wear. 2. Replace the bearing if the releas e fork contacting points are worn abnormally.


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1. Apply multipurpos e greas e to the releas e bearing contact s urfaces and the releas e cylinder contact s urface of the clutch releas e fork as s embly.

When ins talling the clutch, apply greas e to each part, but be careful not to apply exces s ive greas e. It can caus e clutch s lippage and judder.

2. Apply multipurpos e greas e into the groove of the releas e bearing. Greas e : CASMOLY L9508

3. Apply multipurpos e greas e to the clutch releas e lever fulcrum contact s urface of the clutch releas e fork as s embly. Greas e : CASMOLY L9508 4. Clean the s urfaces of the flywheel and pres s ure plate thoroughly with fine s andpaper or crocus cloth, and make certain that all oil or greas e has been removed. 5. Apply a s mall amount of multipurpos e greas e to the clutch dis c s plines and input s haft s plines . Greas e : CASMOLY L9508

Do not apply more greas e than neces s ary. Too much greas e can caus e clutch s lip or judder. 6. Us ing the s pecial tool (09411-25000), ins tall the clutch dis c to the flywheel. When ins talling the clutch dis c, be s ure that the s urface having the manufactures s tamp is towards the pres s ure plate. 7. Ins tall the the clutch cover as s embly onto the flywheel and ins tall the s ix (6) bolts through the clutch cover into the flywheel.

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8. Diagonally tighten the bolts 15-22 Nm (150-220 kgcm, 11-15 lbft). Tighten the bolts by one or two turns at a time, in s ucces s ion, to avoid bending the cover flange. 9. Remove the s pecial tool. 10. Ins tall the trans axle. (Refer to the "TR" group.) 11. Adjus t the clutch pedal free-play.

Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Mast e r Cylinde r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Mast e r Cylinde r > Re pair proce dure s DISASSEMBLY
1. Remove the pis ton s top ring. (Refer to the components of the mas ter cylinder) 2. Pull out the pus h rod and pis ton as s embly.

Be careful not to damage the mas ter cylinder body and pis ton as s embly.

1. Check the ins ide of the cylinder body for rus t, pitting or s coring. 2. Check the pis ton cup for wear or dis tortion. 3. Check the pis ton for rus t, pitting or s coring. 4. Check the clutch tube line for obs tructions .

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5. Meas ure the clutch mas ter cylinder ins ide diameter with a cylinder gauge, and the pis ton outs ide diameter with a micrometer.

1. Apply the s pecified fluid to the inner s urface of the cylinder body and to the outs ide of the pis ton as s embly. Specified fluid : BRAKE FLUID DOT 3 or DOT4 2. Ins tall the pis ton as s embly. 3. Ins tall the pis ton s top ring 4. Ins tall the pus h rod as s embly. (Refer to the components of the clutch mas ter cylinder.)

5. Ins tall the clutch hos e on the cylinder body.

1. Drain the clutch fluid through the bleeder s crew.

2. Remove the mas ter cylinder mounting nut.

3. Separate the clutch line.

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4. Remove the clutch line clip of the trans axle s ide.


1. Ins tall the clutch tube (clutch releas e cylinder s ide).

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2. Ins tall the clutch line and the clip.

3. Ins tall the clutch mas ter cylinder.

4. Ins tall the pus h rod to the clutch pedal. 5. Bleed the s ys tem.

Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Pe dal > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Pe dal > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the mas ter cylinder mounting nut.

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2. Remove the pedal s upport member mounting bolt.

3. Remove the pedal s upport bolt.

1. Check the clutch pedal s haft and bus hing for wear. 2. Check the clutch pedal for bending or dis tortion. 3. Check the return s pring for damage or deterioration. 4. Check the clutch pedal pad for damage or wear. 5. Meas ure the clutch pedal height (from the face of the pedal pad to the floorboard). Standard value : (A) 166.7 mm (6.6 in.)

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6. If the clutch pedal height is not within the s tandard value range, adjus t as follows : A. Turn and adjus t the bolt, then s ecure by tightening the lock nut.

After the adjus tment, tighten the bolt until it reaches the pedal s topper and tighten the lock nut. B. Turn the pus h rod to agree with the s tandard value and s ecure the pus h rod with the lock nut.

When adjus ting the clutch pedal height, be careful not to pus h the pus h rod toward the mas ter cylinder. 7. After completing the adjus tments , check that the clutch pedal free play (meas ured at the face of the pedal pad) is within the s tandard value ranges . Standard value : (B) 6~13 mm (0.24~0.52 in.) 8. If the clutch pedal free play does not meet the s tandard value, it may be the res ult of air in the hydraulic s ys tem or a faulty clutch mas ter cylinder. Bleed the air or dis as s emble and ins pect the mas ter cylinder or clutch.


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1. Apply the multi-purpos e greas e and ins tall the pedal s upport bolt.

Specified lubricants : SAE J310a, Chas s is greas e, NLGI-No.1 2. Ins tall the pedal s upprot member mounting bolt.

3. Ins tall the mas ter cylinder mounting nut.

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Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Re le ase Cylinde r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Re le ase Cylinde r > Re pair proce dure s DISASSEMBLY
1. Remove the clutch hos e, valve plate, s pring, pus h rod and boot. 2. Remove any dirt from the pis ton bore opening of the releas e cylinder. 3. Remove the pis ton from the releas e cylinder us ing compres s ed air.

1. Cover the releas e cylinder with rags to prevent the pis ton from popping out and caus ing injury. 2. Apply compres s ed air s lowly to prevent the fluid from s plas hing in your eyes or on your s kin.

1. Check the releas e cylinder bore for rus t and damage. 2. Meas ure the releas e cylinder bore at three locations : bottom, middle and top with a cylinder gauge. Replace the releas e cylinder as s embly if the bore-to-pis ton clearance exceeds the limit. Limit : 0.15 mm (0.006 in.)

1. Apply s pecified brake fluid to the releas e cylinder bore and the outer s urface of the pis ton and pis ton cup. Pus h the pis ton cup as s embly into the cylinder. Us e the s pecified fluid : Brake fluid DOT 3 or DOT 4

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2. Ins tall the valve plate, pus h rod and boot.

1. Dis connect the clutch tube.

2. Remove the clutch releas e cylinder mounting bolt.

1. Check the clutch releas e cylinder for fluid leakage. 2. Check the clutch releas e cylinder boots for damage.


1. Coat the clevis pin with the s pecified greas e. Specified greas e : CASMOLY L9508

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2. Ins tall the clutch releas e cylinder, and the clutch tube.

3. Ins tall the clutch releas e cylinder mounting bolt.

Clut ch Syst e m > Clut ch Syst e m > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION BLEEDING

Us e the s pecified fluid. Avoid mixing different brands of fluid. Specified fluid : SAE J1703 (DOT 3 or DOT 4).

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1. Loos en the bleeder s crew at the clutch releas e cylinder. 2. Pus h the clutch pedal down s lowly until all air is expelled. 3. Hold the clutch pedal down until the bleeder is retightened. 4. Refill the clutch mas ter cylinder with the s pecified fluid.

The rapidly-repeated operation of the clutch pedal in B-C range may caus e the releas e cylinder's pos ition to be forced out from the releas e cylinder body during air bleeding. Repres s the clutch pedal after it returns to the "A" point completely.

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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Manual T ransaxle Syst em
Manual T ransaxle Syst e m > Manual T ransaxle Syst e m > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion GENERAL INFORMAT ION (M5AF3)
Manual trans axle overhaul s ection has been s eparated from the s hop manual. M5AF3 overhaul s ection was included in the overhaul manual.


Manual T ransaxle Syst e m > Manual T ransaxle Syst e m > Manual T ransaxle >

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Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S (1 )


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Manual T ransaxle Syst e m > Manual T ransaxle Syst e m > Manual T ransaxle > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL

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1. Remove the battery terminal and the battery.

2. Removal the air cleaner.

3. Remove the back-up lamp s witch.

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4. Remove the clutch releas e mounting bolts .

5. Remove the cotter pin of the s hift cable.

6. Remove the cotter pin of the s elector cable.

7. Remove the clip of the s hift cable. 8. Remove the clip of the s elector cable.

9. Remove the s peedometer driven gear connector.

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10. Remove the u-joint.

11. Remove the power s teering return hos e. 12. Remove the tire. 13. Remove the s tarter motor upward the trans axle.

14. Remove the bolt for the upper connection of the engine and the trans axle.

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15. Remove the caliper after lifting up the vehicle.

16. Separate the tie rod end from the pin and nut.

17. Remove the oil drain plug and drain the oil.

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18. Remove the wheel s peed s ens or and the knuckle mounting bolt.

19. Remove the drive s haft and the hub nut.

20. Ins tall the s pecial tool, the engine s upport fixture on the engine as s embly.

21. Remove the trans axle mounting bracket after removing the hole cover and the mounting bolts .

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22. Remove the front roll s topper.

23. Remove the rear roll s topper.

24. Remove the front muffler.

25. Remove the bell hous ing cover. (Bolt : 5EA)

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26. Ins tall the jack for s upporting trans axle.

27. Remove the s ub frame. 28. Remove the lower mounting bolts of the trans axle.

29. Remove the trans axle.


Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


Ins pect the trans axle for evidence of leakage. Check the gear oil level by removing the filler plug. If the oil is contaminated, it is neces s ary to replace it with new oil. 1. Remove the oil filler plug and check the level with finger. 2. Oil level mus t be up to the filler hole. If it is below the hole, add oil until it runs out, then reins tall the plug. 3. Replace the oil if the trans axle gear oil is noticeably dirty, or it is not of a s uitable vis cos ity.


Use HP Gear Oil SAE 7 5W/90 (API-GL-4)

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1. With the vehicle parked on a level s urface, remove the drain plug and drain the trans axle oil. 2. Replace the gas ket with a new one and ins tall the drain plug. T ig htening to rq ue: Drain plug:30~35 Nm (300~350 kgcm, 22~25 lbft)

3. Add new oil the through the filler plug, filling to the s ame level as the opening plug. T ransaxle o il to tal capacity: 2.15 Liters (2.27 U.s .qts ., 1.89 lmp.qts .) T ig htening to rq ue : Filler plug:30~35 Nm (300~350 kgcm, 22~25 lbft)


1. Dis connect the drive s haft from the trans axle (Refer to DS GROUP). 2. Us ing a flat-tip s crewdriver, remove the oil s eal.

3. Us ing the s pecial tool (09431-21200), tap the drive s haft oil s eal into the trans axle. 4. Apply a coating of gear oil to the lip of the oil s eal. T ransaxle g ear o il: HYUNDAI GENUINE PARTS MTF 75W/90

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conforming to API GL-4 or higher

Manual T ransaxle Syst e m > Manual T ransaxle Syst e m > Shift Le ve r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Manual T ransaxle Syst e m > Manual T ransaxle Syst e m > Shift Le ve r > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION

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1. Check the bus hing for wear or damage. 2. Check the return s pring for damage or deterioration.

1. Apply multi-purpos e greas e to the s liding part of the bus hings . 2. Reas s embly is the revers e of dis as s embly.

Manual T ransaxle Syst e m > Manual T ransaxle Cont rol Syst e m > Manual T ransaxle Shift Cont rol > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Manual T ransaxle Syst e m > Manual T ransaxle Cont rol Syst e m > Manual T ransaxle Shift Cont rol > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the s hift knob and the rear cons ole.

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2. Remove the front cons ole.

3. Remove the cable mounting bolts of the lower das h board.

4. Remove the cotter pin of the s hift cable.

5. Remove the cotter pin of the s elector cable.

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6. Remove the clip of the s hift cable and the s elector cable.

7. Remove the s hift lever as s embly.


Ins tallation is the revers e of the removal.

1. Check the s elect cable for proper operation and for damage. 2. Check the s hift cable for proper operation and for damage. 3. Check the boot for damage. 4. Check each bus hing for wear, abras ion, s ticking, res tricted movement or damage. 5. Check for a weak or damaged s pring.

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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst em
Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cial Se rvice T ools SPECIAL T OOLS (A/T )
T o o l (Number and Name) 09452-21001 Oil pres s ure gauge adapter Illustratio n Use Meas urement of the oil pres s ure (Us e with 092452-21002, 09452-21500) Meas urement of the oil pres s ure (Us e with 09452-21500 and 09452-21001) Meas urement of the oil pres s ure (Us e with 09452-21001 and 09452-21002) Removal and ins tallation of trans axle as s embly

09452-21002 Oil pres s ure gauge adapter

09452-21500 Oil pres s ure gauge

J28467-B Engine s upport fixtrue

J28467-125 Engine s upport adapters

Us e with J28467-B


T o o l (Number and Name) J28467-B Engine s upport fixture Illustratio n Use Removal and ins tallation of trans axle as s embly

J28467-125 Engine s upport adapters

Us e with J28467-B

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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > T rouble shoot ing T ROUBLESHOOT ING (M/T )
Sympto m Vibration, nois e Pro bable cause Loos e or damaged trans axle and engine mounts Inadequate s haft end play Worn or damaged gears Inadequate grade of oil Low oil level Inadequate engine idle s peed Oil leakage Hard s hift Broken or damaged, oil s eal or O-ring Faulty control cable Poor contact or wear of s ynchroniz er ring and gear cone Weakened s ynchroniz er s pring Inadequate grade of oil Jumps out of gear Remed y Tighten or replace mounts Correct end play Replace gears Replace with s pecified oil Replenis h Adjus t idle s peed Replace control cable Replace control cable Correct or replace Replace s ynchroniz er s pring Replace with s pecified oil

Worn gear s hift fork or broken poppet s pring Replace s hift fork or poppet s pring Synchroniz er hub-to-s leeve s pline clearance too large Replace s ynchroniz er hub and s leeve


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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cificat ions SPECIFICAT IONS (A/T )
Item Torque converter type Trans axle type Engine dis placement Gear ratio 1s t 2nd 3rd 4th Revers e Final gear ratio End play Front clutch s nap ring A4AF3 D3-element, 1-s tage, 2-phas e type D4-s peed forward, 1-s peed revers e 1.5SOHC 2.846 1.581 1.000 0.685 2.176 3.656 0.50.1 1.6DOHC 4.041

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Rear clutch s nap ring End clutch s nap ring Low and revers e brake s nap ring

0.80.1 0.50.1 0.675~0.987


Item Shift lever mounting bolt Starter motor mounting bolt Shift lever cam rod nut Knob and lever as s embly Bell hous ing cover to engine Trans axle mounting bracket to body frame Trans axle mounting ins ulator bolt Front roll s topper to s ubframe Front roll s topper ins ulator bolt Rear roll s topper to s ubframe bolt Rear roll s topper ins ulator bolt Kick down s ervo lock nut Lever indicator panel Oil drain plug, filler plug Trans axle range s witch Nm 12-15 27-34 14-20 More than 2 8-10 30-40 90-110 30-40 45-60 30-40 45-60 15-22 More than 15 30-35 10-12 kg cm 120-150 270-340 140-200 More than 20 80-100 300-400 900-1100 300-400 450-600 300-400 450-600 150-220 More than 150 300-350 100-120 lbft 8-11 19-25 10-14 More than 1.4 6-7 21-28 63-77 21-28 33-44 21-28 33-44 11-16 More than 11 22-25 7-9

Items Trans axle fluid Lit. (U .S. qts ., lmp.qts .) Drive s haft oil s eal lip Sliding part of bus hing Selector lever s liding portion Oil pan gas ket Specified lubricant DIAMOND ATF SP-III, SK ATF SP-III Automatic trans axle fluid Chas s is greas e SAE J310, NLGI No.0 Multipurpos e greas e SAE J310, NLGI No.2 LOCTITE 5460 Quantity 6.1 (6.3, 5.3) As required As required As required As required


Mo d el Type Engine dis placement M5AF3 Forward 5 s peed, revers e 1 s peed 1.5SOHC 1.6DOHC

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Gear ratio

Firs t Second Third Fourth Fifth Revers e Final gear ratio Trans axle fluid

3.615 2.053 1.370 0.971 0.825 3.250 3.650

3.615 2.053 1.370 1.031 0.825 3.250 3.842

HYUNDAI GENUINE PARTS MTF 75W/90 2.15 (2.27, 1.89)

Capacity (Lit., u.s .qts , Imp.qts )


Item Input s haft rear bearing end play Output s haft bearing end play Differential bearing end play Differential pinion end play Input s haft front bearing end play End play 0.01L - 0.09L 0.05T - 0.10T 0.15T - 0.20T 0.025L - 0.15L 0.01L - 0.12L


Item Shift lever mounting bolt Clutch releas e cylinder Control cable bracket Front roll s topper to s ub frame Front roll s topper ins ulator bolt Rear roll s topper to s ubframe bolt Rear roll s topper ins ulator bolt Trans axle mounting bracket to body frame Trans axle mounting ins ulator bolt Nm 9-14 15-22 12-15 30-40 45-60 30-40 45-60 30-40 90-110 Kg cm 90-140 150-220 120-150 300-400 450-600 300-400 450-600 300-400 900-1100 lbft 6-10 11-16 8-11 21-28 33-44 21-28 33-44 21-28 63-77

Items Clutch releas e fork s haft&bus hing Specified lubricant CASMOLY L9508 Quantity 1g

Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Flow Diagram

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Operatio n Po sitio n 1s t gear 2nd gear 3rd gear 4th gear A ON OFF OFF ON

Shift co ntro l so leno id valve B ON ON OFF OFF C OFF OFF ON ON



A4AF3 PCV-A + PCSV-A PCV-A, 1-2Shift V/v PCV-B + Another Sol. V/v (PCSV-B) PCV-B, RCE V/v (with accumulator)

Pres s ure Control for SA, PCV + PCSV E/C PCV N-D V/v 1-2Shift V/v Pres s ure Control for R/C PCV + PCSV PCV N-D V/v RCE V/v

Change d point s :
- N-D valve has been eliminated. - PCSV-B has been added for Rear clutch pres s ure control independently. - Mechanical accumulator has been adopted. - E/C releas e control : PCV-A, Switching of SA, E/C :CSV - Function Switching the pres s ure of E/C and SA.

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- 2nd. Gear

The 2nd. pres s ure is s upplied to SA through CSV. SCSV-C is OFF as well as 1s t. gear. - 2nd.3rd. gear SCSV-C maintains OFF as well as 2nd gear. The E/C pres s ure from s hift control valve is intercepted at the E/C valve during up-s hifting from 2nd to 3rd gear. SA pres s ure is s upplied from 1-2 s hift valve, but the front clutch and SR pres s ure is als o s upplied from the 2-3/4-3 s hift valve, s o the both SR and SA pres s ure will be s et off.

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- 3rd. gear SCSV-C is changed from OFF to ON. The E/C pres s ure is s upplied from 1-2 s hift valve at the CSV after finis hing the up-s hifting from 2nd to 3rd gear. SA pres s ure is s upplied from s hift control valve, but the front clutch and SR pres s ure is als o s upplied from the 2-3/4-3 s hift valve, s o the both SR and SA pres s ure will be s et off.

1. Operating elements Speed 4th. 2nd. 2. Controls A. R/C engaging duty control B. E/C releas ing duty control C. Continuous s witching to SA 3. Des cription A. R/C engaging duty control R/C O E/C O K/D O O

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B. E/C releas ing duty control 42 Skip s hift only (SCSV-C ON)

When releas ing the E/C clutch pres s ure, it is controlled by duty of PCSV-A only in cas e of 42 s kip s hift. C. Continuous s witching to SA - From (SCV) to SA through (CSV) 1. TCM fail when drive with 1s t or 2nd s peed. Speed 1s t. 2nd. Fail O F/C R/C O O O O E/C K/D

- F/C, SR : from 2-3/4-3 s hift valve - R/C : from PCV-B - SA : from 1-2 s hift valve

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2. TCM fail when drive with 1s t or 2nd s peed. Speed 1s t. 2nd. Fail - R/C, E/C, SA : Interlock F/C R/C O O O O O O E/C K/D

SA : Servo Apply pres s ure F/C : Front Clutch pres s ure R/C : Rear Clutch pres s ure K/D : Kick Down SCV : Shift Control Valve CSV : Control Switch Valve PCSV : Pres s ure Control Solenoid Valve SCSV : Shift Control Solenoid Valve PCV : Pres s ure Control Valve

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RCEV : Rear Clutch Exhaus t Valve

Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Aut omat ic T ransaxle > Ge ne ral Informat ion GENERAL INFORMAT ION (A4 AF3)
Automatic trans axle overhaul s ection has been s eparated from the s hop manual. A4AF3 overhaul s ection was included in the overhaul manual. SELECT ION OF SHIM O.D 70 70 70 70 70 48.9 48.9 48.9 48.9 48.9 48.9 48.9 48.9 I.D 55.7 55.7 55.7 55.7 55.7 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 T hickness 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 1.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 Unit : mm #3 #2 #1 Co d e No . O.D 48.1 40 42.6 54 52 41 39 38 52 58 I.D 34.4 21 28 38.7 36.4 28 28 22.2 36.4 44 T hickness 2.4 2.5 1.6 2.8 2.0 1.2 2.8 5.0 Co d e No . #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13

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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Aut omat ic T ransaxle > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion AUT OMAT IC T RANSAXLE COMPONENT S

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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Aut omat ic T ransaxle > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the battery terminal and the battery.

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2. Removal the air cleaner.

3. Remove the trans axle range s witch connector.

4. Remove the s olenoid valve connector and the oil temperature s ens or connector.

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5. Remove the cotter pin of the control cable.

6. Remove the oil filler tube.

7. Remove the clip of the control cable.

8. Remove the oil cooler hos e.

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9. Remove the s peedometer driven gear connector. (s peed s ens or connector)

10. Remove the u-joint.

11. Remove the power s teering return hos e. 12. Remove the tire. 13. Remove the s tarter motor.

14. Remove the bolt for the upper connection of the engine and the trans axle.

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15. Remove the caliper after lifting up the vehicle.

16. Separate the tie rod end from the pin and nut.

17. Remove the oil drain plug and drain the oil.

18. Remove the trans axle s ide cover.

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19. Remove the wheel s peed s ens or and the knuckle mounting bolt.

20. Remove the drive s haft and the left s ide hub nut.

21. Ins tall the s pecial tool, the engine s upport fixture on the engine as s embly.

22. Remove the trans axle mounting bracket after removing the hole cover and the mounting bolts .

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23. Remove the front roll s topper.

24. Remove the rear roll s topper.

25. Remove the front muffler.

26. Remove the bell hous ing cover. (Bolts : 5EA)

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27. Remove the torque converter mounting plate bolts (3EA).

28. Remove the cylinder block plate bolt.

29. Ins tall the jack for s upporting trans axle.

30. Remove the lower mounting bolts (2EA) of the trans axle. 31. Remove the s ub frame. 32. Remove the trans axle.

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1. Attach the torque converter on the trans axle s ide and mount the trans axle as s embly onto the engine.

If the torque converter is mounted on the engine firs t, the oil s eal on the trans axle s ide may be damaged. Therefore, be s ure to firs t as s emble the torque converter to the trans axle. When ins talling the roll s topper mounting bracket, be careful not to crus h the ins ulator. If crus hed, idle vibration may occur. 2. Ins tall the trans axle control cable and adjus t as follows : A. Move the s hift lever and the trans axle range s witch to the "N" pos ition and ins tall the control cable. B. When connecting the control cable to the trans axle mounting bracket, ins tall the clip until it contacts to the control cable. C. Remove any free-play in the control cable by adjus ting the nut and then check to s ee that the s elected lever moves s moothly. D. Check to s ee that the control cable has been adjus ted correctly.

Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing T ROUBLESHOOT ING (A/T )

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Pro ced ure Co nd itio ns Ignition s witch:ON Engine s topped Operatio n Overdrive s witch ON OFF Jud g ement value OD OD-OFF Inspectio n item Overdrive s witch Inspectio n pro ced ure if there is an abno rmality Overdrive s witch s ys tem

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Engine: Stopped Warming up

Starting tes t with Starting s hould Starting be pos s ible pos s ible or lever in P or N impos s ible range

Starting impos s ible (will not crank)

Gradually ris es Oil temperature Codes - P0712, P0713 Drive for 15 s ens or Oil temperature minutes or more to 70~110C s ens or s ys tem s o that the automatic trans mis s ion fluid temperature 70~110C Accelerator pedal Fully clos ed Depres s ed Fully open (for at leas t 2 s econds ) Selector lever operation ND s hift ND s hift 2~18% Gradually ris es from (1) 80 ~ 100% Should be no abnormal s hifting s hocks . Time lag s hould be within 2 s econds . TPS TPS s ys tem

Engine:Idling Selector lever:N

Malfunction when s tarting

Engine s talling during s hifting Shocks when changing from N to D and long lag time Shocks when changing from N to R and long lag time Shocks when changing from N to D, N to R and long lag time

Engine:Idling (Vehicle s topped) Selector lever pos ition:D

Selector lever operation ND NR s hift

Should be no abnormal s hifting s hocks . Time lag s hould be within 2 s econds . 75~90% 100%

Driving impos s ible

Does not move forward

Does not move (forward or revers e)

Engine:Idling (Vehicle s topped) Selector lever pos ition:D 5

Accelerator pedal Fully clos ed Depres s ed [Driving at 5km/h (3.1 mph)] Accelerator pedal Fully clos ed Depres s ed

Pres s ure control s olenoid valve (PCSV) - A, B

Code P0745, P0775 Pres s ure control s olenoid valve s ys tem

C 1

Shift control s olenoid valve A (SCSV-A)

Code P0750 - Shift control s olenoid valve A s ys tem Code P0755 - Shift control s olenoid valve B s ys tem

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Code P0760 - Shift control s olenoid valve C s ys tem Selector lever Engine pos ition:D Idling (vehicle Overdrive:OFF s topped) Driving at 10km/h Driving at cons tant s peed of 50km/h (31mph) (20 s econds or more) Driving at cons tant s peed of 40km/h (25mph) with s elector lever in 2 range Driving at cons tant s peed of 70km/h (43mph) with s elector lever in D range C 1 3 2 Shift control s olenoid valve A (SCSV-A) Shift control s olenoid valve B (SCSV-B) Shift control s olenoid valve C (SCSV-C) OFF ON ON OFF 0km/h 10km/h 50km/h 40km/h Kickdown s ervo s witch Code P0750 - Shift control s olenoid valve A s ys tem Code P0755 - Shift control s olenoid valve B s ys tem Code P0760 - Shift control s olenoid valve C s ys tem Code P1709 Kickdown s ervo s witch s ys tem

Vehicle s peed s ens or

Vehicle s peed s ens or s ys tem

Puls e (3) generator A 1,500~2,000rpm (PG-A) Puls e (3) generator B 1,500~2,000rpm (PG-B)

Code P0717 - Puls e generator A s ys tem Code P0722 - Puls e generator B s ys tem

Code P0743 - Torque Torque (3) 100~300rpm converter clutch converter (5) 0~10rpm clutch s olenoid s olenoid Code P0743 - Torque Torque (5) TCCS Duty : converter clutch converter 40~85 clutch s olenoid s olenoid For (3) and (5), Malfunction while driving acceleration s hould be s mooth with no abnormal vibration Selector lever pos ition:D Overdrive:ON 7 Engine (1) Driving at cons tant s peed of 50km/h (31mph) (20 s econds or more) Shift control (1) 3 s peed s olenoid valve gear A (SCSV-A) (1) 1,500~2,000rpm Shift control s olenoid valve B (SCSV-B) Shift control s olenoid valve C (SCSV-C) Poor acceleration

Vibration Code P0750 - Shift control s olenoid valve A s ys tem Code P0755 - Shift control s olenoid valve B s ys tem Code P0760 - Shift control s olenoid valve C s ys tem

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Puls e generator A (PG-A) Puls e generator B (PG-B) Selector lever pos ition:D Overdrive:ON Accelerate to 4th gear at TPS output of 1.5V (opening angle 30%) Slowly decelerate to a s tands till Accelerate to 4th gear at TPS output of 2.5V (opening angle 50%) At 50km/h (31mph) in 4th gear, turn overdrive OFF At 50km/h (31mph) in 3rd gear, move s elector lever to 2 range At 20km/h (12mph) in 2 range, move s elector lever to L range. For (1), (2) and (3) s hould match the s pecified output s haft s peed (vehicle s peed0, and there s hould be no abnormal s hocks . For (4), (5) and (6), down s hifting s hould be made immediately after operation. Malfunction when s hifting Dis placed s hifting points Does not s hift

Code P0717 - Puls e generator A s ys tem Code P0722 - Puls e generator B s ys tem Shocks and flare s hifts All points No fail-s afe codes Code P0717 - Puls e generator A s ys tem Code P0722 - Puls e generator B s ys tem Code P0750 - Shift contorl s olenoid valve A s ys tem Code P0755 - Shift control s olenoid valve B s tys tem Code P0760 - Shift contorl s olenoid valve C s ys tem Code P0745, P0775 Pres s ure control s olenoid valve s ys tem Code P0731 - 1s t gear incorrect ratio Code P0732 - 2nd gear incorrect ratio Code P0733 - 3rd gear incorrect ratio Code P0734 - 4th gear incorrect ratio


DT C NO P0711 P0712 P0713 Diag no sis items Fluid temperature s ens or -rationality checkFluid temperature s ens or -s hort circuitFluid temperature s ens or -open circuitT ro uble area (Remed y) Fluid temperature s ens or connector ins pection Fluid temperature s ens or ins pection Fluid temperature s ens or wiring harnes s ins pection MIL

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Puls e generator A -open circuitPuls e generator B -open circuitShift control s olenoid valve A


Check the puls e generator A and puls e generator B Check the vehicle s peed reed s witch (for chattering) Check the puls e generator A and B wiring harnes s Check the s olenoid valve connector Check the s hift control s olenoid valve A Check the s hift control s olenoid valve A wiring harnes s Check the s olenoid valve connector Check the s hift control s olenoid valve B Check the s hift control s olenoid valve A wiring harnes s Check the s olenoid valve connector Check the s hift control s olenoid valve C Check the s hift control s olenoid valve A wiring harnes s Check the trans axle range s witch connector and harnes s


Shift control s olenoid valve B P0755

Shift control s olenoid valve C P0760

P0707 P0708 P0745 P0775 P0743

Trans axle range s witch -No s ignalTrans axle range s witch -Multi s ignalPres s ure control s olenoid - A valve open circuit Pres s ure control s olenoid - B valve s hor circuit Damper clutch control s olenoid Damper clutch -Stuck OFF-

Check the pres s ure control s olenoid valve Check the pres s ure control s olenoid valve wiring harnes s Ins pection of s olenoid valve connector Individual ins pection of damper clutch control s olenoid valve Check the damper clutch control s olenoid valve wiring harnes s Check the PCM Ins pection of damper clutch hydraulic s ys tem Check the puls e generator A and puls e generator B connector Check the one way clutch or rear clutch Check the puls e generator wiring harnes s Check the rear clutch or control s ys tem Check the puls e generator A and puls e generator B connector



Damper clutch -Stuck ON-


Firs t gear s ys tem -Malfunction-


Second gear s ys tem -MalfunctionThird gear s ys tem -Malfunction-


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Check the front clutch s lippage or control s ys tem Check the puls e generator wiring harnes s Check the rear clutch s lippage or control s ys tem Fourth gear s ys tem -MalfunctionP0734 Check the puls e generator A and puls e generator B connector Kickdown brake s lippage Check the end clutch or control s ys tem Check the puls e generator wiring harnes s

DT C NO P0717 P0722 P0750 P0755 P0760 P0745 P0775 P0731 P0732 P0733 P0734 Descriptio n Open-circuited puls e generator A Open-circuited puls e generator B Open-circuited or s horted s hift control s olenoid valve A Open-circuited or s horted s hift control s olenoid valve B Open-circuited or s horted s hift control s olenoid valve C Open-circuited s horted pres s ure control s olenoid valve Gear s hifting does not match the engine s peed Fail-safe Locked in third (D) or s econd (2, L) gear Locked in third (D) or s econd (2,L) gear Lock in third gear Lock in third gear Lock in third gear Lock in third (D) or s econd (2,L) Lock in third (D) or s econd (2,L) No te (Relatio n to d iag no stic tro uble co d e) When code P0717 is generated fourth time When code P0722 is generated fourth time When code P0750 is generated fourth time When code P0755 is generated fourth time When code P0760 is generated fourth time When codes P0745 or P0775 are generated fourth time When either codes P0731, P0732, P0733 or P0734 are generated fourth time


T ro uble sympto m Communication with s can tool is not pos s ible Driving impos s ible Starting impos s ible (will not crank) Does not move forward Does not back-up Does not move (forward or revers e) Malfunction when Engine s talling during s hifting Inspectio n pro ced ure No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reference pag e TR-18 TR-19 TR-20 TR-21 TR-22 TR-23

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s tarting

Shocks when s hifting from N to D and long lag time Shocks when s hifting from N to R and long lag time Shocks when s hifting from N to D, N to R and long lag

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

TR-24 TR-25 TR-26 TR-27 TR-28 TR-29 TR-30 TR-31 TR-32 TR-33

Malfunction when s hifting Early, late s hift points

Shocks and flare s hifts All points Some points

Does not s hift

Does not s hift

Malfunction while driving Poor acceleration Vibration Overdrive s witch s ys tem


Co mmunicatio n with scan to o l is no t po ssible If communiction with the s can tool is not pos s ible, the caus e may be a defective diagnos is line or PCM is not functioning Po ssible cause Malfunction Malfunction Malfunction Malfunction of of of of diagnos is line PCM power PCM ground circuit PCM


Starting Impo ssible (will no t crank) Starting is not pos s ible when the s elector lever is in P or N range. In s uch cas es , the caus e may be a defective engine s ys tem, torque converter or oil pump. Po ssible cause Malfunction of the engine s ys tem Malfunction of the oil pump Malfunction of the torque converter

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Do es no t mo ve fo rward When the engine is idling, the vehicle does not move forward even if the s elector lever is s hifted from N to D, 2 or L range. In s uch cas es , the caus e may be abnormal line pres s ure; a defective rear clutch or a one-way clutch. Po ssible cause Abnormal line pres s ure Malfunction of rear clutch Malfunction of one-way clutch Malfunction of valve body

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Do es no t mo ve back-up When the engine is idling, the vehicle does not back-up even if the s elector lever is s hifted from N to R range. In s uch cas es , the caus e may be abnormal pres s ure in the low revers e brake or front clutch, or a defective low revers e brake or front clutch. Po ssible cause Abnormal low revers e brake pres s ure Abnormal front clutch pres s ure Malfunction of front clutch Malfunction of low revers e brake Malfunction of valve body

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Do es no t mo ve (fo rward o r reverse) When the engine is idling, the vehicle does not move forward or revers e even if the s elector lever is s hifted from N to D, 2, L or R range. In s uch cas es , the caus e may be abnormal reducing pres s ure, or a defective oil pump or power train. Po ssible cause Abnormal reducing pres s ure Malfunction of power train Malfunctin of oil pump Malfunction of valve body

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Eng ine stalling d uring shifting When the engine is idling, the engine s talls when the s elector lever is s hifted from N to D, 2, L or R range. In s uch cas es , the caus e may be a defective engine s ys tem or damper clutch control s olenoid valve. Po ssible cause Malfunction of engine s ys tem Malfunction of torque converter clutch s olenoid Malfunction of valve body Malfunction of torque converter

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Sho cks when shifting fro m N to D and lo ng lag time When the engine is idling, abnormal s hocks or a lag time of 2 s econds or more occur when the s elector lever is s hifted from N to D range. In s uch cas e, the caus e may be a defective rear clutch or valve body. Po ssible cause Malfunction of rear clutch Malfunction of valve body Malfunction of clos ed throttle pos ition s witch

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Sho cks when shifting fro m N to R and lo ng lag time When the engine is idling, abnormal s hocks or a lag time of 2 s econds or more occurs when the s elector lever is s hifted from N to R range. In s uch cas es , the caus e may be abnormal low revers e brake or front clutch pres s ure, or a defective low revers e brake or front clutch. Po ssible cause Abnormal front clutch pres s ure Abnormal low revers e brake pres s ure Malfunction of front clutch Malfunction of low revers e brake Malfuntion of valve body

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Sho cks when shifting fro m N to D,N to R and lo ng lag time When the engine is idling, abnormal s hocks or a lag time of 2 s econds or more occur when the s elector lever is s hifted from N to D range and from N to R range. In s uch cas es , the caus e may be abnormal reducing pres s ure or a defective oil pump. Po ssible cause Abnormal reducing pres s ure Malfunction of oil pump Malfunction of valve body

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Sho cks and flare shifts Shocks occur when driving due to ups hifting or downs hifting. In addition,the engine s peed during s hifting increas es abnormally in comparis on to normal s hifting. In s uch cas es , the caus e is probably abnormal reducing pres s ure or a defective kickdown s ervo s witch. Pro bable cause Malfunction of kickdown s ervo s witch Abnormal reducing pres s ure Malfunction of valve body Malfunction of clos ed throttle pos ition s witch Malfunction of pres s ure control s olenoid valve Malfunction of clutches and brakes

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All po ints (Early, late shifting po ints) All s hift points occurs early, late while driving. In s uch cas es , the caus e may be a defective puls e generator B (PG-B) or s hift control s olenoid valve A or B (SCSV-A, B). Po ssible cause Malfunction of puls e generator B (PG-B) Malfunction of s hift control s olenoid valve A or B (SCSV-A, B) Malfunction of PCM Abnormal reducing pres s ure or kickdown s ervo brake application pres s ure Malfunction of clutches and brake

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So me po ints (Early, late shifting po ints) Some s hift points occurs early, late while driving. In s uch cas es , the caus e may be a defective valve body, or it is phenomenon related to control and is not an abnormality. Po ssible cause Malfunction of valve body

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Do es no t shift Shifting does not occur while driving, and no fail-s afe codes are output. In s uch cas es , the caus e may be a defective overdrive s witch or parking s witch. Po ssible cause Malfunction Malfunction s witch Malfunction Malfunction of overdrive s witch of parking pos ition of power s upply circuit of PCM


Po o r acceleratio n While driving, acceleration is poor even if downs hifting is performed. In s uch cas es , the caus e may be a defective clutch, brake or a defective engine s ys tem. Po ssible cause Malfunction of clutch and brakes Malfunction of engine s ys tem

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Vibratio n Vibration occurs when driving at cons tant s peed or when accelerating in top range. In s uch cas e, the caus e may be abnormal torque converter clutch pres s ure or a defective torque converter. Po ssible cause Abnormal torque converter clutch pres s ure Malfunction of engine s ys tem Malfunction of torque converter Malfunction of valve body


Overd rive switch system In cas es s uch as the above, the caus e may be a defective overdrive s witch circuit or defective ignition s witch circuit. Po ssible cause Malfunction Malfunction Malfunction Malfunction of of of of overdrive s witch connector ignition s witch PCM

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[USING HI-SCAN PRO] 1. Turn the ignition s witch OFF. 2. Connect the Hi-Scan Pro to the data link connector. 3. Turn the ignition s witch ON. 4. Us e the Hi-Scan Pro to check the diagnos tic trouble code. 5. Repair the faulty part from the diagnos is chart. 6. Eras e the diagnos tic trouble code. 7. Dis connect the Hi-Scan Pro.


An on-board diagnos tic light comes on to notify the driver that there is problems in the vehicle. However, when an irregular s tate returns to normal, the malfunction indicator light will go out automatically after 3 driving cycles that have no s ame fault. Immediately after the ignition s witch is turned on, the malfunction indicator light operates normally. (See FL-s ection)


Fluid temperature s ens or Puls e generator A (PG-A) Puls e generator B (PG-B) Shift control s olenoid valve A (SCSV-A) Shift control s olenoid valve B (SCSV-B) Shift control s olenoid valve C (SCSV-C) Pres s ure control s olenoid valve (PCSV-A) Pres s ure control s olenoid valve B (PCSV-B) Damper clutch s olenoid valve (DCCSV) Shift s tage s ynchroniz e Trans axle range s witch

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Diag no sis items Throttle pos ition s ens or (TPS) Checking pro ced ures Check co nd itio ns Accelerator pedal fully releas ed Pres s accelerator pedal s lowly Accelerator pedal pres s ed to floor Fluid temperature s ens or Cold engine (before s tarting) While warming up engine After warming up engine Kickdown s ervo s witch L range : Idling D range : Firs t or third gear D range : Second or fourth gear Engine s peed P range : Idling Accelerator pedal : Fully clos ed P range : Idling Accelerator pedal : depres s ed Air conditioning relay s ignals P range : Idle, air conditioning ON P range : Idle, air conditioning OFF Shift pos ition 1s t s peed : 10km/h 2nd s peed : 30km/h 3rd s peed : 50km/h 4th s peed : 80km/h Puls e generator A D range (OD OFF) : driving at 50 km/h (31 mph) in third gear D range (OD ON) : driving at 80 km/h (50 mph) in fourth gear Puls e generator B D range (OD OFF) : driving at 50 km/h (31 mph) in third gear D range (OD ON) : driving at 80 km/h (50 mph) in fourth gear ON No rmal value 2 ~ 18 % Varies with accelerator opening 80 ~ 100% Equivalent to outs ide air temperature Gradual increas e 70 ~ 110C ON ON OFF 600 ~ 800rpm Kickdown s ervo mis adjus ted Kickdown s ervo s witch or circuit harnes s Kickdown s ervo Ignition s ys tem Ignition s ignal pick-up circuit harnes s Checking items (Remed y) TPS or circuit harnes s if no change occurs TPS or accelerator pedal cable if gradual change is not noted Fluid temperature s ens or or circuit harnes s

OFF Firs t Second Third Fourth 1,500 ~ 2,000rpm

Air conditioning power relay circuit harnes s

PCM Trans axle range s witch s ys tem TPS s ys tem Puls e generator A or circuit harnes s Puls e generator A s hielded wire Incoming nois e from outs ide Puls e generator B or circuit harnes s Puls e generator B s hielded wire Incoming nois e from outs ide

1,700 ~ 2,000rpm

1,500 ~ 2,000rpm

1,500 ~ 2,000rpm

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Overdrive s witch

Ignition s witch : ON Engine : s topped Overdrive s witch is turned ON Ignition s witch : ON Engine : s topped Overdrive s witch is turned OFF


Overdrive s witch or circuit harnes s


Trans axle range s witch

Shift s elector lever to P range Shift s elector lever to R range Shift s elector lever to N range Shift s elector lever to D range Shift s elector lever to 2 range Shift s elector lever to L range

P R N D 2 L 0km/h 40km/h (25 mph)

Trans axle range s witch mis adjus ted Trans axle range s witch or circuit harnes s Manual control cable If s elector lever is inoperative, check s hift lock mechanis m

Vehicle s peed s ens or

Keep vehicle s topped Driving at 40 km/h (25 mph) in 2 range Driving at 50 km/h (31 mph) in D range, OD OFF

50km/h (31 mph)

Vehicle s peed s ens or if high s peed s ignal is delivered while vehicle is s topping In other cas es , vehicle s peed s ens or or circuit harnes s When accelerator pedal is s lightly pres s ed while idling in D range, duty s hould become 100% PCM TPS s ys tem PCM TPS s ys tem Torque converter Ignition s ignal wire or puls e generator A s ys tem Inappropriate trans axle fluid pres s ure Torque converter control s olenoid valve

PCSV-A duty

D range : Idling

75 ~ 90%

D range : firs t gear


PCSV-B duty

D range : Idling D range : firs t gear

0% 0% 0~50rpm

Torque converter s lip amount

D range : third gear, 70km/h, OD OFF

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DCCSV duty

D range : third gear, 70km/h, OD OFF

40 ~ 85%

PCM TPS s ys tem Puls e generator A s ys tem Torque converter control s olenoid valve


Select o r lever po sitio n P R N D Overd rive co ntro l switch ON Shifting g ear Neutral Revers e Neutral Firs t Second Third Fourth D OFF Firs t Second Third 2 Firs t Second L Firs t O O O O O O O O O O O O Pos s ible O O O O O O O O O O Eng ine start Pos s ible Parking Mechanism O O O Clutch C1 C2 C3 OWC Brake B1 B2

C1 : Front clutch C2 : Rear clutch C3 : End clutch OWC : One way clutch B1 : Kickdown brake B2 : Low&revers e brake


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1. Completely warm up the trans axle. 2. Rais e the front of the vehicle s o that the front wheels can be rotated. 3. Connect an engine tachometer and place it in a pos ition where it's eas y to s ee. 4. Attach the s pecial oil-pres s ure gauge (09452-21500) and the adapter (09452-21002) to each oil-pres s ure out When the revers e pres s ure is to be tes ted, the 3,000 kpa (400 ps i) type of gauge s hould be us ed.

