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7, No 3 September 2022 169


Implementation of Lean Manufacturing

With A Value Stream Mapping Approach to Improve
The Efficiency of The Production Process
Ferry Setiawan1*
Aerospace Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan,
Jl. Parangtritis KM 4,5 Bantul, Yogyakarta 55187

Penulis untuk Korespondensi/E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract – This research is based on the fact that many domestic sugar industries operate inefficiently and
have low productivity, which is seen when compared to other countries such as Thailand, India and
Australia. This study aims to identify and analyze problems along the flow of the white crystal sugar
production process that cause waste and then make suggestions for improvements to reduce existing
waste to increase cost efficiency in the production process. The national sugar factories generally have a
basic problem, namely the low level of factory efficiency, which causes a lot of waste along the flow of the
production process. The right concept for solving this problem is the implementation of the Lean
manufacturing method, where this method focuses on efforts to reduce waste along the flow of the
production process by making continuous improvements. The research begins with a literature study and
field study and then conducts observations, analyzes, brainstorms, extracts and collects data from each
work unit. The first stage begins with the define which will identify all forms of waste along the production
process flow, measure to determine the most critical waste, analyze to identify the factors that cause waste
in the production process, improve to carry out improvement plans, and reduce waste that occurs in the
production process, and control as an evaluation of improvement results. The efficiency of the production
process before the improvement is 78.7%, with improvements expected to increase production efficiency
by 87.0% or an increase of 8.3 points.

Keywords - Lean Manufacturing, DMAIC, Value Stream Mapping, Waste, Production Efficiency

INTRODUCTION production process in PG. Krebet baru I Malang,

which is implemented with the concept of lean

T he national sugar factories generally have a

basic problem, namely the low level of factory
efficiency. The sugar production process in PG.
manufacturing with a value stream mapping
approach. In this research, identification of problems
that cause waste along the flow of the production
Krebet Baru I is also still experiencing some process is carried out, then proposed improvements
problems that cause waste, this can be seen by the are made to reduce the potential for waste that occurs
performance benchmarks that are not achieved, in the sugar production process. This improvement
including the high sugar content in by-products such proposal is complemented by the target of achieving
as molasses, cake, and bagasse, where the sugar production efficiency with the existing improvement
content in molasses is still around 34.4% HK, while proposals.
the standard is 30% HK, the sugar content in cake is
3.2% Pol while the standard is 2.0% Pol, the sugar Waste also occurs in the use of auxiliary materials
content in the pulp is 2.56% Pol while the standard for the process, where the use of process auxiliary
is 2.5% Pol. materials is still above the required standards,
including the use of sulfur 43 kg / 100 tons of sugar
The purpose of this research is to do a technical cane the standard is 40 kg / 100 tons of sugar cane,
analysis to improve the efficiency of the sugar the use of lime 135 kg / 100 tons of sugar cane the
170 Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI. Vol. 7, No 3 September 2022

