Surrey Provincial Court Provincial Advance

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List

Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 256199-1 Abramovic, Toni UTP N 0 FA 001 CCC 334 b ADJ Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under M
2 254916-1 LIMITED ACCESS RON N Markovitz, 140 AHR 001 CCC 151 ADJ Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 D Sexual interference of M
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.2 person under 16 CON
3 255368-1 Badhan, Gunjeet Kaur UTP N Muldoon 75 AHR 001 CCC 430 4 ADJ Surrey BC
and Mischief $5000 or M
Company under CON
4 255368-1 Baraich, Manmeet Kaur ROW N Del Rossi, 67 AHR 001 CCC 430 4 ADJ Surrey BC
P Mischief $5000 or M
under CON
5 255428-1 Bassi, Baljot Singh ROW N Bownick, I 77 FXD 001 CCC 348 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
break and enter with M
intent to commit CON
offence M
ROW N Bownick, I 77 FXD 002 CCC 430 3 ADJ Surrey BC
Mischief to property M
over $5000 CON

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 255369-1 Bobby, Christopher Adam UTP N 77 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Driving while M
prohibited/ licence PRO
suspended M
7 255602-1 Bobby, Christopher Adam RON N Grenier, J 70 APW 001 CCC 264.1 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily PRO
harm M
RON N Grenier, J 70 APW 002 CCC 85 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Use imitation firearm M
committing, etc. PRO
indictable M
8 254649-1 Bozak, Nicholas Richard UTP N Abdulmalik 119 APW 001 CCC 320.17 ADJ Langley BC
, A Flight from Police M
UTP N Abdulmalik 119 APW 002 CCC 320.13 1 ADJ Langley BC
, A Dangerous operation of M
a Conveyance CON
9 254783-1 Bozak, Nicholas Richard UTP N Abdulmalik 112 APW 001 CCC 91 1 ADJ Langley BC
, A Possess Firearm w/o M
licence and/or CON
registration M
UTP N Abdulmalik 112 APW 002 CCC 91 1 ADJ Langley BC
, A Possess Firearm w/o M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

9 254783-1 Bozak, Nicholas Richard UTP N Abdulmalik 112 APW 002 licence and/or CON Langley BC
, A registration M
UTP N Abdulmalik 112 APW 003 CCC 91 1 ADJ Langley BC
, A Possess Firearm w/o M
licence and/or CON
registration M
UTP N Abdulmalik 112 APW 004 CCC 86 2 ADJ Langley BC
, A Storage, etc. of M
firearm contrary to CON
regulation M
10 254298-2-C Chohan, Gurminder Singh RON N Percival, 77 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
J Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily CON
harm M
RON N Percival, 77 FXD 002 CCC 267 a ADJ Surrey BC
J Assault with a weapon M
RON N Percival, 77 FXD 003 CCC 266 ADJ Surrey BC
J Assault M

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

10 254298-2-C Chohan, Gurminder Singh RON N Percival, 77 FXD 003 PRO Surrey BC
RON N Percival, 77 FXD 004 CCC 267 b ADJ Surrey BC
J Assault causing bodily M
harm CON
RON N Percival, 77 FXD 005 CCC 264 ADJ Surrey BC
J Criminal Harassment M
RON N Percival, 77 FXD 006 CCC 264.1 1 ADJ Surrey BC
J Uttering threats M
11 254956-1 Chohan, Gurminder Singh RON N Percival, 77 FXD 001 CCC 129 a ADJ Surrey BC
J wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace CON
officer M
RON N Percival, 77 FXD 002 CCC 320.17 ADJ Surrey BC
J Flight from Police M

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

11 254956-1 Chohan, Gurminder Singh RON N Percival, 77 FXD 003 CCC 320.13 1 ADJ Surrey BC
J Dangerous operation of M
a Conveyance CON
RON N Percival, 77 FXD 004 CCC 129 a ADJ Surrey BC
J wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace CON
officer M
12 249442-1 Chong, Christina Lee RON Y Grenier, J PCJ 658 JIR 001 CCC 344 1 b ADJ Surrey BC
Robbery M
RON Y Grenier, J PCJ 658 JIR 002 CCC 268 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Aggravated assault M
13 251553-1 Chong, Christina Lee RON Y Grenier, J 447 JIR 001 MVA 95 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Driving while M
prohibited/ licence PRO
suspended M
14 255615-1 Cleveland, Jordan Conner Kent SUM N Muldoon 48 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 ADJ Surrey BC
and Driving while M
Company prohibited/ licence CON
(Not suspended M
Indictable PRO
) M
15 255464-1 DECKER, Blaine Dennis AN N Beckett, M 54 APW 001 CCC 95 1 ADJ Langley BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo M

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

15 255464-1 DECKER, Blaine Dennis AN N Beckett, M 54 APW 001 prohib/restricted CON Langley BC
firearm M
AN N Beckett, M 54 APW 002 CUA 160 ADJ Langley BC
Failing to report in M
Person at a Customs CON
Office M
16 255574-1 Dobariya, Chetak Dharmendrabhai SUM N 0 FXD 001 CCC 320.14 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
Impaired operation - M
alcohol or drug CON
SUM N 0 FXD 002 CCC 320.14 1 b ADJ Surrey BC
Operation while over M
SUM N 0 FXD 003 CCC 175 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
Causing disturbance M
17 253315-1 Dong, Xuan Hoa ROW N Williamson 257 FXD 001 CCC 267 a ADJ Surrey BC
, S Assault with a weapon M
ROW N Williamson 257 FXD 002 CCC 430 4 ADJ Surrey BC
, S Mischief $5000 or M
under CON

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

17 253315-1 Dong, Xuan Hoa ROW N Williamson 257 FXD 002 PRO Surrey BC
, S M
ROW N Williamson 257 FXD 003 CCC 264 ADJ Surrey BC
, S Criminal Harassment M
18 255032-1 Dong, Xuan Hoa ROW N Williamson 127 FXD 001 CCC 266 ADJ Surrey BC
, S Assault M
ROW N Williamson 127 FXD 002 CCC 145 4 a ADJ Surrey BC
, S Breach of undertaking M
ROW N Williamson 127 FXD 003 CCC 145 4 a ADJ Surrey BC
, S Breach of undertaking M
19 255108-1 Farkas, Gena ROW N Sandhu, M 118 FXD 001 CCC 430 1 ADJ Langley BC
Mischief M
20 252747-1 Fraser, Brandon UTP N Currie, J 244 AHR 001 CCC 266 ADJ Delta BC
Assault M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

20 252747-1 Fraser, Brandon UTP N Currie, J 244 AHR 001 CON Delta BC
UTP N Currie, J 244 AHR 002 CCC 430 ADJ Delta BC
Mischief M
21 255824-1 Gill, Humkirat Singh ROW N 20 CLC 002 CCC 129 a ADJ Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace CON
officer M
ROW N 20 CLC 003 CCC 129 a ADJ Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace CON
officer M
ROW N 20 CLC 004 CCC 270 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer M
ROW N 20 CLC 005 CCC 129 a ADJ Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace CON
officer M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

21 255824-1 Gill, Humkirat Singh ROW N 20 CLC 005 PRO Surrey BC
22 255824-1 Gill, Pardeep Singh ROW N Behnampour 42 FXD 001 CCC 270 1 ADJ Surrey BC
, K Assault Peace Officer M
ROW N Behnampour 42 FXD 002 CCC 129 a ADJ Surrey BC
, K wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace PRO
officer M
ROW N Behnampour 42 FXD 003 CCC 129 a ADJ Surrey BC
, K wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace PRO
officer M
23 255087-2-B Grewal, Bhalinderjit Singh ROW N 22 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Breach of Probation M
Order CON
24 255567-1 Harpreet Singh, SUM N Rehlan, H 54 FXD 001 CCC 320.13 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Dangerous Operation BH M
SUM N Rehlan, H 54 FXD 002 CCC 320.14 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Impaired operation M
causing bodily harm PRO
SUM N Rehlan, H 54 FXD 003 CCC 320.16 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Fail to Stop - BH M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

24 255567-1 Harpreet Singh, SUM N Rehlan, H 54 FXD 004 CCC 320.15 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Refusal where bodily M
harm PRO
25 254824-1 Harrison, Tyler James ROW N 140 PAR 001 CCC 320.14 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
Impaired operation - M
alcohol or drug PRO
ROW N 140 PAR 002 CCC 320.15 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Refusal M
26 256226-1 Johnson, Mark WAR Y Coleman, B 10 CTD 001 CCC 334 a ACC Delta BC
Theft over $5000 VC
27 67200-1 Johnson, Mark Aric ROW N Coleman, B 402 CTD 001 CCC 348 1 b ACC Richmond BC
Richmond Provincial break and enter and VC
Court commit indictable ADJ
offence M
28 67752-1 Johnson, Mark Aric PTA N Coleman, B 166 CTD 001 MVA 95 1 ACC Richmond BC
Richmond Provincial Driving while VC
Court prohibited/ licence ADJ
suspended M
29 70441-1 Johnson, Mark Aric UTP N Coleman, B 369 CTD 001 CCC 349 1 ACC North Vancouver BC
North Vancouver being unlawfully in VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

29 70441-1 Johnson, Mark Aric UTP N Coleman, B 369 CTD 001 dwelling-house ADJ North Vancouver BC
Provincial Court M
30 253022-2-B Khakh, Paramjeet Singh RON N 22 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ADJ Delta BC
Breach of Probation M
Order CON
31 255749-1 Khakh, Paramjeet Singh RON N 22 FXD 001 CCC 129 a ADJ Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace CON
officer M
32 254318-1 Lingam, Navnit Sivan Som ROW N Gill, 171 FXD 001 CCC 380 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
Rajpreet Fraud over $5000 M
ROW N Gill, 171 FXD 002 CCC 367 a ADJ Surrey BC
Rajpreet Forgery M
ROW N Gill, 171 FXD 003 CCC 368 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
Rajpreet Using forged document M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

32 254318-1 Lingam, Navnit Sivan Som ROW N Gill, 171 FXD 003 PRO Surrey BC
Rajpreet M
33 254726-1 Lizotte, Steve Frank ROW N Badea, S. 122 FXD 001 CCC 271 ADJ Langley BC
sexual assault M
34 255936-1 LIMITED ACCESS RON N 32 FXD 001 CCC 151 ADJ Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 Sexual interference of M
person under 16 PRO
RON N 32 FXD 002 CCC 152 ADJ Surrey BC
Invitation to sexual M
touching under 16 PRO
RON N 32 FXD 003 CCC 271 ADJ Surrey BC
sexual assault M
35 255936-2-A Llewellyn, Elliot Anthony RON N 29 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a ADJ Surrey BC
Breach of release M
order PRO
RON N 29 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a ADJ Surrey BC
Breach of release M
order PRO
RON N 29 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a ADJ Surrey BC
Breach of release M
order PRO

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

36 255311-1 Obatusa, Sijuola Israel DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 84 AHR 001 CCC 344 1 a.1 ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 commit robbery where a VC
firearm is used ADJ
DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 84 AHR 002 CCC 346 1.1 a.1 ACC Surrey BC
using a firearm commit VC
extortion ADJ
DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 84 AHR 003 CCC 85 2 ACC Surrey BC
Use imitation firearm VC
committing, etc. ADJ
indictable M
DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 84 AHR 004 CCC 86 2 ACC Surrey BC
Storage, etc. of VC
firearm contrary to ADJ
regulation M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

36 255311-1 Obatusa, Sijuola Israel DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 84 AHR 005 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Assault with a weapon VC
DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 84 AHR 006 CCC 91 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or ADJ
registration M
DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 84 AHR 007 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose ADJ
37 254708-1 Petreny, Amber Elaine ROW N dos 31 APW 001 CCC 344 1 b ADJ Surrey BC
Santos, E Robbery M
ROW N dos 31 APW 002 CCC 268 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Santos, E Aggravated assault M
ROW N dos 31 APW 003 CCC 267 a ADJ Surrey BC
Santos, E Assault with a weapon M
38 253558-2-C Piot, Akoch Peter PPA Y Myers, J 266 CTD 001 CCC 239 1 a.1 ACC Surrey BC
attempt murder with a VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

38 253558-2-C Piot, Akoch Peter PPA Y Myers, J 266 CTD 001 firearm ADJ Surrey BC
PPA Y Myers, J 266 CTD 002 CCC 244 1 ACC Surrey BC
discharge a firearm VC
w/intent to ADJ
wound/disfigure M
PPA Y Myers, J 266 CTD 003 CCC 434 ACC Surrey BC
arson damaging VC
property ADJ
PPA Y Myers, J 266 CTD 004 CCC 95 1 ACC Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo VC
prohib/restricted ADJ
firearm M
PPA Y Myers, J 266 CTD 005 CCC 91 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or ADJ
registration M
PPA Y Myers, J 266 CTD 006 CCC 91 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm VC
unauthorized ADJ

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

38 253558-2-C Piot, Akoch Peter PPA Y Myers, J 266 CTD 006 PRO Surrey BC
PPA Y Myers, J 266 CTD 007 CCC 117.01 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of VC
firearm,etc. contrary ADJ
to order M
39 255155-1 Randhawa, Avraj Singh RON N Mangat, J 83 FXD 001 CCC 266 ADJ Surrey BC
Assault M
RON N Mangat, J 83 FXD 002 CCC 334 b ADJ Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under M
40 249213-1 Rockthunder, Ethan Storm ROW N Abdulmalik G SUM 657 APW 001 CCC 163.1 4 ADJ Delta BC
, A Possession of child M
pornography CON
ROW N Abdulmalik G SUM 657 APW 002 CCC 163.1 3 ADJ Delta BC
, A Importing/distributing M
etc. child pornography CON

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

40 249213-1 Rockthunder, Ethan Storm ROW N Abdulmalik G SUM 657 APW 003 CCC 163.1 2 ADJ Delta BC
, A Making or publishing M
child pornography CON
41 252125-2-B Sandve, Marshall James ROW N 21 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ADJ Vancouver BC
Breach of Probation M
Order CON
42 255079-1 LIMITED ACCESS RON N Turner, J PCJ 118 AHR 001 CCC 271 ADJ Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.1 sexual assault M
RON N Turner, J PCJ 118 AHR 002 CCC 271 ADJ Surrey BC
sexual assault M
RON N Turner, J PCJ 118 AHR 003 CCC 151 ADJ Surrey BC
Sexual interference of M
person under 16
RON N Turner, J PCJ 118 AHR 004 CCC 151 ADJ Surrey BC
Sexual interference of M
person under 16
RON N Turner, J PCJ 118 AHR 005 CCC 153 ADJ Surrey BC
Sexual Exploitation M
RON N Turner, J PCJ 118 AHR 006 CCC 153 ADJ Surrey BC
Sexual Exploitation M
RON N Turner, J PCJ 118 AHR 007 CCC 271 ADJ Surrey BC
sexual assault M
RON N Turner, J PCJ 118 AHR 008 CCC 151 ADJ Surrey BC
Sexual interference of M
person under 16

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

42 255079-1 LIMITED ACCESS RON N Turner, J PCJ 118 AHR 009 CCC 153 ADJ Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.1 Sexual Exploitation M
RON N Turner, J PCJ 118 AHR 010 CCC 266 ADJ Surrey BC
Assault M
RON N Turner, J PCJ 118 AHR 011 CCC 266 ADJ Surrey BC
Assault M
43 249442-3-A Simeon, Christina Lee RON Y Grenier, J 509 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ADJ Vancouver BC
Breach of release M
order PRO
44 251020-1 Simeon, Christina Lee RON Y Grenier, J N PCJ 509 JIR 001 CCC 348 1 b ADJ Surrey BC
break and enter and M
commit indictable PRO
offence M
45 251020-3-A Simeon, Christina Lee WAR N Grenier, J 13 APP 001 CCC 145 2 b ADJ Surrey BC
Failing to appear M
having appeared PRO
46 254779-1 Singh, Gurwinder ROW N 157 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 a ADJ Delta BC
Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily CON
harm M
47 250778-6-B Smith, Jesse RON N Van- 170 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ADJ Langley BC
Benthem, P Breach of Probation M
Order CON
48 254434-1 Smith, Jesse RON N Van- 170 FXD 001 CCC 334 b ADJ Langley BC
Benthem, P Theft $5000 or under M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

48 254434-1 Smith, Jesse RON N Van- 170 FXD 001 CON Langley BC
Benthem, P X
49 250778-7-B Smith, Jesse Steven RON N Van- 56 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ADJ Langley BC
Benthem, P Breach of Probation M
Order CON
50 255677-1 Smith, Jesse Steven RON N Van- 56 FXD 001 CCC 334 b ADJ Langley BC
Benthem, P Theft $5000 or under M
RON N Van- 56 FXD 002 CCC 129 a ADJ Langley BC
Benthem, P wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace CON
officer X
51 254721-1 Sran, Harjit Kaur UTP N Amini, S 140 FXD 001 CCC 810 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
fear of injury/damage M
to person/property PRO
52 254175-1 Taylor, Aviana Maria UTP N 210 CLC 001 CCC 267 b ADJ Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily M
harm CON
UTP N 210 CLC 002 CCC 267 b ADJ Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily M

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Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

52 254175-1 Taylor, Aviana Maria UTP N 210 CLC 002 harm CON Surrey BC
UTP N 210 CLC 003 CCC 266 ADJ Surrey BC
Assault M
UTP N 210 CLC 004 CCC 430 4 ADJ Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or M
under CON
UTP N 210 CLC 005 CCC 430 4 ADJ Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or M
under CON
53 247899-1 Thompson, Sylvia Ann ROW N St. 467 FXD 001 CDS 5 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Germain, C Possession for the M
purpose of trafficking CON
ROW N St. 467 FXD 002 CDS 5 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Germain, C Possession for the M
purpose of trafficking CON
ROW N St. 467 FXD 003 CDS 5 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Germain, C Possession for the M
purpose of trafficking CON

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

53 247899-1 Thompson, Sylvia Ann ROW N St. 467 FXD 004 CDS 5 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Germain, C Possession for the M
purpose of trafficking CON
ROW N St. 467 FXD 005 CCC 88 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Germain, C possessing weapon for M
dangerous purpose CON
ROW N St. 467 FXD 006 CCC 91 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Germain, C Possess non-firearm M
unauthorized CON
ROW N St. 467 FXD 007 CCC 94 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Germain, C Occupying vehicle M
knowing firearm, etc. CON
present M
54 254007-1 Trott, Nathan Ronald UTP N Jessop, W 56 FXD 001 CDS 5 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Trafficking in M
Controlled Substance CON
UTP N Jessop, W 56 FXD 002 CDS 5 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Trafficking in M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

54 254007-1 Trott, Nathan Ronald UTP N Jessop, W 56 FXD 002 Controlled Substance CON Surrey BC
UTP N Jessop, W 56 FXD 003 CDS 5 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Trafficking in M
Controlled Substance CON
UTP N Jessop, W 56 FXD 004 CDS 5 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Trafficking in M
Controlled Substance CON
UTP N Jessop, W 56 FXD 005 CDS 5 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Trafficking in M
Controlled Substance CON
UTP N Jessop, W 56 FXD 006 CDS 5 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Trafficking in M
Controlled Substance CON
UTP N Jessop, W 56 FXD 007 CDS 5 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Trafficking in M
Controlled Substance CON

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Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

54 254007-1 Trott, Nathan Ronald UTP N Jessop, W 56 FXD 007 PRO Surrey BC
55 254995-1 Voigt, Steven Carl Arthur ROW N 78 APW 001 CCC 334 b ADJ Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under M
56 255463-1 Walia, Rajveer SUM 80 FXD 001 MVA 102 a ADJ Langley BC
driving while M
prohibited CON
57 255325-1 West, John Darcy ROD N Muldoon, 74 FXD 001 CCC 320.18 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
D. Drive while M
disqualified under CCC CON
ROD N Muldoon, 74 FXD 002 MVA 234 2 a ADJ Surrey BC
D. driving while M
suspended CON
58 253083-2-C White, Jacqueline Susanne PPA N PCJ 317 FXD 001 CCC 85 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Use imitation firearm M
committing, etc. PRO
indictable M
PPA N PCJ 317 FXD 002 CCC 267 a ADJ Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon M

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Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

58 253083-2-C White, Jacqueline Susanne PPA N PCJ 317 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Uttering threats M
PPA N PCJ 317 FXD 004 CCC 88 1 ADJ Surrey BC
possessing weapon for M
dangerous purpose PRO
PPA N PCJ 317 FXD 005 CCC 90 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Carry a weapon or M
prohibited device/ammo PRO
concealed M
For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM
59 256217-1 Berry, Matthew Brian Paul UTP N 0 FAW 001 CCC 380 1 a ADJ Delta BC
Fraud over $5000 M
UTP N 0 FAW 002 CCC 368 1 b ADJ Delta BC
Causing person to use M
forged document PRO
60 243024-1 Groff, Daniel Everett ROD N Jessop, W N PCJ 775 FXD 001 CDS 5 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Possession for the M
purpose of trafficking CON
ROD N Jessop, W N PCJ 775 FXD 002 CDS 5 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Possession for the M
purpose of trafficking CON

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Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

60 243024-1 Groff, Daniel Everett ROD N Jessop, W N 775 FXD 002 PRO Surrey BC
ROD N Jessop, W N PCJ 775 FXD 003 CCC 95 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo M
prohib/restricted CON
firearm M
ROD N Jessop, W N PCJ 775 FXD 004 CCC 91 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o M
licence and/or CON
registration M
61 255787-1 Kong, Tut-Kuoth UTP N 0 FAW 001 CCC 267 a ADJ Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon M
UTP N 0 FAW 002 CCC 266 ADJ Surrey BC
Assault M
For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM
62 255589-2-C Alagar, Michael Concepcion PPA N 63 CLC 032 CCC 402.2 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Identity Theft M
PPA N 63 CLC 033 CCC 450 b ADJ Surrey BC
Possess counterfeit M
money PRO

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Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM

62 255589-2-C Alagar, Michael Concepcion PPA N 63 CLC 034 CCC 368 1 d ADJ Surrey BC
Possess forged M
document w/intent to PRO
commit offence M
PPA N 63 CLC 035 CCC 56.1 1 ADJ Surrey BC
deal with identity M
document without PRO
lawful excuse M
PPA N 63 CLC 036 CCC 56.1 1 ADJ Surrey BC
deal with identity M
document without PRO
lawful excuse M
PPA N 63 CLC 037 CCC 56.1 1 ADJ Surrey BC
deal with identity M
document without PRO
lawful excuse M
PPA N 63 CLC 038 CCC 342 3 ADJ Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of M
credit card data PRO
PPA N 63 CLC 039 CCC 129 a ADJ Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace PRO
officer M
63 256112-1 Cassidy, Andrew Graham AN N 0 FA 001 MVA 95 1 ADJ Delta BC
Driving while M
prohibited/ licence PRO
suspended M
64 255767-1 Hafizi, Massud UTP N 28 CLC 001 CCC 266 ADJ Surrey BC
Assault M

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM

65 255345-1 Ivanda, Mark Marian ROW N 31 CLC 001 CCC 267 a ADJ Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon M
ROW N 31 CLC 002 CCC 266 ADJ Surrey BC
Assault M
66 254662-1 Murphy, Shawna Michell UTP N 0 FAW 001 CCC 264.1 1 b ADJ Surrey BC
Uttering threats to M
burn, destroy or PRO
damage M
UTP N 0 FAW 002 CCC 430 ADJ Surrey BC
Mischief M
67 255795-1 Wiggins Woloshuk, Mason Lucas UTA N 21 CLC 001 CCC 267 a ADJ Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon M
UTA N 21 CLC 002 CCC 430 ADJ Surrey BC
Mischief M
68 255927-1 Williams, Raymond Jack AN N 31 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Driving while M
prohibited/ licence PRO
suspended M
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
69 255449-1 Blackburn, Thomas Norman ROW N Melville, 67 APW 001 CCC 266 ADJ Langley BC
D Assault M

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

69 255449-1 Blackburn, Thomas Norman ROW N Melville, 67 APW 001 CON Langley BC
70 256150-1 Corr, Sharon Kim UTP N 0 FA 001 CCC 334 b ADJ Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under M
71 254455-1 Dhillon, Manbir Singh UTP N Melville, 95 APW 001 CCC 430 4 ADJ Surrey BC
D Mischief $5000 or M
under CON
72 256120-1 Han, Haochen AN N 0 FA 001 MVA 95 1 ADJ Delta BC
Driving while M
prohibited/ licence PRO
suspended M
73 256122-1 Hansen, Riley Richard Phillip SUM N 0 FA 001 MVA 95 1 ADJ Langley BC
Driving while M
prohibited/ licence PRO
suspended M
74 251416-1 Tory, Michael John RON N Ali,Z 480 FXD 001 CCC 380 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Fraud M
RON N Ali,Z 480 FXD 002 CCC 403 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
Personation with M
intent to gain PRO
advantage M
RON N Ali,Z 480 FXD 003 CCC 368 1 b ADJ Surrey BC
Causing person to use M

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Room: 100 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

74 251416-1 Tory, Michael John RON N Ali,Z 480 FXD 003 forged document PRO Surrey BC
RON N Ali,Z 480 FXD 004 CCC 368 1 b ADJ Surrey BC
Causing person to use M
forged document PRO
75 252356-1 Tory, Michael John RON N Ali,Z 368 FXD 002 CCC 348 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
break and enter with M
intent to commit PRO
offence M
76 255373-1 Tory, Michael John RON N 5 FXD 001 CCC 334 b ADJ Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under M
RON N 5 FXD 002 CCC 334 b ADJ Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under M
RON N 5 FXD 003 CCC 129 a ADJ Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace PRO
officer M

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Room: 101 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 248022-2-C Svensen, Cole Chalmers ROW N Muldoon, C N PCJ 648 APP 001 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
ROW N Muldoon, C N PCJ 648 APP 002 CDS 5 2 Richmond BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
ROW N Muldoon, C N PCJ 648 APP 003 CDS 5 2 Richmond BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
ROW N Muldoon, C N PCJ 648 APP 004 CDS 5 2 Richmond BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
ROW N Muldoon, C N PCJ 648 APP 005 CCC 95 1 Richmond BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo

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Room: 102 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 255868-1 Arjun, Christopher DO N Movassahi, G 40 DSP 001 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
B Assault with a weapon VC
DO N Movassahi, 40 DSP 002 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
B Assault with a weapon VC
DO N Movassahi, 40 DSP 003 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
B Assault with a weapon VC
DO N Movassahi, 40 DSP 004 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
B Assault with a weapon VC
DO N Movassahi, G 40 DSP 005 CCC 117.01 1 ACC Surrey BC
B Possession of VC
firearm,etc. contrary CON
to order M
DO N Movassahi, 40 DSP 006 CCC 117.01 1 ACC Surrey BC
B Possession of VC
firearm,etc. contrary CON
to order M
2 245013-1 Dhami, Simranjit Singh AOO N Dutt, P N PCJ 1033 FXD 001 CCC 268 2 Surrey BC
Aggravated assault
AOO N Dutt, P N PCJ 1033 FXD 002 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
3 255102-1 Dhillon, Heston Singh RON N Allain, R 121 AVB 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
RON N Allain, R 121 AVB 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC

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Room: 102 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

4 255102-2-A Dhillon, Heston Singh RON N Allain, R 101 AVB 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
RON N Allain, R 101 AVB 002 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
5 245928-2-C LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Karp, D G 899 APP 004 CCC 163.1 4 CON Langley BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.1 Possession of child M
pornography PRO
6 245928-3-S Ingunza, Jose Luis Karp, D 48 APP 001 CCC 742.6 CON Langley BC
(related to 245928- Breach of Conditional M
2-C PRA) Sentence Order PRO
7 253474-2-KC Knight, Kristopher David PPA N Dhillon, K 274 APP 001 CCC 127 1 PRO Surrey BC
Disobeying court order M
8 253117-1 Lester, Bijan Xzavier UTP N Ali, Z 292 DSP 001 CCC 320.14 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Impaired operation - M
alcohol or drug
UTP N Ali, Z G 292 DSP 002 CCC 145 1 ACC Surrey BC
Escape lawful custody M
or being unlawfully at
UTP N Ali, Z 292 DSP 003 CCC 320.15 1 ACC Surrey BC
Refusal M
9 253389-1 Mattie, Crystal Lynn Dawn ROW N Saran, S G 242 SNT 001 CCC 434 CON Surrey BC
arson damaging M
10 255335-1 Simpson, Tenysha Shantay-Lynne UTP N Dhillon, K 68 APP 001 CCC 334 b PRO Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under M
11 254193-1 Singh, Anish Dev UTP N Kandola, R G 196 DSP 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to

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Room: 102 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

11 254193-1 Singh, Anish Dev UTP N Kandola, R G 196 DSP 001 cause death or bodily Surrey BC
12 254727-1 Townes, Cole ROW N Corriveau, 157 APW 001 CCC 267 a Delta BC
C Assault with a weapon
ROW N Corriveau, 157 APW 002 CCC 430 4 Delta BC
C Mischief $5000 or
13 252963-1 Valliers, Jennifer Lynn DO N Picard, A SUM 308 DSP 001 CCC 344 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Robbery VC
DO N Picard, A G SUM 308 DSP 002 CCC 267 b ACC Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily VC
DO N Picard, A SUM 308 DSP 003 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
14 253772-1 Bassi, Sarbjit Singh SUM Lee, K 220 AHR 001 CCC 320.14 2 CON Surrey BC
Impaired operation M
causing bodily harm PRO
SUM Lee, K 220 AHR 002 CCC 320.14 2 CON Surrey BC
Impaired operation M
causing bodily harm PRO
SUM Lee, K 220 AHR 003 CCC 320.16 1 CON Surrey BC
Fail to Stop M
SUM Lee, K 220 AHR 004 CCC 129 a CON Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or M

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Room: 102 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

14 253772-1 Bassi, Sarbjit Singh SUM Lee, K 220 AHR 004 obstructing a peace PRO Surrey BC
officer M
SUM Lee, K 220 AHR 005 CCC 320.15 1 CON Surrey BC
Refusal M
SUM Lee, K 220 AHR 006 CCC 445.01 CON Surrey BC
Wilfully kill, maim, M
etc law enforcement PRO
animal M
15 250764-1 Borden, Julie Marie RON N Ali, Z G PCJ 492 PSB 001 CCC 355 a Surrey BC
PSP Over $5,000
RON N Ali, Z G PCJ 492 PSB 002 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
RON N Ali, Z PCJ 492 PSB 003 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
16 252093-1 Grant, Nadine Adele Sharon RON N Movassaghi N 371 APP 001 CCC 270.01 1 b CON Surrey BC
, B Assault Peace Officer M
cause bodily harm PRO
RON N Movassaghi N 371 APP 002 CCC 334 b CON Surrey BC
, B Theft $5000 or under M
RON N Movassaghi N 371 APP 003 CCC 266 CON Surrey BC
, B Assault M

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Room: 102 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

17 254280-1-K Marcotte, Patrick ROD N 206 PTC 001 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault X
ROD N 206 PTC 002 CCC 430 4 ACC Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or X
under PRO
ROD N 206 PTC 003 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon X
ROD N 206 PTC 004 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault X
18 246570-7-B Quaye, Sean Tyler DO N Williamson G 93 JIR 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
, S Breach of Probation VC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 255365-1-K Afzal, Rizwan Mohammed UTP N 0 FAW 001 CCC 430 4 PRO Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or M
UTP N 0 FAW 002 CCC 264.1 1 a PRO Surrey BC
Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily
UTP N 0 FAW 003 CCC 264.1 1 a PRO Surrey BC
Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily
2 252708-1-K Benipal, Sukhwinder Singh ROW N Sandhu, M 351 FXD 001 CCC 266 PRO Surrey BC
Assault M
3 249475-1 Billing, Gurjit Singh SUM Currie, J 637 APP 001 CCC 320.15 1 CON Surrey BC
Refusal M
SUM Currie, J G 637 APP 002 CCC 320.13 1 CON Surrey BC
Dangerous operation of M
a Conveyance PRO
SUM Currie, J 637 APP 003 CCC 320.16 1 CON Surrey BC
Fail to Stop M
4 256189-1-K Brar, Balkar Singh ROW N 15 CLC 001 CCC 266 PRO Surrey BC
Assault M
ROW N 15 CLC 002 CCC 266 PRO Surrey BC
Assault M
ROW N 15 CLC 003 CCC 264.1 1 a PRO Surrey BC
Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

4 256189-1-K Brar, Balkar Singh ROW N 15 CLC 003 harm Surrey BC

5 253184-1-K Cabanas, Glenn Capungan ROW N Abdulmalik 305 DSP 001 CCC 267 c CON Delta BC
, A Assault by choking M
ROW N Abdulmalik 305 DSP 002 CCC 264.1 1 CON Delta BC
, A Uttering threats M
6 254886-1-K Cao, Yueming ROW N Hung, J 147 FXD 001 CCC 266 CON Surrey BC
Assault M
7 255922-1-K Crouch, Richard Lance RON N Abdulmalik 36 FXD 001 CCC 266 CON Langley BC
, A Assault M
8 255699-1-K Duncan, Keith Hiromi ROW N Abdulmalik 60 FXD 001 CCC 266 CON Surrey BC
, A Assault M
ROW N Abdulmalik 60 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 CON Surrey BC
, A Uttering threats M
9 255605-1-K Duong, Van Son ROW N 70 FXD 001 CCC 267 c CON Surrey BC
Assault by choking M
ROW N 70 FXD 002 CCC 267 a CON Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon M

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

9 255605-1-K Duong, Van Son ROW N 70 FXD 002 PRO Surrey BC
ROW N 70 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 CON Surrey BC
Uttering threats M
10 256235-1-K Ha, Thanh Chung ROW N 8 CLC 001 CCC 267 c PRO Surrey BC
Assault by choking M
11 255718-1-K Hibbert, Daniel James ROD N 57 CLC 001 CCC 266 PRO White Rock BC
Assault M
12 255981-1-K Kaler, Bharat RON N 28 FXD 001 CCC 266 PRO Delta BC
Assault M
RON N 28 FXD 002 CCC 267 c PRO Delta BC
Assault by choking M
13 251483-1-K Kenal, Riley Joseph ROW N Payn, D 476 AHR 001 CCC 267 a CON Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon M
ROW N Payn, D 476 AHR 002 CCC 267 b CON Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily M
harm PRO
14 227016-14-KB Khan, Nathan Singh ROD N 227 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 CON Richmond BC
Breach of Probation M
Order PRO
15 255156-1-K Lal, Sean Shalendra UTP N Dhillon, K 84 FXD 001 CCC 267 c PRO Delta BC
Assault by choking M
UTP N Dhillon, K 84 FXD 002 CCC 266 PRO Delta BC
Assault M
16 255411-2-KC Lalim, Matthew Ambrose ROD N Percival, 85 FXD 001 CCC 266 CON Surrey BC
J Assault M

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

16 255411-2-KC Lalim, Matthew Ambrose ROD N Percival, 85 FXD 001 PRO Surrey BC
ROD N Percival, 85 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a CON Surrey BC
J Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily PRO
harm M
ROD N Percival, 85 FXD 003 CCC 266 CON Surrey BC
J Assault M
ROD N Percival, 85 FXD 004 CCC 266 CON Surrey BC
J Assault M
ROD N Percival, 85 FXD 005 CCC 145 5 a CON Surrey BC
J Breach of release M
order PRO
ROD N Percival, 85 FXD 006 CCC 145 5 a CON Surrey BC
J Breach of release M
order PRO
17 255411-4-KA Lalim, Matthew Ambrose ROD N Percival, 39 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a CON Pitt Meadows BC
J Breach of release M
order PRO
ROD N Percival, 39 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a CON Pitt Meadows BC
J Breach of release M
order PRO
18 249721-4-KB Latimer, Hallie Stephanie RON N Swartz, M 260 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 CON Surrey BC
Breach of Probation M

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

18 249721-4-KB Latimer, Hallie Stephanie RON N Swartz, M 260 FXD 001 Order PRO Surrey BC
19 254549-1-K Latimer, Hallie Stephanie RON N Swartz, M 46 FXD 001 CCC 430 4 CON Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or M
under PRO
RON N Swartz, M 46 FXD 002 CCC 733.1 CON Surrey BC
Breach of Probation M
Order PRO
RON N Swartz, M 46 FXD 003 CCC 733.1 CON Surrey BC
Breach of Probation M
Order PRO
RON N Swartz, M 46 FXD 004 CCC 430 4 CON Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or M
under PRO
RON N Swartz, M 46 FXD 005 CCC 733.1 1 CON Surrey BC
Breach of Probation M
Order PRO
20 255698-1-K Leclaire, James Marshall RON N Gill, S 61 FXD 001 CCC 266 PRO Langley BC
Assault M
RON N Gill, S 61 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 PRO Langley BC
Uttering threats M
21 255095-1-K Linton, Keenan William UTP N 119 FXD 001 CCC 267 c CON Langley BC
Assault by choking M
UTP N 119 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a CON Langley BC
Uttering threats to M

