Most Exhaustive XPath Locators Cheat Sheet

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XPath Locators Cheat Sheet

Contextual Selectors Attribute Selectors


//img image element //img[@id='myId'] image element with @id= 'myId'

//img/*[1] first child of element img //img[@id!='myId'] image elements with @id not equal to
//ul/child::li first child 'li' of 'ul'
//img[@name] image elements that have name attribute
//img[1] first img child
//*[contains(@id, 'Id')] element with @id containing
//img/*[last()] last child of element img
//*[starts-with(@id, 'Id')] element with @id starting with
//img[last()] last img child
//*[ends-with(@id, 'Id')] element with @id ending with
//img[last()-1] second last img child
//*[matches(@id, 'r')] element with @id matching regex ‘r’
//ul[*] ul' that has children
//*[@name='myName'] image element with @name= 'myName'

Math Methods //*[@id='X' or @name='X'] element with @id X or a name X

LOCATOR EXPLANATION //*[@name="N"][@value="v"] element with @name N & specified

@value ‘v’
ceiling(number) evaluates a decimal number and
returns the smallest integer greater //*[@name="N" and @value="v"] element with @name N & specified
than or equal to the decimal @value ‘v’

//*[@name="N" and not(@value="v")] element with @name N & not specified

floor(number) evaluates a decimal number and @value ‘v’
returns the largest integer less
than or equal to the decimal
//input[@type="submit"] input of type submit

//a[@href="url"] anchor with target link 'url'

round(decimal) returns a number that is the
nearest integer to the given
number //section[//h1[@id='hi']] returns <section> if it has an <h1>
descendant with @id= 'hi'

sum(node-set) returns a number that is the sum of

the numeric values of each node in //*[@id="TestTable"]//tr[3]//td[2] cell by row and column
a given node-set
//input[@checked] checkbox (or radio button) that is checked

//a[@disabled] all 'a' elements that are disabled

//a[@price > 2.50] 'a' with price > 2.5

XPath Methods Axis Navigation


//table[count(tr) > 1] return table with more than //td[preceding-sibling::td="t"] cell immediately following
1 row cell containing 't' exactly

//*[.="t"] element containing text 't' //td[preceding-sibling::td[contains(.,"t")]] cell immediately following

exactly cell containing 't'

//a[contains(text(), "Log Out")] anchor with inner text //input/following-sibling::a 'a' following some sibling
containing 'Log Out' 'input'

//a[not(contains(text(), "Log Out"))] anchor with inner text not //a/following-sibling::* sibling element
containing 'Log Out' immediately following 'a'

//a[not(@disabled)] all 'a' elements that are not //input/preceding-sibling::a 'a' preceding some sibling
disabled 'input'

//input/preceding-sibling::*[1] sibling element

immediately preceding

//img[@id='MyId']::parent/* the parent of image with id

String Methods


contains(space-string, planet-string) determines whether the first argument string contains the second argument string and returns boolean true
or false

concat(string1, string2 [stringn]*) concatenates two or more strings and returns the resulting string

normalize-space(string) strips leading and trailing white-space from a string, replaces sequences of whitespace characters by a single
space, and returns the resulting string

starts-with(spacetrack, space) checks whether the first string starts with the second string and returns true or false

string-length([string]) returns a number equal to the number of characters in a given string

substring(string, start [length]) returns a part of a given string

substring-after(spacetrack, track) returns a string that is the rest of a given string after a given substring

substring-before(spacetrack, tra) returns a string that is the rest of a given string before a given substring

translate(string, ghj, GHJ) evaluates a string and a set of characters to translate and returns the translated string

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