standard is 120 kg / 100 tons of sugar cane. to distinguish it from the mass production approach
Production efficiency can be increased through a in the West. The lean concept is an attempt to
continuous improvement process by analyzing and establish a system that uses as few inputs as possible
looking for the variability of problems in the to create the same output, [5].
production process, in this study the method used is
Lean manufacturing using a value stream mapping Waste
approach which will analyze the flow of materials Waste is the result of excessive use of the resources
along the production process flow. So that the cause needed to produce a product or service. The various
of waste can be determined, and continuous types of Waste are Environmental, Health and Safety
improvements will be made to achieve optimal (EHS), Defects, Overproduction, Waiting, Not
process capability. Utilizing employees knowledge, skills, and abilities,
Transportation, Inventory, Motion, and Excess
The main role of lean manufacturing is to determine Processing, [6].
the types of waste and eliminate them. The basic
principles of lean manufacturing are applied by DMAIC Cycle
building a VSM to identify and eliminate waste with Is a key process in six sigma and lean thinking as an
the formation of work teams, product selection, effort to make continuous and sustainable
conceptual design, and formulation of the time frame improvements by eliminating unproductive
through the calculation of talk time, [1]. processes and focusing on measurement-
measurement in implementing improvements for
Value Stream Mapping refers to a process that quality improvement towards the six sigma target,
involves the wastage of the entire production flow, the stages of DMAIC are as follows; (1) Define, (2)
manufacturing, and company processes. With Measure, (3) Analyze, (4) Improve, (5) Control, [6].
reduced wastage, overall performance and
productivity will increase in the repaired system. Value Stream Mapping
Using this approach, redesigned and reformed Value streams are all activities (value-added or non-
processes become more efficient and effective, [2]. value-added) needed to make a product through two
main streams, namely: (1) production flow from raw
The Value Stream Mapping method as a tool in the materials to customers and (2) flow design and
Lean Manufacturing concept is used to map the concept to implementation. Value stream mapping
production process and identify processes that itself is a very important tool in the implementation
contain waste so that existing waste can be of lean manufacturing, so it can be a good start for
eliminated. The advantage of VSM is that it can companies that want to implement a lean system
visualize the process flow of Value Added (VA), because it can show activities that add value or do
Necessary but Non-Value Added (NBN VA), and not add value to a product that uses resources that
Non-Value Added (NVA), [3]. are not available together in the same process from
raw materials to the hands of consumers, [5].
Lean Production has long been known and accepted
in the industrial environment. This method considers Productivity Concept
the tight integration of human effort in planning Productivity is defined variously by several experts.
manufacturing methods and continuous In general, productivity refers to the ratio of output
improvement with a target for value addition by and input. Inputs here include labor hours or costs,
avoiding all activity which leads to waste, this will production costs, and equipment costs. The output
make the system more effective by eliminating types consists of sales, revenue, market, and errors. Inputs
of waste with smart technology which has grown are the resources used to obtain these results such as
rapidly, [4]. labor, capital, actors, raw materials, and so on.
Output is the result of production in the form of
Lean Basic Concepts goods or services produced by a production process.
Basically, the lean concept is the concept of Productivity relates to the effectiveness and
streamlining or efficiency. This concept is applied to efficiency of utilization of production resources
both manufacturing and service companies because (inputs) with products or services produced
basically the concept of efficiency will always be a (outputs), [7]. Efficiency production is also the result
target to be achieved by the company. Lean was of technical efficiency and cost efficiency, so
originally a term used to describe the approach taken production efficiency can be formulated as follows,
in the Japanese automotive industry, namely Toyota, [8]:
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the magnitude of the potential loss of costs for each

EE = ET x EH (1) type of waste along the flow of the sugar production
process. Calculations are carried out to determine the
Where: potential loss of costs for each type of waste, and
EE = Production Efficiency also to determine the measurement of critical waste
ET = Technical Efficiency to determine the waste that causes the most potential
EH = Cost Efficiency cost losses. (3) Analyze, analysis and identification
of the factors that cause the problem of waste
From the formulas and methods above, the throughout the production process flow using lean
efficiency of the Production Process can be manufacturing concepts. (4) Improve, made a plan
calculated, namely the multiplication of technical improvement/ improvement of the main factors
efficiency (process) and cost-efficiency. causing waste to reduce waste in the production
process, this improvement has a sustainable
rationale so it is necessary to evaluate and analyze
METHODS the process so that the success rate of the
improvement can be determined or other causes of
The research was carried out in December 2020 at waste in a work unit are also known. (5) Control,
PT. Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (Persero) PG unit. stage control is an evaluation of the planned or
Krebet Baru I, Krebet Village, Bululawang District, implemented improvements carried out, in this study
Malang Regency, East Java. The research was the control process is carried out by calculating the
conducted based on the basic problems that exist in efficiency of the production process after repairs
the Production section, namely the number of waste have been made.
along the value stream of the process. We need a
method that can reduce waste and make continuous Conclusion and Suggestion Stage
improvement process in all process flows along the From the results of the implementation of lean
value stream so that the production process runs manufacturing with the value stream mapping
more efficiently. The research method uses the approach, conclusions are drawn regarding the
concept of Lean manufacturing with a Value Stream results of the research conducted and the success rate
mapping approach. of the improvement process. At this stage,
suggestions for further research and input for the
Preparation Stages company are also given.
Before conducting further research, first, good
preparation of the study is carried out in literature to
understand the concepts or methods that are suitable RESULT AND DISCUSSION
for problem-solving. Also field studies conducted to
better understand the conditions that exist in the In this chapter, the writer descuibes of an
company and the underlying problems in the implementation lean Manufacturing concept
company. At this stage, identification and includes Define stages, Measure stages, Analysis
formulation of problems are carried out from the stages, Improvement stages, and Control stages.
background on the subject matter contained in the Data was obtained from observations, field studies,
company, after that the objectives to be achieved in Brainstorming, and technical data from the
the research are determined, and the limitations and production department.
assumptions used in the research are determined.
Lean Manufacturing Implementation Stages At stage define identification of waste that occurs
The implementation stages are as follows; along the flow of the sugar-making production
(1) Define, at this stage, details are made Value process at the Krebet Baru I sugar factory. Making
Stream Mapping and a description of the main big picture mapping and production process flow
process of the production process that occurs that diagrams serves to determine all activities that take
describes the flow of the production process, place in the production process, then a type mapping
consumer needs, physical flow, materials, and the will be made. waste and identification of problems
relationship between the two, then identification of that occur in all production activities. A schematic
problems or types of waste that occur in the drawing of the white crystal sugar production
production process with the concept of lean process flow can be seen in figure 1.
manufacturing. (2) Measure, this process mapped
172 Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI. Vol. 7, No 3 September 2022

