Power Dynamics - From Hello To Babies, Power Dynamics of Seduction
Power Dynamics - From Hello To Babies, Power Dynamics of Seduction
Power Dynamics - From Hello To Babies, Power Dynamics of Seduction
The focus is on the power dynamics and the games that both men and
women play during courtship.
Before Meeting
Before a single word is spoken games are already in high gear.
Men sometimes strategize how to meet women they like, while women
observe and assess the men around them. The more astute women
position themselves in ways that will make it easy for men to
The early pick-up artists use to refer to women who would position
themselves near them as “proximity signals”, and they were right:
when you spot a woman near you or hovering near you by herself,
chances are she wants to engage.
And that’s why some women complain men are “stupid” for missing
“obvious” cues.
To make courtship easier men could be well advised to approach
even in the absence of extra clear signs and women could make their
signals a bit more visible
There are exceptions of course and some women are more active and
direct, but the general rule is: women coy and sending indirect signals,
and men doing the legwork.
Who looks at who first and the most is a strong indicator of who has
more interest in the other.
Women try not to be caught checking men out. Most men are not as
careful and they don’t understand that being looked at first confers
Sometimes even when the relationship is already going on, couples
will unconsciously know whose partner wanted the other the most.
And that can go as far back as the very first gaze.
And notice the top two comments from two women, both confirming
it’s part and parcel of most women’s innate mindset:
“Store of every woman’s life”, LOL, that one cracked me up.
First Move
The person who makes the first move communicates he is in pursuit.
While the one who gets approached instead is in the chooser -and
power- position.
Women who make the first move are often the sign that he is either
super high value, or that there is an overabundance of women and a
scarcity of (high quality) men.
And that forces women to take a more active role.
PRO Tip: How Women Can Make The First Move
For example, casually starting to talk to him as if that’s what she does
all the time.
It’s crucial here that she shows no signs of tension and nervousness,
which would betray that she has sexual intentions.
This is something I also often use with women.
Remember one of the axioms of social power, the law of least effort?
Ideally, you want to make it look as if it was pure chance, so that you
neutralize the power down position of being the pursuer.
Indeed men most adept at seduction turn the tables on women and
make it feel as if she was chasing him.
That means that if you have to cross a whole room to go talk to her,
wait for when she’s closer or pretend you are going there for
something else.
Exception: purposeful high-effort gestures
Huge gestures of initial romance, like sending a big bouquet of flowers
at her office, are the exception which can work well.
The effect is more romantic and less sexy, but no less powerful. It can
give women the sensation of a whirlwind old-school romance about to
The movie The Notebook has one such example:
But it’s not just a question of ego: rejections also deeply hurt your
social status.
They send the message that he is not a hot commodity (at least as
long as people see it or people talk about it).
That was very dangerous for him back in the days of smaller
communities, and this is an example of a “maladaptive trait” that we
carry on.
In big cities, there is actually little to fear in terms of rejections, but our
brain is stuck in the savanna tribes.
But still, even today, it’s still best being able to minimize the effects of
rejection, especially when they happen in closed environments such
as bars or clubs.
Men who are good at social dynamics are also good at minimizing
rejections. On some occasions, he might even make it seem as if it
was him who was dropping her (which gives him power).
The idea is simple: if it doesn’t look like a rejection, then it’s not a
Many years ago I was at a bar where the chairs were positioned all
along a narrow corridor where people walked by.
That should already tell you it’s a high-risk situation for approaches
because people are in motion and everyone can see it.
It’s also possible that a woman does not want everyone to see that
she is being too warm to a random guy who jumps in front of her or
chases after her. That would make her look too easy, and if the guy
gets spurned, he gets spurned in front of a big chunk of the bar.
Long story short, I was the chump who jumped in and got rejected for
most people around to see.
That destroyed my value in that confined environment.
Something to think about: if the approach or the pursuit is high risk
and it can tarnish your reputation in front of too many bystanders,
think twice about it.
Before leaving her or her group, look happy and make it look as it was
a friend you had just met.
Make it seem like it was a nice conversation and now you’re just
saying “see you around”.
He cracks a slight joke, turns around and moves away like a boss.
As soon as you understand she will say “no thanks”, that she is
leaving or that you are not welcome, act as if you were the one ending
the conversation.
Rub her arm and say “it was nice meeting you”, then turn away while
she’s still looking at you (ruthless power move, but as they say “in love
everything goes” :).
Embracing the rejection and making it look like it doesn’t faze you is
one of the most powerful things you can do.
It says that you are “superior”, emotionally strong and that, probably,
you have lots of options.
