Collage Design Sports Profile
Collage Design Sports Profile
Collage Design Sports Profile
Sports infrastructure, by its sheer scale and public attention, is often
expected to set the style or tone for their surroundings and reflect
aspects of the history or culture of their location. Having worked
closely with many individual sports clubs, community groups,
institutions, national Sports organizations and Sports Councils,
we understand sports projects require specific knowledge and
experience different from typical commercial buildings and have
a unique need to connect multi-groups for a shared project vision.
Infrastructure Branding
Project Management
Funding for Capital Expenditure
Operational Expenditure
Risk Mitigation and Long term
We share and develop ideas to ensure futureproof,
responsible architecture. It is the expertise of our team.
their experiences and knowledge in designing that have
earned us strength and recognition over the past decade.
We are experts in creating awareness. and our enthusiasm
Collage Oesign was founded in 1996 in Mumbai. and has
for innovation has kept us at par
been growing steadily ever since.
with the leading architects of the world.
Our work encompasses a wide spectrum of project types.
International Cricket Stadium, Dehradun Karyavattom Convention & Club House, Kerala
Karyavattom International Stadium, Kerala Rtsvm International Sports Complex, Navi Mumbai
International Stadium & Sports Complex, Haldwani Campus Masterplan Mpsc, Dehradun
Fifa U-17 World Cup 2017, India Curchorem Sports Complex Goa
2020 Fifa U-17 Women’s World Cup, India Multi Sports Complex Jabalpur
National Centre Of Excellence, Kolkata Sushant Zonal Sports Complex, Golf City, Lucknow
Integrated Sports Complex Dwarka, New Delhi District Sports Complex Haldwani, Uttarakhand
Infrastructure For Sports Authority Of India Randhir Prasad Verma Stadium, Dhanbad
Client R.G.I.C.S (Govt. of Uttarakhand) As the venue for 38th National Games, this Iconic Stadium,
meeting LEED Gold standards, will provide a world-class facility
Site Area 25 Acres
for 25000 spectators during the opening ceremony and closing
Development Area 350,000 Sft. ceremony. Reflecting Dehradun’s culture and heritage, the
stadium is designed to blend with the picturesque landscape of
Seating Capacity 25000 the region. Set against the backdrop of rolling hills and rivers, the
Status Completed – May 2018 intimate bowl provides uninterrupted views of the Field of Play.
Triple height atriums, bars and restaurants, corporate suites and
Project Cost INR 240 Cr lounges provide the spectators with a new viewing experience
Scope Masterplanning & Programming, of the game. The club house complex with its allied facilities of
Architecture & Engineering, guest rooms, restaurants, banquet halls, auditorium, bowling
Project Management Consultancy, alley and indoor sports facility will make this the new destination
Client CCCL, Chennai (for ILFS / Launched as India’s first Private-Public Stadium, the stadium has
Govt. of Kerala) been awarded the prestigious David Vickers Award – New Venue
Site Area 33 Acres of Year 2015. Working closely with the clients, the stadium has
been designed to meet the standards of ICC & FIFA for hosting
Development Area 650,000 Sft.
international events. The outdoor stadium offers seating for
Seating Capacity 50000 50,000 seats with private suite boxes and VIP business seats for
both cricket and football. The design of the stadium venue reflects
Status Completed – Feb 2016 local architectural influences, recalling a proud past while serving
Project Cost INR 292 Cr. as a bridge to a modern era. Media, broadcast and operation
facilities have been integrated into the design. The facility has
Scope Detailed Project Report
state-ofthe art amenities including restaurants, retail, banquet
Masterplanning & Programming
halls and conference rooms to provide a year around destination.