Figure 1. Production Process Flow Schematic

Big Picture Mapping is a tool of value stream information and materials as well as the relationship
mapping adopted from Toyota’s production system. between the two. The big picture mapping can be
These tools are very helpful in identifying the seen in figure 2.
occurrence of waste, visualizing the flow of

Figure 2. Value Stream Mapping of White Crystal Sugar Production

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Waste Identification, it will be identified the Waiting

occurrence of waste in the production process is In a production process with a steady flow continue,
accompanied by the potential for loss of costs as a this type of waste is related to the cessation of the
result of the waste. The identification process begins production process due to waiting for repairs to
with mapping all forms of species waste activities, equipment/machines that are experiencing
then conducting field observations, surveys, study disruption or damage. In the sugar industry, this is
literature, brainstorming to get problems that cause known as the milling stop clock. Mill stop data at
waste in all production process flow activities. The each workstation can be seen in table 2.
types of waste and the things that cause potential
losses according to the lean manufacturing concept Table 2. Factory Stop Hours at Each Station
are as follows: No Work Station Waiting Time
(1). Environmental, Health, and safety (EHS), this 1. St. mill 46.8
2. St. Boiler 43.2
type of waste is related to the existence of work
3. St. Electricity 21.6
accidents, which are mostly caused by negligence on 4. St. Purification 7.2
the part of employees in carrying out their duties at 5. St. Evaporator 14.4
work. From the data on the human resources (HR) of 6. St. Crystallization 5.8
the K3 work unit in the 2020 miller year, there were 7. St. Centrifugal 4.3
several work accidents, including; electrocution, Total 143.3
caught in a feed A mixer, exposed to hot steam from
the kitchen boiler, and entangled tools of Hoist Not utilizing employees knowledge, skills, and
Crane. Work accidents that occur cause physical and abilities
psychological losses and cause waste for the This type of waste can be seen at the purification
company in the form of medical compensation costs station, namely when setting the pH, where when
and employee overtime to replace employees adding lime, phosphoric acid, and SO2 gas is still
involved in accidents. (2). Defect, defect that occurs manually adjusted using operator skill. Errors and a
causes cost losses due to sugar that is not in decrease in the accuracy of process settings are very
accordance with the production standards, in the easy to occur, when the operator experiences fatigue,
production department is often referred to as reject does not concentrate, and when changing shifts, the
sugar. Reject sugar from the manufacturing section pH and temperature control will experience quite
data produced from the 2020 milled year production large fluctuations. The impact of fluctuations in pH
process can be presented in table 1. and temperature at this purification station is the
unstable quality of GKP sugar (white crystal sugar).
Table 1. Amount of Rejected Sugar in 2020 The fluctuation in sugar quality due to poor pH
No Sugar Defect Amount control at the purification station can be seen in table
[quintal] 3.
1. Wet sugar 525
2. Oversize 960 Table 3. Amount of Sugar Production According to
3. Lower size 242 Color Quality
4. Dirty sugar/brown color 128 No Sugar Color Production Quantity
[Iu] [Tons]
1 130 – 140 12,076.20
2 140 – 150 15,243.72
Overproduction is a type of waste caused by The 3 150 – 160 15,837.64
company produces goods over consumer demand. In 4 160 – 170 12,934.07
2020 the production target of PG. New Krebet issued 5 > 170 9,898.52
by the Ministry of BUMN amounted to 870,436
quintal GKP (white crystal sugar) this is related to Transportation
the sugar self-sufficiency target targeted by the The delay in information from the production
government, while the total production of PG sugar. division of the FIFO team (first in – first out), so that
The new Krebet I in 2020 is 659,901.49 quintal GKP the FIFO team was late to coordinate with the slash-
(white crystal sugar). It can be seen that the and-transport department in the field. This led to an
production results are still lacking when compared accumulation of sugar cane supplies, and a pile of
to the company's production targets so that it can be sugarcane queues so that there was a subsidy to truck
concluded that PG. There is no waste overproduction drivers of Rp. 25,000.00 if there is a queue for more
in the new Krebet I.
174 Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI. Vol. 7, No 3 September 2022

