RV Ems
RV Ems
RV Ems
Data Sheet
Carrier-Class Network Management System
You can collect full device statistics in ZERO TOUCH CONFIGURATION
RADview-EMS supports advanced fault compressed format, minimizing bandwidth This enables users to automatically
detection, displaying a clear analysis of use by management traffic. You can also discover network elements and perform
the probable causes of faults and export CSV ASCII files to OSS or third- the tasks listed below according to user-
suggested corrective measures. It allows party management systems. defined rules:
the distribution of alarm messages to
The Performance Management portal is Uploading initial software and
other managers in the network. In
an SLA assurance sytem that is part of configurations
addition, users can configure sounds that
the RADview management system,
play when specific alams/events are Executing CLI scripts
enabling long term monitoring of
Ethernet service performance by Handling the replacement of units in
collecting KPI (key performance case of failure.
indicators) data from RAD devices. SECURITY MANAGEMENT
Measured metrics are based on ITU-T
Y.1731 and include Frame Delay, Delay An unlimited number of security profiles
Variation, Frame Loss, and Availability. and groups can be created with the
Latency and jitter results are based on security management console. Its
round-trip measurements. It allows advanced functions include tracking of
service providers to easily evaluate user activities in the network and
actual performance over time and designating complex security access rights
Figure 2. Fault Management compare it to their committed SLA to the parameter level.
guarantees. In addition, it enables Security features include:
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT immediate detection of service
SSH (secure shell)
degradation, so that action can be taken
New software, configurations and Web-based SSL (secure socket layer)
to quickly restore performance levels.
licenses can be distributed and uploaded
by devices across the network. The SNMPv3.
system tracks version changes and keeps
a software configuration history for
backup and recovery. Easy management
and provisioning is provided by a user-
friendly point-and-click GUI (shelf-view
application) with a realistic representation
of the devices.
The system manages individual and group
user accounts and passwords, generating
network usage reports to monitor user
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Figure 5. Security Management
and the product names Optimux and IPmux, are registered trademarks of RAD Data Communications Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
357-105-12/12 (3.30) Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
Oracle Netra SPARC T4-1 Server
with 1×4-core 2.85 GHz CPU RADview-EMS/UNIX/PACK1 for Unix
Minimum Hardware Requirements
CPU: Core-i3-2xxx 2.1 GHz or higher Two SAS hard drives (mirrored), with The RADview-EMS package includes a
(x=0–9) following requirements: license for five simultaneous users, as well
At least 4 GB free disk space in /opt as 300/400 (Windows/Unix) ENW license
partition points. Additional licenses can be ordered:
Hard drive with NTFS-formatted partition
At least 40 GB free disk space for RV-LIC/@/!
and at least 40 GB free disk space
Oracle in /opt/oracle @ License type
Note: Additional disk space may be required for
Note: Additional disk space may be required for ENW Equivalent Node Weight (each
OAM statistics collection.
OAM statistics collection. RAD device is assigned an
Color monitor (17-inch minimum), ENW)
16 GB RAM or more
supporting 1280 × 1024 resolution or
Swap file at least twice RAM size 1-Client Simultaneous client
1988–2013 RAD Data Communications Ltd. The RAD name, logo, logotype, and the terms EtherAccess, TDMoIP and TDMoIP Driven,
DVD drive For each additional simultaneous user
via X-session, add 512 MB RAM and 1 R Redundant license that can
Note: The above requirements refer to single-user
CPU core be installed on main and
installations managing up to 200 network
For each additional simultaneous open backup servers
elements. For larger networks, please consult your
RAD partner. shelf view application via X session, add
Note: Refer to RAD Network Management
128 MB RAM
Minimum Software Requirements Information for further information on licensing,
DVD drive hardware/software requirements, and managed
Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit) Professional
Edition, or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Color monitor (17-inch minimum) products.