Prof Dev Notes L2-L3 Quiz Notes
Prof Dev Notes L2-L3 Quiz Notes
Prof Dev Notes L2-L3 Quiz Notes
Being tactful is necessary in many situations, when
dealing with clients, as well as colleagues.
Approaches to Professional Development Being creative can be beneficial to any role you may
Skill Based Training - Effective skill-based training allows have in the workplace.
participants to learn conceptual information or 14. ETHICS AND INTEGRITY
necessary behaviors. Two types of training: Integrity and well-founded moral values should be highly
o On-the-job Training: Many times, when respected in the workplace.
employers and leaders hear about “on- the-job 15. STRONG WORK ETHIC
training” Employers always look for employees that are
o Skill-based Training: This type of training is passionate about what they do and are very committed
somewhat different—it focuses on how to do to their assignments.
something specific a task. 16. ABILITY TO ACCEPT AND LEARN FROM CRITICISM
Job Assignments - Learning by doing - by working on real If a person demonstrates an attitude that is appreciative
problems and dilemmas. of feedback, it can be deduced that he/she is willing to
Benefits of Professional Development
Showcase your will to improve - By taking the initiative Benefits of Training in Professional Development
to plan and invest in your own training program. Cross-Training - Cross-training can be used in almost any
Keep your qualifications up to date - Most things we position in almost any industry.
learn as adults come with a half-life, and with savvy Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment - It includes adding
technologies and fresh approaches affirming the need to tasks that are on the same level of skill and
reskill. responsibility.
Stay on top of the latest developments in your field - Job Rotation and Cross Training - High potential
The market isn’t static, and neither should your skills be. professionals are given assignments in different
Network with like-minded professionals - Courses can functions and in different locales.
lead to connections. Coaching and Development - Capable mentors and
Optimize your CV - Enrolling in an online course during coaches must exhibit a wide range of competencies.
your search demonstrates to future employers.
Different Types of Coaching
Ways to Increase Your Chances of Reaching Your Goals Business coaching
1. COMMUNICATION SKILLS (LISTENING, SPEAKING AND One on One Coaching for Executives – One to one
WRITING) coaching is increasingly being recognized as the way for
Communication skills are perhaps the first set of skills organizations to improve Executives for developing new
that potential employers will notice. skills, improving performance, and preparing for
As much as you think a question/problem presented to Personal/Life Coaching – The personal/life coach helps
you is a piece of cake, be very wary of giving a rushed individuals gain awareness of and clarify their personal
answer. goals and priorities.
3. FLEXIBILITY/ADAPTABILITY Career Coaching – The career coach helps individuals
An ability to manage multiple assignments at the same identify what they want and need from their career.
time and being flexible enough to work under ever Group Coaching – Group coaches work with individuals
changing conditions. in groups.
4. INTERPERSONAL ABILITIES Performance Coaching – Performance coaches help
“No man is an island”. So, the saying goes. employees at all levels better understand the
Decision making and problem solving is another skill that Newly Assigned Leader Coaching – Coaches of
is high in demand. individuals assigned or hired into new leadership roles
6. ABILITY TO PLAN, ORGANIZE AND PRIORITIZE WORK help these leaders to “onboard.”
Simple as it may sound, an individual that can show that Relationship Coaching – The relationship coach helps
he/she has been able to plan and organize their work is two or more people to form, change, or improve their
very valuable. interactions.
7. ABILITY TO WEAR MULTIPLE HATS High-Potential or Developmental Coaching –The coach
Theoretically, when someone is offered a job, there is a works with organizations to develop the potential of
job description included in the contract. individuals who have been identified as key to the
8. LEADERSHIP/MANAGEMENT SKILLS organization’s future or are part of the organization’s
The ability to manage people is a very powerful skill. succession plan.
9. ATTENTION TO DETAIL Coaching to Provide Feedback Debriefing and
Even though many may think that the bigger picture is Development Planning – Organizations that use
more important than the tiny details. assessment or 360 feedback processes often utilize
10. SELF-CONFIDENCE coaches to help employees interpret the results of their
Being self-confident exudes an aura that can convince assessments and feedback.
those you work for (or with) that you know what you are Targeted Behavioral Coaching – Coaches who provide
doing. targeted behavioral coaching help individuals to change
11. PUBLIC SPEAKING specific behaviors or habits or learn new, more effective
Why is it that those that are brilliant at memorizing ways to work and interact with others.
Legacy Coaching – The legacy coach helps leaders who Approaches to Ethical Decision – Making
are retiring from a key role to decide on the legacy they 1. TELEOLOGY - Teleological theories of ethics focus on the
would like to leave behind. consequences caused by an action and are often
Succession Coaching – The succession coach helps assess referred to as "consequentialist" theories.
potential candidates for senior management positions 2. EGOISM - Egoism defines right and wrong in terms of
and prepares them for promotion to more senior roles. the consequences to one's self.
