OpenText Documentum REST Services CE 21.3 - Development Guide English (EDCPKRST210300-PGD-En-01)

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OpenText™ Documentum™ REST


Development Guide

This document is a guide to using and customizing OpenText

Documentum REST Services, which interact with Documentum
repositories. This document is intended for developers and
architects who are building applications or Web APIs that
consume Documentum REST Services.

OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services
Development Guide
Rev.: 2021-July-05
This documentation has been created for OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services CE 21.3.
It is also valid for subsequent software releases unless OpenText has made newer documentation available with the product,
on an OpenText website, or by any other means.

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Table of Contents
1 Overview ................................................................................... 17
1.1 Understanding RESTful programming .............................................. 18
1.2 Relations with other Documentum platform APIs ............................... 18

2 General REST definitions ....................................................... 19

2.1 Common HTTP headers .................................................................. 19
2.2 Common query parameters ............................................................. 21
2.3 HTTP status codes .......................................................................... 24
2.4 Supported MIME types .................................................................... 26
2.4.1 Other types ..................................................................................... 26 Media type for home document ........................................................ 27 MIME type for content ..................................................................... 27 Multipart type .................................................................................. 27
2.4.2 URL extension ................................................................................ 27
2.4.3 Content type of an entry in a feed ..................................................... 28
2.5 URI and URL .................................................................................. 28
2.6 HTTP methods ................................................................................ 29
2.7 Web client caching .......................................................................... 30
2.8 Representation ............................................................................... 30
2.8.1 Collection resource ......................................................................... 31
2.8.2 Embedded entry ............................................................................. 33
2.8.3 Single resource ............................................................................... 36
2.8.4 Multi-part request representation ...................................................... 38
2.8.5 Error representation ........................................................................ 39
2.8.6 Transaction support ........................................................................ 40
2.9 The PUT and POST operations ........................................................ 41
2.10 Runtime property configuration ........................................................ 41
2.10.1 Runtime profile ................................................................................ 41
2.11 Batch operations ............................................................................. 42

3 Deploy Documentum REST Services .................................... 43

3.1 General deployment configuration .................................................... 43

4 Resource specific features ..................................................... 45

4.1 Create an object with an attached Aspect and Lifecycle ..................... 45
4.1.1 Request .......................................................................................... 45 Using a combined approach ............................................................ 45
4.1.2 Transactions and batches ................................................................ 46 Using a batch .................................................................................. 47
4.2 Filter expression ............................................................................. 47
4.2.1 Literals ........................................................................................... 48

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Table of Contents Numeric literal ................................................................................. 48 Integer literal ................................................................................... 48 Floating point literal ......................................................................... 48 String literal .................................................................................... 49 boolean literal ................................................................................. 49 Datetime literal ................................................................................ 50
4.2.2 Filter expression functions ............................................................... 51 The starts-with function ................................................................... 51 The contains function ...................................................................... 52 The between function ...................................................................... 52 The type function ............................................................................ 53 The nilled function ........................................................................... 54 Using scalar functions with built-in functions ..................................... 54
4.2.3 Logical operators ............................................................................ 55
4.2.4 Comparison operators ..................................................................... 55 Comparison with multiple values ...................................................... 56 Comparison with repeating properties ............................................... 57 Scalar functions .............................................................................. 57 Comparison with scalar functions ..................................................... 57
4.2.5 Examples of the filter expression ...................................................... 58
4.3 Property view .................................................................................. 59
4.3.1 Predefined view expression ............................................................. 59
4.3.2 Custom view expression .................................................................. 59 View expression on collections ......................................................... 60
4.3.3 View expression syntax ................................................................... 61
4.4 NULL in REST ................................................................................ 61
4.4.1 NULL value representation .............................................................. 62
4.5 Whitespace in XML ......................................................................... 63
4.6 Thumbnail link ................................................................................ 63
4.7 Support for relative URIs ................................................................. 65
4.7.1 Using relative URIs in responses ...................................................... 66
4.7.2 Using relative URIs in requests ........................................................ 68
4.7.3 Other notes ..................................................................................... 68
4.8 Feed pagination .............................................................................. 68
4.9 Full text query in collection resources ............................................... 69
4.10 Simple search language .................................................................. 70
4.10.1 Words ............................................................................................ 70
4.10.2 Phrases .......................................................................................... 71
4.10.3 Implicit AND .................................................................................... 71
4.10.4 Boolean operators ........................................................................... 71
4.10.5 Wildcards ....................................................................................... 72
4.11 Facet search ................................................................................... 72

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4.11.1 Facet search with URL parameters .................................................. 72

4.11.2 Facet search with AQL .................................................................... 75
4.12 Lightweight and shareable objects .................................................... 76
4.12.1 Get lightweight and shareable types ................................................. 76
4.13 Generating link relation in DQL results .............................................. 77
4.13.1 Additional information about generating links .................................... 78
4.13.2 Thumbnail support .......................................................................... 79
4.14 Location of persistent data ............................................................... 82
4.14.1 Resolving a parent folder ................................................................. 83
4.14.2 Resolving sub-folder ........................................................................ 84
4.14.3 Global location change .................................................................... 84
4.15 MailApp support .............................................................................. 84
4.16 Adding a document with content to REST services ............................ 85
4.16.1 Creating a document and adding its content ..................................... 85
4.16.2 Creating a document and its content in a single request .................... 86
4.16.3 Code samples ................................................................................. 86

5 Authentication ......................................................................... 89
5.1 End user tracking ............................................................................ 89
5.2 HTTP basic authentication ............................................................... 90
5.2.1 Enabling HTTP basic authentication ................................................. 92
5.2.2 User credential mapping .................................................................. 92
5.2.3 Known limitations ............................................................................ 93
5.3 Kerberos authentication ................................................................... 93
5.3.1 Authentication workflow ................................................................... 93
5.3.2 Multi domain support within a forest .................................................. 95
5.3.3 Setup SPNEGO-based Kerberos ..................................................... 96 Documentum Server configuration for SPNEGO-based Kerberos ....... 96 REST server configuration for SPNEGO-based Kerberos .................. 97 Register and map the Service Principal Name ................................... 97 JAAS configuration .......................................................................... 98 Configuring runtime properties ....................................................... 102 JAAS configuration in WebLogic .................................................... 102
1 Recommendations on web browser configuration for SPNEGO-
based Kerberos ............................................................................ 103 Verify browser settings .................................................................. 105 Troubleshooting and diagnostics .................................................... 105 Retrieve Debug Information ........................................................... 106 Common Errors ............................................................................ 107
5.4 CAS authentication ....................................................................... 108
5.4.1 Overview ...................................................................................... 108 Terminology .................................................................................. 108

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Table of Contents

5.4.2 Authentication workflow ................................................................. 109

5.4.3 CAS Single sign out ...................................................................... 114
5.4.4 Configuration ................................................................................ 115 Documentum Server ..................................................................... 115 CAS Server .................................................................................. 116 REST Server ................................................................................ 120 Reverse Proxy Server ................................................................... 121 CAS Server Clustering .................................................................. 121 REST Server Clustering ................................................................ 121 Performance Consideration ........................................................... 122
5.5 OAuth 2.0 authentication ............................................................... 123
5.5.1 OpenText Directory Services integration with Documentum Server
for REST ...................................................................................... 124 Overview ...................................................................................... 124 Prerequisites ................................................................................ 124 Architecture flow ........................................................................... 124 Configuration prerequisite .............................................................. 125 Configure OTDS integration with Documentum Server .................... 125 The otds-admin service ................................................................. 125 Enable HTTP ................................................................................ 125 Partitions ...................................................................................... 126 Resource ...................................................................................... 127 Access role ................................................................................... 128 Sync users and groups .................................................................. 128 Full sync ....................................................................................... 128 Incremental sync ........................................................................... 129 Configure Documentum Server ...................................................... 129 Enable OTDSAuthentication service ............................................... 129 Configure OTDSAuthentication service ........................................... 130 Get a Certificate from OTDS .......................................................... 130
1 Configuration for REST ................................................................. 131 Configure OAuth clients on OTDS .................................................. 131 Configure runtime properties .......................................................... 131 Authentication sample ................................................................... 132 Get an access token from OTDS .................................................... 132 REST Request with an access token .............................................. 133
5.5.2 Authentication workflow ................................................................. 133
5.5.3 Configuration ................................................................................ 136 Configuration on the OAuth 2.0 Server ........................................... 136 Configuration on Documentum Server and principal login ................ 136 Configuration on the REST Server ................................................. 137

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5.6 RSA authentication ....................................................................... 139

5.6.1 Authentication workflow ................................................................. 140
5.6.2 Configuration ................................................................................ 141 Configuration on the REST Server ................................................. 141 Configuration on Documentum Server ............................................ 142 Configuration on the RSA Web Agent ............................................. 143 Configuration on the RSA Administrative Console ........................... 143
5.7 Siteminder authentication .............................................................. 144
5.7.1 Authentication workflow ................................................................. 144
5.7.2 Configuration ................................................................................ 145 Configuration on the REST Server ................................................. 145 Configuration on Documentum Server ............................................ 145 Special Considerations .................................................................. 146
5.8 SAML 2.0 authentication ................................................................ 147
5.8.1 Documentum REST Services SAML SSO authentication workflow ... 148 SAML SSO with one Identity Provider ............................................. 148 Disable Redirecting for SAML SSO Initialization .............................. 154 SAML SSO with Multiple Identity Providers ..................................... 155 Skip Identity Providers Discovery ................................................... 156 Specify the landing URI for successful SAML login .......................... 156
5.8.2 Documentum REST Services SAML logout workflow ....................... 156
5.8.3 Configuration ................................................................................ 158 REST Server ................................................................................ 158 Identity Provider Server ................................................................. 160
5.9 Pre-authenticated authentication .................................................... 161
5.9.1 Workflow ...................................................................................... 162
5.9.2 Feature Highlights ......................................................................... 163
5.9.3 Set Documentum Client Token cookie or not ................................... 164
5.9.4 Principal in headers or cookie ........................................................ 164
5.9.5 Principal pattern ............................................................................ 164
5.10 Multiple authentication schemes ..................................................... 164
5.10.1 Samples for Multi Authentication Schemes (HTTP Basic and
Kerberos) ..................................................................................... 165
5.10.2 Samples for Multi Authentication Schemes (HTTP Basic and CAS) .. 167
5.11 Fallback for Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication modes ................. 169
5.12 Reverse proxy configuration .......................................................... 169
5.12.1 Configuration Samples .................................................................. 171
5.13 Client token .................................................................................. 171
5.13.1 Startup Script Modification ............................................................. 175
5.13.2 Explicit Logoff ............................................................................... 175
5.13.3 Logoff Success Handling ............................................................... 175
5.13.4 Client Token Encryption and Decryption ......................................... 176

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Table of Contents Algorithms with a Key Size Lager than 128 bits ............................... 177
5.14 Bypassing browser login forms upon HTTP 401 unauthorized .......... 177

6 Deploying to Docker containers .......................................... 179

6.1 Overview ...................................................................................... 179
6.2 Docker setup ................................................................................ 180
6.3 Docker image of Documentum REST Services ............................... 180
6.3.1 Dockerizing your Documentum REST Services Application .............. 181
6.3.2 Building the Docker Image ............................................................. 182
6.3.3 Runtime Configuration ................................................................... 183
6.4 Run the container .......................................................................... 185
6.4.1 SSL Configuration ......................................................................... 187 Verify the REST SSL Communication ............................................. 188
6.4.2 Logging ........................................................................................ 189
6.5 Scalability and high availability ....................................................... 190
6.6 Upgrading a dockerized REST service ........................................... 192

7 Using Kubernetes .................................................................. 193

8 Resource extensibility .......................................................... 195

8.1 Overview ...................................................................................... 195
8.2 Deprecated Java APIs ................................................................... 196
8.3 Get started with the development kit ............................................... 197
8.3.1 Maven Toolkit ............................................................................... 197 Creating a Custom Resource Project from the Maven Archetype ...... 198 Verifying the Project ...................................................................... 200
8.3.2 Ant Toolkit .................................................................................... 202
8.4 Architecture of extensible Documentum REST Services .................. 203
8.4.1 Documentum REST Services Security ............................................ 204
8.4.2 Documentum REST Services MVC ................................................ 206
8.4.3 Documentum REST Services Persistence ...................................... 207
8.5 Documentum REST Services marshalling framework ...................... 208
8.5.1 Overview ...................................................................................... 209 Features of the REST Marshalling Framework ................................ 209
8.5.2 Annotations .................................................................................. 210 @SerializableType ........................................................................ 210 Examples ..................................................................................... 216 Unmarshalling with Undefined Attributes ......................................... 219 @SerializableField ........................................................................ 224 Examples ..................................................................................... 228 @SerializableField4XmlList ........................................................... 230 @SerializableField4XmlMap .......................................................... 231 Out-of-box Annotated Models ........................................................ 232

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Table of Contents Deprecations ................................................................................ 232 Additional Examples ...................................................................... 232
8.5.3 Java Primitive Types Support ......................................................... 237
8.5.4 Java Interface, Abstract and Generic Types Support ....................... 238 Marshalling ................................................................................... 238 Unmarshalling ............................................................................... 241
8.5.5 Java Collection and Array Support ................................................. 247 Array Serialization Support ............................................................ 247 Java Collection Serialization Support .............................................. 248 Supported Data Types ................................................................... 248 Exclusions .................................................................................... 249 Marshalling with XML .................................................................... 249 Marshalling with JSON .................................................................. 253 Unmarshalling with XML and JSON ................................................ 255 Unmarshalling with XML ................................................................ 256 Unmarshalling with JSON .............................................................. 258 Summary of Support for Java List Data Type .................................. 259 Limitation in Unmarshalling Number Lists ....................................... 260
8.5.6 Java Map Support ......................................................................... 260 Java Map Data Type Support ......................................................... 260 Supported Data Type .................................................................... 260 Inclusions ..................................................................................... 260 Marshalling ................................................................................... 261 Marshalling with XML .................................................................... 261
1 Marshalling with JSON .................................................................. 265
2 Unmarshalling ............................................................................... 267 Unmarshalling with XML ................................................................ 268
1 Unmarshalling with JSON .............................................................. 268
2 Summary of Support for the Map Data Type ................................... 270
8.5.7 Circular References Not Supported ................................................ 270
8.5.8 Custom Serializers and Deserializers ............................................. 270 Programming Interface .................................................................. 271
8.5.9 Annotation Scanner ....................................................................... 273
8.6 Developing custom resources ........................................................ 274
8.6.1 Designing Custom Resources ........................................................ 275 URI .............................................................................................. 275 HTTP Methods .............................................................................. 275 Representations ............................................................................ 276

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Table of Contents Content Negotiation ...................................................................... 276 Link Relations ............................................................................... 276
8.6.2 Setting up a Custom Resource Project ........................................... 277
8.6.3 Programming for Custom Resources .............................................. 278 Model: Programming ..................................................................... 278 Model: Extending Core .................................................................. 279 Model: Validation .......................................................................... 279 Persistence: Programming ............................................................. 280 Persistence: Referencing Core ....................................................... 281 Persistence: Getting Login User Context ........................................ 282 Persistence: Session Management ................................................ 282 Persistence: Creating Feed Pages from DQL Result ....................... 284 Resource: Programming the Controller ........................................... 286 Resource: Programming the View .................................................. 287 Resource: Binding the View and the Controller ................................ 288 Resource: Customizing Resource Views ........................................ 290 Customize Resource View ............................................................. 290 Hide Link Relations ....................................................................... 290
.1 Edit Link Relations ........................................................................ 291
.2 Hide Properties ............................................................................. 293
.3 Customize ATOM Attributes ........................................................... 293
.4 Register Custom Resource View .................................................... 294 View Loading Precedence ............................................................. 295
.1 Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 295
.2 Resource: Building Resource links ................................................. 299 Resource: Building Resource URIs with ResourceUriBuilder ............ 300 Resource: Making It Queryable ...................................................... 301 Resource: Deciding Whether to Be Batchable ................................. 302 Resource: Extending Atom Feed and Entry ..................................... 303 Resource: Error Handling and Representation ................................ 306 Resource: Consuming Multipart Contents in Custom Resource
Controller ..................................................................................... 307
8.6.4 Linking Custom and Core Resources ............................................. 308
8.6.5 Packaging and Deployment ........................................................... 308
8.7 Working with YAML configuration ................................................... 309
8.8 Working with HAL ......................................................................... 309
8.8.1 Overview ...................................................................................... 309

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Table of Contents The _links reserved property .......................................................... 309 The _embedded reserved property ................................................. 311
8.8.2 Using HAL with a single resource ................................................... 311
8.8.3 Using HAL with a collection resource .............................................. 312
8.8.4 Updated Documentum REST Services resources ............................ 315 The Services resource ................................................................... 315 Folder Child Objects, Folder Child Documents, and All Versions
resources ..................................................................................... 316 The Batches resource ................................................................... 316
8.8.5 URI extension support ................................................................... 318
8.8.6 HAL in custom resources ............................................................... 318 A resource with the consumes media type explicitly defined ............. 318 Customized feed ........................................................................... 319
8.8.7 Configure HAL as a standalone media type .................................... 322
8.9 Registering URI templates ............................................................. 322
8.9.1 Normalization of URI Templates ..................................................... 325
8.9.2 Normalization of Custom URI Templates ........................................ 325
8.9.3 Normalization of Internal URI Templates ......................................... 326
8.9.4 Formats for the href Template ........................................................ 326
8.9.5 Appending User Defined Variables onto the URI Template .............. 327
8.10 Normalization of custom URI templates .......................................... 327
8.10.1 Normalization of Internal URI Templates ......................................... 328
8.10.2 Formats for href Template ............................................................. 328
8.10.3 User Defined Variables of the URI Template ................................... 329
8.11 Registering root resources ............................................................. 329
8.12 Adding links to core resources ....................................................... 333
8.13 Disabling specific resources ........................................................... 335
8.13.1 Disable a Specific Resource with YAML ......................................... 335
8.13.2 Impact of Disabling Core Resources ............................................... 336
8.13.3 Samples ....................................................................................... 339
8.14 Overriding specific resources ......................................................... 340
8.14.1 Resource Overriding Configuration ................................................. 341 Scenarios and Expected Results .................................................... 341 Working With a URI Template When Overriding .............................. 342 How Resource Overriding Impacts Batchable Resources ................. 343
8.15 Turning off XML, JSON, or HAL media types .................................. 343
8.16 Creating custom error code mapping files ....................................... 345
8.17 Creating custom message files ...................................................... 346
8.18 HTTP compression ....................................................................... 346
8.18.1 Supported compression schemas .................................................. 346 Compression Notes ....................................................................... 347
8.18.2 Supported configurations ............................................................... 347

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8.18.3 Client and Server compression samples ......................................... 349

8.19 Tutorial: Documentum REST Services extensibility development ..... 350
8.19.1 What to Build First ......................................................................... 350
8.19.2 Quickstart ..................................................................................... 352
8.19.3 Creating Resource Model .............................................................. 353 Validating the annotated resource model ........................................ 354
8.19.4 Creating Persistence ..................................................................... 354
8.19.5 Creating Resource Controller ......................................................... 356 AliasSetCollectionController ........................................................... 357 AliasSetController ......................................................................... 358
8.19.6 Spring Context Configuration ......................................................... 359
8.19.7 Creating Resource View ................................................................ 360 AliasSetsFeedView ....................................................................... 360 AliasSetView ................................................................................ 361
8.19.8 Adding More HTTP Methods .......................................................... 362 Creating an Alias Set Object .......................................................... 362 Deleting an Alias Set Object .......................................................... 363
8.19.9 Making Resources Queryable ........................................................ 364
8.19.10 Making Resources Linkable ........................................................... 364
8.19.11 Making Resources Non-Batchable (Optional) .................................. 366
8.19.12 Packaging and Deploying Resources ............................................. 366
8.19.13 Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 367
8.20 ACS and BOCS content upload ..................................................... 367
8.20.1 Link relation for ACS and BOCS content upload URLs .................... 367
8.20.2 Resources .................................................................................... 367
8.20.3 Common query parameters ........................................................... 368
8.20.4 Workflow for Content Upload ......................................................... 371
8.20.5 Workflow for distributed upload in document checkout ..................... 373
8.21 Conditional Request for Documentum REST Services server ........... 374
8.21.1 Conditional Get Request for a single resource ................................ 376
8.21.2 Conditional Update Request for a single resource ........................... 377
8.21.3 Customize resources with conditional Request ................................ 378
8.21.4 Examples ..................................................................................... 379
8.22 Using the AppWorks Gateway to integrate the Documentum REST
Services API ................................................................................. 380
8.22.1 Design Overview ........................................................................... 380
8.22.2 AppWorks Component Classes ...................................................... 381
8.22.3 AppWorks authorization ................................................................. 382
8.22.4 AppWorks Settings Management ................................................... 382
8.22.5 SDK interfaces .............................................................................. 383
8.22.6 Resources .................................................................................... 384

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Table of Contents

9 Authentication extensibility .................................................. 385

9.1 Anonymous access ....................................................................... 385
9.1.1 Implementation ............................................................................. 385 By Java annotation ........................................................................ 386 By runtime configuration ................................................................ 387
9.1.2 Extension samples ........................................................................ 387
9.2 Generic servlet filter customization ................................................. 387
9.3 Using Documentum REST Services as the Authentication Handler
for the AppWorks Gateway ............................................................ 389
9.3.1 Overview ...................................................................................... 389
9.3.2 Some Important Information ........................................................... 390
9.3.3 Using a Hosted Document REST API Service ................................. 390
9.4 Custom authentication development ............................................... 391
9.4.1 Understanding the security filter flows ............................................. 391
9.4.2 Understanding the authentication framework ................................... 392
9.4.3 Authentication extension ................................................................ 395 Customize DFC session manager .................................................. 396 When to customize ........................................................................ 397 Customize authentication filter, provider, and entry point ................. 397 Authentication Provider ................................................................. 398 Authentication filter ........................................................................ 400 Authentication Entry Point .............................................................. 402 Documentum client token integration .............................................. 403 Spring security Java configuration .................................................. 404 Implement web security ................................................................. 404 AbstractWebSecurity ..................................................................... 405
1 @AuthSchemeProfile .................................................................... 406
2 @Order ........................................................................................ 406
3 Client token integration .................................................................. 406 Externalize configuration parameters .............................................. 408 Configure runtime properties .......................................................... 409 Spring security XML configuration .................................................. 409 Write XML configuration ................................................................ 409 Configure Security XML Extension ................................................. 411 Configure runtime properties .......................................................... 412 Packaging artifacts ........................................................................ 412 Samples ....................................................................................... 412
9.4.4 Tutorial: Documentum REST Services authentication extensibility
development ................................................................................. 413

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10 Advanced security configuration ......................................... 419

10.1 Default security Headers ............................................................... 419
10.2 CSRF Protection ........................................................................... 423
10.2.1 Enabling CSRF Protection ............................................................. 423
10.2.2 Generating a Token ...................................................................... 423 Generating a Client-side Token ...................................................... 424 Initial Authentication ...................................................................... 424 Runtime Configuration ................................................................... 424 Errors for Incomplete Authentication ............................................... 425 Generating a Server-side Token ..................................................... 425 Initial Authentication ...................................................................... 425 Token Lifetime .............................................................................. 426 Runtime Configuration ................................................................... 426
10.2.3 Token Validation ........................................................................... 426 Errors for Validation ...................................................................... 427
10.2.4 HTTP Inspection Method ............................................................... 427
10.3 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support ............................. 427
10.3.1 Enable REST Server CORS support .............................................. 428
10.4 Request sanitization ...................................................................... 428
10.4.1 Third Party Libraries ...................................................................... 429
10.4.2 Sanitize the Input Object Metadata ................................................. 429
10.4.3 Sanitize the Input HTML content .................................................... 431
10.4.4 Configurations .............................................................................. 431
10.4.5 Customize the AntiSamy Policy Files .............................................. 432

11 Explore Documentum REST Services ................................. 433

11.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................ 433
11.2 Common tasks on folders, documents, and contents ....................... 433
11.3 Create a document and content with two Requests ......................... 445
11.3.1 Creating a rendition ....................................................................... 447
11.4 Creating a document and content with a single Request .................. 448
11.5 Updating content or renditions ....................................................... 449
11.6 Deleting content or renditions ......................................................... 450

12 Tutorial: Consume REST services programmatically ........ 451

12.1 Basic navigation ............................................................................ 451
12.1.1 Service entry point ........................................................................ 452
12.1.2 Link relations ................................................................................ 452
12.1.3 Feeds and entries ......................................................................... 453
12.1.4 From the Home document resource to Documents .......................... 454
12.2 Read entries ................................................................................. 454
12.3 Filter, sort, and pagination ............................................................. 455

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12.4 Create entries ............................................................................... 456

12.5 Update entries .............................................................................. 456
12.6 Delete entries ............................................................................... 457

A Link relations ......................................................................... 459

B Resource coding index ......................................................... 465

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Chapter 1

Documentum REST Services is a set of RESTful web service interfaces that interact
with the Documentum platform.

Developed in a purely RESTful style, makes Documentum REST Services hypertext-

driven, server-side stateless, and content negotiable. This provides you with a high
degree of efficiency and simplicity in development all while making its resources
easy to consume. These advantages make Documentum REST Services the optimal
choice for Web 2.0 applications, Web APIs, and mobile applications that interact
with Documentum repositories.

Documentum REST Services models objects in Documentum repositories as

resources and identifies resources using their Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). It
defines specific media types to represent its resources and drives application state
transfers by using link relations. It uses standard HTTP methods such as GET, PUT,
POST, and DELETE to manipulate its resources using the HTTP protocol.

Documentum REST Services supports the following formats for resource


• JSON HAL (Hypertext Application Language)

Note: The following are the terminologies used and their explanation:

• Documentum REST Services MVC – Built on top of Spring MVC,

Documentum REST Services MVC is a framework that facilitates the custom
resource development in Documentum REST Services. For more
information, see Documentum REST Services MVC.
• Core resources – Any resources that are shipped with Documentum REST
Services out of the box. Appendix C provides a complete list of Core
resources. Additionally, the OpenText Documentum REST Services Reference
Guide introduces each Core resource in detail.

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Chapter 1 Overview

1.1 Understanding RESTful programming

Documentum REST Services delivers a deployable Java web archive (WAR) file that
runs in the web container of a Java EE application server (refer to the release notes
for system requirements). The WAR file exposes the interface as network-accessible
resources identified by URIs.

Documentum REST Services is programming language independent. Therefore, you

can consume its services using any programming language that has an HTTP client
library, such as Java, .NET, Python, Ruby, and so on.

You can access the source code of Documentum REST Services sample clients on
GitHub wesbsite. These client samples help demonstrate some critical aspects and
programming techniques that can be used to build applications and Web APIs that
consume Documentum REST Services.

Note: The source code of these REST client samples is made available to the
public through the Apache 2 license.

1.2 Relations with other Documentum platform APIs

Documentum REST Services relies on the Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC)
library to communicate with OpenText Documentum Server. Therefore,
communication between the REST server and Documentum Server is conducted
using Netwise RPC. Documentum REST Services is a lightweight alternative to the
existing Documentum Platform Web APIs, such as WDK and Documentum
Foundation Services (DFS). However, it is not intended to provide equivalent
functionalities to the existing Documentum Platform Web APIs. It can allow you to
leverage the simplicity of RESTful services to achieve high productivity in software

18 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

Chapter 2
General REST definitions

2.1 Common HTTP headers

Documentum REST Services supports the following common HTTP Headers:

HTTP Header name Description In request or Value range

Authorization Authorization Request HTTP basic
Header for authentication
authentication Header with the
credential part
encoded, for


Or, Kerberos
Header with the
credential part
encoded, for

Accept Acceptable media Request See “Supported
type for the Response MIME types”
body on page 26

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 19

Chapter 2 General REST definitions

HTTP Header name Description In request or Value range

Content-Type MIME type of the Request/Response When performing a
Request body or POST operation that
Response body contains non UTF-8
characters in the
Request body, the
server displays the
following error:


This is because the

REST server ignores
the charset
parameter in the
Content-Type Header

For more
information, see
“Supported MIME
types” on page 26
Content-Length Size of the entity- Request/Response Any number greater
body, in decimal than or equal to 0
number of OCTETs (zero). Negative
sent to the recipient numbers are not
valid values
Location URI of the newly- Response URI
created resource
Set-Cookie Sets an HTTP cookie Response Used by client token
WWW-Authenticate Indicates the Response Used by HTTP basic
authentication authentication and
scheme that should HTTP Kerberos
be used to access the negotiate
requested entity authentication Set-
ETag ETag value generated Response String value
by the REST server
If-None-Match Checks whether the Request ETag value in the
resource is changed previous server's
Last-Modified Last modified time of Response HTTP-Date
the resource
If-Modified-Since Checks whether the Request Last-Modified value
resource is changed in the previous
since last modified server's Response

20 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

2.2. Common query parameters

2.2 Common query parameters

Documentum REST Services supports the following common query parameters:

Note: Each resource has a limited number of supported parameters. For more
information on a resource’s supported query parameters, see the resource.

Query Description Data type Value range Default value

inline Determines boolean • true - false
whether or not Returns the
to show content object Note:
(the object instance and Although
instance) in an embeds the the default
atom entry or object value is
EDAA entry for instance into false, we
a collection the entry's recommen
content d that you
element set this
• false - Does parameter
not return to true in
object your
instance developme
nt so you
can get the
contents of
allows you
to explore

In your
nt, you can
set this
to false
for better

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 21

Chapter 2 General REST definitions

Query Description Data type Value range Default value

items-per-page Specifies the Integer Any integer not 100
number of items less than 1
to be rendered
on one page
Page Specifies the Integer Any integer not 1
page number of less than 1
the page to

For example, if
you set items-
per-page to
200, and page to
2, the operation
returns items 201
to 400
view Specifies the String See “Property default
object properties view”
to retrieve. on page 59.

e is set

include-total Determines boolean • true - return false

whether or not the total
to return the number of
total number of objects
objects. For • false - do
paged feeds, not return
objects in all the total
pages are number of
counted objects

22 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

2.2. Common query parameters

Query Description Data type Value range Default value

sort Specifies a set of String This parameter NA
the sort consists of
specifications in multiple sort
a returned specifications,
collection separated by
comma ( , ).

Each sort
consists of a
property (any
property) by
which to sort the
results and its
sort order (DESC
or ASC),
separated by the
character ( ).

The sort order is

optional. if not
specified, the
default sort
order is ASC

If any property
with an invalid
name is
specified, an
error is thrown


id asc,title
links Determines boolean • true - return true
whether or not link relations
to return link • false - do
relations in the not return
object link relations

This parameter
works only
when inline is
set to true

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 23

Chapter 2 General REST definitions

Query Description Data type Value range Default value

recursive Determines boolean • true - return false
whether or not all indirect
to return all children
indirect children recursively
recursively when a
when a request request tries
tries to get the to get the
children of an children of
object an object
• false - Only
return direct
when a
request tries
to get the
children of
an object
filter Filter expression String “Filter NA
on page 47
provides more
q Specifies full text String String that NA
search criterion follows the
when sending a simple search
GET request to language syntax
the Search
resource or
certain collection

2.3 HTTP status codes

Documentum REST Services supports the following HTTP status codes:

Status code Description

200 OK The Request has succeeded. The information
returned with the Response is dependent
upon the method used in the Request, for
example: GET an entity corresponding to the
requested resource is sent in the Response;
PUT an entity describing or containing the
modified resource

24 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

2.3. HTTP status codes

Status code Description

201 Created The Request has been fulfilled and resulted
in a new resource being created. The newly
created resource can be referenced by the
URI(s) returned in the entity of the Response,
with the most specific URI for the resource
given by a Location Header field. The entity
format is specified by the media type given
in the Content-Type header field
204 No Content The server has fulfilled the Request but does
not need to return an entity-body
304 Not Modified The server responds with this status code
when the client has performed a conditional
GET request and access is allowed, but the
document has not been modified
400 Bad Request The Request could not be understood by the
server due to malformed syntax, missing or
invalid information (such as a validation
error on an input field, or a missing required
value). The client should not repeat the
Request without modifications
401 Unauthorized The authentication credentials included with
this request are missing or invalid. The
Response must include a WWW-
Authenticate Header field containing a
challenge applicable to the requested
403 Forbidden The server has recognized your credentials,
but you do not possess the authorization to
perform this request, and the Request should
not be repeated
404 Not Found The Request specifies a URI of a resource
that does not exist
405 Method Not Allowed The HTTP verb specified in the Request
allowed for the resource identified by the
Request URI
406 Not Acceptable The resource identified by this request URI is
not capable of generating a representation
corresponding to one of the media types in
the Accept Header of the Request
409 Conflict The Request could not be completed, because
it would cause a conflict in the current state
of the resources supported by the server (for
example, an attempt to create a new resource
with a unique identifier already assigned to
some existing resource)

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 25

Chapter 2 General REST definitions

Status code Description

415 Unsupported Media Type The server is refusing to service the Request,
because the entity of the Request is in a
format not supported by the requested
resource for the Requested method
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected
condition, which prevented it from fulfilling
the Request

2.4 Supported MIME types

Adhering to RFC 2616, section 14 for content negotiation, Documentum REST
Services supports XML and JSON representations with the following MIME types:

MIME type Usage

application/vnd.emc.documentum JSON representation
+json (default MIME type)
application/atom+xml XML representation for feeds (collections)
application/vnd.emc.documentum XML representation for a single object
application/json JSON representation for compatible viewing
application/xml XML representation for compatible viewing

• When the client does not specify the Accept Header for the expecting Response,
the REST server uses the application/vnd.emc.documentum+json MIME
type by default
• When the client does not specify the Content-Type Header for a PUT or POST
Request, the REST server rejects the Request with the HTTP status code 415
• In some scenarios, the MIME types that Documentum REST Services supports are
not limited to the types in this table. For more information about other supported
types, see “Other types” on page 26

2.4.1 Other types

26 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

2.4. Supported MIME types Media type for home document

The Home Document resource supports the following media types:

• application/home+json

• application/home+xml MIME type for content

For the content import or export operations, the REST server accepts any MIME type
registered to the dm_format table in a repository. For example, when the REST client
imports a new PDF rendition for a document object, the Content-Type in the
Request body can be application/pdf. Multipart type

Documentum REST Services supports the multipart/form and multipart/mixed
type in SysObject contents importing, and the multipart/related type for batch
operations with content attachments. For more information about multipart type,
see RFC 2616.

2.4.2 URL extension

Documentum REST Services, allows you to use the .xml and .json URL extensions
to negotiate the content type of the Response. For example:

• /repositories.xml: Returns a collection of repositories in an ATOM XML feed


• /repositories/acme01.xml: Returns the repository acme01 in an XML


• /repositories.json: Returns a collection of repositories in a JSON


• /repositories/acme01.json: Returns the repository acme01 in a JSON


When you use a URL extension in a GET operation, the URL extension takes
precedence over the Accept Header. The content type of the return varies with the
URL extension as follows:

URL extension Content type of return

.json application/json
.xml application/xml

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 27

Chapter 2 General REST definitions

URL extension Content type of return

Other extension The Accept Header is used for content

For more information about the Accept

Header and content negotiation, see RFC

URL extensions in POST and PUT operations are ignored. The REST server reads the
media type from the Content-Type Header.

2.4.3 Content type of an entry in a feed

When an inline parameter is set to false as an operation tries to retrieve a feed,
the operation returns the content type for an entry. The entry’s content type is
determined by the content type of the feed that contains the entry.

For details, see the following table:

Feed content type Entry content type

application/atom+xml application/vnd.emc.documentum
application/xml application/xml
application/vnd.emc.documentum application/vnd.emc.documentum
+json +json
application/json application/json

2.5 URI and URL

A URI is a compact sequence of characters that can identify an abstract or physical
resource. In Documentum REST Services, URIs are used as the only resource

In Documentum REST Services, a uniform resource locator (URL) is used to locate a

resource. The URL is designed in a pattern that is only known to and interpretable
by the REST server. REST clients cannot parse or concatenate the URL for a resource
by using the object ID or name. All REST clients can follow the link relations in a
resource representation to locate related resources.

URLs in the resource representations are in the form of an absolute path. When the
REST server is deployed behind a reverse proxy server or a load balancer, you must
configure the proxy rules to replace the backend hostname with the front hostname.

For example, replace the following reverse proxy configuration in the Apache HTTP
server maps to http://
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

28 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

2.6. HTTP methods

AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE application/xml
Substitute "s|| reverse-proxy-server |i"
AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE application/json
Substitute "s|| reverse-proxy-server |i"
AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE application/atom+xml
Substitute "s|| reverse-proxy-server |i"

AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE application/vnd.emc.documentum+xml
Substitute "s|| reverse-proxy-server |i"

AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE application/vnd.emc.documentum+json
Substitute "s|| reverse-proxy-server |i"

AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html
Substitute "s|| reverse-proxy-server |i"

For more information about URI encoding in Documentum REST Services, see the
RFC 3986.

2.6 HTTP methods

Documentum REST Services supports the following HTTP methods:

• GET: Use this method to retrieve a representation of a resource

• POST: Use this method to create new resources, or update existing resources
• PUT: Use this method to update existing resources
• PUT: Use this method to delete a resource

Note: Documentum REST Services does not support the <OPTIONS> method
except in Cross-Origin Resource Sharing preflight Requests. For more
information, see the section titled Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support
in this guide.

Do not use this method to request a list of available operations from a resource.
The OpenText Documentum REST Services Reference Guide provides detailed
information about the operations that can be performed on each resource.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 29

Chapter 2 General REST definitions

2.7 Web client caching

Caching is one of the most useful features built on the top of the HTTP’s uniform
interface. HTTP clients can take advantage of caching to reduce the perceived
latency to users, increase reliability, reduce bandwidth usage and cost, and reduce
server load. Documentum REST Services supports web client caching on the content
media resource using an HTTP ETag token.

2.8 Representation
Documentum REST Services supports two representation formats, JSON and XML.

JSON is the primary format for resource representation. Collection-based resources

are presented as EDAA, which is a JSON representation of an Atom feed.

For more information, see the REST Services Data Access API.

JSON supports basic data types. Therefore, Documentum properties are mapped to
JSON data types as shown in the following table:

Table 2-1: Mapping between Documentum property data type and JSON data

Documentum property data type JSON data type

boolean boolean
Integer Number
Double Number
String String
ID String
Time String
Repeating Array

XML is the other format for resource representation in Documentum REST Services.
Like the JSON format, collection-based resources are presented as feeds, defined by

For more information about ATOM, see RFC 4287.

30 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

2.8. Representation

2.8.1 Collection resource

In XML and JSON formats, items (object instances) in the collection are represented
as entries containing metadata and links in the feed. By default, the detail of an
object instance is not presented in the entry body. Instead, a content src link points
to the single instance resource. Alternatively, the object instance can be embedded in
the entry by enabling inline.

The metadata of a feed consists of the following elements/properties:

Table 2-2: Metadata of a feed

Feed metadata Description

id URI of the collection resource without the file extension
title Feed Title
updated Last update time of the feed
author Feed author
self URI of the collection resource with the file extension

The metadata of an entry consists of the following elements/properties:

Table 2-3: Metadata of an entry

Feed metadata Description

id URI of the single resource without the file extension
title Entry title
updated Last update time of the entry
author Entry author
summary Entry description
content When the entry is not inline, it contains a src attribute whose value
is the URI of the single item resource

When the entry is inline, it embeds the full representation of the

single item resource. For more information, see “Embedded entry”
on page 33

When you set inline to false, content-type in JSON and

type in XML indicate the MIME type of the resource
edit URI of the single resource with the file extension

The following sample illustrates a feed (EDAA feed) of the Cabinets resource in
JSON. Note that only a URI of the single resource is presented in this sample as
inline is not enabled.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 31

Chapter 2 General REST definitions

The following sample illustrates a feed of the Cabinets resource in XML. Note that
only a URI of the single resource is presented in this sample as inline is not

32 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

2.8. Representation

2.8.2 Embedded entry

For collection resources, when the inline parameter is set to true, a full
representation of the object instance is embedded in the content element of the

The following sample illustrates an entry that contains a full representation of

Cabinet in JSON:
"entries": [
"id": "
"title": "acme01",
"updated": "2012-10-15T15:27:30.000+08:00",
"author": [
"name": "acme01",
"uri": "
"content": {
"name": "cabinet",
"type": "dm_cabinet",
"definition": "
"properties": {
"r_object_id": "0c0004d280000104",
"object_name": "acme01",
"title": "Super User Cabinet",
"subject": "",
"resolution_label": "",

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 33

Chapter 2 General REST definitions

"owner_name": "acme01",
"owner_permit": 7,
"group_name": "docu",
"group_permit": 5,
"world_permit": 3,
"log_entry": "",
"acl_domain": "acme01",
"acl_name": "dm_450004d280000100",
"language_code": "",
"r_object_type": "dm_cabinet",
"r_creation_date": "2012-10-15T15:27:30.000+08:00",
"r_modify_date": "2012-10-15T15:27:30.000+08:00",
"a_content_type": "",
"authors": null,
"r_lock_owner": "",
"i_antecedent_id": "0000000000000000",
"i_chronicle_id": "0c0004d280000104",
"i_folder_id": null,
"i_cabinet_id": "0c0004d280000104"
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "
"rel": "edit",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"href": "
"links": [
"rel": "edit",
"href": "

34 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

2.8. Representation

"thumbnail": {
"url": "

The following sample illustrates an entry that contains a full representation of

Cabinet in XML:
<dm:cabinet xsi:type="dm:dm_cabinet"
<dm:properties xsi:type="dm:dm_cabinet-properties">
<dm:title>Super User Cabinet</dm:title>
<dm:authors xsi:nil="true"/>
<dm:i_folder_id xsi:nil="true"/>
<dm:link rel="self"
href= "
acme01/cabinets/0c0004d280000104" />
<dm:link rel="edit"
href= "
acme01/cabinets/0c0004d280000104" />
<dm:link rel=""
href= "
cabinets/0c0004d280000104" />
<dm:link rel=""
href= "
folders/0c0004d280000104/folders" />
<dm:link rel=""
href= "
acme01/folders/0c0004d280000104/documents" />

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 35

Chapter 2 General REST definitions

<dm:link rel=""
href= "
acme01/folders/0c0004d280000104/objects" />
<dm:link rel=""
href= "
acme01/folders/0c0004d280000104/child-links" />
<dm:link rel=""
href= "
related-object-role=any" />
<link rel="edit"
href= "
0c0004d280000104" />
<media:thumbnail url="

2.8.3 Single resource

The representation of a single resource consists of the following elements/properties:

Table 2-4: Elements and properties in a single resource

Element in XML Property in JSON Description

root name Category of the resource
xsi:type type Type name
definition definition URI pointing to the DML
representation of the type
properties properties Properties of the resource
links links Link relations of the resource

The following sample illustrates the Cabinet resource in JSON:

36 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

2.8. Representation

The following sample illustrates the Cabinet resource in XML.

Not all resources have the same structure of the representation. For example, the
Repository resource representation does not have the type or properties keys.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 37

Chapter 2 General REST definitions

2.8.4 Multi-part request representation

Some operations may use multi-part Requests. This section provides examples of
multi-part Requests in JSON and XML.

Example 2-1: JSON representation in multi-part Request

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=314159265358979

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=metadata
Content-Type: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json

{"properties": {"object_name": "rest-api-test"}}

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=binary1
Content-Type: text/plain

This is primary content


Example 2-2: XML representation in multi-part Request

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=314159265358979

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=metadata
Content-Type: application/vnd.emc.documentum+xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<dm:object xmlns:dm="">
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=binary
Content-Type: text/plain

This is a sample

38 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

2.8. Representation

2.8.5 Error representation

An error representation contains the following items:

• HTTP Status code (mandatory) - identical to the status code in the Header

• REST Error Code (mandatory) - REST application-specific code

• REST Error Message (mandatory) - descriptive message for the error code

• Root Causes (optional) - a set of error code/message mappings of the under layer
• REST Error Id (mandatory) - a unique identifier of the error in the log

Documentum REST Services supports the JSON and XML formats in error

Example 2-3: XML Error Representation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


Example 2-4: Sample 1. Get an object with an invalid ID

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<message>The resource is not found.</message>
<details>(DM_API_E_EXIST) Document/object specified by 0b00000c80000dda
does not exist;
Cannot fetch a sysobject - Invalid object ID : 0b00000c80000dda;</details>

Example 2-5: Sample 2. Create a folder with an empty input message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<message>Input message contains invalid items.</message>
<details>Properties 'r_object_type' should not be null or empty;
Properties 'object_name' should not be null or empty;</details>

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 39

Chapter 2 General REST definitions

Example 2-6: JSON Error Representation


Example 2-7: Sample 1. Get an object with an invalid ID

"message":"The resource is not found.",
"details":"(DM_API_E_EXIST) Document/object specified by 0b00000c80000dda
does not exist;
Cannot fetch a sysobject - Invalid object ID : 0b00000c80000dda;",

Example 2-8: Sample 2. Create folder with empty input message

"message":"Input message contains invalid items.",
"details":"Properties 'r_object_type' should not be null or empty;
Properties 'object_name' should not be null or empty;",

2.8.6 Transaction support

Documentum REST Services provides basic transaction support for copy and delete
operations. The transaction begins at the start of an operation and is committed at
the end of the operation, when it completes successfully. When any part of the
operation fails, the entire operation is rolled back.

In a batch request, you can control the transaction behavior of the batch by using the
transactional property.

40 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

2.9. The PUT and POST operations

2.9 The PUT and POST operations

When you perform a PUT operation or POST operation to update a resource, changes
to the root element and links are ignored. When you try to update the namespace or
read-only properties, an error is returned.

When performing a POST operation to create a resource, you can use the type
property in JSON or the xsi:type property in XML to specify the object type of the
resource. For Sysobject and its sub types, you can also use the r_object_type property
to specify the object type. When the value of type (or xsi:type) and that of
r_object_type are not consistent, the value of type (or xsi:type) takes precedence.

2.10 Runtime property configuration

Runtime property configuration files enable you to set preferences for how
Documentum REST Services handles certain choices in the course of its execution.
For example, setting authentication schemes and specifying the default page size.
REST Services leverages two configuration files for runtime property setting. Both
files are located in dctm-rest.war\WEB-INF\classes.

This file holds the default settings for all runtime properties. Do not modify the
content in this file.

Out-of-the-box, this file contains no settings, indicating that all properties use their
default values. When you need to modify the value of a certain runtime property,
add an entry in this file, specifying the name and value of the property. Settings in
this file override the settings in

2.10.1 Runtime profile

You can customize the runtime profile by using the <rest.runtime.profile=> runtime

There are two runtime profiles that control how error messages are shown. The two
runtime profiles are development and production. This property specifies which
runtime profile is used for error messages.

The default runtime profile is production, which returns a wrapped exception

message so that clients do not see server implementation specific information, which
could be a security issue making the REST server vulnerable to attack.

The other runtime profile is development, and it returns implementation specific

messages (the original error messages) including all server information. This
runtime profile is meant to be used for development purposes only.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 41

Chapter 2 General REST definitions

2.11 Batch operations

Starting from release 7.2, you can leverage the newly added Batches collection
resource to execute a series of RESTful Web service operations in one Request. This
resource also provides a number of batch options such as transactional, sequential,
and so on. Furthermore, Documentum REST Services provides the Batch
Capabilities resource for you to check the list of resources that are batchable at

For more information, see the Batches and Batch Capabilities section in the OpenText
Documentum REST Services Reference Guide.

42 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

Chapter 3
Deploy Documentum REST Services

Documentum REST Services is certified for use on the following application servers:

• Apache Tomcat
• VMware vFabric tc Server
• Oracle WebLogic Server
• IBM WebSphere
• JBOSS Enterprise Application Platform

Documentum REST Services release 7.3 and later can be deployed within a Docker
container. For detailed information on how to deploy Documentum REST Services,
see the OpenText Documentum Platform and Platform Extensions Installation Guide.

3.1 General deployment configuration

On all application servers, the minimal and mandatory configuration is to use the
<dctm-rest.war>\WEB-INF\classes\ file to set your docbroker
information. For more information on configuring the file, see the
release notes.

For information on customizing the REST server, such as how to change an

authentication scheme, see the REST runtime property file, rest-api-runtime.
properties, which is located at <dctm-rest.war>\WEB-INF\classes\rest-api-

To see all available configuration parameters, see the template file, rest-api-, which is located at <dctm-rest.war>\WEB-INF\

For capturing logs and changing the logging level, use the properties file, log4j.
properties, which is located at <dctm-rest.war>\WEB-INF\classes\log4j.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 43

Chapter 4
Resource specific features

4.1 Create an object with an attached Aspect and

When you import or create an object or document in the Folder Child series of
resources, or create a cabinet in the Cabinets collection resource, the Aspects for
the object, document, folder, or cabinet can be attached and the Aspect values can
be set in the new object, document, folder, or cabinet. In addition to this, the
Lifecycle can also be attached to the new object, document, folder, or cabinet.

Several resources have been improved to allow you to create or import an object and
attach the Aspects and Lifecycle to that object. These include the following:

• Folder Child Objects collection resource

• Folder Child Documents collection resource
• Folder Child Folders collection resource
• Cabinets collection resource
• Object Lightweight Objects resource

4.1.1 Request
Request media types

• application/vnd.emc.documentum+xml
• application/vnd.emc.documentum+json Using a combined approach

The following code demonstrates how an object can be created using a combined
representation of each step in the larger process, which includes:

• The creation step (where the object, document, folder, or cabinet is created)
• Attaching Aspects and setting their values
• Attaching a Lifecycle to the newly created object, document, folder, or cabinet
as the case may be

Example 4-1: Request body in XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 45

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

<object_name>test ooo</object_name>
<rest_aspect.rest_str>new created aspect string</rest_aspect.rest_str>

Example 4-2: Request body in JSON

"properties" : {
"object_name" : "test object",
"r_object_type" : "dm_document",
"rest_aspect.rest_str" : "new created aspect string",
"rest_aspect.rest_r_int" : [
"object-lifecycle" : {
"lifecycle-id" : "4600000580004d14",
"current-state" : "draft",
"aliasset-name" : "doc-as"
"object-aspects" : {

4.1.2 Transactions and batches

Note: A transaction is a programming construct that internally performs a
sequence of work steps and returns one result; either success or failure. A
transaction is treated as a single unit of work for the purposes of satisfying a
single Request and to ensure database integrity. When all of the internal work
steps within a given transaction succeed, then the transaction succeeds. If any
one of the internal work steps within the Transaction fail, then the whole
Transaction fails.

When a value for the object-lifecycle parameter is provided, if the operation

fails and the server is unable to roll back its changes, or drop the newly created
object, then the server logs the error. When this happens, it also means that even
though the operation has failed, the object was still created and now exists within
the system.

At this point, it is strongly recommended that you do one of the following:

46 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.2. Filter expression

• Manually attach the <Lifecycle> to the new object by using the object-lifecycle
• Manually drop the newly created object from the system.

It is extremely important that you complete one of the two above
procedures. Otherwise, you will leave behind an orphaned object in your
system. Using a batch

When running the operation as part of a batch, if the operation has a value for the
object-lifecycle parameter defined, then the batch cannot be put into a
Transaction. The operation can only be run as part of a batch when a value for the
object-lifecycle parameter is not defined.

4.2 Filter expression

A filter expression, which is the value of the filter URI parameter, enables you to
filter entries in a collection of results according to the specified criterion. For
instance, this can be used on the Cabinets Resource, Folder Child Documents
Resource and so on. For example, GET requests to this URL returns all cabinets
owned by user <dmadmin>: /repositories/REPO/cabinets?inline=true&

This section describes the building blocks of a filter expression, including:

• “Literals” on page 48, which describes the literal formats in filter expressions
• “Filter expression functions” on page 51, which describes the functions in filter
• “Logical operators” on page 55, which describes the logical operators
supported by filter expressions
• “Comparison operators” on page 55, which describes the comparison operators
supported by filter expressions


• All operator names and function names are case sensitive.

• The attributes that can be used in a filter expression are determined by the
implementation of the individual collection resources. For example, on the
Cabinets Resource, all <dm_cabinet> type attributes can be used in a filter
expression. On the Folder Child Objects Resource, all <dm_sysobject>
attributes can be used.
When you want to reduce collection items to make them a sub type of the
collection, you can use the <filter> and <object-type> query parameters
together. In this case, the attributes used in the filter expression can come

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 47

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

from the type specified by <object-type> parameter. For example, GET requests
to this URL returns all cabinets of sub type <custom_cabinet> with a
<custom_region> sub type attribute that equals <apj>: /repositories/REPO/

4.2.1 Literals
Literals are values that are interpreted by the server exactly as they are entered.
Filter expressions introduce three types of literals:

• “Numeric literal” on page 48

• “String literal” on page 49
• “boolean literal” on page 49
• “Datetime literal” on page 50 Numeric literal

Filter expressions support integer literals and floating point literals. Integer literal

An Integer literal specifies any whole number and is expressed in the following

[+ | -] n

Where n is any number between 0 and 2,147,483,647. Floating point literal

• 5.347 (regular floating point literal)

• -4.12 (negative floating point literal)
• 21. (floating point literal with a blank fractional part)
• .66 (floating point literal with a blank integer part)

A floating point literal specifies any number that contains a decimal point and is
expressed in the following format:

48 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.2. Filter expression String literal

String literals are strings of printable characters and are enclosed in a pair of single
quotes or a pair of double quotes.

If a string literal is enclosed in a pair of single quotes, the double quote character (“)
can be included as a part of the literal without any change. For example:


Similarly, if a string literal is enclosed in a pair of double quotes, the single quote
character (“) can be included as a part of the literal without any change. For

"The company's third quarter results were very good."

However, to include a single quote character (') as a part of a literal that is enclosed
in a pair of single quotes, you must include the single quote character twice. For

'The company''s third quarter results were very good.'

Similarly, to include a double quote character (") as a part of a literal that is enclosed
in a pair of double quotes, you must include double quote character twice. For


The maximum length of a string literal is determined by the maximum allowed by

the underlying RDBMS, but in no case will the maximum length exceed 1,999 bytes.
If a property is defined as a string data type, the maximum length of the string literal
you can place in the property is defined by the property’s defined length. If you
attempt to place a longer value in the property, DFC throws an exception. You can
change the behavior and allow DFC to truncate the character string value to fit the
property by setting the DFC preference called dfc.compatibility.truncate_
long_values in boolean literal

boolean literals specify constant values for the true and false values used in filter
expressions. There are two boolean literal values: true and false.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 49

Chapter 4 Resource specific features Datetime literal

A DateTime literal represents a date or a combined date and time representation,
which is enclosed in a pair of single quotes or a pair of double quotes, using one of
the following syntaxes:

• date ("YYYY-MM-DD")
• date ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.[sss][TZD]")


• YYYY = four-digit year

• MM= two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
• DD= two-digit day of month (01 through 31)
• hh = two digits of hour (00 through 23) (am/pm NOT allowed)
• mm= two-digit of minute (00 through 59)
• ss = two-digit of second (00 through 59)
• sss = three-digit millisecond. (000 through 999, an optional field which is ignored
when being processed. This is because Documentum Server does not store the
millisecond field in a DateTime property.)
• The optional field TZD represents the time zone designator:

– If this field is set to the special UTC designator (“Z”) or unspecified, the time
is expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
– The time is expressed in local time, together with a time zone offset in hours
and minutes, which represents the difference between the local time and UTC


• If a date without time is entered, the time 00:00:00 is assumed

• In SQL Server, both date ("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000") and date
("1753-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000") are taken as a null DateTime.

• In Oracle, date ("0001-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000") is taken as a null


Example 4-3: Examples for DateTime literals

• date ("2013-01-01")
Because the time field is not specified. The time 00:00:00 is assumed. This
literal equals to date ("2013-01-01T00:00:00Z").
• date ('2007-07-16T19:20:30.45')
Because the TZD field is not specified, this DateTime literal is expressed in
UTC. This literal equals to date ('2007-07-16T19:20:30.45Z').

50 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.2. Filter expression

• date ("2007-07-16T19:20:30.45Z")

• date ("2007-07-16T19:20:30.45+08:00")

• date ('2007-07-16T19:20:30.45-03:00')

4.2.2 Filter expression functions

Filter expression functions are operations on values. Filter expressions support the
following functions:

• “The starts-with function” on page 51

• “The contains function” on page 52

• “The between function” on page 52

• “The type function” on page 53

• “The nilled function” on page 54

• “Scalar functions” on page 57 The starts-with function

The starts-with function checks the starting string of a property.

This function is a boolean term that returns True if the specified property starts with
a specified literal string, and False otherwise.


starts-with(<property-name>, "<string-literal>")


• property-name: Specifies the property whose starting string this function tests

• string-literal: String literal with which the starting literal of the specified
property is compared.

Example 4-4: Example for starts-with

starts-with(object_name, "foo")

By using this filter expression, the Request only returns objects whose object_
name starts with foo.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 51

Chapter 4 Resource specific features The contains function

The contains function checks whether or not a property contains a specified literal

This function is a boolean term that returns True if the property contains the
specified string, and False otherwise.


contains(<property-name>, "<string-literal>")


• property-name: Specifies the property that this function tests.

• string-literal: String literal with which the specified property is compared

Example 4-5: Example for contains

contains(object_name, 'hello')

By using this filter expression, the Request only returns objects whose object_
name contains hello. The between function

The between function checks whether or not the value of a property lies between a
specified range.

This function is a boolean term that returns True if the property lies between the
specified range, and False otherwise.


between(<property-name>, from, to)


• property-name: Specifies the property that this function tests

• from: The lowest value in the range that this function evaluates. This argument
can be one of the following types:

– Datetime
– Numeric
• to: The highest value in the range that this function evaluates. This argument can
be one of the following types:

– Datetime

52 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.2. Filter expression

– Numeric

Note: All arguments in this function must be of the same type.

Example 4-6: Examples for between

between(r_link_cnt, 1, 5)

By using this filter expression, the Request returns objects whose r_link_cnt is
no less than 1 and no greater than 5.

between(r_modify_date, date("2013-01-16"), date("2013-01-18")

By using this filter expression, the Request only returns objects whose r_
modify_date is no earlier than 2013-01-16 and no later than 2013-01-18. The type function

The type function checks whether or not an object is an instance of a specified type
or its subtype.

This function is a boolean term that returns True if the object is an instance of the
specified type or its subtype, and False otherwise.




• type-name: Specifies the type that this function uses as a filter

Example 4-7: Example for type


By using this filter expression, the Request only returns objects of the dm_
folder type and objects of any subtype of dm_folder.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 53

Chapter 4 Resource specific features The nilled function

The nilled function checks the nullity of a property.

This function is a boolean term that returns True if the value of the specified
property is null, and False otherwise.




• property-name: Specifies the property that this function tests

Example 4-8: type


By using this filter expression, the Request only returns objects whose object_
name is null. Using scalar functions with built-in functions

Scalar functions can be added to attribute names and used with the built-in
functions to perform operations.

starts-with(scalar-function(<attribute-name>), <string-literal>)

contains(scalar-function(<attribute-name>), <string-literal>)

between(scalar-function(<attribute-name>), from, to)



• attribute-name: Specifies the name of an attribute that this function parses

• string-literal: Specifies the string that the function uses in performing its
• from, to: Specifies the ASCII character numbers, as a range of characters, to use
to find objects whose object_name starts with any one of the characters in the
range specified

Example 4-9: With the starts-with built-in function

With this filter expression, the Request only returns objects whose object_
name starts with the string hello, case insensitive.

54 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.2. Filter expression

starts-with(upper(object_name), 'HELLO')

Example 4-10: With the contains built-in function

With this filter expression, the Request only returns objects whose object_
name contains the string hello, case insensitive.
contains(lower(object_name), 'hello')

Example 4-11: With the between built-in function

With this filter expression, the Request only returns the objects whose object_
name begins with the characters 'c', 'd', or 'e'. These are the ASCII character
numbers, as a range, that the function uses to look for objects.

4.2.3 Logical operators

Logical operators apply to boolean terms and return boolean values. The following
logical operators are supported in filter expressions.

• not

• and

• or

These operators follow the standard logical semantics. They are listed in order of
precedence, with the highest-precedence one at the top.

4.2.4 Comparison operators

Comparison operators compare one expression to another. Filter expressions
support two sets of comparison operators: value comparison operators and general
comparison operators. These two sets of operators function the same except for note
[1] in the following table.

Value General Description Example

comparison comparison
operator operator
eq [1] = Equal object_name = "REST"

object_name eq REST"

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 55

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

Value General Description Example

comparison comparison
operator operator
ne != Not equal object_name != "REST"

object_name ne "REST"
lt < Less than r_modify_date < "2013-01-16"

r_modify_date lt "2013-01-16"
le <= Less than or equal r_full_content_size <= 2000
r_full_content_size le 2000
gt > Greater than r_full_content_size > 2000

r_full_content_size gt 2000
ge >= Greater than or r_modify_date >= "2013-01-16"
equal to
r_modify_date ge "2013-01-16"
[1] This operator cannot be used to compare a property with a list of values. For more
information about how to compare the value of a property with a list of values, see
“Comparison with multiple values” on page 56. Comparison with multiple values

The = comparison operator allows you to compare the value of a property with a list
of values. When a filter expression compares the value of a property with multiple
literals by using the = comparison operator, the expression returns True if the value
equals to any of the literals, and False otherwise.


<property-name> = ("literal1", " literal2", "literal3" … )

Example 4-12: Example for comparison with multiple values

object_name = ("foo", "bar")


• The list of literals must be enclosed in a pair of brackets.

• The eq comparison operator does not support this function

56 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.2. Filter expression Comparison with repeating properties

The following syntax enables you to check whether or not any item in a repeating
property matches the comparison.


<repeating-property-name> /item <comparison-operator><literal-or-


The expression returns True if any value of the repeating property matches the
comparison, and False otherwise.

Example 4-13: Example for comparison with repeating properties

• keywords/item = "hey"
• keywords/item = ("hello", "world") Scalar functions

The following scalar functions are supported:

• SUBSTR Comparison with scalar functions

All of the above scalar function can be used on attribute-names to perform


scalar-function(<attribute-name>) <comparison-operator> value

Example 4-14: Return a specific object name

This code sample shows you how to use a scalar function (in this case the
upper(string) function) to return only those objects whose object name is
<document>, case insensitive.

The upper function used in this sample takes an object_name as its only
parameter, converts it all to upper case characters, and returns it. This returned

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 57

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

value is then compared to the value DOCUMENT and if it matches, then a boolean
value of true is returned.
upper(object_name) = 'DOCUMENT'

Example 4-15: Return specific characters by placement

This code sample shows you how to return only those characters that are in the
3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th position, within the object name, which when
concatenated together, form the word test. We use the substr(<attribute-
name>,starting pos,num of chars) function starting at the third character
position (from a zero index starting point) and return 4 characters to form the
string test.
substr(object_name,3,4) = 'test'

Embedding a scalar function within another scalar function is not

4.2.5 Examples of the filter expression

This section provides examples that demonstrate how to use filter expressions.

Example 4-16: Return objects modified in a specified time period

type(dm_document) and between(r_modify_date, date("2013-01-16"), date("2013-01-18"))

With this expression, the Request returns only the instances of dm_document
that were modified between 2013-01-16 and 2013-01-18.

Example 4-17: Filtering out objects

With this expression, the Request filters out those resources whose object_
name starts with foo.
not(starts-with(object_name, "foo"))

Example 4-18: Return specific objects according to criteria

With this expression, the Request returns only those resources whose object_
name contains hello or hey. Additionally, the resources that were modified
later than 2013-01-01 are filtered out and therefore excluded from the returned

58 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.3. Property view

(contains(object_name, 'hello') or contains(object_name, 'hey')) and r_modify_date le


Example 4-19: Return objects containing specified keywords

With this expression, the Request returns only those resources that have the
keyword hello or world. Additionally, resources whose author is Jack are
filtered out and therefore excluded from the returned values.
author != "Jack" and keywords/item = ("hello", "world")

4.3 Property view

You can use the property view to specify the object properties to retrieve in an
operation. This can be done by creating a view expression in the view query
parameter. A view expression can either be a predefined view expression or a
custom view expression that contains a list of property names.

4.3.1 Predefined view expression

Documentum REST Services supports the following predefined view expressions:

View expression Description

all Returns all properties of the Requested object to the client.

If you use this view expression, the performance may degrade when a
request tries to retrieve a collection resource.
default Returns the default set of properties of the Requested object to the
client. This is the default value if there is no value specified for the
view query parameter.

4.3.2 Custom view expression

A custom view expression contains a list of property names of the properties, within
parentheses, that you want to retrieve, separated by commas. For example:
(<property1>,<property2>, ...).

A property name must conform to the following rules:

• The maximum allowed length of the name is 27 characters.

• The first character of the name must be a letter. The remaining characters can be
letters, digits, or underscores.
• The name cannot contain spaces or punctuation.
• The name cannot be any of the words reserved by the underlying RDBMS, such
as SQL keywords

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 59

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

Note: Property names are not case sensitive.

