A Conceptual Framework of Challenges and Solutions For Managing Global Software Maintenance
A Conceptual Framework of Challenges and Solutions For Managing Global Software Maintenance
A Conceptual Framework of Challenges and Solutions For Managing Global Software Maintenance
Bayarbuyan Ulziit1, Zeeshan Akhtar Warraich2, Cigdem Gencel3,4 and Kai Petersen5,*,†
In-Process AB, Sweden
Nasdaq OMX, Sweden
Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, Italy
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Context: Software maintenance process in globally distributed settings brings significant management
challenges to software organizations.
Objectives: Investigate the factors specific to managing software maintenance process in globally distrib-
uted settings and best practices in software organizations.
Method: A systematic literature review and interviews with industry practitioners were conducted. For
analysis and synthesis, the grounded theory method was used.
Results: We identified a number of management challenges and mitigation strategies and then classified
them under people, process, product, and technology factors. Overall, a structure of challenges and solu-
tions, the conceptual framework, has been developed that may be used to understand and classify global
maintenance challenges.
Conclusions: Distributed software maintenance process has specific management challenges in relation to
process, people, product, and technology. Therefore, companies performing maintenance in distributed set-
tings should consider these factors, which are not present in the general global software development liter-
ature, although many lessons apply to both. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDS: global software engineering; software maintenance; distributed development; outsourcing;
Global software engineering (GSE) has become a common practice of IT business. Currently, more
than 50 different countries are actively being involved in collaboration for any activity or task in the
software lifecycle [1, 2]. Among the many motivations behind this trend, the mostly mentioned ones
are economic savings through cheaper cost for labor, around-the-clock development, time-to-market
pressure, and the lack of proficient labor in the local market of developed countries [3].
In the global market, packaged software product, bespoke software, commercial off-the-shelf
(COTS), and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are prevalently sold [4]. Because
customers of those products are from anywhere in the globe, vendor organizations mostly move or
distribute their product support and maintenance to the locations closer to the customers or to larger
markets [5]. In distributed settings, maintenance operations are mostly carried out in two ways. One
way is where software vendors control and carry out maintenance and support service through their
own staff in remote sites. Another way is to outsource maintenance to different legal entities on a
contractual base [6]. In either case, a maintenance team may consist of members from locations
distributed globally.
The maintenance phase is the longest part of software lifecycle and, in most cases, also the most
expensive [7–9]. For the last several decades, the cost of software maintenance is continuously
growing [10]. In the 1970s, the costs were around 60% [11], while in the 1990s and 2000s, the
reported costs increased to about 90% and more [12, 13]. Therefore, software organizations have
seen shifting the maintenance work as an opportunity to ease management from many of the daily
burdens of maintenance activities and saving costs. This would leave room for the management to
focus more on organizational strategic activities such as new product research and development
activities. Furthermore, the savings of maintenance costs also would allow increased investment on
other strategic development activities [7, 14].
However, in reality, many organizations fail to gain the expected benefits of GSE and the desired
quality of service and product [15]. Many empirical studies [16–19] confirmed that GSE is a
formidable task and revealed that common major difficulties were caused by organizational, time
zone and cultural differences, coordination and communication barriers, and loss of trust between
collaborators. Although software maintenance is regarded as one of the lifecycle processes that are
more suitable for distributed environment, software maintenance activities typically require
extensive contact with customer, short- iterative cycles, and quick response times, which are
interfered with the communication delays, misinterpretations of requirements, and indirect
responsibilities often prevalent in distributed team collaboration [6, 20].
Hence, there is an urgent need to explore and understand the challenges of managing software
maintenance process in GSE contexts, the sources of these challenges, and mitigation strategies of
companies if they use any [21, 7, 22, 23]. These require also revealing the relationships between
challenges, as different challenges, when they occur, might result in other challenges as well. To the
best of our knowledge, even though there are a few studies that focused on the challenges of GSE in
general, there is no comprehensive study carried out in the context of management of global
software maintenance work. This is important as there are clear distinctions between software
development and maintenance, as well as global and local maintenance. It is important to highlight
that the focus of this study is on offshoring. That is, all contexts considered in this study face
cultural, temporal, and geographic distances.
Our contributions are to provide a conceptual framework (Wieringa and Daneva [24]) to explain
challenges and solutions in global software maintenance. To create the conceptual framework, we
make the following sub-contributions:
• The identification of challenges in relation to managing global software maintenance and their cat-
egorization with the help of the grounded theory method.
• The identification and categorization of solutions for managing global software maintenance.
• A mapping between the challenges and the solutions.
From a practical point, the information is valuable in two ways. First, practitioners can conduct a
risk assessment determining which challenges they may face when going global with maintenance.
Second, they can find solutions addressing the challenges they are facing. To achieve these
contributions, we conducted a systematic literature review [25] to identify challenges and
solutions. The systematic literature review was used to devise an interview instrument. The
literature study and interviews were analyzed using the grounded theory method [26] to devise a
conceptual framework to explain and structure challenges and solutions in the context of global
software maintenance.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 provides background on the
concepts of global software development (GSD) and software maintenance. Section 3 explains
the research methodology and details of how the systematic literature review and the interviews
were conducted. Section 4 presents the results. In the discussion (Section 5), we reflect on the
findings with respect to the research questions. Section 6 concludes the paper with implications
for research and practice.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
• Corrective activities: modifications to diagnose the scenario and remove discovered defects.
• Adaptive activities: modifications to make software suitable to new environment.
• Perfective activities: modifications to enhance system functionalities or documentations, im-
prove performance, maintainability, or other quality attributes.
