Ingles III Ciclo 2024
Ingles III Ciclo 2024
Ingles III Ciclo 2024
Este documento está elaborado con base en el Programa de Estudio de Inglés de Tercer Ciclo de la Educación General Básica
y Educación Diversificada vigente del Ministerio de Educación Pública. El cual contiene la tabla de especificaciones para el nivel
de sétimo.
Orientaciones sobre la prueba:
1. Generalidades.
La prueba consta de 55 ítems los cuales corresponden únicamente a la competencia lingüística de comprensión escrita
(lectura/reading) para el nivel de sétimo. Los ítems incluyen las 6 unidades y sus respectivos escenarios. Los escenarios son
situaciones reales que proveen autenticidad a las diferentes tareas, actividades y textos a los cuales los postulantes están
2. Elementos de la Tabla de Especificaciones (distribution of items based on assessment strategies and learnings).
La tabla incluye la siguiente información:
✓ Unit, level, scenario (Unidad, nivel y escenario): Al inicio se presenta la unidad, el nivel de sétimo, octavo, noveno (7°,
8°, 9°) y el escenario al cual corresponde la tabla.
✓ Assessment strategy (Estrategia de evaluación): En esta columna se mencionan los resultados de aprendizaje que
se van a evaluar en cada una de las unidades y escenarios. En este caso solo se evaluará la competencia de comprensión
escrita, específicamente lectura (Reading).
✓ Learnings (Saberes), learn to know (Aprender a saber) Grammar / Vocabulary, learn to do (Aprender a hacer)
Functions y learn to be and live in a community (Aprender a ser y vivir en comunidad) Idioms; los cuales son
desarrollados por el programa en cada unidad y escenario respectivamente.
✓ Number of items (Número de ítems): es la cantidad de ítems que se evaluará en la prueba correspondiente, los cuales
corresponde a cada estrategia de evaluación (assessment strategy).
Todos los puntos antes mencionados están alineados al Programa de Estudio de Inglés de III Ciclo de la Educación General
Básica y Educación Diversificada vigente.
A continuación, se visualiza la tabla con los escenarios en el de nivel de sétimo y la cantidad de ítems por unidad:
Total 55
Level: 7th Unit 1 Scenario: Band: A1
Themes: Here I am!
1. Hello, Hi there, Hey, Bye,
2. Building Community,
3. Let´s Get Personal,
4. Meet My Family
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a of items
Respecting human
Vocabulary: rights principles and
Hello, Hi there, Hey- Bye:
Using formal and
Hi, hi there, Hey, informal language
Hello, good morning /afternoon / evening. when addressing
people of different
Building Community ages and contexts
Could you repeat, please?
May I go to the restroom? May I borrow your
Social language
How do you say___ in English?
Hey, howdy, so far,
How do you say ____?
so good, hey
Raise your hand.
buddy, hey guys,
Let ś Get Personal: hey dude.
Age, status, phone number, country, nationality,
occupation, residence, handsome, Idioms:
pretty, intelligent, numbers, dates, the alphabet/ I
Feeling Ok,
am... happy, sad, angry, excited, unhappy,
frustrated, annoyed, threatened, furious, bored, I´m cool,
A friend in need is a
friend indeed.
Level: 7th Unit 2 Scenario: Band: A1
Themes: Enjoying Life
1. My Daily Routine,
2. Eating Habits,
3. Hanging out,
4. Things I Like to Do
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a of items
Describing ways of when interacting
Eating habits hanging out. with others.
Level: 7th Unit 3 Scenario: Band: A1
Themes: Getting back to nature
1. Natural Wonders in My Backyard,
2. Marvels in Costa Rica,
3. A World of Wonders,
4. Where can I go next?
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a of items
Costa Rica Natural Marvels, Getting back to
National Parks, Biological, Reserves caves, nature
A breath of fresh air
beaches volcanoes, lake, rivers, mountains,
cloud/rain/dry forest. In deep water
Level: 7th Unit 4 Scenario: Band: A1
Themes: Checking things off a shopping list
1. My Family´s Grocery List,
2. Going Shopping,
3. Does This Fit Me?
4. How Much Does It Cost?
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a of items
Vocabulary: Discourse Social Language
My Family ś Grocery List:
markers: Samples:
Fruit, meat, fish, milk, oil, rice, beans, dog food,
and, but, Running errands
because Shop around
Going Shopping:
Grocery store sectors: bakery, pet supplies, fresh
food, frozen food, canned goods, cosmetics,
A penny saved is a
household goods, cashier, express lane.
penny earned.
