Adaptation Strategies and Farmer-Led Agricultural Innovations To Climate Change in Mbire District of Zimbabwe
Adaptation Strategies and Farmer-Led Agricultural Innovations To Climate Change in Mbire District of Zimbabwe
Adaptation Strategies and Farmer-Led Agricultural Innovations To Climate Change in Mbire District of Zimbabwe
This study explores adaptation and farmer-led agricultural innovation strategies
of smallholder farmers in Mbire District of Zimbabwe. Guided by explanatory
sequential mixed methods design, 201 smallholder farmers were selected
through multistage probability sampling technique and 18 participants were
purposively selected. The instruments for the study included questionnaire and
interview, which were analysed through basic descriptive and thematic analysis,
respectively. The results show that smallholder farmers have adapted to climate
change through multiple strategies including planting improved and drought
resistant crops, cultivating fewer plots, mixed cropping, keeping more livestock,
applying agrochemicals and local ecological knowledge as well as livelihood
diversification, which are influenced by gender, education and farm size of
respondents. The respondents have diversified their livelihood by engaging in
brick moulding, sales of livestock, petty trade and dependence on remittance
and social safety net as well as reduction in size and number of diets. The study
identified financial, technological, social, institutional and information barriers
to farmers’ adaptation. Farmer-led innovations identified by this study included
planting Kanongo open pollinated variety of maize, pen fattening, over mulching,
cassava cultivation and staggered planting. The implications of the results are
teased out and policy recommendations are suggested.
Corresponding author:
Peter Asare-Nuamah, University of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ghana.
E-mail: [email protected]
2 International Journal of Rural Management
Adaptation, smallholder farmer innovations, agriculture, climate change,
The literature further shows that many poor and subsistence households reduce
the number and size of meals as well as change staple food consumption, due to
climate change impact on household food security (Antwi-Agyei et al. 2018;
Juana, Kahaka, and Okurut 2013). Reliance on communal support and social
network, especially in rural communities, has been reported to help smallholder
farmers to reduce the adverse climate change impact on household income, food
security and livelihood in the short term (Antwi-Agyei et al. 2018).
Indeed socioeconomic characteristics of smallholder farmers and the policy
environment within which they find themselves influence their response to
climate change. For instance, education, household size, gender, access to climate
change information and income positively shape smallholder farmers’ adaptation
(Kumasi, Antwi-Agyei, and Obiri-Danso 2019; Phuong et al. 2018; Tessema,
Joerin, and Patt 2018). Existing studies have also documented the role of
ecological and indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation in African and
elsewhere (Asare-Nuamah 2020; Hirons et al. 2018; Ahmed, Hu, and Kumar
2016). Nevertheless, farmers’ adaptation to climate change is constrained by
technological, informational, financial, sociocultural and institutional challenges
(Antwi-Agyei, Dougill, and Stringer 2014).
Besides climate change adaptation, Critchley (2007) argues that smallholder
farmers, have, for a very long time, being experimenting new ideas and practices,
to enhance agricultural production and reduce environmental shocks and stresses
that affect their agricultural activities. Implicitly, farmers’ local knowledge of the
environment, including norms and values, play a dominant role in their attempt to
innovate their agricultural system and adapt to climate change, by prompting self-
induced and biocultural adaptation strategies (Gyampoh et al. 2009; Hirons et al.
2018). Without doubt, smallholder farmers are in constant search for new
innovations to tackle their environmental challenges, and hence play a critical role
in championing climate change adaptation and local innovation system (IPCC
2014). Nevertheless, farmers’ innovation and adaptation strategies to climate
change are also triggered by external actors and institutions such as agriculture
extension agents, governments and non-governmental organisation, among others
(Asare-Nuamah, Botchway, and Onumah 2019; Christoplos et al. 2009; Yaro,
Teye, and Bawakyillenuo 2014). This corroborates the notion by Rogers (2003)
that opinion leaders and agents of change contribute immensely to the spread of
innovation in a society. According to Rogers (2003) and Scerri (2016), the
literature on innovation has focused extensively on technological innovations,
with less attention on non-technological innovations, particularly, those of
smallholder farmers, which this study seeks to examine, using Mbire District of
Zimbabwe as the case study.
farmers in Zimbabwe (Fisher and Carr 2015; Masih et al. 2014). According to
Masih et al. (2014), Zimbabwe has recorded more than six drought episodes
between 1900 and 2013, leading to a significant reduction in crop yields, especially
maize (Fisher et al. 2015), which highlights the extent of exposure and sensitivity
of Zimbabwe’s agriculture system to climate change. This is problematic, as
agriculture contributes over 19% and 40% to GDP and foreign earnings,
respectively, in Zimbabwe, an economy with over 67% rural-based population,
who predominantly practice smallholder agriculture (FAO 2020). Implicitly,
climate change has a great tendency to disrupt and hamper economic growth and
development in Zimbabwe, while crippling rural livelihood and worsening
poverty and food insecurity. Consequently, climate change has triggered the
adoption of climate smart agricultural adaptation and innovation strategies among
smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe (Lopez-Ridaura et al. 2018; Masih et al. 2014).
