Raynaud’s phenomenon
is used when the cause is
An aneurysm (outpouching
attributed to a connective
of an arterial wall) results
tissue disorder. When the
from a weakened or
etiology is unknown (most
damaged medial arterial Peripheral neuropathies are
cases), it is called Raynaud’s Malfunctioning of the
layer. It may occur in any most common in patients
disease. Symptoms include unidirectional valves impairs
artery but is most common with diabetes. Paresthesias,
numbness, tingling, pain, blood return to the affected
in the aorta. These critical burning sensations, and
extreme pallor, cyanosis, and extremity. Causes are primary
emergencies are often fatal. numbness may occur, along
coolness of the hands. valvular incompetence (which with decreased senses of
may be congenital), sequeale vibration, pain, temperature,
(table continues on page 260) of DVT, or both. and proprioception. Daily
foot assessment is critical.