Saving for a rainy
Does This Fit Me? day.
Clothes: shirt, blouse, pants, skirt, dress, shorts,
sweater, overall, uniform, jacket, blazer, suit, Proverbs/quotes:
tuxedo, evening gown, pajamas, ring, earrings, Every shop has its
necklace, chain, pin, watch, tie, belt. trick.
How Much Does It Cost?
I'm sorry, I don't have any small change.
Do you have a change for this?
May I have the receipt, please?',
Can I pay by credit card / in cash?
Is this on sale?"
Budget: income, debts, utility bill (electricity,
phone, cable,), savings.
Level: 7th Unit 5 Scenario: Band: A1
Themes: ¡Let’s celebrate Costa Rican Culture!
1. How my family and I celebrate “Tico” culture
2. How my community celebrates “Tico” culture
3. How other Costa Rican communities celebrate “Tico” culture
4. How Costa Ricans celebrate national “Tico” culture
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a of items
Community celebrations: Discourse Rican communities’
markers: celebrations.
Community Day,
Connecting words:
Community traditions Reinforcing Costa
and, but, because.
Patron Saint Day, Rica’s identity by
Costa Rican communities: collaborating and
Before you judge
someone, walk a
mile in his shoes.
Level: 7th Unit 6 Scenario: Band: A1
Themes: Getting from here to there
1. Knowing where I want to go
2. Knowing where It is
3. Knowing how to get there
4. Knowing what I need and when
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a of items
Go down, Go straight, Follow the signs, Turn left Understanding and Sociocultural:
Present tense: using travel fares Respecting,
and hotel
(S + V + C) appreciating and
I go to the beach. being aware of his
/her community,
Vocabulary: region, country, and
Knowing where I want to go: world travelling
High School, church, bank, park, restaurant, opportunities.
cafeteria hospital, supermarket, grocery store, mall, Social language
movie theater, cinema, soccer field, river, beach,
Straight to the point
lake, National Park, volcano
Knowing where it is:
There is / There are in, on, next to, near, between,
in front of, opposite of, behind,
Itchy feet
Knowing how to get there:
Hit the road
Where is the post office?
Are we on the right road?
How can I get to __?
It’s on main street ...,
It is not far,
It is quite far,
Go straight...
Follow the signs.
Turn left,
go straight
by car/ walking/ bike/ bus/ train/ airplane/
motorcycle/ boat, carpooling
Todos los puntos antes mencionados están alineados al Programa de Estudio de Inglés de III Ciclo de la Educación General
Básica y Educación Diversificada vigente.
A continuación, se visualiza la tabla con los escenarios en el nivel de octavo y la cantidad de ítems por unidad:
Total 55
Level: 8th Unit 1 Scenario: Band:
Themes: My High School… Our Place. A2
1. High School Bring it on!
2. A Day in the Life of My High School.
3. What is Your Next Class?
4. High School Through the Eyes of my Friends.
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a of items
R.1 discriminates Grammar and sentence frames: Functions: Psycho-social:
important Subject pronouns: Naming Discovering my
information in I study every day. They attend classes on school strengths and areas
simple texts. Saturday. activities. for improvement.
Simple present: I start classes at 7:00 a.m. Exchanging Making right
I don’t have classes on Friday afternoon. information about decisions about
my high school school
Simple present: questions: schedule. responsibilities and
Do you like math? rights.
R.2 extracts the Does she like English? Describing a high
gist of short school day.
articles and ads in Future Tense: Respecting his/her
age-appropriate We are going to make pizza this evening. school, classmates, 5
information about
magazines (print and teachers.
my classmates ́ Willingness to
and/or electronic). Information questions:
school activities.
What classes do you have in the morning?
When do you have English classes? Discourse cooperate in
markers: First, teamwork.
Possessive adjectives: we have a
My favorite subject is English. science lesson. Social language
Then, we go to a samples:
His favorite teacher is Juan.
Cut class: to not
language lab.
attend classes.