Presentation/Communication Skills Coaching –This type 3. UTILITARIANISM - In the utilitarian approach to ethical
of coaching helps individuals gain self-awareness about reasoning, one emphasizes the utility, or the overall
how they are perceived by others and why they are amount of good.
perceived in that way. 4. DEONTOLOGY - Deontological theories of ethics focus on
Team Coaching – One or more team coaches work with (1) the rights of all individuals and (2) the intentions of
the leader and members of a team to establish their the person(s) performing an action.
team mission, vision, strategy, and rules of engagement 5. JUSTICE - Justice-based theories of ethics concern the
with one another. perceived fairness of actions.
6. RELATIVISM - Teleological, utilitarian, and justice
Characteristics in doing a better job theories of ethics are all "universal" theories.
1. Be adaptable to change - Nothing is going to stay the
same during the course of your work. Individual Ethical Decision-Making
2. Build–and consistently sustain–your network - Have you 1. ETHICAL ISSUE RECOGNITION - Before a person can
ever heard the saying that your income is the average apply any standards of ethical philosophy to an issue, he
income of the five people who you hang out the most? or she must first comprehend that the issue has an
3. Think differently - Don’t be afraid to be a thought leader. ethical component.
4. Prioritize and get the most important things done - You 2. ETHICAL (MORAL) JUDGMENT - If an individual is
can easily be overwhelmed by your workload if you confronted with a situation or issue that he or she
constantly face concerns and if you let these concerns recognizes as having an ethical component or posing an
easily pile up. ethical dilemma.
5. Always keep updated with the current events in your 3. ETHICAL (MORAL) INTENT - Once an individual reaches
industry - Innovation is one of the factors that can help an ethical judgment about a situation or issue, the next
your company (and therefore your position in your stage in the decision-making process is to form a
company) thrive in your industry. behavioral intent.
4. ETHICAL (MORAL) BEHAVIOR - The final stage in the
four-step model of ethical decision-making is to engage
in some behavior in regard to the ethical dilemma.
Consequences of Unethical Behaviors
1. Criminal charges and/or fines
Factors Affecting Ethical Decision-Making
2. Lawsuits
1. INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCE FACTORS - Individual difference
3. Ruined careers
factors are personal factors about an individual that may
4. Injured organization
influence their sensitivity to ethical issues, their
5. Reputation
judgment about such issues, and their related behavior.
Cultivation of an Ethical Institution
ethical issue recognition, judgment, and behavior are
1. Emphasize good internal controls. Control environment
affected by contextual factors.
sets the tone for the organization.
3. ISSUE-RELATED FACTORS - Conceptual research by
2. Promote an ethical environment. Organization embraces
Thomas Jones in the 1990s and subsequent empirical
ethical values and practices we deem central to a
studies suggest that ethical issues in business must have
healthy environment.
a certain level of "moral intensity".
Concepts of Morality, Law, and Applied Ethics
Establishing Ethical Standards
Moral - Not everyone has the time and training to reflect
1. Put the company’s standards of conduct in writing -
on the kind of life they want to live, considering all the
Don’t assume that all employees have a universal sense
different combinations of values, principles, and
of what’s right and wrong.
2. Include regulatory codes, but don’t let them define the
Law - the law tries to create a basic, enforceable
company’s ethics - Legality is important, but it doesn’t
standard of behavior necessary for a community to
define workplace ethics.
succeed and in which all people are treated equally.
3. Model ethical behavior from the top down - Written
Ethics - Ethics is a branch of philosophy that aims to
ethical standards are useless if the organization’s
answer the basic question, “What should I do?”
leadership doesn’t follow them.
Applied Ethics - Applied ethics is the philosophical
4. Hire applicants with values that reflect your company’s
examination, from a moral standpoint, of issues in
ethical standards - When you interview prospective
private and public life that are matters of moral
employees, include specific questions that gauge their
Different Levels of Business Ethics
Characteristics of Ethics Training
1. The society level
1. Create company-specific training strategies - Like written
2. The industry level
ethical standards, training needs to provide concrete,
3. The company level
relevant information instead of vague ideals.
4. The individual manager level
2. Build skills in addition to reinforcing ethical behavior -
Focus on developing skills that empower employees to
perform efficiently without cutting corners.
3. Include ethics training in new hire orientations -
Onboarding and orientation typically focus on filling out
paperwork and teaching new hires about particular
4. Schedule ongoing organization-wide ethics training days
- Annual training days will help maintain your company’s
ethical culture.
5. Prioritize ethical decisions over sales or profits - Avoid
setting performance goals that encourage employees to
put profit over clients, coworkers, and safety standards.
6. Reward employees who raise concerns about products
or services - Suppose an employee identifies a
specification mistake in a blueprint or raises concerns
about a new product’s safety.
7. Promote employees based on ethical behavior - Factor
ethical conduct into all decisions regarding promotions,
raises, and bonuses.
8. Create a profit sharing system - Sharing company profits
with workers discourages them from manipulating
numbers for their own benefit.
9. Communicate disciplinary policies clearly - Ensure every
employee knows the consequences of unethical
10. Ensure employees can report misconduct anonymously -
A confidential complaint process is absolutely necessary.