Mahtabani 2019
Mahtabani 2019
Mahtabani 2019
Abstract- Various dielectric nanocomposite materials are containing filler particles of size lower than 100 nm in one
studied in the frame of the European Commission funded project dimension, may exhibit significant improvements in e.g.
GRIDABLE. This project has the aim to develop DC cable dielectric strength and voltage endurance [4]. These
extruded insulation and medium and low voltage DC capacitor improvements can be addressed to various phenomena, which
films exhibiting enhanced performance with respect to presently
mainly stem from the high interfacial area implemented by
used materials. The nanocomposites intended for cable
applications are based on polypropylene (PP) blends filled with nanofillers incorporated to a polymer matrix [5] as well as the
surface modified nano-silica particles. The surface modification is alteration of the features of the polymer/filler interphase [4].
carried out via the state-of-the-art solution method using a polar Upon changes of the type and surface characteristics of the
silane as the modifying agent. Thermally Stimulated filler, the polymer/filler interphase region can influence
Depolarization Current (TSDC) measurements were carried out crystallinity [6], molecular mobility [7] and entanglement
in order to study the charge trapping behavior of the density [8]. These changes in the nanoparticles’ surface
nanocomposite samples. TSDC results indicate that the addition of properties can contribute to further improvements of the
the treated nano-silica, for most cases, reduces the density of the dielectric properties of the nanocomposites filled with them.
deep traps significantly. While more detailed studies are
Changing the surface properties of the nanoparticles is possible
necessary, these results imply that the depth and the density of the
deep trap states is profoundly influenced by the level of the silica through surface modification that is substituting the existing
modification i.e. the amount of the grafted silane on the silica chemical structure on the particles’ surface with a certain
surface. functionality tailored for a specific application.
Surface modification of nanofillers may enhance the
Keywords: Silica surface modification, PP blend/Silica dielectric dielectric properties of the nanocomposites by improving their
nanocomposites, Charge trapping properties, TSDC, High voltage dispersion in a polymer matrix. Since the nanofiller particles act
cable insulation as electrical defect centers in polymers [9], they can distort and
enhance the local electric field in their vicinity, which causes a
decrease in the dielectric breakdown strength as compared to
I. INTRODUCTION the neat polymer. The extent of this local field distortion and
A European project called GRIDABLE (Polymer enhancement is not only a factor of the difference in
Nanocomposite Insulation Material Enabling Integration of permittivity or conductivity between the particles and the
Renewables and DC Storage Technologies in the AC Energy polymer matrix, but also of the size of the particles, their
Grid) was inaugurated under the HORIZON 2020 framework aggregation and agglomeration [1]. Therefore, improving the
co-funded by the European Community. Various partners, both dispersion of the nanofillers in a nanodielectric material can
academic and industrial, are working together within this result in improvement of the dielectric breakdown strength.
project, aiming to develop a new generation of nanostructured Another factor that can lead to early electrical breakdown of
polymer-based materials suitable for high voltage DC (HVDC) a nanocomposite, is poor adhesion between the particles and
cable insulators and capacitors. The goal of GRIDABLE is to polymer chains due to chemical incompatibility [10]. Chemical
develop polypropylene-based nanocomposites with proper incompatibility could result in formation of small voids at the
nanoparticle functionalization and dispersion quality. This polymer/filler interface and thus decrease the dielectric
novel material can introduce significant improvements to the breakdown strength. Hence, surface modification performed in
state of the art DC cable and film capacitor insulations. order to bond/bind the particle surface to the polymer matrix,
The incorporation of nanoparticles to dielectric materials, in can increase the breakdown strength and reduce the dielectric
order to improve their insulating properties, was studied losses [11].
extensively in the recent years [1-3]. Nanodielectric composites Another way in which surface modification of the
nanoparticles can influence the dielectric properties of the
indication of the successful modification of the silica surface. The results in Fig. 2 indicate that upon incorporation of the
Different reaction conditions were utilized to achieve different treated nanosilica the TSDC spectra become more complex and
levels of silane modification. The values of weight loss above a significant shift of the main TSDC peak towards higher
300 °C are listed in Table 2. It can be seen that a range of weight temperatures occurs, being indicative of the trap becoming
losses, from ca. 3% to 6%, is achieved by altering the reaction deeper. For the samples with the polar functionality on the filler
conditions. surface a new (deep) trap emerges in the 93–97 °C range, while
a smaller side peak is observed around the same temperature
(~78 °C) as the intrinsic TSDC peaks of the two reference
samples (UP and NC_0). Comparing NC_3 and NC_4 with the
lowest and the highest levels of silica modification,
respectively, it can be observed that the location of the new deep
trap peak is shifted to higher temperatures. Moreover, the
intensity of the TSDC peak is seen to vary significantly
depending on the type of treated silica, with some of the
samples exhibiting (apparent) reduction in the main peak
current intensity; this may be related to (i) reduction of the
density of the trap states or (ii) more uniform distribution of the
space charge in the specimen (hence leading to smaller
measurable external current in the TSDC experiment). While
more detailed studies are necessary, these results imply that the
depth and the density of the newly introduced trap is profoundly
influenced by the level of the modification i.e. the amount of
Fig. 1. TGA results for the modified silica samples compared to the untreated the grafted silane on the silica surface.
the isothermal polarization period more or less remains in the deep traps. However, there are exceptions. Some of the samples
sample as a result of freezing. Secondly, the amount of charge with the same modification levels behave differently during the
released during the thermally stimulated depolarization phase is TSDC measurement. This could be due to the fact that altering
much lower than that injected during polarization. While the the modification reaction conditions changes not only the
latter is generally to be expected for TSDC experiments—in amount of grafted silane, but also the grafted layer morphology,
particular for relatively thick specimens for which the depth of accessible surface area, wettability and extent of silane
the injected charge layer is likely small in comparison to film hydrolysis, each of which can affect the interfacial properties
thickness[17]—it seems that the above effect is significantly between fillers and the polymer chains leading to different
reduced upon incorporation of modified nanosilica. Fig. 4 dielectric behavior of the nanocomposites. In order to get a
shows the values of released charges relative to the amount of clearer image of the functionalization of the silica and its effect
the injected charges for these samples. As it can be seen, for the on the charge trapping behavior of dielectric nanocomposites,
reference samples UP and NC_0, only %19 and %17 of the studying the aforementioned factors seems to be interesting for
injected charges are released during depolarization, whereas, in future studies.
case of samples with highly modified silica e.g. NC_1, this
value increases to %55. This can be an indication of lower ACKNOWLEDGMENT
remaining accumulated space charge for the samples with
modified silica. This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant
agreement No. 720858. The authors also would like to thank the
ECIU Researcher Mobility Fund for supporting this research
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