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5. Meas ure the oil pres s ure under various conditions . Check to be s ure that the meas ured res ults are within s tandard value range s hown in the "Standard oil pres s ure table" below. If the oil pres s ure is not within the range, check and repair as des cribed in the s ection "Preliminary Steps if Oil Pres s ure Is Not Normal" on th page.


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- mus t be 19.6 kPa (2.8 ps i) or les s . PRELIMINARY ST EPS IF OIL PRESSURE IS NOT NORMAL T ro uble sympto m Line pres s ures are all low (or high). Line pres s ure refers to oil pres s ures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the "Standard oil pres s ure table" on the previous page. Pro bable cause Obs tructed oil filter Improper adjus tment of oil pres s ure (line pres s ure) regulator valve Sticking of regulator valve Loos enes s of valve body tightening part Improper oil pump dis charge pres s ure Remed y Vis ually ins pect the oil filter; replace the oil filter if it is res tricted. Meas ure line pres s ure 2 (kickdown brake pres s ure); if the pres s ure is notthe s tandard value, readjus t the line pres s ure, or if neces s ary, replace thevalve body as s embly. Check the operation of the regulator valve; repair if neces s ary, or replacethe valve body as s embly. Tighten the valve body tightening bolt and ins tallation bolt. Check the s ide clearance of the oil pump gear; replace the oil pump as s embly if neces s ary. Check the 2 kickdown brake pres s ure (line pres s ure); if the line pres s ure is not the s tandard value, check as des cribed in item 1 above. Dis as s emble the valve body as s embly and check the filter; replace the filter if it is res tricted. Meas ure the 1 reducing pres s ure;

Improper reducing pres s ure

Improper line pres s ure Clogging of the filter (L-s haped type) of the reducing-pres s ure circuit Improper adjus tment of the reducing pres s ure Improper adjus tment of the reducing pres s ure

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Sticking of the reducing valve Loos enes s of valve body tightening part

if it is not the s tandard value, readjus t, or replace the valve body as s embly. Check the operation of the reducing valve; if neces s ary, repair it, or replace the valve body as s embly. Tighten the valve body tightening bolt and ins tallation bolt. Dis as s emble the kickdown s ervo and check whether the s eal ring or D-ring is damaged. If it is cut or has s cratches , replace the s eal ring or D-ring. Tighten the valve body tightening bolt and ins tallation bolt. Replace the valve body as s embly. Dis as s emble the kickdown s ervo and check whether the s eal ring is damaged.If it is cut or has s cratches , replace the s eal ring or D-ring. Tighten the valve body tightening bolt and ins tallation bolt. Replace the valve body as s embly. Dis as s emble the trans axle its elf and check whether or not there is wear of the front clutch pis ton and retainer inner circumference, or damage of the D-ring. If there is any wear or damage, replace the pis ton, retainer, D-ring and or s eal ring. Dis as s emble the end clutch and check the s eal ring, D-ring of the pis ton, s eal ring of the retainer, etc.; replace if there are cuts , s cars , s cratcher or damage. Tighten the valve body tightening bolt and ins tallation bolt. Replace the valve body as s embly. Remove the valve body as s embly and check to be s ure that the O-ring at the upper s urface of the upper valve body is not mis s ing or damaged; ins tall or replace the O-ring if neces s ary. Tighten the valve body tightening bolt and ins tallation bolt. Replace the valve body as s embly. Dis as s emble the trans axle its elf and check the O-ring for damage;

Improper kickdown brake pres s ure

Malfunction of the D ring or s eal ring or the s leeve or kickdown s ervo pis ton. Loos enes s of valve body tightening part. Functional malfunction of the valve body as s embly. Malfunction of the D-ring of the s leeve or kickdown s ervo pis ton. Loos enes s of valve body tightening part Malfunction of the valve body as s embly. Wear of the front clutch pis ton or retainer, or malfunction of the D-ring. (Refer to the figure on the next page.) Oil pump gas ket or s eal ring (2) damaged.

Improper front clutch pres s ure

Improper end clutch pres s ure

Malfunction of a D-ring, s eal ring of the end clutch or O-ring of the pipe (Refer to the figure on the next page.) Loos enes s of valve body tightening part. Malfunction of the valve body as s embly O-ring between valve body and trans axle damaged or mis s ing Loos enes s of valve body tightening part Malfunction of the valve body as s embly Malfunction of the O-ring of the low-revers e brake pis ton or the O-ring of the retainer (Refer to the figure on the next page.)

Improper low-revers e brake pres s ure

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replace if there are cuts , s cars , s cratches or damage. Improper torque converter pres s ure Sticking of the damper clutch control s olenoid valve (DCCSV) Clogging or leaking of the oil cooler and/or lines . Damaged s eal ring of the input s haft. Malfunction of the torque converter. Malfunction of the D-ring or s eal ring of the rear clutch. Loos enes s of valve body tightening part. Functional malfunction of the valve body as s embly. Same as the probable caus e of damper clutch releas e pres s ure Check the operation of the damper clutch s ys tem and the DCCSV. Repair or replace, as neces s ary, the cooler and/or lines . Dis as s emble the trans axle its elf and check for damage of the s eal ring; replace the s eal ring if there is damage. Replace the torque converter. Tighten the value body tightening bolt and ins tallation bolt. Replace the valve body as s embly.

Improper rear clutch pres s ure

Improper damper clutch releas e pres s ure.

Same as the remedy of damper clutch releas e pres s ure.


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A s tall tes t determines the maximum engine s peed obtained at full throttle in "D" and "R" range. This tes t checks the torque converter s tator overrunning clutch operation, and the holding ability of the trans axle clutches and the low-revers e brake.

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During this tes t, make s ure that nobody s tands in front of or behind the vehicle. 1. Check trans axle fluid level. Fluid s hould be at normal operating temperature [80~90C (176~194F)]. Engine coolant s hould als o be at normal operating temperature [80~90C (176~194F)]. 2. Apply chocks to both rear wheels . 3. Attach an engine tachometer. 4. Apply the parking and s ervice brakes fully. 5. Start the engine. 6. With the s elector lever in the "D" pos ition, depres s the accelerator pedal fully to read maximum engine rpm. Do not hold the throttle wide open any longer than is neces s ary to obtain maximum engine rpm reading, and never longer than 5 s econds at a time. If more than one s tall tes t is required, operate the engine at approximately 1,000 rpm in neutral for 2 minutes to cool the trans axle fluid between tes ts . Stall s peed: 2,200~2,800rpm 7. Place the s elector lever in the "R" pos ition and perform the s tall tes t by the s ame procedure as previous ly des cribed.


If s tall s peed is higher than s pecification, the rear clutch or overrunning clutch of the trans axle is s lipping. In this cas e, perform a hydraulic tes t to locate the caus e of s lippage.


If the s tall s peed is higher than s pecification, the front clutch of the trans axle or low-revers e brake is s lipping. In this cas e, perform a hydraulic tes t to locate the caus e of s lippage.


If the s tall s peed is lower than s pecification, ins ufficient engine output or a faulty torque converter is s us pected. Check for engine mis firing, improper ignition timing, or valve clearance etc. If thes e are good, the torque converter is faulty.


1. Drive the vehicle until the fluid reaches normal operating temperature [80~90C (176~194F)]. 2. Place the vehicle on a level s urface. 3. Move the s elector lever through all gear pos itions . This will fill the torque converter and hydraulic s ys tem with fluid, then place lever in "N" (N eutral) pos ition. 4. Before removing the dips tick, wipe all contaminants from around the dips tick. Then take out the dips tick and check the condition of the fluid. The trans axle s hould be overhauled under the following conditions . A. If there is a "burning" door. B. If the fluid color has become noticeably black. C. If there is a noticeably exces s ive amount of metal particles in the fluid. 5. Check to s ee if the fluid level is in the "H OT" range on dips tick. If fluid level is low, add automatic trans axle fluid until the level reaches the "H OT" range. Trans axle fluid: DIAMOND ATF SP-III, SK ATF SP-III Low fluid level can caus e a variety of abnormal conditions becaus e it allows the pump to take in air along with fluid. Air trapped in the hydraulic s ys tem forms bubbles which are compres s able. Therefore, pres s ures will be erratic, caus ing delayed s hifting, s liping clutches and brakes , etc.

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Improper filling can als o rais e fluid level too high. When the trans axle has too much fluid, gears churn up foam and caus e the s ame conditions which occur with low fluid level, res ulting in accelerated deterioration of automatic trans axle fluid. In either cas e, air bubbles can caus e overheating, and fluid oxidation, which can interfere with normal valve, clutch, and s ervo operation. Foaming can als o res ult in fluid es caping from the trans axle vent where it may be mis taken for a leak. 6. Be s ure to examine the fluid on the dips tick clos ely.

When new, automatic trans mis s ion fluid s hould be red. The red dye is added s o dis tinguis h it from engine oil or antifreez e. As the vehicle is driven the trans mis s ion fluid will begin to look darker. The color may eventually appear light brown. Als o, the dye, which is not an indicator of fluid quality, is not permanent. Therefore, further inves tigation of the automatic trans axle is required if, the fluid is dark brown or black. the fluid s mells burnt. metal particles can be s een or felt on the dips tick.


1. Shift the s elector lever to each range and check to s ee that the lever moves s moothly and is controlled. Check to s ee that the pos ition indicator is correct. 2. Check to be s ure that the s elector lever can be s hifted to each pos ition. 3. Start the engine and check to s ee if the vehicle moves forward when the s elector lever is s hifted from "N" to "D" and moves backward when s hifted to "R". 4. When the s hift lever malfunctions , adjus t the control cable and the s elector lever s leeve. Check for worn s hift lever as s embly s liding parts .


1. Place s elector lever in "N" (Neutral) pos ition. 2. Loos en the manual control lever lock nut to s eperate the cable and lever.

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3. Place the manual control lever in the "N" (Neutral) pos ition. 4. Turn the trans axle range s witch body until the 12 mm (0.47 in.) wide end of the manual control lever aligns with the s witch body flange [12 mm (0.472 in.) wide portion]. 5. Tighten the attaching bolts (2 pcs .) to the s pecified torque. T ransaxle Rang e Switch Attaching Bo lt: 10~12 Nm (100~120 kgcm, 7~9 lbft)

When s etting up the s witch body, be careful that the O-ring does not drop from the s witch body. Tighten the attaching bolts carefully.

6. Make s ure that the s elector lever is in the "N" (Neutral) pos ition. 7. Adjus t the flange nut s o that there is no s lack in the control cable and make s ure that the s elector lever operates s moothly. 8. Run the vehicle and confirm that the trans axle is s et in each range when the s elector lever is s hifted to each pos ition.

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1. Completely remove all dirt and other contaminating materials adhered around the kickdown adjus t s crew. 2. Loos en the lock nut. 3. Loos en and tighten the adjus t s crew two times by torque of 5 Nm (3.6 lbft) 4. Tighten adjus t s crew by torque of 5 Nm and then, loos en the adjus t s crew 3 to 3-1/3 turns . 5. Tighten the lock nut to the s pecified torque. Lock nut: 15~22 Nm (150~220 kgcm, 11~16 lbft)

Before as s embling, apply s ealant (DC780) to the center portion of the adjus t s crew.


1. Drain out the automatic trans axle fluid.

2. Remove the oil pan.

3. Remove the oil filter.

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4. Remove the oil-temperature s ens or.

5. Pres s the tab of the s olenoid valve harnes s grommet and pus h in.

6. Remove the valve body as s embly. The manual valve can come out, s o be careful not to drop it.

7. Turn the adjus tment s crew of the regulator valve and adjus t s o that the line pres s ure (kickdown brake pres s ure) reaches the s tandard value. When the adjus tment s crew is turned clockwis e, the line pres s ure becomes lower; when it is turned counter-clockwis e, it becomes higher. Stand ard value: 860~900 kPa (122~129 ps i, 8.77~9.18 kg/cm) Oil pressure chang e fo r each turn o f ad justment screw: 38 kPa (5.4 ps i, 0.39 kg/cm)

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8. Check to be s ure that the O-ring is ins talled on the upper s urface of the valve body in it's proper place. 9. Replace the O-ring of the s olenoid valve connector with a new one. 10. Ins tall the valve body as s embly to the cas e and then ins ert the s olenoid valve connector into the cas e. Be s ure, at this time, that the notched part of the connector faces as s hown in the figure. Als o be careful that the lead wiring is n't caught.

11. Tighten the valve body as s embly mounting bolts to 10-12 Nm (100-120 kgcm, 7-9 lbft). 12. Ins tall the oil filter.

13. Ins tall a new oil pan gas ket with the oil pan. 14. Add the s pecified amount of automatic trans axle fluid. 15. Perform the oil pres s ure tes t. Readjus t if neces s ary.


If the Scan T o o l is no t abailable 1. Remove parts up to the oil filter in the s ame way as for adjus tment of the line pres s ure. The valve body need not be removed. 2. Turn the adjus tment s crew of the lower valve body and adjus t s o that the reducing pres s ure is the s tandard value. When the adjus tment s crew is turned clockwis e, the reducing pres s ure becomes lower; when it is turned counter clockwis e, it becomes higher.

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When adjus ting the reducing pres s ure, aim for the center value (425 kPa, 60 ps i) of the s tandard value allowance. Stand ard value: 420 kPa (60 ps i, 4.20.2 kgcm) Oil pressure chang e fo r each turn o f the ad justment screw: 22 kPa (4.3 ps i, 0.22 kgcm) 3. Ins tall the oil filter and oil pan in the s ame way as for adjus tment of the line pres s ure. 4. Peform the oil pres s ure tes t. Readjus t if neces s ary. If the Scan T o o l is used 1. Adjus t the pres s ure control s olenoid s o that the kickdown brake pres s ure is the s tandard value when activated to 50% duty by the Scan Tool. Stand ard value: 32030 kPa (391 ps i, 3.20.3 kgcm) Oil pressure chang e fo r each turn o f the ad justment screw: 30 kPa (3 ps i, 0.3 kgcm) 2. Check to be s ure that the reducing pres s ure (after the adjus tment is completed) is within the range of 370~490 kPa (53~70 ps i, 3.8~5.0 kgcm).

This adjus tment s hould be made with an oil temperature of 80-90C (176-194F). If the adjus tment is made at a temperature that is too high, the line pres s ure will drop during idling, with the res ult that it might not be pos s ible to make the correct adjus tment.




1. Dis connect the drive s haft from the trans axle. (Refer to DRIVE SHAFT&FRONT AXLE) 2. Us ing a flat-tip (-) s crewdriver, remove the oil s eal.

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3. Us ing the s pecial tool (09431-21200), tap the drive s haft oil s eal into the trans axle.

4. Apply a coating of the trans axle fluid to the lip of the oil s eal.

PCM (Power Control Module) is located at the das h panel of the upper s ide of brake pedal in the driver s ide.

Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Aut omat ic T ransaxle Cont rol Syst e m > Shift Le ve r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion SHIFT LEVER ASSEMBLY

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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Aut omat ic T ransaxle Cont rol Syst e m > Shift Le ve r > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
Check the detent place for wear.

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Check the bus hing for wear or damage. Check the s pring for damage or deterioration. Check the pin at the end of the rod as s embly for wear.

1. Apply a coating of greas e to the s liding part of the bus hing. Specified g rease: Chas s is greas e SAE J310, NLGI No.2

2. Apply the s pecified greas e at the places s hown in the figure. Specified g rease: Multipurpos e greas e SAE J310, NLGI No.2

Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Aut omat ic T ransaxle Cont rol Syst e m > T ransaxle Shift Cont rol > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > Aut omat ic T ransaxle Cont rol Syst e m > T ransaxle Shift Cont rol > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL

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1. Remove the rear cons ole.

2. Remove the front cons ole.

3. Remove the knob ins tallation s crews . 4. Dis connect the overdrive s witch connector, remove the 3 connector pins from connector with s mall driver, and then remove s elector knob as s embly.

5. Dis connect the pos ition indicator light connector.

6. Remove the s hift lever indicator as s embly.

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7. Remove the cotter pin.

8. Remove the clip from the s hift lever s ide.

9. Remove the bolt-was her as s embly located on das h panel.

10. Remove the s hift lever as s embly. 11. Remove the trans axle control cable as s embly.

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1. Apply a coating of the s pecified greas e to the interior of the bus hing. Specified g rease: Chas s is greas e SAE J310, NLGI No.0

2. Move the s hift lever and the trans axle range s witch to the N pos ition, and ins tall the control cable. 3. When connecting the control cable to the trans axle mounting bracket, ins tall the clip until it contacts the control cable.

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4. Ins tall the bolt-was her as s embly and nut.

5. Ins tall the clip pin and s elf lock pin.

6. Ins tall the cotter pin.

7. Connect the pos ition indicator light connector, the O/D s witch connector, the parking pos ition s witch connector, normal/economy s elect s witch connector and the s hift lock s olenoid connector.

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8. Ins tall the s hift lever indicator as s embly.

9. Apply the s pecified greas e at the place s hown in the figure. Specified g rease: Multipurpos e greas e SAE J310, NLGI No.2

10. Ins tall the s hift lever as s embly. 11. Place the s hift lever in the N pos ition, and then turn the cam adjus ting s o that the clearance between the cam adjus ting and the lever as s embly end in within the s tandard value. Standard value (A) 15.2-15.9 mm (0.598-0.625 in.)

Be s ure to face B of the adjus ting cam to the pus h button (driver's s ide).

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12. Ins ert the O/D s witch wiring to the s hift lever cover, and then as s emble the pin into the O/D s witch connector. 13. Ins tall the front cons ole.

14. Ins tall the rear cons ole.


1. Eliminate s lack from the control cable with the adjus ting flange nut and check that the s elect lever operates s moothly. 2. Driving the car, check that the trans axle is s et in the proper range when the s elect lever is s hifted to each pos ition.

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1. Check the control cable for function and damage. 2. Check the bus hing for wear or damage. 3. Check the s pring for damage or deterioration. 4. Check the overdrive s witch for continuity.

Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 07 DT C T ROUBLESHOOT ING PROCEDURE
INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE COD ES DT C NO P0707 P0708 DESCRIPT ION The PCM monitors this voltage, which corres ponds to the pos ition of the trans axle gear s hift lever to determine des ired gear and electronic pres s ure control pres s ure. The trans axle range s witch is located on the top of the trans axle, and als o contains the neutral/s tart circuit. T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW Detectio n co nd itio n 1. No s ignal is continuous for > 30 s econds 2. Above 2 s ignals are continuous for > 30 s econds Engine s peed 600rpm SYMPT OM Starting impos s ible Does not move Po ssible cause Malfunction of TR s witch Malfunction of connector Malfunction of PCM Check item Harnes s & connector Trans axle range s witch DIAGNOST IC IT EM TRANSAXLE RANGE SWITCH (TR SWITCH ) Open, GND s hort Short


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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 1 1 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES

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DESCRIPT ION The automatic TRAN SAXLE fluid(ATF) tem perature s ens or is ins talled in the Valve Body. This s ens or us es a thermis tor whos e res is tance changes according to the temperature changes . The TCM s upplies a 5V reference voltage to the s ens or, and the output voltage of the s ens or changes when the ATF temperature varies . The automatic TRANSAXLE fluid(ATF) temperature provides very important data for the TCM's control of the Torque Converter Clutch, and is als o us ed for many other purpos es . T ROUBLESHOOT ING GUIDE Detectio n co nd itio n Malfunctio n Criteria Stuck s ignal T cT i s s Ts c : current temperature Ts i : InitialTemperature (Initializ ation is firs t s atis fied for monitoring condition) Variation of oil temperature | Tjc Tji | Tjc : current temperature Tji : old temp. before 10 s ec Stuck of High temperature Oil temperature - Coolant temp Accumulated time interval to s atis fy Enable condition. T_Tar : Time interval to reach target temperature after cranking. This map depends on oil temperature at cranking. T hresho ld Value Po ssible cause Fluid temperature s ens or TCM Check item Fluid temperature s ens or Harnes s & connector

<5 C




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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 1 2 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES

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P0712 P0713


Short to ground s ide Open

T ROUBLESHOOT ING GUIDE Detectio n co nd itio n 10 minutes after engine s peed>1000 rpm 10 minutes after puls e generator B>1000 rpm Low temperature s ide output voltage>4.3 V SYMPT OM Shift s hock Power s hift pattern will not be available Po ssible cause Malfunctio n Fluid temperature s ens or PCM Check item Fluid temperature s ens or Harnes s & connector


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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 1 3 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES

T ROUBLESHOOT ING GUIDE Detectio n co nd itio n 10 minutes after engine s peed>1000 rpm 10 minutes after puls e generator B>1000 rpm Low temperature s ide output voltage>4.3 V SYMPT OM Shift s hock Power s hift pattern will not be available Po ssible cause Malfunctio n Fluid temperature s ens or PCM Check item Fluid temperature s ens or Harnes s & connector


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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 1 7 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES

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- Open, s hort circuit -

Detects non-operating area of damper clutch. Detects turbine rpm for control of fluid pres s ure during a s hift. T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW Detectio n co nd itio n Vehicle s peed s ens or s peed>30km/h Trans axle range : D, 2 or L Engine s peed>3,000rpm Shift pos ition : 2nd, 3rd or 4th gear SYMPT OM Shift s hock during 2nd and 4th gear s hifting. When code P0717 is generated, automatic trans axle hold in 3rd gear ("D" range) or 2nd gear ("2", "L" range). Codes P0731, P0732, P0733 and P0734 may als o be s et. Po ssible cause Malfunction Malfunction Malfunction Malfunction retainer of of of of PG-A connector PCM end clutch Check item Harnes s & connector



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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 22 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES

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DESCRIPT ION Detects number of revolutions of the trans fer driven gear to monitor vehicle s peed. T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW Detectio n co nd itio n Vehicle s peed s ens or s peed>30 km/h Engine s peed>3,000 rpm Shift pos ition : 2nd, 3rd or 4th gear SYMPT OM Shift s hock during 2nd and 4th gear s hifting When fail-s afe code P0722 is generated, automatic trans axle will hold in 3rdgear (D) or 2nd gear (2,L) Codes P0731, P0732, P0733 and P0734 may als o be s et Po ssible cause Malfunction Malfunction Malfunction Malfunction driven gear of of of of PG-B connector PCM trans fer Check item Open in PG-B circuit Malfunction of PG-B Nois e in s ignal (Poor or defective s hielding) Chattering of vehicle s peed s ens or



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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 31 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES

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If the value res ulting from driving the PG-A output (input s haft rotation s peed) by the 1s t gear ratio does not match the PG-B output (output s haft rotation s peed) after 1s t gear is engaged, DTC P0731 is output. T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW Detectio n co nd itio n Engine s peed>400 rpm Trans fer s haft s peed>900 rpm Fluid temperature>60C PCM s ens es a s ignal that does not fall into the preprogrammed parameters SYMPT OM Automatic trans axle will hold 3rd gear (D) or 2nd gear (2,L) Code P0717 or P0722 may als o be s et (puls e generator codes ) Po ssible cause Malfunctio n PG-A or PG-B Trans fer driven gear Rear clutch One-way clutch Check item Malfunction of puls e generator circuit Rear clutch s lippage One-way clutch s lippage


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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 32 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES
DT C NO P0732 DESCRIPT ION If the value res ulting from driving the PG-A output (input s haft rotation s peed) by the 2nd gear ratio does not match the PG-B output (output s haft rotation s peed) after 2nd gear is engaged, DTC P0732 is output. T ROUBLESHOOT ING GUIDE Detectio n co nd itio n Po ssible cause Check item Malfunction of puls e generator circuit Rear clutch s lippage Kickdown brake s lippage SECON D GEAR SYSTEM DIAGNOST IC IT EM - MALFUNCTION -

Malfunctio n If the value res ulting from driving PG-A or PG-B the PG-A output (input s haft rotation s peed) by the 2nd gear ratio does not Trans fer driven gear match the PG-B output (output s haft Rear clutch rotation s peed) after 2nd gear is Kickdown brake engaged, DTC P0732 is output SYMPT OM Automatic trans axle will hold in 3rd gear (D) or 2nd gear (2,L)


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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 33 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES
DT C NO P0733 DESCRIPT ION If the value res ulting from driving the PG-A output (input s haft rotation s peed) by the 3rd gear ratio does not match the PG-B output (output s haft rotation s peed) after 3rd gear is engaged, DTC P0733 is output. T ROUBLESHOOT ING GUIDE Detectio n co nd itio n Engine s peed>400 rpm Trans fer s haft s peed>900 rpm Fluid temperature>60C PCM s ens es a s ignal that does not fall into the preprogrammed parameters Po ssible cause Malfunctio n PG-A or PG-B Trans fer driven gear End clutch retainer Front clutch Check item Malfunction of puls e generator circuit Rear clutch s lippage Front clutch s lippage THIRD GEAR SYSTEM DIAGNOST IC IT EM - MALFUNCTION -

SYMPT OM Automatic trans axle will hold 3rd gear (D) or 2nd gear (2, L) when code P0731, P0732, P0733, P0734 is output Code P0717 or P0722 may als o be s et (puls e generator codes )


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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 34 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES
DT C NO P0734 DESCRIPT ION If the value res ulting from driving the PG-A output (input s haft rotation s peed) by the 4th gear ratio does not match the PG-B output (output s haft rotation s peed) after 4th gear is engaged, DTC P0734 is output. T ROUBLESHOOT ING GUIDE Detectio n co nd itio n Engine s peed>400 rpm Trans fer s haft s peed >900 rpm Fluid temperture>60C PCM s ens es a s ignal that does not fall into the preprogrammed parameters . SYMPT OM Automatic trans axle will hold in 3rd gear (D) or 2nd gear (2, L) when code P0731, P0732, P0733, P0734 is output. Code P0717 or P0722 may als o be s et (puls e generator codes ). Po ssible cause Malfunctio n PG-B Trans fer driven gear End clutch retainer Kickdown brake End clutch Check item Malfunction of puls e generator circuit Kickdown brake s lippage FOURTH GEAR SYSTEM DIAGNOST IC IT EM - MALFUNCTION -

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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 4 1 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES

Controls fluid pres s ure that is acting on the damper clutch control valve through Puls e Width Modulation s ignals from the PCM to control the operation of the damper clutch. If damper clutch s olenoid drive duty continues at 100% for 4 s ec. or more, there is an abnormality in the damper clutch control s ys tem at DTC P0743 is output. T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW Detectio n co nd itio n IG S/W "ON" or s tart releas e PCM s ens es an open Short in DCCSV circuit SYMPT OM Exces s ive fuel cons umption Poor performance Po ssible cause Malfunction of connector Malfunction of PCM Check item Open/s hort in DCCSV circuit Malfunction of DCCSV


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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 4 2 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES

Controls fluid pres s ure that is acting on the damper clutch control valve through Puls e Width Modulation s ignals from the PCM to control the operation of the damper clutch. If damper clutch s olenoid drive duty continues at 100% for 4 s ec. or more, there is an abnormality in the damper clutch control s ys tem at DTC P0743 is output. T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW Detectio n co nd itio n IG S/W "ON" or s tart releas e PCM s ens es an open Short in DCCSV circuit SYMPT OM Exces s ive fuel cons umption Poor performance Po ssible cause Malfunction of connector Malfunction of PCM Check item Open/s hort in DCCSV circuit Malfunction of DCCSV


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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 4 3 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES
DT C NO P0743 P0742 P0741 DESCRIPT ION Controls fluid pres s ure that is acting on the damper clutch control valve through Puls e Width Modulation s ignals from the PCM to control the operation of the damper clutch. If damper clutch s olenoid drive duty continues at 100% for 4 s ec. or more, there is an abnormality in the damper clutch control s ys tem at DTC P0743 is output. T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW Detectio n co nd itio n IG S/W "ON" or s tart releas e PCM s ens es an open Short in DCCSV circuit SYMPT OM Exces s ive fuel cons umption Poor performance Po ssible cause Malfunction of connector Malfunction of PCM Check item Open/s hort in DCCSV circuit Malfunction of DCCSV DIAGNOST IC IT EM DAMPER CLUTCH CON TROL SOLENOID VALVE DAMPER CLUTCH SYSTEM DAMPER CLUTCH SYSTEM - Open, Short circuit - Stuck ON - Stuck OFF -

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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 4 5 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES
DT C NO P0745 DESCRIPT ION Controls fluid pres s ure that is acting on the pres s ure control valve-A (PCV-A) through Puls e Width Modulation s ignals from the PCM to control pres s ure during a s hift. T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW Detectio n co nd itio n IG S/W "ON" or s tart releas e PCM s ens es an open Short in the PCSV-A circuit SYMPT OM Shock felt as trans axle is engaged Shift s hock is felt as trans axle s hifts through gears Abrupt increas e of engine rpm When code P0745 is generated for the 4th time, automatic trans axle will hold 3rd gear (D) or 2nd gear (2,L) Po ssible cause Malfunction of PCSV-A Malfunction of connector Malfunction of PCM Check item Open/s hort in PCSV-A circuit Malfunction of PCSV-A DIAGNOST IC IT EM PRESSU RE CONTROL SOLEN OID VALVE-A - Open -, - Short circuit -

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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 50 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES

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Control fluid pres s ure that is acting on the s hift control valve (SCV) through ON/OFF s ignals from the PCM to control s hifting. T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW Detectio n co nd itio n IG S/W "ON" or s tart releas e PCM s ens es an open/s hort in the SCSV-A SYMPT OM Automatic trans axle will hold 3rd gear when code P0750 is generated. Po ssible cause Malfunction of PG-A Malfunction of connector Malfunction of PCM Check item Open/s hort in SCSV-A circuit Malfunction of SCSV-A



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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 55 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES
DT C NO P0755 DESCRIPT ION Controls fluid pres s ure that is acting on the s hift control valve (SCV) through ON/OFF s ignals from the PCM to control s hifting. If res is tance value of SCSV-B is too high or low, P0755 is output (open or s hort circuit). T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW Detectio n co nd itio n IG S/W "ON" or s tart releas e PCM s ens es an open/s hort in the SCSV-B SYMPT OM Automatic trans axle will hold 3rd gear when code P0755 is generated. Po ssible cause Malfunction of SCSV-B Malfunction of connector Malfunction of PCM Check item Open/s hort in SCSV-B circuit Malfunction of SCSV-B DIAGNOST IC IT EM SHIFT CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE B - Open -, - Short circuit -


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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 60 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES

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DESCRIPT ION Controls fluid pres s ure that is acting on the control s witch valve (CSV) through ON/OFF s ignals from the PCM to control s hifting If res is tance value of SCSV-C is high, P0760 is output (open circuit). T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW Detectio n co nd itio n IG S/W "ON" or s tart releas e PCM s ens es an open/s hort in the SCSV-C SYMPT OM Automatic trans axle will hold 3rd gear when code P0760 is generated. Po ssible cause Malfunction of SCSV-C Malfunction of connector Malfunction of PCM Check item Open/s hort in SCSV-C circuit Malfunction of SCSV-C



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Aut omat ic T ransaxle Syst e m > T rouble shoot ing > P07 7 5 INSPECT ION PROCEDURES FOR DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLE CODES
DT C NO P0775 DESCRIPT ION Controls fluid pres s ure that is acting on the pres s ure control valve-B (PCV-B) through Puls e Width Modulation s ignals from the PCM to control pres s ure during a s hift. T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW Detectio n co nd itio n IG S/W "ON" or s tart releas e PCM s ens es an open Short in the PCSV-B circuit SYMPT OM Shock felt as trans axle is engaged Shift s hock is felt as trans axle s hifts through gears Abrupt increas e of engine rpm When code P0775 is generated for the 4th time, automatic trans axle will hold 3rd gear (D) or 2nd gear (2,L) Po ssible cause Malfunction of PCSV-B Malfunction of connector Malfunction of PCM Check item Open/s hort in PCSV-B circuit Malfunction of PCSV-B DIAGNOST IC IT EM PRESSU RE CONTROL SOLEN OID VALVE-B - Open -, - Short circuit -


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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Driveshaft and axle
Drive shaft and axle > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cial Se rvice T ools SPECIAL T OOLS
T o o l (Number and Name) 09495-33000 Puller Illustratio n Use Removal of wheel bearing inner race from hub.

09495-33100 Center bearing remover and ins taller

Removal of wheel bearing from knuckle. (us e with 09517-29000) Ins tallation of hub to knuckle. Ins tallation of the rear axle s haft bearing retainer. Ins tallation of tone wheel and dus t cover to a Birfield joint. Removal of front hub from knuckle. (us e with 09517-29000) Meas urement of front wheel bearing pre-load. (us e with 09532-11600) Removal of front hub from knuckle. (us e with 09517-21500) Removal of wheel bearing outer race from knuckle. (us e with 09495-33100) Removal of knuckle arm bridge. (us e with 09517-21500, 09517-29000)

09517-21200 Front axle bas e

09517-21500 Front hub remover and ins taller

09517-29000 Knuckle arm birdge

09517-3A000 Knuckle arm bridge holder

09532-11600 Preload s ocket

Meas urement of front wheel bearing pre-load. (us e with 09517-21500)

09532-31200A Oil s eal ins taller

Ins tallation of wheel bearing to knuckle.

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09568-34000 Ball joint puller

Seperation of front lower arm and tie rod end ball joint.

Drive shaft and axle > Ge ne ral Informat ion > T rouble shoot ing T ROUBLESHOOT ING
Sympto m Vehicle pulls to one s ide Po ssible cause Galling of drives haft ball joint Wear, rattle or galling of wheel bearing Defective front s us pens ion and s teering Vibration Wear, damage or bending of drives haft Drives haft rattle and hub s erration Wear, rattle or s cratching of wheel bearing Shimmy Improper wheel balance Defective front s us pens ion and s teering Exces s ive nois e Wear, damage or bending of drives haft Drives haft rattle and hub s erration Drives haft rattle and s ide gear s erration Wear, rattle or galling of wheel bearing Loos e hub nut Defective front s us pens ion and s teering Remed y Replace Replace Adjus t or replace Replace Replace Replace Adjus t or replace Adjus t or replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Adjus t or replace Adjus t or replace

Drive shaft and axle > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cificat ions SPECIFICAT IONS

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Item Cas tle nut Knuckle to s trut as s embly nut Lower arm ball joint to knuckle nut Wheel nut Rear hub bearing flange nut Rear s trut to carrier nut Trailing arm to carrier nut Rear s us pens ion arm to carrier nut Stabiliz er bracket nut Stabiliz er as s embled nut Rear s us pens ion arm flange nut Rear s us pens ion arm cam bolt Front hub to brake dis k s crew Nm 220 ~ 260 75 ~ 90 60 ~ 72 90 ~ 110 180 ~ 220 75 ~ 90 130 ~ 150 130 ~ 150 17 ~ 26 35 ~ 45 100 ~ 120 80 ~ 100 10 ~ 20 Kg fcm 2200 ~ 2600 750 ~ 900 600 ~ 720 900 ~ 1100 1800 ~ 2200 750 ~ 900 1300 ~ 1500 1300 ~ 1500 170 ~ 260 350 ~ 450 1000 ~ 1200 800 ~ 1000 100 ~ 200 lbfft 159 ~ 188 54 ~ 65 43 ~ 52 66 ~ 81 133 ~ 162 55 ~ 66 96 ~ 110 96 ~ 110 12 ~ 19 25 ~ 33 72 ~ 87 58 ~ 72 7 ~ 14

Replace the s elf-locking nuts with new ones after removal.

T ripo d jo int - Birfield jo int type d riveshaft (Fo r 1.5L/1.6L) Birfield joint boot greas e Reco mmend ed lubricant Centoplex 278M/136K CASMOLY BJ ROLLUBE BJ Sunlight SW-2 Quantity 85 6 gr. - Joint : 40 3 gr. - Boot : 45 3 gr.

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Tripod joint boot greas e


95 6 gr. - Joint : 60 3 gr. - Boot : 35 3 gr.

Drive shaft and axle > Drive shaft Asse mbly > Front Drive shaft > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S


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Drive shaft and axle > Drive shaft Asse mbly > Front Drive shaft > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Loos en the wheel nuts s lightly. 2. Rais e the front of the vehicle, and s upport it with s afety s tands in a proper location. 3. Remove the wheel nuts and front wheel.

4. Remove the s plit pin, the cas tle nut and the was her from the front hub. 5. Drain the trans mis s ion fluid before the drives haft is removed.

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6. Us ing a plas tic hammer, make the drives haft dis connected from the axle hub.

7. Pus h the axle hub outward and s eparate the drives haft from the axle hub. 8. Ins ert a pry bar between the trans axle cas e and the tripod joint cas e, and pry the drives haft from the trans axle cas e.

Be s ure to apply the pry bar to the rib of the trans axle cas e. Do not ins ert the pry bar too deeply, as this may caus e damage to the oil s eal. [max. depth : 7 mm (0.28 in.)] For automatic trans axle equipped vehicles , ins ert a pry bar into the groove of the drives haft to remove the drives haft from the trans axle. Do not pull on the drives haft; the joints may come apart. Be s ure to us e the pry bar. 9. Pull out the drives haft from the trans axle cas e.

Place a plug in the hole of the trans axle cas e to prevent contamination Support the drives haft properly. Replace the circlip each time the drives haft is removed from the trans axle cas e.


1. Coat gear oil on the drives haft s plines and trans axle cas e-s liding s urface.

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2. Before ins talling the drives haft, s et the opening s ide of the circlip facing downward. 3. As s emble the dus t cover, the hub, the brake dis c and the wheel bearing to the knuckle. 4. Ins tall the birfield joint into the knuckle.

5. In practice, the knuckle s hould be ins talled in the lower arm the moment the birfield joint is ins talled in the knuckle. Be careful not to damage the boot. 6. Ins tall the knuckle in the s trut as s embly with the tightening torque, 75~90 Nm (750~900 kgfcm, 54~65 lbfft).

7. Ins tall the lower arm in the knuckle with the tightening torque 60~72 Nm (600~720 kgfcm, 43~52 lbfft). 8. After the ins tallation, check on the drives haft for manuever by hand. 9. After ins talling the was her with convex s urface outward, ins tall the cas tle nut and the s plit pin.

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10. Ins tall the wheel and tire.

1. Check the boots on the drives haft for cracks , damage, leaking greas e and loos e boot bands . If any damage is found, replace the boot and boot bands . 2. Check the joints for wear and operating condition. 3. Turn the drives haft by hand and make s ure the s plines and the joints are not exces s ively loos e. If damage is found, replace the joint.

4. Check the s plines for wear and damage. 5. Make s ure the drives haft is not twis ted or cracked. Replace it if neces s ary.


Do not dis as s emble the birfield joint as s embly. The drives haft joint us es s pecial greas e. Do not s ubs titute with another type of greas e. (s ee page DS-3) The boot band s hould be replaced with a new one. 1. Loos en the tripod joint boot bands and pull the tripod joint boot from the tripod joint cas e.

Be careful not to damage the boot.

2. Seperate the tripod joint boot from the tripod joint cas e. 3. Remove the s nap ring and s pider as s embly from the drives haft.

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4. Clean the s pider as s embly. 5. Remove the birfield joint boot bands and pull out the birfield joint boot.

If the boot is to be reus ed, wrap tape around the drives haft s plines to protect the boot.

6. Remove the dus t cover from the birfield joint as s embly us ing the s pecial tool(09495-33000) or a proper one.

Drive shaft and axle > Front Axle Asse mbly > Front Hub / Axle > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Drive shaft and axle > Front Axle Asse mbly > Front Hub / Axle > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Rais e the vehicle and remove the front wheel. 2. Remove the cas tle nut. 3. Remove the front caliper as s embly from the knuckle and s us pend it with a wire. 4. Remove the wheel s peed s ens or from the knuckle. 5. Dis connect the tie rod end ball joint from the knuckle us ing the s pecial tool (09568-34000).

Be s ure to tie the cord of the s pecial tool (09568-34000) to the nearby part. Loos en the nut, but do not remove it.

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6. Dis connect the s trut as s embly from the knuckle.

7. Dis connect the drives haft from the hub. 8. Dis connect the lower arm ball joint from the knuckle us ing the s pecial tool (09568-34000).

9. Remove the hub and knuckle as an as s embly.


Ins tallation is in the revers e order of removal (s ee page DS-13).

1. Remove the brake dis c from the hub. 2. Remove the s nap ring.

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3. Ins tall the s pecial tools (09517-21500, 09517-29000, 09517-3A000) as illus trated.

4. Remove the hub from the knuckle by turning the nut of the s pecial tool (09517-21500). 5. Remove the s pecial tools (09517-21500, 09517-29000, 09517-3A000) and the dus t cover. 6. Remove the bearing inner race from the hub us ing the s pecial tool (09495-33000).

7. Us ing the s pecial tools (09495-33100, 09517-29000), remove the wheel bearing outer race from the knuckle.

1. Check the hub for cracks and the s plines for wear. 2. Check the brake dis c for s coring and damage. 3. Check the knuckle for cracks .

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4. Check the s nap ring for crack or damage.

1. Apply a thin coat of multi-purpos e greas e to the knuckle and bearing contact s urface. 2. Us ing the s pecial tool (09532-31200A), pres s the bearing into the knuckle.

Do not pres s on the inner race of the wheel bearing. That will caus e damage to the bearing as s embly. When ins talling a bearing as s embly, always us e a new one. Left and right bearing mus t be from one manufacturer. 3. Ins tall the dus t cover.

4. Us ing the s pecial tool(09495-33100), pres s the hub into the knuckle.

Do not pres s on the outer race of the wheel bearing. That will caus e damage to the bearing as s embly.

5. Ins tall the brake dis c. 6. Tighten the hub to the knuckle to 220~260 Nm (2200~2600 kgfcm, 159~188 lbfft) with the s pecial tool (09517-21500).