Possessives ´s / s´: Daniel´s favorite subject is After that, we take
English. - Ana´s favorite teacher is Luis. Pull an all-
a math test.
nighter: to stay
Present Continuous: What are you doing now? Finally, our class
up very late
I´m studying for the math exam. ends at 4:00.
studying. Pop
quiz: an
Frequency Adverbs: How often do you read? I announced quiz
usually read at night. (very common in
the US).
Prepositions of time: I study in the morning, Straight A’s: perfect
afternoon, evening. I attend science classes on grades.
Vocabulary: To be a copycat.
High school. Bring it on! Learn something
Hall, playground, gym, sports field, corridor, lab, by heart.
teacher’s lounge, school, school uniforms. Teacher's pet.
A day in the life of my high school. Proverbs/quotes:
Tell me and I’ll
Teachers, teaching staff, parents, classmates,
forget. Show me
librarian, principal, janitor, security guard, games and I may not
equipment, food, audiovisual equipment, remember. Involve
blackboard, whiteboard, computers me, and I’ll
Unknown author
What is your next class?
First, second, last, my first class, What’s your
schedule? What classes do you have? When do
you have lunch? It starts at… What time does it
end? What’s your favorite class? recess/break
Level: 8th Unit 2 Scenario: Band:
Themes: Let the Good Times Roll! A2
1. Fun times: Inside and Out
2. What´s your favorite ____?
3. Ready to Play: Tell Me the Rules
4. Up Close and Personal
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a of items
Can you play soccer? Yes, I can. Discourse Sociocultural:
Can she swim? markers: Identifying
Can/could: There are certain people ́s behavior
Can you play soccer with me on the weekend? rules in soccer. in different sports
First, you cannot contexts.
Vocabulary: use your hands. Recognizing
Fun times: Inside and out. Then, you have to importance of
Running, walking, cycling, skate- boarding, kick the ball with sports to have a
your feet.
karate, gymnastics, boxing, workout, baseball, sense of
soccer, basketball, volleyball After that, the belonging within a
player tries to
pass the ball to
What ́s your favorite _____? another player.
exercise, game, sport, equipment, sailing, Social language
Finally, the
kayaking, white water rafting, swimming, winning team is samples:
snorkeling, surfing, windsurfing, fishing, hit, throw, the one that one Shoot some
scores a goal.
catch, pass, serve, shoot, hop, jump push, hoops.
(play basketball)
Ready to play: Tell me the rules. Hang out (to join
Rules to play sports and videogames. somebody to
spend time
Up close and personal: together).
Participating at national games and competitions Idioms:
Winning a competition.
Winning a game At this stage in the
Participating at a championship game.
Winning a medal Ball is in your
True enjoyment
comes from
activity of the
mind and exercise
of the body, the
two are united.
Alexander Von
Level: 8th Unit 3 Scenario: Band:
Themes: Something to Celebrate! A2
1. Let’s Celebrate: Holidays with My Family
2. Let’s Celebrate: Latin American Holidays and
3. Let’s Celebrate: Holidays and Festivals around
the World
4. A Holiday to Remember: One of my favorites
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a of items
Past continuous yes/no and information questions: Describing the Social language
What were they doing in the festival? People were most important samples:
Let ́s celebrate holidays around the world: sang the national
Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil parade, samba,
costumes, dance decorations, Chinese New Year, Then, we went to
see the parades.
China, play, costumes, fireworks.
After that, we
Yi Peng Lantern went back home.
Festival, Thailand. Finally, we went
to bed.
The Carnival of Venice, Italy.
Venetian masks, carnival, theaters troupes. La
Tomatina, Throw tomatoes, Christmas, New Year,
Easter, Thanksgiving, Halloween.
Level: 8th Unit 4 Scenario: Band:
Themes: Going Shopping! A2
1. Welcome to My Town
2. Getting what I need at the right place
3. Where is it?
4. How can I get there?
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a of items
and GPS Prepositions: Giving directions Sociocultural:
gadgets). Turn to the right and then turn to the left. to get to retail Showing
shops and
understanding of
services in town.
There is-are/ is-are there: and supporting
There is a supermarket next to the bank. markers: local goods and
There are two stores in front of the church. Rules to go services and other
You are not what
you have.
Welcome to my town:
Appliance store, bakery, bank, bus station, clinic,
clothing store, coffee shop, convenience store,
drugstore, flower shop, etc.
