Xpath and CSS Selector Cheat Sheet-11

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Xpath and CSS Cheat Sheet

Description Xpath CSS Selector

Whole WebPage /html html
Whole WebPage /html/body body
image element //img img
Link //a[@href = 'url'] a[href = 'url']

Direct Child //div/a div > a

Id //tagName[@id=’idValue’] tagName#idValue
Class //tagName[@class=’classValue’] tagName.Value of Class attribute
Attribute //tagname[@attribute-name=’value1′] tagName[attribute=Value of attribute]

Multiple //input[@type='submit' and tagname[attribute1='value1'][attribute2

Attributes @name='btnLogin'] ='value2']
Contains //*[contains(@type,'sub')] <HTML tag><[attribute*=sub string]>
Starts with //tagname[starts-with(@attribute, <HTML tag><[attribute^=prefix of the
‘Start value’)] string]>
Ends with //tagname[ends-with(@attribute, ‘End <HTML tag><[attribute$=suffix of the
value’)] string]>
Matches //*[matches(@type,'value')] N/A
First Child //ul[@id=’list’]/li[1] ul#list li:first-child
Last Child //ul[@id=’list’]/li[last()] ul#list li:last-child
nth Child //ul[@id=’list’]/li[3] ul#list li:nth-child(3)
Text Value //td[text()=‘textname'] N/A
Element //E2/preceding-sibling::E1 N/A
preceding some
Sibling element //E/preceding-sibling::*[1] N/A
User interface //E[@disabled] E:disabled
element that is
Checkbox (or //*[@checked] *:checked
radio button) that
is checked
Text Value //td[text()=‘textname'] N/A
Important Tagname and their Description
Tag Name Specification
<ul> Defines an unordered list of items.
<tr> Defines a row of cells in a table.
<title> Represents title to an HTML document.

<th> Used for creates header of a group of

cell in HTML table.
<table> Used to defines a table in an HTML
<tbody> Used for grouping table rows.
<td> Used for creates standard data cell in
HTML table.
<span> Used to grouping and applying styles to
inline elements.
<section> Used to divide a document into number
of different generic section.
<select> Used to create a drop-down list.
<menu> Used to display a unordered list of
items/menu of commands.
<li> Define a list item either ordered list or
unordered list.
<iframe> Defines a inline frame that embedded
external content into current web
<img> Used to insert image into a web
<input> Define a get information in selected
<div> Define a division part
<body> Defines a main section(body) part in
HTML document
<br /> Specific a single line break
<button> Specifies a press/push button
<a> Specific a anchor (Hyperlink)

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