BASE PAPER hifazat-an-android-based-solution-for-human-safety-IJERTV11IS020015

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 11 Issue 02, February-2022

Hifazat: An Android based Solution for Human

Muhammad Nadeem1, Maimoona Niazi2, Syed Muhammad Ahsan3, Haneen Jamal4
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & IT, Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology,
Karachi, Pakistan
2, 3, 4
Department of Computer Science & IT, Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan

Abstract:- In today's era, smartphones with tremendous numbers are given to call various numbers [1] and nearby
features are used by every person. Almost every person in safe resources feature is also provided to access petrol
Pakistan uses smartphones with different applications such as pumps or hospitals at a new place. False alarm message can
Careem, Uber to travel from one place to another for work or be sent to the emergency contacts if any person mistakenly
any other household chores and hence, they are used for
shakes his/her mobile.
security and insurance purposes. There are many unfortunate
incidents, happened all over the world that outraged the whole
world which resulted in a new application being developed to 2. CURRENT SYSTEM
provide a security system. This paper presents the human There are many applications used for safety purposes. The
safety application i.e. HSafety App which provides a platform main purpose of these applications is to send the alert
to send emergency notification to the nearest users or messages to the saved contacts in which some of them also
registered contacts with live location through GPS. have a GPS tracking system to track the person. Here are
some applications which are currently available.
Keywords: Human, Human Safety, Women Safety, Harassment.

2.1 UrSafe: UrSafe is committed to protecting your personal
In this fast moving world, safety is a basic issue in every safety as well as the safety and security of your friends and
country. There are many heinous incidents happened with family who have come together to build and promote next
children, boys, young girls, and woman and still happening generation services and solutions that protect your personal
all over the world with the increasing crime rates day by day safety and security – as well as your loved ones - to make a
especially harassment, molestation, eve teasing, rape, difference in this world [7]
kidnapping and domestic violence. [1] There are some of the
grim and relentless rape cases like a six year old Zainab 2.2 Safety App for Silent Beacon: With the Silent Beacon
murder and rape case which sparked outrage in Pakistan. Safety App you can alert emergency personnel or loved-ones
These heinous incidents that outraged the entire nation have and allow them to find your location when faced with an
wakened us to go for the electrical safety issues and so a host emergency situation. Alert, track, call and notify loved-ones
of new apps have been developed to provide security or emergency services including 911 in emergency
systems to people via their phones. [2] situations. [8]

The rapid growth of smartphones has led to a renaissance for 2.3 My SOS Family: Incredibly Fast, Easy-to-use Alert
mobile services. Go-anywhere applications support a wide App. You, your Family or Staff will never feel alone.
array of social, financial, and enterprise services for any user Connected to your emergency support network anytime,
with a cellular data plan. [5] Numerous precautionary anywhere. [9]
measures have been taken by the public authority to shut
down hilarious mischief exercises yet at the same time has 2.4 So Secure: So Secure now includes Location Sharing!
not impacted the development pace of these violations and Privately share location with family and friends, get alerts
has stayed unaffected. Due to these reasons, it was necessary when they arrive and leave spots you frequent like home,
to build such an application which may help out every school, or work. Make check-ins easier and have peace of
human being who is in trouble. Hence we propose an mind knowing you’re all safe. [10]
Android application which includes several features such as
Real Time GPS tracking, reporting ongoing crimes, 3. PROPOSED SYSTEM
accessing nearby resources. When any person experiences The proposed system is implemented with the help of
any misbehaving movement, the user can shake his/her Android application. [3] The application requires a
mobile which sends a message to the emergency contact registration with a phone number, name, email address and
numbers with accurate location coordinates. Toll free password along with three emergency contacts. The
application will send help messages to the emergency

IJERTV11IS020015 14
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 11 Issue 02, February-2022

contacts of friends/family members saved by the user by numbers

shaking the mobile phone. Also shares the live location of a 7. User2 will receive a live location’s coordinates sent by
user via SMS if any trouble arises. This developed system User1 (Sender).
will also show nearby resources like hospitals, petrol pumps,
resturants, if need arises to locate these resources at a new 4. USE CASE MODEL
place. This application will also propose a get help feature by
just pressing the Get Help button to call an ambulance or
police station to report any ongoing crime. It also has a false
alarm feature where a user can be notified of false alert
message .The user can update and maintain his/her profile
and can add picture to it. The system is taken from the
existing systems and modified to suit the needs of the
proposed application. [1]