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

21 255095-1-K Linton, Keenan William UTP N 119 FXD 002 cause death or bodily PRO Langley BC
harm M
UTP N 119 FXD 003 CCC 266 CON Langley BC
Assault M
22 254430-2-KC Lubana, Balwinder Singh PPA N Hung, J 196 FXD 001 CCC 264 CON Surrey BC
Criminal Harassment M
23 247371-1-K Mandaher, Jagtar Singh RON N Dutt, P 823 DSP 001 CCC 264.1 1 a PRO Surrey BC
Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily
24 247371-2-KA Mandaher, Jagtar Singh RON N Dutt, P 275 DSP 001 CCC 145 2 b PRO Surrey BC
Failing to appear M
having appeared
25 252848-2-KC Melke, Aman ROW N Abdulmalik 339 FXD 001 CCC 266 CON Surrey BC
, A Assault M
ROW N Abdulmalik 339 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a CON Surrey BC
, A Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily PRO
harm M
ROW N Abdulmalik 339 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 a CON Surrey BC
, A Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily PRO
harm M
ROW N Abdulmalik 339 FXD 004 CCC 145 4 a CON Surrey BC
, A Breach of undertaking M

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

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No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

25 252848-2-KC Melke, Aman ROW N Abdulmalik 339 FXD 004 M Surrey BC
, A
26 255127-1-K Nazeem, Alisha AN N Dhillon, K 88 APW 001 CCC 430 4 PRO Delta BC
Mischief $5000 or M
27 255954-1-K Reyes Mateo, Christian ROW N Heba, E 32 FXD 001 CCC 267 a PRO Surrey BC
Alexander Reyes Assault with a weapon M
ROW N Heba, E 32 FXD 002 CCC 266 PRO Surrey BC
Assault M
28 255624-3-KC Rioux, Brannick Joesph REM Y Abdulmalik 69 JIR 001 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Assault with a weapon VC
REM Y Abdulmalik 69 JIR 002 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
, A Assault VC
REM Y Abdulmalik 69 JIR 003 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily CON
harm M
REM Y Abdulmalik 69 JIR 004 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Breach of release VC
order CON

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

28 255624-3-KC Rioux, Brannick Joesph REM Y Abdulmalik 69 JIR 004 M Surrey BC
, A
REM Y Abdulmalik 69 JIR 005 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Breach of release VC
order CON
REM Y Abdulmalik 69 JIR 006 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Breach of release VC
order CON
REM Y Abdulmalik 69 JIR 007 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Breach of release VC
order CON
29 248696-2-KB Sadhra, Sandip Singh RON N Randhawa, G 117 ARB 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
R Breach of Probation VC
Order PRO
RON N Randhawa, 117 ARB 002 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
R Breach of Probation VC
Order PRO
30 248696-4-KA Sadhra, Sandip Singh RON N Randhawa, 67 ARB 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
R Breach of release VC
order PRO

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

31 256232-1-K Sadhra, Sandip Singh REM Y Randhawa, G 8 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
R Breach of release VC
order PRO
REM Y Randhawa, G 8 JIR 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
R Breach of release VC
order PRO
REM Y Randhawa, 8 JIR 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
R Breach of release VC
order PRO
REM Y Randhawa, 8 JIR 004 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
R Breach of release VC
order PRO
REM Y Randhawa, 8 JIR 005 CCC 72 1 ACC Surrey BC
R Forcible Entry VC
32 254743-1-K Sandhu, Parminder Singh ROW N Sandhu, M 162 FXD 001 CCC 266 PRO Surrey BC
Assault M
33 250615-8-KB Sangha, Amun Preet Robin AWW Y Randhawa, 45 JIR 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
R Breach of Probation VC
Order CON
34 255103-1-K Shand, Tiffany Allisha RON N Dawkins, J 121 FXD 001 CCC 266 CON Surrey BC
Assault M

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 255103-2-KA Shand, Tiffany Allisha RON N Dawkins, J 35 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a CON Abbotsford BC
Breach of release M
order PRO
36 255249-1-K Singh, Simranjit ROW N Rehlan, H ADM 104 FXD 001 CCC 266 CCC 810 1 a PRO Surrey BC
Assault fear of M
37 250982-1-K Stewart, Allan Scott RON Y Ali, Z N 510 JIR 001 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
38 269462-1-K Stewart, Allan Scott WAR Y Ali, Z 7 JIR 001 CCC 267 c ACC Vancouver BC
Vancouver Provincial Assault by choking VC
Court CON
WAR Y Ali, Z 7 JIR 002 CCC 344 1 b ACC Vancouver BC
Robbery VC
WAR Y Ali, Z 7 JIR 003 CCC 279 2 ACC Vancouver BC
Unlawful confinement VC
or imprisonment CON

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

38 269462-1-K Stewart, Allan Scott WAR Y Ali, Z 7 JIR 003 M Vancouver BC

WAR Y Ali, Z 7 JIR 004 CCC 264.1 1 ACC Vancouver BC

Uttering threats VC
39 254830-1-K Storgeoff, Daniel James UTP N Krueger, J 143 FXD 001 CCC 266 PRO White Rock BC
Assault M
40 255609-1-K Torrance, James Kendal Ryan ROW N Picard, A 70 FXD 002 CCC 270 1 PRO Delta BC
Assault Peace Officer M
ROW N Picard, A 70 FXD 003 CCC 129 a PRO Delta BC
wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace
41 253391-1-K Villanueva, Denis Eduardo UTP N Abdulmalik 168 FXD 001 CCC 266 CON Surrey BC
, A. Assault M
42 255901-1-K Wilkins, Jakob Timothy ROW N 39 CLC 001 CCC 266 PRO Langley BC
Assault M
For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM
43 250102-4-KB Burnshine, Tyler James UTP N 0 FAW 001 CCC 733.1 1 PRO Langley BC
Breach of Probation M
44 255913-1-K Cheema, Siasat Singh UTP N Bhangu, J 0 FAW 001 CCC 266 PRO White Rock BC
Assault M
UTP N Bhangu, J 0 FAW 002 CCC 334 b PRO White Rock BC
Theft $5000 or under M
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

45 97022-1 Ambikawathy, Arutkumaran REM Dawkins, J 175 ARB 001 CCC 320.18 1 a ACC Abbotsford BC
Abbotsford Law Drive while VC
Courts disqualified under CCC CON
REM Dawkins, J 175 ARB 002 CCC 129 a ACC Abbotsford BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace CON
officer M
46 244940-10-KB Ambikawathy, Arutkumaran REM Y Dawkins, J 14 ARB 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Breach of Probation VC
Order CON
47 244940-11-KB Ambikawathy, Arutkumaran REM Y Dawkins, J 3 APP 001 CCC 145 4 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking VC
REM Y Dawkins, J 3 APP 002 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC
Order CON
48 256152-1-KA Ambikawathy, Arutkumaran REM Y Dawkins, J 20 ARB 001 CCC 145 4 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking VC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

48 256152-1-KA Ambikawathy, Arutkumaran REM Y Dawkins, J 20 ARB 001 CON Surrey BC
49 256152-3-KA Ambikawathy, Arutkumaran REM Y Dawkins, J 4 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
order CON
50 250958-4-KB Brar, Gurpreet Singh UTP N 14 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 PRO Surrey BC
Breach of Probation M
51 254767-1-K Nguyen, Khang Van DO Y 160 CLC 001 CCC 264 ACC Surrey BC
Criminal Harassment VC
DO Y 160 CLC 002 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose CON
52 252859-1-K Rana, Sukhjinder Singh RON N Ali, Z 337 FXD 001 CCC 266 CON Surrey BC
Assault M

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Room: 105 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

1 248882-1 Lien, Jamie Ryan WAR Y Markovitz, G PCJ 208 SNT 001 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
D Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking CON
WAR Y Markovitz, G PCJ 208 SNT 002 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
D Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking CON
WAR Y Markovitz, G PCJ 208 SNT 003 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
D Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking CON
WAR Y Markovitz, PCJ 208 SNT 004 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
D Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking CON
WAR Y Markovitz, PCJ 208 SNT 005 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
D Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking CON
WAR Y Markovitz, PCJ 208 SNT 006 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
D Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily CON
harm M
WAR Y Markovitz, PCJ 208 SNT 007 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
D Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily CON
harm M
WAR Y Markovitz, PCJ 208 SNT 008 CCC 270.01 1 a ACC Surrey BC
D Assault Peace Officer VC
with a weapon CON

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Room: 105 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

1 248882-1 Lien, Jamie Ryan WAR Y Markovitz, PCJ 208 SNT 009 CCC 270.01 1 a ACC Surrey BC
D Assault Peace Officer VC
with a weapon CON
WAR Y Markovitz, PCJ 208 SNT 010 CCC 320.13 1 ACC Surrey BC
D Dangerous operation of VC
a Conveyance CON
WAR Y Markovitz, G PCJ 208 SNT 011 CCC 320.17 ACC Surrey BC
D Flight from Police VC
2 248892-1 Lien, Jamie Ryan WAR Y Markovitz, G PCJ 208 SNT 001 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
D Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking CON
WAR Y Markovitz, PCJ 208 SNT 002 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
D Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking CON
WAR Y Markovitz, PCJ 208 SNT 003 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
D Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking CON
WAR Y Markovitz, G PCJ 208 SNT 004 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
D Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking CON
WAR Y Markovitz, G PCJ 208 SNT 005 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
D Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking CON

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Room: 105 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

3 249690-1 Lien, Jamie Ryan ROD N Markovitz, 628 SNT 001 CCC 320.13 1 ACC Langley BC
D Dangerous operation of VC
a Conveyance CON
ROD N Markovitz, G 628 SNT 002 CCC 320.17 ACC Langley BC
D Flight from Police VC
ROD N Markovitz, 628 SNT 003 MVA 102 a ACC Langley BC
D driving while VC
prohibited CON
ROD N Markovitz, 628 SNT 004 MVA 234 1 ACC Langley BC
D driving while driver's VC
licence is suspended CON
4 249690-2-A Lien, Jamie Ryan WAR Y Markovitz, 208 SNT 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Abbotsford BC
D Breach of release VC
order CON
WAR Y Markovitz, 208 SNT 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Abbotsford BC
D Breach of release VC
order CON
WAR Y Markovitz, 208 SNT 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Abbotsford BC
D Breach of release VC
order CON
5 250509-1 Lien, Jamie Ryan ROD N Markovitz, 561 SNT 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
D Breach of release VC
order CON

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Room: 105 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

5 250509-1 Lien, Jamie Ryan ROD N Markovitz, 561 SNT 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
D Breach of release VC
order CON
ROD N Markovitz, 561 SNT 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
D Breach of release VC
order CON
ROD N Markovitz, 561 SNT 004 MVA 102 a ACC Surrey BC
D driving while VC
prohibited CON
ROD N Markovitz, 561 SNT 005 MVA 234 1 ACC Surrey BC
D driving while driver's VC
licence is suspended CON

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Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 254478-1 Beaton, Gavin Forbes AOI Y N PCJ 192 FXD 001 CCC 344 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Robbery VC
2 252074-1 Brown, Fabian Yul REM Y 53 JIR 001 CCC 279 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 kidnapping VC
REM Y 53 JIR 002 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
REM Y 53 JIR 004 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily CON
harm M
REM Y 53 JIR 005 CCC 348 1 b ACC Surrey BC
break and enter and VC
commit indictable CON
offence M
3 91915-1-B Cox, Benjamin Christopher ROW N 53 ARB 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Nanaimo BC
Nanaimo Law Courts Breach of Probation VC
Order CON
4 255973-1 Cox, Benjamin Christopher AWW Y 28 JIR 001 CCC 348 1 a ACC Langley BC
break and enter with VC
intent to commit CON
offence M
AWW Y 28 JIR 002 CCC 351 1 ACC Langley BC
Possess break-in VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

4 255973-1 Cox, Benjamin Christopher AWW Y 28 JIR 002 instrument CON Langley BC
5 256243-1 Cox, Benjamin Christopher WAR Y 0 APP 001 CCC 348 1 b ACC Surrey BC
break and enter and VC
commit indictable CON
offence M
6 255951-1 Dhillon, Sajjan Singh REM Y Sandhu, M 32 JIR 001 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
REM Y Sandhu, M 32 JIR 002 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
REM Y Sandhu, M 32 JIR 003 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily PRO
harm M
REM Y Sandhu, M 32 JIR 004 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily PRO
harm M
7 256230-2-C Elliot, Simon James AWW Y 8 JIR 001 CCC 266 ACC Langley BC
Assault VC
AWW Y 8 JIR 002 CCC 267 a ACC Langley BC
Assault with a weapon VC
AWW Y 8 JIR 003 CCC 88 1 ACC Langley BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose
AWW Y 8 JIR 004 CCC 129 a ACC Langley BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace

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Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

7 256230-2-C Elliot, Simon James AWW Y 8 JIR 004 officer Langley BC

AWW Y 8 JIR 005 CCC 403 1 d ACC Langley BC

Personation with VC
intent to avoid arrest
8 68105-1 Elliott, Simon James ROW N 45 ARB 001 CCC 348 1 a ACC Richmond BC
Richmond Provincial break and enter with VC
Court intent to commit
9 271688-1 Elliott, Simon James WAR Y 4 JIR 001 CCC 129 a ACC Vancouver BC
Vancouver Provincial wilfully resisting or VC
Court obstructing a peace
WAR Y 4 JIR 002 CCC 403 1 a ACC Vancouver BC
Personation with VC
intent to gain
10 246221-4-B Fader, Gregory James RON N Sangha, H 120 CTD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Breach of Probation VC
Order CON
11 246221-5-B Fader, Gregory James WAR Y Sangha, H 40 CTD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Breach of Probation VC
Order CON
12 255819-1 Fader, Gregory James AWW Y Sangha, H 46 CTD 001 CCC 95 1 ACC Langley BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

12 255819-1 Fader, Gregory James AWW Y Sangha, H 46 CTD 001 prohib/restricted CON Langley BC
firearm M
AWW Y Sangha, H 46 CTD 002 CCC 91 1 ACC Langley BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or CON
registration M
AWW Y Sangha, H 46 CTD 003 CCC 92 1 ACC Langley BC
Possess a firearm w/o VC
licence or CON
registration M
AWW Y Sangha, H 46 CTD 004 CCC 90 1 ACC Langley BC
Carry a weapon or VC
prohibited device/ammo CON
concealed M
13 255820-1 Fader, Gregory James AWW Y Sangha, H 46 CTD 001 CCC 117.01 1 ACC Langley BC
Possession of VC
firearm,etc. contrary CON
to order M
14 255930-1 Fader, Gregory James REM Y Sangha, H 24 CTD 001 CCC 90 1 ACC Langley BC
Carry a weapon or VC
prohibited device/ammo CON
concealed M

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Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

14 255930-1 Fader, Gregory James REM Y Sangha, H 24 CTD 001 PRO Langley BC
REM Y Sangha, H 24 CTD 002 CCC 88 1 ACC Langley BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose CON
REM Y Sangha, H 24 CTD 003 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Langley BC
Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily CON
harm M
15 253805-1 Khela, Inderjit Singh ROW N 243 FXD 001 CCC 334 b CON Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under M
16 255460-1 Khela, Inderjit Singh ROW N 64 FXD 001 CCC 334 b CON Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under M
ROW N 64 FXD 002 CCC 334 b CON Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under M
ROW N 64 FXD 003 CCC 334 b CON Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under M
17 252833-1 Lebleu, Emily Mae RON N McMurray, 340 CLC 001 CCC 91 2 CON Langley BC
P Possess non-firearm M
unauthorized PRO
RON N McMurray, G 340 CLC 002 CCC 88 1 CON Langley BC
P possessing weapon for M
dangerous purpose PRO
18 252833-2-A Lebleu, Emily Mae RON N McMurray, 140 CLC 001 CCC 145 5 a CON Langley BC
P Breach of release M

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Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

18 252833-2-A Lebleu, Emily Mae RON N McMurray, 140 CLC 001 order PRO Langley BC
19 252833-3-A Lebleu, Emily Mae RON N 4 CLC 001 CCC 145 5 a CON Langley BC
Breach of release M
order PRO
20 254832-1 Lebleu, Emily Mae RON N McMurray, G 140 CLC 001 CCC 267 a CON Langley BC
P Assault with a weapon M
RON N McMurray, G 140 CLC 002 CCC 145 5 a CON Langley BC
P Breach of release M
order PRO
21 254290-2-C Louis, Blake Kenneth ROW Y Reveley, J 205 JIR 001 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property PRO
ROW Y Reveley, J 205 JIR 002 CCC 320.13 1 ACC Surrey BC
Dangerous operation of VC
a Conveyance PRO
ROW Y Reveley, J 205 JIR 003 CCC 320.14 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Impaired operation - VC
alcohol or drug PRO
22 256266-1 LIMITED ACCESS REM Y 4 JIR 001 CCC 272 2 b ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 sexual assault with VC
weapon/threats/BH/chok CON
e M
REM Y 4 JIR 002 CCC 344 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Robbery VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

22 256266-1 LIMITED ACCESS REM Y 4 JIR 002 CON Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 M
23 251293-1 LIMITED ACCESS REM Y Kandola, R 481 APP 001 CCC 151 ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.1 Sexual interference of TC
person under 16 PRO
REM Y Kandola, R 481 APP 002 CCC 271 ACC Surrey BC
sexual assault TC
REM Y Kandola, R 481 APP 003 CCC 145 4 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking TC
24 252973-1 Pelletier, Shawn Brian RON Y Kandola, R 328 APP 001 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity TC
document without PRO
lawful excuse M
RON Y Kandola, R 328 APP 002 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity TC
document without PRO
lawful excuse M
RON Y Kandola, R 328 APP 003 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of TC
credit card data PRO
RON Y Kandola, R 328 APP 004 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release TC
order PRO
25 96396-1 Prost, Billy George RON Y Dhillon, K 363 JIR 001 CCC 264.1 1 b ACC Abbotsford BC
Abbotsford Law Uttering threats to VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

25 96396-1 Prost, Billy George RON Y Dhillon, K 363 JIR 001 burn, destroy or PRO Abbotsford BC
Courts damage M

26 253756-1 Prost, Billy George RON Y Dhillon, K 248 JIR 001 CCC 333.1 1 ACC Langley BC
motor vehicle theft VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 248 JIR 002 CCC 355 a ACC Langley BC
PSP Over $5,000 VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 248 JIR 003 CCC 320.13 1 ACC Langley BC
Dangerous operation of VC
a Conveyance PRO
RON Y Dhillon, K 248 JIR 004 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Breach of Probation VC
Order PRO
RON Y Dhillon, K 248 JIR 005 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Breach of Probation VC
Order PRO
27 254941-1 Prost, Billy George RON Y Dhillon, K 140 JIR 001 CCC 348 1 b ACC Surrey BC
break and enter and VC
commit indictable PRO
offence M
RON Y Dhillon, K 140 JIR 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
order PRO

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Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

27 254941-1 Prost, Billy George RON Y Dhillon, K 140 JIR 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
order PRO
RON Y Dhillon, K 140 JIR 004 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
order PRO
28 253577-3-A Provencal, Andre Marc WAR Y Movassaghi 53 JIR 001 CCC 145 2 b ACC Surrey BC
, B Failing to appear VC
having appeared CON
29 254244-1 Provencal, Andre Marc RON N Movassaghi 205 ARB 001 CCC 434 ACC Surrey BC
, B arson damaging VC
property CON
RON N Movassaghi 205 ARB 002 CCC 430 ACC Surrey BC
, B Mischief VC
30 254244-2-A Provencal, Andre Marc RON N Movassaghi 110 ARB 001 CCC 145 4 a ACC New Westminster BC
, B Breach of undertaking VC
31 254244-3-A Provencal, Andre Marc RON N Movassaghi 110 ARB 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
, B Breach of release VC
order CON
32 256009-1 Sarkesean, Michael Sivak AWW Y 5 JIR 001 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking PRO

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

32 256009-1 Sarkesean, Michael Sivak AWW Y 5 JIR 002 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking PRO
AWW Y 5 JIR 003 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking PRO
AWW Y 5 JIR 004 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose PRO
AWW Y 5 JIR 005 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose PRO
AWW Y 5 JIR 006 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace PRO
officer M
33 252507-1 Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Dosanjh, J N 353 CTD 001 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace CON
officer M
DO Y Dosanjh, J N 353 CTD 002 MVA 95 1 ACC Surrey BC
Driving while VC
prohibited/ licence CON
suspended M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 63 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

33 252507-1 Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Dosanjh, J N 353 CTD 003 MVA 102 a ACC Surrey BC
driving while VC
prohibited CON
34 253339-1 Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Dosanjh, J N 256 CTD 001 MVA 95 1 ACC Surrey BC
Driving while VC
prohibited/ licence CON
suspended M
35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 001 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 002 CCC 368 1 d ACC Surrey BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to CON
commit offence M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 003 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 004 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 64 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 004 document without CON Surrey BC
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 005 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
order CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 006 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
order CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 008 CCC 368 1 d ACC Surrey BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to CON
commit offence M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 009 CCC 368 1 d ACC Surrey BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to CON
commit offence M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 010 CCC 368 1 d ACC Surrey BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to CON
commit offence M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 65 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 010 PRO Surrey BC
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 025 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 026 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 027 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 028 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of VC
credit card data CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 029 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 66 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 030 CCC 368 1 d ACC Surrey BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to CON
commit offence M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 031 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 032 CCC 368 1 d ACC Surrey BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to CON
commit offence M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 033 CCC 368 1 d ACC Surrey BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to CON
commit offence M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 034 CCC 368 1 d ACC Surrey BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to CON
commit offence M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 035 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 67 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 035 Property CON Surrey BC
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 036 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 037 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 038 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 039 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 040 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 68 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 040 PRO Surrey BC
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 041 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 042 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 043 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 044 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 045 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 046 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 047 CCC 368.1 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of forgery VC
instruments CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 048 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 049 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 050 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 051 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 70 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 051 credit card data CON Surrey BC
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 052 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of VC
credit card data CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 053 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of VC
credit card data CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 054 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 055 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 056 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 71 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 056 PRO Surrey BC
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 057 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 058 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of VC
credit card data CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 059 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 060 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 061 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 72 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 062 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 063 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 064 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 065 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 066 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of VC
credit card data CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 067 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 73 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 067 document without CON Surrey BC
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 068 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 069 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 070 CCC 368 1 d ACC Surrey BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to CON
commit offence M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 071 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 072 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 74 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 072 PRO Surrey BC
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 073 CCC 368 1 d ACC Surrey BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to CON
commit offence M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 074 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 075 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 076 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of VC
credit card data CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 077 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 75 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 078 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 079 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 080 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 081 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 082 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 083 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 76 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 083 Property CON Surrey BC
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 084 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 085 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 086 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 087 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 088 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 77 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 088 PRO Surrey BC
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 089 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 090 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 091 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 092 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 093 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of VC
credit card data CON

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 78 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 094 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 095 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 096 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 097 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 098 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 099 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 79 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 099 Property CON Surrey BC
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 100 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of VC
credit card data CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 101 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 102 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 103 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 104 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 80 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 104 PRO Surrey BC
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 105 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 106 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 107 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of VC
credit card data CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 108 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
Property CON
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 109 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of VC
credit card data CON

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 81 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 110 CCC 368 1 d ACC Surrey BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to CON
commit offence M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 111 CCC 368 1 d ACC Surrey BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to CON
commit offence M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 112 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 113 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Lowe 256 CTD 114 CCC 402.2 1 ACC Surrey BC
Identity Theft VC
36 253700-1 Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Dosanjh, J N 256 CTD 001 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

36 253700-1 Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Dosanjh, J N 256 CTD 001 document without CON Surrey BC
lawful excuse M
DO Y Dosanjh, J N 256 CTD 002 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without CON
lawful excuse M
DO Y Dosanjh, J N 256 CTD 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
order CON
DO Y Dosanjh, J N 256 CTD 004 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace CON
officer M
DO Y Dosanjh, J N 256 CTD 005 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose CON

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 83 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 109 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 254768-1 Gill, Hernaick Singh RON N 160 PTC 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
RON N 160 PTC 002 CCC 88 1 Surrey BC
possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
2 247360-1 Parent, Brent Donald RON N Dutt, P 816 FT 001 CCC 320.18 1 a Langley BC
Drive while
disqualified under CCC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 84 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 110 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 245403-2-KC LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 718 CNT 001 CCC 271 Delta BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 1 I sexual assault
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.2 ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 718 CNT 002 CCC 271 Delta BC
I sexual assault
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 718 CNT 003 CCC 271 Delta BC
I sexual assault
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 718 CNT 004 CCC 271 Delta BC
I sexual assault
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 718 CNT 005 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
I Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 718 CNT 006 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
I Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
2 96990-1-K Chan, Troy Allan ROD N Snowdon, O 230 DEC 001 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Abbotsford BC
Abbotsford Law Uttering threats to VC
Courts cause death or bodily CON
harm M
3 255581-1-K Chan, Troy Allan REM Y Snowdon, O 75 DEC 001 CCC 266 ACC Langley BC
Assault VC
REM Y Snowdon, O 75 DEC 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
Breach of release VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 85 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 110 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

3 255581-1-K Chan, Troy Allan REM Y Snowdon, O 75 DEC 002 order CON Langley BC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 312 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 253031-2-KC Doiron, Albert Daniel Joseph RON Y Dhillon, K 157 JIR 001 CCC 267 a ACC Delta BC
Assault with a weapon VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 157 JIR 002 CCC 267 b ACC Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 157 JIR 003 CCC 145 4 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 157 JIR 004 CCC 145 4 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking VC
2 253031-3-KC Doiron, Albert Daniel Joseph RON Y Dhillon, K 157 JIR 001 CCC 267 a ACC Delta BC
Assault with a weapon VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 157 JIR 002 CCC 267 b ACC Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 157 JIR 003 CCC 264.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 157 JIR 004 CCC 145 4 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 157 JIR 005 CCC 145 4 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 87 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: JCM Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 253847-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Briggs, P 216 FXD 001 CCC 490.031 ADJ Surrey BC
fail to comply with an M
order or obligation CON
2 255493-1 Dean, Muhammad Abdullah Faris RON N Hanif, S 79 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 ADJ Delta BC
Uttering threats M
RON N Hanif, S 79 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 b ADJ Delta BC
Uttering threats to M
burn, destroy or CON
damage M
3 254677-1 Mangat, Balsajan Singh ROS N Sidhu, A 168 FXD 001 CCC 95 1 Langley BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Loaded/unloaded w/ammo
ROS N Sidhu, A 168 FXD 002 CCC 92 1 Langley BC
Possess a firearm w/o
licence or
ROS N Sidhu, A 168 FXD 003 CCC 91 1 Langley BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
ROS N Sidhu, A 168 FXD 004 CCC 88 1 Langley BC
possessing weapon for

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: JCM Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

3 254677-1 Mangat, Balsajan Singh ROS N Sidhu, A 168 FXD 004 dangerous purpose Langley BC
Publication - CCC 517 1
ROS N Sidhu, A 168 FXD 005 CCC 90 1 Langley BC
Carry a weapon or
prohibited device/ammo
ROS N Sidhu, A 168 FXD 006 CCC 117.01 1 Langley BC
Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
4 254677-2-A Mangat, Balsajan Singh AWW Y Sidhu, A 43 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Breach of release
5 252380-1 Mcewan, Brandon Ron Charles ROD N Payn, D PCJ 371 FXD 001 CCC 348 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
break and enter with M
intent to commit CON
offence M
ROD N Payn, D PCJ 371 FXD 002 CCC 267 b ADJ Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily M
harm CON
ROD N Payn, D PCJ 371 FXD 004 CCC 264.1 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily CON
harm M

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: JCM Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 254163-1-K Ovsey, Roee Ruslan ROW N Merrigan, 217 FXD 001 CCC 266 ADJ Langley BC
K Assault M
7 254058-2-KC Whitney, Daniel Micheal RON N Sangha, H 228 FXD 001 CCC 266 ADJ Surrey BC
Assault M
RON N Sangha, H 228 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a ADJ Surrey BC
Breach of release M
order CON
For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM
8 97022-1 Ambikawathy, Arutkumaran REM Dawkins, J 175 ARB 001 CCC 320.18 1 a ADJ Abbotsford BC
Abbotsford Law Drive while M
Courts disqualified under CCC CON
REM Dawkins, J 175 ARB 002 CCC 129 a ADJ Abbotsford BC
wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace CON
officer M
9 244940-10-KB Ambikawathy, Arutkumaran REM Y Dawkins, J 14 ARB 001 CCC 733.1 1 ADJ Langley BC
Breach of Probation M
Order CON
10 244940-11-KB Ambikawathy, Arutkumaran REM Y Dawkins, J 3 APP 001 CCC 145 4 a ADJ Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking M

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Room: JCM Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

10 244940-11-KB Ambikawathy, Arutkumaran REM Y Dawkins, J 3 APP 001 CON Surrey BC
REM Y Dawkins, J 3 APP 002 CCC 733.1 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Breach of Probation M
Order CON
11 256152-1-KA Ambikawathy, Arutkumaran REM Y Dawkins, J 20 ARB 001 CCC 145 4 a ADJ Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking M
12 256152-3-KA Ambikawathy, Arutkumaran REM Y Dawkins, J 4 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ADJ Surrey BC
Breach of release M
order CON
13 250225-4-B Anderson, Calvin Mike RON N Khajuria, 398 ARB 001 CCC 733.1 1 ADJ Surrey BC
M Breach of Probation M
Order CON
14 252260-1 Anderson, Calvin Mike RON N Khajuria, G PCJ 398 ARB 001 CCC 344 1 b ADJ Surrey BC
M Robbery M
15 252260-2-A Anderson, Calvin Mike RON N Khajuria, 171 ARB 001 CCC 145 5 a ADJ Surrey BC
M Breach of release M
order CON

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Room: JCM Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

15 252260-2-A Anderson, Calvin Mike RON N Khajuria, 171 ARB 002 CCC 145 5 a ADJ Surrey BC
M Breach of release M
order CON
16 252260-3-A Anderson, Calvin Mike WAR Y Khajuria, 145 ARB 001 CCC 145 5 a ADJ Surrey BC
M Breach of release M
order CON
17 254873-1 Jenkins, Aaron Christopher AWW Y May, J 149 JIR 001 CCC 266 ADJ Langley BC
Assault M
18 254321-1 LIMITED ACCESS UTP N Coleman, B JJ 116 FXD 001 CCC 151 ADJ White Rock BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 Sexual interference of M
person under 14 CON
UTP N Coleman, B JJ 116 FXD 002 CCC 152 ADJ White Rock BC
Invitation to sexual M
touching under 14 CON
UTP N Coleman, B JJ 116 FXD 003 CCC 271 1 ADJ White Rock BC
Sexual Assault M

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Room: JCM Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

18 254321-1 LIMITED ACCESS UTP N Coleman, B 116 FXD 003 CON White Rock BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 M
19 253558-2-C Piot, Akoch Peter PPA Y Myers, J 266 FXD 001 CCC 239 1 a.1 ADJ Surrey BC
attempt murder with a M
firearm CON
PPA Y Myers, J 266 FXD 002 CCC 244 1 ADJ Surrey BC
discharge a firearm M
w/intent to CON
wound/disfigure M
PPA Y Myers, J 266 FXD 003 CCC 434 ADJ Surrey BC
arson damaging M
property CON
PPA Y Myers, J 266 FXD 004 CCC 95 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo M
prohib/restricted CON
firearm M
PPA Y Myers, J 266 FXD 005 CCC 91 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o M
licence and/or CON
registration M

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Room: JCM Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

19 253558-2-C Piot, Akoch Peter PPA Y Myers, J 266 FXD 005 PRO Surrey BC
PPA Y Myers, J 266 FXD 006 CCC 91 2 ADJ Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm M
unauthorized CON
PPA Y Myers, J 266 FXD 007 CCC 117.01 1 ADJ Surrey BC
Possession of M
firearm,etc. contrary CON
to order M
20 254037-1 Poitras, Chad Patrick AWW Y Neurauter, 75 JIR 001 CDS 5 2 ADJ Langley BC
K Possession for the M
purpose of trafficking CON
AWW Y Neurauter, 75 JIR 002 CDS 5 2 ADJ Langley BC
K Possession for the M
purpose of trafficking CON
AWW Y Neurauter, 75 JIR 003 CCC 91 1 ADJ Langley BC
K Possess Firearm w/o M
licence and/or CON
registration M

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Room: JCM Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

20 254037-1 Poitras, Chad Patrick AWW Y Neurauter, 75 JIR 004 CCC 92 1 ADJ Langley BC
K Possess a firearm w/o M
licence or CON
registration M
AWW Y Neurauter, 75 JIR 005 CCC 95 1 ADJ Langley BC
K Loaded/unloaded w/ammo M
prohib/restricted CON
firearm M
AWW Y Neurauter, 75 JIR 006 CCC 86 1 ADJ Langley BC
K Careless use or M
storage of a firearm CON
AWW Y Neurauter, 75 JIR 007 CCC 94 1 ADJ Langley BC
K Occupying vehicle M
knowing firearm, etc. CON
present M
21 254038-1 Poitras, Chad Patrick AWW Y Neurauter, 75 JIR 001 CCC 117.01 1 ADJ Langley BC
K Possession of M
firearm,etc. contrary CON
to order M
AWW Y Neurauter, 75 JIR 002 CCC 117.01 1 ADJ Langley BC
K Possession of M

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Room: JCM Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

21 254038-1 Poitras, Chad Patrick AWW Y Neurauter, 75 JIR 002 firearm,etc. contrary CON Langley BC
K to order M
22 253886-2-C Radwanski, Aaron Michael ROD N Coleman, B 235 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 a ADJ Surrey BC
Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily CON
harm M
ROD N Coleman, B 235 FXD 002 CCC 88 1 ADJ Surrey BC
possessing weapon for M
dangerous purpose CON
ROD N Coleman, B 235 FXD 003 CCC 88 1 ADJ Surrey BC
possessing weapon for M
dangerous purpose CON

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: REG Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 256143-2-C Landry, Joseph Gaudiose Donald PPA N 21 JIR 001 CCC 267 a Langley BC
Assault with a weapon
PPA N 21 JIR 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
2 255333-2-C Walton, Derek Raymond M PPA N 77 JIR 001 CCC 810 1 a Surrey BC, White
fear of injury/damage Rock BC, and Kelowna
to person/property BC
For the Session Commencing at 09:47 AM
3 252775-1 Pearson, Amanda Michelle ROW N Van 110 DSP 001 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Benthem, P Theft $5000 or under
For the Session Commencing at 10:15 AM
4 250778-6-B Smith, Jesse RON N Van- 170 APW 001 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Benthem, P Breach of Probation
5 254434-1 Smith, Jesse RON N Van- 170 APW 001 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Benthem, P Theft $5000 or under
6 250778-7-B Smith, Jesse Steven RON N Van- 56 APW 001 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Benthem, P Breach of Probation
7 250778-8 Smith, Jesse Steven N 0 APP 001 CCC 512.3 Langley BC
Application for
warrant for hearing
under s.524(1)
8 250778-9 Smith, Jesse Steven N 0 APP 001 CCC 512.3 Langley BC
Application for
warrant for hearing
under s.524(1)
9 254434-2 Smith, Jesse Steven N 0 APP 001 CCC 512.3 Langley BC
Application for

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: REG Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 10:15 AM

9 254434-2 Smith, Jesse Steven N 0 APP 001 warrant for hearing Langley BC
under s.524(1)
10 255677-1 Smith, Jesse Steven RON N Van- 56 APW 001 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Benthem, P Theft $5000 or under
RON N Van- 56 APW 002 CCC 129 a Langley BC
Benthem, P wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
11 255677-2 Smith, Jesse Steven N 0 APP 001 CCC 512.3 Langley BC
Application for
warrant for hearing
under s.524(1)
For the Session Commencing at 12:28 PM
12 255845-1 Sidhu, Dilpreet Singh RON N 43 APP 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N 43 APP 002 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
13 255845-2 Sidhu, Dilpreet Singh N 0 APW 001 CCC 512.3 Surrey BC
Application for
warrant for hearing
under s.524(1)
For the Session Commencing at 12:58 PM
14 255624-3-KC Rioux, Brannick Joesph REM Y Abdulmalik 69 APP 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
, A Assault with a weapon
REM Y Abdulmalik 69 APP 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
, A Assault
REM Y Abdulmalik 69 APP 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
, A Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: REG Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 12:58 PM

14 255624-3-KC Rioux, Brannick Joesph REM Y Abdulmalik 69 APP 004 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, A Breach of release
REM Y Abdulmalik 69 APP 005 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, A Breach of release
REM Y Abdulmalik 69 APP 006 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, A Breach of release
REM Y Abdulmalik 69 APP 007 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, A Breach of release
For the Session Commencing at 01:43 PM
15 248751-1 Macdonald, William Angus SUM N Williams, 692 DSP 001 CCC 320.13 1 Surrey BC and
S Dangerous operation of Burnaby BC
a Conveyance
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
16 252358-1 Abdileyl, Abdishukri Dek DO N Movassaghi G PCJ 378 APP 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
, B Theft $5000 or under
17 252409-1 Abdileyl, Abdishukri Dek DO N Movassaghi G PCJ 385 APP 001 CCC 355 a Surrey BC
, B PSP Over $5,000
DO N Movassaghi G PCJ 385 APP 003 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
, B Fail to Stop
For the Session Commencing at 04:00 PM
18 253429-1 Kang, Sarbjit Singh RON N St. PLI 266 AVB 001 CCC 267 a CCC 266 Surrey BC
Germain, C Assault with a weapon Assault
RON N St. G 266 AVB 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
Germain, C Assault
19 253429-2-A Kang, Sarbjit Singh RON N St. 266 AVB 001 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Germain, C Breach of undertaking