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7. Rotate the hub s everal times to s eat bearing. 8. Meas ure the hub bearing s tarting torque. Hub bearing starting to rq ue [Limit] 1.3 Nm (13 kgfcm, 0.96 lbfft) or les s 9. If the meas uring load is 0kg, meas ure the hub bearing axial end play.

10. If the hub bearing axial end play exceeds the limit while the nut is tightened to 220~260 Nm (2200~2600 kgfcm, 159~188 lbfft), the bearing, hub and knuckle have not been ins talled correctly. Repeat the dis as s embly and as s embly procedure. Hub bearing axial end play [Limit] 0.051 ~ 0.075 mm (0.0020 ~ 0.0029 in.) or les s

11. Remove the s pecial tool. (09517-21500)

Drive shaft and axle > Re ar Axle Asse mbly > Re ar Hub / Carrie r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Drive shaft and axle > Re ar Axle Asse mbly > Re ar Hub / Carrie r > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the wheel hub greas e cap. 2. Remove the wheel bearing nut and the tongued was her. 3. Remove the s crew from the brake drum.

4. Remove the brake drum. 5. Remove the wheel s peed s ens or from the axle carrier.

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6. Remove the brake hos e clip and detach the brake hos e from the s hock abs orber.

7. Remove the rear hub unit bearing from the brake as s embly.


Ins tallation is in the revers e order of removal. 1. Ins tall the rear hub unit bearing. 2. As s emble the tongued was her and the wheel bearing nut.

Left and right bearing mus t be from one manufacturer. Pres s inner race until it contacts the end of the s plines . 3. Hammer the wheel bearing nut for the groove in the carrier. 4. Connect the rear s peed s ens or. 5. Fix up the brake drum to the rear hub as s embly with the s crew. 6. Ins tall the wheel hub greas e cab.

1. Check the rear hub bearing for wear or damage.

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2. Check the rear tone wheel for chipped teeth. 3. Check the rotating rear hub unit bearing for nois e. 4. Check the hub inner s urface for wear. 5. Check the carrier for cracks . 6. Check the rear hub unit bearing s tarting torque (it s hould be les s than 1.8 Nm (18 kgfcm, 1.33 lbfft)).

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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Suspension Syst em
Suspe nsion Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cial Se rvice T ools SPECIAL T OOLS
T o o l (Number and Name) 09216-21100 Mount bus hing remover Use Illustratio n Removal & ins tallation of lower arm bus hing (G) (us e with 09216-21200, 09545-02000)

09216-21200 Mount bus hing remover and ins taller bas e

Removal & ins tallation of the lower arm bus hing (G) (us e with 09216-21100, 09545-02000)

09532-11600 Preload s ocket

Meas urement of the lower arm ball joint and s tabiliz er link s tarting torque

09545-02000 Lower arm bus hing remover and ins taller

Ins tallation of the lower arm ball joint

09545-21100 Ball joint dus t cover ins taller

Ins tallation of the lower arm ball joint s nap ring

09545-25000 Lower arm bus hing remover and ins taller

Removal & ins tallation of the lower arm bus hing (A)

09551-25000 Trailing arm bus hing remover and ins taller

Removal & ins tallation of the trailing arm bus hing

09552-25000 Rear s us pens ion arm remover and ins taller

Removal & ins tallation of the rear s us pens ion arm bus hing

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09568-34000 Ball joint puller

Separation of the lower arm ball joint

A-20 Strut compres s or adapter

Compres s ion of the rear coil s pring (us e with J38402)

A-42 Strut compres s or adapter

Compres s ion of the front coil s pring (us e with J38402)

A-50 Strut compres s or adapter

Compres s ion of the rear coil s pring (us e with J38402)

J38402 Strut s pring compres s or

Compres s ion of the front & rear coil s pring (us e with A-42 or A-20)

09545-11000 (A,B) Ball joint remover and ins taller

Ins tallation of the front lower arm ball joint

09545-3A000 Lower arm bus hing remover

Removal of lower arm bus hing

Suspe nsion Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > T rouble shoot ing T ROUBLESHOOT ING
Sympto m Hard s teering Po ssible cause Improper front wheel alignment Exces s ive turning res is tance of lower arm ball joint Low tire pres s ure No power as s is t Improper front wheel alignment Remed y Correct Replace Adjus t Repair and replace Correct

Poor return of s teering wheel to center

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Poor rough ride

Improper front wheel alignment Malfunctioning s hock abs orber Broken or worn s tabiliz er Broken or worn coil s pring Worn lower arm bus hing Improper front wheel alignment Improper tire pres s ure Malfunctioning s hock abs orber

Correct Repair or replace Replace Replace Replace the lower arm as s embly Correct Adjus t Replace

Abnormal tire wear


Correct Improper front wheel alignment Poor turning res is tnace of lower arm ball joint Repair Retighten or replace Loos e or worn lower arm bus hing Improper front wheel alignment Exces s ive turning res is tance of lower arm ball joint Broken or worn coil s pring Bent lower arm Correct Replace Replace Repair

Vehicle pulls to one s ide

Steering wheel s himmy

Correct Improper front wheel alignment Poor turning res is tance of lower arm ball joint Replace Replace Broken or worn s tabiliz er Replace Worn lower arm bus hing Replace Malfunctioning s hock abs orber Replace Broken or worn coil s pring Broken or worn coil s pring Malfunctioning s hock abs orber Replace Replace


WHEEL AND T IRE D IAGNOSIS Rapid wear at the center Rapid wear at both s houlders Wear at one s houlder

Center- tread down to fabric due to exces s ive over inflated tires Lack of rotation Exces s ive toe on drive wheels Heavy acceleration on drive

Underinflated tires Worn s us pens ion components Exces s ive cornering s peeds Lack of rotation

Toe adjus tment out of s pecification Camber out of s pecification Damaged s trut Damaged lower arm

WHEEL AND T IRE D IAGNOSIS Partial wear Feather edges wheels Wear pattern

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Cans ed by irreqular burrs on brak drums .

Toe adjus tment out of s pecification Damaged or worn tie rods Damaged knuckle

Exces s ive toe on non-drive wheels Lack of rotation

Suspe nsion Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cificat ions SPECIFICAT IONS

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Stand ard value Toe-in mm(in.) Camber Cas ter King pin inclination angle King pin offs et mm(in.) Wheel runo ut Radial Axial Fro nt 0 3 (0 0.12) 0 30 148 30 1103 30 5.8 (0.23) Steel wheel 0.6mm (0.028 in.) : Average of LH & RH 0.8mm (0.032 in.) Aluminum wheel 0.3mm (0.012 in.) 0.3mm (0.012 in.) Rear 3 2 (0.12 0.0787) -41 30


Items Nm kg fcm lbfft

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Cas tle nut Strut upper ins tallation nut * Strut as s embly to knuckle Front s trut mounting s elf locking nut Lower arm ball joint to knuckle Lower arm/lower arm bracket mounting bolt Tie rod end ball joint to knuckle Rear roll s topper to s ub-frame bolt Rear roll s topper mounting nut Rear s trut mounting s elf locking nut Rear s tabiliz er link to s tabiliz er bar Rear s tabiliz er bar bracket bolt Rear s us ps ens ion arm (A,B) to axle carrier Rear s us pens ion arm (A) to body frame * Rear s us pens ion arm (B) to body frame * Trailing arm to axle carrier nut * Trailing arm to bracket nut Trailing bracket to body frame

220 ~ 260 20 ~ 30 75 ~ 90 60 ~ 70 60 ~ 72 95 ~ 120 15 ~ 34 30 ~ 40 45 ~ 60 45 ~ 50 35 ~ 45 17 ~ 26 130 ~ 150 100 ~ 120 80 ~ 100 130 ~ 150 100 ~ 120 40 ~ 50

2200 ~ 2600 200 ~ 300 750 ~ 900 600 ~ 700 600 ~ 720 950 ~ 1200 150 ~ 340 300 ~ 400 450 ~ 600 450 ~ 500 350 ~ 450 170 ~ 260 1300 ~ 1500 1000 ~ 1200 800 ~ 1000 1300 ~ 1500 1000 ~ 1200 400 ~ 500

162 ~ 192 14 ~ 22 55 ~ 66 43 ~ 51 43 ~ 52 69 ~ 87 11 ~ 25 22 ~ 29 33 ~ 44 33 ~ 37 26 ~ 33 13 ~ 19 96 ~ 110 74 ~ 88 59 ~ 74 96 ~ 110 74 ~ 88 30 ~ 37

Replace the s elf-locking nuts with new ones after removal. '* ' parts s hould be temporarily tightened, and then fully tighted with the vehicle on the ground in an unladen condition.

Lo catio n In ball joint of lower arm In ins ulator bearing s trut In rear s tatiliz er link cas e Reco mmend ed lubricant Variant R-2 greas e or poly lub gly 801 K SAE J310a, Chas s is greas e (NLGI No. 0 or equivalent) Lubchem SB 6042M or Sunlight MB2 Quantity As required As required As required

Suspe nsion Syst e m > Front Suspe nsion Syst e m > Front St rut Asse mbly > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Suspe nsion Syst e m > Front Suspe nsion Syst e m > Front St rut Asse mbly > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the front wheel. 2. Detach the brake hos e bracket from the s trut as s embly.

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Do not pry or force the components exces s ively.

3. Remove the s trut upper mounting nuts (3).

4. Remove the s trut lower kunckle mounting bolts (2).

5. Remove the s trut as s embly. 6. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

1. Remove the ins ulator dus t cover with a flat-tip s crew driver. 2. Us ing the s pecial tool(J38402), compres s the coil s pring until there is only a little tens ion on the s trut.

Do not us e an impact gun.

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3. Remove the lock-nut at the top end of the s hock abs orber. 4. Remove the s trut ins ulator, s pring s eat as s embly, coil s pring and s trut dus t cover.

1. Check the s trut ins ulator bearing for wear or damage.

2. Check the rubber parts (Ins ulator dus t cover, Strut ins ulator, Spring s eat as s embly, Strut dus t cover, Spring lower pad) for damage or deterioration. 3. Check the coil s pring for s agging and weaknes s . 4. Reas s emble all the parts except for the coil s pring. 5. Repeat pus hing and pulling of the damper as s embly as s hown. 6. Check for s mooth operation through a full s troke. If there is no compres s ion, no extens ion and the gas is leaking, it is s trongly recommended that the damaper s hould be replaced.

1. Ins tall the s pring lower pad with the protrus ions fitted in the holes of the s pring lower s eat.

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2. Ins tall the s trut dus t cover on the s hock abs orber. 3. Us ing s pecial tool(J38402, A-42), compres s the coil s pring. After the s pring is fully compres s ed, ins tall it on the s hock abs orber.

Ins tall the coil s pring with the identification color mark facing toward the knuckle. 4. After fully extending the pis ton rod, ins tall the s pring s eat as s embly and the s trut ins ulator.

Align the D-s haped hole in the s pring s eat as s embly with the indentation on the pis ton rod.

5. After having correctly s eated the upper and lower ends of the coil s pring in the upper and lower s pring s eat grooves , ins tall the new s elf-lockingnut but do not tighten it.

6. Remove the s pecial tool (J38402, A-42). 7. Tighten the s elf-locking nut to the s pecified torque. T ig htening to rq ue 60~70 Nm (600~700 kgfcm, 43~51 lbfft) 8. Pack greas e in the s trut ins ulatior bearing and ins tall the ins ulator dus t cover.

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Make s ure that no greas e is on the ins ulator rubber. (s ee page SS-3)

Suspe nsion Syst e m > Front Suspe nsion Syst e m > Front Lowe r Arm > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Suspe nsion Syst e m > Front Suspe nsion Syst e m > Front Lowe r Arm > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the front wheel and tire. 2. Remove the s plit pin, the cas tle nut and the was her.

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3. Loos en the lower arm ball joint nut, but do not remove it. 4. Remove the s trut lower mounting bolts (2). 5. Pus h the axle hub outward to dis connect the drive s haft from the axle hub. 6. Us ing the s pecial tool(09568-34000), dis connect the lower arm ball joint from the lower arm.

7. Ins tall the s trut lower mounting bolt temporarily. 8. Remove the s tabiliz er link nut. 9. Remove the lower arm bus hing (A) and bus hing (G) mounting bolts (2).

10. Remove the lower arm as s embly.


1. Firs t, fix the lower arm bus hing (G) and then bolt up s lightly.

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2. It would be better to ins ert the drives haft s pline and the ball joint in the knuckle nearly at the s ame time. 3. Ins tall the s tabiliz er link in the lower arm as s embly the moment the drives haft is ins erted gradually. Do not, however, tighten the s elf-locking nut in this s tep. 4. Pus h the brake dis c and hub inward in order to as s emble the lower arm bus hing (A) to the front chas s is . 5. Tighten the lower arm bus hing (A) bolt. 6. Tighten the lower arm bus hing (G) bolt completely. 7. After fixing the s tabiliz er link us ing 14mm s panner, tighten the s elf-locking nut.

8. As s emble the was her, cas tle nut and s plit pin. 9. Ins tall the wheel and tire.


1. Us ing a s crewdriver, remove the dus t cover from the lower arm ball joint.

2. Remove the s nap ring.

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3. Us ing a plas tic hammer, dis connect the ball joint from the lower arm. Hammering with the s pecial tool (09545-3A000) placed under the lower arm as s hown may prevent the deformation of the lower arm.

4. Us ing the s pecial tool (09545-11000), pres s the ball joint into the lower arm as s embly. Unles s it it pres s ed firmly, the s nap ring will not fit perfectly to the groove.

5. Ins tall the s nap ring. 6. If there is not s ufficient greas e on the ball joint as s embly, apply greas e abundantly.

7. Us ing the s pecial tool (09545-21100), ins tall the dus t cover. The s pecial tool will make the ins tallation proces s even eas ier.

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1. Ins tall the s pecial tool (09545-25000) and the lower arm on the pres s -machine. 2. Remove the bus hing (A).

3. Apply s oap s olution to the following parts . A. Outer s urface of the new bus hing (A). B. Inner s urface of the lower arm bus hing mount (B).

4. Ins tall the new bus hing onto the lower arm by us ing s pecial tool. 5. Center the bus hing by us ing by the following procedure, if neces s ary. A. Res et the s pecial tool and lower arm. B. Center the bus hing.

After centering the bus hing, wipe off the s oap s olution.

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1. Ins tall the s pecial tool (09216-21100, 09216-21200, 09545-02000) and the lower arm. 2. Pres s out the bus hing (G). 3. Apply s oap s olution to the following parts . A. Outer s urface of the bus hing. B. Inner s urface of the lower arm bus hing mount. 4. Ins tall the new bus hing onto the lower arm by us ing s pecial tool (09216-21100, 09216-21200, 09545-02000).

1. Check the bus hing for wear and deterioration. 2. Check the lower arm for bending or breakage. 3. Check the ball joint dus t cover for cracks . 4. Check all bolts . 5. Check the lower arm ball joint for rotating torque.

A. If a crack is noted in the dus t cover, replace the ball joint as s embly. B. Shake the ball joint s tud s everal times . (s ee page SS-12)

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C. Meas ure the balll joint rotating torque. Stand ard value 2.5~9 Nm (25~90 kgfcm, 1.8~6.6 lbfft) D. If the rotating torque exceeds the upper limit of the s tandard value, replace the ball joint as s embly. E. Even if the rotating torque is below the lower limit of the s tandard value, the ball joint may be reus ed, unles s it has drag and exces s ive play.

Suspe nsion Syst e m > Front Suspe nsion Syst e m > Front St abilize r Bar > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

Suspe nsion Syst e m > Front Suspe nsion Syst e m > Front St abilize r Bar > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the front wheel. 2. Remove the s tabiliz er link as s embly.

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3. Remove the s tabiliz er bracket and bus hing.

4. Remove the rear roll s topper.

5. Remove the s tabiliz er bar.


1. Ins tall the bus hing onto the s tabiliz er bar. 2. Align the bracket with the bus hing. Make s ure the projections are s ecurely in the s pace of the bracket.

3. Us ing the acces s opening, temporarily tighten the bus hing fixtures then pos ition the bus hing on the oppos ite s ide.

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4. Secure the s tabiliz er link with a open-end wrench (14 mm) then ins tall the s elf locking nut.

1. Check the s tabiliz er bar for deterioration and damage. 2. Check all bolts for condition and s traightnes s . 3. Check the s tabiliz er link dus t cover for cracks or damage. 4. Check the s tabiliz er link ball joint rotating torque.

A. If there is a crack in the dus t cover, replace it and add greas e. B. Shake the s tabiliz er link ball joint s tud s everal times . C. Mount the s elf-locking nut on the ball joint, and then meas ure the ball jointrotating torque. Stand ard value 1.7~3.2 Nm (17~32 kgfcm, 1.3~2.4 lbfft) D. If the rotating torque exceeds the upper limit of the s tandard value, replacethe s tabiliz er link. E. Even if the rotating torque is below the lower limit of the s tandard value, the ball joint may be reus ed unles s it has drag and exces s ive play.

Suspe nsion Syst e m > Re ar Suspe nsion Syst e m > Re ar St rut Asse mbly > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Suspe nsion Syst e m > Re ar Suspe nsion Syst e m > Re ar St rut Asse mbly > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Fold down the rear s eat back as s embly. 2. Remove the s peaker trim and the luggage s ide trim.

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3. Remove the rear s trut upper mounting nuts (3).

4. Remove the wheel and tire. 5. Dis connect the brake hos e and wheel s peed s ens or wiring from the rear s trut. 6. Remove the s trut and carrier mounting bolts (2).

Be careful not to drop the rear s trut. 7. Remove the rear s trut as s embly.

1. Us ing the s pecial tool (A-20, A-50, J38402), compres s the coil s pring until there is only a little tens ion on the s trut.

Do not us e an impact gun.

2. Remove the nut at the top end of the s hock abs orber. 3. Remove the s pring upper s eat, coil s pring, dus t cover and s trut as s embly.

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1. Check the ins ulator for wear or damage. 2. Check the rubber parts for damage or deterioration. 3. Check the coil s pring for s agging and weaknes s . 4. Check the s hock abs orber for abnornal res is tance or unus ual s ounds .

1. Ins tall the lower s pring pad s o that the protrus ions fit through the holes in the s pring lower s eat.

2. Ins tall the dus t cover on the s hock abs orber. 3. Us ing the s pecial tool (A-20, A-50, J38402), compres s the coil s pring. After s pring is fully compres s ed, ins tall it on the s hock abs orber.

4. After fully extending the pis ton rod, ins tall the s pring s eat and ins ulator as s embly.

Align the D-s haped hole in the s pring s eat upper as s embly with the indentationon the pis ton rod. 5. After having correctly s eated the upper and lower ends of the coil s pring in the upper and lower s pring s eat grooves , fully ins tall the new s elf-lockingnut but do not tighten.

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6. Pos ition the bolt of the s pring s eat to align with the projection of the pad as s hown in the illus tration.

7. Remove the s pecial tool. 8. Tighten the s elf-locking nut to the s pecified torque. T ig htening to rq ue 40~55 Nm (400~550 kgfcm, 29.5~40.6 lbfft)

Suspe nsion Syst e m > Re ar Suspe nsion Syst e m > Re ar Suspe nsion Arm > Re pair proce dure s REPLACEMENT REAR SUSPENSION ARM (A,B) BUSH REPLACEMENT
1. Ins tall the s pecial tool (09552-25000) and the s us pens ion arm on a pres s .

2. Pres s out the bus hing. 3. Apply s oap s olution to the new bus hing and s us pens ion arm. 4. Us ing the s pecial tool (09552-25000), pres s fit the bus hing.

Suspe nsion Syst e m > Re ar Suspe nsion Syst e m > Uppe r Arm, Lowe r Arm

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And Assist Link > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONET S

Suspe nsion Syst e m > Re ar Suspe nsion Syst e m > T railing Arm > Re pair proce dure s

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1. Ins tall the s pecial tool(09551-25000) and the trailing arm on a pres s .

2. Pres s out the bus hing. 3. Apply s oap s olution to the new bus hing and the trailing arm bus hing mount. 4. Pos ition the projection of the bus hing in a line as s hown in the illus tration.

5. Us ing the s pecial tool (09551-25000), pres s fit the bus hing.

Suspe nsion Syst e m > Re ar Suspe nsion Syst e m > Re ar St abilize r Bar > Re pair proce dure s REPLACEMENT REAR ST ABILIZER BAR REPLACEMENT
1. Remove the s tabiliz er bar and link as s embly. 2. Check the s tabiliz er link ball joint rotating torque.

A. If there is a crack in the dus t cover, replace it and add greas e. (s ee page SS-4) B. Shake the s tabiliz er link ball joint s tud s everal times . C. Mount the s elf-locking nut on the ball joint, and then meas ure the ball joint rotating torque.

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Stand ard value 0.3~1.0 Nm (3~10 kgfcm, 0.22~0.73 lbfft) D. If the rotating torque exceeds the upper limit of the s tandard value, replace the s tabiliz er link. E. Even if the rotating torque is below the lower limit of the s tandard value,the ball joint may be reus ed unles s it has drag and exces s ive play. 3. Ins tall the s tabiliz er link lower mounting nut s o that the dis tance (A) is at the s tandard value. : 4~6 mm (0.157~0.236 in.)

4. Identification mark of the s tabiliz er bar mus t be pos itioned to the left vehicle mounting.

Suspe nsion Syst e m > T ire s/Whe e ls > T ire > Re pair proce dure s T IRE

1. Meas ure the tread depth of the tires . Tread depth of tire [Limit] : 1.6mm (0.06 in.) 2. If the remaining tread depth is les s than the limit, replace the tire.

When the tread depth of the tires is les s than 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) the wear indicators will appear.

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The temporary s pare tire s hould not us ed in the wheel rotation.


1. Switch the front right and front left tires , and perform the road tes t inorder to confirm vehicle s tatility.

2. If the s teering pulls to oppos ite s ide, s witch the front and rear tires , and again perform the road tes t.

3. If the s teering continues to pull to one s ide, s witch the front right and left tires again, and again perform the road tes t.

4. If the s teering continues to pull to the oppos ite s ide, replace the front wheels with new ones .

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1. Us e tire chains only on the front wheels . Do not us e tire chains on rear wheels . 2. When us ing s now tires , us e them on all four wheels for maneuverability and s afety.

Suspe nsion Syst e m > T ire s/Whe e ls > Whe e l > Re pair proce dure s


Stand ard value Toe-in (B-A): 03 mm (00.12 in.) Descriptio n No. of turns of tie rod (Same amount for right and left) 1/2 1 T o e chang es mm (in.)/d eg . Approx. 5.5(0.217)/32.5 Approx. 11(0.433)/1

Toe-in adjus tment s hould be made by turning the right and left tie rods by the s ame amount. When adjus ting toe-in, loos en the outer bellows clip to prevent twis ting the bellows . After the adjus tment, tighten the tie rod end lock nuts firmly and reins tall the bellows clip. T ig htening to rq ue Tie rod end lock nuts : 50~55 Nm (500~550 kgfcm, 36~40 lbfft)

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Stand ard value Front camber: 0 30

Stand ard value Front cas ter: 148 30


T OE-IN Stand ard value Rear toe-in: 3 2mm (0.12 0.079 in.)

Releas e parking brake for the better meas urement. The rear s us pens ion arm (B) mounting bolt s hould be turned an equal amount on both s ides when adjus ting. Ins ide of the vehicle: toe-in Outs ide of the vehicle: toe-out The s cale has graduations of approximately 2.4 mm (0.09 in.) (s ingle s ide toe angle quivalent to 14)

The eccentric bolt s hould be adjus ted within a 90 range left and rightfrom the center pos ition.

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Stand ard value Rear camber: -41 30 Rear camber is als o pre-s et at factory and can not be adjus ted. If the camber meas ured is not within the s tandard value below, replace the bent or dmaged parts .

1. Jack up a vehicle and s upport it with a jack s tand. 2. Meas ure the wheel runout with a dial indicator as illus trated.

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3. Replace the wheel if the wheel runout exceeds the limit. (refer to 'SERVICE STANDARD'. s ee page SS-p.3) Wheel runo ut [Limit] Steel wheel - Radial : 0.6mm (0.028 in.) : Average of LH & RH) - Axial : 0.8mm (0.032 in.) Aluminum wheel - Radial : 0.3mm (0.012 in.) - Axial : 0.3mm (0.012 in.)


1. Tightening torque. Steel and aluminum alloy wheel. Specified to rq ue 90~110 Nm (900~1,100 kgfcm, 65~80 lbfft)

When us ing an impact gun, final tightening torque s hould be checked us ing a torque wrench. 2. Tightening order. Go around the wheel tightening every other nut until they are all tight. Then double-check each nut for tightnes s .


1. Aluminum is vulnerable to alkalies . If the vehicle has been expos ed to automobilewas hing detergent, or s alt from s ea water, or road chemicals , rins e the vehicleas s oon as pos s ible. Then apply wax to the wheels to prevent corros ion. 2. When s team cleaning the vehicle, do not direct the s team onto the aluminumwheels . When tightening nuts for aluminum wheels , obs erve the following : (1) Clean the hub s urface. (2) After finger-tightening the wheel nuts , tighten to s pecifications . (3) Do not us e an impact gun or pus h the wrench by foot to tighten the wheel nuts . (4) Do not apply oil to the threaded portions .

Suspe nsion Syst e m > T ire s/Whe e ls > Re pair proce dure s WHEEL & T IRE BALANCE

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1. Dynamic imbalance of wheel & tire as s y s hould not exceed AL wheel : 40g, STEEL wheel : 60g per bead s eat before balancing. 2. After balancing dynamic imbalance, balance weight s hould not exceed AL wheel : 80g, STEEL wheel : 100g per wheel & tire as s y except andit M/C addition work. 3. Balance weight mus t not over 1 for each s ide of except additional balancing with andit M/C. 4. In cas e balance weight pos itions concord each other, attach them s ide by s ide. In cas e imbalance at andit M/C, balance following table. Unbalance per bead seat 0 ~ 7.5g 7.6 ~ 12.5g 12.6 ~ 17.5g 17.6 ~ 27.5g 27.6g ~ Balance weig ht No balancing work 10g 15g 20g Dis compos e wheel and tire

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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > St eering Syst em
St e e ring Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Ge ne ral Informat ion GENERAL CHECKING ST EERING WHEEL FREE PLAY
1. Start the engine with the s teering wheel in the s traight ahead pos ition. 2. Meas ure the play at the circumference of the s teering wheel. Stand ard value Steering wheel free play : 0~30 mm (0~1.1 in.)

3. If the play exceeds the s tandard value, ins pect the connection between the s teering s haft and s teering linkage.


1. Place the front wheel on a turning radius gauge and meas ure the s teering angle. Stand ard value Wheel angle (Unladen s tate) Inner wheel : 3737 130 Outer wheel : 3151

2. If the meas ured value is not within the s tandard value, adjus t the toe and ins pect again.


1. Dis connect the tie rod and knuckle by us ing the s pecial tool.

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2. Move the ball joint s tud in a circular motion s everal times to check for loos enes s . 3. Mount the nuts on the ball joint, and then meas ure the ball joint s tarting torque. Stand ard value 0.5~2.5 Nm (5~25 kgcm, 0.36~1.78 lbft)

4. If the s tarting torque exceeds the upper limit of the s tandard value, replace the tie rod end. 5. Even if the s tarting torque is below the lower limit of the s tandard value, check the play of the ball joint and replace if neces s ary.


1. Pos ition the vehicle on a level s urface and place the s teering wheel in the s traight ahead pos ition. 2. Increas e the engine s peed to 1000 100 rpm.

After checking, res et the engine s peed to the s tandard value (idling s peed). 3. Meas ure the turning force with a s pring s cale by turning the s teering wheel clockwis e and counterclockwis e one and a half turns . Stand ard value Stationary s teering effort : 34.3N (3.5 kg, 7.8 lbs )

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4. Check that there is no s udden change of force while turning the s teering wheel. 5. If the s tationary s teering effort is exces s ive, check and adjus t the following points . (1) Damage or cracks on the dus t cover and tie rod end ball joint. (2) Pinion preload of the s teering gear box and s tarting torque of the tie rod end ball joint. (3) Starting torque of the ball joint.


1. The force required to turn the s teering wheel and the wheel return s hould be the s ame for both left and right in cas e of moderate or s harp turns . 2. When the s teering wheel is turned 90 and held for a couple of s econds while the vehicle is being driven at 35kph, the s teering wheel s hould return at leas t 70 from the neutral pos ition when it is releas ed.

If the s teering wheel is turned very quickly, s teering may be momentarily difficult. This is not a malfunction becaus e the oil pump output will be s omewhat decreas ed.


1. Pres s the V belt, applying a pres s ure of 98N (10kg, 22lb) at the s pecified point and meas ure the deflection to confirm that it is within the s tandard value. Stand ard value V belt deflection : 7~10 mm

2. If the belt deflection is beyond the s tandard value, adjus t the belt tens ion as follows . (1) Loos en the bolt adjus ting the power s teering "V" belt tens ion.

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(2) Put a bar or equivalent between the bracket and the oil pump and adjus t the tens ion s o that the belt deflection is within the s tandard value.

(3) Tighten the bolt adjus ting the power s teering "V" belt tens ion. (4) Check the belt deflection and adjus t it again if neces s ary.

After turning the V belt in the normal rotation direction more than once, recheck the belt deflection.


1. Pos ition the vehicle on a level s urface. 2. Start the engine. With the vehicle kept s tationary, turn the s teering wheel s everal times continuous ly to rais e the fluid temperature to 50~60C (122 to 140F). 3. With the engine at idle, turn the s teering wheel fully clockwis e and counterclockwis e s everal times . 4. Make s ure there is no foaming or cloudines s in the res ervoir fluid. 5. Stop the engine to check for any difference in fluid level between a s tationary and a running engine.

1. If the fluid level varies 5 mm (0.2 in.) or more, bleed the s ys tem again. 2. If the fluid level s uddenly ris es after s topping the engine, further bleeding is required. 3. Incomplete bleeding will produce a chattering s ound in the pump and nois e in the flow control valve, and lead to decreas ed durability of the pump

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1. Jack up the front wheels and s upport them with rigid racks . 2. Dis connect the return hos e from the oil res ervoir and plug the oil res ervoir. 3. Connect a vinyl hos e to the dis connected return hos e, and drain the oil into a container. 4. Dis connect the high-tens ion cable at the ignition coil s ide. While operating the s tarter motor intermittently, turn the s teering wheel all the way to the left and then to the right s everal times to drain the fluid. 5. Connect the return hos e and fix it with a clip s ecurely. 6. Fill the power s teering fluid res ervoir with the s pecified fluid. PSF-3 : 0.9 lit. (0.95 qts .) 7. Start the engine. Check for fluid leaks from the hos e, then s top the engine. 8. Pour the fluid into the bottom of the oil filter in the power s teering fluid res ervoir. 9. Bleed the air.

1. Dis connect the ignition coil high tens ion cable, and then, while operating the s tarter motor intermittently (for 15 to 20 s econds ), turn the s teering wheel all the way to the left and then to the right five or s ix times .

1. During air bleeding, replenis h with the fluid s o that the level does not fall below the lower pos ition of the filter. 2. If air bleeding is done while the vehicle is idling, the air will be broken up and abs orbed into the fluid. Be s ure to do the bleeding only while cranking.

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2. Connect the high tens ion cable, and then s tart the engine (idling). 3. Turn the s teering wheel to the left and then to the right, until there are no air bubbles in the oil res ervoir. 4. Confirm that the fluid is not milky and that the level is between "MAX" and "MIN" marks on the res ervoir. 5. Check that there is a little change in the fluid level when the s teering wheel is turned left and right.

1. If the fluid level varies 5mm (0.2 in.) or more, bleed the s ys tem again. 2. If the fluid level s uddenly ris es after s topping the engine, further bleeding is required. 3. Incomplete bleeding will produce a chattering s ound in the pump and nois e in the flow control valve, and lead to decreas ed durability of the pump.


1. Dis connect the pres s ure hos e from the pump. Connect the s pecial tool between the pump and the pres s ure hos e as illus trated.

2. Bleed the air, and then s tart the engine and turn the s teering wheel s everal times s o that the fluid temperature can ris e to approximately 50-60C (122-132F) operating temperature. 3. Increas e the engine s peed to 1,000 100 rpm. 4. Clos e the s hut-off valve of the s pecial tool and meas ure the fluid pres s ure to confirm that it is within the s tandard value range. Stand ard value

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Relief pres s ure : 5.9 MPa (60 kgcm, 853 ps i)

Do not keep the s hut-off valve on the pres s ure gauge clos ed for more than ten s econds . 5. If the fluid pres s ure is not within the s tandard value range, overhaul the oil pump. 6. Remove the s pecial tools , and tighten the pres s ure hos e to the s pecified torque. T ig htening to rq ue 55~65 Nm (550~650 kgcm, 40.6~47.9 lbft) 7. Bleed the s ys tem.

St e e ring Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cial Se rvice T ools SPECIAL T OOLS
T o o l (Number and name) 09517-21400 Drift Illustratio n Use Removal of pinion gear bearing

09222-21100 Valve s tem oil s eal ins taller

Ins tallation of the pinion gear bearing

09432-21600 Bearing ins taller

Ins tallation of oil pump oil s eal.

09434-14200 Counter s haft bearing ins taller

Ins tallation of the valve hous ing oil s eal.

09561-11002 Steering wheel puller

Removal of the s teering wheel

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09565-11100 Preload s ocket

Meas urement of the mains haft pre-load.

09565-21000 Pinion bearing remover and ins taller

Removal & ins tallation of pinion gear bearing and oil s eal valve body hous ing.

09555-21000 Bar

Removal & ins tallation of the oil s eal from gear hous ing.

09565-21100 Yoke plug torque wrench s ocket

Removal, ins tallation and adjus tment of s teering gear yoke plug.

09568-34000 Ball joint

Separation of the tie rod end ball joint.

09572-21000 Oil pres s ure gauge

Meas urement of the power s teering oil pres s ure. (us e with 09572-21200, 09572-22100)

09572-21200 Oil pres s ure gauge adapter (Hos e s ide)

Meas urement of the power s teering oil pres s ure. (us e with 09572-21000, 09572-22100)

09572-22100 Oil pres s ure gaug adapter

Meas urement of the power s teering oil pres s ure. (us e with 09572-21000, 09572-21200)

09573-21000 Oil s eal ins taller guide

Ins tallation of the oil s eal (us e with 09573-21100, 09573-21200, 09517-11000, 09555-21000)

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09573-21100 Oil s eal ins taller

Ins tallation of the back-up was her and oil s eal (us e with 09573-21000, 09573-21200, 09555-21000) 1. Removal of gear box oil s eal and back was her. (us e with 09555-21000) 2. Ins tallation of gear box oil s eal and back was her. (us e with 09555-21000, 09573-21000).

09573-21200 Oil s eal guide

St e e ring Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > T rouble shoot ing T ROUBLESHOOT ING (POWERST EERING)
Sympto m Exces s ive play in s teering wheel Pro bable cause Loos e yoke plug Loos e s teering gear mounting bolts Loos e or worn tie rod end Drive s lippage Damaged Drive belt Low fluid level Air in the fluid Twis ted or damaged hos es Ins ufficient oil pump pres s ure Sticky flow control valve Exces s ive internal oil pump leakage Exces s ive oil leaks from rack and pinion in gear box Dis torted or damaged gear box or valve body s eals Exces s ive turning res is tance of tie-rod end Exces s ively tightened rack s upport cover Inner tie rod and/or ball joint cannot turn s moothly Loos e mounting of gear box mounting bracket Worn s teering s haft joint and/or body grommet Dis torted rack Damaged pinion bearing Twis ted or damaged hos es Damaged oil pres s ure control valve Damaged oil pump input s haft bearing Remed y Retighten Retighten Retighten or replace as neces s ary Check Replace Replenis h Bleed air Correct the routing or replace Repair or replace the oil pump Replace Replace the damaged parts Replace the damaged parts Replace

Steering wheel operation is not s mooth (Ins ufficient power as s is t)

Steering wheel does not return properly

Replace Adjus t Replace Retighten Correct or replace Replace Replace Repos ition or replace Replace Replace

Nois e

Hissing No ise in Steering Gear There is s ome nois e with all power s teering s ys tems . One of the mos t common is a his s ing s ound when the s teering wheel

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is turned and the car is not moving.This nois e will be mos t evident then turning the wheel while the brakes are being applied. There is no relations hip between this nois e and s teering performance. Do not replace the valve unles s the "his s ing" nois e becomes extreme. A replaced valve will als o make a s light nois e, and is not always a s olution for the condition. Rattling or chucking nois e in the rack and pinion Interference with hos es from vehicle body Loos e gear box bracket Loos e tie rod end and/or ball joint Worn tie rod and/or ball joint Low fluid level Air in the fluid Loos e pump mounting bolts Repos ition Retighten Retighten Replace Replenis h Bleed air Retighten

Nois e in the oil pump

A s light "grinding nois e" may be heard immediately after the engine is s tarted in extremely cold whether conditions (below-20C) : This is due to power s teering fluid characteris tics in extreme cold conditions and is not an indication of malfunction.


Sympto m Exces s ive play in s teering wheel Pro bable cause Loos e rack s upport cover Loos e s teering gear mounting bolts Loos e or worn tie-rod end Exces s ive turning res is tance of tie-rod ball joint Exces s ively tightened rack s upport cover Inner tie rod and/or ball joint cannot turn s moothly Dis torted rack Worn s teering s haft joint and/or body grommet Damaged pinion bearing Exces s ive turning res is tance of tie-rod ball joint Exces s ively tightened rack s upport cover Inner tie rod and/or ball joint cannot turn s moothly Worn s teering s haft joint and/or body grommet Dis torted rack Damaged pinion bearing Remed y Retighten Retighten Retighten or replace as neces s ary Replace Adjus t Lubricate or replace ball joint Replace Replace Replace

Steering wheel operation is hard

Steering wheel does not return properly

Replace Adjus t Replace Correct or replace Replace Replace

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St e e ring Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cificat ions SPECIFICAT IONS
Item Manual steering Shaft and joint type Steering gear type Rack s troke Po wer steering Shaft and joint type Steering gear type Rack s troke Oil pump type Oil pump dis placement Oil pump pres s ure s witch operating pres s ure SERVICE ST ANDARD Item Manual steering Steering wheel free play Steering angle Inner wheel Outer whel Tie rod end ball joint s tarting torque Total pinion preload 180 or les s from neutral 180 or more from neutral Tie rod s wing res is tance Po wer steering Steering wheel free play Steering angle Inner wheel Outer wheel Stationary s teering effort Belt deflection [under 98N (10kg, 22lb) force] Oil pump relief pres s ure Total pinion preload Tie rod s wing res is tance T IGHT ENING T ORQUE Item Steering wheel lock nut Steering column and s haft as s embly mounting bracket Steering s haft and joint Pinion gear and joint Dus t cover mounting bolt Gear box mounting bolt Nm 35-45 13-18 15-20 15-20 4-6 60-80 50-55 kg cm 350-450 130-180 150-200 150-200 40-60 600-800 500-550 lbft 26-33 10-13 11-15 11-15 3-4.4 44-59 37-41 Specificatio n 0-30 mm (0-1.1 in.) 3737 130 3151 0.5-2.5 Nm (5-25 kgcm, 0.4-1.8 lbft) 0.4-1.1 Nm (4-11 kgcm, 0.3-0.8 lbft) 0.3-1.6 Nm (3-16 kgcm, 0.2-1.2 lbft) 2-5 Nm (20-50 kgcm, 1.4-3.6 lbft) 0-30 mm (0-1.1 in.) 3737 130 3151 34.3 N (3.5 kg, 7.8 lbs ) or les s 7-10 mm 5.9MPa (60 kg/cm, 853 ps i) 0.6-1.3 Nm (6-13 kgcm, 0.4-1.0 lbft.) 2-5 Nm (20-50 kgcm, 1.4-3.6 lbft) Specificatio n Collaps ible, cros s joints (two joints us ed) Rack and pinion 134mm (lock to lock : 3.87 turns ) Collaps ible, cros s joints , tilt column with pop-up Rack and pinion 134mm (lock to lock : 2.93 turns ) Vane type 9.6cm/rev. (0.59 in/rev.) 1.5-2.0 MPa (15-20 kg/cm, 213-284 ps i)

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Tie rod end lock nut Tie rod ball joint s lotted nut Rack yoke plug nut Tie rod to rack Po wer Steering Only Valve body hous ing to rack hous ing as s embly Pres s ure and return tube mounting clip Pres s ure and return tube to gear box Pinion and return valve as s embly to s elf-locking nut End plug Oil pump mounting bracket bolt Oil pump adjus ting bolt Pres s ure hos e mounting bolt (to oil pump) Oil res ervoir mounting bolt Suction hos e mounting clamp (to oil pump s uction connector) Oil cooler tube mounting bolt

16-34 50-70 80-100

160-340 500-700 800-1000

12-25 37-52 59-74

20-30 8-12 12-18 20-30 50-70 20-27 25-33 55-65 9-14 3-5 4-6

200-300 80-120 120-180 200-300 500-700 200-270 250-330 550-650 90-140 30-50 40-60

15-22 6-9 9-13 15-22 37-52 15-20 18-24 40.6-47.9 7-10 2.2-3.6 3-4.4

Item Horn contact ring of s teering wheel Bearing of s teering s haft Ball joint of tie rod end Steering gear hous ing Inner ball joint of gear box Reco mmend ed lubricant LONG TIME PD2 (OPTIMOL, GERMAN ) ALVANIA #2 or #3 (KEUK DONG SHELL, KOREA) VALIANT R-2 (SHOSEK I, JAPAN) ONE-LUBER RP (KYODOYUSHI, JAPAN) LONG TIME PD2 (OPTIMOL, GERMAN ) Quantity As required As required As required As required As required As required 0.9 liter (0.5 qts .)

Contact area of gear box bellows & tie rod SILICON GREASE Power s teering fluid PSF-3 TYPE

St e e ring Syst e m > St e e ring Column & Shaft > St e e ring Column/Shaft > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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St e e ring Syst e m > St e e ring Column & Shaft > St e e ring Column/Shaft > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Dis connect the (-) negative terminal from the battery.

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2. After removing the bolts in the illus tration, remove the driver's airbag module.

For the vehicles not equipped with SRS airbag, remove the horn cover as s embly.

3. Remove the s teering wheel lock nut.

4. After aligning the marks on the s teering s haft and wheel, remove the s teering wheel us ing the s pecial tool.

Do not hammer on the s teering wheel to remove it, doing s o may damage the s teering column.

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5. After removing the 3 bolts in the illus tration, remove the s teering column s hroud.

6. Remove the connectors of the airbag clock s pring and the multifunction s witch.

7. Remove the multifunction s witch as s embly from the s teering s haft.

8. After removing 4 connecting bolts , remove the lower cras h pad.

9. Remove the 4 bolts fixing the s teering column s haft.

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10. Remove the bolt from the univers al joint and gear box connecting portion.

11. Remove the s teering column s haft as s embly.


1. Place the s teering columns haft in pos ition and ins tall the 4 mounting bolts temporarily.

2. Ins tall the bolt on the univers al joint and gear box connecting part in the driver's s ide brake pedal lower portion.