Figure 1: Architecture Design of the Human Safety App Figure 2: Use Case Model

A. The use case model consist of three modules

The system will be implemented in two modules of
application. ● User app which will be installed in a user mobile and
initiated by giving mobile number, name, email
Sender Module (User1) address with three emergency contact numbers to
1. Here User1 app has to be installed in the mobile alert them with emergency notification. User can
2. Then User1 should enroll his/her phone number, Name, report crime and find nearby resources if need
Email address and password to sign up arises and so by just touching the application from
3. Click on Signup button the mobile screen the options will appear and by
4. It will ask for a 6 digit verification code which would be choosing the particular options the appropriate
received by a user through SMS. function will take place [6]
5. Then it will display signed up successfully.
6. Then User1 has to add three emergency contact ● Friends/Family Member (User2) module which will
numbers be installed in a user mobile and initiated by
7. In case of any emergency, the user will shake the providing the same information as for user app and
mobile after activating the shake button which will where user2 will receive emergency messages with
send a message to User2 with its location. live location coordinates.

Receiver Module (User2) ● New User will register himself to use all the features
1. Here User2 app has to be installed in the mobile of this app
2. Then User2 should enroll his/her Phone number, Name,
Email address and password to sign up 5. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS
3. Click on Signup button This analysis shows that application has three unique
4. It will ask for a 6 digit verification code which would be features as compare to other existing application as shown in
received by a user through SMS. (Table No.1)
5. Then it will display signed up successfully.
6. Then User1 has to add three emergency contact

IJERTV11IS020015 15
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 11 Issue 02, February-2022

Table No.1. Comparative Analysis • Emergency Contacts Screen

By comparing with other existing systems, our system gives
more accurate security and provides more unique features
for the users. Some of the snapshots are given below.
Figure 4: Emergency Contact Screen
• Sign Up Screen
• Home Screen

Figure 5: Home Screen

Figure 3: Sign Up Screen

IJERTV11IS020015 16
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 11 Issue 02, February-2022

• Alert Message • Nearby Location Screen

Figure 6: Alert Message

• Get Help Screens

Figure 9: Nearby Location

• False Alarm Screens

Figure 7: Help Screen 1

Figure 10: False Alarm 1

Figure 11: False Alarm 2

Figure 8: Help Screen 2

IJERTV11IS020015 17
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 11 Issue 02, February-2022

With this application we will be able to help in providing
safety to almost everyone. It will help in lowering the crime
rate and thus it will ensure a safer environment. With this
application, people will be able to get help, help someone
and thus it would build a community of people that would
help each other when it comes to providing safety or
reporting a crime. The application will also suggest nearby
safe places or resources that can be utilized when someone is
in a hurry or stuck somewhere. The intention of this
application is to provide you with the fastest and simplest
way to contact your nearest help and build a community of
people that would help each other in these conditions.

This is a “Human Safety Android Application” which helps
every human being who is in trouble. It sends help messages
to the emergency contact numbers to alert friends/family
members. It also helps to suggest nearby safe places or
resources and provides fastest help from security
departments when need arises. This is a user-friendly
application that can be accessed by anyone who has installed
it in their smartphones. Our intention is to provide you with
the fastest and simplest way to contact your nearest help. [4]

[1] D. Prashanth, G. Patel, Dr. B.Bharathi,” Research and development
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[2] Z. Ashish, S. Vishakha, A. Sanika, Y. A. Makandar, ”Electrical
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[3] Prof. S. Mehta, S. Janawade, V. Kittur, S. Munnole, S.
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[4] “Android Women Safety App Project,” Nevon Projects. Available
[Accessed December 6, 2021]
[5] W. Enck, D. Octeau, P. McDaniel, S. Chaudhuri, “A Study of
Android Application Security,” Available :(
.pdf). [Accessed November 25, 2021)
[6] Dr. S. Mandapati1, S. Pamidi, S. Ambati,” A Mobile Based
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2015). [Accessed November 25, 2021]
[7] App Store.2021. UrSafe [online] Available at :<
gl=US>. [Accessed November 20, 2021]
[8] App Store.2021.Safety App for Silent Beacon. [Online] Available
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[9] App Store.2021. My SOS Family [online] Available at :<
hl=en&gl=US>. [Accessed November 20, 2021]
[10] App Store. 2021. So Secure [online] Available at :<
droid>. [Accessed November 20, 2021]

IJERTV11IS020015 18
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)

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