GISTM ICMM Self Assessment Letter
GISTM ICMM Self Assessment Letter
GISTM ICMM Self Assessment Letter
Suite 700
F 303.837.5837
Denver, CO 80237
August 4, 2023
I am writing to inform you of Newmont’s progress on implementation of the Global Industry Standard
on Tailings Management (GISTM), as assessed according to the Conformance Protocols for the Global
Industry Standard on Tailings Management (the Conformance Protocols) developed by the
International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM).
As required by the Conformance Protocols and supporting Performance Expectations Validation
Guidance, Newmont has completed self-assessments of status against GISTM requirements for each
of its eleven ‘Very High’ and ‘Extreme’ consequence classification tailings storage facilities, as defined
Results of these self-assessments, along with other disclosures required by the GISTM, are available
as an attachment to this letter and online at At this time, Newmont has assessed itself
as meeting the majority of GISTM requirements across its ‘Very High’ and ‘Extreme’ consequence
classification tailings storage facilities. Where requirements are not met or partially met, gaps have
been identified during the self-assessment process and Newmont is tracking closure of these through
an internal Action Plan.
Independent validation of self-assessments will be performed and reported through Newmont’s
sustainability data reporting process, and will be available publicly through future Annual
Sustainability Reports (also available at Additionally, Newmont is working toward the
agreed August 2025 timeframe for completing self-assessments for its lesser priority tailings storage
facilities with lower consequence classifications.
Newmont is committed to the safety and sustainability of our tailings storage facilities and increasing
transparency around their management – we recognize that this is of upmost importance to our
stakeholders. We believe that holding ourselves accountable to tailings management performance
and acknowledging areas for improvement helps establish credibility and build trust with our host
We have completed substantial work to meet the requirements of the GISTM as a priority for our
business, and we continue to work to achieve full conformance according to our detailed internal
Action Plan.
6900 E. Layton Ave. P 303.863.7414
Suite 700
F 303.837.5837
Denver, CO 80237
Please contact myself, Kim Morrison, Senior Director Global Tailings Management
([email protected]) or Briony Coleman, Global Director Compliance, Systems and
Assurance ([email protected]) for further information.
Further information available in Newmont Tailings Storage Facility Disclosures 2023 Report, via
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
PRINCIPLE 1 | Respect the rights of project-affected people and meaningfully engage them at all phases of the tailings facility lifecycle, including closure.
Demonstrate respect for human rights in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and
Human Rights (UNGP), conduct human rights due diligence to inform management decisions throughout the
1.1 tailings facility lifecycle and address the human rights risks of tailings facility credible failure scenarios. For existing
facilities, the Operator can initially opt to prioritize salient human rights issues in accordance with the UNGP.
Where a new tailings facility may impact the rights of indigenous or tribal peoples, including their land
and resource rights and their right to self-determination, work to obtain and maintain Free Prior and
1.2 Informed Consent (FPIC) by demonstrating conformance to international guidance and recognized best Peñasquito Presa De Jales | Key stakeholders
practice frameworks. have been identified and a stakeholder engagement
plan developed. The plan will be executed towards
full conformance with Requirement 1.3 through
Demonstrate that project-affected people are meaningfully engaged throughout the tailings facility lifecycle
Q2 2024.
1.3 in building the knowledge base and in decisions that may have a bearing on public safety and the integrity of
the tailings facility. The Operator shall share information to support this process.
Establish an effective operational-level, non-judicial grievance mechanism that addresses complaints and
1.4 grievances of project-affected people relating to the tailings facility, and provides remedy in accordance
with the UNGP.
Golden Giant Interlake
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
PRINCIPLE 2 | Develop and maintain an interdisciplinary Knowledge Base to support safe tailings management throughout the tailings lifecycle, including closure.
Develop and document knowledge about the social, environmental and local economic context of the tailings
facility, using approaches aligned with international best practices. Update this knowledge at least every five
2.1 years, and whenever there is a material change either to the tailings facility or to the social, environmental
and local economic context. This knowledge should capture uncertainties due to climate change.