• Preventive activities: actions to detect and remove dormant defects before they lead to potential
• Emergency maintenance: special case of maintenance in case of unexpected failure of software, also
known as ‘unscheduled corrective maintenance performed to keep a system operational’ [43].
\In general, multiple challenges are observed in software maintenance. Many studies emphasized
that one of the most critical challenges confronting software engineers is to handle software
maintenance and manage change control [44, 45, 9, 46]. Furthermore, software maintenance is
the least explored and, at the same time, the mostly underestimated and troublesome phase [45,
47]. Chen and Huang noticed that, despite the high cost, less attention is paid to issues
encountered in maintenance activities than to other development activities [44]. It potentially
impacts on unreasonable staffing or the devalued effort allocation which could become risk
factors of low-quality maintenance.
It is also important to understand the distinction between software maintenance in globally
distributed context and in traditional in-house contexts. Globally distributed projects are more
difficult than in-house projects to manage [1]. Generally, it is due to diversification and isolation in
project team members due to distance (geographical, temporal, and socio-cultural), which has an
impact on communication, coordination, and control (see e.g., [17, 31–33]).
Global software development and global software maintenance are different processes [P25], and
globally distributed settings bring both some common sources of challenges as well as major
differences. In the preceding discussion, Table I provides an overview of new challenge categories
in the GSD context. These also apply to global maintenance process. Table II, on the other hand,
shows some main differences between global software development and maintenance.
To achieve the research aims of this study, we formulated the following research questions:
• RQ1: What are the challenges of managing software maintenance in globally distributed settings?
• RQ2: How do software organizations mitigate these challenges?
In order to answer our research questions, we first performed a systematic literature review (SLR)
following Kitchenham’s guideline [48] followed by interviews [49] with industrial practitioners.
Thereby, we identified the challenges and mitigation strategies and analyzed the collected data using
Table II. Main differences between global software development and maintenance.
Maintenance process Development process
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
the grounded theory (GT) [50] method. In the following two sections, we present the details of data
collection during the literature review and the interviews. After, we present the data analysis and
3.1.1. Systematic Literature Review study. We first conducted an SLR [25], which focused on
synthesizing the findings on challenges and solutions on global software maintenance. An in-depth
and systematic synthesis was performed based on the extracted data, which distinguishes systematic
reviews from other types of literature studies (e.g., mapping studies [51]). In order to make the
search process obvious and reproducible, all the search results were recorded. Thus, we maintained
the SLR log based on all activities conducted. Search. Our research questions determined the keywords to be used. We also checked the
synonyms and alternative terms by referring to linguistic dictionaries and limiting them within the
context of software engineering. For example, according to the unabridged dictionaries [52, 53],
the synonyms for the entries ‘maintenance’ or ‘maintain’ were ‘support’, ‘preserve’, ‘keep’, ‘sustain’,
and ‘assert’. But considering the context of software engineering, we chose only ‘support’ as an
alternative search keyword. On the other hand, according to our selected definition of maintenance
by IEEE [40], the maintenance implicitly refers to software ‘change’, ‘upgrade’, ‘update’,
‘modification’, or ‘adaptation’. After identification of the keywords, we tried them out in the
databases, and specific terms, such as ‘sustain’, ‘keep’, and ‘assert’, did return irrelevant hits from
other fields, hence, they have been discarded, while the terms ‘maintenance’, ‘change’, and ‘support’
were much better suited to point to maintenance-related ones. The keywords used to design the
search string are presented in Table III.
Alternative search terms for ‘global software development’ are offshore, outsource, or distributed
software development. As ERP is one of the major software products which require extensive
maintenance mostly with a collaboration of distributed teams [54], we also included the terms
‘enterprise resource planning’ or ‘ERP’ to gather the articles which may not be included on search
under other search terms.
Finally, the search string is formed using Boolean operators AND and OR to intersect or incorporate
the search results of different keywords. The search string combining the search terms is structured as
follows: (A1 OR A2 OR A3 OR A4 OR A5 OR A6 OR A7 OR A8 OR A9 OR A10) AND (B1 OR B2 OR
B3 OR B4 OR B5).
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
The databases used for the search were index databases (Compendex/Inspec, ISI Web of Science,
and Scopus) and publisher databases (IEEE xplore, Science Direct, ACM Digital Library, Springer
Link, and Wiley Inter Science). Then, specifically adjusted search strings were applied in each
database, and a total of 9050 articles were retrieved. The retrieval of the articles was performed in
November 2010.
Eight scientific publication libraries were queried, and a large number of studies were retrieved.
Formulation and tuning search strings were made with the help of the librarians of Blekinge Institute
of Technology to improve the reliability of the search. Study selection. The literature selection criteria consist of inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Svahnberg et al. [55] used a basic and detailed inclusion/exclusion criterion. We adopted these double
criteria processes to select primary studies. Our basic inclusion/exclusion criteria were to select the
studies which were published in English language and no duplicates. We utilized each database’s
built-in option to limit results by publication languages. Furthermore, to remove the duplicates, we
exported all the citations of articles (including their abstract) from each library by help of Zotero‡ and
then imported them in database of EndNote§ desktop application and used its duplicate detector
function. When the duplicates or multiplications of same articles were found, we selected a later
version. After those basic selection criteria were applied, a total of 8254 articles were left.
The detailed inclusion criteria were as follows:
• The study is available for accessing in full text form
• The study was peer reviewed
• The study was published in a book, journal, conference, or technical report
• The study presents a research study
• The study mentions software maintenance within globally distributed settings
The detailed exclusion criteria were as follows:
• Article is related to only general software maintenance
• Article mentions only about issues encountered before establishing distributed software maintenance
• Article discusses distributed software maintenance work not in technical or managerial point
of views
After undergoing the selection criteria, the included primary studies were assessed against a quality
criteria defined as a checklist. The quality assessment criteria were as the following:
• Does the research paper clearly explain the research methods and details of data collection and
data analysis?