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Room: REG Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 04:00 PM

20 253429-3-A Kang, Sarbjit Singh RON N St. 88 AVB 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Germain, C Breach of release
21 253429-4-A Kang, Sarbjit Singh RON N St. G 56 AVB 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Germain, C Breach of release
RON N St. 56 AVB 002 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Germain, C Breach of release

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: VH1 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 254020-1 Inthapanya, Mike WAR Y Sandhu, M 136 PTC 001 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y Sandhu, M 136 PTC 002 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y Sandhu, M 136 PTC 003 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y Sandhu, M 136 PTC 004 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y Sandhu, M 136 PTC 005 CCC 95 1 Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo
WAR Y Sandhu, M 136 PTC 006 CCC 95 1 Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo
WAR Y Sandhu, M 136 PTC 007 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
WAR Y Sandhu, M 136 PTC 008 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
WAR Y Sandhu, M 136 PTC 009 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or

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Room: VH1 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 254020-1 Inthapanya, Mike WAR Y Sandhu, M 136 PTC 010 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
WAR Y Sandhu, M 136 PTC 011 CCC 91 2 Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm
WAR Y Sandhu, M 136 PTC 012 CCC 91 2 Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm
2 254020-1 Inthapanya, Tony RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 001 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 K Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 002 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
K Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 003 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
K Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 004 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
K Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 006 CCC 95 1 Surrey BC
K Loaded/unloaded w/ammo
RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 007 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
K Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 008 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
K Possess Firearm w/o

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Room: VH1 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

2 254020-1 Inthapanya, Tony RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 008 licence and/or Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 K registration
RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 009 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
K Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 010 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
K Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 011 CCC 91 2 Surrey BC
K Possess non-firearm
RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 012 CCC 91 2 Surrey BC
K Possess non-firearm
RON N Neurauter, 125 PTC 013 CCC 117.01 1 Surrey BC
K Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
For the Session Commencing at 10:15 AM
3 99205-1-K Gill, Harnek Singh SUM Malhi, P. PCJ 130 PTC 001 CCC 267 c Kelowna BC
Kelowna Law Courts Assault by choking
SUM Malhi, P. PCJ 130 PTC 002 CCC 271 Kelowna BC
sexual assault
SUM Malhi, P. PCJ 130 PTC 003 CCC 271 Kelowna BC
sexual assault
SUM Malhi, P. PCJ 130 PTC 004 CCC 271 Kelowna BC
sexual assault
For the Session Commencing at 11:00 AM

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Room: VH1 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 11:00 AM

4 253709-1 Salloum, Tamer ROW N Nohra, M 252 PTC 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
sexual assault
For the Session Commencing at 11:45 AM
5 254444-1 Henson, Robert William SUM Milburn, D 173 PTC 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Langley BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
SUM Milburn, D 173 PTC 002 CCC 320.14 1 b Langley BC
Operation while over
80 BAC
SUM Milburn, D 173 PTC 003 CCC 320.13 1 Langley BC
Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
6 42863-2-C Womacks, Jonathan Andrew DO Y Helps, L 234 PTC 001 CCC 235 1 Port Alberni BC
Port Alberni Law Lawrence Murder

7 42299-1 Womacks, Jonathon Andrew RON N Helps, L N 587 PTC 001 CCC 267 a Port Alberni BC
Port Alberni Law Lawrence Assault with a weapon
Courts RON N Helps, L N 587 PTC 002 CCC 267 b Port Alberni BC
Assault causing bodily
For the Session Commencing at 02:45 PM
8 18968-2 Horabin, Sebastian Taylor ROW Lawrence, PCJ 145 PTC 001 CCC 271 Sechelt BC
Sechelt Provincial D sexual assault

For the Session Commencing at 03:30 PM

9 44018-1 Seal, Jacob Tyler REM Y Morahan, R N PCJ 60 PTC 001 CDS 5 2 ACC Courtenay BC
Courtenay Law Courts Possession for the VC

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Room: VH1 Court Date: 08-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 03:30 PM

9 44018-1 Seal, Jacob Tyler REM Y Morahan, R N 60 PTC 001 purpose of trafficking Courtenay BC

REM Y Morahan, R N PCJ 60 PTC 002 CDS 5 2 ACC Courtenay BC

Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
REM Y Morahan, R N PCJ 60 PTC 003 CDS 5 2 ACC Courtenay BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
REM Y Morahan, R N PCJ 60 PTC 004 CDS 5 2 ACC Courtenay BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
REM Y Morahan, R N PCJ 60 PTC 005 CDS 5 2 ACC Courtenay BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 255830-1 Abraham, Emmanuel Dada UTP N Bajwa, A 43 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
UTP N Bajwa, A 43 FXD 002 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
2 255364-1 Amy, Shenise Alexandra ROW N 70 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N 70 FXD 002 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
3 254576-1 Armstrong, Trever Darren UTP N Krueger, J 141 FXD 001 CCC 380 1 a Langley BC
Fraud over $5000
UTP N Krueger, J 141 FXD 002 CCC 334 a Langley BC
Theft over $5000
4 255798-1 Arriaza, Christopher Alexander PTA N Heba, E. 47 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
5 252007-2-B Beaupre, Alyn Edmond Jason ROW N 52 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
6 252519-2-B Bell, Michael David RON N Heba, E 84 PAR 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
7 255634-1 Bell, Michael David RON N Heba, E 54 PAR 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
8 254749-1 Bhullar, Harmanjot Singh AN N 127 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Delta BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
9 254972-1 Boschman, John Tyson UTP N Young, R 127 FXD 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
UTP N Young, R 127 FXD 002 CCC 430 4 Langley BC
Mischief $5000 or

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Room: 100 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

9 254972-1 Boschman, John Tyson UTP N Young, R 127 FXD 002 under Langley BC

UTP N Young, R 127 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 Langley BC

Uttering threats
10 254121-1 Boucher, Jordon Christopher ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 001 CCC 380 1 a New Westminster BC
Fraud over $5000
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 002 CCC 403 1 a New Westminster BC
Personation with
intent to gain
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 003 CCC 367 New Westminster BC
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 004 CCC 368 1 a New Westminster BC
Using forged document
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 005 CCC 380 1 a Langley BC
Fraud over $5000
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 006 CCC 367 Langley BC
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 007 CCC 368 1 a Langley BC
Using forged document
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 008 CCC 362 2 a Langley BC
False pretence over
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 009 CCC 403 1 a Langley BC
Personation with
intent to gain
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 010 CCC 403 1 a Langley BC
Personation with
intent to gain

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Room: 100 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

10 254121-1 Boucher, Jordon Christopher ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 011 CCC 393 3 Langley BC
fraudulently obtaining
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 012 CCC 380 1 Langley BC
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 013 CCC 402.2 1 Langley BC
Identity Theft
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 014 CCC 355 a Langley BC
PSP Over $5,000
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 015 CCC 367 Langley BC
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 016 CCC 368 1 a Langley BC
Using forged document
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 021 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 022 CCC 367 Surrey BC
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 024 CCC 367 Surrey BC
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 025 CCC 367 Surrey BC
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 026 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 027 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 028 CCC 367 Surrey BC

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

10 254121-1 Boucher, Jordon Christopher ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 030 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 031 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 032 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 033 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 034 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 035 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 036 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 037 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 038 CCC 367 Surrey BC
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 039 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

10 254121-1 Boucher, Jordon Christopher ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 040 CCC 367 Surrey BC
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 041 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 042 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 043 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 044 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 045 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 046 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 047 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 048 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

10 254121-1 Boucher, Jordon Christopher ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 049 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 050 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROD N Heba, E. 17 FXD 051 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
11 254497-1 Brar, Rajbir Singh AN N Kahlon, H 168 AHR 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
AN N Kahlon, H 168 AHR 002 CCC 320.14 1 b Surrey BC
Operation while over
80 BAC
12 246367-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Tso, T G PCJ 893 FXD 001 CCC 151 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 Sexual interference of
person under 16
ROW N Tso, T G PCJ 893 FXD 002 CCC 271 Surrey BC
sexual assault
13 248884-1 Bryant, Coby ROD N Dutt, P 111 FXD 001 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
ROD N Dutt, P 111 FXD 002 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
ROD N Dutt, P 111 FXD 003 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

14 110300-1 Campbell, Kevin Richard RON N Ali, Z 127 FXD 001 CCC 355 b Port Coquitlam BC
Port Coquitlam Law PSP Under $5,000

15 254219-1 Campbell, Kevin Richard RON N Ali, Z 207 FXD 001 CCC 348 1 b Surrey BC
break and enter and
commit indictable
RON N Ali, Z 207 FXD 002 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
RON N Ali, Z 207 FXD 003 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
RON N Ali, Z 207 FXD 004 CCC 402.2 1 Surrey BC
Identity Theft
16 254236-1 Campbell, Kevin Richard RON N Ali, Z 207 FXD 001 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
RON N Ali, Z 207 FXD 002 CCC 334 Surrey BC
17 255195-1 Campbell, Kevin Richard RON N Ali, Z 110 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
RON N Ali, Z 110 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
RON N Ali, Z 110 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
18 255717-1 Campbell, Kevin Richard RON N Ali, Z 59 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

18 255717-1 Campbell, Kevin Richard RON N Ali, Z 59 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
RON N Ali, Z 59 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
19 255009-1 Chu, Chin Yen ROW N Wu, J 84 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
20 255783-1 Dass, Gurcharan ROD N 49 CLC 002 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
21 255783-1 Singh, Jaspreet ROD N 49 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
ROD N 49 FXD 002 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
22 253329-1 Deol, Gurjeet Singh AN N 287 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
AN N 287 FXD 002 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
23 254967-1 Dhillon, Charnjit Singh ROW N Kandola, R 138 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N Kandola, R 138 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
24 252774-1 Eberhard, Bethany Rose Marie ROW N Wall, M 329 CLC 001 CCC 452 a Delta BC
uttering or using
counterfeit money

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

24 252774-1 Eberhard, Bethany Rose Marie ROW N Wall, M 329 CLC 002 CCC 452 a Delta BC
uttering or using
counterfeit money
25 254018-1 Eberhard, Bethany Rose Marie ROW N 3 CLC 001 CDS 5 2 Delta BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
ROW N 3 CLC 002 CDS 5 2 Delta BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
ROW N 3 CLC 003 CCC 92 2 Delta BC
Possess non-firearm
knowing unauthorized
26 254836-1 Eberhard, Bethany Rose Marie ROW N 3 CLC 002 CCC 364 1 Delta BC
fraudulently obtaining
27 251212-5-B Eckhardt, Camreyon Michelle ROW N 19 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
28 250503-1 Ferland, Remy Henry Lance ROD N Williamson 116 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
, S Driving while
prohibited/ licence
29 255826-1 Franks, Breallan Dawne ROW N May, J 42 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
ROW N May, J 42 FXD 002 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
ROW N May, J 42 FXD 003 CCC 430 Surrey BC
30 255748-1 Gill, Mantaj Kaur SUM N 28 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 Delta BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

30 255748-1 Gill, Mantaj Kaur SUM N 28 CLC 001 suspended Delta BC

31 255272-2-C Gill, Roman Arinder PPA N Muldoon, C 101 APW 001 CCC 244.2 3 b Surrey BC
Unlawfully discharge a
PPA N Muldoon, C 101 APW 002 CCC 95 1 Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo
PPA N Muldoon, C 101 APW 006 CCC 270.01 1 a Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer
with a weapon
PPA N Muldoon, C 101 APW 007 CCC 87 1 Surrey BC
Pointing a firearm
PPA N Muldoon, C 101 APW 008 CCC 139 2 Surrey BC
Attempt to
t justice
32 255272-2-C Gill, Shaun Narinder DO Y Dutt, P 101 FXD 001 CCC 244.2 3 b Surrey BC
Unlawfully discharge a
DO Y Dutt, P 101 FXD 003 CCC 94 1 Surrey BC
Occupying vehicle
knowing firearm, etc.
DO Y Dutt, P 101 FXD 004 CCC 320.17 Surrey BC
Flight from Police
DO Y Dutt, P 101 FXD 005 CCC 320.13 1 Surrey BC
Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
33 251364-1 Gill, Shaun Narinder DO Y Dutt, P 468 FXD 001 CCC 320.13 1 Langley BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Dangerous operation of

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

33 251364-1 Gill, Shaun Narinder DO Y Dutt, P 468 FXD 001 a Conveyance Langley BC
Publication - CCC 517 1
DO Y Dutt, P 468 FXD 002 CCC 320.17 Langley BC
Flight from Police
DO Y Dutt, P 468 FXD 003 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
34 255272-3-A Gill, Shaun Narinder DO Y Dutt, P 25 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a Langley BC
Breach of release
DO Y Dutt, P 25 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a Langley BC
Breach of release
35 255134-1 Gratton, Donald James RON N 90 FXD 001 MVA 102 a Langley BC
driving while
RON N 90 FXD 002 MVA 102 a Langley BC
driving while
RON N 90 FXD 003 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
36 250212-3-B Hamm, Leo Alfred ROW N 19 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
37 255222-1 Hansen, David Bruce ROW N 109 FXD 001 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
38 256113-1 Harcourt, Carma Leigh ROW N 15 FXD 001 CCC 402.2 1 Langley BC
Identity Theft

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

38 256113-1 Harcourt, Carma Leigh ROW N 15 FXD 002 CCC 403 1 b Langley BC
Personation w/intent
to obtain
ROW N 15 FXD 003 CCC 403 1 b Langley BC
Personation w/intent
to obtain
ROW N 15 FXD 004 CCC 342 3 Langley BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROW N 15 FXD 005 CCC 380 1 Langley BC
ROW N 15 FXD 006 CCC 368 1 a Langley BC
Using forged document
ROW N 15 FXD 007 CCC 368 1 d Langley BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
ROW N 15 FXD 008 CCC 403 1 b Langley BC
Personation w/intent
to obtain
ROW N 15 FXD 009 CCC 380 1 Langley BC
ROW N 15 FXD 010 CCC 403 1 b Langley BC
Personation w/intent
to obtain
ROW N 15 FXD 011 CCC 403 1 b Langley BC
Personation w/intent
to obtain

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

38 256113-1 Harcourt, Carma Leigh ROW N 15 FXD 011 property/interest Langley BC

ROW N 15 FXD 012 CCC 403 1 b Langley BC

Personation w/intent
to obtain
39 255774-1 Harrison, Brandon Douglas UTP N 42 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
40 256262-1 Honsinger, Shane David UTP N 0 FA 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
41 246769-2-B Hupper, Colin Charles PTA N 49 PAR 001 OFF 89.6 1 Mission BC
fail to comply with
probation order
42 253669-1 Jensen, Kyle Edward ROD N Fowler, R 260 FXD 001 CCC 88 1 Surrey BC
possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
ROD N Fowler, R 260 FXD 002 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
ROD N Fowler, R 260 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
43 253669-2-A Jensen, Kyle Edward ROD N Fowler, R 77 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a Williams Lake BC
Breach of release
44 255349-1 Kanawati, Mohamad Ali AN N Dhaliwal, 76 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Delta BC
J Driving while
prohibited/ licence
45 254817-1 Lenko, Jasmine Marie UTP N Kandola, R 146 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
46 254923-2-C Lexton, Kashton Clay RON Y 125 JIR 001 CCC 402.2 1 ACC Langley BC
Identity Theft VC

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

46 254923-2-C Lexton, Kashton Clay RON Y 125 JIR 002 CCC 380 1 a ACC Langley BC
Fraud over $5000 VC
RON Y 125 JIR 003 CCC 403 1 a ACC Langley BC
Personation with VC
intent to gain
RON Y 125 JIR 004 CCC 403 1 a ACC Delta BC
Personation with VC
intent to gain
RON Y 125 JIR 005 CCC 403 1 a ACC Delta BC
Personation with VC
intent to gain
RON Y 125 JIR 006 CCC 368 1 d ACC Delta BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to
commit offence
RON Y 125 JIR 007 CCC 368 1 d ACC Delta BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to
commit offence
RON Y 125 JIR 008 CCC 368 1 d ACC Delta BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to
commit offence
RON Y 125 JIR 009 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Delta BC
deal with identity VC
document without
lawful excuse
RON Y 125 JIR 010 CCC 129 a ACC Delta BC
wilfully resisting or VC

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

46 254923-2-C Lexton, Kashton Clay RON Y 125 JIR 010 obstructing a peace Delta BC
RON Y 125 JIR 011 CCC 145 5 a ACC Delta BC
Breach of release VC
47 254923-3-C Lexton, Kashton Clay WAR Y 125 JIR 001 CCC 402.2 1 ACC Langley BC
Identity Theft VC
WAR Y 125 JIR 002 CCC 380 1 a ACC Langley BC
Fraud over $5000 VC
WAR Y 125 JIR 003 CCC 403 1 a ACC Langley BC
Personation with VC
intent to gain
WAR Y 125 JIR 004 CCC 403 1 a ACC Delta BC
Personation with VC
intent to gain
WAR Y 125 JIR 005 CCC 403 1 a ACC Delta BC
Personation with VC
intent to gain
WAR Y 125 JIR 006 CCC 368 1 d ACC Delta BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to
commit offence
WAR Y 125 JIR 007 CCC 368 1 d ACC Delta BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to
commit offence
WAR Y 125 JIR 008 CCC 368 1 d ACC Delta BC
Possess forged VC
document w/intent to

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

47 254923-3-C Lexton, Kashton Clay WAR Y 125 JIR 008 commit offence Delta BC

WAR Y 125 JIR 009 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Delta BC

deal with identity VC
document without
lawful excuse
WAR Y 125 JIR 010 CCC 129 a ACC Delta BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
WAR Y 125 JIR 011 CCC 145 5 a ACC Delta BC
Breach of release VC
WAR Y 125 JIR 012 CCC 402.2 1 ACC Surrey BC
Identity Theft VC
WAR Y 125 JIR 013 CCC 403 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Personation with VC
intent to gain
WAR Y 125 JIR 014 CCC 380 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Fraud over $5000 VC
48 254884-1 Mahmoud, Ramah UTP N Aldosky, V 49 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
UTP N Aldosky, V 49 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
49 256195-2-C Mair-Blanchard, Avery-Rain Ezra PPA N 17 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Langley BC
Assault with a weapon
PPA N 17 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

49 256195-2-C Mair-Blanchard, Avery-Rain Ezra PPA N 17 FXD 002 harm Langley BC

50 254187-1 Marsman, Deyonte Rezell RON N Grenier, J 176 FXD 001 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
51 246979-1-K Mcgowan, Joseph Trenton RON N Waddington N 409 FXD 001 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
, J Mischief $5000 or
RON N Waddington N 409 FXD 002 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
, J Mischief $5000 or
52 246979-2-KC Mcgowan, Joseph Trenton PPA N Waddington 409 FXD 001 CCC 266 Vancouver BC
, J Assault
PPA N Waddington 409 FXD 002 CCC 320.13 1 Surrey BC
, J Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
PPA N Waddington 409 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
, J Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
PPA N Waddington 409 FXD 004 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
, J Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
PPA N Waddington 409 FXD 005 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
, J Mischief $5000 or
PPA N Waddington 409 FXD 006 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
, J Mischief $5000 or
53 256168-1 Mosionier, Clayton Wade DO Y Swartz, M 19 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

53 256168-1 Mosionier, Clayton Wade DO Y Swartz, M 19 FXD 001 Order Surrey BC

DO Y Swartz, M 19 FXD 002 CCC 334 b Surrey BC

Theft $5000 or under
DO Y Swartz, M 19 FXD 003 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
DO Y Swartz, M 19 FXD 004 CCC 351 1 Surrey BC
Possess break-in
DO Y Swartz, M 19 FXD 005 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Swartz, M 19 FXD 006 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
DO Y Swartz, M 19 FXD 007 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
54 254617-1 Munro, Lachlan SUM N Dhillon, K 154 APW 001 CCC 334 a Delta BC
Theft over $5000
55 26947-1 Nestegard, Leah Josephine SUM Y Barichello 98 JIR 001 MVA 95 1 ACC Smithers BC
Smithers Law Courts , M Driving while VC
prohibited/ licence
56 43816-1 Nestegard, Leah Josephine RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 001 CCC 333.1 1 ACC Courtenay BC
Courtenay Law Courts , M motor vehicle theft VC

57 44998-1 Nestegard, Leah Josephine RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 001 CCC 348 1 a ACC Honeymoon Bay BC
Duncan Law Courts , M break and enter with VC
intent to commit

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

57 44998-1 Nestegard, Leah Josephine RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 002 CCC 348 1 a ACC Honeymoon Bay BC
, M break and enter with VC
intent to commit
RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 003 CCC 430 4 ACC Honeymoon Bay BC
, M Mischief $5000 or VC
58 252850-3-C Nestegard, Leah Josephine RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 001 CCC 320.13 1 ACC Surrey BC
, M Dangerous operation of VC
a Conveyance
RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 002 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
, M wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 003 CCC 334 ACC Kamloops BC
, M Theft VC
RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 004 CCC 333.1 1 ACC Kamloops BC
, M motor vehicle theft VC
RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 005 CCC 342 3 ACC Merritt BC
, M Unauthorized use of VC
credit card data
RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 006 CCC 380 1 ACC Merritt BC
, M Fraud VC
RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 007 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
, M Breach of release VC
RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 008 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
, M Breach of release VC
RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 009 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
, M Breach of release VC

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

58 252850-3-C Nestegard, Leah Josephine RON Y Barichello 305 JIR 010 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
, M Breach of release VC
59 255422-1 Newell, Nicholas Lee ROW N Chen, S 35 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Delta BC
Theft $5000 or under
60 254964-1 Patel, Zaid Saeed RON N Dutt, P 138 FXD 001 CCC 320.13 2 Langley BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Dangerous Operation BH
RON N Dutt, P 138 FXD 002 CCC 270 1 Langley BC
Assault Peace Officer
RON N Dutt, P 138 FXD 003 CCC 320.17 Langley BC
Flight from Police
RON N Dutt, P 138 FXD 004 CCC 320.16 1 Langley BC
Fail to Stop
61 254037-1 Poitras, Chad Patrick AWW Y Neurauter, 76 JIR 001 CDS 5 2 ACC Langley BC
K Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
AWW Y Neurauter, 76 JIR 002 CDS 5 2 ACC Langley BC
K Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
AWW Y Neurauter, 76 JIR 003 CCC 91 1 ACC Langley BC
K Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or
AWW Y Neurauter, 76 JIR 004 CCC 92 1 ACC Langley BC
K Possess a firearm w/o VC
licence or
AWW Y Neurauter, 76 JIR 005 CCC 95 1 ACC Langley BC
K Loaded/unloaded w/ammo VC

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Room: 100 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

61 254037-1 Poitras, Chad Patrick AWW Y Neurauter, 76 JIR 006 CCC 86 1 ACC Langley BC
K Careless use or VC
storage of a firearm
AWW Y Neurauter, 76 JIR 007 CCC 94 1 ACC Langley BC
K Occupying vehicle VC
knowing firearm, etc.
62 254038-1 Poitras, Chad Patrick AWW Y Neurauter, 76 JIR 001 CCC 117.01 1 ACC Langley BC
K Possession of VC
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
AWW Y Neurauter, 76 JIR 002 CCC 117.01 1 ACC Langley BC
K Possession of VC
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
63 254717-2-C Porayko, Kyle Adam Emery ROW N Sandhu, M 167 FXD 001 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking
64 254828-1 Reandy, Roxann ROW N Allain, R. 85 CLC 001 CCC 334 b Delta BC
Theft $5000 or under
65 254828-1 Weiner, Nathon ROW N Zertuche, 119 CLC 001 CCC 334 b Delta BC
O Theft $5000 or under
66 78596-2-B Reneerkens, Kyla Rebecca RON N 78 ARB 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Prince George BC
Prince George Law Breach of Probation VC
Courts Order

67 78596-3-B Reneerkens, Kyla Rebecca RON N 78 ARB 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Prince George BC
Prince George Law Breach of Probation VC
Courts Order

68 256190-2-C Reneerkens, Kyla Rebecca AWW Y 16 ARB 001 CCC 333.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
motor vehicle theft VC

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

68 256190-2-C Reneerkens, Kyla Rebecca AWW Y 16 ARB 002 CCC 320.13 1 ACC Surrey BC
Dangerous operation of VC
a Conveyance
AWW Y 16 ARB 003 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
AWW Y 16 ARB 004 CCC 320.18 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Drive while VC
disqualified under CCC
AWW Y 16 ARB 005 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC
AWW Y 16 ARB 006 MVA 102 a ACC Surrey BC
driving while VC
69 255455-1 Richards, Bradley Aaron UTP N Jose, G. 74 APW 001 CCC 355 a White Rock BC
PSP Over $5,000
UTP N Jose, G. 74 APW 002 MVA 95 1 White Rock BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
70 255735-1 Rohland, Gregory Reinhard RON N Coulthard, 49 APW 001 CCC 362 2 a Langley BC
A False pretence over
71 254475-1 They, Buok Ngout ROW N Kandola, R 176 FXD 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
72 254894-1 Thornton, Harry William RON N Heba, E 132 FXD 001 CCC 268 2 Surrey BC
Aggravated assault
RON N Heba, E 132 FXD 002 CCC 268 2 Surrey BC
Aggravated assault

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

72 254894-1 Thornton, Harry William RON N Heba, E 132 FXD 003 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N Heba, E 132 FXD 004 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N Heba, E 132 FXD 005 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N Heba, E 132 FXD 006 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
73 254894-3-A Thornton, Harry William Jr RON N Heba, E 68 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
74 255644-1 Thornton, Harry William Jr RON N Heba, E 68 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
75 255645-1 Thornton, Harry William Jr RON N Heba, E 68 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N Heba, E 68 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
76 253863-1 Torres, Carla Anne ROW N Chizik, N 236 CWI 001 CCC 270 1 a Surrey BC
Assaulting peace
77 254473-1 Van Aert, Nelson Osmond UTP N Kandola, R 188 FXD 001 CCC 380 1 a Langley BC
Fraud over $5000
78 254300-1 LIMITED ACCESS UTP N Kandola, R 200 AHR 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.1 Assault causing bodily
79 109432-1 Vanderhoef, Elisa-Ann ROW N Guo, V 166 CLC 001 CCC 393 3 Coquitlam BC
Port Coquitlam LawPublication - CCC 517 1 fraudulently obtaining
Courts transportation

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Room: 100 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

80 256173-1 Vanderhoef, Elisa-Ann ROW N 19 CLC 001 CCC 355 a Surrey BC
PSP Over $5,000
81 256173-2-C Vanderhoef, Elisa-Ann PPA N 19 FA 001 CCC 355 a Surrey BC
PSP Over $5,000
82 254713-1 Welsh, Jesse Kyle Adrian RON N St. N 116 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Germain, C Theft $5000 or under
RON N St. N 116 FXD 002 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
Germain, C deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
RON N St. N 116 FXD 003 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Germain, C Unauthorized use of
credit card data
RON N St. N 116 FXD 004 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Germain, C Possession of Stolen
83 249477-2-A Windrum, Keith RON N Dos 237 FXD 001 CCC 145 4 a Delta BC
Santos, E Breach of undertaking
84 249477-3-A Windrum, Keith Lawrence RON N Dos 114 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a Vancouver BC
Santos, E Breach of release
For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM
85 256103-1 Valencia, Mary Catherine WAR N 0 FAW 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM
86 255005-1 Alexander, Justin Matthew RON N 118 CLC 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
RON N 118 CLC 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to

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Room: 100 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM

86 255005-1 Alexander, Justin Matthew RON N 118 CLC 002 cause death or bodily Surrey BC
87 255316-1 Alexander, Justin Matthew RON N 94 CLC 001 CCC 270.01 1 b Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer
cause bodily harm
RON N 94 CLC 002 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
RON N 94 CLC 003 CCC 270 2 Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer
RON N 94 CLC 004 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
RON N 94 CLC 005 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
RON N 94 CLC 006 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
88 255623-1 Hansen, Riley Richard Phillip SUM N 28 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
89 255934-1 Hernandez, Carlos Estuardo PTA N 28 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
90 254893-1 Kamand, Ruveez-A-Nawej Ruvezz AN N 91 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM

91 254591-1 Lucas, Clifford Matthew Jr ROW N 35 CLC 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
ROW N 35 CLC 002 CCC 320.14 1 b Surrey BC
Operation while over
80 BAC
ROW N 35 CLC 003 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
Fail to Stop
ROW N 35 CLC 004 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
Fail to Stop
ROW N 35 CLC 005 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
Fail to Stop
92 255558-1 Nager, Shaun ROW N 78 CLC 001 CCC 266 Delta BC
ROW N 78 CLC 002 CCC 266 Delta BC
93 255964-1 Namsot, Manoj UTP N 0 FAW 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
sexual assault
UTP N 0 FAW 002 CCC 172.1 1 a Surrey BC
Telecommunicate to
lure child under 18
UTP N 0 FAW 003 CCC 163.1 4 Surrey BC
Possession of child
UTP N 0 FAW 004 CCC 346 1.1 b Surrey BC
UTP N 0 FAW 005 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
94 90876-1-B Rolston, Amber Cristina RON N Dos 445 FA 001 CCC 733.1 1 Nanaimo BC
Nanaimo Law Courts Santos, E Breach of Probation

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM

94 90876-1-B Rolston, Amber Cristina RON N Dos 445 FA 001 Order Nanaimo BC
Santos, E
RON N Dos 445 FA 002 CCC 733.1 1 Nanaimo BC
Santos, E Breach of Probation
95 244741-3-B Rolston, Amber Cristina RON N 30 FA 001 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
Breach of Probation
RON N 30 FA 002 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
Breach of Probation
96 252457-3-B Turchenek, Kristopher Dennis ROW N 14 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Breach of Probation
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
97 256145-1 Ahyeng, Francis Glenn SUM 0 FA 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
SUM 0 FA 002 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
98 256130-1 Bhullar, Amritpaul Singh SUM N Williams, 0 FA 001 CCC 320.13 1 Delta BC
V Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
SUM N Williams, 0 FA 002 CCC 320.17 Delta BC
V Flight from Police
SUM N Williams, 0 FA 003 CCC 320.14 1 a Delta BC
V Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

98 256130-1 Bhullar, Amritpaul Singh SUM N Williams, 0 FA 004 CCC 320.15 1 Delta BC
V Refusal
99 255135-1 Gill, Jaydeep Singh AN N 84 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
100 255914-1 Jawanda, Alvinder Singh SUM N 14 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 Delta BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
101 255766-1 Lakshman, Sunil Prakash AN N Nurnha, S 49 FXD 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
AN N Nurnha, S 49 FXD 002 CCC 320.14 1 b Surrey BC
Operation while over
80 BAC
AN N Nurnha, S 49 FXD 003 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
Fail to Stop
102 255850-1 Singh, Lovepreet SUM N 21 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
103 255733-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Swartz, M 35 FXD 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 sexual assault

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 101 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 252366-1-K LIMITED ACCESS UTP N Abdulmalik 378 FT 001 CCC 271 Delta BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 , A sexual assault
UTP N Abdulmalik 378 FT 002 CCC 266 Delta BC
, A Assault
UTP N Abdulmalik 378 FT 003 CCC 266 Delta BC
, A Assault
For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM
2 248030-1 Doherty, Jack Dwayne SUM Bastow, K PCJ 525 APP 001 CDS 5 2 Langley BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
SUM Bastow, K PCJ 525 APP 002 CDS 5 2 Langley BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 102 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 252392-1 Alhamoud Alkhlif, Hatem Alkhlif SUM N Abdulmalik 364 DSP 001 MVA 102 a Surrey BC
, A driving while
2 253129-1 Beatty, Nicole Shirley ROW N Payn, D 302 DSP 001 CCC 266 Delta BC
3 254445-1 Dular, Shantel Sheetal AN N 188 DSP 001 CCC 129 a Langley BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
AN N 188 DSP 002 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
4 254221-1 Duncan, Ryan Allan Kenneth PTA N 195 APW 001 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
PTA N 195 APW 002 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
5 255317-1 Faucher, Joseph Albert Allan SUM N HEBA, E 91 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
6 252119-1 Friesen, Warren Wayne ROW N Sandhu, M G 416 FXD 001 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
ROW N Sandhu, M 416 FXD 002 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 102 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

7 252119-2-A Friesen, Warren Wayne ROW N Sandhu, M G 416 FXD 001 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking
8 253357-1 Friesen, Warren Wayne ROW N Sandhu, M 287 FXD 001 CCC 270 1 Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer
ROW N Sandhu, M 287 FXD 002 CCC 270.01 1 a Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer
with a weapon
ROW N Sandhu, M G 287 FXD 003 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
ROW N Sandhu, M 287 FXD 004 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
9 96409-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Melville, 348 IGP 001 CCC 490.031 Abbotsford BC
Abbotsford Law D fail to comply with an
Courts order or obligation

10 254585-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Bolger, E 171 DSP 001 CCC 490.031 Langley BC
fail to comply with an
order or obligation
11 252093-1 Grant, Nadine Adele Sharon RON N Movassaghi N 372 FXD 001 CCC 270.01 1 b Surrey BC
, B Assault Peace Officer
cause bodily harm
RON N Movassaghi N 372 FXD 002 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
, B Theft $5000 or under
RON N Movassaghi N 372 FXD 003 CCC 266 Surrey BC
, B Assault
12 255554-1 Horn, Dawn Vanessa UTP N 75 DSP 001 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under
13 255321-1 Hunter, Graham Arthur Junior UTP N Swartz, M 91 DSP 001 CCC 320.18 1 a Surrey BC
Drive while

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 102 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

13 255321-1 Hunter, Graham Arthur Junior UTP N Swartz, M 91 DSP 001 disqualified under CCC Surrey BC

UTP N Swartz, M 91 DSP 002 MVA 102 a Surrey BC

driving while
UTP N Swartz, M 91 DSP 003 MVA 234 1 Surrey BC
driving while driver's
licence is suspended
UTP N Swartz, M 91 DSP 004 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
14 249343-1 Johnny, Perry Dixon OR N 93 APW 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
15 111780-1 Johnny, Perry Dixon Waylon OR N 817 APW 001 MVA 95 1 Kamloops BC
Kamloops Law Courts Driving while
prohibited/ licence
16 250130-1 KORDAN nee COOPER, Tania-Lee ROW N Randhawa, G PCJ 343 APW 001 CCC 380 1 b Surrey BC
R Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Randhawa, PCJ 343 APW 002 CCC 380 1 b Surrey BC
R Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Randhawa, PCJ 343 APW 003 CCC 380 1 b Surrey BC
R Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Randhawa, PCJ 343 APW 004 CCC 380 1 b Surrey BC
R Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Randhawa, PCJ 343 APW 005 CCC 380 1 b Surrey BC
R Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Randhawa, PCJ 343 APW 006 CCC 380 1 b Surrey BC
R Fraud $5000 or under

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 102 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

16 250130-1 KORDAN nee COOPER, Tania-Lee ROW N Randhawa, PCJ 343 APW 007 CCC 380 1 b Surrey BC
R Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Randhawa, PCJ 343 APW 008 CCC 380 1 b Surrey BC
R Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Randhawa, PCJ 343 APW 009 CCC 380 1 b Surrey BC
R Fraud $5000 or under
17 249638-1 Kerr, Tiarra-Daune Michelle ROW N Van 503 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Benthem, P Theft $5000 or under
18 251804-1 Kerr, Tiarra-Daune Michelle ROW N Van 398 FXD 002 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Benthem, P Theft $5000 or under
19 253757-1 Kishman, Fadel ROW N Movassaghi 243 APP 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
, B Assault
20 255416-1 Lalonde, Jennifer Monique ROW N sWARTZ, m 69 DSP 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
21 268425-3-B Lalonde, Jennifer Monique ROW N Swartz, M 47 IGP 001 CCC 733.1 1 New Westminster BC
Vancouver Provincial Breach of Probation
Court Order

22 269271-2-B Lalonde, Jennifer Monique ROW N Swartz, M 47 IGP 001 CCC 733.1 1 New Westminster BC
Vancouver Provincial Breach of Probation
Court Order

23 252200-2-B Lischuk, Barbara Ann RON N Grenier, J 82 DSP 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
24 252200-3-AB Lischuk, Barbara Ann RON N Grenier, J 58 DSP 001 CCC 733.1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
RON N Grenier, J 58 DSP 002 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 102 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