Guided by the NAPs in Zimbabwe, state support for climate change adaptation
seeks to promote cleaner and sustainable agricultural practices and production,
with a spillover in yields, income and food security. Nevertheless, in consonance
with Sarpong and Anyidoho (2012), national policies more often than not, do not
align with local realities. For instance, poverty among smallholder farmers in
Zimbabwe constrain the adoption of sustainable and climate smart agricultural
practices. In addition, national adaptation strategies and policies do not prioritise
the different ecological context of smallholder farmers (Simelton et al. 2013).
Chazovachii, Chigwenya, and Mushuku (2012) particularly noted that maize crop
commercialisation in Zimbabwe compelled smallholder farmers in the Munyaradzi
communal area in the Gutu District to engage in maize farming, even though their
ecological conditions are unfavourable for maize, thereby reducing yields and
increasing household food shortage. Similarly, Matarira, Makadho, and
Mukahanana-Sangarwe (2004) lament that despite the government’s
commercialisation of maize, the Masvingo Province, a popular maize growing
area in Zimbabwe, is likely to become unfavourable to maize crop, due to climate
change. However, Nyahunda and Tirivangasi (2019) posit that sorghum and
millet, which are drought tolerant and hence good alternative to maize crop, have
not received the needed government attention and funding for commercial
It is, however, important to note that despite the financial burden that comes
with the adoption of climate smart agricultural innovation among poor households
(Lopez-Ridaura et al. 2018), it enables smallholder farmers to increase crop yields
and conserve the environment (Lopez-Ridaura et al. 2018; Turner et al. 2017). As
argued by Fisher et al. (2015) and Makate et al. (2017), drought tolerant maize
adoption has improved agricultural production and enhanced food security and
income in Zimbabwe. To corroborate this, a study by Lunduka et al. (2017) shows
that drought tolerant maize adoption among smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe,
increases their income from maize by US$240, for every hectare of land.
Besides the adoption of drought tolerant maize innovation in Zimbabwe,
conservation agricultural innovation has also gained the attention of smallholder
farmers (Makate, Makate, and Mango 2017; Makate et al. 2017). Characterised
by crop rotations and minimal soil disturbance as well as the protection of soil
Asare-Nuamah et al. 5
Figure 1. Map of Zimbabwe (top left) Demarcating Mashonaland Central Region (top
right) and Mbire District.
Source: Author’s construction from Google maps, and OCHA, 2018.
Data Analysis
Quantitative data were analysed through basic descriptive statistics. Cronbach’s
alpha test was computed to examine the internal consistency of the data. The
computation resulted in Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.79. Pallant (2016)
posits that Cronbach’s alpha coefficient >0.7 demonstrates high internal
consistency (reliability) of data. To examine the influence of respondent’s
demography on adaptation to climate change, chi-square test of independence
was computed. The dependent variable in the analysis was whether a respondent
has adapted to climate change, while the independent variables included gender,
education, marital status and average farm size.
Asare-Nuamah et al. 9
In the case of qualitative data, the researchers listened to the recorded interviews
and then transcribed them from the local language to English. The transcripts
were shared with the participants to validate their views (Creswell 2014).
Afterwards, the transcripts were perused consistently to identify emerging themes
and patterns. The study followed Braun and Clarke's (2014) four stages of thematic
(manual) analysis, which included: coding, theme identification and organisation
as well as interpretation. The researchers paid attention to frequency, differences
and similarity of views expressed by the participants in theme identification and
organisation. The participant’s views are expressed in verbatim quotes.
Respondents’ Characteristics
The demographic characteristics of the respondents are represented in Table 1.
