UMLtoGraphDB Mapping Conceptual Schema To Graph Database

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UMLtoGraphDB: Mapping Conceptual

Schemas to Graph Databases

Gwendal Daniel1(B) , Gerson Sunyé1 , and Jordi Cabot2,3

AtlanMod Team, Inria, Mines Nantes, Lina, Nantes, France
ICREA, Barcelona, Spain
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, UOC, Barcelona, Spain
[email protected]

Abstract. The need to store and manipulate large volume of (unstruc-

tured) data has led to the development of several NoSQL databases for
better scalability. Graph databases are a particular kind of NoSQL data-
bases that have proven their efficiency to store and query highly intercon-
nected data, and have become a promising solution for multiple applica-
tions. While the mapping of conceptual schemas to relational databases
is a well-studied field of research, there are only few solutions that tar-
get conceptual modeling for NoSQL databases and even less focusing on
graph databases. This is specially true when dealing with the mapping of
business rules and constraints in the conceptual schema. In this article we
describe a mapping from UML/OCL conceptual schemas to Blueprints,
an abstraction layer on top of a variety of graph databases, and Gremlin,
a graph traversal language, via an intermediate Graph metamodel. Tool
support is fully available.

Keywords: Database design · UML · OCL · NoSQL · Graph database ·


1 Introduction

NoSQL databases have become a promising solution to enhance scalability, avail-

ability, and query performance of data intensive applications. They often rely on
a schemaless infrastructure, meaning that their schemas are implicitly defined by
the stored data and not formally described. This approach offers great flexibility
since it is possible to use different representations of a same concept (non-uniform
data), but client applications still need to know (at least partially) how concep-
tual elements are stored in the database in order to access and manipulate them.
Acquiring this implicit knowledge of the underlying schema can be an important
issue, for example in data integration processes, where each data source has to
be inspected to find its underlying structure [13].
Graph databases are a particular type of NoSQL databases that represent
data as a set of vertices linked together by edges where both vertices and edges
c Springer International Publishing AG 2016
I. Comyn-Wattiau et al. (Eds.): ER 2016, LNCS 9974, pp. 430–444, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-46397-1 33
UMLtoGraphDB: Mapping Conceptual Schemas to Graph Databases 431

can be labeled with a number of property values. Graph databases often pro-
vide advanced and expressive query languages that are particularly optimized
to compute traversals of highly interconnected data. Recently, the graph data-
base ecosystem is gaining popularity in several engineering fields such as social
network [11] or data provenance [1] analysis, and the leading graph database
vendor Neo4j1 is used in production by several companies [16].
In order to take full benefit of NoSQL solutions, designers must be able to
integrate them in current code-generation architectures to use them as target
persistence backend for their conceptual schemas. Unfortunately, while several
solutions provide transformations from ER and UML models to relational data-
base schemas, the same is not true for NoSQL databases as discussed in detail in
the related work. Moreover, NoSQL databases present an additional challenge:
data consistency is a big problem since the vast majority of NoSQL approaches
lack any advanced mechanism for integrity constraint checking [21].
To overcome this situation, we propose the UMLtoGraphDB framework, that
translates conceptual schemas expressed using the Unified Modeling Language
(UML) [24] into a graph representation, and generates database-level queries
from business rules and invariants defined using the Object Constraint Lan-
guage (OCL) [23]. The framework relies on a new GraphDB metamodel, as an
intermediate representation to facilitate the integration of several kinds of graph
databases. Enforcement of (both OCL and structural) constraints is delegated
to an intermediate software component (middleware) in charge of maintaining
the underlying database consistent with the conceptual schema. External appli-
cations can then use this middleware to safely access the database. This is illus-
trated in Fig. 1.

UML Class

Graph Database

code generation
context B
inv context
A : self.price > 0
inv myInvariant:
self.value > 0

OCL Constraints
Client Applications

Fig. 1. Conceptual model to graph database

The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 presents the UML-
toGraphDB framework and its core components, Sect. 3 introduces the GraphDB
metamodel and details the model-to-model transformation which creates an
instance of it from a UML model. Section 4 presents the transformation that
creates graph database queries from OCL expressions, and Sect. 5 introduces
the code generator. Finally, Sect. 6 describes our tool support, Sect. 7 presents
the related works and Sect. 8 ends up with the conclusions and future work.
432 G. Daniel et al.