25 253388-1 Malon, Laura Jeanette UTP N Larmer, R 215 DSP 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
26 246604-1 Mann, Avneet Singh ROD N Randhawa, 887 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Delta BC
A Driving while
prohibited/ licence
27 253764-1 Martel, Brenda Lynne SUM N Percival, 222 DSP 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
J Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
SUM N Percival, 222 DSP 002 CCC 320.15 1 Surrey BC
J Refusal
28 254065-1 Melnychuk, James Ira OR N 197 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
29 254780-1 Melnychuk, James Ira AN N 91 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
30 71583-1 Molina Ramirez, Luis Enrique ROW N Randhawa, 1050 IGP 001 MVA 95 1 Chilliwack BC
Chilliwack Law R Driving while
Courts prohibited/ licence
31 72324-1 Molina Ramirez, Luis Enrique PTA N Randhawa, 159 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Chilliwack BC
Chilliwack Law R Driving while
Courts prohibited/ licence
32 254620-1 Molina Ramirez, Luis Enrique PTA N Randhawa, 159 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
R Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 102 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

33 252812-1 Mourad, Taher Mohammad AN N Aldosky, V 287 FXD 001 CCC 320.15 1 Surrey BC
34 68050-1 Rai, Jagdeep Singh PTA N 49 APW 001 MVA 95 1 Richmond BC
Richmond Provincial Driving while
Court prohibited/ licence
35 255566-1 Sandhu, Gurleen Singh UTP N 53 DSP 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Delta BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
UTP N 53 DSP 002 CCC 320.14 1 b Delta BC
Operation while over
80 BAC
UTP N 53 DSP 003 OFF 89.6 1 Delta BC
fail to comply with
probation order
UTP N 53 DSP 004 OFF 89.6 1 Delta BC
fail to comply with
probation order
36 254755-2-C Sida, Tomas RON N 162 FXD 001 CCC 344 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Robbery VC
RON N 162 FXD 002 CCC 85 2 ACC Surrey BC
Use imitation firearm VC
committing, etc.
37 254755-3-A Sida, Tomas RON N 88 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
RON N 88 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
38 254755-4-A Sida, Tomas WAR Y 21 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC

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Room: 102 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

38 254755-4-A Sida, Tomas WAR Y 21 JIR 001 order Surrey BC

39 254471-1 Smith, Richard Aksel Louis SUM N Percival, 173 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
J Driving while
prohibited/ licence
40 254940-1 Smith, Richard Aksel Louis SUM N Percival, 119 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
J Driving while
prohibited/ licence
41 96078-1 Sorensen, Corrinia Krista RON N Grenier, J G 379 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Abbotsford BC
Abbotsford Law Driving while
Courts prohibited/ licence
RON N Grenier, J 379 DSP 002 MVA 102 a Abbotsford BC
driving while
RON N Grenier, J 379 DSP 003 MVA 102 a Abbotsford BC
driving while
42 96104-1 Sorensen, Corrinia Krista RON N Grenier, J G 379 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Abbotsford BC
Abbotsford Law Driving while
Courts prohibited/ licence
RON N Grenier, J 379 DSP 002 MVA 102 a Abbotsford BC
driving while
RON N Grenier, J 379 DSP 003 MVA 102 a Abbotsford BC
driving while
43 96897-1 Sorensen, Corrinia Krista RON N Grenier, J 144 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Abbotsford BC
Abbotsford Law Driving while

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Room: 102 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

43 96897-1 Sorensen, Corrinia Krista RON N Grenier, J 144 DSP 001 prohibited/ licence Abbotsford BC
Courts suspended

44 254122-1 Sorensen, Corrinia Krista RON N Grenier, J 144 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
45 255562-1 Sorensen, Corrinia Krista RON N Grenier, J 56 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
46 255758-1 Sorensen, Corrinia Krista RON N Grenier, J 43 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Delta BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
RON N Grenier, J 43 DSP 002 CCC 145 5 a Delta BC
Breach of release
47 246665-1 Veltkamp, John Edward RON N 874 APW 001 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
48 36777-1 White, Jason Gilbert ROW N Swartz, M 71 DSP 001 CCC 334 b Vancouver BC
Downtown Community Theft $5000 or under

49 254526-1 White, Jason Gilbert ROW N Swartz, M 71 DSP 001 CCC 129 a Langley BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
50 255164-1 Zilinsky, Sheila Marie PTA N 109 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 ACC Surrey BC
Driving while M

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 102 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

50 255164-1 Zilinsky, Sheila Marie PTA N 109 DSP 001 prohibited/ licence Surrey BC
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
51 252193-1 Ledoux, Tanner Charles ROW N Whynot, O 399 IGP 001 CCC 264.1 1 b Langley BC
Uttering threats to
burn, destroy or
ROW N Whynot, O 399 IGP 002 CCC 430 4 Langley BC
Mischief $5000 or
52 255101-1-B Lucas, David Allen ROW N Polese, M 112 JIR 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
53 256239-1 Lucas, David Allen AWW Y 8 JIR 001 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking
AWW Y 8 JIR 002 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
54 271033-1 Lucas, David Allen UTP N Myers, Z 70 JIR 001 CCC 334 b Vancouver BC
Vancouver Provincial Theft $5000 or under

55 254332-1 Picardal, Geraldine PTA N Upton, J 193 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 104 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 254289-2-KC Bagry, Pavitar Singh PPA N Randhawa, 206 FXD 001 CCC 267 b Delta BC
R Assault causing bodily
2 255125-1-K Block, Patricia Kathleen Mae RON N 119 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N 119 FXD 002 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
3 245264-3-KB Caughy, Scott Albert Joseph RON N 265 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Breach of Probation
4 252767-1-K Cooper, Christopher Sydney ROW N Dhillon, K 345 DSP 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N Dhillon, K G 345 DSP 002 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
5 254757-1-K El Bekri, Akram ROW N Badea, S 161 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N Badea, S 161 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N Badea, S 161 FXD 003 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N Badea, S 161 FXD 004 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking
ROW N Badea, S 161 FXD 005 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N Badea, S 161 FXD 006 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
ROW N Badea, S 161 FXD 007 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
6 254573-1-K Grewal, Gursharan Singh RON N Sandhu, G 181 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 104 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

7 255289-1-K Harpreet Singh, ROW N Ghai, P 98 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
8 253664-2-KC Jossy, Jeremy Tyler RON N Kandola, R 261 FXD 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
RON N Kandola, R 261 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a Langley BC
Breach of release
9 255846-1-K Kapoor, Prem Sagar ROW N Sandhu, M 44 ARB 001 CCC 266 Delta BC
ROW N Sandhu, M 44 ARB 002 CCC 267 a Delta BC
Assault with a weapon
ROW N Sandhu, M 44 ARB 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROW N Sandhu, M 44 ARB 004 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROW N Sandhu, M 44 ARB 005 CCC 88 1 Delta BC
possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
10 255846-2-KA Kapoor, Prem Sagar AWW Y Sandhu, M 43 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a Delta BC
Breach of release
11 254881-1-K Kwak, Sangchol ROW N Kim, R 147 FXD 001 CCC 267 c Langley BC
Assault by choking
ROW N Kim, R 147 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 Langley BC
Uttering threats
12 255666-1-K Liu, Zhenquan ROW N Kim, R 63 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

13 255616-1-K Mill, Trevor Wayne ROW N Bal, J 71 FXD 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
14 250995-2-KB Nahal, Hardeep Singh UTP N Nahal, G 70 FXD 001 CCC 811 Surrey BC
Breach of recognizance
15 255438-1-K Prakash, Ravi ROW N Heba, E 84 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
16 255268-1-K Singh, Rajpal ROW N Sandhu, M. 102 FXD 001 CCC 266 Delta BC
ROW N Sandhu, M. 102 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
17 252456-1-K Singh, Sawninderdeep RON N Grewal, S 382 DSP 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
RON N Grewal, S 382 DSP 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
RON N Grewal, S 382 DSP 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
18 252121-3-KA Singh, Tejinder UTP N Sandhu, M 263 IGP 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
19 251284-1-K Tejinder Singh, ROB N Gill, R 496 IGP 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
20 252121-1-K Tejinder Singh, ROB N Gill, R 416 IGP 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROB N Gill, R 416 IGP 002 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily

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Room: 104 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

20 252121-1-K Tejinder Singh, ROB N Gill, R 416 IGP 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROB N Gill, R 416 IGP 004 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROB N Gill, R 416 IGP 005 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROB N Gill, R 416 IGP 006 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROB N Gill, R 416 IGP 007 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROB N Gill, R 416 IGP 008 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROB N Gill, R 416 IGP 009 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROB N Gill, R 416 IGP 010 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROB N Gill, R 416 IGP 011 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
21 255381-1-K Williscroft, Richard Charles UTP N Heba, E 70 PAR 001 CCC 266 Langley BC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

22 255841-1-KA Zahnt, Hunter Edward ROW N 46 ARB 001 CCC 145 4 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking VC
23 255997-1-K Zahnt, Hunter Edward UTP N 13 ARB 001 CCC 266 ACC White Rock BC
Assault VC
24 255997-2-KA Zahnt, Hunter Edward AWW Y 13 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
25 249236-5-KAC Chahal, Amritpal Singh PPA N 291 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
PPA N 291 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
PPA N 291 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
26 256231-1-K Duhra, Kamaljit Singh REM Y 9 JIR 001 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily
REM Y 9 JIR 002 CCC 264.1 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats to VC
burn, destroy or
REM Y 9 JIR 003 CCC 264.1 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats to VC
burn, destroy or
REM Y 9 JIR 004 CCC 430 4 ACC Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or VC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

26 256231-1-K Duhra, Kamaljit Singh REM Y 9 JIR 004 under Surrey BC

27 227016-14-KB Khan, Nathan Singh ROD N 228 APW 001 CCC 733.1 1 Richmond BC
Breach of Probation
28 245723-5-KB Khan, Soyab Hussain Mohammed ROW N Dhillon, K 117 FXD 001 CCC 811 Surrey BC
Breach of recognizance
29 250347-1-KA Khan, Soyab Hussain Mohammed ROW N Dhillon, K 576 FXD 001 CCC 811 Surrey BC
Breach of recognizance
30 256288-1-K Lally, Simrat Singh REM Y 2 JIR 001 CCC 266 ACC Delta BC
Assault M
REM Y 2 JIR 002 CCC 267 a ACC Delta BC
Assault with a weapon M
REM Y 2 JIR 003 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Delta BC
Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily
31 254562-1-K Zhang, Hai Fang ROW N Chu, E 182 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
ROW N Chu, E 182 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 105 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 110035-1 Martinez, Fernando Brandon SUM N Lovatt, D 174 APP 001 CCC 264.1 1 Coquitlam BC
Port Coquitlam Law Uttering threats
Courts SUM N Lovatt, D 174 APP 002 CCC 145 5 a Coquitlam BC
Breach of release
2 253703-1-K Martinez, Fernando Brandon RON N Lovatt, D 257 JIR 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
3 253703-3-KA Martinez, Fernando Brandon RON N Lovatt, D 88 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
RON N Lovatt, D 88 JIR 002 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
4 253703-4-KA Martinez, Fernando Brandon REM Y Lovatt, D 14 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
5 253703-5-KA Martinez, Fernando Brandon REM Y Lovatt, D 14 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 253911-2-C Brar, Parminder Singh DO Y Merrigan, 234 PI 001 CCC 235 1 ACC Surrey BC
K Murder VC
2 250091-3-A Brown, Cory Robert Ulmer DO Y St. 328 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Breach of release VC
DO Y St. 328 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Breach of release VC
3 250091-4-E Brown, Cory Robert Ulmer N 18 CTD 001 CCC 771 1 ACC
App: forfeiture of VC
UTA, RO or Recog.
4 252984-1 Brown, Cory Robert Ulmer DO Y St. PCJ 328 FXD 001 CCC 92 2 ACC Surrey BC
Germain, C Possess non-firearm VC
knowing unauthorized
DO Y St. G PCJ 328 FXD 002 CCC 92 2 ACC Surrey BC
Germain, C Possess non-firearm VC
knowing unauthorized
DO Y St. PCJ 328 FXD 003 CCC 91 2 ACC Surrey BC
Germain, C Possess non-firearm VC
DO Y St. PCJ 328 FXD 004 CCC 91 2 ACC Surrey BC
Germain, C Possess non-firearm VC
DO Y St. G PCJ 328 FXD 005 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Germain, C Breach of release VC
DO Y St. PCJ 328 FXD 006 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Germain, C Breach of release VC
5 253463-1 Brown, Cory Robert Ulmer DO Y St. 265 FXD 001 CCC 129 a ACC Langley BC
Germain, C wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

5 253463-1 Brown, Cory Robert Ulmer DO Y St. 265 FXD 001 officer Langley BC
Germain, C
DO Y St. G 265 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Breach of release VC
DO Y St. 265 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Breach of release VC
DO Y St. 265 FXD 004 MVA 95 1 ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Driving while VC
prohibited/ licence
6 268121-1 Brown, Cory Robert Ulmer DO Y St. 328 FXD 001 CCC 355 b ACC Burnaby BC
Vancouver Provincial Germain, C PSP Under $5,000 VC
Court DO Y St. 328 FXD 002 CCC 430 4 ACC Burnaby BC
Germain, C Mischief $5000 or VC
DO Y St. G 328 FXD 003 CCC 320.13 1 ACC Surrey BC
Germain, C Dangerous operation of VC
a Conveyance
DO Y St. G 328 FXD 004 CCC 320.18 1 a ACC Burnaby BC
Germain, C Drive while VC
disqualified under CCC
DO Y St. 328 FXD 005 CCC 355 b ACC Burnaby BC
Germain, C PSP Under $5,000 VC
7 256129-1 Lee, Jae Won AWW Y Garih, G 23 JIR 001 CCC 268 2 ACC Surrey BC
Aggravated assault VC
AWW Y Garih, G 23 JIR 002 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon VC
AWW Y Garih, G 23 JIR 003 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose

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Room: 108 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

8 254677-1 Mangat, Balsajan Singh ROS N Sidhu, A 169 ARB 001 CCC 95 1 ACC Langley BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Loaded/unloaded w/ammo VC
ROS N Sidhu, A 169 ARB 002 CCC 92 1 ACC Langley BC
Possess a firearm w/o VC
licence or
ROS N Sidhu, A 169 ARB 003 CCC 91 1 ACC Langley BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or
ROS N Sidhu, A 169 ARB 004 CCC 88 1 ACC Langley BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose
ROS N Sidhu, A 169 ARB 005 CCC 90 1 ACC Langley BC
Carry a weapon or VC
prohibited device/ammo
ROS N Sidhu, A 169 ARB 006 CCC 117.01 1 ACC Langley BC
Possession of VC
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
9 254677-2-A Mangat, Balsajan Singh AWW Y Sidhu, A 44 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Breach of release VC
10 254045-1 Russell, Kerry Douglas WAR Y St. 53 JIR 001 CDS 5 2 ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y St. 53 JIR 002 CDS 5 2 ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

10 254045-1 Russell, Kerry Douglas WAR Y St. 53 JIR 003 CDS 5 2 ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y St. 53 JIR 004 CDS 5 2 ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y St. 53 JIR 005 CDS 5 2 ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y St. 53 JIR 006 CDS 5 2 ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y St. 53 JIR 007 CDS 5 2 ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y St. 53 JIR 008 CCC 129 a ACC Langley BC
Germain, C wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
WAR Y St. 53 JIR 009 CCC 270 1 ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Assault Peace Officer VC
WAR Y St. 53 JIR 010 CCC 270 1 ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Assault Peace Officer VC
11 254045-2-A Russell, Kerry Douglas WAR Y St. 53 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Breach of release VC
WAR Y St. 53 JIR 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Breach of release VC
WAR Y St. 53 JIR 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
Germain, C Breach of release VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

12 255808-2-C Rusu, Nicoleta DO Y Badea, S 48 FXD 001 CCC 334 b ACC Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under VC
DO Y Badea, S 48 FXD 002 CCC 334 a ACC Surrey BC
Theft over $5000 VC
DO Y Badea, S 48 FXD 003 CCC 334 b ACC Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under VC
DO Y Badea, S 48 FXD 004 CCC 334 a ACC Surrey BC
Theft over $5000 VC
DO Y Badea, S 48 FXD 005 CCC 334 b ACC Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under VC
DO Y Badea, S 48 FXD 006 CCC 334 b ACC Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under VC
DO Y Badea, S 48 FXD 007 CCC 334 b ACC Abbotsford BC
Theft $5000 or under VC
DO Y Badea, S 48 FXD 008 CCC 334 b ACC Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under VC
DO Y Badea, S 48 FXD 009 CCC 355 a ACC Langley BC
PSP Over $5,000 VC
13 255808-2-C Stan, Emil Marian DO Y Reaume, E 48 JIR 001 CCC 334 b ACC Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under VC
DO Y Reaume, E 48 JIR 002 CCC 334 a ACC Surrey BC
Theft over $5000 VC
DO Y Reaume, E 48 JIR 003 CCC 334 b ACC Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under VC
DO Y Reaume, E 48 JIR 004 CCC 334 a ACC Surrey BC
Theft over $5000 VC
DO Y Reaume, E 48 JIR 005 CCC 334 b ACC Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under VC
DO Y Reaume, E 48 JIR 006 CCC 334 b ACC Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under VC
DO Y Reaume, E 48 JIR 007 CCC 334 b ACC Abbotsford BC
Theft $5000 or under VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

13 255808-2-C Stan, Emil Marian DO Y Reaume, E 48 JIR 008 CCC 334 b ACC Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under VC
DO Y Reaume, E 48 JIR 009 CCC 355 a ACC Langley BC
PSP Over $5,000 VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 109 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 249814-1-K Pocha, Bradley Richard Hugh RON N Tso, T G 609 SNT 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
RON N Tso, T N 609 SNT 002 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking
RON N Tso, T N 609 SNT 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
2 244356-3-S Borglund, Tabb Larmer, R 853 APP 001 CCC 742.6 Langley BC
(related to 244356- Breach of Conditional
2-C PRA) Sentence Order
3 244356-4-S Borglund, Tabb 746 APP 001 CCC 742.6 Langley BC
(related to 244356- Breach of Conditional
2-C PRA) Sentence Order
4 244356-2-C Borglund, Tabb William ROD Y Larmer, R G PCJ 1093 CSH 002 CCC 92 2 Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm
knowing unauthorized
ROD Y Larmer, R G PCJ 1093 CSH 003 CCC 92 2 Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm
knowing unauthorized
ROD Y Larmer, R G PCJ 1093 CSH 008 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
5 248238-1 Borglund, Tabb William WAR Y Larmer, R 746 APP 001 CCC 403 1 d Langley BC
Personation with
intent to avoid arrest

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 109 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

5 248238-1 Borglund, Tabb William WAR Y Larmer, R 746 APP 002 CCC 129 a Langley BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
6 255543-1 LIMITED ACCESS 53 APP 001 CCC 490 2
Further detention
7 250381-2-C Shank, Corey Daniel AN N Warren, E 573 SNT 001 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under
8 251296-1 Shank, Corey Daniel AN N Warren, E G 495 SNT 001 CCC 348 1 b Langley BC
break and enter and
commit indictable
AN N Warren, E 495 SNT 002 CCC 333.1 1 Langley BC
motor vehicle theft
AN N Warren, E G 495 SNT 003 CCC 320.17 Langley BC
Flight from Police
AN N Warren, E 495 SNT 004 CCC 129 a Langley BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
AN N Warren, E G 495 SNT 005 CCC 320.18 1 a Langley BC
Drive while
disqualified under CCC
AN N Warren, E 495 SNT 006 CCC 145 5 a Langley BC
Breach of release

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 110 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 245403-2-KC LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 719 CNT 001 CCC 271 Delta BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 1 I sexual assault
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.2 ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 719 CNT 002 CCC 271 Delta BC
I sexual assault
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 719 CNT 003 CCC 271 Delta BC
I sexual assault
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 719 CNT 004 CCC 271 Delta BC
I sexual assault
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 719 CNT 005 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
I Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 719 CNT 006 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
I Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 314 Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 255190-1 Panesar, Preety Teena Kaur AOI Y Ng, G 112 CNF 001 CCC 235 1 ACC Delta BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Murder VC

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Room: JCM Court Date: 09-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 250091-4-E Brown, Cory Robert Ulmer N 18 FXD 001 CCC 771 1
App: forfeiture of
UTA, RO or Recog.
2 253581-2-C Carlston, Michael Dennis RON Y Watt, J 268 JIR 001 CCC 320.16 1 Langley BC
Fail to Stop
RON Y Watt, J 268 JIR 002 CCC 320.17 Langley BC
Flight from Police
RON Y Watt, J 268 JIR 003 CCC 320.13 2 Langley BC
Dangerous Operation BH
RON Y Watt, J 268 JIR 004 CCC 56.1 1 Langley BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
RON Y Watt, J 268 JIR 005 CCC 351 1 Langley BC
Possess break-in
3 253862-1 Carlston, Michael Dennis RON Y Watt, J 237 JIR 001 MVA 234 1 Langley BC
driving while driver's
licence is suspended
4 109061-1 Crackle, Curtis Ryan ROB N Walker, B 407 FXD 001 MVA 102 Port Coquitlam BC
Port Coquitlam Law driving while
Courts prohibited/ licence
ROB N Walker, B 407 FXD 002 MVA 102 Port Coquitlam BC
driving while
prohibited/ licence
ROB N Walker, B 407 FXD 003 MVA 95 1 Port Coquitlam BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

5 251659-1 Crackle, Curtis Ryan ROB N Walker, B 449 FXD 001 MVA 102 a Surrey BC
driving while
ROB N Walker, B 449 FXD 002 MVA 102 a Surrey BC
driving while
ROB N Walker, B 449 FXD 003 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
6 253490-1 Crackle, Curtis Ryan ROB N Walker, B 273 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
7 253642-1 Crackle, Curtis Ryan ROB N Walker, B 263 FXD 001 CCC 348 1 b Surrey BC
break and enter and
commit indictable
ROB N Walker, B 263 FXD 002 CCC 348 1 a Surrey BC
break and enter with
intent to commit
8 267736-1 Crackle, Curtis Ryan ROB N Walker, B 407 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Burnaby BC
Vancouver Provincial Driving while
Court prohibited/ licence
9 66910-2-S Di Giacomo, Jeffrey Allan Josep De Jong, V 179 FXD 001 CCC 742.6 Maple Ridge BC
Richmond Provincial Breach of Conditional
Court Sentence Order
(related to 66910-1 De Jong, V 179 FXD 002 CCC 742.6 Maple Ridge BC
PRA) Breach of Conditional
Sentence Order

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

10 108406-1 Di Giacomo, Jeffrey Allan Josep DO Y De Jong, V G 546 FXD 001 CCC 348 1 b Coquitlam BC
Port Coquitlam Law break and enter and
Courts commit indictable
11 108406-2-S Di Giacomo, Jeffrey Allan Josep De Jong, V 179 FXD 001 CCC 742.6 Maple Ridge BC
Port Coquitlam Law Breach of Conditional
Courts Sentence Order
(related to 108406-1 De Jong, V 179 FXD 002 CCC 742.6 Maple Ridge BC
PRA) Breach of Conditional
Sentence Order
12 248797-4-C Di Giacomo, Jeffrey Allan Josep DO Y De Jong, V G PCJ 669 FXD 005 CCC 348 1 b North Vancouver BC
break and enter and
commit indictable
DO Y De Jong, V G PCJ 669 FXD 007 CCC 348 1 b Langley BC
break and enter and
commit indictable
DO Y De Jong, V G PCJ 669 FXD 009 CCC 348 1 b Surrey BC
break and enter and
commit indictable
13 248797-6-S Di Giacomo, Jeffrey Allan Josep De Jong, V 179 FXD 001 CCC 742.6 Maple Ridge BC
(related to 248797- Breach of Conditional
4-C PRA) Sentence Order
De Jong, V 179 FXD 002 CCC 742.6 Maple Ridge BC
Breach of Conditional
Sentence Order
14 66910-1 Di Giacomo, Jeffrey Allan DO Y De Jong, V G PCJ 546 FXD 001 CCC 334 a Richmond BC
Richmond Provincial
Joseph Theft over $5000
Court DO Y De Jong, V G PCJ 546 FXD 002 CCC 348 1 b Richmond BC
break and enter and

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

14 66910-1 Di Giacomo, Jeffrey Allan DO Y De Jong, V G 546 FXD 002 commit indictable Richmond BC
Joseph offence
DO Y De Jong, V G PCJ 546 FXD 003 CCC 430 4 Richmond BC
Mischief $5000 or
15 246221-4-B Fader, Gregory James RON N Sangha, H 121 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Breach of Probation
16 246221-5-B Fader, Gregory James WAR Y Sangha, H 41 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Breach of Probation
17 255819-1 Fader, Gregory James AWW Y Sangha, H 47 FXD 001 CCC 95 1 Langley BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo
AWW Y Sangha, H 47 FXD 002 CCC 91 1 Langley BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
AWW Y Sangha, H 47 FXD 003 CCC 92 1 Langley BC
Possess a firearm w/o
licence or
AWW Y Sangha, H 47 FXD 004 CCC 90 1 Langley BC
Carry a weapon or
prohibited device/ammo
18 255820-1 Fader, Gregory James AWW Y Sangha, H 47 FXD 001 CCC 117.01 1 Langley BC
Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

19 255930-1 Fader, Gregory James REM Y Sangha, H 25 FXD 001 CCC 90 1 Langley BC
Carry a weapon or
prohibited device/ammo
REM Y Sangha, H 25 FXD 002 CCC 88 1 Langley BC
possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
REM Y Sangha, H 25 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
20 255210-1-K Gonzales, Benjamin Thomas ROW N Monchalin, 102 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
L Assault
21 254840-1 Luan, Wei UTP N Ju, F 110 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
UTP N Ju, F 110 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
22 254016-1 Myers, Corey Lee James UTP N Leo, PCJ 103 FXD 001 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Fumano Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
UTP N Leo, PCJ 103 FXD 002 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Fumano Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
UTP N Leo, PCJ 103 FXD 003 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Fumano Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
23 255079-1 LIMITED ACCESS RON N Turner, J PCJ 119 FXD 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.1 sexual assault

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

23 255079-1 LIMITED ACCESS RON N Turner, J PCJ 119 FXD 002 CCC 271 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.1 sexual assault
RON N Turner, J PCJ 119 FXD 003 CCC 151 Surrey BC
Sexual interference of
person under 16
RON N Turner, J PCJ 119 FXD 004 CCC 151 Surrey BC
Sexual interference of
person under 16
RON N Turner, J PCJ 119 FXD 005 CCC 153 Surrey BC
Sexual Exploitation
RON N Turner, J PCJ 119 FXD 006 CCC 153 Surrey BC
Sexual Exploitation
RON N Turner, J PCJ 119 FXD 007 CCC 271 Surrey BC
sexual assault
RON N Turner, J PCJ 119 FXD 008 CCC 151 Surrey BC
Sexual interference of
person under 16
RON N Turner, J PCJ 119 FXD 009 CCC 153 Surrey BC
Sexual Exploitation
RON N Turner, J PCJ 119 FXD 010 CCC 266 Surrey BC
RON N Turner, J PCJ 119 FXD 011 CCC 266 Surrey BC
24 255603-4-KC Smith, Michael James WAR Y N 49 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Delta BC
Assault with a weapon
WAR Y N 49 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a Delta BC
Breach of release
WAR Y N 49 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a Delta BC
Breach of release

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

24 255603-4-KC Smith, Michael James WAR Y N 49 FXD 004 CCC 145 5 a Delta BC
Breach of release
25 254536-1-K Splockton, Nathaniel ROW N Walker, B N 186 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Delta BC
Assault with a weapon
ROW N Walker, B N 186 FXD 002 CCC 267 c Delta BC
Assault by choking
For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM
26 247875-1 Desai, Afzal SUM Muldoon, C N J 601 FXD 001 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 539 1 Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
SUM Muldoon, C N J 601 FXD 002 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
SUM Muldoon, C N J 601 FXD 003 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
SUM Muldoon, C N J 601 FXD 004 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
SUM Muldoon, C N J 601 FXD 005 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
SUM Muldoon, C N J 601 FXD 006 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
SUM Muldoon, C N J 601 FXD 007 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
SUM Muldoon, C N J 601 FXD 008 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
Trafficking in

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

26 247875-1 Desai, Afzal SUM Muldoon, C N 601 FXD 008 Controlled Substance Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 539 1
SUM Muldoon, C N J 601 FXD 009 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
27 254020-1 Inthapanya, Mike WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 001 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 002 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 003 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 004 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 005 CCC 95 1 Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo
WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 006 CCC 95 1 Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo
WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 007 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 008 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

27 254020-1 Inthapanya, Mike WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 008 registration Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1
WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 009 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 010 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 011 CCC 91 2 Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm
WAR Y Sandhu, M 137 FXD 012 CCC 91 2 Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm
28 254020-1 Inthapanya, Tony RON N Neurauter, 126 FXD 001 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 K Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Neurauter, 126 FXD 002 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
K Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Neurauter, 126 FXD 003 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
K Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Neurauter, 126 FXD 004 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
K Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Neurauter, 126 FXD 006 CCC 95 1 Surrey BC
K Loaded/unloaded w/ammo

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

28 254020-1 Inthapanya, Tony RON N Neurauter, 126 FXD 007 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 K Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
RON N Neurauter, 126 FXD 008 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
K Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
RON N Neurauter, 126 FXD 009 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
K Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
RON N Neurauter, 126 FXD 010 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
K Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
RON N Neurauter, 126 FXD 011 CCC 91 2 Surrey BC
K Possess non-firearm
RON N Neurauter, 126 FXD 012 CCC 91 2 Surrey BC
K Possess non-firearm
RON N Neurauter, 126 FXD 013 CCC 117.01 1 Surrey BC
K Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
29 255311-1 Obatusa, Sijuola Israel DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 85 FXD 001 CCC 344 1 a.1 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 commit robbery where a
firearm is used
DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 85 FXD 002 CCC 346 1.1 a.1 Surrey BC
using a firearm commit

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

29 255311-1 Obatusa, Sijuola Israel DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 85 FXD 003 CCC 85 2 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Use imitation firearm
committing, etc.
DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 85 FXD 004 CCC 86 2 Surrey BC
Storage, etc. of
firearm contrary to
DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 85 FXD 005 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 85 FXD 006 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 85 FXD 007 CCC 88 1 Surrey BC
possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
30 251395-1-K Remenyk, Beatrice Leona RON N Emmons, J N 442 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
31 255708-1 Schussler, David Jon Bajwa, A 13 FXD 001 CCC 117.05 1 White Rock BC
Application for
disposition of
articles seized
32 248022-2-C Svensen, Cole Chalmers ROW N Muldoon, C N PCJ 649 FXD 001 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
ROW N Muldoon, C N PCJ 649 FXD 002 CDS 5 2 Richmond BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
ROW N Muldoon, C N PCJ 649 FXD 003 CDS 5 2 Richmond BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

32 248022-2-C Svensen, Cole Chalmers ROW N Muldoon, C N PCJ 649 FXD 004 CDS 5 2 Richmond BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
ROW N Muldoon, C N PCJ 649 FXD 005 CCC 95 1 Richmond BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo

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Room: 100 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 254186-1 Airone, Tyson Wade RON N Singh, J 210 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
RON N Singh, J 210 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
RON N Singh, J 210 FXD 003 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
2 255885-1 Anest, Chantelle Franchesca UTP N 37 APW 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
Marie Assault
3 254313-1 Brar, Preetinder Kaur AN N 70 FXD 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
AN N 70 FXD 002 CCC 320.14 1 b Surrey BC
Operation while over
80 BAC
AN N 70 FXD 003 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
Fail to Stop
4 255738-1 D'Andrea, Jason Nicholas ROW N Merritt- 44 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Neill, F Theft $5000 or under
ROW N Merritt- 44 FXD 002 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Neill, F Theft $5000 or under
ROW N Merritt- 44 FXD 003 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Neill, F Theft $5000 or under
ROW N Merritt- 44 FXD 004 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Neill, F Uttering threats
5 255739-1 D'Andrea, Jason Nicholas ROW N Merritt- 34 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Neill, F Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily

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Room: 100 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

5 255739-1 D'Andrea, Jason Nicholas ROW N Merritt- 34 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 b Surrey BC
Neill, F Uttering threats to
burn, destroy or
ROW N Merritt- 34 FXD 003 CCC 266 Surrey BC
Neill, F Assault
6 255279-1 Dhindsa, Manvir Singh REM Y Larmer, R 100 JIR 001 CCC 344 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Robbery VC
REM Y Larmer, R 100 JIR 002 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
7 255402-1 Duckworth, Kerie Karen-Marie ROW N 77 FXD 001 CCC 403 1 a Surrey BC
Personation with
intent to gain
ROW N 77 FXD 002 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
ROW N 77 FXD 003 CCC 355 b Surrey BC
PSP Under $5,000
ROW N 77 FXD 004 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROW N 77 FXD 005 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROW N 77 FXD 006 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROW N 77 FXD 007 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release

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Room: 100 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

7 255402-1 Duckworth, Kerie Karen-Marie ROW N 77 FXD 007 order Surrey BC

8 255741-1 Engelquist, Robert UTP N 55 FXD 001 CCC 266 Langley BC

9 251539-1 Ethier, James Mitchel ROW N Behnampour 404 AHR 001 CCC 264 Delta BC
, K Criminal Harassment
ROW N Behnampour 404 AHR 002 CCC 264.1 1 b Delta BC
, K Uttering threats to
burn, destroy or
ROW N Behnampour 404 AHR 003 CCC 264.1 1 Delta BC
, K Uttering threats
ROW N Behnampour 404 AHR 004 CCC 264.1 1 Delta BC
, K Uttering threats
ROW N Behnampour 404 AHR 005 CCC 264.1 1 Delta BC
, K Uttering threats
10 254596-2-C Gibbons, Nancy Rose ROW N Van 180 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Bentham, P Assault with a weapon
ROW N Van 180 FXD 002 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Bentham, P Assault with a weapon
ROW N Van 180 FXD 003 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Bentham, P Assault with a weapon
ROW N Van 180 FXD 004 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Bentham, P Assault with a weapon
ROW N Van 180 FXD 005 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Bentham, P Assault with a weapon
ROW N Van 180 FXD 006 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Bentham, P Assault with a weapon
ROW N Van 180 FXD 007 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Bentham, P Assault with a weapon
ROW N Van 180 FXD 008 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Bentham, P Assault with a weapon

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Room: 100 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

10 254596-2-C Gibbons, Nancy Rose ROW N Van 180 FXD 009 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Bentham, P Assault with a weapon
ROW N Van 180 FXD 010 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Bentham, P Assault with a weapon
ROW N Van 180 FXD 011 CCC 88 1 Surrey BC
Bentham, P possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
ROW N Van 180 FXD 012 CCC 88 1 Surrey BC
Bentham, P possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
11 255851-1 LIMITED ACCESS RON N Forhan, M 39 APW 001 CCC 151 Port Coquitlam BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 1 Sexual interference of
person under 16
RON N Forhan, M 39 APW 002 CCC 271 Port Coquitlam BC
sexual assault
RON N Forhan, M 39 APW 003 CCC 153 Delta BC
Sexual Exploitation
RON N Forhan, M 39 APW 004 CCC 271 Delta BC
sexual assault
RON N Forhan, M 39 APW 005 CCC 153 Surrey BC
Sexual Exploitation
RON N Forhan, M 39 APW 006 CCC 271 Surrey BC
sexual assault
RON N Forhan, M 39 APW 007 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC and Surrey
Uttering threats to BC
cause death or bodily
RON N Forhan, M 39 APW 008 CCC 153 Delta BC
Sexual Exploitation
RON N Forhan, M 39 APW 009 CCC 271 Delta BC
sexual assault

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Room: 100 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

12 254824-1 Harrison, Tyler James ROW N 142 APW 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
ROW N 142 APW 002 CCC 320.15 1 Surrey BC
13 255363-1 Issa, Muktar Abdi UTP N 63 CLC 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
14 255187-1 Khaira, Jagraj Singh UTP N 70 FXD 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Delta BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
UTP N 70 FXD 002 CCC 320.15 1 Delta BC
15 254970-1 Kolodychuk, Jason Anthony ROW N Van- 52 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Benthem, P Theft $5000 or under
16 255303-1 Kumar, Pardeep UTP N Randhawa, 84 CWI 001 CCC 334 b Delta BC
R Theft $5000 or under
UTP N Randhawa, 84 CWI 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
R Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
17 255395-1 Lafontaine, Riley RON N 49 APW 001 CCC 348 1 a Delta BC
break and enter with
intent to commit
RON N 49 APW 002 CCC 145 5 a Delta BC
Breach of release
18 255403-1 Lafontaine, Riley Lester RON N 49 APW 001 CCC 348 1 a Surrey BC
break and enter with
intent to commit

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Room: 100 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