• Are validity threats of the study noted?
The answers to the questions were noted down using a 5-point measurement scale (very low, low,
fair, good, and very good). Based on the answers to all criteria, the studies were given a rank.
Following the aforementioned systematic review process, the number of studies included at different
stages of the review is shown in Table IV. From the 8254 articles, 392 articles were selected by
examining their titles. Studies were excluded based on title if they were clearly out of scope (e.g., it
is clear that they were not in software engineering, or they were clearly not related to maintenance).
An example where the relevance of the article is already clear from the title is ‘P11, an empirical
study of factors and their relationships in outsourced software maintenance’. In cases where there
was a doubt, the paper went to the next inclusion/exclusion stage and the abstract was read. By
reading the titles and abstracts of the remaining articles on the basis of the detailed
inclusion/exclusion criteria, 119 articles were included in full text evaluation. Through perusing
those articles in full text, finally, 44 articles were found to be the most relevant to be included in the
following data extraction step.
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Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS FOR MANAGING GLOBAL SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 769 Data extraction. We designed a data collection form for extracting the relevant information
to this study from the selected primary studies. In the systematic review process, a pilot study is
necessary to assure consistent understanding and mutual agreement of the reviewers on the review
process before embarking on the complete extent of systematic review [48]. It helps to avoid the
potential bias and to mitigate the risk of following the inconsistent processes and concepts by the
reviewers. Therefore, first, we concurrently reviewed three papers, drafted the form based on
findings from those papers, and validated the drafted version of the extraction form to assure its
applicability for further use. The data were recorded using Google Survey for data extraction.
Whenever an uncertainty occurred, or there was a disagreement, it was instantly discussed/resolved
before recording the information in the final data record.
The extracted data were basically divided into general and specific information. The general
information of the articles was recorded as follows:
• Article title
• Authors
• Article type
• Published date
• Library source
Specific information of the articles is classified in empirical background and specific attributes as
described subsequently:
• Main empirical method
• Subject of study
• Empirical focus
• Maintenance collaboration mode
• Number of distributed sites
• Challenges highlighted
• Mitigation strategies or practices
• Validity threats
The next section presents how we performed the data collection during the interview study. After,
we discuss how we made the analysis in this study using the data collected during the SLR and the
3.1.2. Interview study. The course of the interview was designed to follow the seven-stage interview
guideline by Kvale [49], where the interview investigation is routed through thematizing, designing,
interviewing, transcribing, analyzing, verifying, and reporting stages. The purpose of the interview
was to explore beyond the knowledge from the state of the art. Interview design and conduct. We designed the qualitative interview in the semi-structured
way, where the closed-end questions were to be inquired and open-ended questions were to be
discussed. The literature review allowed us to conduct a more focused interview to add knowledge
to the results found in the SLR. We, for example, found that the use of COTS components was
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
identified as a challenge, and we asked the interviewees whether they are using these, and what
challenges they face are related to them. Utilizing the SLR as an input to interviews allowed us to
obtain additional information to what has been found in the literature review. The complete
interview guide is shown in Appendix B.
We contacted prospective interviewees by email in advance and introduced the research. They were
provided with the purpose, design, and the expected outcome of the study in order to familiarize them
with the research. In total, we interviewed five persons working in five different companies. One
interview was conducted face-to-face while other interviews were conducted through the Internet
using Skype. According to [49], the interviewee should be provided with a briefing about the
context of the interview before interview. We did this by a brief introduction of interviewees,
purpose of the study, format of the questions to be asked, and asking interviewee’s permission to
use tape recorder for recording. At the end of the interview, we debriefed each interviewee with
possible outcome of the study and its potential benefits. Briefing interviewees at the start of
interviews helped in building communication.
Every interview was conducted by two authors of this study between January and February 2011. It
is suggested to conduct interviews by a group of two people, because it has several advantages such as
more follow-up questions, increased understanding of the subjects, time saving, and simultaneous
efficient work [56]. The role of one interviewer was to lead the interview, while another interviewer
was responsible for taking notes and asking additional questions. The length of each interview was
set to 1 h but extended in case the interviewee would like to continue.
We used two methods to record interviews: tape recording and taking notes. The first two authors
transcribed immediately after the completion of each interview individually and then consolidated
the results into one comprehensive transcript. The purpose of transcribing individually was to reduce
potential threats of conflicts in understanding. In case of ambiguous statements, the authors
discussed that statement and referred back to original question, notes, and audiotape for clarification. Consent. Before the interview, the interviewees were also given a consent form, informing
them that the interview is voluntary, they may always stop the interview or refuse to answer, and
may decline that the interview is recorded. They were also informed about the intent to publish the
aggregated results. Informed consent is an agreement intended to assure that the individuals give the
consent to voluntary participation in research once they are informed of the activities involved and
risks associated with them [57]. According to the suggested ethical codes by IEEE and ACM
society, ‘Software engineering shall, in their professional role, act only in ways consistent with the
public safety, health, and welfare’. So as to comply with it, we obtained the participants’ consent
after informing of the consequences of the research. In particular, the informed consent helped to
appease participants’ worries about their presence in the interview and made them feel secure and
cooperative in the interview. Interviewees. We used the purposeful sampling strategy [58] to select the interviewees.