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3. Completely tighten the temporarily ins talled 4 mounting bolts on the s teering column s haft.

4. After ins talling the lower cras h pad, tighten the 4 bolts .

5. Ins tall the multi-function s witch to the s teering column s haft by pus hing it until it reas hes the marked portion.

6. Ins tall the SRS clock s pring and multi-function s witch connector.

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7. After ins talling the upper/lower column s hroud, tighten the 3 bolts .

8. Fix the s teering wheel with a lock nut.

9. Fix the SRS module to the s teering wheel with 2 bolts .

10. Connect the (-) negative battery cable.

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1. Check the s teering column s haft for damage and deformation. 2. Check connections for play, damage and s mooth operation. 3. Check the ball joint bearing for wear and damage.

St e e ring Syst e m > Manual St e e ring Syst e m > Manual St e e ring Ge ar Box > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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St e e ring Syst e m > Manual St e e ring Syst e m > Manual St e e ring Ge ar Box > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Support the s pecified point of the vehicle with a lift.

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2. Remove the front tires (RH/LH). 3. After removing the s plit pin, dis connect the tie rod from the knuckle by us ing the s peicial tool.

4. Dis connect the s haft as s embly from the gear box ins ide the pas s enger compartment.

5. Rais e up the vehicle.

6. Remove the manual s teering gear box mounting bolt and clamp.

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7. Separate the manual s teering gear box as s embly by pulling it toward the right s ide of the vehicle.


1. Ins tall the manual s teering gear box as s embly by ins erting it from the right s ide.

2. Fix the manual s teering gear box to the cros s member.

3. Lower the vehicle.

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4. Connect the tie rod to the LH/RH knuckles .

5. Ins tall the tires (LH /RH). 6. Connect the s teering s haft as s embly to the gear box in the pas s enger compartment.

1. Remove the tie rod end from the tie rod.

2. After mounting the tie rod end in a vis e, remove the dus t cover from the ball joint.

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3. Remove the bellows band.

4. Remove the bellows clip.

5. Pull the bellows out toward the tie rod.

Check for rus t on the rack when the bellows are replaced. 6. Uns take the tab was her which fixes the tie rod and rack with a chis el.

7. Remove the yoke plug lock nut.

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8. Remove the yoke plug with a 14mm s ocket.

9. Remove the lock nut, yoke plug rack s upport s pring, rack s upport yoke and bus hing.

10. Move the rack completely toward the hous ing and mount the rack tooth portion in a bras s plate of a vis e. At the s tate of s tep 11, loos en the tie rod ball joint, then remove the tie rod as s embly from the rack.

11. Remove the rack from the gear hous ing.

Remove the rack toward the left s ide of the vehicle s o as not to damage the bus hing by the rack teeth.

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1. Apply the s pecified greas e to the rack, ins ert the rack into the gear hous ing, and then ins ert the pinion into the gear hous ing. A. Make s ure that the rack is ins erted into the gear hous ing from the left s ide. B. When ins erting the pinion into the gear hous ing, the pinion gear s hould be in mes h with the rack gear. C. Wipe off exces s ive greas e.

2. Prior to oil s eal ins tallation in the gear box, apply greas e to the s urface of the oil s eal.

Be s ure to us e a new oil s eal. 3. Ins tall the rack s upport yoke, rack s upport s pring, yoke plug, and lock nut to the pinion gear box.

4. Tighten the yoke plug to 11Nm (112 kgcm, 8 lbft) and then back off 30~60. Secure the yoke plug with the lock nut.

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1. Adjus t the yoke plug with the rack in the neutral pos ition. 2. Apply a s ealer between the lock nut and the hous ing.

5. After ins talling the tie rod to the rack, punch on a point over the tie rod with a chis el.

6. Ins tall the bellows in pos ition and fix it with the band and clip.

7. Mount tie rod end in a vis e and ins tall the dus t cover to the tie rod end.

8. Ins tall the tie rod to the tie rod end.

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When mounting the gear box in a vis e, let the ins tallation s ection of it be fixed to the jaws . If other s ection is fixed the gear box may be damaged.

1. Rotate the pinion gear for approximately 4 to 6 s econds for one rotation to meas ure the total pinion preload. Stand ard value 0.6~1.3 Nm (6~13 kgcm, 0.4~1.0 lbft)

Meas ure the pinion preload through the entire s troke of the rack.

2. If the meas ured value is out of s pecifications , firs t adjus t the yoke plug, then recheck the total pinion preload. 3. If you adjus t the yoke plug but do not obtain the total pinion preload, check or replace the yoke plug

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components .


1. Rotate the tie rod s everely ten times . 2. Meas ure the tie rod s wing res is tance with a s pring s cale. Stand ard value 2~5 Nm (20~50 kgcm, 1.4~3.6 lbft)

3. If the meas ured value exceeds the s tandard value, replace the tie rod as s embly.

Even if the meas ured value is below the s tandard value, the tie rod that s wings s moothly without exces s ive play may be us ed. If the meas ured value is below 0.44 kgcm, replace the tie rod.


1. Ins pect the bellows for damage or deterioration. 2. Make s ure the bellows are s ecured in the correct pos ition. 3. If the bellows are defective, replace them with new ones .

St e e ring Syst e m > Hydraulic Powe r St e e ring Syst e m > Powe r St e e ring Ge ar Box > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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St e e ring Syst e m > Hydraulic Powe r St e e ring Syst e m > Powe r St e e ring Ge ar Box > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Support the s pecified portion of the vehicle with a lift.

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2. Drain the power s teering fluid. 3. Remove the front tires (RH/LH). 4. After removing the s plit pin, dis connect the tie rod from the knuckle by us ing the s pecial tool.

5. Dis connect the s teering s haft as s embly from the gear box ins ide the pas s enger compartment.

6. Rais e up the vehicle.

7. Loos en the power s teering pres s ure tube mounting clamp and return tube mounting clamp mounting bolt.

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8. Dis connect the pres s ure tube and return tube fitting from the power s teering gear box.

9. Remove the power s teering gear box mounting bolt and clamp.

10. Separate the power s teering gear box as s embly by pulling it toward the rights s ide of the vehicle.


1. Pus h in the power s teering gear box as s embly in the right s ide of the vehicle.

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2. Fix the power s teering gear box to the cros s member.

3. Ins tall the pres s ure tube and return tube fitting to the power s teering gear box.

4. Fix the power s teering pres s ure hos e and return tube mounting clamp with the bolt.

5. Slowly lower the vehicle.

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6. Connect the tie rod to the knuckles (RH/LH)

7. Ins tall the tires (RH /LH) 8. Connect the s teering s haft to the driver s ide gear box.

9. Apply the power s teering fluid. 10. Bleed the air.

1. Remove the tie rod end from the tie rod.

2. After mounting the tie rod end in a vis e, remove the dus t cover from the ball joint.

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3. Remove the bellows band.

4. Remove the bellows clip.

5. Pull the bellows out toward the tie rod.

Check for rus t on the rack when the bellows are replaced. 6. While moving the rack s lowly, drain the fluid from the rack hous ing. 7. Uns take the tab was her which fixes the tie rod and rack with a chis el.

8. Remove the tie rod from the rack.

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Remove the tie rod from the rack, taking care not to twis t the rack.

9. Remove the yoke plug lock nut.

10. Remove the yoke plug with a 14mm s ocket.

11. Remove the lock nut, yoke plug, rack s upport s pring, rack s upport yoke and bus hing from the gear box.

12. Remove the feed tube from the rack hous ing.

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13. Remove the valve body hous ing by loos ening the two bolts .

14. When the end of the circlip comes out of the notched hole of the hous ing rack cylinder, turn the rack s topper counterclockwis e and remove the circlip.

Be careful not to damage the rack.

15. Remove the rack bus hing and rack from the rack hous ing. 16. Remove the O-ring from the rack bus hing.

17. Remove the oil s eal from the rack bus hing.

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18. Remove the valve body from the valve body hous ing with a s oft hammer.

19. Remove the oil s eal and ball bearing from the valve body hous ing. 20. Remove the oil s eal and O-ring from the rack hous ing.

Be careful not to damage the pinion valve cylinder bore of the rack hous ing. 21. Us ing the s pecial tool, remove the oil s eal and ball bearing from the valve body hous ing.


When mounting the gear box in a vis e, let the ins tallation s ection of it be fixed to the jaws . If other s ection is fixed, the gear box may be damaged.

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1. Rotate the pinion gear for approximately 4 to 6 s econds for one rotation to meas ure the total pinion preload. Stand ard value 0.6~1.3 Nm (6~13 kgcm, 0.4~1.0 lbft)

Meas ure the pinion preload through the entire s troke of the rack.

2. If the meas ured value is out of s pecifications , firs t adjus t the yoke plug, then recheck the total pinion preload. 3. If not obtain the total pinion preload after adjus ting the yoke plug check or replace the yoke plug components .


1. Rotate the tie rod s everely ten times . 2. Meas ure the tie rod s wing res is tance with a s pring s cale. Stand ard value 2~5 Nm (20~50 kgcm, 1.4~3.6 lbft)

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3. If the meas ured value exceeds the s tandard value, replace the tie rod as s embly.

Even if the meas ured value is below the s tandard value, the tie rod that s wings s moothly without exces s ive play may be us ed. If the meas ured value is below 0.44 kgcm, replace the tie rod.


1. Ins pect the bellows for damage or deterioration. 2. Make s ure the bellows are s ecured in the correct pos ition. 3. If the bellows are defective, replace them with new ones .

1. Apply the s pecified fluid to the entire s urface of the rack oil s eal. Recommended fluid : PSF-3 2. Ins tall the oil s eal to the s pecified pos ition in the rack hous ing.

3. Apply the s pecified fluid to the entire s urface of the rack bus hing oil s eal. Recommended fluid : PSF-3 4. Ins tall the oil s eal in the rack bus hing.

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5. Apply the s pecified fluid to the entire s urface of the O-ring and ins tall it in the rack bus hing. 6. Apply the s pecified greas e to the rack teeth. Reco mmend ed g rease : Multipurpos e greas e SAE J310a, NLGI #2 EP

Do not plug the vent hole in the rack with greas e.

7. Ins ert the rack into the rack hous ing and pus h in the rack bus hing until it is aligned with the notched hole of the rack hous ing, then ins tall it.

8. Us ing a s pecial tool, ins tall the oil s eal and the ball bearing in the valve body hous ing. 9. After applying the s pecified fluid and greas e to the pinion valve as s embly, ins tall it in the rack hous ing as s embly.

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10. After applying the s pecified fluid to the oil s eal, ins tall it in the rack hous ing, and fix the valve body as s embly and O-ring in the gear box.

11. Ins tall the tie rod and punch on a point over the tie rod with a chis el.

12. Ins tall the bus hing, rack s upport yoke, rack s upport s pring and yoke plug in the order s hown in the illus tration. Apply s emi-drying s ealant to the threaded s ection of the yoke plug before ins tallation.

13. With the rack placed in the center pos ition, attach the yoke plug to the rack hous ing. Tighten the yoke plug to 12 Nm (120 kgcm, 8.9 lbft), with a 14mm s ocket. Loos en the yoke plug approximately from 30 to 60 and tighten the yoke nut to the s pecified torque. T ig htening to rq ue 50~70 Nm (500~700 kgcm, 37~52 lbft)

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14. Tighten the feed tube to the s pecified torque and ins tall the mounting rubber us ing adhes ive. 15. Apply the s pecified greas e to the bellows mounting pos ition (fitting groove) of the tie rod. Recommended greas e : Silicone greas e 16. Ins tall the new attaching band to the bellows .

When the bellows are ins talled, a new band mus t be us ed. 17. Ins tall the bellows in pos ition, taking care not to twis t it.

18. Fill the dus t cover inner s ide and lip with the s pecified greas e, and fix the dus t cover in pos ition with the clip ring attached in the groove of the tie rod end. Reco mmend ed g rease A : POLY LUB GLY 801K or equivalent B : SHOWA SUNLIGH T MB2 or equivalent Dus t cover inner s ide and lip : THREE BON D

19. Ins tall the tie rod to the tie rod end.

20. Check for total pinion preload.

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When mounting the gear box in a vis e, let the ins tallation s ection of it be fixed to the jaws . If other s ection is fixed, the gear box may be damaged.

1. Rotate the pinion gear for approximately 4 to 6 s econds for one rotation to meas ure the total pinion preload. Stand ard value 0.6~1.3 Nm (6~13 kgcm, 0.4~1.0 lbft)

Meas ure the pinion preload through the entire s troke of the rack.

2. If the meas ured value is out of s pecifications , firs t adjus t the yoke plug, then recheck the total pinion preload. 3. If not obtain the total pinion preload after adjus ting the yoke plug check or replace the yoke plug

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components .


1. Rotate the tie rod s everely ten times . 2. Meas ure the tie rod s wing res is tance with a s pring s cale. Stand ard value 2~5 Nm (20~50 kgcm, 1.4~3.6 lbft)

3. If the meas ured value exceeds the s tandard value, replace the tie rod as s embly.

Even if the meas ured value is below the s tandard value, the tie rod that s wings s moothly without exces s ive play may be us ed. If the meas ured value is below 0.44 kgcm, replace the tie rod.


1. Ins pect the bellows for damage or deterioration. 2. Make s ure the bellows are s ecured in the correct pos ition. 3. If the bellows are defective, replace them with new ones .

St e e ring Syst e m > Hydraulic Powe r St e e ring Syst e m > Powe r St e e ring Hose s > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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St e e ring Syst e m > Hydraulic Powe r St e e ring Syst e m > Powe r St e e ring Hose s > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Support the s pecified point of the vehicle with a lift.

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2. Drain the power s teering fluid. 3. Remove the front tires (RH/LH). 4. After removing the s plit pin, dis connect the tie rod from the knuckle us ing a s pecial tool (09568-34000).

5. Dis connect the s haft as s embly from the gear box ins ide the pas s enger compartment.

6. Rais e up the vehicle.

7. Loos en the power s teering pres s ure tube mounting clamp and return tube mounting clamp mounting bolt.

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8. Dis connect the pres s ure tube and return tube fitting from the power s teering gear box.

9. Lower the vehicle and dis connect the pres s ure hos e connector from the oil pump. (When removing the pres s ure hos e)

10. Dis connect the pres s ure hos e as s embly. (When removing the pres s ure hos e)

11. After removing the clip from the color tube, removing the return tube and hos e. (When removing the return tube and hos e)

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12. Remove the 10mm color tube mounting clip bolt. (When removing the color tube)

13. Dis connect the remove the color tube from the power s teering oil res ervoir tank s ide hos e. (When working on the color tube)


1. Support the s pecified portion of the vehicle with a lift.

2. Ins ert the color tube from the front pump upper part to the lower part and ins tall 2 mounting bolts .

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3. Connect the color tube to the power s teering oil res ervoir tank s ide hos e, return tube and hos e s ide and fix it with clips . (When ins talling the color tube)

4. Place the pres s ure hos e and tube as s embly in pos ition and connect it to the oil pump. (When ins talling the pres s ure hos e and tube)

5. Rais e the vehicle with a lift.

6. Fix the pres s ure tube and return tube fitting to the power s teering gear box.

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7. Fix the power s teering pres s ure tube and return tube mounting clamp with a bolt.

8. Lower the vehicle.

9. Connect the gear box and s teering column s haft univers al joint in the pas s enger compartment.

10. Connect the tie rod end to the LH/RH knuckles . 11. Ins tall the tires (LH/RH). 12. Fill the power s teering oil res ervoir with fluid.

1. Twis ting the hos e by hand, check for cracks . 2. Check that the hos e does not contact with other components .

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1. Fill the power s teering res ervoir with the power s teering fluid to the "Max." pos ition 2. Lift the front wheels with a jack and turn the s teering wheel fully to the left and right 5~6 times at 13 rpm, while driving the pulley only by operating the s tart motor. 3. Start the engine, let it idle and turn the s teering wheel fully left and right s everal times until bubbles dis appear from the power s teering res ervoir. 4. If the oil color does not become milk-white and the oil level is cons tant at the "MAX" pos ition, fluid level is O.K.

If the oil level changes when turning the s teering wheel, and the oil overflows when s topping the engine, it s hows that air bleeding was n't performed perfectly. As it can caus e nois e and early damage, you mus t repeat the above procedures .

St e e ring Syst e m > Hydraulic Powe r St e e ring Syst e m > Powe r St e e ring Oil Pump > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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St e e ring Syst e m > Hydraulic Powe r St e e ring Syst e m > Powe r St e e ring Oil Pump > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the pres s ure hos e from the oil pump. Dis connect the s uction hos e from the s uction pipe and drain the fluid into a container.

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2. Loos en the power s teering "V" belt tens ion adjus ting bolt.

3. Remove the "V" belt from the power s teering oil pump pulley.

4. After removing the power s teering oil pump mounting bolts and the tens ion adjus ting bolt, remove the power s teering oil pump as s embly.

5. Remove the power s teering oil pump mounting bracket.


1. After ins talling the oil pump to the oil pump bracket, ins tall the "V" belt and tighten the bolt adjus ting tens ion to the s pecified torque. Stand ard value

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Oil pump adjus ting bolt:25~33 Nm (250~330 kgcm, 18~24 lbft)

2. Ins tall the s uction hos e.

Ins tall the pres s ure hos e to the oil pump, facing the painted part on the hos e toward the oil pump. 3. Ins tall the pres s ure hos e to the oil pump.

Ins tall the pres s ure hos e being careful s o that it does not twis t and come in contact with other components .

4. Add power s teering fluid (PSF-3). 5. Air bleed the s ys tem. 6. Check the oil pump pres s ure.

1. After removing the 2 bolts (10mm), remove the s uction pipe and the O-ring from the oil pump body.

2. Loos en the four bolts (12mm) and remove the oil pump cover as s embly.

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3. Remove the cam ring.

4. Remove the s haft fixing ring us ing s nap ring pliers .

5. Remove the rotor and vanes .

6. Remove the oil pump s ide plate.

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7. Remove the pulley and s haft as s embly from the oil pump body.

8. Remove the oil s eal from the oil pump body.

9. Remove the connector(24mm) from the oil pump body, and take out the flow control valve and the flow control s pring.

10. Remove the O-ring from the connector.

Do not dis as s emble the flow control valve.


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1. Check the free length of the flow control s pring. Free length of the flow control s pring : 36.5mm

2. Check that the flow control valve is not bent. 3. Check the s haft for wear and damage. 4. Check the V-belt for wear and deterioration. 5. Check the grooves of the rotor and vanes for s tratified abras ion. 6. Check the contact s urface of the cam ring and vanes for s tratified abras ion. 7. Check vanes for damage. 8. Check that there is no s triped wear in the s ide plate or contacting part between the s haft and the pump cover s urface.

1. After ins talling the O-ring to the connector, ins tall the flow control s pring, the flow control valve and the connector into the pump body.

2. Ins tall the oil s eal in the pump body by us ing the s pecial tool.

3. Ins tall the pulley and s haft as s embly to the oil pump body.

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4. Ins tall the oil pup s ide plate and rotor.

5. After ins erting the lock pin into the groove of the front hous ing, ins tall the cam ring attending to the direction.

6. Ins tall the rotor. 7. Ins tall vanes s o that the rounded edges face outward.

8. Ins tall the s haft fixing clip with s nap ring pliers .

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9. Ins tall the O-ring and oil pump cover as s embly.

10. Ins tall the s uction pipe and O-ring.

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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Rest raint
Re st raint > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Ge ne ral Informat ion GENERAL INFLAT OR MODULE (DAB, PAB, SAB)

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1. When removing the airbag module or handling a new airbag module, it s hould be placed with the pad top s urface facing up. In this cas e, the twin-lock type connector lock lever s hould be in the locked s tate and care s hould be taken to place it s o the connecter will not be damaged. Do not s tore a s teering wheel pad on top of another one. (Storing the pad with its metallic s urface up may lead to a s erious accident if the airbag s hould inflate accidentally.) 2. Never meas ure the res is tance of the airbag s quib. (This may caus e the airbag to deploy, which is very dangerous .) 3. Store the airbag module where the ambient temperature remains below 93C (200F), without high humidity and away from electrical nois e. 4. During electric welding, dis connect the airbag under the s teering column near the MULTI-FUNCTION SWITCH connector before s tarting work.


In a light cras h, the firs t s tage of the duel s tage airbag is deployed, and the s econd s tage is deployed in 127ms after deployment of the firs t s tage by SRSCM. When s crapping a car of intentionally deploying the replaced airbag modules , deploy individual s tage.


1. Be s ure to proceed with airbag related s ervice only after approx. 30 s econds or longer from the time the ignition s witch is turned to the LOCK pos ition and the negative (-) battery cable is dis connected from the battery. The airbag s ys tem is equipped with a back-up power s ource to as s ure the deployment of airbags when the battery cable is dis conneted during an accident. The back-up power is available for approx. 150ms . 2. When the negative (-) battery cable is dis connected from the battery, the clock and audio s ys tem's memory will be wiped out. So before s tarting work, make a record of the contents of the audio s ys tem's memory. When the work is finis hed, res et the audio s ys tem and adjus t the clock. 3. Symptoms of malfunction of the airbag s ys tem are difficult to detect, s o the diagnos tic codes become the mos t important s ource of information when troubles hooting. 4. When troubles hooting the airbag s ys tem, always ins pect the diagnos tic codes before dis connecting the battery. 5. Never us e airbag parts from another vehicle. When replacing parts , replace them with new parts . 6. Never attempt to dis as s emble and repair the airbag modules (DAB, PAB, SAB, BPT), clock s pring and wiring in order to reus e them. 7. If any component of the SRS has been dropped, or if there are cracks , dents or other defects in the cas e, bracket or connector, replace them with new ones . 8. After work on the airbag s ys tem is completed, perform an SRS SRI check. The airbag indicator lamp can be triggered by faults in other circuit in s ome cas es . Therefore if the airbag indicator lamp goes on, be s ure to eras e the DTC codes us ing the Hi-Scan Pro jus t after repairing or replacing the troubled parts , including the fus e. 9. Es pecially when performing body welding, never fail to dis connect the battery's negative (-) terminal.

Re st raint > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cial Se rvice T ools SPECIAL T OOLS
Tool (Number and name) Illus tration Us e

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0957A-34100A Deployment tool

Airbag deployment tool PAB : 0957A-25000 (Dual s tage) DAB, BPT : 0957A-38500 PAB, SAB : 0957A-38100 Simulator to check the res is tance of each wiring harnes s Dummy adapter PAB : 0957A-25100 (Dual s tage) DAB, BPT : 0957A-1C000 PAB, SAB : 0957A-38300

0957A-38200 Dummy

0957A-25000 Deployment adapter

Us e with deployment tool.

0957A-38500 Deployment adapter

Us e with deployment tool.

0957A-38100 Deployment adapter

Us e with deployment tool.

0957A-25100 Dummy adapter

Us e with dummy.

0957A-1C000 Dummy adapter

Us e with dummy

0957A-38300 Dummy adapter

Us e with dummy

* * * *

DAB: Driver Airbag PAB: Pas s enger Airbag SAB: Side Airbag BPT: Belt Pretens ioner

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Re st raint > Supple me nt al Re st raint Syst e m Cont rol Module (SRnode M) > Sche mat ic Diagrams SRSCM CONNECT OR DAB+PAB+SAB+BPT (SRE-LC)

CONNECT OR PIN NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ~ 27 FUNCT ION Pas s enger s ide airbag, High Pas s enger s ide airbag, Low Driver s ide airbag, Low Driver s ide airbag, High Battery s upply GND Warning lamp K-diagnos tic line Driver airbag, High Driver airbag, Low Pas s enger airbag, High Pas s enger airbag, Low Pas s enger belt pretens ioner, Low Pas s enger belt pretens ioner, High Driver belt pretens ioner, High Driver belt pretens ioner, Low Driver s atellite s ens or, High Driver s atellite s ens or, Low Shorting bar INPUT /OUT PUT Output Output Output Output Input Input Output Input/output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output -

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28 ~ 29 30 31 ~ 32 33 34 35 ~ 36 37 38 ~ 39 40 41 ~ 42 43 ~ 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Shorting bar Shorting bar Cras h output Shorting bar Shorting bar Shorting bar Shorting bar Driver s atellite s ens or, Low Pas s enger s atellite s ens or, Low -

Output Output Output -


PIN NO. 1 2 ~ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Shorting bar Battery s upply Warning lamp Ground


INPUT /OUT PUT Input Output Input Output Output Output Output Output

Driver airbag 1s t s tage, Low Driver airbag 1s t s tage, High Pas s enger airbag 1s t s tage, High Pas s enger airbag 1s t s tage, Low Driver belt pretens ioner, Low

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34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ~ 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ~ 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Driver belt pretens ioner, High Pas s enger belt pretens ioner, High Pas s enger belt pretens ioner, Low Driver s ide airbag, Low Driver s ide airbag, High Pas s enger s ide airbag, High Pas s enger s ide airbag, Low Driver s ide airbag 2nd s tage, Low Driver s ide airbag 2nd, High Pas s enger airbag 2nd s tatge, H igh Pas s enger airbag 2nd s tage, Low K-diagnos tic line Cras h output Enhanced cras h output Driver s eat track pos ition s ens or Driver s eat buckle s witch0 Pas s enger s eat buckle s witch Pas s enger s eat track pos ition s ens or Pas s enger s ide impact s ens or, Low Pas s enger s ide impact s ens or, High Driver s ide impact s ens or, High Driver s ide impact s ens or, Low Pas s enger front impact s ens or, Low Pas s enger front impact s ens or, High Driver front impact s ens or, High Driver front impact s ens or, Low

Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Input/output Output Output Input Input Intput Intput Intput/output Input/output Input/output Input/output Input/output Input/output Input/output Input/output

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Re st raint > Supple me nt al Re st raint Syst e m Cont rol Module (SRnode M) > De script ion and Ope rat ion SRSCM
SRSCM (Supplement Restraint System Co ntro l Mo d ule) 1. DC/DC convertor : The DC/DC converter in the power s upply includes a s tep-up and a s tep-down converter, which provides the firing voltage for four firing circuits and the internal operating voltage. If the internal operating voltage falls below a defined thres hold, a res et is executed. 2. Arming s ens or/s afing s ens or : The arming/s afing s ens or built in to the airbag firing circuit has the function of arming the airbag circuit under all required deployment conditions and maintaining the airbag firing circuits unarmed under normal driving conditions . The s afing s ens or is a dual-contact electromechanical s witch that clos es if it experiences a deceleration exceeding a s pecified thres hold. 3. Back-up power : The SRSCM res erves an energy res erve to provide deployment energy for a s hort period when the vehicle voltage is low or if los t in a vehicle frontal cras h. 4. Malfunction detection : The SRSCM continuous ly monitors SRS operating s tatus while the ignition key is turned on and detects pos s ible malfunctions in the s ys tem. The malfunction can be dis played in the form of a diagnos tic trouble codes us ing the Hi-Scan Pro. 5. MIL (Malfunction Indication Lamp) notification : If any fault is detected, the SRSCM s ends a s ignal to the indicator lamp on the ins trument clus ter to warn the vehicle driver. The MIL indicator is the key item in notifying the driver of SRS faults . It verifies lamp and SRSCM operation by flas hing 6 times when the ignition s witch is firs t turned on. 6. Malfunction recording : Once a fault occurs in the s ys tem, the SRSCM records the fault in memory in the form of a DTC, which can only be eras ed by the Hi-Scan Pro. 7. Data link connector : SRSCM memory s tored is linked through this connector located underneath the driver s ide cras h pad to an external output device s uch as the Hi-Scan Pro. 8. What if only BPT's deploy. 9. Cras h output The cras h output is us ed to unlock the doors in cas e of a cras h. The cras h output is : 0-200 A in OFF mode and 200mA in ON mode. During the unlock command, the s witch is clos ed for 200 mS.


1. Los s of ignition voltage s upply to the SRSCM : lamp turned on continuous ly. 2. Los s of internal operating voltage: lamp turned on continuous ly. 3. SRSCM not connected: lamp turned on through s horting bar in wiring harnes s connector.


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1. Connect the Hi-Scan Pro DLC to the vehicle's data link connector located underneath the das h panel. 2. Turn the ignition key to the "ON" pos ition and turn the Hi-Scan Pro ON. 3. Perform the SRS diagnos is according to the vehicle model configuration. 4. If a fault code is as s ured, then replace the component. Never attempt to repair the component. 5. If the Hi-Scan Pro finds that a component of the s ys tem is faulty, there is a pos s ibility that the fault is not in the component, but in SRS wiring or connector.


1. Dis connect the battery negative cable and wait at leas t three minutes before beginning work. 2. Remove the s eat as s embly. 3. Dis connect the s eat track pos ition s ens or 2P connector (A).

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4. Remove the s eat track pos ition s ens or (A).


Be s ure to ins tall the harnes s wires s o that they are not pinched or interfering other parts . 1. Ins tall the new s eat track pos ition s ens or. 2. Connect the s eat track pos ition s ens or 2P connector. 3. Ins tall the s eat as s embly. 4. Reconnect the battery negative cable. 5. After ins talling the s eat track pos ition s ens or, confirm proper s ys tem operation: Turn the ignition s witch ON: the SRS indicator light s hould blink for about s ix s econds and then go off. 6. Relining and s ide the front s eat forward fully, make s ure the harnes s wires are not wires not pinched or interfering with other parts .

Re st raint > Supple me nt al Re st raint Syst e m Cont rol Module (SRnode M) > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion SYST EM COMPONENT AND LAYOUT

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Re st raint > Supple me nt al Re st raint Syst e m Cont rol Module (SRnode M) > T rouble shoot ing DIAGNOST IC T ROUBLESHOOT ING FLOW

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DAB R 1.06 1.8 3.4 R 6.7 1.06 < R <1.6 2.8 < R < 6.7 PAB, SAB, BPT R 0.4 1.6 2.8 R 5.4 0.4 < R <1.6 2.8 < R < 5.4 Res is tance too low Res is tance within tolerance Res is tance too high Tolerance band Fault definitely detected Definitely no fault detected Fault definitely detected Fault may or may not be detected Res is tance too low Res is tance within tolerance Res is tance too high Tolerance band Fault definitely detected Definitely no fault detected Fault definitely detected Fault may or may not be detected

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DAB, DAB (2 ND ST AGE) R 0.9 1.6 R 4.1 R 6.0 1.9 < R <1.6 4.1 < R < 6.0 Res is tance too low Res is tance within tolerance Res is tance too high Tolerance band Fault definitely detected Definitely no fault detected Fault definitely detected Fault may or may not be detected

PAB, SAB, PAB (2 ND ST AGE) R 1.0 1.8 R 2.8 R 4.2 1.0 < R <1.8 2.8 < R < 4.2 BPT R 0.9 1.8 R 3.1 R 4.7 0.9 < R <1.8 3.1 < R < 4.7 Res is tance too low Res is tance within tolerance Res is tance too high Tolerance band Fault definitely detected Definitely no fault detected Fault definitely detected Fault may or may not be detected Res is tance too low Res is tance within tolerance Res is tance too high Tolerance band Fault definitely detected Definitely no fault detected Fault definitely detected Fault may or may not be detected


OPT IONS : DAB + PAB + SAB + BPT (SRE-LC) DT C No . B1111 B1112 B1346 B1347 B1348 B1349 B1352 B1353 B1354 B1355 B1361 B1362 B1363 B1364 B1367 Battery voltage too high Battery voltage too low Driver airbag (DAB), Res is tance too high Driver airbag (DAB), Res is tance too low Driver airbag (DAB), Short to ground Driver airbag (DAB), Short to Battery Pas s enger airbag (PAB), Res is tance too high Pas s enger airbag (PAB), Res is tance too low Pas s enger airbag (PAB), Short to ground Pas s enger airbag (PAB), Short to Battery Driver s eat belt pretens ioner (DBPT), Res is tance too high Driver s eat belt pretens ioner (DBPT), Res is tance too low Driver s eat belt pretens ioner (DBPT), Short to ground Driver s eat belt pretens ioner (DBPT), Short Battery Pas s enger s eat belt pretens ioner (PBPT), Res is tance too high Fault d escriptio n

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B1368 B1369 B1370 B1378 B1379 B1380 B1381 B1382 B1383 B1384 B1385 B1400 B1401 B1402 B1403 B1404 B1405 B1620 B1650 B1661 B2500

Pas s enger s eat belt pretens ioner (PBPT), Res is tance too low Pas s enger s eat belt pretens ioner (PBPT), Short to ground Pas s enger s eat belt pretens ioner (PBPT), Short to Battery Driver s ide airbag (DSAB), Res is tance too High Driver s ide airbag (DSAB), Res is tance too Low Driver s ide airbag (DSAB), Short to ground Driver s ide airbag (DSAB), Short to Battery Pas s enger s ide airbag (PSAB), Res is tance too high Pas s enger s ide airbag (PSAB), Res is tance too low Pas s enger s ide airbag (PSAB), Short to ground Pas s enger s ide airbag (PSAB), Short to Battery Satellite driver s ide s ens or defect Satellite driver s ide s hort to ground Satellite driver s ide s hort to battery Satellite pas s enger s ide s ens or defect Satellite pas s enger s ide s hort to ground Satellite pas s enger s ide s hort to battery Internal failure Cras h recorded (Frontal repace SRE-HMC) Parameter configuration mis s ing/incorrect Warning lamp failure

OPT IONS : DAB+ PAB+ SAB+ BPT (DUAL ST AGE AIRBAG) DT C No . B1101 B1102 B1103 B1326 B1327 B1328 B1329 B1330 B1331 B1332 B1333 B1334 B1335 B1346 B1347 Battery voltage too high Battery voltage too low Communication voltage too low Driver s ide front impact s ens or s hort to ground Driver s ide front impact s ens or s hort to battery Driver s ide front impact s es nor defect Driver s ide front impact s es nor communication error Driver s ide front impact s es nor wrong ID Pas s enger s ide front impact s es nor s hort to ground Pas s enger s ide front impact s es nor s hort to battery Pas s enger s ide front impact s es nor defect Pas s enger s ide front impact s es nor communication error Pas s enger s ide front impact s es nor wrong ID 1s t s tage driver airbag (DAB), Res is tance too high 1s t s tage driver airbag (DAB), Res is tance too low Fault d escriptio n

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B1348 B1349 B1352 B1353 B1354 B1355 B1361 B1362 B1363 B1364 B1367 B1368 B1369 B1370 B1378 B1379 B1380 B1381 B1382 B1383 B1384 B1385 B1387 B1388 B1389 B1390 B1391 B1392 B1395 B1400 B1401 B1402 B1403 B1404 B1405 B1409 B1410 B1414 B1415

1s t s tage driver airbag (DAB), Short to ground 1s t s tage driver airbag (DAB), Short to Battery 1s t s tage pas s enger airbag (PAB), Res is tance too high 1s t s tage pas s enger airbag (PAB), Res is tance too low 1s t s tage pas s enger airbag (PAB), Short to ground 1s t s tage pas s enger airbag (PAB), Short to Battery Driver s eat belt pretens ioner (DBPT), Res is tance too high Driver s eat belt pretens ioner (DBPT), Res is tance too low Driver s eat belt pretens ioner (DBPT), Short to ground Driver s eat belt pretens ioner (DBPT), Short Battery Pas s enger s eat belt pretens ioner (PBPT), Res is tance too high Pas s enger s eat belt pretens ioner (PBPT), Res is tance too low Pas s enger s eat belt pretens ioner (PBPT), Short to ground Pas s enger s eat belt pretens ioner (PBPT), Short to Battery Driver s ide airbag (DSAB), Res is tance too High Driver s ide airbag (DSAB), Res is tance too Low Driver s ide airbag (DSAB), Short to ground Driver s ide airbag (DSAB), Short to Battery Pas s enger s ide airbag (PSAB), Res is tance too high Pas s enger s ide airbag (PSAB), Res is tance too low Pas s enger s ide airbag (PSAB), Short to ground Pas s enger s ide airbag (PSAB), Short to Battery Driver s eat-track pos ition s ens or s hort to ground Driver s eat-track pos ition s ens or s hort to battery Driver s eat-track pos ition s ens or defect Pas s enger s eat-track pos ition s ens or s hort to ground Pas s enger s eat-track pos ition s ens or s hort to battery Pas s enger s eat-track pos ition s ens or defect Firing loop interconnection fault Side impact s ens or driver s ide defect Side impact s ens or driver s ide s hort to ground Side impact s ens or driver s ide s hort to battery Side impact s ens or pas s enger s ide s ens or defect Side impact s ens or pas s enger s ide s hort to ground Side impact s ens or pas s enger s ide s hort to battery Side impact s ens or driver s ide communication error Side impact s ens or pas s enger s ide communication error Side impact s ens or driver s ide wrong ID Side impact s ens or pas s enger s ide wrong ID

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B1481 B1482 B1483 B1484 B1485 B1486 B1487 B1488 B1511 B1512 B1513 B1514 B1515 B1516 B1620 B1650 B1651 B1652 B1657 B1670 B2500

2nd s tage driver airbag, Res is tance too high 2nd s tage driver airbag, Res is tance too low 2nd s tage driver airbag, Short to ground 2nd s tage driver airbag, Short to battery 2nd s tage pas s enger airbag, Res is tance too high 2nd s tage pas s enger airbag, Res is tance too low 2nd s tage pas s enger airbag, Short to ground 2nd s tage pas s enger airbag, Short to battery Driver s eat buckle s witch s hort to battery Driver s eat buckle s witch s hort to ground Pas s enger s eat buckle s witch s hort to battery Pas s enger s eat buckle s witch s hort to ground Driver s eat buckle s witch defect Pas s enger s eat buckle s witch defect Internal failure Cras h recorded (Frontal-Replace SRE-SMART) Cras h recorded driver s ide airbag (Side Airbag-Replace SRE-SMART) Cras h recorded pas s enger s ide airbag (Side Airbag-Replace SRE-SMART) Cras h recorded-belt pretens ioner only 2nd s tage cras h recorded (Frontal Airbag-Replace SRE-SMART) Warning lamp failure

The DAB is located in the s teering wheel. The PAB is located in the cras h pad. The DSAB is located in the out s ide of driver's s eat. The PSAB is located in the out s ide of pas s enger's s eat.

Re st raint > Supple me nt al Re st raint Syst e m Cont rol Module (SRnode M) > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Dis connect the negative battery cable and keep s ecure from battery.

Wait at leas t 30 s econds after dis connecting the battery cable before doing any further work.

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2. Remove the center cons ole mounting bolts (10mm).

3. Remove the center cons ole. 4. Dis connect the SRSCM connector. 5. Remove the SRSCM (10mm).

Do not damage the SRSCM terminals or connectors . Do not dis as s emble the SRSCM; It has no s erviceable parts . Store the SRSCM in a clean, dry area. Do not us e any SRSCM which has been s ubjected to water or s hows s ign of being dropped or

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improperly handled, s uch as dents , cracks or deformation. 6. After ins talling the SRSCM, confirm proper s ys tem operation: Turn the ignition s witch ON ; the SRS indicatior light s hould come on for about s ix s econds and then go off.


Removal of the airbag mus t be performed according to the precautions /procedures decribed before. Before dis connecting the s ide impact s ens or 2P connector(s ), dis connect the s ide airbag 2P connector(s ). Do not turn the ignition s witch On and do not connect the battery cable while exchanging the s ide impact s ens or. 1. Dis connect the negative battery cable, and wait at leas t three minutes before work. 2. Remove the s eat as s embly. 3. Remove the front door s ill trim. 4. Remove the center pillar trim. 5. Remove the lower anchor bolt. 6. Remove the belt pretens ioner.

7. Remove the bolt then remove the s ide impact s ens or. T o rq ue 8 ~ 10Nm (80 ~, 6 ~ 7.4lb.ft)

8. Dis connect the SRS harnes s 2P connector from the s ide impact s ens or.

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Be s ure to ins tall the harnes s wires s o that they are not pinched or interfering with other parts . Do not turn the ignition s witch ON and do not connect the battery cable while exchanging the s ide impact s ens or. 1. Ins tall the new s ide impact s ens or with bolts then connect the SRS harnes s 2P connector to the s ide impact s ens or. 2. Reins tall belt pretens ioner. 3. Reconnect the negative battery cable. 4. After ins talling the s ide impact s ens or, confirm proper s ys tem operation: Turn the ignition s witch ON: the SRS indicator light s hould blink for above s ix s econds and then go off.



Removal of the airbag mus t be performed according to the precautions / procedures des cribed before. Before dis connecting the front impact s ens or 2P connector, dis connect the front airbag 4P connector(s ). Do not turn the ignition s witch ON and do not connect the battery cable while exchanging the front impact s ens or. 1. Dis connect the negative battery cable and wait at leas t three minutes before beginning work. 2. Remove the bolt then remove the front impact s ens or. 3. Dis connect the SRS harnes s 2P connector from the front impact s ens or.


Be s ure to ins tall the harnes s wire s o that they are not pinched or interfering with other parts . Do not turn the ignition s witch ON and do not contact the battery cable while exchanging the front impact s ens or. 1. Ins tall the new front impact s ens or with bolt then connect the SRS harnes s 2P connector to the front impact s ens or. 2. Reconnect the negative battery cable. 3. After ins talling front impact s ens or, confirm proper s ys tem operation: Turn the ignition s witch ON:

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the SRS indication light s hould blink for about s ix s econds and then go off.

Re st raint > Airbag Module > De script ion and Ope rat ion FIELD DEPLOYMENT PROCEDURES

When handling the deployed airbag be careful that not the dus t enters your eyes and always wear gloves to avoid direct contact with the dus t.


AIRBAG REMOT E D EPLOYMENT DEVICES T o o l, Number, Name Deployment tool (0957A-34100A) SRS DEPLOYMENT ADAPTER HARNESS DAB, BPT : 0957A-38500 PAB, SAB : 0957A-38100 PAB : 0957A-2500 (Dual s tage) Use Deployment ins ide the vehicle (if the vehicle will no longer be driven)

CASE Abnormal problems in airbag module Car s crapping Cras h (Deployed) DAB, PAB, BPT, SAB DISPOSAL PLAN Deploy and dis card Deploy the airbag module with the SST Dis card


1. If the vehicle is to be s crapped, junked, or otherwis e dis pos ed of, deploy the airbag ins ide the vehicle. 2. Since there is a loud nois e when the airbag is deployed, avoid res idential areas whenever pos s ible. If anyone is nearby, give warning of the impending nois e. 3. Since a large amount of s moke is produced when the airbag is deployed, s elect a well-ventilated s ite. Moreover, never attempt the tes t near a fire or s moke s ens or.

When s crapping a car or intentionally deploying the replaced airbag modules , deploy individual s tage.


when vehicle will no lo ng er be d riven 1. Open all windows and doors of the vehicle. Move the vehicle to an is olated s pot. 2. Dis connect the negative (-) and pos itive (+) battery cables from the battery terminals , and then remove the battery from the vehicle.

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Wait at leas t 30 s econds after dis connecting the battery cable before doing any further work. 3. Remove the center cras h pad s ide cover. 4. Remove Airbag SRSCM connector. 5. Connect deployment tool to the connector of each module. 6. At location as far away from the vehicle as pos s ible, pres s the pus h button (removed from the vehicle) to deploy the airbag.