When a property name, that is specified in the expression, violates any of the
naming rules shown above, the view expression is considered to be invalid and is
therefore rejected. In this case, the server returns an HTTP 400 Bad Request error
code status. View expression on collections

Except for the rules above, in versions prior to version 7.3, you cannot specify a
custom property in a custom view expression when trying to get a collection
resource. Otherwise, an HTTP 400 Bad Request error code status is returned.

Example 4-20: URLs Regarded as Bad Requests

For example, GET requests to a URL that resembles the following examples are
regarded as bad requests:

To retrieve custom properties in a collection resource in versions before 7.3, you can
set the view parameter to :all. Documentum REST Services release 7.3 and later
support tolerant view expressions on most collection resources. The view
parameter's usage on singular resources remains the same.

Note: When the view parameter is used on a single object resource that
supports this parameter (such as the Cabinet resource, Document resource,
etc.). The view attribute names must match the definition of the object data
type. A Bad request (400) error is returned when any unknown attributes
for the object data type are specified in the view parameter.

When the view parameter is used on a collection based resource that supports
this parameter (such as the Cabinets resource, Folder Child Documents
resource, etc.), a comma separated list of view attributes can contain both base
type attribute names and arbitrary extended attribute names.

For example, let’s assume that a folder X has a number of documents in it with
the object type <dm_document> and document sub types <doc_ext1>, <doc_ext2>,
and so on. When a REST client retrieves the folder children, it can specify the
view attributes from both <dm_document> and its sub types.

Here is a code sample that shows you the Request:

// Get a folder child documents feed.
// In this sample, attributes 'r_object_id' and 'object_name' come from dm_document.
// 'doc_ext1_attr' comes from doc_ext1, and 'doc_ext2_attr' comes from dmc_ext2.
GET /documents?inline=true&
view=r_object_id,object_name,doc_ext1_attr,doc_ext2_attr HTTP/1.1

Note the following view usage on a collection based resource:

60 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.4. NULL in REST

• Aspect type attributes can also be put into the view when the aspect type is
attachable to the collection base type, such as <dm_document> as shown in the
above sample
• Collection items return the specified attributes only when the attributes exist
in those objects
• Unknown attributes for collection items are ignored.

4.3.3 View expression syntax

The syntax of a view expression is defined with the following EBNF:
view-expression = predefined-view | properties-list ;
predefined-view = leading-separator, predefined-view-name ;
leading-separator = ":" ;
predefined-view-name = "default" | "all" | "none" ;
properties-list = property-name, { "," property-name } ;
property-name = character, 26 * [ character ] ;
character = letter | digit | underscore ;
letter = "a" .. "z" | "A" .. "Z" ;
digit = "0" .. "9" ;
underscore = "_" ;

Example 4-21: Predefined view example


This example sets the view parameter to the predefined view expression:all,
meaning that all properties of the Requested object are returned.

Example 4-22: Custom view example


This example sets the view parameter to the custom view expression object_
name,r_object_type, meaning that only the object_name and r_object_
type properties of the Requested object are returned.

4.4 NULL in REST

Documentum REST Services sets the value of a single property to the corresponding
DFC default value when the property is set to NULL. For details, see the following

Documentum data type JSON/XML data type DFC default value

DM_BOOLEAN boolean false
DM_DOUBLE Number 0.0

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 61

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

Documentum data type JSON/XML data type DFC default value

DM_STRING String “”
DM_ID String “0,000,000,000,000,000”
DM_TIME String “nulldate”

For repeating properties, setting NULL for a property or leaving a property empty
removes all values from the repeating property.

4.4.1 NULL value representation

In a response that is returned from the REST server, NULL or empty values are
represented as follows:

Example 4-23: NULL value for Datetime in XML

<dm:property_name xsi:nil="true"/>

Example 4-24: NULL value for Datetime in JSON


Example 4-25: NULL value for string in XML


Example 4-26: NULL value for string in JSON


Example 4-27: NULL value for repeating properties in XML

<dm:property_name xsi:nil="true"/>

Example 4-28: NULL value for repeating properties in JSON


Note: The examples above show how the REST server handles NULL values in
a response. REST clients are free to use any valid format to represent NULL
values in a request. For example, you can use this pattern to represent a NULL
value in XML:

62 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.5. Whitespace in XML


For atom feeds, if a property is set to NULL or empty, the property is not displayed
in the Response.

4.5 Whitespace in XML

Documentum REST Services preserve XML space for both input and output XML
messages, so the client must normalize the Request before sending. For details, see
the following examples:

Example 4-29: Preserve Whitespace Within the Request

<object_name> my document </object_name>

Example 4-30: Preserve Whitespace in the Response

<document xmlns="..." xsi:type="dm_document" definition="...">
<properties xsi:type="dm_document-properties">
<object_name> my document </object_name>

Note: Even if all whitespace characters are processed by Documentum REST

Services correctly, some of them can be ignored. This is a limitation in
Documentum Server.

4.6 Thumbnail link

Thumbnails on atom feed entries help mobile clients preview the documents within
a collection resource. Thumbnail links are available to the following collection

• Cabinets
• Folder Child Documents
• Folder Child Objects
• Folder Child Folders
• Checked Out Objects

For more information about these resources, see the OpenText Documentum REST
Services Reference Guide.

To enable thumbnail links, the following conditions must be met:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 63

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

• The Thumbnail server must be installed.

• The thumbnail query parameter is set to true

When retrieving these collection resources, you can use the thumbnail query
parameter to determine whether or not to return the thumbnail link for each entry.

Variable Description Data type Default value

thumbnail Specifies whether or boolean Value of the rest.
not to return the entry.thumbnail.
thumbnail link for default parameter
each entry. in the rest-api-
• true - Return the
properties file,
thumbnail link for
which defaults to
each entry in the
• false - Do not
return the
thumbnail link for
each entry in the

Example 4-31: Thumbnail link in XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<feed xmlns=""
<title>Folder child objects</title>
<name>OpenText Documentum</name>
<link rel="self"
<content type="<literal>application/xml</literal>"
<link rel="edit"
<link rel="icon"

64 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.7. Support for relative URIs

Example 4-32: Thumbnail link in JSON

"title":"Folder child objects",
"name":"OpenText Documentum"

4.7 Support for relative URIs

URIs come in different formats, including:

• Absolute URI: An absolute URI is a URI that contains both the scheme (i.e. http,
https) and the authority (i.e. host, port)
• Base URI: A base URI is defined by the context of the application. It is usually the
URI with the root path to the application. This type of URI must follow the same
syntax as an absolute URI
• Relative URI: A relative URI is a sub component of the URI relative to the base
URI of an absolute URI. This type of URI usually starts with a slash (/) or an
empty character

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 65

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

Documentum REST Services produce absolute URIs in resource representations.

Here is an example of an absolute URI that was created in the Cabinet resource.

Example 4-33: Cabinet resource – JSON – Absolute URIs

"name": "cabinet",
"type": "dm_cabinet",
"definition": "
"properties": {
"object_name": "demo",
"owner_name": "Administrator"
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "

Using an absolute URI on the client side allows the HTTP client to use the href
directly without the need for further URI resolution.

However, with the maturity of HTTP and REST development, most client libraries
today support relative URIs as well. The benefits in using relative URIs, as compared
to absolute URIs, are as follows:

• Removing the scheme and authority part from the href simplifies the Response
body rewrite rules in proxy or balancer servers.
• Removing the scheme and authority part from the href separates deployment
and resource identification
• Removing the scheme and authority part from the href reduces the payload bytes
in responses.
Documentum REST Services 16.3 supports relative URIs in resource responses.

4.7.1 Using relative URIs in responses

To enable relative URIs in responses, the administrator needs to set the rest.use.
relative.url property in dctm-rest.war\WEB-INF\classes\rest-api-runtime.
properties to true. To remain backward compatible, the default deployment of
REST continues to produce absolute URIs.

Example 4-34:

# To produce relative URIs in resource responses, set the below property value to true.
# When the property is set to true, URIs in both link relations and atom IDs will be in
# the format of a relative URI.
# The default value is false.
rest.use.relative.url = true

66 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.7. Support for relative URIs

When relative URIs have been enabled, the resource Response is similar to the
samples shown below:

Example 4-35: Cabinet resource - JSON - relative URIs

"name": "Cabinet",
"type": "dm_cabinet",
"definition": "/repositories/REPO/types/dm_cabinet.json",
"properties": {
"object_name": "demo",
"owner_name": "Administrator"
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "/repositories/REPO/cabinets/0c0000058000211b.json?

Example 4-36: Cabinets feed resource - JSON - Relative URIs

"id": "/repositories/REPO/cabinets",
"title": "Cabinets",
"author": [
"name": "OpenText Documentum"
"updated": "2017-08-18T02:52:30.556+00:00",
"page": 1,
"items-per-page": 2,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "/repositories/REPO/cabinets.json?items-per-page=2"
"rel": "next",
"href": "/repositories/REPO/cabinets.json?items-per-page=2&page=2"
"rel": "first",
"href": "/repositories/REPO/cabinets.json?items-per-page=2&page=1"
"entries": [
"id": "/repositories/REPO/cabinets/0c00000580000105",
"title": "Administrator",
"author": [
"name": "REPO_ADMIN",
"uri": "/repositories/REPO/users/REPO_ADMIN.json"
"summary": "dm_cabinet 0c00000580000105",
"updated": "2015-03-03T10:15:33.000+00:00",
"published": "2015-03-03T10:15:33.000+00:00",
"links": [
"rel": "edit",

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 67

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

"href": "/repositories/REPO/cabinets/0c00000580000105.json"
"content": {
"type": "application/json",
"src": "/repositories/REPO/cabinets/0c00000580000105.json"

4.7.2 Using relative URIs in requests

Some Core resources accept resource URIs in their request bodies. For example:

• Make a batch request in the Batches resource

• Make a copy request in the Folder Child Objects resource

In these resources, both absolute URIs and relative URIs are considered as valid
inputs to identify other resources. The usage of relative URIs in request bodies is not
impacted by the rest.use.relative.url. runtime property setting.

4.7.3 Other notes

In the Content Metadata resource, the Response can produce ACS or BOCS server
content URLs. These links remain as absolute URIs.

In REST extensibility, external links can be added to responses. These links also
remain as absolute URIs.

4.8 Feed pagination

Paged feeds can be useful when the number of entries is very large or indeterminate.
To save bandwidth, clients navigate through the feed and only access a subset of the
feed's entries as necessary.

Documentum REST Services utilizes the following query parameters for feed
pagination (For detailed information, see “Common HTTP headers” on page 19):

• page
• items-per-page
• include-total

If all results can fit on one page, the Response is not paged. In this case, the Response
does not contain the page and items-per-page fields even if they are specified in
the Request. Also, the pagination link relations, such as first, last, previous and
next, are not available.

For a paged feed, the Response must have at least one of the following link relations:

68 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.9. Full text query in collection resources

• first
• This link relation is always available.

• last

• This link relation is available when the size of the entire feed is known. This
condition is met in the following scenarios:

– The items-per-page query parameter specified is larger than the number of

entries in the Response for current page

– The client sets the include-total query parameter to calculate the number
of entries of the feed.

– The current page is the last page of the feed.

• previous

• This link relation is available when the current page is not the first page

• next

• This link relation is available when the current page is not the last page or when
the size of the feed is unknown.

For detailed information about these link relations, see Appendix A, Link relations
on page 459.

4.9 Full text query in collection resources

When you send a GET request to one of the following collection resources, you can
use the full text query parameter q to filter entries in a result set according to specific

• Folder Child Documents

• Folder Child Objects

• Checked Out Objects

• All Versions

For more information about these resources, see the OpenText Documentum REST
Services Reference Guide.

The value of the full text query parameter q is a string that follows the simple search
language syntax.

Note: The parentheses which can be used in search, are not supported in the
parameter q when being appended to the collection resources above.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 69

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

4.10 Simple search language

The simple search language is used in the Search resource and the full text query
parameter to specify search criterion.

Search criterion in the simple search language must follow this syntax:
searchExpression: orExpression
orExpression: andExpression (<OR> andExpression)*
andExpression:operandExpression (<AND> operandExpression)*
operandExpression:( parenthesis | implicitExpression )
parenthesis : <PARENTHESIS_START> orExpression <PARENTHESIS_END>
implicitExpression: ( term )+
term: ( positiveTerm | <NOT> positiveTerm)
positiveTerm: ( <WORD> | <PHRASE> )
<SPACE: ( [" ","\t","\n","\r"] )+ >
<AND: "and" >
| <OR:"or" >
| <NOT: "not" >
| <WORD: ( ~["(",")","\""," ","\t","\n","\r"] )+ >
| <PHRASE: "\"" ( ~["\""] )+ "\"" >

<term> can be a word, or a phrase. It can also be a list of words or phrases, or both,
separated by spaces and quoted appropriately. When used in the Search resource,
<term> can also be enclosed in parentheses to escape boolean operators.

The full text simple language supports:

• Words
• Phrases
• Implicit AND
• boolean Operators
• Wildcards

4.10.1 Words
A word is a set of characters with the following exceptions:

• (
• )
• \"
• \t
• \n
• \r

70 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.10. Simple search language

Multiple words enclosed in double quotes are treated as a phrase, such as "foo
bar". When the words are not enclosed, implicit and is applied.

4.10.2 Phrases
A phrase, which contains more than one word separated by spaces, is enclosed in
double quotes. For example:

"foo bar" returns objects that contain the phrase foo bar.

The single quote character (’) can be included as a part of a phrase without any
change. For example: "foo ’ bar"

Note that \" is not supported even when it is enclosed in double quotes. For
example, "foo \" bar" is invalid.

4.10.3 Implicit AND

A blank space separating two terms is interpreted as the and boolean operator. For

foo bar

This expression, which equals to foo and bar, returns objects that contain both foo
and bar. To search for objects that contain either foo or bar, include or in the
expression explicitly:

foo or bar

4.10.4 Boolean operators

The following boolean operators are supported in the simple search language.

• not
• and
• or

These operators follow the standard logical semantics. They are listed in order of
precedence, with the highest- precedence one at the top.

In the Search resource, you can use both parentheses and double quotes to escape
boolean operators. In the full text query parameter, you can only use double-quotes
to escape boolean operators.

To include any of the boolean operators as a string in search criterion, enclose the
operators in double quotes. And thus, the system treats them as phrases. For
example: "and" or "or"

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 71

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

4.10.5 Wildcards
The following wildcard characters are supported in the simple search language.

Wildcard Description Example

* Matches any number of wh* finds what, white, and
characters. You can use the why, but not awhile or
asterisk (*) anywhere in a watch.
character string.
? Matches a single alphabet in b?ll finds ball, bell, and
a specific position. bill, but not buell.

4.11 Facet search

When xPlore is configured for the Documentum Server repositories, Documentum
REST Services supports full-text search by facets, which enables you to explore a
collection of search results categorized into specific dimensions called facets. By
default, the following properties of a SysObject are facet-enabled:

• r_modifier
• keywords
• r_modify_date
• r_full_content_size
• a_application_type
• r_object_type
• owner_name

To enable the use of facets on other properties, you must modify your xPlore
configuration and re-index.

When you perform a facet search, a facet section appears in the Response feed of the
search result at the same level as the entry element.

4.11.1 Facet search with URL parameters

More information on how to use facet requests with URL parameters can be found
in the OpenText Documentum REST Services Reference Guide. Here is a code sample
that shows you facet results:




72 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.11. Facet search

<dm:facet-label>Modify Date</dm:facet-label>
<link rel="search"
<link rel="search"

The following table describes the properties in the facet section in detail:

Property Description
facet-id Indicates the property to be used as the facet. When being used in
facet-id, a property is prefixed with facet_. In the example, the
r_modify_date property is used as the facet.
facet-label Label of the property used as the facet. Labels of properties are
defined in DFC interfaces. For example, the label of r_modify_
date is Modify Date.
facet-value Each facet-value section contains data of the results belonging to
one group. In the example, two facet-value sections appear, one
for instances whose r_modify_date falls in last year's date range
and the other for instances whose r_modify_date falls in last
month's date range.
facet-value-id Indicates the value of property that is used as the facet
facet-value-count Indicates the number of results belonging to a certain group
facet-value- Indicates the property constraints expression.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 73

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

Property Description
search link Points to corresponding results of a certain group. For example, you
can navigate to instances whose r_modify_date falls in last year's
date range by accessing this link:
2 q=emc&facet=r_modify_date&facet-value-
3 %2B0000/2014-01-01T00:00:00.000%5C%2B0000

When a repeating property is used as the facet, entries in the result set may also
contain a facet block that is comprised of multiple facet value groups, each of which
represents a combination of repeating values (<value_a> + <value_b>). This enables
you to navigate to the results whose repeating property contains both <value_a> and
<value_b> by accessing the corresponding search link.

Note: The plus sign ( + ) is encoded as %2B in the XML representation.

Consider the following scenario:

• You use the repeating property keywords as the facet

• The result set contains three objects:

– <Object1>, which contains the keywords foobar and V1

– <Object2>, which contains the keywords foobar and V2

– <Object3>, which contains the keywords foobar, V1, and V2.

In this scenario, when you click the search link

value-constraints= foobar to navigate to the entries whose keywords contains
foobar, all entries in the feed contain a facet block that has multiple facet value
groups. Each of these groups represents a value combination (foobar + x). For
example, when you access the search link /dctm-rest/
value-constraints= foobar%2BV1 in the first entry, <Object1> and <Object3> are
returned because their keywords contain both foobar and V1. Similarly, the link /dctm-rest/repositories/documentum1/search?q=
HellowWorld&facet=keywords&facet-value-constraints= V1%2BV2 returns two
results, <Object1> and <Object3>.

In addition to the AND operator ( + ), you can also use the OR operator (|), which is
encoded as %7C in URLs, in facet-value-constraints.

Note: These '+' and '|' operators have the same precedence in facet-value-
constraints, and the expression is evaluated from right to left. For example,
the expression a+b|c+d is treated as a+(b|(c+d)).

74 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.11. Facet search

4.11.2 Facet search with AQL

Here is a code sample that shows the facet request that is used when you want to
navigate into the facet groups:

Example 4-37: Navigate into a facet group

<property-list name="owner_name" operator="IN">
<facet-definition id="facet_type">

Below are the facet results. The elements in this set of facet results are similar to the
results from the “Facet search with URL parameters” on page 72 section. However,
the URL for the link relation search has a new element called
facet-id-constraints that contains the key value pairs for each facet id and its
constraint. The id should correspond to the facet id in the AQL. Here is a code
sample that shows you facet results and the facet-id-constraints parameter:

Example 4-38: Facet results and constraints

<link rel="search" href="
<link rel="search" href="

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 75

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

As you can see in the above code sample, the <cabinet> type has five results. You can
navigate into this facet group by using the POST HTTP method with the original
request to the URL in the facet result

For more information on using Facets requests with AQL, see the OpenText
Documentum REST Services Reference Guide for version 7.3 or later.

4.12 Lightweight and shareable objects

A lightweight object type is optimized to reduce the storage space needed in a
database. When a lightweight SysObject is created, it references a shareable
<supertype> object. Additional lightweight SysObjects that are created also reference
the same shareable object.

The shareable <supertype> object is called the lightweight <SysObject parent>. The
lightweight SysObject that references the <supertype> is called the child.

Each lightweight SysObject shares the information of its shareable parent object.
Instead of having multiple, nearly identical, rows in the SysObject database tables to
support all instances of the lightweight type, a single parent object exists for
multiple lightweight SysObjects.

Shareable Type

Shareable type instances can share their property values with lightweight types.
Multiple lightweight objects can share the property values of one shareable object.

Lightweight Type

Lightweight object type is a child of shareable object type. It is used to reduce the
space required to store it in a database.

4.12.1 Get lightweight and shareable types

Lightweight and shareable types can be retrieved by an existing Types resource.

To retrieve a lightweight and shareable type:

1. Use the filter attribute type_category on the Types resource to get lightweight
object types. Here is an example of the URI:

Note: You must include your repository name in the URI. Also notice the
parameter filter=type_category=4, which is used for Lightweight object

76 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.13. Generating link relation in DQL results

2. Use the filter attribute type_category on the Types resource to get sharable
object types. Here is an example of the URI:

Note: You must include your repository name in the URI. Also notice the
parameter filter=type_category=2, which is used for shareable object

3. The shareable object types have a lightweight-types link relation that points
to their relative child lightweight object type.
Similarly, the lightweight object types have a link relation parent-sharable-type
that points to their parent shareable object type. The link relation <parent> points
to the super type.

4. The category property has been added to the Type resource version 7.3 and
later to show the type of the category, and the shared-parent property has also
been added to the Type resource version 7.3 and later to show the
shared-parent of the lightweight type. Here's a code sample that shows you
how to use these two properties:
<type label="MyLightweight" name="my_lightweight"
parent-shareable-type=my_shareable" rel="

4.13 Generating link relation in DQL results

To facilitate content consumption, Documentum REST Services generates link
relations, including thumbnail links, in DQL results. Whether to generate links and
what links to generate is based on the criterion you specify in a DQL query request,
such as the properties to select and types of resources to select from.

Generated links are presented at the entry level. By accessing these links, a client
application is able to navigate to the corresponding resources. Typically, if the DQL
query result item has a dedicated resource, the result entry contains an editlink
relation pointing to that resource.

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Chapter 4 Resource specific features

Example 4-39: XML Representation of query results with links generated

<!-- all object related links for this query result is added here -->

Example 4-40: JSON Representation of query results with links generated

"id": "...",
"title": "...",
"updated": "...",
"content": {...},
"links": [## all object related links for this query result is added here ##]

4.13.1 Additional information about generating links

When a client application submits a request that contains a DQL statement, the REST
server does not make any change to the DQL. The query resource performs a simple
parse to obtain the types needed for link generation from the DQL.

DQL query syntax:

SELECT [FOR base_permit_level][ALL|DISTINCT] value [AS name] {,value [AS name]}
FROM [PUBLIC] source_list
[WITHIN PARTITION (partition_id{,partition_id})
| IN DOCUMENT clause
| IN ASSEMBLY clause]
[SEARCH [FIRST|LAST]fulltext_search_condition
[IN FTINDEX index_name{,index_name}]
[WHERE qualification]
[GROUP BY value_list]
[HAVING qualification]
[UNION dql_subselect]
[ORDER BY value_list]
[ENABLE (hint_list)]

How and what links are generated is delegated to each resources (mostly the types
you specify in the FROM clause, such as a document resource).

Note that not all DQL statements are eligible to generate links in query results as a
DQL query may not return information needed to generate links. For example,
properties such as r_object_id, or user_name, which can be used to identify
resources, are not selected in the DQL statement. The following query does not
generate any link because neither object_name nor r_modify_date is able to
identify a resource.

select object_name, r_modify_date from dm_document

78 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.13. Generating link relation in DQL results

Additionally, if you query a type that pertains to no existing resource in

Documentum REST Services, no link is generated. Similarly, if you query multiple
types that are not relevant with one another, no link is generated. The following
query does not generate any link:

select * from dm_document, dm_user

4.13.2 Thumbnail support

When the query result contains the thumbnail_url attribute, the system uses the
value of this attribute to generate a link to the thumbnail.

Example 4-41: Query results with thumbnail links generated in XML

Sample request:
r_object_id,object_name,r_object_type,thumbnail_url from dm_sysobject

Sample Response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns=""
<title>query results</title>
<name>OpenText Documentum</name>
<dm:properties xsi:type="dm:dm_cryptographic_key-properties">

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 79

Chapter 4 Resource specific features


Example 4-42: Query results with thumbnail links generated in JSON

Sample request:
select r_object_id,object_name,r_object_type,thumbnail_url from dm_sysobject

Sample Response:
id: ""
title: "DQL query results"
updated: "2014-07-04T15:44:00.896+08:00"
name: "OpenText Documentum"
page: 1
items-per-page: 2
rel: "self"
href: "
dql=select r_object_id,object_name,
thumbnail_url from dm_sysobject"
rel: "next"
href: "
dql=select r_object_id,object_name,
thumbnail_url from dm_sysobject"
rel: "first"
href: "
dql=select r_object_id,object_name,
thumbnail_url from dm_sysobject"
entries: [
id: "

80 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.13. Generating link relation in DQL results

dql=select r_object_id,object_name,
thumbnail_url from dm_sysobject"
title: "080f42418000013c"
updated: "2014-07-04T15:44:00.896+08:00"
name: "query-result"
type: "dm_cryptographic_key"
definition: "
r_object_id: "080f42418000013c"
object_name: ""
r_object_type: "dm_cryptographic_key"
thumbnail_url: "
links: [...]
links: [
rel: "edit"
href: "
rel: "icon"
href: "
id: "
dql=select r_object_id,object_name,r_object_type,
thumbnail_url from dm_sysobject"
title: "080f42418000013d"
updated: "2014-07-04T15:44:00.896+08:00"
name: "query-result"
type: "dm_public_key_certificate"
definition: "
r_object_id: "080f42418000013d"
object_name: ""
r_object_type: "dm_public_key_certificate"
thumbnail_url: "
links: [...]
links: [
rel: "edit"
href: "

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 81

Chapter 4 Resource specific features

rel: "icon"
href: "

4.14 Location of persistent data

Some resources found in Documentum REST Services release 7.3 and later, such as
the Saved Search resource and the User Preference resource, must create internal
persistent data in the repository. The correct configuration of a persistent data folder
is required to prevent data access errors.

REST services decides where to store persistent data depending on your runtime
environment setting, the user accessing the persistent data, and the resource
generating the data. This section discusses how REST services resolves locations of
persistent data.

The path of the folder storing persistent data consists of two parts, a parent folder
path followed by a sub folder path.

• Parent folder path: This folder path can point to a global location specified in the file, the user’s default folder, or the temp
For more information, see Resolving Parent Folder.

• Sub folder path: The path of a sub folder follows this pattern: ${user_name}_$

For more information, see Resolving Sub Folder.

Example 4-43: Parent folder and sub-folder paths

Here are some examples of persistent data folder paths. The parent folder path,
which is shown in italic, followed by the sub-folder path:

• /System/Applications/rest-persistence/admin_saved_search

• /testuser_default/testuser_saved_search

• /temp/myuser_myresource

82 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.14. Location of persistent data

4.14.1 Resolving a parent folder

When resolving the parent folder of persistence data, REST Services has the
following options. These options are listed in the order of precedence, with the
highest-precedence at the top.

• Global location specified in

• User’s default folder
• /Temp

If none of the options is enabled, the system returns a 403 error code to the client
that attempts to generate persistent data.

Global location

The global location is the root folder for all persistence data. With this location
specified, operations generating persistent data create sub folders under the root to
store persistence.

The runtime property rest.persistence.folder specifies the global location of

persistence data. For example:

If you specify an invalid path, the system returns a 403 error code. In this case, the
system does not try the two lower precedence options (user default folder or /Temp

Make sure that you grant users Write permission on this folder as they have to
create sub folders there. To do this, set the basic permission of dm_world to 6 for the
global location folder as shown in the following snippet.
<permission accessor="dm_world" basic-permission="6"/>
<permission accessor="dm_owner" basic-permission="7"
<link rel="self" href=""/>
<link rel="edit" href=""/>
<link rel=""

For security reasons, you may want to hide implementation details. Marking the
global location folder hidden serves the purpose:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 83

Chapter 4 Resource specific features


User’s default folder

If a global location for persistent data does not exist, REST Services tries the user’
default folder (specified by default_folder) as an alternative.

Temp folder

Non-administrative users may not have a default folder. In this case, REST services
tries the /Temp folder. Because the /Temp folder can be used as the storage for
persistent data, be cautious when you delete this folder or remove data from the

4.14.2 Resolving sub-folder

Once the parent folder is resolved, REST Services checks whether the parent folder
has a sub-folder ${user_name}_${resource_name} to save persistent data. If the
sub folder exists, REST Services returns the path paranet_folder\sub_folder to
the client for persistent data storage. Note that the user initiating the operation must
be granted Write permission on the sub folder. If the sub folder does not exist, the
client creates the sub folder on behalf of the user. If the user does not have the writer
permission on the parent folder, the system throws an exception.

4.14.3 Global location change

When you change the runtime property rest.persistence.folder, only persistent
data generated after the change is stored in the new location. Old persistent data
stays in the original global location folder. However, when you update a resource,
such as the <Saved search> or the <User preference> resource that generates persistent
data after a global location change, the data store location does not change.

4.15 MailApp support

The Documentum REST Services MailApp feature requires a little set up before you
can use it in your server side code. Perform the following tasks in your REST server
side code to set up the MailApp feature:

• Your REST clients must send email content as multi part form data to the
Documentum REST server.

• Your REST clients must send content to your REST server as an HTTP query
parameter with the format value set to either msg or eml as shown in this

84 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.16. Adding a document with content to REST services


• Set the rest.should.parse.emails property in the rest-api-runtime file to

true in your REST server side code. This default value for this property is false.

When the above items have been set, the Folder child documents collection resource
and Folder child objects collection resource will use the Documentum Foundation
Classes (DFC) to invoke the MailApp logic in the REST server side code. The mail
app logic parses the attributes of the email and updates the email SysObject that
must be imported. Once the email import operation is finished, you can find the
email attributes, such as subject, to, from, etc. in the SysObject of the mail
object that is being imported.

MailApp processing depends on the values used in the following properties in the file.

• shouldSeparateAttachments=true: When this flag is true, attachments are

separated from mail. Otherwise not.

• objectTypeForAttachments=dm_document: The object type of attachments must

be dm_document or a subtype of dm_document, except for dm_message_archive
and its subtypes.

• shouldParseMsgFile=true: When this flag is true, then msg files are parsed by
the mail app. Otherwise not.

• shouldSkipDuplicateCheck=true: When this flag is true, then duplicate mails

(MSG) can be imported.

4.16 Adding a document with content to REST

There are two ways in which you can add a document, with content, to
Documentum REST Services. The first approach is to create a document object and
add content to the new document object using two separate requests. The second
approach is to use a single request to create the document and its primary content.

4.16.1 Creating a document and adding its content

Follow these steps to create a document and add content to it:

1. Navigate to a specific document Cabinet or Folder resource. You can do this using
the following GET Request:

2. Create a Document object in the selected Cabinet or Folder with the following POST

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 85

Chapter 4 Resource specific features


This is your POST request body:

{ "properties":{ "object_name":"newTestDocument" }}

3. Add content to the new Document object with the following POST request:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=content

Content-Type: text/plain This sentence is the text content of your Document object

4.16.2 Creating a document and its content in a single request

To create a Document object and its primary text content in a single request, create
and send the following POST Request:
Content-Disposition: form-data;
Content-Type: text/plain

"properties": {
Content-Type: text/plain This sentence is the text content of your Document object

4.16.3 Code samples

Example 4-44: Creating a Document object and its content with two

The following code sample shows you how to create a dm_document (dmObject)
object and set its object_name. Next, we show you how to create a
binaryContentObject, which is added to your new dm_document object as content.
ObjectViewBuilder builder = (ObjectViewBuilder) params[1];
String targetUrl ="
Object binaryContentObject = "This is used as binary content for your new object
<script>alert('hello world');</script> 1";
String objectName = "test_doc";
Object dmObject = appendDocBasicAttr(builder, objectName).build();

private ObjectViewBuilder appendDocBasicAttr(ObjectViewBuilder builder,

String objectName)
return builder
.attribute("object_name", objectName)
.attribute("r_object_type", "dm_document");

86 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

4.16. Adding a document with content to REST services

Example 4-45: Creating a Document object and its content with one

The following code sample shows you how to create a Document object and its
content with one request:
Item createdObjectWithContent = client.createDocument(targetUrl, dmObject,
binaryContentObject, "text/plain", "format", "crtext");

public RestObject createDocument(String url, Object objectToCreate,

Object content, String contentMediaType) // More parameters are acceptable
return post(url, new JsonObject(objectToCreate), content, contentMediaType,
JsonObject.class, params);

protected <T> T post(String uri, T object, Object content,

String contentMediaType, Class<? extends T>
responseBodyClass) // More params are acceptable
MultiValueMap<String, Object> parts = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>();
parts.add("metadata", new HttpEntity<Object>(object, isXml()?
parts.add("binary", contentMediaType == null?content:new HttpEntity<Object>
(content, new Headers().contentType(contentMediaType).toHttpHeaders()));
responseBodyClass, params);

protected <T> T sendRequest(String uri, HttpMethod httpMethod,

HttpHeaders headers, Object requestBody,
Class<T> responseBodyClass)// More params are acceptable
HttpEntity<Object> requestEntity = newRequestEntity(headers, requestBody);
ResponseEntity<T> entity = processor.process(requestUri, httpMethod,
requestEntity, responseBodyClass);

To complete this task, we show you how to use the Spring RestTemplate to
create the single POST request that is used to send everything to the
Documentum REST Services server:
public <T> ResponseEntity<T> process(String url, HttpMethod method,
HttpEntity<?> requestEntity, Class<T> responseType)
return, method, requestEntity, responseType);

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 87

Chapter 5

Documentum REST Services supports the following authentication schemes:

• HTTP basic authentication for inline users and LDAP users

• SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication for users in Active Directory domains
• CAS Single Sign-on authentication for LDAP users
• OAuth 2.0 authentication
• RSA Access Manager Single Sign-on authentication for LDAP users
• CA SiteMinder Security Single Sign-on authentication for LDAP users
• SAML 2.0 Web Single Sign-on authentication for LDAP users
• Pre-authenticated authentication for Web Access Management solutions

Note: In addition to these out-of-the-box authentication schemes, Documentum

REST Services also allows you to create your own custom authentication
schemes using the extensibility library.

For more information, see “Authentication extensibility“ on page 385.

5.1 End user tracking

REST Services supports the end user tracking feature from release 21.2. As part of
end user tracking, Documentum REST Services provides the following information
to the Documentum Server using DFC.

• End user machine IP adddress.

• End user location (this can be an exact location or geographic location), that the
Documentum REST Services clients pass to the Documentum REST server as a
value in the X-CLIENT-LOCATION custom header.

Note: The Client_Location custom header is deprecated from

Documentum REST Services 21.3 release onwards and is replaced with X-

• The application used by the end user to log in to the Documentum REST Server.
• The Documentum REST client applications can provide their application name
using the header the X-CLIENT-APPLICATION-NAME. The header value is
considered as the Documentum client application name using which a user tries
to login. If a value is not provided to this header, the application name is taken
from the Documentum REST application context path.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 89

Chapter 5 Authentication

The end user information is logged in the dm_audittrail table when the events,
dm_connect and dm_logon_failure are enabled on Documentum Server. These
events are triggered by Documentum Server when a user tries to get a session from
Documentum Server. The audit event for dm_connect is not enabled by default.
However, the dm_logon_failure event is enabled by default. The Documentum
REST server sends the end user information to DFC if the
dfc.client.should_use_enduserinfo DFC property is set to true.

5.2 HTTP basic authentication

HTTP basic authentication sends usernames and passwords to the REST server for

Note: We strongly recommend that you use HTTPS, which requires a secure
connection, when using HTTP basic authentication because HTTP basic
authentication transmits the username and password in BASE64 encoded plain

HTTP basic authentication is typically used in the following scenarios:

Scenario A (inline users):

• In your production environment, you do not have an identity provider (IdP)

• In your production environment, it is acceptable to store user credentials in
Documentum repositories

Scenario B. (LDAP users):

• In your production environment, you have an IdP.

• In your production environment, it is acceptable to pass user credentials via
Documentum systems (Documentum Server).
• In your production environment, it is acceptable to synchronize user information
and group information to Documentum repositories.

When using HTTP basic authentication, a request carries the username/password

pair in the Authorization Header with the following pattern:
Authorization: Basic BASE64{${username}:${password}}

Example 5-1: Username/password pair for dmadmin/password

GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZA==

If the authentication fails, the REST server responds with the HTTP 401
Unauthorized status code.

Documentum REST Services release 7.2 and later allow you to improve the
efficiency of HTTP Basic authentication by using client tokens. This improvement

90 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.2. HTTP basic authentication

allows an authenticated REST client to access the REST server without having to
negotiate a new session ticket in a specified period of time.

The following diagram illustrates the workflow of HTTP Basic authentication with
client tokens:

1. A client sends the Request with HTTP Basic authentication credentials.

GET /dctm-rest/repositories/REPO HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZA==

2. The REST server tries to retrieve a session from Documentum Server with the
credential the client provides. If the credential is valid, the REST server creates a
client token in the DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN cookie of the Response and sends
it back to the client.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Set-Cookie: DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN= <encrypted_client_token>

Otherwise, the REST server rejects the Request with an HTTP 401 error.

3. When sending subsequent requests, the client includes the client token in the

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 91

Chapter 5 Authentication

GET /dctm-rest/repositories/REPO HTTP/1.1

Host: localhost:8080
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)
Cookie: DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN= <encrypted_client_token>

4. The REST server validates the client token. If the client token is valid, the server
returns the Response. If the client token expires or the token is invalid, the REST
server rejects the Request with HTTP 401
5. The client sends a request to log out:
GET /dctm-rest/logout HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)
Cookie: DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN= <encrypted_client_token>

For more information, see Explicit Logoff.

6. The REST server reset the client token and returns HTTP 204:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Set-Cookie: DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN=""; Expires=Thu,
01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT; Path=/dctm-rest; HttpOnly
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 06:35:33 GMT

Note: If an authenticated client provides both HTTP basic authentication

credentials and a client token, the REST server ignores the client token,
validating the credentials only. If the credentials are valid, a new client token is

5.2.1 Enabling HTTP basic authentication

HTTP Basic is the default authentication scheme in Documentum REST Services,
and thus it is enabled out of the box. If you want to enable client tokens in HTTP
Basic Authentication, set the property to basic-ct in

Note: <dctm-rest> represents the directory where you extract the dctm-rest.
war file.

5.2.2 User credential mapping

In scenario A, user credentials are mapped as follows:
${username} = ${dm_user.user_login_name}
${password} = ${dm_user.user_password}

In scenario B, we recommend that you use the following mapping rule consistently
for both Documentum Server domain-required and non-domain-required modes.
This mapping is generic for any type of LDAP servers supported by Documentum
${username} = ${dm_user.user_login_domain}\${dm_user.user_login_name}
${password} = ${LDAP user password}

92 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.3. Kerberos authentication

If your Documentum Server repository is configured with the domain-required

authentication model, it is possible to have multiple users with the same login name
if each user is in a different domain. Therefore, under domain-required
authentication model, it is required to put the domain name prefix in the username
variable. If domain-required authentication model is not enabled (default setting),
the domain name prefix is optional in the username variable.


• dm_user.user_login_domain is mapped from the Documentum Server

LDAP Configuration name when LDAP users are synchronized to
Documentum Server
• In Documentum Server, you can create a user with a login name that
contains the backslash sign ('\'), for example user alpha\beta, where alpha
is not a domain name. To make such an authentication succeed, the REST
client must insert an empty domain name to the user login name, for
example, \alpha\beta. This is a known limitation in Documentum Server

5.2.3 Known limitations

According to RFC2617, section-2, user names for HTTP basic authentication cannot
contain the colon character (‘:’).

5.3 Kerberos authentication

Documentum REST Services implements SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication to
authenticate a request when Documentum REST Services is registered as a Kerberos
service. OpenText recommends that you use Kerberos authentication if your
production environment meets the following conditions:

• You have set up your Active Directory domain environment.

• You want to integrate Kerberos SSO protocol with Documentum Server and
other related products in the Documentum system.

5.3.1 Authentication workflow

The following diagram illustrates the workflow of SPNEGO-based Kerberos
authentication in Documentum REST Services:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 93

Chapter 5 Authentication


• The workflow may vary because the negotiation protocol allows mutual
authentication that may take several rounds of request/Response to complete
the handshake

• The client token cookie is optional. By default, it is disabled. For more

information about how a client token works, see “Client token” on page 171.
When client tokens are used, SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication
supports single sign-out that invalidates client token cookies. When a client
explicitly logs out, the session is terminated and the client must negotiate a
new session ticket.

Authentication negotiation between the REST client and the REST server

1. The REST client sends a resource request with no credentials to the REST server
(Step 1 in the diagram).
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1

2. The REST server responds with the 401 status error and a Negotiate Header
(Step 2 in the diagram).
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate

3. The REST client negotiates a SPNEGO-based Kerberos token and re-sends the
resource request (Step 3 to Step 9 in the diagram).
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Negotiate YIIZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZ.....

94 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.3. Kerberos authentication

4. The REST server returns the requested resource. Optionally, a mutual token for
the client to verify can be sent back to the client (Step 10 in the diagram).
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate CXXCBApbjpwYXBSS90B.....

Note: A Kerberos service ticket is meant to be used only once. A REST

client cannot resubmit the same SPNEGO token multiple times for
authentication. When the client token cookie is not enabled, the REST
client must negotiate new Kerberos service tickets for subsequent REST

5.3.2 Multi domain support within a forest

In Documentum REST Services, Kerberos authentication can be implemented across
multiple domains when one of the following conditions is true:

• The domains are in the same forest

• Two-way trusts are enabled across the domains.

A typical scenario where Kerberos authentication across multiple domains is used is

shown as follows:

A domain user (A) tries to access a REST resource located on a domain other than
the one where user A logs on.

Documentum Server has supported Kerberos multi domain authentication within a

forest since version 6.7SP2. The following diagram illustrates how multi-domain
Kerberos authentication works across Documentum stacks.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 95

Chapter 5 Authentication

In this diagram, the REST server is deployed in a different domain than the domain
where users log in:

Domain names must be entered all in uppercase letters. Otherwise the
operation will fail during the authentication process. This is a requirement
of Documentum Server.

• The Documentum REST Services deployment is registered to domain PUB.ACME.


• The logon users come from other domains CORP.ACME.COM and ENG.ACME.COM
• Documentum Server repositories are registered to the sub-trusted domains
any other sub-trusted domain.
• Repositories must synchronize domain users from the Active Directory. In this
diagram, each repository synchronizes AD users from multiple domains
• Each repository can support multi-domain Kerberos authentication

5.3.3 Setup SPNEGO-based Kerberos

To implement SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication for Documentum REST
Services, the following configurations are required:

• “Documentum Server configuration for SPNEGO-based Kerberos” on page 96

• “REST server configuration for SPNEGO-based Kerberos” on page 97
• “Recommendations on web browser configuration for SPNEGO-based Kerberos”
on page 103

Note: Before configuring Documentum Server and the REST server for
SPNEGO-based Kerberos, you must set up the domain controllers successfully
in your Active Directory environment. Documentum Server configuration for SPNEGO-based Kerberos

To implement SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication, the following configurations
are required for Documentum Server:

• Register and map the service principal name

• Create the Kerberos configuration file
• Configure LDAP synchronization

For detailed information about Kerberos-related configurations in Documentum

Server, see the OpenText Documentum Server Administration and Configuration Guide.

96 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.3. Kerberos authentication REST server configuration for SPNEGO-based Kerberos

To implement SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication, the following configurations
are required for the REST server:

• “Register and map the Service Principal Name” on page 97

• “JAAS configuration” on page 98

• “Configuring runtime properties” on page 102

• Startup script

You must restart the application server after you finish the configurations above. Register and map the Service Principal Name

First, you must determine a Service Principal Name (SPN) for your REST server. The
SPN follows one of the following patterns:

• Pattern 1:

• Pattern 2:


We suggest that you use pattern 2 because it is compatible with most web clients.

After you determine your SPN, follow these steps on the domain controller that is
registered as the Key Distribution Center (KDC):

1. In the Active Domain Computers and Users Management console, create a service
account for Documentum Server, for example, webadmin.

2. Run the following command to create the SPN:


setspn -a HTTP/RESTSERVER.ACME.COM webadmin

3. Run the following command to create a keytab file for the SPN and map the
SPN to the service account:
+DumpSalt -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /mapOp set

For more information about the <ktpass> utility, see Ktpass Syntax in the
Mircosoft website.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 97

Chapter 5 Authentication

Example 5-2: A Ktpass command

ktpass /pass Password123 -out C:\shared\acme01.acme.keytab

-princ HTTP/[email protected] -crypto ALL +DumpSalt
-ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /mapOp set /mapUser webadmin

4. Copy the keytab file to the application server where Documentum REST
Services is deployed.

5. In the Active Domain Computers and Users Management console, select "Trust
this user for delegation to any service (Kerberos only)" for the service
account (for example, webadmin) in the Delegation tab.

The Delegation tab does not exist until you run the <ktpass> command
to map the principal.

Note: Kerberos constrained delegation is supported in version 7.3 and

later. By setting the REST runtime property
<> to true, Documentum REST
Services principal can be delegated to a limited set of Documentum Server
repository service principals.

In the Active Domain Computers and Users Management console, select “Trust this
user for delegation to specific services only”, then select “Use Kerberos only” and add
service principals for the Documentum Server repositories.
Constrained Delegation cannot be configured across multiple domains and can
only be used in a single domain scenario. This is a limitation of the MS KDC
configuration. JAAS configuration

The JAAS configuration file entry contains JAAS-specific settings such as the
<LoginContext> name (which is also the name of the configuration entry), settings
for the Kerberos login module, the REST server's SPN, and the location of the
*.keytab file.

The location and format of the JAAS configuration settings might be different for
each application server. The JAAS configuration file in most application servers is
named jaas.conf. However, in <WebSphere> application server, the JAAS
configuration file is named wsjaas.conf under the following directory:


The location and format of the JAAS configuration settings might be different for
each application server. The JAAS configuration file in most application servers is
named jaas.conf.

98 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.3. Kerberos authentication

<WebSphere>: In the <WebSphere> application server, the JAAS configuration file is

named wsjaas.conf, and it is located in the following directory:


<JBoss 6.3>: In the <Jboss 6.3> application server, the JAAS configuration must be
specified in the standalone.xml file, which is located in the following directory:

In <JBoss 6.3> the deployment must go in the jboss-eap-6.3\standalone\

deployments directory.

In your web.xml file, you must set the <jaas.config> entry so that it points to the
above standalone.xml file.

<Jboss 6.3> uses JAAS configurations that are included in its standlaone.xml file.
Any configuration settings that are made to any other files are ignored by the <Jboss
6.3> application server.

Element ID Description
<security-domain> Corresponds to the Documentum REST Services web
application’s SPN. You replace separator characters with
hyphen characters and omit the @REALM segment in the SPN.

For example, the following security domain is derived from the

corresponding SPN:
• security-domain: HTTP-myhost-mydomain-com-8080

Note: Make sure that the SPN in the JAAS

configuration matches the SPN defined in rest-api-

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 99

Chapter 5 Authentication

Element ID Description
<LoginModule> For both single and multi domain, the REST services always
uses the Quest login module.
• .jaas.

Note: When you want to enable ticket cache, perform one

of the following operations:
• Enable createTicketCache:
• Enable createTicketCache and specify a cache path:
ticketCache=<cache_path> 32

Otherwise, disable ticket cache by setting <useTicketCache>

to false.
<SPN> The Documentum REST Services web application’s SPN. SPN
does not contain the @ character and the string after that. For
example: HTTP/
<REALM> (Multi-domain support only) The realm name. For example:
<REST_user_keytab_ The path to the user account’s *.keytab file on the
path>> Documentum REST Services web application. For example: C:

Example 5-3: The standalone.xml file entry

<security-domain name="HTTP-myhost-mydomain-com-8080" cache-type="default">
<login-module code=""
<module-option name="storeKey" value="true"/>
<module-option name="useKeyTab" value="true"/>
<module-option name="principal" value=" HTTP/"/>
<module-option name="keyTab" value="C:/kerberos/restuser.keytab"/>
<module-option name="doNotPrompt" value="true"/>
<module-option name="debug" value="true"/>
<module-option name="useTicketCache" value="false"/>
<!--<module-option name="refreshKrb5Config" value="true"/> -->
<module-option name="noTGT" value="true"/>
<module-option name="realm" value=" MYDOMAIN.MYCORP.COM "/>

100 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.3. Kerberos authentication

Example 5-4: JAAS configuration referring to QUEST libraries which

support both single domain and multi domain
{ required

<loginContext> Corresponds to the Documentum REST Services web application's

SPN. You replace separator characters with hyphen characters and
omit the @REALM segment in the SPN. For example, the following
LoginContext is derived from the corresponding SPN:
• LoginContext:
• SPN:
HTTP/[email protected].

Note: Make sure that the SPN in the JAAS configuration

matches the SPN defined in rest-api-runtime.
<LoginModule> Specify the Kerberos login module to be used to perform user

Referring to QUEST Libraries for both Single domain and Multi-Domain:

Note: If you want to enable ticket cache, perform one of the

following operations. Otherwise, disable ticket cache by
setting useTicketCache to false.
• Enable createTicketCache:
• Enable createTicketCache and specify a cache path:


EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 101

Chapter 5 Authentication

<SPN> For QUEST login modules, the SPN does not contain the @ character
and the string after that. For example:

If Documentum REST Services is deployed on WebLogic, append

the realm name to the SPN. For example:
HTTP/[email protected] Configuring runtime properties

The file contains the runtime properties for

Documentum REST Services. You can configure the following authentication-related
settings by using the corresponding properties in the file:

• Authentication mode

• Security configuration for client tokens, and expiration policies

• File path where jaas.conf is located (If you implement SPNEGO-based

Kerberos authentication on Oracle Weblogic Server, do not specify the location of
the jaas.conf file in the file. For more
information, see “JAAS configuration in WebLogic” on page 102)

• Hostname or IP address of the DNS server for the domain

• Threshold (in bytes) at which Kerberos authentication cuts over from UDP to

This file contains detailed instructions on how to set the runtime properties. Follow
the instructions to complete the settings. The file is located in the following directory
of the application server where REST web services is deployed:


<dctm-rest> represents the directory where you extract the dctm-rest.war file. JAAS configuration in WebLogic

If Documentum REST Services is deployed on WebLogic, Kerberos authentication

requires the following configurations:

• Besides setting the location of the jaas.config file in the rest-api-runtime.

properties file, which is located in dctm-rest.war\WEB-INF\classes\, set its
location by using a JVM argument of the setDomainEnv script:
set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS%<jaas config file

• In the file, append the realm name to the rest.

security.kerberos.spn property:[email protected]

102 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.3. Kerberos authentication Recommendations on web browser configuration for SPNEGO-

based Kerberos
You may want to build a web browser application with access to Documentum
REST Services using Kerberos authentication. Most web browsers support the HTTP
Negotiate protocol. To enable HTTP Negotiate authentication for SPNEGO-based
Kerberos SSO, you may need to change your browser configurations. The following
instructions help you configure HTTP Negotiate authentication for SPNEGO-based
Kerberos on some commonly used web browsers. To get the detailed support on
configuring web browsers, refer to the web browser documentation.

Note: The instructions in this section are based on the following assumptions:

• You have created an Active Directory domain named ACME.COM.

• You have deployed Documentum REST Services on a Tomcat web server
that is running on a computer with the host name RESTSERVER.ACME.COM in
the domain
• The home page for Documentum REST Services is:

• You have created a Kerberos SPN HTTP/RESTSERVER.ACME.COM for

Documentum REST Services.
• You log in to another domain computer with the host name RESTCONSUMER.
ACME.COM with a domain user account ACME\tuser / password

• You have finished Kerberos configurations for both the REST server and
Documentum Server correctly

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Minimal Requirements

• Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8.0 or later.

• The domain user ACME\tuser on the computer RESTCONSUMER.ACME.COM has
been granted permissions to configure intranet zones. For example, you have
already added this user to the Local Administrators group

To enable SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication for Documentum REST Services

in Internet Explorer, follow these steps:

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Navigate to Tools->Internet Options->Security

3. Navigate to Local intranet->Sites->Advanced. The Local Intranet dialog box


4. In the Add this website to the zone field, enter the following site:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 103

Chapter 5 Authentication

5. Click Add->Close->OK.

6. On the Internet Options box, navigate to the Advanced tab.

Scroll down to the Security settings, and then check Enable Integrated
Windows Authentication.
Click OK.

7. Restart Internet Explorer.

Mozilla Firefox

Minimal Requirements:

• Mozilla Firefox version 3.0 or later

To enable SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication for Documentum REST Services

in Mozilla Firefox, follow these steps:

1. Open Firefox.

2. In the address bar, enter about:config.

3. In the Search bar, enter negotiate-auth. Preference names starting with

netowrk.negotiate-auth will be returned.

4. Double click the preference network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris.

5. Enter, and then click OK.

6. Double click the preference network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris.

7. Enter, and then click OK.

8. Restart Firefox.

Google Chrome

Minimal Requirements:

• Google Chrome version 10.0 or later

To enable SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication for Documentum REST Services

in Google Chrome, follow these steps:

1. Locate Chrome.exe on your system. Typically, the file is located in the following

2. Create a .bat file, and then open it with a text editor.

3. Input the following text in the .bat file:

104 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.3. Kerberos authentication

<chrome-directory>\chrome.exe --auth-schemes="negotiate"

Example 5-5: Bat sample

--auth-schemes="negotiate" --auth-server-whitelist="*"

4. Save the .bat file.

5. If the Chrome does not resolve the host, add a host/IP
mapping to the host file.
6. Double click the .bat file you created to start Chrome. Verify browser settings

To verify that SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication for Documentum REST

Services is correctly enabled in your web browser, enter the following URL in the
address bar

When all settings are correct, the Current User resource, which contains the
information of the login user tuser, is returned. Troubleshooting and diagnostics

The following checklist lists the settings that you must verify for the correct
configuration of Kerberos authentication:

• Domain Controller

– The service account that creates the SPN and maps the keytab must be
configured as “Delegation Trust”.

– The encryption types for Kerberos service tickets must be supported across
the client machines, the REST server machine, and the Documentum Server

– The system time across all domain machines must be synchronized.

– For multi-domain deployment, the domains must be in the same forest, and
two-Way trusts must be activated. You can verify this in the Active Directory
Domains and Trusts console.
• Documentum Server

– The Documentum Server repository SPN format must follow this pattern: CS/
<repository name>.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 105

Chapter 5 Authentication

– The Documentum Server repository keytab must be loaded successfully. You

can verify this by checking the Documentum Server repository log file under

– The DNS servers defined in the krb5.ini file must be reachable

• REST Server

– The REST Services SPN is suggested to follow this pattern: HTTP/<HOSTNAME>

– The REST Services keytab must be loaded successfully. You can verify this by
running the following command:
%JAVA_HOME%/bin/klist -k -t <keytab-file-path>

– The DNS servers defined in the

property must be reachable
• REST Client

– The client session must be within the domain. You can verify this by running
the command klist tgt which checks the client TGT cache

– You must be able to forward the service ticket to issue on the client Retrieve Debug Information

Kerberos-specific DEBUG information helps you identify the root cause of a

Kerberos authentication failure.

To enable REST server Kerberos debugging, perform one or more of the following

• Add a DEBUG level logger for class package in the file located in <dctm-rest>\WEB-INF\classes:, R

The log file is saved in the location defined by the log4j.appender.R.File

• Enable JAAS debugging in the jaas.conf file:

The log file is shown on the console.

• Enable QUEST library debugging. To do this, add the following parameter to
Web Server startup script (for example, catalina.bat in Tomcat):
-Didm.spnego.debug=true -Djcsi.kerberos.debug=true

The log file is shown on the console.

To enable Documentum Server Kerberos debugging, follow these steps:

106 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.3. Kerberos authentication

1. Stop docbase.
2. Edit the service parameter and append -otrace_authentication.
3. Start docbase.

The log files are saved in the following files:

• ${Documentum}\dba\logs\<docbase>.log
• ${Documentum}\dba\logs\dm_krb_<docbase>.log Common Errors

Clients use NTLM authentication

When the Kerberos protocol is not enabled on client machines, the web browser may
alternatively issue a NTLM token to respond the “HTTP 401 Negotiate” challenge.
NTLM authentication is not supported by the REST server.

In this scenario, the following error message is returned:

E_NTLM_AUTH_NOT_SUPPORTED - The give token is a NTLM token, not

Kerberos token. The NTLM authentication is not supported.

When this problem occurs, contact your administrator to validate your Kerberos
deployment on the client machine.

Kerberos tickets are not forwarded

When the Kerberos TGT is not configured to forward the tickets it produces, any
ticket that the Kerberos TGT produces (including the service ticket) is forwarded,
this causes the Kerberos authentication to fail.

In this scenario, the following error message is generated on the server:

E_NULL_DELEGATED_KERBEROS_CREDENTIAL - No credential delegated for

the Kerberos authentication with SPN: xxx and service ticket encrypted--<xxx>. Pleas
check whether the service account for the SPN has been configured as delegation
trust in KDC, or the service ticket issued on the client side has been configured to
allow it to be forwarded.

When this problem occurs, contact your administrator to validate your Kerberos
service ticket generation policy on client machines.

Delegation trust is not enabled for the service account

When the service account, the owner of the SPN, is not configured as delegation
trust, the Kerberos authentication fails.

In this scenario, the following error message is generated on the server:

E_NULL_DELEGATED_KERBEROS_CREDENTIAL - No credential delegated for

the Kerberos authentication with SPN: xxx and service ticket encrypted--<xxx>. Pleas

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 107

Chapter 5 Authentication

check whether the service account for the SPN has been configured as delegation
trust in KDC, or the service ticket issued on the client side has been configured to
allow it to be forwarded.

When this problem occurs, contact your administrator to validate service account
setting on KDC servers.

5.4 CAS authentication

5.4.1 Overview
Documentum REST Services supports Central Authentication Service (CAS)
authentication to achieve a robust authentication and single sign-on (SSO)
infrastructure for both browser and non-browser clients.

When using the CAS authentication scheme, you must install a CAS server (or
clustered CAS servers) to provide the authentication service. Additionally, you must
set up a directory service behind the CAS server and synchronize the directory users
to a Documentum Server repository. Documentum REST Services does not provide
CAS login or validation by itself. Instead, as a CAS client, REST Services forwards
unauthorized Documentum REST Services clients to the CAS server to perform
authentication and it validates the proof of principals on the CAS server by using its
trust relationship with the CAS server. Upon a successful validation, the REST
Services obtains a CAS proxy ticket on behalf of the clients to access the
Documentum Server repository, where a CAS plug-in must be installed to provide
the CAS proxy login capability. Terminology
CAS-related terminologies are defined in the following table:

Table 5-1: Terminologies in CAS authentication

Term Description
Client Token (CT) Authentication token that the REST server
provides for clients. This token contains an
encrypted Documentum ticket and
additional metadata used for token
expiration. For more information about how
a client token works, see “Client token”
on page 171.
Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) Ticket indicating that a client has
successfully logged in to the CAS server
Service Ticket (ST) Ticket that the CAS server sends to a service
for identifying that service
Proxy Granting Ticket (PGT) Ticket that the CAS server sends to a service
with valid an ST for requesting Proxy Tickets

108 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.4. CAS authentication

Term Description
Proxy Ticket (PT) Ticket that a proxy service uses to access a
target service for multi-tier authentication

CAS is an open-source Java server component.

5.4.2 Authentication workflow

CAS authentication supports browser and non-browser clients. This section
elaborates on the authentication workflows for both scenarios.

The following diagram illustrates the workflow of CAS authentication for browser

Authentication negotiation between a browser REST client and the REST


1. A REST client (a web browser) sends a request to access a REST Services

resource, for example, the client tries to visit the acme01 repository with the
following URL:

2. The REST server sends back a 302 status code redirection Response asking the
client to authenticate itself on the CAS server:
Response Status code: 302 Moved Temporarily

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 109

Chapter 5 Authentication

The browser client is automatically redirected to the location specified in the

Location Header and the CAS login page is displayed.

3. The browser client enters the username and password, and submits the Request
to the CAS Server.

4. The CAS Server connects to a directory service to verify the user credential.

5. After the verification, the CAS Server returns a 302 status code redirection
Response, providing the <ST> and <TGT> for the client.
Response Status code: 302 Moved Temporarily
Set-Cookie CASPRIVACY=""; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT; Path=/cas/
CASTGC=TGT-165-zm6GUY4gFJP3AjtY4EQiXJ7M5lIGJDiIevY6AZTlkOhg2F9J2Bcas01.;Path=/cas/; Secure

The <ST> is located in the ticket URL parameter in the return message and it
can only be used one time.

6. The client uses the ST obtained in step 5 to access the resource identified by the
Location Header of the Response. The TGT is located in the Set-Cookie Header.
The client uses the TGT cookie to acquire subsequent STs, without a need to
provide the username and password again.

7. The REST server negotiates with the CAS server to obtain the PT. For more
information about this process, see “Proxy Ticket Negotiation between REST
and CAS“ on page 113.

8. The REST server sends the PT to Documentum Server.

9. The CAS plug-in on Documentum Server calls the CAS server to validate the PT.

10. The CAS server validates the PT. If the PT is valid, the CAS server responds
Documentum Server with the proxy address.
<cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas=''>
<cas:attribute name="dmCSLdapUserDN" value="CN=testUser,CN=Users,

11. Documentum Server creates a session for the client specified in the CAS
Response and generates a ticket that the client is able to use for subsequent calls.

12. The REST server submits the actual call to Documentum Server by using the
session created in step 11.

13. Documentum Server returns the operation results to the REST server.

110 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.4. CAS authentication

14. The REST server returns the results to the client, including a DOCUMENTUM-
CLIENT-TOKEN cookie (see “Client token” on page 171) that the client can use
for future calls.
Response Status code: 200 OK
Version=1; Path=/dctm-rest; HttpOnly
Response Body:
{ "id": 15,"name": "acme01",.....}

The following diagram illustrates the workflow of CAS authentication for non-
browser clients:

Authentication negotiation between a non-browser REST client and the REST


1. A non-browser client sends a request to access a REST Services resource.

2. The REST server rejects the Request because it does not carry any authentication
If the DOCUMENTUM-NO-CAS-REDIRECT Header in the Request is set to true, the
REST server returns code 401 and puts the CAS RESTful ticket URL in the
Location Header.
=========== Request ===============

=========== Response ===============

Status code: 401 Unauthorized

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 111

Chapter 5 Authentication

WWW-Authenticate : CAS realm=""

If the DOCUMENTUM-NO-CAS-REDIRECT Header in the Request is set to false, the

REST server returns code 302.
=========== Request ===============

=========== Response ===============

Status code: 302 Found

3. The client sends a POST request to the CAS server to obtain a TGT.
=========== Request ===============
Host: casserver:8443
Request Body: username={username}&password={password}

4. The CAS Server validates the client.

5. The CAS Server returns back a TGT.

=========== Response ===============
Status code: 201 Created
Response Body:

6. The client sends a POST request to the CAS server to obtain an ST for the
resource by using the TGT.
=========== Request ===============
Host: casserver:8443
Request Body:

=========== Response ===============

Status code: 200 OK
Response Body:

Note: The value of service in the Request body must to be URL encoded.

7. The client sends a POST request to the REST server to consume the resource,
with the ST appended in the ticket parameter.
=========== Request ===============

8. The rest of the process is the same with steps 7 through 14 in “Authentication
negotiation between a browser REST client and the REST server“ on page 109.

In CAS authentication, the REST server negotiates a CAS PT on behalf authenticated

CAS clients for Documentum Server access. The following diagram illustrates the
workflow of the PT negotiation between the REST server and the CAS server:

112 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.4. CAS authentication

Proxy Ticket Negotiation between REST and CAS

1. To obtain the PGT IOU, the REST server calls the CAS server to validate the ST.
Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8

2. The CAS server validates the ST and makes a callback to the address specified
in the pgtUrl parameter of the REST request, passing the pgtIou (PGT IOU)
and pgtId parameters.

Note: pgtUrl must use HTTPS. The CAS server checks whether the SSL
certificate of pgtUrl is valid and whether the name matches that of the
Requested service.

3. The callback service (pgtUrl) responds the CAS server with HTTP 200.

4. The CAS server responds to the initial request for the PGT IOU:
<cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas=''>

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 113

Chapter 5 Authentication

5. The REST server retrieves the PGT (pgtId) from the callback service by
providing the PGT IOU.

6. In order to obtain a PT, the REST server passes the PGT to the CAS server.

7. The CAS server responds the REST server with a PT.


5.4.3 CAS Single sign out

CAS authentication supports single sign-out that invalidates client token cookies.
When a client explicitly logs out, the session is terminated and the client has to
negotiate a new session ticket.

