Gail Van Tatenhove 300 Word Starter List

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Core Vocabulary – 300 Word Starter List


1. a 6. I 11. more 16. out 21. what

2. finished 7. in 12. my 17. some 22. yes
3. go 8. is 13. no 18. that 23. you
4. help 9. it 14. on 19. the
5. here 10. mine 15. off 20. want

Banajee, M., DiCarlo, C., & Buras-Stricklin, S. (2003). Core Vocabulary Determination for Toddlers,
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 2, 67,73.



1. finished 3. want 5. more 7. that

2. help 4. mine 6. stop 8. what


1. finished 4. help 7. it 10. more 13. want

2. away 5. here 8. like 11. stop 14. what
3. go 6. I 9. mine 12. that 15. you


1. again 7. get 13. it 19. off 25. that

2. finished 8. go 14. like 20. on 26. there
3. away 9. help 15. little 21. out 27. up
4. big 10. here 16. mine 22. put 28. want
5. do 11. I 17. more 23. some 29. what
6. down 12. in 18. my 24. stop 30. you

1. again 11. drink 21. in 31. now 41. tell

2. all 12. eat 22. it 32. off 42. that
3. finished 13. feel 23. like 33. on 43. there
4. away 14. get 24. little 34. out 44. turn
5. bad 15. go 25. make 35. play 45. up
6. big 16. good 26. me 36. put 46. want
7. come 17. happy 27. mine 37. read 47. what
8. do 18. help 28. more 38. sad 48. where
9. don’t 19. here 29. my 39. some 49. who
10. down 20. I 30. not 40. stop 50. why
51. you


1. + ed 21. for 41. live 61. say 81. tired

2. + ing 22. fun 42. lose 62. she 82. together
3. + s 23. give 43. love 63. sick 83. try
4. after 24. goodbye 44. maybe 64. silly 84. under
5. almost 25. guess 45. much 65. sing 85. very
6. another 26. have 46. myself 66. sit 86. walk
7. any 27. he 47. name 67. sleep 87. way
8. ask 28. hear 48. need 68. slow 88. we
9. be 29. hi 49. nice 69. sorry 89. when
10. before 30. hot 50. of 70. start 90. win
11. body 31. how 51. one 71. surprise 91. with
12. can 32. hungry 52. other 72. swim 92. work
13. cold 33. idea 53. over 73. take 93. write
14. colour 34. is 54. place 74. thank you 94. wrong
15. did 35. job 55. please 75. these 95. your
16. different 36. know 56. pretty 76. they
17. dress 37. later 57. problem 77. think
18. fall 38. leave 58. ready 78. thirsty
19. fast 39. let 59. ride 79. those
20. favourite 40. listen 60. same 80. time

Adding Words to Get to 300+ Core Words

1. Add all the pronouns.
2. Add more adjectives and adverbs
3. Expand verbs, with tense variation

From: Language Functions & Early Generative Language Production by Gail M. Van Tatenhove, PA,

©Van Tatenhove, 2005.

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