Prepare, document and update a detailed site characterization of the tailings facility site(s) that includes data
on climate, geomorphology, geology, geochemistry, hydrology and hydrogeology (surface and groundwater
2.2 flow and quality), geotechnical, and seismicity. The physical and chemical properties of the tailings shall be
characterized and updated regularly to account for variability in ore properties and processing.
Golden Giant ITF | An update to an existing breach
analysis is underway to fully characterize potential
Develop and document a breach analysis for the tailings facility using a methodology that considers credible impacts, with expected completion in Q3 2023 for
failure modes, site conditions, and the properties of the slurry. The results of the analysis shall estimate conformance with Requirement 2.4.
the physical area impacted by a potential failure. When flowable materials (water and liquefiable solids)
2.3 are present at tailings facilities with Consequence Classification of ‘High’, ‘Very High’ or ‘Extreme’, the results
should include estimates of the physical area impacted by a potential failure, flow arrival times, depth and
velocities, and depth of material deposition. Update whenever there is a material change either to the tailings
facility or the physical area impacted.
In order to identify the groups most at risk, refer to the updated tailings facility breach analysis to assess and
2.4 document potential human exposure and vulnerability to tailings facility credible failure scenarios. Update
the assessment whenever there is a material change either to the tailings facility or to the knowledge base.
Golden Giant Interlake
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
PRINCIPLE 3 | Use all elements of the Knowledge Base - Social, Environmental, Local Economic and Technical - to inform decisions throughout the tailings facility lifecycle, including closure.
To enhance resilience to climate change, evaluate, regularly update and use climate change knowledge
3.1 throughout the tailings facility lifecycle in accordance with the principles of Adaptive Management.
For new tailings facilities, the Operator shall use the knowledge base and undertake a multi-criteria
alternatives analysis of all feasible sites, technologies and strategies for tailings management. The goal
of this analysis shall be to: (i) select an alternative that minimises risks to people and the environment
throughout the tailings facility lifecycle; and (ii) minimises the volume of tailings and water placed in external
3.2 tailings facilities. This analysis shall be an objective constraint analysis reviewed by the Independent
Tailings Review Board (ITRB) or a senior independent technical reviewer. For existing tailings facilities,
the Operator shall periodically review and refine the tailings technologies and design, and management
strategies to minimise risk and improve environmental outcomes. An exception applies to facilities that are
demonstrated to be in a state of safe closure.
For new tailings facilities, use the knowledge base, including uncertainties due to climate change, to
assess the social, environmental and local economic impacts of the tailings facility and its potential failure
3.3 throughout its lifecycle. Where impact assessments predict material acute or chronic impacts, the Operator
shall develop, document and implement impact mitigation and management plans using the mitigation
Update the assessment of the social, environmental and local economic impacts to reflect a material change
either to the tailings facility or to the social, environmental and local economic context. If new data indicates
3.4 that the impacts from the tailings facility have changed materially, including as a result of climate change
knowledge or long-term impacts, the Operator shall update tailings facility management to reflect the new
data using Adaptive Management best practices.
Golden Giant Interlake
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
PRINCIPLE 4 | Develop plans and design criteria for the tailings facility to minimise risk for all phases of its lifecycle, including closure and post-closure.
Determine the consequence of failure classification of the tailings facility by assessing the downstream
conditions documented in the knowledge base and selecting the classification corresponding to the highest
4.1 Consequence Classification for each category in Annex 2, Table 1. The assessment and selection of the
classification shall be based on credible failure modes, and shall be defensible and documented.