1. Before deploying the airbag in this manner, firs t check to be s ure that there is no one in or near the vehicle. Wear s afety glas s es . 2. The inflator will be quite hot immediately following the deployment, s o wait at leas t 30 minutes to allow it to cool before attempting to handle it. Although not pois onous , do not inhale gas from airbag deployment. See Deployed Airbag Module Dis pos al Procedures for pos t-deployment handling ins tructions . 3. If the airbag fails to deploy when the procedures above are followed, do not go near the module. Contact your local dis tributor.


1. The inflator will be quite hot immediately following deployment, s o wait at leas t 30 minutes to allow it to cool before attempting to handle it. 2. Do not put water or oil on the airbag after deployment. 3. There may be adhered to the deployed airbag module, material that could irritate the eyes and/or s kin, s o wear gloves and s afety glas s es when handling a deployed airbag module. If des pite thes e precautions , the material does get into your eyes or on your s kin, immediately rins e the affected area with a large amount of clean water. If any irritation develops , s eek medical attention. 4. Tightly s eal the airbag module in a s trong vinyl bag for dis pos al.

5. Be s ure to always was h your hands after completing this operation.

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Re st raint > Airbag Module > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

Re st raint > Airbag Module > Re pair proce dure s

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1. Dis connect the battery negative (-) terminal cable.

Wait at leas t 30 s econds .

2. Dis connect the s ide airbag harnes s 2p connector. 3. Remove the s eat as s embly and s eat-back cover. 4. Remove the two mounting nuts and the s ide airbag.

1. Never attempt to dis as s emble or repair the airbag module. 2. Do not drop the airbag module or allow contact with water, greas e or oil. Replace it if a dent, crack, deformation or rus t are detected. 3. The airbag module s hould be s tored on a flat s urface and placed s o that the pad s urface is facing upward. Do not place anything on top of it. 4. Never attempt to meas ure the circuit res is tance of the airbag module (s quib) even if you are us ing the s pecified tes ter. If the circuit res is tance is meas ured with a tes ter, accidental airbag deployment will res ult in s erious pers onal injury.

1. Dis connect the negative battery cable and keep s ecure from battery.

Wait at leas t 30 s econds after dis connecting the battery cable before doing any further work.

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2. Remove the s ide protect cover of s teering wheel and airbag module mounting bolts us ing a hexagonal wrench.

3. Dis connect the drive airbag module connector.


Dual st age airbag

The removed airbag module s hould be s tored in a clean, dry place with the pad cover face up. 4. Remove the s teering wheel us ing SST (09561-11002).

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Do not hammer on the s teering wheel. Doing s o may damage the collaps ible column mechanis m.

5. Remove the s teering column upper s hroud and lower s hroud.

6. When dis connecting the connector of the clock s pring from the airbag module, pull the airbag's lock toward the outer s ide to s pread it open.

When dis connecting the airbag module-clock s pring connector, take care not to apply exces s ive force to it.

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Never attempt to meas ure the circuit res is tance of the airbag module (s quib) even if you are us ing the s pecified tes ter. If the circuit res is tance is meas ured with a tes ter, accidental airbag deployment will res ult in s erious pers onal injury. 1. Check pad cover for dents , cracks or deformities . 2. Check the airbag module for denting, cracking or deformation. 3. Check hooks and connectors for damage, terminals for deformities , and harnes s for binds . 4. Check airbag inflator cas e for dents , cracks or deformities . 5. Ins tall the airbag module to the s teering wheel to check for fit or alignment with the wheel.


1. If, as a res ult of the following checks , even one abnormal point is dis covered, replace the clock s pring with a new one. 2. Check connectors and protective tube for damage, and terminals for deformities .

Re st raint > Airbag Module > Passe nge r Airbag (PAB) Module > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL

1. Never attempt to dis as s emble or repair the airbag module. 2. Do not drop the airbag module or allow contact with water, greas e or oil. Replace it if a dent, crack, deformation or rus t are detected.

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3. The airbag module s hould be s tored on a flat s urface and placed s o that the pad s urface is facing upward. Do not place anything on top of it. 4. Do not expos e the airbag module to temperature over 93C (200F) 5. An undeployed airbag module s hould only be dis pos ed in accordance with the procedures . 6. Never attempt to meas ure the circuit res is tance of the airbag module (s quib) even if you are us ing the s pecified tes ter. If the circuit res is tance is meas ured with a tes ter, accidental airbag deployment will res ult in s erious pers onal injury. 7. Whenever the PAB is deployed it s hould be replaced with a new one as s embled with an extens ion wire. The s quib is melt down if the PAB is deployed making the extens ion wire us eles s . 1. Dis connect the battery negative (-) terminal cable.

Wait at leas t 30 s econds .

2. Remove the glove box.

3. Dis connect the PAB module connector.


Dual st age airbag

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4. Remove the cras h pad as s embly and then undo the PAB module. (Refer to the BD s ection)

Re st raint > Se at Be lt Pre t e nsione r > Se at Be lt Re t ract or Pre t e nsione r (BPT ) > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Dis connect the battery negative (-) terminal.

Wait at leas t 30 s econds .

2. Remove the door s cuff trim.

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3. Remove the lower anchor plate cover and lower anchor plate.

4. Remove the center pillar lower trim.

5. Remove the upper anchor plate cover and upper anchor plate.

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6. Dis connect the belt pretens ioner connector.

7. Remove the front s eat belt.

1. Never attempt to dis as s emble or repair the BPT. 2. Do not drop the BPT or allow contact with water, greas e, oil. Replace it if a dent, crack, deformation or rus t are detected. 3. Do not place anything on the BPT. 4. Do not expos e the BPT to temperature over 93C(200F). 5. BPT functions one time only. Be s ure to replace the BPT after it is deployed. 6. Be s ure to wear gloves and s afety goggles when handling the deployed BPT.

Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 1 01 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (DUAL ST AGE AIRBAG)
DTC B1101 Battery voltage too high B1102 Battery voltage too low B1103 Communication voltage too low

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1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the SRSCM connector.

Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check s ource voltage. A. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery. B. Turn the ignition s witch ON. LIMIT : 10 ~ 16.5V

3. Does the SRS warning light turn off ? A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Connect the DAB module. C. Connect the PAB connector, left and right s ide airbag, belt pretens ioner and s atellite connectors . D. Connect the SRSCM connector. E. Turn the ignition s witch ON.

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Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 1 1 1 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (SRE-LC)
DTC B1111 Battery voltage too high B1112 Battery voltage too low


1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the SRSCM connector.

Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check s ource voltage. A. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery. B. Turn the ignition s witch ON. LIMIT : 9 ~ 16V

3. Does the SRS warning light turn off ?

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A. B. C. D. E. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. Connect the DAB module. Connect the PAB connector, left and right s ide airbag, belt pretens ioner and s atellite connectors . Connect the SRSCM connector. Turn the ignition s witch ON.

Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 326 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (DUAL ST AGE AIRBAG)
B1326 Driver s ide front impact s ens or s hort to ground B1331 Pas s enger s ide front impact s ens or s hort to ground B1348 1s t s tage DAB Short to ground B1354 1s t s tage PAB Short to ground B1363 DBPT Short to ground B1369 PBPT Short to ground B1380 DSAB Short to ground B1384 PSAB Short to ground B1401 Side impact s ens or driver s ide s hort to ground B1404 Side impact s ens or pas s enger s ide s hort to ground B1483 2nd s tage DAB s hort to ground B1487 2nd s tage PAB s hort to ground



DT C Detecting Co nd itio n Short circuit in s quib wire harnes s (to ground) Squib malfunction Clock s pring malfunction SRSCM malfunction T ro uble Area 1s t s tage DAB s quib 1s t s tage PAB s quib DSAB s quib PSAB s quib BPT s quib Side impact s ens or Clock s pring 2nd s tage DAB s quib 2nd s tage PAB s quib Front impact s ens or

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SRSCM Wire harnes s



1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the SRSCM connector.

Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check the DAB s quib circuit.

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[CHECK] For the connector (on the clock s pring s ide) between the clock s pring and the DAB, meas ure the res is tance between the DAB high and body ground. Resistance:

3. Check the PAB s quib circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the PAB, meas ure the res is tance between the PAB high and body ground. Resistance:

4. Check the PSAB and DSAB s quib circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the SAB, meas ure the res is tance between the SAB high and body ground. Resistance:

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5. Check the BPT s quib circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the BPT, meas ure the res is tance between the BPT high and body ground. Resistance:

6. Check the s ide impact s ens or circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the s ide impact s ens or, meas ure the res is tance between the s ide impact s ens or high and body ground. Resistance:

7. Check the s ide impact s ens or circuit.

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[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the front impact s ens or, meas ure the res is tance between the front impact s ens or high and body ground. Resistance:

8. Check the SRSCM. A. Connect the connector to the SRSCM. B. Us ing a s ervice wire, connect the DAB high and the DAB low to the clock s pring s ide connector between the clock s pring and the DAB. C. Us ing a s ervice wire, connect the PAB high and low on the SRSCM s ide of the connector between the SRSCM and the PAB. D. Connect the SAB, the BPT, the FIS and the SIS by the s ame method. E. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait leas t 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing Hi-Sacn Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e ones may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this check.

A. B. C. D. E.

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9. Check the DAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the the DAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

A. B. C. D. E.

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-s can, check the DTC. T here is no DT C.

10. Check the PAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the the PAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

A. Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds .

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Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Sacn Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure. B. C. D. E.

11. Check the SAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the the SAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Sacn Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

12. Check the BPT s quib. A. Turn the ignition s wich to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the BPT connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

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Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

13. Check the s ide impact s ens ors . A. Turn ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . C. Connect the s ide impact s ens or connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro, check for DTCs . T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

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14. Check the front impact s ens ors . A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . C. Connect the front impact s ens or connector. D. Commect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro, check for DTCs . T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

15. Check the clock s pring circuit.

[CHECK] Meas ure the res is tance between the DAB high on the clock s pring s ide of the connector between the clock s pring and the DAB and body ground. Resistance:

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Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 327 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (DUAL ST AGE AIRBAG)
B1327 Driver s ide front impact s ens or s hort to battery B1332 Pas s enger s ide front impact s ens or s hort to battery B1349 1s t s tage DAB Short to battery B1355 1s t s tage PAB Short to battery B1364 BPT (Driver) Short to battery B1370 BPT (Pas s enger) Short to battery B1381 SAB (Driver) s hort to battery B1385 SAB (Pas s enger) s hort to battery B1402 Side impact s ens or driver s ide s hort to battery B1405 Side impact s ens or pas s enger s ide s hort to battery B1484 2nd s tage DAB s hrot to battery B1488 2nd s tage PAB s hort to battery



DT C Detecting Co nd itio n Short circuit in s quib wire harnes s (to B+) Squib malfunction Spiral cable malfunction SRSCM malfunction T ro uble Area 1s t s tage DAB s quib 1s t s tage PAB s quib DSAB or PSAB s quib BPT s quib Side impact s ens or Wire harnes s 2nd s tage DAB s quib 2nd s tage PAB s quib Front impact s ens or


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1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the SRSCM connector.

Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check the DAB s quib circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the clock s pring s ide) between the clock s pring and the DAB, meas ure the

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voltage between the DAB high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

3. Check the PAB s quib circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the PAB, meas ure the voltage between the PAB high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

4. Check the SAB s quib circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the SAB, meas ure the voltage between the SAB high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

5. Check the BPT s quib circuit.

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[CHECK] For the connector between the SRSCM and the BPT, meas ure the voltage between the BPT high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

6. Check the s ide impact s ens or circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector between the SRSCM and the s ide impact s ens or, meas ure the voltage between the s ide impact s ens or high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

7. Check the front impact s ens or circuit.


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For the connector between the SRSCM and the front impact s ens or, meas ure the voltage between the front impact s ens or high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

8. Check the SRSCM.

A. Connect the connector to the SRSCM. B. Us ing a s ervice wire, connect the DAB high and low on the clock s pring s ide of the connector between the clock s pring and the DAB. C. Us ing a s ervice wire, connect the PAB high and low on the SRSCM s ide of the connector between the SRSCM and the PAB. D. Us ing a s ervice wire, connect the SAB, BPT, FIS and by the s am e method. E. Connect negative (-) battery cable to the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . A. Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Clear the malfunction code s tored in memory with Hi-Scan Pro. C. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . D. Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . E. Us ing Hi-Scan Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this check.

9. Check the DAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the DAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

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Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing Hi-Scan Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

10. Check the PAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the the PAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Sacn Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

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11. Check the SAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the SAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Sacn Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e ones may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this checking procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

12. Check the BPT s quib. A. Turn the ignition s wich to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the the BPT connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

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Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

13. Check the s ide impact s ens ors . A. Turn ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . C. Connect the s ide impact s ens or connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in memory with Hi-s can Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro, check for DTCs . T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

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14. Check the front impact s ens ors . A. Turn ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . C. Connect the front impact s ens or connector D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in memory with Hi-s can. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro, check for DTCs . T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure

A. B. C. D. E.

15. Check the clock s pring. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the connector between the SRSCM and the clock s pring.

1. [CHECK] Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and meas ure voltage between the DAB high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

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Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 328 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (DUAL ST AGE AIRBAG)
B1328 Front impact s ens or driver s ide defect B1329 Front impact s ens or driver communication error B1330 Front impact s ens or driver s ide wrong ID B1333 Front impact s ens or pas s enger s ide defect B1334 Front impact s ens or pas s enger communication error B1335 Front impact s ens or pas s enger s ide wrong ID




1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds .

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B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the connector of theSRSCM.

Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check the front impact s ens or circuits (Communication error).

[PREPARAT ION] Check s ens or continuity between s ens or SRSCM connector and both front impact s ens or connector's high (+) and low (-) s ides . OK : Continuity

3. Check the front impact s ens or (Defect). A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the front impact s ens or connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory of the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro, check for DTCs . T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this check.

A. B. C. D. E.

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Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 34 6 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (DUAL ST AGE AIRBAG)
B1346 DAB res is tance too high (R 6.0) B1347 DAB res is tance too low (R 0.9) B1481 2nd s tage DAB res is tance too high (R 6.0) B1482 2nd s tage DAB res is tance too low (R 0.9)



DT C Detecting Co nd itio n Too high or low res is tane between DAB high (+) wiring harnes s and DAB low (-) wiring harnes s of s quib. DAB malfunction Clock s pring malfunction SRSCM malfunction T ro uble Area 1s t s tage DAB s quib Clock s pring SRSCM Wire harnes s 2nd s tage DAB s quib


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1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the SRSCM connector.

Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check the DAB res is tance. [PREPARAT ION] Releas e the airbag activation prevention mechanis m on SRSCM s ide of airbag s quib s ide. Connect the dummy (0957A-38200) and dummy adapter (0957A-1C000) to the clock s pring s ide connector.

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Never attempt to meas ure the circuit res is tance of the airbag module (s quib) even if you are us ing the s pecified tes ter.

Before checking the res is tance, you have to ins ert the s horting bar ins ert plas tic that is attached to the diagnos is checker into the SRSCM connector.

[CHECK] Meas ure the res is tance between the DAB high (+) and low (-). 1.6 R 4.1

3. Check the DAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the DAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing Hi-Scan Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

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4. Check the clock s pring. [PREPARAION] Dis connect the connector between the SRSCM clock s pring, to the clock s pring s ide connector.

Before checking the res is tance, you have to ins ert the s horting bar ins ert plas tic that is attached to the diagnos is checker into the SRSCM connector.

[CHECK] Meas ure the res is tance between the DAB high (+) and low (-). 1.6 R 4.1

Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 34 8 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (SRE-LC)
B1348 DAB Short to ground B1354 PAB Short to ground B1363 DBPT Short to ground B1369 PBPT Short to ground B1380 DSAB Short to ground B1384 PSAB Short to ground B1401 Satellite s ens or left s ide s hort to ground B1404 Satellite s ens or right s ide s hort to ground



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DT C Detecting Co nd itio n Short circuit in s quib wire harnes s (to ground) Squib malfunction Clock s pring malfunction SRSCM malfunction

T ro uble Area DAB s quib PAB s quib DSAB s quib PSAB s quib BPT s quib Satellite s ens or Clock s pring SRSCM Wire harnes s



1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the SRSCM connector.

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Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check the DAB s quib circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the clock s pring s ide) between the clock s pring and the DAB, meas ure the res is tance between the DAB high and body ground. Resistance:

3. Check the PAB s quib circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the PAB, meas ure the res is tance between the PAB high and body ground. Resistance:

4. Check the PSAB and DSAB s quib circuit.

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[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the SAB, meas ure the res is tance between the SAB high and body ground. Resistance:

5. Check the BPT s quib circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the BPT, meas ure the res is tance between the BPT high and body ground. Resistance:

6. Check the Satellite s ens or circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the Satellite s ens or, meas ure the res is tance between the Satellite high and body ground. Resistance:

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7. Check the SRSCM. A. Connect the connector to the SRSCM. B. Us ing a s ervice wire, connect the DAB high and the DAB low to the clock s pring s ide connector between the clock s pring and the DAB. C. Us ing a s ervice wire, connect the PAB high and low on the SRSCM s ide of the connector between the SRSCM and the PAB. D. Connect the SAB and the BPT by the s ame method. E. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait leas t 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing Hi-Sacn Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e ones may be output at this time, but they are not relevantto this check.

A. B. C. D. E.

8. Check the DAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the the DAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

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A. B. C. D. E.

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-s can, check the DTC. There is no DTC.

9. Check the PAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the the PAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Sacn Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

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10. Check the SAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the the SAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Sacn Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

11. Check the BPT s quib. A. Turn the ignition s wich to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the BPT connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

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10/20/2010 03:18 PM
Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure. A. B. C. D. E.

12. Check the Satellite s ens ors . A. Turn ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . C. Connect the Satellite s ens or connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . A. Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Clear the malfunction code s tored in memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. C. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . D. Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . E. Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro, check for DTCs . T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

13. Check the clock s pring circuit.

[CHECK] Meas ure the res is tance between the DAB high on the clock s pring s ide of the connector between the clock s pring and the DAB and body ground. Resistance:

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10/20/2010 03:18 PM

Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 34 9 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (SRE-LC)
B1349 DAB Short to battery B1355 PAB Short to battery B1364 BPT (Driver) Short to battery B1370 BPT (Pas s enger) Short to battery B1381 SAB (Driver) s hort to battery B1385 SAB (Pas s enger) s hort to battery B1402 Satellite left s ide s hort to battery B1405 Satellite right s ide s hort to battery



DT C Detecting Co nd itio n Short circuit in s quib wire harnes s (to B+) Squib malfunction Spiral cable malfunction SRSCM malfunction T ro uble Area DAB s quib PAB s quib DSAB or PSAB s quib BPT s quib Satellite s ens or Wire harnes s


63 of 87

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1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the SRSCM connector.

Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check the DAB s quib circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the clock s pring s ide) between the clock s pring and the DAB, meas ure the

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voltage between the DAB high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

3. Check the PAB s quib circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the PAB, meas ure the voltage between the PAB high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

4. Check the SAB s quib circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector (on the SRSCM s ide) between the SRSCM and the SAB, meas ure the voltage between the SAB high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

5. Check the BPT s quib circuit.

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10/20/2010 03:18 PM

[CHECK] For the connector between the SRSCM and the BPT, meas ure the voltage between the BPT high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

6. Check the Satellite s ens or circuit.

[CHECK] For the connector between the SRSCM and the Satellite s ens or, meas ure the voltage between the Satellite s ens or high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

7. Check the SRSCM.

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10/20/2010 03:18 PM
A. Connect the connector to the SRSCM. B. Us ing a s ervice wire, connect the DAB high and low on the clock s pring s ide of the connector between the clock s pring and the DAB. C. Us ing a s ervice wire, connect the PAB high and low on the SRSCM s ide of the connector between the SRSCM and the PAB. D. Us ing a s ervice wire, connect the SAB high and low on the SRSCM s ide connector between the SRSCM and the SAB. E. Us ing a s ervice wire, connect the BPT high and low on the SRSCM s ide connector between the SRSCM and the BPT. F. Us ing a s ervice wire, connect the s atellite high and low on the SRSCM s ide connector between the SRSCM and the s atellite s ens or. G. Connect negative (-) battery cable to the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . A. Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Clear the malfunction code s tored in memory with Hi-Scan Pro. C. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . D. Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . E. Us ing Hi-Scan Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this check.

8. Check the DAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the DAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing Hi-Scan Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

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9. Check the PAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the the PAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Sacn Pro, check the DTC. DT C is no t o utput. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

10. Check the SAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the SAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

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Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Sacn Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e ones may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this checking procedure. A. B. C. D. E.

11. Check the BPT s quib. A. Turn the ignition s wich to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the the BPT connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

12. Check the Satellite s ens ors . A. Turn ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . C. Connect the Satellite s ens or connector.

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D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in memory with Hi-s can Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro, check for DTCs . T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

13. Check the clock s pring. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the connector between the SRSCM and the clock s pring.

[CHECK] Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and meas ure voltage between the DAB high and body ground. Vo ltag e : 0 V

Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 352

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B1352 1s t s tage PAB res is tance too high (R 4.2) B1353 1s t s tage PAB res is tance too low (R 1.0) B1485 2nd s tage PAB res is tance too high (R 4.2) B1486 2nd s tage PAB res is tance too low (R 1.0)



DT C Detecting Co nd itio n Too high or low res is tane between PAB high (+) wiring harnes s and PAB low (-) wiring harnes s of s quib. PAB malfunction SRSCM malfunction T ro uble Area 1s t s tage PAB s quib SRSCM Wire harnes s 2nd s tage PAB s quib



1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the SRSCM connector.

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Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check the PAB res is tance. [PREPARAT ION] Releas e the airbag activation prevention mechanis m on the SRSCM s ide of the airbag s quib s ide. Connect the dummy (0957A-38200) and dummy adapter (0957A-25100) to PAB connector of the SRSCM connector s ide.

Before checking the res is tance, you have to ins ert the s horting bar ins ert plas tic that is attached to the diagnos is checker into the SRSCM connector.

[CHECK] Meas ure the res is tance between the PAB high (+) and the PAB low (-). 1.8 R 2 .8

3. Check the PAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the PAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

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Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing Hi-Scan Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 361 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (DUAL ST AGE AIRBAG)
B1361 DBPT Res is tance too high (R 4.7) B1362 DBPT Res is tance too low (R 0.9) B1367 PBPT Res is tance too high (R 4.7) B1368 PBPT Res is tance too low (R 0.9)



DT C Detecting Co nd itio n Too high or low res is tane between BPT high (+) wiring harnes s and BPT low (-) wiring harnes s of s quib. BPT malfunction SRSCM malfunction BPT s quib SRSCM Wire harnes s T ro uble Area


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1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the SRSCM connector.

Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check the BPT res is tance. [PREPARAT ION] Releas e the airbag activation prevention mechanis m on the SRSCM s ide of the airbag s quib s ide. Connect the dummy (0957A-38200) and dummy adapter (0957A-1C000) to the BPT connector of the SRSCM connector s ide.

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Before checking the res is tance, you have to ins ert the s horting bar ins ert plas tic that is attached to the diagnos is checker into the SRSCM connector.

[CHECK] Meas ure the res is tance between the BPT high (+) and the BPT low (-). 1.8 R 3.1

3. Check the BPT s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the BPT connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing Hi-Scan Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

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Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 37 8 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (DUAL ST AGE AIRBAG)
B1378 DSAB Res is tance too high (R 4.2) B1379 DSAB Res is tance too low (R 1.0) B1382 PSAB Res is tance too high (R 4.2) B1383 PSAB Res is tance too low (R 1.0)



DT C Detecting Co nd itio n Too high or low res is tane between SAB high (+) wiring harnes s and SAB low (-) wiring harnes s of s quib. SAB malfunction SRSCM malfunction SAB s quib SRSCM Wire harnes s T ro uble Area


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1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the SRSCM connector.

Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check the SAB res is tance. [PREPARAT ION] Releas e the airbag activation prevention mechanis m on the SRSCM s ide of the airbag s quib s ide. Connect the dummy (0957A-38200) and dummy adapter (0957A-38300) to the SAB connector of the SRSCM connector s ide.

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Before checking the res is tance, you have to ins ert the s horting bar ins ert plas tic that is attached to the diagnos is checker into the SRSCM connector. [CHECK] Meas ure the res is tance between the SAB high (+) and the SAB low (-). 1.8 R 2 .8

3. Check the SAB s quib. A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the SAB connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory with the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing Hi-Scan Pro, check the DTC. T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this procedure.

A. B. C. D. E.

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Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 38 7 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (DUAL ST AGE AIRBAG)
B1387 Driver s eat track pos ition s ens or s hort to GND B1388 Driver s eat track pos ition s ens or s hort to Battery B1389 Driver s eat track pos ition s ens or defect B1390 Pas s enger s eat track pos ition s ens or s hort to GND B1391 Pas s enger s eat track pos ition s ens or s hort to Battery B1392 Pas s enger s eat track pos ition s ens or defect



1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the connector of theSRSCM.

Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check s eat track pos ition s ens or circuit (Short to GND/Battery).

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[CHECK] Meas ure the voltage and res is tance of the s eat track pos ition s ens or high and body ground between the SRSCM connector and the s eat track pos ition s es nor connector. Resistance : Vo ltag e : 0 V

3. Check the s eat track pos ition s ens or.

[CHECK] Check the res is tance. SWIT CH OPEN : R = 900 10% (Backward : o ver 5 clicks) SWIT CH CLOSED : R = 300 10% (Fo rward : within 5 clicks)

4. Check the s eat track pos ition s ens or. (Defect) A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the s eat track pos ition s ens or connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

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Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory of the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro, check for DTCs . T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this check.

A. B. C. D. E.

Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 39 5 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (DUAL ST AGE AIRBAG)
B1395 Firing loop interconnection fault B1620 Internal fault B1650 Cras h recorded (Frontal airbag) B1651 Cras h recorded (Driver s ide airbag) B1652 Cras h recorded (Pas s enger s ide airbag) B1657 Cras h recorded (Belt pretens ioner only) B1670 2nd s tage cras h recorded (Frontal airbag)



1. Condition of the firing circuit activation trans is tors . 2. Adequacy of deployment energy res erves . 3. Safing s ens or integrity. (detection of faulty clos ure) 4. Plaus ibility of the accelerometer s ignal. 5. Operation of the SRSCM components .

Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 4 00 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (DUAL ST AGE AIRBAG)
DTC B1400 Side impact s ens or driver s ide defect

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B1403 Side impact B1409 Side impact B1410 Side impact B1414 Side impact B1415 Side impact

s ens or s ens or s ens or s ens or s ens or

pas s enger s ide defect driver communication error pas s enger communication error driver s ide wrong ID pas s enger s ide wrong ID



1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the SRSCM connector.

Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check s ide impact s ens or circuits (Communication error).

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[PREPARAT ION] Check s ide impact s ens or continuity between s ens or SRSCM connector and both s ide impact connector's high (+) and low (-) s ides . OK : Continuity

3. Check the s ide impact s ens or (Defect). A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the s ide impact s ens or connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory of the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro, check for DTCs . T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this check.

A. B. C. D. E.

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Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 51 1 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (DUAL ST AGE AIRBAG)
B1511 Driver s eat buckle s witch open/s hort to Battery B1512 Driver s eat buckle s witch s hort to GN D B1513 Pas s enger s eat buckle s withch open/s hort to Battery B1514 Pas s enger s eat buckle s withch s hort to GND B1515 Driver s eat buckle s witch defect B1516 Pas s enger s eat buckle s witch defect



1. Preparation A. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait at leas t 30 s econds . B. Remove the DAB module. C. Dis connect the connectors of the PAB, left and right s ide airbags , belt pretens ioners and s atellite s ens ors . D. Dis connect the connector of theSRSCM.

Place the DAB with the front s urface facing upward. 2. Check buckle s witch s ens or circuit (Short to GND/Battery).

[CHECK] Meas ure the voltage and res is tance of the s eat track pos ition s ens or high and body ground between the SRSCM connector and the s eat track pos ition s es nor connector. Resistance : Vo ltag e : 0 V

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3. Check the s eat belt s witch.

[CHECK] Check the res is tance with the s witch on and off. Buckled : 4.5mA < I < 5.5mA (R = 1000 10% ) Unbuckled : 11.3mA < I < 13.8 mA (R = 400 10% )

4. Check the s eat buckle s witch (Defect). A. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK. B. Dis connect the negative (-) terminal cable from the battery, and wait for 30 s econds . C. Connect the s eat buckle s witch connector. D. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery, and wait for 30 s econds .

Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for at leas t 30 s econds . Clear the malfunction code s tored in the memory of the Hi-Scan Pro. Turn the ignition s witch to LOCK, and wait for 30 s econds . Turn the ignition s witch to ON, and wait for 30 s econds . Us ing the Hi-Scan Pro, check for DTCs . T here is no DT C. [HINT ] Codes other than thes e may be output at this time, but they are not relevant to this check.

A. B. C. D. E.

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Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B1 620 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (SRE-LC)
DTC B1620 Internal fault B1650 Cras h recorded (Frontal-Replace SRSCM) B1661 Parameter configuration mis s ing/incorrect


1. Condition of the firing circuit activation trans is tors . 2. Adequacy of deployment energy res erves . 3. Safing s ens or integrity. (detection of faulty clos ure) 4. Plaus ibility of the accelerometer s ignal. 5. Operation of the SRSCM components .

Re st raint > T rouble shoot ing > B2500 CIRCUIT INSPECT ION (SRE-LC)
DTC B2500 Warning lamp failure


1. Check the fus e. A. Remove fus e airbag fus e and airbag warning lamp fus e from the junction block. B. Ins pect the s tate of the fus es . C. Replace if neces s ary. 2. Check the SRS warning lamp circuit. A. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery. B. Turn the ignition s witch to ON. A. Meas ure voltage at the harnes s s ide connector of the SRSCM. Vo ltag e: 9-16 V

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B. Check the SRS SRI (Service Reminder Indicator). OK: SRS SRI ON


DTC B2500 Warning lamp failure


1. Check the fus e. A. Remove fus e airbag fus e and airbag warning lamp fus e from the junction block. B. Ins pect the s tate of the fus es . C. Replace if neces s ary. 2. Check the SRS warning lamp circuit. A. Connect the negative (-) terminal cable to the battery. B. Turn the ignition s witch to ON. A. Meas ure voltage at the harnes s s ide connector of the SRSCM. Vo ltag e : 10-16.5 V

B. Check the SRS SRI (Service Reminder Indicator). OK : SRS SRI ON

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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Brake Syst em
Brake Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Ge ne ral Safe t y Informat ion and Caut ion PRECAUT ION
Care mus t be taken to replace each part properly as it could affect the performance of the brake s ys tem and res ult in a driving haz ard. Replace the parts with parts of the s ame part number or equivalent. It is very important to keep parts and the area clean when repairing the brake s ys tem.

Brake Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cial Se rvice T ools SPECIAL T OOLS
T OOL(Number and name) 09581 ~ 11000 Pis ton expander ILLUST RAT ION USE Spreading the front dis c brake pis ton.

Brake Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion Compone nt Locat ing

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Brake Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > T rouble shoot ing T ROUBLESHOOT ING PROBLEM SYMPT OMS T ABLE

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Sympto m Lower pedal or s pongy pedal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Suspect Area Brake s ys tem (Fluid leaks ) Brake s ys tem (Air in) Pis ton s eals (Worn or damaged) Rear brake s hoe clearance (Out of adjus tment) Mas ter cylinder (Faulty)

Remed y Correct Bleeding Replace Adjus t Replace Adjus t Adjus t Correct Adjus t Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Correct Bleeding Replace Replace Adjus t Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Retighten Replace Replace Replace Clearing Replace Replace Replace Replace

Brake drag

1. Brake pedal freeplay (Minimal) 2. Parking brake lever travel (Out of adjus tment) 3. Parking brake wire (Sticking) 4. Rear brake s hoe clearance (Out of adjus tment) 5. Pad or lining (Cracked or dis torted) 6. Pis ton (Stuck) 7. Pis ton (Froz en) 8. Return s pring (Faulty) 9. Boos ter s ys tem (Vacuum leaks ) 10. Mas ter cylinder (Faulty) 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Pad or lining (Oily) Pis ton (Froz en) Dis c (Scored) Pad or lining (Cracked or dis torted) Brake s ys tem (Fluid leaks ) Brake s ys tem (Air in) Pad or lining (Worn) Pad or lining (Cracked or dis torted) Rear brake s hoe clearance (Out of adjus tment) Pad or lining (Oily) Pad or lining (Glaz ed) Dis c (Scored) Boos ter s ys tem (Vacuum leaks )

Brake pull

Hard pedal but brake inefficient

Nois e from brake

1. Pad or lining (Cracked or dis torted) 2. Ins tallation bolt (Loos en) 3. Dis c (Scored) 4. Pad retainers (Loos en) 5. Sliding pin (Worn) 6. Pad or lining (Dirty) 7. Pad or lining (Glaz ed) 8. Return s pring (Faulty) 9. Brake pad s him (Damage) 10. Shoe hold-down s pring (Damage)

Brake Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > All Sche dule d Maint e nance Inst ruct ions Ope rat ion and Le akage Che ck
Check all o f the fo llo wing items:

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Co mpo nent Brake Boos ter (A)

Pro ced ure Check brake operation by applying the brakes during a tes t drive. If the brakes do not work properly, check the brake boos ter. Replace the brake boos ter as an as s embly if it does not work properly or if there are s igns of leakage. Check brake operation by applying the brakes . Look for damage or s igns of fluid leakage. Replace the mas ter cylinder as an as s embly if the pedal does not work properly or if there is damage or s igns of fluid leakage. Check for a difference in brake pedal s troke between quick and s low brake applications . Replace the mas ter cylinder if there is a difference in pedal s troke. Look for damage or s igns of fluid leakage. Replace the brake hos e with a new one if it is damaged or leaking.

Pis ton cup and pres s ure cup ins pection (B)

Brake hos es (C )

Caliper pis ton s eal and pis ton Check brake operation by applying the brakes . boots (D) Look for damage or s igns of fluid leakage. If the pedal does not work properly, the brakes drag, or there is damage or s igns of fluid leakage, dis as s emble and ins pect the brake caliper. Replace the boots and s eals with new ones whenever the brake caliper is dis as s embled. Wheel cylinder pis ton cup and Check brake operation by applying the brakes . dus t cover (E) Look for damage or s igns of fluid leakage. If the pedal does not work properly, the brakes drag, or there is damage or s igns of fluid leakage, replace the wheel cylinder.

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Brake Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Re pair proce dure s Brake Pe dal and Brake Swit ch Adjust me nt Pe dal He ight
1. Dis connect the brake s witch connector, loos en the brake s witch locknut (A), and back off the brake s witch (B) until it is no longer touching the brake pedal. 2. Lift up the carpet. At the ins ulator cutout, meas ure the pedal height (C) from the middle of the left-s ide center of the pedal pad (D). 157.1 (+5, 0) mm [6.19 (+0.2, 0) in.]

3. Loos en the pus hrod locknut (A), and s crew the pus hrod in or out with pliers until the s tandard pedal height from the floor is reached. After adjus tment, tighten the locknut firmly. Do not adjus t the pedal height with the pus hrod depres s ed.


Pe dal Fre e Play

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1. With the engine off, ins pect the pedal free play (A) on the pedal pad (B) by pus hing the pedal by hand. 3~8 mm (0.11~0.31in.)

2. If the pedal free play is out of s pecification, adjus t the brake s witch (C). If the pedal free play is ins ufficient, it may res ult in brake drag.

Parking brake che ck and adjust me nt

CHECK 1. Pull the parking brake lever (A) with 196 N (20 kgf, 44lbf) force to fully apply the parking brake. The parking brake lever s hould be locked within the s pecified number of clicks (B) Lever locked clicks : 6~7 clicks

2. Adjus t the parking brake if the lever clicks are out of s pecification.


After rear brake caliper s ervicing, loos en the parking brake adjus ting nut, s tart the engine and depres s the brake pedal s everal times to s et the s elf-adjus ting brake before adjus ting the parking brake. 1. Block the front wheels , then rais e the rear of the vehicle and make s ure it is s ecurely s upported. 2. Pull the parking brake lever up one click.

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3. Remove the cons ole. 4. Tighten the adjus ting nut (A) until the parking brakes drag s lightly when the rear wheels are turned.

5. Releas e the parking brake lever fully, and check that parking brakes do not drag when the rear wheels are turned. Readjus t if neces s ary. 6. Make s ure that the parking brakes are fully applied when the parking brake lever is pulled up fully. 7. Reins tall the cons ole.

Brake Syst e m Ble e ding

Do not reus e the drained fluid. Always us e Genuine DOT 3 or DOT 4 Brake Fluid. Us ing a non-Genuine DOT3 or DOT 4 brake fluid can caus e corros ion and decreas e the life of the s ys tem. Make s ure no dirt of other foreign matter is allowed to contaminate the brake fluid. Do not s pill brake fluid on the vehicle, it may damage the paint; if brake fluid does contact the paint, was h it off immediately with water. The res ervoir on the mas ter cylinder mus t be at the MAX (upper) level mark at the s tart of bleeding procedure and checked after bleeding each brake caliper. Add fluid as required. 1. Make s ure the brake fluid level in the res ervoir is at the MAX (upper) level line (A).

2. Have s omeone s lowly pump the brake pedal s everal times , then apply s teady pres s ure.

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3. Loos en the right-rear brake bleed s crew to allow air to es cape from the s ys tem. Then tighten the bleed s crew s ecurely. 4. Repeat the procedure for each wheel in the s equence s hown below until air bubbles no longer appear in the fluid. 5. Refill the mas ter cylinder res ervoir to the MAX (upper) level line.

Front disc brake :

Re ar drum brake :

Parking Brake Swit ch T e st

1. Remove the rear cons ole, and dis connect the connector (A) from the s witch (B).

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2. Check for continuity between the pos itive terminal and body ground: A. With the brake lever up, there s hould be continuity. B. With the brake lever down, there s hould be no continuity.

Brake Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cificat ions SPECIFICAT IONS
IT EMS Master cylind er Type I.D. mm (in.) Fluid level warning s ens or Brake bo o ster Type Effective dia. mm (in.) Boos ting ratio Pro po rtio ning valve Cut-in pres s ure (Split point) Decompres s ion ratio Fro nt brake Type Dis c O.D. mm (in.) Dis c thicknes s mm (in.) Pad thicknes s mm (in.) Cylinder I.D. mm (in.) Rear brake (Drum) Type Drum I.D. mm (in.) Wheel cylinder I.D. mm (in.) Clearance adjus tment Parking brake Actuation Type Cable arrangement Tandem type 22.22 (0.875) Provided Vacuum type with s ingle boos ter 245.9 (9.7) 6.0 : 1 2.94 MPa (30 kg/cm, 427 ps i) 0.27 : 1 Floating type with ventilated dis c 241 (9.49) 19 (0.75) 9 (0.35) 54 (2.13) Leading trailing drum 203.2 (8.0) 17.78 (0.7) Automatic Mechanical brake acting on rear wheels Lever V type SPECIFICAT IONS

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Anti-lo ck Brake System (ABS) HECU (HU+ECU) ECU type Motor power Accumulator volume Inlet valve (Front/Rear) mm (in.) Outlet valve (Front/Rear) mm (in.) Wheel s peed s ens or Output frequency Output voltage Internal res is tance Tone wheel teeth Air gap mm (in.) ABS & EBD warning lamp Type Operating voltage Current O.D = Outer Diameter I.D = Inner Diameter

Motor, valve relay integrated type Max.150W 3.0cc 0.5 (0.019)/0.315 (0.012) 0.56 (0.022)/0.355 (0.014)

20 ~ 2,000Hz Min.130mVp.p 1,385 110 44 teeth 0.2 ~ 1.1 (0.008 ~ 0.043)

Active warning lamp module 12V 80mA

IT EM Brake pedal height Brake pedal s troke Stop lamp s witch outer cas e to pedal s topper clearance Brake pedal free play Boos ter pus h rod to mas ter cylinder pis ton clearance Parking brake lever s troke when lever as s embly is pulled with 196N(20kg, 44lb force) Front dis c brake pad thicknes s Front dis c thicknes s (minimum) Front dis c abras ion ST ANDARD VALUE 157.1 (+5,0) mm [6.19 (+0.2, 0) in.] 125.6 mm (4.95 in.) or more 0.5 ~ 1.0 mm (0.02 ~ 0.04 in.) 3~8 mm(0.11~0.31in.) 0 (at 500mmHg vacuum) 6~7 clicks SERVICE LIMIT

9 mm (0.354 in.) 19 mm (0.75 in.) -

2 mm (0.0787in.) 17 mm (0.67 in) 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) 1 mm (0.04 in.) 182 mm(7.17 in.) 0.15 mm (0.006 in.)

Rear drum brake lining thicknes s 4.8mm (0.19 in.) Rear drum brake drum I.D.(maximum) Wheel cylinder to pis ton clearance 180mm (7.09in.) -


Nm kg fcm lbfft

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Mas ter cylinder to boos ter mounting nut Brake boos ter mounting nut Brake boos ter vacuum hos e fitting to s urge tank Bleeder s crew Brake tube flare nut, brake hos e Proportioning valve mounting Caliper guide rod bolt Caliper pin bolt Caliper as s embly to knuckle Brake hos e to front caliper Brake tube mounting nut HECU mounting bolt Wheel s ens or mounting bolt

8 ~ 12 8 ~ 12 8 ~ 12 7 ~ 13 13 ~ 17 35 ~ 55 22 ~ 32 35 ~ 45 69 ~ 85 25 ~ 30 13 ~ 17 8 ~ 10 8 ~ 10

80 ~ 120 80 ~ 120 80 ~ 120 70 ~ 130 130 ~ 170 350 ~ 550 220 ~ 320 350 ~ 450 690 ~ 850 250 ~ 300 130 ~ 170 80 ~ 100 80 ~ 100

5.9 ~ 8.9 5.9 ~ 8.9 5.9 ~ 8.9 5.2 ~ 9.6 9.6 ~ 12.5 25.8 ~ 33.2 16.2 ~ 23.6 25.8 ~ 33.2 50.9 ~ 62.7 18.4 ~ 22.1 9.6 ~ 12.5 6 ~ 7.3 6 ~ 7.3

Replace s elf-locking nuts with new ones after removal.

Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Brake Boost e r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Brake Boost e r > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL

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Be careful not to bend or damage the brake lines when removing the mas ter cylinder. Do not s pill brake fluid on the vehicle; it may damage the paint; if brake fluid does contact the paint, was h it off immediately with water. To prevent s pills , cover the hos e joints with rags or s hop towels . 1. Remove the air cleaner and the air duct.

2. Remove the brake fluid level s witch connector.

3. After removing the brake res ervoir cap, s uck out the brake fluid in the res ervoir us ing a s yringe or equivalent. 4. Dis connect the brake tube from the mas ter cylinder.

Take care not to contaminate the brake fluid. 5. Remove the mas ter cylinder from the brake boos ter. 6. Remove the vacuum hos e from the boos ter.

