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PDF Cti STD 137 PDF Compress
PDF Cti STD 137 PDF Compress
Standard TOWER
Nothing contained herein is to be construed as granting any right for the manufacture, sale or use in connection with any
method, apparatus, or product covered by letters patent, nor as insuring anyone against liability for infringement of letters
This guid
eline d
ocument nt summ
arizes tthe
he best cur
rent st
ate of kno
wledgee regar
ding the specific
specific su
bject.. This docum
represents a consens
represents consensus
us of tho
se indi
viduall memb
membersers who have reviewe
d this do
cument,, its sco
pe and prov
isions.. It is
intended to aid all users or potential users of cooling towers.
Copyright 2007
Approved by the by Cooling Technology IIn
nstitute CTI - Bulletin
CTI Executive Board Printed in U.S.A. STD-137
1.0 Scope...................................................................................................................................................................5
3.0 Terminology........................................................................................................................................................6
9.0 Workmanship......................................................................................................................................................7
10.0 Quality Assurance...............................................................................................................................................7
Assurance........................................... ....................................................................................................7
Table IA
IA Pultruded Fiberglass M
echanical and P
hysical P
roperties – Metric Values ..............................................1
Fiberglass Pultruded Structural
Products for Use in Cooling Towers
1.0 Scope
1.1 This Specification offers recommendations for 2.9 ASTM D-792 - Test Methods for Specific Gravity
classification, materials of construction, tolerances, and Density of Plastics by Displacement.
defects, workmanship, inspection, physical, mechanical
2.10 ASTM D-883 - Definitions of Terms Relating to
and design properties of glass fiber-reinforced
pultruded structural shapes intended for use as
construction items in cooling tower applications. 2.11 ASTM D-2343 - Test Method
Method for Tensile Properties
of Glass Fiber Strands, Yarns and Rovings Used in
1.2 These specification recommendations are defined by
Reinforced Plastics.
existing American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) documents. Supplementary information on 2.12 ASTM D-2344 - Apparent Interlaminar Shear
glass fiber-reinforced plastic pultruded structural Strength of Parallel Fiber Composites by Short-Beam
products may be obtained from the pultrusion supplier. Method.
It is not intended to restrict or limit technological
2.13 ASTM D-2583 - Test Method for Inden Indentation
changes affecting performance when those changes are
Hardness of Rigid Plastics by Means of a Barcol
agreed upon by the pultrusion supplier and cooling
tower manufacturer.
2.14 ASTM D-2
584 - Test MMethod
ethod of IIgnition
gnition Loss of
1.3 Laboratory tests under controlled cond
itions should be
Cured Reinforced Resins.
used to measure and describe the properties of
materials, products or assemblies covered by this 2.15 ASTM D-2
734 - Test Met
hods for Void Content of
standard and not to assess risk conditions. It is the Reinforced Plastics
responsibility of the user of the document to establish
appropriate safety and health practices and determine 2.16 ASTM D-3647 - Practice
Practice for Classifying Reinforced
the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Plastic Pultruded Shapes According to Composition
2.17 ASTM D-38
46 - Test Method for In-Plane S
2.0 Appl
icablee Docum
ents Strength of Reinforced Plastics.
2.1 ASTM D-256 - Test Methods for Impact Resistance 2.18 ASTM D-391
D-3914 4 - Test MMethod
ethod of IIn-Plane
n-Plane Shear
of Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials. Strength of Pultruded Glass-Reinforced Plastic Rod.
2.2 ASTM D-570 - Test Method for Water Absorption of 2.19 ASTM D-3916 - Test Method
Method for Tensile Properties
Plastics. of Pultruded Glass-Reinforced Plastic Rod.
2.3 ASTM D-618 - Methods of Conditioning Plastics and 2.20 ASTM D-3917 - Specifi
cation for Dimensional
Electrical Insulating Material for Testing. Tolerance of Thermosetting Glass-Reinforced Plastic
2.4 ASTM D-635 - Test Method for Rate of Burning Pultruded Shapes.
and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Self- 2.21 ASTM D-3D-3918
918 - Definitions of Terms Relati
ng to
Supporting Plastics in a Horizontal Position. Reinforced Plastic Pultruded Products.