than 12 hours. Subsidies from factory management No. Material Company Budget
to truck drivers when there is a queue that is more Budget Realization
than 12 hours wherein the 2020 miller year this [Kg/100 Tons [Kg/100 Tons of
subsidy is 734 truck drivers, this makes factory of Sugarcane] Sugarcane]
management try to minimize the cost of subsidies by 2. Chalk 120 136
moving sugar cane which is transported by truck and Phosphoric
3. 10 11.8
then transferred to lorry transportation. Acid

Inventory Inappropriate Processing

This waste includes the remaining material from the The non-optimal performance of some factory
2020 production process, which causes losses due to equipment causes a large amount of sugar content to
immovable capital so that it can reduce the be included in by-products and production waste,
calculation of the company's profit at the end of the thus causing sugar losses that exceed allowable
bookkeeping, in addition, leftover materials are very process standards this will cause a decrease in yield,
vulnerable to damage and loss. The list of remaining equipment performance which causes not to achieve
process auxiliary materials can be seen in table 4. process standards can be seen in table 6.

Table 4. Data for Remaining Material in Mill Year 2020 Table 6. Data Analysis % Pol Bagasse, % Pol Cake &
Production Process %HK Molasses
No. Leftover Material Amount Unit No Work Station Waste Standard Realization
1. Phosphoric Acid 211 kg [%] [%]
2. Calcium oxide 4.320 kg 1. Mill Station Pol 2.0 2.56
3. Sulfur 1,124 kg Bagasse
4. Flocculant 320 kg 2. Purification Pol Cake 2.0 3.2
5. Biofast 242 Lt Station
6. Biocide 221 kg 3. Centrifugal HK 30.0 34.4
7. Chlorine 168 Lt Station Molasses
8. Bag 2,600 Unit
9. Molding 24,020 kg Measure
10. Residue 37,000 Lt This measure process maps the magnitude of the
potential loss of costs for each type of waste along
Motion the flow of the sugar production process.
In the production process, this type of waste occurs Determination of the potential loss of costs for each
in the process of packaging sugar, which is when the type of waste and measurement of critical waste is
sugar that has been packaged 50 kg per bag, is also carried out to find out the waste that causes the
arranged first in the bag stamp floor (place to arrange most potential cost losses, where this critical waste
sugar production) to calculate the amount of sugar, must receive top priority for improvement efforts.
after that from the stamp floor it is transported to the Measuring the Amount of Waste, from result define
warehouse, here it is seen that there is unnecessary with the identification of problems along the flow of
material movement because there are two material the production process, can be calculated the amount
movements. of potential cost wastage for each type of waste, for
the type of waste Overproduction there is no
Excess processing potential cost loss, this type of waste does not occur
This type of waste occurs because of the excessive because the results of sugar production in the 2020
use of auxiliary materials from the standard for the milled year are still below the target sugar
use of auxiliary materials in the production process. production. determined by the Ministry of State-
There are several auxiliary materials whose use is Owned Enterprises. The results of the cost risk data
excessive as seen in table 5. both from technical data and by calculating the
potential for waste obtained the amount of risk of
Table 5. Budget Realization Of Auxiliary Materials waste costs on each type of waste which can be seen
Compared to Company Budget In 2020 in table 7.
No. Material Company Budget
Budget Realization
[Kg/100 Tons [Kg/100 Tons of
of Sugarcane] Sugarcane]
1. Sulfur 40 48.0
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Table 7. Types of Waste to The Amount of Cost Risk of sugar A (sugar product) has an analysis of HK <
No. Waste Type Cost Risk 76% then it can be ascertained Quite A (quite
[Rp.] product) has a high viscosity, this causes the crystals
1. Environmental, Health 12,731,70.00 to be difficult to separate from the solution so that
and Safety (EHS) the product sugar contains a lot of sugar solution so