7. Remove the pus h rod from the brake pedal. 8. Remove the boos ter mounting nuts .

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1. Ins tall the brake boos ter and tighten the mounting nut. Tightening torque Nm (kgfcm, lbfft) Brake boos ter mounting nut: 8~10 (80~100, 6~7.3)

2. Apply greas e to the contact points of the brake pedal and the pus h rod. 3. Connect the brake pedal and the clevis with a clevis pin and ins tall the s plit pin to the clevis pin. 4. After ins talling the mas ter cylinder, ins tall the brake tube to the mas ter cylinder.

5. Connect the vacuum hos e to the brake boos ter.

Make s ure that there are no bend, twis t, or leaks in the vacuum hos e. When ins talling the vacuum hos e to the vacuum pipe, the vacuum pipe s hould be ins erted to the depth of 25~27mm (0.98~1.06 in.) as s hown in the illus tration.

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6. Fill the brake res ervoir with brake fluid, and bleed the s ys tem.

7. Check for brake fluid leaks . 8. Ins pect and adjus t the brake pedal. 9. After ins tallation, apply greas e to the contact points of the clevis and brake pedal s ufficiently.


1. Remove the vacuum hos e.

The check valve is pres s -fitted ins ide the vacuum hos e at the pos ition of the marking.

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2. Check the operation of the check valve by us ing a vacuum pump. Vacuum pump co nnectio n Connection at the brake boos ter s ide (A) Connection at the intake manifold s ide (B) Accept/Reject criteria A negative pres s ure (vacuum) is created and held A negative pres s ure (vacuum) is not created

If the check valve is defective, replace it if an as s embly unit together with the vacuum hos e.

Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Mast e r Cylinde r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Mast e r Cylinde r > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the air cleaner and the air duct.

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2. Remove the brake fluid level s witch connector.

3. Dis connect the brake tube from the mas ter cylinder and ins tall the plug.

Be careful not to bend or damage the brake lines when removing the mas ter cylinder. Do not s pill brake fluid on the vehicle; it may damage the paint. If brake fluid does contact the paint, was h it off immediately with water. To prevent s pills , cover the hos e joints with rags or s hop towels . 4. Remove mas ter cylinder mounting nuts and then lift out the mas ter cylinder.


1. Ins tall the mas ter cylinder to the brake boos ter. 2. Connect the brake tubes to the mas ter cylinder.

Check the brake tubes for bends and twis ts .

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3. After filling the brake res ervoir with brake fluid, bleed the s ys tem. (Refer to "Air bleeding in adjus tment procedure)

1. Remove the res ervoir cap and drain the brake fluid into a s uitable container. 2. After dis connecting the mounting s crews , pry the res ervoir free from the mas ter cylinder. 3. Us ing s nap ring pliers , remove the retainer ring.

4. Remove the primary pis ton and the s econdary pis ton from the mas ter cylinder body.

Do not dis as s emble the primary and s econdary pis ton as s embly.

1. Check the mas ter cylinder bore for rus t or s coring. 2. Check the mas ter cylinder for wear or damage. If neces s ary, clean or replace the cylinder.

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1. If the cylinder bore is damaged, replace the mas ter cylinder as s embly. 2. Was h the contaminated parts in alchohol.

1. Apply genuine brake fluid to the rubber parts of the cylinder kit and grommets .

2. Carefully ins ert the s prings and pis tons in the proper direction. 3. Pres s agains t the pis tons with a s crewdriver and ins tall the retainer ring.

4. Mount two grommets . 5. Ins tall the res ervoir on the cylinder.

Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Proport ioning Valve > De script ion and Ope rat ion DESCRIPT ION Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Proport ioning Valve > Re pair proce dure s

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1. Remove the proportioning valve from the mas ter cylinder. 2. Connect two pres s ure gauges ; one to the input s ide, and one to the output s ide.

Be s ure to bleed the s ys tem after connecting the pres s ure gauges . 3. With the brakes applied, meas ure the input pres s ure and the output pres s ure. If the meas ured pres s ures are within the s pecified range, the proportioning valve is good.

4. Reconnect the brake lines in their original pos itions and bleed the s ys tem.

This figure s hows characteris tics of the proportioning valve as the pres s ure increas es .


1. Ins tall the propotioning valve to the mas ter cylinder. 2. Tighten the flare nuts and bleed the s ys tem. T ig htening to rq ue Brake tube flare nut: 13~17 Nm (130~170 kgfcm, 10~12 lbfft) Proportioning valve mounting nut: 35~55 Nm (350~550 kgfcm, 26~41 lbfft)

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Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Brake Line > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT LOCAT ION

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Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Brake Line > Re pair proce dure s Re place me nt

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Before reas s embling, check that all parts are free of dus t and other foreign particles . Replace parts with new ones whenever s pecified to do s o. Do not s pill brake fluid on the vehicle; it may damage the paint; if brake fluid gets on the paint, was h it off immediately with water. 1. Replace the brake hos e (A) if the hos e is twis ted, cracked, or if it leaks .

2. Dis connect the brake hos e from the brake line (B) us ing a 10mm flare-nut wrench (C). 3. Remove and dis card the brake hos e clip (A) from the brake hos e (B).

4. Remove the connector bolt (C), and dis connect the brake hos e from the caliper. 5. Remove the brake hos e from the knuckle. 6. Ins tall the brake hos e (A) on the knuckle with 12mm flange bolt (B) firs t, then connect the brake hos e to the caliper with the connector bolt (C) and new s ealing was hers (D).

7. Ins tall the brake hos e (A) on the upper brake hos e bracket (B) with a new brake hos e clip (C).

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8. Connect the brake line (D) to the brake hos e 9. After ins talling the brake hos e, bleed the brake s ys tem. 10. Perform the following checks . A. Check the brake hos e and line joint for leaks , and tighten if neces s ary. B. Check the brake hos es for interference and twis ting.

1. Ins pect the brake hos es , for damage, deterioration, leaks , interference and twis ting. 2. Check the brake lines for damage, rus ting, and leakage. Als o check for bent brake lines . 3. Check for leaks at hos e and line joints or connections , and retighten if neces s ary. 4. Check the mas ter cylinder for damage and leakage.

Replace the brake hos e clip whenever the brake hos e is s erviced.

Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Brake Pe dal > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Brake Pe dal > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the s top lamp s witch.

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2. Remove the s plit pin and clevis pin. 3. Remove the brake pedal as s embly mounting nut. 4. Remove the brake pedal as s embly.


1. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

Be s ure to ins tall the s plit pin on the operating rod clevis pin. Apply the greas e (NLGI N o.2)

2. Ins tall the brake pedal as s embly and tighten the flange nuts (boos ter mounting nuts ) and bolt.

3. Ins tall the s top lamp s witch. 4. Adjus t the brake pedal height and free play.

1. Check the bus hing for wear. 2. Check the brake pedal for dis tortion.

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3. Check the brake pedal return s pring for damage. 4. Check the s top lamp s witch. (1) With an ohmmeter connected to the s top lamp s witch terminals , check for continuity. (2) If there is no continuity when the plunger is depres s ed and there is continuity when the plunger is releas ed, the s top lamp s witch is normal.

Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Front Disc Brake > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Front Disc Brake > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL CALIPER ASSEMBLY
1. Remove the wheel and tire.

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2. Dis connect the brake hos e.

Do not brake fluid on the vehicle; it may damage the paint. If brake fluid does contact the paint, was h it off immediately with water. To prevent s pills , plug the hos e inlets with rags or s hop towels . 3. Remove the cylinder mounting bolt. 4. Remove cylinder and pads from the caliper bracket.

5. Remove the caliper mounting bolts from the knuckle. 6. Remove the caliper mounting bracket.

1. Remove the lower bolt and lift the caliper as s embly up and s ecure it with a wire or s ome other retaining method.

2. Remove the pads .

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Do not depres s the brake pedal while dis as s embling the pads .

1. Check the pads for wear or oil contamination and replace, if neces s ary.

The pads for the right and left wheels s hould be replaced at the s ame time. Never "drop" or intermix brake pad s ets . All four pads mus t be replaced as a complete s et. When replacing the brake pad, check for deformation. When replacing the guide s pring, us e a new one or the us ed one after cleaning away foreign material. 2. Check the pad for damage or deformation. Brake pad thickness: Standard value: 9 mm (0.354 in.) Service limited value: 2 mm (0.0787 in.)


1. Ins tall the pad clips . 2. Ins tall the pads onto each pad clip.

Pos ition the pad with its pad wear indicator upward on the pis ton s ide.

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3. Ins ert the pis ton in the cylinder us ing the Special Tool (09581-11000).

4. Ins tall the new pads . The s hims are attached to each pad as illus trated.

Be careful s o that the dis c or pad is n't contaminated by greas e.

5. Ins tall the bolt and tighten to the s pecified value. T ig htening to rq ue Guide rod bolt: 22~32 Nm(220~320 kgfcm, 16~24 lbfft)

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1. Be careful not to s pill greas e or oil on the pad and brake dis c contact s urface. 2. Tighten the caliper mounting bolt to the s pecified torque. 3. Ins tall the brake hos e.

4. Bleed the s ys tem.

1. Remove the pis ton boot. 2. Remove the pis ton us ing compres s ed air.

1. Do not put your fingers in front of the pis ton when us ing compres s ed air. 2. Be careful not to s platter the brake fluid.

3. Remove the pis ton s eal from the caliper by us ing a s crewdriver.

Do not damage the pis ton wall s urface.

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1. Check the caliper for wear, damage, cracks and dus t. 2. Check the pis ton for dus t, damage, cracks and wear on the outer s urface. 3. Check the s leeve and pin for damage and dus t. 4. Check the pad s pring and boots for damage. 5. Check the carrier for damage, dus t, wear and cracks .

1. Do not us e s and paper on the pis ton s urface. 2. All rubber parts mus t be replaced with new parts . 6. Ins pect the dis c by us ing a caliper and a dial gauge. T hickness o f d isc mm (in.) Standard value: 19 (0.75) Service limit: 17 (0.67) 0.04 (0.002) 0.01 (0.0004)

1. Us ing a micrometer, meas ure the dis c thicknes s at eight pos itions approximately 10mm from the outer edge of the dis c and at 45 intervals . If you s ubs tract the minimum of meas urements from the maximum, you get the difference of the dis c thicknes s . 2. When meas uring the dis c runout, fix a dial gauge approximately 5mm from the outer edge of the dis c, and rotate the dis c 360.

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At this time, if you s ubtract the minimum of meas urements from the maximum, you get the dis c runout. 7. If neces s ary, replace the brake dis c.

1. Clean all components except the pads and s hims with is opropyl alcohol. 2. Apply rubber greas e on the pis ton s eal and ins tall the pis ton s eal in the cylinder.

3. As s emble the pis ton and pis ton boots according to the following procedure. (1) Apply rubber greas e to the caliper bore, the outs ide s urface of the pis ton and the pis ton boot. (2) Ins tall the pis ton boot on the pis ton as illus trated. (3) Ins ert the pis ton boot in the inner groove of the caliper and pus h the pis ton into the caliper.

4. As s emble the s liding parts according to the following procedure. (1) Apply rubber greas e to the outs ide s urface of the s leeve and pin, pin and s leeve bore of the caliper, pin boot and s leeve boot. (2) Ins ert the boot into the groove of the caliper.

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5. Ins tall the pads .

Be careful s o that the dis c or pad is not contaminated by greas e.

6. Tighten the brake hos e connecting bolt. T ig htening to rq ue Sliding pin Sliding bolt Carrier mounting bolt Brake hos e mounting oil bolt Nm (kg fcm, lbfft) 34 ~ 44 (350~450, 26~33) 22 ~ 31 (220~320, 16~23) 64 ~ 74 (650~750, 48~54) 25 ~ 29 (250~300, 18~22)

1. Check that the s urface of the pin and bolts are not damaged before tightening. 2. Bleed the s ys tem. Depres s the pedal s everal times and check for fluid leakage from all connecting parts .

Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Re ar Drum Brake > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Brake Syst e m > Brake Syst e m > Re ar Drum Brake > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Releas e the parking brake. 2. After removing the wheel, remove the brake drum.

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When removing the brake drum, remove the s crew. 3. Remove the adjus ter s pring and adjus ter lever. 4. Remove the cup was her, s hoe hold down s pring, s hoe hold down pin. 5. Move the s hoe and remove the s hoe adjus ter.

6. Remove the lower s hoe s pring and upper s hoe s pring. Dis connect the parking cable from the operating lever.


1. Remove the brake s hoe. 2. Dis connect the brake tube. 3. Remove the wheel cylinder as s embly.

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4. Remove the dus t boot. 5. Remove the pis ton and pis ton cup. 6. Remove the return s pring.

7. Before as s embling the wheel cylinder, ins pect the following. (1) Check the cylinder and pis ton for wear, damage and dus t. (2) Check the cylinder body for damage and cracks . (3) Check the contact s urface of the pis ton and s hoes for wear. (4) Check the pis ton s pring for loos enes s . 8. As s embly is the revers e of removal.

1. Clean the cylinder and inner parts with is opropyl alcohol before as s embly. 2. Apply enough brake fluid to the pis ton cups and cylinder. 3. Be s ure to us e new pis ton cups and dus t boots .

Be careful not to los e the s teel ball in the bleeder.

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1. Apply the s pecified greas e to the locations indicated in the illus tration and to each component. A. Shoe and backing plate contact s urfaces . B. Shoe and anchor plate contact s urfaces . Reco mmend ed g rease: Multipurpos e greas e SAE J310, NLGI No.2

2. Connect the operating lever to the parking cable.

3. Ins tall the s hoe hold-down pin. 4. Ins tall the s hoe adjus ter and as s emble the return s pring. 5. As s emble the adjus ter lever and adjus ter s pring.

6. As s emble the drum and pull the parking brake lever to full s troke s everal times .

Be s ure that the ins ide s urface of drum is not contaminated by greas e or other materials .

1. Meas ure the ins ide diameter of the brake drum.

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Check the runout of the brake drum by us ing a dial indicator. Insid e d iameter mm (in.) Standard value: 180 (7.09) Service limit: 182 (7.17) Out-of-round (brake drum) mm (in.) Service limit: 0.05 (0.002)

2. Meas ure the brake s hoe lining thicknes s . Lining thickness mm (in.) Standard value: 4.8 (0.19) Service limit: 1 (0.04)

3. Ins pect the brake lining and drum for proper contact.

4. Ins pect the wheel cylinder outs ide for exces s ive wear and damage. 5. Ins pect the backing plate for wear or damage.

Brake Syst e m > Parking Brake Syst e m > Parking Brake Asse mbly > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Brake Syst e m > Parking Brake Syst e m > Parking Brake Asse mbly > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the cons ole.

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2. Loos en the adjus ting nut and detach the parking brake cable.

3. Detach the parking brake s witch as s embly. 4. Remove the parking brake lever as s embly. 5. Remove the rear wheel. 6. Remove the brake drum. 7. Remove the rear hub as s embly. 8. Remove the brake s hoe. 9. Dis connect the parking brake cable from the brake s hoe operating lever.

10. Remove the parking brake cable retaining ring in the rear of the backing plate.

11. Loos en the parking brake cable clamp and remove the parking brake cable as s embly.


1. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal. 2. Parking brake cable adjus tment (1) Depres s and releas e the brake pedal 20 times with a force of 10 kgf. (2) Pull the parking brake lever to full s troke more than 3 times . (3) When pulling up the point where is at a dis tance of 25mm (0.98 in.) from the end of the lever with a force of 20 kgf, adjus t the adjus ting nut to the lever as s embly s o that lever is fixed to 6~7

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notches .

1. Check the parking brake s witch operation. 2. Check the parking brake lever ratchet for wear. 3. Check the parking brake cable for wear or damage.

Brake Syst e m > ABS(Ant i-Lock Brake Syst e m) > Sche mat ic Diagrams HYDRAULIC SYST EM DIAGRAM

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Brake Syst e m > ABS(Ant i-Lock Brake Syst e m) > De script ion and Ope rat ion DESCRIPT ION
1. Enables s teering around obs tacles with a greater degree of certainty, even during emergency braking. 2. Enables s topping during emergency braking while keeping s tability and s teerability even on curves .


1. NORMAL BRAKING So leno id valve IN (NO) OUT (NC) State OFF OFF Valve OPEN CLOSE Passag e Mas ter cylinder Wheel cylinder Wheel cylinder Res ervoir Pump mo to r OFF

Under the normal braking, voltage is not s upplied to the s olenoid valve, inlet valve is opened and outlet valve is clos ed. When the brake is depres s ed, brake fluid is s upplied to the wheel cylinder via s olenoid valve to activate the brake. When the brake is releas ed, brake fluid is back to the mas ter cylinder via inlet valve and check valve. 2. DUMP MODE So leno id State Valve Passag e Pump mo to r

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valve IN (NO) OUT (NC) ON ON CLOSE OPEN Mas ter cylinder Wheel cylinder Wheel cylinder Res ervoir ON

Under the emergency braking, if the wheels s tart to lock up, HECU s ends a s ignal to the s olenoid valve to decreas e the brake fluid, then voltage is s upplied to each s olenoid. At this time inlet valve is clos ed and brake fluid is blocked from the mas ter cylinder. Convers ely outlet valve is opened and brake fluid pas s es through wheel cylinder to res ervoir, res ulting in pres s ure decreas e. 3. HOLD MODE So leno id valve IN (NO) OUT (NC) State ON OFF Valve CLOSE CLOSE Passag e Mas ter cylinder Wheel cylinder Wheel cylinder Res ervoir Pump mo to r ON

When the brake fluid pres s ure is maximally decreas ed in wheel cylinder, HECU s ends a s ignal to s olenoid valve to keep the fluid pres s ure, voltage is s upplied to inlet valve but it is not s upplied to outlet valve. At this tim e inlet and outlet valves are clos ed and brake fluid is kept in wheel cylinder. 4. INCREASE MODE So leno id valve IN (NO) OUT (NC) State OFF OFF Valve OPEN CLOSE Passag e Mas ter cylinder Wheel cylinder Wheel cylinder Res ervoir Pump mo to r ON

If HECU determines there's no lock-up in the wheel, HECU cuts voltage to s olenoid valve. So voltage is not s upplied to each s olenoid valve, brake fluid pas s es through the inlet valve to wheel cylinder, res ulting in pres s ure increas e.


The EBD s ys tem (Electronic Brake force Dis tribution) as a s ub-s ys tem of the ABS s ys tem is to control the effective adhes ion utiliz ation by the rear wheels . It further utiliz es the efficiency of highly developed ABS equipment by controlling the s lip of the rear wheels in the partial braking range. The brake force is moved even clos er to the optimum and controlled electronically, thus dis pens ing with the need for the proportioning valve. The proportioning valve, becaus e of a mechanical device, has limitations to achieve an ideal brake force dis tribution to the rear wheels . As Well as to carry out the flexible brake force dis tribution proportioning to the vehicle load or weight increas ing. And in the event of malfunctioning, driver cannot notice whether it fails or not. EBD controlled by the ABS Control Module, calculates the s lip ratio of each wheel at all times and controls the brake pres s ure of the rear wheels not to exceed that of the front wheels . If the EBD fails , the EBD warning lamp (Parking brake lamp) lights up.

- Function improvement of the bas e-brake s ys tem. - Compens ation for the different friction coefficients .

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- Elimination of the proportioning valve. - Failure recognition by the warning lamp.


FAIL CAUSE None Stop lamp s witch failure One wheel s peed s ens or failure Pump malfunction Low voltage Two or more wheel s peed s ens or failure Solenoid valve failure HECU malfunction Over voltage Valve relay failure Other failure SYSTEM ABS ON ON OFF OFF OFF EBD ON ON ON ON ON WARNING LAMP ABS OFF OFF ON ON ON EBD OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF






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1. ABS warning lamp module The active ABS warning lamp module indicates the operating condition of the ABS. The ABS warning lamp is turned on under the following conditions . A. During the initializ ation phas e after ignition s witch ON. (3 s econds ) B. In the event of inhibition of ABS functions by failure. C. When the s ys tem ECU is s hut down even though ignition power is applied. D. During diagnos tic mode. 2. EBD warning lamp module The active EBD warning lamp module indicates the operating condition of the EBD. However, in cas e the parking brake s witch is turned on, the EBD warning lamp is always turned on regardles s of EBD functions . The EBD warning lamp is turned on under the following conditions . A. During the initializ ation phas e after ignition s witch ON. (3 s econds ) B. In the event of inhibition of EBD functions by failure. C. When the s ys tem ECU is s hut down even though ignition power is applied. D. When the parking brake s witch is ON or brake fluid is low level.

Brake Syst e m > ABS(Ant i-Lock Brake Syst e m) > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Brake Syst e m > ABS(Ant i-Lock Brake Syst e m) > ABS Cont rol Module > Sche mat ic Diagrams CIRCUIT DIAGRAM

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Brake Syst e m > ABS(Ant i-Lock Brake Syst e m) > ABS Cont rol Module > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the air-cleaner and the intake hos e.

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2. Dis connect the double lock connector from the HECU.

3. Dis connect the brake tubes from the HECU.

Do not s pill brake fluid on the vehicle; it may damage the paint. If brake fluid gets on the paint, was h it off im mediately with water. Take care not to damage or deform the brake lines during removal and ins tallation. To prevent the brake fluid from flowing, plug and cover the hos e ends and joints with a s hop towel or equivalent material. 4. Remove the HECU bracket mounting bolts and remove the HECU .

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1. Never attempt to dis as s emble the HECU. 2. The HECU mus t be trans ported and s tored in an upright pos ition and with the ports s ealed. The HECU mus t not be drained. T ig htening to rq ue HECU bracket mounting bolt: 8 ~ 10 Nm (80 ~ 100 kg cm, 6 ~ 7.3 lb ft)


1. Ins tall the HECU, then connect the brake lines . T ig htening to rq ue HECU mounting bolt: 8 ~ 10 Nm (80 ~ 100 kgcm, 6 ~ 7.3 lbft) Brake tube nut: 13 ~ 17 Nm (130 ~ 170 kgcm, 10~12 lbft) 2. Connect the HECU connector. 3. Bleed the brake s ys tem. 4. Start the engine, and check that the ABS indicator goes off. 5. Tes t-drive the vehicle, and check that the ABS indicator does not come on.

1. Rais e the vehicle and releas e the parking brake. 2. Dis connect the HECU harnes s connectors and meas ure from the harnes s s ide connector.

Be s ure to remove the connectors double lock and ins ert the probe into the harnes s s ide (backprobe). Ins erting it into the terminal s ide may res ult in a bad connection. 3. Rotate the wheel to be meas ured approximately 1/2 to 1 rotation per s econd, and check the output voltage us ing a circuit tes ter or an os cillos cope. Wheel Speed Senso r Terminal Fro nt left 1 2 Fro nt rig ht 19 20 Rear left 5 6 Rear rig ht 22 23

Output vo ltag e : When measuring with an o scillo sco pe : 130mV peak-to -peak o r mo re

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Brake Syst e m > ABS(Ant i-Lock Brake Syst e m) > ABS Cont rol Module > Spe cificat ions INSPECT ION AT HECU T ERMINALS

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Brake Syst e m > ABS(Ant i-Lock Brake Syst e m) > Front Whe e l Spe e d Se nsor > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Brake Syst e m > ABS(Ant i-Lock Brake Syst e m) > Front Whe e l Spe e d Se nsor > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL FRONT WHEEL SPEED SENSOR
1. Remove the front wheel s peed s ens or mounting bolt.

2. Remove the front wheel guard.

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3. Remove the front wheel s peed s ens or after dis connecting the wheel s peed s ens or connector.


1. Remove the rear wheel s peed s ens or mounting bolt.

2. Remove the luggage trim and dis connect the wire connector from the rear wheel s peed s ens or.

1. Connect an ohmmeter between the wheel s peed s ens or terminals and meas ure the res is tance.

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Service stand ard Front, Rear: 1,385 110 2. Connect a voltmeter between the wheel s peed s ens or terminals and meas ure the voltage by turnong the wheel.

Set the voltmeter to meas ure AC voltage. Service s tandard : AC voltage detected.

Service stand ard Output voltage: Min.130mVp.p


1. Remove the res ervoir cap and fill the brake res ervoir with brake fluid.

If there is any brake fluid on any painted s urface, was h it off immediately.

When pres s ure bleeding, do not depres s the brake pedal. Recommended fluid ......... DOT3 or DOT4

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2. Connect a clear plas tic tube to the wheel cylinder bleeder plug and ins ert the other end of the tube into a half filled clear plas tic bottle.

3. Connect the Hi-Scan (Pro) to the data link connector located underneath the das h panel.

4. Select and operate according to the ins tructions on the Hi-Scan (Pro) s creen.

You mus t obey the maximum operating time of the ABS motor with the Hi-Scan (Pro) to prevent the motor pump from burning. (1) Select hyundai vehicle diagnos is .

(2) Select vehicle name.

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(3) Select Anti-Lock Brake s ys tem. (4) Select air bleeding mode. (5) Pres s YES to operate motor pump and s olenoid valve.

(6) Wait 60 s ec. before operating the air bleeding. (If not, you may damage the motor.)

5. Pump the brake pedal s everal times , and then loos en the bleeder s crew until fluid s tarts to run out without bubbles . Then clos e the bleeder s crew. 6. Repeat s tep 5 until there are no more bubbles in the fluid for each wheel.

7. Tighten the bleeder s crew. Bleed screw tig htening to rq ue: 7 ~ 13 Nm (70 ~130 kgcm, 5 ~ 9.5 lbft)


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The phenomena lis ted in the following table is not abnormal.

PHENOMENON Sys tem check s ound

EXPLANAT ION When s tarting the engine, a thudding s ound can s ometimes be heard coming from ins ide the engine compartment. This is becaus e the s ys tem operation check is being performed. 1. Sound of the motor ins ide the ABS hydraulic unit operation. (whine) 2. Sound is generated along with vibration of the brake pedal. (s craping) 3. When ABS operates , s ound is generated from the vehicle chas s is due to repeated brake application and releas e. (Thump : s us pens ion; s queak: tires ) For road s urfaces s uch as s now-covered and gravel roads , the braking dis tance for vehicles with ABS can s ometimes be longer than that for other vehicles . Accordingly, advis e the cus tomer to drive s afely on s uch roads by lowering the vehicle s peed. Pedal kick back is normal operation.

ABS operation s ound

ABS operation (Long braking dis tance)

Pedal kick back

Diagnos is detection conditions can vary depending on the diagnos is code. When checking the trouble s ymptom after the diagnos is code has been eras ed, ens ure that the requirements lis ted in "Comment" are met.


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1. Turn the ignition OFF. 2. Connect the Hi-Scan (Pro) to the data link connector located underneath the lower cras h pad panel. 3. Turn the ignition ON . 4. Us e the Hi-Scan (Pro) to check for diagnos tic trouble codes .

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5. After completion of the repair or correction of the problem, eras e the s tored fault codes us ing the clear key on the Hi-Scan (Pro). 6. Dis connect the Hi-Scan (Pro).


T ROUBLE SYMPT OMS Communication with H i-Scan (Pro) is not pos s ible. Communication with any s ys tem is not pos s ible. Communication with ABS only is not pos s ible. When the ignition key is turned to "ON" (engine OFF), the ABS warning lamp does not illuminate. After the engine s tarts , the lamp remains illuminated. Faulty ABS operation. Unequal braking power on both s ides . Ins ufficient braking power. ABS operates under normal braking conditions . ABS operates before vehicle s tops under normal braking conditions . Large brake pedal vibration. (See Caution) 5 INSPECT ION PROCEDURE NO. 1 2 3 4

During ABS operation, the brake pedal may vibrate or may not be able to be depres s ed. Such phenomena are due to intermittent changes in hydraulic pres s ure ins ide the brake line to prevent the wheels from locking and is not an abnormality


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INSPECT ION PROCEDURE 1 Communication with H i-Scan (Pro) is not pos s ible. (Communication with all s ys tems is not pos s ible.) Pos s ible defect in the power s upply s ys tem (including ground) for the diagnos is line. INSPECT ION PROCEDURE 2 Communication with H i-Scan (Pro) is not pos s ible. (Communication with ABS only is not pos s ible.) When communication with Hi-Scan (Pro) is not pos s ible, the caus e may be probably an open circuit in the HECU power circuit or an open circuit in the diagnos is output circuit. Probable caus e Blown fus e. Malfunction of wiring harnes s or connector. Malfunction of HECU . Probable caus e Malfunction of connector. Malfunction of wiring harnes s .

INSPECT ION PROCEDURE 3 When ignition key is turned "ON" (engine OFF), the ABS Probable caus e

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warning lamp does not illuminate. When current flows in the HECU, the ABS warning lamp turns from on to off as the initial check. Therefore, if the lamp does not illuminate, the caus e may be an open circuit in the lamp power s upply circuit, a blown bulb, an open circuit in both the circuits between the ABS warning lamp and the HECU, and the malfunction of HECU. Blown fus e. Burnt out ABS warning lamp bulb. Malfunction of wiring harnes s or connector. Malfunction of active warning lamp module. Malfunction of HECU .

INSPECT ION PROCEDURE 4 Even after the engine is s tarted, the ABS warning lamp remains illuminated. A pos s ible s hort-circuit in the ABS warning lamp illumination circuit. Probable caus e Malfunction of clus ter. Malfunction of HECU . Malfunction of wiring harnes s .

This trouble s ymptom is limited to cas es where communication with the Hi-Scan (Pro) is pos s ible (HECU power s upply is normal) and DTC is normal.

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INSPECT ION PROCEDURE 5 Brake operation is abnormal. Brake operation varies depending on driving conditions and road s urface conditions , s o diagnos is can be difficult. However, if a normal DTC is dis played, carry out the following ins pection. Probable caus e Improper ins tallation of wheel s peed s ens or Incorrect s ens or harnes s contact. Foreign material on wheel s peed s ens or. Malfunction s ens or. Malfunction Malfunction Malfunction of wheel s peed of rotor. of wheel bearing. of HECU .

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DT C C1101 C1102 C1200 C1201 C1202 C1203 C1204 C1205 C1206 T ro uble Lo catio n Battery voltage over volt : 18V or more Battery voltage low volt : 9.5V or les s FL wheel s ens or : open or s hort to ground - Range/Performance : s peed jump or damaged exciter - No s ignal : air-gap error or wrong exciter FR wheel s ens or : open or s hort to ground - Range/Performance : s peed jump or damaged exciter - No s ignal : air-gap error or wrong exciter RL wheel s ens or : open or s hort to ground Remarks

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C1207 C1208 C1209 C1210 C1211 C1604 C2112 C2402

- Range/Performance : s peed jump or damaged exciter - No s ignal : air-gap error or wrong exciter RR wheel s ens or : open or s hort to ground - Range/Performance : s peed jump or damaged exciter - No s ignal : air-gap error or wrong exciter ECU hardware : ECU internal or valve failure Valve relay : valve relay or fus e failure Motor-Electrical : open or s hort to battery, motor relay, fus e or motor lock fail

ACT UAT OR DRIVING NO. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Descriptio n Motor Front left valve (In) Front right valve (In) Rear left valve (In) Rear right valve (In) Front left valve (Out) Front right valve (Out) Rear left valve (Out) Rear right valve (Out) Co nd itio n Reco g nitio n T ime


Motor pump relay operation (Click s ounds ) Front left s olenoid valve operation (Click s ounds ) Front right s olenoid valve operation (Click s ounds ) Rear left s olenoid valve operation (Click s ounds ) Rear right s olenoid valve operation (Click s ounds ) Front left s olenoid valve operation (Click s ounds ) 2 Front right s olenoid valve operation (Click s econds s ounds ) Rear left s olenoid valve operation (Click s ounds ) Rear right s olenoid valve operation (Click s ounds )

CURRENT DAT A NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Battery FL wheel s peed SNSR FR wheel s peed SNSR RL wheel s peed SNSR RR wheel s peed SNSR ABS SRI s tatus Brake SW Motor pump relay Valve relay Motor pump s tatus FL valve (In) FR valve (In) RL valve (In) RR valve (In) FL valve (Out) FR valve (Out) RL valve (Out) RR valve (Out) Descriptio n Battery Front left wheel s peed s ens or Front right wheel s peed s ens or Rear left wheel s peed s ens or Rear right wheel s peed s ens or Warning lamp Brake s witch Motor relay Valve relay Motor Front left valve (In) Front right valve (In) Rear left valve (In) Rear right valve (In) Front left valve (Out) Front right valve (Out) Rear left valve (Out) Rear right valve (Out) Reco g nitio n Unit Voltage



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DTC No. C1200, C1203, C1206, C1209 Wheel s peed s ens or open or s hort to GND circuit The HECU determines that an open or s hort circuit has occurred in more than one wire of a wheel s peed s ens or. Probable caus e Malfunction of wheel s peed s ens or Malfunction of wiring harnes s or connector Malfunction of HECU

DTC No C1201, C1204, C1207, C1210 Wheel s peed s ens or s ignal error Abnormal output s ignal from a wheel s peed s ens or other than an open or s hort circuit.

Probable caus e Improper ins tallation of wheel s peed s ens or. Malfunction of wheel s peed s ens or. Malfunction of rotor Malfunction of wheel bearing. Malfunction of s iring harnes s or connector. Malfunction of HECU .

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DTC No. C1202, C1205, C1208, C1211 (Large air gap) No wheel s peed s ens or output s ignal.

Probable caus e Malfunction of wheel s peed s ens or Improper ins tallation of wheel s peed s ens or Malfunction of rotor (excitor) Malfunction of wiring harnes s or connector Malfunction of HECU

DTC No. C1101, C1102 Voltage out of range. (Over and under voltage)

Probable caus e

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The voltage of the HECU power s upply drops lower than or ris es higher than the s pecified value. If the voltage returns to the s pecified value, this code is no longer output.

Malfunction of wiring harnes s or connector. Malfunction of HECU Blown ABS fus e.

If battery voltage drops or ris es during ins pection, this code will be output as well. If the voltage returns to the s tandard value, the code is no longer output. Before carrying out the following ins pection, check the battery level, and refill if neces s ary.

DTC No. C1604 HECU Hardware. HECU hardware error. (EEPROM and ECU failure) The HECU always monitors the s olenoid valve drive circuit. It determines that there is an open or s hort-circuit in the s olenoid coil or in a harnes s even if no current flows in the s olenoid or through the HECU.

Probable caus e Malfunction of wiring harnes s or connector. Malfunction of HECU .

DTC No. C2112 Valve relay error. (Including fus e failure) When the ignition s witch is turned ON, the HECU s witches the valve relay on and off during its initial check. During this time, voltage s ent to the valve relay is compared to the voltage in the valve power monitor line. If no current is detected in the valve power monitor line, the HECU determines that there is an open circuit and DTC C2112 is recorded.

Probable caus e Malfunction of wiring harnes s or connector. Malfunction of HECU . Malfunction of valve relay Poor ground.

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DTC No. C2402 Motor pump error. When the motor power line is normal but no s ignal is in detected in the motor monitor line.

Probable caus e Malfunction of wiring harnes s or connector. Malfunction of HECU . Poor ground.

Powering the motor with the Hi-Scan(Pro) will dis charge the battery. Start and run the engine for a while after tes ting is complete.

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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Body Elect rical Syst em
Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Ge ne ral Informat ion GENERAL T ROUBLESHOOT ING INFORMAT ION BEFORE T ROUBLESHOOT ING
1. Check applicable fus es in the appropriate fus e/relay box. 2. Check the battery for damage, s tate of charge, and clean and tight connections .

Do not quick-charge a battery unles s the battery ground cable has been dis connected, otherwis e you will damage the alternator diodes . Do not attempt to crank the engine with the battery ground cable loos ely connected or you will s everely damage the wiring. 3. Check the alternator belt tens ion.


1. Make s ure the connectors are clean and have no loos e wire terminals . 2. Make s ure multiple cavity connectors are packed with greas e (except watertight connectors ). 3. All connectors have pus h-down releas e type locks (A).

4. Some connectors have a clip on their s ide us ed to attach them to a mount bracket on the body or on another component. This clip has a pull type lock. 5. Some mounted connectors cannot be dis connected unles s you firs t releas e the lock and remove the connector from its mount bracket (A).

6. Never try to dis connect connectors by pulling on their wires ; pull on the connector halves ins tead. 7. Always reins tall plas tic covers .

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8. Before connecting connectors , make s ure the terminals (A) are in place and not bent.

9. Check for loos e retainer (A) and rubber s eals (B).

10. The backs of s ome connectors are packed with greas e. Add greas e if neces s ary. If the greas e is contaminated, replace it.

11. Ins ert the connector all the way and make s ure it is s ecurely locked. 12. Pos ition wires s o that the open end of the cover faces down.

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1. Secure wires and wire harnes s es to the frame with their res pective wire ties at the des ignated locations . 2. Remove clips carefully; don't damage their locks (A).

3. Slip pliers (A) under the clip bas e and through the hole at an angle, then s queez e the expans ion tabs to releas e the clip.

4. After ins talling harnes s clips , make s ure the harnes s does n't interfere with any moving parts . 5. Keep wire harnes s es away from exhaus t pipes and other hot parts , from s harp edges of brackets and holes , and from expos ed s crews and bolts . 6. Seat grommets in their grooves properly (A). Do not leave grommets dis torted (B).

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1. Do not us e wires or harnes s es with broken ins ulation. Replace them or repair them by wrapping the break with electrical tape. 2. After ins talling parts , make s ure that no wires are pinched under them. 3. When us ing electrical tes t equipment, follow the manufacturer's ins tructions and thos e des cribed in this manual. 4. If pos s ible, ins ert the probe of the tes ter from the wire s ide (except waterproof connector).

5. Us e a probe with a tapered tip.


1. Verify the complaint Turn on all the components in the problem circuit to verify the cus tomer complaint. Note the s ymptoms . Do not begin dis as s embly or tes ting until you have narrowed down the problem area. 2. Analyz e the s chematic Look up the s chematic for the problem circuit. Determine how the circuit is s uppos ed to work by tracing the current paths from the power feed through the circuit components to ground. If s everal circuits fail at the s ame time, the fus e or ground is a likely caus e. Bas ed on the s ymptoms and your unders tanding of the circuit operation, identify one or more pos s ible caus es of the problem. 3. Is olate the problem by tes ting the circuit Make circuit tes ts to check the diagnos is you made in s tep 2. Keep in mind that a logical, s imple procedure is the key to efficient troubles hooting. Tes t for the mos t likely caus e of failure firs t. Try to make tes ts at points that are eas ily acces s ible. 4. Fix the problem Once the s pecific problem is identified, make the repair. Be s ure to us e proper tools and s afe procedures . 5. Make s ure the circuit works Turn on all components in the repaired circuit in all modes to make s ure you've fixed the entire problem. If the problem was a blown fus e, be s ure to tes t all of the circuits on the fus e. Make s ure no new problems turn up and the original problem does not recur.

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cial Se rvice T ools SPECIAL T OOLS
T o o l (Number and Name) 09900-21300 Keyles s adapter Illustratio n Use Store trans mitter code connecting the DLC (Data Link Connector) cable of Hi-s can to the multi purpos e check connector.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > T rouble shoot ing T ROUBLESHOOT ING
INST RUMENT S AND WARNING SYST EM Sympto m Tachometer does not operate Po ssible cause No.2 fus e (10A) blown Tachometer faulty Wiring faulty No.2 fus e (10A) blown Fuel gauge faulty Fuel s ender faulty Wiring faulty No.2 fus e (10A) blown Bulb burned out Fuel level s ens or faulty Wiring or ground faulty No.2 fus e (10A) blown Water temperature gauge faulty Water temperature s ender faulty Wiring or ground faulty No.2 fus e (10A) blown Bulb burned out Oil pres s ure s witch faulty Wiring or ground faulty No.2 fus e (10A) blown Bulb burned out Brake fluid level warning s witch faulty Parking brake s witch faulty Wiring or ground faulty Remed y Check for s hort and replace fus e Check tachometer Repair if neces s ary Check for s hort and replace fus e Check gauge Check fuel s ender Repair if neces s ary Check for s hort and replace fus e Replace bulb Check s ens or Repair if neces s ary Check for s hort and replace fus e Check gauge Check s ender Repair if neces s ary Check for s hort and replace fus e Replace bulb Check s witch Repair if neces s ary Check for s hort and replace fus e Replace bulb Check s witch Check s witch Repair if neces s ary Check for s hort and replace fus e Replace the fus ible link Replace bulb Check s witch Repair if neces s ary

Fuel gauge does not operate

Low fuel warning lamp does not light

Water temperature gauge does not operate

Oil pres s ure warning lamp does not light

Low brake fluid warning lamp does not light

Open door warning lamp does not Room lamp fus e (10A) blown light Battery fus ible link (50A) blown Bulb burned out Door s witch faulty Wiring or ground faulty

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Seat belt warning lamp does not light

No.2 fus e (10A) blown Bulb burned out Buckle s witch faulty Wiring or gound faulty

Check for s hort and replace fus e Replace bulb Check s witch Repair if neces s ary

LIGHT ING SYST EM Sympto m One lamp does not light (all exterior) Head lamps do not light Po ssible cause Bulb burned out Socket, wiring or ground faulty Bulb burned out No.10 fus e (10A) blown Fus ible link (50A) blown Head lamp relay faulty Lighting s witch faulty Wiring or ground faulty Tail lamp fus e (10A) blown Battery fus ible link (50A) blown Tail lamp relay faulty Lighting s witch faulty Wiring or ground faulty No.8 fus e (10A) blown Stop lamp s witch faulty Wiring or ground faulty Stop lamp s witch faulty Rheos tat faulty Wiring or ground faulty Bulb burned out Turn s ignal s witch faulty Wiring or ground faulty No.1 fus e (10A) blown Flas her unit faulty Turn s ignal s witch faulty Wiring or ground faulty No.7 fus e (10A) blown Flas her unit faulty Haz ard s witch faulty Haz ard relay faulty Wiring or ground faulty Lamps ' wattages are s maller or larger than s pecified Defective flas her unit No.5 fus e (10A) blown Back up lamp s witch faulty Wiring or ground faulty Room lamp fus e (10A) blown Wiring or ground faulty Remed y Replace bulb Repair if neces s ary Replace bulb Check for s hort and replace fus e Replace the fus ible link Check relay Check s witch Repair if neces s ary Replace fus e and check for s hort Replace the fus ible link Check relay Check s witch Repair if neces s ary Replace fus e and check for s hort Adjus t or replace s witch Repair if neces s ary Adjus t or replace s witch Check rheos tat Repair if neces s ary Replace bulb Check s witch Repair if neces s ary Replace fus e and check for s hort Check flas her unit Check s witch Repair if neces s ary Replace fus e and check for s hort Check flas her unit Check s witch Replace relay Repair if neces s ary Replace lamps Check flas her unit Replace fus e and check for s hort Check s witch Repair if neces s ary Replace fus e and check for s hort Repair if neces s ary

Tail lamps and licens e plate lamps do not light

Stop lamps do not light

Stop lamps s tay on Ins trument lamps do not light (Tail lamps light) Turn s ignal lamp does not flas h on one s ide Turn s ignal lamps do not operate

Haz ard warning lamps do not operate

Flas her rate too s low or too fas t

Back up lamps do not light up

Room lamp does not light up

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1. Wiper low and wiper high does not work.