Client I.G.I.S.C.S. (Govt. of Uttarakhand) Inspired by the rivers and the natural beauty of the region,
the Masterplan has been developed to allow for the individual
Site Area 72 Acres
sporting venues to be aligned along the Gola Riverfront. The
Development Area 300,000 Sft. design of the 72 acres site includes: a 10,000 seat cricket stadium,
a 5,000 seat athletic and football stadium, a 2,500 seat indoor
Seating Capacity 15000 sports complex and swimming pool along with 15 acres of plazas
Status Completed – Dec 2016 and public space. The cricket stadium is oriented for the pavilion
and the seating faces the picturesque mountains of Nainital and
Project Cost INR 193 Cr. the city of Haldwani. The exterior of the outdoor stadiums have
Scope Detailed Project Report been articulated with a series of colored fabric. Attached to the
Masterplanning & Programming structural system for the roof, each panel floats along the whole
Architecture & Engineering perimeter of the stadium creating a unique sense of place in this
Project Management Consultancy venue.
Client Housing Develent Corporation The Govt. of Maldives, in coordination with the Indian
(Govt. of Maldives) Government through EXIM bank, is developing a State-of-Art
Site Area 25 Acres Cricket stadium to promote this popular sport in the Island
country. Located on the Waterfront, the Masterplan responds to
Development Area 350,000 Sft.
the climate and the development guidelines of the new city of
Seating Capacity 20000 Hulhumale by integrating in to the parks and plazas and allowing
for the stadium to act as an extension to the city public areas.
Status Completed – Jan 2020 The seating bowl is developed to provide uninterrupted views
Project Cost INR 305 Cr. (Estimated) towards the ocean while enjoying the game within the stadium.
The roof has been developed as an iconic imagery derived from
Scope Detailed Project Report
the national flag and will act as a beacon to the country.
Masterplanning & Programming
Client ITUAL (for Baroda Cricket Baroda Cricket Association (BCA) has embarked on an ambitious
Association) project to establish a new cricket stadium and training academy
Site Area 47 Acres in the outskirts of the city. The Detailed Project report has been
created to understand the technical and financial feasibility of the
Development Area 600,000 Sft.
project. The project has been planned for development in phases
Seating Capacity 35000 to facilitate the cash flow through revenues generated from the
Client Uttar Pradesh Cricket Association The proposed stadium shall be comparable in all respects
with an international standard sports stadia. Stadium will meet
Lead Consortium Ecofirst (Tata Consulting
all applicable national codes and standards for development
Partner Engineers Limited)
Client Local Organizing Committee Appointed by the Local Organizing Committee of the FIFA
All India Football Federation Under 17 World Cup India 2017 (LOC) in September 2015 as
Cochin Infrastructure Consultants, Collage Design worked side by side
Goa with the organization in the very critical area of creating all
Site Area Guwahati
the infrastructure information for the LOC and providing the
technical expertise to monitor the development of the same.
New Delhi & Mumbai
The Detailed Project Report of all the Venues that hosted the
Status Completed – Oct 2017
Tournament established the roadmap for the upgradation of all
Project Cost INR 200 Cr. the venues. Each venue met with the international guidelines for
Players Amenities, Broadcast Facilities, Sports Lighting, Spectator
Scope Detailed Project Report
Masterplanning & Programming movement for safety, VIP and Media Facilities
Infrastructure Consultancy
Project Management Consultancy
2020 FIFA U-17 WOMEN’S
Client Local Organizing Committee Continuing with our successful work on the 2017 FIFA U-17
All India Football Federation Men’s WC in India, the team is working closely with the Local
Ahmedabad, Organizing Committee to upgrade and plan the Match Venues
Bhubaneshwar, and Training Facilities in the 5 cities to match Global standards
Project Location Guwahati, of hosting International Televised Events. Each venue is carefully
Kolkata, studied and Upgradation proposed on various fronts including
Mumbai Players Amenities, Broadcast Facilities, Sports Lighting, Spectator
Status On-going movement for safety, VIP and Media Facilities. Every venue has
Scope Detailed Project Report been developed in close coordination with the Stadium owners
Masterplanning & Programming to create a lasting legacy of the Games.
