Ultrasonographic Cervical Length Assessment in Pre
Ultrasonographic Cervical Length Assessment in Pre
Ultrasonographic Cervical Length Assessment in Pre
Quality assessment Statistical analysis CIs were calculated from the true-posi-
The Newcastle−Ottawa scale (NOS) All statistical analyses were performed tives, false-positives, false-negatives,
tool was used to evaluate the risk of bias using Stata, version 17.0 (StataCorp LLC, and true-negatives from each study, to
of the included cohort studies by 2 College Station, TX). For the prognostic indicate the accuracy of CL in the pre-
independent reviewers (K.H. and N.Z.). part, pooled summary effect sizes were diction of emergency CD due to bleed-
A score >7 is considered to indicate presented using mean difference or OR ing. In addition, a summary receiver-
high quality. The QUADAS-2 (Quality with 95% confidence interval (CI). operating characteristic curve was con-
Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy For the diagnostic part, overall structed. The heterogeneity of the
Studies−2) checklist was used for pooled sensitivities, specificities, posi- pooled studies was assessed by the
assessing the risk of bias in the included tive LR (LR+), negative LR (LR-), and inconsistency index (I2). I2 >50% indi-
studies of diagnostic accuracy. diagnostic ORs with corresponding 95% cates significant heterogeneity.
PRISMA flowchart for study selection
Systematic Review
Characteristics of the included studies
Study Design size CL measured at CL cutoff Inclusion Exclusion PTB definition NOS
Altraigey et al, Retrospective 328 20−34 wk 30 mm Singleton pregnancies Threatened preterm labor, multiple gestations, 37 wk 8
2021 diagnosed with placenta rupture of the fetal membranes, polyhydramnios,
Saudi Arabia previa before 34 wk of fetal growth restriction, fetal anomalies, history
gestation of cervical operations, presence of cervical
cerclage, use of tocolysis, and medical disorders
that necessitated termination of pregnancy. In
addition, women whose CL measurements
indicated different types of intervention,
according to their gestational ages, were
Urmila et al,15 NR 70 28−34 wk 30 mm Women with Antenatal Cause of antepartum hemorrhage other than NR N/A
2013 diagnosed placenta previa placenta previa, gestational age <20.0 and
India >36.0 completed wk, multiple pregnancy,
threatened preterm labor or premature rupture of
membranes, history of cervical cone biopsy,
presence of cerclage, sonographic suspicion of
fetal anomaly or fetal growth restriction, history
of maternal bleeding disorder or hypertensive
disease complicating pregnancy
Fukushima Retrospective 80 24−33 wk 30 mm Diagnosis of placenta previa by Threatened preterm labor at the time of CL 34 wk 7
et al,11 2012 transvaginal sonography measurement, multiple gestations, ruptured
Japan before 34 wk of gestation membranes, evidence of polyhydramnios, fetal
growth restriction, fetal anomalies, or medical
disorders complicating the pregnancy
Stafford et al,16 Prospective 68 At approximately 30 mm All singleton gestations with Multifetal gestation or history of uterine anomalies 34 and 37 N/A
2010 32 wk placenta previa undergoing
United States ultrasound evaluation at the
hospital at ≥24 wk of
Hasegawa et al,13 Retrospective 182 NR 25 mm Patients with a singleton Cases with low-lying N/A 7
2011 pregnancy and placenta previa placentas
Japan who underwent cesarean
delivery between 2000 and
2009 at the university hospital
Sekiguchi et al,17 Retrospective 71 At least every 2 wk from 25 and 30 mm Singleton pregnancies and Absence of cervical length measurements and 34 wk 7
2015 24−36 wk of gestation placenta previa indications for preterm cesarean delivery other
Japan as part of routine than vaginal hemorrhage
checkups at our
Characteristics of the included studies (continued)
Study Design size CL measured at CL cutoff Inclusion Exclusion PTB definition NOS
Mimura et al, Retrospective 115 At approximately 32 wk 25 mm Singleton pregnancies with Patients with low-lying placenta N/A 7
2011 of gestation placenta previa
Mitsuzuka et al,19 Retrospective 129 CL was measured 30 mm Singleton pregnant women with Patients with multiple pregnancies, fetal N/A N/A
2022 biweekly between 20 placenta previa who delivered anomalies, or low-lying placentas
Japan and 35 wk of at the institution from January
gestationb 2010 to December 2016
Shin et al,20 2016 Retrospective 93 All women in the study 25 mm Women who delivered neonates Patients with any of the following: low-lying N/A 6
South Korea were offered serial at the hospital and who were placenta, multifetal gestation, preterm delivery
measurement of CL by diagnosed with placenta without vaginal bleeding, premature rupture of
transvaginal ultrasound previa at delivery membranes, history of conization, presence of
at 19−23 (CL1), 24−28 cerclage, maternal disease, or hypertensive
(CL2), 29−31 (CL3), disorder during pregnancy, and clinical
and 32−34 wk (CL4) chorioamnionitis.