With the objective of maintaining flexibility in the development of a new tailings facility and optimizing
costs while prioritizing safety throughout the tailings facility lifecycle: A. Develop preliminary designs for
4.2 the tailings facility with external loading design criteria consistent with both the consequence of failure Yanacocha LQN, Yanacocha LQS | Consequence
classification selected based on current conditions and higher Consequence Classifications (including of failure classifications are being finalized, with
‘Extreme’). completion expected Q3 2023 to fully meet
Requirement 4.1. Facilities are not currently
designed to withstand seismic loading based
The Accountable Executive shall take the decision to adopt a design for the current Consequence Classification
on current understanding of consequence
4.3 criteria and to maintain flexibility to upgrade the design for the highest classification criteria later in the tailings
classifications. Work continues to evaluate options
facility lifecycle. This decision shall be documented.
for mitigations and future alternatives to reduce risk
to ALARP, and thus fully meet Requirements 4.2 to
Select, explicitly identify and document all design criteria that are appropriate to minimize risk for all credible
4.4 failure modes for all phases of the tailings facility lifecycle.
4.7; timeline to resolution is yet to be determined.
Design Basis Reports (DBRs) are being prepared for
the facilities, with anticipated completion in Q3 2023
Apply design criteria, such as factors of safety for slope stability and seepage management that consider
to satisfy Requirement 4.8.
estimated operational properties of materials and expected performance of design elements, and quality of
4.5 the implementation of risk management systems. These issues should also be appropriately accounted for Boddington R4 RDA | Review of historic
in designs based on deformation analyses. information is underway and additional site
characterization work is in progress to satisfy full
Identify and address brittle failure modes with conservative design criteria, independent of trigger conformance across Requirements 4.3 and 4.5;
4.6 mechanisms, to minimize their impact on the performance of the tailings facility. planned for completion in Q4 2024.
Existing tailings facilities shall conform with the Requirements under Principle 4, except for those aspects Golden Giant ITF | Collection of historical design
where the Engineer of Record (EOR), with review by the ITRB or a senior independent technical reviewer, parameters into a stand-alone DBR is underway to
determines that the upgrade of an existing tailings facility is not viable or cannot be retroactively applied. support full conformance to Requirement 4.8 by
4.7 In this case, the Accountable Executive shall approve and document the implementation of measures to Q4 2023.
reduce both the probability and the consequences of a tailings facility failure in order to reduce the risk
Tanami GTD03 | A stand-alone DBR is under
to a level as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). The basis and timing for addressing the upgrade of
development including existing design basis
existing tailings facilities shall be risk-informed and carried out as soon as reasonably practicable.
information, with expected completion in Q4 2023
to fully satisfy Requirement 4.8.
The EOR shall prepare a Design Basis Report (DBR) that details the design assumptions and criteria, including
operating constraints, and that provides the basis for the design of all phases of the tailings facility lifecycle.
4.8 The DBR shall be reviewed by the ITRB or senior independent technical reviewer. The EOR shall update
the DBR every time there is a material change in the design assumptions, design criteria, design or the
knowledge base and confirm internal consistency among these elements.
Golden Giant Interlake
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
PRINCIPLE 5 | Develop a robust design that integrates the Knowledge base and minimises the risk of failure to people and the environment for all phases of the tailings facility lifecycle, including closure and post-closure.
For new tailings facilities, incorporate the outcome of the multi-criteria alternatives analysis including
the use of tailings technologies in the design of the tailings facility. For expansions to existing tailings
5.1 facilities, investigate the potential to refine the tailings technologies and design approaches with the goal of
minimizing risks to people and the environment throughout the tailings facility lifecycle.
