Jurnal Ariantiumafagur
Jurnal Ariantiumafagur
Jurnal Ariantiumafagur
Guest House
Author Affiliations
Information System Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sam Ratulangi
Author Emails
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract . This study aims to produce a web-based room reservation information system. The research method used is
the waterfall development model, starting from requirements definition, system and software design, implementation and
unit testing, integration and system testing, and operation and maintenance. The results obtained are to produce a web-
based room reservation information system using the PHP programming language and MySQL database, which can be
used to help the VSP guest house to manage data and provide information and make it easier for visitors to make
reservations without having to come directly to the place.
VSP guest house is one of the lodging places in Neighborhood VIII, Ranotana Weru, Wanea District, Manado
City. VSP guest house has 28 rooms equipped with complete facilities. The room reservation process at the VSP
guest house is still done by coming directly, to make room reservations and with a system that is still manual,
employees have difficulty processing data, because they have to record data one by one so it takes a long time and is
prone to data loss because the data is only written in books and stored in physical form without digital storage. In
addition to data that is vulnerable to loss, a reservation information system is needed to manage and present
information or reports as needed. This kind of process is less effective because the level of data loss or miss
communication to the parties involved will be very large [1]. So it is necessary to build a web-based room
reservation information system in order to provide convenience to the VSP guest house and visitors, this system will
be implemented using the PHP programming language and MySQL database.
The purpose of this research is to produce a web-based room reservation information system using the PHP
programming language and MySQL database.
Information Systems
The information system is a combination of hardware, software, infrastructure, and also experienced human
Reservation is a request to obtain a number of rooms made some time in advance through various sources using
various booking methods to ensure that guests will get the room on arrival [3].
Guest House
Guest house is a place that was built for lodging, the basic difference with a hotel is that here usually the
managers offer daily and monthly room rental [4].
Website is a page containing information that can be viewed if a computer is connected to the internet, with a
website, everyone in the world can get and manage information with sources available on the internet [5].
Design Tools
System and
software design
and unit testing
Integration and
system testing
Operation and
FIGURE 1 . The application of this method in the research to be carried out is as follows:
a. Requirements definition
Analyze and define problems related to constraints, system services and expected goals regarding room
reservation problems at VSP guest houses.
b. System and software design
The results of the analysis obtained will then be developed a system that operates in the form of software on a
web-based information system.
c. Implementation and unit testing
At this stage, the system that has been built will be realized into a web-based software program unit and
verification will be carried out to check that each unit meets the existing specifications.
d. Integration and system testing
All program units will be combined and tested as a complete web-based information system and ensure
whether the existing system is in accordance with the expected goals and there are no errors in the system
e. Operation and maintenance
The web-based information system will be operated in real terms and see the performance of the system that
will run, as well as fix errors that were not found in the previous stages, in order to improve system services.
Mengubah Profil
Mengelola Data Kategori
Mengelola Data Check Out
(a) (b)
FIGURE 2. (a) Admin is connected to the nine use cases, namely admin can login, manage facility data, manage
category data, manage room data, manage admin data, manage customer data, manage check-in data, manage check-
out data, and view or print a report where the admin can change, add, or delete data in the use case diagram. (b)
Customer use cases, can be seen the relationships between actors and also use cases that exist in a system.
Customers who in this case act as actors must first log in to enter the system and access profiles, view rooms, view
facilities, make reservations, view bills and make payments.
Activity Diagrams
Activity diagram is a form of flow diagram that describes the work process of an information system and also the
sequence of activities.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 3. (a) Activity diagram of the admin, where the admin must first login which will then be validated by
the system, if the username and password are entered correctly it will be directed to the dashboard page but if the
username or password is wrong then the system will return to the menu login, then after successfully logging in on
the dashboard page the admin can choose the menus that are already available, then the admin can manage the data
including add, change, delete, and print. The system will save the data into the database. (b) Activity diagram for
customers, where customers must login first. After that the system will validate for the entered username and
password that is not correct, the system will redirect to the login menu. However, if the username or password is
incorrect, the system will provide access to the customer dashboard page. Furthermore, the customer can choose the
menus on the customer page, if the customer adds, changes, deletes on my account the system will save it to the
database as well as the customer makes a reservation the system will save it to the database.
