Omaha Bank Statement (Card)
Omaha Bank Statement (Card)
Omaha Bank Statement (Card)
IOWA FALLS IA 50126-1317 Change of Address? If yes, please
complete reverse side.
Use your card to earn points at the Premier Edition Status earn rates: 5 points per $1 on SCHEELS
Purchases and then 1.5 points per $1 on other Net Purchases. Review your rewards program terms and
conditions for complete details including limitations.
Remember, to maintain Premier Edition Status, keep using your SCHEELS Premier Edition card and spend
at least $25,000 in Net Purchases with your card during each calendar year.* If you do not use your card to
make at least $25,000 in Net Purchases in the calendar year, you will be moved to the Base Status and will
no longer be eligible to earn points at the higher rates stated above, but instead will earn 3 points per $1 on
SCHEELS Purchases and 1 point per $1 on all other Net Purchases. *Purchases must be posted to your
account on or before December 31st.
Your annual spend to date towards your SCHEELS Premier Edition annual qualification is $13,427.
$0 $25,000
Issued by First Bankcard, a division of First National Bank of Omaha See reverse for additional information.
Transaction Detail
Trans Post Reference Transaction Credits (CR)
Date Date Number Description and Debits
Payments and Other Credits
6-17 6-18 74418008169023000136153 PAYMENT - THANK YOU $3,197.95 (CR)
6-03 6-05 24164078155691005201253 KWIK STAR 10300001032 IOWA FALLS IA $48.37
6-04 6-05 24692168155100026539022 7 SDI*SMUCKERONLINESTORE 800-258-1928 OH $28.96
6-06 6-07 24492158157715900365110 7 AS APPROVEDSCIENCE 888-307-4790 IL $76.85
6-06 6-08 24445008158300408245314 CASEYS GEN STORE 2532 ELDORA IA $61.64
6-07 6-08 24427338158720027383936 FAREWAY STORES #559 IOWA FALLS IA $43.96
6-07 6-11 24164078159691005634210 KWIK STAR 10300001032 IOWA FALLS IA $57.84
6-08 6-11 24492158160637213944727 7 REGISTER@FAA 33LY7HC HTTPSREGISTER VA $5.00
6-09 6-11 24071058160432530000879 REEDS FAMILY OUTDOOR O ONAMIA MN $208.44
6-09 6-11 24445008161000762278001 CRACKER BARREL #191 LAKEV LAKEVILLE MN $23.52
6-09 6-11 24445008161000762278183 CRACKER BARREL #191 LAKEV LAKEVILLE MN $13.92
6-09 6-11 24427338160720026647725 SUPER ONE FOODS #45 WALKER MN $70.43
6-09 6-11 24692168161100943901224 SUPERAMERICA 5011 LAKEVILLE MN $49.43
6-10 6-12 24388948162627162559849 REEDS FAMILY OUTDOOR O WALKER MN $155.53
6-10 6-12 24632698162300493625821 CAFE ZONA ROSA WALKER MN $40.68
6-10 6-12 24164078162685011702776 CENEX ORTON MO09894478 WALKER MN $57.40
6-13 6-14 24055238165207391733641 ORTONS WALKR CENEX 475CW WALKER MN $7.99
6-13 6-15 24164078165975321767990 PERKINS REST 00011593 BRAINERD MN $24.77
6-13 6-15 24164078165691008281276 KWIK TRIP 40300004036 OWATONNA MN $10.68
6-13 6-15 24717058165691652824060 HOLIDAY STNSTORE 0395 RAMSEY MN $49.84
6-14 6-18 24164078166691006385375 KWIK STAR 10300001032 IOWA FALLS IA $54.66
6-15 6-18 24493988166206696400194 BUILDERSFIRSTSOURCE62831 IOWA FALLS IA $339.99
6-20 6-25 24055238173207688600461 THEISEN'S #9 IOWA FALLS IA $62.84
6-21 6-25 24445008173300430936212 CASEYS GEN STORE 1417 IOWA FALLS IA $29.25
6-22 6-25 24164078174691007139755 KWIK STAR 10300001032 IOWA FALLS IA $16.75
6-26 6-27 24692168177100387119327 7 AMZN.COM/BILL WA $40.40
6-27 6-29 24445008179300414030465 CASEYS GEN STORE 1417 IOWA FALLS IA $45.83
6-27 6-29 24270748179900013206126 ELDORA AUTO WASH ELDORA IA $8.00
6-28 6-29 24733098179083312182032 7 CABELAS.COM 800-237-4444 NE $508.79
6-29 7-02 24055238180083710031889 7 WALMART.COM 8009666546 800-966-6546 AR $15.98
6-30 7-02 24164078182691007900354 KWIK STAR 10300001032 IOWA FALLS IA $22.75
Total Fees For This Period $0.00
Interest Charged
Interest Charge on Purchases $0.00
Interest Charge on Cash Advances $0.00
Interest Charge on Balances Transfers $0.00
Total Interest For This Period $0.00
Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. (v) Variable Rate (f) Fixed Rate
Charge Annual Percentage Special Offer or Eligible Balance Subject Days Rate
Summary Rate (APR) Purchase APR Expiration Date to Interest Rate Used Interest Charge
Purchases 20.49% (v) N/A $2,681.84 28 $0.00
Cash Advance 26.74% (v) N/A $0.00 28 $0.00
State, ZIP
Home Phone
Work Phone
Cell Phone
E-mail Address
If you have a Credit Card for business purposes, and are requesting an address change, we may request additional