Develop a robust design that considers the technical, social, environmental and local economic context,
the tailings facility Consequence Classification, site conditions, water management, mine plant operations,
5.2 tailings operational and construction issues, and that demonstrates the feasibility of safe closure of the
tailings facility. The design should be reviewed and updated as performance and site data become available
Yanacocha LQN, Yanacocha LQS | Facility closure
and in response to material changes to the tailings facility or its performance.
studies are underway to inform updates of closure-
related aspects of design documentation, in order
Develop, implement and maintain a water balance model and associated water management plans for the to fully conform with Requirement 5.2.
tailings facility, taking into account the knowledge base including climate change, upstream and downstream
5.3 hydrological and hydrogeological basins, the mine site, mine planning and overall operations and the Ahafo South TSF, Boddington R4 RDA, Merian
integrity of the tailings facility throughout its lifecycle. The water management programme must be designed TSF, Peñasquito Presa De Jales, Tanami GTD03,
to protect against unintentional releases. Yanacocha LQN, Yanacocha LQS | Facility closure
plans, currently incorporated in site-level closure
Address all potential failure modes of the structure, its foundation, abutments, reservoir (tailings deposit planning documentation, are in development
5.4 and pond), reservoir rim and appurtenant structures to minimize risk to ALARP. Risk assessments must be as stand-alone and in increased detail. In some
used to inform the design. cases, additional closure studies are required to
inform this detail and completion to fully meet
Develop a design for each stage of construction of the tailings facility, including but not limited to start-up, Requirement 5.6 is expected through to Q4 2025.
5.5 partial raises and interim configurations, final raise, and all closure stages.
Yanacocha LQN, Yanacocha LQS | Facilities are
Design the closure phase in a manner that meets all the Requirements of the Standard with sufficient detail not currently designed to withstand seismic loading
to demonstrate the feasibility of the closure scenario and to allow implementation of elements of the design based on current understanding of consequence
5.6 during construction and operation as appropriate. The design should include progressive closure and classifications. Work continues to evaluate options
reclamation during operations. for mitigations and future alternatives to reduce
risk to ALARP, and thus fully meet Requirement 5.7;
timeline to resolution is yet to be determined.
For a proposed new tailings facility classified as ‘High’, ‘Very High’ or ‘Extreme’, the Accountable Executive
shall confirm that the design satisfies ALARP and shall approve additional reasonable steps that may
5.7 be taken downstream, to further reduce potential consequences to people and the environment. The
Accountable Executive shall explain and document the decisions with respect to ALARP and additional
consequence reduction measures.
Where other measures to reduce the consequences of a tailings facility credible failure mode as per the
5.8 breach analysis have been exhausted, and pre-emptive resettlement cannot be avoided, the Operator shall
demonstrate conformance with international standards for involuntary resettlement.
Golden Giant Interlake
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
PRINCIPLE 6 | Plan, build and operate the tailings facility to manage risk at all phases of the tailings facility lifecycle, including closure and post-closure.
Build, operate, monitor and close the tailings facility according to the design intent at all phases of the
tailings facility lifecycle, using qualified personnel and appropriate methodology, equipment and procedures,
6.1 data acquisition methods, the Tailings Management System (TMS) and the overall Environmental and Social
Management System (ESMS) for the mine and associated infrastructure.
Manage the quality and adequacy of the construction and operation process by implementing Quality
Control, Quality Assurance and Construction vs Design Intent Verification (CDIV). The Operator shall use the
6.2 CDIV to ensure that the design intent is implemented and is still being met if the site conditions vary from the
design assumptions.
Develop, implement, review annually and update as required an Operations, Maintenance and Surveillance
(OMS) Manual that supports effective risk management as part of the TMS. The OMS Manual should Boddington R4 RDA, Equity Silver TMA, Golden
6.4 follow best practices, clearly provide the context and critical controls for safe operations and be reviewed Giant ITF, Yanacocha LQN TSF, Yanacocha
for effectiveness. The RTFE shall provide access to the OMS Manual and training to all levels of personnel LQS TSF | DARs are in progress to fully satisfy
involved in the TMS with support from the EOR. conformance with Requirement 6.5, with
completion expected in Q3 and Q4 2023.
Implement a formal change management system that triggers the evaluation, review, approval and
documentation of changes to design, construction, operation or monitoring during the tailings facility
lifecycle. The change management system shall also include the requirement for the EOR to prepare a
6.5 periodic deviance accountability report (DAR) that provides an assessment of cumulative impact of the
changes on the risk level of the as-constructed facility. The DAR shall provide recommendations for managing
risk, if necessary, and any resulting updates to the design, DBR, OMS and the monitoring programme. The
DAR shall be approved by the Accountable Executive.