2 UMLtoGraphDB Approach
UMLtoGraphDB is aligned with the OMG’s MDA standard [22], proposing a
structured methodology to systems development that promotes the separation
between a specification defined in a platform independent way (Platform Inde-
pendent Model, PIM), and the refinement of that specification adapted to the
technical constraints of the implementation platform (Platform Specific Model,
PSM). A model-to-model transformation (M2M) generates PSM models from
PIMs while a model-to-text transformation typically takes care of producing
the final code out of the PSM models. This PIM-to-PSM phased architecture
brings two important benefits: (i) the PIM level focuses on the specification
of the structure and functions, raising the level of abstraction and postponing
technical details to the PSM level. (ii) Multiple PSMs can be generated from
one PIM, improving portability and reusability. Moreover, using an intermediate
PSM model instead of a direct PIM-to-code approach allows designers to tune
the generation when needed and simplify the transformations by reducing the
semantic gap between their input and output artefacts.
In our scenario, the initial UML and OCL models would conform to the PIM
level. UMLtoGraphDB takes care of generating the PSM and code from them.
Figure 2 presents the different component of the UMLtoGraphDB framework
(light-grey box).
In particular, Class2GraphDB (1) is the first M2M of the UMLtoGraphDB
framework. It is in charge of the creation of a low-level graph representa-
tion (PSM) from the input UML class diagram (PIM). The output of the
Class2GraphDB transformation is a GraphDB Model (2), conforming to the
GraphDB metamodel (Sect. 3). This metamodel is defined at the PSM level,
and describes data structures in terms of graph primitives, such as vertices or
edges. The OCL2Gremlin transformation (3) is the second M2M in the UML-
toGraphDB framework. It is in charge of the translation of the OCL constraints,
queries, and business rules defined at the PIM level into graph-level queries. It
produces a Gremlin Model, conforming to the Gremlin language metamodel
that complements the previous GraphDB one.
The last step in MDA processes is a PSM-to-code transformation, which
generates the software artifacts (database schema, code, configuration files
. . . ) in the target platform. In our approach, this final step is handled by
the Graph2Code (5) transformation (Sect. 5) that processes the generated
GraphDB and Gremlin models to create a set of Java Classes wrapping the
structure of the database, the associated constraints, and the business rules.
These Java classes compose the Middleware layer (6) presented in Fig. 1, and
contain the generated code to access the physical Graph Database (7).
To illustrate the different transformation steps of our framework we intro-
duce as a running example the conceptual schema presented in Fig. 3 repre-
senting a simple excerpt of an e-commerce application. This schema is specified
using the UML notation, and describes Client, Orders, and Products concepts. A
Client is an abstract class defined by a name and an address. PrivateCustomers
and CorporateCustomers are subclasses of Client. They contain respectively a
UMLtoGraphDB: Mapping Conceptual Schemas to Graph Databases 433


UML Class Diagram GraphDB Model

(1) (2)

Graph2Code (6)


Graph Database

context Client (3) (4)

inv context
validPrice : self.price > 0
inv validOrder : self.
shipment <

OCL Constraints OCL2Gremlin

Gremlin Model

Fig. 2. Overview of the UMLtoGraphDB infrastructure

Fig. 3. Class diagram of a simple e-commerce application

cardNumber and a contractRef attribute. Clients own Orders, that are defined
by a reference, a shipmentDate, and a deliveryDate. In addition, an Order main-
tains a paid attribute, that is set to true if the Order has been paid. Products
are defined by their name, price, and a textual description and are linked to
Orders through the OrderLine association class, which records the quantity and
the price of each Product in a given Order.
In addition, the conceptual data model defines three textual OCL constraints
(presented in Listing 1), which represent basic business rules. The first one checks
that the price of a Product is always positive, the second one verifies that the
shipmentDate of an Order precedes its deliveryDate, and the last one ensures a
Client has less than three unpaid Orders.
context Product i n v v a l i d P r i c e : s e l f . p r i c e > 0
context Order i n v v a l i d O r d e r : s e l f . shipmentDate < s e l f . d e l i v e r y D a t e
context C l i e n t i n v maxUnpaidOrders :
self . o r d e r s → s e l e c t ( o | not o . paid ) → s i z e ( ) < 3

Listing 1. Textual Constraints

434 G. Daniel et al.

3 Mapping UML Class Diagram to GraphDB

In this section we present the Class2Graph transformation, which is the ini-
tial step in the approach presented in Fig. 2. We first introduce the GraphDB
metamodel and then, we focus on the transformation itself.