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2. When was her s witch is on, wiper does not work.

1. No windows operate from the main s witch on the driver's door.

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2. Driver's s ide window does not operate.

3. Pas s enger's s ide window does not operate.

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1. Lock function works but unlock function does not interlock. Since door unlock relay has failed, replace the door unlock relay. 2. Unlock function works but lock function does not interlock. Since door lock relay has failed, replace the door lock relay. 3. When pas s enger s ide knob is controlled, all doors interlock, but when driver s ide knob is controlled, all doo interlock.

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4. When pas s enger s ide knob is controlled. All doors interlock. But when the driver s ide knob is controlled, a not interlock.

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5. Both s ides do not interlock either.

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1. Alarm does not work. (Haz ard lamp works )

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2. When hood is opened ins ide the car like alarm tes t, horn does not work.

3. When door is opened ins ide the car like alarm tes t, horn does not work (If tailgate and hood is opened, alarm

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4. When tailgate is opened ins ide the car like alarm tes t, horn does not work.

5. When the vehicle is locked by the trans mitter, central door lock function works but haz ard lamp does n't bli

6. Engine does not s tart, when the alarm releas ed condition.

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7. Central door lock function works , but keyles s entry s ys tem does not work.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cificat ions SPECIFICAT IONS

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MULT IFUNCT ION SWIT CH Items Rated voltage Operating temperature range Rated lo ad Dimmer & pas s ing s witch DC 12 V -30C ~ +80C (-22 ~ +176F) High : 15A (Lamp load) Low : 10A (Lamp load) Pas s ing : 15A (Lamp load) Lighting : 0.220.05A (Relay load) 6.60.5A (Lamp load) Low, High : 4A (Motor load) Intermittent : 0.220.05A (Relay load) Lock : Max. 23A (Motor load) Mis t : 4A (Motor load) 4A (Motor load) Max. 25mA 1A (Relay load) Specificatio ns

Lighting s witch Turn s ignal & lane change s witch Wiper & mis t s witch

Was her s witch Variable intermittent volume s witch Horn s witch INST RUMENT S AND WARNING SYST EM Warning lamps Illumination High beam Low fuel Turn s ignal (LH, RH) Battery (charge) Oil pres s ure Air bag Parking brake Seat belt Check engine ABS Door ajar Trunk lid open OD OFF

Bulb wattag e (W) Bulb type : 12V, 1.5W EL type : 47V, 470 Hz LED LED LED LED LED Bulb (1.1W) LED LED Bulb (1.1W) Bulb (1.1W) LED LED LED

Co lo r White green Blue Amber Green Red Red Red Red Red Amber Amber Red Amber Amber


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LIGHT ING SYST EM Items Head lamp Front turn s ignal lamp Bulb wattag e (W) 60W /55W (High / Low beam) 27W

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Front pos ition lamp Front fog lamp Side marker lamp Rear co mbinatio n lamps Tail/s top lamp Back up lamp Turn s ignal lamp Luggage lamp Room lamp Center high mounted s top lamp Map lamp Licens e plate lamp AUDIO Items Rated output Load impedance Band Tuning type Dark current Frequency range / Channel H2 10 Max. 20W x 2 4 x 4 AM/FM PLL Synthes iz ed type Max. 2mA AM : 530 ~ 1710KHZ /10 KHZ FM : 87.9 ~ 107.9MHZ /200 KHZ

5W 27W 5W 8W / 28W 17W 27W 5W 10W 17W 10W x 2 5W

H2 40, H2 60 Max. 20W x 4 4 x 4 AM/FM PLL Synthes iz ed type Max. 2mA AM : 530 ~ 1710KHZ /10 KHZ FM : 87.9 ~ 107.9 MHZ /200KH Z

WINDSHIELD WIPER AND WASHER Items Wiper mo to r Speed/current at 10kgcm load tes t (1.0 Nm, 0.7 lbft) Speed/current at 40kgcm load tes t (3.9 Nm, 2.9 lbft) Current when locking Wind shield washer Motor type Pump type Current Dis charge pres s ure Flow rate Overload capacity (Continuous operation) With water Without water Specificatio ns Low : 44~52 rpm/3.5A or les s High : 64~78 rpm/4.5A or les s Low : 39~47 rpm/5.5A or les s High : 56~68 rpm/7.0A or les s Low : 24A or les s High : 28A or les s DC ferrite magnet Centrifugal type 3.8A 1.2 kg/cm or more 1,320 cc/min. or more 60 s ec. or les s 20 s ec. or les s

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Audio > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Audio > Audio Unit > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Audio > Audio Unit > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative battery terminal. 2. Remove the glove box. 3. Dis connect the heater control cables under the glove box and lower cras hpad.

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4. Loos en the s crews and remove the center facia panel.

5. Remove the audio mounting s crews (4EA) and the audio s ys tem.

6. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

T APE HEAD AND CAPST AN CLEANING 1. To obtain optimum performance, clean the head, and caps tan as often as neces s ary, depending on frequency of us e and tape cleannes s . 2. To clean the tape head and caps tan, us e a cotton s wab dipped in ordinary rubbing alcohol. Wipe the head and caps tan.

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Audio > Spe ake rs > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION FRONT SPEAKER
1. Remove the front door trim panel and front s peaker. (s ee BD group - front door)

2. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

1. Remove the rear package tray or covering s helf trim. (s ee BD group - interior trim)

2. Remove the rear s peaker.

1. Check the s peaker with an ohmmeter. If an ohmmeter indicates the correct impedance of the s peaker when checking between the s peaker (+) and s peaker (-) of the s ame channel, the s peaker is ok. 2. If a clicking s ound is emitted from the s peaker when the ohmmeter is connected to the s peaker terminals , the s peaker is ok.

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Audio > Ant e nna > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative battery terminal. 2. Remove the rear trans vers e trim and left s ide luggage rear trim.

3. Remove the antenna mounting nut and bolt. Dis connect the wiring connector and the antenna feeder cable.

4. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

1. Dis connect the connector from the antenna as s embly. 2. Check if the battery voltage is meas ured between terminal 1 and 3 of harnes s s ide at all time. 3. Check if the battery voltage is meas ured between terminal 1 and 2 of the harnes s s ide when the ignition s witch and audio s witch are turned on.

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4. After connecting battery s ource to terminal 2 and 3 of the component s ide,check if the motor operates properly (Antenna moves up.) 5. Check if the motor operates (antenna moves down) when terminal 2 is dis connectedfrom battery s ource.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Mult ifunct ion swit ch > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Mult ifunct ion swit ch > Mult i Funct ion Swit ch > Re pair proce dure s

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Never attempt to dis as s emble or repair the air bag module or clock s pring. If faulty, replace it. Do not drop the air bag module or clock s pring or allow contact with water, greas e or oil. Replace if a dent, crack, deformation or rus t are detected. The air bag module s hould be s tored on a flat s urface and placed s o that the pad s urface is facing upward. Do not place anything on top of it. Do not expos e the air bag module to temperatures over 93C (200F). After deployment of an air bag, replace the clock s pring with a new one. Wear gloves and s afety glas s es when handling an air bag that has already been deployed. An undeployed air bag module s hould only be dis pos ed of in accordance with the procedures mentioned in the Res traints s ection. When you dis connect the air bag module-clock s pring connector, take care not to apply exces ive force to it. The removed air bag module s hould be s tored in a clean, dry place. Prior to ins talling the clock s pring, align the mating mark and "N EUTRAL" pos ition indicator of the clock s pring, and, after turning the front wheels to the s traight-ahead pos ition, ins tall the clock s pring to the column s witch. If the mating mark of the clock s pring is not properly aligned, the s teering wheel may not completely rotate during a turn, or the flat cable within the clock s pring may be s evered, obs tructing normal operation of the SRS and pos s ibly leading to s erious injury to the vehicle's driver. To ins pect the clock s pring, refer to the Res traints s ection. 1. Dis connect the negative battery terminal.

Prior to doing any further work after dis connection of the battery cable, wait at leas t 30 s econds .

2. Remove the air bag module mounting bolts (2EA) with an as terix wrench. (Tor-x s ocket) Dis connect the horn connector and the air bag module connector, and remove the air bag module.

3. Remove the s teering wheel after removing a nut.

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4. Remove the s teering column upper and lower s hrouds us ing a phillips s crewdriver.

5. Remove the multifunction s witch as s embly mounting s crews (3EA) and multifunction s witch as s embly after removal of the connectors .

6. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Horn > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Horn > Horn > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Remove the bolt and dis connect the horn connector, then remove the horn.

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2. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

1. Tes t the horn by connecting battery voltage to the 1 terminal and ground the 2 terminal. 2. The horn s hould make a s ound. If the horn fails to make a s ound, replace it.


After adjus tment, apply a s mall amount of paint around the s crew head to keep it from loos ening.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ke yle ss Ent ry And > Sche mat ic Diagrams ET ACS MODULE INPUT SIGNAL T EST
1. Dis connect the wire connectors (B) from the ETACS module(A). 2. Ins pect the connectors (B) on wire harnes s s ide as s hown in the below.

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T erminals No .

T est co nd itio n Door s witch "ON" (Door opened)

Stand ard value Below 1 1M or higher Below 1 1M or higher Below 1 1M or higher Below 1 1M or higher Below 1 1M or higher Battery voltage Below 1V Below 1 1M or higher Battery voltage Battery voltage Below 1

38-35 (GND)

Door s witch "OFF" (Door clos ed) Luggage compartment door s witch "ON" (Luggage compartment door opened) Luggage compartment door s witch "OFF" (Luggage compartment door clos ed) Engine hood s witch "ON" (Engine hood opened)

40-35 (GND)

34-35 (GND)

Engine hood s witch "OFF" (Engine hood clos ed) Driver's door s witch "ON" (Driver's door opened)

37-35 (GND)

Driver's door s witch "OFF" (Driver's door clos ed) As s is t door s witch "ON" (As s is t door opened)

36-35 (GND)

As s is t door s witch "OFF" (As s is t door clos ed) Door warning s witch "ON" (Key ins erted) Door warning s witch "OFF" (Key removed) Trunk key unlock s witch "ON" (Trunk lid is unlocked with key) Trunk key unlock s witch "OFF"

39-35 (GND)

42-35 (GND)

27-35 (GND) 17-35 (GND) 31-35 (GND)

Always Ignition s witch is turned to "ON" pos ition Driver's door lock s witch "ON" (Driver's door unlock detection)

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Driver's door lock s witch "OFF" (Driver's door lock detection) As s is t door lock s witch "ON" (As s is t door unlock detection) As s is t door lock s witch "OFF" (As s is t door lock detection) Rear door lock s witch "ON" (Rear door unlock detection) 32-35 (GND) Rear door lock s witch "OFF" (Rear door lock detection) Always Engine Start Always Burglar alarm horn operation Driver's door key unlock s witch "ON" (Driver's door is unlocked with key) As s is t door and tailgate key unlock s witch "ON" (As s is t door and tailgate are unlocked with key)

1M or higher Below 1 1M or higher Below 1 1M or higher Battery voltage Battery voltage Below 1 ON Below 1 Below 1

30-35 (GND)

14-35 (GND) 13-35 (GND) 35 (GND) - Body ground 3-35 (GND) 5-35 (GND) 11-35 (GND)

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ke yle ss Ent ry And > De script ion and Ope rat ion DESCRIPT ION BURGLAR ALARM SYST EM
A door is forced open. A door is unlocked without us ing the trans mitter. The trunk lid is opened without us ing the key. The hood is opened. The engine s tarter circuit and battery circuit are bypas s ed by breaking the ignition s witch.


1. ARM FUNCT ION Pres s ing the remote key lock button will res ult in a 0.5-s econd puls e is s ued to lock all doors . Pres s ing the remote keypad unlock button once will res ult in a 0.5-s econd unlock puls e is s ued to unlock all doors . As part of the arming s equence the alarm firs t enters a pre-armed s tate before falling into the armed s tate. During this pre-armed s tate alarm triggers are ignored. Pre-armed s tate can be reached from the alarmed s tate, the s tart inhibit s tate or the dis armed s tate. Pre-Arming of the alarm can be achieved by a pres s of the lock button on the remote key. In the pre-armed s tate the vis ible and audible warnings are dis abled. This s ys tem enters the armed s tate if it is in the pre-armed s tate and, after 0.6 s ec, check actuator lock and each door, hood and tail gate clos e, and no door warning s witch (no key in ignition). On entering the arm s tate, a s ingle flas h of the haz ard lamps is given, period of cycle 2 s econd, duty rate 50%.

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If TX lock s ignal is received when a door, tail gate or hood is open, then lock output is given and a flas h of haz ard is not given. After the armed s tate is entered, if a lock s ignal is received then a s ingle flas h of the haz ard lamps is given, period of cycle 2 s econd, duty rate 50%. The armed s tate cannot be reached by locking the car with the keys .

Time s pecification T1 : 0.5 s ec. T2 : Max. 2 s ec. T3 : 1.0 0.2 s ec. 2. DISARM FUNCT ION Dis arming can be performed while the alarm is armed, or alarming, or after alarming. The alarm can be dis armed by the following methods : A. Pres s ing the unlock button on the TX key. The haz ard lamps s hall be flas hed twice for 1s ec period (of cycle), 50% duty rate. B. If door warning s witch is on, IGN1 and IGN2 are on in arm s tate, then arm s tate s hould be immediately cancelled. This means that the driver is ins ide the vehicle before pus hing TX lock, s o s ys tem s hould not arm. In the dis arm s tate the vis ible and audible warnings are dis abled and s tart is enabled. In the dis arm s tate, if TX key unlock command is received, then the haz ard lamps s hall be flas hed twice for period of cycle 1 s ec, 50% duty rate. Dis arm s tate cannot be reached us ing the door locks by key.

Time s pecification T1, T2 : 0.5 0.1 s ec. 3. ALARM FUNCT ION Once armed, s hould any door, hood or the tailgate be opened, then. A. Start relay drive output is dis abled, s o s tarting is inhibited B. Audible (horn) and vis ual (haz ard lamp) warnings are is s ued, for three cycles , each cycle 272 s ec. duration on, 101 s ec. off. The horn warning is continuous ly occurring during the on period. The haz ard lamps operate with 1 s ec period, 50 % duty rate during the on period The alarm is given in the cas e where a door is opened with a key. After this time, the s ys tem maintains the s tart inhibit s tate, where no audible and vis ual warnings are is s ued but engine s tarting is not pos s ible.

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Time s pecification T1 : 27 2 s ec. T2 : 10 1s ec. T3 : 0.4~0.5 s ec. 4. OPERAT ION DURING ALARM CONDIT IONS (1) Cancelling audible alarm with the remote trans mitter. CASE 1 : Do o r clo sed During or after alarming and then clos ing all doors and a TX lock s ignal is received Then A. The lock command is executed with 0.5 s ec. ON B. Horn and s tart inhibition are OFF C. Haz ard lamp is flas hed one time (period : 2 s ec., duty: 50%, within 2 s ec.) D. The s tate goes to arming mode (after a lock s tate check) E. The s tart is enabled

Time s pecification T1 : 0.5 s ec. T2 : 1.0 0.2 s ec. CASE 2 : Do o r Open During or after alarming, with a door open and a TX lock s ignal is received Then A. The lock command is executed with 0.5 s ec. ON B. Horn is dis abled and s tart is enabled after confirmation of actuator lock At this time, when the door is clos ed, A. Haz ard lamp is flas hed one time (period : 2 s ec., duty 50%) B. The s tate goes to arming mode

Time s pecification T1 : 0.5 s ec. T2 : 1.0 0.2 s ec. (2) New alarm conditions

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Second alarm condition during alarming. When another alarm occurs during alarming, the s tarting is dis abled, and the alarm continues to s ound for the remained time of warning s ignal. The alarm continues to s ound after the s econd alarm condition is removed. New alarm condition occurs after alarming (with all entrances clos ed) If any entrance is opened again then A. The horn is ON 3 times B. Start is dis abled C. Haz ard lamps flas h during the ON time of horn New alarm condition occur after alarming (with any entrance open). If another entrance is opened, the ETACS module keeps s tart dis abled and there is no horn output.

(3) Key operation during alarm After the alarm s tate or s tart inhibit s tate are entered, if door warning s witch on (key in ignition) &IGN 2 ON, if IGN 2 s tate is changed to OFF within 30s ec, remain in alarm s tate. (4) Dis arming us ing the key During alarming, in cas e that door warning s witch (key in) is ON and then IGN1 and IGN 2 are both ON for 30 s ec continuous ly, the alarm is cancelled, and the s ys tem enters the dis arm s tate. After alarming, in cas e that door warning s witch (key in) is ON and then IGN1 and IGN2 are both ON for 30 s ec continuous ly, the alarm is cancelled, and the s ys tem enters the dis arm s tate.

5. ALARM ST AT E IN POWER DOWN If the battery is dis connected to the ETACS m odule in the following s tates : A. Alarm B. After alarming Upon res toring the battery, the alarm s tate s hall be entered and the alarm cycle s hall res tarted (timer res et to 0). Upon res toring the battery, the alarm s tate s hall be entered and the alarm cycle s hall res tart (timer res et to 0).

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6. ALARM HOLD MOD E (1) In cas e of opening the trunk by trunk unlock s witch during arm s tate, the alarming is hold. When received trans mitter (TX) trunk s ignal in arm s tate, trunk open by output trunk lid open relay s ignal for 500ms and then holding alarm. But the door and hood except trunk is s till in the arm s tate. (2) Trunk is going to the arm s tate jus t cas e trunk is s till clos ed for 2 s ec.

T1 : Max. 0.2 s ec., T2 : 2 s ec.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ke yle ss Ent ry And > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ke yle ss Ent ry And > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION FRONT DOOR LOCK ACT UAT OR INSPECT ION
1. Remove the front door trim panel. (s ee BD group-front door)

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2. Dis connect the 4P connector from the actuator.

3. Check actuator operation by connecting power and ground according to the table. To prevent damage to the actuator, apply battery voltage only momentarily.


1. Remove the rear door trim panel. (s ee BD group-rear door) 2. Dis connect the 4P connector from the actuator.

3. Check actuator operation by connecting power and ground according to the table. To prevent damage to the actuator, apply battery voltage only momentarily.

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1. Remove the front door trim panel. (s ee BD group-front door) 2. Dis connect the 4P connector from the actuator.

3. Check for continuity between the terminals in each s witch pos ition according to the table.


1. Remove the rear door trim panel. (s ee BD group-rear door) 2. Dis connect the 4P connector from the actuator.

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3. Check for continuity between the terminals in each s witch pos ition according to the table.


Remove the door s witch and check for continuity between the terminals .


1. Remove the tailgate trim panel. (s ee BD group-tailgate) 2. Dis connect the 2P connector from the actuator.

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3. Check actuator operation by connecting power and ground according to the table. To prevent damage to the actuator, apply battery voltage only momentarily.


1. Dis connect the negative battery terminal. 2. After opening the trunk, dis connect the connector from the rear harnes s .

3. Check for continuity between the terminal and body while pus hing the rod. Switch ro d co nd itio n Pus h (OFF) Releas ed (ON) Co ntinuity Non-conductive () Conductive (0)


1. Remove the tailgate trim panel. (s ee BD group-tailgate) 2. Remove the tailgate latch after removing 3 bolts and dis connect the 1P connector from the tailgate s witch.

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3. Check for continuity between the terminal and ground according to the table.


1. Dis connect the 1P connector from the hood s witch.

2. Check for continuity between the terminal and ground according to the table.


1. Remove the driver's cras h pad lower panel. (s ee BD group-cras h pad) 2. Dis connect the 2P connector from the door warning s witch.

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3. Check for continuity between the terminals in each pos ition according to the table.


1. Remove the horn after removing a bolt and dis connect the 2P connector from the horn.

2. Tes t the horn by connecting battery power to terminal 1 and ground terminal 2. The horn s hould make a s ound. If the horn fails to make a s ound replace it.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ke yle ss Ent ry And > T ransmit t e r > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
1. Check that the red light flickers when the door lock or unlock button is pres s ed on the trans mitter.

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2. Remove the battery and check voltage if the red light does n't flicker. Standard voltage : 3V

3. Replace the trans mitter battery with a new one, if voltage is below 3V then try to lock and unlock the doors with the trans mitter by pres s ing the lock or unlock button five or s ix times . 4. If the doors lock and unlock, the trans mitter is O.K, but if the doors don't lock and unlock, regis ter the trans mitter code, then try to lock and unlock the doors (See page BE-31) 5. If the doors lock and unlock, the trans mitter is O.K, but if the doors don't lock and unlock, replace the trans mitter.


1. To regis ter trans mitter code, firs t connect keyles s adapter (09900-21300) to DLC(Data Link Connector) cable of hi-s can as s hown in the illus tration.

2. After connecting keyles s adapter to the multi purpos e check connector (10pins ) bes ide data link connector in driver s ide cras h pad lower panel, turn the power on hi-s can.

3. Select the vehicle model and then do "CODE SAVING".

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4. After s electing "CODE SAVING" menu, button "ENTER" key, then the s creen will be s hown as below.

5. After removing the ignition key from key cylinder, pus h "ENTER" key to proceed to the next mode for code s aving.

6. Follow s teps 1 to 3 and then code s aving is completed. 7. Dis connect keyles s adapter (09900-21300) from DLC cable and then proceed to s elf-diagnos is with DLC cable connected.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > ET ACS (Ele ct ronic T ime > De script ion and Ope rat ion DESCRIPT ION
ETACS module receives various input s witch s ignals , and controls time and alarm s uch as intermittent wiper timer, was her timer, rear defogger timer, s eat belts warning, decayed out room lamp, central door lock, ignition key reminder, power window timer, door warning, tail lamp auto cut, cras h door unlock and keyles s entry & burglar alarm automatically.

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > ET ACS (Ele ct ronic T ime > Spe cificat ions SPECIFICAT IONS
Items Rated voltage Operating voltage Operating temperature Ins ulation res is tance Rated lo ad Horn relay Chime bell Rear defogger relay Haz ard lamp relay Tail lamp relay Seat belt warning indicator Room lamp Door lock relay Door unlock relay Burglar alarm relay Specificatio ns DC 12V DC 9 ~ 16V -30C ~ 80C 100M or more DC 12V, 200mA (Inductance load) DC 12V, 350mA (Inductance load) DC 12V, 200mA (Inductance load) DC 12V, 200mA (Inductance load) DC 12V, 200mA (Inductance load) DC 12V, 1.2W (Lamp load) DC 12V, 10W (Lamp load) DC 12V, 200mA (Inductance load) DC 12V, 200mA (Inductance load) DC 12V, 200mA (Inductance load)

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > ET ACS (Ele ct ronic T ime > ET ACS Module > Sche mat ic Diagrams CIRCUIT DIAGRAM

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1. Dis connect the wire connectors (B) from the ETACS module(A). 2. Ins pect the connectors (B) on wire harnes s s ide as s hown in the below.

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T erminal No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Co nnectio n Haz ard lamp (LH) Room lamp Horn Wiper relay Driver door key unlock s witch Burglar alarm relay Rear defogger relay D.R.L Tail lamp relay Seat belt warning lamp As s is t & tailgate key unlock s witch Intermittent wiper volume s witch IGN1 B+ Haz ard lamp (RH) Door unlock relay IGN2 Code s aving Chime bell Power window relay Driver door unlock relay

T erminal No . 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Co nnectio n Door lock relay Seat belt s witch Alternator "L" Speed s ens or Cras h s ens or B+ Rear defogger s witch Was her s witch As s is t door lock s witch Driver door lock s witch Rear & tailgate lock s witch Tail lamp s witch Hood s witch Ground As s is t door s witch Driver door s witch All doors s witch Door warning s witch Trunk s witch (4door)/ Tailgate s witch (3door) Intermittent wiper s witch Trunk key unlock s witch (4door)


Pin No . Input sig nal name T est co nd itio n Desired result

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Ignition s witch ON or START

Check for voltage to ground; There s hould be battery voltage Check for voltage to ground; There s hould be battery voltage Check for voltage to ground; There s hould be battery voltage Check for voltage to ground; There s hould be battery voltage Check for continuity to ground; There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground; There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground; There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground; There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground; There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground; There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground; There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground; There s hould be continuity



Ignition s witch ON


Alternator "L"

Engine s tart condition


Door warning s witch

Key is ins erted into the ignition s witch


All door s witch

One of all doors is opened


Driver's door s witch

Driver's door open


As s is t door s witch

As s is t door open


Rear door lock s witch

One of rear doors is unlock


Trunk s witch (4door) / Tailgate s witch (3door)

Trunk open (4door) / Tailgate open (3door)


Key is ins erted into the Trunk key unlock s witch trunk key cylinder and (4door) turned


Hood s witch

Hood open


Was her s witch

Was her s witch ON

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Intermittent wiper s witch INT. wiper s witch ON

Check for continuity to ground; There s hould be continuity Res is tance s hould vary from 0 to 50k


Intermittent wiper volume s witch

INT. wiper volume s witch ON


Rear defogger s witch

Check for continuity to ground; Rear defogger s witch ON There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground; There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground; There s hould be continuity There s hould be open at unus ed Check for voltage to ground ; There s hould be battery voltage Check for continuity to ground ; There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground ; There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground ; There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground ; There s hould be continuity Check for continuity to ground : There s hould be continuity Check for voltage to ground ; There s hould be about 5V


Tail lamp s witch

Tail lamp s witch ON


Seat belt s witch

Seat belt is unbuckled


Code s aving tool

Code s ave s ignal

14, 27

Battery (+)

Cons tant



Cons tant


Driver's door lock s witch Driver's door is unlock


As s is t door lock s witch

As s is t door is unlock

Driver's door key unlock s witch

Driver's door is unlock with key


As s is t & tailgate unlock s witch

As s is t door and tailgate are unlock with key


Air bag s ignal

Ignition s witch ON

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > ET ACS (Ele ct ronic T ime > ET ACS Module > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Remove the 2 s crews and 2 bolts holding the driver's cras h pad lower panel.

3. Dis connect the hood releas e cable and the data link connector from beneath the driver's cras h pad lower panel.

4. Remove the ETACS module from the bracket after removing bolts .

5. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


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Time s pecification T1 : Max. 0.5s ec. T2 : 0.6~0.7 s ec. (Tim e of wiper motor 1 rotation) T3 : At vehicle s peed : 0km/h. 2.60.7 s ec. (VR=0k)~18.01s ec. (VR=50k) At vehicle s peed = 100km/h or more. 1.00.2s ec. (VR=0k)~10.01 s ec. (VR=50k) 2. WASHER

A. Time s pecification T1 : 0.3 s ec. T2 : 0.6~0.8 s ec. T3 : 0.2~0.6 s ec. B. Time s pecification T1 : 0.3 s ec. T2 : 2.5~3.8 s ec. T3 : 0.6 s ec. or more C. This function s hould be operated preferentially even though the variable intermittent wiper is operating. 3. DEFOGGER TIMER (Including Outs ide Mirror Demis ter) (1) After ALT "L" ON, if the defogger is s witched ON, the defogger output is ON for 20 minutes duration. (2) If the defogger s witch is pres s ed again, or if the ignition is s witched OFF during this time, the defogger output is OFF.

T1 : 20 1min. 4. SEAT BELT WARNING TIMER (1) Since the ignition is s witched ON, the s eat belt warning indicator is illuminated infinitely (with period : 0.6 s ec., duty rate : 50%) and the chime bell is s ounded (with period : 0.9 s ec., duty rate : 50%) for total time 6 s econds .

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(2) If the ignition is s withced off during the indicator and the chime bell output, the indicator and the chime bell are s witched OFF. If the s eat belt is fas tened during the indicator and the chime bell output, the indicator and the chime bell are s witched OFF immediately. (3) When the ignition is already s witched ON , if the s eat belt is not fas tened, the chime bell is s ounded for 6 s econd and the warning indicator is illuminated infinitely.

T1 : 61 s ec., T2 : 0.45 0.1 s ec., T3 : 0.3 0.1 s ec. 5. DECAYED ROOM LAMP & KEYLESS UN LOCK TIMER (1) When the firs t door (driver's or as s is t) is opened, the room lamp s hall brighten. When the las t door is clos ed, the room lamp will drop to 75% intens ity, then fade out over 5-6 s econds . (2) If the door s witch is ON for les s than 0.1 s ec., then no illumination occurs . (3) The fade res olution is over 32 s teps . (4) The room lamp mus t not flicker during fade operation, if the ignition is s witched ON. (5) With keyles s UNLOCK, when the door is clos ed, the room lamp is turned ON, then OFF after about 30 s econds . While the room lamp is ON due to keyles s UNLOCK, if another UNLOCK is received, the room lamp is again ON for 30 s econds . While the room lamp is ON, If the door is opened, the lamp is continued to ON. If the door is clos ed, the lamp follows as the above s tep 1. If keyles s LOCK (ARM s tate) is received during fade out, the room lamp is s witched off immediately.

T1 : 5.5 0.5 s ec., T2 : 30 3 s ec. 6. CENTRAL DOOR LOCK/UNLOCK (1) If trans mitter(TX) lock or key lock s ignal is received, all door lock output is ON. (2) With driver door lock s tate, if TX unlock or key unlock s ignal is received, only driver door unlock output is ON. (3) Within 4 s ec. s ince final unlock s ignal, if TX unlock or key unlock s ignal is received again, all doors unlock output is ON at driver door unlock s tate. If the time (4 s ec.) elaps e, only driver door unlock output is ON. (4) Us ing s afety knob, pos s ible to central door lock/unlock. (5) Door key unlock s witch is applied to driver door, as s is t door and tailgate.

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T1 : 0.5 0.1 s ec. T2 : Max. 4 s ec. T3 : Min. 4 s ec. 7. IGNITION KEY REM INDER

T1,T3 : 0.5 s ec., T2 : 1 s ec., T4 : Max.0.5 s ec. 8. POWER WINDOW TIMER (1) When the ignition is s witched ON, the power window relay output is turned ON. (2) When the ignition is s witched OFF, the power window output is maintained ON for 30 s econds and then turned OFF. (3) With the s tate of s tep 2, if the driver's door or as s is t door is opened, the output s hall be turned OFF immediately.

T1 : 30 3 s ec. 9. DOOR OPEN WARN ING (1) If the key is in the ignition key cylinder and the driver's door is opened, the chime bell s ounds continually (period:0.9 s ec. Duty rate:50%). (2) If the door is clos ed or the key is removed, the chime s tops immediately.

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T1,T2 : 0.45 0.1 s ec. 10. TAIL LAMP AUTO CUT (1) When the tail lamp is s witched ON, if the ignition is s witched OFF and the driver's door is opened, the tail lamp s hould be automatically OFF. (2) With the ignition s witched ON, if the driver's door is opened and the ignition is s witched OFF, the tail lamp s hould be automatically OFF. (3) When the tail lamp is cut automatically, if the tail lamp s witch is turned OFF and ON , the tail lamp is illuminated and auto cut function is cancelled.

11. CRASH DOOR UN LOCK (1) With the ignition turned ON, if the air bag is deployed, a cras h s ignal is received and s end an UNLOCK output to all doors UNLOCK. (2) After UNLOCK output, when LOCK is s et, UNLOCK puls e is output for 5 s econd period again.

T1 : 200 ms ec. T2 : 40 ms ec. T3 : 50.5s ec. 12. TX LOCK TWO TIM ES FUNCTION

T1 : 0.5 0.1 s ec. T2 : 1 0.2 s ec. T3 : 0.05 s ec. T4 : Max. 4 s ec. T5 : Min. 4 s ec. 13. PANIC ALARM (1) If panic s witch is ON, horn output keeps ON for 30 s ec and if panic s witch is ON again, horn output is OFF. (2) Panic mode is not affected at arm or dis arm s tate. (3) While panic is operating, arm or dis arm function operates .

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T1 : 30 1 s ec.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Fuse s And Re lays > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Fuse s And Re lays > Re lay Box (Engine Compart me nt ) > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Fuse s And Re lays > Re lay Box (Engine Compart me nt ) > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION POWER RELAY T EST (T YPE A)
1. There s hould be continuity between the No.3 and No.4 terminals when power and ground are connected to the No.1 and No.2 terminals . 2. There s hould be no continuity between the No.3 and No.4 terminals when power is dis connected.

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1. There s hould be continuity between the No.1 and No.2 terminals when power and ground are connected to the No.4 and No.3 terminals . 2. There s hould be no continuity between the No.1 and No.2 terminals when power is dis connected.

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1. There s hould be continuity between the No.1 and No.2 terminals when power and ground are connected to the No.3 and No.5 terminals . 2. There s hould be continuity between the No.1 and No.4 terminals when power is dis connected.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Fuse s And Re lays > Re lay Box (Passe nge r Compart me nt ) > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Fuse s And Re lays > Re lay Box (Passe nge r Compart me nt ) > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION POWER RELAY T EST (T YPE A)

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1. There s hould be continuity between the No.1 and No.2 terminals when power and ground are connected to the No.3 and No.5 terminals . 2. There s hould be continuity between the No.1 and No.4 terminals when power is dis connected.


1. There s hould be continuity between the No.1 and No.2 terminals when power and ground are connected to the No.3 and No.4 terminals . 2. There s hould be no continuity between the No.1 and No.2 terminals when power is dis connected.

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1. Be s ure there is no play in the fus e holders , and that the fus es are held s ecurely. 2. Are the fus e capacities for each circuit correct? 3. Are there any blown fus es ? If a fus e is to be replaced, be s ure to us e a new fus e of the s ame capacity. Always determine why the fus e blew and completely eliminate the problem before ins talling a new fus e.

Never us e a fus e of higher capacity than s pecified.

1. Fuse blo wn d ue to o ver-current. Prior to replacing the fus e with a new one, check the circuit for a s hort and the related parts for abnormal conditions . Only after the correction of a s hort or replacement of abnormal parts , s hould a fus e with the s ame ampere rating be ins talled.

2. Fuse blo wn d ue to repeated o n-o ff current. Normally, this type of problem occurs after a fairly long period of us e, and is les s frequent than #1 above. In this cas e, you may s imply replace with a new fus e of the s ame capacity.

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A blade type fus e is identified by the numbered value in amperes . If the fus e is blown, be s ure to replace a fus e with the s ame ampere rating.If a fus e of higher capacity than s pecified is us ed, parts may be damaged and a danger of fire exis ts . To remove or ins ert a fus e, us e the fus e puller in the fus e box.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Indicat ors And Gauge s > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Indicat ors And Gauge s > Inst rume nt Clust e r > Sche mat ic Diagrams CIRCUIT DIAGRAM

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Indicat ors And Gauge s > Inst rume nt Clust e r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Indicat ors And Gauge s > Inst rume nt Clust e r > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Remove the clus ter facia panel.

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3. Remove the clus ter from the hous ing after removing s crews .

4. Dis connect the wire connectors from the clus ter. 5. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


The inverter is located in the ins trument clus ter and it converts the direct current (DC) into the alternating current (AC). Illumination power applied to inverter in the clus ter is converted into the alternating current (AC), which is s upplied EL (Electrolumines cent Lamp) s heets to be illuminated.

1. Remove the front cover from the clus ter and dis connect wire lead connector from EL s heet.

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2. Apply battery voltage (DC 13.5V) to the inverter in the clus ter and meas ure the output voltage between terminal 1 and 2. 3. Als o meas ure the output frequency between the terminals .

4. If the value is not as s hown in the table, replace the inverter. Input vo ltag e DC 13.5V 1% Input current DC 30mA 10% Output vo ltag e 40 Vrms 20% Output freq uency 520H z 15% EL sheet lumino sity 11cd/m 8%

If the inverter is normal, connect the EL and inverter, s upply power to the clus ter, and check the EL illuminates at the dark. If EL illumination is too dark, s hould be replaced.


1. Adjus t the pres s ure of the tires to the s pecified level. 2. Drive the vehicle onto a s peedometer tes ter. Us e wheel chocks as appropriate. 3. Check if the s peedometer indicator range is within the s tandard values .

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Do not operate the clutch s uddenly or increas e/ decreas e s peed rapidly while tes ting.

Tire wear and tire over or under inflation will increas e the indication error. Velocity (km/h) Tolerance (km/h) Velocity (km/h) Tolerance (km/h) 20 2.4 140 3.2 40 2.4 160 3.7 60 2.4 180 3.7 80 2.7 200 4.0 100 2.7 Area Only CANADA 120 3.2

Velocity (MPH) Tolerance (MPH)

10 1.5

20 1.5

40 1.5

60 1.7

80 1.7

100 1.7

120 1.7

Area Only U.S.A

1. Connect the s can tool to the diagnos tic link connector or ins tall a tachometer. 2. With the engine s tarted, compare the readings of the tes ter with that of the tachometer. Replace the tachometer if the tolerance is exceeded.

1. Revers ing the connections of the tachometer will damage the trans is tor and diodes ins ide. 2. When removing or ins talling the tachometer, be careful not to drop it or s ubject it to s evere s hock. Revolution (RPM) Tolerance (RPM)

1,000 100

2,000 125

3,000 150

4,000 170

5,000 200

6,000 240

7,000 280

OPERAT ION CHECK 1. Dis connect the fuel s ender connector from the fuel s ender. 2. Connect a 3.4 watt, 12V tes t bulb to terminals 2 and 3 on the wire harnes s s ide connector. 3. Turn the ignition s witch to the ON, and then check that the bulb lights up and the fuel gauge needle moves to full.

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1. Us ing an ohmmeter, meas ure the res is tance between terminals 2 and 3 at each float level.

2. Als o check that the res is tance changes s moothly when the float is moved from "E" to "F". Po sitio n Sender (E) Gauge (E) Warning lamp 1/2 Gauge (F) Sender (F) Gaug e ang le ( ) -4.5 4.0 0 4.0 4.2 4.0 50 4.0 100 4.0 104.5 4.0 Resistance () 200 184 170 66 15 8

3. If the res is tance is uns atis fied, replace the fuel s ender as an as s embly.

After completing this tes t, wipe the s ender dry and reins tall it in the fuel tank.


1. Dis connect the wiring connector from the engine coolant temperature s ender in the engine compartment. 2. Turn the ignition s witch ON. Check that the gauge needle indicates cool. Turn the ignition s witch OFF. 3. Connect a 12V, 3.4 watt tes t bulb between the harnes s s ide connector and ground.

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4. Turn the ignition s witch ON. 5. Verify that the tes t bulb flas hes and that the indicator moves to HOT. If operation is not as s pecified, replace the engine coolant temperature gauge. Then recheck the s ys tem.


1. Us ing an ohmmeter, meas ure the res is tance between the terminal 2 and ground.

2. If the res is tance value is not as s hown in the table, replace the temperature s ender. Temperature (C) Gauge angle () Res is tance () 55 0 160.3 85 43 4 70.3 110 43 4 27.9 125 95 4 18.6


1. Check that there is continuity between the terminal and ground with the engine off. 2. Check that there is no continuity between the terminal and ground with the engine running. 3. If operation is not as s pecified, replace the s witch.


1. Dis connect the connector from the warning s witch and ground the terminal on the wire harnes s s ide

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connector. 2. Turn the ignition s witch ON. Check that the warning lamp lights up.If the warning lamp does n't light, tes t the bulb or ins pect the wire harnes s .


1. Remove the connector from the s witch located at the brake fluid res ervoir. 2. Verify that continuity exis ts between s witch terminals 1 and 2 while pres s ing the s witch (float) down with a rod.


1. Start the engine. 2. Releas e the parking brake. 3. Remove the connector from the brake fluid level warning s witch. 4. Ground the connector at the harnes s s ide. 5. Verify that the warning lamp lights .


The parking brake s witch is a pus h type located under the parking brake lever. To adjus t, move the s witch mount up and down with the parking brake lever releas ed all the way. 1. Check that there is continuity between the terminal and s witch body with the s witch ON (Lever is pulled).

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2. Check that there is no continuity between the terminal and s witch bodywith the s witch OFF (Lever is releas ed). If continuity is not as s pecified, replace the s witch or ins pect its ground connection.

Remove the door s witch and check for continuity between the terminals .


1. Remove the connector from the s witch. 2. Check for continuity between terminals . Seat belt co nd itio n Fas tened Not fas tened Co ntinuity Non-conductive () Conductive ()


With the ignition s witch turned ON, verify that the lamp glows .

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Seat belt co nd itio n Fas tened Not fas tened

Warning lamp OFF ON

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Powe r Door Locks > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Powe r Door Locks > Powe r Door Lock Act uat ors > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION FRONT DOOR LOCK ACT UAT OR INSPECT ION
1. Remove the front door trim panel. (s ee BD group-front door)

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2. Dis connect the 4P connector from the actuator.

3. Check actuator operation by connecting power and ground according to the table. To prevent damage to the actuator, apply battery voltage only momentarily.


1. Remove the rear door trim panel. (s ee BD group-rear door) 2. Dis connect the 4P connector from the actuator.

3. Check actuator operation by connecting power and ground according to the table. To prevent damage to the actuator, apply battery voltage only momentarily.

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1. Remove the front door trim panel. (s ee BD group-front door) 2. Dis connect the 4P connector from the actuator.

3. Check for continuity between the terminals in each s witch pos ition according to the table.


1. Remove the rear door trim panel. (s ee BD group-rear door) 2. Dis connect the 4P connector from the actuator.

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3. Check for continuity between the terminals in each s witch pos ition according to the table.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Powe r Door Locks > Powe r Door Lock Re lay > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
1. Remove the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Remove the driver's s ide cras h pad lower panel. (s ee BD group - cras h pad)

3. Remove the door lock relay in the pas s enger compartment relay box, then check for continuity between the terminals .

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Powe r Door Mirrors > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Powe r Door Mirrors > Powe r out side mirror swit ch > Sche mat ic Diagrams CIRCUIT DIAGRAM

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Powe r Door Mirrors > Powe r out side mirror swit ch > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
1. Remove the power door mirror s witch from the door trim panel. 2. Check for continuity between the terminals in each s witch pos ition according to the table.

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Powe r Door Mirrors > Powe r Door Mirror Act uat or > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
1. Dis connect the power door mirror connector from the harnes s . 2. Apply battery voltage to each terminal as s hown in the table and verify that the mirror operates properly.

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Powe r Windows > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Powe r Windows > Powe r Window Mot or > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION FRONT POWER WINDOW MOT OR INSPECT ION
1. Remove the front door trim panel. (s ee BD group-front door)

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2. Dis connect the 2P connector from the motor.

3. Connect the motor terminals directly to battery voltage (12V) and check that the motor operates s moothly. Next, revers e the polarity and check that the motor operates s moothly in the revers e direction. If the operation is abnormal, replace the motor.


1. Remove the rear door trim panel. (s ee BD group-rear door) 2. Dis connect the 2P connector from the motor.

3. Connect the motor terminals directly to battery voltage (12V) and check that the motor operates s moothly. Next, revers e the polarity and check that the motor operates s moothly in the revers e direction. If the operation is abnormal, replace the motor.

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Powe r Windows > Powe r Window Swit ch > Sche mat ic Diagrams CIRCUIT DIAGRAM

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Powe r Windows > Powe r Window Swit ch > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION POWER WINDOW MAIN SWIT CH

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1. Remove the power window main s witch from the driver's door trim panel.