The following workflow explains the single sign-out process in more detail:

1. A client sends a request to the REST server for logout by providing a CT.

2. The REST server validates the CT and resets it, and then redirects the REST
client to the CAS server for logout.
HTTP/1.1 302 302 Moved Temporarily
Set-Cookie: DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN= ""; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT;
Path=/dctm-rest; HttpOnly; Secure;

3. The REST client resets the client side CASTGC cookie and access the CAS server
for logout.
Cookie : CASTGC= TGT-AYQEVn....DKrdst

4. The CAS server destroys the TGT from its memory entry and sends back HTTP
200 with an empty CASTGC cookie.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: CASTGC= ""; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT; Path=/cas/

5. The REST client rests its client side TGT cookie, and the single sign-out finishes.
Both TGT and CT are invalidated.

114 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.4. CAS authentication

5.4.4 Configuration
CAS proxy authentication on Documentum REST Services requires configurations
on the following servers:

• “Documentum Server” on page 115

• “CAS Server” on page 116
• “REST Server” on page 120
• “Reverse Proxy Server” on page 121 Documentum Server

To Enable CAS authentication for Documentum REST Services, the following
configurations are required on Documentum Server:

1. Install the CAS authentication plug-in on Documentum Server. To do this,

perform the following configurations:

• Copy dm_cas_auth.dll to the authentication plug-in directory. Typically,

the directory is $DOCUMENTUM/dba/auth.
• Create a CAS plug-in configuration file (dm_cas_auth.ini) under
%DOCUMENTUM%\dba\auth, and then add the following properties in the file:
#This is a sample configuration file for the Documentum/CAS auth plugin

# Server host is the domain or host which is used in connecting to CAS
# server.


#url path used in http requests sent to the CAS server to validate proxy

# Target Service name for which the proxy ticket was generated.

# Specifies whether or not to set up the connection over https


• Restart Documentum Server

If the plug-in is loaded successfully, the log file ($DOCUMENTUM/dba/log/

<docbase>.log) contains an entry starting with DM_SESSION_I_AUTH_PLUGIN_

2. Synchronize LDAP users to Documentum Server repositories. For more

information about how to synchronize LDAP users to Documentum Server
repositories, see the section “Configuring LDAP synchronization for Kerberos
users” in the OpenText Documentum Server Administration and Configuration

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 115

Chapter 5 Authentication

3. If you have multiple repositories configured in your environment, set up trust

relationships across repositories.
For more information about how to set up trust relationships across
repositories, refer to the following sections:

• The “Managing the login ticket key” section in the OpenText Documentum
Server Administration and Configuration Guide
• The “Trusting and trusted repositories” section in the OpenText Documentum
Server Fundamentals Guide CAS Server

To Enable CAS authentication for Documentum REST Services, the following
configurations are required on the CAS server:

1. Download CAS Sever 3.5.2.

2. Add the following dependencies to the corresponding pom.xml file under \cas-
server-uber-webapp or \cas-server-webapp, depending on which CAS
WAR you modify.

3. To build a CAS WAR package, run the following maven command:

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

4. Add the following servlet mapping into \WEB-INF\web.xml of the CAS WAR
package you built in step 3:


116 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.4. CAS authentication

5. Update the server name and host name in WEB-INF/

6. Register Documentum Server as a CAS proxy service by using one of the

following methods.
Method 1: Modify the in-memory service registry
To do this, open WEB-INF/deployerConfigContext.xml, and add the
following bean to ServiceRegistryDao:
<bean class="">
<property name="id" value="1" />
<property name="name" value="HTTP and IMAP on" />
<property name="description" value="Allows HTTP(S) and IMAP(S)
protocols on" />
<property name="serviceId" value="ContentServer" />
<property name="evaluationOrder" value="1" />
<property name="allowedAttributes">

You must set serviceId to ContentServer. Additionally, you must set the
allowedAttributes property with a list of attributes.
Method 2: Register Documentum Server by using the Service Management application

• Create an administrative user for the Service Management application of

CAS. To do this, edit the userDetailsService bean in WEB-INF/
deployerConfigContext.xml as shown in the following sample:
<sec:user-service id="userDetailsService">
<sec:username="admin" password="notused" authorities="ROLE_ADMIN"/>

• Access <cas_server_url>/services with the administrative user. A Page

with the list of services added to Service Registry is displayed
• Click Add New Service or access <cas_server_url>/services/add.html
• Fill the form to create a new service for Documentum Server and then save
the service. In the Service URL field, you must enter the string you specified
for the service_param parameter in the CAS plug-in configuration file (dm_

7. Connect the CAS server to a directory service, such as active directory.

To do this, locate and open WEB-INF/deployConfigContext.xml, and then add
the following element in the authenticationHandlers list:
<bean class="org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.BindLdapAuthenticationHandler"

Note: sAMAccountName is used in active directory only. For LDAP servers,

such as ApacheDS, replace it with uid.

Still in deployConfigContext.xml, add the following element:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 117

Chapter 5 Authentication

<bean id="contextSource"
<property name="pooled" value="false"/>
<property name="url" value="ldap://" />
<property name="userDn"
<property name="password" value="password"/>
<property name="baseEnvironmentProperties">
<entry key="com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout" value="3000" />
<entry key="" value="3000" />
<entry key=""
value="simple" />

8. Customize CAS responses.

By default, the CAS server only responds with user names for PT validation
requests. You must customize CAS responses to include user distinguished
names because Documentum Server utilizes this information for user
To do this, perform the following configurations:

• In WEB-INF/deployerConfigContext.xml, add the following element in the

CredentialsToPrincipalResolvers list for LDAP:
<bean class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.
<property name="credentialsToPrincipalResolver">
<bean class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.
<property name="filter" value="(sAMAccountName=%u)"/>
<property name="principalAttributeName" value="sAMAccountName"/>
<property name="searchBase" value="OU=testou,DC=iigplat,DC=com"/>
<property name="contextSource" ref="contextSource"/>
<property name="attributeRepository" ref="attributeRepository"/>

A principal describes an authenticated user. The principal contains attributes

describing the user. The CredentialsToPrincipalResolver bean maps
credential attributes to principal attributes. Principals are used by View to
create responses with user attributes defined in the AttributeRepository
• In WEB-INF/deployerConfigContext.xml, modify the
attributeRepository bean that defines the attributes that the CAS server
returns to Documentum Server and add the dmCSLdapUserDN attribute
whose value will be set to the user distinguished name as shown in the
following sample:
<bean id="attributeRepository" class="
<property name="contextSource" ref="contextSource" />
<property name="baseDN" value="OU=testou,DC=iigplat,DC=com" />
<property name="requireAllQueryAttributes" value="true" />
<property name="queryAttributeMapping">
<entry key="username" value="sAMAccountName" />

118 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.4. CAS authentication

<property name="resultAttributeMapping">
<entry value="dmCSLdapUserDN" key="distinguishedName"/>


– The username key in queryAttributeMapping is used in active

directory only. For LDAP servers, such as ApacheDS, replace it with
uid as the key

– The distinguishedName key in resultAttributeMapping is used

in active directory only. For LDAP servers, such as ApacheDS,
replace it with entryDN as the key
• Update View to include the user distinguished name in responses sent to
Documentum Server for PT validation requests. To do this, locate and open
and then append the following elements after <cas:user> … </cas:user>:
<c:forEach var="auth" items="${assertion.chainedAuthentications}">
<c:forEach var="attr" items="${auth.principal.attributes}" >
<cas:attribute name="${fn:escapeXml(attr.key)}"

9. Set up domain users.

10. Create a CAS server certificate.

11. Import the CAS server certificate to the CAS server’s JRE keystore with the
following command:keytool -import -keystore <path-of-the-jre-
cacert> -storepass "<password>" -alias "<cas-alias>" -file <path-

12. Import the REST server certificate to the CAS server’s JRE truststore with the
following command:keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias "<rest-
alias>" -file<path-of-the-rest-certificate-file> -keystore <path-

13. Enable HTTPS on the web container where you plan to deploy the CAS WAR

14. Deploy the CAS WAR file on the web container.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 119

Chapter 5 Authentication REST Server

To Enable CAS authentication for Documentum REST Services, the following
configurations are required on the REST server:

1. Create a REST server certificate.

2. Import the REST server certificate to the CAS server JRE keystore with the
following command:keytool -import -keystore <path-of-the-jre-
cacert> -storepass "<password>"-alias "<rest-alias>" -file <path-

3. Import the CAS server certificate into JRE keystore of the REST server with the
following command:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias "<cas-alias>" -file<path-of-
the-cas-certificate-file> -keystore <path-of-the-jre-cacert>

4. Update server.xml of the application server where Documentum REST

Services is deployed to enable HTTPS.
For example, in Tomcat, incorporate the following content into server.xml.
<Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"

If the REST server is placed behind a reverse proxy server, you do not have to
set SSL on the REST server. The setting can be configured on the proxy server.
For more information about how to configure this setting on a proxy server, see
“Reverse Proxy Server” on page 121.

5. For Linux operating systems, if client tokens are used in your deployment, add
the following option to the startup script the application server where
Documentum REST Services is deployed to achieve better performance:

6. Locate and open , and then update the

following security properties according to the instructions in the file.


120 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.4. CAS authentication


Note: The default settings of these properties work in most cases. Keep the
original settings unless you have special business requirements. Reverse Proxy Server

For more information about the configurations on the reverse proxy server, see
“Reverse proxy configuration” on page 169 CAS Server Clustering

You can deploy CAS authentication in a clustering environment to achieve high
availability (HA).

Follow the instructions on the following web site to configure CAS clustering from
the Atlassian website.

Note: If CAS clustering utilizes Ehcache to make all nodes in the cluster
recognize and validate each other’s tickets, make the following modifications:

• In ${CAS}\WEB-INF\spring-configuration\ticketRegistry.xml, set
shared of the cacheManager bean to true

• The default Ehcache configuration recommends that you set TGT/PGT

replication in async mode. However, in Documentum REST Services, an
ST/PT ticket request may happen immediately after the TGT/PGT generation
(in milliseconds). Therefore, we strongly recommend that you use sync
mode for both ST and TGT replications REST Server Clustering

Similar to CAS, you can deploy REST servers in a clustering environment. A reverse
proxy server is placed in front of the REST server cluster.

During the PT negotiation between the REST server and CAS server, the CAS server
has to make a callback to the REST server requesting the PGT (see “Proxy Ticket
Negotiation between REST and CAS“ on page 113). If you deploy REST servers in a
cluster, the callback may not find the REST server requesting the PGT. Therefore, all
REST servers must maintain the same PGT IOU/PGT mappings. To do this, REST
servers utilizes Ehcache to perform the replication of PGT IOU/PGT mappings across
the cluster.

To enable Ehcache for PGT IOU/PGT mappings in Documentum REST Services, the
following setting must be configured in

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 121

Chapter 5 Authentication

For more information about this property, see the instruction in rest-api-

Additionally, you must follow the instructions at the Ehcache website to configure
Ehcache in <dctm-rest>/WEB-INF/classes/rest-api-common-ehcache.xml. Performance Consideration

The replication of PGT IOU/PGT mappings across the whole cluster may degrade
performance, especially when the number of REST server is large. In this case, you
can create a child cluster behind a reverse proxy server and limit the replication of
PGT IOU/PGT mappings within the child cluster, then you have to designate the child
cluster to handle PGT callbacks. This method reduces the amount of replication and
thus improves performance.

The following diagram illustrates the network topology of this method:

This method requires the following configurations:

• For all REST servers in the parent cluster, the callback URL must be set to the
address of the reverse proxy server that is placed in front of the child cluster. (In
the diagram, Reverse Proxy Server 2)
• For all REST servers in the child cluster, the following setting must be configured

• You must configure peer discovery for all REST servers in the child cluster and
all of these servers must be set as peers.

122 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.5. OAuth 2.0 authentication

5.5 OAuth 2.0 authentication

The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework is the industry-standard protocol for
authorization. It enables a third-party application to obtain limited access to an
HTTP service. Documentum REST Services supports OAuth 2.0 Authorization
Framework and can be integrated with popular authorization servers, such as ADFS,
Azure, OTDS, and so on.

Four main participants in the Documentum REST Services OAuth 2.0 scenario:

• OAuth Server—The server issues access tokens to the client after successfully
authenticating the resource owner and obtaining authorization
• Documentum Client App— The client application that requests to access
protected resources on behalf of the resource owner.
• Documentum REST Services—The protected resources exposed in REST API.
• Documentum Server—The back-end resource server for protected resource

In additional to OAuth 2.0, OpenId Connect (OIDC) 1.0 is a simple identity layer on
top of OAuth 2.0 protocol, which allows the relying parties to exchange and verify
user identities along with OAuth 2.0 tokens. Documentum REST Services also
support to verify OAuth access token by OIDC protocol.

Besides these two protocols, Documentum Client Token has been integrated with
the authentication flow, which simplifies the authentication and authorization for
authenticated Requests.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 123

Chapter 5 Authentication

5.5.1 OpenText Directory Services integration with

Documentum Server for REST Overview
OpenText Directory Services (OTDS) is an authentication server that supports the
standard OAuth 2.0 authorization framework, which is the industry-standard
protocol for authorization. OAuth 2.0 enables a third-party application to obtain
controlled access to an HTTP service.

To support OTDS integration with Documentum Server in REST, the following

should be completed:

• Configure OTDS integration with Documentum Server

• Configure Documentum Server to sync with OTDS
• Configure the REST Server to work with OTDS and Documentum Server Prerequisites Architecture flow

The architecture flow is as follows:

1. The Documentum Server combines with OTDS and shares users and groups
2. The REST server uses the Documentum Server as it’s authentication and
resource server
3. A REST client application sends a token to the REST server who then passes it to
the Documentum Server for authentication
4. The Documentum Server authenticates the token in cooperation with OTDS
5. REST gets the authentication response from Documentum Server.

• When the token cannot be authenticated, Documentum Server throws an

exception and the flow stops here
• When the token is authenticated, the REST client is given access to the
protected resource

124 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.5. OAuth 2.0 authentication Configuration prerequisite

Before you can proceed, you must have the following in place:

• Documentum Server 16.4 P01 or later

Avoid using Documentum Server 16.4 P07 and 16.4 P08 for integration with
the Core REST server.
• Active Directory (AD) installed, preferably on a separate machine

• OTDS 16.2.3 or later installed with the otds-admin and the otdsws services

• REST 16.4 P01 or later Configure OTDS integration with Documentum Server

The following sections are the steps in the process to configure OTDS integration
with Documentum Server. We recommend that you follow the steps shown here in
the sequence in which they are presented. The otds-admin service

Follow these steps to use the otds-admin service as the UI to configure the properties
of OpenText Directory Services (OTDS):

1. Open a browser and enter https://<otds-server>:8080/otds-admin to open

the UI used to configure the properties of OTDS

2. Log in to OTDS with the administrative account, such as the default

Administrator [email protected] account

The OpenText Directory Services documentation contains detailed instructions on how

to configure all of the properties of OTDS. Enable HTTP

Note: This step only applies to the simplified internal testing environment.
When the environment must use HTTPS/SSL, as such is the case with
OpenText Cloud, then omit this step and do not enable HTTP. Proceed directly
from here to Partitions.

When you want to use OTDS with HTTP, then HTTP must be enabled. Otherwise,
you can skip this step:

1. Go to the System Config section in OTDS and click Add Attribute.

2. Enable HTTP by setting the directory.auth.EnforceSSL property to false.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 125

Chapter 5 Authentication Partitions

A partition in OTDS is similar to LDAP configured in Documentum Server. A

custom partition containing the Active Directory (AD) server details, user and group
filters, monitor protocol, and AD attributes that map to OTDS, must be created.

Follow these steps to create a new partition in OTDS:

1. In OTDS, click on SETUP in the left-hand navigation to open the slide down
2. In the left-hand slide down menu, click on the Partitions tab to go to the
Partitions screen.
3. In the toolbar at the top of the Partitions screen, click on the Add button and
select New User Synchronized Partition from the flyout menu.
4. Click the Connection Information tab. Enter the Host name or address and Port
of your AD.
5. Click Test Connection and make sure that Connected Successfully is displayed
in the status area above the button.
6. Click on the Authentication tab to view the authentication properties of the 67-
ContentServer164 partition. Fill in the User name and Password of the
Administrator account for your AD.
7. Click the Test Authentication button to make sure that this Administrator
account is working as expected.
8. Click the General tab and enter a value in the Name and Description fields of
this new partition.

Once the name is set, it cannot be changed.
9. Click the Server Setting tab and set the Server Type and Naming context for the
10. By default, all groups and users are automatically included in a new partition.
By using the Group Locations and User Locations tabs, you can decide which
groups or users are included in this partition.
Set the groups or users to include in the new partition.
11. Your new OTDS partition has been created. Click the Save button to save the
partition after the configuration settings have been made.

Note: Any tabs that are not explicitly mentioned here can be left with their
default values intact. If an update to these default values must be made,
refer to the OTDS team for detailed configuration instructions.

The users and groups that are imported from the AD can be found by clicking
Actions then selecting View Members.

126 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.5. OAuth 2.0 authentication

For more information on how to create a synchronized user partition, see the
OpenText Directory Services Installation and Administration Guide. Resource
Resources can be any ECM server, such as Documentum Server, in this case. They
contain configuration information about the server URL, credentials, OTDS to
docbase attributes mapping of dmotdsrest service in Documentum Server.

Note: The dmotdsrest service is deployed using the war file found here:
<Documentum Server root folder>\wildfly<version number>\server\

Follow these steps to add a new resource:

1. Go to the Resources screen and click the Add button to add the dmotdsrest.
war file as a new resource.

2. Enter a value for Resource Name for this new resource.

Once the value for Resource Name has been set, it cannot be changed.
3. Click on the Synchronization tab to go to the Synchronization screen.
4. In the Synchronization screen, select the User and group synchronization check
box. This enables a number of other check boxes.
5. In the Synchronization screen, select Delete users and groups from the check
6. While still in the Synchronization screen, in the Synchronization connector box,
select REST (Generic) from the list.
7. Click the Connection Information tab. Enter a value for each of the Base URL,
Username, and Password fields of the dmotdsrest service and its Administrator.
8. Click the Test Connection button and make sure that Connected Successfully is
displayed in the status area above the button.
9. Optional Step: Click the User Attribute Mappings tab to view the OTDS to AD
These attributes can be modified according to your specific needs or usage
requirements. oTExternalD3 is used as the value for user_login_name and cn is
used as the value for user_name. For example, [email protected] is used as
the value for user_login_name and otadmin is used as the value for user_name
in Documentum Server.
10. Optional Step: The values of the resource attributes can be set for the attributes
shown on the Group Attribute Mappings tab.
11. Click the Save button to save this resource after you have completed its

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 127

Chapter 5 Authentication

12. An access role, which is named after the Resource, is automatically created in
Access Roles.

For more information on how to create a synchronized resource, see the OpenText
Directory Services Installation and Administration Guide. Access role

Once a resource is created, an Access Role, with the same name as the resource, is
automatically created in Access Roles.

Follow these steps to configure the access role:

1. Click Actions and select Include Groups to enable a group synchronization.

2. Click Actions and select View Access Role Details to go to the details
configuration screen.
3. Click Add to add a partition to this access role. Select the box for the 67-
ContentServer164 partition and click Add Selected Items to Access Role.
4. Click the Users tab and make sure that [email protected] is not selected to
avoid synchronization.
If [email protected] is present, then select it and click Delete.
5. Click Save to save the Access Roles.

For more information on access role, see the OpenText Directory Services Installation
and Administration Guide. Sync users and groups

There are two ways to synchronize Users and Groups:

• Using a full synchronization.

• Using an Incremental synchronization. Full sync

1. Select Resources from the left hand navigation.

2. Select the resource that was created.
3. Click Actions and select Consolidate.

128 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.5. OAuth 2.0 authentication Incremental sync

1. Select Partitions from the left hand navigation.

2. Select the partition that was created.
3. Click Actions and select Restart. Configure Documentum Server

Perform the following steps to configure Documentum Server: Enable OTDSAuthentication service

This section discusses how to set the OTDSAuthentication service in Documentum

Server’s configuration in order to enable authentication with OTDS.

1. At the command prompt, type iapi.

2. Enter the docubase (this is the repository name).
3. Enter the Administrator account username.
4. Enter the Administrator account password.
5. Enter the following command:
API> retrieve,c,dm_server_config

API> append,c,l,app_server_name
SET> OTDSAuthentication

API> append,c,l,app_server_uri

API> save,c,l

6. If you enter retrieve,c,dm_server_config again and then enter dump,c,l,

the following section should be displayed:

7. If the above information is displayed, then the configuration of Documentum

Server is finished.
Restart the docbroker and repositories so that the settings will take effect.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 129

Chapter 5 Authentication Configure OTDSAuthentication service Get a Certificate from OTDS

1. Go to http://<otds-server>:8080/otdsws/rest/systemconfig/
certificate_content to get the certificate content of OTDS.

2. Copy all of the certificate information between the ----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----

and ----END CERTIFICATE---- markers.

3. On the Documentum Server machine, find the file,

which is typically found at <Documentum Root Folder>/wildfly<Version>/

4. Open the file and paste the certificate information after

Note: Erase all spaces and line returns within the certificate content that
you copied to make sure that it is a continuous String.

5. Set http://<otds-server>:8080/otdsws/rest/authentication/
credentials after otds_rest_credential_url=.

6. Save this file and restart the JMS.

Note: Using IAPI, make certain that Documentum Server and OTDS are
completely configured and integrated before using REST Services.

• To make sure that token mode is ready to be worked with, use the following
command when otds_token, ct-otds_token is used as the authentication
mode in runtime properties:
API> connect,<REPO_NAME>,null,dm_otds_ticket=<ACCESS_TOKEN_FROM_OTDS>

• To make sure that password mode is ready to be worked with, use the
following command when otds_password, ct-otds_password is used as the
authentication mode in runtime properties.
API> connect,<REPO_NAME>,<USER_LOGIN_NAME>,dm_otds_password=<PASSWORD_ON_OTDS>

If there is something wrong, see the logs at <Documentum Server root

folder>\wildfly<version number>\server\DctmServer_MethodServer\
logs for more information and refer to Documentum Server team for help.

Make sure the proper command, according to your authentication mode, can
display information without any exceptions before you continue.

For more information, including detailed instructions, see OpenText Documentum

Server Administration and Configuration Guide.

130 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.5. OAuth 2.0 authentication Configuration for REST Configure OAuth clients on OTDS

• Enter the following URL to configure OAuth clients on OTDS and log in with the
default administrator account, [email protected].

• On OTDS, navigate to OAuth clients and click Add

• Enter the Client ID and ensure that the confidential checkbox is not selected so
that the REST client is able to use implicit flow of OAuth 2.0.

• Select Redirect URLs, add the REST URL, and save your changes Configure runtime properties

These authentication modes are supported in REST:

• otds_token: Supports OTDS integration with Documentum Server using token-

based authentication.

• ct-otds_token: Supports OTDS integration with Documentum Server using

token-based authentication with a client token cookie.

• otds_password: Supports OTDS integration with Documentum Server using

password-based authentication.

• ct-otds_password: Supports OTDS integration with Documentum Server using

password-based authentication with a client token cookie.

• otds_token-basic: Supports both HTTP basic authentication and otds_token


• ct-otds_token-basic: Supports both HTTP basic authentication and

otds_token schemes where a client token cookie is supported for both.

Example 5-6: Configuring REST api runtime properties

In this example we use ct-otds_token authentication, which is the most

commonly used authentication mode, to show you how to configure the rest- file:

1. Go to <web application root folder>\webapps\dctm-rest\WEB-INF\

classes and find the file.

2. Add these lines to the file:<otds-server>:8080/otdsws/login

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 131

Chapter 5 Authentication Authentication sample

The following sample uses a REST tool called Postman to perform the following: Get an access token from OTDS

Using the implicit flow of OAuth 2.0, get an access token from OTDS. This sample
shows you how to get that access token.

1. Send the following Request to retrieve the access token from OTDS:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

grant_type=password&client_id=<OAuth Client name in OTDS>&

username=<User Login Name>&password=<User Password>

2. The access token is then returned in the Response body.

Example 5-7: A Response body

"access_token": "eyJraWQiOiIwM2ZiNzE4ODcwNDk2NjY5MzY0MjI2NzU5MWNjZDNjZDAwZ
"refresh_token": "eyJraWQiOiIwM2ZiNzE4ODcwNDk2NjY5MzY0MjI2NzU5MWNjZDNjZDAwZ
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600

132 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.5. OAuth 2.0 authentication REST Request with an access token

Follow these steps to create and send a REST Request that contains an access token:

Copy an existing access token from a former response and use it in one of the two
ways shown here:

• Add the prefix Bearer to the access token and paste it into the Header
Authorization property of your HTTP request.
• Using the GET HTTP method, paste the access token after the URL to use it as a
query parameter value.
GET http://<otds-server>:<otds-port>/dctm-rest/repositories/

The result is that access to the requested URL is given to the REST client.

5.5.2 Authentication workflow

The diagram shown here illustrates the OAuth 2.0 authentication process for
Documentum applications. The steps in the authentication process are as follows:

• The User Agent sends the request to the OAuth2 server to obtain an access token.
• The OAuth2 server forwards the request for user authentication and, if
authenticated, sends back an access token.
• The User Agent sends a REST request to the REST Server along with the access
• The REST Server validates the access token, authenticates the user with
Documentum Server, and then returns a Client Token cookie.

The REST Server does not care how the User Agent goes about getting the OAuth
access token from the OAuth2 server. The REST Server starts to handle the OAuth
2.0 authentication by examining the access token from the Request that it receives
from the User Agent.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 133

Chapter 5 Authentication

OAuth Authentication Workflow

1. The User Agent makes a request to the REST Server for a protected resource.

2. The REST Server responds with a 401 Unauthorized if the OAuth access token
or client token is not found within the Request.
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer

The WWW-Authenticate Response Header indicates that the Bearer

authentication schema should be used to issue further Requests. The Location
Response Header points to the OAuth Server login URL where it can retrieve
the OAuth access tokens. To customize the Response Headers, set the following
configuration parameters in the REST Server.
Add to WEB-INF\classes\

3. The User Agent attempts to make an OAuth authentication. The user client
application should handle the URL redirection correctly.

4. The OAuth2 server requests that the User Agent provide it with credentials.

134 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.5. OAuth 2.0 authentication

5. The User Agent provides the requested credentials to the OAuth2 server. The
above two sequences (marked in red) indicate that the Request and the
Response are out of the scope of the OAuth2 server.

6. The OAuth2 server tries to verify the credentials by communicating with the
backend identity provider.

7. The OAuth2 server Requests for authorization now grant scope. The scope can
limit the authorization range of the User Agent.

8. The User Agent grants scopes for the protected resource on behalf of the
resource owner and asks for the authorization grant.

Example 5-8: Request sent by User Agent

The full Request sent by User Agent is shown here:
POST /token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


In this example, the OAuth2 server is assumed to accept Basic login. So

Basic information is sent in the Authorization Request Header. The
parameter 'grant_type' is set to 'authorization_code', which indicates
that the Client wants to do the authorization grant in the Authorization
Code type. The following 'code' parameter specifies the authorization code
to retrieve from the Auth Server. The 'redirect_uri' is telling the Auth
Server where to redirect the client after granting authorization.

9. The OAuth2 server grants the access token to the User Agent.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache

10. The User Agent requests the protected resource from the REST Server.
GET localhost:8080/repositories/REPO HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA

11. The REST Server validates the access token. There are two different ways to
validate the access token; locally or remotely. For more information, see
“Configuration on the REST Server” on page 137.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 135

Chapter 5 Authentication

12. The REST Server extracts the user login name from the access token validation
result and then makes a request to the Documentum Server for principal login.

13. The REST Server gets the DFC session.

14. The REST Server confirms login success and saves the security context.

15. The REST Server represents the protected resource for the User Agent. When
REST is configured to support a client token, then REST creates a new
Documentum Client Token and sends it to the User Agent. Then the User Agent
can directly use this client token to request other REST resources without going
through the OAuth 2.0 authorization process again.

5.5.3 Configuration
You must configure the following servers to perform OAuth 2.0 authentication on
Documentum REST Services:

• “Configuration on the OAuth 2.0 Server” on page 136

• “Configuration on Documentum Server and principal login” on page 136
• “Configuration on the REST Server” on page 137 Configuration on the OAuth 2.0 Server

Ensure that the REST service is registered and can be recognized by the OAuth 2.0
Server. Both the OAuth 2.0 Server and the REST server must be set up with keys that
can be used for verification by each other.

• When you are using MAC, the OAuth Server and the REST Server must have the
same key
• When you are using RSA, the OAuth Server must have the private key and the
REST server must have the public key. You must configure and deploy these
keys Configuration on Documentum Server and principal login

Since Documentum Server does not support OAuth 2.0 natively, OAuth access
tokens can only be parsed and processed in the REST Server layer. The REST Server
performs Documentum Server login for the OAuth access tokens by Documentum
Server principal authentication. In this case, the REST Server must be trusted by
Documentum Server.

For more information, see the Documentum Server documentation for details.

136 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.5. OAuth 2.0 authentication Configuration on the REST Server

Edit in the dctm-rest.war as follows:
# oauth2
# - Support OAuth 2.0 and configurable support OpenId Connect.
# ct-oauth2
# - Support OAuth 2.0 and configurable support OpenId Connect with Client
# Token cookie supported.
# The default mode is basic. For more information, refer to the
# Reference Guide for details.

# The url of login entry point for OAuth 2.0 to indicate user where to send request.
# This value is used as a hint when oauth2 error occurs.
# The default value is empty.

# The key path of a series of keys to extract principal related value from claims.
# Keys should be separate with slashes, i.e, '/'. All spaces are ignored.
# Every value mapped with key is considered as map and passes to next key to handle.
# This value is mandatory so that REST can principal login in Documentum Server.
# The default value is empty.

# The pattern to extract principle name from value mapping to key in claims.
# The pattern should be standard string version of java.util.regex.Pattern.
# For example, if value is 'CN=admin' and 'admin' is wanted, pattern should be 'CN=(.*)'.
# If multiple matches are found, the first one would be used.
# The default value is .*.

# The administrator username of requested repository.

# This administrator MUST have privilege to create a user in this repository at least.
# It is used to self provision so that an un-registered user can use principal login.
# The default value is empty.

# The userinfo endpoint url provided by Auth Server if it supports Openid Connect.
# This value is mandatory if access token needs to be verified by
endpoint remotely rather than locally as standard JWT.
# UrlValidator is used to validate if this url can be used with local url supported.
# If this value is set, claims will be extract from Response of requesting it by access

# The type of JWS algorithm for verifying signature of access token.

# This value is mandatory if access token needs to be verified as standard JWT locally
rather than remotely to extract Response as claims.
# Either MAC for symmetric one or RSA for asymmetric one.
# If using MAC, '' must be set properly.
# If using RSA, '' must be set,
eg. '/Users/username/keys/publicKey'
# The default value is empty.

# The symmetric key for access token to verify signature. Server side should hold the
same key.
# Make sure '' is set to be 'MAC'.

# The asymmetric key for access token to verify signature. Server side should hold the
private key matching with this public key.
# It could be set like '/Users/username/keys/publicKey'.
# Make sure '' is set to be 'RSA'.

# The type of JWE algorithm for decrypting of access token.

# For now, only AES algorithm is supported, so it should always be 'AES'.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 137

Chapter 5 Authentication

# The default value is AES.

# The encrypt key for access token using JWE. Only symmetric key is supported.
# Make sure '' is set to be 'AES'.
# The default value is null.

# The expected value of claim 'aud' in clear-text claims. Usually it is resource

defined in Auth Server.
# This value is mandatory if access token needs to be verified as standard JWT locally.
# This is used to verify token whether is aimed for this REST server or not.
# The default value is empty.

# The expected value of claim 'iss' in clear-text claims. Usually it varies with Auth
# This value is mandatory if access token needs to be verified as standard JWT locally.
# This is used to verify token whether is from expected server or not.
# The default value is empty.

Here is a diagram that illustrates how REST handles an access token, which may be
helpful for configuration:

138 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.6. RSA authentication

5.6 RSA authentication

Documentum Server has native RSA Access Manager (originally named as
ClearTrust) SSO support. In RSA Access Manager SSO authentication, an RSA web
agent (usually running as a module of a web server, such as Apache and IIS) runs as
a reverse proxy to filter resource requests and dispatch authentication requests. The
resource server (Documentum REST Services) runs behind the entry point of the
RSA web agent so that these two parties are within a sub trusted system.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 139

Chapter 5 Authentication

5.6.1 Authentication workflow

The following diagram illustrates the workflow of RSA Access Manager SSO

RSA authentication workflow

1. A REST client submits a resource request to the RSA web agent:

Note: The client does not communicate with the REST server directly
because the REST server is protected by the RSA web agent.
2. The RSA web agent challenges the user credentials when the client does not
provide them in step 1.
RSA Access Manager supports many authentication types, such as, HTTP Basic,
Client Certificate, and Smart Card. You can configure RSA Access Manager to
specify the authentication type to negotiate the credentials between the client
and the RSA server. The REST client must be able to handle the credential
challenge and submit the corresponding credentials to the RSA server.
3. The RSA web agent dispatches the credentials to the RSA Access Manager.
Upon a successful login, The RSA web agent retrieves a list of user attributes
together with a ClearTrust token from the RSA Access Manager.
4. The RSA Access Manager communicates with the back-end user data store to
verify the credentials.

140 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.6. RSA authentication

The back-end user data store can be an LDAP server or a database server
depending on the RSA Access Manager configuration.

5. The RSA web agent forwards the original REST resource request to the REST
The RSA ClearTrust token is sent to the REST server as a cookie. Additionally, a
list of user attributes is populated to the REST server as HTTP Headers. Among
these Headers, the remote username Header is required. The REST server uses
this Header to log in to Documentum Server.

6. The REST server uses the RSA token and username to log in to Documentum
A session is created for the REST server to perform further resource operations.

7. Documentum Server validates the RSA token against the RSA Access Manager.
Upon a successful validation, Documentum Server returns a session to the REST
server. Documentum Server also has to know from which RSA Access Manager
host this token was obtained. Only the hosts on the trusted RSA servers are

8. The REST server returns the requested resource to the REST client. When
forwarding the resource back to the client, the RSA web agent appends an RSA
token to the Response as a cookie. Therefore, the client can reuse the RSA token
for further resource requests.

5.6.2 Configuration
RSA authentication on Documentum REST Services requires configurations on the
following servers:

• “Configuration on the REST Server” on page 141

• “Configuration on Documentum Server” on page 142

• “Configuration on the RSA Web Agent” on page 143

• “Configuration on the RSA Administrative Console” on page 143 Configuration on the REST Server

To enable RSA authentication, the following configurations are required on the
REST server:

1. Open /WEB-INF/classes/ and set the

following parameters according to the instructions in the file:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 141

Chapter 5 Authentication

The, and

rsa.user.Header.list parameters are commented out in rest-api-runtime.
properties. These parameters must be uncommented even if you want to keep
the default settings. To use the default settings, uncomment these parameters
and leave them blank. Additionally, you must uncomment the
rsa.dispatcher.address parameter and specify it with a non-empty value.

2. Start the REST server. Configuration on Documentum Server

To enable RSA authentication, the following configurations are required on
Documentum Server:

1. Install the RSA plug-in. To do this, navigate to %DM_HOME%\install\external_

apps\authplugins\rsa, and then follow the steps in readme.txt to install the

2. Synchronize LDAP users to Documentum Server repositories. For more

information about how to synchronize LDAP users to Documentum Server
repositories, see the section “Configuring LDAP synchronization for Kerberos
users” in the OpenText Documentum Server Administration and Configuration

In some cases, an LDAP user that has been authenticated to RSA may encounter a
token validation failure against Documentum Server, and the REST server may
return the following message:
Status code: 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: <literal>application/json</literal>;charset=UTF-8
WWW-Authenticate: RSA realm="ACME.COM"

"status": 401,
"message": "Authentication failed because an invalid credential was provided.",
"details": "User authentication has been passed in RSA Access Manager
but the clearTrust cookie validation has failed in Documentum Server;
(DM_SESSION_E_AUTH_FAIL) Authentication failed for user tom with
docbase acme01."

This problem mainly occurs when the LDAP user is not synchronized to
Documentum Server, or the RSA plug-in is not correctly installed.

142 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.6. RSA authentication Configuration on the RSA Web Agent

On the HTTP server that the RSA web agent is deployed, you must configure a
reverse proxy for REST Services. Here is an example in Apache HTTP Server 2.x:
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /dctm-rest
ProxyPassReverse /dctm-rest

Optionally, you may need to update the RSA web agent for the REST deployment by
modifying the following parameters in ${RSA_AGENT}\conf\webagent.conf:

Note: The parameter cleartrust.agent.cookie_touch_window determines

the amount of time the web agent will wait before updating the cookie for an
authenticated user. The cookie value has an inner relationship with the
authenticated DFC session manager. To get better performance, we
recommend that you set a longer touch window so that the session manager
does not need to re-authenticate frequently.

The RSA web agent runs as a reverse proxy to filter resource requests and dispatches
authentication requests. Follow the instructions in “Reverse proxy configuration”
on page 169 to configure the RSA web agent. Configuration on the RSA Administrative Console

You must register REST resources into RSA web agent. To do this, follow these steps
on the RSA Administrative Console:

1. Add a new server for the RSA Web Agent, for example Apache HTTP Server.

2. Create a new application, for example CoreREST,

3. Add a new resource to the application you created in step 2 with the resource
type URL and set the URL value to dctm-rest/repositories/*

4. Navigate to the Entitlements settings of the user or groups that the user belongs
to, and select Allow Access on the application and resource.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 143

Chapter 5 Authentication

5.7 Siteminder authentication

Documentum REST Services supports CA SiteMinder authentication to provide
secure Single Sign-On (SSO) and protect resources in Documentum Server.

5.7.1 Authentication workflow

The following diagram illustrates the workflow of SiteMinder authentication:

Siteminder Authentication Workflow

1. A client sends a request to the SiteMinder agent (a reverse proxy server for the
REST server). The agent challenges the client for credentials if the client does
not provide.

2. The agent passes the credentials to the SiteMinder policy server.

3. The policy server validates user credentials according to the information in the
policy store which can be an LDAP server or a database server.

4. After the validation, the username and password token is sent back to the
SiteMinder agent.

5. The SiteMinder agent forwards the client request together with the HTTP
Headers, which include the token, to the REST server.

6. The REST server sends the token to Documentum Server.

7. Documentum Server validates the token by using the netegrity plug-in.

After the validation of the token, the REST server returns the Response to the
SiteMinder agent. Then, the agent forwards the Response to the client.

144 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.7. Siteminder authentication

5.7.2 Configuration
A SiteMinder environment includes multiple components. This section introduces
the configurations that you must perform on the REST server and Documentum

• “Configuration on the REST Server” on page 145

• “Configuration on Documentum Server” on page 145

For the configurations of other components that are involved in a SiteMinder

environment, such as policy servers and policy stores, refer to CA SiteMinder
documentation. Configuration on the REST Server

To enable SiteMinder authentication, the following configurations are required on
the REST server:

1. Open /WEB-INF/classes/ and set the

following parameters according to the instructions in the file:

The and

siteminder.user.Header parameters are commented out in rest-api- These parameters must be uncommented even if you
want to keep the default settings. To use the default settings, uncomment these
parameters and leave them blank.

2. Start the REST server. Configuration on Documentum Server

To enable SiteMinder authentication, the following configurations are required on
Documentum Server:

1. Install the SiteMinder plug-in.

To do this, navigate to %DM_HOME%\install\external_apps\authplugins\
netegrity, and then follow the steps in readme.txt to install the plug-in.

2. Synchronize LDAP users to Documentum Server repositories. For more

information about how to synchronize LDAP users to Documentum Server
repositories, see the section “Configuring LDAP synchronization for Kerberos
users” in the OpenText Documentum Server Administration and Configuration
If the policy store is set up on a database, you must manually synchronize users
to Documentum Server. In this case, the login name must be the username in
the database, and the user source must be set to dm_netegrity.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 145

Chapter 5 Authentication Special Considerations

You may need to take the following issues into consideration when configuring
SiteMinder authentication:

Consideration 1: SessionGracePeriod Setting

On the SiteMinder web agent, the SessionGracePeriod parameter specifies the

number of seconds during which a SiteMinder session (SMSESSION) cookie will not
be regenerated. By default, this parameter is set to 30. Every time the SMSESSION
value changes a new session manager is created because the SMSESSION cookie
value is used as a part of the session manager key. Therefore, we recommend that
you increase the value of this parameter to achieve better performance.

Consideration 2: Reverse Proxy Configuration

For more information about the configurations on the reverse proxy server, see
“Reverse proxy configuration” on page 169.

Consideration 3: CssChecking setting

By default, the SiteMinder web agent protects web sites against Cross-Site Scripting
by setting the CssChecking parameter to yes. In this case, URLs containing the
following characters do not work:

• single quote (‘)

• left and right angle brackets (< and >)

To use these characters in a URL, disable CSS Checking by setting CssChecking to

no in the SiteMinder web agent configuration object.

Consideration 4: Cache-related HTTP Headers

Content-media resources support the cache mechanism by using HTTP Headers (the
etag Header in a response and the if-none-match Header in a request). However,
the default behavior of the SiteMinder web agent removes the cache-related HTTP
Headers from the Request before the web agent passes a request to the REST server,
which causes the REST server to always return HTTP 200 when you try to retrieve a
content-media resource.

To use cache-related HTTP Headers, you must set the AllowCacheHeaders

parameter to yes in the SiteMinder web agent configuration object.

Consideration 5: BadQueryChars and BadUrlChars Setting

Documentum REST Services does not have any restriction on characters used in
URLs. However settings of the BadUrlChars and BadUrlChars parameters may
cause restrictions on characters. Consider modifying these parameters when a
request is rejected for bad URL character reasons.

Consideration 6: MaxUrlSize Setting

146 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.8. SAML 2.0 authentication

Documentum REST Services does not limit the length of URLs that a web agent can
handle. However, the MaxUrlSize parameter specifies the maximum size (in bytes)
of a URL, which defaults to 4096. Consider increasing the value of this parameter
when a request is rejected for long URL reasons.

5.8 SAML 2.0 authentication

The <Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML)> is an XML-based protocol in
version 2.0 of the SAML standard. The SAML standard is used to exchange
authentication and authorization data between secure domains making <Single Sign-
On (SSO)> using web-enabled authentication and authorization possible.
Documentum REST Services supports SAML 2.0 based SSO authentication.

In a typical SAML SSO scenario, there are three participants:

1. <Principal> - A principal is an entity that is acting on behalf of a user

2. <Service Provider>- A service provider is an entity that provides a web-based
service, application, or resource
3. <Identity Provider> - An identity provider is an entity that authenticates
principals and produces assertions of authentication and attribute information in
accordance with the SAML Assertions and Protocols specification

The figure below illustrates the typical workflow of SAML SSO:

With SAML SSO for Documentum REST Services the roles of each of the three
components are as follows:

1. The <Principal> is the REST client.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 147

Chapter 5 Authentication

2. The <Service Provider> works as a two component (front end / back-end) entity:

• The Documentum REST Services server is the front end.

• The Documentum server is the back-end
3. The <Identity Provider> can be any SAML based authentication product, such as
ADFS 2.0

5.8.1 Documentum REST Services SAML SSO authentication

The scenarios that apply to Documentum REST Services are different from the
standard SAML SSO scenarios.

• In addition to the <Principal>, the <Identity Provider>, and the <Service Provider>, a
new participant, the <Documentum Server>, is involved in the authentication
workflow. After the Documentum REST Services server successfully verifies the
Response token, it passes the SAML assertion token to the Documentum Server
to create a DFC session. When the token is validated on the Documentum Server,
the Documentum REST Services server receives the DFC session, which can then
be used to execute various operations
• Since the SAML SSO login involves multiple parties to complete its
authentication process, the SAML login is slower than a single pass-through
login. Therefore, to avoid using a SAML login for each Request, Documentum
REST Services for SAML SSO is integrated into the Documentum Client Token.
After the SAML login succeeds, the Documentum REST Server must have the
Documentum Login Ticket from the Documentum Server and the integrated
SAML DFC session to proceed. The Documentum REST Server uses these
elements to produce and set the Client Token in a REST client cookie. All
subsequent REST Requests use that Client Token as their authentication, with
the exception of the SAML login.

During the deployment phase, the REST Server can have one or multiple Identity
Provider metadata files. When more than one Identity Provider is available, the
Identity Provider used to authenticate is determined during the SAML SSO
initialization, also known as the <Identity Provider Discovery>. SAML SSO with one Identity Provider

When only one Identity Provider metadata file is configured in the REST Server, this
Identity Provider is the default provider. No negotiation between the REST Server
and client is done to determine the Identity Provider. The following figure describes
the detailed steps of SAML SSO in a Documentum REST Services scenario with one
Identity Provider configured.

148 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.8. SAML 2.0 authentication

The steps illustrated in the diagram are as follows:

1. Attempts to request a REST resource

Typically, the repository is the first resource that requires authentication.
//REQUEST - initial repository resource request

In this step, the <User Agent> does not know which <Identity Provider> to use for
2. Determines which Identity Provider to use
Since the REST Server has the metadata file of only one Identity Provider, this
becomes the Identity Provider used.
When multiple Identity Provider metadata files are configured on the REST
Server, there is an additional discovery phase where the User Agent and server
determine which Identity Provider to use. The multiple Identity Provider case
will be described later in this document.
3. The REST Server initializes SAML <AuthnRequest> and sends it to the Identity

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 149

Chapter 5 Authentication

The REST Server assembles a SAML <AuthnRequest> and redirects the User
Agent to the Identity Provider.
A <DOCUMENTUM-SAML2-REQUEST-TOKEN>, in the form of a cookie, is sent
back to the REST client to validate the SAML < Response> against the original
SAML Request.
//RESPONSE - Redirect the User Agent to the Identity Provider
// with SAML <AuthnRequest>
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
TOKEN-a59abj125gb93th3447ae97ie8b1a7d; Secure; HttpOnly

//REQUEST - Sending the SAML <AuthnRequest> to the Identity Provider

HSWv...%3D%3D HTTP/1.1

4. The Identity Provider authenticates the Principal

The Identity Provider communicates with the User Agent for the credential. The
communication process is different for various Identity Providers.
//RESPONSE - Redirect the User Agent to the authorization engine
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Set-Cookie JSESSIONID=60E013C4F9B6AE0F7A9CE1FF8EF92CBA; Path=/idp/; Secure;
Set-Cookie _idp_authn_lc_key


//REQUEST - Send Request to authorization engine

GET /idp/AuthnEngine HTTP/1.1


//RESPONSE - Redirect the User Agent to login page

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

//REQUEST - Request the login page

GET /idp/Authn/UserPassword HTTP/1.1


//RESPONSE - Return to the login page

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<!DOCTYPE html>
<form id="login" action="/idp/Authn/UserPassword" method="post">
Log in to restsp

150 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.8. SAML 2.0 authentication

<label for="username">Username</label>
<input class="form-element form-field" name="j_username" type="text"

<label for="password">Password</label>
<input class="form-element form-field" name="j_password" type="password"

<button class="form-element form-button"

//REQUEST - Submit principal credential

POST /idp/Authn/UserPassword HTTP/1.1
Cookie: JSESSIONID=60E013C4F9B6AE0F7A9CE1FF8EF92CBA; _idp_authn_lc_key


5. The Identity Provider issues SAML < Response> to the REST Server
When the login credentials of the Principal are verified by the <Identity Prover>, a
SAML <Response> is created by the Identity Provider and redirected to the
REST Server by the User Agent.
The DOCUMENTUM-SAML2-REQUEST-TOKEN cookie is used to verify that the SAML
<Response> came from the original Request.
//RESPONSE - Redirect the User Agent to the IdP SSO service
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Set-Cookie _idp_session=MTAuMzIuOTQuMjE%3D%7CLQ%3D%3D
Secure Location

//REQUEST - Send request to the IdP SSo service

GET /idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO HTTP/1.1


EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 151

Chapter 5 Authentication

//REQUEST - send request to the REST Server SSO service

POST /dctm-rest/saml/SSO HTTP/1.1
Host: restsp:8443
Cookie: DOCUMENTUM-SAML2-REQUEST-TOKEN=a59abj125gb93ih3447ae97ie8b1a7d

6. Validates the SAML <Response>

The REST Server validates the assertion. Once the validation is done, the
principal name is extracted according to the attribute name specified in the file.

7. Attempt to SAML Login Against the Documentum Server

The REST Server sends the principal name along with the SAML <Response> to
the Documentum Server for SAML user login.
8. Returns SAML Login Session

152 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.8. SAML 2.0 authentication

When the principal name and the SAML <Response> are verified, Documentum
Server returns a session for the Principal. At this point, the SAML authentication
has been successfully completed.
9. Gets User Login Ticket
The Client Token is used after the SAML authentication succeeds. Using the
SAML login session, the REST Server requests a login ticket for the authenticated
10. Returns User Login Ticket
The Documentum Server returns a user login ticket to the REST Server.
11. Produces a Client Token Cookie
Using the user login ticket, the REST Server produces a Client Token cookie for
the User Agent.
12. Redirects to the Original REST Resource with the Client Token Cookie
When the User Agent has the Client Token cookie set, it can make a request for
the original target resource using Client Token authentication. This process
clears the DOCUMENTUM-SAML2-REQUEST-TOKEN cookie as the SAML
authentication completes.
//RESPONSE - the REST Server redirects the the User Agent to the original REST
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Set-Cookie: DOCUMENTUM-SAML2-REQUEST-TOKEN=""; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10
9TS5g="; Version=1; Max-Age=10000; Expires=Fri, 04-Mar-2016 04:54:31 GMT;
Path=/dctm-rest; Secure; HttpOnly

//REQUEST - request the original REST resource

GET /dctm-rest/repositories/REPO HTTP/1.1
Host: restsp:8443

Summary of steps 13 to 17

Steps 13 to 17 are typical Client Token ticket sign-on steps. The User Agent can
reuse the existing Client Token cookie to execute subsequent REST Requests until
the cookie expires.
//RESPONSE - return the REST resource
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 153

Chapter 5 Authentication

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<version xml:space="preserve">7.3.0000.0063 Win64.SQLServer</version>
<link rel="self" href=""/>...
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
</repository> Disable Redirecting for SAML SSO Initialization

In some cases, the User Agent does not want to be redirected to an Identity Provider
after it makes a request for a REST resource.

In step 1 a request with the HTTP Header DOCUMENTUM-NO-SAML2-REDIRECT=true

can be used to disable redirection. By default, redirecting is enabled when the HTTP
Header DOCUMENTUM-NO-SAML2-REDIRECT is not in the Request.

Note: The HTTP Header DOCUMENTUM-NO-SAML2-REDIRECT only works when

there is a single Identity Provider metadata file configured.

Attempts to Request a REST Resource

Typically the repository resource is first to require authentication. At this point, the
User Agent does not know which Identity Provider will be used to authenticate.
//REQUEST - initial repository resource request

//RESPONSE - return Unauthorized HTTP status code and header Location with the URL for
SAML authentication request HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Set-Cookie: Path=/dctm-rest/; Secure; HttpOnly
WWW-Authenticate: SAML2 realm=""

Once the User Agent gets the Response with a 401 status code, it can determine
whether to continue the SAML authentication process. If yes, the User Agent can
follow the URL in the Location HTTP Header then all subsequent steps are the
same as the typical case shown.

154 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.8. SAML 2.0 authentication SAML SSO with Multiple Identity Providers

When multiple Identity Provider metadata files are configured in the REST Server,
the first two steps shown in the figure extend into several additional steps. The
process to determine which of the Identity Providers to use for authentication is also
known as the Identity Provider’s <Discovery> phase.

1. Attempts to Request a REST Resource

The repository resource is first to require authentication. At this point, the User
Agent does not know which Identity Provider will be used for authentication.
//REQUEST - initial repository resource request

2. Determines which Identity Providers to Use

In this <Discovery> phase, the REST Server and REST client determine which
Identity Provider to use.
a. First, the REST server redirects the User Agent to the SAML discovery URL.
The original Request URL must be saved in the Referer HTTP Header
during redirection. Otherwise, the URL of the resource that was originally
requested will get lost during the <Discovery> phase.
//RESPONSE - redirect the User Agent to the discovery service
HTTP/1.1 302 Found

//REQUEST - send request to the discovery service with the HTTP header
the orìginal URL is set in this header
GET /dctm-rest/saml/discovery?
-rest%2Fsaml%2FmetadatareturnIDParam=idp HTTP/1.1

b. The REST Server sends the URLs of configured Identity Providers (in the
Location HTTP Header) for the User Agent to select.
//REQUEST - request the original REST resource
GET /dctm-rest/repositories/REPO HTTP/1.1
Host: restsp:8443

//RESPONSE - return the available IdPs' URLs for SAML authentication

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

c. In this step, the User Agent selects the URL of a configured Identity
Provider. Now the subsequent steps are same as those shown in the “SAML
SSO with one Identity Provider” on page 148 example.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 155

Chapter 5 Authentication

//REQUEST - send request to the selected IdP

GET /dctm-rest/saml/login?disco=true&

Note: The DOCUMENTUM-NO-SAML2-REDIRECT HTTP Header does not work for

configuration with multiple Identity Provider metadata files. Skip Identity Providers Discovery

When the User Agent has already determined the Identity Provider and does not
want to trigger another <Discovery> phase, the User Agent can skip the discovery
phase by appending a URL parameter idp=idp-entity-id to the URL of the REST
resource requested. For example, the URL parameter
idp= is added to the URL of a resource to
skip the <Discovery> phase.

Note: The entity ID must be encoded as shown:
%2Fidp%2Fshibboleth Specify the landing URI for successful SAML login

You can use the success-url URL parameter to specify the URL that the REST
server can use to redirect REST clients upon completion of a successful SAML login,
regardless of whether there are one or multiple identity providers.

The URL that is specified by the success-url URL parameter must be in the white
list that is defined in the
runtime property.

5.8.2 Documentum REST Services SAML logout workflow

Documentum REST Services SAML logout includes two steps in its cleanup

1. It cleans up the Client Token cookie on the User Agent

2. It terminates the SAML session on the REST Server initializing the logout (the
sessions on the Identity Provider and other REST Servers are not affected).
This type of logout is known as a local logout because only the original REST
Server has its session terminated.

The following figure shows the workflow:

156 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.8. SAML 2.0 authentication

The steps shown in the diagram are as follows:

1. Attempts to Logout
The User Agent sends a logout Request to the REST Server. The logout URI can
be specified using the <> common runtime property.
//REQUEST - initiate the logout
GET /dctm-rest/logout HTTP/1.1
Host restsp:8443

2. a. Resets the cookies and redirects to SAML local logout. At this point, the
Client Token and SAML Request Token cookie are reset
//RESPONSE - clear the cookies and redirect to SAML logout URL
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Set-Cookie DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN=""; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT;
Set-Cookie DOCUMENTUM-SAML2-REQUEST-TOKEN=""; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10

b. Redirects to the SAML logout URL

//REQUEST - send request to the SAML logout URL
GET /dctm-rest/saml/logout?local=true HTTP/1.1
Host: restsp:8443

3. Local Security Context Cleanup

At this point, the security context is cleaned up and the User Agent is redirected
to the successful logout URL
//RESPONSE - finish logout and redirect to successful logout URL
HTTP/1.1 302 Found

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 157

Chapter 5 Authentication

//REQUEST - send request the successful logout URL

GET /dctm-rest/services HTTP/1.1
Host: restsp:8443

//RESPONSE - return the content of the successful logout URL

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<resources xmlns=""
<resource rel="">
<link href=""/>
<resource rel="about">
<link href=""/>

5.8.3 Configuration
Documentum REST Services SAML SSO requires configuration on the following

• REST Server
• Identity Provider Server
• Documentum Server REST Server

1. Create a REST Server certificate and import it into the server JRE trust store. In
the following sample, it is shown as path-of-the-saml-cerficate-file.jks
2. Update server.xml of the application server where Documentum REST
Services is deployed to enable HTTPS. The following sample shows you how to
enable HTTPS on the Tomcat server.
<Connector port="8443"

158 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.8. SAML 2.0 authentication


3. Edit in the dctm-rest.war as shown . The template file, which is in the same
location, and has all of the details of the configuration parameters that are
available. The metadata file of the Identity Provider Server should be
downloaded to the local path of the REST server installation after the Identity
Provider Server is configured. In the following sample, the path of this metadata
file is shown as <path-of-the-idp-metadata-file>.
The <> runtime property specifies the
signature algorithm for SAML Requests. All SAML Requests that are sent by the
Documentum REST Services server are signed and this property defines the
signature algorithm used to sign the SAML Request.
Three signature algorithms are supported:

• <RSA-SHA1>
• <RSA-SHA256>
• <RSA-SHA512>

Note: When a signature algorithm is selected, the same hash algorithm is

used to generate the <DigestValue> of the SAML Request. For example,
signature algorithm is used, then the
xmlenc#sha256 digest algorithm is used to create the <DigestValue>.

One of the above supported algorithms must be specified when this runtime
property is not commented out. The
<> property defaults to <RSA-

Note: The <> runtime property specifies the

user principal attributes in the SAML assertion, This runtime property is
where Documentum REST Services Server gets the principal name. The
availability of these attributes is configured by the Identity Provider's
attribute release policy.

In the following sample, the Identity Provider's attribute release policy is

configured using the
identit.../windowsaccountname <ADFS 2.0> attribute. Multiple attributes can
be specified using this runtime property.
Since SAML SSO is integrated into the Documentum Client Token, you may
have to customize the Client Token configuration. You can find the
corresponding section of the Client Token configuration in the same runtime
properties file.
#enable Client Token and SAML2 authentication schema

#specify the java key store file

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 159

Chapter 5 Authentication

#specify the password of the java key store

#specify the alias of key entry used by the SAML Service Provider to sign the SAML

#specify the password of the key entry used by the SAML Service Provider to sign
SAML message

#specify the HTTP method used to send SAML request to the Identity Provider

#specify the metadata files of the Identity Providers

#specify the attributes used to extract principal names from the SAML Response

#specify the cookie timeout of SAML request token

4. Edit in the dctm-rest.war according to your Documentum

Server configuration.
5. Deploy the dctm-rest.war.
6. Using the HTTP GET method command shown below, retrieve the metadata file
of the Documentum REST Services Server.
GET https://<tomcat-server-hostname>:8443/dctm-rest/saml/metadata

The metadata file of the Documentum REST Services server can also be used to
setup the Identity Provider trust.

Tip: You can use the same certificate to simplify the configuration of the
service communication and token-signing. However, you can use two different
certificates for these items. Identity Provider Server

Here, Microsoft ADFS 2.0 is used as the Identity Provider Server

For information on ADFS 2.0, see the Microsoft documentation.

160 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.9. Pre-authenticated authentication

5.9 Pre-authenticated authentication

You may have deployed your own claim-based authentication infrastructure prior to
deploying Documentum REST Services. The customer authentication scheme is not
supported by REST or Documentum Server out of the box. The customer
authentication scheme performs the authentication ahead of Documentum REST
Services and returns an HTTP Header or cookie along with the HTTP Request to the
REST servlet. The HTTP Header or cookie serves as the plain-text principal (without
password) authorization of the authenticated user. The Pre-authenticated
authentication scheme can be used to integrate Documentum REST Services with
Tivoli WebSEAL, NetIQ Access Manager or other similar Web Access Management
(WAM) systems.

This security requirement can be fulfilled using a WAM solution, which protects
networks, applications, and data while simultaneously providing quick and efficient
access to an increasing number of authorized users.

Below is the typical topology of a WAM architecture, which describes a typical


Documentum REST Services can provide you with a pre-authenticated

authentication scheme, where customers only need to specify the Header name and
the regular-expression to parse the Header value. Documentum REST Services uses
privileged DFC (principal mode) or to get Documentum Server
sessions for the user operation.

Note: Details of the privileged DFC instance and configuration of can be found in the OpenText Documentum Server
Fundamentals Guide.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 161

Chapter 5 Authentication

5.9.1 Workflow
Below is a diagram that shows the workflow of a pre-authenticated login. The
following are constraints for this authentication extension:

1. The User Agent cannot communicate with the REST server. Instead it only
communicates with the Front Service
2. The Front Service authenticates the User Agent using a 3rd Party Authentication
Service. The Front Service does not authenticate the User Agent with the REST
server or the Documentum Server.
3. The Front Service communicates with the REST server according to a predefined
schema, such as http Headers or a cookie.
4. The REST server extracts the principal name based on a predefined pattern, and
uses the principal name to attempt a principal login to Documentum Server

162 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.9. Pre-authenticated authentication

5.9.2 Feature Highlights

Runtime Configuration for Pre-authenticated Login
## 6. General Security Configuration ##
# ......
# ......

# preauth
# - Support pre-authentication without Client Token cookie supported
# ct-preauth
# - Support pre-authentication with Client Token cookie supported
# The default mode is basic.
# For more information, see the OpenText Documentum REST Services Reference Guide.

## Security Configuration for Pre-authenticated Login ##
# This section contains the security configuration for Pre-authenticated Login to parse
# the principal from the Request by the front service. Configuration in this section
# only when preauth scheme is set in the General Security Configuration section.
# More information is found in this guide, including details on the configuration steps.
# Specifies the names of headers which contain the principal name sent by the front
# The value must be a set of comma separated header names without spaces. The value is
# sensitive. The REST server iterates through the headers of the Request and retrieves
# first one that is contained in the set of cookie names defined here. For example,
# [FrontServiceToken1,FrontServiceToken2] is specified here. The HTTP Request has header
# "FrontServiceToken1=principal_name". Therefore "principal_name" is extracted to attempt
# the DFC principal login. When the value is not specified, the REST server won't
extract the
# principal name from the headers. With regards to extracting the principal name, the
# of headers is higher than the priority of settings within cookies.
# Specifies the names of cookies which contain the principal name sent by the front
# The value must be comma separated cookie names without spaces. The value is case
# The REST server iterates through the cookies of the Request and retrieves the first one
# that is contained in the set of cookie names defined here. For example,
# [FrontServiceToken1,FrontServiceToken2] is specified here. HTTP request has cookie
# "FrontServiceToken2=principal_name". The "principal_name" is extracted to attempt DFC
# principal login. When the value is not specified, the REST server won't extract
# name from cookie. With regards to extracting the principal name, the priority
# of headers is higher than the priority of cookies.
# Specified the regular expression patterns to extract principal name from the
# name by the front service. The value must be dual-pound (##) separated regular
# without spaces. The value is case sensitive.
# For example, "uid=(.*)?,ou=ecd,dc=emc,dc=com##(.*)" is specified here. If distinguished
# name by the front service is "uid=joe,ou=ecd,dc=emc,dc=com", first regular expression
# work and "joe" is parsed out. When the distinguished name by the front service is

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 163

Chapter 5 Authentication

"joe", the
# second regular expression works and "joe" is extracted.
# By default, the regular expression is "(.*)" to match the whole string.

5.9.3 Set Documentum Client Token cookie or not

The Documentum (DCTM) Client Token is one of the authentication schemes that are
supported by Documentum REST Services. When the DCTM Client Token cookie is
set, the REST Server can serve the Front Service by using the Client Token
authentication schema. When the DCTM Client Token is not sent back, the REST
server has to get the session by using the principal login for all subsequent Requests.

REST API Runtime Properties

#Client Token won't be sent back

5.9.4 Principal in headers or cookie

The Front Service sends the distinguished name that contains the principal by
Header or cookie. The REST Server processes the Header first, then it processes the
cookie. The names are case sensitive.

5.9.5 Principal pattern

Documentum REST Services applies the patterns specified to the distinguished
name sent by the Front Service and extracts the principal. Here are the two patterns:
# Two patterns separated by double pound ## characters*)?,

5.10 Multiple authentication schemes

Documentum REST Services allows you to enable multiple authentication schemes
concurrently in your production environment. You can specify which scheme or
combination of schemes to use by modifying in <dctm-

The following authentication schemes combinations are supported:

• HTTP Basic and Kerberos (

• HTTP Basic and Kerberos with client tokens (

• Kerberos with client tokens (

• HTTP Basic and CAS with client tokens (

• CAS with client tokens (

164 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.10. Multiple authentication schemes

• HTTP Basic with client tokens and Kerberos with client tokens (basic-dual_ct-

When communicating with a REST server that has multiple authentication schemes
configured, a REST client relies on the WWW-Authenticate Header in the server’s
Response to discover the authentication schemes the server offers.

• When the client tries to access a resource without an Authorization Header or

with an Authorization Header that does not match any of the supported
authentication schemes, the REST server returns a 401 status code with
supported schemes specified in the WWW-Authenticate Headers

• When the client tries to access a resource with a matching Authorization

Header, the REST server authenticates the client with the corresponding
authentication scheme (other supported schemes are ignored). If the
authentication successes, the server returns the requested resource. Otherwise,
the server returns an authentication failure Response corresponding to the
specific scheme. The error message in the Response body is specific to the

• When the client tries to access a resource with multiple matching Authorization
Headers, the REST server authenticates the client by using the matching scheme
with the highest precedence. The following list shows the authentication schemes
in order of precedence, with the highest-precedence one at the top.