Include new and emerging technologies and approaches and use the evolving knowledge in the refinement
6.6 of the design, construction and operation of the tailings facility.
Golden Giant Interlake
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
PRINCIPLE 7 | Design, implement and operate monitoring systems to manage risk at all phases of the facility lifecycle, including closure.
Design, implement and operate a comprehensive and integrated performance monitoring programme
7.1 for the tailings facility and its appurtenant structures as part of the TMS and for those aspects of the ESMS
related to the tailings facility in accordance with the principles of Adaptive Management.
Design, implement and operate a comprehensive and integrated engineering monitoring system
that is appropriate for verifying design assumptions and for monitoring potential failure modes. Full
7.2 implementation of the Observational Method shall be adopted for non-brittle failure modes. Brittle failure
modes are addressed by conservative design criteria.
Establish specific and measurable performance objectives, indicators, criteria, and performance parameters
and include them in the design of the monitoring programmes that measure performance throughout
Boddington R4 RDA | While the existing OMS
7.3 the tailings facility lifecycle. Record and evaluate the data at appropriate frequencies. Based on the data
Manual includes performance monitoring,
obtained, update the monitoring programmes throughout the tailings facility lifecycle to confirm that they
establishment of specific TARPs will fully meet
remain effective to manage risk.
Requirement 7.4, which is expected in Q3 2023.
Analyse technical monitoring data at the frequency recommended by the EOR, and assess the performance
of the tailings facility, clearly identifying and presenting evidence on any deviations from the expected
7.4 performance and any deterioration of the performance over time. Promptly submit evidence to the EOR for
review and update the risk assessment and design, if required. Performance outside the expected ranges
shall be addressed promptly through Trigger Action Response Plans (TARPs) or critical controls.
Report the results of each of the monitoring programmes at the frequency required to meet company and
7.5 regulatory requirements and, at a minimum, on an annual basis. The RTFE and the EOR shall review and
approve the technical monitoring reports.
Golden Giant Interlake
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
PRINCIPLE 8 | Establish policies, systems and accountabilities to support the safety and integrity of the tailings facility.
The Board of Directors shall adopt and publish a policy on or commitment to the safe management of
8.1 tailings facilities, to emergency preparedness and response, and to recovery after failure.
Establish a tailings governance framework and a performance based TMS and ensure that the ESMS and
8.2 other critical systems encompass relevant aspects of the tailings facility management.
For roles with responsibility for tailings facilities, develop mechanisms such that incentive payments or
performance reviews are based, at least in part, on public safety and the integrity of the tailings facility.
8.3 These incentive payments shall reflect the degree to which public safety and the integrity of the tailings
facility are part of the role. Long-term incentives for relevant executive managers should take tailings
management into account.
Appoint one or more Accountable Executives who is/are directly answerable to the CEO on matters related
to this Standard. The Accountable Executive(s) shall be accountable for the safety of tailings facilities and
for avoiding or minimizing the social and environmental consequences of a tailings facility failure. The
Accountable Executive(s) shall also be accountable for a programme of tailings management training,
8.4 and for emergency preparedness and response. The Accountable Executive(s) must have scheduled
communication with the EOR and regular communication with the Board of Directors, which can be initiated
either by the Accountable Executive(s), or the Board. The Board of Directors shall document how it holds the
Accountable Executive(s) accountable.
Appoint a site-specific Responsible Tailings Facility Engineer (RTFE) who is accountable for the integrity of the
tailings facility, who liaises with the EOR and internal teams such as operations, planning, regulatory affairs,
8.5 social performance, and environment, and who has regular two-way communication with the Accountable
Executive. The RTFE must be familiar with the DBR, the design report and the construction and performance
of the tailings facility.