Interviewees working in offshore insourcing and outsourcing were selected from large-scale
companies, where we were likely to find a rich set of challenges and solutions related to global
maintenance. Table V provides an overview of the interviewees’ experience. Table VI shows the
maintenance stakeholder distribution (vendor, supplier, and customer) and where the interviewees
are located in relation to them. Furthermore, the collaboration mode as introduced in Section 2 is
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
Table V. Interviewees.
ID Company Background
Grounded theory begins with open coding and followed by axial and selective coding. Open coding
is an initial coding process in which codes are provisional and best grounded in the data. Those codes
were selected to have as much as close meaning to the raw data so that further coding processes can
openly exploit them [50]. In axial coding, the open codes are interrelated and linked to each other to
construct a conceptual structure which can explain the phenomena more precisely and completely [26].
Subsequently, selective coding process applies to integrate the concepts to build more general
categories to explain theory about a phenomenon and to validate the concept relationships by
comparing with the raw data and refine the relationship if necessary [26].
Concrete samples of coding process are exemplified in two slightly different forms of data of the
systematic literature review and the interviews.
Two pieces of data were extracted from the literature, namely, X and Y.
• Data X: ‘… In the era of global outsourcing, maintenance and enhancement activities are per-
formed in distributed locations. In most cases, the domain expertise is not available which
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
increases the complexity to manifold. A critical success factor in such a scenario is to have a col-
laborative platform for managing and sharing the domain specific knowledge across distributed
locations…’ [59].
• Data Y: ‘… if maintenance personnel has prior development experience, it becomes good advan-
tage for him to work successfully in maintenance activities …’.
The data X is an excerpt extracted from literature as it was written. From this excerpt, it can be
inferred that a lack of the personnel with domain knowledge creates a challenging situation for a
distributed maintenance team. Based on this inference, we coded it as a challenge ‘A lack of domain
expertise’. The data Y is a note taken from several articles. From this note, one may deduce that
poor technical and software development knowledge can be a barricade for effectiveness of
maintenance task resolution. We coded it ‘Poor technical and development skill’. Furthermore, those
two challenges were grouped into more general concept ‘Technical Knowledge’. This concept was
again grouped to general category ‘People’, because knowledge is epistemologically explained as
people’s properties according to Sosa [60] and Greco [61].
On the other hand, from excerpt 1, it can be drawn that creating a collaborative system for
knowledge sharing can be adopted to fill the gap of domain knowledge in a distributed team. Thus,
we identified it as a strategy ‘Collaborative knowledge sharing system’. This strategy was grouped
into more general concept ‘Knowledge Management’, which was classified to category ‘Process’
because knowledge management is a process of systematically collecting, organizing, and sharing
experiences and practices of individuals or groups within an organization [39].
Similarly, the interview data were analyzed using GT. An example is given subsequently.
• Interview transcript 1: ‘Some teams were very good in communication because English was
their first language while others were not.’
• Interview transcript 2: ‘I face difficulties in understanding what others are trying to say. This
happens very frequently in email correspondence.’
Both excerpts from the two interview transcripts, mentioned earlier, discuss challenges associated
with communication. Interviewee 1 discussed a challenge in communication due to differences in
language, so we coded this as ‘language difference’. In the second case, an interviewee discussed
the same challenge, that is, ‘language difference’, but he also mentioned a mode in which it creates
a problem, which is ‘email’. Therefore, we coded this as ‘ambiguities in email correspondence’.
This code was then added to a more generalized code ‘written communication’. Then, both these
codes were grouped into a concept ‘language difference’. Finally, this concept was added to
‘People’ category.
The results of GT coding for the SLR and the interviews are shown in Table VII.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
3.3.1. Data collection in SLR. The aim of the systematic literature review is to find as many empirical
studies as possible, which are relevant to the context of the target topic. The following open threats
may affect the conclusions of the study:
• Exclusion of gray literature: Exclusion of gray literature may lead us to miss some interesting findings.
• Inclusion of articles until the end of 2010: We did not include gray literature. Furthermore, we
included studies up till the end of 2010, which formed the basis for our interviews conducted in
2011. Hence, 3 years were missed. We contemplated on whether to include the remaining years;
however, this would prolong the study further given that the qualitative analysis using GT is
very time consuming, leading to missing papers of the coming years. Furthermore, a high num-
ber of relevant studies have been included, and interviews have been conducted complementary.
Even though this does not mitigate the threat, it is reduced.
• Missing search terms: There is a risk that relevant search terms have been missed. What adds
confidence to the sample of articles obtained is that studies in the context of all maintenance ac-
tivities (corrective, adaptive, perfective, preventive, and emergency) have been identified. This
indicates that the search was not biased.
• Risk of bias in extraction: To avoid potential threat of researcher bias and consequently selecting
irrelevant data, we used a data extraction form. Both authors based on their mutual consensus
developed the data extraction form. We used this data extraction form during the piloting of
the systematic literature review. The results of both authors were discussed in terms of consis-
tency, and changes were made to the data extraction form. Finally, the updated data extraction
form was used to extract data from selected primary studies in order to overcome this threat.
However, a risk of bias in extraction remains, and consistency was not measured over the whole
set extracted. Thus, bias is a confounding factor.
3.3.2. Data collection in interviews. Threats relevant to the study, but reduced through control
actions, were the following:
• Selection of interviewees: Another threat related to interviewee selection was that some of the
interviewees were colleagues of the authors who were working together in enterprise software
maintenance projects. Thus, it was easier to access and obtain consent from them because of
close contact. Although, at the same time, they fulfilled the purposeful sampling criterion as they
provided were working in a context highly relevant for this study.