Project Management
Client All India Football Federation The National Centre of Excellence has been undertaken to
strengthen and develop the beautiful game in India. The state
Site Area 15 Acres of the art facility shall be the new home of AIFF national teams
across age groups for men and women. The Masterplan includes:
Development Area 250,000 Sft
High Performance Centre for National Teams, Educational
Project Cost INR 175 Cr Facilities, Medical Centre of Excellence, Team Hotels, Indoor
Futsal Court, Training Fields and Stadium. The design is built in to
Status On-going
accommodate the future needs and as such shall have India’s first
Scope Detailed Project Report ever roof top pitch. The various components are interconnected
Masterplanning & Programming
with the aim to provide a home, which has been the backbone of
Architecture & Engineering
success for World Cup nations, providing the players a sense of
Project Management
belonging, a feeling of national pride.
Client Delhi Development Authority The 100 Acre Property in the heart of Kanpur is being developed
as Mixed Use Township on PPP Model for monetization of
Site Area 65 Acres Railway Land by RLDA. Extensive studies of the market, economic
feasibility and demands resulted in the strategy to develop the
Project Cost INR 250 Cr
Masterplan as an Integrated Mixed Use Township of Plotted
Seating Capacity 15000 development of varying sizes, Group Housing and Commercial
Plots to maximize the Land Value. The Smart Township will be
Status On-going
sustainable with Central Greens, Avenues and Community
Scope Detailed Project Report
Amenities with the Commercial Development along the Main
Masterplanning & Programming
Approach Road. The Group Housing and EWS / LIG Housing are
Architecture & Engineering
planned as mid-rise towers with uninterrupted views towards the
Project Management Consultancy
Client Goa State Urban Development The Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering
Agency (GSUDA) & Research (SAMEER) is a premier research institute with
Project Location 8 Acres / 9000 Spectators main campus located within IIT, Powai and Satellite campus in
Kharghar. Working closely with the infrastructure and faculty,
Development Area 100,000 Sft. the program was developed for providing additional research
and housing facilities. This included a new Hostel for Research
Project Cost INR 40 Cr
Scientists with Library and Recreation spaces and Faculty housing
Status On-going with provision for future expansion. A new Facility building has
Scope Detailed Project Report been developed with Assembly areas, Research labs, Training
Masterplanning & Programming centers and residential accommodation at the Kharghar campus.
Architecture & Engineering
Project Management
Client Sports Authority of India (SAI) The project involves, assessing the needs of various SAI campus
with respect to their future requirements and develop long term
KSSR, New Delhi, Gwalior, Bhopal,
Masterplan for each of the center to create Olympic Standard
Project Site Sonepat, Rohtak, Shilaroo and
Facilities for various sports. The Centre of Excellence for each of
the sports will include State-of-Art Training facilities, Fitness and
Project Cost INR 400 Cr
recovery areas, AV Rooms, Coach and Trainers facilities etc.. The
Status On-going project also involves creating modern day hostel facilities for
Detailed Project Report athletes, meeting long-term and short-term stay requirements
Masterplanning & Programming with supporting kitchen and dining facilities. The project includes
Architecture & Engineering facilities at KSSR-New Delhi, LNIPE -Gwalior, NCOE-Bhopal, NCOE
Project Management -Sonepat and Rohtak, HATC -Shilaroo and the premier National
Institute of Sports in Patiala.
Client Sports Authority of Goa Collage Design is one of the teams working with the Sports
Authority of Goa to develop the venues for hosting this
Site Location Campal & Ponda
prestigious event in the State. The project includes venues for
Development Area 120,000 Sft. Boxing, Table Tennis, Lawn tennis, Taekwondo & Judo. Designed
with a clear vision for the Legacy use, each facility will meet the
Status Completed – Jan 2020 highest standards of the respective federation guidelines. The
Project Cost INR 44 Cr. facility along the Mandovi River will become a new icon for city
with a new riverfront promenade for the residents. In addition
Scope Detailed Project Report
to the sporting venues, the firm is designing the new office for
Masterplanning & Programming
Architecture & Engineering the Sports Authority of Goa and Youth Affairs. Blending into the
Project Management Consultancy landscape, the two departments are connected with an atrium
and share common amenities and seminar halls.
28A 28B
32 4
Client Directorate of Sports, Govt. of The Detailed Project Report has been developed in close
Uttarakhand coordination with the State and Indian Olympic Association to
Status Completed – Oct 2016 deliver a robust plan for the state to host the games successfully
and have a lasting legacy of sports infrastructure and passion.
