Separations 09 00348
Separations 09 00348
Separations 09 00348
The Comparison of Biotreatment and Chemical Treatment for
Odor Control during Kitchen Waste Aerobic Composting
Wei Wei 1 , Ningjie Wang 2 , Zhaobin Zhang 3 and Xiaolei Zhang 2, *
3. Results
3.1. Chemical Scrubbing
3.1.1. Ammonia Removal by Acid Scrubbing
The ammonia removal by acid scrubbing was to introduce the odor gas obtained by
mixing ammonia gas with air into water scrubbing and acid scrubbing. The results are
determined by a pH meter.
3. Results
3.1. Chemical Scrubbing
1 100
pH=3, G/S =2000
0.9 90
0.8 80
Concentration (mg/m3)
Removal efficiency (%)
20 50
0 30 Time (s)
0.1 0.5 1
3 10
Figure 1. The ammonia removal by chemical scrubbing ((a): ammonia removal at pH 3; (b): the
ammonia removal at different pH and retention time).
has great influence on ammonia removal. To efficiently eliminate ammonia from odor gas,
scrubbing solution with lower pH should be employed. For instance, the pH should be at
least set at lower than 2 if the complete removal is demanded. According to the Emission
Standards for Odor Pollution (China), the ammonia emission concentration should be
lower than 1 mg/m3 if the required emission level is Level 1 for the treatment plant. In fact,
if the removal aim is to meet the Level 1 standard, utilization of scrubbing solution with
pH 3 to treat for 10 s would be enough as the concentration of ammonia was reduced to
0.86 mg/m3 .
In order to investigate the capacity of the acid scrubbing with pH 3, the ammonia con-
centration was elevated from 2 to 10 mg/m3 . It was found that the ammonia concentration
was reduced to 0.93 mg/m3 (meeting the Level 1 standard) when the retention time was
set at 40 s at pH 0.1, but the ammonia removal efficiency was only 25% (final concentration
7.5 mg/m3 ) even with retention time of 60 s when the acid scrubbing solution pH was 3. It
reveals that the acid scrubbing could eliminate ammonia from odor gas but pH is crucial.
A similar conclusion was reported by the other study [24].
In addition, the gas to solution ratio (G/S) is another important factor for ammonia
removal. The ammonia removal with G/S was set at 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 6000 at
pH 3 and a retention time of 10 s. It was found that ammonia removal was increased with
the increase of G/S, and the complete removal was achieved at G/S 4000. It is due to
the fact that the solution for scrubbing gas was increased, which provides high chances
for gas and solution to have contact. As the retention time would directly influence the
column size, reducing the retention time would increase the treatment capacity by using
the same size reactor. By varying the retention time, pH and G/S, it was found that at
G/S 6000, complete removal was obtained within less than 2 s at pH 0.1. This suggests
that increasing the contact chance between ammonia and scrubbing solution is the key for
enhancing ammonia removal.
0.2 100
0.18 99
0.16 98
Concentration (mg/m3)
Removal efficiency (%)
20 20
0 10
Time (s)
8 5
11 2
Figure 2. 2. The
The hydrogensulfide
hydrogen sulfideremoval
chemical scrubbing:
scrubbing: (a)
(a) hydrogen
12; (b) the hydrogen sulfide removal at different pH and retention time.
pH 12; (b) the hydrogen sulfide removal at different pH and retention time.
3.1.3. as in
Ammonia ammonia
and Hydrogen removal,
Sulfidethe G/S (2000,
Removal 3000, 4000,
by Chemical 5000 and 6000) was
also investigated
From the above study, it can be seen that the required retention times removal
in hydrogen sulfide removal. It was found that the complete of
for complete
hydrogen sulfide could be finished within 2 s at G/S 4000 and pH 13. It suggests that
removal of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are different. According to the results obtained the
removal would be efficient when the proper pH and G/S were set.
the odor gas containing ammonia (2 mg/m3 ) and hydrogen sulfide (3 mg/m3 ) passed
through the columns. The scrubbing solution pH was adjusted to 0.5 and 13 in the acid
scrubbing column and base scrubbing column, respectively. The G/S of 6000 and 4000
was provided in the acid scrubbing column and base scrubbing column, respectively. The
retention time was set at 2 s. The result shows that the ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were
not detected after the chemical scrubbing. It suggests that the chemical scrubbing could
completely eliminate the odor as long as the pH and retention time are set suitably. When
the aim is to meet the Level 1 standard of Emission Standards for Odor Pollution (China),
pH 3 and 12 would be enough for ammonia and hydrogen sulfide removal. It would thus
reduce the acid and base consumption and thus reduce the cost.
Chemical scrubbing could efficiently remove the odor gas but it also generated wastew-
ater. The wastewater was discharged when the pH cannot be increased to 7.5 by addition of
NaOH in the base scrubbing and reduced to 6.5 by addition of H2 SO4 in the base scrubbing.