Syed et al,21 2022 Retrospective 75 At third trimester 25 mm Already diagnosed cases of Morbidly adherent placentas, hemodynamic 37 6
Pakistan placenta previa, with singleton instability, coexisting placental abruption, fetal
live pregnancies at ≥28 wk of anomalies, medical comorbidities such as
gestation diabetes, hypertension, and history of preterm
Ghi et al,12 2009 Prospective 59 27−36 wk 31 mm All asymptomatic women Any of the following conditions: gestational age 34 N/A
Italy diagnosed consecutively with <27.0 and ≥36.0 completed wk; multiple
complete placenta previa at pregnancy; threatened preterm labor or
the ultrasound laboratory of premature rupture of membranes; history of
the university hospital bleeding in the current pregnancy;
polyhydramnios; history of cervical cone biopsy;
presence of cerclage; maternal use of vaginal
progesterone; sonographic suspicion of fetal
anomaly or fetal growth restriction; history of
maternal disease or hypertensive disorder
complicating the pregnancy
Zheng et al,22
Systematic Review
Retrospective 80 NR 30 mm (1) pregnant women diagnosed (1) comorbid psychiatric disorders; (2) multiple NR 7
2021 with placenta previa by births; (3) history of cervical surgery; (4)
China imaging; (2) complete medical comorbid cervical lesions; (5) comorbid
records; (3) single live birth. coagulopathy; (6) fetal malformations; (7)
May 2024 AJOG MFM
Systematic Review
PTB definition NOS
Search strategy and study selection
A total of 471 articles were retrieved. Of
those, 163 articles were excluded for
duplication. The remaining 308 studies
37 wk
Study characteristics
The characteristics of the included
studies are shown in the Table. Data
collection was retrospective in 10
studies,7,11,13,14,17−22 prospective in 2
studies,12,16 and study design was not
The last ultrasound scan used for CL assessment; b The shortest CL measured throughout gestation in each patient was used for analysis.
on TVS
Synthesis of results
30 mm
Pooled risk of emergency CD, antenatal bleeding, PTB, and PPH
Meta-analysis of the risk of (A) emergency CD, (B) antenatal bleeding, (C) preterm birth, and (D) postpartum hemorrhage
CD: cesarean delivery; CI: confidence interval.
Hessami. Cervical length and adverse pregnancy outcome in placenta previa. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2023.
Diagnostic accuracy of short cervical 43%−77%), specificity of 83% (95% CI: Discussion
length for risk of emergency cesarean 76%−88%), LR+ of 3.5 (95% CI: Main findings
delivery in placenta previa. CL 2.5−5.0), LR- of 0.47 (95% CI: The investigated outcomes were the
measured at 28 to 34 weeks had an 0.31−0.72), and AUC of 0.83 (95% CI: probability of emergency CD, APH,
overall sensitivity of 61% (95% CI: 0.80−0.86) (Figure 4). PTB, and PPH. The current meta-
analysis demonstrates that third-trimes- reduction of mechanical strength recommend against performing routine
ter measurements of CL in patients with involving dilation and effacement. This transvaginal CL screening for pregnan-
placenta previa are both sensitive and is considered to cause instability at the cies with placenta previa (GRADE 2B).
specific in predicting emergency CD. site of placental attachment, resulting in This recommendation is primarily
The results also showed that short CL is tearing of placental vessels, leading to based on 3 observational studies that
associated with increased risk of adverse massive bleeding.23,24 Consequently, involved a limited number of patients.
pregnancy outcomes, including emer- APH typically occurs in the third tri- The authors of these studies acknowl-
gency CD due to bleeding, antenatal mester when physiological changes of edged that although an association
bleeding, PTB, and PPH. This study the cervix during pregnancy begin to between shortened CL and PTB in the
reinforces the existing evidence that develop.11 presence of placenta previa may exist,
short CL is a significant risk factor for According to the Society for Mater- no prospective studies have tested a
adverse pregnancy outcomes in women nal-Fetal Medicine Consult Series titled management strategy based on CL.
with placenta previa. “The Role of Routine Cervical Length Our meta-analysis also demonstrated
Screening in Selected High- and Low- that CL measurement has moderate
Comparison with existing literature Risk Women for Preterm Birth Preven- sensitivity and specificity in predicting
The mechanism of hemorrhage in tion,”25 it has been observed that there emergency CD in placenta previa. The
patients with placenta previa is not well are insufficient data to support the clini- pooled sensitivity of 64% and specificity
established; however, the cervix is cal benefit of routine CL measurement of 77% suggest that third-trimester CL
known to undergo adaptations during or surveillance in the context of pla- measurement is a reasonably valid diag-
the gestational course that result in a centa previa. As a result, they nostic tool in identifying women who
Risk of emergency CD among pregnancies CL <25 and <30 mm
may require emergency CD due to the likelihood of having an emergency different management in clinical set-
bleeding in the context of placenta pre- CD by nearly 3-fold. Given that the tings.26 However, only 1 study16 in our
via. However, it is worth noting that measurement of CL is already a com- meta-analysis was from the United
there was significant heterogeneity mon and uncomplicated measurement States.
among the included studies, particularly performed in the antepartum period,
in the definition of short CL. Some of these findings suggest that CL measure- Strengths and limitations
the studies used a cutoff of 30 mm, ment may be a valuable adjunct to clini- There are some limitations to our study.
whereas others used a cutoff of cal decision-making in managing First, the number of included studies
<25 mm. However, the subgroup analy- pregnancies with placenta previa. CL was relatively small, and the sample
sis showed that the risk of emergency >30 mm at 28 to 34 weeks of gestation sizes varied among studies. This may
CD was significantly higher regardless can serve as a reassuring indicator to have affected the generalizability of our
of the short cervix definition, suggesting inform patients that they are at reduced findings. However, the studies were per-
that CL measurement is clinically rele- risk of pregnancy complications, partic- formed in 9 different countries, and
vant in identifying pregnancies at ularly emergency delivery resulting therefore significant ethnic and cultural
increased risk of adverse outcomes from bleeding. The reported outcomes diversity was represented and may
regardless of the CL cutoff. This study in the United States differ from those in improve the extrapolation of our find-
demonstrates that a short CL in the other countries, possibly because of ings to a wide variety of patient popula-
presence of placenta previa increases studies with different qualities and tions. Second, the included studies were
A, Meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy of short cervix for prediction of emergency cesarean delivery. B, The SROC of short cervix for prediction of emer-
gency cesarean delivery
CI: confidence interval; SROC: summary receiver-operating characteristic curve.
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