3.1 GraphDB Metamodel

The GraphDB metamodel defines the possible structure of all GraphDB mod-
els. It is compliant with the Blueprints [26] specification, which is an interface
designed to unify NoSQL database access under a common API. Initially devel-
oped for graph stores, Blueprints has been implemented by a large number of
databases such as Neo4j, OrientDB, and MongoDB. The Blueprints API is, to
our knowledge, the only interface unifying several NoSQL databases2 . Blueprints
is the base of the Tinkerpop stack: a set of tools to store, serialize, manipulate,
and query graph databases. Among other features, it provides Gremlin [27], a
traversal query language designed to query Blueprints databases.
Figure 4 presents the GraphDB metamodel. A GraphSpecification element
represents the top-level container that owns all the objects. It has a baseDB
attribute, that defines the concrete database to instantiate under the Blueprints
API. In our prototype, the baseDB can be either Neo4j or OrientDB, two well
known graph databases. GraphSpecification contains all the VertexDefinitions
and EdgeDefinitions through the associations vertices and edges.
A VertexDefinition can be unique, meaning that there is only one vertex in
the database that conforms to it. VertexDefinitions and EdgeDefinitions can be
linked together using outEdges and inEdges associations, meaning respectively
that a VertexDefinition has outgoing edges and incoming edges. In addition,
VertexDefinition and EdgeDefinition are both subtypes of GraphElement, which
can define a set of labels that describe the type of the element, and a set of Prop-
ertiesDefinition through its properties reference. In graph databases, properties
are represented by a key (the name of the property) and a Type. In the first
version of this metamodel we define four primitive types: Object, Integer, String,
and Boolean.

3.2 Class2GraphDB Transformation

Intuitively, the transformation consists of mapping UML Classes to VertexDe-

finitions, Associations to EdgeDefinitions, and AssociationClasses to new Ver-
texDefinitions connected to the ones representing the involved classes. The map-
ping also creates PropertyDefinitions for each Attribute in the input model, and
add them to the corresponding mapped element.
Note that GraphDB has no construct to represent explicitly inheritance, and
thus, the mapping has to deal with inherited attributes and associations. To han-
dle them, the translation finds all the attributes and associations in the parent
Implementation list is available at
UMLtoGraphDB: Mapping Conceptual Schemas to Graph Databases 435

Fig. 4. GraphDB metamodel

hierarchy of each class, and adds them to the mapped VertexDefinition. While
this creates duplicated elements in the GraphDB model, it is the more direct
representation to facilitate queries on the GraphDB model. In the following, we
describe this transformation in more detail.
A class diagram CD is defined as a tuple CD = (Cl, As, Ac, I), where Cl is
the set of classes, As is the set of associations, Ac is the set of association classes,
and I the set of pairs of classes such as (c1, c2) represents the fact that c1 is a
direct or indirect subclass of c2. Note that the first version of UMLtoGraphDB
transforms only a subset of the class diagram, for example enumerations and
interfaces supports are planned as future work.
A GraphDB diagram GD is defined as a tuple GD = (V, E, P ), where V
is set of vertex definitions, and E the set of edge definitions, and P the set of
property definitions that compose the graph.

– R1: each class c ∈ Cl, not c.isAbstract is mapped to a vertex definition v ∈

V , where v.label = ∪ cparents .name, with cparents ⊂ Cl and ∀p ∈
cparents , (c, p) ∈ I.
– R2: each attribute a ∈ (c ∪ cparents ).attributes is mapped to a property defi-
nition p, where p.key =, p.type = a.type, and added to the property
list of its mapped container v such as p ∈
– R3: each association as ∈ As between two classes c1 , c2 ∈ Cl is mapped to an
edge definition e ∈ E, where e.label =, e.tail = v1 , and e.head = v2 ,
where v1 and v2 are the VertexDefinitions representing c1 and c2 . Note that
e.tail and e.head values are set according to the direction of the association.
If the association is not directed, a second edge definitions eopposite is created,
where eopposite .label =, eopposite .tail = v2 , and eopposite .head = v1 ,
representing the second possible direction of the association. Aggregation asso-
ciations are mapped the same way, but their semantic is handled differently in
the generated code. In order to support inherited associations, EdgeDefinitions
are also created to represent associations involving the parents of c.
– R4: each association as ∈ As between multiple classes c1 ∈ Cl is mapped
to a vertex definition vasso such as vasso .label = and a set of EdgeDe-
finitions ei .tail = vi and ei .head = vasso , associating the created vertex defi-
nition to the ones representing c1 .
436 G. Daniel et al.