According to the experiment, 1 mL of wastewater was generated with around 25 m3 of
the odor gas containing 3 mg/m3 of hydrogen sulfide, and the wastewater contained S2−
at a concentration of 68–74 g/L. In base scrubbing, 1 mL of wastewater was generated
after treating 85 m3 of the odor gas containing 2 mg/m3 of ammonia, and the wastewater
contained 160–185 g/L NH4 + .
(a) 100 6
NH3 H2S pH 5.1
40 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (h)
Ammonia removal (%)
60 10
40 Empty
2 3 retention
3 time (s)
4 2
pH 6
90-100 80-90 70-80 60-70 50-60 40-50
Hydrogen sulfide removal (%)
70 10
60 7
50 Empty
2 3 retention
3 time (s)
4 2
pH 6
90-100 80-90 70-80 60-70 50-60
Figure 3. The ammonia and hydrogen sulfide removal by biotrickling filter: (a) ammonia and
Figure 3. The
hydrogen ammonia
sulfide andwith
removal hydrogen
empty sulfide removal
bed retention byofbiotrickling
time 10 s; (b) thefilter:
ammonia(a) ammonia and
removal at hy-
drogen sulfide removal with empty bed retention time of 10 s; (b) the ammonia removal at different
pH and empty bed retention time; (c) hydrogen sulfide removal at different pH and empty bed
retention time.
Separations 2022, 9, 348 9 of 11
The empty bed retention time impacts on the treatment capacity. The short empty bed
retention time could treat more odor gas than the long one for the same sized filter. The pH
of the nutrient solution has shown an impact on NH3 and H2 S; therefore, it is predicted
that the empty bed retention time can be reduced if proper pH is provided. To study the
pH effect, the pH was maintained at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 by adjusting the nutrient solution pH
according to real-time detection with a pH meter. For ammonia removal, the lower pH has
shown a better performance (Figure 3b). This would be due to the fact that the ammonia
removal in the biotrickling filter is mainly due to the adsorption, as the retention time is too
short to accomplish nitrification and/or denitrification [26]. Ammonia is an alkaline gas
and low pH could promote ammonia removal. Similar results have been reported by others
as well [27,28]. At pH 2, 60% ammonia removal only took 2 s, but it required more than
10 s to achieve the similar removal at pH 5, and it would be longer at pH 6 (Figure 3b). In
the removal of H2 S, it can be seen that the pH at 3 and 4 could greatly reduce the retention
time to achieve similar removal efficiency compared to other pH (Figure 3c). More than
90% removal efficiency has been obtained within 3 s at pH 3 and 4, but it was still less
than 80% at pH 2, 5 and 6 even with the retention time of 10 s. It is predicted that pH is
important for the growth of the bacteria, which is responsible for H2 S removal, and suitable
pH could enhance their growth [29,30].
Overall, it can be seen that the biotrickling filter can effectively remove hydrogen
sulfide but not ammonia. To meet the Level 1 standard for ammonia, it would require more
retention time which would cause high capital cost. In addition, it does not match with
the removal of hydrogen sulfide. This suggests that it would waste resources and time
if the proposal is to simultaneously remove hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Moreover,
for hydrogen sulfide, 90% removal efficiency would still have around 0.3 mg/m3 concen-
tration left in the gas stream, which still cannot meet the Level 1 standard of Emission
Standards for Odor Pollution (China).
3.3. The Combined System for Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide Removal
From the results of chemical scrubbing and the biotrickling filter, it can be seen that
chemical scrubbing can rapidly remove ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. At a suitable
pH, no ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were detected after scrubbing, which suggests
the complete removal of the two gases. Biotrickling filter showed better performance on
hydrogen sulfide removal than on ammonia. However, it still cannot meet the requirement
unless further increasing the empty bed retention time, which would thus induce the
increase of capital cost. In fact, the combination of biotrickling filter and chemical scrubbing
would be a preferred method for efficiently simultaneous removal of hydrogen sulfide and
ammonia. The biological method is less costly compared to chemical scrubbing. Firstly,
employing a biotrickling filter to remove most of the odor and then applying chemical
scrubbing to ensure the effluent meets the standard would be a cost-effective approach for
odor control, as it could highly reduce chemical consumption. Based on this consideration,
in this study, a biotrickling filter followed by acid scrubbing and base scrubbing has been
employed. The biotrickling filter firstly removed most of the odor gas, and then chemical
scrubbing was applied. It thus reduced the chemical utilization and hence, reduced the cost.