2.5 ASTM D-638 - Test Method for Tensile Properties of 2.22 ASTM D-4065 - Prac
tice for Determining and
Plastics. Reporting Dynamic Mechanical Properties of
2.6 ASTM D-695 - Test Method for Compressive Plastics.
Properties of Rigid Plastics. 2.23 ASTM D-4357 - Specifications
Specifications for Plastic Laminates
2.7 ASTM D-696 - Te Test
st MMethod
ethod for Coefficient of Made from Woven-Roving and Woven-Yarn Glass
Linear Thermal Expansion of Plastics. Fabrics.
2.8 ASTM D-790 - Test Methods for Flexural Properties 2.24 ASTM D-438
D-43855 - Practice for Classifying Vi
of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Defects in Thermosetting Reinforced Plastic
Electrical Insulating Materials. Pultruded Products.
2.25 ASTM D-4475 - Test Methods for Apparent 4.1.4 Type IV - Custom pultruded structural products
Horizontal Shear Strength of Pultruded Reinforced or modifications to Type I, II, or III as specified by
Plastic Rods by the Short-Beam Method. purchaser and agreed to by
by the pultrusion manufacturer
2.26 ASTM D-4476 - Test M Method
ethod for Flexural Properties 4.2 Fiberglass pultruded structu
ral products utilize various
of Fiber Reinforced Pultruded Plastic Rods. resin systems to hold the
the composite together. The resin
system selected, type and volume of reinforcement,
ASTM E- E-84
84 of
Characteristic - Burning
Test Method for Surface Burning
Materials. loading, surfacing material, degree and method of fire
retardancy and temperature requirements are several
determining factors for corrosion resistance to the
3.0 Terminology
exposure encountered and the cost of the product. The
3.1 Definition of term
termss relative to STD-137 (see Appendix flame retardancy of the composite can be achieved
–Glossary of Terms) using a number of different
different techniques. Either a
halogenated resin may be utilized in pultrusion, or the
3.2 Pultrusion - The process of ppulling
ulling continuous forms of
composite may be composed of a non-halogenated resin
reinforcing materials, such as glass-fiber rovings, glass-
with the appropriate halogenated additives.
additives. However,
fiber mats and various surfacing veils through a bath of
the flame retardancy requirements must be associated
liquid resin. The mass of full
y wetted-out mat
erial then
with the composite and not with a particular resin. The
continues to a performer and directly into a heated
cooling tower manufacturer should contact the
forming and curing die where a chemical reaction is
pultrusion manufacturer for resin recommendations
initiated which causes the thermosetting resin to harden
based on the anticipated application requirements;
and the composite structural shape is formed. An
chemical exposure in the recirculating water or air,
optional method of cure is to pass the wetted-out
temperature extremes, flame spread/flammability
composite through a radio frequency (RF) preheater.
ratings, etc. The resin grades are:
The RF preheat initiates the cure process prior to
entering the h heated
eated fo
rming die. This process is 4.2.1 Grade 1 - Isophthalic polyester resin composite
particularly useful for heavy section processing. The with a 25 or less flame spread rating per ASTM E-84 or
hardened (or cured) shape is cooled in line by water or vertical burn test per UL listing of 94 VO.
air and then enters a pulling device where continuous
4.2.2 Grade 2 - Isophthalic polyester resin (no flame
pulling is maintained. Both caterpillar type and
retardant additives).
reciprocating pullers aare
re used in pultrusion. Upon
exiting the puller, the composite structural shape is cut 4.2.3 Grade 3 - A vinyl ester flame retardant resin
to the desired length. composite with a 25 or less flame spread rating per
ASTM E-84 or UL listing of 94 VO.
3.3 Definition of term
termss relative to pultrusion can be ffound
in ASTM D-883 and ASTM D-3918. 4.2.4 Grade 4 - Vinyl ester resin (no flame retardant
3.4 Other forms or comb
inations of reinforcements such as
carbon fiber, aramid fiber, etc. can also be utilized 4.2.5 Grade 5 - Other resin (with a specified level of
when different mechanical and physical properties are flame spread per ASTM E-84 or UL if flame retardance
required. Specific m
echanical and physical pro
perties is to be claimed) to be selected by the cooling tower
should be negotiated between the pultrusion supplier manufacturer in conjunction with the pultruded
and cooling tower manufacturer for particular structural product
product supplier. Additives, not part of the
applications. resin matrix, may be used in the final composite to
achieve other performance characteristics (i.e. mold
4.0 Classification release, fillers, UV inhibitor or antimony trioxide for
flame retardancy).
