2023-24 - CCCH9026 - LZ Version 2
2023-24 - CCCH9026 - LZ Version 2
2023-24 - CCCH9026 - LZ Version 2
9. Study Load
Activities Number of hours
Lectures 20-24
Tutorials 10
Reading / Self-study 49
Practicals 8
Assessment: Presentation (incl preparation) 29
Total: 120
Note: The student workload should be 120 - 180 hours, with
a general Common Core goal of approximately 120-140
10. Course Learning Outcomes and Alignment with Common Core Programme Learning
Course Learning Outcomes – On completing the course, Alignment with
students will be able to: Common Core
Programme Learning
1. Articulate the role of legal and political reforms in CC PLO(s): 1,2,3,4
China’s economic growth, particularly the reforms aimed
at establishing market mechanisms and separating the
Communist Party and the Chinese state.
2. Evaluate the effects of major reform projects and CC PLO(s): 1,2,3,4
processes in China’s legal and political systems that are
associated with building a market economy, including
positive achievements and remaining deficiencies and
3. Use case studies to demonstrate the dymanism of CC PLO(s): 1,2,3,4
China’s social and economic transition during the reform
4. Employ a cultivated sensitivity to cultural, social, CC PLO(s): 1,2,3,4
historical and political-economy issues that arise in the
implementation of rule of law reform projects and in the
transformation of the Party-State in China.
5. Explain China’s economic miracle in comparison with CC PLO(s): 1,2,3,4
the experience of other developing countries with or
without well-defined rule of law and vigorous political
democracy, such as India and Russia, and assess whether
China has shown an alternative possibility of modernity.
Topic 4 (Oct. 4)
The Judiciary III: Progress
Zhang, T., & Ginsburg, T. (2019). China's turn toward law. Va. J. Int'l L., 59, 306. (Part
Yuxia Zhang and Zhuang Liu (2023). The Rise and Limits of the Chinese Judiciary.
Topic 6 (Nov. 1)
Decentralization and Growth I: Federalism
Montinola, Gabriella, Yingyi Qian, Barry R. Weingast (1995). Federalism, Chinese Style:
The Political Basis for Economic Success in China. World Politics, 48(1).
Zhou, Qiren. (2009). The unfolding of Deng's drama. China Economic Journal, 2(2):
[Optional] Qian, Yingyi. 2000. "The Process of China's Market Transition (1978-1998):
The Evolutionary, Historical, and Comparative Perspectives." Journal of Institutional
and Theoretical Economics, 156(1): 151-171.
Topic 7 (Nov. 8)
Decentralization and Growth II: RDA
Xu, C. (2011). The Fundamental Institutions of China’s Reforms and
Development. Journal of Economic Literature, 49 (4), 1076-1151.
[Optional] 周黎安,中国地方官员的晋升锦标赛模式研究,《经济研究》2007 年第
7 期。