The nutrient solution pH was set at 4 and the empty bed retention time was set at 3 s
in the biotrickling filter, and the G/S was set at 6000 in acid scrubbing (pH 3) and 4000 in
base scrubbing (pH 13). The final concentration of ammonia was 0.23 mg/m3 (<1 mg/m3 )
and hydrogen sulfide (<0.03 mg/m3 ) was not detected. It reveals that the combination
treatment on the given condition could meet the Level 1 standard of Emission Standards
for Odor Pollution (China).
To further evaluate the ability of the combined process to adapt the fluctuation, the am-
monia and hydrogen sulfide concentration was doubled (4 mg/m3 and 6 mg/m3 ) and
tripled (6 mg/m3 and 9 mg/m3 ). It was found that the concentration of ammonia and
hydrogen sulfide could finally be reduced to below the required standard with the increase
of retention time (Figure 4). This reveals that the combination of biotrickling filter and
To further evaluate the ability of the combined process to adapt the fluctuation,
ammonia and hydrogen sulfide concentration was doubled (4 mg/m3 and 6 mg/m3) a
tripled (6 mg/m3 and 9 mg/m3). It was found that the concentration of ammonia and
Separations 2022, 9, 348 drogen sulfide could finally be reduced to below the required standard10with
of 11the incre
of retention time (Figure 4). This reveals that the combination of biotrickling filter a
chemical scrubbing has great potential to deal with the concentration variation of amm
nia and has
chemical scrubbing hydrogen sulfide in
great potential to the
concentration variation of ammonia
and hydrogen sulfide in the odor gas stream.
4 1.2
NH3 2 mg/m3
0 0
3 5 7 10 15
Retention time in the biotrickling filter (s)
Figure 4. The ammonia and hydrogen sulfide removal by combined process.
Figure 4. The ammonia and hydrogen sulfide removal by combined process.
4. Conclusions
The study reveals that chemical scrubbing is more efficient than biotrickling filter for
4. Conclusions
ammonia and hydrogen
The study sulfide
revealsremoval. Chemical
that chemical scrubbing
scrubbing is targeted
is more asthan
efficient acid biotrickling
solution filter
for ammonia (alkaline gas) and base solution for hydrogen sulfide (acidic gas).
ammonia and hydrogen sulfide removal. Chemical scrubbing is targeted as acid solut Chemical
scrubbing efficiency is highly
for ammonia dependent
(alkaline on the
gas) and baseretention
solutiontime, scrubbingsulfide
for hydrogen solution pH and
(acidic gas). Chem
gas-to-solution ratio. At pH 0.1, the retention time required was less than 10 s for complete
scrubbing efficiency is highly dependent on the retention time, scrubbing solution pH a
ammonia removal. In hydrogen
gas-to-solution ratio.sulfide
At pH removal, 100% removal
0.1, the retention efficiency
time required was was
than 10 satfor comp
pH 13 within 5 s. It reveals that the suitable pH is significantly important for a successful
ammonia removal. In hydrogen sulfide removal, 100% removal efficiency was obtain
process. Biotrickling filter efficiency is impacted by ammonia addition as it could cause the
at pH 13 within 5 s. It reveals that the suitable pH is significantly important for a success
pH variation of the biotrickling. It was found that the biotrickling filter is more suitable
process. Biotrickling filter efficiency is impacted by ammonia addition as it could ca
for hydrogen sulfide compared to ammonia. Compared to employing only one of the
the pH variation of the biotrickling. It was found that the biotrickling filter is more suita
processes (chemical scrubbing or biotrickling filter), the combination of biotrickling filter
for hydrogen sulfide compared to ammonia. Compared to employing only one of the p
and chemical scrubbing would be a better choice, as it could reduce the chemical addition
cesses (chemical scrubbing or biotrickling filter), the combination of biotrickling filter a
amount and reduce the biotrickling filter size.
chemical scrubbing would be a better choice, as it could reduce the chemical addit
amount and
Author Contributions: reduce
W.W.: the biotrickling
Conceptualization, filter size. draft preparation. N.W.: Method-
ology, Data curation, Visualization, Investigation. Z.Z.: Methodology, Resource. X.Z.: Conceptualiza-
tion, Methodology, Contributions: W.W.: Conceptualization,
Writing—Reviewing Writing—Original
and Editing, Supervision. draft preparation.
All authors have N.W.: M
odology, Data curation, Visualization, Investigation.
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Z.Z.: Methodology, Resource. X.Z.: Concep
alization, Methodology, Visualization, Writing—Reviewing and Editing, Supervision. All auth
Funding: Thehave
agreed tobythe
Shenzhen Municipal
published version Bureau of Urban Management and Law
of the manuscript.
Enforcement Science Research Project (No. 202210).
Funding: The research is supported by Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Urban Management and L
Data Availability Statement:
Enforcement DataResearch
Science is contained within
Project the article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors
Data Availability declare that
Statement: Datathey have no competing
is contained within theinterest.
References Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
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