– R5: each association class ac ∈ Ac between classes c1 is mapped like

an association between multiple classes using a vertex definition vac such as
vac .label = As for a regular class, vac contains the properties corre-
sponding to the attributes ac.attributes, and a set of EdgeDefinitions ei ∈ E
where ei .tail = vi and ei .head = vac .

To better illustrate this mapping, we now describe how the GraphDB model
shown in Fig. 5 is created from the example presented in Fig. 3. Note that for
the sake of readability we only show an excerpt of the created GraphDB model.
To begin with, all the classes are translated into VertexDefinition instances fol-
lowing R1. This process generates the elements v1, v2, v3, and v4, with the
labels (Client, PrivateCustomer), (Client,CorporateCustomer), Order, and Prod-
uct. Then, R2 is applied to transform attributes into PropertyDefinitions. For
example, the attribute name of the class Client is mapped to the PropertyDefin-
ition p1, which defines a key name and a type String. These PropertyDefinition
elements are linked to their containing VertexDefinition using the properties
association. Once this first step has been done, R3 is applied on the association
orders, mapping it to the EdgeDefinitions e1 and e2, containing the name of the
association. VertexDefinitions representing PrivateCustomer and CorporateCus-
tomer classes are then linked to the one representing Order, respectively with
e1 and e2. Since the association orders is directed, the transformation puts v1
and v2 as the tail of the edge, and v3 as its head. Then, the association class
OrderLine is transformed by R5 to the VertexDefinition v5, and its attributes
productPrice and quantity are transformed into the PropertyDefinitions p6 and
p7. Finally, two EdgeDefinitions (e3 and e4) are also created to link the Ver-
texDefinition v3 and v4 to it.

Fig. 5. Excerpt of the mapped GraphDB model

UMLtoGraphDB: Mapping Conceptual Schemas to Graph Databases 437

These mapping rules have also been specified in ATL [14], which is a domain-
specific language for defining model-to-model transformations aligned with the
QVT standard [15]. ATL provides both declarative (rule-based) and imperative
constructs for transforming and manipulating models. As an example, Listing 2
shows the ATL transformation rule that maps a UML Class to a VertexDe-
finition. It is applied for each non-abstract Class element, excepted Associa-
tionClasses, which have a particular mapping, as explained in Sect. 3. The rule
creates a VertexDefinition element, and sets its label attribute with the name
of each Class in its parent hierarchy. The set of parent Classes is computed by
the helper getParentClassHierarchy, which returns a sequence containing all
the parents of the current Class. Finally, VertexDefinition properties are set, by
getting all the attributes from the parent hierarchy, and are transformed by the
abstract lazy rule GenericAttribute2Property. The full ATL transformation
is available in the project repository3 .
rule Class2VertexDefinition {
c l a s s : UML! C l a s s ( n o t ( c l a s s . o c l I s T y p e O f (UML! A s s o c i a t i o n C l a s s ) ) and
not ( c l a s s . a b s t r a c t ) )
v e r t e x : Graph ! V e r t e x D e f i n i t i o n (
l a b e l s ← c l a s s . g e t P a r e n t C l a s s H i e r a r c h y ( ) → c o l l e c t ( c c | c c . name )
−− G e n e r a t e a p r o p e r t y f o r e a c h A t t r i b u t e i n t h e c l a s s h i e r a r c h y
properties ← c l a s s . getParentClassHierarchy ()
→ c o l l e c t ( cc | cc . a t t r i b u t e )
→ c o l l e c t ( att | thisModule . GenericAttribute2Property ( att ) )

Listing 2. Class2VertexDefinition ATL Transformation Rule

4 Translating OCL Expressions to Gremlin

Once the GraphDB model has been created, another transformation is performed
to translate the OCL expressions defined in the conceptual schema into a Gremlin
query model. The mapping presented in this Section is adapted from the one
presented in [8] dedicated to OCL query evaluation on NeoEMF, a scalable model
persistence framework designed to store models into graph databases [2]. In this
Section, we present the Gremlin language and describe how OCL expressions are
transformed into Gremlin queries according to the UML to GraphDB mapping.