Project Cost INR 900 Cr. Spread across the Kumaon and Garhwal region of the state,
Scope Feasibility Report the Games will be held primarily in the cities of Dehradun and
Detailed Project Report Haldwani with multiple smaller venues spread across the state.
Masterplanning & Programming The match venues and training facilities have been designed
Architecture & Engineering to the highest standards of compliance with the federation
Financial Advisory guidelines. The integrated effort of financial feasibility, Branding
Branding and Infrastructure planning has resulted in a successful road
map for the games.
Client Hindustan Steelworks Laying road map for preparation and development of sports
Construction Limited. infrastructure required to host upcoming National Games,
Seating Capacity 10000 Outdoor + 3000 Indoor in collaboration with State Sports bodies, Indian Olympic
Association and other key stakeholders . The scope includes
Project Cost INR 450 Cr all venues shortlisted in the cities of Tura and Shillong to host
National Games in the State The main venue in Shillong at JLN
Status On-going
Stadium involves the upgradation of main stadium and an Indoor
Scope Detailed Project Report
Sports Complex with roof top gardens and public amenities. The
Masterplanning & Programming
main venue in Tura includes a Football Stadium meeting FIFA
Architecture & Engineering
standards for International events, Indoor Sports Complex with
Project Management
Swimming Pool, Basketball and Badminton courts with Fitness
Centre and recreational facilities.
Client Great SportsTech Limited (for The Rangasala Football & Athletic Track Stadium was inaugurated
National Sports Council, Nepal) on schedule for the Opening Ceremony of the 2019 South Asian
Site Area 53 Acres Games, held from 1st to 10th December 2019. The Project
includes a Football stadium with Class One athletic track, football
Development Area 500,000 Sft.
field with FIFA guidelines, 20,000 modular seating including VIP
Seating Capacity 20000 & VVIP Seats, public utilities and Pre-Engineered facility building,
The Project was designed to meet the highest standards of
Status Completed – Dec 2019 structural safety in this high earthquake zone while maintaining
Project Cost INR 80 Cr the elegance and blending into the landscape.
Client Ministry of Social Justice & Launched as India’s first Private-Public Stadium, the stadium has
Empowerment been awarded the prestigious David Vickers Award – New Venue
Site Area 15 Acre of Year 2015. Working closely with the clients, the stadium has
been designed to meet the standards of ICC & FIFA for hosting
Development Area 30000 Sqm
international events. The outdoor stadium offers seating for
Project Cost INR 135 Cr 50,000 seats with private suite boxes and VIP business seats for
both cricket and football. The design of the stadium venue reflects
Status Completed – March 2019 local architectural influences, recalling a proud past while serving
Scope Detailed Project Report as a bridge to a modern era. Media, broadcast and operation
Masterplanning & Programming facilities have been integrated into the design. The facility has
Architecture & Engineering state-ofthe art amenities including restaurants, retail, banquet
halls and conference rooms to provide a year around destination.
Client Ministry of Social Justice & In continuation of our engagement for development of training
Empowerment and competition facilities for Athletes with disability, the Shillong
Development Area 700,000 Sft centre has been planned to also act as the Main Venue for the
National Games scheduled in 2022. Spread across 50 Acres, the
Project Cost INR 200 Cr Masterplan in this hilly terrain has been carefully developed to
provide accessibility to all parts of the site with multiple points
Status On-going
for rest and social interaction. The Main Athletic Stadium with
Client ITUAL (for ILFS / Govt. of Kerala) Developed as part of Stadium Complex, the Club House and
Convention centre is integrated into the Masterplan to create
Development Area 150,000 Sft.