2. Defect 1,762,662,000.00 that the product sugar will be brown.
3. Overproduction 0.00
4. Waiting 8,115,379,200.00
5. Not utilizing employees 494,926,120.00
(3). Overproduction Waste Analysis. PG production
knowledge, skills, and results. Krebet Baru I is 659,901.49 Quintal GKP
abilities (white crystal sugar) which is still lacking when
6. Transportation 27,510,040.00 compared to the company's production target of
7. Inventory 268,210,020.00 870,436 Quintal GKP (white crystal sugar) so it can
8. Motion 62,220,000.00 be concluded PG. The new Krebet I did not occur in
9. excess processing 677,853,420.00 overproduction.
10. Inappropriate 27,237,266,601.00
Processing (4). Analysis Waste Waiting. This type of waste is
Total 38,658,759,101.00 related to the cessation of the production process due
to waiting for repairs to equipment/machines that are
Analysis experiencing disruption or damage. Machine
(1). Analysis of Waste Environmental, Health, and damage that caused the production process to stop is
Safety (EHS). Work accidents that occur are due to weak predictive maintenance, supervision of
influenced by many factors, including employee critical tools, and equipment repair before fatal
negligence, lack of safety equipment, unfavorable damage does not go well.
work environment, etc. The majority of work
accidents occur due to employee negligence in (5). Analysis Waste Not utilizing employees
carrying out their duties, the lack of pictures and knowledge, skills, and abilities. This type of waste is
warning symbols can also cause employees to act found in the purification station where the pH setting
less carefully, resulting in work accidents. is the setting of giving lime milk, phosphoric acid,
and giving SO gas is still done manually, so it
(2) Waste Defect Analysis. Wet sugar, granulated depends on the accuracy and skill of the refining
sugar, and dirty sugar are types of waste defects that operator.
happened, this was caused by many factors, among
others; (a). Wet Sugar From the results of analysis (6). Transportation Waste Analysis. The occurrence
and field studies, the sugar dryer equipment works of long queues due to factory stop hours because
less than optimally and produces a dryness level there was no good communication between the plant
above 0.05% if the thickness of feeding sugar section as a sugar cane supplier and the
entering the sugar dryer is > 12 cm, the sugar manufacturing section in charge of grinding sugar
production meets the requirements. standard dryness cane, the delay in information resulted in the plant
0.03%-0.05% for the thickness of feeding into the being late to stop cutting in the sugar cane
sugar dryer is about 10 cm. (b). Oversize & plantations, which eventually causes the amount of
Lowersize Sugar Crystal. This is due to the large sugar cane to be excessive.
type of granular sugar crystallization of the product
(cooking A) which does not meet the standard, non- (7). Analysis of Waste Inventory. Idle goods or
uniform crystal size results from cooking A greatly leftovers from the production process are caused by
affect the amount of coarse/fine sugar produced. The inaccurate planning for the use of auxiliary materials
occurrence of non-uniform crystal size due to the used during the production process, resulting in at
crystallization process did not go well, where the the end of the mill there being leftovers.
cook operator was not observant in observing the
crystal enlargement area. (c). Dirty Sugar/Brown (8). Waste Motion Analysis. The wastage that occurs
Color. This is due to the HK analysis (purity price) as a result of movements unnecessary material at the
resulting from the crystallization of sugar A (product finishing station is due to different working hours
sugar) which does not meet the requirements between warehouse employees who only enter the
standard process, where the result of crystallization morning shift, and manufacturing employees whose
of sugar A (sugar product) should have an analytical working hours are divided into 3 shifts, this causes
standard of HK > 80% if the result of crystallization
176 Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI. Vol. 7, No 3 September 2022