4.1 4.1.1 Type I - Fiberglass pultruded rod and bar without
a synthetic surfacing veil meeting the minimum
5.0 Materials
mechanical properties of Table I/1A.
5.1 Glass fiber-reinforcements may be either continuous
4.1.2 Type II - Fiberglass pultruded fl flat
at plate with
rovings, continuous strand mats, woven or non-woven
synthetic or polyester fiber surfacing veil meeting the
fabrics, uni-directional fabrics or combinations of these.
minimum mechanical properties of Table I/1A.
Glass fibers shall be made for A, C, E or S-type glass.
4.1.3 Type III - Fiberglass pultruded stan
dard shapes Other reinforcements may be specified for custom
with synthetic polyester fiber surfacing veil meeting the applications.
minimum mechanical properties of Table I/1A.
5.2 The resin used throughout the part shall be either an
isophthalic polyester, vinyl ester or other resin agreed
8.2 For members in cooling towers which ar aree subjected to
upon between cooling tower purchaser and cooling
extended periods of operation in temperatures greater
tower manufacturer.
manufacturer. The resin may contain additives
than 77 F, the pultrusion suppl
iers published allowable
for various purposes such as flame retardancy, UV
stabilization, pigmentation
pigmentation or smoke reduction. These design values for flexural and compressive loads shall
be reduced to account for reduced properties at the
additives should be selected so as to add to the overall
performance of the product without affecting the higher temperatures. These correction factors are
published in Table II. For Type IV products, pultrusion
structural properties, chemical resistance an/or
longevity of the part. suppliers are to supply the cooling tower manufacturer
with temperature-m
oisture correction factors. All
5.3 Surfacing veils are thin (7 mils nominal) tissue-type structural components for the tower should be selected
products incorporated during the pultrusion to account for maximum expected hot water
manufacturing operation as the outermost surface layer temperature including any upset conditions as a
of non-resinous material. The function of the vei veill is minimum (i.e. maximum hot water temperature
improved surface appearance, assistance in chemical +212 F/100 C). This will account for the possible
possible the
resistance, improved weatherability and to prevent glass effects of fan-off operation, tower idle in hot weather,
fibers from coming to the surface as a result of wear or and load excursions.
excursions. A statement indicating
indicating the design
UV attack. Heavier surfacing veils can be requested for temperature should be included as part of the cooling
custom applications. The final degree of UV proprotection
tection tower manufacturer's proposal.
is a function of the total manufactured thickness of the
surfacing veils and/or surface coatings. 8.3 Service Factors: The effective operating life of any
pultruded FRP component is related to the service
6.0 Physical Properties factor applied by the tower manufacturers design
engineer and the severity of conditions to which the
6.1 Dimensional tolerances shall be in accordance with component is subjected.
subjected. Sustained loads shoul
shouldd carry a
ASTM D-3917 "Specification for Dimensional service factor sufficiently high to minimize long-term
Tolerance of Thermosetting Glass-Reinforced Plastic creep. On short-term loads such as wind,
wind, seismic, ice,
Pultruded Shapes". Physical pproperties
roperties ar
aree listed in etc., lower service facto
rs may be accept
able. The
Table I/1A. tower manufacturer's design engineer should provide
allowable design values, service factors and L/D ratios
7.0 Mechanical Properti
es From Coupons used to determine the tower design life.
7.1 Minimum mechanical properties (taken fro from
m coupons) 8.4 Except where more restrictive desi
gn load specification
for Types I, II and III compo
sites, when tested at 77 F, requirements are indicated, the tower structure shall be
are listed in Table I/1A. For Type IV produ products,
cts, the designed, fabricated and built in accordance with the
pultrusion supplier should supply the cooling tower local building codes and cooling tower manufacturer's
manufacturer with minimum mechanical properties. design data.