Identify appropriate qualifications and experience requirements for all personnel who play safety-critical
roles in the operation of a tailings facility, including, but not limited to the RTFE, the EOR and the Accountable
8.6 Executive. Ensure that incumbents of these roles have the identified qualifications and experience, and
develop succession plans for these personnel.
For tailings facilities with Consequence Classification of ‘Very High’ or ‘Extreme’, appoint an Independent
Tailings Review Board (ITRB). For all other facilities, the Operator may appoint a senior independent
8.7 technical reviewer. The ITRB or the reviewer shall be appointed early in the project development process,
report to the Accountable Executive and certify in writing that they follow best practices for engineers in
avoiding conflicts of interest.
Golden Giant Interlake
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
Engage an engineering firm with expertise and experience in the design and construction of tailings facilities
of comparable complexity to provide EOR services for operating the tailings facility and for closed facilities
with ‘High’, ‘Very High’ and ‘Extreme’ Consequence Classification, that are in the active closure phase. Require
that the firm nominate a senior engineer, approved by the Operator, to represent the firm as the EOR,
and verify that the individual has the necessary experience, skills and time to fulfil this role. Alternatively,
9.1 the Operator may appoint an in-house engineer with expertise and experience in comparable facilities as
the EOR. In this instance, the EOR may delegate the design to a firm (‘Designer of Record’) but shall remain
thoroughly familiar with the design in discharging their responsibilities as EOR. Whether the EOR or the
DOR is in-house or external, they must be competent and have experience appropriate to the Consequence
Classification and complexity of the tailings facility.
Empower the EOR through a written agreement that clearly describes their authority, role and
responsibilities throughout the tailings facility lifecycle, and during change of ownership of mining properties.
9.2 The written agreement must clearly describe the obligations of the Operator to the EOR, to support the
effective performance of the EOR.
Establish and implement a programme to manage the quality of all engineering work, the interactions
9.3 between the EOR, the RTFE and the Accountable Executive, and their involvement in the tailings facility
lifecycle as necessary to confirm that both the implementation of the design and the design intent are met.
Given its potential impact on the risks associated with a tailings facility, the selection of the EOR shall be
9.4 decided by the Accountable Executive and informed, but not decided, by procurement personnel.
Where it becomes necessary to change the EOR (whether a firm or an in house employee), develop a detailed
9.5 plan for the comprehensive transfer of data, information, knowledge and experience with the construction
procedures and materials.
Golden Giant Interlake
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
PRINCIPLE 10 | Establish and implement levels of review as part of a strong quality and risk management system for all phases of the tailings facility lifecycle, including closure.
Conduct and update risk assessments with a qualified multi-disciplinary team using best practice
methodologies at a minimum every three years and more frequently whenever there is a material change
10.1 either to the tailings facility or to the social, environmental and local economic context. Transmit risk
assessments to the ITRB or senior independent technical reviewer for review, and address with urgency all
unacceptable tailings facility risks.
Conduct regular reviews of the TMS and of the components of the ESMS that refer to the tailings facility
to assure the effectiveness of the management systems. Document and report the outcomes to the
10.2 Accountable Executive, Board of Directors and project-affected people. The review shall be undertaken by
senior technical reviewers with the appropriate qualifications, expertise and resources. For tailings facilities
with ‘High’, ‘Very High’ or ‘Extreme’ Consequence Classification, conduct the review at least every three years. Ahafo South TSF1, Boddington R4 RDA,
Boddington F1/F3 RDA, Equity Silver TMA, Golden
Conduct internal audits to verify consistent implementation of company procedures, guidelines and Giant ITF, Merian TSF1, Peñasquito Presa De Jales,
10.3 corporate governance requirements consistent with the TMS and aspects of the ESMS developed to manage Tanami GTD03, Yanacocha LQN TSF, Yanacocha
tailings facility risks. LQS TSF | Aligned with the company’s Risk
Management System, several internal and external
The EOR or senior independent technical reviewer shall conduct tailings facility construction and verification programs exist to review effectiveness
10.4 performance reviews annually or more frequently, if required. of portions of management systems and associated
technical aspects of tailings management, however
Conduct an independent DSR at least every five years for tailings facilities with ‘Very High’ or ‘Extreme’ a specific program remains in development with
Consequence Classifications and at least every 10 years for all other facilities. For tailings facilities with complete implementation expected from 2024 to
complex conditions or performance, the ITRB may recommend more frequent DSRs. The DSR shall include fully satisfy Requirement 10.2.