Sequence Diagrams
Sequence diagrams are commonly used to describe scenarios or a series of steps taken in response to an activity
to produce certain outputs. The sequence diagram can be seen from the following figure:
(a) (b)
Data Data
Admin Dashboard Kontrol Data Kamar Tabel Data Kamar Admin Dashboard Kontrol Data Admin Tabel Data Admin
Kamar Admin
Masuk Dashboard Masuk Dashboard
(c) (d)
Data Kontrol Data Data Kontrol Data Check
Admin Dashboard Tabel Data Pelanggan Admin Dashboard Tabel Data Check In
Pelanggan Pelanggan Check In In
Masuk Dashboard
Masuk Dashboard
Tampil Dashboard
Tampil Dashboard
Proses Check In
Proses Hapus
(e) (f)
Data Kontrol Data Pelanggan Dashboard Kontrol Reservasi Tabel Reservasi
Admin Dashboard Tabel Data Laporan Reservasi
Laporan Laporan
Masuk Dashboard
Tampil Menu Kamar
Masuk Dashboard
Proses Reservasi Mengisi Form Data
Tampil Menu
Menyimpan Data Update Data
Proses Cetak
Laporan Tampil Menu Kamar
Proses Tagihan
Data Reservasi
Tampil Pembayaran Pending
Proses Pembayaran
(g) (h)
FIGURE 4. (a) Sequence diagram of facility data can process data, namely add, change, and delete. (b)
Sequence diagrams of category data can process data, namely add, change, and delete. (c) Sequence diagrams of
room data can process data, namely add, change, and delete. (d) Sequence diagram data admin can process data,
namely add, change, and delete. (e) Sequence diagrams on customer data can only perform the process of deleting
data. (f) Process sequence diagram data check in and check out (g) Sequence diagram reports can print reports. (h)
Sequence diagram from the customer, namely the reservation process that starts with the customer accessing the
dashboard and viewing the room, filling out the reservation data form, the billing process where the customer can
see the total bill if the payment has not been made then the status will be pending and the last is the payment process
if the payment has been made. paid then the status changes to paid off.
Class Diagram
pelanggan reservasi
FIGURE 5. There are 5 classes, namely customer class, reservation, payment, room and category. The customer
class has a relationship with the reservation class, the reservation class has a relationship with the payment class and
room class, and finally the room class has a relationship with the category class.
Statechart Diagram
Statechart diagrams trace individual objects through their entire life cycle, specifying all possible sequences of
messages that the object will receive, together with responses to those messages.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 6. (a) The admin diagram statechart starts with login, validating the username and password, if
incorrect, it will log back in if correct, it will display a dashboard page where there is a menu of facility data,
category data, room data, admin data can be added, changed, deleted. Meanwhile, the customer data can only be
deleted, at check-in and check-out, you can view payments, and confirm payments. Finally, on the report, you can
print a reservation report and finish. (b) The customer statechart starts with logging in, validating the username and
password if incorrect, will log back in if correct, it will display a dashboard page where there is my account menu
which can change profile, while the reservation menu can view bills, make payments and finish.
Component Diagram
Generally, components are made up of several classes or packages, but can also be made up of smaller
components. A component can also be an interface, which is a collection of services that a component provides for
other components.
FIGURE 7. An interface component that describes a room reservation information system, which starts from the
start page of the web which has a home menu, rooms, about us, criticism and suggestions, facilities,
login/registration. The room menu contains room details and a reservation form which if you want to make a room
reservation, you must login/register first if you want to enter the customer dashboard which is connected to my
account menu connected to my profile, the reservation menu is connected to the bill that is connected to payment ,
finally there is a logout if you want to exit the system.
FIGURE 8. The above shows that the system interacts with two users, namely admin and customer.
