EE3211 Final Exam Section B
EE3211 Final Exam Section B
EE3211 Final Exam Section B
Due Apr 26, 2022 by 12:30pm Points 70 Submitting a file upload Attempts 1
Allowed Attempts 1 Available Apr 26, 2022 at 9:30am - Apr 26, 2022 at 12:30pm 3 hours
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SECTION B (70 points) You will only have 1 chance to upload your
Q1. (16 points) A study was performed assessing the association between lifetime analgesic intake
and change in estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) as measured from two blood samples
obtained in 1989 and 2000 among 1645 participants in the Nurses’ Health Study (Curhan, et al. [45]).
GFR is a commonly used index of kidney function with lower levels indicating worse kidney function.
The following data were presented relating lifetime intake of acetaminophen (the active ingredient in 2/6
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Tylenol) in grams and a decline of ≥ 30% in estimated GFR, which is considered a clinically
meaningful decline in kidney function (denoted as a case).
a. What is the estimated odds ratio for being a case comparing Group D to Group A? ( 4 points)
A logistic regression analysis was run using Stata relating disease status to lifetime acetaminophen
intake divided by 100 (1 unit = 100g) denoted by ace_100. The results are given in the following
c. Estimate the odds ratio for being a case per unit increase of lifetime acetaminophen intake (4
points). Provides a 95% CI for this odds ratio (4 points). 3/6
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Q2. (4 points) The table below illustrates column comparisons testing for differences in cola
preference amongst different age groups.
To minimize the number of false discoveries that occur when testing multiple hypotheses, what are
the two measures that can be made? (4 points)
Q3. (20 points) Sexually transmitted disease: Suppose a study examines the relative efficacy of
penicillin and spectinomycin in treating gonorrhea. Three treatments are considered:
(1) penicillin 4/6
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a. Is there any relationship between the type of treatment and the response? (10 points)
b. Suppose either a positive smear or a positive culture is regarded as a positive response and
distinguished from the negative smear, negative culture response. Is there an association between
the type of treatment and this measure of response? (10 points)
Q4. (20 points) In a study, 28 adults with mild periodontal disease are assessed before and 6
months after implementation of a dental-education program intended to promote better oral hygiene.
After 6 months, periodontal status improved in 15 patients, declined in 8, and remained the same in
a. Assess the impact of the program statistically (use a two-sided test). (10 points)
b. Suppose patients are graded on the degree of change in periodontal status on a 7-point scale,
with +3 indicating the greatest improvement, 0 indicating no change, and -3 indicating the greatest
decline. The data are shown below: 5/6
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What test should be used to determine whether a significant change in periodontal status has
occurred over time? (2 points)
c. Implement the procedure in b, report a p-value, then interpret the results and make a conclusion.
(8 points)
Q5. (10 points) Suppose we have separately analyzed the effects of 10 SNPs comparing people
with type 1 diabetes vs. Controls. The p-values from these separate analyses are provided below:
a. Use the Bonferroni method to correct for multiple comparisons. Which SNPs show statistically
significant effects? (2 points)
b. Use the FDR method to correct for multiple comparisons using an FDR=0.05. Which SNPs show
statistically significant effects? How do the results compare with those in a? (8 points) 6/6