There were more males (71%) than females (29%). A vast majority of the
respondents (83%) were married. Although only 2% of the respondents have no
formal education, about 37% and 56% have primary and secondary education
qualification, respectively. In terms of landholdings of respondents, about 85% of
the respondents have farmland size below 5 hectares, which is typical of
smallholder farming system. For instance, about 59% and 29% of the respondents
farm on 3–4.9 and 1–2.9 hectares of land, respectively.
(Table 1 continued)
Variables Frequency %
3–4.9 ha 119 59.2
5–5.9 ha 14 7.0
6 ha and above 16 8.0
Source: Authors’ computation from fieldwork (2018).
Farmer-led Innovations
This section presents the farmer-led innovations adopted by smallholder farmers
in Mbire District of Zimbabwe.
and M7, but OPV performs better during drought and when planted along
riverbanks compared to the hybrid varieties’. Being a drought tolerant maize
variety, OPV promotes food security of farmer households.
The focus group discussion revealed that OPV is technically effective, as it
requires less effort after planting. According to a farmer, ‘OPV is drought tolerant
and requires less effort, unlike hybrids that have to be irrigated’ (F18). Kanongo
OPV, according to the participants, is economically viable, as it increases yields
and enhances household food security. In the case of environmental friendliness of
OPV, the participants asserted that though it does not degrade or destroy the
environment in anyhow, however, the ability of OPV to contaminate hybrid seeds
through cross pollination, was a major concern among the farmers. The participants
were ambivalent regarding the social acceptability of Kanongo OPV maize. While
some farmers believe that OPV is gradually gaining acceptance among farmers in
the district due to its ability to withstand the drought condition, others opine that
the reluctance of the National Marketing Board to trade in OPV and its contamination
of hybrids, make the innovation unpopular among majority of farmers.
Over Mulching
Over mulching (see Figure 3), as a farmer-led innovation strategy has been with
the farmers since 2009. Its origin is traced to the use of basins in combination with
the application of improved compost, under the Foundations for Farming training,
which ended in 2008. A farmer hinted that:
I was among the farmers who received training under the Foundation for Farming
training project. After the project ended in 2008, majority of the trained farmers
abandoned the use of basins and compost as they regarded the practice to be labour
intensive. However, few of us continued the practice. Based on the knowledge from the
use of basins and compost, we began to experiment over mulching on our farms. (F4)
The focus group discussion also revealed that over mulching has cultural or
traditional backing. For instance, the farmers indicated that those who practice
over mulching are motivated by the belief that mulch is gumbeze raMwari, which
means mulch is ‘God’s blanket’ to cover the soil, and conserve moisture in the
face of climate change. Although extension officers recommend mulching of up
to 30% to farmers, it was revealed that farmers who practice over mulching
experiment up to 100% mulch cover, which far exceeds the normal practice
recommended. A participant explained that ‘we apply about 100% mulch cover to
increase crop’s resilience to moisture stress’ (F7). Another participant intimated
that ‘over mulching is essential as crops temporarily wilt during severe dry spells
whilst conventional field plots are permanently wilting’ (F16).
The focus group discussion revealed that upon the application of mulch with a
height of up to 30 cm, crops became resilient to moisture stress. The majority of
the participants noted that over mulching requires the transfer of mulch from
grasslands by tractors, which increases their agricultural expenditure. Lack of
access to tractors make the practice technically ineffective to farmers. Nevertheless,
others reported that they substitute the use of tractors with hired and family labour.
In addition, over mulching makes it difficult to locate the exact spot of planting
basin during land preparation. Economically, over mulching has proven to be
viable as it increases crop yields, resulting in an increase in household income
from agriculture. For instance, a farmer (F10) hinted that ‘l harvested 3 tonnes of
maize on half a hectare because I over mulched’.
Although mulch serves as a soil cover, which promotes soil conservation and
reduces erosion, the collection of mulch from grassland increases environmental
degradation and soil erosion in grassland areas. The participants were ambivalent
with respect to social acceptability of over mulching. A participant hinted that
Pen Fattening
Livestock farmers in Mbire, have since 2014 been experimenting organic pen
fattening, to reduce the adverse impact of climate change, particularly drought, on
livestock keeping activities. Changing climate such as drought and the
accompanying reduction in forage, water and increasing pests and diseases
triggered the need for farmers to innovate their livestock keeping practices.
Although pen fattening is not completely new to livestock farmers, they have
modified the manner in which it is practiced. Unlike conventional pen fattening
that involves the use of inorganic supplementary feed purchased in shops,
respondents in this study use homemade pen fattening from organic crop residue.