a cohesive complex of sports and entertainment. The complex
Status Completed – March 2016 includes facilities for banqueting, conventions and exhibition
along with a hotel. Located on a steeply sloped portion of the
Project Cost INR 85 Cr. site, the design blends into the landscape to create exciting vistas
Scope Detailed Project Report and circulation for the patrons. The Indoor Sports Hall is capable
Masterplanning & Programming of hosting International tournaments with spectator seating,
Architecture & Engineering locker rooms and warm-up areas. The swimming pool complex
Project Management Consultancy includes an indoor recreational pool and an Olympic size outdoor
pool with deck areas and spectator seating has the ability to host
National tournaments and cater to the needs of the hotel guests
Client R.T.S.V.M. Spread over 17 Acres in Ulwe, the Sports complex was developed
(Ramseth Thakur Sarvajanik Vikas as ameans to engage the youth in the region. The program was
Mandal) developed to have a mix of recreational and professional sports
Site Area 17 Acres with indoor and outdoor play areas. The rock climbing wall in the
atrium lobby activates the space and starts to engage the visitors.
Development Area 155,000 Sft.
The indoor sports hall for badminton meets the standards for
Status Completed – May 2012 hosting State and National level tournaments with ample space
for training. Squash, Table tennis and Billiards are the other indoor
Project Cost INR 60 Cr.
sports planned to provide training for participation in National
Scope Detailed Project Report and International tournaments. The elevated pool with parking
Masterplanning & Programming below and adjacent locker rooms provides a relief the building
Architecture & Engineering volume with an elevated deck for recreational activities.
Client Directorate of Sports, Govt. of As part of the planning and development for hosting the National
Uttarakhand Games, the Maharana Pratap Sports College was identified as the
Site Area 110 Acres Main Venue for opening and closing ceremonies in addition to 8
sporting events. The sports college has been planned to create a
Status Completed – Oct 2016
games friendly campus to receive nearly 3000 Athletes and have a
Project Cost INR 74 Cr. lasting legacy for the future. Public plazas and gardens have been
Client Sandip Foundation Sandip University at Nashik needed to expand and renovate its
sports infrastructure in order to relieve increasing demands on
Project Location Nashik, Maharashtra campus sports facilities while also bolstering student recruitment
and retention. The university realized this need as an opportunity
Development Area 100,000 Sft
to create an integrated Sports Masterplan that could also serve
Project Cost INR 60 Cr as a dynamic focal point on campus. The Sports Infrastructure
will play a key role in this evolution by introducing numerous
Status On-going
features never before available on campus including swimming
Scope Detailed Project Report pool, squash courts, gymnasium, gym, expansive weight/fitness
Masterplanning & Programming
areas, a multiuse activity court, outdoor artificial track, football
Architecture & Engineering
and cricket field. The facility will creates a meaningful connection
Project Management
to the existing buildings, characterized by a robust podium and
jogging track that connects students to the key fitness spaces and
offering striking views of the pool, campus and mountainside.
Project Management
Secondary entry
Secondary entry
Client District Mineral Foundation, Spread across 100 Acres, it is one of a kind Sports School planned
Odisha to promote Sports and develop the future Athletes of the
Site Location 100 Acres country. The Masterplan is developed with three distinct areas
for education, residential and sports amenities with connecting
Project Cost INR 120 Cr walkways and plazas. The Sports Facilities are planned to meet
the International federation standards and host national level
Status On-going
tournaments, The Educational facilities are planned around
Client Odisha Industrial Infrastructure The project involves the Redevelopment of the Iconic Kalinga
Development Corporation (IDCO) Sports Complex in Bhubaneswar by identifying additional
Site Area 105 Acres infrastructure required and beautification of the campus to
host International events. Working closely with the clients and
Project Cost INR 100 Cr other Stake holders, the team developed various projects across
the campus including the expansion of the Hockey Stadium by
Status On-going
providing new stands and creating amenities to host World Cup
Client Goa State Infrastructure A thoughtfully laid out Masterplan for this community and
Development Corporation (GSIDC) training complex includes a series of indoor and outdoor
Site Area 8 Acres spaces connected by bridges and lounges. An indoor pool with
dedicated locker rooms along with the outdoor swimming and
Development Area 110,000 Sft. diving pools has been designed as an High Performance Centre
for competitive training. Indoor sports facilities including Cricket,
Project Cost INR 60 Cr
Badminton, Basketball, Squash and Table tennis are designed for
Status On-going recreational, training and competitive events with seating and
Scope Detailed Project Report compliance with the Sports Federations. Landscaped roof gardens
Masterplanning & Programming with rock climbing walls make this a community destination.