• Misunderstandings: During the data collection, another threat could be misunderstanding the in-
formation extracted during the interviews. In order to minimize this threat, we transcribed each
interview and sent the transcripts to respective interviewees for validation. Moreover, each inter-
view was recorded for avoiding any loss of information.
• Privacy: Collecting limited information due to company privacy was another threat. The right of
disclosing organizational processes and knowledge associated with every day business pro-
cesses lie with organization. For overcoming this risk, we obtained their formal consent in which
we assured the confidentiality of the information.
• Generalizability: Another potential threat was validity of the interview population for generaliz-
ability. We conducted interviews with people from different geographical locations that are
Asia, Europe, and the USA. The idea was to gather feedback from industrial practitioners with
different backgrounds, cultures, and organizational structures. This can support the generaliza-
tion of the results. However, the number of interviews was limited, although very deep and de-
tailed information was gathered. The threat is reduced as the interviews were analyzed together
with the information obtained from literature.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
3.3.3. Data analysis in SLR and interviews. For data analysis, we used the same method during the
SLR and interviews. A major threat to validity during the analysis of data concerns with whether the
inferences follow from the data and not biased by the researchers during the analysis. This requires
analysis methods that have a systematic approach, that is, if another researcher later on conducts the
same study using the same data, the results should be the same. Therefore, we used Strauss’ variant
of GT. This method involves three levels of coding on data because it provides clearly structured
procedures [62] which are more understandable, whereas Glaser paradigm is less structured and
more theoretically sensitive [63]. However, Strauss’s divergence of GT bears a threat of force by
adhering fixed coding procedures which can limit emergence of theory [64].
We first present an overview of the context of the literature and the research methods used by the
studies. Thereafter, we discuss the challenges and solutions identified. After having provided the
structure of challenges and solutions, they are mapped to each other. The results only include
the findings specific to managing global software maintenance. The complete set of challenges
and solutions can be obtained from the complementary material provided with this article on
the publisher’s website.
Corrective [P1, P2, P3, P4, P9, P11, P12, P15, P16, P19, P21, P23, P24, P25, P26, P27,
P28, P29, P31, P32, P33, P37, P39, P41, P43]
Adaptive [P2, P26, P29, P37]
Perfective [P2, P9, P11, P12, P23, P25, P26, P27, P28, P29, P31, P36, P37, P42, P43]
Preventive [P11, P25, P29, P37]
Emergency [P19, P24, P29, P38]
General [P5, P6, P7, P8, P10, P13, P14, P18, P20, P22, P30, P34, P35, P40, P44]
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
Intra [P4, P5, P11, P13, P18, P19, P20, P21, P23, P24, P25, P28, P32, P33, P39]
Inter [P1, P2, P3, P7, P9, P10, P12, P15, P22, P26, P29, P30, P31, P34, P37, P40, P41, P43]
Unclear [P6, P8, P16, P17, P27, P35, P38, P42, P44]
possibility, the outsourced maintenance mode was more commonly discussed in the selected primary
studies than insourced maintenance.
4.1.2. Research methods and study quality. The methods used in the studies identified are shown in
Table X. It is visible that the majority of studies utilized case study research. The research context of
the 35 selected studies was in industry, 5 in academia, and 4 did not mention the contextual
information either explicitly or implicitly. A few studies proposed conceptual frameworks and
evaluated them by classifying existing literature.
Based on the quality assessment criterion defined in Section 3, the primary studies were assessed in
terms of quality. The results of the quality assessment are presented to illustrate the level of trust that
we can put into the results, which will affect the reliability of the conceptual framework presented in
this study. The summary of the quality assessment is presented in Figure 1. It shows that three-
fourth of the selected studies were ‘Fair’ or above in quality.
4.2. Challenges
Through qualitative analysis, we observed that challenges and strategies in global software
maintenance are being influenced by some factors with common patterns. Those patterns are
synthesized in major categories considering main entities of software projects: people, process,
product and technology (3PT), which emerged from the data analysis. The categories are defined as
12 11
6 5
Very good Good Fair Low Very low
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
4.2.1. People factor. Table XI illustrates the structure of challenges related to the people factor based
on the SLR and interviews. Only 11 of 37 challenges are more strongly related to maintenance work in
particular, that is, 26 challenges were generic and also found in [34–37]. Within the categories of
cultural differences, trust, staff turnover, and technical knowledge, no codes unique to maintenance
were identified. As is visible from the table, five new challenges related to the people factor were
identified in the interviews, while only one challenge was found in both sources of data. It is also
apparent that many challenges are related to a negative attitude towards maintenance and
4.2.2. Process factor. Challenges by process factors are conceptualized into major project
management processes such as change management, quality management, communication
management, scope management, knowledge management, and risk management. Table XII
provides an overview of the challenges associated with the process factors. Six categories of
The complementary material also presents the findings not specific to maintenance, as those challenges will also be rel-
evant in decision making from a practical point of view
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
4.2.3. Product factor. Challenges by product factors are conceptualized into major areas as software
size and complexity, and third-party dependency (Table XIII).
4.2.4. Technology factor. Challenges by technology factors are conceptualized into major areas such
as hardware support, software support, and testing environment (Table XIV).
4.3. Solutions
Similar to the challenges, based on the structure of 3PT derived through the application of grounded
theory, we present the inventory of solutions.
4.3.1. People factor. Table XV provides an overview of the identified solutions. The solutions were
primarily obtained from the literature, with only one solution being added through interviews. Social
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
●, not found in source; √, found in source; SLR, systematic literature review; COTS, commercial off-the-shelf.
aspects were emphasized with respect to customer interaction, social enrichment, and the facilitation of
social interaction through staffing-related actions.