production sugar cannot be directly entered into the health) to carry out regular supervision and control
warehouse and had to wait on the stamp floor. on the implementation of OHS procedures in the
work environment. (b) Installation of warning
(9). Excess processing. The use of auxiliaries of pictures and warning signs on work tools that cause
quicklime, sulfur, and phosphoric acid is excessive potential accidents.
because the pH operator settings at the purification
station are not well controlled, this fluctuating pH (2). Improvement Proposal to Reduce Type Of
causes the high use of auxiliary materials. Waste Defect. From result brainstorming, field
analysis, literature study, the suggestions for
(10). Waste Inappropriate Processing. This type of improvement can be given as follows: (a) Installing
waste occurs in several workstations, Including: (a). the adjustment tool feeding sugar enters the sugar
Mill Station Causes of waste at the mill station is a dryer with a maximum sugar thickness of 10 cm. (b)
condition of PI (Preparation Index) that is not Adding a sugar stirrer inside the sugar dryer, serves
optimal, PI (Preparation index) is a measure of the to reverse the position of the dried sugar. (c) Reduce
perfection of the opening of the bagasse coir cells, reject sugar production (oversize& lower size
the results of the preliminary equipment Crystal) by using Dried cooking seeds (d sugar
performance, namely cane cutter and unigrator crystallization) with the use 0.05 mm crystal core
chopper, PI (Preparation index) analysis ) which is fondant. (d) Sending cooks (operators at
good is in the range of > 90% where at that number crystallization stations) to take courses/training to
the softness of the pulp is quite good and will improve their technical skills and competencies. (e)
facilitate the extraction process of sugar content in Manufacture of D2 Sugar smelting equipment at the
the dregs at the milling station, in PG. Krebet Baru I Centrifugal station which is used to increase the HK
the PI (Preparation index). (b). Purification Station. (the price of purity) of thick sap so that the HK (the
Factors that lead to waste are the high vacuum price of purity) of A's dish will be carried up.
condition on the rotary drum Vacuum Filter
equipment. Equipment in PG. Krebet Baru I for High (3). Improvement Proposal to Reduce
vacuum only reached 33 cmHg from High vacuum Overproduction Waste, because there is no waste
operating standard is 45-50 cmHg, this causes the overproduction, it is not necessary to give
absorption process of sap from the sludge (mud suggestions for improvement.
juice) is not optimal, resulting in high levels of sugar
included in the filtered Cake. This high vacuum is (4). Improvement Proposals to Reduce Waiting.
not achieved because the capacity of the vacuum From result brainstorming, field analysis, literature
pump is not large enough. From the calculation study, the suggestions for improvement can be given
results, a vacuum pump with a capacity of 2,500 as follows: (a) Manufacture checklist periodic
m3/hour is needed, while the existing pump capacity observation of critical equipment, which has the
is only 1,750 m3/hour. (c). Centrifugal Station. The potential to cause grinding stops in the event of a
cause of wastage at the spin station due to the Na- breakdown. (b) Formed a special team to make
Crystallization process is an incomplete further predictive maintenance effective.
crystallization process, in PG. Krebet Baru I has
residence time for sugar solution D in the cooling (5). Improvement Proposal to Reduce Waste Not
device crystallizer about 28 hours, shorter than Utilizing Employees Knowledge, Skills, And
standard operating equipment is 36 hours, this is one Abilities, from result brainstorming, field analysis,
of the causes of the high purity HK drops (molasses). literature study, the following improvements can be
made; (1) Investment pH Controller for automatic
Improvement pH adjustment.
Based on the results of the analysis, suggestions for
improvement efforts can be given (improvement) to (6). Improvement Proposal to Reduce
reduce the waste that has been determined. Transportation Waste, from result brainstorming,
field analysis, literature study, the suggestions for
(1). Improvement proposal to reduce Waste improvement can be given as follows; (a) Giving HT
Environmental, Health, and Safety. From result to FIFO team members (first in – first out) in the
brainstorming, field analysis, literature study, the field to speed up communication with the production
suggestions for improvement can be given as department and the cutting and transport department.
follows; (a) Improve communication with the HR (b) Data generation online in coming sugarcane
(human resources) unit K3 (occupational safety and which is connected to the computer in the
Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI. Vol. 7, No 3 September 2022 177