Men and women try to look higher value while minimizing their
investment because there is an inverse correlation between the two.
The more he invests in her, the more he communicates she is
higher value than him. And the same is true for women of course.
James Bond takes a step farther away, without waiting for her.
That forces her to catch up to him, a big nonverbal sign she’s
investing to keep the interaction going. So early and she’s already
shown strong interest while he has barely shown any.
Then he reclines against the booth (locking in from first module,
remember?) and she takes the outer position: another sign she is
more invested in the interaction than he is.
The other way around is not always true as there are plenty of men
who will keep chasing and investing. However, these are rarely high-
quality men.
And that’s why I also recommend women to focus on mutual
investment rather than “making him chase” as much as possible.
Early Conversation
Early on in the conversation, she has two different approaches:
2. Feign disinterest to entrench her power position, discourage most
suitors and make him invest more
Men who want to test if she’s feigning disinterest and men who want
to try changing her mind should insist without looking too crazy
interested or too needy, which makes her only more disinterested -or
really disinterested if it was a test-.
If she was really disinterested, she will get annoyed. If that’s the case,
smile, flash your eyebrows up, nod slightly and say something like “I
wish you a very good night”.
If you want to leave with a zinger, you might say “such a pity, I
seemed to like you before you turned out to be so… (insert whatever
you feel like)”. But I don’t recommend this attitude because it too
emotionally invested.
Women’s Tests
Feigning disinterest is both a tool to make him chase harder and a
Some authors say that tests are good news because she likes you.
But they’re not really that good news because they also communicate
she’s not yet sure and that she’s firmly in the chooser position.
She’s basically throwing him the hoops which he must jump through.
There are many kinds of tests, but they all come back to a few bigger
categories, which are:
1. Show me you’re stronger/more dominant than I am
2. Show me who are you: boyfriend potential who invests and commit,
inseminator or friend?
It frames you as the one wanting a relationship –while she doesn’t-. All
power is on her side and it’s rather demeaning towards you (plus it’s
most often a lie).
Not so good because you are buying into her frame and following her
Also, you don’t know what she’s looking for and if she was testing you
as serious long term candidate you’re out.
A good option to resort to in almost all types of shit tests is to ignore it.
As a rule of thumb, when you don’t know what to do or what to say
with an unhelpful comment, always ignore.
But stay watchful: if she’s really not interested you will get more signs
and more warnings soon.
And once you can be fairly sure she’s really not interested, it might be
the time to move on.
In this case, a good reply can also be a joke that frames the
interaction as sexual, like:
A high risk, high reward answer for a long-term dating strategy would
look like this:
What you’re doing here is lecturing her.
You are calling her out for talking shit, and you say something which
does make sense. Most sensible people would agree with you here. In
a way, you are shaming her and taking the high ground.
This is high risk because you are breaking rapport and it’s an
intellectually dominant power move. If she sticks to her guns, she is
refusing your leadership. But if she changes tack, she is U-turning for
you and following your lead. Keep up that level of leadership, and you
can rest assured that she will be thinking of you like a dream
She tries to be sexual and be “like one of the guys”. But he takes the
high road and absolutely robs her fame.
He ends up super dominant and she longs for his approval.
On average women with still much time on their biological clock tend
to see dating more as fun and approach it casually.
Women who are looking for a relationship have stronger agendas and
approach dating more seriously and with bigger screens.
Both types of women play games of course, but the latter will play
more of the following games:
The concept does have some advantages for her, as when he does
chase and invest, he feels more committed to her (Horan & Booth-
Butterfield, 2010).
Most men cluster around the average, and since most average men
don’t have that many options and are not very well aware of power
dynamics… Many men are happy to chase.
Here are some situations when “chase me” games are most likely to
This is also a test in many ways: testing for men who are going to
invest. Dominant women who want to date on their terms use a lot of
tasking games as well. Some hookers, used to trying to control men
for money, also often try to do it.
When the relationship is fresh you might have little leverage to refuse -
almost always the case in online dating as above-.
So you might want to suck it up and look for a way to minimize your
compliance instead of outright refusing (case in point: the above
interaction ended there).
Women can try to task men by telling them to pick them up or telling
them where they like to go and leaving all the organization to the man.
If the man simply follows her plan, he gives her too much power. I
advise men instead to set the date themselves.
An effective and even more powerful alternative is for the man to task
her to find a good spot and organize the date. That way, she is
investing to make the two spend time together, thus helping and
taking an active role in the seduction.
That’s great to do when you have been seeing each other for a while.