4.3.2. Process factor. With regard to processes, the highest number of solution proposals was
identified. In total, we identified 54 proposals, of which 33 were identified as specific or amplified in
the maintenance context. Six categories of solutions have been identified, namely, quality
management, scope management, change management, communication management, and risk
management (Table XVI).
4.3.3. Product factor. The solutions for the product factor are stated in Table XVII. The solutions
related to the product dimension highlight the need for documentation of different kinds. Also, clear
service level agreements and contractual concerns in the form of non-disclosure agreements should
be considered.
4.3.4. Technology factor. Two categories were identified for the technology factor, namely,
automation, and communication and collaboration. Automation was emphasized for global
maintenance, with five solution proposals of what to automate (Table XVIII).
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
Quality management Having shared or same testing system environment in all sites [P19] √ ●
Introducing gate review and process metrics [P39] √ ●
Automating test cases [P23] √ ●
Peer review on code inspection ● √
Rigorous testing of patches ● √
Use of customer acceptance testing ● √
Double-check on testing and inspection by different members ● √
Developers and testers working together ● √
Adhering to best practices and standards [P43] √ ●
Focus on higher maintainable design from early on ● √
Defining success and failure of maintenance in the presence √ ●
of all stakeholders [P8]
Measuring quality of maintenance process [P16] √ ●
Scope management Assigning a certain software module to a certain staff for √ ●
any change [P39]
Keeping related tasks in a single site [P10] √ ●
Keeping a balance between task specialization and task √ ●
diversity [P22]
Exposing new staff to task variety for effective √ ●
learning [P22,P24]
Task distribution based on team specialization ● √
Task distribution based on ITIL and COBIT standards ● √
Personnel assigned to specific versions of the product ● √
Change management Having central management of change requests [P30,P39,P43] √ ●
Software reliability metrics on source code touched [P39] √ ●
Defined processes for sending a change request ● √
Analyzing change requests on regular basis ● √
Communication Introducing malign lists [P23] √ ●
Building virtual customers community (forum) [P2] √ ●
Providing remote support possibility through a mobile terminal √ ●
or agent [P4,P5,P6]
Meeting minutes to support conferencing ● √
Single point of communication in teams ● √
Priority based communication methods ● √
Risk management Considering nationals specific dates in plan [P8,P24] √ ●
Planning emergency maintenance procedure earlier [P19] √ ●
Having a risk checklist [P37] √ ●
Serving notice prior to leaving job ● √
4.4.1. People factor. The solutions in relation to the people factor challenges are shown in
Table XIX. Five challenges remain unaddressable in the literature related to global software
maintenance. Two challenges (unwillingness to travel) could be addressed through good leadership,
although it is not clear how good leadership may be generalized, and what it may mean in different
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
●, not found in source; √, found in source; SLR, systematic literature review; SLA, service level agreements.
●, not found in source; √, found in source; SLR, systematic literature review; ITIL, Information Technology In-
frastructure Library; COBIT, Control Objectives for Information and related Technology.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
To increase the value of documentation our proposition is that clear guidelines and manuals [P8] are
needed to motivate why and what to document. Another concern is the unwillingness to travel, which
we believe should not be enforced, but rather, the team members need to be motivated to have an
increased commitment, which requires good leadership [P9, P39]. This is also important to address
the concern of low morale of a team.
Multiple proposals may help in addressing the lack of domain knowledge and skill (e.g., in the area
of testing). This includes the use of cross-functional teams [P39], which may not always be possible.
An alternative could be to have at least one skilled person to share knowledge [P22]. Wiki-based
collaboration platforms also help in sharing knowledge [P9, P10, P24, P30]. To cope with the
challenge of unavailability of domain experts in maintenance teams, different alternatives of
solutions were proposed. Also, multiple solutions are proposed to deal with the challenge of having
too many teams involved in a few tasks. One solution requires additional explanation (task
distribution based on ITIL and COBIT standards). Information Technology Infrastructure Library
(ITIL) is a comprehensive and publicly available standard that discusses best practices in
information and technology service management [70]. Control Objectives for Information and
related Technology (COBIT) is also a framework for assisting managers and information technology
users for Information Technology management [71].
4.4.2. Process factor. The solutions in relation to the process factor are shown in Table XX.
Abstracting from the detailed recommendations for the challenges, the general recommendations are
to define processes and centralize management, to follow standards and agree on defined
measurements for the maintenance process, and to assure training and competence development.
In regard to change management, a stability metric can be adopted for change management process
to use it for assessing impact of change and estimating effort [P39]. It can be based on size of source
files updated and size of source code changed. Well-defined processes and central management may
assure that a defined process should be set for sending change requests. It is about restricting
customers for sending informal Change Request (CR). Change requests should be stored so that
different results could be inferred from the trends on incoming change requests.
To address challenges of quality management, it is important to introduce testing routines. Many
challenges articulated can be related to that (e.g., lack of regression testing, integration problems,
and double effort spent on quality assurance). Rigorous customer acceptance testing should be
performed to avoid rework. The gate review technique can be adopted on maintenance processes. It
can help to iteratively ensure whether quality of current maintenance process meets the defined
criteria and identifies anomalous process earlier [P39]. It is crucial to automate as many tasks as
possible in order to save cost, because most of maintenance tasks are more repetitive than software
development tasks. Many of maintenance tasks can be automated such as impact analysis, regression
testing, change management processes, and self-updating features [P9, P21, P36]. A maintenance
team always should try to detect tasks possible to automate and assess the risk and feasibility [P21,
P43]. Further challenges are inconsistent metrics, the lack of documentation, and the lack of
standards. That is, it is important to define clear boundaries of success and failure of maintenance
service, its quality measures, roles, and responsibility in the service level agreement before
implementing a system. A project manager should ensure that each distributed site adheres to
collaborative best practices and same quality standards which help to avoid misunderstanding and
increase team dynamics [P7, P23–P24, P49]. This includes, for example, quality assurance
standards, the same coding and documenting pattern for software change, identical environment for
development and testing, and consistent hardware tools [P9, P19].