These mechanical properties taken from the coupons
are intended to be used as a proof test for the composite 9.0 Workmanship
supplied and not toto be used for design purposes. The
9.1 Fiberglass pultruded structural products shall be
purchaser should consult appropriate design manuals to supplied to the requirements listed in ASTM D-4385
obtain the necessary design data for agreed upon
"Visual Defects in Thermosetting Reinforced Plastic
qualifying tests
tests on full sections. Test coupon
couponss shall
Pultruded Products" at acceptance level 3. A t wo year
normally be taken from the largest flat surface of the
research study revealed that sealing of cut and drilled
edges does not positively affect the performance of
pultruded structural shapes. The research suggests
8.0 Design Criteria an
d Allowable Desi
gn Values
sealing of cut and drilled edges at the point of
8.1 Allowable design values for pultru
ded rod and bar, flat manufacture or at the field erected tower site is not
sheet and structural shapes used under flexural and/or required.
compressive loads must be obtained from an
appropriate engineering design guide, (i.e. The CTI
FRP Design Guideline ESG-152(02)) or the pultrusion
10.0 Quality Assurance 10.1.2 Pultrusion supplier and cooling tower
manufacturer should review process controls to verify
10.1 The final inspection and acceptance criteri
criteriaa for the
that production parts meet or exceed design values.
fiberglass reinforced pultruded structural products
should be agreed upon between the pultrusion 10.1.3 A glass content verification program for each
supplier and cooling tower manufacturer. The particular structural pultrusion.
pultrusion supplier is responsible for developing a
special quality assurance manual applicable to the 10.1.4 The
property capacity
audits to pe
as required. rform in house
house mechanical
particular CTI cooling tower manufacturer. The
quality assurance system should contain the 10.1.5 A modulus of elasticity verification on the
following as a minimum: pultruded structural shapes.
10.1.1 A quality assurance inco incoming
ming inspection 10.1.6 The ability to write a Certificate of
system that audits each shipment of resin and glass Conformance to be supplied with the shipments.
for previously agreed upon specifications between
10.1.7 Procedures to calibrate test equipment.
pultrusion supplier and cooling tower manufacturer
using appropriate techniques to assure consistency of 10.1.8 Procedure to handle non-conforming product.
Table I
Pultruded Fiberglass Mechanical and Physical Properties
Polyester Plate Vinyl Ester Plate
Test Units/ Polyester Vinyl Ester Rod & 3/16"- 3/8"- 3/16"- 3/8"-
Properties Method Value Shapes Shapes Bar 1/8” 1/4" 1" 1/8" 1/4" 1"
(Minimum Ultimate)
Tensile Stress, CW D638 psi 7,000 7,000 7,500 10,000 10,000 7,500 10,000 10,000
Tensile Modulus, LW D638 10(6)psi 2.5 2.6 6.0 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
Tensile Modulus, CW D638 10(6)psi 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.9 1.4 1.0 1.0 1.4
Compressive Stress, LW D695 psi 30,000 30,000 60,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000
Compressive Stress, CW D695 psi 15,000 16,000 15,500 16,500 20,000 16,500 17,500 20,000
Compressive Modulus, LW D695 10(6)psi 2.5 2.6 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
Compressive Modulus, CW D695 10(6)psi 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Flexural Stress, LW D790 psi 30,000 30,000 100,000 35,000 35,000 30,000 35,00
0 35,000 30,0
Flexural Stress, CW D790 psi 10,000 10,000 13,000 15,000 18,000 13,000 15,000 18,000
Flexural Modulus, LW D790 10(6)psi 1.8 2.2 6.0 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.8 2.0 2.0
Flexural Modulus, CW D790 10(6)psi 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.0 1.1 1.4
Modulus of Elasticity, E
Compressive Shear
Stress, LW (notches
Bearing Stress, LW D953 psi 30,000 30,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000
Bearing Stress, CW D953 psi 30,000 30,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000
Poisson's Ration, LW D3039 in/in 0.33 0.33 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31
24 HR Water Absorption D570 % Max. 0.60 0.60 0.25 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