manufacturing section, the remaining sugar cane Control

data (sugarcane stock at the emplacement) will be Control Carried out to evaluate the planning and
able to be quickly responded to by the production implementation of improvements made, in this
department by setting the milling speed according to research the calculation of the efficiency target of the
the specified milling capacity. production process after the improvement will be
carried out and will be compared with the realization
(7). Improvement Proposal to Reduce Waste of the efficiency of the production process before the
Inventory, from result brainstorming, field analysis, repair.
literature study, the suggestions for improvement
can be given as follows: (a) A plan for the (1). Calculation of Realized Production Efficiency
procurement of auxiliary materials is made every 1 Before Improvement.
week which is adjusted to the needs of the process.
(b) Evaluating the availability of process auxiliary Production Process Efficiency follow the formula =
materials every week. The above proposed Cost Efficiency x Technical Efficiency (Process)
improvement, it can be said that effectively to reduce = 87.9 % x 89.59 %
waste in the field of inventory, is if the remaining = 78.7%
material in the warehouse is not excessive with a
range of 10% to 20% of the material needs for the (2). Calculation of Production Efficiency Estimates
production process. After Improvement

(8). Improvement Proposal to Reduce Waste Production Process Efficiency follow the formula =
Motion, from result brainstorming, field analysis, Cost Efficiency x Technical Efficiency (Process)
literature study, the following improvements can be = 95.3 % x 91.28 %
made: (a) Installation of conveyor equipment for = 87.0%
transporting packaged products directly to the
warehouse, in this way the company can reduce the The efficiency of the 2020 milled realization
number of employees by 8 people per shift, the production process is 78.7%, it is estimated that the
lessened employees are workers who carry out proposed improvements will increase the efficiency
manual transportation of production products to the of the production process by 87.0% or an increase of
warehouse by pushing with a product carrier. (b) 8.3 points.
Installation Counter Sugar (automatic sugar counter)
to reduce miscalculation, this will reduce employee
activities to recalculate if there is an inequality CONCLUSION
between the production jump from the processing
section and the product warehouse section. From the result of This research, it can be identified
the problems that cause waste, with a total potential
(9). Improvement Proposal to Reduce Waste Excess loss of Rp.38,658,759,101.00, where the problem
Processing, from result brainstorming, field that causes the greatest potential loss is inappropriate
analysis, literature study, the following processing waste, with a potential loss of
improvements can be made; (a) Installation static Rp.27,237,266,601.00. This inappropriate
mixer to replace equipment defector and defecator processing waste occurs at the Milling Station,
II. Purification Station, and Centrifugal Station. The
results of the analysis of the problems that occur
(10). Improvement Proposal to Reduce Waste along the flow of the production process, an
Inappropriate Processing, from result brainstorming, improvement proposal is made to reduce the
field analysis, literature study, the suggestions for potential loss of costs. The type of waste that causes
improvement can be given as follows; (a) the greatest potential loss is inappropriate processing
Installation of the chopper heavy duty shredder to waste, to reduce potential losses due to inappropriate
replace the Unigrator machine which has been used processing waste, At the mill station is proposed to
so far. (b) Invest 1 unit of vacuum pump with a replace the sugarcane chopper from the unigrator
capacity of 2,500 m3/hour, to increase the low and machine with a heavy-duty shredder.
high vacuum of the rotary drum vacuum filter. (c)
Invest 1 unit cooling crystallizer with a volume At the boiling house station, it is proposed to invest
of 500 Hl. (d) Tool making continuous vacuum in a vacuum pump with a capacity of 2500 m2/hour.
cooling crystallizer. At the Centrifugal station, it is proposed to invest 1
178 Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI. Vol. 7, No 3 September 2022

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