Communication management challenges were related to lack of customer involvement and the lack
of contact of customers to the developers. In perfective maintenance where functionality addition and
adjustment in software are made, higher customer involvement eases the requirement elicitation,
specification, and design process [P2]. Also for corrective maintenance, this was highlighted as
important. Customer involvement in corrective maintenance activities and test case specification
may improve the defect-detection rate of testing processes in acceptance and regression testing [P23].
Unclear and wrong task distributions have been highlighted as challenges, including lack or
overhead in task control. Two strategies have been suggested related to managing task distribution,
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
Change management
Poor impact analysis of Software stability metrics on source code √ ●
change request touched [P39]
Large number of CRs ● ● ●
Volatile change requests ● ● ●
Unclear change request [P2, P18, Defined processes for sending a change request ● √
P20, P23]
Unclear issue report [P3] Defined processes for sending a change request ● √
Poor change request Having central management of change √ ●
management [P27] requests [P30,P39,P43]
Quality management
Lack of regression test suites [P11] Use of customer acceptance testing ● √
Lack of quality assurance procedures Introducing gate review and process metrics [P30] √ ●
in maintenance process [P16]
Lack of check on hardware [P23] ● ● ●
Integration problems Developers and testers working together ● √
Infrequent testing before deploying Developers and testers working together ● √
Much effort due to double test/ Automating test cases [P23] √ ●
inspection work
Automatizing manual routine tasks [P9,P21,P39] √ ●
Using technology to automate tasks [P9,P10] √ ●
Inconsistent metrics between Defining success and failure of maintenance √ ●
organizations [P16] in the presence of all stakeholders [P8]
Measuring quality of maintenance process [P16] √ ●
Realistic measure of progress giving unbiased √ ●
unambiguous visibility on their progress [P9]
Clear document of SLA ● √
No documentation Focusing on standardization [P7,P23,P24,P44] √ ●
standard [P19,P30]
No coding standard [P9,P19] Adhering to best practices and standards [P43] √ ●
Using consistent processes and tools in all √ ●
sites [P9,P19,P21]
No uniform design Focusing on standardization [P7,P23,P24,P44] √ ●
pattern [P19,P31]
Focus on higher maintainable design from early on ● √
Communication management
Limited view and involvement Increasing customer involvement in perfective √ ●
of customer during software maintenance [P2]
change [P2]
No contact with an original Involving customers into test case specification √ ●
developer [P10] to explore new bugs [P23]
Scope management
Unclear task distribution [P28] Assigning a certain software module to a certain √ ●
staff for any change [P39]
Using web-based workflow management software ● √
Wrong task distribution Keeping a balance between task specialization √ ●
[P15,P22,P32] and task diversity [P22]
Using web-based workflow management √ ●
software [P28]
Lack of task control [P7,P10,P28] Using web-based workflow management √ ●
software [P28]
Overhead on task control [P15,P32] Using web-based workflow management √ ●
software [P28]
High work pressure [P11,P19] Having problem management [P43] √ ●
Planning emergency maintenance procedure √ ●
earlier [P19]
Prolonged working hours ● ● ●
due to emergency maintenance
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
namely, having a stable assignment of software modules for software changes [P39] and having a
balance between task specialization and diversity [P22]. Furthermore, the use of web-based
workflow management software was suggested to facilitate task control. Another important aspect is
good planning and problem management, which may reduce work pressure and also assures the
availability of resources in case of emergency maintenance.
Knowledge management challenges are lack of documentation, tacit knowledge, and the lack of
knowledge repositories and time to learn. These challenges may be addressed through Wiki-based
collaboration platforms [P9, P10, P24, P39], formal training and informal knowledge exchange
activities [P11, P43], and a mentoring system [P22].
Multiple risk factors are important in maintenance, in particular, impact analysis, evolution of third-
party components, and unexpected emergency maintenance. Impact analysis could be supported
through maintainable designs. A product that is designed in modules with less coupling and high
cohesion is easier to maintain. Due to the temporal distance, support personnel cannot be available
in the office at the same time as when a customer is in need for an emergent request or critical
problem solution. For such cases, business critical applications can lose the vast amount of profit in
a matter of minutes. To mitigate this impact, remote support personnel should be provided with
mobile communication possibility to access to system network from outside of the office [P4–P6].
4.4.3. Product factor. The mapping of solutions to challenges in relation to the product factor is
shown in Table XXI. The table shows that the challenge of third-party independence is mainly
addressed through being aware of the status of external components through up-to-date
documentation. To avoid leakage of confidential business information, a contractually agreed non-
disclosure agreement could be signed. Some documentation and information about the system could
be obtained in an automated way [P9,P21,P39].
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
Third-party independence
Use of COTS components [P13,P40] Up to date documentation about third party ● √
components used
Frequent updates in technologies Up to date documentation about third party ● √
used in development [P34] components used
Vulnerability of business confidential Contractually agreeing on NDA ● √
information disclosure
Changes in third-party components Up to date documentation about third party ● √
components used
Software size and complexity
A number of change requests [P36] ● ● ●
Complex change request [P15] ● ● ●
A need for extensive documentation Automatizing manual routine tasks [P9,P21,P39] √ ●
●,not found in source; √, found in source; SLR, systematic literature review; COBIT, Control Objectives for In-
formation and related Technology.