– HTTP Basic authentication Header

– Client token

– Kerberos or CAS

If the matching authentication scheme with the highest precedence fails, the
REST server returns an authentication failure Response

5.10.1 Samples for Multi Authentication Schemes (HTTP Basic

and Kerberos)
Example 5-9: No Authorization header

// request
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1

// Response
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic <MY_REALM>
WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
"message":"Authentication failed.",
"details":"Full authentication is required to access this resource"

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 165

Chapter 5 Authentication

Example 5-10: Authorization header not matching

// request
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: CAS <TICKET>

// Response
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic <MY_REALM>
WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
"message":"Authentication failed.",
"details":"Full authentication is required to access this resource"

Example 5-11: Matching basic Authorization header

// request
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZ

// Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
// resource body

Example 5-12: Matching negotiate Authorization header

// request
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Negotiate YIIZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZ.....

// Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
// resource body

Example 5-13: Matching basic Authorization header with bad credential

// request
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZ++bad++credential

// Response
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic <MY_REALM>
"message":"Authentication failed because an invalid credential is provided.",
"details":"(DM_SESSION_E_AUTH_FAIL) error: \
"Authentication failed for user badboy with docbase space01.\""

166 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.10. Multiple authentication schemes

Example 5-14: Matching negotiate Authorization header with bad

// request
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Negotiate YIIZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZ++bad++credential

// Response
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
"message":"Authentication failed.",
"details":"The given token is a NTLM token, not Kerberos token."

5.10.2 Samples for Multi Authentication Schemes (HTTP Basic

and CAS)
Example 5-15: No Authorization header
// request
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1

// Response
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic <MY_REALM>
WWW-Authenticate: CAS <MY_REALM>
"message":"Authentication failed.",
"details":"Full authentication is required to access this resource"

Example 5-16: Mismatching Authorization header

// request
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: CAS <MY_REALM>

// Response
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic <MY_REALM>
WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
"message":"Authentication failed.",
"details":"Full authentication is required to access this resource"

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 167

Chapter 5 Authentication

Example 5-17: Matching basic Authorization header

// request
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZ

// Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
// resource body

Example 5-18: Matching CAS ticket

// request
GET /${resource-url}?ticket=ST-29-HeJcl956dMmTttZhLBPZ-CAS.EMC.COM HTTP/1.1

// Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
// resource body

Example 5-19: Matching basic Authorization header with bad credential

// Request
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZ++bad++credential

// Response
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic <MY_REALM>
"message":"Authentication failed because an invalid credential is provided.",
"details":"(DM_SESSION_E_AUTH_FAIL) error: \"Authentication failed for user
badboy with docbase space01.\""

Example 5-20: Matching CAS ticket with bad credential (no redirect)
// Request
GET /${resource-url}?ticket=ST-29-HeJcl956dMmTttZhLBPZ++bad++credential HTTP/1.1

// Response
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: CAS <MY_REALM>
"message":"Authentication failed.",
"details":"ticket 'ST-29-HeJcl956dMmTttZhLBPZ++bad++credential' not recognized."

168 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.11. Fallback for Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication modes

Example 5-21: Matching CAS ticket with bad credential (redirect)

// Request
GET /${resource-url}?ticket=ST-29-HeJcl956dMmTttZhLBPZ++bad++credential HTTP/1.1

// Response
HTTP/1.1 302 Moved

5.11 Fallback for Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication

Applications expect fallback authentication modes, such as Basic, in addition to
single sign-on authentication modes. Documentum REST Services provides a
parameter to specify the fallback authentication mode for the SSO authentication
# Specifies the fallback authentication mode for SSO authentication mode,
# currently including ct-saml2 only.
# Some valid values include:
# - basic
# - basic-ct
# With fallback enabled, Documentum REST Services accepts both SSO and
# the specified fallback authentication mode in the event that SSO fails.
# Pay attention that once the credential of either authentication mode are
# submitted to Documentum REST Services, authentication fails if anyone is invalid.
# For example, when credentials for SSO and fallback mode are both sent (one is
# valid and the other is invalid), the authentication will fail.
# The default value is empty, which means that the fallback authentication mode
# is not enabled.

You can use this property to enable the fallback authentication mode in the event
that the SSO authentication mode fails.

Currently, only ct-saml2 supports this property.

5.12 Reverse proxy configuration

If the REST server is placed behind a reverse proxy server, the following
configurations are required on the proxy server. These configurations make the
REST server generate correct links in a response.

• The proxy server must retain the original the HOST Header when forwarding a
request to the REST server, instead of modifying it.

– If you deploy the proxy server on an Apache server, set ProxyPreserveHost

to on.
– If you deploy the proxy server on an Nginx server, use the following

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 169

Chapter 5 Authentication

proxy_set_Header Host $host;

– If you deploy the proxy server on an IIS server, you must use the URL
Rewrite module to rewrite the URLs the REST server generates to the original
HOST value.

For more information about how to set this Header on other application servers,
refer to the documentation of the application server.
• If the communication between the client and proxy server and that between the
proxy server and rest server uses different protocols (for example, the client uses
HTTPS to communicate with the proxy server while the proxy server uses HTTP
to communicate with the REST server), unify the communication protocol by
using the X-Forwarded-Proto Header on the proxy server.
On Nginx, use the following directive:
proxy_set_Header X-Forwarded-Proto <protocal>

For example, the following directive forces the proxy server to use HTTPS to
communicate with the REST server:
proxy_set_Header X-Forwarded-Proto https

On Apache, add the following line in the virtual host configuration:

RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto <protocal>

For more information about how to set this Header on other application servers,
refer to the documentation of the application server.
• In most cases, the port is included in the HOST Header. In this case, you do not
need to specify the port on the proxy server. Otherwise, unify the port by using
the X-Forwarded-Port Header on the proxy server if the proxy server and the
REST server use different ports.
On Nginx, use the following directive:
proxy_set_Header X-Forwarded-Port <Port>

On Apache, add the following line in the virtual host configuration:

RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port <Port>

For more information about how to set this Header on other application servers,
refer to the documentation of the application server.
• Performance may degrade when many clients send requests concurrently. To
improve concurrent access performance, we recommend that you modify the
multi-processing module of the proxy server according to the related
documentation. For example, if you use an Apache-based proxy server on a
Windows machine, you may need to increase the value of ThreadsPerChild and
MaxRequestsPerChild, or even remove the limitation on the number of requests
that an individual child server handles by setting MaxRequestsPerChild to 0

170 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.13. Client token

5.12.1 Configuration Samples

The following sample shows how to configure an Nginx-based reverse proxy server
to generate correct links.

Example 5-22: Reverse Proxy Configuration on Nginx to Generate Correct

location / {
proxy_set_headerX-Forwarded-Proto https;
proxy_set_headerX-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_headerX-Real-IP $remote_addr;

The following sample shows how to improve concurrent access performance for an
Apache-based proxy server on a Windows machine.

Example 5-23: Reverse Proxy Configuration on Apache to improve

concurrent access performance
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadsPerChild 512
MaxRequestsPerChild 0

5.13 Client token

A Client Token (Documentum Client Token) is an encrypted proof token that
represents the identity of an authenticated user who can access Documentum REST
Services. It is not a standalone authentication scheme, it is integrated with other
authentication schemes and used together with those authentication schemes to
authenticate REST requests. Typically, a Client Token is transferred between the
REST client and the REST server as HTTP cookies. These HTTP cookies have the

When Client Token is enabled, the REST server generates a Client Token cookie
after a successful authentication, and sends it back to the REST client in the
Response. The purpose of this client token is to provide an authenticated REST client
with a temporary token, that expires, and can be used to access the REST server
without having to validate user credentials, or negotiate SSO tokens each and every
time. The Client Token cookie has no session state stored on the REST server.
Therefore, it can work in clustered environments.

A client token cookie is encrypted and validated by the REST server. The REST client
is not responsible for saving or decrypting the token. A validation failure of the
client token cookie leads to an authentication failure. In this case, the Basic,
Kerberos, or CAS token negotiation must be repeated.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 171

Chapter 5 Authentication

In the current release, the Client Token can be used with the following existing
authentication schemes:

• HTTP Basic authentication

• Kerberos authentication
• CAS authentication
The use of a client token in this case is mandatory.
• SAML 2.0 authentication
The use of a client token in this case is mandatory.
• Pre-authentication authentication

For more information on how to develop your own authentication scheme and
integrate it with the Client Token, see “Authentication extensibility“ on page 385.

Note: On Chrome 80 and later, the default behavior for sending cookies in the
first- and third-party contexts, has changed as follows:

• Cookies that do not specify a SameSite attribute are treated as if they

specified SameSite=Lax. They are restricted to first-party or same-site
contexts by default.
• Cookies that are intended for third-party or cross-site contexts must specify
SameSite=None and Secure.

This also means that cross-site or third-party cookies are restricted to secure or
HTTPS connections only.

Since the REST Server sets the DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN cookie, it

must be configurable for the users to determine if they want to enable the first-
party or third-party context to submit cookies.

Add/Update the following property in the

file to set the SameSite attribute in the DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN
cookie. It is used to control access to the DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN
cookie from third-party sites.

The possible values are Strict, Lax, and None. The default value is blank, which
means that the browser will determine the third-party access behavior.

The following example describes the authentication negotiation workflow between

the REST client and server using Kerberos and Client Token cookie:

Authentication using Kerberos and Client Token Cookie

1. A REST client sends a resource request with no credentials to the REST server.
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1

172 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.13. Client token

2. The REST server responds with the 401 status error and a Negotiate Header.
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate

3. The REST client negotiates a SPNEGO-based Kerberos token with the Kerberos
domain controller and re-sends the resource request.
GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Negotiate YIIZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZ.....

4. The REST server returns the requested resource and a client token cookie for
reuse, identified by the cookie name DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

5. The REST client sends a subsequent resource request with the Client Token
cookie received in Step 4.
GET /${other-resource-url} HTTP/1.1

6. The REST server returns the requested resource.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Enabling Client Tokens

To see if a Client Token can be enabled in an authentication scheme, refer to your

chosen authentication scheme, or to see <dctm-rest.war>/WEB-INF/classes/rest-api- For example, the security configuration in
Documentum REST Services disables client tokens for Kerberos and CAS
authentication by default. To enable client tokens, add ct to the
auth.mode property:

• authentication with client

token cookie)
• (HTTP Basic authentication
and Kerberos authentication with client tokens)
• (CAS with client tokens)
• (HTTP Basic and CAS with client

Documentum REST Services supports the following expiration policies for the client
token cookie:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 173

Chapter 5 Authentication

Policy Description The client token expires after a specified
pl.HardTimeoutExpirationPolicy duration.

If the REST client sends a request before the

duration, the REST server accepts the client
token. If the REST client sends a request after
the duration, the REST server rejects the
client token, and the client has to
authenticate again. The client token expires after two times of
pl.TolerantTimeoutExpirationPolicy (default) the specified duration. The REST server
issues new client tokens under certain
conditions. For details, see the following:
• If the REST client sends a request before
the duration, the REST server accepts the
client token.
• If the REST client sends a request after the
duration and before two times of the
duration, the REST server accepts the
client token and issues another client
token with the same duration to the client
for subsequent requests.
• If the REST client sends a request after
two times of the duration comes to an
end, the REST server rejects the client
token, and the client has to authenticate
again The client token expires after a specified
pl.TouchedTimeoutExpirationPolicy duration. The REST server issues new client
tokens under certain conditions. For details,
see the following:
• If the REST client sends a request before
the duration, the REST server accepts the
client token, and issues another client
token with the same duration to the client
for subsequent requests.
• If the REST client sends a request after the
duration, the REST server rejects the
client token, and the client has to
authenticate again

174 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.13. Client token

5.13.1 Startup Script Modification

For Linux operating systems, if client tokens are used in your deployment, add the
following option to the startup script of the application server where Documentum
REST Services is deployed to achieve better performance:

5.13.2 Explicit Logoff

Starting from release 7.2, all authentication schemes utilizing client tokens enable
client applications to explicitly log off. When a client application obtains a client
token, the link relation is
generated in the Repository resource. The client application can log off by using this
link relation, which notifies the REST server to invalidate the client token. After that,
the client application must perform authentication again when submitting new

5.13.3 Logoff Success Handling

By default, the sign-out process returns a 204 Response without a response body. In
a real world case, the sign out usually must redirect the user to another page. In 7.3,
we will expose another runtime property for users to configure the logout success
URL. The redirection happens only when the logout succeeds. The runtime property
below allows to customize logout success URL.
# Specifies the URL to redirect to after the successful logout.
# This property can be used when a Client Token cookie is used# for authentication.
# It can be a complete URL or a relative URL. When it is a relative URL, the server
# inserts the Request base and context path to the URL path.
# When it is not specified, the server returns no content for a successful logout.
# Examples:
# -
# - /services

By convention, only the POST HTTP method is typically supported for signing out of
most web applications. Allowing for the integration with other authentication
schemes, like SAML, by using GET to communicate with REST Services for the
process of logout. Another runtime property is used to specify which HTTP
methods are supported for sing out. When the Request method is not supported, the
status code 405 is returned with an error message in the Response. The runtime
property below allows you to customize logout HTTP method.
#Specifies supported HTTP methods for sign out. Multiple values separated by comma,
# are supported as below.
#Note: the HTTP methods specified in String format are not case sensitive,
# meaning 'get,POST', 'GET,post' or 'Get,Post' all make sense.
#when not specified, the default values GET,POST would be applied.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 175

Chapter 5 Authentication

5.13.4 Client Token Encryption and Decryption

Client tokens can be encrypted and decrypted using various cryptography
algorithms. Follow the instructions in to configure
the cryptography algorithm–related parameters.


• The default cryptographic algorithms that are used for client token
encryption and decryption are strong enough in most cases. Therefore, we
recommend that you keep the original settings unless you have special
business requirements
• When you use a Crypto provider other than JsafeJCE (RSA provider) or BC
(Bouncy Castle provider), you must set the
provider.class parameter after modifying the

• When you deploy Documentum REST Services on IBM WebSphere and use
one of the following combinations of authentication schemes:

– HTTP Basic with Client Token

– CAS with Client Token
– Kerberos with Client Token

the following configurations are required in the rest-api-runtime.

properties file:

• For a multi-node deployment of REST servers, you must set the rest.
security.crypto.key.salt parameter consistently across all REST servers

• Some web applications may contain security providers that share the same
names with the security providers in Documentum REST Services. The property determines
whether to replace a security provider in web applications with the one in
Documentum REST Services when the two providers share the same name.
The default value is false, meaning that Documentum REST Services uses
the security provider registered in the web application. The default setting is
• Documentum REST Services client token encryption is supported by the Java
7 cryptographic cipher.
• Documentum REST Services also supports third-party encryption providers
such as RSA BSAFE, Crypto-J, and Bouncy Castle.

176 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

5.14. Bypassing browser login forms upon HTTP 401 unauthorized Algorithms with a Key Size Lager than 128 bits

The default version of Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) policy files bundled in the
JDK environment limits the key size of cryptography algorithms to 128 bits. To
remove this restriction, download Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files from
the Oracle web site.

5.14 Bypassing browser login forms upon HTTP 401

When a user provides invalid credentials, an HTTP 401Unauthorized status code is
returned, which contains a WWW-Authenticate Header indicating the authentication
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic <My Realm>

This behavior may trigger some web browsers to display a login dialog box prompt
for re-authentication. However, if you design your own login screen, it could be
blocked by the one the web browser prompts. To bypass a login dialog box, the
Documentum REST Services server can append a suffix to the authentication scheme
in the WWW-Authenticate Header. This makes web browsers not recognize the
scheme and so that no login dialog boxes are prompted.

To enable this feature, client applications must set the custom Header DOCUMENTUM-
CUSTOM-UNAUTH-SCHEME to true in requests. Optionally, on the REST server, you
can customize the WWW-Authenticate Response Header for HTTP status 401 with
the rest.api.unauthorized.Response.scheme.suffix in the rest-api- runtime property setting.

Example 5-24: Request

GET /${resource-url} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZ

Example 5-25: Runtime Property Setting


Example 5-26: Response

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic_MyScheme <My Realm>

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 177

Chapter 6
Deploying to Docker containers

Traditionally, Web services software is delivered by vendors to customers as WAR

files. The customer has to prepare their development and production environment
to make the web service deployment work as expected. This preparation is time
consuming and complex. Often, many unexpected issues arise, which break the
deployment. These deployment issues must be resolved before the deployment can
resume. Updating a web service deployment is also difficult for both vendors and
customers, because development and production environments are similar but
rarely the same. More time consuming work must be done to get a successful update
without causing new issues. Docker solves these problems and more.

6.1 Overview
Docker is an open source containerization platform that's used for developing,
deploying, testing, and running your applications. Packaging your application along
with all of its dependencies in a Docker Image is known as Dockerizing your
application. Since the Docker image contains all of your application's dependencies,
Dockerizing your applications allows you to separate your applications from their
dependencies on hardware or software, which allows you to treat your machine
environment like a managed application. Docker helps simplify the process of
deploying code, running or testing code, and shipping code.

All REST services are stateless, which makes them ideal candidates for Docker
Containers. Using Docker Containers allows you to safely develop and test your
REST services application in a predictable and stable way.

Docker Containers make updating or upgrading Documentum REST Services

easier and more efficient than working with traditional WAR file updates or
upgrades. You can use Docker to patch your application image, along with all of its
required dependencies. The same is true for when you want to deliver a new version
of your REST services application to customers. Running a container from a Docker
application image is usually all that's necessary to update or upgrade your REST
services application.

In addition to the above advantages, using the Docker-Compose and Swarm tools
make it easier to set up application clusters, and deploy other sophisticated use
scenarios. When your environment is ready, it can be easily scaled, migrated, and
shipped. Docker employs native security, simple sharing capabilities, integration
with clouds services, such as AWS or Azure, and it supports many orchestration
frameworks too.

Your REST web service application, along with all of its dependencies, can be
packaged into a single deployable Docker Image. The same Docker Container that
uses this image can be run on various operating systems and environments, and

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 179

Chapter 6 Deploying to Docker containers

because everything that your application requires is included in your lightweight

Docker Container, your application runs exactly the same on each environment.

For more information, see Docker website.

6.2 Docker setup

The <Linux> operating system is natively supported by <Docker>. However, you can
use the <Docker Toolbox> to install and setup a <Docker> environment on <Windows>
or <Mac OS X>.

For more information, see Docker website.

6.3 Docker image of Documentum REST Services

To begin using Docker, you must have Documentum REST Services running with
Documentum Server (CS) as its backend. The Documentum Foundation Classes
(DFC) client within Documentum REST Services uses the settings in the dfc.
properties file to communicate with CS. Your deployment of CS can be on a
physical machine, a virtual machine, or a Docker Container. As long as
Documentum REST Services can communicate with CS, any of the above
deployments will work. For example, when the Documentum REST Services and
CS are in two Docker Containers on the same Docker host, you can use the internal
IP of the Docker network or the hostname specific to the Docker network to access
the CS.

To Dockerize your web application, you must include all of its dependencies when
you create the Docker image. The following table shows the system requirements for
the Docker image.

OS Web JRE Ports Logs Support for

Container Persistence SSL
CentOS 7 / Apache JRE of 8080(http) / YES YES
Ubuntu 14.04 Tomcat 8 OpenJDK 1.8 8443(https) /
and 16.04 8009(ajp)

180 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

6.3. Docker image of Documentum REST Services

6.3.1 Dockerizing your Documentum REST Services

You must create a Dockerfile, which defines how to build a Docker image. When
the Docker image is ready for use, you can execute Docker commands against it to
run a Docker Container from the image. You must use the docker run command to
launch your Docker Container.

Note: The launch script only manipulates the REST related
configuration files.

Below is an example of a Dockerfile. As you can see, this file creates the image
with the JRE, Tomcat, REST, volume and port definitions, and then it defines the
script to start the REST services. Pay particular attention to the following
configurable environment variables: TOMCAT_MAJOR, TOMCAT_VERSION, and DCTM_

Example 6-1: Launch script

The launch script manipulates two things:

1. The REST configuration files, such as, rest-api.

properties, and others as needed.

2. The server.xml file for Tomcat.

# Improve tomcat startup performance,
java_security=$(find /usr/lib/jvm | grep jre | grep$)
if grep -q securerandom.source=file:/dev/random ${java_security}; then
sed -i -e "s/securerandom.source=file:\/dev\/random/securerandom
.source=file:\/dev\/\\.\/urandom/" ${java_security}
elif grep -q securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom ${java_security}; then
sed -i -e "s/securerandom.source=file:\/dev\/urandom/securerandom
.source=file:\/dev\/\\.\/urandom/" ${java_security}

# Apply configuration files from volume

cp -R ${CONFIG_DIR}/* ${DCTM_REST_HOME}/WEB-INF/classes/

# Add Tomcat SSL configuration in server

if [ -n "${COMM_KEYSTORE_FILE}" ] && [ -n "${COMM_KEYSTORE_PWD}" ]; then
echo "Setting Tomcat SSL/TLS connector: key store file and password..."
sed -i '/$lt;!--$/{N;/Connector port=\"8443\"/{N;N;N;s|\(.*$lt;!--\n\)\(.*\)\(\/>
|\1\2 keystoreFile="'"$COMM_KEYSTORE_FILE"'"
}' ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/server
echo "Communication keystore file or password is not specified..."

if [ -n "${COMM_KEY_ALIAS}" ] && [ -n "${COMM_KEY_PWD}" ]; then

echo "Setting Tomcat SSL/TLS connector: key alias and password..."
sed -i '/$lt;!--$/{N;/Connector port=\"8443\"/{N;N;N;s|\(.*$lt;!--\n\)\(.*\)\(\/>
\1\2 keyAlias="'"$COMM_KEY_ALIAS"'" keyPass="'"$COMM_KEY_PWD"'" \3|}}'
echo "Communication key alias or password is not specified..."

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 181

Chapter 6 Deploying to Docker containers


if [ -n "${COMM_KEY_STORE_TYPE}" ]; then
echo "Setting Tomcat SSL/TLS connector: keystore type..."
sed -i '/$lt;!--$/{N;/Connector port=\"8443\"/{N;N;N;s|\(.*$lt;!--\n\)\(.*\)\(\/>
|\1\2 keystoreType="'"$COMM_KEY_STORE_TYPE"'" \3|}}' ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/server
echo "Communication keystore type is not specified..."

# Uncomment the Tomcat SSL configuration to make it effect

if [ -n "${COMM_KEYSTORE_FILE}" ] || [ -n "${COMM_KEYSTORE_PWD}" ] ||
[ -n "${COMM_KEY_ALIAS}" ] || [ -n "${COMM_KEY_PWD}" ] || [ -n
"${COMM_KEY_STORE_TYPE}" ]; then
echo "Enable Tomcat SSL/TLS configuration..."
sed -i '/$lt;!--$/{N;/Connector port=\"8443\"/{N;N;N;s|.*$lt;!--\n\(.*\/>\)\n.*-->|
echo "Tomcat SSL/TLS configuration is not enabled..."

# Start Tomcat
${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/ run

6.3.2 Building the Docker Image

Use the following files to build the REST image:

• Dockerfile

Build the Docker Image

1. Create a build folder and move the building files into this folder.
mkdir ~/building
cd ~/building
cp <...>/Dockerfile ./
cp <...>/ ./

2. The building process automatically retrieves the binaries for Tomcat, JRE, and
REST. You can configure these variables:

Configurable Variable Description

TOMCAT_MAJOR Tomcat major version, used to create
TOMCAT_VERSION Tomcat version, used to create TOMCAT_
DCTM_REST_URL Download the URL of Documentum REST
Services WAR file

3. Run the Docker command to build the image:

docker build -t dctm-rest .

182 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

6.3. Docker image of Documentum REST Services

6.3.3 Runtime Configuration

It is possible to apply configuration setting by using container environment
variables, however this is not recommended for Documentum REST

The configuration files to use include and dfc.

properties, which allow you set many options. You can mount a volume with the
configuration file from the host to the specific path of the Docker Container. When
you execute the docker run command, the following two phases start within the
REST container:

• The Docker Container is created. Volumes are mounted and environment

variables are put into affect
• The launch script runs and does the following:
1. It copies your application configuration files to the CLASSPATH of
Documentum REST Services, which for Tomcat is TOMCAT_ROOT/webapps/

2. Applies the configuration settings according to environment variables

3. Launches the Tomcat server

The following image illustrates the launch script process:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 183

Chapter 6 Deploying to Docker containers

Figure 6-1: The Launch Script Process

A host folder can be mounted to a specific container folder so that the REST log files
can be saved to the host, regardless of whether the container has been stopped or
removed. The file directs the log file to this folder, in the above
image you can see its path as /root/rest/logs.

To enable support for SSL, a keystore file can be mounted from the host to the
container. Several environment variables define the keystore location, its type,
password, and the certificate name / password key value pair. The launch script
applies these variables to the Tomcat server for SSL configuration.

184 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

6.4. Run the container

6.4 Run the container

The image can be run in different ways to accommodate various use scenarios. A
basic use scenario is where the file is only configured to
communicate with the Documentum Server. Here are the steps used in this scenario:

1. Create a working directory.

mkdir -p ~/rest/config
cd ~/rest

2. Configure the dfc.configuration file to use CS1.

vi ~/rest/config/

3. Start the Documentum REST Services container.

Within the command, the host folder ~/rest/config is mapped to the
container folder /root/rest/config. The launch script,,
moves the configuration files from /root/rest/config to the class path
location of the web container.
docker run --name rest -p 8080:8080 -d \
-v `pwd`/config:/root/rest/config -v
`pwd`/logs:/root/rest/logs dctm-rest

Here is a listing of the parameters used:

Command Description
--name rest The container name, which is rest
-p 8080:8080 Maps the host port 8080 to the container port 8080
-d Run the container as daemon
-v `pwd`/config:/root/ Map the host folder `pwd`/config to the container
rest/config folder /root/rest/config
-v `pwd`/logs:/root/rest/ Map the host folder `pwd`/logs to the container
logs folder /root/rest/logs so that the REST log files
are saved on the host

4. Verify the REST services.

"version":"7.3.0000.0135 Win64.SQLServer","docbroker":"samlcs"}],

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 185

Chapter 6 Deploying to Docker containers


5. Modify the configuration file to use CS2. You can modify the
file in the container or the host, either will work.
// Modify the file in container
docker exec -it rest vi/root/rest/config/


// Modify the file in host

vi ~/rest/config/

6. Restart the container.

docker restart rest

"version":"7.2.0000.0155 Win64.SQLServer","docbroker":"RESTCS72GA"}],

186 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

6.4. Run the container


7. Stop the container.

docker stop rest

Note: All the configuration files and directories in the host folder ~/rest/
config/ are copied to the container folder <TOMCAT_ROOT>/webapps/dctm-
rest/WEB-INF/classes/ when the container is started. This means that users
have full control over the REST configuration.

6.4.1 SSL Configuration

The image supports SSL HTTPS communication. There are five additional
environment variables that are used in SSL communication in addition to those used
in the basic scenario. You can use a self-signed certificate or a certificate from CA.
You must import your certificate to a keystore so you can use it for HTTPS
communication. After the certificate has been imported, you can start the container
with the following command:
docker run --name rest -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -d \
-v `pwd`/config:/root/rest/config \
-e COMM_KEYSTORE_FILE=/root/rest/config/security/tc.jks \

The following table displays the attributes that are configurable in the server.xml
file of the Tomcat 8 server.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 187

Chapter 6 Deploying to Docker containers

Parameter Description Default Value

-e COMM_KEYSTORE_ The path of the keystore file N/A
FILE=<KEYSTORE_FILE> in the container, which is
located in /root/rest/
-e COMM_KEYSTORE_ The password of the keystore N/A
-e COMM_KEY_ The alias of the entry to When there is only one entry
ALIAS=<KEY_ALIAS> secure the communication in the keystore and the entry
password is same as
keystore, it's not necessary to
define it.
-e COMM_KEY_PWD=<KEY_ The password of the entry Same as
-e COMM_KEY_STORE_ The type of the keystore JKS
TYPE=<STORE_TYPE> Verify the REST SSL Communication

curl -k

"version":"7.2.0000.0155 Win64.SQLServer","docbroker":"RESTCS72GA"}],

188 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

6.4. Run the container


6.4.2 Logging
You can check the console logs by using this Docker command:
docker logs rest

You can save your REST log files in the host in two ways:

• By default, the log files are saved in the container folder located in /root/rest/

Run the docker inspect rest docker command to see which host folder is
mounted and mapped to the container folder. Here's an example of the path for
the host folder:/var/lib/docker/volumes/
_data. The log file rest-api.log is in this host folder.

Example 6-2: Saving REST Log File in the Host Folder

"Mounts": [
"Source": "/home/<your-username>/rest/all-in-one/config",
"Destination": "/root/rest/config",
"Mode": "",
"RW": true,
"Propagation": "rprivate"
"Name": "2bf0e2bfc08bde54d187bc74b43fd4466ff94c3c3de81152250ecb25ce2bdf56",
"Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/
"Destination": "/root/rest/logs",
"Driver": "local",
"Mode": "",
"RW": true,
"Propagation": ""

• The second option is to run the REST container with the volume parameter.
Using the -v 'pwd'/logs/root/rest/logs host folder 'pwd'/logs maps to the
container folder /root/rest/logs.

Example 6-3: Running the REST Container with the Volume Parameter
When the container is started by the command shown below, the logging
file is in the ~/rest/logs host folder.
docker run --name rest -p 8080:8080 -d \
-v `pwd`/config:/root/rest/config \

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 189

Chapter 6 Deploying to Docker containers

-v `pwd`/logs:/root/rest/logs \

6.5 Scalability and high availability

The Docker Engine 1.12 includes swarm mode that can be used to natively manage a
cluster of Docker Engines called a swarm. You can use the Docker Command Line
Interface to create a swarm, deploy application services to a swarm, and manage
swarm behavior. This feature allows you to use a purely Docker solution for load
balancing, scalability, and seamless upgrading.

The figure below describe the topology of the Documentum REST Services in swarm
mode. The Load Balancer, shown below in green, is a native Docker functionality
that routes Requests from the Client to various swarm nodes. Each swarm node has
many running tasks, and each task can serve as specific job, such as Documentum
REST Services.

Once a REST Request arrives at the Load Balancer, it can be routed to any node on
which Documentum REST Services are running. When there are multiple tasks
serving Documentum REST Services on the selected node, one of the tasks is
automatically selected to handle the incoming Request.

Follow these steps to deploy Documentum REST Services in swarm mode:

• Setup a swarm. You must create a swarm and add nodes to it. For more
information, see Docker documentation.
• Deploy Documentum REST Services. You must use configuration files to run your
REST services task. However, in a clustered environment the local configuration
files that are in one swarm node are not available to other swarm nodes. One
technique that allows you to use your configuration files across swarm nodes is
to include the configuration files in the REST image.

190 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

6.5. Scalability and high availability

Follow these steps to include your configuration files in the REST image:
1. Create the REST node image. Prepare the Dockerfile used to create the REST
node image.
The Dockerfile sample below copies the configuration files (such as dfc.
properties or into the config building context folder
that is in the REST node image.
#config directory containing the necessary configuration files
COPY config/ ${CONFIG_DIR}/

2. Build the REST node image. Use the following command to build the REST
node image:
docker build -t <REST_NODE_IMAGE>

Note: After the REST node image is ready, we recommend that you
push it to a registry so that other swarm nodes can retrieve and use it.
3. Start the Documentum REST Services as a Docker swarm service. The --replicas
argument specifies two instances of the Documentum REST Services that will
be set to run in the swarm.
The two instances may be on the same or different swarm nodes:
docker service create --replicas 2 --name rest-multinodes -p 8080:8080

• Scale Documentum REST Services. An existing Docker service can be scaled using
the command shown in the following sample. In this case, Docker launches
another 3 instances in the swarm.
docker service scale rest-multinodes=5

At this moment, a cluster of Documentum REST Services is built according to the

Docker swarm mode.
In such a deployment, there are two kinds of high availability that are supported:
1. One container running the Documentum REST Services task is broken down.
The Swarm initializes another task to substitute the broken one. In our
sample, there are still 5 tasks for the Documentum REST Services.
2. One swarm node is broken down.
The Swarm migrates the tasks of the broken down node to other living

No matter which containers or swarm nodes are broken down, the swarm engine
continues to maintain the server availability. It does by launching substitution tasks
for broken containers or by migrating tasks from each broken down node to another
living node.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 191

Chapter 6 Deploying to Docker containers

6.6 Upgrading a dockerized REST service

REST services are stateless, and all the configuration files are mapped from the host
to the container.

Upgrade a dockerized REST service

Let's assume that you want to upgrade your REST service from version 7.3 to
version 7.3 P01. Follow these steps:

1. Pull the 7.3 P01 image from registry

2. Stop the 7.3 REST container

3. Start 7.3 P01 container with all of the existing configuration files of the 7.3

This upgrading process seems similar to the normal upgrading process using a WAR
file. However, all existing troubleshooting steps can also be applied to the
dockerized REST service, which will run exactly the same in different environments
regardless of machine infrastructure.

192 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

Chapter 7
Using Kubernetes

OpenText Documentum Platform and Platform Extensions Cloud Deployment Guide

provides more details about using Documentum REST services in a Kubernetes

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 193

Chapter 8

Resource extensibility

8.1 Overview
Resource extensibility is an API infrastructure that enables you to extend
Documentum REST Services by composing, customizing, and creating new REST
resources. These newly-created resources are finally discoverable from the Home
Document, existing core REST resources, or new custom resources by using
HATEOS relations. By wielding the power of resource extensibility, you can tailor
Documentum REST Services to your needs with limited amount of coding.

The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of custom resource development.

Figure 8-1: Lifecycle of Building Custom Resources

1. Design and implement custom resources.

Documentum REST Services extensibility features all you to add custom
resources to your REST applications. Your custom resources can be used with
the out-of-box Core resources to help you develop a customized web
application. The Documentum REST Services SDK has a set of toolkits and
libraries that you can use to development custom resources.
Here are the toolkits and libraries that are available in the Documentum REST
Services SDK:

• A set of Core REST Java libraries for custom resource development that
enhances the REST services development of the Core REST services. Java
docs and code samples for the shared library are also provided
• A Marshalling Framework to handle XML or JSON message marshalling and
unmarshalling of Core REST resources
• A Maven-based toolkit to manage the build process of custom resource
projects. An archetype is included and you can use it to create a sample
project for your organization

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 195

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

• An Ant-based toolkit to manage the build process of custom resource

A lot of code samples for custom resource development are available.
2. Customize Core REST resources.
Typically, the newly developed resources need to interact with Core resources
via link relations or other representations. Documentum REST Services provides
you with a number of features to customize Core resources.

• Add topmost custom resources to the Home document. Topmost resources

are those resources that do not link from other resources
• Add new link relations to Core resources. The newly developed resource can
be a forwarded state of a Core resource, so that the Core resource must give a
link relation to the new resource.
3. Repackage the REST WAR file.
4. Documentum REST Services provides the build toolkits and scripts to build
custom resources and Core resources into a single WAR file
5. Deploy the WAR file to an application server. The custom REST services can be
deployed into the same type of application servers supported by Documentum
REST Services, as long as the custom REST services does not bring any library
conflict to the application servers.
6. Consume the extended Documentum REST Services. When the custom resources
are developed in the same pattern as Core resources, the client consumes the
Core resources and custom resources in the same pattern, too. And both of them
share the same authentication scheme

8.2 Deprecated Java APIs

The following JAVA APIs are deprecated:

• The
pace()> method has been deprecated. Manually suggesting namespaces does not
produce a well-formatted XML representation. Moving forward, the
AnnotatedXmlMessageWriter will automatically examine the XML root type to
determine the default namespace
• The <> has been
deprecated. It has been replaced with a new annotation called
<> that defines a Java
List or Array field for custom marshaling and unmarshalling
• The <> has been
deprecated. It has been replace by a new annotation called
<> that defines a Java
List or Array field for custom marshaling and unmarshalling
• The <> has been deprecated. This
annotation was used to Marshall to and Unmarshall from a key-value pair. Since

196 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.3. Get started with the development kit

java.util.Map is supported as a single serializable field

<> is no longer needed
• The <com.emc.documentum.http.UriFactory> has been deprecated. It has been
replaced by <>, which provides
a typical pattern that can be used to build a URI
• The <> has been deprecated
• The <> has been
It has been replaced by
• The <> has been deprecated. It
has been replaced by <>
• <LinkableView.getUriFactory()> has been deprecated and the method has been
moved to a new parent class called <LegacyLinkableView>
• The <,
InputStream, String, String, int, boolean, CheckinPolicy, String)> has been
deprecated. New parameters are added, use <setPrimaryContent(String,
InputStream, long, String, String, String, int, boolean, CheckinPolicy, String)> instead
• The <, InputStream,
String, String, int, String, boolean)> has been deprecated. New parameters are
added, use <setRendition(String, InputStream, String, String, String, int, String,
boolean)> instead
• The
Callable <T>)> has been deprecated. It has been replaced by

8.3 Get started with the development kit

Documentum REST Services SDK provides Maven and Ant development kits to
build up the custom REST project for users. Follow SDK instructions to set up the
first custom REST project.

8.3.1 Maven Toolkit

Since the 7.2 release, a Maven toolkit is available in the SDK of Documentum REST
Services. The toolkit makes the build process of custom resource projects much
easier. Furthermore, the kit introduces a set of deliverables to improve the
productivity of custom resource development.

Note: Maven is the recommended build tool in custom resource development.

However, it is not required. You can use other tools to build your custom
resource projects.

The Maven kit introduces the following deliverables:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 197

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

• A core REST Java library and dependencies for REST extensibility development
• Maven pom files that describe the dependencies of the Core REST Java library
The pom files describe the internal and external library dependencies of Core
REST JAR files. You can install these Core REST JAR files into your local Maven
repository as third-party JAR files
• A Maven archetype project for custom resource development
The archetype project can be used as a template project for custom resource
development. This project can be installed in both local and remote repositories
• A script to install the Maven archetype and dependencies into a local Maven
• A script to create a sample project from the Maven archetype Creating a Custom Resource Project from the Maven Archetype

Instead of requiring you to create a custom resource project from scratch,
Documentum REST Services SDK provides you with a Maven archetype to reduce
your efforts in project building and coding. You can generate a new project from the
archetype and start custom resource development from there.

The Maven archetype helps you create a multi-module project that looks like the

Figure 8-2: Maven Archetype Project Structure

System Requirements:

• Java 7 or Java 8 must be installed, and the path location of the Java installation
must be added to the classpath Environment System Variable.
• Maven 3 must be installed and the location of which must be added to the
classpath system variable.

198 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.3. Get started with the development kit

Creating a project from the Maven archetype consists of three stages:

1. Installing the Maven archetype and dependencies to your local repository

on page 199
2. Creating a project based on the archetype on page 199

Installing the Maven Archetype and Dependencies

1. Extract the documentum-rest-sdk-<version-number>.zip (tar) package to

your local drive
2. Navigate to the documentum-rest-sdk-<version-number>/maven-kit
3. View the following Readme files: and These two ReadMe files guide you through
the installation process of the local Maven archetype and dependencies.
4. The SDK has a script that you can run a to the Maven artifacts. To run this script,
follow these instructions:
a. Open a command line interface
Run the command that applies to your operating system:

• Windows

• Linux or Mac

After the task completes, the core REST archetype is installed to your local Maven
repository. By default, the archetype is under the following directory:


Creating a Project from the Maven Archetype

After the Maven archetype for Documentum REST Services is installed, a custom
REST project can be created either in an IDE on page 199 or a command-line prompt
on page 200.

Creating a Project from the Maven Archetype in an IDE

The Eclipse IDE has support for Maven archetype projects. In this section, we use
Eclipse to demonstrate how to create a project from the Maven archetype in an IDE.

1. Click File -> New -> Project, select Maven Project, and then click Next. The New
Maven Project wizard appears
2. In the Select project name and location phase, leave Create a simple project
(skip archetype selection) unchecked. Click Next to proceed to the Select an
Archetype phase.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 199

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

3. In Select an Archetype, click Configure -> Add Local Catalog. The Local
Archetype Catalog box dialog appears
4. In the Catalog File field, click Browse to navigate to your .m2 folder and then
select the archetype-catalog.xml file. In the Description field, enter the
description of the archetype, and then click OK
5. Click OK to go back to Select an Archetype. In the Catalog field, select the
catalog you specified in Step 4, and then select the Include snapshot archetypes
check box. The <documentum-rest-extension-archetype> artifact appears. Select this
artifact and click Next.
6. Enter the information aboutgroup ID, artifact ID, version, and package, and
click Finish. Eclipse starts to build a project from the Maven archetype.

Creating a Project from the Maven Archetype in a Common-Line Prompt

If the working IDE environment is not the Eclipse, you can alternatively set up the
archetype project with command lines. Maven and Java are required to be set into
the system path.

1. Navigate to the documentum-rest-sdk-version-number/maven-kit directory

2. Run the script command below that applies to your operating system:

• Windows
• Linux or Mac

After the task completes, a new project is created in the directory that is generated. Verifying the Project

Out-of-the-box, two custom resources – alias-sets and alias-set are embedded in the
Maven archetype. Follow these steps to build your project, deploy the WAR file to
an application server, and then access the alias-sets resource to verify the project.

1. Enter the directory <artifact_id>-web/src/main/resources of your project

and create the file according to your Documentum Server
installation. For more information, see the DFC Configuration section of the
OpenText Documentum Platform and Platform Extensions Installation Guide
2. Navigate to the project folder (the <artifact_id> directory) and then run the
following Maven task to build the project:
mvn install

The <artifact_id>-web-1.0.war file is created under the <artifact_id>/

<artifact_id>-web/target directory.
3. Deploy the WAR file to an application server. For more information, see the
Installation chapter of the OpenText Documentum Platform and Platform Extensions
Installation Guide.

200 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.3. Get started with the development kit

4. Access the alias-sets with a GET request to a URL that looks like the following:

Upon a successful deployment, the operation returns a collection of alias sets in the
<feed xmlns=""
<id> </id>
<title>Alias Sets</title>
<name>OpenText Documentum</name>
<link rel="self"
<content src="
<link rel="self" href="
<content src="
<link rel="self" href="

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 201

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.3.2 Ant Toolkit

The Documentum REST Services SDK contains an Ant-based toolkit that helps
Apache Ant users manage the build process of custom resource projects. A folder
named ant-kit is located under the root directory of the SDK, which contains data
needed for the Ant build creation.

Creating a Custom Resource Build with Ant

1. Navigate to the ant-kit/war/web-information/classes folder and then edit

the file according to your Documentum Server configuration.
For more information about how to configure, see the DFC
Configuration section of the OpenText Documentum Platform and Platform
Extensions Installation Guide.

2. Navigate to the ant-kit folder where the build.xml file is located and then run
the ant all command to create the WAR file.
Enter the application name and version for your web archive when you are
prompted to.
When the command completes, a multi-module project is created together with a
WAR file under the ant-kit/dist directory.

Figure 8-3: ANT Project Structure

Out-of-the-box, a custom resource alias-sets is embedded in the Ant-based

toolkit. After you deploy the WAR file, access alias-sets with a GET request to a
URL that looks similar to:

202 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.4. Architecture of extensible Documentum REST Services

If both the build creation and WAR file deployment are successful, the operation
returns a collection of alias sets in the repository.

If you want to add more custom models, controllers, and resources, follow the
instructions in ant-kit/readme.txt.

8.4 Architecture of extensible Documentum REST

The extensibility feature of Documentum REST Services allows you to create custom
resources in the same RESTful pattern as Core resources, with the objective to reuse
the Core REST infrastructure as much as possible. To understand where the
extension points are within the whole infrastructure, we need to have an overview
of the architecture of Documentum REST Services. The following diagram illustrates
the overall architecture of Documentum REST Services.

Figure 8-4: Documentum REST Services Architecture

The whole Documentum REST Services is built as a single WAR application,

including both Core resources and custom resources.

Documentum REST Services leverages Spring Security to provide various

authentication schemes. Any authentication scheme configured in a deployment

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 203

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

applies to both Core resources and custom resources. In the current release, the
security component is not exposed for customization.

Documentum REST Services leverages Spring Web MVC Framework to build all
REST resources. The Spring Web MVC sets clear separations of roles and makes
implementations of components pluggable. By taking advantages of Spring Web
MVC, Documentum REST Services provides various means of extensibility features,
enabling you to add custom resources or customize Core resources with flexibility
and efficiency. We call this as Documentum REST Services MVC.

On the top of the Documentum REST Services MVC, Documentum REST Services
provides a unique REST annotation framework which helps to Marshall REST Java
resource models into JSON and/or XML representations, and Unmarshall the JSON
and/or XML representations into resource models. When developing custom
resources, you just need to focus on the resource model design. The marshalling and
unmarshalling are done by Documentum REST Services at the framework level.

Under the bottom of the Documentum REST Services MVC, persistence APIs
communicate with Documentum Server repositories. Documentum REST Services
provides a lot of common APIs to manipulate persistent data in the Documentum
Server repositories. Besides, Documentum REST Services provides the hands-on
session APIs that integrate to the Security component for different authentication
schemes and exposes them as the uniform interfaces in the persistence component.

8.4.1 Documentum REST Services Security

Custom resources often use the same authentication scheme as Core resources
within the same WAR deployment. More precisely, Documentum REST Services
uses a set of Spring security filters to apply specific authentication schemes, and
each security filter determines which resource URI pattern(s) are included in the
specified authentication scheme.

Documentum REST Services applies many authentication schemes by using the

resource URI pattern /repositories/{repositoryName} and all of its subsequent
path segments. Therefore, when a custom resource’s URI is created with the prefix /
repositories/{repositoryName}/, such as /repositories/{repositoryName}/
alias-sets), access to that resource is authenticated by the configured
authentication scheme(s). When this is not the case, such as in /help, access to the
resource is anonymous.

For more information, see Custom Authentication Development.

The security filters actually perform the authentication for access to Documentum
Server repositories or third party Single-sign-On entities. When the authentication
procedure is successful, the Persistence layer of the resource implementation
retrieves the authenticated Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC) session
manager. It retrieves the DFC session manager by using the com.emc.documentum.
rest.dfc.RepositorySession and
RepositorySessionManager APIs. A custom persistence API can extend the com. API to get the
repository session.

204 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.4. Architecture of extensible Documentum REST Services

For more information, see Persistence: Session Management.

The following diagram illustrates the relationship between REST authentication and
the session related APIs:

Here is an explanation on what is happening in the diagram:

• When authentication succeeds, it stores the authenticated user credential or

Single Sign-On token in the
RepositoryContextHolder Core REST class

• Resource controllers that are used in REST MVC call persistence object managers
to perform any persistent object operations.

• Persistent object managers are auto-wired with a Java bean.

• The RepositorySession Java bean is auto-wired using a Singleton of the Java bean

• The Singleton of the RepositorySessionManager Java bean retrieves the DFC

session manager according to the user principle from the
RepositoryContextHolder Java bean for the current Request

• Ehcache is used to store the DFC session manager, and the cache key is generated
from the RepositoryContextHolder Java bean

• The RepositoryContextHolder bean is cleared after each Request exits,

however the Ehcache for the DFC session manager remains for a period of time

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 205

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.4.2 Documentum REST Services MVC

Documentum REST Services MVC performs customizations on Spring Web MVC to
facilitate REST resource development. A typical resource implementation contains
three layers, the model, the controller, and the view.

• The model layer is the data holder for a resource where Documentum REST
Services annotations are defined for marshalling and unmarshalling
• The controller layer is the center of the resource implementation where it defines
the Request and Response mappings, as well as calls the persistence to
manipulate the data. The controller implementation mainly uses Spring
annotation @Controller to implement the resource. The controller method
accepts and returns the model instances
• The view layer is a wrapper of the model where representation-related
information, such as links and atom attributes, are resolved. The output of the
view is still the model instance since the model is the only entity for marshalling
and unmarshalling. The view implementation binds to specific models and

The following diagram illustrates the relationship of the three layers:

Figure 8-5: Documentum REST Services MVC

A resource controller can be bound to one or several view definitions. Each view
definition renders a specific model with regard to links and other customizations.
The input of output of a controller method is the model class which is annotated
with Documentum REST Services annotations. Developing Custom Resources

206 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.4. Architecture of extensible Documentum REST Services

discusses details of how Documentum REST Services MVC is used in custom

resource development.

8.4.3 Documentum REST Services Persistence

Documentum REST Services provides a number of APIs to manipulate persistent
data in Documentum Server repositories, such as folder, document, content, etc.
Persistence APIs are managed as Spring beans, and loaded by resource
implementations with Spring annotation @Autowired. These APIs are mainly in the Java package and its sub packages.

Custom resources may also need to write new persistence APIs or integrate their
existing type-based objects (TBOs) or service-based objects (SBOs) into the REST
implementation. The Custom persistence APIs must be written using the same
pattern as other Core persistence APIs, and they must be loaded with Spring bean

Typically, you can develop a new persistence API with following procedure:

1. Write a Java interface.

public interface UserManager {
UserObject createUser(String name, String password);

2. Write a Java class to implement this interface.

public class UserManagerImpl extends SessionAwareAbstractManager
implements UserManager {
public UserObject createUser(String name, String password) {


Note: For more information on the usage of DFC sessions in the object
manager, see ???.
3. Implement it as a Java bean.
There are two ways to create a Java bean:

• Spring Java code configuration

• Using an XML namespace

Example 8-1: Create a Java Bean Using Spring Code Configuration

basePackages = { "com.acme" },
excludeFilters = {
type = FilterType.CUSTOM,
classes = {

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 207

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

public class CustomContextConfig {

public UserManager customUserManager(){
return new UserManagerImpl();

You must ensure that the package where you created your custom
configuration class is specified in the rest.context.config.location property
within the file. For example, when the
CustomContextConfig class is under the com.acme.context.config,
package, the rest.context.config.location property should be defined in
runtime properties file as shown here:

When you use the Spring @ComponentScan annotation in your custom

defined configuration class, the
exclude filter is mandatory. This exclude filter ensures that the Spring
framework loads all of the resources that you have defined.

Example 8-2: Create a Java Bean Using Spring XML Namespace

Define the bean in class path file: /META-INF/spring/custom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns= ...>
<bean id="customUserManager" class="com.acme.UserManagerImpl"/>

4. Reference the persistence in resources.

public CustomUserController extends AbstractController {
@Autowired UserManager customUserManager;

For more information, see persistence programming for the details of implementing
a persistence API.

8.5 Documentum REST Services marshalling


208 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

8.5.1 Overview
Documentum REST Services provides a simple yet powerful marshalling framework
to facilitate object to object communication. The Documentum REST Services
marshalling framework introduces a set of Java annotations that bind models
directly to your XML or JSON representations. This data binding eliminates the need
to write message converters for custom data models.

By default, core and custom resources use the annotation marshalling framework to
convert XML and JSON messages. However, because Documentum REST Services
also supports Spring message conversions, these messages can be altered by users
who understand how to work with Spring message conversions. Features of the REST Marshalling Framework

The REST Marshalling Framework has the following features:

• Out-of-the-box message marshalling

The REST Marshalling Framework handles the serialization of Java objects into
HTTP messages, and the deserialization of HTTP messages into Java object under
Documentum REST Services MVC.
• Out-of-the-box REST data models
A set of annotated Java classes for the common REST data models are packaged
within the Core REST library and can be reused or even extended.
• Supports both XML and JSON
The default XML and JSON message converters are implemented within the
Core REST library. A common set of Java annotations are used for both XML and
JSON representations. Therefore, when a Java class is annotated, both XML and
JSON representation are supported.

The resource controller returns the annotated class instance directly, leaving all the
message conversion work to Documentum REST Services MVC and the REST
Marshalling Framework.
public class MyDaoController extends AbstractController {
@RequestMapping(value = {"/my-dao/{id}"}, method = RequestMethod.GET})
public MyDao get(@PathVariable("id") String id, @RequestUri final UriInfo uriInfo) {
MyDao myDao = dfcObjectManager.get(id);
return myDao;

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 209

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.5.2 Annotations
This marshalling framework introduces the following annotations:

• @SerializableType
Used on a Java class to serialize an object of the class to a REST structural
• @SerializableField
Used on a Java class field to serialize the Java object field to a sub element/
property of a REST representation.
• @SerializableField4XmlList
Used on a Java class field to serialize the Java List type field to a sub element/
property of a REST representation.
• @SerializableField4XmlMap
Used on a Java class field to serialize the Java Map type field to a sub element/
property of a REST representation.

All annotations work for REST message marshalling and unmarshalling. @SerializableType
The annotation @SerializableType under Java package com.emc.documentum.
rest.binding indicates that a Java object is intended to be serialized to a REST
representation. This annotation provides a number of attributes enabling you to
customize the marshalling and unmarshalling behavior.

Table 8-1: SerializableType Attributes

Attributes Description Supported Marshall / Default

Formats Unmarshall
value Specifies the JSON/XML in and out not set

210 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Attributes Description Supported Marshall / Default

Formats Unmarshall
fieldVisibility Specifies JSON/XML in and out ALL
whether to
serialize all or
some fields
according to the
access modifiers
at the class level:
• ALL - all
fields are
intended to
be serialized
but static
fields are
Static fields
only when
they are
with the
public fields
are intended
to be
serialized but
public static
fields are
Public static
fields are
only when
they are
with the
• NONE - no
fields are
intended to
be serialized

Settings of the

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 211

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Attributes Description Supported Marshall / Default

Formats Unmarshall
eField take
precedence over
this attribute.
For example,
ity is set to
none, properties
with the
eField are still
intended to be

For more
information, see
Example A
on page 216 and
Example B
on page 216.
fieldOrder Specifies the JSON/XML out not set
order of fields in
the REST
for a serialized

For fields that

can be serialized
but not
appearing in this
list, they are
presented at the
end of the REST

For fields
appearing in the
list, but not
serialized, they
are ignored.

For more
information, see
Example C
on page 217.

212 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Attributes Description Supported Marshall / Default

Formats Unmarshall
ignoreNullFields Specifies JSON/XML out true
whether to
ignore fields
with null values

For more
information, see
Example D
on page 217.
inlineField Indicates that a JSON/XML out not set
type field is
intended to be
moved to an
upper level in
the REST

Note that when

you set
to a certain field,
all other fields in
the class are not

For more
information, see
Example E
on page 218.
xmlValueField Specifies a field XML in and out not set
from which the
value will be
taken as the
XML element
value of this

For more
information, see
Example F
on page 218.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 213

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Attributes Description Supported Marshall / Default

Formats Unmarshall
jsonWriteRootAs For JSON JSON out false
Field marshalling,
whether to write
the root name
(specified by the
value attribute)
into a field
specified by the

For more
information, see
Example G
on page 218.

tAsField is
false and the
annotated type
has a super class
annotated as
well, the JSON
root is
marshaled so
that the type
exists in JSON
which is useful
jsonRootField Specifies the JSON in and out json-root
field where the
JSON root name
is displayed.
xmlNS Specifies the XML out not set
namespace for
XML inherited from
representation. the parent class

For more
information, see
Example H
on page 219.

214 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Attributes Description Supported Marshall / Default

Formats Unmarshall
xmlNSPrefix Specifies the XML out not set
prefix for XML inherited from
representation. the parent class

For more
information, see
Example H
on page 219.
inheritValue Specifies JSON/XML in and out false
whether to reuse
the serializable
name of the
super type.
• true: the
name of this
type is set to
name of the
super type.O
• nly types that
do not need
to be
d can have
this attribute
set to true
• false: the
name of this
type depends
on the value
on page 210

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 215

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Attributes Description Supported Marshall / Default

Formats Unmarshall
unknownFieldD You can specify JSON/XML out Annotated
eserializers any
AnnotatedFie Exceptional
er UnknownField
to process an
unknown field.
However, the
s annotation
field is only used
deserializing. Examples

This section lists several examples explaining the detailed usage of the attributes that
are available in the @SerializableType annotation.

Example 8-3: Public Field Visibility

In the following example, the non-public field id is not serialized.

Example 8-4: None Field Visibility

In the following example, only the field active annotated by

@SerializableField is serialized.

216 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Example 8-5: Field Order

In the following example, fields are serialized according to the order specified
in fieldOrder.

Example 8-6: Ignore Null Fields

In the following example, the null field id is not serialized.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 217

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Example 8-7: Inline Field

In the following example, the inline filed event is moved to an upper level in
the REST representation and only fields in event are serialized.

Example 8-8: XML Value Field

In the following example, vstamp is serialized as the value of the business-

object element and id is serialized as an attribute.

Example 8-9: JSON Write Root

In the following example, business-object, which is specified in value is

added to name, which is the default value of jsonRootField.

218 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Example 8-10: Namespace

In the following example, XML namespaces and prefixes are added. Unmarshalling with Undefined Attributes

A new property called unknownFieldDeserializers has been added to the

annotation SerializableType. You can specify any AnnotatedFieldDeserializer
implementation to process an unknown field. However, the
unknownFieldDeserializers annotation field is only used when deserializing. The
default value of the unknownFieldDeserializersproperty is
AnnotatedExceptionalUnknownFieldDeserializer implementation, which
throws AnnotationParseException exception when finding any unknown

• For backward compatibility Unknown elements parsing (deserializing) will have

the AnnotationParseException exception added in Documentum REST
Services version 7.3, which may be correctly parsed by 7.2.
The solutions for the above issue are as follows:

– Avoid sending elements that do not exist

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 219

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

– Customize the unknownFieldDeserializers

• When you use unknownFieldDeserializers, you will want to ignore all
unknown elements
In some cases, unknown elements are useless, or don't need to be processed.
Although in these cases, it is recommended to throw the exception to let the
client know that the server can also ignore these unknown elements.
In addition to throwing an exception with
AnnotatedExceptionalUnknownFieldDeserializer, there is another default
implementation, AnnotatedIgnoreableUnknownFieldDeserializer, that is
also provided. This implementation ignores the unknown elements directly. To
use it, just set it to unknownFieldDeserializers of the SerializableType
Here's an example that shows you how to do this:
public class SomeModel2 {
private String fieldA;
private String fieldB;

The unknown elements are ignored during deserialization process. Ignoring the
unknown elements allows the existing elements to be correctly populated. Here's
an example that illustrates this point:

<model unknownAttribute="x">


• Specify empty unknownFieldDeserializers

An empty unknownFieldDeserializers explicitly sets
unknownFieldDeserializers to {} for a class. Here's a example that illustrates
this technique:
@SerializableType(value="model", unknownFieldDeserializers={})
public class SomeModel3 {
private String fieldA;
private String fieldB;

Setting the empty unknownFieldDeserializers property causes the binding

framework to determine whether to process the unknown field or ignore it. This
is useful because some 'unknown' elements may be meaningful and may need to
be processed by the system.
The typically used for inheritance. You declare the field as a parent class, but the
field instance is actually a child of the parent. The server tries to deserialize the

220 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

representation with the parent while the attributes belonging to the child are
unknown to the parent. The following example helps to understand this use case:
@SerializableType(value="parent",unknownFieldDeserializers= {})
public abstract class AbstractParent {
private String name;

@SerializableType(value="child-a", jsonWriteRootAsField=true,
public class ChildA extends AbstractParent {
private int age;

@SerializableType(value="child-b", jsonWriteRootAsField=true,
public class ChildB extends AbstractParent {
private boolean gratuated;

public class Group {
List<AbstractParent> children;

There are three instances, one parent and two children. Each child has its own
properties. The parent has the empty unknownFieldDeserializers property
defined. The fourth instance has a List of AbstractParent data type. The output
representation may be:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<child-a age="10">
<name>child a</name>
<name>child b</name>

{"parent":"child-a","age":10,"name":"child a"},
{"parent":"child-b","gratuated":true,"name":"child b"}

When deserializing the representation for the Group element, the system tries to
use AbstractParent to parse the child representation. The child contains the
'unknown' elements 'age' and 'graduated' for AbstractParent. With empty
unknownFieldDeserializers, the binding system processes it correctly.
The server throws an exception when you don't set
unknownFieldDeserializers to empty and the default
AnnotatedExceptionalUnknownFieldDeserializer is used.
When you set the AnnotatedIgnoreableUnknownFieldDeserializer,
unknown elements are ignored. The server creates AbstractParent with its own
elements. When AbstractParent is not abstract, the instance can be created.
When it is abstract, which is the case here, the exception is thrown.
The difference between AnnotatedIgnoreableUnknownFieldDeserializer and
empty unknownFieldDeserializersis that

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 221

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

AnnotatedIgnoreableUnknownFieldDeserializer ignores the elements,

whereas empty unknownFieldDeserializers lets the server determine how to
deserialize it. The server may determine to deserialize it or ignored the unknown

Note: When using inheritance, the unknownFieldDeserializers must be

set to empty.
• Implement customized deserializer
The customized deserializer should implement AnnotatedFieldDeserializer
directly. You can extend AbstractFieldJsonDeserializer or
@SerializableType(value="model", fieldVisibility=FieldVisibility.NONE,
unknownFieldDeserializers= {MyFieldJsonDeserializer.class,
public class SomeModel4 {
private String name;
private String myfoo;

//get/set methods

public static class MyFieldXmlDeserializer extends AbstractFieldXmlDeserializer {

public Object deserialize(Object parser, Object object, String name,
SerializableFieldMeta fieldNode, Map<String, Object>
infoMap) {
if(!"foo".equals(name)) {
throw new AnnotationParseException("E_UNDEFINED_FIELD_NAME", name);
if(parser instanceof StartElement) {
return readAttribute((SomeModel4)object, (StartElement)parser, name);
} else {
return readElement((SomeModel4)object, asEventReader(parser), name);
public boolean deserializable(Object next, SerializableFieldMeta fieldNode) {
return true;
private String readElement(SomeModel4 childD, XMLEventReader reader, String
name) {
try {
XMLEvent event = null;
while((event=reader.nextEvent())!=null) {
if(event.isCharacters()) {
} else if(event.isEndElement()) {
EndElement ee = event.asEndElement();
if(ee.getName().getLocalPart().equals(name)) {
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw new AnnotationParseException(e, "E_PARSE_XML_FIELD_ERROR", name,
return null;

private String readAttribute(SomeModel4 childD, StartElement startElement,

name) {
Iterator<?> i = startElement.getAttributes();

222 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

while(i.hasNext()) {
Attribute attr = (Attribute);
if(name.equals(attr.getName().getLocalPart())) {
return null;

public static class MyFieldJsonDeserializer extends

AbstractFieldJsonDeserializer {
public Object deserialize(Object parser, Object object, String name,
SerializableFieldMeta fieldNode, Map<String, Object>
infoMap) {
if("foo".equals(name)) {
JsonParser jParser = asJacksonParser(parser);
try {
JsonToken next = jParser.nextToken();
if(next == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AnnotationParseException(e, "E_PARSE_JSON_FIELD_ERROR",
name, this);
return null;
} else {
throw new AnnotationParseException("E_UNDEFINED_FIELD_NAME", name);
public boolean deserializable(Object next, SerializableFieldMeta fieldNode) {
return true;

The <SomeModel4> class defines two unknownFieldDeserializers classes; one

for JSON and one for XML. Use one of the classes (for JSON or XML) to parse all
raw representation according your requirements.
Note the following items in the example:
1. <MyFieldXmlDeserializer> processes the raw XML representation, and only the
<foo> element is able to be processed
2. <StartElement> is used to parse the XML attributes
3. <XMLEventReader>is used for parsing the XML elements
4. <MyFieldJsonDeserializer> reads the raw JSON representation, and only the
<foo> element is able to be processed
5. <JsonParser>is used to parse fields

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 223

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility @SerializableField
The annotation @SerializableField indicates that a Java object field is intended to
be serialized to a sub element or attribute of a REST representation. This annotation
provides a number of attributes enabling you to customize the marshalling and
unmarshalling behavior.

Note: Care must be taken before applying the <@SerializableField> annotation to

final or static fields. Unexpected behavior may occur when manipulating these
final or static fields.

Table 8-2: @SerializableField Attributes

Attribute Description Supported Marshal/ Default

Formats Unmarshal
value Specifies the XML/JSON in and out not set
node name of
the serializable
type on one field
of the class, for
example, the
name of an
element in XML.

For more
information. see
Example I
on page 228.
required Specifies XML/JSON out false
whether a field
is required to be
non-null for

When the field is

required but its
value is null, an
exception is
thrown during
override Specifies XML/JSON in and out false
whether to
override the
representation of
parent's field
with same

224 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Attribute Description Supported Marshal/ Default

Formats Unmarshal
xmlWriteTypeR This setting XML in and out false
oot applies to a field
of complex type.

A complex type
refers to a
custom type
annotated with

whether to write
instead of
as the direct
XML child
element for a
complex type.
• true - write
value as the
direct XML
child element
for a complex
• false - write
value as the
direct XML
child element
for a complex
defaultImpl Specifies the XML/JSON in DEFAULT.class
class of a field
when the field
implements an
interface or
extends an
abstract class.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 225

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Attribute Description Supported Marshal/ Default

Formats Unmarshal
xmlAsAttribute Specifies XML in and out false
whether the field
is represented as
an attribute in
the XML
element attribute
or a child

For more
information, see
Example J
on page 228.
Specifies XML in and out false
Caut whether to
ion unwrap the
Deprec items from a
ated java.lang.
List type field
as the direct
xmlListUnwrap member of the
serialized object.
• When being
the collection
members of
this field are
moved to an
upper level
to be direct
members of
the serialized
object in
• When not
this field is
d as usual

For more
information, see
Example K
on page 229.