Architecture & Engineering Multipurpose halls for events and exhibitions are integrated into
Project Management the program for revenue generation and promotion of local art
and culture.
Client Jabalpur Municipal Corporation Located in the heart of the city, the Multi-purpose sports complex
is spread across 10 Acres with Athletic Stadium of 5000 capacity,
Development Area 300,000 Sft. Football field and Indoor Sports complex.. The project involved
the redevelopment of the project site to allow for the sports
Project Cost INR 35 Cr
and commercial activity to function independent of each other.
Status On-going The Indoor Sports complex is planned vertically to also act as
Scope Detailed Project Report the Pavilion building for the Athletic Stadium. The Indoor sports
Masterplanning & Programming include badminton courts, squash courts, Table tennis and board
Architecture & Engineering games, multipurpose halls for combat training and supporting
Project Management amenities.
Client Ansal API The project involves the Redevelopment of the Iconic Kalinga
Stadium by identifying additional infrastructure required and
Site Area 20 Acres beautification of the campus to host International events.
Working closely with the clients and other Stake holders, the
Development Area 150,000 Sft
team developed various projects across the campus including
Project Cost INR 80 Cr the expansion of the Hockey Stadium by providing new stands
and creating amenities to host World Cup events. Sports Hostels
Status On-going
to meet the growing need of the Athlete population to train in
Scope Detailed Project Report this campus have been planned to match 4 Star hotel facilities
Masterplanning & Programming
with all support amenities.
Architecture & Engineering
Project Management
Client UPRNN (for Govt. of Uttarakhand) Elegant and refined language of the façade creates a visual relief
along the busy Highway with the iconic clock tower. The program
Site Area 4 Acres
for this district sports complex was envisaged to provide the
Development Area 45,000 Sft. residents with a place to play and train. The Badminton and
Squash courts are designed to host the National Games and
Status Completed – June 2017 comply with the Sports Federation guidelines. Fitness centre,
Project Cost INR 14 Cr. reading rooms and other social spaces distributed in the atrium
make this compact building efficient and functional. Local
Scope Detailed Project Report
material and sustainable design will make this building comply
Masterplanning & Programming
Architecture & Engineering with the GRIHA ratings and keep the operational costs down.
Project Management Consultancy Sports Hostel, Athletic tracks, cricket pitches, football and boxing
facilities make this a comprehensive complex for the region.
Client District Mineral Foundation, Odisha Planned as a community Sports Complex, the project
(DMF) components include development of Cricket Ground, Athletic
Stadium, Football grounds, Indoor Sports Halls and Commercial
Project Cost INR 25 Cr
Facilities. The Masterplan has been developed to provide the
Status On-going community with international standard facilities for training and
Detailed Project Report recreation. The site will continue to be used for communal events
Masterplanning & Programming throughout the year.
Architecture & Engineering
Project Management
Client Dhanbad Municipal Corporation Planned as a community Sports Complex, the project components
include Jogging track, Football Field, Cricket practice nets, Tennis,
Project Cost INR 10 Cr Volleyball & Kabaddi fields, Children play area, Outdoor Gym
and meditation areas. The Masterplan has been developed to
Status On-going
provide the community with international standard facilities for
Scope Detailed Project Report
Client UPRNN (for Govt. of Uttarakhand) The new Indoor Shooting Range developed in the MPSC Campus
meets the highest safety and federation standards for hosting
Development Area 65,000 Sft. National and International events. The Shooting range includes
Status Completed – June 2017 60 lanes for 10M range, 60 lanes for 25M range and 40 lanes for
50M. The design of the shooting venue was driven by the desire
Project Cost INR 34 Cr. to evoke an experience of flow and precision inherent in the
Scope Detailed Project Report shooting sport through clean lines, defined circulation corridors
Masterplanning & Programming and uninterrupted viewing angles for the spectators.