4.1 The Gremlin Query Language

Gremlin is a Groovy domain-specific language built over Pipes, a data-flow

framework on top of Blueprints. We have chosen Gremlin as the target query
language for UMLtoGraphDB due to its adoption in several graph databases.
Gremlin is based on the concept of process graphs. A process graph is com-
posed of vertices representing computational units and communication edges
438 G. Daniel et al.

which can be combined to create a complex processing flow. In the Gremlin

terminology, these complex processing flows are called traversals, and are com-
posed of a chain of simple computational units named steps. Gremlin defines four
types of steps: Transform steps that map inputs of a given type to outputs
of another type, Filter steps, selecting or rejecting input elements according
to a given condition, Branch steps, which split the computation into several
parallel sub-traversals, and side-effect steps that perform operations like edge
or vertex creation, property update, or variable definition or assignment.
In addition, the step interface provides a set of built-in methods to access
meta information: number of objects in a step, output existence, or first element
in a step. These methods can be called inside a traversal to control its execution
or check conditions on particular elements in a step.

4.2 OCL2Gremlin Transformation

Table 1 presents the mapping between OCL expressions and Gremlin concepts.
Supported OCL expressions are divided into four categories based on Gremlin
step types: transformations, collection operations, iterators, and general expres-
sions. Note that due to lack of space we only present a subset of the OCL
expressions which are supported by our approach. A complete version of this
mapping is available in previous work [8].
These mappings are systematically applied on the input OCL expression,
following a postorder traversal of the OCL Abstract Syntax Tree. As an example,
Listing 3 shows the Gremlin queries generated from the OCL constraints of the
running example (Sect. 2). The v variable represents the vertex that is being
currently checked, and the following steps are created using the mapping. Note
that generated expressions are queries that return a boolean value. These queries
are embedded in checking methods during the generation phase (Sect. 5).
v . p r o p e r t y ( ” p r i c e ” ) > 0 ; // v a l i d P r i c e
v . p r o p e r t y ( ” shipmentDate ” ) < s e l f . p r o p e r t y ( ” d e l i v e r y D a t e ” ) ; //
v . outE ( ” o r d e r s ” ) . inV . f i l t e r { i t . p r o p e r t y ( ” p a i d ” )==f a l s e }
. c o u n t ( ) < 3 ; // maxUnpaidOrders

Listing 3. Generated Gremlin Queries

5 Code Generation
Our code-generator relies on the Blueprints API for interacting with the graph
database in a vendor neutral way. We first briefly review this API and then
we show how we leverage it to enforce that any application aiming to query/s-
tore data through the created middleware does it so according to the its initial
UML/OCL conceptual schema.
UMLtoGraphDB: Mapping Conceptual Schemas to Graph Databases 439

Table 1. OCL to Gremlin mapping

OCL expression Gremlin step

Type “”
C.allInstances() g.V().hasLabel(“”)
collect(attribute) property(attribute)
collect(reference) outE(‘reference’).inV
oclIsTypeOf(C) o.hasLabel(“”)
col1 →union(col2 ) col1 .fill(var1 ); col2 .fill(var2 ); union(var1 , var2 );
including(object) gather{it << object;}.scatter;
excluding(object) except([object]);
size() count()
isEmpty() toList().isEmpty()
select(condition) c.filter{condition}
reject(condition) c.filter{!(condition)}
exists(expression) filter{condition}.hasNext()
=, >, >=, <, <=, <> ==, >, >=, <, <=, ! =
+, −, /, %, ∗ +, −, /, %, ∗
and, or, not &&, , !
variable variable
literals literals

5.1 Blueprints API

The Blueprints API is composed of a set of Java classes to manipulate graph
databases in a generic way. These classes are wrappers for database-level ele-
ments, such as vertices and edges, providing methods to access, update, and
delete them. A Blueprints database is instantiated using a GraphFactory, that
takes a configuration file containing the properties of the databases (type of the
underlying graph engine, allocated memory . . . ) and creates the corresponding
graph store.
The Blueprints Vertex class provides the methods addEdge(String label,
Vertex otherEnd) and removeEdge(otherEnd) that allow to connect/discon-
nect two vertices by creating/deleting an edge between the current vertex
and otherEnd with the given label. Blueprints also defines the vertex method
property(String key), that retrieve the value of the vertex property defined
by the given key. In addition, the Blueprints API provides the traversal()
method, that allows to send Gremlin traversals to the database and return the
subgraph resulting from that query.
A complete reference of the Blueprints API is available in [26].
440 G. Daniel et al.