226 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Attribute Description Supported Marshal/ Default

Formats Unmarshal
Specifies the XML in and out item
Caut XML element
ion name for the
Deprec value list of a list
ated data type. This
attribute takes
effect only when
xmlListItemNam the field to
e serialize is
composed of a
list of simple
data types, such
If the field is a
list of custom
classes, such as
the attribute
does not work
and the default
value item is
used as the
element name
for the list.

For more
information, see
Example L
on page 229.
xmlNS Specifies the XML out not set
namespace for a
certain field in inherited from
XML the parent class
representation. If
the annotated
field is an
instance of a
certain class that
has a different
specified, the
class namespace
overrides this

For more
information, see
Example M
on page 230.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 227

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Attribute Description Supported Marshal/ Default

Formats Unmarshal
xmlNSPrefix Specifies the XML out not set
prefix for a inherited from
certain field in the parent class
representation. If
the annotated
field is an
instance of a
certain class that
has a different
prefix specified,
the class
prefix overrides
this setting.

For more
information, see
Example M
on page 230. Examples

This section lists several examples explaining the detail usage of the attributes in the
@SerializableField annotation.

Example 8-11: Field Serializable Name

In the following example, the field vstamp is serialized as version-stamp.

Example 8-12: Field as XML Attribute

In the following example, the field vstamp is serialized as an attribute.

228 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Example 8-13: Field as XML Unwrapped List

In the following example, the list of outEvents are unwrapped.

Example 8-14: Field List XML Item Name

In the following example, the inEvent list uses the default name item for list
items while the outEvent uses out-event.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 229

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Example 8-15: Field XML Namespace

In the following example, XML namespaces and prefixes are added. @SerializableField4XmlList
This annotation provides dedicated support for <java.util.List> in XML. It uses
existing List related attributes from @SerializableField and introduces new
annotations. The @SerializableField4XmlList annotation can only be used with
an XML List.

230 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Table 8-3: @SerializableField4XmlList Attributes

Attribute Description Supported Default

boolean unwrap() Specifies whether to unwrap the list or XML false
array items of this field as the direct
members of the serializable type.

Migrated from @SerializableField.

boolean asPropBag() Specifies the list items to be marshalled as XML false
a property bag or not.
String itemName() Specifies the list item element name XML “item”
within a {@link java.util.List}
data type field.

Migrated from @SerializableField.


Note: <java.util.List> in JSON is always marshalled as a JSON array @SerializableField4XmlMap
The @SerializableField4XmlMap annotation has been added to provide dedicated
support for <java.util.List> with XML. This annotation can only be used with an XML

Table 8-4: @SerializableField4XmlMap Attributes

Attribute Description Supported Default

boolean asPropBag() Specifies whether to serialize the XML false
key / value pair as a property bag or
String Specifies the XML element name for XML “entry”
propBagEleName() each entry of {@link java.util.
Map} data type field.
String Specified the XML attribute name for XML “key”
propBagKeyName() each key of {@link java.util.
Map} data type field.

Note: When using JSON, <java.util.Map> is always marshalled as a JSON key-

value object pair

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 231

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility Out-of-box Annotated Models

Documentum REST Services provides a set of core models that are annotated with
the REST annotations out of the box. You can use them directly as the model of
custom resources or extend them with additional fields.

• AtomFeed
• RestError

• Repository
• PersistentObject

• Other model types in the Java package Deprecations
The following annotations have been deprecated:

• @SerialiableEntry
Java Map support has been added since version 7.3 of Documentum REST
Services. Therefore, @SerializableEntry has become redundant and is marked
as @Deprecated. General key-value support is only available for Map objects.

• @SerializableField#xmlListUnwrap and @SerializableField#xmlListItemName

The annotation @SerializableField had attributes for XML specific support.
Moving forward, all the functionality of @SerializableField has been
incorporated into @SerializableField4XmlList.

Legacy Usage
Extended REST services that use @SerializableEntry,
@SerializableField.xmlListUnwrap and
@SerializableField.xmlListItemName can continue to use them
moving forward. However, enhancements to these attributes will not be
added Additional Examples

This section lists several examples explaining the usage of REST annotations. Most
of the examples use the out-of-box annotated models.

Example 8-16: Core Document Object

The following example illustrates how out-of-box annotated core document

objects are serialized.

232 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Example 8-17: Core Repository Object

The following example illustrates how out-of-box annotated core repository

objects are serialized.

Example 8-18: Core Error Object

The following example illustrates how out-of-box annotated core error objects
are serialized.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 233

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Example 8-19: Core Atom Feed With Src Entry

The following example illustrates how out-of-box annotated atom feed objects
with scr entries are serialized.

234 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Example 8-20: Core Atom Feed With Inline Entry

The following example illustrates how out-of-box annotated atom feed objects
with embedded entries are serialized.

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Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

236 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

8.5.3 Java Primitive Types Support

Documentum REST Services marshalling framework supports the following Java
primitive types together with their wrapper classes:

Table 8-5: Supported Primitive Types and Wrapper Classes

Primitive Type Wrapper Class

byte Byte
short Short
int Integer
long Long
float Float
double Double
boolean boolean

Note: The primitive type char is not supported in the marshalling framework.
Instead, the framework supports String to cover all the functionalities that
char provides.

The following diagram illustrates the mapping between Java primitive types and
XML or JSON data types.

Figure 8-6: Java Primitive Types and XML/JSON Data Types Mapping

In JSON representation, the type Number does not distinguish between integer and
float-point values, which means:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 237

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

• During marshalling, following data types (and their wrapper classes) are
represented in JSON by the Number data type:

– byte
– short
– int
– long
– float
– double
• During unmarshalling, a JSON Number value is converted based on the type
information of the Java class model.
In this process, if a JSON Number value contains a higher precision than what the
Java class model defines, the unmarshalling fails.
For example, if JSON representation contains "score": 9.5, and the model has a
field int score, the unmarshalling fails. In this case, modify the value of score
to an integer, such as 9, or modify the type of score in the model to a type with a
higher precision, such as float.

8.5.4 Java Interface, Abstract and Generic Types Support Marshalling
For serialization (marshalling), the marshalling of a Java instance depends on the
ability to serialize the data type of the runtime instance. Regardless of interface,
abstract, or generic declaration of a class data field, the runtime class instance can be
serialized as long as the instance's field types at runtime are serializable. For
example, a concrete data type can be annotated by @SerializableType.

Here is a code sample that shows you how to do this:

Example 8-21: Annotating a Concrete Data Type

// Skipping all methods and constructors

// The root data type with generic field 'organization'

public class BusinessObjectGeneric<T> {
private T organization; // a generic field

// One organization implementation

public class Institution {
private String name;
private Role role; // an abstract field

// Role interface
public interface Role { // interface
String getName();

238 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

// One role implementation

public class GovernmentalOrg implements Role { // implementation of interface
private String name;
private int privilege;

// The other role implementation

public class NonGovernmentalOrg implements Role { // implementation of interface
private String name;
private String description;

Here's a code sample that shows you how to serialize a complex type:

Example 8-22: An Instance of BusinessObjectGeneric 1

BusinessObjectGeneric<Institution> origin =
new BusinessObjectGeneric<Institution>(
new Institution(
new NonGovernmentalOrg(
"ubiquitous online encyclopaedia"

Example 8-23: XML Representation for Sample 1

<description>ubiquitous online encyclopaedia</description>

Example 8-24: JSON Representation for Sample 1

"description":"ubiquitous online encyclopaedia"

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 239

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Example 8-25: An Instance of BusinessObjectGeneric 2

BusinessObjectGeneric<Institution> origin =
new BusinessObjectGeneric<Institution>(
new Institution(
new GovernmentalOrg(

Example 8-26: XML Representation for Sample 2


Example 8-27: JSON Representation for Sample 2


Unmarshalling the XML and JSON representations will not succeed

• In the XML representation, the <organization> tag did not interpret

which implementation class to use during unmarshalling
• In the JSON representation, the key<"organization"> does not contain the
class implementation information

240 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework Unmarshalling
You must add annotation metadata to the class definition to deserialize the data
class. Adding this data type makes the type writable in XML or JSON.

• For XML
For XML, the serializable fields that have been declared as generic, interface, or
abstract must set @SerializableField#xmlWriteRoot = true. The concrete
data type for the field is written into XML as the XML element name. Therefore,
it can be resolved during the deserialization process.

To deserialize the generic, interface or abstract field in XML, the data
class cannot have more than one field that contains non-concrete data

Here's a code sample that demonstrates how to do this:

// xmlWriteRoot=true

@SerializableField(xmlWriteTypeRoot = true)
private T organization;

@SerializableField(xmlWriteTypeRoot = true)
private Role role;

• For JSON
For JSON, the serializable fields that have been declared as generic, interface or
abstract must set @SerializableField#jsonWriteRoot = true. The concrete
data type for the field is written into XML as the XML element name. Therefore,
it can be resolved during the deserialization process.
Here's a code sample that demonstrates how to do this:
// jsonWriteRoot=true

@SerializableType(value = "institution", jsonWriteRootAsField = true, jsonRootField

= "type")
public static class Institution {..}

@SerializableType(value = "go", jsonWriteRootAsField = true, jsonRootField = "type")

public static class GovernmentalOrg implements Role {..}

@SerializableType(value = "ngo", jsonWriteRootAsField = true, jsonRootField =

public static class NonGovernmentalOrg implements Role {..}

The XML and JSON contain additional type information that allows it be
deserialized. Here's the same code with all the changes:

Example 8-28: An Instance of a Writable BusinessObjectGeneric 1

BusinessObjectGeneric<Institution> origin =
new BusinessObjectGeneric<Institution>(
new Institution(
new NonGovernmentalOrg(

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 241

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

"ubiquitous online encyclopaedia"

Example 8-29: XML Representation for a Writable Sample 1

<description>ubiquitous online encyclopaedia</description>

Note: The serializable name institution that is used for the actual data
type <Institution> is written as XML instead of using the generic field name
The serializable name ngo that is used for the actual data type
<NonGovernmentalOrg> is written as XML instead of using the generic field
name <role>.

Example 8-30: JSON Representation for a Writable Sample 1

"description":"ubiquitous online encyclopaedia"

Note: The root information type:institution that is used for the actual
data type <Institution> is written to the JSON object of <organization>.
The root information type: ngo that is used for the actual data type
<NonGovernmentalOrg> is written to the JSON object of <role>.

Example 8-31: An Instance of a Writable BusinessObjectGeneric 2

BusinessObjectGeneric<Institution> origin =
new BusinessObjectGeneric<Institution>(
new Institution(
new GovernmentalOrg(

242 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework


Note: The serializable name institutionthat is used for the actual data
type <Institution> is written as XML instead of using the generic field name
The serializable name go that is used for the actual data type
<GovernmentalOrg> is written as XML instead of using the generic field
name <role>.

Example 8-32: XML Representation for a Writable Sample 2


Example 8-33: JSON Representation for a Writable Sample 2


Note: The root information type:institution that is used for the actual
data type <Institution> is written to the JSON object of <organization>.
The root information type: go that is used for the actual data type
<GovernmentalOrg> is written to the JSON object of <role>.

Example 8-34: Complete Class Definition

* Copyright (c) 2016. OpenText Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder;

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 243

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

public class BusinessObjectGeneric <T> {

@SerializableField(xmlWriteTypeRoot = true)
private T organization;

public BusinessObjectGeneric() {}

public BusinessObjectGeneric(T organization) {

this.organization = organization;

public T getOrganization() {
return this.organization;

public boolean equals(Object other) {
return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, other);

@SerializableType(value = "institution",
jsonWriteRootAsField = true,
jsonRootField = "type")
public static class Institution {
private String name;
@SerializableField(xmlWriteTypeRoot = true)
private Role role;

public Institution() {}

public Institution(String name, Role role) { = name;
this.role = role;

public String getName() {

return name;

public Role getRole() {

return role;

public boolean equals(Object other) {
return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, other);

@SerializableType(value = "company",
jsonWriteRootAsField = true,
jsonRootField = "type")
public static class Company {
private String name;
@SerializableField(xmlWriteTypeRoot = true)
private Industry industry;

public Company() {}

public Company(String name, Industry industry) { = name;
this.industry = industry;

public String getName() {

return name;

244 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

public Industry getIndustry() {

return industry;

public boolean equals(Object other) {
return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, other);

public static interface Role {

String getName();

@SerializableType(value = "go",
jsonWriteRootAsField = true,
jsonRootField = "type")
public static class GovernmentalOrg implements Role {
private String name;
private int privilege;

public GovernmentalOrg() {}

public GovernmentalOrg(String name, int privilege) { = name;
this.privilege = privilege;

@Override public String getName() {

return name;

public int getPrivilege() {

return privilege;

public boolean equals(Object other) {
return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, other);

@SerializableType(value = "ngo",
jsonWriteRootAsField = true,
jsonRootField = "type")
public static class NonGovernmentalOrg implements Role {
private String name;
private String description;

public NonGovernmentalOrg() {}

public NonGovernmentalOrg(String name, String description) { = name;
this.description = description;

@Override public String getName() {

return name;

public String getDescription() {

return description;

public boolean equals(Object other) {
return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, other);

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 245

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

public static abstract class Industry {
public String countryCode;

public String getCountryCode() {

return countryCode;

public boolean equals(Object other) {
return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, other);

@SerializableType(value = "it",
jsonWriteRootAsField = true,
jsonRootField = "type")
public static class InformationTechnology extends Industry {
private String scale;

public InformationTechnology() {}

public InformationTechnology(String scale, String countryCode) {

super.countryCode = countryCode;
this.scale = scale;

public String getScale() {

return scale;

public boolean equals(Object other) {
return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, other);

@SerializableType(value = "pharm",
jsonWriteRootAsField = true,
jsonRootField = "type")
public static class Pharmaceuticals extends Industry {
private String field;

public Pharmaceuticals() {

public Pharmaceuticals(String field, String countryCode) {

super.countryCode = countryCode;
this.field = field;

public String getField() {

return field;

public boolean equals(Object other) {
return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, other);

246 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

8.5.5 Java Collection and Array Support Array Serialization Support
For all supported Java primitive types in the REST marshalling framework, the
corresponding array form is also supported. For example, the following code
snippet serializes an array of boolean values.

Java Code
private boolean[] feedCustomizedBooleanArray = {true, false, false};

XML Representation

JSON Representation
"feedCustomizedBooleanArray": [

Moreover, the framework supports the array form of any custom type instances. For
an instance of a custom type, the return of its toString method is used as the value
when being marshaled to XML or JSON.

Custom type Color

public enum Color {

private Color(int redValue,int greenValue,int blueValue){


public String toString(){

return super.toString()+"("+redValue+","+greenValue+","+blueValue+")";

private int redValue;

private int greenValue;
private int blueValue;

Java Code
@SerializableField(xmlNS = "", xmlNSPrefix = "customization")
private Color[] colorArray = {YELLOW, BLUE};

XML Representation

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 247

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

<customization colorArray
<customization:item> YELLOW(255,255,0) </customization:item>
<customization:item> BLUE(0,0,255)</customization:item>
</customization:colorArray >

JSON Representation
" colorArray ": [
" YELLOW(255,255,0) ",
" BLUE(0,0,255)",
] Java Collection Serialization Support

The marshalling framework supports List and its subtypes. In JSON representation,
a List is bound to an Array. In XML representation, each element in a List is a sub-
element of the element representing the List.

For more information, see Example K on page 229 for details. Supported Data Types

The following data types are supported as the parameters of a List or Array:

• Declared native data types such as List<String>, List<Date>,

List<Integer>, List<Double>, List<boolean>

• Declared enum data types such as List<EnumUserTypes>,


• Declared complex data types with the <@SerializableType> annotation such as

List<AtomFeed>, List<Link>, List<PersistentObject>

• Interface such as List<Folder>, List<User>

• Abstract class such as List<AbstractFolder>, List<AbstractDocument>
• Generic or wild card object data types such as List<Object>, List<?>,

Runtime check of parameterized data type

Whether or not instances of Interface, Abstract class, and

Generic or wild card can be marshalled is determined at runtime by the
data type of the instance.

248 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework Exclusions
The following parameterized data types are not supported:

• List or Array in a List

For example List<List<String>>, List<String[]>
• Map data type in a List List<Map<String,String>>
• Any other data type

List item order

Items in a list are marshalled according to their order within the list

java.util.Collection<> is not supported

The generic collection data type java.util.Collection<> is not

supported. The List data type must be an Array. java.util.List, or a sub
type of java.util.List Marshalling with XML

The marshalling of an XML List or Array is more complex than marshalling a JSON
List or Array because of the following:

• XML fields can have separate namespaces

• The XML fields for a List or Array can be wrapped or unwrapped
• The XML fields for a List or Array of complex data types can be serialized as
property bags or standalone XML objects.

Example 8-35: Native Data Types as XML Elements

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
private List<String> keywords;

BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();

XML Code

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 249

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Example 8-36: Array of Enums as XML Elements

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
private LABEL[] labels;

public static enum LABEL {

BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();

XML Code

Example 8-37: List of Complex Data Type as XML Elements

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
private List<Role> roles;

public static interface Role {}

@SerializableType(value = "admin-role")
public static class AdminRole implements Role {
private String name;
private int privilege;

@SerializableType(value = "consumer-role")
public static class ConsumerRole implements Role {
private String name;
private String description;
BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive.AdminRole("admin", 16));
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive
.ConsumerRole("ios", "iOS mobile device"));

XML Code

250 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

<description>iOS mobile device</description>


Example 8-38: List of Complex Data Type as XML property-bag Elements

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
@SerializableField4XmlList(asPropBag = true, itemName="role")
private List<Role> roles;

public static interface Role {}

@SerializableType(value = "admin-role")
public static class AdminRole implements Role {
private String name;
private int privilege;

@SerializableType(value = "consumer-role")
public static class ConsumerRole implements Role {
private String name;
private String description;
BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive.AdminRole("admin", 16));
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive
.ConsumerRole("ios", "iOS mobile device"));

XML Code
<description>iOS mobile device</description>

Example 8-39: List of Native Data Type as XML Unwrapped Elements

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
@SerializableField4XmlList(unwrap = true, itemName="keyword")
private List<String> keywords;
BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 251

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility


XML Code

Example 8-40: List of Complex Data Type as XML Elements with


Java Code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
@SerializableField4XmlList(asPropBag = false)
private List<Role> roles;

public static interface Role {}

@SerializableType(value = "admin-role", xmlNS = "", xmlNSPrefix =

public static class AdminRole implements Role {
private String name;
private int privilege;

@SerializableType(value = "consumer-role", xmlNS = "",

xmlNSPrefix = "d2")
public static class ConsumerRole implements Role {
private String name;
private String description;
BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive.AdminRole("admin", 16));
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive
.ConsumerRole("ios", "iOS mobile device"));

XML Code
<am:admin-role xmlns:am="">
<d2:consumer-role xmlns:d2="">
<d2:description>iOS mobile device</d2:description>

Example 8-41: List of complex Data Type as XML unwrapped property—

bag Elements

Java Code

252 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

public class BusinessObjectArchive {
@SerializableField4XmlList(unwrapped=true, asPropBag = true, itemName="role")
private List<Role> roles;

public static interface Role {}

@SerializableType(value = "admin-role")
public static class AdminRole implements Role {
private String name;
private int privilege;

@SerializableType(value = "consumer-role")
public static class ConsumerRole implements Role {
private String name;
private String description;
BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive.AdminRole("admin", 16));
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive
.ConsumerRole("ios", "iOS mobile device"));

XML Code
<description>iOS mobile device</description>
</boa> Marshalling with JSON

The data types mentioned in the preceding topic can be serialized (marshalled) into
a JSON array. The following code samples show you how to serialize different data

Example 8-42: Native Data Types as a JSON array

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
private List<String> keywords;
BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();


EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 253

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Example 8-43: Enum Array as a JSON array

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
private LABEL[] labels;

public static enum LABEL {

BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();


Example 8-44: Interface as a JSON array

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
private List<Role> roles;

public static interface Role {}

@SerializableType(value = "admin-role")
public static class AdminRole implements Role {
private String name;
private int privilege;

@SerializableType(value = "consumer-role")
public static class ConsumerRole implements Role {
private String name;
private String description;
BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive.AdminRole("admin", 16));
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive
.ConsumerRole("ios", "iOS mobile device"));

{"name":"ios","description":"iOS mobile device"}

254 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Example 8-45: Abstract class as a JSON array

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
private List<Industry> industries;

public static abstract class Industry {
protected String industry;

@SerializableType(value = "healthcare")
public static class Healthcare extends Industry {
private int countryCode;

@SerializableType(value = "energy")
public static class Energy extends Industry {
private String type;
BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();
boa.getIndustries().add(new BusinessObjectArchive.Healthcare("hc", 1));
boa.getIndustries().add(new BusinessObjectArchive.Energy("en", "nuclear"));

} Unmarshalling with XML and JSON

A List or Array can be deserialized using JSON or XML messages. However, there
are certain constraints with respect to the class definition.

The following field types can be deserialized without constraints:

• Declared Native data types

List<String>, List<Date>, List<Integer>, List<Double>, List<boolean>
• Declared Enum data types
List<EnumUserTypes>, List<EnumDocTypes>
• Declared complex data types using the @SerializableType annotation
List<AtomFeed>, List<Link>, List<PersistentObject>

The following data types can only be deserialized using annotation attributes for

• Interface

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 255

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

List<IFolder>, List<IUser>

• Abstract class
List<AbstractFolder>, List<AbstractDocument>

• Generic or wild card data types

List<Object>, List<?>, List<T> Unmarshalling with XML

The following data types can be deserialized (unmarshalled) using XML:

• Native data types

• Enum data type
• Complex data types
• Native data types as XML unwrapped elements
• Complex data types as XML elements with namespaces

Messages of the following data types cannot be deserialized (unmarshalled) using

XML because their data type is not determined from their declared data type or
XML message:

• Complex data type as XML property-bag elements

• Complex data type as XML elements with namespaces

To make a List of Interface, Abstract, or Wild card items deserializable, their fields
must be marked as wrapped and non-property bag by setting the
@SerializableField4XmlList.asPropBag and
@SerializableField4XmlList.unwrap annotations.

Here's a code sample that shows you how to do that:


This code sample shows you how to resolve the preceding limitation so you can
deserialize a complex data type as XML elements:

Example 8-46: List of complex Data Type as XML Elements

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
private List<Role> roles;

public static interface Role {}

@SerializableType(value = "admin-role")
public static class AdminRole implements Role {
private String name;
private int privilege;

256 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

@SerializableType(value = "consumer-role")
public static class ConsumerRole implements Role {
private String name;
private String description;
BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive.AdminRole("admin", 16));
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive
.ConsumerRole("ios", "iOS mobile device"));

XML Code
<description>iOS mobile device</description>

This code sample shows you how to resolve the preceding limitation so you can
deserialize a complex data type as XML elements with namespaces:

Example 8-47: List of complex Data Type as XML Elements with

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
@SerializableField4XmlList(asPropBag = false)
private List<Role> roles;

public static interface Role {}

@SerializableType(value = "admin-role", xmlNS = "", xmlNSPrefix =

public static class AdminRole implements Role {
private String name;
private int privilege;

@SerializableType(value = "consumer-role", xmlNS = "",

xmlNSPrefix = "d2")
public static class ConsumerRole implements Role {
private String name;
private String description;
BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive.AdminRole("admin", 16));
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive
.ConsumerRole("ios", "iOS mobile device"));

XML Code

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 257

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

<am:admin-role xmlns:am="">
<d2:consumer-role xmlns:d2="">
<d2:description>iOS mobile device</d2:description>
</boa> Unmarshalling with JSON

The following data types can be deserialized (unmarshalled) using JSON:

• Native data types

• Enum data type

Messages of the following data types cannot be deserialized (unmarshalled) using

JSON because their data type is not determined from their declared data type or the
JSON message:

• Interfaces
• Abstract classes

To make a List of Interface, Abstract, or Wild card items deserializable, the item
object definition must enable JSON write root. To enable JSON write root, set the


Here's a code sample that shows you how to do that in more detail:

JSON code
{"type":"admin-role", "name":"admin","privilege":16},
{"type","consumer-role", "name":"ios","description":"iOS mobile device"}

Java code
public class BusinessObjectArchive {
private List<Role> roles;

public static interface Role {}

@SerializableType(value = "admin-role",
jsonWriteRootAsField = true, jsonRootField = "type")
public static class AdminRole implements Role {
private String name;

258 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

private int privilege;


@SerializableType(value = "consumer-role",
jsonWriteRootAsField = true, jsonRootField = "type")
public static class ConsumerRole implements Role {
private String name;
private String description;
BusinessObjectArchive boa = new BusinessObjectArchive();
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive.AdminRole("admin", 16));
boa.getRoles().add(new BusinessObjectArchive
.ConsumerRole("ios", "iOS mobile device"));

Note: The annotation @SerializableType for field data types have been set as
<jsonWriteRootAsField = true>, <jsonRootField = "type"> Summary of Support for Java List Data Type

List Item Data Type Marshalling Unmarshalling

Simple data types: Yes Yes
• <String>
• <Date>
• <Integer>
• <Double>
• <boolean>
• <Enum>

Complex type annotated by Yes Yes

• Interface Yes but only when the data Yes but only when the data
type in the runtime instance type in the runtime instance
• Abstract Class
is serializable is serializable
• Generic type
• Wild card type Specifically for JSON when:
• The JSON root is written

Specifically for XML when:

• Wrapped
• Written as a non property
None of above No No

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 259

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility Limitation in Unmarshalling Number Lists

The current framework has a limitation in unmarshalling XML representations that
contain number lists. This is because the framework cannot tell the level of precision
of a number from an item element. For example, <item>10</item> can be a byte,
but it can also be an int. Similarly, <item>9.5</item> can be a float, but it can
also be a double. In this case, the framework adopts the lowest precision type that is
compatible with the value. Therefore, <item>10</item> is unmarshalled to a byte
and <item>9.5</item> is unmarshalled to a float.

8.5.6 Java Map Support Java Map Data Type Support
Documentum REST Services version 7.3 and later have support for <java.util.Map>.
private Map<String, String> countryCodes;

JSON objects can be marshalled as JSON key value pairs. For example:
"countryCodes": {
"usa" : "001",
"china" : "086"}

XML objects can also be marshalled using property bags. For example:
<country name="usa">001</country>
<country name="china">086</country>
</countryCodes> Supported Data Type

To be consistent for XML and JSON marshalling, the map key must be a
String data type Inclusions

The first argument (key) data type in a Map must have a String data type. The
second argument (value) data type in a Map can be any one of the following data

• Declared native data type

Map<String, String>, Map<String, Date>, Map<String, Integer>,
Map<String, Double>, Map<String, boolean>
• Declared enum data type
Map<String, EnumUserTypes>, Map<String, EnumDocTypes>
• Declared List data type

260 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

Map<String, List<String>>, Map<String, List<?>>

• Declared complex data type with annotation @SerializableType

Map<String, AtomFeed>, Map<String, Link>, Map<String,

• Interface
Map<String, IFolder>, Map<String, IUser>

• Abstract class
Map<String, AbstractFolder>, Map<String, AbstractDocument>

• Generic or wild object data type

Map<String, Object>, Map<String, ?>, Map<String, T>

Runtime check of parameterized data type

Whether or not instances of List, Interface, Abstract class, and

Generic or wild card objects can be marshalled is determined at runtime
by the data type of the instance. Marshalling Marshalling with XML

Marshalling a Map with XML is more complex than JSON due to the following:

• XML fields can have separate namespaces

• XML fields for a Map of complex types can be serialized as property bags or
standalone XML objects

Here are some code samples that show you how to serialize (marshall) with XML:

Example 8-48: Map of Native Data Type as XML Elements

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectMap {
Map<String, String> codes;
BusinessObjectMap bom = new BusinessObjectMap();
bom.getCodes().put("usa", "001");
bom.getCodes().put("china", "086");

XML Code

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 261

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility


Example 8-49: Map of Complex Data Type as XML Elements

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectMap {
@SerializableField(defaultImpl = TreeMap.class)
Map<String, Industry> industries;

public static abstract class Industry {
protected String industry;

@SerializableType(value = "healthcare")
public static class Healthcare extends Industry {
private int countryCode;

@SerializableType(value = "energy")
public static class Energy extends Industry {
private String field;
BusinessObjectMap bom = new BusinessObjectMap();
bom.getIndustries().put("s1", new BusinessObjectMap.Healthcare("hc", 1));
bom.getIndustries().put("s2", new BusinessObjectMap.Energy("en", "nuclear"));

XML Code

Example 8-50: Map of Array of Native Data Type as XML Elements

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectMap {
Map<String, String[]> codes;
BusinessObjectMap bom = new BusinessObjectMap();

262 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

bom.getCodes().put("asia", new String[]{"086", "091"});

bom.getCodes().put("west", new String[]{"001", "044"});

XML Code

Example 8-51: Map of List of Complex Data Type as XML Elements

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectMap {
Map<String, List<Role>> roles;

public static interface Role {}

@SerializableType(value = "admin-role")
public static class AdminRole implements Role {
private String name;
private int privilege;

@SerializableType(value = "consumer-role")
public static class ConsumerRole implements Role {
private String name;
private String description;
BusinessObjectMap bom = new BusinessObjectMap();
bom.getRoles().put("r1", Arrays.asList(
new BusinessObjectMap.AdminRole("admin", 16),
new BusinessObjectMap.ConsumerRole("ios", "iOS mobile device")
bom.getRoles().put("r2", Arrays.asList(
new BusinessObjectMap.AdminRole("dbowner", 8),
new BusinessObjectMap.ConsumerRole("android", "Android mobile device")

XML Code
<description>iOS mobile device</description>

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 263

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

<description>Android mobile device</description>

Example 8-52: Map of Native Data Type as XML prop-bag Elements

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectMap {
@SerializableField4XmlMap(asPropBag = true)
Map<String, String> codes;
BusinessObjectMap bom = new BusinessObjectMap();
bom.getCodes().put("usa", "001");
bom.getCodes().put("china", "086");

XML Code
<entry key="usa">001</entry>
<entry key="china">086</entry>

Example 8-53: Map of Complex Data Type as XML prop-bag Elements

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectMap {
@SerializableField(defaultImpl = TreeMap.class)
@SerializableField4XmlMap(asPropBag = true,
propBagEleName = "industry",
propBagKeyName = "type")
Map<String, Industry> industries;

public static abstract class Industry {
protected String industry;

@SerializableType(value = "healthcare")
public static class Healthcare extends Industry {
private int countryCode;

@SerializableType(value = "energy")
public static class Energy extends Industry {

264 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

private String field;

BusinessObjectMap bom = new BusinessObjectMap();
bom.getIndustries().put("s1", new BusinessObjectMap.Healthcare("hc", 1));
bom.getIndustries().put("s2", new BusinessObjectMap.Energy("en", "nuclear"));

XML Code Marshalling with JSON

When marshaling a Map with JSON, all map entries are serialized as key-value pairs
of a JSON object.

Example 8-54: Map of Native Data Types as JSON Fields

Java Code
public class BusinessObjectMap {
Map<String, String> codes;

BusinessObjectMap bom = new BusinessObjectMap();
bom.getCodes().put("usa", "001");
bom.getCodes().put("china", "086");


Example 8-55: Complex Data Type as JSON Fields

public class BusinessObjectMap {
Map<String, Industry> industries;

public static abstract class Industry {
protected String industry;

@SerializableType(value = "healthcare")
public static class Healthcare extends Industry {
private int countryCode;

@SerializableType(value = "energy")
public static class Energy extends Industry {
private String type;

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 265

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

BusinessObjectMap bom = new BusinessObjectMap();
bom.getIndustries().put("s1", new BusinessObjectMap.Healthcare("hc", 1));
bom.getIndustries().put("s2", new BusinessObjectMap.Energy("en", "nuclear"));

"industries": {
"s2": {
"type": "nuclear",
"industry": "en"
"s1": {
"cc": 1,
"industry": "hc"

Example 8-56: List of Complex Data Type as JSON Fields

public class BusinessObjectMap {
private Map<String, Role> roles;

public static interface Role {}

@SerializableType(value = "admin-role")
public static class AdminRole implements Role {
private String name;
private int privilege;

@SerializableType(value = "consumer-role")
public static class ConsumerRole implements Role {
private String name;
private String description;
BusinessObjectMap bom = new BusinessObjectMap();
bom.getRoles().put("r1", Arrays.asList(
new BusinessObjectMap.AdminRole("admin", 16),
new BusinessObjectMap.ConsumerRole("ios", "iOS mobile device")
bom.getRoles().put("r2", Arrays.asList(
new BusinessObjectMap.AdminRole("dbowner", 8),
new BusinessObjectMap.ConsumerRole("android", "Android mobile device")


"roles": {
"r1": [
"name": "admin",
"privilege": 16

266 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

"name": "ios",
"description": "iOS mobile device"
"r2": [
"name": "dbowner",
"privilege": 8
"name": "android",
"description": "Android mobile device"
} Unmarshalling

A Map can be deserialized using JSON or XML messages but it has certain
constraints with respect to the class definition.

The following field types can always be deserialized:

• Declared native data type as the Map value

Map<String, String>, Map<String, Date>, Map<String, Integer>,
Map<String, Double>, Map<String, boolean>
• Declared Enum data type
Map<String, Enum User Types>, Map<String, Enum DocTypes>
• Declared List data type with concrete List item type
Map<String, List<String>>
• Declared complex data type with annotation @SerializableType
Map<String, AtomFeed>, Map<String, Link>, Map<String,

The following field data types can be deserialized using additional annotation
attributes for XML and JSON, respectively:

• Interface
Map<String, IFolder>, Map<String, IUser>
• Abstract class
Map<String, AbstractFolder>, Map<String, AbstractDocument>
• Generic or wild card data type
Map<String, Object>, Map<String, ?>, Map<String, T>
• Declared List data type with unresolved list item type
Map<String, List<? extends IUser>>

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 267

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility Unmarshalling with XML

For XML, the Map entry value is always deserializable and there are no constraints.
Messages for the following data types can be deserialized to a Map field:

• Native data types as XML elements

• Complex data types as XML elements
• Array of native data types as XML elements
• List of complex data types as XML elements
• Simple data types as XML prop-bag elements
• Complex data types as XML prop-bag elements Unmarshalling with JSON

The following data types can be deserialized:

• Native data type as JSON fields

• Complex data type as JSON fields

A List of complex data type cannot be deserialized into JSON fields because the type
information is not determined from either the declared data type such as
Map<String, Role>, or the JSON message such as {name:xx, ..}.

To make a Map of an Interface, Abstract class, and Wild card items deserializable,
the object definition for the item must enable the JSON write root attribute as shown

Here's a code sample that shows you how to do that:

Example 8-57: Read a Map of Interfaces from JSON

public class BusinessObjectMap {
private Map<String, Role> roles;

public static interface Role {}

@SerializableType(value = "admin-role",
jsonWriteRootAsField = true,
jsonRootField = "type")
public static class AdminRole implements Role {
private String name;
private int privilege;

@SerializableType(value = "consumer-role",
jsonWriteRootAsField = true,
jsonRootField = "type")
public static class ConsumerRole implements Role {
private String name;
private String description;

268 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

BusinessObjectMap bom = new BusinessObjectMap();
bom.getRoles().put("r1", Arrays.asList(
new BusinessObjectMap.AdminRole("admin", 16),
new BusinessObjectMap.ConsumerRole("ios", "iOS mobile device")
bom.getRoles().put("r2", Arrays.asList(
new BusinessObjectMap.AdminRole("dbowner", 8),
new BusinessObjectMap.ConsumerRole("android", "Android mobile device")

The annotation @SerializableType for the field data types has been set to
jsonWriteRootAsField=true, jsonRootField="type".

"roles": {
"r1": [
"type": "admin-role",
"name": "admin",
"privilege": 16
"type": "consumer-role",
"name": "ios",
"description": "iOS mobile device"
"r2": [
"type": "admin-role",
"name": "dbowner",
"privilege": 8
"type": "consumer-role",
"name": "android",
"description": "Android mobile device"

The type attribute is written into the JSON object.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 269

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility Summary of Support for the Map Data Type

The following table shows Map data type support:

Map Entry Value Data Type Marshalling Unmarshalling

Simple data types: String, Yes Yes
Date, Integer, Double,
boolean, Enum
Complex type annotated by Yes Yes
Interface, Abstract Class Yes but only when the data Yes but only when the data
Generic type or Wild card type in the runtime instance type in the runtime instance
type is serializable is serializable

Specifically for JSON when:

• json root is written
List data type with item type Yes Accordingly
as above data types
None of above No No

8.5.7 Circular References Not Supported

The Documentum REST Services marshalling framework does not support circular
references. If a data model has a field referencing itself and the field is annotated,
then marshalling framework returns a stack overflow error.

8.5.8 Custom Serializers and Deserializers

The unified data binding framework allows you to customize marshalling and
unmarshalling data model in many aspects.

There are requirements at the field level that cannot be fulfilled by the out-of-box
capability of the framework.

Here are several typical cases:

1. Representation of different media types is different, like the <AtomEntry>

representation of XML and JSON media types
2. Data binding depends on runtime data. For example, don't marshall a wrapped
list when it is empty
3. A field of the class must be written out during marshalling, but shouldn't be
read in during unmarshalling

270 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework Programming Interface

As you can see in the image below, the Documentum REST Services data binding
framework is composed of many serializers and deserializers for different kinds of

This architecture can be extended. Along with the

SerializableField#serializers and SerializableField#deserializers
annotations, you can also link new ones with specified fields.

Below is a class diagram for XML data binding classes:

Here's the class diagram for JSON

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 271

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Generally, you can implement a new custom serializer or deserializer in two ways:

1. By extending abstract serializers or deserializers and implementing the abstract

2. By extending Documentum REST Services out-of-box serializers or deserializers

Building new serializers or deserializers from scratch is not easy work. We

recommend that you extend existing serializers or deserializers of the Documentum
REST Services.

Samples are available in <dctm-rest-sdk-root>/samples/custom-field-


272 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.5. Documentum REST Services marshalling framework

8.5.9 Annotation Scanner

An annotation scanner is available in the tools directory of the SDK to validate
custom resources focusing on the annotation aspect. This annotation scanner runs
when you build up the WAR package and generates a report listing all invalidated
annotation occurrences in your code, such as Field not serializable and
Duplicated annotation values.

The annotation scanner can be used as a runnable JAR or a Maven plug-in.

Runnable JAR

To use the annotation scanner as a runnable JAR, navigate to tools directory of the
SDK and then run the following command:
java -jar dctm-rest-ext-validator-runnable [TARGET] [option]

[TARGET] represents the source files to scanner, which can be:

• A single .JAR, WAR, or EAR file, such as ./tmp/dctm-rest.jar

• Multiple JAR or WAR files separated by comma, such as ./tmp/databinding.
jar, ./tmp/test-annotation.jar

• A directory containing the binary, JAR, or EAR files, such as ./tmp

[option] represents the options of this command:

• -h Display help messages

• -o Specify the output directory, such as -o ./output
• -X Display debug messages

Maven Plug-In

To use the annotation scanner as a Maven plug-in:

1. Navigate to tools directory of the SDK and then run the following command to
install the plug-in to your local repository:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=documentum-rest-annotation-plugin-<version-
number>.jar -DpomFile=pom

2. Open the pom.xml file of your project and then append the following plug-in to
the plugins block .

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 273

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility


In the plug-in configuration:

• The input element specifies the source files to scan

• The outputDir element specifies directory to hold the report
• The debug element determines whether the debug mode is turned on when
the scanner runs
• The failBuild element determines whether to terminate and fail the
building process when the scanner detects errors

When the scan completes, an HTML file named Scan Report of Documentum REST
Services Extensibility Annotation is generated in the output directory. This file
lists all annotation violations and fix recommendations. All issues should be
resolved before you build the custom REST WAR file.

If necessary (though not recommended), you can disable this scanner by removing
the plug-in configuration in the pom.xml file.

8.6 Developing custom resources

This section discusses how to develop simple custom resources with the
Documentum REST Services Extensibility.

Typically, custom resource development can be divided into the following phases:

• Designing Custom Resources

• Setting up a Custom Resource Project
• Programming for Custom Resources
• Linking Custom and Core Resources
• Packaging and Deploying

Each one of the above phases is discussed here.

274 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

8.6.1 Designing Custom Resources

This phase focuses on the following tasks:

• Designing the XML and/or JSON representation of your custom resources

• Determining how client applications discover your custom resources
• Determining the operations to support

Typically, a custom resource can represent a persistent object, a collection of

persistent objects, or a certain state of the persistent objects. A key property that
distinguishes the REST architecture from other software architectures is that REST is
resource-oriented. So the first step for custom resource development is to model the
persistent data into resources. If the persistent data is too large, has deep hierarchy,
or there are a lot of operations on it, you may consider designing more than one
resources for the large persistent data. URI
The URI design for a resource is implementation-specific. Theoretically, you can
design any URI pattern for a custom resource. Practically, however, the custom
resource URI pattern should be similar to that of the Core resources. One benefit is
to apply the same authentication schemes as Core resources, because Core REST
security component checks the resource URLs to determine whether authentication
is required on the custom resources. For instance, all repository level resources are
required for authentication by default, so the URI of a custom resource under a
particular repository should follow this pattern: /repositories/

Note: When the designed resource URI template contains path variables where
their values come from the object properties, there could be URI encoding/
decoding issues if the property values contain URI preserved characters.
Documentum REST Services SDK provides a utility com.emc.documentum.
rest.utils.NameAsPathCoder helping you encode and decode the path
variable values to escape special characters. HTTP Methods

HTTP /1.1 specification provides several standard HTTP methods for clients to
perform on a resource. Although you are allowed to create custom HTTP methods
on a custom resource, the challenges it brings is usually far more than the given
benefits. So it is recommended to stick to standard HTTP methods for resource
operations. In case there are a lot of logic operations applied to the same persist data
that the resource represents for, you may consider dividing the operations into
multiple resources.

Core resources use standard HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT and DELETE in all

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 275

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility Representations
Core resources support both JSON and XML representations. For a custom resource,
whether to support one or both representations depends on your business
requirements. Documentum REST Services provides an annotation-based
marshalling framework so that an annotated Java model can support both JSON and
XML representations out of the box. You do not need to handle the message
marshalling or unmarshalling except for the Java model design.

If you want to limit the custom resource to support JSON or XML representation
only, specific media type constraints can be applied to the resource controller to
precisely define the supported representation with the Spring annotation
@RequestMapping. Content Negotiation

Custom resources follow the same content negotiation mechanism as Core resources
to determine a specific representation format for a client request.

In both Core and custom resources, all operations support the following media

• application/atom+xml

• application/vnd.emc.documentum+xml

• application/vnd.emc.documentum+json

The GET operation also supports the following two generic media types:

• application/xml

• application/json

The current Documentum REST Services Extensibility feature does not support
custom media types. Link Relations

In most cases, a custom resource design has one or more outer links pointing to Core
resources or other custom resources. This will be done by designing new link
relations on the custom resource representation. It is recommended to look up well-
known link relations first from IANA website and use them as much as possible
before considering inventing new link relation names for the custom resources.
Besides, a good practice for inventing new link relation names is that nouns are
preferred other than verbs to name a link relation.

It is possible to add new links to Core resources. For more information, see Adding
Links to Core Resources.

276 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

8.6.2 Setting up a Custom Resource Project

In this phase, you will set up a project with the appropriate structure to hold various
packages, source files, and configuration files. We recommend that you leverage the
Maven or Ant toolkit provided in the SDK for project setup. Documentum REST
Services SDK provides you with a convenient way to set up the first custom resource
project with a Maven archetype. This section introduces the general project structure
for custom resource development.

Documentum REST Services resource development mainly leverages Spring Web

MVC to construct the resources and uses Maven to build projects. Therefore, each
resource implementation must have well-formed code structure as follows.

Typical project structure


This code structure is a typical Documentum REST Services resource project

structure, which should be aligned with in your custom resource structure so that
the implementation is well layered. This code structure separates the custom
resource implementation into three modules:

• model
Designs annotated Java model classes for custom resources
• persistence
Creates persistence API beans by referencing DFC or other local persistence APIs
• resource
Creates resource controllers for custom resources

With this code structure, the custom model, persistence, and controller
implementations are built as separate JAR files.

For a custom resource that does not require additional models or persistence APIs,
the corresponding module and/or persistence can be omitted.

For each sub module, the code structure is organized as a typical Maven module.

Typical module structure


EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 277

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

The quick start is to use the Maven archetype project in Documentum REST Services
SDK to create such a project structure.

8.6.3 Programming for Custom Resources

In this phase, you will take advantage of the marshalling framework and core REST
Java library to develop your custom resources. This section introduces you to the
important features of custom resource programming. For a comprehensive review of
typical custom resource development, see Tutorial: Documentum REST Services
Extensibility Development. Model: Programming

The model package defines the data structure of the resource representation for both
input and output. Being decorated with Documentum REST Services marshalling
framework, an annotated model class has direct data binding to its resource
representation. You only need to focus on the decision of what domain information
to be exposed in the model, and the marshalling framework takes full responsibility
for marshalling and unmarshalling the data model into/from XML and JSON
messages. Here is an example of a new resource model.
* Define a server model which has three properties.
@SerializableType(value = "server",
fieldVisibility = SerializableType.FieldVisibility.ALL,
fieldOrder = {"name", "host", "version"},
xmlNS = "",
xmlNSPrefix = "dm")
public class Server {
private String name;
private String host;
private String version;

public String getName() {

return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getHost() {
return host;
public void setHost(String host) { = host;
public String getVersion() {
return version;
public void setVersion(String version) {
this.version = version;

Note: An annotated model class must have one parameterless constructor.

Otherwise, an exception is thrown during unmarshalling. In the sample, we do
not define any constructor for the Server class so that the default (no-
argument) one provided by the complier is applied. If you define a constructor
with arguments for the model class, you must explicitly define one
parameterless constructor at the same time.

278 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources Model: Extending Core

You can also extend Core REST resource model classes for holding additional
information on the custom resource representation. The Core REST library provides
a persistent object model class
PersistentObject that provides the fundamental properties and links collection for
a persistent Documentum object. Here is an example of an extended persistent object
* Define a business object model that has one additional property called ‘uuid’.
@SerializableType(value = "biz-object",
jsonWriteRootAsField = true,
fieldVisibility = SerializableType.FieldVisibility.NONE,
ignoreNullFields = true,
jsonRootField = "name",
fieldOrder = {"type", "definition", "uuid", "properties"},
xmlNS = "",
xmlNSPrefix = "dm")
public class BusinessObject extends {
@SerializableField (xmlAsAttribute = true)
private String uuid;

public String getUuid() {

return uuid;

public void setUuid(String uuid) {

this.uuid = uuid;

Note: There are more model samples in the SDK: documentum-rest-

<version>.zip/samples/documentum-rest-model-samples/ Model: Validation

It is always good to validate the designed models with the Documentum REST
Services Annotation Scanner. The tool can be run during the process of Maven
project creation or run separately in a command line. The scanning report tells the
detail of the model analyze result, as well as fix instructions. All ERROR level rule
violations must be fixed. Here is a sample of the scan report.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 279

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Figure 8-7: Scan Report Persistence: Programming

The persistence API wraps the DFC operations to provide persistent data operations
for the resources. The best practice for creating a new persistence API is to separate
the API into one interface and one implementation class, and load the
implementation class by using a Java bean.

1. Create a Java interface.

public interface UserManager { createUser(UserObject newUser);

2. Create a Java class to implement this interface.

public class UserManagerImpl
implements UserManager {
public createUser(UserObject newUser) {


3. Implement it as a Java bean.

There are two ways to create a Java bean:

• Spring Java code configuration

• Using an XML namespace

Example 8-58: Create a Java Bean Using Spring Code Configuration

basePackages = { "com.acme" },
excludeFilters = {

280 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

type = FilterType.CUSTOM,
classes = {

public class CustomContextConfig {

public UserManager customUserManager(){
return new UserManagerImpl();

You must ensure that the package where you created your custom
configuration class is specified in the rest.context.config.location property
within the file.
exclude filter is mandatory when you use the @ComponentScan Spring
annotation in your custom defined configuration class. This exclude filter
ensures that the Spring framework loads all of the resources that you have

Example 8-59: Create a Java Bean Using Spring XML Namespace

Define the bean in class path file: /META-INF/spring/custom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns= ...>
<bean id="customUserManager" class="com.acme.UserManagerImpl"/>

The Java beans can be referenced by resource controllers by using the @Autowired
Spring annotation. Here is a code sample of the persistence API reference in a
resource controller: Persistence: Referencing Core

Documentum REST Services SDK library provides lots of persistence APIs for
developers to reuse to operate the persistent Documentum objects. For example, provides basic CRUD operations
for any persistent objects;
provides additional methods for sysobject related operations, such as copy and
checkout. Custom resource controllers can reference the instance of these Core
persistence APIs as same as to custom persistence APIs.

Note: The complete persistence API docs can be found in the SDK:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 281

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility Persistence: Getting Login User Context

The persistence API <>
provides static methods to retrieve the login user's context information, such as the
login name, username, user privileges, etc.

Some persistence API methods require additional DFC calls, and should be used as
little as possible. Refer to the JavaDoc API for more information. Persistence: Session Management

Documentum REST Services SDK library provides the interfaces com.emc. and com.emc.documentum.
rest.dfc.RepositorySession for the session management in the persistence APIs.

The default implementations for these two interfaces have been integrated with the
security module of the REST services. Therefore, after a user logs in, the persistence
API retrieves the right user session without the need to explicitly instantiate the DFC
session manager. The SessionAwareAbstractManager persistence API can be used
to extend the interface to get the user session. Here
is a code sample that shows you how to do this:

Example 8-60: Getting User Session by Extending the

SessionAwareAbstractManager API
* A user manager implementation extends SessionAwareAbstractManager to reuse the
* session beans
public class CustomUserManager extends SessionAwareAbstractManager
implements UserManager {

public UserObject get(String userName,
AttributeView attributeView) throws DfException {
IDfSession session = null;

try {
// User the method from super class to get a session for the login user
session = getSessionRepository().getSession(false);
IDfUser dfUser = session.getUser(userName);

if(dfUser == null) {
return null;
else {
return convert(dfUser, attributeView);
finally {
// Do not forget to release the session

When you are not extending the SessionAwareAbstractManager persistence API, it

can use the auto wired RepositorySession instance to retrieve a session by using

282 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

the @Autowired Spring annotation. Here is a code sample that shows you how to do

Example 8-61: Getting User Session without Extending the

SessionAwareAbstractManager API
public class CustomUserManager implements UserManager {
// Reference the repository session bean directly
private RepositorySession sessionRepository;

public UserObject get(String userName, AttributeView attributeView)
throws DfException {
IDfSession session = null;

try {
session = sessionRepository getSession(false);
IDfUser dfUser = session.getUser(userName);

if(dfUser == null) {
return null;
else {
return convert(dfUser, attributeView);
finally {

If you are using a version of the JDK that is Java 7 or later, you can use Core REST
IDfCloseableSession API to manage the session. This API automatically handles
the session release. Here is a code sample that shows you how to use this API:

Example 8-62: Session management usage in Java and later

public class CustomUserManager extends SessionAwareAbstractManager implements
public UserObject get(String userName, AttributeView attributeView) throws
IDfSession session = null;

try (IDfCloseableSession session = dfcSessionRepository.getCloseableSession()) {

// Use a method from super class to get the session for the login user
IDfUser dfUser = session.getSession(false).getUser(userName);

if(dfUser == null) {
return null;
else {
return convert(dfUser, attributeView);

When the Documentum REST Services security module is not used while
performing unit testing of the persistence API, you can set the login username and

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 283

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

password in your test code, which makes the session available to the test code. The
code mocks a user login from a servlet request. Here is a code sample that shows
you how to do this:

Example 8-63: Setting the Username and Password for Unit Testing

When a transaction is required on the resource controller, the com.emc. class can be used to commit the
transaction with the persistence API as shown in the following code sample:

Example 8-64: Commit a Transaction with the Persistence API

public class CustomSysObjectManager implements SysObjectManager {
ContextSessionManager contextSessionManager;

public <T extends SysObject> T copy(final String objectId, final String folderId)
throws DfException {
// Put a regular operation into the transaction manager
return contextSessionManager.executeWithinTheContextTran
(new SessionCallable<T>() {
public T call(IDfSession session) throws Exception {
return doRegularCopy(objectId, folderId);

Note: Additional session management samples are available in the

samples/ SDK. Persistence: Creating Feed Pages from DQL Result

For an implementation of a feed resource, the persistence API may execute a DQL
query to get the object collection. Documentum REST Services SDK library provides
the<T> class to retrieve the object
collection as a feed page.

The<T> class is the

basic DQL template that is used to produce a DQL query expression. A custom feed
resource can extend the PagedQueryTemplate class to create a custom DQL query
expression and call the
PagedDataRetriever<T> method to get a Page<T>. Here are some code samples
that demonstrate how to do some typical tasks:

284 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

Example 8-65: Use the PagedPersistentDataRetriever to get a page for a

custom PagedQueryTemplate

The Documentum REST Services SDK library provides a default

implementation of PagedDataRetriever
paging.PagedPersistentDataRetriever to retrieve a page of persistent
objects. The return type is a
PersistentObject type or one of its sub types. Here is a code sample that
shows you how to retrieve a page of document objects:
// Define a custom DQL for the document collection
PagedQueryTemplate pagedQueryTemplate = new CustomPagedQueryTemplate(getUsername());

// Retrieve a page of document objects with the default object collection

// implementation and paging parameters
pagedDataRetriever = new PagedPersistentDataRetriever<DocumentObject>(
pagedQueryTemplate, 1, 5, true, AttributeView.DEFAULT, DocumentObject.class);
Page<DocumentObject> page = pagedDataRetriever.get();

Example 8-66: Use the PagedDataRetriever to get a page for a custom

PagedQueryTemplate with custom models

You can create a custom object collection manager if the data model in the page
does not extend Here
is a code sample that shows you how to do this:
PagedQueryTemplate pagedQueryTemplate = new CustomPagedQueryTemplate(getUsername());

pagedDataRetriever = new PagedDataRetriever<MyDocument>(
new MyDocumentCollectionManager(),
pagedQueryTemplate, 1, 5, true, AttributeView.DEFAULT);
Page<MyDocument> page = pagedDataRetriever.get();

Example 8-67: Use the Paginator to produce the page from any generic

For a feed resource implementation where its persistent data does not come
from a simple DQL, you can create your own implementation of the persistence
layer and call the method to
generate a page from the object collection. Here is a code sample that shows
you how to do this:
String dql = "select * from dm_document";
session = dfcSessionRepository.getSession();
List<IDfTypedObject> results =, dql);
List<DocumentObject> docs = convert(results);
List<IDfTypedObject> counts = QueryExecutor
"select count(r_object_id) as total from dm_document");

int total = counts.get(0).getInt("total");

paginator = new Paginator<DocumentObject>(docs, total);
int pageNumber = 3;

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 285

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

int itemsPerPage = 5;
currentPage = paginator.paginate(pageNumber, itemsPerPage);

Note: There are detailed code samples in the documentum-rest-

<version>.zip/samples/documentum-rest-java_api-samples/ SDK. Resource: Programming the Controller

The resource implementation uses the Spring controller to define the REST mapping
of the resource. The controller class has Spring REST annotations to define its
request mapping and Response mapping. It loads the auto wired persistence API to
manipulate the model data. The return type of the controller method is the model
class. Here is a code sample that shows you how to use the resource controller:

Example 8-68: Using The Spring Resource Controller

@ResourceViewBinding(value = FormatView.class)
public class MyFormatController extends AbstractController {
private FormatManager dfcFormatManager;
@RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = {
public Format get(
@PathVariable("repositoryName") String repositoryName,
@PathVariable("formatName") String formatName,
@TypedParam final SingleParam param,
@RequestUri final UriInfo uriInfo) throws DfException {
Format format =

if (format == null) {
throw new DfNoMatchException(NameAsPathCoder.decode(formatName));
return getRenderedObject(repositoryName, format, param.isLinks(), uriInfo, null);

The controller class declares the @Controller Spring annotation, which identifies it
as a resource controller. We recommend that you set a unique name for the
@Controller. The name for the controller is used as the code name of this resource,
which is used by configurations and log entries that reference this resource.

The controller class defines its request mapping with the @RequestMapping Spring
annotation. There are some additional mapping rules, however they do not apply to
the URI on this annotation. For more information, refer to the Spring framework

286 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

In the controller definition, the @ResourceViewBinding Core REST annotation

defines the default view for this resource.

The controller class extends from

AbstractController, which provides some useful methods that can be reused by
the extended controller.

In the controller method definition, the @RequestMapping annotation can be

declared and used to map the HTTP method and media types for a resource

The controller method defines the @ResponseBody Spring annotation , which

indicates that the returning object format can be directly sent to the marshalling

The controller method defines the @ResponseStatus Spring controller annotation,

which specifies the HTTP status of this resource operation. In the event that there is
an exception thrown by this method, error mapping takes place and the status of the
method is reset to the corresponding error status.

For more information, see Error Handling and Representations.

The resource method can call its controller super class method getRenderedObject
or getRenderedPage to invoke dynamic view definitions that are used to render the
model instance and produce the links or the other representation customizations.

Note: There are more resource controller samples in the documentum-rest-

<version>.zip/samples/documentum-rest-resource-samples/ SDK. Resource: Programming the View

Views are implementations that customize the resource model instances for further
information in the representation, especially for creating links for the resources.

There are three abstract view classes for view implementations: LinkableView,
EntryableView, and FeedableView .

• LinkableView
A non-collection resource (also called single data object resource) must have a
LinkableView implementation. The extended class implementation must
implement the abstract methods. Optionally, the protected methods can be
• EntryableView
If the non-collection resource (also called single data object resource) can further
be presented into the inline feed of a collection resource. Its view implementation
instead should extend EntryableView. The extended class implementation must
implement the abstract methods. Optionally, the protected methods can be
• FeedableView

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 287

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

A collection resource must have a FeedableView implementation. The extended

class implementation must implement the abstract methods. Optionally, the
protected methods can be overridden

Documentum REST Services library provides two view implementations to

implement part of the methods. Custom views can extend these classes and reuse
their methods.


There are two view annotations used for the view implementations. A view
implementation class must declare one of the following annotations for the
corresponding usages.

A @DataViewBinding annotation is applied to a

LinkableView or
implementation. The @DataViewBinding resolves which data model the view
definition is bound to. Here is an example.
@DataViewBinding(modelType = RelationObject.class)
public class RelationView extends EntryableView<RelationObject> { .. }

A @FeedViewBinding annotation is applied to a

FeedableView implementation. This annotation resolves inline EntryableView for a
feed view. The entry views can be more than one since a feed may contain different
types of models. Each entry view should correspond to a unique data model class
defined by @DataViewBinding. Here is an example.
public class RelationsFeedView extends FeedableView<RelationObject> { .. }

Note: There are more samples for the resource views in the documentum-rest-
<version>.zip/samples/documentum-rest-resource-samples/ SDK. Resource: Binding the View and the Controller

As previously mentioned, a resource can be bound to a view implementation by
declaring the @ResourceViewBinding Core REST annotation in the resource
controller. A @ResourceViewBinding can be applied to a controller at the class level
or at the method level.

The annotation has an attribute that you can use to specify which view definitions
the resource controller (or method) uses to render the resource model in the
controller method. You can bind more than one view definition to a controller or a
method (repeating value). However, each view definition must correspond to a
unique resource model type, such as feed, document, folder, etc.

Here are some things to consider when deciding whether to apply the annotation at
the class level or at the method level.

• When the annotation is applied at the class level, all methods in the controller by
default uses the view definitions in the class level annotation

288 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

• When the annotation is applied at a class method level, the specific method in the
controller by default uses the view definitions in the method level annotation,
and it overrides the class level annotation.

Here is a code sample that shows you how to use the @ResourceViewBinding
annotation at both class and method levels. The class level supports the feed
representation by default, while the create method returns a single relation resource
as the Response.

Example 8-69: Using the @ResourceViewBinding Annotation

@ResourceViewBinding({ RelationsFeedView.class })

public class RelationsController extends AbstractController{

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public AtomFeed get(
@RequestParam(value = "name", required = false) final String relationName,
@RequestUri final UriInfo uriInfo)
throws MissingServletRequestParameterException, DfException {
// ...
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<RelationObject> createRelation(
@PathVariable("repositoryName") final String repositoryName,
@RequestBody final RelationObject relationObject,
@RequestUri final UriInfo uriInfo)
throws DfException, MissingServletRequestParameterException {
// ...


• A @ResourceViewBinding annotation can bind to multiple <View>

definitions. When multiple <View> definitions are registered for a
@ResourceViewBinding, each <View> definition must correspond to a
unique data model. There can be at most one FeedableView definition in the
@ResourceViewBinding definition because FeedableView corresponds to
the AtomFeed data model
• When @ResourceViewBinding annotation is used at the method level, the
@RequestUri final UriInfo uriInfo @RequestUri final UriInfo
uriInfo declaration is required in the method definition

Resource controllers, models, and views can be bound with one another by using the
Java annotations shown in the following diagram:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 289

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Figure 8-8: Java Annotations and Documentum MVC Resource: Customizing Resource Views

Customization involves the following tasks:

1. Write custom view class

2. Register the class to a resource Customize Resource View

REST extensibility allows you to write your own view implementation classes for a
specific data model. Hide Link Relations

In a custom view, you can call the <removeLink(..)> method to hide link relations. You
can manually extend from the Core <View> implementation when the modification
that you want to make is small.

The only method that must be overridden is the <customize()> method.

Here's a code sample showing a <View> implementation that extends a Core

repository <View>. In this <View> class, the link relation relation-types is removed
from the repository resource:

Example 8-70: A View that Extends a Core Repository

* Customize repository with extension to remove relation-types link relation

290 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

public class RepositoryViewExtend extends RepositoryView {

public RepositoryViewExtend(Repository repository,
UriInfo uriInfo,
String repositoryName,
boolean returnLinks,
Map<String, Object> others) {
super( repository, uriInfo, repositoryName, returnLinks, others);

public void customize() {
// Remove relation-types link relation from the repository
removeLink(CoreLinkRelation.RELATION_TYPES.rel(), null);
} Edit Link Relations

In the custom view, you can call the <clearLinks()>, <makeLink(..)>, or <makeLinkIf(..)>
methods to build arbitrary link relations to a resource model. When a significant
change is required, you can write a completely new view implementation class for a
resource model.

Here are some important points:

• A new view implementation class must extend from <EntryableView>, or

<LinkableView> where all abstract methods must be implemented
• A new view implementation class must have the @DataViewBinding annotation
added to the class definition.

In the following code sample of the <View> implementation for the Repository
resource, the links on the Repository resource are rebuilt in the View class. Take
notice of the following items:

• The link relation current-user and cabinets are static. This means they are
available in any repository resource
• The link relation users is dynamic. This means that only the <admin> or <super
user> can see it

Here's a code sample that illustrates the preceding points:

Example 8-71: Rebuilding Links in the View Class

* Customize the repository with totally new view definitions that specify the
* exact link relations
@DataViewBinding(modelType = Repository.class)
public class RepositoryViewNew extends EntryableView<
public RepositoryViewNew(Repository repository, UriInfo uriInfo, String repositoryName,
boolean returnLinks, Map<String, Object> others) {
super(repository, uriInfo, repositoryName, returnLinks, others);

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 291

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

public String entryTitle() {
return getDataInternal().getName();

public String entrySummary() {
return getDataInternal().getDescription();

public Date entryUpdated() {
return new Date();

public Date entryPublished() {
return new Date();

public List<
entryAuthors() {
return Collections.emptyList();

public List<
entryLinks() {
return getDefaultEntryLinks();

public void customize() {

public String canonicalResourceUri(boolean validate) {
return getUriFactory(validate).repositoryUri(getDataInternal().getName(), null);

protected Map<
String, Object>
String> valueMapping) {
return Collections.emptyMap();

private void customizeLinks() {

// Clear all links
// Build users link relation on condition when the login user is admin or
// super user
makeLinkIf(RepositoryContextHolder.getUserPrivileges() > 8,
CoreLinkRelation.USERS.rel(), getUriFactory().usersUri(null));
// Build current-user link relation without condition
// Build cabinets link relation without condition
makeLink(CoreLinkRelation.CABINETS.rel(), getUriFactory().cabinetsUri(null));

292 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources Hide Properties

When using a custom view, you can also customize what object properties to return
the client.