But on the very first date(s), I would still advise men to do it
Late on Date
Power games can start right off the bat with the waiting game.
If your date is late more than 10 minutes, I recommend you move.
Don’t stand there, go for a walk, check a store.
When they are almost getting there, you start moving back so that
they wait for you for a couple of minutes.
Come to Me First
Some women will pretend they didn’t see him.
Madonna Games
Remember the Madonna/whore dichotomy?
If they are on the first date, it already means that they haven’t slept
together when they first met.
And that only increases the chances they are playing the longer-term
provider strategy, which in turn only increases the chances she will
play the role of the good girl (=Madonna).
Him: OK, tell me something wild you’ve done… Something you would
normally be a bit ashamed to tell
Her: Hmmm once I went completely unprepared to school and got a C.
Him: Oh come on, that’s not wild at all!
Don’t tell me you were one of those boring girls studying all the times. Give
me something here! What about that time you got totally drunk and were
dancing naked on tabletops
Share something racy yourself, show that you’re open minded and
you stand a much greater chance of building a relationship based on
Once you become more comfortable with yourself you might not need
any over verbal hinting like that, but in the beginning it can be helpful.
Some women really don’t have a wild past. And fewer women still
aren’t even interested in anything “wild”.
If you’re out with such a woman don’t insist on her having to “open up”
or you only end up breaking rapport.
For example:
Her: Do you meet a low of women at Matrix (club name where they met)?
Him: Depends what do you mean by a lot
Her: Well I’m not like all those women
Her: So you must be used to (all other) women lining up for you just because
you’re a model aren’t you
Him: Sometimes
Her: Some women are so stupid..
The suggestion here is that she’s not like “all the rest”.
Hence, before releasing one of her biggest chip, she wants him to give
and commit as much as possible (giving increases chances of
Her: Next time we go somewhere good (=not this place which is too cheap
for me and for my value)
The judge is the higher status party while the person who proves to
the judge is the subordinate.
Proving starts early on, and it’s often looking like innocent banter in
the very beginning.
Here is a very good example from an episode of Dating in The Dark:
I’m impressed.
Well done, I respect a (wo)man who can stick with her passion for years
Nice, great job (with approving facial expression and an upper arm touch as
a compliment)
What he is actually saying is this: she is doing a good job (by proving
herself worthy for him).
Her: Why are we going to a gay bar, are you gay? It’s OK if you’re into
guys, just let me know
Her: I like men who can throw me against the wall (ie.: can you do that to
Her: You’re not one of those guys who thinks he’s attractive just because
he’s rich are you
These are very sneaky because they go to the core of what it means
to be a man -or at least the definition that most guys have of being a
-Tell her you’re not gay (or boast of your women’s history)
-that you’ll throw her against the wall
-that you’re much more than “just rich”
Of course, if she has done her legwork in advance, then sex is more
of a confirmation.
But depending where you live, if the culture is of relatively easy sex,
then most of the times she still has some work to do.
Commitment Games
Different women have different ways of pushing men into commitment.
The hunk asked her if he would offend any guy by inviting her to
She answered that she couldn’t go with him.
I said “OK”.
Then she finally blurted out: “aren’t you glad I said no?”.
Women get very worried when they don’t see any signs of jealousy -
and they’re right: studies show that couples with no jealousy at all tend
to split up at higher rates-.
But the women who do it best don’t use words for it.
Marylin Monroe, for example, didn’t need to say to a man “protect me”:
her airy voice, (overplayed) vulnerability and naive demeanor did all
the talking for her.
Look at her reclining her head against him, another great nonverbal to
stoke his protective instincts:
But still, we are analyzing power dynamics here, and the question of
“how has more power after commitment” has a definite answer: she
sees a power resurgence.
And that’s why commitment is more of a win for a woman and more of
a potential loss for the man.
The man is losing power with commitment. He loses the power of
taking advantage of other short-term options.
The committed relationships serve the woman’s interest more than it
does that of a man and, in the union, the man is giving with his
commitment more than she is giving him.
Remember from the first lesson that the woman is more invested in
the child.
Since women invest more in children and can have fewer children in
their lifespan, a child is worth more to the mother.
Furthermore, a child needs the mother to survive, but doesn’t need the
father nearly as much.
That means that the father could walk away and the mother would still
have to take care of the child… On her own.
So right after the child is born, women need male help and providing
more than the man needs the woman.
Ironically, it’s the mother’s greater commitment that allows the father
to potentially neglect the children even more.
Breaking up right after birth is the ultimate game of chicken, and it’s
usually the woman who swerves first because, if she didn’t, the child
would die.