Architecture & Engineering
Client UPRNN (for Govt. of Uttarakhand) Located in the heart of the city, this new indoor and outdoor
sports complex is planned for meeting the training and
Site Area 11 Acres recreational needs of the city. The indoor complex blends
with the outdoor sports fields for tennis, basketball and
Development Area 50,000 Sft.
volleyball by integrating seating and support facilities into the
Status Completed – June 2017 building. Large indoor halls with seating for hosting National
and International events will cater to badminton, basketball,
Project Cost INR 15 Cr. volleyball, boxing and judo. The challenging site conditions
Scope Detailed Project Report have been skillfully addressed through multiple entry and
Masterplanning & Programming exit locations with secure circulation spaces and spectator
Architecture & Engineering amenities.
Client Vijayawada Municipal Corporation The project involves the upgradation of Athletic Stadium to
comply with the International standards for large sporting and
Project Cost INR 75 Cr cultural events, as directed by the Sports Department of Andhra
Pradesh. The original stadium structure will be maintained and
Status On-going
additional seating with Roof has been planned. The commercial
Scope Detailed Project Report development around the stadium will generate revenue towards
Masterplanning & Programming
the stadium operations and maintenance.
Architecture & Engineering
Project Management
Client Jabalpur Smart City Limited Planned as a community Sports Complex, the project component
includes Cricket ground, Half Olympic Size Swimming Pool
Project Cost INR 26 Cr and Outdoor Sports Facilities under Smart City initiative. The
Masterplan has been developed to provide the community with
Status On-going
international standard facilities for training and recreation.
Scope Detailed Project Report
Masterplanning & Programming
Architecture & Engineering
Project Management
Client Essel Sports Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai The new cricket league established by Essel Sports was planned
as a bi-annual International event across the country. The venues
Hyderabad, Panchkula, Gurgaon
Site Locations were carefully selected and upgraded to meet ICC standards
and Ahmedabad
in short timelines. The design and construction was planned
Status Completed – Oct 2010
to achieve these aggressive timelines through use of modular
Project Cost INR 34 Cr. seating and modified containers for technical facilities.
Scope Detailed Project Report
Masterplanning & Programming
Client Chowgule College Established as a Sports Training and Sports Medicine Centre,
this compact facility is located inside the Chowgule College in
Development Area 20,000 Sft. Margao. The building is placed next to the artificial Football
Status Completed – June 2009 field with amenities to support the training of professional
athletes. The iconic building is designed to meet sustainable
Project Cost INR 10 Cr. guidelines and provide an atmosphere for excellence. The
Scope Masterplanning & Programming fitness centre and training hall are built to provide the state-of-
Architecture & Engineering art facility and equipment with indoor running tracks, recovery
rooms, spa and treatment pools.
Director, Ramkumar Subramanian worked on majer Sports Infrastructure
Project with some of the leading Architecture Firms in Los Angeles & New York.
Sachin Dhanawade Yogesh Mane Raju Lokhande
Jacquina Fernandes Aditya Sovani Sooraj Mahalgawey
Suchita Jigjini Mandar Mahajan Neelima Dharkar
Vipul Kotkar Mukund Navkar Rupesh Bramhane
Sudhanshu Kotian Raju Jadhav Manohar Palandurkar
Dinesh Awate Chandrakant Lokhande Sandeep Bhor
Sushil Rane Ajay Dhumal sunil jangle
Sanjay Kumar Yadav yogesh khedekar Ashok Dhenge
Kavita Malgaonkar Vishnu Karande Jayesh Rajguru
Vinay Shinde Anisha Raut Karna Kalyan Kumar
Uttam Vishwakarma Akshay Kondhiya Nijamali Mulla
Bijal Dhruv Prajwal Patil Nagesh Kinnarwar
Pravin Lad Ashwin Raul Anam Fatima
Umakant Gautam Gargi Jathar Archana Shukla
Dnyaneshwar Kesarkar Mansi Dhurat Sandeep Kumar Paul
Vijay Chaudhari Shaily Mahera Rahul Rawat
Lalit Joshi Shraddha Gaonkar Sheetal Saxena
Suchita Patil Abdul Hameed Shaikh Ratan Singh
Anil Mandrai Arjun Jadhav