Here's a code sample that shows a view implementation on the cabinet resource
model where all internal properties are hidden.
* Customize cabinet resource to remove internal attributes.
public class CabinetViewExtend extends CabinetView {
public CabinetViewExtend(CabinetObject cabinet, UriInfo uriInfo,
String repositoryName, boolean returnLinks,
Map<String, Object> others) {
super(cabinet, uriInfo, repositoryName, returnLinks, others);

public void customize() {
// Remove all internal attributes with prefix "i_"
for (Attribute attr : serializableData.getAttributes()) {
if (attr.getName().startsWith("i_")) {
} Customize ATOM Attributes

A custom view also allows you to customize the atom feed and entry attributes on a
collection or on a single data object resource.

In the following example of the View implementation on the Cabinets feed resource,
link relations and feed title are modified.

Example 8-72: Customize the Cabinet Resource to Add New Link


* Customize cabinet resource to add new links and change feed title.
public class CabinetsFeedViewExtend extends CabinetsFeedView {
public CabinetsFeedViewExtend(Page<CabinetObject> cabinets, UriInfo uriInfo,
String repositoryName, boolean returnLinks,
Map<String, Object> others) {
super(cabinets, uriInfo, repositoryName, returnLinks, others);

public String feedTitle() {
// Customize feed title
return "Cabinets in organization: " + getRepositoryName();

public List<Link> feedLinks() {
List<Link> links = super.feedLinks();
// Add about link relation to feed links
links.add(new Link("about", getUriFactory().productInfoUri()));
return links;

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 293

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility


The view implementation classes must be built and packaged in a jar file where the
final REST war file can access it and load the classes into the class path. Register Custom Resource View

The next and last step is to register the custom views to resources. The new view
implementations overrides the default views on resources. The configuration is in
the same YAML file.
# - resource: repository
# view: [org.acme.view.impl.custom.RepositoryViewExtend]

Here's a code sample that shows you how to register a previous view for resources.
- resource: repository
view: [org.acme.view.impl.custom.RepositoryViewExtend]
- resource: cabinet
view: [org.acme.view.impl.custom.CabinetViewExtend]
- resource: cabinets
view: [org.acme.view.impl.custom.CabinetsFeedViewExtend]

Using YAML Config

When multiple views are registered for a resource, each view definition should
correspond to a different data model. There could at most be one custom
<FeedableView> definition for a resource.

Here are some possible error codes or messages for invalid view registry
E_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_NAME=Unknown resource name is found: {0}.
E_RESOURCE_VIEW_DISALLOWED=Preserved core resources {0} are not allowed for view
customization. Please review your input resources: {1}
E_RESOURCE_VIEW_CLASS_NOT_FOUND=The view definition class is not found in class-path: {0}

294 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources View Loading Precedence

The precedence of the view definition used by a controller method is: YAML defined
view > method level @ResourceViewBinding annotation > class level
@ResourceViewBinding annotation.

View Precedence

• When a custom <FeedableView> is defined on the feed resource, the feed

resource uses the custom <FeedableView> to render the atom feed. Otherwise,
the feed resource uses the default <FeedableView> definition on the annotation
@ResourceViewBinding of the feed resource
• When the feed is inline, the feed resource looks up the <EntryableView>
definition on the annotation @FeedViewBinding of the <FeedableView> used
by this feed resource Troubleshooting

After enabling DEBUG level log4j logging for the

package, the following messages, which have been formatted to fit this document,
are printed in the log file:
++++++++++++++++++++ RESOURCE CUSTOM VIEW PRINT START ++++++++++++++++++++++
+ -- NAME -- -- VIEW -- +
+ -- cabinet -- org.acme.view.impl.custom.CabinetViewExtend|
+ -- cabinets -- org.acme.view.impl.custom.CabinetsFeedViewExtend|org
+ -- repository -- org.acme.view.impl.custom.RepositoryViewNew|
+ -- NAME -- -- VIEW -- +
+++++++++++++++++++++ RESOURCE CUSTOM VIEW PRINT END +++++++++++++++++++++

+++++++++++++++++++++ RESOURCE DEFAULT VIEW PRINT START ++++++++++++++++++++

+ -- NAME -- -- LEVEL -- -- VIEW -- +
+ -- acme#alias-set -- CLASS -- org.acme.view.impl
+ -- acme#alias-sets -- CLASS -- org.acme.view.impl
+ -- acme#alias-sets -- METHOD:getAliasSets -- org.acme.view.impl
+ -- acme#alias-sets -- METHOD:createAliasSet -- org.acme.view.impl
+ -- acme#user -- CLASS --
+ -- acme#users -- CLASS --
+ -- batch-capabilities -- CLASS --
+ -- cabinet -- CLASS --
+ -- cabinets -- CLASS --
+ -- cabinets -- METHOD:createCabinet --
+ -- checked-out-objects -- CLASS --
+ -- child-folder-link -- CLASS --

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 295

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

+ -- child-folder-links -- CLASS --
+ -- child-folder-links -- METHOD:link --
+ -- content -- CLASS --
+ -- contents -- CLASS --
+ -- contents -- METHOD:createContent --
+ -- current-user -- CLASS --
+ -- current-user2 -- CLASS --
+ -- current-version -- CLASS --
+ -- default-folder -- CLASS --
+ -- document -- CLASS --
+ -- dql-query -- CLASS --
+ -- folder -- CLASS --
+ -- folder-child-documents -- CLASS --
+ -- folder-child-documents -- METHOD:createChildDocument --
+ -- folder-child-folders -- CLASS --
+ -- folder-child-folders -- METHOD:createChildFolder --
+ -- folder-child-objects -- CLASS --
+ -- folder-child-objects -- METHOD:postSysObject --

296 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

+ -- group -- CLASS --
+ -- group-member-groups -- CLASS --
+ -- group-member-users -- CLASS --
+ -- groups -- CLASS --
+ -- lock -- CLASS --
+ -- network-location -- CLASS --
+ -- network-locations -- CLASS --
+ -- object -- CLASS --
+ -- parent-folder-link -- CLASS --
+ -- parent-folder-links -- CLASS --
+ -- parent-folder-links -- METHOD:link --
+ -- product-information -- CLASS --
+ -- relation -- CLASS --
+ -- relation-type -- CLASS --
+ -- relation-types -- CLASS --
+ -- relations -- CLASS --
+ -- relations -- METHOD:createRelation --
+ -- repositories -- CLASS --
+ -- repository -- CLASS --
+ -- search -- CLASS --

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 297

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

+ -- type -- CLASS --
+ -- types -- CLASS --
+ -- user -- CLASS --
+ -- users -- CLASS --
+ -- versions -- CLASS --
+ -- versions -- METHOD:checkIn --
+ -- versions -- METHOD:checkInContent --
+ -- versions -- METHOD:checkInMetadata --
+ -- NAME -- -- LEVEL -- -- VIEW -- +
+++++++++++++++++++++ RESOURCE DEFAULT VIEW PRINT END ++++++++++++++++++++

+++++++++++++++++++++ QUERYABLE VIEW PRINT START ++++++++++++++++++++

+ -- TYPE -- -- VIEW -- +
+ -- dm_alias_set --|
+ -- dm_cabinet --|
+ -- dm_document --|
+ -- dm_folder --|
+ -- dm_group --|
+ -- dm_network_location_map --|
+ -- dm_relation --|
+ -- dm_relation_type --|
+ -- dm_sysobject --|
+ -- dm_type --|
+ -- dm_user --|
+ -- dmi_dd_type_information --|
+ -- dmr_content --|
+ -- TYPE -- -- VIEW -- +
+++++++++++++++++++++ QUERYABLE VIEW PRINT END ++++++++++++++++++++

298 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources Resource: Building Resource links

The abstract view classes EntryableView, LinkableView, and FeedableView
provide fundamental links for single object resources and feed resources. A custom
resource view class extending one of these abstract classes can override or extend the
links provided by the abstract class.


By default, the class LinkableView returns the self link for the resource model in
the protected method xselfLinks(). The class provides several abstract or
protected methods for overriding.

• To customize self link generation, you can override the method selfLinks().
• To add additional links, you can implement the method customize(), and call
makeLink(), makeLinkIf(), makeLinkTemplate(), or makeLinkTemplateIf()
in the customize() method.
• To remove a specific link, you can call removeLink() in the customize()
• To clear all default links, you can call clearLinks() in the customize()

The method makeLinkIf() adds a link relation to the resource only when the
condition is met at runtime. This method is useful for adding link relations upon
certain conditions.

In the following sample implementation of the customize() method, we add an

additional link relation 'author' to the alias set resource upon the existence of the
owner_name attribute.
public void customize() {
// Add the author link relation
serializableData.getAttributeByName("owner_name") != null,


The EntryableView class extends LinkableView with additional atom entry

customizations. Besides the link methods that the LinkableView class provides, you
can use the entryLinks() method to define your own entry links in the atom entry
representation. When your custom resource view class extends the
PersistentLinkableView class, a default link relation called edit is added to the
entry link collection.


By default, the FeedableView class returns the self link and pagination links
(first, next, previous, or last depending on the current page position) for the

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 299

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

atom feed model. You can override the feedLinks() method to modify these link
relations or add other link relations.

In the following code sample, we override the feedLinks() method to add an

additional link relation called about to the alias set feed resource:
public List<Link> feedLinks() {
List<Link> links = super.feedLinks();
// Add the 'about' link relation to feed links
links.add(new Link("about", ResourceUriBuilder.onResource("product-info")));
return links;
} Resource: Building Resource URIs with ResourceUriBuilder

In release 7.2, users had to call <> to build
links for core resources or custom resources. For links of custom resources, you must
call <> to build
links from YAML URI template information.

In 7.3 release, a new API <> was

introduced to build resource links in a consistent way. The detailed API description
can be found in the SDK JavaDoc.

Here's a code sample of the resource URI builder:

// Build user resource URI: <base uri context>/repositories/
// <repoName>/users/dmadmin
String href = ResourceUriBuilder
.pathVariable(true, "dmadmin")

// Build query resource URI as hreftemplate: <base uri context>/

// repositories/<repoName>{?q}
String href = ResourceUriBuilder

// Build cabinets resource URI with query: <base uri context>/

// repositories/<repoName>/cabinets?inline=true&view=:all
String href = ResourceUriBuilder
.queryParam("view", ":all")
.queryParam("inline", "true")

// Build custom alias-set resource URI by resource name: <base uri context>/
// repositories/<repoName>/alias-set/1234?view=:all
String href = ResourceUriBuilder
.queryParam("view", ":all")

// Build custom alias-set resource URI by resource controller: <base uri context>/
// repositories/<repoName>/alias-set/1234?view=:all
String href = ResourceUriBuilder
.queryParam("view", ":all")

300 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

// Build custom alias-set resource URI by custom URI template: <base uri context>/
// repositories/<repoName>/alias-set/1234?view=:all
String href = ResourceUriBuilder
.queryParam("view", ":all")

At runtime, the <base uri context> and the format extension are resolved
automatically. In unit testing, you can specify the base URI context and format
extension to verify the full path. Here's a code sample that shows you how to do
UriInfo uriInfo = new UriInfo();
String href = ResourceUriBuilder.onResource("user")
.pathVariable(true, "dmadmin")
dmadmin", href);

When implementing a resource view, you can use the newly added methods on the
abstract views to get the URI resource builder. Here's a listing of those methods:




• Resource: Making It Queryable

The DQL query resource returns a collection of query result items as atom entries.
The entry can contain a link pointing to the canonical resource of the typed object if
there is a resource implementation for the specified object type.

To make the custom resource linkable from the DQL query resource, add query
types on the controller annotation @ResourceViewBinding for your custom resource
controller, as shown in the following sample:
// make query results of type "dm_alias_set" linkable to the acme#alias-set resource
@ResourceViewBinding(value = AliasSetView.class, queryTypes = "dm_alias_set")
public class AliasSetController extends AbstractController { … }

Note: The OpenText Documentum REST Services Reference Guide introduces the
detail rules for all of the DQL expressions that can produce resource links.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 301

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility Resource: Deciding Whether to Be Batchable

By default, custom resources can be executed in the batch. You will find all custom
resources in the batchable-resource list when you send a GET request to the Batch
Capabilities resource. However, in some scenarios, you may not want to make a
custom resource batchable. To help you manage the batch property of a custom
resource or even a specific method of the custom resource, Documentum REST
Services provides the following two annotations:



This annotation prevents client applications from embedding a custom resource in

batch requests. To use the @BatchProhibition annotation, add it to the controller
class of this resource as shown in the following code snippet:
public class MyResourceController {…}

When the controller class of a custom resource is annotated with @BatchProhibition ,

the resource is moved to the non-batchable-resources list of the Batch Capabilities

Besides of adding @BatchProhibition to the class level, you can add this
annotation to one or more methods in the controller class to prevent certain
operations of the resource from being embedded to batch requests.
public class MyResourceController {

@RequestMapping (
value = {"/users/{userName}/MyResources/{MyResourceId}"},
method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = {

public MyResource getMyResource (...){...}

value = {"/users/{userName}/MyResources/{MyResourceId}"},
method = RequestMethod.DELETE)

public void deleteMyResource(...){...}


302 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

This code snippet prevents the GET operation on MyResource from being embedded
in batch requests. However, you can still perform a bulk delete on MyResource in a
batch request because neither the MyResourceController class nor the
deleteMyResource method is annotated with @BatchProhibition.


The @TransactionProhibition annotation enables you to remove the transaction

support from a custom resource. Typically, you add the @TransactionProhibition
annotation to the controller class of this resource as shown in the following code
public class MyResourceController {…}

This setting prevents the custom resource from being embedded in transactional
batch requests.

Similar to @BatchProhibition, the @TransactionProhibition annotation can also

be added to one or more methods in the controller class to prevent certain
operations of the resource from being embedded to transactional batch requests.

Note that the @TransactionProhibition annotation only affects custom resources'

applicability in transactional batch requests. To prevent a custom resource from
being embedded in all batch requests, use @BatchProhibition.

For more information about batch requests, see the Batch and Batch Capabilities
sections in the OpenText Documentum REST Services Reference Guide. Resource: Extending Atom Feed and Entry

The custom resource that returns the object collection as a feed may need to add
some additional attributes to the atom feed or the atom entry. This can be done by
extending the model classes and, and then creating custom views for

The extended feed model should extend <>

and specify the @SerializableType attribute inheritValue as true. Here is an
@SerializableType(inheritValue = true,
xmlNS = "", xmlNSPrefix = "atom")
public class AliasSetFeed extends AtomFeed {
@SerializableField(xmlNS = "", xmlNSPrefix = "acme")
private int score;

public int getScore() {

return score;

This sample model contains a custom feed attribute ‘score’ but will still be
marshaled as the same feed root <feed …/> for XML.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 303

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

If the custom attributes are added to the atom entry, the view must extend com.emc., too. Here is the sample for the extended atom
@SerializableType(inheritValue = true, xmlNS = ", xmlNSPrefix = "atom")
public class AliasSetEntry extends AtomEntry {
private boolean ownByLoginUser;

public boolean isOwnByLoginUser() {

return ownByLoginUser;
public void setOwnByLoginUser(boolean ownByLoginUser) {
this.ownByLoginUser = ownByLoginUser;

After the model definition, you need to create custom views for the extended feed
and entry to populate the custom attribute data. For a feed view definition, the class
must explicitly declare its binding feed type as the extended feed type. Here is the
feed view example.
@FeedViewBinding(value = AliasSetViewX.class, feedType = AliasSetFeed.class)
public class AliasSetsFeedViewX extends FeedableView <AliasSet> {
public AliasSetsFeedViewX(Page<AliasSet> page, UriInfo uriInfo,
String repositoryName, boolean returnLinks,
Map<String, Object> others) {
super(page, uriInfo, repositoryName, returnLinks, others);
public String feedTitle() {
return "Alias Sets";
public Date feedUpdated() {
return new Date();
protected void customizeFeed(AtomFeed feed) {
AliasSetFeed aliasSetFeed = (AliasSetFeed) feed;
aliasSetFeed.setScore(new SecureRandom().hashCode());

For an entry view definition, it must explicitly declare the binding entry type is the
extended atom entry type. Here is the entry view example.
@DataViewBinding(queryTypes = "dm_alias_set",
modelType = AliasSet.class, entryType = AliasSetEntry.class)
public class AliasSetViewX extends PersistentLinkableView <AliasSet> {
public AliasSetViewX(AliasSet aliasSet, UriInfo uriInfo,
String repositoryName, boolean returnLinks,
Map<String, Object> others) {
super(aliasSet, uriInfo, repositoryName, returnLinks, others);
protected void customizeEntry(AtomEntry atomEntry) {
AliasSetEntry aliasSetEntry = (AliasSetEntry) atomEntry;

304 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

Last, in the resource controller, the implementation is same to non-extended atom

feed model. The actual returning instance extends atom feed. Here is the controller
public class AliasSetCollectionController extends AbstractController {
@RequestMapping (
method = RequestMethod.GET,
produces = {
public AliasSetFeed getAliasSets(
@PathVariable("repositoryName") final String repositoryName,
@TypedParam final CollectionParam param,
@RequestUri final UriInfo uriInfo)
throws Exception {
PagedQueryTemplate template = new AliasSetCollectionQueryTemplate()
PagedDataRetriever<AliasSet> dataRetriever = new
PagedPersistentDataRetriever<AliasSet> (
return (AliasSetFeed) getRenderedPage (

Using a Generic<AtomEntry>: The <AtomFeed> can have a generic <AtomEntry> entry

type defined. Here's a code sample that illustrates how to do this:
@SerializableType(value = "feed", ...)
public class AtomFeed<T extends AtomEntry> {
private String id;
private String title;
private List<T> entries;

// To make this compatible with previous versions,

// the getEntries() and setEntries() methods still use an
// explicit List<AtomEntry>
public List<AtomEntry> getEntries() {}
public void setEntries(List<AtomEntry> entries) {}

// For better leveraging of the generic T type,

// two other similar functions are added, which use a T parameter
public List<T> getGenericEntries() {}
public void setGenericEntries(List<T> entries) {}

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 305

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

When you extend from <AtomFeed>, the new entry type must be provided, in
addition to adding new fields.
@SerializableType(value = "feed", ...)
public class CustomizedAtomFeed extends AtomeFeed<CustomizedAtomEntry> {
private String customFeedField;

Now, <CustomizedAtomFeed> and <CustomizedAtomEntry> can be used to serialize

and deserialize at both the server and client side.

A small compatibility issue exists in the 7.2 code. Code that is currently working
with the 7.2 version of <AtomFeed>, <AtomEntry>, or both, may code as shown here:
AtomFeed feed = ...
// Iterate the entries
for(AtomEntry entry : feed.getEntries()) { //compile error

// Or get the entry by index directly

feed.getEntries().get(0).getContent(); //compile error

Due to a limitation of Java generics, the new version of <AtomFeed> in version 7.3
code has compilation issues. Since <AtomFeed> is now defined as a Java generic
class, using it as a normal class causes its generic information to disappear. The
return type of <feed.getEntries()> becomes List<Object> instead of List<AtomEntry> as

To remedy this issue, you can use generic information with <AtomFeed> or you can
explicitly cast the return type of <feed.getEntries()> to List<AtomEntry>. Here's a code
sample that illustrates this:
AtomFeed<AtomEntry> feed = ...

// Iterate the entries

for(AtomEntry entry : (List<AtomEntry>)feed.getEntries()) {

// Or get the entry directly by index

((List<AtomEntry>)feed.getEntries()).get(0).getContent Resource: Error Handling and Representation

Documentum REST Services leverages the Spring framework to resolve the error
mapping from Java exceptions to error messages. The Documentum REST Services
SDK library provides the default implementation
error.http.GeneralExceptionMapping that defines a lot of error mappings for
various Java exception classes. If you want to define your own error mappings in
custom resources, you must extend GeneralExceptionMapping and override the
following bean with the custom class, which is in the BaseMarshallingConfig class
of the rest-api-mvc-resource jar file.
@Bean(name = "generalExceptionMapping")
public GeneralExceptionMapping generalExceptionMapping() {
return new GeneralExceptionMapping();

306 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.6. Developing custom resources

The extended exception mapping class adds more methods for the exception
mapping with Spring annotation @Exceptionhandler. The output of the method
must be an instance of Here is an
example of the default error mapping for ConversionFailedException.
public RestError onConversionFailedException(ConversionFailedException e) {
return buildRestError(new GenericExceptionConverter(e,
} Resource: Consuming Multipart Contents in Custom Resource

You can define an Iterator<Part> controller parameter for the Request body of
custom resources and annotate your definition with the @RequestBody annotation.
Doing this gives you access to all parts of the Request. Here is a code sample that
shows you how to read the multipart input, and write back to the Response.

Example 8-73: Read Multipart Input and Write to Response

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST,
consumes = { "multipart/form-data", "multipart/mixed" })
public void processMultipart(@RequestBody final Iterator<Part> parts)
throws DfException, MissingServletRequestParameterException, IOException {
if(parts != null) {
OutputStream out = Response.getOutputStream();
int p = 1;
while(parts.hasNext()) {
Part part =;
for(String header : part.getHeaderNames()) {
//write the part header to the Response directly
out.write((header + "=" + part.getHeader(header) + "\r\n" ).getBytes());
//write the part content to the Response
IOUtils.copy(part.getInputStream(), out);

Each part of the multipart contents contains Headers and the content stream. These
parts can be read one by one using standard Iterator methods such as hasNext and
next. All parts of the multipart contents must be read sequentially because they are
all in one multipart stream, and the REST server does not cache any part of the

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 307

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.6.4 Linking Custom and Core Resources

In this phase, you will make the newly-created resources discoverable from existing
core REST resources or the Home Document via HATEOAS links.

To make the custom REST services hypermedia driven, there must establish link
relations between Core resources and custom resources. Documentum REST
Services SDK provides an approach to add link relations to Core resources for the
custom links. Refer to the section Adding Links to Core Resources for the details.

8.6.5 Packaging and Deployment

In this phase, you will package all your source files to build up a WAR file and then
deploy the WAR file to your application server.

For Maven users, the custom resource project can leverage the Maven war overlay
plugin to repackage the REST war file by bundling both Core resources and custom
resources into the single WAR file. Documentum REST Services SDK provides the
sample Maven pom file in its Maven archetype project to illustrate how to build the
custom resource WAR. The war overlay plugin configuration looks similar to the
<excludes />

With the new custom resource WAR file, both Core resources and custom resources
are running in the same server box and can work together smoothly. In your
development environment, you can enable DEBUG level in log4j for the package emc. All resource controller and view information is printed out
in the log file or on the server console.

308 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.7. Working with YAML configuration

8.7 Working with YAML configuration

The YAML file rest-api-custom-resource-registry.yaml, which is located in
dctm-rest.war/WEB-INF/classes/com/emc/documentum/rest/script, provides
configurations for users to customize Core REST resources. You can also customize
the YAML location within dctm-rest.war/WEB-INF/classes/rest-api-runtime.
properties, as follows:

Example 8-74: Setting the Package for a Custom YAML File

# Sets the package for custom yaml file.

You are free to rename the YAML file, but the file extension must remain .yaml, for
example my-custom-rest.yaml. The
file, which is located in the same location, has more details on the configuration.

8.8 Working with HAL

8.8.1 Overview
The Hypertext Application Language (HAL) is a JSON media type that can be used
to develop Web APIs that are consumed using a series of links. Clients that consume
these APIs can select hyperlinks, and by using their link relation type, can easily
move through the application as needed.

There are two HAL properties that are reserved, they are the _links and the
_embedded properties. These two reserved properties are the key difference
between the JSON ( application/vnd.emc.documentum+json ) media type and the
HAL ( application/hal+json ) media type. The _links reserved property

In contrast to the properties of the application/vnd.emc.documentum+json media
type, the HAL _links property uses a link relation as its key.

Therefore when there is:

• One link specified for the link relation, then the value of that link’s key is the
JSON object
• More than one link specified for the link relation, then the values of that link are
stored in a JSON array. Each link is one element of the JSON array object and
each link’s title property is used to distinguish different links

The _links reserved property uses link relations to expose links to other resources.
The link relation may link to a link object or to an array of link objects. The link
object has the following properties that are used by Documentum REST Services:

• href

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 309

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

• templated
• title
• type

The definitions for each of the object’s link relation properties is found in the HAL
specification at IETF Tools website.

Example 8-75: The _links property

"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "xxx"
"the_link_rel_with_title" : [
"title": "title_1",
"href": "xxx"
"title": "title_2",
"href": "xxx"

"links": [
"href": "xxx",
"rel": "self"
"href": "xxx",
"title": "title_1",
"rel": "the_link_rel_with_title"

"href": "xxx",
"title": "title_2",
"rel": "the_link_rel_with_title",

310 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.8. Working with HAL The _embedded reserved property

The _embedded property contains embedded resources, which are used with
Documentum REST Services collection type resources. The collection keyword is
used to define the collection that is used in all of the Documentum REST Services
collection responses.

Example 8-76: The _embedded property

"_embedded" : {
"collection" : [

"entries": [

8.8.2 Using HAL with a single resource

The HAL media type can be used with single or collection type resources. We will
discuss each of these uses in the following sections.

The HAL representation for a single resource is similar to the original application/
vnd.emc.documentum+json media type. However, while the resource’s properties
are not changed, the links for that resource are put within the _links element as
required by the HAL specification.

Example 8-77: Using HAL with a single resource

"other_properties : "...",

"self" : {
"href": "..."

"other_properties": "xxx",
"links": [

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 311

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

"rel": "self",
"href": "xxx"

A request with Content-Type=application/hal+json has the same format as a

response from a GET operation.

8.8.3 Using HAL with a collection resource

The format of collection type resources is different depending on the inline URL
parameter being true or false. When the inline URL parameter is false, only
basic information, such as the <id>, <title>, and <summary> are contained in the
format of the resource. However, when the inline URL parameter is true, the
details of each single item are contained in the content element.

When using the POST method to create instances for a resource, a request with
Content-Type=application/hal+json has the same format as a request used for
its single resource.

Example 8-78: Non-inline content for the application/hal+json media type

In the HAL media type shown in the code sample below, the src attribute is
removed and its value is merged into the _links element. The following code
sample shows you the Response from a collection resource without inline

"id": "xxx",
"title": "xxx",
"_embedded": {
"collection": [
"id": "xxx",
"title": "xxx",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "xxx"
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "xxx"


312 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.8. Working with HAL

"id": "xxx",
"title": "xxx",
"author": [
"name": "Open Text Documentum"
"updated": "2018-05-02T07:26:34.311+00:00",
"page": 1,
"items-per-page": 10,
"total": 100,
"entries": [
"id": "xxx",
"title": "xxx",
"summary": "xxx",
"published": "xxx",
"updated": "xxx",
"author": [
"name": "Open Text Documentum"
"links": [
"rel": "edit",
"href": "xxx"
"content": {
"type": "application/vnd.emc.documentum+json",
"src": "xxx"
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "xxx"

Notice how there is no content element.

Example 8-79: A collection resource with Inline contents

For inline representation of collection resources, the content is put into the
content keyword element of each object in the collection resource.

The following code sample shows you the format of a response from a
collection resource where its contents is inline (its inline URL parameter is
true). The content keyword element with its inline property items has been
emphasized in bold.

"id": "xxx",
"title": "xxx",

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 313

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

"author": [
"name": "Open Text Documentum"
"updated": "2018-05-02T07:26:34.311+00:00",
"page": 1,
"items-per-page": 10,
"total": 100,
"_embedded": {
"collection": [
"id": "xxx",
"title": "xxx",
"updated": "xxx",
"published": "xxx",
"summary": "xxx",
"content": {"xxx": "xxx"},
"_links": {
"self": {"href": "xxx"}
"_links": {
"self": {"href": "xxx"}

"id": "xxx",
"title": "xxx",
"author": [
"name": "Open Text Documentum"
"updated": "2018-05-02T07:26:34.311+00:00",
"page": 1,
"items-per-page": 10,
"total": 100,
"entries": [
"id": "xxx",
"title": "xxx",
"summary": "xxx",
"published": "xxx",
"updated": "xxx",
"author": [
"name": "Open Text Documentum"
"links": [
"rel": "edit",
"href": "xxx"
"content": {
"xxx": "xxx",
"links": [
"rel": "edit",
"href": "xxx"

314 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.8. Working with HAL

"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "xxx"

As you can see in the above example, the inline item is embedded into the
content element. However, there is no _links in the content. Instead, all links
are put into the entry level _links element.

8.8.4 Updated Documentum REST Services resources

A number of Documentum REST Services resources have been updated to support
the use of the HAL media type. The following are the resources that have been
updated. The Services resource

In addition to the application/home+json and application/home+xml media
types, the Services resource supports the application/hal+json media type. The
following code sample shows you a response from the Services resource.

Example 8-80: The Services resource

"resources": {
"": {
"href": "",
"hints": {
"allow": ["GET"],
"representations": [
"about": {
"href": "",
"hints": {
"allow": ["GET"],
"representations": [

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 315

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

} Folder Child Objects, Folder Child Documents, and All Versions
When the Request is a multipart request, depending on the media type of the first
metadata part, the content type can be any one of the following:

• application/vnd.emc.documentum+xml
• application/vnd.emc.documentum+json
• application/hal+json

The following code sample shows you how to make a multipart request using the
application/hal+json Content-Type.
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=314159265358979

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=metadata
Content-Type: application/hal+json

{"properties": {"object_name": "rest-api-test"}}

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=binary1
Content-Type: text/plain

This is primary content

--314159265358979-- The Batches resource

Batch without attachments

When you use the Batch resource without an attachment and the batch operation has
the Content-Type header defined, its value element can be application/hal
+json. The following code sample shows you how to use the Batch resource to make
a request without attachments:
"operations": [
"id": "id-001",
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"uri": "/<base URI>/objects",
"headers": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/hal+json"
"entity": "{\"properties\":{\"object_name\":\"my test object\"}}"

316 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.8. Working with HAL


Batch with Attachments

When you make a request using application/hal+json as the metadata, then the
start-info of the request content-type should also be application/hal+json
and the content type of the metadata part is application/jop+json;

The following code sample shows you how to use the Batch resource to make a
multipart request that uses the application/hal+json media type and has
Content-Type: Multipart/Related;boundary=frontier;type="application/jop+json";
Accept: application/hal+json

Content-Type: application/jop+json; type="application/hal+json"
Content-ID: batch
Content-disposition: form-data; name=batch
"operations" :
"id" : "id-100",
"request" :
"method" : "POST",
"uri" : "/repositories/REPO/folders/0c00208080000107/objects",
"headers" :
"name" : "Content-Type",
"value" : "application/hal+json"
"name" : "Accept",
"value" : "application/hal+json"
"entity" : "{
\"properties\":{\"object_name\":\"my test object\"}
"attachments" : [{
"Include" : {
"href" : "cid:id-100-content"
"id" : "id-101",
"request" :
"method" : "POST",
"uri" : "/repositories/REPO/folders/0c00208080000107/objects",
"headers" :
"name" : "Content-Type",
"value" : "application/hal+json"
"name" : "Accept",

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 317

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

"value" : "application/hal+json"
"entity" : "{
\"properties\":{\"object_name\":\"my test object\"}
"attachments" : [{
"Include" : {
"href" : "cid:id-101-content"

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-ID: id-100-content
Content-disposition: form-data; name=id-100-content
i'm the content of id-100

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-ID: id-101-content
Content-disposition: form-data; name=id-101-content
i'm the content of id-101


8.8.5 URI extension support

Using hal as a URL extension is supported.

8.8.6 HAL in custom resources

By default, most custom resources automatically support the HAL media type for
requests and responses. A resource with the consumes media type explicitly defined

When a controller has the RequestMapping annotation and the consumes element is
explicitly defined for specified media types, to support the use of the application/
hal+json media type, you must manually add it to the consumes element.
consumes = {

318 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.8. Working with HAL Customized feed

When a resource returns a standard AtomFeed, then the application/hal+json
media type is automatically supported. However, when the feed is customized, the
feed model should handle the customized part. This ensures that the framework will
marshal and unmarshal it correctly. Only the standard AtomFeed can be
automatically converted into HAL.

The following code sample shows you how to extend the standard AtomFeed to
make a customized feed for HAL. The SearchAtomFeed class shown below has the
facets property as one more property than the standard AtomFeed class.

Here is a code sample that shows you the SearchAtomFeed class with the
declaration of the facets property:

Example 8-81: Customized SearchAtomFeed class

public class SearchAtomFeed extends AtomFeed<AtomEntry>
implements HalConvertable {
@SerializableField(value = "facets")
@SerializableField4XmlList(unwrap = true)
List<FacetEntry> facetResults;

Example 8-82: Existing application/vnd.emc.documentum+json response

The format of the existing application/vnd.emc.documentum+json media

type response should look like the following:
"id": "",
"links": [...],
"entries": [{
"id": "09000001800020ec",
"links": [...],
"content": {
"type": "application/vnd.emc.documentum+json",
"src": "
"score": "1.0",
"terms": [
"facets": [{
"facet-id": "facet_r_modify_date",
"facet-label": "Modified",
"facet-value": [...]

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 319

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Example 8-83: Customized application/hal+json response

The expected format of the customized application/hal+json media type

response should look like the following:
"id": "",
"_embedded": {
"collection": [{
"id": "09000001800020ec",
"score": "1.0",
"terms": [
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "
"facets": [{
"facet-id": "facet_r_modify_date",
"facet-label": "Modified",
"facet-value": [...]
"_links": {}

In addition to the standard AtomFeed information, the facets element must be

added and returned. To do this, SearchAtomFeed must implement the
HalConvertable interface.

Here’s a code sample that shows you the HalConvertable interface:

Example 8-84: The HalConvertable interface

public interface HalConvertable {

public void convert(HalObject object);

This interface has only one method (the convert method), which is used to convert
customized information into a HalObject object. The HalObject already has pre-
converted information, such as entries and feed information.

Tip: You can also convert your customized information into a totally
customized HAL format.

Example 8-85: The HalObject class

The HalObject has two fields:

320 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.8. Working with HAL

public class HalObject extends HalLinkable {

private Object object;
private HalCollection embedded;

The Object member of the HalObject class is used for a single resource.
However, it may also be used for feed level information of a collection

The HalCollection member of the HalObject class is only used for the collection
resource and it refers to the collection element of the _embedded element.

Example 8-86: The HalSearchCollection class

Here the facets parameter should be represented at the same level as the
collection, so a customized HalCollection model, in which the facets object
is defined, is required.
@SerializableType(ignoreNullFields = true, fieldOrder = {"collection", "facets"})
public static class HalSearchCollection extends HalCollection {
@SerializableField4XmlList(unwrap=true, asPropBag=true)
private List<FacetEntry> facets;

Lastly, you must implement the convert(HalObject) method of the

HalConvertable interface within the SearchAtomFeed class.

Here is a code sample that shows you the SearchAtomFeed class definition:
public class SearchAtomFeed extends AtomFeed<AtomEntry>
implements HalConvertable {
public void convert(HalObject object) {
// Create a new HalSearchCollection, and set the original embedded
// collection of the HalObject to the new HalSearchCollection.
// Then set the facets within the HalSearchCollection object and
// don't forget to set the original variable facetResults to null.
// Otherwise, it will be in the Response representation.
if(facetResults != null && !facetResults.isEmpty()) {
object.setEmbedded(new HalSearchCollection(object.getEmbedded())
facetResults = null;

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 321

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.8.7 Configure HAL as a standalone media type

The media type registry can be configured to use HAL as a stand alone media type.
This means that you can turn off the use of both XML and JSON.

For more information on turning off media types, see “Turning off XML, JSON, or
HAL media types” on page 343.

Here is a code snippet that shows you the HAL only registry definition:
- media-type: hal

With this configuration, the application/vnd.emc.documentum+json and the

application/vnd.emc.documentum+xml are not supported. Only the
application/hal+json media type is supported.

8.9 Registering URI templates

A RESTful style to make your custom resources discoverable is to add HATEOAS
links (link relations) into the existing Core resources, including the Home Document
of custom resources. Documentum REST Services allows you to register custom
resource URI templates and then add them as link relations into resources. This
section introduces the registration of URI templates.

In the REST WAR file, the rest-api-custom-resource-registry.yaml YAML file

provides a configuration entry called uri-template-registry that can be used to
register new URI templates.

Here's a sample showing the syntax for a URI template definition:

Example 8-87: A URI template definition

- name: <template name>
[href|hreftemplate]: <URI template pattern for 'href' or 'hreftemplate'>
encoding: <encoding method>
external: <true or false>

href: '{repositoryUri}/alias-sets/{aliasSetId}{ext}?owner={userName}'
encoding: dual-url-encoding
hreftemplate: '{baseUri}/x-search{?q,facet}'
href: '{baseUri}/global-modules/{moduleId}{ext}'

Note: YAML is very strict with indentation and spaces. Incorrect indentation
and redundant spaces may cause errors. Tab characters (\t) are never allowed
for indentation in YAML.

322 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.9. Registering URI templates

Alternatively, when you want to modify rest-api-custom-resource-registry.

yaml before generating the WAR file, the file can be put into the web module path:
script and use the Maven overlay plugin to overwrite the default YAML file.

This configuration enables you to register new URI templates with the shared URI
factory. The system uses these URI templates to resolve new links that are added to
existing resources. A URI template consists of the following elements as key-value

Table 8-6: URI Template Elements

Key Value
name * Name of a custom URI template.

The name must start with the prefix X_.

We recommend that you use uppercase words delimited by

underscore (_) to name a URI template.


EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 323

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Key Value
[href|hreftemplate] URI template pattern for a link. The key is either <href> or
* <hreftemplate>. Only one <href> or <hreftemplate> exists in a URI

The URI template pattern can contain variables or query parameters

enclosed in curly brackets {}. For example:


For an href link, all variables in the URI pattern must be resolved on
the server side, meaning that you must modify value-mapping
correspondingly in the ADD LINKS ON EXISTING RESOURCES section
for non-predefined variables.

By contrast, an <hreftemplate> link must contain variables that are

treated as placeholders, such as {?foo, bar}, which does not need
resolving on the server side.

Examples of hreftemplates
• <hreftemplate> with no fixed query parameters:
• <hreftemplate> with both fixed query parameters and placeholders:

Predefined variables are resolved without additional settings in value-

mapping. They are:
• {baseUri}: URI root of the current deployment.
Example: {baseUri} may refer to
• {repositoryUri}: URI root of the current repository.
Example: {repositoryUri} may refer to
• {ext}: URI extension for the representation format, such as .XML
or .JSON
encoding Encoding method for path variables. Valid values are:
• default
• safe-text-encoding, which must be used when the property value
to resolve a path variable contains special characters that may
impact a URI, such as the slash character (/)

324 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.9. Registering URI templates

Key Value
external Specifies whether this URI template is external or internal. Valid
values are:
• true: Indicates this is an external URI template. External URI
templates are not mapped to any custom resources. The external
URI templates MUST NOT use predefined variables
{<repositoryUri>} or {<ext>}. The accessibility of an external URI
template will not be validated by the REST server.
• false: Indicates this is an internal URI template. The internal URI
template is mapped to a REST resource. The internal URI template
MUST start with predefined variables {<baseUri>}, {<repositoryUri>}

The default value is false.

* Required

The URI template name must be unique so that other resources used to build link
relations can reference the template. In the code, the URI template can also be used
to create an actual URL using the buildUriByTemplateName method of com.emc. For example:
String moduleUri = uriFactory.buildUriByTemplateName(
Collections.singletonMap("moduleId", getDataInternal().getId()));

8.9.1 Normalization of URI Templates

Starting from REST Services 7.3, the system checks the format of an internal URI
template and automatically appends the predefined variables {baseUri},
{repositoryUri}, and {ext} when necessary.

With this feature, the following URI templates are the same:

• /help vs. /help{ext} vs. {baseUri}/help vs. {baseUri}/help{ext}

• /repositories/{repositoryName}/users?name={userId} vs. {repositoryUri}/
users{ext}?name={userId} vs. {baseUri}/repositories/{repositoryName}/users?

8.9.2 Normalization of Custom URI Templates

While it is not necessary that you reference resources in YAML by defining custom
URI templates, the custom URI template configuration in YAML is still useful when
you want to:

• Build external link relations

• Build internal link relations with customizations. For example, when adding
fixed query parameters, template parameters, etc

From Documentum REST Services version 7.3 and later, a complete definition of
which customizations can be applied to a custom URI template have been added.
Here's a code sample that shows you the URI template registry

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 325

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

href: '{baseUri}/help{ext}'
href: '{repositoryUri}/objects/{objectId}/policies{ext}'
href: '{repositoryUri}/objects/{objectId}/policies/{policyId}{ext}'
href: '{repositoryUri}/users/{userId}{ext}'
encoding: safe-text-encoding
href: '{repositoryUri}/users{ext}?name={userId}'
hreftemplate: '{baseUri}/x-search{?q,locations,page,items-per-page}'
hreftemplate: '{repositoryUri}/x-search?locations={path}{&q,page,items-per-page}'
href: '{keyword}'
external: true

8.9.3 Normalization of Internal URI Templates

Starting from REST Services 7.2 two predefined variables {baseUri},
{repositoryUri}, and the suffix variable {ext} are applicable to internal URIs.
When a URI template is internal (default to internal), the runtime automatically
checks the URI format and appends the prefix or suffix when necessary.

With this feature, the following URI templates are the same:

• {baseUri}/help{ext} vs. /help vs. {baseUri}/help vs. /help{ext}

• {repositoryUri}/users{ext}?name={userId} vs. /repositories/
{repositoryName}/users?name={userId} vs. {baseUri}/repositories/

8.9.4 Formats for the href Template

When a URI template is defined as an href template, there are href template
parameters appended to the link. Documentum REST Services supports a sub set of

• Appending template parameters {?a,b,c,...} onto a URI where there are no fixed
query parameters
For example: /repositories/{repositoryName}/search?{?q, locations,

• Appending template parameters {&a,b,c,...} onto a URI where there are fixed
query parameters
For example: /repositories/{repositoryName}/search?page=10&items-
per-page={numberOfItems}{&q, locations,...}

326 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.10. Normalization of custom URI templates

8.9.5 Appending User Defined Variables onto the URI

User defined variables can be applied to internal and external URI templates, both
href or href template URI templates. The variables must be resolved in custom Java
code or by using variable value mapping in YAML.

Here's a code sample that shows you how to do that:

Example 8-88: Custom URI Templates With User Defined Variables

href: '{repositoryUri}/users/{userId}{ext}'
encoding: safe-text-encoding
href: '{repositoryUri}/groups{ext}?owner={userId}&subject={subject}
hreftemplate: '{repositoryUri}/x-search?locations={location}{&q,page,
href: '{keyword}'
external: true

- resource: document
link-relation: ''
uri-template: 'X_AUTHOR_TEMPLATE'
value-mapping: [userId:owner_name]
- resource: document
link-relation: ''
uri-template: 'X_AUTHOR_TEMPLATE'
value-mapping: [userId:owner_name,subject:subject]
- resource: document
link-relation: ''
value-mapping: [location:r_folder_path]
- resource: document
link-relation: ''
value-mapping: [keyword:keywords]

8.10 Normalization of custom URI templates

Though it is no longer necessary to reference resources in YAML by defining custom
URI templates, the custom URI template configuration in YAML is still useful when
you want to:

• Build external links relations

• Build internal link relations with customizations. For example adding fixed
query parameters, template parameters, and more

Here are some samples of the URI template registry


EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 327

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

href: '{baseUri}/help{ext}'
href: '{repositoryUri}/objects/{objectId}/policies{ext}'
href: '{repositoryUri}/objects/{objectId}/policies/{policyId}{ext}'
href: '{repositoryUri}/users/{userId}{ext}'
encoding: safe-text-encoding
href: '{repositoryUri}/users{ext}?name={userId}'
hreftemplate: '{baseUri}/x-search{?q,locations,page,items-per-page}'
hreftemplate: '{repositoryUri}/x-search?locations={path}{&q,page,items-per-page}'
href: '{keyword}'
external: true

8.10.1 Normalization of Internal URI Templates

There are two URI prefix variables; {baseUri} and {repositoryUri} the other
suffix variable {ext} that are applicable to internal resource URIs. When a URI
template is internal (default to internal), the runtime automatically checks the URI
format and appends the prefix or suffix where necessary.

For example, the internal URI template definitions below are equivalent:

• {baseUri}/help{ext} vs. /help vs. {baseUri}/help vs. /help{ext}

• {repositoryUri}/users{ext}?name={userId} vs. /repositories/
{repositoryName}/users?name={userId} vs. {baseUri}/repositories/

8.10.2 Formats for href Template

When a URI template is defined as <hreftemplate>, there are href template parameters
appended to the link. Documentum REST Services supports a sub set of the RFC6570

• Appending template parameters {?a,b,c,...} onto a URI where there are no

fixed query parameters.
For example: /repositories/{repositoryName}/search?{?q,locations,

• Appending template parameters {&a,b,c,...} onto a URI where there are fixed
query parameters
For example: /repositories/{repositoryName}/search?page=10&items-

328 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.11. Registering root resources

8.10.3 User Defined Variables of the URI Template

User defined variables can interfere with internal and external URI templates,
including href or hreftemplate URI templates. The variables must be resolved
either in custom Java code, or by using the variable value mapping in YAML.

Here's a code sample that shows you how to work with URI templates:

Example 8-89: Custom URI Templates with User Defined Variables

href: '{repositoryUri}/users/{userId}{ext}'
encoding: safe-text-encoding
href: '{repositoryUri}/groups{ext}?owner={userId}&subject={subject}&
hreftemplate: '{repositoryUri}/x-search?locations={location}{&q,page,items-per-page}'
href: '{keyword}'
external: true

- resource: document
link-relation: ''
uri-template: 'X_AUTHOR_TEMPLATE'
value-mapping: [userId:owner_name]
- resource: document
link-relation: ''
uri-template: 'X_AUTHOR_TEMPLATE'
value-mapping: [userId:owner_name,subject:subject]
- resource: document
link-relation: ''
value-mapping: [location:r_folder_path]
- resource: document
link-relation: ''
value-mapping: [keyword:keywords]

8.11 Registering root resources

A top-level custom resource may not have a relevant resource providing a link
relation to discover it. For such resources, you must add it into the Home document
with a designed link relation. That way, custom REST services comply with the
hypermedia-driven design instead of providing hard-coded URIs to REST clients.
The only resource URI the REST clients need to bookmark is the Home document
resource whose URI path is /services. All root resources should be registered to
the Home document with link relations.

In the REST WAR file, the YAML file rest-api-custom-resource-registry.yaml

provides a configuration entry root-service-registry to register top-level
resources to the Home document. You can modify this YAML file to add top-level

The syntax for a root service registry is shown as follows:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 329

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

- name: <descriptive information of the resource>
target-resource:<resource name register for this service>
link-relation:<the link relation name of the resource>
uri-template: <the URI template name registered for this service>
allowed-methods:<allowed HTTP methods on this resource>
media-types:<supported media types for this resource>

Template Example using uri-template:

- name: User defined global search resource
- name: User defined custom alias set feed resource
media-types:[application/vnd.emc.documentum+json, application/vnd.emc.documentum+xml]

Template Example using target-resource:

- name: User defined global search resource
link-relation: ''
target-resource: 'acme#global-search'
allowed-methods: [POST]
media-types: [application/vnd.emc.documentum+json, application/vnd.emc.documentum

This configuration enables you to register new resources to the Home Document.
You can specify the following elements (key-value pairs):

Table 8-7: Root Service Registry

Key Value
name Descriptive information of a resource registered to the Home

330 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.11. Registering root resources

Key Value
uri-template URI template registered for this resource. The URI template must exist
in the REGISTER NEW URI TEMPLATES on page 323 section.

For resources registered to the Home Document, only the following

variables are allowed in a specified URI template:
• predefined variables {baseUri} and {ext}
• variables that are treated as placeholders, such as query strings
(hreftemplate only)

The predefined variable {repositoryUri} and any variables

resolved via value-mapping settings are not allowed in the URI

Note: One of the two attributes, uri-template or

target-resource is required but not both. When both
uri-template and target-resource are set,
target-resource takes priority. Both of the uri-template
and target-resource attributes cannot be left empty, at least
one of them must contain a value.
target-resource Allows users to reference an existing resource by name.

For more information, see Note above.

link-relation * Link relation name of a registered resource, which enables you to
locate the resource in the Home Document.

Only one link relation can be used to refer to a registered resource.

allowed-methods * A comma separated list of the HTTP methods that can be performed
on this resource.

Example: [POST, GET]

media-types * A comma separated list of the supported media types for this resource.

Example: [application/vnd.emc.documentum+json,
* Required

Once a custom top-level resource is registered, the Core Home document resource
will contain the additional entry for the top-level resource. Here is an example.

1. In the uri-template-registry section, add the URI template of the link

relation by specifying these elements: name, href/hreftemplate, encoding
(optional) and external (optional).

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 331

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

For link relations added to the Home Document, only predefined variables and
variables used as placeholders can appear in the URI templates. For example, the
following URI template is not eligible for link relations added to the Home

2. In the root-service-registry section, specify the following elements for the

link relation: name, link-relation, uri-template, allowed-method, and

- name: User defined global search resource
link-relation: 'x-search'
media-types: [application/vnd.emc.documentum+json, application/vnd.emc.documentum

3. Deploy the custom resources WAR file after the YAML is updated. The
following sample of Home Document has the custom link relation x-search
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<resources xmlns=""
<!-- core top resource -->
<resource rel="">
<link href=""/>
<!-- core top resource -->
<resource rel="about">
<link href=""/>
<!-- custom top resource -->
<resource rel="x-search">
<link hreftemplate="{?q,facet}"/>

332 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.12. Adding links to core resources


8.12 Adding links to core resources

To make a custom resource discoverable via Core resources, you need to add new
link relations pointing to the custom resources to one or more Core resources.

In the REST WAR file, the YAML file rest-api-custom-resource-registry.yaml

provides a configuration entry resource-link-registry to add link relations to
Core resources. You can modify this YAML file to add root resources.

The syntax for a link relation registry is shown as follows:

- resource: <the resource code name>
link-relation:<the new link relation name>
target-resource:<the resource code name to link to>
uri-template: <the name of the URI template defined in uri-template-registry>
value-mapping:<the property names from the resource to resolve the variable
values in the URI template>

Link Example Using uri-template:

- resource: object
- resource: folder

Link Example Using target-resource:

# build ACL resource link relation on core document resource using 'target-resource'
- resource: document
link-relation: ''
target-resource: 'acme#acl'
value-mapping: [aclName:acl_name]

This configuration allows you to register new links to Core resources. You can
specify the following elements (key-value pairs):

Table 8-8: Resource Link Registry

Key Value
resource * The code name of the resource to which the links are added. Each
Core resource has a unique code name. In the link registry,
following resources are supported:[format, user, group, content,
relation, type, object, document, folder, cabinet, network-
location, relation-type, repository]. See Appendix C for all code
names of Core resources.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 333

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Key Value
link-relation * Link relation name of the registered resource, which enables you
to locate the resource in the existing resource.

One and only one link relation can be used to refer to a registered
uri-template * The name of the URI template registered in uri-template-
registry. The URI template can contain variables which need
to be resolved during the generation of the link relation href.
value-mapping Value mappings are used to resolve values of path variables or
query parameters on URI templates defined in uri-template.

A value mapping follows the pattern:


<variableName> represents a variable specified in a URI template.

There cannot be any duplicated variables in a URI template.

<propertyName> represents a property in the resource. Note that

properties of the Repository resource (such as Id, name, and
description) cannot be part of a path variable.

When the URI is generated at runtime, the variables will be

replaced by the property values; the property can be repeating.
When any of the properties in the variables is repeating, multiple
links will be generated, each with a different value in the variable
segment. Besides, a 'title' attribute will be set on the link
representation to differentiate href for different repeating values.
There could be at most one repeating property in the variables. If
the property values for the variables are not returned in the
resource object (e.g. by custom view), the links will neither be
generated nor be presented on the resource.
target-resource Allows users to reference an existing resource by name.
* Required

Once the custom root resource is registered, the Core home document resource will
contain the additional entry for the root resource. Here is an example.

1. In the uri-template-registry section, add the URI template of the link

relation by specifying these elements: name, href/hreftemplate, encoding
(optional) and external (optional).
href: '{repositoryUri}/objects/{objectId}/acl{ext}'

2. In the resource-link-registry section, specify the following elements for the

link relation: resource, link-relation, uri-template, and value-mapping.

334 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.13. Disabling specific resources

- source: object

3. Deploy the custom resources WAR file after the YAML is updated. The
following sample of Home Document has the custom link relation http:// is added.
<object xmlns=""
<!-- core link relations-->
<link rel="self"
<link rel=""
<!--customer defined link relations-->
<link rel=""

8.13 Disabling specific resources

Disabling specific Core resources may become necessary for REST extensibility
development work. For example, you may want to avoid exposing specific resources
to end users, or you may want to develop a custom resource to override an existing
core resource. In such scenarios, you can disable a specific core resource and
package your own custom resource into the WAR.

8.13.1 Disable a Specific Resource with YAML

You can use the same YAML configuration file under WEB-INF\classes to define
which resources will be disabled. Use the <disabling-resource-registry> attribute to
define which core resources will be disabled.

There are some elements that you may want to reference when developing custom
resources. For more information, see Appendix B, Resource coding index
on page 465.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 335

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.13.2 Impact of Disabling Core Resources

When you disable some particular core resources, it may cause link discovery of
resources to be broken. In this case, a hypermedia driven client, which follows link
relations to discover resources, cannot behave as expected.

It is imperative that you understand the impact of disabling resources before

proceeding to disable any core resources. There are several different cases that
impact representations of other resources when certain other resources are disabled.

For example:

• Case 1: Inactive link relations are removed on existing resources because certain
other resources are disabled.
The <user> resource and the <user default folder> resource. When the <user default
folder>resource is disabled, the link relation
linkrel/default-folder on <user> resource is no longer presented. Here's an
image that illustrates this case.

Example 8-90: Default User Resource XML Representation

The following code sample shows the default XML for the user resource,
before the user default folder resource is disabled. Notice the link relation
that is shown in bold.
<user xsi:type="dm_user"
<link rel="self"
<link rel="parent"
<link rel=""

336 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.13. Disabling specific resources

Example 8-91: User Resource XML Representation (user default

resource disabled)
After the default folder resource is disabled, the link relation shown in bold
in the preceding sample is no longer present in the XML representation.
<user xsi:type="dm_user"
<link rel="self"
<link rel="parent"

• Case 2: The atom entry edit link is not present when the single object resource is
For example, the <users> resource and the <user> resource. When the <user>
resource is disabled, the link relation edit on the <users> resource's entries is no
longer present.

Example 8-92: Default Users Resource XML Representation

The following code sample shows the default XML for the <users> resource,
before the <user> resource is disabled. Notice the link relation that is shown
in bold:
<feed xmlns=""
<link rel="self" href=""/>
<content type="application/xml"
<link rel="edit" href=""/>

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 337

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Example 8-93: Users Resource XML Representation (user resource

After the <user> resource is disabled, the edit link relation shown in bold, is
no longer present in the XML representation.
<feed xmlns=""
<link rel="self" href=""/>

Note: Disabling resources has an impact on DQL query resources. When

certain resources are disabled, the DQL query result does not provide the
<edit> link for the query result items in their entries as expected.

The following diagrams illustrate other cases where disabling a resource has an
impact on another resource.

When the <user> resource is disabled, the atom user URL in the atom feed is
removed. One example is the <cabinets> resource.

When the <type> resource is disabled, the type definition URL in the persistent object
resource is removed. One example is the <cabinet> resource.

When the <root> is disabled, the link relation in the home document is removed. One
example is the <product information> resource.

338 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.13. Disabling specific resources

Some collection based resources support the HTTP POST method to create a new
resource in the collections. When the single resource is disabled, the POST method on
the collection resource fails. One example is the <cabinets> resource and <cabinet>

8.13.3 Samples
Example 8-94: Disable a Resource


The <formats> resource and the <format> resource are disabled.

- resources: [formats,format]


At runtime, both the <formats> and the <format> resources are not accessible.
GET /acme-rest/repositories/REPO/formats HTTP/1.1
GET /acme-rest/repositories/REPO/formats/crtext HTTP/1.1

Http 404 Not Found

In the <repository> resource, the link relation to <formats> is not available.

<repository xmlns=""

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 339

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

<link rel="self" href="/acme-rest/repositories/REPO"/>
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""
<link rel=""

8.14 Overriding specific resources

When a new resource overrides an existing resource, the new resource will become
active, and the existing resource will become inactive. All link relations that were
pointing to the existing resource, which is the one that is overridden, will now be
pointing to new resource.

This configuration to develop new resources to deprecate Documentum Core


You may be wondering why resources that have been overridden must implement
the same URI patterns as Core resources. This is because the Core REST Link Builder
checks whether the target URI pattern is active before writing that link relation to
the resource. When the new resource URI is not implemented in the same way as the
Core resource, the target URI in the link relation of the sourcing resource is inactive,
and therefore it is not pointing to the new (overridden) resource.

To get around this limitation, you can introduce a new registry entry in YAML and
explicitly tell a resource to override another resource. At runtime, you can also make
the link relation builder understand the overriding relationship between two
resources. Then the link relation targeting the original resource can be redirected

340 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.14. Overriding specific resources

dynamically to the new resource. This approach avoids the need for any hardcoded
URI availability checking logic.

8.14.1 Resource Overriding Configuration

The override-resource-registry key in YAML causes the overridden resource to
be replaced by the overriding resource. The resource that is overridden is disabled.
Here is a code sample showing the override configuration key in YAML:
-new: new-document
origin: document
-new: new-user
origin: user

Key Description
new The name of the overriding resource
origin The name of the resource that is overridden Scenarios and Expected Results

Here are some examples of scenarios along with their expected results

Example 8-95: Disable a Resource that Overrides Another Resource

When disabling an overriding resource, the overriding (Resource B) is disabled

and the resource that is overridden resource (Resource A) is also disabled.

Example 8-96: Disable a Resource that is Overridden by Another


In this example, no change takes place in the disabling-resource-registry

setting since <Resource A> has been disabled in the
override-resource-registry setting. The overriding resource (Resource B)
remains active and the overridden resource (Resource A) remains disabled.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 341

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Example 8-97: Two New Resources Incorrectly Override the Same


In this example, two new resources (Resource B and Resource C) are incorrectly
configured to override the same resource (resource A). This configuration error
leads to an override config illegal exception when deployed. Working With a URI Template When Overriding

When you override a resource, the new (overriding) resource must have the same
parameters, in the same order, as the resource that is being overridden.
Documentum REST Services validates the URL template of new resources to ensure
that the new resource meets the above constraint. When the new resource being
overridden does not meet the above constraint, initialization fails with an override
config illegal exception and an exception detail message is written to the log.

342 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.15. Turning off XML, JSON, or HAL media types How Resource Overriding Impacts Batchable Resources

When a resource is overridden:

• It is no longer in batchable-resources
• It is no longer in non-batchable-resources

The overriding resource can use the <BatchProhibiton> annotation. Here is a listing of
the impact that the <BatchProhibition> annotation has on the resource.

• The <BatchProhibiton> is true:

– The resource is no longer in batchable-resources

– The resource is in non-batchable-resources

• The <BatchProhibiton> is false:

– The resource is in batchable-resources

– The resource is no longer in non-batchable-resources

8.15 Turning off XML, JSON, or HAL media types

Note: HAL is expressed using JSON. In this section, when we mention JSON,
we specifically mean application/vnd.emc.documentum+json.

Documentum REST Services supports XML, JSON, and HAL media types out-of-
the-box. Documentum REST Services extensibility allows you to build application
specific REST services. Typically, resources are developed in one of XML, JSON, or
HAL but not all three. This section discusses how to turn off the media type (XML,
JSON, or HAL) that you are not using.

An additional YAML configuration parameter has been exposed during the

deployment phase so you can choose the media type that is supported. Here's a code
sample to help illustrate the point:
################# SET SUPPORTED MEDIA TYPES (FOR INTERNAL USE) ##############
# # Sets the supported media types at runtime. XML only, JSON only, or HAL
# # only support can be configured. The setting applies to both core resources
# # and extended resources.
# # The following shows the syntax for a resource view definition:
# #
# # - media-type: <media type name>
# #
# # There are four choices:
# # - default, supporting all of XML, JSON, and HAL at runtime.
# # - xml, supporting XML media type only at runtime.
# # - json, supporting JSON media type only at runtime.
# # - hal, supporting HAL media type only at runtime.
# #
# # The default media type support is 'default'.
# - media-type: default

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 343

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

By default, all of XML, JSON, and HAL media types are supported:

• When media-type:xml, the only and default media type is XML. Any request
with a JSON or HAL message body will get a 415 status code, and any request
for a JSON or HAL Response will get a 406 status code. The error message is
always in XML
• When media-type:json, the only and default media type is JSON. Any request
with a XML or HAL message body will get a 415 status code, and any request for
an XML or HAL Response will get a 406 status code. The error message is always
• When media-type:hal, the only and default media type is HAL. Any request
with a XML or JSON message body gets a 415 status code, and any request for an
XML or JSON Response will get a 406 status code. The error message is always in
• When media-type:default, all of XML, JSON, and HAL are supported

The setting has no impact on resource controller implementations. It just
directs the Spring marshalling framework to choose a supported media
type when resolving an inbound or outbound HTTP message.

You can declare a specific media type to support in resource controllers by

using the following declarations:

• @RequestMapping consumes
• @RequestMapping. produces

Here are a two examples to help illustrate the point.

Example 8-98: Declare all Three Media Types

This example shows you how to declare all three XML, JSON, and HAL media
method = RequestMethod.POST,
produces ={
consumes ={
public CabinetObject createCabinet()

344 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.16. Creating custom error code mapping files

Example 8-99: Declare Only XML Media Type

This example shows you how to declare just the XML media type: Shown in
bold in the code sample is the produces attribute, which sets the supported
media type for messages that are created on the server. In this case, we have
chosen to have XML messages created and sent from the server.

There is also a consumes attribute, which defines the media type. that is
supported by your REST client. In this case, the supported media type is XML
of course.
method = RequestMethod.POST,
produces ={
consumes ={
public CabinetObject createCabinet()

Tip: The preferred solution is to declare that all three media types (XML, JSON,
and HAL) are supported in resource controllers, and use your YAML file to set
the specific media type supported. There is no additional development cost
when you declare your media type support in resource controllers. However,
you gain the flexibility to use your YAML file to configure specific media type

8.16 Creating custom error code mapping files

Documentum REST Services allows the client to create error code mapping JSON
files. The name of a custom error code mapping JSON file must follow this pattern:

Where * can be any string of characters. For example: rest-myresource-error-


You must ensure that the package where you create your custom error code
mapping files is specified in the property
rest.ext.error.code.mapping.packages within the file.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 345

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.17 Creating custom message files

Documentum REST Services allows you to create custom message files. You can
read custom messages with MessageBundle as shown in the following code snippet:
public String feedTitle() {

The name of a custom message file must follow this pattern:


* stands for any string of characters.


Additionally, the package where you create custom message files must be listed in
the rest.extension.message.packages runtime property, which is found within
the rest-api-runtime properties file.

8.18 HTTP compression

Many application servers support server-to-client compression, where the server
returns a compressed Response body to client. However, different servers have
different capabilities for HTTP compression support with specific or distinct
configurations being required to enable this kind of support and client to server
compression is rarely supported.

Documentum REST Services supports a standalone HTTP compression solution for

generic web applications. This HTTP compression solution supports server-to-client
and client-to-server compression. Client-to-server compression, where a client
uploads a compressed request body to the server, is only supported by the POST and
PUT HTTP methods.

8.18.1 Supported compression schemas

The following widely used compression and decompression algorithms are
supported by the Documentum REST Services:

• <gzip>
• <x-gzip>
• <deflate>

346 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.18. HTTP compression Compression Notes

• When a specific compression schema has not been defined while attempting to
compress a response body, for example <Accept-Encoding: *>, the Documentum
REST Services server defaults to using the <gzip> schema to compress the
Response body
• When an unacceptable compression schema, such as <Accept-Encoding: compress>,
is defined while attempting to compress a response, the Documentum REST
Services server ignores the invalid schema that was defined and returns the
Response without any compression
• When multiple algorithms, such as <Accept-Encoding: deflate;q=0.4,gzip;q=0.6>, are
defined while attempting to perform compression, the Documentum REST
Services server selects the best encoding schema to compress the Response body.
In the example shown above, the server would select the <gzip> compression
• When the Documentum REST Services server receives an unacceptable
decompression schema, such as <Content-Encoding: compress>, from client while
attempting to decompress a request body, the Documentum REST Services
server will throw an <HTTP status code 400> exception
• When the specified Header <Content-Encoding> schema is not compatible with
the actual compressed schema used for the Request body, an HTTP error status
code <400> exception is returned by the Documentum REST Services server.
For example, the Request body is compressed using the <DEFLATE> algorithm
and the client specifies <Content Encoding: gzip>. This results in a <400> HTTP
error status code being returned by the Documentum REST Services server.