19 255403-2-A Lafontaine, Riley Lester RON N 42 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
20 255569-1 Laplante, Gino UTP N Israels, J 70 FXD 001 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking
UTP N Israels, J 70 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
21 255489-1 Lidemark, Kevin John UTP N Leamon, S 49 FXD 001 CCC 403 1 a Delta BC
Personation with
intent to gain
UTP N Leamon, S 49 FXD 002 CCC 56.1 1 Delta BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
UTP N Leamon, S 49 FXD 003 CCC 430 4 Delta BC
Mischief $5000 or
22 255008-1 Mcginnis, Richelle Pearl SUM Lee, K 110 FXD 001 MVA 144 1 a Langley BC
Drive a motor vehicle
without due care &
23 253290-1 Mcmullin, Troy Sanford UTP N Dhillon, K 279 APW 001 CCC 348 1 d Surrey BC
break and enter a
dwelling with intent
or commit
UTP N Dhillon, K 279 APW 002 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
UTP N Dhillon, K 279 APW 003 CCC 348 1 d Surrey BC
break and enter a
dwelling with intent

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Room: 100 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

23 253290-1 Mcmullin, Troy Sanford UTP N Dhillon, K 279 APW 003 or commit Surrey BC

24 253632-1 Merkley, Sonya UTP N Dhillon, K 253 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Langley BC
Assault with a weapon
25 255918-1 Mojtabavi, Aryen RON N 39 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N 39 FXD 002 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
26 248887-1 Sahota, Jason Singh RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 001 CDS 5 2 Delta BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 002 CDS 5 2 Delta BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 003 CDS 5 2 Delta BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 004 CDS 5 2 Delta BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 005 CDS 5 2 Delta BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 006 CDS 5 2 Delta BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 007 CDS 5 2 Delta BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 008 CCC 86 1 Delta BC
Careless use or

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

26 248887-1 Sahota, Jason Singh RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 008 storage of a firearm Delta BC

RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 009 CCC 86 1 Delta BC

Careless use or
storage of a firearm
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 010 CCC 86 1 Delta BC
Careless use or
storage of a firearm
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 011 CCC 91 1 Delta BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 012 CCC 91 1 Delta BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 013 CCC 91 1 Delta BC
Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 014 CCC 92 1 Delta BC
Possess a firearm w/o
licence or
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 015 CCC 92 1 Delta BC
Possess a firearm w/o
licence or
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 016 CCC 92 1 Delta BC
Possess a firearm w/o
licence or

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

26 248887-1 Sahota, Jason Singh RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 017 CCC 95 1 Delta BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 018 CCC 95 1 Delta BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo
RON N Wright, S. 132 FXD 019 CCC 95 1 Delta BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo
27 252686-1 Sandhu, Steven Singh RON N Williamson 356 AHR 001 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
, S Assault by choking
28 254147-1 Sandhu, Steven Singh RON N Williamson 218 AHR 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
, S Assault with a weapon
RON N Williamson 218 AHR 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
, S Assault
RON N Williamson 218 AHR 003 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
, S Theft $5000 or under
29 255332-1 Saran, Sohail UTP N Williams, 91 FXD 001 CCC 380 1 b Surrey BC
V. Fraud $5000 or under
30 256009-1 Sarkesean, Michael Sivak AWW Y 7 JIR 001 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
AWW Y 7 JIR 002 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
AWW Y 7 JIR 003 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

30 256009-1 Sarkesean, Michael Sivak AWW Y 7 JIR 004 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose
AWW Y 7 JIR 005 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose
AWW Y 7 JIR 006 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
31 255334-1 Saw, De De SUM N Taunk, P 70 FXD 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
SUM N Taunk, P 70 FXD 002 CCC 320.14 1 b Surrey BC
Operation while over
80 BAC
32 254655-1 Sherwin, Matthew Joshua David RON N Doyle, J 131 FXD 001 CCC 355 b Langley BC
PSP Under $5,000
RON N Doyle, J 131 FXD 002 CCC 355 b Langley BC
PSP Under $5,000
RON N Doyle, J 131 FXD 003 CCC 355 b Langley BC
PSP Under $5,000
RON N Doyle, J 131 FXD 004 CCC 355 b Langley BC
PSP Under $5,000
RON N Doyle, J 131 FXD 005 CCC 355 b Langley BC
PSP Under $5,000
RON N Doyle, J 131 FXD 006 CCC 355 b Langley BC
PSP Under $5,000
RON N Doyle, J 131 FXD 007 CCC 355 b Langley BC
PSP Under $5,000
RON N Doyle, J 131 FXD 008 CCC 355 b Langley BC
PSP Under $5,000

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

33 255348-1 Sherwin, Matthew Joshua David RON N Doyle, J 79 FXD 001 MVA 102 Langley BC
driving while
prohibited/ licence
RON N Doyle, J 79 FXD 002 CCC 145 4 a Langley BC
Breach of undertaking
34 254862-1 Shingoose, Brandy Lee ROW N Paquette, 127 FXD 001 CCC 346 1.1 b Surrey BC
C extortion
35 254460-1 Sidhu, Sukhpreet Singh AN N 91 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
36 251890-3-B Sigurdson, Ryan Olavour RON N Heba, E 72 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
37 251890-4-BA Sigurdson, Ryan Olavour RON N 13 CLC 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
38 248104-4-B Spence, Kadie Marie ROW N 54 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Abbotsford BC
Breach of Probation
39 254989-1 Tibaldo, Leah Lovinaria AN N 117 APW 001 MVA 95 1 Delta BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
40 251001-1 Torok, Marshall Dale Luke DO Y Stickland, 499 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
E Driving while
prohibited/ licence
41 253809-1 Torok, Marshall Dale Luke DO Y Stickland, 236 FXD 001 CCC 355 b Surrey BC
E PSP Under $5,000

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

41 253809-1 Torok, Marshall Dale Luke DO Y Stickland, 236 FXD 002 CCC 320.13 1 Surrey BC
E Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
DO Y Stickland, 236 FXD 003 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
E Driving while
prohibited/ licence
42 255055-1 Wansink, Ryan Matthew SUM N 103 PAR 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Langley BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
SUM N 103 PAR 002 CCC 320.14 1 b Langley BC
Operation while over
80 BAC
SUM N 103 PAR 003 CCC 320.16 1 Langley BC
Fail to Stop
SUM N 103 PAR 004 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM
43 255882-1 Barclay, Jeffery Michael John AN N 0 FA 001 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
44 255578-1 Dilpreet Singh, SUM N 42 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
45 256169-1 Hearl, Isaac Joseph UTP N 0 FA 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM

45 256169-1 Hearl, Isaac Joseph UTP N 0 FA 001 harm Delta BC

46 256170-1 Jeffries, Zackery Christopher UTP N 0 FA 001 CCC 267 b Langley BC

Assault causing bodily
47 251545-2-B Kalkidan, Isaak Seghid ROW N 79 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 Richmond BC
Breach of Probation
ROW N 79 CLC 002 CCC 733.1 1 Richmond BC and
Breach of Probation Vancouver BC
48 251545-3-B Kalkidan, Isaak Seghid UTP N 14 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 Richmond BC
Breach of Probation
UTP N 14 CLC 002 CCC 733.1 1 Richmond BC
Breach of Probation
49 256134-1 Kalkidan, Isaak Seghid UTP N 14 CLC 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
UTP N 14 CLC 002 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
50 255821-1 Kim, Kihwan Daniel UTP N 28 CLC 001 CCC 267 a Langley BC
Assault with a weapon
51 255401-1 Saran, Jaswinder Singh AN N 42 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
52 256110-1 Woolmer, Gregory Alfred UTP N 0 FA 001 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

53 255306-1 Anderson, Leonard James UTP N St. 90 APW 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
Germain, C Assault
UTP N St. 90 APW 002 CCC 320.13 1 Langley BC
Germain, C Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
UTP N St. 90 APW 003 CCC 267 a Langley BC
Germain, C Assault with a weapon
54 256155-1 Jashandeep Sharma, SUM 0 FA 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
55 250692-1 Johnson, Ashlyn Shirelle ROW N Corriveau, 526 CLC 001 CCC 348 1 d Delta BC
C break and enter a
dwelling with intent
or commit
ROW N Corriveau, 526 CLC 002 CCC 334 b Delta BC
C Theft $5000 or under
ROW N Corriveau, 526 CLC 003 CCC 334 b Delta BC
C Theft $5000 or under
ROW N Corriveau, 526 CLC 004 CCC 351 1 Delta BC
C Possess break-in
56 255829-1 Khaleel, Joawan Rashad UTP N 35 CLC 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
57 255638-1 Oster, Leo Edward UTP N Milburn, D 41 PAR 001 CCC 264.1 1 a White Rock BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
58 255864-1 Oster, Leo Edward UTP N Milburn, D 41 PAR 001 CCC 267 a White Rock BC
Assault with a weapon
UTP N Milburn, D 41 PAR 002 CCC 264.1 1 a White Rock BC
Uttering threats to

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

58 255864-1 Oster, Leo Edward UTP N Milburn, D 41 PAR 002 cause death or bodily White Rock BC
UTP N Milburn, D 41 PAR 003 CCC 264.1 1 a White Rock BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
UTP N Milburn, D 41 PAR 004 CCC 145 4 a White Rock BC
Breach of undertaking
59 254283-1 Ratzlaff, Sylvia Lynne UTP N Jose, G 104 FXD 001 CCC 266 Delta BC
UTP N Jose, G 104 FXD 002 CCC 266 Delta BC
60 255730-1 Wilson, Dwane Allan SUM N 0 FA 001 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Room: 101 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 242008-1 Bird, Kyle Robert SUM Wright, S N PCJ 1076 SNT 001 CDS 5 2 Langley BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
SUM Wright, S N PCJ 1076 SNT 002 CDS 5 2 Langley BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
2 254250-1-K LIMITED ACCESS REM Y Dutt, P 211 JIR 001 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 1 Assault VC
REM Y Dutt, P 211 JIR 002 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon VC
REM Y Dutt, P 211 JIR 003 CCC 271 ACC Surrey BC
sexual assault VC
3 254250-3-KC Jawanda, Surjit Singh REM Y Dutt, P 211 JIR 001 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
REM Y Dutt, P 211 JIR 002 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon VC
REM Y Dutt, P 211 JIR 003 CCC 271 ACC Surrey BC
sexual assault VC
REM Y Dutt, P 211 JIR 004 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
REM Y Dutt, P 211 JIR 005 CCC 264 ACC Surrey BC
Criminal Harassment VC
4 268284-1-K LIMITED ACCESS REM Y Dutt, P 336 JIR 001 CCC 264.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Vancouver Provincial
Publication - CCC 486.4 1 Uttering threats VC
Court REM Y Dutt, P 336 JIR 002 CCC 279 2 ACC Burnaby BC
Unlawful confinement VC
or imprisonment
REM Y Dutt, P 336 JIR 003 CCC 267 c ACC Burnaby BC
Assault by choking VC
REM Y Dutt, P 336 JIR 004 CCC 271 ACC Burnaby BC
sexual assault VC

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Room: 101 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 268284-1-K LIMITED ACCESS REM Y Dutt, P 336 JIR 005 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 1 Assault VC
REM Y Dutt, P 336 JIR 006 CCC 271 ACC Burnaby BC
sexual assault VC
REM Y Dutt, P 336 JIR 007 CCC 267 c ACC Burnaby BC
Assault by choking VC
For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM
5 252366-1-K LIMITED ACCESS UTP N Abdulmalik 379 CNT 001 CCC 271 Delta BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 , A sexual assault
UTP N Abdulmalik 379 CNT 002 CCC 266 Delta BC
, A Assault
UTP N Abdulmalik 379 CNT 003 CCC 266 Delta BC
, A Assault
6 251284-1-K Tejinder Singh, ROB N Gill, R 497 CNT 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC

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Room: 102 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 252383-1 Binning, Gulraj Singh SUM 365 DSP 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Langley BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
SUM 365 DSP 002 CCC 320.15 1 Langley BC
SUM 365 DSP 003 CCC 320.13 1 Langley BC
Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
2 252433-1 Burville, Keith Andrew ROW N Merrigan, G SUM 383 PSR 001 CCC 163.1 4 Langley BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 K Possession of child
3 253671-2-C Franklin, Jayson Anthony ROW N de-Jong, V G PCJ 261 FXD 001 CCC 348 1 a Surrey BC
break and enter with
intent to commit
ROW N de-Jong, V G PCJ 261 FXD 002 CCC 333.1 1 b Surrey BC
theft of motor vehicle
ROW N de-Jong, V G PCJ 261 FXD 003 CCC 430 4 b Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
ROW N de-Jong, V PCJ 261 FXD 004 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
ROW N de-Jong, V G PCJ 261 FXD 005 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
4 253725-2-C Franklin, Jayson Anthony ROW N de-Jong, V G PCJ 252 FXD 001 CCC 344 1 b Surrey BC
ROW N de-Jong, V G PCJ 252 FXD 002 CCC 88 1 Surrey BC
possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
ROW N de-Jong, V G PCJ 252 FXD 003 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of

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Room: 102 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

4 253725-2-C Franklin, Jayson Anthony ROW N de-Jong, V G 252 FXD 003 credit card data Surrey BC

ROW N de-Jong, V G PCJ 252 FXD 004 CCC 380 1 Surrey BC

ROW N de-Jong, V PCJ 252 FXD 005 CCC 380 1 Surrey BC
5 254627-1 Franklin, Jayson Anthony ROW N de-Jong, V 91 FXD 001 CCC 430 4 b Delta BC
Mischief $5000 or
6 253241-1 Henderson, Deanna Claire AN N Kandola, R 294 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
7 253488-1 Henderson, Deanna Claire AN N Kandola, R 266 DSP 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Delta BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
AN N Kandola, R 266 DSP 002 CCC 320.15 1 Delta BC
8 252478-1 Hensel, Jonathan SUM Purton, S G 373 ARB 001 CCC 355 a ACC Langley BC
PSP Over $5,000 VC
SUM Purton, S 373 ARB 002 CCC 320.13 1 ACC Langley BC
Dangerous operation of VC
a Conveyance
SUM Purton, S 373 ARB 003 CCC 270.01 1 a ACC Langley BC
Assault Peace Officer VC
with a weapon
SUM Purton, S G 373 ARB 004 CCC 320.16 1 ACC Langley BC
Fail to Stop VC
SUM Purton, S 373 ARB 005 CCC 430 ACC Langley BC
Mischief VC
SUM Purton, S G 373 ARB 006 MVA 234 1 ACC Langley BC
driving while driver's VC

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Room: 102 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

8 252478-1 Hensel, Jonathan SUM Purton, S G 373 ARB 006 licence is suspended Langley BC

9 252782-1 Hensel, Jonathan Andrew UTP N Purton, S G 329 ARB 001 CCC 355 b ACC Langley BC
PSP Under $5,000 VC
10 255925-2-C Hensel, Jonathan Andrew AWW Y Purton, S 38 JIR 001 CCC 348 1 b ACC Surrey BC
break and enter and VC
commit indictable
AWW Y Purton, S 38 JIR 002 CCC 333.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
motor vehicle theft VC
AWW Y Purton, S 38 JIR 003 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen VC
AWW Y Purton, S 38 JIR 004 CCC 342 1 c ACC Surrey BC
Possess/use stolen VC
credit card
AWW Y Purton, S 38 JIR 005 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without
lawful excuse
AWW Y Purton, S 38 JIR 006 CCC 351 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possess break-in VC
AWW Y Purton, S 38 JIR 007 CCC 145 4 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking VC
AWW Y Purton, S 38 JIR 008 CCC 145 4 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking VC
11 255444-1 Ivanitskyy, Serhiy SUM N 63 DSP 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
12 253429-1 Kang, Sarbjit Singh RON N St. PLI 268 APW 001 CCC 267 a CCC 266 Surrey BC
Germain, C Assault with a weapon Assault

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

12 253429-1 Kang, Sarbjit Singh RON N St. G 268 APW 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
Germain, C Assault
13 253429-2-A Kang, Sarbjit Singh RON N St. 268 APW 001 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Germain, C Breach of undertaking
14 253429-3-A Kang, Sarbjit Singh RON N St. 90 APW 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Germain, C Breach of release
15 253429-4-A Kang, Sarbjit Singh RON N St. G 58 APW 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Germain, C Breach of release
RON N St. 58 APW 002 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Germain, C Breach of release
16 252785-1 Khosah, Kulwinderpal Singh ROD N Bajwa, A G 344 PSR 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
17 254188-1 Khosah, Kulwinderpal Singh UTP N Bajwa, A G 169 PSR 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
18 254281-1 Levesque, Jean Pierre Francois DO Y Dhillon, K 183 DSP 001 CCC 163.1 4 ACC Langley BC
Possession of child VC
DO Y Dhillon, K 183 DSP 002 CCC 163.1 3 ACC Langley BC
Importing/distributing VC
etc. child pornography
DO Y Dhillon, K 183 DSP 003 CCC 163.1 3 ACC Langley BC
Importing/distributing VC
etc. child pornography
DO Y Dhillon, K 183 DSP 004 CCC 161 4 ACC Langley BC
Failing to comply with VC

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Room: 102 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

18 254281-1 Levesque, Jean Pierre Francois DO Y Dhillon, K 183 DSP 004 prohibition order Langley BC

DO Y Dhillon, K 183 DSP 005 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC

Breach of Probation VC
19 251171-1 Mattin, Abdul Mattin ROD N PCJ 497 CLC 001 CCC 268 2 White Rock BC
Aggravated assault
20 252700-1 Pavlovic, Stefan UTP N Jose, G 343 DSP 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
21 253816-1 Quinn, Kerry UTP N Bolger, E 217 IGP 001 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under
UTP N Bolger, E 217 IGP 002 CCC 380 1 Langley BC
UTP N Bolger, E 217 IGP 003 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under
UTP N Bolger, E 217 IGP 004 CCC 380 1 Langley BC
22 253026-1 Rai, Jagbeet Kaur UTP N Kandola, R 322 DSP 001 CCC 402.2 1 Surrey BC
Identity Theft
UTP N Kandola, R 322 DSP 002 CCC 380 1 Surrey BC
23 254167-1 Rupan, Taramattie ROW N Kandola, R 217 IGP 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
24 254167-2-A Rupan, Taramattie ROW N 55 IGP 001 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking
25 250172-4-B Storkson, Calvin Edward RON N Polese, M 251 IGP 001 OFF 89.6 1 Langley BC
fail to comply with
probation order
RON N Polese, M 251 IGP 002 OFF 89.6 1 Langley BC
fail to comply with
probation order

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Room: 102 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

26 253375-1 Storkson, Calvin Edward RON N Polese, M 251 IGP 001 CCC 320.13 1 Langley BC
Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
RON N Polese, M 251 IGP 002 CCC 129 a Langley BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
27 254738-1 Storkson, Calvin Edward RON N 160 IGP 001 CCC 320.13 1 Surrey BC
Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
RON N 160 IGP 002 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
RON N 160 IGP 003 MVA 102 a Surrey BC
driving while
RON N 160 IGP 004 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
RON N 160 IGP 005 CCC 320.13 1 Langley BC
Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
RON N 160 IGP 006 CCC 320.17 Langley BC
Flight from Police
RON N 160 IGP 007 CCC 129 a Langley BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
RON N 160 IGP 008 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Room: 102 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

27 254738-1 Storkson, Calvin Edward RON N 160 IGP 008 suspended Langley BC

RON N 160 IGP 009 MVA 102 a Langley BC

driving while
RON N 160 IGP 010 CCC 145 5 a Langley BC
Breach of release
28 254787-1 Storkson, Calvin Edward RON N Polese, M 160 IGP 001 CCC 355 b Surrey BC
PSP Under $5,000
RON N Polese, M 160 IGP 002 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
RON N Polese, M 160 IGP 003 MVA 102 a Surrey BC
driving while
RON N Polese, M 160 IGP 004 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
29 250864-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Garih, G G 525 APP 001 CCC 151 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 Sexual interference of
person under 16
30 253121-1 Lopez, Sebastian Ramon ROW N Corriveau, 288 FXD 001 CCC 430 4 White Rock BC
C Mischief $5000 or

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Room: 103 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

1 252221-1 Soole, Dylan Thomas Keith RON N Larmer, R ADM 399 CSH 001 CCC 267 a CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon Uttering
RON N Larmer, R ADM 399 CSH 002 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
RON N Larmer, R ADM 399 CSH 003 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
2 252221-3-S Soole, Dylan Thomas Keith Larmer, R 37 APP 001 CCC 742.6 Langley BC
(related to 252221-1 Breach of Conditional
PRA) Sentence Order

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Room: 104 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 254550-1-K Azam, Mohammed Imtiaz ROW N ZAKIROVA, 177 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
R Assault
ROW N ZAKIROVA, 177 FXD 002 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
R Assault by choking
2 255229-1-K Basa, Bradlee ROW N Behnampour 109 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
, K Assault
3 255601-1-K Blackburn, Mitchell Andrew UTP N 0 FA 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
4 253907-1-K Brar, Gurjit Singh ROD N Dhillon, 236 APW 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
K. Assault
ROD N Dhillon, 236 APW 002 CCC 267 c Langley BC
K. Assault by choking
ROD N Dhillon, 236 APW 003 CCC 264.1 1 Langley BC
K. Uttering threats
5 255917-1-K Bryson, Sean Stewart ROW N 39 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
6 255777-1-K Chittick, Paul Leslie Jr ROW N 52 CLC 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N 52 CLC 002 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
ROW N 52 CLC 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROW N 52 CLC 004 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
ROW N 52 CLC 005 CCC 270 1 a Surrey BC
Assaulting peace
ROW N 52 CLC 006 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to

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Room: 104 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

6 255777-1-K Chittick, Paul Leslie Jr ROW N 52 CLC 006 cause death or bodily Surrey BC
ROW N 52 CLC 007 CCC 270 1 a Surrey BC
Assaulting peace
ROW N 52 CLC 008 CCC 270 1 a Surrey BC
Assaulting peace
7 254452-1-K Desai, Afzal ROD N 128 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
8 254484-2-KC Figueroa-Ramirez, Omar RON N Dos 193 FXD 001 CCC 266 Delta BC
Santos, E Assault
RON N Dos 193 FXD 002 CCC 267 c Delta BC
Santos, E Assault by choking
RON N Dos 193 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a Delta BC
Santos, E Breach of release
RON N Dos 193 FXD 004 CCC 145 5 a Delta BC
Santos, E Breach of release
9 256140-1 Goyette, Jesse William ROW N 11 CLC 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
ROW N 11 CLC 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N 11 CLC 003 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N 11 CLC 004 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
ROW N 11 CLC 005 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
ROW N 11 CLC 006 CCC 270 1 b Surrey BC
Assault with intent to

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Room: 104 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

9 256140-1 Goyette, Jesse William ROW N 11 CLC 006 resist arrest Surrey BC

10 255232-1-K Jackman, Ian Christopher RON N Behnampour 109 APW 001 CCC 267 b Langley BC
, K Assault causing bodily
RON N Behnampour 109 APW 002 CCC 279 2 Langley BC
, K Unlawful confinement
or imprisonment
RON N Behnampour 109 APW 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
, K Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
11 254775-1-K Jhajj, Satbir Singh RON N Sandhu, M 161 DSP 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
RON N Sandhu, M 161 DSP 002 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N Sandhu, M 161 DSP 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
12 256233-1-K Jones, Terrance Cody Victor ROW N 10 CLC 001 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking
ROW N 10 CLC 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
13 255254-1-K Kamaljeet Singh, ROW N Grewal, S 105 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
14 255473-2-KC Khodjet Kesba, Karim UTP N 70 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
UTP N 70 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
15 254769-2-KC LIMITED ACCESS REM Y Anderson, PCJ 161 FXD 001 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 B Assault with a weapon VC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

15 254769-2-KC LIMITED ACCESS REM Y Anderson, PCJ 161 FXD 002 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 B Assault VC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 REM Y Anderson, PCJ 161 FXD 003 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
B Assault VC
REM Y Anderson, PCJ 161 FXD 004 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
B Assault VC
REM Y Anderson, PCJ 161 FXD 005 CCC 267 c ACC Surrey BC
B Assault by choking VC
REM Y Anderson, PCJ 161 FXD 006 CCC 811 ACC Surrey BC
B Breach of recognizance VC
REM Y Anderson, PCJ 161 FXD 007 CCC 271 ACC Surrey BC
B sexual assault VC
REM Y Anderson, PCJ 161 FXD 008 CCC 811 ACC Surrey BC
B Breach of recognizance VC
REM Y Anderson, PCJ 161 FXD 009 CCC 811 ACC Surrey BC
B Breach of recognizance VC
REM Y Anderson, PCJ 161 FXD 010 CCC 811 ACC Surrey BC
B Breach of recognizance VC
REM Y Anderson, PCJ 161 FXD 011 CCC 430 4 ACC Surrey BC
B Mischief $5000 or VC
REM Y Anderson, PCJ 161 FXD 012 CCC 463 d ACC Surrey BC
B attempt to commit or VC
accessory after the
16 254769-3-KA LIMITED ACCESS REM Y 91 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 b ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 Breach non- VC
communication order
17 254769-4-KAC Kruk, Christopher James REM Y 161 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 b ACC Surrey BC
Breach non- VC
communication order

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Room: 104 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

17 254769-4-KAC Kruk, Christopher James REM Y 161 JIR 002 CCC 145 5 b ACC Surrey BC
Breach non- VC
communication order
18 254603-1-K Lail, Bhupinder Singh ROW N Randhawa, 178 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
R Assault
19 249312-8-KB Langaker, Kerry Michael ROW N Sahebi, N 119 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Vancouver BC
Breach of Probation
20 252291-4-KB Lawson, Craig UTP N Van 70 FXD 001 CCC 811 Delta BC
Benthem, P Breach of recognizance
21 255859-1-K Lewis, Richard John UTP N 35 FXD 001 CCC 266 White Rock BC
UTP N 35 FXD 002 CCC 334 b White Rock BC
Theft $5000 or under
22 255285-1-K Mar, Paul Ming ROW N 100 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N 100 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
23 248749-3-KB Mccook, Adam Ray RON N Heba, E 115 FXD 001 CCC 811 Langley BC
Breach of recognizance
24 254513-1-K Mohammad Haris, ROW N Kandola, R 189 FXD 001 CCC 266 Delta BC
25 254272-1-K Owor, Adrian RON N Kandola, R 208 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
RON N Kandola, R 208 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
26 255359-2-KC Owor, Adrian RON N 83 FXD 001 CCC 266 Coquitlam BC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

26 255359-2-KC Owor, Adrian RON N 83 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
RON N 83 FXD 003 CCC 266 Surrey BC
RON N 83 FXD 004 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking
RON N 83 FXD 005 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking
27 253819-2-KC Parks, Jeffrey Sterling ROD N Dutt, P 245 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROD N Dutt, P 245 FXD 002 CCC 267 a Langley BC
Assault with a weapon
ROD N Dutt, P 245 FXD 003 CCC 266 Langley BC
ROD N Dutt, P 245 FXD 004 CCC 267 c Langley BC
Assault by choking
ROD N Dutt, P 245 FXD 005 CCC 267 a Langley BC
Assault with a weapon
ROD N Dutt, P 245 FXD 006 CCC 145 5 a Langley BC
Breach of release
28 254556-1-K Pavon-Suazo, Reynaldo Hebert ROW N 184 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
29 255278-1-K Pelletier, Conner Leonard ROW N Akcir, O 100 FXD 001 CCC 267 b Langley BC
Assault causing bodily
30 254242-1-K Rai, Arshdeep Singh UTP N Sandhu, M 203 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
31 255781-1-K Rai, Vikram ROW N 51 PAR 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

32 253818-1-K Reding, Matthew ROW N Movassaghi 245 FXD 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
, B Assault
ROW N Movassaghi 245 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
, B Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
33 254156-1-K Reedy, Hailey Susen ROW N May, J 221 FXD 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
ROW N May, J 221 FXD 002 CCC 270 1 Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer
ROW N May, J 221 FXD 003 CCC 270 1 Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer
ROW N May, J 221 FXD 004 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
34 254156-2-KA Reedy, Hailey Susen ROW N May, J 220 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
35 254863-2-KC Rentiers, Edwin Clarke ROW N Heba, E 152 ARB 001 CCC 127 1 ACC Surrey BC
Disobeying court order VC
ROW N Heba, E 152 ARB 002 CCC 127 1 ACC Surrey BC
Disobeying court order VC
ROW N Heba, E 152 ARB 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
36 255945-1-K Rentiers, Edwin Clarke REM Y Heba, E 32 JIR 001 CCC 127 1 ACC Surrey BC
Disobeying court order VC
REM Y Heba, E 32 JIR 002 CCC 127 1 ACC Surrey BC
Disobeying court order VC
REM Y Heba, E 32 JIR 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

36 255945-1-K Rentiers, Edwin Clarke REM Y Heba, E 32 JIR 003 order Surrey BC

REM Y Heba, E 32 JIR 004 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC

Breach of release VC
37 251598-1-K Richardson, Katlin James ROD N Paquette, 461 DSP 001 CCC 266 Delta BC
C Assault
ROD N Paquette, 461 DSP 002 CCC 264.1 1 Delta BC
C Uttering threats
38 250175-5-KB Rodocker, Shane Richard John RON N Garih, G 156 APW 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
39 254447-1 LIMITED ACCESS RON N Garih, G 156 APW 001 CCC 490.031 Surrey BC
fail to comply with an
order or obligation
40 254827-1-K Rodocker, Shane Richard John RON N Garih, G 156 APW 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
RON N Garih, G 156 APW 002 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
RON N Garih, G 156 APW 003 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
41 255598-1-K Sekhon, Jagjeet Singh ROW N Paramagama 73 DSP 001 CCC 267 a Delta BC
, A Assault with a weapon
ROW N Paramagama 73 DSP 002 CCC 266 Delta BC
, A Assault
42 255228-1-K Shahul Hameed, Shams Mohamed ROW N KANDOLA, R 109 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
43 254875-1-K Shaikh, Saud Shabir Ahmed ROW N 151 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N 151 FXD 002 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon

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Room: 104 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

43 254875-1-K Shaikh, Saud Shabir Ahmed ROW N 151 FXD 003 CCC 266 Surrey BC
44 255233-1-K Singh, Jaspreet ROW N Grewal, S 108 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N Grewal, S 108 FXD 002 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
ROW N Grewal, S 108 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
45 254676-1-K Singh, Manmohan ROW N Sandhu, B 170 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
ROW N Sandhu, B 170 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
46 255237-2-KC Singh, Sukhraj ROW N Nahal, G 108 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N Nahal, G 108 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
47 253668-1-K Sooch, Jaspal Singh RON N Verma, A K 261 AHR 001 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking
RON N Verma, A K 261 AHR 002 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
48 252224-6-KC Stewart, Steven Earl RON N Hartman, J 406 PSB 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N Hartman, J G 406 PSB 002 CCC 88 1 Surrey BC
possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
RON N Hartman, J 406 PSB 003 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
49 255720-1-K Tanton, Roy James RON N Percival, 60 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
J Assault

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Room: 104 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

49 255720-1-K Tanton, Roy James RON N Percival, 60 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
J Uttering threats
50 255720-2-KA Tanton, Roy James RON N 35 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
51 255976-1-K Taylor, Jason Robert ROW N 31 CLC 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
52 253005-2-KC Turagabaleti, Peni RON N St G PCJ 328 DSP 001 CCC 348 1 b Surrey BC
Germain, C break and enter and
commit indictable
RON N St PCJ 328 DSP 002 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Germain, C Breach of release
53 256229-1-K Vivier, Evan Isaac ROW N 11 CLC 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N 11 CLC 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N 11 CLC 003 CCC 266 Surrey BC
54 253925-1-K Whitebear Kasoney, Russell ROW N Allain, R 233 FXD 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Thomas Assault causing bodily
ROW N Allain, R 233 FXD 002 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking
ROW N Allain, R 233 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily

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Room: 106 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

1 248290-2-KC LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Grewal, S N 733 DEC 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.2 Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily

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Room: 108 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 249442-1 Chong, Christina Lee RON Y Grenier, J PCJ 660 JIR 001 CCC 344 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Robbery VC
RON Y Grenier, J PCJ 660 JIR 002 CCC 268 2 ACC Surrey BC
Aggravated assault VC
2 251553-1 Chong, Christina Lee RON Y Grenier, J 449 JIR 001 MVA 95 1 ACC Surrey BC
Driving while VC
prohibited/ licence
3 249442-3-A Simeon, Christina Lee RON Y Grenier, J 511 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Vancouver BC
Breach of release VC
4 251020-1 Simeon, Christina Lee RON Y Grenier, J N PCJ 511 JIR 001 CCC 348 1 b ACC Surrey BC
break and enter and VC
commit indictable
5 251020-3-A Simeon, Christina Lee WAR N Grenier, J 15 APP 001 CCC 145 2 b ACC Surrey BC
Failing to appear VC
having appeared
For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM
6 252247-3-B Antone, Tre Christopher Michael AWW Y Cheung, E 36 JIR 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Breach of Probation VC
7 254078-1 Carnegie, Nathan Bradley RON Y 205 JIR 001 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault M
RON Y 205 JIR 002 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation M
8 254466-1 Carnegie, Nathan Bradley ROW Y 173 JIR 001 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon M
ROW Y 173 JIR 002 CCC 270 1 ACC Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer M

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Room: 108 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

8 254466-1 Carnegie, Nathan Bradley ROW Y 173 JIR 003 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation M
ROW Y 173 JIR 004 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation M
9 254466-2-A Carnegie, Nathan Bradley WAR Y 71 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release M
10 254466-3-A Carnegie, Nathan Bradley AWW Y 71 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release M
11 256230-2-C Elliot, Simon James AWW Y 10 JIR 001 CCC 266 ACC Langley BC
Assault VC
AWW Y 10 JIR 002 CCC 267 a ACC Langley BC
Assault with a weapon VC
AWW Y 10 JIR 003 CCC 88 1 ACC Langley BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose
AWW Y 10 JIR 004 CCC 129 a ACC Langley BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
AWW Y 10 JIR 005 CCC 403 1 d ACC Langley BC
Personation with VC
intent to avoid arrest
12 271688-1 Elliott, Simon James WAR Y 6 JIR 001 CCC 129 a ACC Vancouver BC
Vancouver Provincial wilfully resisting or VC
Court obstructing a peace

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Room: 108 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

12 271688-1 Elliott, Simon James WAR Y 6 JIR 002 CCC 403 1 a ACC Vancouver BC
Personation with VC
intent to gain
13 68105-1 Elliott, Simon James ROW N 47 ARB 001 CCC 348 1 a ACC Richmond BC
Richmond Provincial break and enter with VC
Court intent to commit
14 246221-4-B Fader, Gregory James RON N Sangha, H 122 CTD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Breach of Probation VC
15 246221-5-B Fader, Gregory James WAR Y Sangha, H 42 CTD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Breach of Probation VC
16 255819-1 Fader, Gregory James AWW Y Sangha, H 48 CTD 001 CCC 95 1 ACC Langley BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo VC
AWW Y Sangha, H 48 CTD 002 CCC 91 1 ACC Langley BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or
AWW Y Sangha, H 48 CTD 003 CCC 92 1 ACC Langley BC
Possess a firearm w/o VC
licence or
AWW Y Sangha, H 48 CTD 004 CCC 90 1 ACC Langley BC
Carry a weapon or VC
prohibited device/ammo
17 255820-1 Fader, Gregory James AWW Y Sangha, H 48 CTD 001 CCC 117.01 1 ACC Langley BC
Possession of VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

17 255820-1 Fader, Gregory James AWW Y Sangha, H 48 CTD 001 firearm,etc. contrary Langley BC
to order
18 255930-1 Fader, Gregory James REM Y Sangha, H 26 CTD 001 CCC 90 1 ACC Langley BC
Carry a weapon or VC
prohibited device/ammo
REM Y Sangha, H 26 CTD 002 CCC 88 1 ACC Langley BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose
REM Y Sangha, H 26 CTD 003 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Langley BC
Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily
19 255340-2-C Hasan, Janiar DO Y Dutt, P 93 FXD 001 CCC 344 1 a ACC Surrey BC
robbery use VC
DO Y Dutt, P 93 FXD 002 CCC 95 1 ACC Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo VC
DO Y Dutt, P 93 FXD 003 CCC 91 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or
DO Y Dutt, P 93 FXD 005 CCC 91 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm VC
DO Y Dutt, P 93 FXD 006 CCC 108 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Possessing firearm VC
with altered serial

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Room: 108 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

19 255340-2-C Hasan, Janiar DO Y Dutt, P 93 FXD 007 CCC 108 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Possessing firearm VC
with altered serial
DO Y Dutt, P 93 FXD 008 CCC 320.17 ACC Surrey BC
Flight from Police VC
DO Y Dutt, P 93 FXD 009 CCC 351 2 ACC Surrey BC
Disguising face with VC
intent to commit
DO Y Dutt, P 93 FXD 010 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
20 255340-2-C Urefe, Oromena Emmanuel DO Y Chhabra, N 93 PAR 001 CCC 344 1 a ACC Surrey BC
robbery use VC
DO Y Chhabra, N 93 PAR 002 CCC 95 1 ACC Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo VC
DO Y Chhabra, N 93 PAR 003 CCC 91 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or
DO Y Chhabra, N 93 PAR 005 CCC 91 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm VC
DO Y Chhabra, N 93 PAR 006 CCC 108 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Possessing firearm VC
with altered serial

