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Overview over the Module Overview over the Module

Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

CS-M00 Research Methodology

Lecture 1: Introduction

Anton Setzer∼csetzer/lectures/
researchmethodology/11/index.html Welcome
Monday 3 October 2011

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Overview over the Module Overview over the Module
Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

Overview over the Module Overview over the Module

Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

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Overview over the Module Overview over the Module
Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

Handbook Synopsis

“This modules consists in lectures and seminars about

I fundamental research methodologies and
I good practice in research,
Available at
I formulation of research questions and hypotheses,∼csbob/teaching/whyley10handbook2sep.pdf
I logical reasoning,
I literature research,
I proper acknowledgement of sources,
I principles in carrying out experimental research.”

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General Structure Timetable

I Week 1/2: Introductory lectures (general).

I Week 3 - 7: Lectures by the degree scheme coordinates on I 3 lecture slots per week:
research methodologies in the areas covered. I Tuesday 11 - 12 Robert Recorde Room.
I Typically I Friday 10 -11 Keir-Hardy 330
I One lecture of general nature (e.g. “ethics”) I Friday 13 - 14 Grove 261
I One lecture about research in that particular field. I In first 7 weeks only 2 lectures given.
I In parallel tutorials led by tutors specialised in the pathways I Usually lecture Friday 13 - 14 cancelled.
(+ one tutorial for non-specialist CS).
I On 14 October and 11 November,
I Students will carry out a mini-project related to their
I lecture Friday 13 - 14 takes place
I Could be an essay, a small program, a small user study.
I lecture Friday 10 - 11 cancelled
I Students write an essay and prepare a presentation.
I (CS-M13 takes place at the Friday 10 - 11 slot)
I Week 8 - 10 Student presentations.

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Terminology Assessment

I Non-specialists means “MSc in Computer Science”.

I Mini project allocated by tutor:
I ACS usually refers to
I One essay or project report (50 %)
I MSc in Advanced Computer Science (including specialisations), I One talk (50 %)

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Choice of Specialisations Tutorials

I Non-specialists have their own projects.

I ACS have projects corresponding to the 5 specialisations.
Students in ACS please hand in by Friday 7 October in
Student Office: I Tutorials will be allocated
I scheme transfer forms (if not required cross out). I One for non-specialist MSc
I and (even if taking open specialisation or CAST MSc) indicate I For ACS groups organised by specialisations.
an intended specialisation from a list:
I Human Computer Interaction (HCI),
I Safe and Secure Systems,
I Software technology,
I Visual Computing,
I or Web Science

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Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

Double Badging of Modules Election of Student Representatives

I For Swansea BSc in Computer Science Graduates

I Double-badged modules taken cannot be taken again. I Please consider being student representatives.
I Includes Data Visualisation, Computer Vision, High
Performance Computing. I Election will take place in Friday 14 October in CS-M00
I Subject to confirmation: (13-14).
I Those students can take CS-M59.
I Those students get priority on Embedded Systems

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Topics in this Module (Week 1/2) Topics (By Pathway Coordinators, Week 3 - 7)

(Order to be decided).
1. Introduction (this lecture) I Anton Setzer

2. LATEX(by Anton Setzer) (Word processing system) I Evaluation of Scientific Texts.

I Specification and Verification of Software.
3. Academic Integrity (by Chris Whyley).
I Roger Stein
4. Bibliographies (by Anton Setzer) I Project Management and Planning.
I Project Selection.

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Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

Topics (By Pathway Coordinators) Disclaimer

I Max Wilson:
I Writing Skills
I Ethics Procedure Most of the pictures used in this lecture are downloaded from the
I Introduction to HCI internet.
I Introduction to Web Sciences (TBC) They are not my original work.
I Jason Xie:
I Research paper critique and review rebuttal.
I Visual computing research topics & general methodology

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Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

3 Main Methodologies

I Theoretical Research.
I Thinking.
Overview over the Module I Foundations of Computer Science.
I E.g. “What is a program?”.
I What kind of data types do exists?
I Developing new ways of solving problems.
Research Culture in Computer Science I New algorithms.
I New programming paradigms.
I ···
I Mathematical Research.
I A lot of proofs carried out.
I E.g.: Prove that algorithm A is better than algorithm B.
I Prove that it is possible to decide that this program is correct.