5.2 Graph2Code Transformation

The final step in our UMLtoGraphDB process is the database and code artifacts
generation. Figure 6 presents the infrastructure generated by the Graph2Code
transformation. In short, the generator processes the GraphDB model to retrieve
all the VertexDefinition elements and, for each one, it creates a corresponding
Java class with the relevant getters and setters for its attributes (derived from
the properties definitions linked to the vertex) and associations (derived from
the input/output edges of the vertex).

blueprints database creation
constraint execution
concrete database creation
native query execution

GraphDB Model
Blueprints API

Graph2Code Graph
Generator graph & database properties
Gremlin Model

Fig. 6. Generated infrastructure

Listing 4 presents an excerpt of the Java class generated from the Client
element. Note that this class extends BlueprintsBean, which is a generic class
that we provide as part of the UMLtoGraphDB infrastructure. BlueprintsBean
provides auxiliary methods to connect the class with the Graph database via the
Blueprints API and facilitates the creation and management of graph elements.
Once this basic Java class structure is completed, the generator starts
processing the Gremlin Model to create additional methods. Each method is
in charge of checking one of the OCL constraints (or queries) in the con-
ceptual schema. As usual, checking methods return a boolean value (false if
the constraint is violated). As an example, Listing 4 includes the method
checkMaxUnpaidOrder executing the Gremlin traversal mapped from the
OCL expression self . orders→ select (o | not o.paid)→size () < 3 (this mapping is
detailed in Sect. 4). The generated expression follows the syntax variant of the
Gremlin internal DSL and not the Groovy-based syntax, both versions can be
generated by our infrastructure. Note that the task of calling the generated
constraint-checking method is responsibility of the client application. Automatic
and incremental checking of these constraints is left for future work.
Finally, the Graph2Code generator creates a Configuration File that con-
tains the graph and database properties, and is used by the Blueprints API to
instantiate the concrete graph engine.
UMLtoGraphDB: Mapping Conceptual Schemas to Graph Databases 441

public c l a s s Client extends BlueprintsBean {

p u b l i c S t r i n g getName ( ) {
r e t u r n ( S t r i n g ) t h i s . v e r t e x . p r o p e r t y ( ”name” ) . v a l u e ( ) ;
public String getAddress () {
return ( String ) t h i s . vertex . property ( ” address ” ) . value () ;
p u b l i c v o i d setName ( S t r i n g newName ) {
t h i s . v e r t e x . p r o p e r t y ( ”name” , newName ) ;
p u b l i c v o i d s e t A d d r e s s ( S t r i n g newAddress ) {
t h i s . v e r t e x . p r o p e r t y ( ” a d d r e s s ” , newAddress ) ;
p u b l i c v o i d addOrder ( Order o r d e r ) {
t h i s . v e r t e x . addEdge ( ” o r d e r s ” , o r d e r . g e t V e r t e x ( ) ) ;
p u b l i c v o i d removeOrder ( Order o r d e r ) {
t h i s . v e r t e x . removeEdge ( o r d e r . g e t V e r t e x ( ) ) ;
p u b l i c b o o l e a n checkMaxUnpaidOrders ( ) {
r e t u r n t h i s . graph . t r a v e r s a l ( ) .V( t h i s . v e r t e x ) . outE ( ” o r d e r s ” )
. inV ( ) . f i l t e r ( v → v . g e t ( ) .< Boolean>p r o p e r t y ( ” p a i d ” ) . v a l u e ( ) )
. c o u n t ( ) . i s (P . l t ( 3 ) ) . hasNext ( ) ;