2. Check for continuity between the terminals .



1. Remove the power window s ub s witch from the rear door trim panel.

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2. Check for continuity between the terminals . If continuity is not as s pecified in the table, replace the power window s witch.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Re ar Window De fogge r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Re ar Window De fogge r > Re ar Window De fogge r Print e d He at e r > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION

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Wrap tin foil around the end of the voltmeter tes t lead to prevent damaging the heater line. Apply finger pres s ure on the tin foil, moving the tin foil along the grid line to check for open circuits .

1. Turn on the defogger s witch and us e a voltmeter to meas ure the voltage of each heater line at the glas s center point. If a voltage of approximately 6V is indicated by the voltmeter, the heater line of the rear window is cons idered s atis factory.

2. If a heater line is burned out between the center point and (+) terminal, the voltmeter will indicate 12V.

3. If a heater line is burned out between the center point and (-) terminal, the voltmeter will indicate 0V.

4. To check for open circuits , s lowly move the tes t lead in the direction that the open circuit s eems to

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exis t. Try to find a point where a voltage is generated or changes to 0V. The point where the voltage has changed is the open-circuit point.

5. Us e an ohmmeter to meas ure the res is tance of each heater line between a terminal and the center of a grid line, and between the s ame terminal and the center of one adjacent heater line. The s ection with a broken heater line will have a res is tance twice as that in other s ections . In the affected s ection, move the tes t lead to a pos ition where the res is tance s harply changes .


Prepare the following items : 1. Conductive paint. 2. Paint thinner. 3. Mas king tape. 4. Silicone remover. 5. Us ing a thin brus h : Wipe the glas s adjacent to the broken heater line, clean with s ilicone remover and attach the mas king tape as s hown. Shake the conductive paint container well, and apply three coats with a brus h at intervals of about 15 minutes apart. Remove the tape and allow s ufficient time for drying before applying power. For a better finis h, s crape away exces s depos its with a knife after the paint has completely dried. (Allow 24 hours ).

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Re ar Window De fogge r > Re ar Window De fogge r

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Swit ch > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION

1. Remove the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Dis connect the s witch connector after removing the center facia panel.

3. Check for continuity between the terminals . If continuity is not as s pecified in the table, replace the defogger s witch.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Windshie ld Wipe r/Washe r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Windshie ld Wipe r/Washe r > Windshie ld Wipe r/Washe r Swit ch > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal.

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2. Remove the 2 bolts and dis connect the airbag connector and the horn connector, then remove the airbag module.

Remove the horn pad only for vehicle without airbag.

3. Remove the s teering wheel lock nut.

4. Remove the s teering wheel with s pecial tool (09561-11002).

Do not hammer on the s teering wheel to remove it. Doing s o may damage the collaps ible mechanis m.

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5. Remove the s teering column s hroud after removing 3 s crews .

6. Dis connect the wire connectors and remove the multi-function s witch after removing the s crews .

7. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Windshie ld Wipe r/Washe r > Front Wipe r Mot or > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the winds hield wiper arm and blade after removing a nut.

T ig htening to rq ue

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28~32 Nm (280~320 kgcm, 21~24 lbft) 2. Remove the weathers trip and cowl top cover after removing 4 clips .

3. Remove the winds hield wiper motor after removing 3 bolts .

T ig htening to rq ue 7~11 Nm (70~110 kgcm, 5.1~8.0 lbft) 4. Remove the wiper link mounting bolts and take out the wiper link as s embly from the cowl top panel.

5. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


1. Ins tall the wiper arm and blade to the s pecified pos ition. Specified pos ition Dis tance (mm) A 25~35 B 25~35

2. Set the was her noz z le on the s pecified s pray pos ition.

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1. Remove the connector from the wiper motor. 2. Attach the pos itive (+) lead from the battery to terminal 1 and the negative (-) lead to terminal 3. 3. Check that the motor operates at low s peed. 4. Connect the pos itive (+) lead from the battery to terminal 2 and the negative (-) lead to terminal 3. 5. Check that the motor operates at high s peed.


1. Operate the motor at low s peed us ing the s talk control. 2. Stop the motor operation anywhere except at the off pos ition by dis connecting terminal 1 3. Connect terminals 1and 5. 4. Connect the pos itive (+) lead from the battery to terminal 4 and the negative (-) lead to terminal 3. 5. Check that the motor s tops running at the off pos ition.

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Windshie ld Wipe r/Washe r > Front Washe r Mot or > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Remove the front bumper cover. (s ee BD group - front bumper) 3. Remove the was her hos e and the was her motor connector. 4. Remove the was her res ervoir after removing 2 bolts .

5. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

1. With the was her motor connected to the res ervoir tank, fill the res ervoir tank with water. 2. Connect pos itive (+) and negative (-) battery cables to terminals 2 and 1 res pectively to s ee that the was her motor runs and water s prays from the front noz z les . 3. Check that the motor operates normally.

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Re ar Wipe r/Washe r > Re ar Wipe r Mot or > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Re ar Wipe r/Washe r > Re ar Wipe r Mot or > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the tailgate trim panel.

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2. Remove the rear wiper arm after removing a nut.

T ig htening to rq ue 7~11 Nm (70~110 kgcm, 5.1~8.0 lbft) 3. Remove a hexagonal nut after removing a pivot cover.

When ins talling cap & pad, the arrow mark s hould be indicated upward.

T ig htening to rq ue 10~14 Nm (100~140 kgcm, 7.3~10.2 lbft) 4. Remove the rear wiper motor after removing 2 bolts and dis connect the wire connector.

T ig htening to rq ue 4~7 Nm (40~70 kgcm, 2.9~5.1 lbft) 5. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


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1. Ins tall the rear wiper arm and blade to the s pecified pos ition. Specified po sitio n Dis tance A 15010 mm

2. Set the rear was her noz z le on the s pecified s pray pos ition.

1. Remove the connector from the rear wiper motor. 2. Connect battery pos itive (+) and negative (-) cables to terminals 1 and 4 res pectively. 3. Check that the motor operates normally. Replace the motor if it operates abnormally.

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Re ar Wipe r/Washe r > Re ar Washe r Swit ch > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
1. Dis connect the connector from the rear wiper and was her s witch. 2. Check for continuity between the terminals .

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Re ar Wipe r/Washe r > Re ar Washe r Mot or > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
1. With the was her motor connected to the res ervoir tank, fill the res ervoir tank with water. 2. Connect pos itive(+) and negative(-) battery cables to terminals 2 and 3 res pectively to s ee that the was her motor runs and water is pumped. 3. Check that the motor operates normally. Replace the motor if it operates abnormally.

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Light ing Syst e m > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Light ing Syst e m > He ad Lamps > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Remove the head lamp mounting bolts (2EA), then dis connect the lamp connectors .

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3. Replace a burned-out bulb by a new one.

4. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


If there are any regulations pertinent to the aiming of head lamps in the area where the vehicle is to be us ed, adjus t s o as to meet thos e requirements . 1. Inflate the tires to the s pecified pres s ure and remove any loads from the vehicle except the driver, s pare tire, and tools . 2. The vehicle s hould be placed on a flat floor. 3. Draw vertical lines (Vertical lines pas s ing through res pective head lamp centers ) and a horiz ontal line (Horiz ontal line pas s ing through center of head lamps ) on the s creen. 4. With the head lamp and battery in normal condition, aim the head lamps s o the brightes t portion falls on the horiz ontal and vertical lines . Make vertical and horiz ontal adjus tments to the lower beam us ing the adjus ting wheel.


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The front fog lamps s hould be aimed as the s ame manner of the head lamps aiming. With the front fog lam ps and battery normal condition, aim the front fog lamps by turning the adjus ting gear.


1. Turn the low beam on without driver aboard. The cut-off line s hould be projected in the allowable range (s haded region).

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2. Turn the front fog lamp on without driver aboard. The cut-off line s hould be projected in the allowable range (s haded region).

HEAD LAMP RELAY 1. Pull out the headlamp relay from the relay box in the pas s enger compartment.

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2. Check for continuity between terminals .

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Light ing Syst e m > T urn Signal Lamp > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Remove the 2 s crews holding the rear combination lamp.

3. Dis connect the wire connector from the rear combination lamp. 4. Replace a burned-out bulb by a new one.

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5. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Light ing Syst e m > Room Lamp > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Detach the lamp lens from the room lamp with a flat-tip s crewdriver.

3. Remove the mounting s crews (2EA) and dis connect the wire connector, then remove the room lamp as s embly.

4. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Light ing Syst e m > Hazard Lamp Swit ch > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Remove the center facia panel with a flat-tip s crewdriver, then dis connect the s witch connector.

3. Operate the s witch and check for continuity between terminals with an ohmmeter.

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Light ing Syst e m > Flashe r Unit > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
1. Remove the flas her unit from the pas s enger compartment relay box.

2. Connect the pos itive (+) lead from the battery to terminal 2 and the negative (-) lead to terminal 3.

3. Connect the two turn s ignal lamps in parallel to terminal 1. Check that the bulbs turn on and off.

The turn s ignal lamps s hould flas h 60 to 120 times per minute. If one of the front or rear turn s ignal lamps has an open circuit, the number of flas hes will be more than 120 per minute. If operation is not as s pecified, replace the flas her unit.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Light ing Syst e m > Rhe ost at > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Detach the rheos tat connector from the driver's cras h pad panel.

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3. Check for intens ity. If the light intens ity of the lamps changes s moothly without any flickering when the rheos tat is turned, it can be as s umed that the rheos tat is normal.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Light ing Syst e m > Front Fog Lamps > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Remove the front wheel guard.

3. Remove the front fog lamp as s embly after removing the s crews , then dis connect the wire connector.

4. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Remove the center facia panel with a flat-tip s crewdriver, then dis connect the s witch connector.

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3. Operate the s witch and check for continuity between terminals with an ohmmeter.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Light ing Syst e m > Lice nse Lamps > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative (-) battery terminal. 2. Remove the tailgate trim.

3. Remove the licens e plate lamp and dis connect the wire connector.

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4. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Light ing Syst e m > High Mount e d st op lamp > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal. 2. Remove the tailgate trim.

3. Remove the 5 bolts , dis connect the wire connector and then remove the center high mounted s top lamp.

4. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Light ing Syst e m > T runk Lamps > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative battery terminal. 2. Detach the luggage lamp as s embly from the luggage s ide trim with a flat-tip s crewdriver.

3. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

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T RUNK ROOM LAMP SWIT CH 1. Dis connect the negative battery terminal. 2. After opening the trunk, dis connect the connector from the rear harnes s .

3. Check for continuity between the terminal and body while pus hing the rod. Switch ro d co nd itio n Pus hed (OFF) Releas ed (ON) Co ntinuity Non-conductive () Conductive (0)

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Dayt ime Running Light s > DRL Cont rol Module > Sche mat ic Diagrams CIRCUIT DIAGRAM

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Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Dayt ime Running Light s > DRL Cont rol Module > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
OPERAT ION CHECK Check that the lights operate according to the following timing chart.

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1. Dis connect the wire connector to DRL module from engine compartment. 2. Ins pect the connector on wire harnes s s ide as s hown.

T ester co nnectio n 5-Ground 6-Ground 7-Ground 8-Ground

Co nd itio n Head lamp s witch OFF Head lamp s witch ON Cons tant Cons tant Dimmer & pas s ing s witch ON Dimmer & pas s ing s witch OFF Engine Stop Engine Running Parking brake s witch ON Parking brake s witch OFF

Specified co nd itio n No continuity Continuity Continuity Battery voltage N o voltage Battery voltage No voltage Battery voltage Continuity No continuity



If circuit is not as s pecified, refer to s chematic diagram and ins pect s hort or circuits .

Body Ele ct rical Syst e m > Ignit ion Syst e m > Ignit ion Swit ch > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION
1. Dis connect the negative(-) battery terminal.

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2. Remove the 2 bolts and dis connect the airbag connector and the horn connector, then remove the airbag module.

Remove the horn pad only for vehicle without airbag.

3. Remove the s teering wheel lock nut.

4. Remove the s teering wheel with s pecial tool (09561-11002).

Do not hammer on the s teering wheel to remove it. Doing s o may damage the collaps ible mechanis m.

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5. Remove the s teering column s hroud after removing 3 s crews .

6. Remove the s crews holding the multi-function s witch, then dis connect the wire connector. Remove the multi-function s witch as s embly.

7. Remove the s teering column mounting bolts .

8. Remove the key lock as s embly from the s teering column s haft. (s ee ST group) 9. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

1. Remove the driver's s ide cras h pad lower panel.

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2. Dis connect the ignition s witch connector and the door warning s witch connector under the s teering column.

3. Check for continuity between the terminals . 4. If continuity is not as s pecified, replace the s witch.

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ACCENT (LC) > 2005 > G 1.6 DOHC > Heat ing,Vent ilat ion, Air Condioning
He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Flow Diagram REFRIGERAT ION CYCLE

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He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Ge ne ral Safe t y Informat ion and Caut ion PRECAUT IONS
The air conditioning s ys tem us es R-134a refrigerant and FD46XG (PAG) refrigerant oil, which are not

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compatible with R-12 refrigerant and mineral oil. Do not us e R-12 refrigerant or mineral oil in this s ys tem, and do not attempt to us e R-12 s ervicing equipment; damage to the air conditioning s ys tem or your s ervicing equipment will res ult.

Air conditioning refrigerant or lubricant vapor can irritate your eyes , nos e, or throat. Be careful when connecting s ervice equipment. Do not breathe refrigerant or vapor. If accidental s ys tem dis charge occurs , ventilate work area before res uming s ervice. R-134a s ervice equipment or vehicle air conditioning s ys tems s hould not be pres s ure tes ted or leak tes ted with compres s ed air.

Compres s ed air mixed with R-134a forms a combus tible vapor. The vapor can burn or explode caus ing s erious injury. Never us e compres s ed air to pres s ure tes t R-134a s ervice equipment or vehicle air conditioning s ys tems . Always dis connect the negative cable from the battery whenever replacing air conditioning parts . Keep mois ture and dirt out of the s ys tem, When dis connecting any lines , plug or cap the fittings immediately; don t remove the caps or plugs until jus t before you reconnect each line. Before connecting any hos e or line, apply a few drops of refrigerant oil to the O-ring. When tightening or loos ening a fitting, us e a s econd wrench to s upport the matching fitting. When dis charging the s ys tem, us e a R-134a refrigerant recovery/recycling/charging s tation; don t releas e refrigerant into the atmos phere.

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cial Se rvice T ools SPECIAL T OOLS
T o o l (Number and name) 09455-34000 Bearing and gear puller Illustratio n Use Removal of field coil

09977-34000 Pres s ure plate bolt remover

Removal of pres s ure plate

09977-33700 Shaft s eal remover and ins taller

Removal and ins tallation of s haft s eal

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09977-33800 Snap ring remover

Removal of s nap ring

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Ge ne ral Informat ion > T rouble shoot ing T ROUBLESHOOT ING PROBLEM SYMPT OMS T ABLE
Us e the table below to help you find the caus e of the problem. The numbers indicate the priority of the likely caus e of the problem. Check each part in order. If neces s ary, replace thes e parts . ST ANDARD Sympto m No blower operation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Suspect Area HTR Fus e Blower relay Blower motor Blower res is tor Blower s peed control s witch Wire harnes s Remed y Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Add coolant Replace Add refrigerant Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Add refrigerant Apply a vacuum and add refrigerant Adjus t Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Add refrigerant Adjus t Replace Replace Replace

No air temperature control No compres s or operation

1. Engine coolant capacity 2. Heater control as s embly 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Refrigerant capacity A/C Fus e Magnetic clutch Compres s or Triple pres s ure s witch A/C s witch Thermis tor Wire harnes s

No cool comes out

1. Refrigerant capacity 2. Refrigerant pres s ure 3. Drive belt 4. Magnetic clutch 5. Compres s or 6. Triple pres s ure s witch 7. Thermis tor 8. A/C s witch 9. Heater control as s embly 10. Wire harnes s 1. 2. 3. 4. Refrigerant capacity Drive belt Magnetic clutch Compres s or

Ins ufficient cooling

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5. Condens er 6. Expans ion valve 7. Evaporator 8. Refrigerant lines 9. Triple pres s ure s witch 10. Heater control as s embly No engine idle-up when A/C s witch ON No air inlet control No mode control No condens er fan operation 1. Engine (and ECT) ECU 2. Wire harnes s Heater control as s embly, cable, door Heater control as s embly, cable, door 1. 2. 3. 4. ECU-IG Fus e Fan motor Engine (and ECT) ECU Wire harnes s

Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Re pair proce dure s ON-VEHICLE INSPECT ION
This is a method in which the trouble is located by us ing a manifold gauge s et. Read the manifold gauge pres s ure when the thes e conditions are es tablis hed.


Temperature at the air inlet with the s witch s et at RECIRC is 30~35C (86~95F) Engine running at 1,500rpm Blower s peed control knob on "4" pos ition Temperature control knob on "COOL" pos ition

It s hould be noted that the gauge indications may vary s lightly due to ambient temperature conditions . 1. Normally functioning refrigeration s ys tem. Gaug e read ing : Lo w pressure sid e : 0.15~0.25 MPa (21.8~36.3 ps i, 1.5~2.5 kgf/cm) Hig h pressure sid e : 1.37~1.57 MPa (199~228 ps i, 14~16 kgf/cm)

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2. Mois ture pres ent in refrigeration s ys tem.

Sympto m seen in refrig eratio n system During operation, pres s ure on low pres s ure s ide s ometimes become a vacuum and s ometime normal

Pro bable cause Mois ture entered in refrigeration s ys tem freez es at expans ion valve orifice and temporarily s tops cycle, but normal s tate is res tored after a time when the ice melts

Diag no sis Drier in overs aturected s tate Mois ture in refrigeration s ys tem freez es at expans ion valve orifice and block circulation of refrigerant

Remed y - Raplace drier - Remove mois tu cycle through r evacuating air - Charge proper of new refrigera

3. Ins ufficient cooling

Sympto m seen in refrig eratio n system

Pro bable cause

Diag no sis

Remed y

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Pres s ure low on both low and high pres s ure s ides Ins ufficient cooling performance

Gas leakage at s ome place in refrigeration s ys tem

Ins ufficient refrigerant in s ys tem Refrigerant leaking

- Check for gas l with gas leak d and repair if ne - Charge proper a of refrigerant - If indicated pres value is near 0 connected to ga create the vacu ins pecting and the location of t

4. Poor circulation of refrigerant

Sympto m seen in refrig eratio n system Pres s ure low in both low and high pres s ure s ides Fros t on tube from receiver to unit 5. Refrigerant does not circulate

Pro bable cause Refrigerant flow obs tructed by dirt in drier

Diag no sis Condens er clogged

Remed y Replace drier

Sympto m seen in refrig eratio n system

Pro bable cause

Diag no sis

Remed y

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Vacuum indicated on low pres s ure s ide, very low pres s ure indicated on high pres s ure s ide Fros t or dew s een on piping before and after receiver/drier or expans ion valve

Refrigerant flow obs tructed by mois ture or dirt in refrigeration s ys tem Refrigerant flow obs tructed by gas leakage from expans ion valve

Refrigerant does not circulate

- Check expans io - Clean out dirt i expans ion valv blowing with ai - Replace drier - Evacuate air an new refrigerant amount - For gas leakage expans ion valv expans ion valv

6. Refrigerant overcharged or ins ufficient cooling of condens er

Sympto m seen in refrig eratio n system Pres s too high on both low and high pres s ure s ides

Pro bable cause Unable to develop s ufficient performance due to exces s ive Ins ufficient cooling of condens er

Diag no sis Exces s ive refrigerant in cycle refrigerant overcharged Condens er cooling condens er fins clogged or condens er fan faulty

Remed y - (1) Clean conde - (2) Check cooli with fluid coupl operation. - (3) If (1) and (2 normal s tate, c amount of refri Charge proper a of refrigerant

7. Air pres ent in refrigeration s ys tem

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Sympto m seen in refrig eratio n system

Pro bable cause

Diag no sis Air pres ent in refrigeration s ys tem Ins ufficient vacuum purging

Remed y - Check compres s ee if it is s ee dirty or ins uffic - Evacuate air an new refrigerant

Air entered in refrigeration Pres s too high on both s ys tem low and high pres s ure s ides The low pres s ure piping hot to the touch 8. Expans ion valve improperly

Sympto m seen in refrig eratio n system

Pro bable cause

Diag no sis Exces s ive refrigerant in low pres s ure piping Expans ion valve opened too wide

Remed y - Check expans i - Replace if defec

Trouble in expans ion valve Pres s ure too high on both low and high pres s ure s ides Fros t or large amount of dew on piping on low pres s ure s ide 9. Defective compres s ion compres s or

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Sympto m seen in refrig eratio n system

Pro bable cause

Diag no sis Compres s ion defective Valve leaking or broken s liding parts

Remed y Repair or replace compres s or

Internal leak in compres s or Pres s ure too high on low high pres s ure s ides Pres s ure too low to on high pres s ure s ide


Always conduct a leak tes t with an electronic leak detector whenever leakage or refrigerant is s us pected and when conducting s ervice operations which are accompanied by dis as s embly or loos ening or connection fittings .

In order to us e the leak detector properly, read the manual s upplied by the manufacturer. 1. Check the torque on the connection fittings and, if too loos e, tighten to the proper torque. Check for gas leakage with a leak detector. 2. If leakage continues even after the fitting has been tightened, dis charge the refrigerant from the s ys tem, dis connect the fittings , and check their s eating faces for damage. Always replace, even if the damage is s light. 3. Check the compres s or oil and add oil if required. 4. Charge the s ys tem and recheck for gas leaks . If no leaks are found, evacuate and charge the s ys tem again.


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Air conditioning refrigerant or lubricant vapor can irritate your eyes , nos e, or throat. Be careful when connecting s ervice equipment. Do not breathe refrigerant or vapor.

Compres s ed air mixed with R-134a forms a combus tible vapor. The vapor can burn or explode caus ing s erious injury. Never us e compres s ed air to pres s ure tes t R-134a s ervice equipment or vehicle air conditioning s ys tems . 1. Connect a R-134a refrigerant recover/recycling/charging s tation to the high-pres s ure s ervice port and the low-pres s ure s ervice port, following the equipment manufacturer s ins tructions . 2. Ins ert a thermometer in the center vent. Determine the relative humidity and air temperature.

3. Tes t conditions : A. Avoid direct s unlight. B. Open the hood. C. Open the front doors . D. Set the temperature control dial on MAX COOL, the mode control s witch on VENT and the recirculation control s witch on RECIRCULATE. E. Turn the A/C s witch on and the fan s witch on MAX. F. Run the engine at 1,500 rpm. G. No driver or pas s engers in vehicle. 4. After running the air conditioning for 10 minutes under the above tes t conditions , read the delivery temperature from the thermometer in the das h vent, the intake temperature near the blower unit behind the glove box and the high and low s ys tem pres s ure from the A/C gauges .


Air conditioning refrigerant or lubricant vapor can irritate your eyes , nos e, or throat. Be careful when connecting s ervice equipment. Do not breathe refrigerant or vapor. 1. Connect a R-134a refrigerant recovery/recycling/charging s tation (A) to the high-pres s ure s ervice port (B) and the low-pres s ure s ervice port (C), as s hown, following the equipment manufacturer s ins truction.

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2. Meas ure the amount of refrigerant oil removed from the A/C s ys tem after the recovery proces s is completed. Be s ure to put the s ame amount of new refrigerant oil back into the A/C s ys tem before charging.


Air conditioning refrigerant or lubricant vapor can irritate your eyes , nos e, or throat. Be careful when connecting s ervice equipment. Do not breathe refrigerant or vapor. 1. When an A/C Sys tem has been opened to the atmos phere, s uch as during ins tallation or repair, it mus t be evacuated us ing a R-134a refrigerant recover/recycling/charging s tation (If the s ys tem has been open for s everal days , the receiver/dryer s hould be replaced, and the s ys tem s hould be evacuated for s everal hours .) 2. Connect a R-134a refrigerant recovery/recycling/charging s tation(A) to the high-pres s ure s ervice port(B) and the low-pres s ure s ervice port(C), as s hown, following the equipment manufacturer s ins truction. Evacuate the s ys tem.

3. If the low-pres s ure does not reach more than 93.3 kPa (700 mmHg, 27.6 in.Hg) in 15 minutes , there is probably a leak in the s ys tem. Partially charge the s ys tem, and check for leaks .


Air conditioning refrigerant or lubricant vapor can irritate your eyes , nos e, or throat. Be careful when connecting s ervice equipment.

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Do not breathe refrigerant or vapor. 1. Connect a R-134a refrigerant recover/recycling/charging s tation (A) to the high-pres s ure s ervice port (B) and the low-pres s ure s ervice port (C), as s hown, following the equipment manufacture s ins tructions .

2. Add the s ame amount of new refrigerant oil to the s ys tem that was removed during recovery. 3. Carge the s ys tem with the s pecified amount of R-134a refrigerant. Do not overcharge the s ys tem; the compres s or will be damaged. Refrig erant capacity : Select the appropriate units of meas ure for your charging s tation : 550 25g

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Ge ne ral Informat ion > Spe cificat ions SPECIFICAT IONS
Item Heating Heater - Type - Capacity (Kcal/h) Evapo rato r - Cooling capacity (Kcal/h) Co mpresso r - Type - Lubricating oil - Oil capacity (cc) - Pis ton dis placement (cc/rev) Pres s ure relief valve (kgf/cm) Mag netic clutch - Pulley pitch dia - Valtage & wattage - Torque Co nd enser - Heat capacity (Kcal/h) Air mix type 4,500 10% 4,100 10% Swas h plate (HS-15) FD46XG (PAG) 180 10 154 Working pres s ure : 35.0 ~ 42.2 Res ealed pres s ure : Min. 28.1 125 D.C 12.8V, Max, 54W Min. 4.4kgm A/T : 11,800 5% M/T 1.6 DOHC : 11,800 5% Specificatio n

Air conditioning

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M/T 1.5 SOHC : 9,400 5% Refrigerant&capacity Triple pres s ure s witch (kgf/cm) R-134a (550 25g) Hig h pressure - ON 32.0 2.0 - OFF 26.0 2.0 Mid d le pressure - ON 18.0 0.8 - OFF 14.0 1.2 Lo w pressure - ON 23 +0.25/-0.29 - OFF 2.0 0.2 Expans ion valve - Super heat value (kgf/cm) Thermos tat Heater control as s embly 1.5 at 0C 2.2 at 10C OFF 1.5 0.6C ON 3.0 0.6C Rotary Cable Type

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Air condit ioning Syst e m > Drive be lt > Re pair proce dure s ADJUST MENT INSPECT ION (GASOLINE)
Deflectio n : Us ed belt : 6.0~7.0mm (0.24~0.28 in.) New belt : 5.0~5.5mm (0.20~0.22 in.)

Thes e items when adjus ting belt tens ion : If there are cracks or any damage evident on the belt, replace it with a new one. "Us ed belt" means a belt which has been us ed for five minutes or more. "New belt" means a belt which has been us ed for les s than five minutes .


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1. Loos en the tens ion mounting bolt(B). 2. Turn the adjus ting bolt(C) to obtain the proper belt tens ion, then retighten the mounting bolt. 3. Recheck the deflection of the A/C compres s or belt.

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Air condit ioning Syst e m > Compre ssor > De script ion and Ope rat ion OPERAT ION MAGNET IC CLUT CH

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Air condit ioning Syst e m > Compre ssor > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion

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He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Air condit ioning Syst e m > Compre ssor > Re pair proce dure s

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1. Dis charge the refrigerant. 2. Remove the tens ion bolt.

3. Remove the drive-belt.

4. Remove the s uction hos e and dis charge hos e from the compres s or. 5. Remove the 4 mounting bolts on the compres s or.

6. Remove the compres s or downwards .


1. Tighten the 4 compres s or mounting bolts .

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2. Connect the s uction hos e and dis charge hos e to the compres s or. 3. Connect the drive-belt.

4. Adjus t the drive-belt tens ion. Item New one Us ed one After driving Deflectio n L (mm) 5~5.5 6~7 8

5. Supply the coolant. Specified amount : 550 25g


1. Remove the clutch hub s upporting bolt us ing a s panner wrench.

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2. Pull out the clutch hub and s him from the compres s or s haft. If it is hard to pull out, ins ert a 8mm bolt into the s haft hole to remove the hub from the s haft.

3. Remove the pulley s upporting the s nap ring.

4. Remove the pulley and bearing as s embly from the compres s or.


1. Remove the clutch hub and pulley. 2. Ins tall a s haft protection tool at the compres s or opening. 3. Ins tall the pulley at the compres s or. Place the puller s crew end at the s haft protectors center concave and the puller projection around the rear s ide field coil. 4. Turn the puller s crew us ing a wrench and remove the coil.

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Do not us e air tools .

Prior to replacement of the compres s or s haft, remove the compres s or from the vehicle and dis charge the refrigerant. 1. Remove the clutch hub from the compres s or. 2. Remove the s haft s eal felt from the nos e of the compres s or with a pick type tool. 3. Blow any debris from ins ide the compres s or nos e with low pres s ure compres s ed air. Then, clean the ins ide and outs ide nos e area of the compres s or with a lint-free cloth to remove any oil and dirt. 4. Us ing a s nap ring remover, remove the s haft s eal s upport s nap ring out of the compres s or nos e. (1) Ins ert tip of the s nap ring remover into one of the s nap ring eyes (View A). (2) Rotate the s nap ring remover to pos ition the tool tip and s nap ring eye clos es t to the compres s or s haft (View B). (3) Pull the s nap ring remover tool up quickly while keeping the tool s haft agains t the s ide of the nos e opening to remove the s nap ring (View C). 5. Pos ition the s haft s eal remover tool (09977-33700) over the compres s or s haft and pus h the tool into the no compres s or and down agains t the s haft s eal. Engage the end of the tool with the internal diameter of the s h While holding the hex part of the tool, turn the tool handle clockwis e to expand the tool tip ins ide the s eal in radius . Then, pull the s haft s eal from the compres s or with the tool

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1. Obtain a new s haft s eal kit. Carefully remove the contents from the package and locate the plas tic s haft s eal protector. Ins pect the protector for any burrs or other damage. Do not us e the protector if it is damaged. Obtain another s haft s eal kit and us e the protector from it. 2. Us ing a clean lint-free cloth, clean the s haft and the s eal pocket ins ide the compres s or nos e. 3. Dip the s haft s eal protector and s eal in clean refrigerant oil and pos ition the s eal on the protector with the lip of the s eal pointing toward the large end of the protector.

4. Place the s eal protector with s haft s eal over the end of the compres s or s haft.

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5. Place the s haft s eal ins taller tool over the end of the s haft s eal protector. Then, s lowly pus h the s haft s eal down the protector until it is s eated in the compres s or.

6. Remove the s eal ins taller and s eat protector from the compres s or. 7. Place a new s eal retaining s nap ring into the compres s or nos e opening and s eat the s nap ring into the groove with the remover tool. 8. Leak tes t the s haft s eal ins tallation after rotating the s haft about 10 revolutions with the clutch hub. 9. Ins tall a new felt into the compres s or nos e. 10. Ins tall the clutch hub on the compres s or as outlined in this s ection.


1. Clean the front head coil mounting portion. 2. Place the compres s or vertically and put the coil in pos ition of compres s or front head. Check the electric connector of clutch coil is located in pos ition. 3. Place the coil compres s ion tool in the compres s or nos e and the center of field coil. 4. Place two 8 inch pullers on the compres s or and compres s ion tool. The jaws of puller s hould deeply hold the front mounting portion of compres s or, then the s crew s hould be located in the central pos ition of the compres s ion tool. 5. Us ing a wrench, tighten the s crew s o as to s ecurely s eat the coil on the compres s or front head. 6. Ins tall the clutch pulley and hub on the compres s or.

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1. Clean the pulley bearing s urface of the compres s or head and remove dirt and rus t. 2. Ins tall the pulley and bearing on the compres s or.

3. Ins tall the s nap ring with the bevelled s ide facing outward.

4. Place s him of s pecified s ide at the hub s pline opening ins ide and s lide the hub onto the compres s or s haft end.

5. Ins tall a new hub s upporting bolt on the compres s or s haft end. Tighten the bolt to the s pecified torque. Tightening torque : 110~140kgfcm

Do not us e air tools .

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1. Check the plated parts of the pres s ure plate for color changes , peeling or other damage. If there is damage, replace the clutch s et. 2. Check the pulley bearing play and drag by rotating the pulley by hand. Replace the clutch s et with a new one if it is nois y or has exces s ive play/drag.

3. Meas ure the clearance between the pulley (A) and the pres s ure plate (B) all the way around. If the clearance is not within s pecified limits , remove the pres s ure plate and add or remove s hims as needed to increas e or decreas e clearance. Clearance : 0.35 ~ 0.75mm (0.0138 ~ 0.0295 in.)

The s hims are available in s even thicknes s es : 0.7mm, 0.8mm, 0.9mm, 1.0mm, 1.1mm, 1.2mm and 1.3mm.

4. Check operating of the magnetic clutch. Connect the compres s or s ide terminals to the battery (+) terminal and the ground battery (-) terminal to the compres s or body.

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Check the magnetic clutch operating nois e to determine the condition.

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Air condit ioning Syst e m > Conde nse r > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Air condit ioning Syst e m > Conde nse r > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL

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1. Remove the cooling module connector.

2. Remove the cooling module (condens er fan). 3. Remove the liquid tube nut.

4. Remove the condens er mounting bolts (2). T ig htening to rq ue: 8~12Nm (80~120kfgcm, 5.9~8.9lbfft)

5. Remove the condens er upward by pres s ing the radiator backward the vehicle.


Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.

1. Check condens er pin for clogging and damage. If clogged, clean it with water, and blow it with compres s ed air. If bent, gently s tretch it us ing a s crewdriver or pliers . 2. Check the condens er connection area for leakage, and repair or replace if required.

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Air condit ioning Syst e m >

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Re ce ive r/Drie r > Re pair proce dure s REPLACEMENT

1. Remove the condens er, and then remove the bottom cap (B) from the receiver/drier tank (A).

Us e of impact wrench may caus e cracking on the receiver/drier tank connecting pipe to the condens er.

2. Remove the des iccant from the receiver/drier tank us ing a long nos e plier. 3. Check for crumbled des iccant and clogged bottom cap filter. 4. Apply air conditioning compres s or oil along the O-rings and threads of the new bottom cap. 5. Ins ert the new des iccant into the receiver drier tank. The des iccant mus t be s ealed in vacuum before it is expos ed to air for us e. 6. Ins tall the new bottom cap to the receiver drier tank. Tightening torque : 20~25Nm (2.0~2.5kgfm, 14.5~18.2 lbfft)

Always replace the des iccant and bottom cap at the s ame time.

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Air condit ioning Syst e m > T riple pre ssure swit ch > De script ion and Ope rat ion DESCRIPT ION
The triple s witch is a combination of a middle s witch as well as conventional low pres s ure and high pres s ure s witches . The low pres s ure s witch will turn off to s top compres s or operation if refrigerant pres s ure is low. The high pres s ure s witch will turn off to s top com pres s or operation if refrigerant pres s ure is too high. The middle s witch will it turn on at a medium level pres s ure to determine the A/C s ys tem is overheating. It will cool the A/C s ys tem by operating the radiator fan and the condens er fan at high s peed. OPERAT ING CHARACT ERIST IC (kg f/cm) Pressure High Low ON 32.0 2.0 2.3 + 0.25 / -0.29 OFF 26.0 2.0 2.0 0.2

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18.0 0.8

14.0 1.2



He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Air condit ioning Syst e m > Evaporat or unit > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Air condit ioning Syst e m > Evaporat or unit > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Dis charge the refrigerant. 2. Remove the air conditioner s uction hos e, liquid tube and grommet.

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3. Remove the 2 control cables of heater s ide and one control cable of blower s ide.

4. Remove the center facia panel from the lower portion.

5. Dis connect the s witch connectors and remove the center facia panel. 6. Loos en the mounting bolts on the main cras h pad and remove the main cras h pad. 7. Remove the evaporator core temp s ens or (thermis tor) connector.

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8. Dis connect the blower res is tor and blower motor connector.

9. Remove the evaporator as s embly.

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Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


Refer to "COMPONEN TS".

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > He at e r > He at e r Unit > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > He at e r > He at e r Unit > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Dis connect the (-)negative battery terminal. 2. Drain the coolant of the radiator.

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3. Remove the A/C s uction hos e, liquid tube and grommet.

4. Remove the 2 heater s ide control cables and one blower s ide control cable.

5. Remove the center facia panel from the lower portion.

6. Dis connect the s witch connectors and remove the center facia panel. 7. After removing the mounting bolts , remove the main cras h pad. (Refter to "CRASH PAD" of BD group) 8. Dis connect the evaporator core temp s ens or (thermis ter), blower res is tor connector, and blower

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motor connector.

9. Remove the evaporator unit.

10. Remove the heater as s embly.


Ins tallation is the revers e of removal. (Prior to ins tallation of temp. control and mode control cables , firs t ins tall the locating pin.)


Refer to "COMPONEN TS" for dis as s embly and reas s embly. When ins talling and reas s embling the temp. control and mode control cable, refer to the following chart.

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Co nd itio n Blower : 12V Mode : ALL

Lever lo ad T emp. co ntro l cable Max 2.0kgf Mo d e co ntro l cable Max 2.0kgf

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > He at e r > T he Ot he r He at e r Compone nt > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Blowe r > Sche mat ic Diagrams SCHEMAT IC DIAGRAM (MANUAL) (1 )

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He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Blowe r > Blowe r Unit > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Blowe r > Blowe r Unit > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL
1. Remove the 2 heater s ide control cables and one blower s ide control cable.

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2. Remove the center facia panel from the lower portion.

3. Dis connect the s witch connectors and remove the center facia panel. 4. After removing the mounting bolts , remove the main cras h pad. (Refer to "CRASH PAD" of BD guoup) 5. Dis connect the evaporator core temp s ens or (thermis ter), blower res is tor connector, and motor connector.

6. Remove the evaporator unit.

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7. Remove the blower unit.


Ins tallation is the revers e of removal. (Prior to ins tallation of intake and exhaus t cables , ins tall the locating pin)


1. Loos en the motor mounting s crew.

2. Loos en the duct and blower cas e mounting s crew.

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3. Dis connect the door lever and arm.

4. Remove the blower res is tor.

5. Reas s embly is the revers e of dis as s embly.

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Blowe r > Blowe r Mot or > Re pair proce dure s INSPECT ION
1. Check the blower motor s haft for bend. 2. Check the packing portion for crack. 3. Check the fan for damage. 4. Check the blower cas e for damage. 5. Check for the air s election damper operation. 6. Connect the blower motor to the battery and check for s mooth operation. 7. Connect the blower motor to the oppos ite poles of battery and check for revers e operation.

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Blowe r > Blowe r Re sist or > Re pair proce dure s

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Meas ure the res is tance between terminals and replace the blower res is tor if the meas ured value is not within the s pecified range.

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Blowe r > Cont rol Pane l > Compone nt s and Compone nt s Locat ion COMPONENT S

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He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Blowe r > Cont rol Pane l > Re pair proce dure s REMOVAL AND INST ALLAT ION

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1. Remove the 2 control cables in the heater s ide and one control cable in the blower s ide.

2. Remove the center facia panel from the lower portion.

3. Dis connect the s witch connectors and remove the center facia panel. 4. Ins tallation is the revers e of removal.


Refer to "COMPONEN TS".

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > Blowe r > Air cle ane r filt e r > Re pair proce dure s REPLACEMENT
1. Open the glove box, remove the glove box s topper in the lower cras h pad (as s is t s eat s ide), and completely lower the glove box.

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2. Dis connect the intake and exhaus t cable from the blower unit.

3. Pres s the hook on the air conditioner s ide air filter cover and remove the cover.

4. Replace the upper/lower air filters .

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When removing and ins talling, don't forget there are 2 air filters in the air conditioner.

He at ing,Ve nt ilat ion, Air Condioning > T rouble shoot ing > P064 5 COMPONENT LOCAT ION


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Detecting Co nd itio n

Po ssible cause Open in battery and control circuit Short to ground in control circuit (pin 69 to GND) Short to battery in control circuit Faulty A/C Relay Faulty PCM

Monitoring Strategy Circuit continuity check Thres hold value Enable Conditions Diagnos tic Time Fail Safe Short to GND or dis connected Cooling fan control enabled

1. Connect s cantool to Data Link Connector(DLC). 2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature. 3. Monitor the "A/C Relay" parameter on the s cantool.

The data s hown above is only for reference and there may be a little difference actually. Service s tandard 4. Is parameter dis played within s pecifications ? Fault is intermittent caus ed by poor contact in the s ens ors and/or PCMs connector or was repaired and PCM memory was not cleared.Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion,contamination,deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" proceduredure. Go to "W/Harnes s Ins pection" procedure.


1. Many malfunctions in the electrical s ys tem are caus ed by poor harnes s and terminals . Faults can als o be caus ed by interference from other electrical s ys tems , and mechanical or chemical damage. 2. Thoroughly check connectors for loos enes s , poor connection, bending, corros ion, contamination,deterioration, or damage. 3. Has a problem been found?

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Repair as neces s ary and go to "Verification of vehicle Repair" procedure. Go to "Power Circuit ins pection" procedure.


1. Check for open in harnes s (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect A/C Relay. (3) Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" (4) Meas ure voltage between terminal 1 and 5 of A/C Relay harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

(5) Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Control circuit ins epction" procedure. Open circuit or s hort circuit to chas s is ground between A/C Relay harnes s connector and A/C FUSE 10A Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Ignition "OFF" 2. Dis connect A/C Relay. 3. Ignition "ON" & Engine "OFF" 4. Meas ure voltage between terminal 3 of A/C Relay harnes s connector and chas s is ground.

5. Is meas ure voltage within Specification? Go to "Component Ins pection" procedure. Check for open or Short to battery in control circuit.

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Check for open or Short to ground in control circuit. Repair as neces s ary and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

1. In cas e,when A/C Relay connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 3 is 12V. Pos s ible caus e : Short to battery in control circuit 2. In cas e,when A/C Relay connector is dis connected,the voltage at terminal 3 is 0V. Pos s ible caus e : Short to ground in control circuit


1. Check A/C Relay (1) Ignition "OFF" (2) Dis connect A/C Relay. (3) Meas ure res is tance between terminal 3 and 5 of A/C Relay connector(To s ens or s ide)

(4) Is meas ure res is tance within Specification? Subs titute with a known-good PCM and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace PCM and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure. Subs titute with a known-good A/C Relay heater and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace A/C Relay and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.


1. Monitor and record the Freez e Frame Data for the Diagnos tic Trouble Code (DTC) which has been diagnos ed. 2. Us ing a Scantool, Clear the DTCs . 3. Operate the vehicle within conditions noted in the freez e frame data or enable conditions . 4. Monitor that all redines s tes t have been verified as "Complete" 5. Are any DTCs pres ent ? Go to the applicable troubles hooting procedure. Sys tem is performing to s pecification at this time.

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