10.5 technical, operational and governance aspects of the tailings facility and shall be completed according to
best practices. The DSR contractor cannot conduct consecutive DSRs on the same tailings facility and shall
certify in writing that they follow best practices for engineers in avoiding conflicts of interest. Ahafo South TSF1 | Completion of an independent
DSR is underway for the facility, with reporting and
For tailings facilities with ‘Very High’ or ‘Extreme’ Consequence Classifications, the ITRB, reporting to the full conformance to Requirement 10.5 is expected
Accountable Executive shall provide ongoing senior independent review of the planning, siting, design, by Q4 2023.
10.6 construction, operation, water and mass balance, maintenance, monitoring, performance and risk
management at appropriate intervals across all phases of the tailings facility lifecycle. For tailings facilities
with other Consequence Classifications, this review can be done by a senior independent technical reviewer.
The amount of estimated costs for planned closure, early closure, reclamation, and post-closure of the
tailings facility and its appurtenant structures shall be reviewed periodically to confirm that adequate
financial capacity (including insurance, to the extent commercially reasonable) is available for such purposes
throughout the tailings facility lifecycle, and the conclusions of the review shall be publicly disclosed
10.7 annually. Disclosure may be made in audited financial statements or in public regulatory filings. Subject to
the provisions of local or national regulations on this matter, Operators shall use best efforts to assess and
take into account the capability of an acquirer of any of its assets involving a tailings facility (through merger,
acquisition, or other change in ownership) to maintain this Standard for the tailings facility lifecycle.
Golden Giant Interlake
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
PRINCIPLE 11 | Develop an organisational culture that promotes learning, communication and early problem recognition.
Educate personnel who have a role in any phase of the tailings facility lifecycle about how their job
11.1 procedures and responsibilities relate to the prevention of a failure.
Establish mechanisms that incorporate workers’ experience-based knowledge into planning, design and
11.2 operations for all phases of the tailings facility lifecycle.
Establish mechanisms that promote cross-functional collaboration to ensure effective data and knowledge
11.3 sharing, communication and implementation of management measures to support public safety and the
integrity of the tailings facility.
Identify and implement lessons from internal incident investigations and relevant external incident reports,
11.4 paying particular attention to human and organizational factors.
Establish mechanisms that recognize, reward and protect from retaliation, employees and contractors who
11.5 report problems or identify opportunities for improving tailings facility management. Respond in a timely
manner and communicate actions taken and their outcomes.
PRINCIPLE 12 | Establish a process for reporting and addressing concerns, and implement whistle-blower protections.
The Accountable Executive shall establish a formal, confidential and written process to receive, investigate
12.1 and promptly address concerns from employees and contractors about possible permit violations or other
matters relating to regulatory compliance, public safety, tailings facility integrity or the environment.
In accordance with international best practices for whistle-blower protection, the Operator shall not
discharge, discriminate against, or otherwise retaliate in any way against a whistle-blower who, in good faith,
12.2 has reported possible permit violations or other matters relating to regulatory compliance, public safety,
tailings facility integrity or the environment.
Golden Giant Interlake
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
As part of the TMS, use best practices and emergency response expertise to prepare and implement a site-
specific tailings facility Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP) based on credible flow failure
scenarios and the assessment of potential consequences. Test and update the EPRP at all phases of the
13.1 tailings facility lifecycle at a frequency established in the plan, or more frequently if triggered by a material
change either to the tailings facility or to the social, environmental and local economic context. Meaningfully
engage with employees and contractors to inform the EPRP, and co-develop community-focused emergency
preparedness measures with project-affected people.