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Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

3 Main Methodologies (Cont.) However most of it is

I Experimental Research.
I User Studies.
I Software Experiments.
I Software Production.
I Usually experimental software
I Trying out new algorithms, paradigms, programming
Thinking Thinking Thinking

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Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

Ideas Example: Greek Philosophy

I Creative Process. I Greek philosophy origins from colonies close to Turkey,

I Ideas usually have roots in other ideas. exposure to other cultures.
I Inspirations from others. I Many researchers have been exposed to different cultures in
I Inspiration from other fields inside computer science, outside early childhood.
computer science. I Parents moving to other countries.
I Being part of a minority in a country.
I Or even arts, travelling.

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Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

Most Important Conferences

Exchange of Ideas

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Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

Conferences, Workshops Social Events more Important than Lectures

I A lot of research happens at conferences, workshops.

I From two to several thousands participants.
I Small workshops, large conferences.
I Some high prestigious by invitation only.
I Oberwolfach (Germany)
I Dagstuhl (Germany)
I NII Shonan Meeting (Japan)
Most happens during coffee breaks, lunches, dinners.
Coffee breaks often more important than lectures.

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Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

My own experience Other Forms of Collaborations

I Sabbaticals.
I Visits to Research Institutes.
I Institute for Advanced Studies (Princeton).
I Good lectures give rise to new ideas even if I don’t understand I Newton Institute (Cambridge).
what the lecturer is talking about. I Mittag-Leffler Institute (Stockholm).
I ...
I Research visits.
I Between 1/2 day and several years.
I Seminars, colloquia.

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Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

Scientific Journals Scientific Journals

I Most published by scientific publishers.

I Typically called I E.g. Elsevier, Springer ,. . .
I Journal of ... (Journal of Symbolic Logic)
I Subscriptions very expensive.
I Annals of ... (Annals of Pure and Applied Logic)
I Access to electronic subscriptions at Swansea
I Archive of ... (Archive of Mathematical Logic)
I On campus.
I Off campus through Athens.
I Transactions of ... (ACM Transactions on Human-Computer
Interaction). I Increasingly open access journals.
I Acta ... (Acta Informatica) I Produced by the scientific community.
I Many more. I Reason: Most articles submitted in directly publishable form.
No need for process of editing.
I Why pay if publishers don’t add much to it.

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Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

Proceedings Referee Process

I Proceedings of Conferences I Submission of article to an Editor.

I Often published in I Editor sends it to Referees.
I Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
I Electronic Notes in ... (e.g. Electronic Notes in Theoretical I Referees write anonymous reports.
Computer Science). I Editor decides about
I Many other outlets. I Revised version required
I Usually refereed. I Rejection
I Often highly competitive (acceptance rates e.g. 20 %, 10 %). I Acceptance.

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Research Culture in Computer Science Research Culture in Computer Science

Festschrift Good Way of Searching Quality Scientific Articles

I Festschrift = German for “Festive publication”.

I Proceedings in honour of somebody famous.
I Typically 60th, 65th, 70th, 75th, ... birthday
I or retirement
I Sometimes not of highest quality (no thorough referee
process). Enable “Get it at Swansea” in Settings
I Sometimes very high quality.

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Look for Doi pages (Document Object Identifier) Identifying Electronic Versions of Scientific Articles

Look at pages of publishers

I Springer: Springer Link.
I Elsevier: Science Direct.
I ACM: ACM Digital Library.

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Main Motivation for Doing Research Research and Teaching

I It’s fun. I Research and teaching go hand in hand.

I Enthusiasm. I Although research often beyond what is taught, it influences
I Being amongst highly creative people. teaching.
I Going to the limit of human consciousness. I A researcher often shows not so much by what s/he is
I It benefits society. teaching, but how s/he is teaching, behaving, acting, thinking
I Top universities are hot beds for innovative companies. ...

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Research Culture in Computer Science

Be Inspired

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