A farmer (F16) noted that ‘we do not have enough money to buy inorganic
supplementary feeds, which are always expensive. Hence, we now use organic
crop residue in pen fattening of livestock such as cattle and goat’. Residues from
leguminous crops such as groundnuts, soya beans, cow pea and sorghum, in
addition to wild grass, are mostly used by the participants. The focus group
discussion revealed that farmers are convinced to use these crops as they perceive
them to be rich in nutrient needed by livestock. Pen fattening, according to the
participants, contributes immensely to accelerate the rate of growth and the quality
of livestock, which increases their market value.
A farmer hinted that ‘you can only get good price for your livestock if they look
healthy and attractive. Organic pen fattening therefore helps farmers to gain high
market value for their livestock’ (F1). Pen fattening requires less technical skills in
the gathering and preparation of residue, hence the participants feel the innovation
is technically effectiveness. While the innovation has the potential to increase
productivity in livestock and yet less costly compared to inorganic supplements, it
requires extra labour and commitment to gather enough crop residues to feed the
livestock in the cattle pens. The environmental friendliness of pen fattening was
questioned, as some participants revealed during the focus group discussion that
the continuous collection of residue exposes the soil, which increases run off and
erosion during the raining season. In effect, the participants agreed that the
collection of residues will in the long run affect soil fertility and reduce crop yields.
This consequently affects the social acceptability of the innovation. In addition, a
participant expressed that ‘many livestock farmers prefer open range livestock
farming to pen fattening, which requires the animals to be confined’ (F8).
Cassava Cultivation
Mbire District is noted for its arid characteristics and hence deter farmers from
engaging in cassava cultivation. Nevertheless, the reduction in staple crops
particularly maize, due to erratic rainfall and high temperature, prompted some
farmers to experiment cassava cultivation. A farmer who has been cultivating
cassava for the past six years noted that
16 International Journal of Rural Management
I heard of cassava cultivation in 2015 from a farmer friend. I was initially skeptical
to cultivate cassava but I tried it. I later realized that the notion among many farmers
that cassava cannot thrive well in this region was untrue, as cassava crop has proven
to be drought tolerant’ (F7)
According to F13, cassava crop came in handy in alleviating hunger and food
insecurity in a district characterised by successive droughts due to erratic rainfall.
It was observed that women farmers are more engaged in cassava cultivation. F5
intimated that ‘I am in a group of 5 women who engage in backyard cassava
gardening’. The multipurpose nature of cassava makes it a good alternative to
combat hunger and increase household food security, particularly among people
living in poverty. The focus group discussion highlighted that cassava has multiple
functions, as it can be processed into pounded powder, porridge powder and
bread, as well as it can be dried for future use. Notwithstanding, cassava cultivation
is not practiced by majority of farmers in the district, as many farmers are skeptical
of the suitability of the climatic conditions of the district for cassava.
Staggered Planting
A section of the participants practice staggered planting, due to the change in
rainfall season (onset and cessation). Explaining the reason for adopting staggered
planting of crops, a farmer reported that ‘I was motivated by years of being
chronically food insecure and increased poverty exacerbated by climate change’
(F2). Describing how farmers practice staggered planting, F9 hinted that ‘we
plant crops particularly maize, in three tiers. The first planting is done on 20
November, the second on 1 December and the third tier on 25 December’. The
practice enables smallholder farmers to minimise the adverse impact of climate
change on their agricultural activities. For instance, according to F15:
since we cannot predict the rainfall season, we cannot plant our crops at once. What
if there is no rain and the crops wither? As such, we plant in tiers, while increasing
the size of land gradually. In this case, if the first tier does not get rainfall, the second
and/or the third will certainly meet the raining season, thereby minimizing the
impact of poor rainfall on crop yields.
Since the practice is still in its experimental phase, the farmers expressed that it is
technically challenging as it is difficult to decide which planting phase to commit
more planting area due to the risk of crop failure. Consequently, the survival of the
first tier planted crop is by chance, since it is dry planted, without rainfall.
