DLL English-6 Q2 W5
DLL English-6 Q2 W5
DLL English-6 Q2 W5
A. Content Standards The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency
Reads various
B. Performance Standards
text types materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.
C. Learning Competencies / Recognize evaluative word choices to detect biases and propaganda devices used by speakers
Objectives EN6LC-IIIb-3.1.12
Write the LC code for each
Bias- means favoring one person or side over another.It is a tendency or a preference toward a perspective
generally seen as “ one sided”.
E.Discussing new concepts and The following are a propaganda.Tell the word/s used that made the propaganda more superior than other brand?
practicing new skills#2
The words used in this propaganda are soft, smooth and 1. These words are used to make the product appears
superior to other brands making the propaganda bias. It is only their own opinion so people will buy their product.
The words used in this propaganda to make Colgate superior to other brands are new, extra fresh, intense cooling,
spicy fresh and super freshness.
To attract and influence people to buy the product, attractive words are used which add color on their propaganda.
F. Developing mastery Directions: Multiple Choice. Identify the Identify the statement Read and analyze the text
(Leads to Formative Assessment evaluative words in the whether biased or below. Answer the questions
3) Recognize the propaganda not .Rewrite them in each that follow.
evaluative devices shown in each column of the table.
picture. Choose the letter of Vitamin A is an important
words and the best answer. nutrient.It is used to make
indicate the Write your answer in your rhodopsin, a pigment in our
type of bias and English notebook. eyes. Thus, Vitamin A is
necessary for healthy vision.
propaganda 1. Tide gets clothes People must get enough for
used cleanest. this vitamin to prevent the
development of night
in the following blindness. Carrots are an
selections. excellent source of Vitamin A
. Carrot should a part of your
1. Arnel was daily diet.
walking to the 2. New Rexona power dry
canteen for his deodorant. 1. What is the author’s point
of view about Vitamin A?
break. He was 2. What do you think is the
craving for author’s purpose in writing?
3. What propaganda did the
something 1. Cats are not good for
author use to promote
delicious. On 3. Enfagrow is the right 2. Cats and dogs can
his choice of milk in the world. 4. Which statements reveals
make good pets.
the author’s bias?Write it
way, he saw all 3. All types of music are
considered a form of art.
his classmates 5. Do you think that the
4. I only listen to rap
information given above is
buying ham because it’s the best type
true or not?Why?
of music.
burger. The 4. Colgate is the leading 5. Only tall people can
burger looks toothpaste for whitening play basketball.
yummy. One of
his classmates
urged him to
buy the same.
He was thinking 5. Nido is the # 1 milk for
Marjorie Barreto’s kids.
to buy the same
just to join the
group. While, he
was in the line,
he heard Ryan
Bang over the
radio saying,
"Fudgee bar
over sa sarap.".
So, he added
fudgee bar to
his checklist
because he
remembered he
idolized Ryan.
Amel is next in
line when
he heard the
guy beside him
saying, "The
ham burger is
like ban burger.
I didn't taste
the ham. I
regretted my
choice." He
ended replacing
it with
because it was
featured on the
school paper.
The author
mentioned it as
the best
sandwich ever.
2. During this
global crisis, a
lot of people
Filipinos are
struggling to
survive daily.
government is
facing a tough
battle but is
very positive in
helping the
middle class,
the poor and
the poorest of
the poor despite
being insulted
by the anti-
The anti-
rallies to point
that the
is a failure in
addressing the
According to
them, the
government has
no intention to
help its people,
instead, they
keep pocketing
funds, as they
dubbed it as,
"The most
corrupt of all."
They are also
trying to
all the efforts of
the government
to help and
protect its
people by
people through
articles and
news. For now,
we are facing a
problem that
affects the
whole world. We
have to face
this pandemic
as one, as
united people.
chooses no one.
The rich or
celebrities or
the ordinary
Therefore, we
be able to
surpass this
challenge if we
will exert great
effort of
solidarity and
not by dividing
people and the
In times like
this we need to
work as a team
in order to heal
as one.
G. Finding practical applications Watch any product advertisement then write the evaluative word Have you tried to convince to do something or make someone believe
of concepts and skills in daily used in you? How did you do it?
living that made the propaganda bias. Do this in a piece of bond paper.
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the
I. Evaluating learning Identify the evaluative word choice Identify the evaluative word choices Give an evaluative word for the Read each question carefully and
used in the propaganda of a product. used to detect biases in product. Choose the correct answer encircle the letter of the correct
Choose the letter of the best answer. propaganda. Choose the letter of the from the choices inside the box. answer.
Write your answer in your English
best answer. Write the chosen Write your answer in your English
letter in your English notebook. notebook 1. Which word indicates bias in the
1. Cream silk conditioner can give hair “ This is the best tasting coffee”.
a smooth a. this
appearance. b. best
c. tasting
a. conditioner c. smooth d. coffee
b. appearance d. give
1. Nestle ________ Food, Good
2. Pepsi the choice of a new 2. Which statement contains bias?
generation. a. Shoppers at a supermarket are asked
2. Palmolive shampoo leaves your
a. generation c. new to choose the best dog food.
hair _________ fresh.
b. Pepsi d. choice b. Cats can grow their whiskers back
3. Milo is the __________ drink of
3. Toyota car is the best in its class from to three months.
today. c. Dog’s nose are wet to help absorb
4. Things go __________ with
a. best c. Toyota scent chemicals.
b. cars d. today d. A shopping mall contains a variety
5. Surf gives 50% __________ to
4. Coca-Cola is the coolest drink of retail stores.
last longer.
everybody knows.
a. everybody c. coolest 3. Which advertisement line contains
b. knows d. drink an author’s bias?
5. Champ moves quickly with Milo a. Good carbohydrates contain a lot of
every day. nutrients, create fuel for our bodies,
a. everyday c. Milo and don’t add a lot of sugar into the
b. quickly d. moves blood.
b. First, let’s consider the age-old
carbohydrate that everyone
c. Blackpeas,chickpeas, soybeans, and
most beans are other examples of good
d. Fruits such as peaches,plums, and
cherries are excellent high-fiber foods.
4. Which group of words shows bias in
the statement ,” I trust Defflam,so you
should, too!”.
a. I trust
b. trust Defflam
c. so you
d. should,too
A.No. of learners who
earned80%onthe formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D.No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?