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Room: 108 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

20 255340-2-C Urefe, Oromena Emmanuel DO Y Chhabra, N 93 PAR 006 number Surrey BC

DO Y Chhabra, N 93 PAR 007 CCC 108 1 b ACC Surrey BC

Possessing firearm VC
with altered serial
DO Y Chhabra, N 93 PAR 008 CCC 320.17 ACC Surrey BC
Flight from Police VC
DO Y Chhabra, N 93 PAR 009 CCC 351 2 ACC Surrey BC
Disguising face with VC
intent to commit
DO Y Chhabra, N 93 PAR 012 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
21 254180-1 Honaizer, Kody Emil DO Y Polese, M G PCJ 184 PSR 001 CCC 348 1 d ACC Surrey BC
break and enter a VC
dwelling with intent
or commit
DO Y Polese, M PCJ 184 PSR 002 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
DO Y Polese, M PCJ 184 PSR 003 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
DO Y Polese, M PCJ 184 PSR 004 CCC 344 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Robbery VC
DO Y Polese, M PCJ 184 PSR 005 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
22 254180-2-A Honaizer, Kody Emil DO Y Polese, M 132 DSP 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

23 256296-1 Kooner, Sandeep Singh AWW Y 2 JIR 001 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon VC
AWW Y 2 JIR 002 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC
24 253629-1 Maharaj, Rajneel RON N Doyle, J 218 ARB 001 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats to M
cause death or bodily
RON N Doyle, J 218 ARB 002 CCC 270 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Assaulting peace M
RON N Doyle, J 218 ARB 003 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or M
obstructing a peace
25 253629-2-A Maharaj, Rajneel RON N Doyle, J 43 ARB 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release M
RON N Doyle, J 43 ARB 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release M
26 256292-1 Maharaj, Rajneel REM Y 2 JIR 001 CCC 348 1 b ACC Surrey BC
break and enter and VC
commit indictable
27 256299-1 Maharaj, Rajneel REM Y 3 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
REM Y 3 JIR 002 CCC 348 1 a ACC Surrey BC
break and enter with VC
intent to commit

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Room: 108 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

27 256299-1 Maharaj, Rajneel REM Y 3 JIR 002 offence Surrey BC

REM Y 3 JIR 003 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC

Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily
28 256283-1 Razor, Rodney Julian Peter AWW Y 4 JIR 001 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon M
AWW Y 4 JIR 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release M
29 74422-1 Razor, Rodney Julian Peter ROW N 43 ARB 001 CCC 266 ACC Hope BC
Chilliwack Law Assault M

30 74569-1 Razor, Rodney Julian Peter ROW N 43 ARB 001 CCC 267 a ACC Hope BC
Chilliwack Law Assault with a weapon M
Courts ROW N 43 ARB 002 CCC 430 4 ACC Hope BC
Mischief $5000 or M
ROW N 43 ARB 003 CCC 270 1 ACC Hope BC
Assault Peace Officer M
For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM
31 251765-2-B Shokar, Kulwinder Singh ROW N 21 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
Breach of Probation

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Room: 109 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 252660-1-K Fairweather, James Charles DO Y Grewal, S 357 DSP 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
Raymond Assault
2 252660-2-KA Fairweather, James Charles DO Y Grewal, S 93 DSP 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Raymond Breach of release
3 254559-3-C Fairweather, James Charles DO Y Grewal, S 184 DSP 001 CCC 95 2 Surrey BC
Raymond Possess
firearm with
DO Y Grewal, S 184 DSP 002 CCC 92 1 Surrey BC
Possess a firearm w/o
licence or
DO Y Grewal, S 184 DSP 003 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
DO Y Grewal, S 184 DSP 004 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
4 255565-1-K Mayes, Sidney Roy REM Y Fredrickso 25 JIR 001 CCC 344 1 b Surrey BC
n, R Robbery
5 248708-1 Singh, Gurbinder ROD N Gismondi, PCJ 355 PTC 001 CCC 320.13 3 Surrey BC
M Dangerous Operation -
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
6 251306-1 Johnston, Samantha AN N Garih, G PLI 483 SNT 001 CCC 267 b CCC 266 Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily Assault

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Room: 109 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

7 84608-1 Johnston, Samantha Christina AN N Garih, G G 497 SNT 001 CCC 266 New Westminster BC
New Westminster Law Assault

8 266633-1 Johnston, Samantha Christina ROW N Garih, G G 552 SNT 001 CCC 430 Vancouver BC
Vancouver Provincial
Marie Mischief

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Room: 110 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 245403-2-KC LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 720 CNT 001 CCC 271 Delta BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 1 I sexual assault
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.2 ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 720 CNT 002 CCC 271 Delta BC
I sexual assault
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 720 CNT 003 CCC 271 Delta BC
I sexual assault
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 720 CNT 004 CCC 271 Delta BC
I sexual assault
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 720 CNT 005 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
I Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 720 CNT 006 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
I Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily

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Room: 309 Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

1 255530-1 Chopra, Kanwarjit SUM 48 DSP 001 BLW 000 Surrey BC
Municipal Bylaw
SUM 48 DSP 002 BLW 000 Surrey BC
Municipal Bylaw
2 255530-1 Lochav, Sapna Devi SUM N 48 DSP 001 BLW 000 Surrey BC
Municipal Bylaw
SUM N 48 DSP 002 BLW 000 Surrey BC
Municipal Bylaw
3 255538-1 Cole, Peter SUM 40 DSP 001 BLW 000 Surrey BC
Municipal Bylaw
4 255538-1 Dressler, Michael SUM 40 DSP 001 BLW 000 Surrey BC
Municipal Bylaw

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Room: JCM Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 253772-1 Bassi, Sarbjit Singh SUM Lee, K 222 FXD 001 CCC 320.14 2 Surrey BC
Impaired operation
causing bodily harm
SUM Lee, K 222 FXD 002 CCC 320.14 2 Surrey BC
Impaired operation
causing bodily harm
SUM Lee, K 222 FXD 003 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
Fail to Stop
SUM Lee, K 222 FXD 004 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
SUM Lee, K 222 FXD 005 CCC 320.15 1 Surrey BC
SUM Lee, K 222 FXD 006 CCC 445.01 Surrey BC
Wilfully kill, maim,
etc law enforcement
2 240875-1 Bennett, Jamie Raymond AOO N Grenier, J G SUM 1282 FXD 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
sexual assault
3 255581-1-K Chan, Troy Allan REM Y Snowdon, O 77 JIR 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
REM Y Snowdon, O 77 JIR 002 CCC 145 5 a Langley BC
Breach of release
4 96990-1-K Chan, Troy Allan ROD N Snowdon, O 232 JIR 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Abbotsford BC
Abbotsford Law Uttering threats to
Courts cause death or bodily
5 254169-1-K Compton, Cameron Alexander REM Y Dosanjh, J PCJ 218 JIR 001 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking

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Room: JCM Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

5 254169-1-K Compton, Cameron Alexander REM Y Dosanjh, J PCJ 218 JIR 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
REM Y Dosanjh, J PCJ 218 JIR 003 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking
6 253031-3-KC Doiron, Albert Daniel Joseph RON Y Dhillon, K 159 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Delta BC
Assault with a weapon
RON Y Dhillon, K 159 FXD 002 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
RON Y Dhillon, K 159 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
RON Y Dhillon, K 159 FXD 004 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking
RON Y Dhillon, K 159 FXD 005 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking
7 254741-2-B Flegel, Lance James AWW Y 12 JIR 001 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Breach of Probation
8 256211-1 Flegel, Lance James WAR Y 12 JIR 001 CCC 264.1 1 Langley BC
Uttering threats
9 254734-1-K Jagnoor Singh, ROW N 160 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
10 253947-1-K Kumar, Narender ROW N Sandhu, M 217 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
11 255335-1 Simpson, Tenysha Shantay-Lynne UTP N Dhillon, K 70 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
12 253083-2-C White, Jacqueline Susanne PPA N PCJ 319 FXD 001 CCC 85 2 Surrey BC
Use imitation firearm
committing, etc.

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Room: JCM Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

12 253083-2-C White, Jacqueline Susanne PPA N PCJ 319 FXD 002 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
PPA N PCJ 319 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
PPA N PCJ 319 FXD 004 CCC 88 1 Surrey BC
possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
PPA N PCJ 319 FXD 005 CCC 90 1 Surrey BC
Carry a weapon or
prohibited device/ammo
For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM
13 254294-1 Hutchison, Jacob Michael Karl RON N Coleman, B 204 FXD 001 CCC 151 Surrey BC
Sexual interference of
person under 16
14 254903-1-K Johnson, Justin Kurt Richard RON N Orris, G 147 FXD 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
RON N Orris, G 147 FXD 002 CCC 266 Langley BC
RON N Orris, G 147 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 Langley BC
Uttering threats
15 254667-1 Paul, Darryl John Nicholas RON N Sandhu, M 167 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N Sandhu, M 167 FXD 002 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
RON N Sandhu, M 167 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release

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Room: REG Court Date: 10-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 04:00 PM

1 254266-2-KA Karimi, Alireza WAR N 0 APP 001 CCC 145 5 a Delta BC
Breach of release

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 100 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 255883-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROD N Abdulmalik 38 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 Langley BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.2 , A Uttering threats
ROD N Abdulmalik 38 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 Langley BC
, A Uttering threats
2 255926-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROD N Abdulmalik 38 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.2 , A Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROD N Abdulmalik 38 FXD 002 CCC 145 4 a Langley BC
, A Breach of undertaking
3 254540-1 Andersen, Carl Robert ROS N Jung, L 170 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
ROS N Jung, L 170 FXD 002 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
ROS N Jung, L 170 FXD 003 CCC 266 Surrey BC
4 254684-1 Andersen, Carl Robert ROS N Jung, L 170 FXD 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
5 255612-1 Bagri, Balraj Rylan Singh WAR Y Dhillon, K 64 FXD 001 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon VC
WAR Y Dhillon, K 64 FXD 002 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
WAR Y Dhillon, K 64 FXD 003 CCC 430 4 ACC Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or VC
WAR Y Dhillon, K 64 FXD 004 CCC 430 ACC Surrey BC
Mischief VC
6 255676-1 Bagri, Balraj Rylan Singh WAR Y Dhillon, K 64 FXD 001 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC

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Room: 100 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 255676-1 Bagri, Balraj Rylan Singh WAR Y Dhillon, K 64 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily
7 254047-1 Basra, Imranjit Singh ROW N Janzen, P 42 FXD 001 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
8 255158-1 Bazo, Shirin UTP N Fredrickso 62 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
n, R Assault
UTP N Fredrickso 62 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
n, R Assault
9 255457-2-C Breaks, Dylan Grant UTP N Coleman, B 23 FXD 002 CCC 380 1 Surrey BC
UTP N Coleman, B 23 FXD 004 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
UTP N Coleman, B 23 FXD 005 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
10 255457-2-C Hawkins, Jaylene Elizabeth PPA N Coleman., 85 FXD 001 CCC 380 1 Surrey BC
B Fraud
PPA N Coleman., 85 FXD 003 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
B Theft $5000 or under
PPA N Coleman., 85 FXD 006 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
B deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
PPA N Coleman., 85 FXD 007 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
B deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
11 254588-1 Cabagnot, Thamer Tito Mar ROS N Krueger, J 170 AHR 011 CCC 355.2 Surrey BC
trafficking in stolen
property over

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Room: 100 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

11 254588-1 Cabagnot, Thamer Tito Mar ROS N Krueger, J 170 AHR 012 CCC 355.4 Surrey BC
possession of Property
obtained by Crime
ROS N Krueger, J 170 AHR 013 CCC 355.2 Surrey BC
trafficking in stolen
property over
ROS N Krueger, J 170 AHR 014 CCC 355.4 Surrey BC
possession of Property
obtained by Crime
12 255591-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROW N MONCHALIN, 68 FXD 001 CCC 151 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Lisa Sexual interference of
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 person under 16
Publication - CCC 486.4 1 ROW N MONCHALIN, 68 FXD 002 CCC 271 Surrey BC
Lisa sexual assault
13 256128-1 Caplette, Justin AWW Y Heba, E 25 JIR 001 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon VC
AWW Y Heba, E 25 JIR 002 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
AWW Y Heba, E 25 JIR 003 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose
AWW Y Heba, E 25 JIR 004 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
14 247135-1 Caplette, Justin Brett ROW N Heba, E G PCJ 826 ARB 001 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
ROW N Heba, E N PCJ 826 ARB 002 CCC 270.01 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer VC
with a weapon

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Room: 100 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

14 247135-1 Caplette, Justin Brett ROW N Heba, E N PCJ 826 ARB 003 CCC 85 2 ACC Surrey BC
Use imitation firearm VC
committing, etc.
ROW N Heba, E N PCJ 826 ARB 004 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose
ROW N Heba, E N PCJ 826 ARB 005 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose
15 254284-1 Caplette, Justin Brett ROW N Heba, E 208 ARB 001 CCC 344 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Robbery VC
ROW N Heba, E 208 ARB 002 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon VC
ROW N Heba, E 208 ARB 003 CCC 264.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats VC
16 254284-2-A Caplette, Justin Brett ROW N Heba, E 105 ARB 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
ROW N Heba, E 105 ARB 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
17 255143-1 Clysdale, David James ROW N Reaume, E 83 CLC 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
18 255639-1 Coote, Erin Lee UTP N 49 FXD 001 CCC 348 1 d Surrey BC
break and enter a
dwelling with intent
or commit
19 255456-1 Dileva, Amber-Rose ROW N Heba, E. 68 FXD 001 CCC 270 1 a Surrey BC
Assaulting peace

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Room: 100 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

19 255456-1 Dileva, Amber-Rose ROW N Heba, E. 68 FXD 002 CCC 270 1 a Surrey BC
Assaulting peace
ROW N Heba, E. 68 FXD 003 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
20 255458-1 Dileva, Amber-Rose ROW N Heba, E. 53 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under
ROW N Heba, E. 53 FXD 002 CCC 266 Langley BC
ROW N Heba, E. 53 FXD 003 CCC 129 a Langley BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
21 254820-1 Doan, Vu Huy Chris ROW N Allain, R 89 FXD 001 CCC 380 1 a Surrey BC
Fraud over $5000
ROW N Allain, R 89 FXD 002 CCC 368 1 a Surrey BC
Using forged document
ROW N Allain, R 89 FXD 003 CCC 333.1 1 Surrey BC
motor vehicle theft
22 254820-1 Nguyen, Thi Kim Chi ROW N 29 FXD 001 CCC 380 1 a Surrey BC
Fraud over $5000
ROW N 29 FXD 002 CCC 368 1 a Surrey BC
Using forged document
23 255875-1 Eastick, Barry Richard ROD N Dos 42 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Santos, E Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROD N Dos 42 FXD 002 CCC 173 2 Surrey BC
Santos, E Exposing genitals to
person under 16

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Room: 100 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

23 255875-1 Eastick, Barry Richard ROD N Dos 42 FXD 003 CCC 173 1 Surrey BC
Santos, E Committing indecent
act in public place
24 255875-2-A Eastick, Barry Richard ROD N Dos 7 FXD 001 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Santos, E Breach of undertaking
25 109497-1 Eliason, Patrick Wayne RON N Stickland, 337 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 Maple Ridge BC
Port Coquitlam Law E Uttering threats
Courts RON N Stickland, 337 FXD 002 CCC 811 Maple Ridge BC
E Breach of recognizance
26 109497-2-A Eliason, Patrick Wayne RON N Stickland, 294 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a Langley BC
Port Coquitlam Law E Breach of release
Courts order
RON N Stickland, 294 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a Langley BC
E Breach of release
27 253316-1 Eliason, Patrick Wayne RON N Stickland, 295 FXD 001 CCC 268 2 Langley BC
E Aggravated assault
28 254741-2-B Flegel, Lance James AWW Y 13 JIR 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Breach of Probation VC
29 256211-1 Flegel, Lance James WAR Y 13 JIR 001 CCC 264.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Uttering threats VC
30 255275-2-C Gendron, David Allen RON N Dos 102 FXD 001 CCC 268 2 Surrey BC
Santos, E Aggravated assault
RON N Dos 102 FXD 002 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Santos, E Assault with a weapon
RON N Dos 102 FXD 003 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Santos, E Uttering threats
RON N Dos 102 FXD 004 CCC 88 1 Surrey BC
Santos, E possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose

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Room: 100 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

31 255625-1 Hanspal, Gurvinder Singh UTP N 64 FXD 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
UTP N 64 FXD 002 CCC 320.14 1 b Surrey BC
Operation while over
80 BAC
32 255424-1 Kahlon, Justin Singh REM Y Allain, R PCJ 87 FXD 001 CCC 267 b ACC Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily VC
REM Y Allain, R PCJ 87 FXD 002 CCC 279 2 ACC Surrey BC
Unlawful confinement VC
or imprisonment
33 255683-1 Khawaja, Ahmad Jamal ROW N Abdulmalik 65 APW 001 CCC 91 1 Surrey BC
, A Possess Firearm w/o
licence and/or
ROW N Abdulmalik 65 APW 002 CCC 92 1 Surrey BC
, A Possess a firearm w/o
licence or
ROW N Abdulmalik 65 APW 003 CCC 88 1 Surrey BC
, A possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
ROW N Abdulmalik 65 APW 004 CCC 86 1 Surrey BC
, A Careless use or
storage of a firearm
ROW N Abdulmalik 65 APW 005 CCC 86 1 Surrey BC
, A Careless use or
storage of a firearm
34 255192-1 Klatt, Richard Wayne AN N 35 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

34 255192-1 Klatt, Richard Wayne AN N 35 FXD 001 suspended Surrey BC

35 254924-1 Kulyk, Ronnie Joseph ROW N Janzen, P 115 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
36 256143-1 Landry, Joseph Gaudiose Donald ROW N 24 CLC 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
37 256143-2-C Landry, Joseph Gaudiose Donald PPA N 24 FA 001 CCC 267 a Langley BC
Assault with a weapon
PPA N 24 FA 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
38 254070-1 Lowrie, Camden ROW N 176 PAR 001 MVA 95 1 Delta BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
39 253686-3-B Ludbrook, Steven Alan ROW N 4 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
Breach of Probation
ROW N 4 CLC 002 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
Breach of Probation
ROW N 4 CLC 003 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
Breach of Probation
ROW N 4 CLC 004 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
Breach of Probation
40 244260-1 Maan, Harjit Singh RON N Ariaee, E 49 FXD 001 CCC 320.13 3 Delta BC
Dangerous Operation -

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

40 244260-1 Maan, Harjit Singh RON N Ariaee, E 49 FXD 001 Death Delta BC

RON N Ariaee, E 49 FXD 002 CCC 320.14 3 Delta BC

Impaired operation
causing death
RON N Ariaee, E 49 FXD 003 CCC 320.14 3 Delta BC
Impaired operation
causing death
41 255626-1 Mabbs, Steven Martin ROW N 7 FXD 001 CCC 320.15 1 Surrey BC
42 250829-1 Maleki, Makan AN N Fumano, L 380 CWI 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
43 254971-1 Marwaha, Satinder Singh UTP N Markovitz, 126 FXD 001 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
D wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
44 255886-1 Matusiak, Domonic Markus UTP N Kandola, R 0 FXD 001 CCC 344 1 b Surrey BC
45 254909-1 Mccan-Riebesehl, Jakaiyluo ROW N Young, R 132 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Ethan Assault with a weapon
46 255251-1 Miles, Sean Phillip UTP N 70 FXD 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Delta BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
UTP N 70 FXD 002 CCC 320.14 1 b Delta BC
Operation while over
80 BAC
47 254937-4-C Mills, Robert George DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 001 CCC 344 1 b ACC Mission BC
Robbery VC
DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 002 CCC 85 2 ACC Mission BC
Use imitation firearm VC
committing, etc.

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

47 254937-4-C Mills, Robert George DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 002 indictable Mission BC

DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 003 CCC 351 2 ACC Mission BC

Disguising face with VC
intent to commit
DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 004 CCC 344 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Robbery VC
DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 005 CCC 85 2 ACC Surrey BC
Use imitation firearm VC
committing, etc.
DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 006 CCC 351 2 ACC Surrey BC
Disguising face with VC
intent to commit
DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 007 CCC 344 1 b ACC Langley BC
Robbery VC
DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 008 CCC 85 2 ACC Langley BC
Use imitation firearm VC
committing, etc.
DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 009 CCC 351 2 ACC Langley BC
Disguising face with VC
intent to commit
DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 010 CCC 348 1 a ACC Langley BC
break and enter with VC
intent to commit
DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 011 CCC 267 a ACC Langley BC
Assault with a weapon VC

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

47 254937-4-C Mills, Robert George DO Y Ali, Z 144 FXD 012 CCC 129 a ACC Langley BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
48 254937-5-C Mills, Robert George WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 001 CCC 344 1 b ACC Mission BC
Robbery VC
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 002 CCC 85 2 ACC Mission BC
Use imitation firearm VC
committing, etc.
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 003 CCC 351 2 ACC Mission BC
Disguising face with VC
intent to commit
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 004 CCC 344 1 b ACC Langley BC
Robbery VC
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 005 CCC 85 2 ACC Langley BC
Use imitation firearm VC
committing, etc.
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 006 CCC 351 2 ACC Langley BC
Disguising face with VC
intent to commit
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 007 CCC 344 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Robbery VC
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 008 CCC 85 2 ACC Surrey BC
Use imitation firearm VC
committing, etc.
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 009 CCC 351 2 ACC Surrey BC
Disguising face with VC

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

48 254937-5-C Mills, Robert George WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 009 intent to commit Surrey BC
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 010 CCC 344 1 b ACC Langley BC
Robbery VC
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 011 CCC 85 2 ACC Langley BC
Use imitation firearm VC
committing, etc.
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 012 CCC 351 2 ACC Langley BC
Disguising face with VC
intent to commit
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 013 CCC 348 1 a ACC Langley BC
break and enter with VC
intent to commit
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 014 CCC 267 a ACC Langley BC
Assault with a weapon VC
WAR Y Ali, Z 144 JIR 015 CCC 129 a ACC Langley BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
49 255036-2-C Morin, Christian ROW N Paquette, 131 FXD 001 CCC 344 1 b Surrey BC
Chantal Robbery
ROW N Paquette, 131 FXD 002 CCC 279 2 a Surrey BC
Chantal forcible confinement
w/o lawful authority
ROW N Paquette, 131 FXD 003 CCC 85 2 Surrey BC
Chantal Use imitation firearm
committing, etc.

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

49 255036-2-C Morin, Christian ROW N Paquette, 131 FXD 004 CCC 85 2 Surrey BC
Chantal Use imitation firearm
committing, etc.
50 254897-1 Morin, Michael Rudy PTA N DHILLON, K 119 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
51 255375-1 Nendza, Keith Douglas AN N Fredrickso 28 PAR 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
n, R Driving while
prohibited/ licence
52 255425-1 Nickerson, Kyle Ronald UTP N Allain, R 63 FXD 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
53 241783-5-B North, John Christopher RON N 155 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Vancouver BC
Breach of Probation
54 241783-6-B North, John Christopher RON N 14 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Vancouver BC
Breach of Probation
55 254672-2-C Palmer, Carlos Ely RON N Brar, N PCJ 173 FXD 001 CCC 349 1 Surrey BC
being unlawfully in
RON N Brar, N G PCJ 173 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
RON N Brar, N PCJ 173 FXD 003 CCC 348 1 a Surrey BC
break and enter with
intent to commit
RON N Brar, N G PCJ 173 FXD 004 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

55 254672-2-C Palmer, Carlos Ely RON N Brar, N G 173 FXD 004 under Surrey BC

56 255194-1 Patrick, Jory Wade AWW Y Heba, E 113 JIR 001 CCC 348 1 a ACC Surrey BC
break and enter with VC
intent to commit
AWW Y Heba, E 113 JIR 002 CCC 91 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or
AWW Y Heba, E 113 JIR 003 CCC 92 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possess a firearm w/o VC
licence or
AWW Y Heba, E 113 JIR 004 CCC 355 b ACC Surrey BC
PSP Under $5,000 VC
57 255495-1 Patrick, Jory Wade WAR Y Heba, E 63 JIR 001 CCC 320.16 2 ACC Surrey BC
Fail to Stop - BH VC
WAR Y Heba, E 63 JIR 002 CCC 434 ACC Surrey BC
arson damaging VC
WAR Y Heba, E 63 JIR 003 CCC 355 a ACC Surrey BC
PSP Over $5,000 VC
58 251293-1 LIMITED ACCESS REM Y Kandola, R 484 FXD 001 CCC 151 ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.1 Sexual interference of VC
person under 16
REM Y Kandola, R 484 FXD 002 CCC 271 ACC Surrey BC
sexual assault VC
REM Y Kandola, R 484 FXD 003 CCC 145 4 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking VC
59 252973-1 Pelletier, Shawn Brian RON Y Kandola, R 331 FXD 001 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

59 252973-1 Pelletier, Shawn Brian RON Y Kandola, R 331 FXD 001 document without Surrey BC
lawful excuse
RON Y Kandola, R 331 FXD 002 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without
lawful excuse
RON Y Kandola, R 331 FXD 003 CCC 342 3 ACC Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of VC
credit card data
RON Y Kandola, R 331 FXD 004 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
60 255490-1 Quinn, Daniel Patrick ROD N Coulthard, 36 APW 001 CCC 333.1 1 Surrey BC
A motor vehicle theft
ROD N Coulthard, 36 APW 002 CCC 380 1 b Surrey BC
A Fraud $5000 or under
ROD N Coulthard, 36 APW 003 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
A Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROD N Coulthard, 36 APW 004 CCC 355 a Surrey BC
A PSP Over $5,000
ROD N Coulthard, 36 APW 005 CCC 320.18 1 a Surrey BC
A Drive while
disqualified under CCC
61 255490-1 Reyes, Nathanael Florencio ROW N Dos 63 PAR 001 CCC 333.1 1 Surrey BC
Santos, E motor vehicle theft
ROW N Dos 63 PAR 002 CCC 380 1 b Surrey BC
Santos, E Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Dos 63 PAR 003 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Santos, E Unauthorized use of
credit card data

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

62 255481-1 Rai, Jagdeep Singh AN N 56 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
63 255076-1 Ramirez Castillo, Julio Luis UTP Robinson, 126 FXD 001 CCC 271 Delta BC
Rafael A sexual assault
64 253094-2-C Robinson, Paul Anthony AWW Y Heba, E G PCJ 318 JIR 001 CCC 433 a ACC Surrey BC
arson in relation to VC
inhabited property
65 253094-3-S Robinson, Paul Anthony N 10 APP 001 CCC 742.6 ACC Surrey BC
(related to 253094- Breach of Conditional VC
2-C PRA) Sentence Order
66 253094-4-S Robinson, Paul Anthony N 9 APP 001 CCC 742.6 ACC Surrey BC
(related to 253094- Breach of Conditional VC
2-C PRA) Sentence Order
N 9 APP 002 CCC 742.6 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Conditional VC
Sentence Order
67 256237-1 Robinson, Paul Anthony AWW Y 11 JIR 001 CCC 742.6 ACC Delta BC
Breach of Conditional VC
Sentence Order
AWW Y 11 JIR 002 CCC 742.6 ACC Delta BC
Breach of Conditional VC
Sentence Order
68 254482-1 Rossette, Tanya Lee ROW N Dos 167 AHR 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Santos, E Driving while
prohibited/ licence
69 254983-1 Singh, Baldeep UTP N 126 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
UTP N 126 FXD 002 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

69 254983-1 Singh, Baldeep UTP N 126 FXD 002 under Surrey BC

UTP N 126 FXD 003 CCC 267 b Surrey BC

Assault causing bodily
70 254758-1 Singh, Bhupinderpal SUM N 140 FXD 001 MVA 144 1 a Surrey BC
Drive a motor vehicle
without due care &
71 255304-1 Stubljar, Amanda UTP N Wozniak, J 83 FXD 001 CCC 344 1 b Delta BC
72 255376-1 Thiele, Clayton Alexander ROW N 35 FXD 001 CCC 320.17 Surrey BC
Flight from Police
ROW N 35 FXD 002 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROW N 35 FXD 003 CCC 342 1 c Surrey BC
Possess/use stolen
credit card
ROW N 35 FXD 004 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM
73 254437-1 Ramos, Eduard Orlando ROW N 176 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
74 254793-1 Shank, Martin Larry DO Y 136 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 ACC Surrey BC
Driving while VC

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

74 254793-1 Shank, Martin Larry DO Y 136 CLC 001 prohibited/ licence Surrey BC
For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM
75 255970-1 Florence, Matthew Edwin UTP N 0 FA 001 CCC 129 a Langley BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
UTP N 0 FA 002 CCC 270 1 a Langley BC
Assaulting peace
UTP N 0 FA 003 CCC 264.1 1 Langley BC
Uttering threats
76 255305-1 Irvine, Trever Shaldon ROW N Niefer, J 72 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under
77 256131-1-B Myltoft, Leif Birch ROW N 22 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Breach of Probation
78 255731-1 Noel, Joey Lucien SUM 35 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
SUM 35 CLC 002 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
79 256166-1 Patton, Leonard William ROW N 21 CLC 001 CCC 270 1 Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer
ROW N 21 CLC 002 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 11:00 AM

80 254837-1 Bergeron, Adrien Real ROW N 122 FXD 001 CCC 175 1 a Surrey BC
Causing disturbance
ROW N 122 FXD 002 CCC 430 4 b Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
ROW N 122 FXD 003 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
81 255877-1 Miller, Robby Walter Jay SUM N 0 FA 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
82 255366-1 Sidhu, Jagroop Singh SUM N 70 FXD 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Delta BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
SUM N 70 FXD 002 CCC 320.13 1 Delta BC
Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
SUM N 70 FXD 003 CCC 320.17 Delta BC
Flight from Police

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Room: 101 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 250997-1-K Johnny, Isabelle Leona RON N Corriveau, 521 FT 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
C Assault
2 250794-1 Uppal, Makhan Singh SUM Dutt, P PCJ 514 FT 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM
3 242008-1 Bird, Kyle Robert SUM Wright, S N PCJ 1077 CNT 001 CDS 5 2 Langley BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
SUM Wright, S N PCJ 1077 CNT 002 CDS 5 2 Langley BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
4 252366-1-K LIMITED ACCESS UTP N Abdulmalik 380 CNT 001 CCC 271 Delta BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 , A sexual assault
UTP N Abdulmalik 380 CNT 002 CCC 266 Delta BC
, A Assault
UTP N Abdulmalik 380 CNT 003 CCC 266 Delta BC
, A Assault
5 251284-1-K Tejinder Singh, ROB N Gill, R 498 CNT 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC

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Room: 102 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 255648-1-B Almeshkhas, Yousef Abdullah ROW N 65 DSP 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
2 254645-1 Boutin, Justin Gordon Camille AN N Jose, G 147 APW 001 CCC 320.18 1 a Langley BC
Drive while
disqualified under CCC
AN N Jose, G 147 APW 002 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
3 253159-1 Brar, Balwinder Singh SUM N Bhangu, J. SUM 267 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
4 253107-1 Dawe, Jacob UTP N 251 DSP 001 CCC 91 2 Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm
5 254683-1 Dennis, Jackson Charles AN N 38 APW 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
6 244969-6-B Doherty, Cody ROW N Paquette, 218 DSP 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
C Breach of Probation
7 251729-2-B Dyal, Jagjit Singh ROW N Grewal, S 69 APW 001 CCC 811 Delta BC
Breach of recognizance
8 251624-1 Egilson, Trevor John Roland AN N 443 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
9 251322-1 Folwark, Vernon Peter RON N Jose, G 508 APW 001 CCC 266 Langley BC

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Room: 102 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

10 251322-2-A Folwark, Vernon Peter RON N Jose, G 508 APW 001 CCC 145 4 a Langley BC
Breach of undertaking
11 251540-1 Folwark, Vernon Peter RON N Jose, G 469 APW 001 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
12 253931-2-B Garkouth, Duoth Techen ROW N Doyle, J 152 APW 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
13 255484-1-B Garkouth, Duoth Techen ROW N Doyle, J 45 APW 001 CCC 811 Surrey BC
Breach of recognizance
14 251080-2-B Gervais, Daniel Ronald ROW N Stickland, 145 DSP 001 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
E Breach of Probation
15 252028-2-B Gervais, Daniel Ronald RON N Stickland, 132 DSP 001 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
E Breach of Probation
16 254935-1 Gervais, Daniel Ronald ROW N Stickland, 145 DSP 001 CCC 334 b Langley BC
E Theft $5000 or under
17 255341-1 Gervais, Daniel Ronald SUM N Stickland, 66 DSP 001 CCC 334 b Delta BC
E Theft $5000 or under
SUM N Stickland, 66 DSP 002 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
E Breach of Probation
SUM N Stickland, 66 DSP 003 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
E Breach of Probation
18 255482-1 Gervais, Daniel Ronald ROW N Stickland, 62 DSP 001 CCC 334 b Delta BC
E Theft $5000 or under
19 266158-3-BC Gervais, Daniel Ronald ROW N Stickland, 149 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Vancouver BC
Vancouver Provincial E Breach of Probation
Court Order
ROW N Stickland, 149 FXD 002 CCC 733.1 1 Vancouver BC

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

19 266158-3-BC Gervais, Daniel Ronald ROW N Stickland, 149 FXD 002 Breach of Probation Vancouver BC
E Order
20 266158-4-A Gervais, Daniel Ronald ROW N Stickland, 70 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a Vancouver BC
Vancouver Provincial E Breach of release
Court order

21 249345-1 Giwa, Wareez Olalekan UTP N Dhillon, K 637 FXD 001 CCC 333.1 1 Surrey BC
motor vehicle theft
UTP N Dhillon, K 637 FXD 002 CCC 355 a Surrey BC
PSP Over $5,000
22 208040-15-B Goddard, Jeffrey Alan WAR Y Barton, T G 276 SNT 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Vancouver BC
Breach of Probation VC
23 255854-1 Ho, Pui Suen AN N 43 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
24 248237-6-B Howatt, Kyle Andrew Roy ROW N 19 APW 001 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Breach of Probation
25 255469-1 Kelly, James Neil UTP N Lovatt, D 56 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
26 253474-2-KC Knight, Kristopher David PPA N Dhillon, K 277 FXD 001 CCC 127 1 Surrey BC
Disobeying court order
27 255673-1 Korotana, Jessica UTP N 45 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
UTP N 45 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
28 254240-1 Levesque, Sarah Shelby-Lynne SUM Dos 190 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Santos, E Driving while

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

28 254240-1 Levesque, Sarah Shelby-Lynne SUM Dos 190 DSP 001 prohibited/ licence Surrey BC
Santos, E suspended
29 254329-1 Massey, Stephen Hilton Ivor AN Jose, G 199 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
30 255283-1 Mcdonald, Brian Joseph AN N Jose, G 77 APW 001 CCC 320.18 1 a Surrey BC
Drive while
disqualified under CCC
AN N Jose, G 77 APW 002 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
AN N Jose, G 77 APW 003 MVA 102 a Surrey BC
driving while
31 253861-1 Mercier Rioux, Mathieu UTP N Eder, B 182 DSP 001 CCC 334 b Delta BC
Theft $5000 or under
32 255665-1 Murray, Kristin Alena SUM 44 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
33 255587-1 Rice, Shayne Chad AN N 56 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
34 252880-1 Richard, Clinton P AN N Dhillon, K 323 DSP 001 CCC 320.18 1 a Surrey BC
Drive while
disqualified under CCC
35 251829-1 Sangha, Harman Singh AN N Dutt, P 405 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Delta BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Room: 102 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

35 251829-1 Sangha, Harman Singh AN N Dutt, P 405 DSP 001 suspended Delta BC

AN N Dutt, P 405 DSP 002 CCC 129 a Delta BC

wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
36 252049-1 Sharma, Jashandeep SUM Kandola, R 409 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Delta BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
37 255427-1 Snow, Cameron Alton Alexander SUM N 43 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
38 255709-1 Sonidis, Ioannis SUM N Lee, K 38 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
39 251968-1 Thomas, Patrick Owen AN N 387 APW 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
40 252879-1 Tracey, Lia Terese AN N Jose, G 303 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
41 255333-1 Walton, Derek Raymond M ROW N Stern, M 80 DSP 001 CCC 264 Surrey BC, White
Criminal Harassment Rock BC, and Kelowna
ROW N Stern, M 80 DSP 002 CCC 372 3 Surrey BC, White
Making harassing Rock BC, and Kelowna
communication BC

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Room: 102 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