4.4.4. Technology factor. The mapping of challenges to solutions in relation to the technology factor
is shown in Table XXII. To address unqualified hardware environments, standardization [P7,P23,P24,
P44] may help to clarify what is required. Also, the same environment for testing should be shared to
avoid difference between development and production environments (cf. [P19]). It was acknowledged
that supporting tools are missing, even though some solutions are present [P9, P10].
The outcome of our study is a conceptual framework categorizing challenges and solutions of global
software maintenance.
5.1. RQ1: What are the challenges of managing software maintenance in globally distributed settings?
We classified the challenges into people, process, product, and technology factors, which we called
3PT factors. Challenges with respect to people factors are already well covered by the general GSE
literature. These include challenges focusing on cultural differences, trust, language differences,
turnover of project members, and technical knowledge. Relatively, more maintenance-specific
challenges have been obtained for the remaining factors. For processes, the specific
factors are related to change management (e.g., poor impact analysis), quality management
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
(e.g., inconsistent metrics between organizations, and no uniform design pattern, double effort in
testing and inspection work, and lack of regression testing). The product factor has two
categories not considered in general GSD, namely, third-party independence, and issues related to
size and maintenance-specific challenges linked to size and complexity of the software. Regarding
technology factors, the importance of challenges related to the testing environment is emphasized.
The categories subsumed the findings form all studies and our interviews. As the studies presented
in literature have been conducted in different contexts, and complemented by interviews, we are
confident that the structure of the framework is stable. Thus, future findings can be easily added to
the existing structure.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
In this study, we explored challenges and solutions specific to, or amplified in, global software
maintenance. For that purpose, we first conducted a systematic literature review and conducted a GT
analysis. Thereafter, five interviews with industry practitioners were conducted and also analyzed
using GT.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
maintenance. Hence, future study can focus on identifying challenges and strategies specific to each
support level of maintenance for exploring more precise results.
In addition, future investigation can continue exploring maintenance of open-source software
projects supported by worldwide developers’ community. In such scenario, members’ locations are
highly scattered, and most of the time, even they do not know each other. Presumably, it is a
complicated collaboration mode in global scenario. However lots of open-source software projects
are successfully undergoing, and its product quality is competitive with commercial products.
Last, but not least, comparative studies of experimental nature are needed to explore the magnitude
of impact of different challenges in relation to GSD versus global maintenance and general
maintenance versus maintenance in the GSD context.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
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B. Interview guide
The interview started with the background of the interviewee and his or her company.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
• Who are involved in the entire maintenance work? Please describe their roles and influences on
the project.
• Do you agree or disagree with people who say that maintenance work is very difficult, boring, or
a less innovative job? If yes, why? If no, why not?
• Have you ever had disputes or misunderstanding with other stakeholders (language or culture)?
If yes, how did you resolve the conflict? If no, how do you manage different stakeholders’
• How much difficult is it to keep a normal working pace when a new member joins the project or
an old member leaves the work? If much, how can its impact be mitigated? If not much, how do
you keep up with a normal pace in such case?
• How often do you need to work for extra hours? If often or more, how do you feel? Why does it
happen, regularly or unexpectedly? If rare, which technique do you use to avoid potential work
Product-related questions: Those questions are to explore challenges caused by the factors specific
to the software product being maintained and their mitigation practices.
• Is any third-party solution (COTS component) included in your maintaining software? If yes,
how often do you need to deal with changes related to them? How much effort is spent?
• What kind of documentation do you update as software changes? How does documentation help
in daily activities?
• In your opinion, what are the important things to keep distributed team’s communication live and
effective? Why?
Process-related questions: Those questions are to explore challenges caused by process related
factors on maintenance activity and their mitigation practices.
• What are the methods you use to communicate with remote team? Why?
• How often do you have a face-to-face meeting?
• What are the difficulties you encounter in communication?
• Do you feel challenges on handling customer change request? If yes, what are they? How do you
overcome them? If no, how did you resolve it? Which mechanisms?
• Who are involved in assessing risk and impact of software change?
• Who were involved in testing process? How?
• How do you maintain and keep track of software changes? Which mechanism do you use?
• What are the difficulties when you deploy software patch or update? How can they be solved or
• Do you measure level of success or failure of maintenance? If yes, which attributes do you in-
clude? Why? If no, how do you ensure whether maintenance process is acceptable? Why?
• What are the difficulties encountered during emergency maintenance? How do you overcome?
• Do you think your current maintenance task distribution works well in your project? If yes, how
is the task triggered and is the progress tracked? If no, how could be improved or reorganized?
• Do you maintain any repository of system documentation, user guide, or other documents? If
yes, how does it work? Why is it needed? If no, how do you manage project’s important
• Do you hold any regular training to share knowledge between members? If yes, how do you hold
it? How does it help in maintenance activities? If no, how do you share or exchange skills and
experience within the team? Why?
• Have you ever been concerned with information security during training or sharing knowledge in
other stakeholders? If yes, how do you handle security concern?
Technology-related questions: Those questions are to explore challenges brought by technology
support on maintenance activity and their mitigation practices.
• How do lack of or poor hardware and software support impact in maintenance activities? How
did you resolve them?
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr
• Do all team members use the same software tools in maintenance? If yes, how does it help in
your maintenance activities?
• How often do you face software failure due to hardware fault? If often, what are the main causes?
How do you resolve them? If less, how do you support hardware maintenance?
• If you want to add issues which are not asked, please feel free.
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Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc. 2015; 27:763–792
DOI: 10.1002/smr