Where is it?
Right over there, nearby, around the corner, down
the street, next to, about five minutes from here,
turn left / right, go across, go down, go through, go
out of, in front of, opposite, on the corner.
How can I get there?
Go straight on, when you come to the crossroads.,
go across the roundabout, Take the first turn / road
/ Street on your left / right, Go on for about (10
minutes / 200 meters).
Level: 8th Unit 5 Scenario: Band:
Themes: Unforgettable Events A2
1. A Day I’ll Never Forget: in my Personal Life
2. An Event I’ll Never Forget: with my Family
3. An Event I’ll Never Forget: in Costa Rica
4. An Event I’ll Never Forget: in the World
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a of items
influence, effect, bring to mind, take into account, Then, the main Proverbs/quotes:
event, occasion, incident, result. streets from the Two heads are
airport to the better than one.
Sabana were It’s never over till
closed. it’s over.
After that, people
were on each side
of the streets
waiting to see the
soccer players.
Finally, the
celebrated with
Costa Ricans for
many hours.
Level: 8th Unit 6 Scenario: Band:
Themes: Amazing Costa Rica! A2
1. Beautiful Costa Rica
2. Hiking, Biking and Walking Around Costa Rica
3. Traveling Necessities
4. Planning My Perfect Vacation
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a of items
First Conditional Sequencing a Sociocultural:
If I visit Guanacaste, I will go to the beach. short story Promoting the
enjoyment of tourist
expressed in attractions within an
Vocabulary: simple sequential inclusive vision.
Beautiful Costa Rica: events.
Respecting others’
waterfalls, sea, jungles, volcanoes, wildlife, cloud
opinions when
forests, beaches, volcanoes, the countryside, Discourse giving information
places of worship. markers:
about their own
tourist attractions.
Hiking, Biking and Walking Around Costa Rica: sequential past
Total 55
Todos los puntos antes mencionados están alineados al Programa de Estudio de Inglés de III Ciclo de la Educación General
Básica y Educación Diversificada vigente.
A continuación, se visualiza la tabla con los escenarios en el nivel de noveno y la cantidad de ítems por unidad:
Total 55
Level: 9th Unit 1 Scenario: Band:
Time to Have Fun! A2/B1
1. Let’s Workout,
2. Once Upon a Time I Enjoyed...
3. Try it!,
4. The Most Fun I've Ever had!
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a Community of items
Expressions of frequency: and effect, Social language
Once in a while. contrast: samples:
Twice in a month. What’s on?
On the other hand, It came out last week.
Comparative and Superlative: we could go to the
Smarter/smartest movies and have Idioms:
Prettier/the prettiest some food. Look like a million
Most famous dollars.
However, this
Vocabulary: depends on the Proverbs/quotes:
Let’s workout: number of books All truly great
you’ve read. thoughts are
Pilates, spinning, athletics, do, go, play,
conceived while
tournaments, climbing, camping, skating, walking,
Markers to walking. Friedrich
hike, ride, fishing,
structure informal Nietzsche
swimming championships
spoken discourse:
Once upon a time, I enjoyed...
Past activities: was, were, began, broke, bought,
Oh, I know. Yes, I
caught, did, drank, drove, ate, fell, fought, got, went,
suppose so.
had, left, lost, met, paid, been, become, begun,
broken, brought, built, bought, caught, come, done,
drunk, driven, eaten, felt, found, forgiven, frozen,
gotten, given, gone, had, heard, hidden, hit, kept.
Try it!
Collecting stamps/ coins, doing magic tricks, taking
pictures, chess, exploring, playing instruments,
darts, sailing, sunbathing, travelling, gardening.
Level: 9th Unit 2 Scenario: Band:
Themes: Online & Connected A2/B1
1. Yesterday, Today and Future Media
2. Virtual Communities and Networks
3. New Media and Public Safety
4. The Magical World of Apps
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a Community of items
Intensifiers: communities, and Sociocultural:
too, enough, extremely, especially, exceptionally, networks. Willingness to share
fantastically, fully, quiet, terribly, totally, among Discourse and work
others. markers: cooperatively in
Linkers: sequential teamwork.
past time (later).
