TOS Math-7 4th-Quarter-Test 2023-2024 FINAL
TOS Math-7 4th-Quarter-Test 2023-2024 FINAL
TOS Math-7 4th-Quarter-Test 2023-2024 FINAL
Department of Education
2.formulates simple 2 3,4 18,19 3 3
(2/29) X 50
statistical instruments 4 4
=2.63 18 18
M7SP-IVa-3 19 19
M7SP-IVb-1 2 5,6 31 5 5
(2/29) X 50
6 6
3.gathers statistical data. =2.63 31 31
4.organizes data in a M7SP-IVc-1 3 7,8 7 7
(3/29) X 50 39
frequency distribution 20 8 8
table. =3.95 20 20
39 39
5.uses appropriate graphs M7SP-IVd-e-1 4 9,10 21, 32 9 Based on the histogram below, what does the height of each of 9
(4/29) X 50 40
to represent organized 22, the rectangle tells us? 10
data: pie chart, bar graph, 5.26 23 21
line graph, histogram, and 22
ogive. =7 23
Figure 2
10. Approximately, what is the frequency count of 5-7 shoe size?
A. 5 C. 15
B. 10 D. 20
6.illustrates the measures of M7SP-IVf-1 2 11, 24 33 11 In the following numbers: 9, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2, 3, 3. Which occurs 11
(2/29) X 50 41
central tendency (mean, 12 frequently? 12
median, and mode) of a =2.63 A. 2 C. 4 24
statistical data. 33
B. 3 D. 6 41
12 Which measure of central tendency is generally used in
determining the final grade of a student?
A .Mean C. Mode
B. Median D. Range
24 The table below shows the test results of four major subjects of
the top three students in special science class. What is
the modal subject?
Math English Science
Jennifer 38 40 40
Jessa 38 35 34
Glenn 38 36 35
A. Math C. Science
B. English D. Filipino
7.calculates the measures of M7SP-IVf-g-1 3 13 25,26 49 13 Use this data to answer numbers 13. 13
(3/29) X 50 42
central tendency of 2, 2, 3, 4, 7, 7, 7, 10, 11, 12, 12 25
ungrouped and grouped =3.95 26
data. The mean is: 42
=5 a. 2 b. 3 49
c. 7 d. 11
Use the grouped frequency at the right
to answer problems 25-26
Class F
25. The apparent limits containing the Intervals
highest frequency are: 10.2 – 10.6 2
a. 7.65 – 8.15 9.7 – 10.1 1
b. 7.7 – 8.1 9.2 – 9.6 5
c. 7.75 – 8.05 8.7 – 9.1 8
26. The class boundary containing the 8.2 – 8.6 11
12th score is? 7.7 – 8.1 17
a. 7.2 – 7.6 7.2 – 7.6 12
b. 6.7 – 7.1 6.7 – 7.1 7
c. 7.15 – 7.65 6.2 – 6.6 4
4 5.7 – 6.1 1
5.2 – 5.6 2
42Mrs. Santos wants to determine the grades of the incoming
Grade 7 students in their Math 6. These are their grades: 80, 85, 90,
85, 85, 90, 80, 85, 85, 75, 90, 80, 85, 90, 80, 85, 85, 90, 85, 85.
Grades Frequency
90 5
85 10
80 4
75 1
Classes Frequency
90-94 6
95-99 10
100 -104 13
105 – 109 19
110- 114 12
115 – 119 5
120-124 5
11.draws conclusions from M7SP-IVj-2 3 37,38 48 50 USD to PHP Exchange Rates: (US Dollar to Philippine Peso) Charts 37
(3/29) X 50
graphic and tabular data and historical data 38
and measures of central =3.95 Last 10 working days 48
tendency and variability. 50
37. On what day was the peso strongest against the US dollar?
A. December 24 B. December 27 C. January 3
B. On what day was the peso weakest against the US dollar?
A. December 24 B. December 27C. January 3
50. Compare the three measures of central tendency for the four
tinderas in the table below. Who is the better tindera among the
Tindera 1 Tindera 2 Tindera 4
Mean 12 11 10 12
Median 8 12 10 9
Mode 6 12 10 10
A. Tindera 1 C. Tindera 3
B. Tindera 2 D. Tindera 4
TOTAL 29 50 15 15 8 7 3 2
1- 16- 31- 39- 46- 49-
Number of Items per Domain 15 30 38 45 48 50
60% 30% 10%
Note: TD – Teaching Days TTD – Total Teaching Days TI – Total Items
Prepared by: Checked and Evaluated by: Noted for School Implementation
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