FIGURE 9. In Figure 5 DFD level 1 illustrates in more detail the breakdown of the processes that can be carried
out by 2 users, namely: admin and customers where customers before being able to make room reservations must
register first if the customer is already registered, then it can be done. login and make room reservations and
payments. While the admin logs in first, after successful admin can manage data and view or print reports.
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) on the room reservation information system as follows:
selesai tanggal
status id_kamar
orang tanggal
id_pelanggan id_pembayaran
nama id_pelanggan
email jumlah
hari id_reservasi
Pelanggan melakukan Reservasi memiliki Pembayaran bukti
1 M 1 1
1 denda
kategori id_kategori id_kamar
pimpinan email
1 id_kategori nama
M memiliki
M telepon
Kategori Kamar
id_instansi instansi alamat
username password foto fasilitas nama email telp
nama telepon
id_admin alamat
FIGURE 10. Where there are 8 entities, namely customer entities, reservations, payments, categories, rooms,
admins, facilities, agencies, and suggestions. The relationship between the customer entity and the reservation entity
is one to many , which means that the customer can make a reservation more than once . room once, and the room
entity has a relationship with the category entity where many to many which means that the room has more than one
category. While the admin entity, facilities, agencies, and suggestions have no relationship with other entities.
Relationships Between Tables
Relationships between tables function so that you can see the combination of data from one table to another by
matching the primary key with the foreign key.
FIGURE 11. There are nine tables of relations between tables. There are five tables that are connected to each
other, for the customer table which becomes the primary key is customer id which has a relationship with the
reservation table, then there is a reservation table which becomes the primary key is reservation id which is related
to the payment table, then there is a room table where room id is as the primary key is related to the room id in the
reservation table and the last is the category table with the primary key id_category related to the category id in the
room table. Meanwhile, the four unrelated tables are admin, facilities, agency and suggestion tables.
Interface Implementation
This website has an interface in the form of a web display. There are two web views, namely views for admins
and customers. The following is a screenshot of the admin page:
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
(i) (j)
FIGURE 12. (a) On this page the admin must enter a username and password, then click the sign in button to
start the login process. If the username or password is entered incorrectly, a warning will appear that the username
or password entered is incorrect. (b) After successfully logging in, the admin will enter the dashboard page. This
page contains the number of check-in, check-out, customer and admin data. (c) Pages containing facility images and
admins have access rights to add, modify, and delete. (d) Category data page where admin can add, change, and
delete room category data. (e) Pages for admins to add, change, and delete room data. (f) This page is a page for
adding, changing, and removing admin data access rights. (g) The customer data page is a customer data page where
the admin can delete customer data. (h) The check-in data page is a page where the admin can check out when it is
time for customers to check in and check out. (i) Check out data page is the page when the customer has checked
out. (j) Report page contains information about reservation transaction history, on this page admin can also view or
print monthly, yearly, and all transaction reports.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
(i) (j)
FIGURE 13. (a) The start page of the website is the first page or the first time when the room reservation
information system is run and can also be seen by all users without having to login first. Contains the home menu,
rooms, about us, criticism and suggestions, facilities, and login. (b) The customer must enter a username and
password, then click the login button to start the login process. Login will not be successful if the username or
password is wrong. (c) The customer dashboard page is the first page when the customer successfully logs in,
contains my account menu, reservation, and logout. (d) Room page is a page where customers can view rooms
before making a reservation by clicking on room details. (e) This page the customer can view the desired room and
then fill out the form containing the data for check in, check out, number of people and rooms then submit the
reservation details will appear, on the reservation details the customer can check out to continue the reservation or
cancel. (f) Reservation billing page containing name, date, check in, check out, number of people, days, total bill to
be paid, and also status. (g) Payment Page is a page for customers to make payments by uploading proof of payment.
(h) The About Us page is a page for viewing contact information and the location of the VSP Guest house. (i) About
Us page is a page to view contact information and location of VSP Guest house. (j) The Facilities page is a page that
contains pictures of the facilities in the VSP guest house.
A web-based room reservation information system has been successfully created and can be used so that web-
based room reservations can be used by customers without having to come directly to the place and can be used to
make it easier for the VSP guest house to manage data and provide information to customers.
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