Complex Question Tag
He finished the Responsibility for
isn't it? / aren't they? don´t you? / Can you? doesn't
email and then sharing personal
went out for a information and
Will she? Won´t you?
while. others ́ information on
Later, he looked
Vocabulary: the Internet.
at it again, to see
Yesterday, Today and Future Media Educaplay,
if he had missed
Google Showing respect for
Maps, Evernote, others when using
Edmodo Kindle, social networks and
IBooks, Goodreads, apps.
After that, he
Skype, You Tube,
changed the text
WordPress Social language
a little.
Virtual communities and Networks Facebook, Keep someone
Finally, he posted.
checked it and Apps
sent it.
New Media and Public Safety tabloid, yellow Connecting ASAP / BRB Cutting
journalism, print media, media bias sponsor, words expressing edge Leading edge.
mainstream, smartphone, tablets, iPad, Newspaper, cause and effect,
radio, advertisement, platforms, blog, website, contrast, etc: Idioms:
entries, blogosphere, broadcasting. You rock
We can use a Go the extra mile.
The Magical World of Apps PowerPoint
Use, monthly visitors, compete rank, last updated, Proverbs/quotes:
number of downloads, opinions WhatsApp, Waze, On the other hand,
we can also watch The human spirit
Line, TripAdvisor, a new video from must prevail over
Photo Editors, YouTube.
technology. Albert
Dropbox, Bitmoji, This program is
Snapchat, Crackle. the best and you
can download it
for free. However,
it depends on the
number of
megabytes you
have in your
computer because
it is really heavy.
Level: 9th Unit 3 Scenario: Band:
Themes: Lights, Camera & Action A2/B1
1. What´s on TV?,
2. The Best Show Ever…
3. Through the Lens of the Documentary.
4. Daily News
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a Community of items
R. 3 Irregular Verbs: Describing Sociocultural:
discriminates become, get, learn, make, sell, among others. feelings, and Demonstrating
emotions about
the main idea respect for other
daily news.
and supporting Present Perfect: Form: people ́s preferences
details in have/has + past participle (+, -,?) in documentaries, TV
straightforward Have you seen the film before? programs, shows and
letters and news.
sequential –
physical or Vocabulary:
past time (later)
electronic What ́s on TV? Social language
She saw a samples:
messages. comedy/sitcoms, soap operas, westerns, weather
forecast, news, talk show, game show, sport documentary Get the show on the
programs, cartoons and then road. 4
thought it over Live up to my
The Best Show Ever... for a while. expectations
prime time, showcase, episode,
Mind blowing
trailer, full-length film, short-length film, host Later, she I give it two thumbs
watched it up!
The World Through the Lens of the again, to see if Breaking news
Documentary she had
film crew, premiere, real world screenwriter, missed Idioms:
screenplay, role, supporting actor/cast/ anything It´s a wrap.
filmmaker, real people, feature films, series, important. It´s in the can. Come
film documentaries, box office, hit, rain or shine.
documentaries, voice-overs, narrator, title After that, she Proverbs/quotes:
screens, host, outstanding role models. shared the No news is good
information news.
Level: 9th Unit 4 Scenario: Band:
Themes: In the Public Eye! A2/B1
1. Success vs. Fame
2. National Role Models
3. Contributions of Outstanding Figures to Society
4. Breaking News: Read All About It
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a Community of items
Past Continuous: disagreement Promoting strengths
I was watching She, he, it was doing about outstanding and abilities while
They were joking. figures’ working in groups.
positive and
Vocabulary: questionable Social language
actions. samples:
Success and Fame
Black sheep
Difference between success and fame, Success in
Discourse In the spotlight
Little things, (personal success stories), Proudest,
markers: breaking news
most difficult to achieve, most useful today.
Connecting words
expressing cause
and effect, Idioms:
National Role Models Then–and -Now.
contrast: To wear one's heart
Positive role models in sports, music, art, health,
On the other hand, on one's sleeve. To
and other fields then - and- now, athletic, balance, we could go to the
movies and have be an open book.
behavior, discipline, exercise, healthy habits, daily
some food. To show one's true
routine, contributions.
However, this colors.
depends on the To have a heart of
Contributions of Nationally and Internationally number of books
you’ve read. gold.