Listing 4. Generated Client Java Class

6 Tool Support
UMLtoGraphDB has been implemented as a collection of open-source Eclipse
plugins, available on Github4 . UMLtoGraphDB takes as input the UML and
OCL files (defined, for instance, using Eclipse-based UML editors such as
Papyrus5 ), that are then translated, respectively, by the Class2GraphDB and
OCL2Gremlin ATL transformations seen before. These transformations add
up to a total of 110 rules and helper functions.
The code-generator is implemented using the XTend programming lan-
guage [3]. Even if this language was initially designed as a template-based lan-
guage for generation tasks it has now evolved to a more general programming
language that provides syntactic sugar, lambda expressions and other useful
extensions on top of Java. The generator takes the GraphDB and Gremlin mod-
els and processes them as described in Sect. 5.
The time needed by the entire transformation chain to produce the Java code
from the input UML and OCL specifications is in the order of a few seconds for
the several examples we have tested. A precise analysis of the scalability of the
transformation performance according to the size of the input for very large
conceptual model is left for future work.

442 G. Daniel et al.

7 Related Work
Mapping conceptual schemas to relational databases is a well-studied field of
research [19]. A few works also cover schemas that include (OCL) constraints. For
example, Demuth and Hussman [9] propose a mapping from UML (augmented
with OCL constraints) to SQL that covers most of OCL and implement it via
a code generator [10] that automates the process. Brambilla et al. [4] propose a
methodology to implement integrity constraints into relational databases recom-
mending alternative implementations based on performance parameters. While
these approaches are well-suited for relational databases, they all rely on the
generation of database constraints. In a NoSQL environment, and especially for
graph databases, there is a lack of support for built-in constraint constructs, and
data validation must be delegated to the application layer as UMLtoGraphDB
Li et al. proposed an approach to transform UML class diagrams into a HBase
data model [18], by mapping classes to tables, attributes to columns, and pro-
viding transformation rules for associations, compositions, and generalization.
Still, it is only applicable to column-based datastores, and does not support the
definition of custom OCL constraints and business rules.
More specific to NoSQL databases, the NoSQL Schema Evaluator [20] gen-
erates query implementation plans from a conceptual schema and workload def-
inition. For now, the approach is limited to Cassandra, but authors intend to
adapt it to different data models, such as key-values and document stores. How-
ever, this solution does not take into account constraints specified in the con-
ceptual model. Sevilla et al. [25] presented a tool to infer versioned schemas
from NoSQL databases. The resulting model is then used to automatically gen-
erate a viewer and validator for the schema but they do not aim to provide
support for a full-fledged application nor consider the addition of constraints on
the reversed schema. Bugiotti et al. [5] propose a database design methodology
for NoSQL databases. It relies on NoAM, an abstract data model that aims to
represent NoSQL systems in a system-independent way. NoAM models can be
implemented in several NoSQL databases, including key-value stores, document
databases, and extensible record stores. Instead, we focus on generating NoSQL
databases from higher-level UML models, and thus, designers do not need to
learn a new language/platform. Nevertheless, NoAM could be integrated in our
approach if we manage to extend it with constraint support. In that case, NoAM
could be seen as a PSM derived from UML models and OCL constraints, and
can be used to implement non-graph databases, which are not supported by our
approach for now.

8 Conclusion and Future Work

In this article we have presented the UMLtoGraphDB framework, a MDA-based

approach to implement (UML) conceptual schemas in graph databases, including
the generation of the code required to check the OCL constraints defined in the
UMLtoGraphDB: Mapping Conceptual Schemas to Graph Databases 443

schema. Our approach is specified as a chain of model transformations that use

a new intermediate GraphDB metamodel. This metamodel can also be regarded
as a kind of UML profile (and could be easily reexpressed as such) for graph
As future work, we plan to provide refactoring operations on top of the
GraphDB model to allow designers to tune the data representation according
to specific needs, such as query execution performance or memory consumption.
We also plan to extend our approach to cover reverse engineering scenarios,
by adapting existing work on schema extraction from relational databases [7]
to graph databases. Another ongoing work pursues adapting our framework to
cover multiple database types. More precisely, we aim to support conceptual
schema fragmentation between several databases (even mixing NoSQL and SQL
ones). This requires a mechanism to evaluate constraints over several persistence
solutions and query languages. Apache Drill [12] or Hibernate OGM [17] could
be reused for this.
Finally, we plan to reuse existing work on the integration of incremental
constraint checking [6] as part of the code-generation phase so that the scalable
performance of the graph database is not hampered by the constraint evaluation

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