Proof of Payment
Proof of Payment
Proof of Payment
Internet payment
Nedbank Limited confirms that the following payment has been made:
Recipient Reference
Bank :
Account Number :
Channel :
Payer details
Paid from Account Holder :
Nedbank will never send you an e-mail link to access Verify payments, always go to Online Banking on and click on Verify payments.
This notification of payment is sent to you by Nedbank Limited Reg No 1951/000009/06. Enquiries regarding this
payment notification should be directed to the Nedbank Contact Centre on 0860 555 111. Please contact the payer for
enquiries regarding the contents of this notification.
Nedbank Ltd will not be held responsible for the accuracy of the information on this notification and we accept no liability
whatsoever arising from the transmission and use of the information.
Payments may take up to three business days. Please check your account to verify the existence of the funds.
Note: We as a bank will never send you an e-mail requesting you to enter your personal details or private identification
and authentication details.