41 255333-1 Walton, Derek Raymond M ROW N Stern, M 80 DSP 003 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC, White
Uttering threats Rock BC, and Kelowna
42 255333-2-C Walton, Derek Raymond M PPA N 80 FA 001 CCC 810 1 a Surrey BC, White
fear of injury/damage Rock BC, and Kelowna
to person/property BC
43 252490-1 Warner, Raymond Glyn AN N Fumano, L 377 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Delta BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
44 66764-1 Warner, Raymond Glyn PTA N Fumano, L G 582 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Richmond BC
Richmond Provincial Driving while
Court prohibited/ licence
45 252662-1 Wilson, Tricia Anne RON N Coulthard, 260 DSP 001 CCC 129 a Delta BC
A wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
46 243925-1 Zietsoff, John William RWD N Coulthard, G 1106 DSP 001 MVA 234 1 Surrey BC and New
A driving while driver's Westminster BC
licence is suspended
47 83036-1 Zietsoff, John William RWD N Coulthard, G 1198 DSP 001 MVA 234 1 New Westminster BC
New Westminster Law A driving while driver's
Courts licence is suspended

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

48 254579-1 Bateson, David Garth AN N Dhillon, K 171 DSP 001 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Room: 102 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

49 250462-2-B Schofield, Marc Joseph ROW N Head, S 302 IGP 001 CCC 733.1 1 Richmond BC
Breach of Probation
50 250462-3-B Schofield, Marc Joseph ROW N Head, S 102 IGP 001 CCC 733.1 1 Richmond BC
Breach of Probation
51 67462-1 Schofield, Marc Joseph ROW N Head, S 302 IGP 001 CCC 334 b Richmond BC
Richmond Provincial Theft $5000 or under

52 254342-1 Umlas, Ross Anthony SUM N 181 APW 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Room: 103 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

1 187006-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Movassaghi 189 ARB 001 CCC 271 Saanich BC
Victoria Law Courts
Publication - CCC 517 1 , B sexual assault
Publication - CCC 486.4 1
2 255432-1-AB Pich, Noel WAR Y Movassaghi 83 JIR 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
, B Breach of Probation
WAR Y Movassaghi 83 JIR 002 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
, B Breach of Probation
WAR Y Movassaghi 83 JIR 003 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, B Breach of release
3 255431-1 Pich, Noel Chumnor WAR Y Movassaghi 83 JIR 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
, B sexual assault

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Room: 104 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 255784-1-KA Cheema, Siasit Singh ROW N Bhangu, J 51 FXD 001 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking
2 249892-2-KB Mahjub, Daniel Pieka RON N Cooper, E 227 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
3 249892-3-KB Mahjub, Daniel Pieka RON N 73 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
4 255122-1-K Manget, Burke Anson RON N Sandhu, M 122 FXD 001 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking
RON N Sandhu, M 122 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
5 255270-1 Mckelvie, Corey David ROW N 103 FXD 001 CCC 72 1 Langley BC
Forcible Entry
ROW N 103 FXD 002 CCC 129 a Langley BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
6 255370-1-K Naidu, Ritchie Raveel ROW N Israels, J 87 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
7 254908-2-KC Nasser, Naif Esame ROD N Goldin, A 148 PAR 001 CCC 372 3 Langley BC
Making harassing
ROD N Goldin, A 148 PAR 002 CCC 372 3 Langley BC
Making harassing
ROD N Goldin, A 148 PAR 003 CCC 127 1 Langley BC
Disobeying court order
ROD N Goldin, A 148 PAR 004 CCC 127 1 Langley BC
Disobeying court order
ROD N Goldin, A 148 PAR 005 CCC 264.1 1 Langley BC
Uttering threats

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Room: 104 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

8 255246-1-K Paw, Bar Blu ROW N Basra, R 107 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N Basra, R 107 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
ROW N Basra, R 107 FXD 003 CCC 86 1 Surrey BC
Careless use or
storage of a firearm
9 255594-1-K Rose, Patrick George UTP N 0 APW 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
10 255696-1-K Saini, Jaspal Singh ROW N 56 CLC 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
ROW N 56 CLC 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROW N 56 CLC 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
11 252424-4-KB Shah-Mohammadi, Yasin RON N Heba, E 56 ARB 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC New Westminster BC
Breach of Probation VC
RON N Heba, E 56 ARB 002 CCC 733.1 1 ACC New Westminster BC
Breach of Probation VC
12 252424-5-KA Shah-Mohammadi, Yasin WAR N 0 APP 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
WAR N 0 APP 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

13 256204-1-K Shah-Mohammadi, Yasin REM Y 16 JIR 001 CCC 267 c ACC Surrey BC
Assault by choking VC
REM Y 16 JIR 002 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
REM Y 16 JIR 003 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily
REM Y 16 JIR 004 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC and
Breach of release VC Surrey BC
REM Y 16 JIR 005 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC and
Breach of release VC Surrey BC
REM Y 16 JIR 006 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
REM Y 16 JIR 007 CCC 270 1 ACC Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer VC
REM Y 16 JIR 008 CCC 270 1 ACC Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer VC
14 255011-1-K Singh, Jashandeep RON N Bhangu, J G 133 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
RON N Bhangu, J 133 FXD 002 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
15 254110-1-K Singh, Sukhdeep UTP N Bhangu, J 143 FXD 001 CCC 372 3 Surrey BC
Making harassing
16 252795-1-K Singh, Varinder RON N Gill, R 345 FXD 001 CCC 266 Delta BC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

16 252795-1-K Singh, Varinder RON N Gill, R 345 FXD 002 CCC 266 Delta BC
RON N Gill, R 345 FXD 003 CCC 267 a Delta BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N Gill, R 345 FXD 004 CCC 267 a Delta BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N Gill, R 345 FXD 005 CCC 267 a Delta BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N Gill, R 345 FXD 006 CCC 264.1 1 Delta BC
Uttering threats
RON N Gill, R 345 FXD 007 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
17 255603-4-KC Smith, Michael James WAR Y N 51 FXD 001 CCC 267 a ACC Delta BC
Assault with a weapon VC
WAR Y N 51 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Delta BC
Breach of release VC
WAR Y N 51 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Delta BC
Breach of release VC
WAR Y N 51 FXD 004 CCC 145 5 a ACC Delta BC
Breach of release VC
18 253264-2-KC Tulloch, Corey Ronald PPA N Abdulmalik 301 FXD 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
, A Assault
PPA N Abdulmalik 301 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Langley BC
, A Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily

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Room: 104 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

18 253264-2-KC Tulloch, Corey Ronald PPA N Abdulmalik 301 FXD 003 CCC 267 a Langley BC
, A Assault with a weapon
19 249592-1-K Westcott, Warren Andrew ROD N Larmer, R G SUM 646 APP 001 CCC 267 b Delta BC
Assault causing bodily
20 255466-1-K Wozniak, Michael John UTP N Lovatt, D 49 FXD 001 CCC 127 1 Langley BC
Disobeying court order
UTP N Lovatt, D 49 FXD 002 CCC 127 1 Langley BC
Disobeying court order
UTP N Lovatt, D 49 FXD 003 CCC 127 1 Langley BC
Disobeying court order
21 255776-1-K Zhang, Dexi ROW N 54 AVB 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
22 255776-2-KC Zhang, Dexi PPA N 54 AVB 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
23 254965-1-K Labranche, Devon Joseph RON N Jose, G 122 CLC 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
RON N Jose, G 122 CLC 002 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
24 254965-2-KA Labranche, Devon Joseph RON N Jose, G 3 CLC 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
25 255771-1-K Owen, Jeffrey Richard RON N 55 FXD 001 CCC 267 c Delta BC
Assault by choking
RON N 55 FXD 002 CCC 266 Delta BC
26 255624-3-KC Rioux, Brannick Joesph REM Y Abdulmalik 72 JIR 001 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Assault with a weapon VC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

26 255624-3-KC Rioux, Brannick Joesph REM Y Abdulmalik 72 JIR 002 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
, A Assault VC
REM Y Abdulmalik 72 JIR 003 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily
REM Y Abdulmalik 72 JIR 004 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Breach of release VC
REM Y Abdulmalik 72 JIR 005 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Breach of release VC
REM Y Abdulmalik 72 JIR 006 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Breach of release VC
REM Y Abdulmalik 72 JIR 007 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Breach of release VC
27 255253-1-K Singh, Arpanpreet RON N Behnampour 106 CLC 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
, K Assault
28 255253-2-KA Singh, Arpanpreet RON N Behnampour 104 CLC 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, K Breach of release
29 255776-1-K Zhang, Dexi ROW N 54 AVB 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
30 255776-2-KC Zhang, Dexi PPA N 54 AVB 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon

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Room: 106 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 251325-3-C Monsma, Tyler James DO Y Vayeghan, PLI PCJ 495 APP 001 CCC 268 2 CCC 267 b Langley BC
M Aggravated assault Assault causing
bodily harm
DO Y Vayeghan, G PCJ 495 APP 004 CCC 268 2 Langley BC
M Aggravated assault
2 253437-1 Sethi, Davinder Pal Singh ROW N Malhi, P 274 APP 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
sexual assault
ROW N Malhi, P 274 APP 002 CCC 246 b Surrey BC
Administering drug to
commit indictable

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Room: 107 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

1 247193-1 LIMITED ACCESS RON N Currie, J G PCJ 833 DEC 001 CCC 172.1 1 b Langley BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 Telecommunicate to
lure child under 16
RON N Currie, J PCJ 833 DEC 002 CCC 151 Delta BC and Langley
Sexual interference of BC
person under 16
RON N Currie, J PCJ 833 DEC 003 CCC 271 Delta BC and Langley
sexual assault BC

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 246692-1 Bhatti, Gurjot Singh ROD Y 878 JIR 001 CCC 270.01 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer VC
with a weapon
ROD Y G 878 JIR 002 CCC 320.13 1 ACC Surrey BC
Dangerous operation of VC
a Conveyance
ROD Y 878 JIR 003 CCC 320.17 ACC Surrey BC
Flight from Police VC
ROD Y G 878 JIR 004 CCC 430 4 b ACC Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or VC
ROD Y PLI 878 JIR 005 MVA 95 1 MVA 24 1 ACC Surrey BC
Driving while Driving without VC
prohibited/ licence driver's
suspended licence
2 252074-1 Brown, Fabian Yul REM Y 56 JIR 001 CCC 279 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 kidnapping VC
REM Y 56 JIR 002 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
REM Y 56 JIR 004 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily
REM Y 56 JIR 005 CCC 348 1 b ACC Surrey BC
break and enter and VC
commit indictable
3 113285-1-K Hagan, Keith REM Y 41 JIR 001 CCC 430 4 ACC Knouff Lake BC
Kamloops Law Courts Mischief $5000 or VC
REM Y 41 JIR 002 CCC 266 ACC Knouff Lake BC
Assault VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

4 114424-1-K Hagan, Keith REM Y 41 JIR 001 CCC 267 a ACC Barriere BC
Kamloops Law Courts Assault with a weapon VC
REM Y 41 JIR 002 CCC 264.1 1 ACC Barriere BC
Uttering threats VC
5 252509-1 Hagan, Keith Douglas REM N 358 ARB 001 MVA 95 1 ACC Delta BC
Driving while VC
prohibited/ licence
6 256173-1 Hagan, Keith Douglas REM Y 21 JIR 001 CCC 355 a ACC Surrey BC
PSP Over $5,000 VC
REM Y 21 JIR 002 CCC 94 1 ACC Surrey BC
Occupying vehicle VC
knowing firearm, etc.
REM Y 21 JIR 003 CCC 91 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or
REM Y 21 JIR 004 CCC 342 1 c ACC Surrey BC
Possess/use stolen VC
credit card
7 114101-1 Neigum, Donny Glen ROW N Dhillon, K 162 ARB 001 CCC 334 b ACC Kamloops BC
Kamloops Law Courts Theft $5000 or under VC

8 255654-2-B Neigum, Donny Glen WAR Y Dhillon, K 22 JIR 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Delta BC
Breach of Probation VC
9 255704-1 Pike, Daylen Marcoh AWW Y Candler, Q 63 JIR 001 CCC 95 1 ACC Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

9 255704-1 Pike, Daylen Marcoh AWW Y Candler, Q 63 JIR 002 CCC 117.01 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of VC
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
AWW Y Candler, Q 63 JIR 003 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC
AWW Y Candler, Q 63 JIR 004 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC
10 255704-2-C Pike, Daylen Marcoh WAR Y Candler, Q 63 JIR 001 CCC 95 1 ACC Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo VC
WAR Y Candler, Q 63 JIR 002 CCC 117.01 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of VC
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
WAR Y Candler, Q 63 JIR 003 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC
WAR Y Candler, Q 63 JIR 004 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC
WAR Y Candler, Q 63 JIR 005 CCC 320.18 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Drive while VC
disqualified under CCC
11 253756-1 Prost, Billy George RON Y Dhillon, K 251 JIR 001 CCC 333.1 1 ACC Langley BC
motor vehicle theft VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 251 JIR 002 CCC 355 a ACC Langley BC
PSP Over $5,000 VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

11 253756-1 Prost, Billy George RON Y Dhillon, K 251 JIR 003 CCC 320.13 1 ACC Langley BC
Dangerous operation of VC
a Conveyance
RON Y Dhillon, K 251 JIR 004 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Breach of Probation VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 251 JIR 005 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Breach of Probation VC
12 254941-1 Prost, Billy George RON Y Dhillon, K 143 JIR 001 CCC 348 1 b ACC Surrey BC
break and enter and VC
commit indictable
RON Y Dhillon, K 143 JIR 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 143 JIR 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
RON Y Dhillon, K 143 JIR 004 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
13 96396-1 Prost, Billy George RON Y Dhillon, K 366 JIR 001 CCC 264.1 1 b ACC Abbotsford BC
Abbotsford Law Uttering threats to VC
Courts burn, destroy or
14 255952-1 Roherty, Tyler Wayne AWW Y Rivard, G 35 JIR 001 CCC 355 ACC Delta BC
Possession of Stolen VC
AWW Y Rivard, G 35 JIR 002 CCC 320.17 ACC Delta BC
Flight from Police VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

14 255952-1 Roherty, Tyler Wayne AWW Y Rivard, G 35 JIR 003 CCC 320.13 1 ACC Delta BC
Dangerous operation of VC
a Conveyance
AWW Y Rivard, G 35 JIR 004 CCC 320.18 1 a ACC Delta BC
Drive while VC
disqualified under CCC
15 256192-1 Stantschev, Viktor AWW Y Dhillon, K 14 JIR 001 CCC 90 1 ACC Surrey BC
Carry a weapon or VC
prohibited device/ammo
AWW Y Dhillon, K 14 JIR 002 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC
AWW Y Dhillon, K 14 JIR 003 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
16 254020-1 Inthapanya, Mike WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 001 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 002 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 003 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 004 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 005 CCC 95 1 ACC Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

16 254020-1 Inthapanya, Mike WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 005 prohib/restricted Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 firearm
WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 006 CCC 95 1 ACC Surrey BC
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo VC
WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 007 CCC 91 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or
WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 008 CCC 91 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or
WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 009 CCC 91 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or
WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 010 CCC 91 1 ACC Surrey BC
Possess Firearm w/o VC
licence and/or
WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 011 CCC 91 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm VC
WAR Y Sandhu, M 139 JIR 012 CCC 91 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possess non-firearm VC

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Room: 109 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 247380-1-B Kirton, Dana John ROD N Hung, J 812 SNT 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
2 249139-1 Kirton, Dana John ROD N Hung, J 553 SNT 001 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
ROD N Hung, J 553 SNT 002 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROD N Hung, J 553 SNT 003 MVA 102 a Surrey BC
driving while
3 252164-1 Kirton, Dana John ROD N Hung, J 404 SNT 001 CCC 348 1 b Langley BC
break and enter and
commit indictable
ROD N Hung, J 404 SNT 002 CCC 356 1 a Langley BC
theft from mail
ROD N Hung, J 404 SNT 003 CCC 351 1 Langley BC
Possess break-in
4 26136-1-A Kirton, Dana John ROD N Hung, J 191 SNT 001 CCC 145 5 a Salmon Arm BC
Salmon Arm Law Breach of release
Courts order
ROD N Hung, J 191 SNT 002 CCC 145 5 a Salmon Arm BC
Breach of release
5 57035-1 Kirton, Dana John ROD N Hung, J 360 SNT 001 CCC 368 1 a Vernon BC
Vernon Law Courts Using forged document

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Room: 109 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

5 57035-1 Kirton, Dana John ROD N Hung, J 360 SNT 002 CCC 380 1 b Vernon BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROD N Hung, J 360 SNT 003 CCC 403 1 a Vernon BC
Personation with
intent to gain
ROD N Hung, J 360 SNT 004 CCC 56.1 1 Vernon BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
6 57319-1 Kirton, Dana John ROD N Hung, J 204 SNT 001 CCC 380 1 b Vernon BC
Vernon Law Courts Fraud $5000 or under

7 57321-1 Kirton, Dana John ROD N Hung, J 216 SNT 001 CCC 334 b Vernon BC
Vernon Law Courts Theft $5000 or under
ROD N Hung, J 216 SNT 002 CCC 380 1 Vernon BC
8 97777-1 Kirton, Dana John ROD N Hung, J 553 SNT 001 MVA 102 a West Kelowna BC
Kelowna Law Courts driving while
ROD N Hung, J 553 SNT 002 CCC 733.1 West Kelowna BC
Breach of Probation
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
9 256226-1 Johnson, Mark WAR Y Coleman, B 13 JIR 001 CCC 334 a ACC Delta BC
Theft over $5000 VC
10 67200-1 Johnson, Mark Aric ROW N Coleman, B 405 ARB 001 CCC 348 1 b ACC Richmond BC
Richmond Provincial break and enter and VC
Court commit indictable

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Room: 109 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

11 67752-1 Johnson, Mark Aric PTA N Coleman, B 169 ARB 001 MVA 95 1 ACC Richmond BC
Richmond Provincial Driving while VC
Court prohibited/ licence
12 70441-1 Johnson, Mark Aric UTP N Coleman, B 372 ARB 001 CCC 349 1 ACC North Vancouver BC
North Vancouver being unlawfully in VC
Provincial Court dwelling-house

13 247870-1 LIMITED ACCESS SUM Melville, N PCJ 708 SNT 001 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.31 1 D Trafficking in
Publication - CCC 486.5 1 Controlled Substance
SUM Melville, N PCJ 708 SNT 002 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
D Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
SUM Melville, N PCJ 708 SNT 003 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
D Trafficking in
Controlled Substance

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Room: 110 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 245403-2-KC LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 721 CNT 001 CCC 271 Delta BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 1 I sexual assault
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.2 ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 721 CNT 002 CCC 271 Delta BC
I sexual assault
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 721 CNT 003 CCC 271 Delta BC
I sexual assault
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 721 CNT 004 CCC 271 Delta BC
I sexual assault
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 721 CNT 005 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
I Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROW N Donaldson, N PCJ 721 CNT 006 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
I Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily

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Room: JCM Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 253459-1 Allen, Marie-Louise Felicia SUM Turner, J 224 FXD 001 PVC 24 1 Surrey BC
Causing animal to
continue to be in
2 254725-1-K Archibald, Nicholas Louis UTP N Lovatt, D 135 FXD 001 CCC 372 3 Surrey BC
Making harassing
3 250735-1 Page, Lucas Lawrence ROW N Chizik, N 232 FXD 001 CCC 129 a Langley BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
ROW N Chizik, N 232 FXD 002 MVA 102 a Langley BC
driving while
ROW N Chizik, N 232 FXD 003 MVA 102 a Langley BC
driving while
ROW N Chizik, N 232 FXD 004 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
4 254538-1 Singh, Amarjit UTP N Taunk, K PCJ 184 FXD 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
sexual assault
For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM
5 253220-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROS N Milburn, D PCJ 302 FXD 001 CCC 268 2 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 1 Aggravated assault
ROS N Milburn, D PCJ 302 FXD 002 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
6 253482-1 TAN, Daisy Borillo SUM N Hung, J 241 FXD 001 CCC 380 1 a Surrey BC
Fraud over $5000

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Room: VH1 Court Date: 11-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 12:45 PM

1 253381-1 Gill, Kamaljeet Singh ROS N Narwal, J 286 PTC 001 CCC 465 1 c Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Conspiracy to commit
indictable offence
ROS N Narwal, J 286 PTC 002 CCC 279 1 a Surrey BC
ROS N Narwal, J 286 PTC 003 CCC 346 1.1 b Surrey BC

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 253459-1 Allen, Marie-Louise Felicia SUM Turner, J 225 CTD 001 PVC 24 1 Surrey BC
Causing animal to
continue to be in
2 254752-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Kahlon, H 147 FXD 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2.1 sexual assault
3 255109-2-C LIMITED ACCESS PPA N Badea, S 122 AHR 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 sexual assault
4 251335-2-B Blanchard, Isabella Ann ROW N Abdulmalik 49 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
, A Breach of Probation
ROW N Abdulmalik 49 FXD 002 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
, A Breach of Probation
5 254891-1 Desjardins, Jason Gordon RON N Movassaghi 100 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Nicholas , B Assault with a weapon
6 256002-1 Deu, Chanmit RON N Klein, M 28 FXD 002 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
RON N Klein, M 28 FXD 005 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Klein, M 28 FXD 006 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
RON N Klein, M 28 FXD 007 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
7 254326-1 Dewet, Danielle Jill RON N Neurauter, 144 FXD 001 CCC 403 1 a Surrey BC
K Personation with
intent to gain

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

7 254326-1 Dewet, Danielle Jill RON N Neurauter, 144 FXD 002 CCC 380 1 Surrey BC
K Fraud
RON N Neurauter, 144 FXD 003 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
K deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
RON N Neurauter, 144 FXD 004 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
K wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
8 251244-3-B Dinbandhu, Alfred Johnathan ROW N Myers, Z 253 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
Breach of Probation
9 254077-1 Fraser Biscoe, Kyle Gregory UTP N 29 CLC 001 CCC 267 a White Rock BC
Assault with a weapon
10 255746-1 Gehla, Kashmira SUM N 35 FXD 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
SUM N 35 FXD 002 CCC 320.14 1 b Surrey BC
Operation while over
80 BAC
SUM N 35 FXD 003 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
Fail to Stop
11 254818-1 Gill, Jaspal Singh UTP N Dhillon, K 157 FXD 001 CCC 430 3 Surrey BC
Mischief to property
over $5000
12 254593-1 Grewal, Kirandeep Kaur PTA N Lee, K 168 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
13 255126-1 Grewal, Kirandeep Kaur PTA N Lee, K 70 FXD 001 MVA 102 a Surrey BC
driving while

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

13 255126-1 Grewal, Kirandeep Kaur PTA N Lee, K 70 FXD 001 prohibited Surrey BC

PTA N Lee, K 70 FXD 002 MVA 102 a Surrey BC

driving while
PTA N Lee, K 70 FXD 003 MVA 102 a Surrey BC
driving while
PTA N Lee, K 70 FXD 004 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
14 254798-1 Hayat, Aira RON N Neurauter, 161 AHR 001 CCC 344 1 b Surrey BC
K Robbery
RON N Neurauter, 161 AHR 002 CCC 346 1.1 b Surrey BC
K extortion
15 254799-1 Hayat, Aira RON N Neurauter, 161 AHR 001 CCC 346 1.1 b Surrey BC
K extortion
RON N Neurauter, 161 AHR 002 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
K Theft $5000 or under
16 255211-1 Hayat, Aira RON N 84 AHR 001 CCC 333.1 1 Delta BC
motor vehicle theft
17 255822-1 Keith, Jeremy Alexander Morgan RON N 50 APW 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N 50 APW 002 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
RON N 50 APW 003 CCC 270 1 Surrey BC
Assault Peace Officer
RON N 50 APW 004 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

18 254829-1 Khaira, Hardeep Singh AN N Sandhu, M 149 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
AN N Sandhu, M 149 FXD 002 MVA 102 a Surrey BC
driving while
19 255716-1 King, Nichole Dawn RON N 63 FXD 001 CCC 430 4 b Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
20 254013-1 Kumar, Rayden Rajeev SUM Movassaghi 149 AHR 001 CDS 5 1 Langley BC
, B Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
21 113520-1 Lawson, David Robert WAR Y 51 JIR 001 CCC 348 1 b Kamloops BC
Kamloops Law Courts break and enter and
commit indictable
WAR Y 51 JIR 002 CCC 348 1 a Kamloops BC
break and enter with
intent to commit
WAR Y 51 JIR 003 CCC 348 1 b Kamloops BC
break and enter and
commit indictable
22 26151-1 Lawson, David Robert WAR Y 51 JIR 001 CCC 348 1 a Salmon Arm BC
Salmon Arm Law break and enter with
Courts intent to commit
23 255823-1 Lawson, David Robert Marc WAR Y 46 JIR 001 CCC 348 1 b Surrey BC
break and enter and
commit indictable

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

23 255823-1 Lawson, David Robert Marc WAR Y 46 JIR 001 offence Surrey BC

WAR Y 46 JIR 002 CCC 355 Surrey BC

Possession of Stolen
24 89188-1-B Lovett, Hannah Rose ROW N Sandhu, M 156 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Abbotsford BC
Abbotsford Law Breach of Probation
Courts Order
ROW N Sandhu, M 156 FXD 002 CCC 733.1 1 Abbotsford BC
Breach of Probation
25 255984-1 Mcdonald, Bryce Cameron ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 001 CCC 99 1 b Delta BC
Offer to
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 002 CCC 92 1 Delta BC
Possess a firearm w/o
licence or
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 003 CCC 92 1 Delta BC
Possess a firearm w/o
licence or
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 004 CCC 92 1 Delta BC
Possess a firearm w/o
licence or
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 005 CCC 92 1 Delta BC
Possess a firearm w/o
licence or

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

25 255984-1 Mcdonald, Bryce Cameron ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 006 CCC 92 1 Delta BC
Possess a firearm w/o
licence or
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 007 CCC 92 2 Delta BC
Possess non-firearm
knowing unauthorized
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 008 CCC 92 2 Delta BC
Possess non-firearm
knowing unauthorized
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 009 CCC 92 2 Delta BC
Possess non-firearm
knowing unauthorized
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 010 CCC 117.01 1 Delta BC
Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 011 CCC 117.01 1 Delta BC
Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 012 CCC 117.01 1 Delta BC
Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 013 CCC 117.01 1 Delta BC
Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 014 CCC 117.01 1 Delta BC
Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

25 255984-1 Mcdonald, Bryce Cameron ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 014 to order Delta BC

ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 015 CCC 117.01 1 Delta BC

Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 016 CCC 117.01 1 Delta BC
Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 017 CCC 117.01 1 Delta BC
Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
ROD N Shamess, M 29 PAR 018 CCC 117.01 1 Delta BC
Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
26 254678-1 Mcgarvey-Taylor, Parker RON N Dhillon, K PCJ 172 AHR 001 CCC 268 2 Delta BC
Aggravated assault
RON N Dhillon, K PCJ 172 AHR 002 CCC 129 a Delta BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
RON N Dhillon, K PCJ 172 AHR 003 CCC 733.1 1 Delta BC
Breach of Probation
27 254795-1 Modeste, Mark Charles SUM N Sandhu, M 127 FXD 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Delta BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
SUM N Sandhu, M 127 FXD 002 CCC 320.14 1 b Delta BC
Operation while over

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

27 254795-1 Modeste, Mark Charles SUM N Sandhu, M 127 FXD 002 80 BAC Delta BC

28 255866-1 Mohammed, Milad ROW N 44 AHR 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC

29 253855-1 Naho, Alain Christian OR N 6 CLC 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
30 254084-1 Naho, Alain Christian RON N 6 CLC 001 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
RON N 6 CLC 002 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
RON N 6 CLC 003 MVA 234 1 Surrey BC
driving while driver's
licence is suspended
31 255128-1 LIMITED ACCESS ROW N Kahlon, H 121 AHR 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 sexual assault
32 254102-1 Nouch, Ashley RON N Dosanjh, J 88 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Delta BC
Theft $5000 or under
33 253577-3-A Provencal, Andre Marc WAR Y Movassaghi 57 JIR 001 CCC 145 2 b Surrey BC
, B Failing to appear
having appeared
34 254244-1 Provencal, Andre Marc RON N Movassaghi 209 ARB 001 CCC 434 Surrey BC
, B arson damaging
RON N Movassaghi 209 ARB 002 CCC 430 Surrey BC
, B Mischief

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

35 254244-2-A Provencal, Andre Marc RON N Movassaghi 114 ARB 001 CCC 145 4 a New Westminster BC
, B Breach of undertaking
36 254244-3-A Provencal, Andre Marc RON N Movassaghi 114 ARB 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, B Breach of release
37 255813-1 Richard, Gary Patrick RON N Dosjanh, J 43 FXD 001 CCC 348 1 b Surrey BC
break and enter and
commit indictable
RON N Dosjanh, J 43 FXD 002 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
38 254937-5-C Ritchot, Justin Dylan Cyrus RON N Movassaghi 145 FXD 010 CCC 344 1 b Langley BC
, B Robbery
RON N Movassaghi 145 FXD 012 CCC 351 2 Langley BC
, B Disguising face with
intent to commit
RON N Movassaghi 145 FXD 017 CCC 129 a Langley BC
, B wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
RON N Movassaghi 145 FXD 018 CCC 270 1 Langley BC
, B Assault Peace Officer
39 255575-1 Sahil, Sahil AN N 35 FA 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
40 254938-1 Sedtke-Davie, Alexis Maria SUM N 98 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

41 246675-6-B Skara, Melissa Leann ROW N Singleton, 72 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Vancouver BC
A Breach of Probation
42 252024-1 Sleypen, Amber Marie RON Y 383 CLC 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
43 254914-1 Sleypen, Amber Marie RON Y 7 CLC 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
44 253263-4-B Staples-Taylor, Daniel Kyle ROW N 57 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Breach of Probation
45 252487-1 Thai, Jennifer Nga RON N Dick, R 333 FXD 001 CCC 380 1 a Surrey BC
Fraud over $5000
RON N Dick, R 333 FXD 002 CCC 380 1 a Surrey BC
Fraud over $5000
RON N Dick, R 333 FXD 003 CCC 380 1 a Surrey BC
Fraud over $5000
46 254034-1 Tiwana, Jashan Singh UTP N William, 0 FXD 001 CDS 5 2 Langley BC
Jessop Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
UTP N William, 0 FXD 002 CDS 5 2 Langley BC
Jessop Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
UTP N William, 0 FXD 003 CDS 5 2 Langley BC
Jessop Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
UTP N William, 0 FXD 004 CDS 5 2 Langley BC
Jessop Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
47 251176-1 Uppal, Tarndeep Kaur ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 001 CCC 334 Delta BC

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

47 251176-1 Uppal, Tarndeep Kaur ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 002 CCC 380 1 b i Delta BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 003 CCC 380 1 b i Delta BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 004 CCC 380 1 b i Surrey BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 005 CCC 380 1 b i Surrey BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 006 CCC 380 1 b i Delta BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 007 CCC 380 1 b i Surrey BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 008 CCC 380 1 b i Delta BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 009 CCC 380 1 b i Delta BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 010 CCC 380 1 b i Delta BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 011 CCC 380 1 b i Delta BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 012 CCC 380 1 b i Delta BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 013 CCC 380 1 b i Delta BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 014 CCC 380 1 b i Delta BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 015 CCC 380 1 b i Delta BC
Fraud $5000 or under
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 016 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 017 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

47 251176-1 Uppal, Tarndeep Kaur ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 018 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 019 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 020 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 021 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 022 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 023 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 024 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 025 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 026 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 027 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 028 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 029 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 030 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 031 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 032 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 033 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

47 251176-1 Uppal, Tarndeep Kaur ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 034 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 035 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 036 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 037 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 038 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 039 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
ROW N Gill, I.S. 308 AHR 040 CCC 402.2 1 Delta BC
Identity Theft
48 256139-1 Ururyar, Abdul Mutalub ROW N 16 CLC 001 CCC 344 1 b Surrey BC
ROW N 16 CLC 002 CCC 344 1 b Surrey BC
49 255816-1 Vergara Montanez, Cristihan UTP N 49 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Delta BC
Marcos Theft $5000 or under
50 256250-1 Zuk, Karson Bryan Sahlmann UTP N 0 FA 001 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
UTP N 0 FA 002 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM
51 255906-1 Lundgren, Johan ROD N Jose, G 42 APW 001 CCC 334 b Delta BC
Theft $5000 or under
ROD N Jose, G 42 APW 002 CCC 430 4 Delta BC
Mischief $5000 or

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

51 255906-1 Lundgren, Johan ROD N Jose, G 42 APW 004 CCC 145 5 a Delta BC
Breach of release
52 255671-2-C Lundgren, Johan Lars ROD N Jose, G 57 APW 001 CCC 348 1 a Surrey BC
break and enter with
intent to commit
ROD N Jose, G 57 APW 002 CCC 348 1 b Surrey BC
break and enter and
commit indictable
ROD N Jose, G 57 APW 003 CCC 129 a Burnaby BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
53 255906-2-A Lundgren, Johan Lars ROD N 29 APW 001 CCC 145 5 a Maple Ridge BC
Breach of release
54 246663-2-B Mcquarrie, Kenneth Dale ROW N 21 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
For the Session Commencing at 10:00 AM
55 255812-1 Basic, Zvonko UTP N 42 CLC 001 CCC 267 a Delta BC
Assault with a weapon
56 255958-1 Horinderpreet Singh, AN N 0 FA 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
57 254048-1 Bring, Karanveer Singh RON N Milburn, 21 FXD 001 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
David Trafficking in

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

57 254048-1 Bring, Karanveer Singh RON N Milburn, 21 FXD 001 Controlled Substance Surrey BC
RON N Milburn, 21 FXD 002 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
David Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
RON N Milburn, 21 FXD 003 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
David Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
RON N Milburn, 21 FXD 004 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
David Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
RON N Milburn, 21 FXD 005 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
David Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
RON N Milburn, 21 FXD 006 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
David Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
RON N Milburn, 21 FXD 007 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
David Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
RON N Milburn, 21 FXD 008 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
David Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
RON N Milburn, 21 FXD 009 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
David Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
RON N Milburn, 21 FXD 010 CDS 5 1 Surrey BC
David Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
58 254239-1 Hill, Ryan Reynolds Keith AN N 168 APW 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Room: 100 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

58 254239-1 Hill, Ryan Reynolds Keith AN N 168 APW 001 suspended Surrey BC

AN N 168 APW 002 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC

Driving while
prohibited/ licence
59 255825-1-B Petuh-Bowman, Paige Emily ROW N 46 CLC 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
60 256179-1 Singh, Inderjit SUM 0 FA 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug
SUM 0 FA 002 CCC 320.15 1 Surrey BC
SUM 0 FA 003 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace

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Room: 101 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 252756-1 Avila, Mauricio Javier DO Y Swartz, M G 350 DSP 001 CCC 355 Langley BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Swartz, M 350 DSP 002 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Breach of Probation
DO Y Swartz, M G 350 DSP 003 CCC 320.18 1 a Langley BC
Drive while
disqualified under CCC
DO Y Swartz, M G 350 DSP 004 CCC 56.1 1 Langley BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Swartz, M G 350 DSP 005 CCC 356 1 a i Langley BC
theft of mail
DO Y Swartz, M 350 DSP 006 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Breach of Probation
2 252810-1 Avila, Mauricio Javier DO Y Swartz, M G PCJ 343 DSP 001 CCC 333.1 1 a Richmond BC
theft of motor vehicle
DO Y Swartz, M PCJ 343 DSP 002 CCC 380 1 Richmond BC
DO Y Swartz, M G PCJ 343 DSP 003 CCC 403 1 b Richmond BC
Personation w/intent
to obtain
DO Y Swartz, M PCJ 343 DSP 004 CCC 402.2 5 Surrey BC
Identity Theft
DO Y Swartz, M PCJ 343 DSP 005 CCC 368 1 a Richmond BC
Using forged document
DO Y Swartz, M G PCJ 343 DSP 006 CCC 320.18 1 a Surrey BC
Drive while

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Room: 101 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

2 252810-1 Avila, Mauricio Javier DO Y Swartz, M G 343 DSP 006 disqualified under CCC Surrey BC

DO Y Swartz, M PCJ 343 DSP 007 CCC 355 Surrey BC and

Possession of Stolen Langley BC
DO Y Swartz, M G PCJ 343 DSP 008 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
3 255290-1 Avila, Mauricio Javier WAR Y Swartz, M 99 DSP 003 CCC 380 1 Langley BC and
Fraud Surrey BC
WAR Y Swartz, M 99 DSP 010 CCC 355 Langley BC, Surrey
Possession of Stolen BC, and White Rock
Property BC
WAR Y Swartz, M 99 DSP 011 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC, Surrey
Breach of Probation BC, and White Rock
Order BC
4 242169-1 LIMITED ACCESS RON N Melville, N PCJ 1253 ACT 001 CCC 151 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 D Sexual interference of
person under 14
RON N Melville, N PCJ 1253 ACT 002 CCC 271 Surrey BC
D sexual assault
RON N Melville, N PCJ 1253 ACT 003 CCC 151 Surrey BC
D Sexual interference of
person under 16
RON N Melville, N PCJ 1253 ACT 004 CCC 271 Surrey BC
D sexual assault
RON N Melville, N PCJ 1253 ACT 005 CCC 152 Surrey BC
D Invitation to sexual
touching under 16
RON N Melville, N PCJ 1253 ACT 006 CCC 151 Surrey BC
D Sexual interference of
person under 16