8.18.2 Supported configurations

In order to provide the greatest level of application server compatibility for
compression, the Documentum REST Services server supports the following runtime
configurations within the runtime properties file.

Example 8-100: REST Compression configuration

Here is a code sample that shows the properties for REST compression
# Compression Service Configuration |
# This section contains the configuration of server Response message compression, the
# Response message includes both the xml/json message and the content binaries. The
# compression service is only triggered when the Request header Accept-Encoding matches
# any one of the following supported compression schemas:
# - gzip
# - x-gzip
# - deflate
# In addition to the above, the Request and Response must also match the conditions
# in all of the properties shown below.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 347

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

# This property specifies the size, in bytes, of the smallest Response that will be
# compressed. When less than the value of ${rest.compression.threshold} bytes are written
# to the Response, it is not compressed. In this case, the Response goes back to the
# unmodified. When the value for this property is 0, compression always begins
# This property defaults to 10485760 bytes (10MB).
# When specified, this property is treated as a comma-separated list of content types
# For example, application/xml,application/json
# The REST server only attempts to compress responses whose content type is compatible
# with one of the values set for this property.
# This property defaults to all media types.
# This property is the same as {rest.compression.include.content.types}, but specifies a
# list of content types not to compress. By default no content type is excluded.
# However note that any content type that indicates a compressed format, such as the
# following content types are never compressed:
# - application/gzip
# - application/x-compress
# - application/deflate
# - application/x-gzip)
# Also note, when any value is specified in both {rest.compression.include.content.types}
# and here in this property, the specific content type is removed from the included
# types, which causes the Response not to be compressed.
# When specified, this property is treated as a comma-separated list of regular
# of the types that are accepted by the regular expression pattern. The pattern must
# those paths that should be compressed. Anything else will not be compressed.
# This property defaults to all paths.
# "Paths" here means values returned by HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI().
# Note that the regular expression must match the file name exactly.
# For example the regular expression pattern "/static/" does not match everything
# containing the string "/static/". To do that, use ".*/static/.*" instead.
# This property is same as {rest.compression.include.path.patterns}, but specifies a list
# of patterns that match paths that should not be compressed. Note the archived-contents
# path pattern is always excluded, specifically the value ".*/archived-contents.*" is
# always set in this property, and when any value is specified both in
# {rest.compression.include.path.patterns} and here simultaneously, the specific path is
# removed from the included paths, and the Response with that path is not compressed.
# When specified, this property is treated as a comma-separated list of regular
# expressions, and only those Requests with User-Agent headers whose value matches one of
# these regular expressions is compressed.
# This property defaults to all user agents.
# Similar to {rest.compression.include.user.agent.patterns}, all requests whose User-
# header matches one of the patterns set for this property are not compressed. By default
# no user agent is excluded, but when any value is specified in
# {rest.compression.include.user.agent.patterns} and here at the same time, the specific
# user agent is removed from the list of included agents, and the Response with that user
# agent is not compressed.
# When specified, this property is treated as a comma-separated list of regular
# expressions. A Request with User-Agent headers whose value matches one of these regular

348 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.18. HTTP compression

# expressions causes the Response to be returned without the Vary header.

8.18.3 Client and Server compression samples

Example 8-101: Client-to-server compression

The following code sample shows you how to use the Content-Encoding
Header to upload document content while using a specific compression
POST /dctm-rest/repositories/REPO/objects/09000005800051ae/contents?
overwrite=true HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZA==
Content-Encoding: gzip

... (The remainder of the Request-body) ...

... (The compressed binary file<middle.log.gz>) ...

Status 201 Created

Content-Type application/vnd.emc.documentum+json;charset=UTF-8
Vary Accept-Encoding

... [The remaining Response body] ...

Example 8-102: Server-to-client compression

This sample demonstrates how to use the Accept-Encoding Header to

download compressed document content with a specified compression

The Response Header Content-Encoding defines the actual compression

schema used for the Response body, which in this case is <gzip>. The
Documentum REST Services server returns the compressed file as a formatted
GET /dctm-rest/repositories/REPO/objects/09000005800051ae/content-media?
format=unknown&modifier=&page=0 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept-Encoding: deflate;q=0.4,gzip;q=0.6
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZA==

Status 200 OK
Content-Encoding gzip
Content-Type application/octet-stream
Vary Accept-Encoding
ETag W/"K1cw+IwVjnDwltiMr2KGuCm8HyQzcMvm7V1KhtWWtJM="

... [The compressed binary file] ...

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 349

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.19 Tutorial: Documentum REST Services

extensibility development
This tutorial walks through a reference implementation of custom resources using
the Documentum REST Services extensibility feature. It is a showcase for bringing
various Core REST and Spring framework eco-system technologies together to
implement REST resources for your domain types. You'll learn these technologies
from this tutorial:

• Design and implement new resources

• Add new links to Core resources
• Package custom and Core resources into a single WAR package

8.19.1 What to Build First

Assume that you need to create an alias set collection resource for the dm_alias_set
type objects in the repository. The resource is feed-based and accepts HTTP GET
method. The alias set collection resource is designed as follows:

Table 8-9: Resource design of the alias set collection

Resource URI HTTP Methods Media Types

Alias Set Collection /repositories/ GET application/atom
{repositoryName} +xmlapplication/
/alias-sets{? vnd.emc.
view,filter, documentum+json



The resource supports both XML and JSON representations in conformity with Core
REST representations.

XML representation for the alias set collection resource

<feed xmlns=""
<title>Alias Sets</title>
<link rel="self" href="

350 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.19. Tutorial: Documentum REST Services extensibility development

<content type="application/xml"
<link rel="edit" href="

JSON representation for the alias set collection resource

id: "",
title: "Alias Sets",
links: [{rel: "self", href: "
entries: [
id: "
title: "AdminAccess",
content: {
type: "application/vnd.emc.documentum+json",
src: "
links: [{rel: "edit", href: "

Note: XML representation for collections must conform to the atom feed; and
JSON representation for collections must conform to EDAA.

With the alias set collection resource in your mind, it’s quite natural to think about
building single alias set resources. The single alias set resource can be embedded in
the feed representation of the alias set collection resource. The alias set resource is
designed as follows:

Table 8-10: Resource design of the alias set resource

Resource URI HTTP Methods Media Types

Alias Set /repositories/ GET application/
{repositoryName}/ vnd.emc.docuemntu
alias-sets/{aliasSetId} m+xml
{?view,filter,links }

Just like the alias set collection, single alias set resources support both XML and
JSON representations.

XML representation for the alias set resource

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<alias-set xmlns=""

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 351

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

xsi:type="dm_alias_set" definition="
<link rel="self" href="
<link rel="author" href="

JSON representation for the alias set resource


8.19.2 Quickstart
Documentum REST Services SDK provides you with a convenient way to set up
your first custom resource project: using the Maven archetype. Refer to Get Started
With the Development Kit for details. The code structure we will build for both
resources is shown as follows.

Figure 8-9: Code Structure

As the diagram shows, we create four modules for the project. The model module
creates the serializable alias set data model. The persistence module creates the
persistence API to get and update the alias set object using DFC. The resource
module creates the resource controllers. And the web module creates the WAR file
for the entire custom services.

352 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.19. Tutorial: Documentum REST Services extensibility development

8.19.3 Creating Resource Model

The data model class defines the data structure of the resource representation for
both input and output. With Documentum REST Services annotations, the model
Java class has a direct mapping to the resource representation messages.

The Maven archetype project contains a sample model class AliasSet for the alias set.
This is the only class added to the model module.

Figure 8-10: Structure of Model

The class definition for AliasSet is shown:

* Data model for dm_alias_set
@SerializableType(value = "alias-set",
xmlNSPrefix = "dm",
xmlNS = "")
public class AliasSet extends PersistentObject {
public AliasSet() {

@SerializableType is the Documentum REST Services Java annotation introduced

to design the representation model. And the PersistentObject class is the out-of-
box model class that implements properties and links, and allows inheritance. So
with this simple class definition, the alias set representation model is built up.

Documentum REST Services Marshalling Framework provides more information

about the Documentum REST Services annotations.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 353

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility Validating the annotated resource model

Documentum REST Services SDK provides a Maven plugin to validate the REST
model annotations during the design time. The plugin can be added to the pom file
to validate the models during the build process. You can also run the scanner with
command lines. A sample of the Maven plugin configuration in the pom file is

The section Annotation Scanner provides more information about Documentum

REST Services annotation validation.

8.19.4 Creating Persistence

The persistence module defines the DFC interface and implementation for the
operations. This module accepts the data model input. Output of this module is also
a data model. Documentum REST Services SDK library provides a lot of out-of-box
persistence APIs that can be used to communicate with DFC. In this sample project,
you can fully leverage Core persistence library to manipulate the alias set object in
the repository.

The Maven archetype project only has one class

AliasSetCollectionQueryTemplate, which customizes the DQL query for the alias
set collection.

354 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.19. Tutorial: Documentum REST Services extensibility development

Figure 8-11: Structure of Persistence

This query template is the only implementation class to retrieve a collection of alias
set objects. The SDK provides other APIs to facilitate the object collection retrieval.
The class definition of the AliasSetCollectionQueryTemplate is shown as follows.
* A query template to get alias set collection.
public class AliasSetCollectionQueryTemplate extends PagedQueryTemplate {
protected List<String> defaultFields() {
return Arrays.asList( "r_object_id", "alias_category",
"alias_name", "alias_value", "object_name", "owner_name");

protected String qualification() { return ""; }

protected String from() { return "dm_alias_set"; }

protected List<SortOrder> defaultSorts()
{ return Arrays.asList(new SortOrder("object_name", true)); }

protected boolean supportRepeatingAttributeQuery() {return true; }

PagedQueryTemplate is an out-of-the-box class that defines the abstraction for the

DQL query string construction for a type-specific collection. A collection resource's
persistence API can extend this class to build the DQL query string for the returning
collection. The next section shows an example about how it is used in the resource

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 355

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.19.5 Creating Resource Controller

The resource controller defines the REST resource mapping for the custom resource
and is the end point for a resource operation.

The Maven archetype project defines two controllers, for the alias set collection
resource and the alias set resource, respectively. The code structure of the resource
module is shown as follows.

Figure 8-12: Structure of Controller

356 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.19. Tutorial: Documentum REST Services extensibility development AliasSetCollectionController
The AliasSetCollectionController class is the definition for the alias set
collection resource.
* Collection of alias sets in a repository.
public class AliasSetCollectionController extends AbstractController {
method = RequestMethod.GET,
produces = {
public AtomFeed getAliasSets(
@PathVariable("repositoryName") final String repositoryName,
@TypedParam final CollectionParam param,
@RequestUri final UriInfo uriInfo)
throws Exception {
PagedQueryTemplate template = new AliasSetCollectionQueryTemplate()
PagedDataRetriever<AliasSet> dataRetriever =
new PersistentDataRetriever<AliasSet>(
return getRenderedPage(

The resource controller uses a number of Java annotations. They are mainly divided
into two categories.

Spring annotations

• @Controller - a Spring annotation to define a resource controller. It is strongly

recommended to assign a unique name for the controller as Core REST runtime
uses this name to identify a resource
• @RequestMapping - a Spring annotation to define the URI, Headers, and
parameters for a resource. This annotation can be applied to the controller class
level or individual controller method level. Spring has a complicated match
pattern to compare whether two controller methods or controller classes use the
same URI mapping. For example, you can define two controller methods with

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 357

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

the same URI, but with different HTTP methods; even that you can define two
controller methods with the same URI and HTTP methods, but with different
HTTP Headers or query parameters
• @ResponseBody and @ResponseStatus - Spring annotations to automatically
resolve the model and view and HTTP status for the resource. @ResponseBody is
mandatory for custom resource development
• @PathVariable – a Spring annotation to extract variables from a path

Documentum REST Services annotations

• @TypedParam final CollectionParam param - a Documentum REST Services

annotation customizing Spring query parameters which assemble feed resource-
related query parameters together, e.g., inline, page, items-per-page.
• @RequestUri - A Documentum REST Services annotation customizing Spring
query parameters which assembles feed resource related query parameters
together, e.g., inline, page, items-per-page.
• @ResourceViewBinding - a Documentum REST Services annotation to bind a
resource to a default view. With the view binding, the correct view class is
instantiated to resolve the links and atom attributes for the alias set resource
representation. This annotation can be put on the controller methods, too.

The Documentum REST Services SDK also provides abstraction, model, and utility
classes for code reuse in custom resource development.

Documentum REST Services classes

• AbstractController - the Core controller abstraction. All custom resources

should extend this abstract class.
• PagedDataRetriever - the Core persistence API to execute a query for a paged
query template and return a page for the query
• AtomFeed - the Core model class for Atom feeds. All collection resources are
returned as an atom feed.

In summary, there aren't many lines to implement an alias set collection resource,
but each piece provides very useful information. AliasSetController
Let’s move on to the controller for the alias set resource. The class definition is
shown as follows.
* An alias set.
@ResourceViewBinding(AliasSetView.class, queryTypes="dm_alias_type")
public class AliasSetController extends AbstractController {
private SysObjectManager sysObjectManager;

358 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.19. Tutorial: Documentum REST Services extensibility development

method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = {
public AliasSet getAliasSet(
@PathVariable("repositoryName") final String repositoryName,
@PathVariable("aliasSetId") final String aliasSetId,
@TypedParam final SingleParam param,
@RequestUri final UriInfo uriInfo)
throws Exception {
AliasSet aliasSet = sysObjectManager.getObjectByQualification(
String.format("dm_alias_set where r_object_id='%s'", aliasSetId),
return getRenderedObject(repositoryName, aliasSet, param.isLinks(),
uriInfo, null);

The controller is implemented similarly to the AliasSetCollectionController. It

calls SysObjectManager to manipulate the sysobjects. Since an alias set is nothing
special other than a sysobject, you can reuse existing Core REST APIs to operate the
alias set.

8.19.6 Spring Context Configuration

In addition to the resource controller definition, you need to define the Spring
context configuration to scan the controller classes during the server startup. This
Spring configuration file tells the Spring framework where to load the controllers.

Note: You must use the exclude
filter when you use the Spring @ComponentScan annotation in your custom
defined configuration class. This exclude filter ensures that the Spring
framework loads all of the resources that you have defined.

Here is a code sample that demonstrates this technique:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = "org.acme",
excludeFilters = { @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.CUSTOM,
value = { }) })
public class ExtensionContextConfig {

You must ensure that the package where you created the ExtensionContextConfig
class is specified in the rest.context.config.location property in the rest-api- file.

The above is equivalent to the following XML configuration:

<context:component-scan base-package="org.acme" use-default-filters="true">
<context:exclude-filter type="custom"

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 359

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility


8.19.7 Creating Resource View

Till now, the resource implementation has been able to return the alias set feed and
alias set resource following the URIs, but the link relations and atom attributes for
them are still missing. In this section, we are going to create views for both resources
to customize the links and atom attributes. AliasSetsFeedView
The AliasSetsFeedView class defines the atom feed attributes and links for the alias
set collection resource.

View definition of AliasSets

* View for the alias set feed.
public class AliasSetsFeedView extends FeedableView<AliasSet> {
public AliasSetsFeedView(Page<AliasSet>
page, UriInfo uriInfo, String repositoryName,
boolean returnLinks, Map<String, Object> others) {
super(page, uriInfo, repositoryName, returnLinks, others);

public String feedTitle() { return "Alias Sets"; }

public Date feedUpdated() { return new Date(); }

The feed view class must extend FeedableView<T> and implement its own feed

FeedableView<T> - the Core REST feed view abstraction. It provides built-in link
relations for an atom feed. By implementing this view, the alias set collection
resource obtains the built-in self link and pagination links. There are also default
implementations for several atom feed attributes, like atom authors, atom ID, and so

@FeedViewBinding - a Core REST annotation to bind a feed view to the

corresponding entry views.

360 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.19. Tutorial: Documentum REST Services extensibility development AliasSetView
The AliasSetView class defines the atom entry attributes and links for the alias set.

View definition of AliasSet

* View for the alias set.
public class AliasSetView extends PersistentDataView<AliasSet> {
public AliasSetView(AliasSet aliasSet, UriInfo uriInfo, String repositoryName,
boolean returnLinks, Map<String, Object> others) {
super(aliasSet, uriInfo, repositoryName, returnLinks, others);

public String entryTitle() { return (String) serializableData.
getMandatoryAttribute("object_name"); }

public String entrySummary() { return (String) serializableData.
getMandatoryAttribute("object_name"); }

public Date entryUpdated() { return new Date(); }

public Date entryPublished() { return new Date(); }

public List<AtomAuthor> entryAuthors() {
String ownerLink = ResourceUriBuilder
return Arrays.asList(new AtomAuthor(owner, owerLink, null));

public AliasSet entryContent() { return data(); }

public String entrySrc() { return canonicalResourceUri(boolean validate); }

public void customize() {
String ownerLink = ResourceUriBuilder

public String canonicalResourceUri(boolean validate) {
return getUriFactory(validate).buildUriByTemplateName(
Collections.singletonMap("aliasSetId", serializableData.getId()));

The domain model view must extend EntryableView<T> and implement its own
entry attributes and resource links. In this sample class, AliasSetView extends
PersistentDataView which provides the default implementation for making links.
When an object is accessible through multiple resource URIs, the canonical resource
URI represents the primary resource URI for this object. The method
canonicalResourceUri returns the canonical resource URI dynamically with a
validation option.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 361

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

• When validate is true and the corresponding resource for the URI is inactive,
the returned URI is {@link

• When validate is false, the returned URI is a static URI defined by this

@DataViewBinding - a Core REST annotation to mark on a singe data object resource

view. This view binding binds a view to a resource model.

Refer to the section Documentum REST Services MVC for more information about
the Documentum REST Services MVC programming pattern.

8.19.8 Adding More HTTP Methods

The Maven archetype project only demonstrates the GET method on the alias set
collection resource and the alias set resource. Obviously in a real application, object
creation, modification, and deletion are needed, too. This section walks through the
design and the implementation of object creation and deletion. Creating an Alias Set Object

A good practice to create a new object is to POST the new resource to the
corresponding collection resource. As you have the alias set collection resource, let’s
create alias set resources with the HTTP POST method on the alias set collection

Table 8-11: Resource design of the alias set resource

Resource URI HTTP Methods Media Types

Alias Set /repositories/ GET application/atom
{repositoryName}/ +xmlapplication/
alias-sets{? vnd.emc.
view,filter,links,inline documentum+json
POST application/


The new controller method is defined as follows.

public class AliasSetCollectionController extends AbstractController {

362 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.19. Tutorial: Documentum REST Services extensibility development

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST,
produces = {
public AliasSet createAliasSet(
@PathVariable("repositoryName") final String repositoryName,
@RequestBody final AliasSet aliasSet,
@RequestUri final UriInfo uriInfo)
throws DfException {
AliasSet createdRelation = sysObjectManager.
createObject(aliasSet, false, AttributeView.ALL);
Map<String, Object> others = new HashMap<String, Object>();
others.put(ViewParams.POST_FROM_COLLECTION, true);
return getRenderedObject(repositoryName, createdRelation,
true, uriInfo, others);

private SysObjectManager sysObjectManager;


• A ViewParams.POST_FROM_COLLECTION parameter is needed on the view

parameters for any controller create method
• With the annotation @ResourceViewBinding on the controller method, the
same AliasSetView is reused to render alias set resource responses
• A create operation Response must have a Location Header pointing to the
new resource URI. Documentum REST Services adds the Location Header
automatically for controller methods in case following conditions are met:

– The method returns a Linkable object.

– The method has the annotation @ResponseBody
– The method has the annotation @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.CREATED) Deleting an Alias Set Object

It is nature to perform an HTTP DELETE method on the alias set resource to delete an
alias set. A delete method removeAliasSet is defined on AliasSetController as
shown in the follow sample.
public class AliasSetController extends AbstractController {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
public void removeAliasSet(
@PathVariable("repositoryName") final String repositoryName,
@PathVariable("aliasSetId") final String aliasSetId,
@RequestUri final UriInfo uriInfo)
throws Exception {
sysObjectManager.deleteSysObject(aliasSetId, true, true,

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 363

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility


8.19.9 Making Resources Queryable

Now the alias set resource is implemented with the dm_alias_set type. But how to
make Core DQL resource to return resource links for the query result of dm_alias_
set type? The answer is to add a new attribute to the @ResourceViewBinding
annotation on the AliasSetController class.
@ResourceViewBinding(value = AliasSetView.class, queryTypes = "dm_alias_set")
public class AliasSetController extends AbstractController {


queryTypes makes the alias set resource linkable from DQL query result. Here is an
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<feed xmlns=""
<link rel="self" href="
<dm:query-result definition="
<dm:object_name>Smart Container</dm:object_name>
<link rel="edit" href="

8.19.10 Making Resources Linkable

With implementation above, the alias set collection resource and the alias set
resource are almost finished. But wait – how does a REST client discover the links
for the new resources at runtime? The solution is to customize Core resources to add
links for your new resources. Here are the links we want to design.

• The alias set collection resource can be found on a repository resource

• The alias set resource can be found from the feed of alias set collection resource

For the second one, as we have implemented the Location Header on alias set
creation operation, the POST on the alias set collection resource has been able to

364 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.19. Tutorial: Documentum REST Services extensibility development

return the link for the newly created alias set resource. So what you actually need is
to customize the link relations for the Core repository resource. To do this, simply
add a YAML file under the right path and then modify the YAML file as shown:

Figure 8-13: YAML File Location

Adding a link relation in repository for the alias set collection:

- resource:repository
link-relation: ''
value-mapping: []

The section Adding Links to Core Resources has all the details of this function. Here
is the sample.

By doing this, the repository resource now has one more link relation that points to
the alias set collection resource.
<repository xmlns=""
<version xml:space="preserve">7.1.0010.0158Win64.SQLServer</version>
<link rel="self" href=""/>
<link rel=""

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 365

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility


8.19.11 Making Resources Non-Batchable (Optional)

By default, all custom resources are batchable. If you want to make a specific custom
resource or a certain method non-batchable, put the @BatchProhibition annotation
on the resource controller or the controller method.

Similarly, you can use the @TransactionProhibition annotation to remove the

transaction support from a custom resource. Like the @BatchProhibition
annotation, @TransactionProhibition can be applied to both the controller class
level and the controller method level.

This tutorial does not demonstrate how to manage the batch property of a custom
resource as we want the Alias Set and Alias Set collection resources to stay
batchable. You can find more details on making them non-batchable from Resource:
Deciding Whether to be Batchable.

8.19.12 Packaging and Deploying Resources

Finally, we need to package the new resources into a WAR file. This can be achieved
by the Maven WAR overlay plugin in the web module. The YAML file, which
customizes resources, must be put into the class-path of the web module com/emc/

Here is the WAR overlay plugin configuration sample in the web module:
<excludes />

A single acme-rest-web-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war is built in the directory /acme-

rest-web/target, which contains both Core resources and new resources.

366 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.20. ACS and BOCS content upload

8.19.13 Troubleshooting
During development, you can enable the DEBUG level log4j logging for the package Resource controller and view information about both
core and custom resources will be printed.

8.20 ACS and BOCS content upload

For the creation of a new sysobject or the checkout of an existing sysobject, the REST
Server can optionally provide an ACS or BOCS content write URL for the REST
client to upload the primary of the sysobject to the ACS or BOCS server in a separate

The advantage for this solution is that when multiple BOCS servers are deployed in
the environment, contents of sysobjects can be uploaded to the local geographic
location in the organization. This accelerates the content upload in wide area
networks where the bandwidth is critical.

8.20.1 Link relation for ACS and BOCS content upload URLs
The ACS and BOCS content upload URL is provided to REST clients as a new link
relation on a Sysobject
Resource, at the time when the Sysobject is newly created or checked out. The title of
the link relation depends on the location pointed to by the content upload URL.

ACS content upload URL:


BOCS content upload URL:


8.20.2 Resources
These 3 existing resource methods that can produce the ACS and BOCS content
upload URLs for sysobjects.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 367

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Table 8-12: Resource methods

Resource Method Impact

POST on Folder Child Documents When creating a new document under a
folder, optional query parameters can be
supplied to request the ACS | BOCS content
upload URL.
POST on Folder Child Objects When creating a new sysobject under a
folder, optional query parameters can be
supplied to request the ACS | BOCS content
upload URL.
PUT on Lock When checking out an existing sysobject,
optional query parameters can be supplied to
request the ACS | BOCS content upload

Constraints to be noted for the ACS and BOCS content upload URLs.

• There could be multiple ACS servers or BOCS servers deployed for a

Documentum Server, but only one ACS or BOCS content upload URL can be
requested at a time
• Only a contentless (newly or existed) Sysobject can be requested for ACS and
BOCS content upload
• Only the primary content at page 0 can be requested for an ACS and BOCS
content upload

8.20.3 Common query parameters

These common parameters can be applied to 3 relevant resources for the ACS and
BOCS content upload.

Table 8-13: Common query parameters

Parameter Name Data Type Default Description

require-dc-write boolean false Specifies whether to request a
distributed content upload URL
during the Sysobject creation or

True returns the ACS or BOCS

content upload URL in the Response
link relations

368 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.20. ACS and BOCS content upload

Parameter Name Data Type Default Description

format string N/A Required when

Content format for the new content

to upload. For Folder Child
Documents or Folder Child Objects,
the existing format parameter is
reused. But it does not support a
multi-content pattern (comma
separated formats)

The format must be an existing

dm_format name
content-length long N/A Required when

Content length for the new content to

upload. For Folder Child Documents
or Folder Child Objects, the existing
content-length parameter is
reused. But it does not support a
multi-content pattern (comma
separated lengths)
network-location string N/A Optional

Network location for the new content

to upload. The server takes the
network location to determine which
BOCS server to serve for the content
upload. When the network location
definition exists and has a mapping
in a BOCS server configuration, the
corresponding BOCS server content
upload URL is returned; otherwise,
the default ACS server content
upload URL is returned

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 369

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Parameter Name Data Type Default Description

async boolean false Optional

Asynchronous mode for the BOCS

content upload. The server takes this
parameter to determine when to
replicate the content binary from the
BOCS server cache to the
Documentum Server storage:
• When async=true, the upload
success Response is returned to
the client immediately after the
client side upload completes. The
content replication between the
BOCS server and Documentum
Server is performed behind the
scene asynchronously.
• When async=false, the upload
success Response is returned after
the content on the BOCS server is
completely replicated to the
Documentum Server storage

370 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.20. ACS and BOCS content upload

8.20.4 Workflow for Content Upload

Figure 8-14: Workflow for distributed upload during Document creation

1. REST Client creates a new sysobject by making a POST request to Folder Child
Documents resource or Folder Child Objects resource, in which it requires to get
the ACS or BOCS content upload URL.
POST /dctm-rest/repositories/REPO/folders/0c00000c80000105?require-dc-
&content-length=13&network-location=Toronto&async=true HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZA==

"object_name": "demodoc.txt"

2. The newly created sysobject resource is returned with the ACS or BOCS content
upload URL in the link relations. Its server object is locked by the user.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 371

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

Status code: 201 Created

Content-Type: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json;charset=UTF-8
"r_object_id": "0900000d10000983",
"r_content_size": 0,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "
, ...,

3. REST Client makes another POST request on the content upload URL to complete
the upload.
POST http://<BOCS-SERVER>:9080/ACS/servlet/BOCS?command=write&XXX HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: plain/text

Hello, world!

4. When the content upload is completed, REST Client gets a 302 Moved
Temporarily Response from the ACS or BOCS server, where there is
a Location Header telling the Sysobject resource URL. The server object is
also unlocked upon the success of the content upload.
HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily

By this step, the distributed content upload has been completed.

5. (Optional) REST Client can make the URL redirect request to the sysobject
resource again
6. In the sysobject resource this time, content related metadata (i.e.
a_content_type,r_content_size) are returned with correct values

372 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.20. ACS and BOCS content upload

8.20.5 Workflow for distributed upload in document checkout

Figure 8-15: Workflow for distributed upload during Document checkout

1. REST Client creates a new sysobject by making a PUT request to Lock resource, in
which it requires to get the ACS or BOCS content upload URL.
PUT /dctm-rest/repositories/REPO/objects/0900000d10000983/lock?require-dc-
format=text&content-length=13&network-location=Toronto&async=true HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZA==

2. The checked out sysobject resource is returned with the ACS or BOCS content
upload URL in the link relations.
Status code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json;charset=UTF-8
"r_object_id": "0900000d10000983",
"r_lock_owner": "dmadmin",
"r_content_size": 0,

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 373

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "

3. REST Client makes another POST request on the content upload URL to complete
the upload.
POST http://<BOCS-SERVER>:9080/ACS/servlet/BOCS?command=write&XXX HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: plain/text

Hello, world!

4. When the content upload is completed, REST Client gets a 302 Moved
Temporarily Response from the ACS or BOCS server, where there is
a Location Header telling the Sysobject resource URL. The server object is
also unlocked upon the success of the content upload.
HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily

By this step, the distributed content upload has been completed.

5. Optionally, REST Client can make the URL redirect request to the sysobject
resource again.
6. In the sysobject resource this time, content related metadata (i.e. a_content_type,
r_content_size) are returned with correct values

8.21 Conditional Request for Documentum REST

Services server
REST Server solves these two scenarios as follows:

• Support client cache: At times, the REST Server does not return the requested
resource to client endpoint again if the identical requested resource is cached
locally and not updated during the last acquisition. Otherwise, the REST Server
handles the client's request as normal. With conditional request mechanism, it
makes sense to keep client's local cache not stale
• Avoid lost update: In this scenario, multiple clients get an identical resource
simultaneously from REST Server. So, when one of the client updates the
resource successfully, the subsequent updates from others intended for this
resource would fail. With conditional request mechanism, one client, without any
acknowledgement that the resource has been modified, would not override

374 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.21. Conditional Request for Documentum REST Services server

others’ update, avoiding lost update. For more information about conditional
Requests, see RFC 7232.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 375

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.21.1 Conditional Get Request for a single resource

Figure 8-16: Conditional Get Request for a single resource

1. REST Server returns the requested resource with an ETag in the Response for a
GET request

2. Client specifies the HTTP Header, If-None-Match, in a GET request with the
previous obtained ETag value
3. With the Request, the REST Server determines whether the ETag value in the
If-None-Match Header matches the current ETag of the instance of the
requested resource.

• When it’s not matched: 304 (Not Modified) status code is returned without
sending back the resource
• Matched: Send back the resource as normal with a new value in the ETag

376 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.21. Conditional Request for Documentum REST Services server

8.21.2 Conditional Update Request for a single resource

Figure 8-17: Conditional Update Request for a single resource

1. Multiple clients. Let’s consider client A and B, get the identical resource with the
same ETag value in respective responses at the same time
2. Client A updates the resource successfully because the ETag in the If-Match
HTTP Header of the Request matches. The REST Server generates a new ETag
for the updated instance of the resource and then client A gets this updated ETag
3. Now the REST Server receives an update Request from client B with the
previously obtained ETag value specified in the If-Match Header. The REST
server determines that this ETag value is not matched, therefore it fails to update
the resource and returns status code 412 (PreCondition Failed)

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 377

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.21.3 Customize resources with conditional Request

To support a conditional Request for a customized resource, the Documentum REST
Services publishes the @EnableConditionalRequest annotation and the
Digestible interface, which allows you to extend these resources.

* Annotation that annotates a controller. Once annotated by
* the controller would handle a HTTP request, mainly GET, PUT or POST, as
* request.
* @see
* @see
public @interface EnableConditionalRequest {

* Allows a persistent object to calculate its own digest. In the meanwhile, Enables
*update a persistent object conditionally based on if the {@code request digest}is
* with another digest, which is commonly* the current digest of the identical
* object with newest version.
* <p>
* {@code request digest}, is obtained from a request with certain mechanism and
* temporarily in an object before real update. By comparing with current digest of
* corresponding persistent object with newest version, conditional update comes
* into realization.
public interface Digestible {
* Calculates digest for a persistent object itself.
* <p>It's up to the persistent model which implements this interface to
determine how
* to calculate
* a distinct digest for a model instance, i.e., making the digest based on
distinct pro * perties.</p>
* @return the digest
String calculatesDigest();

* Sets the Request digest.
* @param reqDigest
void setReqDigest(String reqDigest);

* Get the Request digest.
* @return the Request digest
String getReqDigest();


378 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.21. Conditional Request for Documentum REST Services server

* Determines whether the Request digest is matched with another digest

* @param digest another digest
* @return TRUE, the Request digest is matched with the input, otherwise FALSE
boolean isMatchedWithReqDigest(String digest);

8.21.4 Examples
Assuming a Model View Controller approach:

• Implement the Digestible interface in the Model:

@SerializableType(value = "alias-set", xmlNSPrefix = "dm",

xmlNS = "")
public class AliasSet implements Digestible{
public AliasSet() {
public List <String> getMandatoryFields() {
return Arrays.asList("r_object_id",
public String calculatesDigest() {
return ReqDigestHelper.generateDigest(Arrays.asList(getId(),
public void setReqDigest(String reqDigest) {
this.reqDigest = reqDigest;
public String getReqDigest() {
return reqDigest;
public boolean isMatchedWithReqDigest(String digest) {
if ("*".equals(reqDigest)) {
return true;
if (reqDigest != null) {
return reqDigest.equals(digest);

return false;

• Enable a conditional request in the controller:

* An alias set.
@ResourceViewBinding(value = AliasSetView.class, queryTypes = "dm_alias_set")
public class AliasSetController extends AbstractController {

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 379

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.22 Using the AppWorks Gateway to integrate the

Documentum REST Services API
This section discusses OpenText Documentum REST Services API integration using
the OpenText AppWorks Gateway. The AppWorks Gateway is used for hybrid
application rollouts and upgrades, push notification services, lightweight mobile
devices management, REST API access, user authorization, and more. The
AppWorks Gateway also performs functions that allow you to access an OpenText
EIM server platform. This access gives you the ability to manage desktop and mobile
client communications.

You can use the Documentum REST API, augmented by the features of the
AppWorks Gateway, to perform the following tasks.

You can:

• Use the extensibility features of Documentum REST Services to customize the

REST API and use the AppWorks SDK to access your OpenText server platforms.
• Create a custom deployment that can be used to combine the resources of
various products. For example, SOAP web services combined with REST APIs
(and possibly other products), can provide a consolidated API as a Facade.
• Use the Documentum REST Services API to develop apps that have mobile or
desktop user interfaces with heightened capabilities.
• Simplify your app deployments, upgrades, and rollback procedures.
• Centralize your app’s configuration and management settings.

8.22.1 Design Overview

The discussions in this section apply to the AppWorks Gateway 16.7.0 and later
Software Development Kits (SDK). Any design description is limited to the task of
integrating the Documentum REST API with the AppWorks Gateway as a service.

For additional information about OpenText AppWorks and related mobile or

desktop client containerization, see Deploying to Docker containers.

The hosted Documentum REST Services API has been specifically packaged to allow
hosting by the OpenText AppWorks Gateway. The following figure illustrates the
interactions between integration components.

380 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.22. Using the AppWorks Gateway to integrate the Documentum REST Services API

8.22.2 AppWorks Component Classes

To enable Document REST API deployment in AppWorks Gateway, any required
packaging modifications have been made. The deployable AppWorks artifact; dctm-, can be downloaded from the download portal.
If you want to modify the and
files, this must be done prior to deployment to the AppWorks Gateway.

Note: To get shorter URLs after deployment, you can rename the artifact to before you deploy it.

The following classes have been added to the REST API SDK to support the
consumption of AppWorks SDK in custom controllers. These controllers extend
from a default REST API provided controller class called AWSDKControllerBase.

• AwSdkBean
A Java bean that is included in the controller classes to provide access to
AppWorks SDK clients and provide the utility functions required to send emails,
notifications, etc.
• AwSdkControllerBase
A reference implementation of a controller that you can extend to handle URLs.
It is auto wired to provide the AwSdkBean Java bean.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 381

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

8.22.3 AppWorks authorization

AppWorks Gateway provides OTDS based authentication using the AuthClient
Class and http://<GatewayHost>:8080/v3/admin/auth URL endpoint.
AuthClient has been made available through the AwSdkBean Java bean. This allows
the custom controller code to authorize with AppWorks Gateway. “SDK interfaces”
on page 383 provides more details.

DCTM-REST service implements AppWorks AuthResquestHandler interface to

enable delegation of AppWorks Gateway authentication to DCTM REST Server. The
REST Server forwards auth requests to Documentum Server which authenticates
using the OTDS server. This enables handling of all AppWorks Gateway username/
password authentications by DCTM-REST service (via Documentum Server OTDS
integration). This unification of AppWorks Gateway and Documentum users
enables AppWorks Gateway users to access REST resources. Ensure that the
AppWorks Gateway resource and Documentum resource are synchronized in the
OTDS server prior to selecting REST as primary auth provider. OpenText Directory
Services Development Guide provides more details about resource synchronization.

To enable REST services as primary authentication provider in AppWorks Gateway,

select dctm-rest as primary provider.

In AppWorks Gateway Admin UI, select Configuration > AuthProviders.

Here is the new addition to property configuration


The repository that is integrated with OTDS to perform OTDS password

authentication. This should be the same OTDS with AppWorks Gateway resource
partition and users. The default value is empty.

8.22.4 AppWorks Settings Management

Documentum REST services deployed on AppWorks Gateway may need (frequently
modified) configuration parameters to be configurable by end users. Common uses
for settings include:

• DFC properties changes such as docbroker host, port, and so on

• Enabling verbose REST Inbound/Outbound HTTP requests
• Change REST log level to DEBUG, TRACE, and so on

You can edit these settings from the AppWorks Gateway's UI after you deploy the
DCTM-REST service in the Gateway server. This enables you to edit the properties
using the GUI and to avoid modifying the properties files manually. To access this
feature, login to AppWorks Gateway Admin UI, select Services, select the gear icon
under DCTM REST services and select the Settings tab.

382 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

8.22. Using the AppWorks Gateway to integrate the Documentum REST Services API

A service restarted is needed to see the effect of the changes made. The following
commonly used properties are exposed using the UI:

• DFC: Add message identifier in the exception message (dfc.exception.include_id)

• DFC: Add extra embellishments to the exception message
• DFC: Determines TCP/IP socket type. Valid values: native, try_native_first,
secure, try_secure_first (dfc.session.secure_connect_default)

• DFC: Global registry repository name (dfc.globalregistry.repository)

• DFC: Global registry repository password (dfc.globalregistry.password)
• DFC: Global registry repository user (dfc.globalregistry.username)
• DFC: The hostname or IP address of the dockroker ([0])
• DFC: The port number of the docbroker (dfc.docbroker.port[0])
• LOG4J2: Specify the logging level for REST Service (logger.package.level)
• REST: Enable the REST request and response message logging at the server side
• REST: Specifies the logging buffer size in byte for requests and responses. The
default value is 1048567. (rest.message.logging.buffer)

8.22.5 SDK interfaces

The AwSdkBean instance is available to all controllers extending from the
AwSdkControllerBase class, which includes the following API methods.
* @return Instance of Gateway's auth mechanism
AuthClient getAuthClient()

* @return Instance of the Runtimes registered with the Gateway
RuntimesClient getKnownRuntimes()

* @return Retrieve trusted provider (API) that wants to use a limited subset of the
Gateways APIs
TrustedProviderClient getTrusterProviders()

* @return Instance of Gateway's settings client to create, update, and be notified of
Gateway wide parameters
SettingsClient getSettingsClient()

* @return MailClient to enable sending emails
MailClient getMailClient()

* @return NotificationClient to enable sending notifications to users or apps

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 383

Chapter 8 Resource extensibility

NotificationsClient getNotificationsClient()

* @return Instance of Gateway's service client to create a complete deployment and
register connectors
ServiceClient getServiceClient()

Refer to the sample implementation found in the DCTM REST 20.4 SDK. The sample
project is located in the .../samples/resource-appworks-samples folder.

8.22.6 Resources
OpenText AppWorks Developer (

384 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

Chapter 9
Authentication extensibility

You can use authentication extensibility to intercept the authentication flow or to

create a custom authentication scheme for Documentum REST Services.

9.1 Anonymous access

Anonymous Access is an extension based on Documentum REST Services security
framework. This extension can be used to configure anonymous access for custom
resources or static resource files in your custom REST services. There are two user
scenarios for this feature:

1. Add new static resource files into your REST application. An example of this is
adding custom CSS style sheets or JavaScript files

• When a static resource file URL is not configured with authentication or

anonymous access, that Request is rejected with a 403 status code
• Anonymous configuration provides users with a way to bypass the
authentication process
2. Add custom anonymous REST resources into a custom REST service. An
example of this is a resource that contains a built-in login user

• Your particular REST service may have a built-in login user on the server
side and you want to skip the usual authentication schema that is already

9.1.1 Implementation
You must create a custom Java controller that uses the @AnonymousAccess
annotation to get the functionality that you want. There are two ways to set
anonymous access in your custom REST service:

1. By Java annotation using the @AnonymousAccess annotation

2. By configuration using the file

Note: The two approaches shown here do not need to be implemented at the
same time for one resource. They can take effect individually.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 385

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility By Java annotation

In the Spring framework, you can connect add-on features to resource controllers as
annotations, which allows you to do many things using Spring itself while using
Reflection to reduce the amount of work you ultimately have to do.

Typically, all REST service functionality is implemented into one controller that uses
the @AnonymousAccess annotation. Your controller can provide anonymous access
functionality to your REST application. The @AnonymousAccess annotation allows:

• All resource controllers to be excluded from a regular configured authentication

• All resource controllers to be provided with their own repository security
context, initialization, and cleanup procedures

@AnonymousAccess contains two fields:

• contextInitializerClass
This is an implementation of the contextInitializerClass interface. This
interface defines the customized details for your context, such as username and
• contextCleanerClass
This field extends from DefaultRepositoryContextCleaner, and is used to
clean up any security related context

Example 9-1: Typical usage scenario

contextInitializerClass = MyRepositoryContextInitializer.class,
contextCleanerClass = DefaultRepositoryContextCleaner.class
public class MyAnonymousResourceController extends AbstractController {...}

The initialize() and clean() methods can be implemented as needed:

• For example, you can use the initialize() method during initialization to set
the repository name, login name and password in RepositoryContextHolder.
The authType can be set to <AuthType.PASSWORD>, which indicates that user
authentication is done using a login name and password
• The default clean() method is used to clean the context in
RepositoryContextHolder. When you have more complex logic for cleaning
context, you can override this method with your own custom code to perform
the cleaning.

386 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.2. Generic servlet filter customization By runtime configuration

Runtime configuration is not recommended for the implementation of anonymous
REST services, but it is the only way to configure anonymous static resource files.

A runtime property called <> is added to the file. This property value must be written using
<Ant> style URL patterns. Multiple URL patterns can be created as comma-separated

Example 9-2: Configuration in,

The patterns defined in it are added to any other anonymous patterns.

9.1.2 Extension samples

There are samples named <documentum-rest-anonymous-samples> available in the
<documentum-rest-anonymous-samples> package. These samples illustrate how to use
this security extension, and both approaches are demonstrated in them. To get these
samples, see the file in the package and follow the instructions provided
in it.

9.2 Generic servlet filter customization

In Documentum REST Services the <SpringSecurityFilterChain> is created by Java
code. Your REST applications may want to inject more HTTP servlet filters into your
REST application to handle the Requests with additional business logic, such as
counting Requests, logging specific Requests, and more.

In Documentum REST Services 7.3 and later, an XML configuration file is exposed to
allow you to inject custom (non-security) filters before or after
<SpringSecurityFilterChain> is created.

Note: Modifying the web.xml directly in the WAR file is not recommended
because the filter sequence cannot be guaranteed.

Here's a code sample that shows you how to edit the <dctm-rest.war>\WEB-INF\
classes\META-INF\spring\extension\rest-api-custom-filters.xml file for
customizing servlet filters:

Example 9-3: /META-INF/spring/extension/rest-api-custom-filters.xml

<beans xmlns=""

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 387

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility

<!-- allow users to add custom filters into the REST servlet; all filters are
mapped to the root context '/*' -->
<bean id="restFilterFactory" class="">
<property name="customBeforeSecurityFilters">
<!-- an ordered list of filters added before springSecurityFilterChain;
empty by default -->
<property name="customAfterSecurityFilters">
<!-- an ordered list of filters added after springSecurityFilterChain;
empty by default -->

In a custom REST application, you can inject filters by updating the rest-api-
custom-filters.xml file. The REST SDK provides a sample that shows you how to
do this.

Example 9-4: Sample rest-api-custom-filters.xml

Here’s a code sample that illustrates a custom rest-api-custom-filters.xml

<beans xmlns=""

<!-- allow users to add custom filters into the REST servlet; all filters are
mapped to the root context '/*' -->
<bean id="restFilterFactory" class="">
<property name="customBeforeSecurityFilters">
<!-- an ordered list of filters added before springSecurityFilterChain;
empty by default -->
<property name="customAfterSecurityFilters">
<!-- an ordered list of filters added after springSecurityFilterChain;
empty by default -->
<bean class="

Example 9-5: Entire filter chain sequence

Here is the entire filter chain sequence, ordered as shown below:



388 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.3. Using Documentum REST Services as the Authentication Handler for the AppWorks Gateway


<customBeforeSecurityFilters ..>


<customAfterSecurityFilters ..>



9.3 Using Documentum REST Services as the

Authentication Handler for the AppWorks
This section describes using Documentum REST Services as the authentication
handler for the AppWorks Gateway.

9.3.1 Overview
Making Documentum REST Services the primary authentication handler is useful
when there are several Documentum REST Services resources, that are able to
authenticate requests, deployed on the AppWorks gateway. In this case, requests are
authenticated with the OpenText Directory Service (OTDS) using Documentum

Making Documentum REST Services the primary authentication handler has the
following advantages:

• You can eliminate the need for any user synchronization between AppWorks
and Documentum Server on OTDS. This is because Documentum REST Services
that are deployed on AppWorks no longer depend on the AppWorks Gateway
for authentication. Among other advantages, you can avoid searching for
Gateway users that may not be present in Documentum Server.
• You can combine multiple existing Documentum REST Services resources while
using Documentum Server as a single resource for all authentication requests.
• Upon a successful login, Documentum REST Services can obtain a user session
from Documentum Server.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 389

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility

9.3.2 Some Important Information

This information is meant for users of AppWorks Platform 20.2, or later. The
descriptions in this section are limited to the integration of Documentum REST
Services API in AppWorks Gateway as a primary authentication handler that uses a
username and password combination to authenticate requests that are forwarded to
Documentum Server for validation.

The following REST authentication schemes are supported:

• basic: Supports HTTP basic authentication for Documentum Server inline users
and LDAP users synced to Documentum Server.
• otds_password: Supports using a password for OTDS integration with
Documentum Server.
• otds_token: Supports using a token for OTDS integration with Documentum

9.3.3 Using a Hosted Document REST API Service

The hosted Documentum REST Services API gets registered as the primary
authentication handler. This allows all authentication requests that arrive at the
AppWorks Gateway to be forwarded to Documentum REST Services for validation.

The AwAuthRequestHandler class is the main REST handler class that processes
authentication requests and forwards them to the REST authentication layer for
validation. When validation succeeds, a success AuthHandlerResult instance with
user information is returned. This interaction is shown in the following sequence

390 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development

9.4 Custom authentication development

This section discusses how to develop a custom authentication scheme in
Documentum REST Services 7.3 and later. Documentum REST Services provides
you with a rich set of authentication schemes. However, you may want to add your
own authentication schemes, such as OAuth, OpenID, Two-factor authentication, and
others, that are not supported out-of-the-box.

There are various requirements for custom authentication deployment. Therefore, to

accommodate many of your specific requirements, we have exposed the
authentication extension development framework, which allows you to develop a
custom authentication scheme according to your specific needs.

9.4.1 Understanding the security filter flows

The REST authentication framework leverages the security found in the Spring
framework to setup the servlet security context.

For more information, see “Generic servlet filter customization” on page 387 in
Documentum REST Services to understand how the Spring Security Filter Chain
takes place within the entire servlet filter chain.

Specific to the security filter chain itself, the Spring Security framework puts
multiple HTTP security configurations into a chain called
<SpringSecurityFilterChain>. The high level flow of the security filter chain in Core
REST is as shown:

Anonymous access URL interceptors

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 391

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility

Core or Custom Authentication Filter (s) for URL pattern /repositories/**

Access denial security filter

For any request that is sent to the REST server, the following applies:

• When the Request URL maps to an anonymous access URL pattern, the Request
is bypassed by the resource controller without security handling. Some static
resources, such as js and css files, follow this pattern. The Core REST
authentication framework exposes an extension for you to configure anonymous
access resources or URL patterns
For more information, see “Anonymous access” on page 385
• The out-of-the-box authentication schemes or custom authentications manage the
Request authentication for the resource URL pattern /repositories/** by default
This URL pattern can be configured globally in the rest-api-runtime.
properties file using the <> property

• For other cases not shown above, the Request is rejected with a <403> status code

9.4.2 Understanding the authentication framework

As a Core REST custom authentication developer, it is assumed that you are familiar
with the following:

• Spring Security 4.x / 3.x

• Maven
• Documentum REST Services Extensibility

The Documentum REST Services authentication framework has a layered and

extensible architecture, as illustrated in the diagram shown below. An individual
authentication scheme in Documentum REST Services is taken as a configuration of
Spring HTTP Security:

392 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development

• Configuration parameters, such as. <>, in the REST rest- file provides the uniform interface for you to choose
which authentication scheme to use at runtime.
• Following the runtime configuration, Spring Security loads the corresponding
configurations from the class-path
• More specifically, Spring security looks for an effective Java or XML
configuration to load a configured authentication scheme.
• There may be multiple authentication scheme implementations deployed to one
server, but only the one that is specified in the runtime properties is used
• Each authentication scheme has its own Java or XML configuration, its own
implementation, and dependent libraries.
• Documentum REST Services provides a common set of security libraries to
facilitate the development of authentication, such as client token integration,
session manager utility, and more.

The authentication flow for a Documentum REST Services authentication scheme is

similar to any typical Spring security authentication flow. The following diagram
shows the flow of a typical authentication:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 393

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility

• When an unauthorized Request arrives, Spring Security examines the Request

and finds a matching security filter to handle the Request
• Within the authentication filter, there is the logic to determine whether or not to
process the Request. This is usually determined by examining the Request
information and the local security context.
• When the authentication filter determines that it should authenticate the Request,
it extracts the Request information into a request token, such as an
Authorization Header, and calls its wired authentication manager to handle
that Request.
• Each authentication manager may have more than one authentication provider.
Each provider calls the persistence authentication manager to authenticate the
Request token
• The persistence authentication manager calls the DFC session manager to
authenticate the user in the Request. For Documentum, the authentication
success is the same as the successful retrieval of the DFC session
• When the token is not supported or authenticated, an unsuccessful
authentication handler handles the error. The handler usually clears the local
security context and delegates to an entry point to return the error Response,
such as a 401 status code
• When the token is authenticated, a successful authentication handler can return
the Response directly or it can continue to delegate it to other filters in the chain
• After a successful authentication, the authenticated token is stored in the local
security context to be used by the controller that handles the business logic of the
Request. For Documentum REST Services, <RepositoryContextHolder> stores the
authenticated user credential during the handling of a request
• After the Request handling finishes, the security context can determine whether
to delete the authenticated token or cache it for a stateful session. The
Documentum REST Services <RepositoryContextHolder> always cleans up the local
security context. This behavior is by design

During the deployment phase, usually you are only required to configure REST
runtime properties in order to enable a specific authentication scheme. For example

394 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development

9.4.3 Authentication extension

The custom authentication scheme provides the same convenience of deployment as
other Core authentication schemes. It is important to follow the Core REST
authentication extension development model when developing a custom
authentication scheme. Similar to Documentum REST Services Extensibility,
authentication extension development requires you to use Documentum REST
Services Archetype to create a sub module for your custom authentication scheme.
After you've created your custom authentication scheme, you must package it as a
dependent library of the Documentum REST Services WAR. The development
lifecycle of a custom authentication scheme is illustrated below:

The amount of work required to develop a custom authentication scheme depends

on third party software used and Documentum dependency support. The following
diagram shows the implementation stack of a custom authentication scheme and
some possible extension points:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 395

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility Customize DFC session manager

The login for Documentum Server requires a DFC session manager, which must be
set up. Documentum REST Services provides an interface called to use for REST
server code that instantiates the DFC session manager. This interface provides the
following IDfSessionManager public method:
public IDfSessionManager get(String repositoryName, String user, Object credential,
AuthType authType)

Depending on the authentication type used, the credentials are different for each
logged in user. By default, the following authentication types are supported:

Authentication Type Description Credential

DEFAULT Default login , same to User password
PASSWORD Password login User password
LOGIN_TICKET Documentum Login Ticket Login ticket in BASE64 string
CAS_PROXY CAS SSO login CAS AttributePrincipal
KERBEROS_TGT Kerberos SSO login Kerberos TGT as binary
PRINCIPAL Documentum Server No credentials
principal login
RSA RSA ClearTrust SSO login RSA token
SITEMINDER CA SiteMinder SSO login SiteMinder token
CUSTOM Preserved for user defined User defined credential

Documentum REST Services provides a default implementation for the interface. The
implementation class is As its
name implies, this class puts the initialized session manager object into server
memory (Ehcache) for reuse. Caching gives it the best performance with
Documentum Server login.

Note: To avoid possible session leaks, the
class never caches the DFC session . It is recommended that you use the default
implementation to initialize DFC sessions.

There are two ways to get the implementation instance:

1. Call MemoryRepositorySessionManager.INSTANCE . The implementation is a

Singleton, so the easiest way to use it is to call its INSTANCE Singleton

396 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development

2. Get it from
You can get the session manager instance by extending from the abstract
provider When to customize

In most cases, you do not need to customize DFC session managers because the
default implementation already has support for most authentication types that are
also supported by Documentum Server. A custom authentication scheme should
first examine the existing authentication types to see whether any of them can be
used for the custom authentication scheme. You can use the CUSTOM authentication
type when none of the default implementations meet your requirements. The default
implementation creates an empty DFC session manager for the authentication type
CUSTOM. You must set up custom identities for the obtained session manager.

Example 9-6: A custom DFC manager

Here's a code sample that shows you a custom DFC manager:

// Get memory repository session manager

RepositorySessionManager repoSessionManager = MemoryRepositorySessionManager.INSTANCE;
IDfSessionManager dfcSessionManager = repoSessionManager.get("ACME", "dave",

// Check whether it is initialized -- if it is not the first time you login

// then it may already be initialized
if (!dfcSessionManager.hasIdentity("ACME")) {
// Set identity
IDfLoginInfo login = new DfLoginInfo();

// This is a dummy password plugin sample -- set a valid password plugin which is
supported by DFC login.setPassword("DM_PLUGIN=dm_custom/" + "5XHR6fTZ==");
dfSessionManager.setIdentity("ACME", login);
} Customize authentication filter, provider, and entry point

Spring Security introduces the concepts of authentication filter, manager, provider,
and entry point. They work together to authenticate a web Request. Here's a
diagram that shows the Spring web security classes:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 397

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility

A custom authentication scheme may directly use an out-of-the-box security filter,

such as a Spring dependency, to authenticate the Request, or it may extend from
third party software. Spring Security provides a number out-of-the-box security
filters. You can also add your own filters. Authentication managers provide the
authentication services for filters. You cannot customize the authentication
managers, but you can register different authentication providers. Each
authentication provider authenticates a specific authentication token. Authentication Provider

Developers often write their own authentication providers, because the provider
must call the Core REST session manager to authenticate the user. Spring Security
provides an interface called AuthenticationProvider, which is used to implement
the provider. Documentum REST Services additionally provides two abstract classes
for extension, the AbstractAuthProvider class and the
AbstractClientTokenAuthProvider class.

• AbstractClientTokenAuthProvider provides methods to call the DFC session

manager to authenticate the user. Extend it when the authentication requires a
Documentum Server login
• AbstractClientTokenAuthProvider provides methods to exchange the
authenticated token with a Client Token. Extend it when authentication success
requires a Documentum Server login, then return a Client Token cookie

398 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development

Example 9-7: The CustomAuthenticationProvider class

public class CustomAuthenticationProvider extends AbstractAuthProvider
implements AuthenticationProvider {
public boolean supports(Class<? extends Object> authentication) {
return UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.class.isAssignableFrom(authentication);
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication)
throws AuthenticationException {
if (authentication == null || Strings.isNullOrEmpty(authentication.getName())) {
throw new UsernameNotFoundException(MessageBundle.INSTANCE

String repositoryId = RepositoryContextHolder.getRepositoryName();

String user = (String) authentication.getPrincipal();
String password = (String) authentication.getCredentials();
IDfSessionManager sm = null;
IDfSession session = null;
try {
sm = memoryRepositorySessionManager.get(repositoryId, user, password,
session = getSession(sm, repositoryId);
Collection<GrantedAuthority> grantedAuthorities = new
grantedAuthorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_USER"));
AbstractAuthenticationToken authorizedToken = new
if (!authorizedToken.isAuthenticated()) {
return authorizedToken;
} catch (DfException e) {
clearCache(repositoryId, user, password, AuthType.PASSWORD);
throw getWrappedException(sm, repositoryId, e);
} finally {

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 399

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility


Example 9-8: The CustomAuthenticationProvider class

public class CustomAuthenticationProvider extends AbstractClientTokenAuthProvider
implements AuthenticationProvider {

public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication)
throws AuthenticationException {
try {
AbstractAuthenticationToken authorizedToken = new
if (clientTokenSupport) {
authorizedToken = produceRestTicketToken(authorizedToken, false, session);
if (!authorizedToken.isAuthenticated()) {
return authorizedToken;
} catch (DfException e) {
} finally {
} Authentication filter

You can extend from an existing third party security filter to create your custom
authentication filter, or you can implement your custom filter by using an abstract
class or interface such as javax.servlet.Filter. Here's a diagram of the filter

400 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development

In the previous section we said that the authentication provider calls the DFC
session manager to login. The session is actually released immediately after the login
success. It is important that your filter implementation have the logic to store and
clear the security context. The security context is used by the resource controller to
obtain the DFC session manager in the following cases:

• When an authentication succeeds, the authentication filter must store the user
credential into RepositoryContextHolder

• When an authentication fails, the authentication filter must clean up the


Example 9-9: Custom security filter

Here's a code sample that shows you how to implement a custom security
// Authenticate the servlet request
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse Response, FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException {
if (!requireHandle(request)) {
chain.doFilter(request, Response);

try {
AuthenticationToken authToken = parseAuthToken(request);
Authentication authResult = authenticationManager.authenticate(authToken);
onSuccessfulAuthentication(request, Response, authResult);
catch (AuthenticationException failed) {

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 401

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility

onUnsuccessfulAuthentication(request, Response, failed);

if (ignoreFailure) {
chain.doFilter(request, Response);
else {
authenticationEntryPoint.commence(request, Response, failed);

chain.doFilter(request, Response);

// success handler
protected void onSuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse Response,
Authentication authResult) throws IOException {

// failure handler
protected void onUnsuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse Response,
AuthenticationException failed) throws IOException {
} Authentication Entry Point

Authentication errors, such as HTTP status 401 for error or status 302 for redirecting,
must be returned to the client in the correct manner. Using an entry point helps to
implement this logic.

An entry point must at least implement the Commence method, and then use that
method to set the Response Header and status, as well as handle the Response body.

Example 9-10: Custom Entry Point

Here is a code sample that shows you a custom authentication entry point:
public void commence(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse Response,
AuthenticationException authException)
throws IOException, ServletException {

402 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development

Response.addHeader(ChallengeConfig.WWW_AUTHENTICATE, getChallenge(request,
AuthSchemes.BASIC.value())); exceptionHandlerExceptionResolver
.resolveException(request, Response, null, authException);
} Documentum client token integration

The custom authentication scheme can integrate with a Documentum Client Token
in a scenario where a successful custom authentication login results in a Documentum
Client Token cookie being sent back in the Response.

After receiving the Response, the REST client can access Documentum REST
Services by using the Client Token cookie for subsequent requests. This approach
avoids having to go through the custom authentication scheme to authenticate the
REST client every time. When a custom authentication is used with a Documentum
Client Token cookie, a log out must be set up. This can be achieved by putting Client
Token filters and a custom authentication filter into an ordered filter chain. Below
are the instructions for the filter sequence:



Custom Authentication Filter for URL pattern /repositories/**



• ClientTokenPreAuthFilter is a Core REST security filter that validates the client

token from the Request cookie Header. It must filter Requests prior to the other
two filters
• Custom authentication filter is the developer implemented authentication filter that
authenticates the client token from the Request and stores a
ClientTokenAuthenticationToken into Spring SecurityContextHolder. The
custom authentication filter must use a provider implementation of
AbstractClientTokenAuthProvider to produce the
ClientTokenAuthenticationToken client token after a successful login.
• ClientTokenPostAuthFilter is the other Core REST security filter that sends back
the Client Token cookie and Headers for the Response after the custom login
succeeds or when the client token must be refreshed

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 403

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility Spring security Java configuration

Spring Security provides Java Configuration and Security Namespace (XML)
Configuration to configure the security filters for the web application. Both
approaches provide the same capabilities for you to configure Spring security.
Documentum REST Services supports both configurations, but the Java
configuration is preferred.

In this section, we introduce the optimized Java configuration for developing new
authentication schemes. Implement web security

For Spring Security Java configuration, you typically implement a specific

authentication scheme by extending a class from WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
and annotating it with @EnableWebSecurity.

You can do the same when implementing a Documentum custom authentication. To

ease the effort required for development, Documentum REST Services provides an
optimized abstraction for you to develop the custom web security in the
documentum-rest-security-core.jar file.

The following diagram shows the flow of web security integration.

404 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development AbstractWebSecurity

Core REST API AbstractWebSecurity extends from Spring

WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and implements the default configuration and
leaves three methods for the implementation to override.

Note: There are two annotations applied to the custom web security:
@AuthSchemeProfile and @Order.

Example 9-11: A custom web security sample

* Custom authentication
@AuthSchemeProfile(schemes = CustomWebSecurity.MODE)
public class CustomWebSecurity extends AbstractWebSecurity {

public static final String MODE = "custom";

protected AuthenticationProvider[] authenticationProviders() {
return new AuthenticationProvider[] { customAuthProvider() };

protected AuthenticationEntryPoint entryPoint() {
return customAuthEntryPoint();

protected void configureSecurityFilters(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.addFilterBefore(customAuthFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);

public CustomAuthFilter customAuthFilter() {
return new CustomAuthFilter(authenticationManagerBean());

public CustomAuthProvider customAuthProvider() {
return CustomAuthProvider();

public CustomAuthEntryPoint customAuthEntryPoint() {
return CustomAuthEntryPoint();

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 405

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility @AuthSchemeProfile

This is a Core REST annotation to name your custom authentication

implementation. It is used, in conjunction with the Spring annotations
@EnableWebSecurity, @Configuration, and @Conditional, to make this class
work as a Spring security configuration. When the annotation is named, you can
enable the authentication scheme at runtime by using the REST runtime properties.
Here is a code sample that shows you how to do this:
@AuthSchemeProfile("custom") --> @Order

Multiple configurations can be enabled for an authentication scheme. When multiple

configurations are enabled for an authentication scheme, the annotation @Order
specifies the order of priority in which the configurations work, relative to each
other. The lower the value, the higher the priority. The number range for @Order is
from 1 to 98 for a custom configuration. All other numbers are reserved. Client token integration

For client token integration, a web security implementation must create multiple
inner classes. One of those inner classes is used to configure the HTTP logout
security. Here is a code sample that shows you how to do this:

Example 9-12: Custom web security sample with client token integration

* Custom + client token authentication.
@AuthSchemeProfile(schemes = CustomCtCtWebSecurity.MODE)
public class CustomCtCtWebSecurity {

public static final String MODE = "custom-ct";

@AuthSchemeProfile(schemes = CustomCtCtWebSecurity.MODE)
public static class CtLogoutWebSecurity extends AbstractLogoutWebSecurity {

@AuthSchemeProfile(schemes = CustomCtCtWebSecurity.MODE)
public static class CustomAndCtWebSecurity extends AbstractWebSecurity {

protected CtAuthBeans ctBeans;

protected AuthenticationProvider[] authenticationProviders() {
return new AuthenticationProvider[] {

protected AuthenticationEntryPoint entryPoint() {
return customEntryPoint();


406 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development

protected void configureSecurityFilters(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

.addFilterBefore(customAuthFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class)
.addFilterAfter(clientTokenPreAuthFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class)

public CustomAuthFilter customAuthFilter() {
return new CustomAuthFilter(authenticationManagerBean());

public CustomAuthProvider customAuthProvider() {
return CustomAuthProvider();

public CustomAuthEntryPoint customAuthEntryPoint() {
return CustomAuthEntryPoint();

public ClientTokenPreAuthFilter clientTokenPreAuthFilter() {
return ctBeans.clientTokenPreAuthFilter(authenticationManagerBean());

public ClientTokenPostAuthFilter clientTokenPostAuthFilter() {
return ctBeans.clientTokenPostAuthFilter();

• The first inner class CtLogoutWebSecurity extends from

AbstractLogoutWebSecurity and does not need any customization. This
configuration handles client token logout. It is annotated with
@AuthSchemeProfile("ct-custom") and @Order(1)

• The second inner class CustomAndCtWebSecurity extends from

AbstractWebSecurity and performs customizations similar to
CustomWebSecurity. This configuration performs custom login with client
token integration. The difference is it must add the client token filters into
its configureSecurityFilters(HttpSecurity http) override method
It is also annotated with the @AuthSchemeProfile("ct-custom")
annotation, but has a lower prioritized order of @Order(2).