Asare-Nuamah et al. 17
This study adopted explanatory sequential mixed method design to investigate
adaptation strategies and farmer-led agricultural innovations to climate change
among smallholder farmers in Mbire District of Zimbabwe. The results from the
study show that respondents combine both on- and off-farm adaptation strategies
to reduce the adverse impact of climate change on livelihood and food security of
their households. On-farm adaptation strategies employed by the farmers include
planting improved maize variety and drought resistant crops, mixed cropping and
application of agrochemicals such as fertiliser, weedicides and pesticides. Others
include cultivating fewer plots, planting crops other than maize and beans, keeping
more livestock and applying agro-ecological knowledge in their agricultural
activities. Existing studies, particularly in developing economies, reported that
smallholder farmers have adjusted their agricultural activities due to climate
change, by planting improved and drought resistant crop varieties as well as
applying agrochemicals and ecological knowledge (Abid et al. 2015; Antwi-
Agyei et al. 2018; Sultan and Gaetani 2016). In Zimbabwe, Makate, Makate, and
Mango (2017) noted that smallholder farmers have adopted climate smart
agricultural practices such as planting improved and drought-resistant maize
varieties to minimise the impact of climate change. Previous studies show that the
adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices increases crop yields and reduces
loss of income (Lopez-Ridaura et al. 2018; Turner et al. 2017). According to
Fisher et al. (2015), cultivating drought-resistant maize has minimised food
insecurity in households in Zimbabwe.
Contrary to the findings of Mango, Siziba, and Makate (2017), that conservation
agriculture such as irrigation farming is highly practiced by smallholder farmers in
Zimbabwe, this study show that less than one-fifth of the respondents practice
irrigation farming. This is very surprising due to the arid condition of Mbire,
which demands irrigation farming system to increase crop yields and income of
farmers, thereby contributing to food security of households (Mango, Siziba, and
18 International Journal of Rural Management
2014; Dang et al. 2014; Jones and Boyd 2011; Pasquini, Cowling, and Ziervogel
2011). For instance, low income and poor access to financial assistance reduce
farmer’s capacity to tackle climate change. Similarly, migration of youth as a
social barrier reduces human labour for agricultural activities, which exposes
aging farmers to the adverse impact of climate change. In addition, top-town
adaptation strategies neglect the experiences and local knowledge of smallholder
farmers, thereby excluding farmers from institutional policies, which affects
effective implementation of adaptation strategies among farmers. Beckford and
Barker (2007) therefore recommend the need to mainstream local knowledge into
climate change and adaptation policies, as a means to promote sustainable and
effective response to current and future changes in climate. Furthermore, poor
education on climate change and adaptation mechanisms as well as poor access to
reliable climate information serve as barriers to farmer’s response to climate
change. Hirons et al. (2018) and Chepkoech et al. (2018) noted that smallholder
farmers in Ghana and Kenya, respectively, face challenges in accessing reliable
climate information. Moreover, high incidence of human diseases, such as malaria
and HIV, also hinder sustainable adaptation by reducing labour productivity
(UNECA 2011). This finding is unique to this study as existing study have not
emphasised human diseases as a barrier to climate change adaptation.
In consonance with Critchley (2007), smallholder farmers are constantly
experimenting local knowledge and innovating their agricultural activities to
counter environmental shocks and stressors. The results from the study show that
farmer-led agricultural innovation strategies to climate change include planting
Kanongo OPV of maize, over mulching, pen fattening, cassava cultivation and
staggered planting. These practices are based on local knowledge and experiences
of smallholder farmers, which confirms Critchley's (2007) assertion that local
knowledge plays a significant role in driving local innovation system. Nevertheless,
community acceptance and adoption of farmer-led innovation strategies is
dependent on technical effectiveness, economic validity, environmental
friendliness and social acceptability (Critchley 2007). In addition, farmer-to-
farmer extension service also helps in diffusion of local innovation among
smallholder farmers (Asare-Nuamah, Botchway, and Onumah 2019; Rogers
2003), thereby demonstrating the critical role of social network in climate change
adaptation and local innovation (Dapilah, Nielsen, and Friis 2019). High tolerance
of cassava and OPV maize variety to harsh climatic conditions may explain their
adoption among smallholder farmers. Studies have reported that cassava, for
instance, possesses high potential to address food security and hunger challenges,
particularly in developing economies, due to its climate resistant ability (Jarvis et
al. 2012) and high calorie content (see FAO cited in Boansi 2017), as well as mass
consumption by about 800 million people across the world (Burns et al. 2010).
This study has shed light on adaptation and farmer-led innovation strategies of
smallholder farmers in Mbire District of Zimbabwe. The results confirm that
20 International Journal of Rural Management
The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship
and/or publication of this article: This study was funded by the African Union Commission
through the Pan African University Research Grant.
Peter Asare-Nuamah
Asare-Nuamah et al. 21
1. In Zimbabwe, ecological zones are classified using roman numerals. There are no
specific names for ecological zones and these numerals distinquish one zone from
the other.
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