Outstanding Figures
positive effect, set a good example, live, act,
Initiating and Proverbs/quotes:
humanitarian efforts, fighting social injustices,
closing a “Success is not final;
raising money, sick or injured people, supporting,
conversation: failure is not fatal: it is
relief, efforts contributing financially to hospitals,
hosting free events, support philanthropic efforts. Initiating:
Breaking News: Read All About It Can I talk to you the courage to
Those we admire, recent, - those who inspire us, are for a minute? continue that counts.”
good role models - those whose behavior is Excuse me, Winston Churchill.
sometimes brought into question, appearance, please. Do you
treatment, plastic surgery, image, nutrition, have a minute? The only way to do
popularity, pictures, videos, movies, celebrity great work is to love
breakups, blogs, newspaper, magazine, latest Continuing: what you do. If you
couples, gossip. Anyway…. So, as haven’t found it yet,
I was saying … keep looking.
Don’t settle.” Steve
Closing: Jobs
Level: 9th Unit 5 Scenario: Band:
Themes: Unexpected Situations A2/B1
1. Home Emergencies
2. Emergency Traveling Situations
3. Unanticipated Appointments
4. Making a Complaint at a Restaurant
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a Community of items
Future: and effect, Demonstrating an
I am going to begin by asking you to fill out this contrast: attitude of support
and service.
You won’t find a dentist on the weekend. On the other hand,
we could go to the Social language
Present Perfect Continuous: clinic. samples:
I've been waiting for over 30 minutes and my meal However, this Keep calm.
still hasn't come. depends on the
I have been on the phone for over 40 minutes number of Idioms:
waiting for your answer. passengers. To get the ball rolling
To have the ball in
Vocabulary: Initiating and one's court.
Home Emergencies closing a To keep one's eye on
Body parts: head, face, eyes, ear, nose, cheek, conversation: the prize.
mouth, lip, tongue, chin, chest, shoulder, back, Initiating:
elbow, hand, arm. Can I talk to you Proverbs/quotes:
Common illnesses and symptom: for a minute? One of the true tests
headache, earache, stomachache, Excuse me, of leadership is the
sore throat, cold, virus, cough, infection, rash please. Do you ability to recognize
sunburn, runny nose, dizzy, nauseous, vomit, have a minute? a problem before it
bruise, swollen, itchy. becomes an
Unknown Author
Medicines: prescription, injection, stitches, aspirin Continuing: We only have what
lotion, capsule, pill, ointment antacid, cold tablets, Anyway…. So, as I we give. Isabel
cough syrup. was saying …
Emergency Traveling Situations
Stay calm, buying ticket, e- ticket, schedules, box Closing:
office, It's been nice
announcements, complaint, luggage claim check talking to you. Bye.
in, check out, deliver, delay, departure, destination, I´m sorry, I have to
fare, hitchhike, counter, passenger, operator, on go now.
foot, waiting room, flat tire, broken bike, lost I must go.
luggage, delayed flight, flights cancelled. See you later.
Unanticipated, Appointments
barber shop/ dentist/vet/ beauty parlor /clinic do,
doctor, say, dosage, every four hours.
Level: 9th Unit 6 Scenario: Band:
Themes: Open a Book, Open Your Mind A2/B1
1. Keep it simple
2. Show me: Comic Strips
3. Biographies of Writers
4. The Moral of the Costa Rican Legend is
Assessment Learn to know Learn to do Learn to Be and Number
strategy Live in a Community of items
Vocabulary: Initiating and Implementing
Keep it simple: closing assertive
Haikus/ Limerick. -Haikus Poem, three lines, conversations communication with
popular activity, (9th to 12th centuries from about biographies others.
Japan)”, Haikus masters Basho, Issa, Buson, poets, and Costa Rican
countryside, nature - Cinquain, five-line poem, legends. Social language
describes a person, place, or thing. samples:
The Moral of the Costa Rican legend is... Initiating and as if you have lost a
Legends, culture past, stories moral, The “Cadejos”, closing a friend. Paul Sweene
La “Segua”, The Oxless Carts, The Souls, The conversation:
Stone of Aserri and The Witch Zarate, Iztaru legend, Initiating:
Witch of Escazu, Legend of Turrialba. Can I talk to you
for a minute?
Excuse me,
please. Do you
have a minute?
Sorry to interrupt
you, but I have a
It's been nice
talking to you!
Changing the
Anyway… By the
Resuming a
Anyway what I
was saying? To
get back to what
I was saying.
Continuing So, as I
was saying…
Total 55