Engage with public sector agencies, first responders, local authorities and institutions and take reasonable Golden Giant ITF, Peñasquito Presa De Jales
steps to assess the capability of emergency response services to address the hazards identified in the | Stakeholder engagement plans for emergency
13.2 tailings facility EPRP, identify gaps in capability and use this information to support the development of a planning communications have been developed,
collaborative plan to improve preparedness. with execution expected through Q2 2024 towards
conformance to Requirements 13.1 to 13.4.
Considering community-focused measures and public sector capacity, the Operator shall take all reasonable
steps to maintain a shared state of readiness for tailings facility credible flow failure scenarios by securing
13.3 resources and carrying out annual training and exercises. The Operator shall conduct emergency response
simulations at a frequency established in the EPRP but at least every 3 years for tailings facilities with
potential loss of life.
In the case of a catastrophic tailings facility failure, provide immediate response to save lives, supply
13.4 humanitarian aid and minimize environmental harm.
Based on tailings facility credible flow failure scenarios and the assessment of potential consequences, take
14.1 reasonable steps to meaningfully engage with public sector agencies and other organisations that would
participate in medium- and long-term social and environmental post-failure response strategies.
In the event of a catastrophic tailings facility failure, assess social, environmental and local economic impacts
14.2 as soon as possible after people are safe and short-term survival needs have been met
Golden Giant ITF, Peñasquito Presa De Jales
In the event of a catastrophic tailings facility failure, work with public sector agencies and other stakeholders
| Stakeholder engagement plans for emergency
to develop and implement reconstruction, restoration and recovery plans that address the medium- and
14.3 long-term social, environmental and local economic impacts of the failure. The plans shall be disclosed if
planning communications have been developed,
with execution expected through Q2 2024 towards
permitted by public authorities.
conformance to Requirement 14.1.
In the event of a catastrophic tailings facility failure, enable the participation of affected people in
14.4 reconstruction, restoration and recovery works and ongoing monitoring activities.
Facilitate the monitoring and public reporting of post-failure outcomes that are aligned with the thresholds
14.5 and indicators outlined in the reconstruction, restoration and recovery plans and adapt activities in response
to findings and feedback.
Golden Giant Interlake
Yanacocha La Quinua
Yanacocha La Quinua
Tailings Management
Equity Silver Tailings
Peňasquito Presa
Ahafo South TSF1
Merian TSF1
(F1/F3 RDA)
Area (TMA)
(R4 RDA)
De Jales
Tailings Storage Facility Commentary
PRINCIPLE 15 | Publicly disclose and provide access to information about the tailings facility to support public accountability.
Publish and regularly update information on the Operator’s commitment to safe tailings facility
15.1 management, implementation of its tailings governance framework, its organization-wide policies, standards
or approaches to the design, construction, monitoring and closure of tailings facilities.
Golden Giant ITF, Peñasquito Presa De Jales
Respond in a systematic and timely manner to requests from interested and affected stakeholders for | Stakeholder engagement plans for emergency
15.2 additional information material to the public safety and integrity of a tailings facility. When the request for planning communications have been developed,
information is denied, provide an explanation to the requesting stakeholder. with execution expected through Q2 2024 towards
conformance to Requirement 15.1.
Commit to cooperate in credible global transparency initiatives to create standardized, independent,
15.3 industry-wide and publicly accessible databases, inventories or other information repositories about the
safety and integrity of tailings facilities.
* Facility status may be considered ‘Not Applicable’ where the conformance requirement applies only:
- To new facilities (for existing facilities);
- To instances where the ability to reduce consequence of failure have been exhausted (where reduction has been achieved);
- Where there has been a change of EOR (where a change has not occurred); or
- In the event of a catastrophic failure (where such a failure has not occurred).