Note: Core REST API CtAuthBeans provides client token authentication beans
for you to import into your custom web security configuration.

For client token integration, when the custom authentication filter wants to
send a redirect URI to the Response after a successful authentication, it
must not call the Response redirect directly. Instead, it must pass the
redirected URL to the authenticated token and let the next filter, the

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 407

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility

ClientTokenPostAuthFilter filter, redirect the URI. Otherwise, the

Response does not set the client token cookie correctly.

Example 9-13: Set a client token cookie

Here is a code sample that shows you how to set a client token cookie:
// Delegate to Core ClientTokenPostAuthFilter to do redirect
ClientTokenAuthToken authenticated = (ClientTokenAuthToken)
if (authenticated.isAuthenticated()) {
} Externalize configuration parameters

In a custom authentication configuration, some variables must be externalized so

that they are only specified at runtime, not compile time. You can implement a
runtime property class that imports variables from
This class can be accessed by your implementation classes to import external
runtime variables.

Example 9-14: Runtime properties

* Default custom security runtime properties values.
* Properties set in '' will override the default.
public class CustomRuntime {

* A static place holder to load properties from the file 'rest-api-'.
* @return placeholder configurer
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();

* Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
public String key;

* Property value for ''. Defaults to 3600.
public Integer maxAge;

408 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development Configure runtime properties

In the custom REST war deployment, you can enable the custom authentication
scheme and configure each parameter with the file.

Example 9-15: Runtime properties for custom authentication

set authentication mode (required)

# set realm name

# set Java configuration package (required)

# set other parameters

Note: The runtime property rest.context.config.location requires you to

specify the Java package of the configuration classes that extend from
AbstractWebSecurity or AbstractLogoutWebSecurity. This is a requirement
for Java configuration. Spring security XML configuration

For developers that are more familiar with XML configuration, it is possible to
configure the security in XML. This is not the recommended solution because
additional security extensions in Documentum REST Services are based on Java

For XML configuration, you write the XML file to configure HTTP security for
Documentum custom authentication. The XML file must be packaged with the jar
file. The content of the XML configuration is a Spring <http> configuration and
relevant bean definitions.

For more information on how to configure a custom filter, see the Spring Security
Reference called Adding in Your Own Filters. Write XML configuration

Here is a code sample that shows you the <http> configuration for a custom
authentication sample that is the same as the Java configuration
CustomWebSecurity. It is assumed that the custom file name is rest-api-ct-

Example 9-16: Custom authentication XML configuration sample 1

<!-- import properties -->
<beans:bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config
<beans:property name="locations">

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 409

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility


<!-- HTTP security configuration: custom basic authentication -->

<http use-expressions="true" create-session="never"
<custom-filter ref="customAuthFilter" before="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER"/>
<intercept-url pattern="/repositories/**" access="hasRole('ROLE_USER')"/>
<csrf disabled="true"/>

<!-- filter definition: customized HTTP authentication filter -->

<beans:bean id="customAuthFilter" class="">
<beans:constructor-arg ref="customAuthManager"/>

<!-- authentication manager definition: custom authentication providers -->

<authentication-manager alias="customAuthManager" erase-credentials="false">
<authentication-provider ref="customAuthProvider"/>

<!-- provider definition -->

<beans:bean id="customAuthProvider"

<!-- entry point definition -->

<beans:bean id="customEntryPoint" class="">
<beans:property name="realmName" value="${}"/>

Example 9-17: Custom authentication XML configuration sample 2

Here is an XML code sample of the <http> configuration for the custom
authentication that is the same as the Java configuration
<!-- import properties -->
<beans:bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.
<beans:property name="locations">

<import resource="classpath*:/META-INF/spring/template/rest-api-ct-security"/>

<!-- HTTP security configuration: ct sign out -->

<http use-expressions="true" create-session="never" entry-point-ref="basicEntryPoint"
<custom-filter ref="dctmClientTokenSignOutFilter" position="LOGOUT_FILTER"/>
<intercept-url pattern="/logout" access="ROLE_USER"/>
<csrf disabled="true"/>
<!-- HTTP security configuration: custom basic authentication -->
<http use-expressions="true" create-session="never"
<custom-filter ref="customAuthFilter" before="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER"/>
<custom-filter ref="clientPreTokenFilter" position="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER"/>
<custom-filter ref="clientPostTokenFilter" after="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER"/>
<intercept-url pattern="/repositories/**" access="hasRole('ROLE_USER')"/>

410 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development

<csrf disabled="true"/>

<!-- filter definition: customized HTTP authentication filter -->

<beans:bean id="customAuthFilter" class="">
<beans:constructor-arg ref="customAuthManager"/>

<!-- authentication manager definition: custom authentication providers -->

<authentication-manager alias="customAuthManager" erase-credentials="false">
<authentication-provider ref="customAuthProvider"/>
<authentication-provider ref="clientTokenAuthProvider"/>

<!-- filter definition -->

<beans:bean id="customAuthFilter" class="">
<beans:constructor-arg index="0" name="authenticationManager"

<!-- provider definition -->

<beans:bean id="customAuthProvider" class="
<beans:property name="clientTokenSupport" value="true"/>

<!-- entry point definition -->

<beans:bean id="customEntryPoint" class="">
<beans:property name="realmName" value="${}"/>
<!-- filter definition: Documentum REST Services client token authentication filters -->
<beans:bean id="clientTokenPreFilter" class="
<beans:property name="authenticationManager" ref="customAuthManager"/>
<beans:bean id="clientTokenPostFilter" class="

<!-- filter definition: customized Client Token sign out filter -->
<beans:bean name="dctmClientTokenSignOutFilter"
<beans:constructor-arg index="0" name="logoutSuccessUrl"

Note: The rest-api-ct-security.xml file is imported into the XML file. The
rest-api-ct-security.xml file provides beans for client token
authentication, and it is the same as the CtAuthBeans Java configuration class Configure Security XML Extension

To register your custom authentication configuration XML file into the REST
services, you must update the ${war}/META-INF/spring/extension/rest-api-
custom-security.xml file.

Example 9-18: Modify security extension for custom authentication

<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 411

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility

<!-- Legacy XML configuration for adding custom authentication beans -->
<!-- Adds a custom authentication XML configuration in two steps: -->

<!-- Step 1: Import system default anonymous URL patterns -->

<beans:import resource="rest-api-anonymous-security"/>

<!-- Step 2: Import oauth2 XML configuration file -->

<beans:import resource="classpath*:rest-api-ct-custom-security"/>
</beans:beans> Configure runtime properties

Similar to the Java configuration, in the custom REST war deployment, you can
enable the custom authentication scheme and configure each parameters through

Example 9-19: Modify security extension for custom authentication

# set authentication mode (required)

# set realm name

# set other parameters Packaging artifacts

The packaging process produces a custom authentication jar file that includes all
implemented classes and Spring XML configurations. You can package the jar file
into the Documentum REST Services war file manually or by using the war overlay
of Documentum REST Services Archetype project. Samples
The Documentum REST Services SDK provides two samples that show you how to
build custom authentications. One sample is for a custom login form with a client
token, the other sample is for an OAuth2 login.

Refer to the Documentum REST Services SDK for the sample code.

412 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development

9.4.4 Tutorial: Documentum REST Services authentication

extensibility development
In this section, we discuss how to setup a Maven project to develop a custom
authentication scheme. It is recommended that you create a custom authentication
project based on the Documentum REST Services Archetype.

For more information, see Get Started With the Development Kit.

The project structure for the extended authentication scheme is shown here. In the
following sample we give you the Java configuration, and we name the new
authentication scheme ct-custom.

For XML configuration samples, see the Documentum REST Services SDK.

Example 9-20: Maven project layout

acme-rest (from archetype)
└── acme-rest-custom-security (new)
└── src
└── main
└── java
└── com
└── acme
└── security
└── config
└── entry
└── filter
└── provider
└── resources
└── test
└── java
└── resources
└── pom
└── acme-rest-web (from archetype)
└── src
└── main
└── resources
└── pom
└── pom


This is a new Maven sub module that is added to the Archetype project. It includes
all the Java code and configurations for the custom authentication scheme. The build
output of the module is a jar file.

Example 9-21:

Custom runtime allows you to read custom runtime properties in Java


EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 413

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility

* Default custom security runtime properties values.
* Properties set in '' will override the default.
public class CustomRuntime {

* A static place holder to load properties from the file 'rest-api-'.
* @return placeholder configurer
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();

* Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
public String key;

Follow the instructions in Java Configuration to implement custom Web Security.

The CustomWebSecurity sample code shows the logic to implement multiple HTTP
security for an authentication scheme.

Follow the instructions in “Authentication Entry Point” on page 402 to write the
CustomEntryPoint code. HTTP status 401 and 302 are the most often used codes to
indicate an authentication failure.

• According to RFC 7235, when an HTTP status 401 is used, a response Header
WWW-Authenticate <challenge> should also be returned.
The authentication exception must be transformed into an XML or JSON error.
You can access Spring resolver org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.
method.annotation.ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver into the
CustomEntryPoint class to resolve the authentication exception in the servlet
For more information, see the sample code at “Authentication Entry Point”
on page 402.
• When an HTTP status 302 is used to indicate a user login failure, the user must
be redirected to a login page or the other authentication service. Here is a code
sample that shows HTTP redirection:

414 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development

Example 9-22: HTTP Redirection on Login Failure

public void commence(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse Response,
AuthenticationException authException)
throws IOException, ServletException {
if (Response.isCommitted()) {
// use Spring redirect strategy
new DefaultRedirectStrategy().sendRedirect(request, Response, "

Follow “Authentication filter” on page 400 to write the CustomAuthFilter code.

Follow the instructions at “Authentication Provider” on page 398 to write the

CustomClientTokenAuthProvider code.

An authentication provider does two jobs:

• Authenticate the user with DFC session manager

• Produce and return an authenticated token

To view a code sample, see “Authentication Provider” on page 398.

Client Token Support

When a custom authentication scheme is used with a Documentum Client Token

cookie, the provider must return the authenticated token as a
ClientTokenAuthToken token.

Example 9-23: Example of Custom Authentication Provider

public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication)
throws AuthenticationException {
if (authentication == null || Strings.isNullOrEmpty(authentication.getName())) {
throw new UsernameNotFoundException(MessageBundle

String repositoryId = RepositoryContextHolder.getRepositoryName();

String user = (String) authentication.getPrincipal();
String password = (String) authentication.getCredentials();
IDfSessionManager sm = null;
IDfSession session = null;
try {
sm = memoryRepositorySessionManager.get(repositoryId, user, password,

session = getSession(sm, repositoryId);

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 415

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility

grantedAuthorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();

grantedAuthorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_USER"));
AbstractAuthenticationToken authorizedToken =
new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
// ClientTokenAuthToken is produced
if (clientTokenSupport) {
authorizedToken = produceRestTicketToken(authorizedToken, false, session);
if (!authorizedToken.isAuthenticated()) {
return authorizedToken;
} catch (DfException e) {
clearCache(repositoryId, user, password, AuthType.PASSWORD);
throw getWrappedException(sm, repositoryId, e);
} finally {

pom.xml (custom-security)

The custom authentication scheme module must add dependencies on both Core
REST Security and Spring Security. Here is a code sample that shows you the
minimal dependencies.

Example 9-24: Custom Authentication Scheme Pom



416 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

9.4. Custom authentication development

It is the existing Maven sub module in the Archetype project. Its purpose is to
overwrite the WAR packaging and settings in the extended REST Services. So after
resources files are put into the module location, the files overwrite the default files in
the same location within the WAR file.

Follow the instructions in “Configure runtime properties” on page 409 to set the
runtime properties for the custom authentication scheme. During the build of the
web module, this file overwrites the default (empty) REST Runtime Properties file in
the WAR file.

Example 9-25: Runtime Properties for Custom Authentication

# set authentication mode (required)

# set realm name

# set Java configuration package (required)

pom.xml (web)

The web module must adds dependency for the module acme-rest-custom-
security and the custom authentication jar file packages everything into the WAR
file. Here is a code sample that shows you the pom file:

Example 9-26: Web module POM

<project xmlns=""

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 417

Chapter 9 Authentication extensibility

<excludes />

<!-- other new dependencies -->

pom.xml (root)

This is the Archetype project's root module. It must add acme-rest-custom-

security as a sub module. Here is a code sample that shows you the root pom file:

Example 9-27: The root POM

<project xmlns=""
<!-- other sub modules -->

418 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

Chapter 10
Advanced security configuration

This section contains configurations for advanced security configuration items and
features, such as Default Security Headers, Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection
with Client token, Request Sanitization, and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing or (CORS).

10.1 Default security Headers

Documentum REST Services version 7.3 and later provides the following configurable
security defaults to help protect your REST services:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 419

Chapter 10 Advanced security configuration

Vulnerability Solution Runtime Properties Defaults

Strict Transport Add the Strict
Security Transport Security Specifies whether to Strict
Misconfiguration Response Header. disable the Strict- -Transport-Security:
RFC 6797 provides Transport-Security max-age=
more details. header. When false, 31536000 ;
the HTTP Strict includeSub
Transport Security Domains
is enabled when the
network protocol is
HTTPS and the
Response adds the
following header:
- Strict-Transport-
Security: max-
age=31536000 ;
For more
information, see
IETF Tools website.
Defaults to false.

Specifies whether to
include sub domains
for the Strict-
header. When true,
sub domains should be
considered HSTS
For more
information, see
IETF Tools website
for defaults to true.

Specifies the value

(in seconds) for the
max-age directive of
the Strict-Transport-
Security header.
For more
information, see
IETF Tools website.
Defaults to one year.

420 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

10.1. Default security Headers

Vulnerability Solution Runtime Properties Defaults

Cacheable HTTPS Add Cache-Control ,
Response Pragma, Expires Specifies whether to Cache
Header disable the Cache- -Control:
Control header. When no-cache,
false, the Response no-store,
adds the following max-age=0,
headers: must-revalidate
- Cache-Control: no- Pragma: no-cache
cache, no-store, max- Expires: 0
age=0, must-
- Pragma: no-cache
- Expires: 0
Defaults to false.

Content Sniffing Not Add Content-Type-

Disabled Options Header Specifies whether to X-Content-Type-
disable the X- Options: nosniff
header. When false,
the Response adds
the following header:
- X-Content-Type-
Options: nosniff
For more
information, see
MSDN on Microsoft
website. Defaults to

Missing Cross-Frame Add X-Frame-

Scripting Protection Options Header Specifies whether to X-Frame-Options: DENY
disable the X-Frame-
Options header. When
false, the Response
adds the following
- X-Frame-Options:
For more
information, see
Mozilla website.
Defaults to false.

Specifies the X-
policy. Allowed
values are DENY and
Defaults to DENY.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 421

Chapter 10 Advanced security configuration

Vulnerability Solution Runtime Properties Defaults

Browser Cross-Site Add X-XSS-
Scripting Filter Protection Header Specifies whether to X-XSS
Misconfiguration disable the X-XSS- -Protection:
Protection header. 1; mode=
When false, the block
Response adds the
following header:
- X-XSS-Protection:
1; mode=block
For more
information, see
MSDN blog
Defaults to false.

Specifies whether to
enable X-XSS-
explicitly. When
true, the Response
adds the following
- X-XSS-Protection:
When false, the
Response adds the
following header:
- X-XSS-Protection:
Defaults to true.

Specifies whether to
set block mode for
the X-XSS-Protection
header. When true,
the Response adds
the block mode to the
- X-XSS-Protection:
1; mode=block
When false, the
Response does not
adds a mode.
Defaults to true.

422 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

10.2. CSRF Protection

10.2 CSRF Protection

Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack by a malicious Web site, email, blog,
instant message, or application. The attacker uses a visitor's Web browser and
authentication credentials to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site that the
user is visiting.

Documentum REST Services supports CSRF protection using a Client Token cookie
for ticked sign on, and this functionality can be integrated with CAS, Kerberos, or a
custom SSO.

The CSRF token is used to protect the Documentum Client Token cookie. The client
must provide the token in a request, and the server validates the token provided.
When validation fails, the server returns a response with a 403 (Permission Denied)
HTTP status code. This can still occur even when the initial authentication succeeds.

10.2.1 Enabling CSRF Protection

When CSRF protection is enabled, the server requires the Client to send a Client
Token cookie together with the CSRF token to validate a user login. Since a CSRF
attack is considered to be a severe security issue, Documentum REST Services since
7.3 enables CSRF by default. This means that a REST client that authenticates with
Client Token cookies against older REST servers does not work against a new REST
server, unless the REST client implements CSRF protection. Documentum REST
Services runtime properties provide a configuration parameter that you can use to
enable or disable CSRF protection. Here a code sample showing you how to disable
CSRF protection in the in file:
// Disable CSRF protection for Client Token cookie.
// Its default value is true.

10.2.2 Generating a Token

Documentum REST Services uses the Synchronizer Token Pattern to protect the Client
Token cookie. A CSRF token must be generated either by the Client or by the Server.
Documentum REST Services runtime properties provides two ways to generate a

1. Using the Client - In authentication schemes that use a Client Token cookie, the
Client sends a defined CSRF token and parameter names to the REST server
during the initial authentication (Basic, SSO, etc.) phase. The REST server sends
back a Client Token cookie that all future requests, that authenticate with Client
Token cookie, must use in their Request Header or Request query parameter
2. Using the Server - In the authentication schemes that use a Client Token cookie,
when clients pass the initial authentication (Basic, SSO, etc.) phase, the REST
server sends back a Client Token cookie together with a CSRF token in the
Response Headers. All subsequent requests that authenticate with a Client
Token cookie must provide the CSRF token together with the Client Token
cookie, either in the Request Header or in the Request query parameter

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 423

Chapter 10 Advanced security configuration Generating a Client-side Token Initial Authentication

In client-side CSRF token generation, the client must send a CSRF token and
parameters in the initial authentication phase. Here's some code sample that shows a
client sign on and server Response:
// Client sign on
GET /dctm-rest/repositories/REPO HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZA==

// Server Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json
Set-Cookie: DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN="ACa/0u...W58="; ...; HttpOnly


Note the following items in the Response Headers:

• DOCUMENTUM-CSRF-HEADER-NAME: This Header tells the client in which

Request Header it should pass to the CSRF token
• DOCUMENTUM-CSRF-QUERY-NAME: This Header tells the client which
Request query parameter contains the CSRF token
• DOCUMENTUM-CSRF-TOKEN: This Header specifies the CSRF token and is

The Request must send the CSRF token together with the Client Token cookie for
authentication. When both Header and query are specified, the client can choose
either the Header or the query to carry the CSRF token. More information is
available in the Token Validation section below. Runtime Configuration

Here's a code sample that shows you the token generation method:
# Specifies the token generation method; defaults to 'server'

424 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

10.2. CSRF Protection Errors for Incomplete Authentication

When the CSRF token is generated by the client, the initial authentication Request
must not provide CSRF token and parameters. When the authentication Request
does not provide the CSRF token or one of the CSRF parameter, the server fails to
authenticate with the following Response status:

• Bad Request (400)

– E_LACK_OF_CSRF_KEY_DEFINITION Generating a Server-side Token Initial Authentication

Generating a server-side token is the default CSRF token generation method. The
initial authentication request remains the same as before, but the Response has a
CSRF token and parameters send back to the client.
// Client sign on
GET /dctm-rest/repositories/REPO HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZA==

// Server Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json
Set-Cookie: DOCUMENTUM-CLIENT-TOKEN="ACa/0u...W58="; ...; HttpOnly

// ...

Note the following items in the Response Headers:

• Set-Cookie: This is the Documentum Client Token cookie

• DOCUMENTUM-CSRF-HEADER-NAME: This Header tells the client in which
Request Header it should pass to the CSRF token
• DOCUMENTUM-CSRF-QUERY-NAME: This Header tells the client which
Request query parameter contains the CSRF token
• DOCUMENTUM-CSRF-TOKEN: This Header specifies the CSRF token and is

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 425

Chapter 10 Advanced security configuration Token Lifetime

When the CSRF token is generated on the server side, the CSRF token and the Client
Token cookie are generated at the same time, which means that the CSRF token
lifetime is same as the Client Token lifetime. Each time a new Client Token cookie is
sent back to the client, the client must reset the CSRF token by parsing the Response
Header. Runtime Configuration

Documentum REST Services runtime properties provides configurations for server

side token generation. Here's a code sample that shows the runtime properties:
# Specifies the token generation method; defaults to 'server'

# Specifies {csrfHeaderName} for 'server' token generation; defaults to 'DOCUMENTUM-CSRF-


# Specifies {csrfQueryName} for 'server' token generation; defaults to 'csrf-token'

# Specifies the 'server' generated CSRF token length in bits; defaults to 256

The REST server uses the same random algorithm as the Client Token to produce the
CSRF token for server-side CSRF token generation. It can be customized using the
following runtime property, which affect the Client Token encryption.

10.2.3 Token Validation

Here's a code sample that shows the CSRF protection token in the Request Headers:

Example 10-1: A token Request in a request Header

// Client request with the CSRF protection token in the Request headers. This sample
// assumes that 'DOCUMENTUM-CSRF-TOKEN' is set as the CSRF token header name
GET /dctm-rest/repositories/REPO HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)

// Server Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json


Here's a code sample that shows a client request with CSRF protection in its query

426 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

10.3. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support

Example 10-2: A token request in a query parameter

// Client request with the CSRF protection token in the query parameters
// this sample assumes 'csrf-token' is set as the CSRF token query parameter name
GET /dctm-rest/repositories/REPO?csrf-token={urlEncodedCsRfTokenValue} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)

// Server Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json

//... Errors for Validation

When the CSRF token is not validated, the REST server sends the HTTP 403
Response status shown here:

• Forbidden (403)



10.2.4 HTTP Inspection Method

The REST server can determine which HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
require CSRF token validation. By default,GET does not required CSRF token
validation. This can be customized using runtime properties as shown in the
following code sample:
// Used to specify which HTTP methods required CSRF protection; defaults to

10.3 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support

The Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) specification defines a mechanism to
enable client-side cross-origin requests. Specifications that enable an API to make
cross-origin requests to resources can use the algorithms defined by this

For example, when an API is used on resources, a resource

on can be made to use the mechanism described by
the CORS specification by setting
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: in the Response Header.
This mechanism retrieves the resource cross-origin from

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 427

Chapter 10 Advanced security configuration

10.3.1 Enable REST Server CORS support

You can enable REST server CORS support by configuring the REST API Runtime
Properties file. Set the value of the rest.cors.enabled=true configuration
property to enable CORS support.

Example 10-3: CORS configurations

#Whether or not cross origin resource sharing support is enabled.

#The default value is false.

#The origins that are allowed to share.

#When you want enable an origin to share, set the value to *.
#When more than one origin exists, the value should be seperated by a comma.
#For example,,
#The default value *.*

#The HTTP methods allowed to be shared.

#The value should be in uppercase, and seperated by a comma.
#The default value is: *

#The HTTP headers allowed to be sent.

#The value should be seperated by a comma.
#The default value is '*', which means that all headers are allowed.

#Whether to allow user credentials

#The default value is true

#The headers that are safe to expose to the API.

#The values are seperated by a comma.
#Simple headers are exposed by the CORS specification, and need not be set:
#Cache-Control, Content-Language, Content-Type, Expires, Last-Modified, Pragma.
#The Location header is added by default.

#The amount of time (in seconds) that the results of a preflight request
#can be cached.
#The value is in seconds and the default is 3600 (1 hour).

10.4 Request sanitization

Stored Cross-Site Scripting allows for the permanent injection of JavaScript code.
This is a security vulnerability because this JavaScript code can result in the theft of
user sessions. Request sanitization cleans up user input to secure against this

Request sanitization looks at two parts of the input:

• The input object metadata

• The input HTML content

428 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

10.4. Request sanitization

10.4.1 Third Party Libraries

We used a third party library called <OWASP AntiSamy>. The <OWASP AntiSamy>
library provides the java api, which is used to sanitize an input string. When
found, a suspicious script is removed from the input string. The library also
provides policies that can be used to configure sanitization.

10.4.2 Sanitize the Input Object Metadata

Here's a sample that shows you how a malicious script might be added while
creating a document:

Example 10-4: XML Script Injection Sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The<script>alert("I shouldn't be here!")</script>Document

Example 10-5: JSON Script Injection Sample

"name" : "document",
"type" : "dm_document",
"properties" : {
"object_name" : "The<script>alert('I shouldn't be here!')</script>Document",

After sanitization, the metadata becomes:

Example 10-6: XML Sanitized Metadata

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Example 10-7: JSON Sanitized Metadata

"name" : "document",
"type" : "dm_document",
"properties" : {
"object_name" : "TheDocument",

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 429

Chapter 10 Advanced security configuration


The metadata sanitization is combined with the Documentum REST Services

marshalling framework by Java annotations. When the input metadata is custom
processed, the sanitization should be called manually.

You can use the rest.sanitize.type.metadata configuration setting, which is

found in the runtime properties file, to control whether the metadata for all objects is
sanitized .
# Determines whether to sanitize the metadata of an object.
# The sanitize will modify the metadata (remove the suspicious part).
# The default value is false.

When model field have special behavior against the global configuration, the
@SanitizeConfig annotation can be used in the following two use cases:

• When metadata is supposed to be saved with XML, or a legitimate script, etc.

After the metadata has been sanitized the script and other XML elements may be
inadvertently removed. To avoid the removal of legitimate content, set the
annotation @SanitizeConfig with <skipSanitize=true>. This value causes the
annotated field to be skipped during the sanitization process while deserializing.
Here's an example that shows you how to use the @SanitizeConfig annotation:
public class MyModel {
private String notSanitized;

• When a specific field always requires sanitizing in spite of the global

configuration, that field must be annotated with the @SanitizeConfig
annotation with the value <enforceSanitize=true>. Regardless of the configuration,
that field is always sanitized.
Here's an example that shows you how to use this annotation:
public class MyModel {
private String mustBeSanitized;

430 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

10.4. Request sanitization

10.4.3 Sanitize the Input HTML content

When performing the following operations, the content may be sanitized according
the configurations:

• While importing the content (folder child objects/documents resources)

• While creating the primary content/renditions (contents resource)
• While checking in the content (versions resource)

You can configure whether to sanitize content, and for what kind of content format
(<dm_format>) . By default, only HTML and <put_html> are sanitized.

To sanitize content, it must be loaded into memory, and converted into a readable
string. When loaded into memory, there is one configuration to set the maximum
content size to be loaded. When the content is larger than the set size, the content is
not sanitized.

Note: When converting the content into a readable string, the charset of the
content is required.

There is one new query parameter called content-charset that is added to the
resources mentioned. This parameter tells the server how to parse the content. When
the content-charset is not provided, the REST server tries to get metadata
information from the content itself.

When the metadata has a valid charset, is used to sanitize the content. When neither
content-charset parameter, nor metadata information can be found, the
configuration default charset is used.

Note: When the charset and the content do not match, then the uploaded
content may have incorrect encoded values.

10.4.4 Configurations
# Determines whether to sanitize the metadata of an object.
# The sanitize will modify the metadata (remove the suspicious part).
# The default value is false.

# Determines whether to sanitize the content of an html.

# The sanitize will modify the content (remove the suspicious part).
# The default value is false.

# Set the max size of the content which will be sanitized.

# If the content size is larger than the max size, it will not be sanitized.
# The value is in bytes.
# The default value is 500K bytes.

# Set the default html content charset/encoding.

# When sanitizing the input html content, the charset is determined by the following
# 1. the Request parameter content-charset

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 431

Chapter 10 Advanced security configuration

# 2. try to get the charset from html meta info

# 3. both 1 and 2 failed, then use this default charset to sanitize the html content

# Specifies the content formats which will be sanitized.

# Only the formats in this list will be sanitized.
# The formats in the list should be seperated by ','.
# The format names refer to dm_format.

10.4.5 Customize the AntiSamy Policy Files

When you want to use customized AntiSamy policy files instead of the default
policy files, you can create policy files under the WEB-INF\classes directory. This is
the same directory where the file is located.

You can create a rest-antisamy-html.xml file to define the policy for sanitization
of file content, and rest-antisamy-string.xml to customize the object metadata
sanitization policy.

There are two sample policy files provided:

• rest-antisamy-html.sample.xml
• rest-antisamy-string.sample.xml

You can create one or both of these files to customize your sanitization policy. When
a custom policy file is provided, the system default policy file that would normally
be used is ignored.

432 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

Chapter 11
Explore Documentum REST Services

This section provides a sample that guides you through some of the basic concepts
and tasks that you can do in Documentum REST Services. The sample focuses on
common tasks involving folders, documents, and contents. By exploring the sample,
you will become familiar with the following tasks:

• Navigating to a repository from the service node

• Navigating to a cabinet in the repository
• Using the pagination feature in a folder
• Creating a document under a folder
• Adding content to a document
• Deleting a document
• Creating a document with content with a single Request


• This sample uses the JSON representation.

• Documentum REST Services is assumed to be deployed on localhost:8080

11.1 Prerequisites
• The web browser must be able to render the JSON representation automatically
• The web browser must have a REST client plug-in installed.

11.2 Common tasks on folders, documents, and

Follow these steps after you deploy Documentum REST Services:

1. Type the following URL in your web browser to navigate to the service node
(Home Document).
The service node contains a list of the available services.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

"": {

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 433

Chapter 11 Explore Documentum REST Services

"href": "",
"hints": {
"allow": [
"representations": [
"about": {
"href": "",
"hints": {
"allow": ["GET"],
"representations": [

Typically, you will see the resources service as the first node of services. In the
link relation, note the
URI to the repositories resource that resembles the following:

2. Click the repositories link you got from step 1 to navigate to the list of all
available repositories. Explore the output, and note the information in the
entries element.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

"id": "",
"title": "Repositories",
"updated": "2013-05-22T14:41:29.672+08:00",
"name": "OpenText Documentum"
"total": 2,
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
"id": "",
"title": "acme01",
"content-type": "application/json",
"src": ""

434 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

11.2. Common tasks on folders, documents, and contents

"rel": "edit",
"href": ""
"id": "",
"title": "acme02",
"content-type": "application/json",
"src": ""
"rel": "edit",
"href": ""

3. Click the href link of the edit link relation of a repository in the entries
element to retrieve the details of the repository. Enter your credentials if you are
prompted for authentication.
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZ

You will get an output that resembles the following:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

"id": 1234,
"name": "acme01",
"servers": [
"name": "acme01",
"host": "CS70_Main",
"version": "7.2.0000.0000Win64.SQLServer",
"docbroker": "CS70_Main"
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"rel": "",
"rel": "",
"rel": "",
"rel": "",

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 435

Chapter 11 Explore Documentum REST Services

"rel": "",
"rel": "",
"rel": "",
"rel": "",
"rel": "",
"rel": "",
"rel": "",

By clicking the link relations in the links element, you can drill down various
resources in the repository.
4. By clicking the link relation
in the links element, you can navigate to the list of all available cabinets.
Explore the output, and note the information in the entries element.

Note: You can set the inline parameter to true, and this retrieves the
entire content of each entry in the collection. In the following output, the
inline parameter uses the default value false so that content of an entry
only contains content-type and src.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

"id": "",
"title": "Cabinets",
"updated": "2013-05-22T14:55:24.594+08:00",
"author": [
"name": "OpenText Documentum"}
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ""}
"entries": [

436 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

11.2. Common tasks on folders, documents, and contents

"id": "
"title": "dmadmin",
"updated": "2012-10-15T23:31:27.000+08:00",
"author": [
"name": "dmadmin",
"content": {
"content-type": "application/json",
"links": [
"rel": "edit",
"title": "Temp",
"updated": "2012-10-15T15:27:31.000+08:00",
"author": [
"name": "acme01",
"content": {
"content-type": "application/json",
"links": [
"rel": "edit",

5. Click the src link in the content element of a cabinet in the entries element to
retrieve the details of the cabinet. You will get an output that resembles the
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

"name": "object",
"type": "dm_cabinet",
"r_object_id": "0c0004d280000107",
"object_name": "Temp",
"r_object_type": "dm_cabinet",
"title": "Temporary Object Cabinet",

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 437

Chapter 11 Explore Documentum REST Services

"rel": "self",
"rel": "edit",
"rel": "",
"rel": "canonical",
"rel": "",
"rel": "",
"rel": "",
"rel": "",
"rel": "",

By clicking the link relations in the links element, you can drill down various
resources in the cabinet.
6. Click the href link of link relation
folders of the cabinet to retrieve the details of the child folders under the
cabinet. You will get an output that resembles the following:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

"id": "
"title": "Folders under folder 0c0004d280000107",
"updated": "2013-05-22T15:07:54.156+08:00",
"author": [{"name": "OpenText Documentum"}],
"page": 1,
"items-per-page": 100,

438 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

11.2. Common tasks on folders, documents, and contents

"rel": "self",
"href": "
"rel": "next",
"href": "
"rel": "first",
"href": "
"id": "
"title": "REST-API-TEST-FOLDER43fd1f60-fc9a-4402-9aca-30d86ab9f4b4",
"updated": "2013-05-22T15:07:39.000+08:00",
"name": "dave","uri": "
"content-type": "application/json",
"src": "
"rel": "edit","href": "
"id": "
"title": "REST-API-TEST-FOLDERa0cb9000-2b85-47ea-a427-9108a43c5097",
"updated": "2013-05-22T15:07:39.000+08:00",
"name": "dave","uri": "
"content-type": "application/json",
"src": "
"rel": "edit", "href": "

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 439

Chapter 11 Explore Documentum REST Services


Click the href link in the next link relation to navigate to the next page.
7. Click the href link of the edit link relation of a folder in the entries element to
retrieve the details of the folder.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

"name": "folder",
"type": "dm_folder",
"definition": "
"r_object_id": "0b0004d280009646",
"object_name": "REST-API-TEST-FOLDER43fd1f60-fc9a-4402-9aca-30d86ab9f4b4",
"r_object_type": "dm_folder",
"rel": "self",
"rel": "edit",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"rel": "",
"href": "
"rel": "parent",
"title": "0c0004d280000107",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"href": "

440 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

11.2. Common tasks on folders, documents, and contents

"rel": "",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"href": "

In the output you received from step 7, click the href link in the http:// link relation to navigate to the list
of available documents in this folder. You will notice that the structure of the
Documents resource is similar to that of the Folders resource.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

"id": "
"title": "Documents under folder 0b0004d280009646",
"updated": "2013-05-22T15:18:41.844+08:00",
"author": [{
"name": "OpenText Documentum"
"links": [{
"rel": "self",
"href": "
"entries": [{
"id": "
"title": "REST-API-TEST-DOC",
"updated": "2013-05-22T15:07:39.000+08:00",
"author": [{
"name": "dave",
"uri": "
"content": {
"content-type": "application/json",
"src": "
"links": [{
"rel": "edit",
"href": "

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 441

Chapter 11 Explore Documentum REST Services

8. Send a POST Request to create a document under the folder with the following

• Set the URL to the href link in the documents link relation you got in step 7.
• Set the content type to application/vnd.emc.documentum+json
• Enter the following data in the Request body:

• Set the method to POST, and then send the Request.

Note: The detailed steps may vary depending on the tool you use to send
the Request.

You will receive an HTTP 201 Created status upon a successful document
creation. Also, you will receive the URI pointing to the document in the
Location Header of the Response body. Enter this URI in the web browser to
navigate to the newly-created document. The output resembles the following:
HTTP/1.1 201 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

"name": "document",
"type": "dm_document",
"definition": "
"properties": {
"r_object_id": "090004d280009894",
"object_name": "Vienna",
"r_object_type": "dm_document",
"links": [
{"rel": "self",
"href": "
{"rel": "edit",
"href": "
{"rel": "",
"href": "
{"rel": "",
"href": "
{"rel": "parent",
"title": "0b0004d280009646",
"href": "
{"rel": "",
"href": "
{"rel": "contents",
"href": "
{"rel": "",

442 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

11.2. Common tasks on folders, documents, and contents

"href": "
{"rel": "",
"href": "
{"rel": "version-history",
"href": "
{"rel": "",
"href": "
{"rel": "",
"href": "

9. Send a POST request to create a content for this document with the following

• Set the URL to the href link in the contents link relation you got in step 8.
• If the plug-in allows you to set the Request body from a local file, select the
local Content Media that you want to import, and then set the corresponding
content type.
If the plug-in does not allow you to set the Request body from a local file,
input the content file binary to the Request body, and then set the
corresponding value for the content type.
If the plug-in does not allow you to set the Request body from a local file,
input the content file binary to the Request body, and then set the
corresponding value for the content type. For example:
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZ
Content-Type: text/plain

a test string content: hello, rester!

• Set the method to POST, and then send the Request.

Note: The detailed steps may vary depending on the tool you use to send
the Request.

You will receive anHTTP 201 Created status upon a successful content creation.
HTTP/1.1 201 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

"name": "content",
"properties": {
"r_object_id": "060004d280004a5f",
"rendition": 0,

"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 443

Chapter 11 Explore Documentum REST Services

"rel": "",
"title": "ACS",
"href": "
"rel": "parent",
"href": "

Click the href link of the link relation

linkrel/content-media to open the imported content.

Note: The ACS link may have been URL encoded.

HTTP/1.1 201 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 07:38:52 GMT
ETag: W/"38-1369207790346"
Expires: 0
Last-Modified: Wed, 22 May 2013 07:29:50 GMT

a test string content: hello, rester!

10. Send a DELETE request to delete the document with the following configuration:

• Set the URL to the URI pointing to the document you got in step 8
• Set the method to DELETE, and then send the Request.
Authorization: Basic ZG1hZG1pbjpwYXNzd29yZ

Note: The detailed steps may vary depending on the tool you use to send
the Request.

You will receive an HTTP 204 No Content status upon a successful deletion.

444 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

11.3. Create a document and content with two Requests

11.3 Create a document and content with two

Tip: All of our code samples assume that you are using your own REST client
to formulate the REST Requests and consume the Responses from the REST

If your REST client does not support the use of a POST multipart HTTP Request, then
you can use a two HTTP Requests to create a document and then to add content to
it. Let’s examine these two steps. First, you must create a contentless document
under the folder:

Example 11-1: Create a contentless document

Accept: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json
Content-Type: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json
"properties": {
"r_object_type": "dm_document",
"object_name": "readmeNoContent.txt"

Second, you must create the new primary content under the document contents
feed. To do this, follow the contents link relation for the document resource. Here
is a code sample to illustrate this point:

Example 11-2: Create primary content

Content-Type: text/plain

Hello REST Services!!

The resulting Response from the REST server returns a content metadata
resource for the newly create content. Here is a code sample that shows you the
Response content metadata:
"name": "content",
"properties": {
"r_object_id": "0600000180015710",
"rendition": 0,
"parent_count": 1,
"content_size": 15,
"full_format": "atd",
"format": "2700000180000215",
"encoding": "",
"set_time": "2018-10-22T07:57:41.000+00:00",
"full_content_size": 15,
"links": [

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 445

Chapter 11 Explore Documentum REST Services

"rel": "self",
"href": "
"rel": "enclosure",
"title": "ACS",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"title": "ACS",
"href": "
"rel": "parent",
"href": "

The content metadata resource contains both metadata and the media links of the

In the above code sample, note that the format of the content is set to atd according
to its mime type, which is text/plain. This is the case because of one of the
mappings between mime types and formats in the Documentum Server format

When the format is not explicitly set by the REST client, the REST server picks up the
default format for the mime type by name (in ascending order). You can customize
the preferred format name in two ways:

• Append a URI query parameter, such as format=<YOUR_PREFERRED_FORMAT_

NAME>, to the contents feed URI of the POST Request

• Update the REST server runtime properties file to specify the default mime-to-
format mapping in the dctm-rest.war/WEB-INF/classes/rest-api-runtime.
properties file. Here is a code sample that shows you how to do that:

# [repositoryName].[mime_type]=[format], support wildcard repository name


446 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

11.3. Create a document and content with two Requests

11.3.1 Creating a rendition

In addition to primary content, you can also create renditions within the same
contents feed. Here is a code sample that shows you the POST Request to do this.

Example 11-3: POST Request to create a rendition

To create a rendition, you must explicitly specify the format name, page
number, or page modifier. In addition to this, when you create a rendition, it is
mandatory to set primary=false. Here is a code sample to illustrate the above
items, the primary property is shown in bold:
Accept: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json
Content-Type: text/plain

Hello REST rendition!

The REST server returns the following rendition. Note that the property
"rendition": 2 means that this content is in fact a rendition. It is shown in
bold in the properties section below:
"name": "content",
"properties": {
"r_object_id": "0600000180015711",
"rendition": 2,
"parent_count": 1,
"content_size": 29,
"full_format": "crtext",
"format": "270000018000011b",
"parent_id": [
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "
"rel": "enclosure",
"title": "ACS",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"title": "ACS",
"href": "
"rel": "parent",
"href": "

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 447

Chapter 11 Explore Documentum REST Services


11.4 Creating a document and content with a single

When your REST client supports the use of POST multipart HTTP Requests, then use
a single multipart HTTP Request to create a document and add content to it in
Documentum REST Services. Proceeding with this in mind, here are the steps to
create a contentful document, that includes properties and primary content:

Create a contentful document

• Using your REST client, POST a multipart HTTP Request to the feed to create a
contentful document directly with both properties and primary content. Here is
a code sample to illustrate the POST Request. The important parts are shown in

Example 11-4: JSON Multipart HTTP POST Request

Accept: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="object"

"r_object_type": "dm_document",
"object_name": "readme.txt"


Content-Disposition: form-data; name="content"; filename=""

Content-Type: text/plain

the content

The above Request creates a new document resource with content. Within
the new document resource you will find two important link relations:

• contents

The above two link relations, shown in bold in the following code sample,
are critical because they point to the contents feed and the primary content
of the newly created document.

448 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

11.5. Updating content or renditions

HTTP 201 Created

Content-Type: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json;charset=UTF-8
"name": "document",
"type": "dm_document",
"links": [
"rel": "contents",
"href": "
"rel": "",
"href": "

The contentful document has now been fully created with a single multipart POST
HTTP Request.

11.5 Updating content or renditions

To update an existing content or rendition, create a POST Request in the content feed
with the binary of the new content or rendition. In the URI of the contents feed, you
must specify the format, page number, and page modifier to update. Then you must
set the overwrite=true parameter. Here is a code to illustrate this:

Example 11-5: Update a piece of content or a rendition

Accept: application/vnd.emc.documentum+json
Content-Type: text/plain

Hello REST, this is a rendition update!!

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 449

Chapter 11 Explore Documentum REST Services

11.6 Deleting content or renditions

To delete an existing piece of content, such as a file, or a rendition, use the DELETE
HTTP Request on the self link relation of the content or rendition resource.

Here is a code sample that shows you how to use the DELETE Request on the self
link relation:

Example 11-6: A DELETE Request on the self link relation


450 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

Chapter 12

Tutorial: Consume REST services programmatically

This tutorial provides you with information on how to navigate collection

hierarchies, read documents, and add documents in Python, using the Requests
library for HTTP Requests and a JSON representation of resources.

Note: Documentum REST Services is programming language independent.

You can use other languages to consume REST Services as well. In this tutorial
we happen to use JSON and Python.

12.1 Basic navigation

Documentum REST Services has a rich hierarchy as follows:

• Documentum REST Services starts with the service node as the root
• The service node contains a set of repositories.
• Each repository contains a set of cabinets or folders.
• Either folders or cabinets can contain documents or sysobjects
• A document contains metadata, and can contain a primary content and multiple

The Documentum REST Services allows clients to traverse these structures using
navigation or queries. The following code enables you to navigate from the service
entry point to a repository named tagsalad. From the tagsalad repository, you can
access the cabinet San Francisco.
import requests
import json
homeResource = ""
repository = "tagsalad"
cabinet = "San Francisco"
credentials = ('tagsalad', 'password')
home = requests.get(homeResource)
repositories_uri = home()['resources'][drel+'repositories']['href']
repository = get_repository(repositories_uri, repository)
cabinets_uri = get_link(repository, drel+'cabinets')
sanfran = get_atom_entries(cabinets_uri, 'title="San Francisco"')[0]
documents = get_link(sanfran, drel+'documents')

In this code sample, The function get_link returns a link based on a link relation.
The function get_repository gets a repository with a given name. The function
get_atom_entries returns Atom entries from a collection based on their properties.
The rest of this section explains the code in more details, shows the JSON
representation of resources, and discusses some REST design principles.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 451

Chapter 12 Tutorial: Consume REST services programmatically

12.1.1 Service entry point

Documentum REST Services is a hypermedia-driven API, with a single entry point,
which is associated with the Home Document resource. You can use the Requests
library to read the Home Document resource:
home = requests.get(homeResource)

By running the home.json() method, you get the JSON representation of the Home
Document resource:
"resources": {
"": {
"hints": {
"allow": [
"representations": [
"href": ""
"about": {
"hints": {
"allow": [
"representations": [
"href": ""

12.1.2 Link relations

In a hypermedia-driven Documentum REST Services, the entry point for a REST
service must contain links, identified by link relations that allow a client to navigate
to all resources exposed by the service. The link relation is not a physical location.
Instead, it is a name encoded as a URI, which identifies the purpose of a link. A link
relation is associated with the href entry that contains the physical address of the
link. For example, in the JSON representation of the Home Document resource
shown above, the link
relation identifies a URI for an Atom feed containing repository entries, and the
href entry indicates the physical address of this Atom feed, which is http://

In Python, if home contains the result of a GET request that retrieved the Home
Document resource, the following expression returns the physical address of the
repositories feed:

452 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

12.1. Basic navigation

Alternatively, you can use the following code to get the physical address of the
repositories feed.
#Retrieving a link based on a link relation
def get_link(e, linkrel, default=None):
return [ l['href'] for l in e['links'] if l['rel'] == linkrel ][0]
repositories_uri = get_link(home, ' repositories')

Code explanation:

The get_link() function returns the link (physical address) associated with a link
relation in a resource. If the link relation is not present, an error is raised. In Python,
this can be done in a single line, which uses a list comprehension to create a list that
contains all link relations that match the property, and then returns the first entry
(there will never be more than one entry matching a given link relation).

12.1.3 Feeds and entries

You may have followed the instructions in the Chapter “Explore Documentum REST
Services“ on page 433 and have familiarized yourself with the JSON representation
of the Repositories feed. In that sample, each entry represents one repository and
only contains a small subset of the content of a repository resource. If you need to
get a specified repository from the feed and return its entire content
programmatically, refer to the following code as an example:
#Retrieving the entire content of a repository specified by title
def get_repository(repositories_uri, name):
for repository in get_atom_entries(repositories_uri):
if repository['name'] == name:
return repository
return None
def get_atom_entries(feed_uri, filter=None, default=None):
if filter:
params = {'inline': 'true', 'filter': filter }
params = {'inline': 'true' }
Response = requests.get(feed_uri, params=params, auth=credentials)
return [ e['content'] for e in Response()['entries'] ]
repository = get_repository(repositories_uri, repository)

Code explanation:

The get_repository function calls get_atom_entries to return a list of the

repositories contained in the feed, and then searches for a repository with the
specified name and returns it.

The get_atom_entries function returns a list of entries contained in a feed. This

function sets the inline parameter to true so that the resulting entries contain the
entire resource, instead of a subset of the content.

The return expression contains the following list comprehension:

[ e['content'] for e in Response()['entries'] ]

For collections within a given repository, you can specify conditions that are used to
select results by using “Filter expression” on page 47. For example, a repository
contains cabinets, so we can find the San Francisco cabinet using the following code:

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 453

Chapter 12 Tutorial: Consume REST services programmatically

cabinet = get_atom_entries(cabinets_uri, 'title="San Francisco"')[0]

12.1.4 From the Home document resource to Documents

By now, you should be able to understand the code at the beginning of the “Basic
navigation” on page 451 section.

Three kinds of resources are used.

• Home Document resource: Here is the code that retrieves this resource and finds
the repositories URI in it:
homeResource = ""
home = requests.get(homeResource)
repositories_uri = home()['resources'][drel+'repositories']['href']

• EDAA feed (the JSON representation of an Atom Feed): The following code
retrieves a repository from the JSON representation using the title of the
corresponding entry, and then retrieves the URI of the Cabinets resource:
repository = get_repository(repositories_uri, repository)
cabinets_uri = get_link(repository, drel+'cabinets')

• Single resources (in our tutorial, the Repository resource and the Cabinet
resources). The following code retrieves a cabinet from the cabinets feed, and
then retrieves the URI of the documents feed from it:
sanfran = get_atom_entries(cabinets_uri, 'title="San Francisco"')[0]
documents = get_link(sanfran, drel+'documents')

12.2 Read entries

After you get a collection of documents, you can read each entry and print its

If all returned documents can fit on one page (by default, 100 entries), and you only
print properties that are present in the feed when inline is set to false, refer to the
following code:
r = requests.get(documents, auth=credentials)
for e in r()['entries']:
print ( e['title'])

Note: The code sample prints the title of the entry instead of the document title
under the properties element, as the properties element is not returned when
inline is set to false.

The following code sample prints two properties that are returned only when
inline is set to true (object_name and title) for each document in the collection.
Additionally, the sample supports pagination by using the next link relation so that
the results can span multiple pages when the number of results is large.
documents = get_link(sanfran, drel+'documents')
while True:

454 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

12.3. Filter, sort, and pagination

Response = requests.get(documents, params='inline=true', auth=credentials)

for e in Response()['entries']:
p = e['content']['properties']
print ( p['object_name'], ' ', p['title'])
documents = get_link(Response(), 'next')

The first part of the while loop is similar to our previous sample. After printing the
items on the given page, the get_link function looks for the next link relation that
contains the URI for the next page. If it does not find a next link relation, it knows
that it has read all pages in the collection.

12.3 Filter, sort, and pagination

When searching for the San Francisco cabinet, we used a simple filter expression.
Here is an example of a slightly more complex filter:
contains(object_name, "COFFEE") and r_modify_date >= date("2012-12-03")

With this expression, the Request returns resources whose object_name contains
COFFEE. Additionally, resources that were modified earlier than 2012-12-03 are
filtered out. For more examples, see “Examples of the filter expression” on page 58.

A filter always returns an entire resource. However, you can use “Property view”
on page 59 to specify a set of properties that should be returned. The sort order can
also be specified, as can the number of items on a page. For more information, see
“Common query parameters” on page 21.

The following code sample shows how these URI parameters can be combined in the
parameter list.
params = {
'inline' : True,
'sort' : 'object_name',
'view' : 'object_name,title',
'filter' : 'contains(object_name, "COFFEE") and r_modify_date >= date("2012-12-03")',
'items-per-page' : 50
Response = requests.get(documents, params=params, auth=credentials)
for e in Response()['entries']:
print (prettyprint(e))

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 455

Chapter 12 Tutorial: Consume REST services programmatically

12.4 Create entries

You can create entries in a feed by using POST and setting the corresponding content

At least the object name and the object type must be specified. In a real application,
you may need to create an object type that represents the properties of a given kind
of document. To keep it simple, the following sample only sets the title property.
body = json.dumps(
"properties" : {
"object_name" : "Earthquake McGoon's",
"r_object_type" : "dm_document",
"title" : "50 California Street, 94111"
headers = { 'content-type' : 'application/vnd.emc.documentum+json' }
Response = documents, data=body, headers=headers, auth=credentials)

If the POST operation succeeds, the status code is 201 CREATED, and the Response
contains the newly-created document resource.
>>> Response = documents, data=body, headers=headers, auth=credentials)
>>> Response.status_code
>>> Response.raise_for_status()
>>> Response.reason
>>> Response()
"properties" : {
"object_name" : "Earthquake McGoon's",
"r_object_type" : "dm_document",
"title" : "50 California Street, 94111"

12.5 Update entries

You can update a resource by using POST with the URI of the resource and setting
the corresponding content type.

Suppose Response.json contains a document. The following code updates the

object_name property in the document.
document = Response()
document['properties']['object_name'] = 'Kilroy was Here!'
headers = { 'content-type' : 'application/vnd.emc.documentum+json' }
uri = get_link(document, 'edit')
Response =, json.dumps(document), headers=headers, auth=credentials)

Note: The code above uses the edit link relation, which is an IANA standard
link relation that allows a resource to be read, updated, or deleted.

If the POST succeeds, the status code is 200 OK, and the Response contains the
updated document resource.

456 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

12.6. Delete entries

>>> Response.status_code
>>> Response.reason
>>> Response.raise_for_status()
>>> responsed ()
"properties" : {
"object_name" : "Earthquake McGoon's",
"r_object_type" : "dm_document",
"title" : "Kilroy was Here!"

12.6 Delete entries

You can delete a resource by using DELETE with the URI of the resource.
Response = requests.delete(get_link(document, 'edit'), auth=credentials)

The Response contains the HTTP status code 204 with no content.
>>> Response.status_code
>>> Response.reason
'No Content'
>>> Response.raise_for_status()

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 457

Appendix A. Link relations
Documentum REST Services uses the following link relations:

Table A-1: Public link relations

Link relation Description Specification

about Returns product information RFC 6903
canonical Designates an Internationalized RFC 6596
Resource Identifier (IRI) as
preferred over resources with
duplicate content.
child Points to a hierarchical child, or
subobject, of the current object. ietf-html-relrev-00.txt
contents Points to the contents metadata feed REC-html401-19991224 (http://
for a contentful object.
edit Points to a resource that can be used RFC 5023
to edit the link's context.
enclosure Identifies a related resource that is new-link-relation (http://
potentially large and might require
special handling. rfc5023.html#new-link-relation)
first An Internationalized Resource RFC 5005
Identifier (IRI) that refers to the
furthest preceding resource in a
series of resources.
icon Points to the icon for an entry, a rel-icon (
page or a site. html5/links.html#rel-icon)
last An Internationalized Resource RFC 5005
Identifier (IRI) that refers to the
furthest following resource in a
series of resources.
next Indicates that the link's context is a RFC 5005
part of a series, and that the next in
the series is the link target.
parent Refers to one of the following:
• parent type of a type
• parent folder of a sysobject
• parent document of a document
• parent object of a relation
• parent group of a group, a role,
or a user.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 459

Appendix A. Link relations

Link relation Description Specification

predecessor- Points to a resource containing the RFC 5829
version predecessor version in the version
previous Points to the previous resource in an RFC 5005
ordered series of resources.
related Points to the feed for a sysobject RFC 4287
related with specified relation
self Conveys an identifier for the link's RFC 4287
version-history Points to a resource containing the RFC 5829
version history for the context.

Table A-2: Link relations introduced in Documentum REST Services

Link relation Description

acl Points to the ACL resource for a specific permission set object.
acls Points to the ACLs feed under a repository.
as-search-template Points to the save as search template behavior for a saved search.
associations Points to the associated Sysobjects feed for a specific ACL object.
assist-values Points to the type assist values resource to obtain the value
assistance of a type.
aspect-types Points to the aspect types resource to show all aspect types of a
aspect-type Points to the single aspect type resource.
batches Points to the batches resource under a repository.
batch-capabilities Points to the batch capabilities resource under a repository.
cabinets Points to the cabinets feed under a repository.
cancel-checkout Points to the cancel-checkout behavior for a versionable object.
checkin-next-major Points to the checkin as next major version behavior for an object
that is checked out.
checkin-next-minor Points to the checkin as next minor version behavior for an object
that is checked out.
checkin-branch Points to the checkin as branch version behavior for an object that is
checked out.
child-links Points to the child links feed resource of a folder.
checkout Points to the checkout behavior for a versionable object.
comments Points to top level comments for a sysobject.

460 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

Link relations

Link relation Description

content-media Indicates that the content can be downloaded.
current-user Points to the current login user resource under a repository.
current-user- Points to the current user preferences resource to manipulate the
preferences user preference.
current-version Points to the current version resource for a versionable object.
default-folder Points to the default folder resource for a user.
delete Points to the delete behavior of an object.
dematerialize Points to the link to dematerialize a lightweight object.
documents Points to the documents feed under a repository.
folders Points to the folders feed under a repository.
format Points to the format resource for a content resource.
formats Points to the formats feed under a repository.
freeze Points to the freeze behavior for a snapshot.
groups Points to the groups feed under a repository or direct member
groups under a group.
lightweight-types Points to the types resource which contains the collection of
children lightweight types of a shareable type.
lightweight-objects Points to the collection of lightweight objects shares one shareable
logoff Points to the log out action for single sign on user.
materialize Points to the link to materialize a lightweight object.
objects Points to the Lists folder contents.
object-aspects Points to the object aspects resource to get attached aspects of an
object, or attache an aspect to the object.
parent-links Points to the parent links resource of a non-cabinet sysobject.
parent-shareable-type Points to the parent shareable type of a lightweight type.
permissions Points to the permissions resource for a Sysobject.
permission-set Points to the permission set resource for a Sysobject or a user.
primary-content Points to the primary content resource for a content sysobject type.
relate Indicates that the object can be related to other objects.
relation-type Points to the relation type resource for a relation instance.
relation-types Points to the relation types feed under a repository.
relations Points to the relations feed under a repository, relations feed for a
specific relation type, or relations feed related to a specified object.
replies Points to the log out action for single sign on user.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 461

Appendix A. Link relations

Link relation Description

repositories Points to the repositories feed from the docbrokers.
saved-searches Points to the saved searches resource under a repository.
search-templates Points to the search templates resource under a repository.
search-execution Points to the execution behavior for a saved search or search
saved-search-results Points to the results resource of a saved search.
shared-parent Points the parent shareable object of a lightweight object.
snapshots Points to snapshots feed resource under a repository.
snapshot Points to snapshot resource for a virtual document snapshot.
snapshot-nodes Points to the snapshot nodes resource to fetch all nodes of a
types Points to the data dictionary types feed under a repository.
unfreeze Points to the unfreeze behavior for a snapshot.
users Points to the users feed under a repository, or direct member users
under a group.
virtual-document- Points to the virtual document nodes resource to fetch all nodes of
nodes an virtual document.
virtual-document Points to the sysobject resource, which is a virtual document.
virtual-document- Points to the conversion behavior for a document.
virtual-document- Points to a virtual document node's component object.
The fully qualified Documentum link relation path is prefixed with the following string:

Table A-3: Link relations for a user subscription resource

Link relation Description

subscribe Indicates that the current object is unsubscribed and points to the
subscription link for the current object.
subscriptions Points to the subscriptions collection of the current user.
unsubscribe Indicates that the current object has been subscribed to and points
to the link to unsubscribe from the current object.

Table A-4: Link relations for an audit management resource

Link relation Description

audit-trails Points to the audit trails feed under a repository or a custom scope.

462 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

Link relations

Link relation Description

available-audit-events Points to available audit events for the current object.
registered-audit- Points to registered audit events for the current object.
audit-policies Points to audit policies feed under a repository.
audit-trail Points to the audit trail resource under a repository.
audit-event Points to the audit event resource for the current object.
audit-policy Points to the audit policy resource under a repository.
unregister-all-audit- Points to the link within the current scope to unregister from all
events audit events.
audited-object Points to the audited object resource of the current audit trail
recent-trails Points to the audit trails of the current logged in user in a newest-
first order.

Table A-5: Link relations for a distributed upload resource

Link relation Description

distributed-upload Points to the distributed upload link for the current object according
to the setting of the Documentum Server.

Table A-6: Link relations for a Lifecycle resource

Link relation Description

lifecycles Points to the Lifecycle feed resource under a repository.
attachable-lifecycles Points to the attachable Lifecycle feed resource under an object.
lifecycle Points to the Lifecycle resource for a specific Lifecycle.
object-lifecycle Points to the current Lifecycle resource for a specific object.
promotion Indicates that a specific Lifecycle object can be promoted.
demotion Indicates that a specific Lifecycle object can be demoted.
suspension Indicates that a specific Lifecycle object can be suspended.
resumption Indicates that a specific Lifecycle object can be resumed.
cancel-promotion Indicates that a specific scheduled promotion can be canceled.
cancel-demotion Indicates that a specific scheduled demotion can be canceled.
cancel-suspension Indicates that a specific scheduled suspension can be canceled.
cancel-resumption Indicates that a specific scheduled resumption can be canceled.

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 463

Appendix B. Resource coding index
This table lists the elements that you may need to reference when developing
custom resources.

Resource Code name Model class View class

All versions versions AtomFeed VersionsFeedView
ACLs acls AtomFeed AclsFeedView
ACL acl AclObject AclView
ACL Associations acl-associations AtomFeed SysObjectsFeedView
Aspect types aspect-types AtomFeed AspectTypesFeedVie
Aspect type aspect-type AspectTypeObject AspectTypeView
Batch capabilities batch-capabilities BatchCapabilities NA
Batches batches Batch NA
Cabinet cabinet CabinetObject CabinetView
Cabinets cabinets AtomFeed CabinetView
Checked out objects checked-out-objects AtomFeed SysObjectView
Child folder link child-folder-link FolderLink FolderLinkView
Child folder links child-folder-links AtomFeed FolderLinksFeedVie
Comment comment Comment CommentView
Comments comments AtomFeed CommentsFeedView
Comment Replies comment-replies AtomFeed CommentsFeedView
Content media content-media NA NA
Content content ContentMeta ContentView
Contents contents AtomFeed ContentsFeedView
Current user current-user UserObject UserView
Current user current-user- AtomFeed PreferencesFeedView
preferences preferences
Current user current-user- PreferenceObject PreferenceView
preference preference
Current version current-version SysObject SysObjectView
Document document DocumentObject DocumentView
Folder child folder-child- AtomFeed DocumentsFeedView
documents document

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 465

Appendix B. Resource coding index

Resource Code name Model class View class

Folder child folders folder-child-folders AtomFeed FoldersFeedView
Folder child objects folder-child-objects AtomFeed SysObjectsFeedView
Folder folder FolderObject FolderView
Format format Format FormatView
Formats formats AtomFeed FormatsFeedView
Group group GroupObject GroupView
Group users group-member-users AtomFeed UsersFeedView
Groups groups AtomFeed GroupsFeedView
Home document home-document NA NA
Lightweight objects object-lightweight- AtomFeed SysObjectsFeedView
Lock lock SysObject SysObjectView
Materialization materialization SysObject SysObjectView
Network locations network-locations AtomFeed NetworkLocationsFe
Network location network-location NetworkLocation NetworkLocationVie
Object aspects object-aspects ObjectAspects ObjectAspectsView
Object parent object-parent SysObject SysObjectView
Parent folder link parent-folder-link FolderLink FolderLinkView
Parent folder links parent-folder-links AtomFeed FolderLinksFeedVie
Permissions permissions AccessorPermission AccessorPermissionV
Permission Set permission-set PermissionSetObject PermissionSetView
Product information product-information ProductInfo ProductInfoView
Query dql-query AtomFeed QueryResultFeedVie
Relation relation RelationObject RelationView
Relation type relation-type RelationTypeObject RelationTypeView
Relation types relation-types AtomFeed RelationTypesFeedVi
Relations relations AtomFeed RelationsFeedView
Repositories repositories AtomFeed RepositoriesFeedVie
Repository repository Repository RepositoryView

466 OpenText™ Documentum™ REST Services EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01

Resource coding index

Resource Code name Model class View class

Search search SearchAtomFeed SearchFeedView
Saved searches saved-searches AtomFeed SavedSearchFeedVie
Saved search saved-search SavedSearch SavedSearchView
Search templates search-templates AtomFeed SearchTemplateFeed
Search template search-template SearchTemplate SearchTemplateView
Saved search results saved-search-results SearchAtomFeed SearchFeedView
Saved search saved-search- SearchAtomFeed SearchFeedView
execution execution
Sub groups group-member- AtomFeed GroupsFeedView
SysObject object SysObject SysObjectView
Type type TypeObject TypeView
Types types AtomFeed TypesFeedView
Type assistance type-assist-values ValueAssistances ValueAssistancesVie
values w
User default folder default-folder FolderObject FolderView
User user UserObject UserView
Users users AtomFeed UsersFeedView
User Permission Set user-permission-set PermissionSetObject PermissionSetView
Virtual document virtual-document- AtomFeed VirtualDocumentNo
nodes nodes des

1. Model Classes for Core resources are in the package
2. View Classes for Core resources are in the package

EDCPKRST210300-PGD-EN-01 Development Guide 467

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