by wt
Density D792 lbs/in3 .062-.070 .062-.070 .072-.076 .060-.068 .060-.068 .060-.068 .060-.068 .060-.068 .060-.068
Coefficient of Thermal D696 10(-6)in/in/ F 4.4 4.4 3.0 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
Expansion (Typical) LW Max
Table IA
Pultruded Fiberglass Mechanical and Physical Properties – Metric Values
Polyester Plate Vinyl Ester plate
Test Units/ Polyester Vinyl Ester Rod & 4.76mm- 9.5mm- 4.76mm- 9.5mm-
Properties Method Value Shapes Shapes B ar 3.175mm 6.35mm 25.4mm 3.175mm6.35m
3.175mm6.35mmm 25.4mm
(Minimum Ultimate)
Tensile Stress, CW D638 A 48.2 48.2 51.7 68.9 68.9 51.7 68.9 68.9
Tensile Modulus, LW D638 B 17.2 17.9 41.3 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4
Tensile Modulus, CW D638 B 5.5 5.5 4.8 6.2 9.6 6.9 6.9 9.6
Compressive Stress, LW D695 A 206.8 206.8 413.6 165.4 165.4 165.4 165.4 165.4 165.4
Compressive Stress, CW D695 A 103.4 110.3 106.8 113.7 137.9 113.79 120.6 137.9
Compressive Modulus, LW D695 B 17.2 17.9 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4
Compressive Modulus, CW D695 B 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9
Flexural Stress, CW D790 A 68.9 68.9 89.6 103.4 124.1 89.6 103.4 124.1
Flexural Modulus, LW D790 B 11.0 11.0 41.9 12.4 13.8 13.8 12.4 13.8 13.8
Flexural Modulus, CW D790 B 5.5 5.5 6.2 7.6 9.6 6.2 7.6 9.6
Modulus of Elasticity, E
W & I Shapes > 4" full section B 17.2 17.2
Compressive Shear
Stress, LW (notches
parallel to reinforcing) D3846 A 20.7 20.7
Bearing Stress, LW D953 A 206.8 206.8 220.6 220.6 220.6 220.6 220.6 220.6
Bearing Stress, CW D953 A 206.8 206.8 220.6 220.6 220.6 220.6 220.6 220.6
Poisson's Ration, LW D3039 C 0.33 0.33 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31
Notched Izod Impact, CW D256 F 0.2 0.2 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26
24 HR Water Absorption D570 % Max. 0.6 0.6 0.25 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
by wt
Density D792 E 1.72-1.94 1.72-1.94 1.99-2.10 1.66-1.88 1.66-1.88 1.66-1.88 1.66-1.88 1.66-1.88 1.66-1.88
Expansion G 8.0 8.0 5.45 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5
Table 2
Correction Factors - Temperature Effect
Strength Reduction Factors for Temperature - Due to the behavior of composite material strengths in elevated temperature,
it is necessary to account for the loss in strength and stability. The resulting loss is related to the resin system used in the
construction of the
resin systems. Themember.
reductionThe material
factor property
and the retention
application due to exposure
methodology at elevated
used in temperatures
the structural vari
design of es cooling
he with different
members shall be made available to the cooling tower manufacturer.
If the characteristics of the resin system are unknown then the following correction factors shall be used by the tower
manufacturer engineer andand applied to both the ultim
ate stresses and modulus. Resin Systems with higher retenti
characteristics are available. The associated reduction factors reflect the percentage
percentage of strength and modulus of elasticity
retained at that temperature. The following
following tables present these factors for poly and vinyl resin systems. This temperature
reduction factor does not account for loss of strength ofof the composite material due to moisture exposure. (Comparisons
te mperatures))
were done dry at elevated temperatures
Table 2.1
ture,, °F
77/25 1.0 1 .0
100/38 0.85 0.90
125/52 0.70 0.80
150/66 0.50 0.80
175/79 NR 0.75
200/93 NR 0.50
Table 2.2
ture,, °F
77/25 1.0 1 .0
100/38 1.0 1 .0
125/52 .90 .9 5
150/66 .85 .9 0
175/79 NR .88
200/93 NR .85
The reduction factor is multiplied by the Ultimate Strengths or Modulus of Elasticity prior to applying service factors.
Thus, the location of the member within the tower will dictate the exposure (i.e. fill support beams will be exposed to a
lower temperature environment than the hot water distribution
d istribution piping support beams). If the tower is to experience a short-
term hot temperature excursion in excess of the design temperature this would be considered a live load condition.
Cooling Technology Institute
PO Box 73383 Houston, Texas 77273
281.583.4087 – Fax: 281.537.1721 – www.cti.org
February 2007 – Printed in USA