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Room: 101 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 242169-1 LIMITED ACCESS RON N Melville, N PCJ 1253 ACT 007 CCC 152 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 D Invitation to sexual
touching under 16
5 254963-1-K Goodwin, Jeffrey Michael Wayne DO Y Ali, Z 112 FT 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
6 252868-1 Han, Shizhao ROW N St. PCJ 277 APP 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Germain, C Assault with a weapon
ROW N St. PCJ 277 APP 002 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Germain, C Assault causing bodily
ROW N St. PCJ 277 APP 003 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Germain, C Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
7 252868-1 Wang, Yaqian ROW N St. PCJ 290 APP 004 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Germain, C Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
8 253113-1 LIMITED ACCESS AOI N Larmer, R G PCJ 317 JIR 001 CCC 271 ACC Langley BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 sexual assault VC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 AOI N Larmer, R G PCJ 317 JIR 002 CCC 267 b ACC Langley BC
Assault causing bodily VC
AOI N Larmer, R G PCJ 317 JIR 003 CCC 267 b ACC Langley BC
Assault causing bodily VC
9 253113-5-A Nguyen, Truong Andrew AOI Y Larmer, R 45 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Breach of release VC
10 271401-1 Nguyen, Truong Andrew AOI Y Larmer, R 45 JIR 001 CCC 271 ACC Burnaby BC
Vancouver Provincial
Publication - CCC 517 1 sexual assault VC

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Room: 101 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

10 271401-1 Nguyen, Truong Andrew AOI Y Larmer, R 45 JIR 002 CCC 173 1 ACC Burnaby BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Committing indecent VC
act in public place
11 252488-1-K Van Ingen, Peter D RON N Janzen, P N SUM 373 CNT 001 CCC 267 a Delta BC
Assault with a weapon
RON N Janzen, P N SUM 373 CNT 002 CCC 266 Delta BC
For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM
12 252366-1-K LIMITED ACCESS UTP N Abdulmalik 381 CNT 001 CCC 271 Delta BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 , A sexual assault
UTP N Abdulmalik 381 CNT 002 CCC 266 Delta BC
, A Assault
UTP N Abdulmalik 381 CNT 003 CCC 266 Delta BC
, A Assault
13 250997-1-K Johnny, Isabelle Leona RON N Corriveau, 522 CNT 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
C Assault
14 250794-1 Uppal, Makhan Singh SUM Dutt, P PCJ 515 CNT 001 CCC 320.14 1 a Surrey BC
Impaired operation -
alcohol or drug

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Room: 102 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 252356-1 Buxton, Deianna Mary ROW N Reaume, E 359 FXD 001 CCC 348 1 a Surrey BC
break and enter with
intent to commit
2 253388-1 Buxton, Deianna Mary UTP N Reaume, E 182 DSP 001 CCC 334 b Surrey BC
Theft $5000 or under
3 96474-1 Buxton, Deianna Mary AN N Reaume, E 277 IGP 001 MVA 95 1 Abbotsford BC
Abbotsford Law Driving while
Courts prohibited/ licence
4 253676-3-C Dhillon, Prabjot Singh REM N Sandhu, M 240 JIR 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
REM N Sandhu, M 240 JIR 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
REM N Sandhu, M 240 JIR 003 CCC 266 Surrey BC
REM N Sandhu, M 240 JIR 004 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
REM N Sandhu, M 240 JIR 005 CCC 349 1 Surrey BC
being unlawfully in
REM N Sandhu, M 240 JIR 006 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
REM N Sandhu, M 240 JIR 007 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or
REM N Sandhu, M 240 JIR 008 CCC 430 4 Surrey BC
Mischief $5000 or

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Room: 102 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

4 253676-3-C Dhillon, Prabjot Singh REM N Sandhu, M 240 JIR 009 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking
REM N Sandhu, M 240 JIR 010 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking
5 253676-4-A Dhillon, Prabjot Singh REM N Sandhu, M 144 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
REM N Sandhu, M 144 JIR 002 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
6 253676-5-A Dhillon, Prabjot Singh REM Y 12 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
7 253825-1 Gitika, Gitika UTP N Dhaliwal, 220 DSP 001 CCC 380 1 a Surrey BC
S Fraud over $5000
UTP N Dhaliwal, 220 DSP 002 CCC 368 1 a Surrey BC
S Using forged document
8 254318-1 Lingam, Navnit Sivan Som ROW N Gill, 175 APW 001 CCC 380 1 a Surrey BC
Rajpreet Fraud over $5000
ROW N Gill, 175 APW 002 CCC 367 a Surrey BC
Rajpreet Forgery
ROW N Gill, 175 APW 003 CCC 368 1 a Surrey BC
Rajpreet Using forged document
9 252589-1 Maher, Haitam Anass ROD N Sidhu, A 365 FXD 001 CCC 320.13 1 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 517 1 Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
ROD N Sidhu, A 365 FXD 002 CCC 320.17 Surrey BC
Flight from Police
ROD N Sidhu, A 365 FXD 003 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace

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Room: 102 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

10 251009-1 Polischuk, Jared ROW Y Swartz, M G PCJ 515 FXD 001 CCC 333.1 1 b ACC Delta BC
theft of motor vehicle VC
ROW Y Swartz, M PCJ 515 FXD 002 CCC 334 ACC Delta BC
Theft VC
ROW Y Swartz, M PCJ 515 FXD 003 CCC 355 a ACC Surrey BC
PSP Over $5,000 VC
ROW Y Swartz, M G PCJ 515 FXD 004 CCC 320.18 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Drive while VC
disqualified under CCC
11 254094-1 Polischuk, Jared Douglas AWW Y Swartz, M 228 FXD 001 CCC 90 1 ACC Surrey BC
Carry a weapon or VC
prohibited device/ammo
AWW Y Swartz, M 228 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
AWW Y Swartz, M 228 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
AWW Y Swartz, M 228 FXD 004 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
deal with identity VC
document without
lawful excuse
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
12 254181-1 Deswart, Aaron Jacob AN N 207 CTD 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

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Room: 104 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 255962-1-K Egilson, Trevor John Roland RON N 14 CLC 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
RON N 14 CLC 002 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking
For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM
2 252330-5-KB Bessembinders, Brett Michael ROW N Heba, E 21 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
3 243455-4-KB Calliou, Riel Gordon RON N Sandhu, M 114 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
4 254979-2-KC Clark, Anthony Rodney Martin RON N Doyle, J 137 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Martin Assault with a weapon
RON N Doyle, J 137 FXD 002 YCJ 137 Surrey BC
fail to comply with
5 254979-3-KC Clark, Anthony Rodney Martin PPA N 137 FXD 001 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
Martin Assault with a weapon
PPA N 137 FXD 002 YCJ 137 Surrey BC
fail to comply with
6 254169-1-K Compton, Cameron Alexander REM Y Dosanjh, J PCJ 220 JIR 001 CCC 267 c ACC Surrey BC
Assault by choking VC
REM Y Dosanjh, J PCJ 220 JIR 002 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
REM Y Dosanjh, J PCJ 220 JIR 003 CCC 267 c ACC Surrey BC
Assault by choking VC
7 254463-2-KC LIMITED ACCESS REM Y 189 JIR 001 CCC 271 ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 sexual assault VC

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Room: 104 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

7 254463-2-KC LIMITED ACCESS REM Y 189 JIR 002 CCC 267 c ACC Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 Assault by choking VC
REM Y 189 JIR 003 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon VC
REM Y 189 JIR 004 CCC 267 b ACC Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily VC
REM Y 189 JIR 005 CCC 279 2 ACC Surrey BC
Unlawful confinement VC
or imprisonment
REM Y 189 JIR 006 CCC 264.1 1 a ACC Surrey BC
Uttering threats to VC
cause death or bodily
REM Y 189 JIR 007 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
8 254584-1 David, Gordon Alexander REM Y 175 JIR 001 CCC 129 a ACC Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or VC
obstructing a peace
9 255409-1-K Dhillon, Karanpal ROW N Markovitz, 89 FXD 001 CCC 266 Delta BC
D Assault
ROW N Markovitz, 89 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
D Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
ROW N Markovitz, 89 FXD 003 CCC 266 Delta BC
D Assault
ROW N Markovitz, 89 FXD 004 CCC 264.1 1 a Delta BC
D Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily

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Room: 104 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

10 254754-3-KC Gill, Kultar Singh ROS N 165 FXD 001 CCC 320.13 2 Langley BC and
Publication - CCC 517 1 Dangerous Operation BH Abbotsford BC
ROS N 165 FXD 002 CCC 268 2 Langley BC and
Aggravated assault Abbotsford BC
ROS N 165 FXD 003 CCC 320.16 1 Abbotsford BC
Fail to Stop
ROS N 165 FXD 004 CCC 320.16 1 Langley BC
Fail to Stop
11 254777-1-K Grewal, Sukhman UTP N Walia, R 135 FXD 001 CCC 267 c Langley BC
Assault by choking
UTP N Walia, R 135 FXD 002 CCC 266 Langley BC
12 248476-9-KB Hawse, Raymond Patrick ROW N Percival , 65 APW 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
J Breach of Probation
13 253718-1-K Heer, Ranvir Singh ROW N 257 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
14 254347-1-K Hehar, Gursewak Singh ROW N Randhawa, 203 FXD 001 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
R Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
15 255086-1-K Jhutty, Gurinder Singh ROW N Pringle, 128 FXD 001 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
S. Assault by choking
16 255266-1-K Lefler, Dillan Earle RON N 77 FXD 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
sexual assault
17 256165-1 Lefler, Dillan Earle ROW N 17 CLC 001 CCC 56.1 1 Delta BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROW N 17 CLC 002 CCC 342 3 Delta BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data

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Room: 104 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

17 256165-1 Lefler, Dillan Earle ROW N 17 CLC 003 OFF 89.6 1 Delta BC
fail to comply with
probation order
18 250174-3-KB Lidder, Gurnek Singh RON N Sandhu, M 71 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 Langley BC
Breach of Probation
19 255904-1-K Mains, Ryan Daniel RON N Heba, E 42 FXD 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Assault causing bodily
20 256284-1 Mains, Ryan Daniel RON N 6 FXD 001 CCC 129 a Surrey BC
wilfully resisting or
obstructing a peace
RON N 6 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
RON N 6 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
21 254833-1-K O'Neill, Micheal Allen RON N 22 CLC 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
22 255960-1-K Pastrana Diaz, Melesio ROW N 35 CLC 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
23 239297-18-KB Sahota, Parvinder Singh REM Y Sandhu, M 63 JIR 001 CCC 733.1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC
24 252068-1-K Sekhon, Gurjeet Singh RON N Sandhu, M 413 APW 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
25 252068-2-KA Sekhon, Gurjeet Singh RON N Sandhu, M 305 APW 001 CCC 145 4 a Surrey BC
Breach of undertaking
26 252424-4-KB Shah-Mohammadi, Yasin RON N Heba, E 57 DSP 001 CCC 733.1 1 New Westminster BC
Breach of Probation

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Room: 104 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

26 252424-4-KB Shah-Mohammadi, Yasin RON N Heba, E 57 DSP 001 Order New Westminster BC

RON N Heba, E 57 DSP 002 CCC 733.1 1 New Westminster BC

Breach of Probation
27 255225-1-K Sunnar, Baljit Singh UTP N Sekhon, S 105 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
28 254669-2-KC Sutherland, Robert Cameron ROD N Heba, E 174 FXD 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Tanner Assault causing bodily
ROD N Heba, E 174 FXD 002 CCC 264.1 1 Surrey BC
Uttering threats
ROD N Heba, E 174 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROD N Heba, E 174 FXD 004 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
29 255614-1-K Taylor, Robert Steven UTP N Dhillon, J 56 FXD 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
UTP N Dhillon, J 56 FXD 002 CCC 430 4 Langley BC
Mischief $5000 or
30 254547-1-K Utu, Saviour UTP N Saran, S 175 FXD 001 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking
31 247476-5-KB Westcott, Christopher James RON N Heba, E 201 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 Langley BC
Breach of Probation
32 255729-1 Westcott, Christopher James RON N Heba, E 49 FXD 001 CCC 334 b Langley BC
Theft $5000 or under
RON N Heba, E 49 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a Langley BC
Breach of release

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Room: 104 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

32 255729-1 Westcott, Christopher James RON N Heba, E 49 FXD 002 order Langley BC

RON N Heba, E 49 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a Langley BC

Breach of release
33 252689-1-K Wong, Jeffrey ROW N Dhillon, K 350 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
34 255768-1-K Yaremko, Deborah Shirley ROW N 42 APW 001 CCC 267 a White Rock BC
Assault with a weapon
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM
35 254534-1-K Chawla, Vaibhav ROW N Bhangu, J. 190 FXD 001 CCC 372 3 Delta BC
Making harassing
ROW N Bhangu, J. 190 FXD 002 CCC 264 Delta BC
Criminal Harassment
36 255077-1-K LIMITED ACCESS UTP N Bhangu, J. 128 FXD 001 CCC 162.1 1 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 2 Publication of
intimate image without
37 254469-1-K Pamidi, Anudeep UTP N Bhangu, J 133 FXD 001 CCC 266 Surrey BC
UTP N Bhangu, J 133 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
UTP N Bhangu, J 133 FXD 003 CCC 266 Surrey BC
UTP N Bhangu, J 133 FXD 004 CCC 266 Surrey BC
UTP N Bhangu, J 133 FXD 005 CCC 266 Surrey BC
UTP N Bhangu, J 133 FXD 006 CCC 267 c Surrey BC
Assault by choking

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 253399-1-B Ashton, Cody Richard DO Y Hung, J 276 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Langley BC
Breach of Probation VC
2 255207-1 Ashton, Cody Richard DO Y Hung, J 113 FXD 001 CCC 355 a ACC Langley BC
PSP Over $5,000 VC
DO Y Hung, J 113 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
Breach of release VC
DO Y Hung, J 113 FXD 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Langley BC
Breach of release VC
3 255209-1 Ashton, Cody Richard DO Y Hung, J 113 FXD 001 MVA 102 a ACC Langley BC
driving while VC
DO Y Hung, J 113 FXD 002 MVA 95 1 ACC Langley BC
Driving while VC
prohibited/ licence
4 255932-1 Ashton, Cody Richard WAR Y 25 FXD 001 CCC 348 1 b ACC Langley BC
break and enter and VC
commit indictable
WAR Y 25 FXD 002 CCC 333.1 1 ACC Langley BC
motor vehicle theft VC
WAR Y 25 FXD 003 CCC 355 a ACC Langley BC
PSP Over $5,000 VC
WAR Y 25 FXD 004 CCC 430 ACC Langley BC
Mischief VC
5 254478-1 Beaton, Gavin Forbes AOI Y N PCJ 196 FXD 001 CCC 344 1 b ACC Surrey BC
Robbery VC
6 253306-4-B Bewzak, Joshua Arthur DO Y Gill, I 203 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

6 253306-4-B Bewzak, Joshua Arthur DO Y Gill, I 203 FXD 001 Order Surrey BC

7 253306-5-B Bewzak, Joshua Arthur DO Y Gill, I 177 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC
8 253306-6-B Bewzak, Joshua Arthur DO Y Gill, I 156 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
Breach of Probation VC
9 254894-1 Bewzak, Joshua Arthur DO Y Gill, I 147 FXD 001 CCC 268 2 ACC Surrey BC
Aggravated assault VC
DO Y Gill, I 147 FXD 002 CCC 268 2 ACC Surrey BC
Aggravated assault VC
DO Y Gill, I 147 FXD 003 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon VC
DO Y Gill, I 147 FXD 004 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon VC
DO Y Gill, I 147 FXD 005 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon VC
DO Y Gill, I 147 FXD 006 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
Assault with a weapon VC
DO Y Gill, I 147 FXD 007 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose
10 254894-2-A Bewzak, Joshua Arthur DO Y Gill, I 95 FXD 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
DO Y Gill, I 95 FXD 002 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release VC
11 256006-1 Bewzak, Joshua Arthur WAR Y 7 JIR 001 CDS 5 1 ACC Surrey BC
Trafficking in VC
Controlled Substance

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

11 256006-1 Bewzak, Joshua Arthur WAR Y 7 JIR 002 CDS 5 1 ACC Surrey BC
Trafficking in VC
Controlled Substance
WAR Y 7 JIR 003 CDS 5 2 ACC Surrey BC
Possession for the VC
purpose of trafficking
12 253581-2-C Carlston, Michael Dennis RON Y Watt, J 271 JIR 001 CCC 320.16 1 ACC Langley BC
Fail to Stop VC
RON Y Watt, J 271 JIR 002 CCC 320.17 ACC Langley BC
Flight from Police VC
RON Y Watt, J 271 JIR 003 CCC 320.13 2 ACC Langley BC
Dangerous Operation BH VC
RON Y Watt, J 271 JIR 004 CCC 56.1 1 ACC Langley BC
deal with identity VC
document without
lawful excuse
RON Y Watt, J 271 JIR 005 CCC 351 1 ACC Langley BC
Possess break-in VC
13 253862-1 Carlston, Michael Dennis RON Y Watt, J 240 JIR 001 MVA 234 1 ACC Langley BC
driving while driver's VC
licence is suspended
14 254731-2-C Kaeni, Kia WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 001 CCC 279 1 a ACC Surrey BC and New
kidnapping VC Westminster BC
WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 002 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC and New
Assault with a weapon VC Westminster BC
WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 003 CCC 264.1 1 ACC Surrey BC and New
Uttering threats VC Westminster BC
WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 004 CCC 333.1 1 ACC Surrey BC and New
motor vehicle theft VC Westminster BC
WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 005 CCC 344 1 a ACC Surrey BC and New
robbery use VC Westminster BC

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 108 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

14 254731-2-C Kaeni, Kia WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 005 restricted/prohibited Surrey BC and New
firearm Westminster BC
WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 006 CCC 85 1 ACC Surrey BC and New
Use firearm commiting, VC Westminster BC
etc. indictable
WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 007 CCC 95 1 ACC Surrey BC and New
Loaded/unloaded w/ammo VC Westminster BC
WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 008 CCC 244 1 ACC Surrey BC and New
discharge a firearm VC Westminster BC
w/intent to
WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 009 CCC 244.2 3 a ACC Surrey BC and New
unlawfully discharge a VC Westminster BC
WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 010 CCC 87 1 ACC Surrey BC and New
Pointing a firearm VC Westminster BC
WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 011 CCC 86 2 ACC Surrey BC and New
Storage, etc. of VC Westminster BC
firearm contrary to
WAR Y Luck, S 169 JIR 012 CCC 92 1 ACC Surrey BC and New
Possess a firearm w/o VC Westminster BC
licence or
15 270320-1 Kaeni, Kia WAR Y Luck, S 165 JIR 001 CCC 344 1 b ACC Vancouver BC
Vancouver Provincial Robbery VC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

16 252178-2-B Kuchera, Kyle David ROW Y Abdulmalik 265 JIR 001 CCC 733.1 1 ACC Surrey BC
, A Breach of Probation VC
17 254708-1 Kuchera, Kyle David WAR Y Abdulmalik 131 JIR 001 CCC 344 1 b ACC Surrey BC
, A Robbery VC
WAR Y Abdulmalik 131 JIR 002 CCC 268 2 ACC Surrey BC
, A Aggravated assault VC
WAR Y Abdulmalik 131 JIR 003 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Assault with a weapon VC
WAR Y Abdulmalik 131 JIR 004 CCC 145 4 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Breach of undertaking VC
18 253613-2-C Murphy, Cecil Cai ROW Y Abdulmalik 269 JIR 001 CCC 268 2 ACC Surrey BC
, A Aggravated assault VC
ROW Y Abdulmalik 269 JIR 002 CCC 267 a ACC Surrey BC
, A Assault with a weapon VC
ROW Y Abdulmalik 269 JIR 003 CCC 145 5 a ACC Vancouver BC
, A Breach of release VC
19 82998-1 Steer, Shaun RIC N Stowe, J G PCJ 1267 ARB 004 CCC 348 1 b ACC New Westminster BC
New Westminster Law break and enter and VC
Courts commit indictable
19 82998-1 Steer, Shaun RIC N Stowe, J N PCJ 1267 ARB 001 CCC 271 ACC New Westminster BC
New Westminster Law sexual assault VC
Courts RIC N Stowe, J N PCJ 1267 ARB 002 CCC 279 2 ACC New Westminster BC
Unlawful confinement VC
or imprisonment
20 247681-1 Vuia, Brennan Owen ROW Y Au, T 802 JIR 001 CCC 320.13 1 ACC Surrey BC
Dangerous operation of TC
a Conveyance
ROW Y Au, T 802 JIR 002 CCC 320.17 ACC Surrey BC
Flight from Police TC

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Room: 108 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

20 247681-1 Vuia, Brennan Owen ROW Y Au, T 802 JIR 003 CCC 355 ACC Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen TC
21 247681-2-A Vuia, Brennan Owen WAR Y 226 JIR 001 CCC 145 5 a ACC Surrey BC
Breach of release TC

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 109 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 253582-1 Agostino, Christopher Michael ROW N Coleman, B G 271 CSH 001 CCC 88 1 ACC Surrey BC
possessing weapon for VC
dangerous purpose
2 253582-2-S Agostino, Christopher Michael Coleman, B 78 APP 001 CCC 742.6 ACC Surrey BC
(related to 253582-1 Breach of Conditional VC
PRA) Sentence Order
3 85331-1 Agostino, Christopher Michael REM Y Coleman, B 96 CSH 001 CCC 266 ACC New Westminster BC
New Westminster Law Assault VC

4 255549-2 LIMITED ACCESS Sidhu, 45 APP 001 CCC 490 2

Amandeep Further detention
Sidhu, 45 APP 002 CCC 490 5
Amandeep Where continued
detention no longer
Sidhu, 45 APP 003 CCC 490 9
Amandeep Disposal of things
Sidhu, 45 APP 004 CCC 487.3 1
Amandeep Application to seal
Search Warrant
5 255549-1 LIMITED ACCESS Sidhu, 45 APP 001 CCC 490 2
Amandeep Further detention
Sidhu, 45 APP 002 CCC 490 5
Amandeep Where continued
detention no longer
Sidhu, 45 APP 003 CCC 490 9
Amandeep Disposal of things

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Room: 109 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

5 255549-1 LIMITED ACCESS Sidhu, 45 APP 004 CCC 487.3 1
Amandeep Application to seal
Search Warrant
6 252297-5-KC Konther, Dylan Diddier DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 001 CCC 264 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 539 1 , B Criminal Harassment
DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 003 CCC 346 1.1 b Surrey BC
, B extortion
DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 004 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, B Breach of release
DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 005 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, B Breach of release
DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 007 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, B Breach of release
DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 008 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
, B Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 009 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, B Breach of release
DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 010 CCC 264.1 1 a Surrey BC
, B Uttering threats to
cause death or bodily
DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 011 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, B Breach of release

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 109 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

6 252297-5-KC Konther, Dylan Diddier DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 012 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 539 1 , B Breach of release
DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 013 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, B Breach of release
DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 014 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, B Breach of release
DO Y Movassaghi N JJ 410 REE 015 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, B Breach of release
7 250523-1-K Martinez, Cesar Armando ROD N dos G 564 SNT 001 CCC 267 b Surrey BC
Santos, E Assault causing bodily
ROD N dos G 564 SNT 002 CCC 430 Surrey BC
Santos, E Mischief
8 250523-2-KA Martinez, Cesar Armando ROD N dos 447 SNT 001 CCC 145 5 a Delta BC
Santos, E Breach of release
ROD N dos 447 SNT 002 CCC 145 5 a Delta BC
Santos, E Breach of release
9 250523-3-KA Martinez, Cesar Armando ROD N dos 360 SNT 001 CCC 145 5 a New Westminster BC
Santos, E Breach of release
ROD N dos 360 SNT 002 CCC 145 5 a New Westminster BC
Santos, E Breach of release
For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 109 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

10 248865-1 Arcangel, Jasper Catua DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 345 PSR 001 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 345 PSR 002 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
DO Y Muldoon, C PCJ 345 PSR 003 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
DO Y Muldoon, C G PCJ 345 PSR 004 CDS 5 2 Surrey BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
DO Y Muldoon, C G PCJ 345 PSR 005 CCC 88 1 Surrey BC
possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
11 252297-7-KA Konther, Dylan Diddier REM Y Movassaghi 58 DSP 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
, B Breach of release

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 110 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 250498-2 Jung, Angela 0 APP 001 to view or copy
restricted exhibits or

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: 312 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

1 244079-6-KB Parmar, Dinesbhai Jashbhai RON N Grewal, S G 322 SNT 001 CCC 733.1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
2 244079-7-KB Parmar, Dinesbhai Jashbhai RON N Grewal, S G 322 SNT 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
3 244079-8-KB Parmar, Dinesbhai Jashbhai RON N Grewal, S G 322 SNT 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
4 244079-9-KA Parmar, Dinesbhai Jashbhai REM Y Grewal, S 67 SNT 001 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
5 250924-2-B Parmar, Dinesbhai Jashbhai RON N Grewal, S 322 SNT 001 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation

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Room: 313 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 251718-2-A Hakeemi, Abdul Naseer RON N Swartz, M N 393 DEC 001 CCC 145 4 a Delta BC
Breach of undertaking

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Room: 314 Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 02:00 PM

1 242019-1 Grewal, Gurbir SUM Jessop, W PCJ 1004 DEC 001 CDS 5 2 Delta BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
SUM Jessop, W PCJ 1004 DEC 002 CDS 5 2 Delta BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
SUM Jessop, W PCJ 1004 DEC 003 CDS 5 2 Delta BC
Possession for the
purpose of trafficking

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

1 255449-1 Blackburn, Thomas Norman ROW N Melville, 71 FXD 001 CCC 266 Langley BC
D Assault
2 244370-6-KB Cartwright, Matthew Dwayne RON N Ferguson, 333 FXD 001 CCC 733.1 Surrey BC
D Breach of Probation
RON N Ferguson, 333 FXD 002 CCC 733.1 Surrey BC
D Breach of Probation
3 252747-1 Fraser, Brandon UTP N Currie, J 248 FXD 001 CCC 266 Delta BC
UTP N Currie, J 248 FXD 002 CCC 430 Delta BC
4 253341-2-C Gagnon-Mccatty, Asia Chayia ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 025 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 026 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 027 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 028 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 029 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 030 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to

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Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 253341-2-C Gagnon-Mccatty, Asia Chayia ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 030 commit offence Surrey BC

ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 031 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC

deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 032 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 033 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 034 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 035 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 036 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 037 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 038 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 039 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 253341-2-C Gagnon-Mccatty, Asia Chayia ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 039 Property Surrey BC

ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 040 CCC 355 Surrey BC

Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 041 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 042 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 043 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 044 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 045 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 046 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 047 CCC 368.1 Surrey BC
Possession of forgery
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 048 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 253341-2-C Gagnon-Mccatty, Asia Chayia ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 049 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 050 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 051 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 052 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 053 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 054 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 055 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 056 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 057 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 253341-2-C Gagnon-Mccatty, Asia Chayia ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 058 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 059 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 060 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 061 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 062 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 063 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 064 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 065 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 066 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 253341-2-C Gagnon-Mccatty, Asia Chayia ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 066 credit card data Surrey BC

ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 067 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC

deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 068 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 069 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 070 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 071 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 072 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 073 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 074 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 253341-2-C Gagnon-Mccatty, Asia Chayia ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 074 document without Surrey BC
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 075 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 076 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 077 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 078 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 079 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 080 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 081 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 082 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 083 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 253341-2-C Gagnon-Mccatty, Asia Chayia ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 084 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 085 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 086 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 087 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 088 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 089 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 090 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 091 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 092 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 093 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 253341-2-C Gagnon-Mccatty, Asia Chayia ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 094 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 095 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 096 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 097 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 098 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 099 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 100 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 101 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 102 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 253341-2-C Gagnon-Mccatty, Asia Chayia ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 103 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 104 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 105 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 106 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 107 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 108 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 109 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 110 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 111 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 112 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 253341-2-C Gagnon-Mccatty, Asia Chayia ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 112 lawful excuse Surrey BC

ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 113 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC

deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 114 CCC 402.2 1 Surrey BC
Identity Theft
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 115 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 116 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 117 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 118 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 119 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 120 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 121 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 122 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

4 253341-2-C Gagnon-Mccatty, Asia Chayia ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 123 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
ROS N Evans, M 288 FXD 124 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
5 253341-2-C Pettigrew-Williams, Crystal RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 007 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Anne Breach of release
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 008 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 009 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 010 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 011 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 012 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 013 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

5 253341-2-C Pettigrew-Williams, Crystal RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 014 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Anne Possession of Stolen
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 015 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 016 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 017 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 018 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 019 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 020 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 021 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 022 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 023 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 024 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

5 253341-2-C Pettigrew-Williams, Crystal RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 024 Property Surrey BC
RON N Jung, L 276 FXD 114 CCC 402.2 1 Surrey BC
Identity Theft
6 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 001 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 002 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 003 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 004 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 005 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 006 CCC 145 5 a Surrey BC
Breach of release
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 008 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 009 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 009 commit offence Surrey BC

DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 010 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC

Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 025 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 026 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 027 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 028 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 029 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 030 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 031 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 032 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 033 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 034 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 035 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 036 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 037 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 038 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 039 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 040 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 041 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 041 Property Surrey BC

DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 042 CCC 355 Surrey BC

Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 043 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 044 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 045 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 046 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 047 CCC 368.1 Surrey BC
Possession of forgery
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 048 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 049 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 050 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 050 document without Surrey BC
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 051 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 052 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 053 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 054 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 055 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 056 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 057 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 058 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 059 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 059 lawful excuse Surrey BC

DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 060 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC

deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 061 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 062 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 063 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 064 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 065 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 066 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 067 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 068 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 069 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 070 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 071 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 072 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 073 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 074 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 075 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 076 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 077 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 078 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 079 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 080 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 081 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 082 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 083 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 084 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 085 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 086 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 087 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 088 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 089 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 090 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 091 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 092 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 093 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 094 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 095 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 096 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 097 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 098 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 099 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 100 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 101 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 102 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 103 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 104 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 105 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

6 253341-2-C Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 105 Property Surrey BC

DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 106 CCC 355 Surrey BC

Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 107 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 108 CCC 355 Surrey BC
Possession of Stolen
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 109 CCC 342 3 Surrey BC
Unauthorized use of
credit card data
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 110 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 111 CCC 368 1 d Surrey BC
Possess forged
document w/intent to
commit offence
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 112 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 113 CCC 56.1 1 Surrey BC
deal with identity
document without
lawful excuse
DO Y Lowe 260 FXD 114 CCC 402.2 1 Surrey BC
Identity Theft

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:00 AM

7 254014-1 Nagra, Indervir Singh SUM Sidhu, A PCJ 45 FXD 001 CDS 5 1 Langley BC
Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
SUM Sidhu, A PCJ 45 FXD 002 CDS 5 1 Langley BC
Trafficking in
Controlled Substance
8 253473-1 Pettigrew-Williams, Crystal RON N Jung, L 260 FXD 001 CCC 367 a Surrey BC
Anne Forgery
RON N Jung, L 260 FXD 002 CCC 402.2 1 Surrey BC
Identity Theft
RON N Jung, L 260 FXD 003 CCC 380 1 a Surrey BC
Fraud over $5000
RON N Jung, L 260 FXD 004 CCC 368 1 a Surrey BC
Using forged document
RON N Jung, L 260 FXD 005 CCC 368 1 a Surrey BC
Using forged document
RON N Jung, L 260 FXD 006 CCC 403 1 d Surrey BC
Personation with
intent to avoid arrest
RON N Jung, L 260 FXD 007 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
RON N Jung, L 260 FXD 008 CCC 733.1 1 Surrey BC
Breach of Probation
9 254716-1 LIMITED ACCESS RON N Fredrickso 142 FXD 001 CCC 271 Surrey BC
Publication - CCC 486.4 1 n, R sexual assault
10 253339-1 Thorndyke, Adam John DO Y Dosanjh, J N 260 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Surrey BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

11 249475-1 Billing, Gurjit Singh SUM Currie, J 641 FXD 001 CCC 320.15 1 CON Surrey BC
Refusal M
SUM Currie, J G 641 FXD 002 CCC 320.13 1 CON Surrey BC
Dangerous operation of M
a Conveyance
SUM Currie, J 641 FXD 003 CCC 320.16 1 CON Surrey BC
Fail to Stop M
12 248853-1 Peterson, Gregory Eugene AWW Y Markovitz, N PCJ 471 FXD 001 CDS 5 2 White Rock BC
D Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
AWW Y Markovitz, N PCJ 471 FXD 002 CDS 5 2 White Rock BC
D Possession for the
purpose of trafficking
AWW Y Markovitz, N PCJ 471 FXD 003 CCC 95 1 White Rock BC
D Loaded/unloaded w/ammo
AWW Y Markovitz, N PCJ 471 FXD 004 CCC 94 1 White Rock BC
D Occupying vehicle
knowing firearm, etc.
AWW Y Markovitz, N PCJ 471 FXD 005 CCC 88 1 White Rock BC
D possessing weapon for
dangerous purpose
13 248855-1 Peterson, Gregory Eugene AWW Y Markovitz, N PCJ 471 FXD 001 CCC 117.01 1 White Rock BC
D Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order
AWW Y Markovitz, N PCJ 471 FXD 002 CCC 117.01 1 White Rock BC
D Possession of
firearm,etc. contrary
to order

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

14 254291-2-C Sihota, Harinder Singh WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 001 CCC 348 1 d Surrey BC
, J break and enter a
dwelling with intent
or commit
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 002 CCC 266 Surrey BC
, J Assault
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 003 CCC 266 Surrey BC
, J Assault
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 004 CCC 266 Surrey BC
, J Assault
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 005 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
, J Fail to Stop
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 006 CCC 320.13 1 Surrey BC
, J Dangerous operation of
a Conveyance
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 007 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
, J Assault with a weapon
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 008 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
, J Assault with a weapon
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 009 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
, J Fail to Stop
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 010 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
, J Assault with a weapon
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 011 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
, J Assault with a weapon
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 012 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
, J Fail to Stop
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 013 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
, J Fail to Stop
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 014 CCC 267 a Delta BC
, J Assault with a weapon

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 342 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

14 254291-2-C Sihota, Harinder Singh WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 015 CCC 320.16 1 Delta BC
, J Fail to Stop
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 016 CCC 320.16 1 Delta BC
, J Fail to Stop
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 017 CCC 267 a Delta BC
, J Assault with a weapon
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 018 CCC 267 a Delta BC
, J Assault with a weapon
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 019 CCC 267 a Delta BC
, J Assault with a weapon
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 020 CCC 320.16 1 Delta BC
, J Fail to Stop
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 021 CCC 268 2 Delta BC
, J Aggravated assault
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 022 CCC 221 Delta BC
, J Criminal negligence
causing bodily harm
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 023 CCC 221 Delta BC
, J Criminal negligence
causing bodily harm
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 024 CCC 267 a Delta BC
, J Assault with a weapon
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 025 CCC 320.16 2 Delta BC
, J Fail to Stop - BH
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 026 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
, J Assault with a weapon
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 027 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
, J Assault with a weapon
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 028 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
, J Fail to Stop
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 029 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
, J Assault with a weapon

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 343 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: JCM Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 01:30 PM

14 254291-2-C Sihota, Harinder Singh WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 030 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
, J Assault with a weapon
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 031 CCC 267 a Surrey BC
, J Assault with a weapon
WAR Y Waddington 208 FXD 032 CCC 320.16 1 Surrey BC
, J Fail to Stop
15 252287-1 Wilson, Keisha Elizabeth AN N May, J 359 FXD 001 MVA 95 1 Langley BC
Driving while
prohibited/ licence

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

Surrey Provincial Court-3585 Page: 344 of 344
Public Access Adult Advance Court List
Room: TMP Court Date: 12-APR-2024

Bail Lesser By
No. File Number Name Proc I/C Counsel Plea Elec Age Rsn Cnt Description Included V/C Location of Offence

For the Session Commencing at 09:30 AM

1 250982-1-K Stewart, Allan Scott RON Y Ali, Z N 514 JIR 001 CCC 266 ACC Surrey BC
Assault VC
2 269462-1-K Stewart, Allan Scott WAR Y Ali, Z 11 JIR 001 CCC 267 c ACC Vancouver BC
Vancouver Provincial Assault by choking VC
Court WAR Y Ali, Z 11 JIR 002 CCC 344 1 b ACC Vancouver BC
Robbery VC
WAR Y Ali, Z 11 JIR 003 CCC 279 2 ACC Vancouver BC
Unlawful confinement VC
or imprisonment
WAR Y Ali, Z 11 JIR 004 CCC 264.1 1 ACC Vancouver BC
Uttering threats VC

Report ID: JCSR0048 Report Date: 08-APR-2024 08:14 PM

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