Lot Based Vehicle Pollution Monitoring System Using PIC Microcontroller

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IoT Based Vehicle Pollution Monitoring System

2023 2nd International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking Technologies (ViTECoN) | 979-8-3503-4798-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/VITECON58111.2023.10157911

Using PIC Microcontroller

Logesh P Monisha C Sivachandran M
Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering Communication Engineering Communication Engineering
K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology
Tiruchengode, India Tiruchengode, India Tiruchengode, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Dhanasekaran D
Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering
K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology
Tiruchengode, India
[email protected]

Abstract— The main reason for the decline of our world Internet of Things and wireless sensor network technology,
is pollution. The equilibrium of the natural environment has which have made it possible for real-time and high-trust
been upset by fast industrialization, rapid urbanisation, and wording to the law, every vehicle should be analysed every
a tremendous rise in the number of automobiles on the road. Three months in order to get a Carbon Emissions Control
When greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere, the certificate. The Vehicle Quality Index may be monitored to
weather changes and the seasons shift. The warming of the reduce automobiles pollution with the right sensors.
planet's surface, which is brought on by air pollution Transmitting and receiving data from other data, or the act
emissions, is one of the most urgent environmental problems of sending data.
people’s currently face. CO2 is the primary culprit. In
metropolitan areas, especially in the growing countries like Even though electric vehicles will have little effect on
Pakistan, the transportation sector is largely responsible for income in the long run, they will cost a lot to get to market.
automobile emissions. The system keeps track of the system In opposition, people on the growing nations like Pakistan
uses a variety of sensors, including a gas sensor in the and Iran heavily rely in gasoline and diesel in their cars
exhaust of the vehicle, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to and homes. Emission certifications are provided with new
check pollution restrictions in real time. The vehicle operator automobile purchases in these nations, but the majority of
receives the gathered data through the cloud and verifies the residents do not renew them. The development of field
quality thresholds.
devices is the main focus of this initiative, which aims to
Keywords— PIC micro controller, Sensors, Thingspeak,
increase individual attention. The prototype of this work
Pollution, Internet of Things) makes use of some important devices with several gas
sensors to analyse the automobiles outflow, communicate
I. INTRODUCTION with Pollution Under Control via ESP8266 Think Speak
Cloud, and notify the driver when it's time to service the
If vehicle emissions are to be reduced, constant and
precise monitoring methods must be used to reduce the
enormous amount of contamination created by the II. RELETED WORK
automobiles in metropolitan sector. In India, road
transportation accounts for twenty percent of country's full Christy Mary Jacob approached [1] An IoT based
emissions of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and Smart Monitoring System for Vehicles test both pollutants
nitrogen dioxide from automobiles. Vehicle emissions once every 15 days. We exclusively address carbon
must be tracked and strategies for short-term and long-term dioxide in the vehicle in our design. That is sufficient to
emission reduction must be developed in order to reduce lower the vehicle's positional pollution.
pollution in cities. Asthma, irritation of the eyes, issues Piyush Patil proposed [2] Smart IoT based system for
with the lungs, and effects on reproduction are just a few vehicle noise and pollution monitoring to manage real info
of the serious and long-term health effects of vehicle on the Screen while completing the circuit. The entire
pollution. circuit is really straightforward, and it displays real-time
The knowledge gained makes it possible to lessen the data on the Screen. to know the values when the real-time
negative impacts on the environment, but it also puts the gas price is displayed. So that the concepts in our design
population living in quickly growing cities at an elevated are being enforced.
risk for bad health.72% of the nitrogen oxide and carbon P. Arun Mozhi Devan suggested [3] IoT Based Vehicle
monoxide emissions in urban areas are produced by taxis, Emission Monitoring and indicating System The car stoner
buses, and trucks. Because of these alarming conditions, will be disturbed by the buzzer sound. Hence, using GSM,
the CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) required FC we attempt to send SMS messages to drug users in vehicles.
(Fitness Certificate) renewal for light cars every five years Because we don't require a redundant Wi-Fi module, we
and for heavy transport vehicles every year. The Fitness heavily rely on PIC in our design. The data may be easily
test is very important to all the automobiles owners. Due to sent to IOT.
the sensors' use of cutting-edge technologies such as the

979-8-3503-4798-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

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Ashita Jagasia1, Sanjana Advani proposed [4] IoT D.Lee ,D.S.Lee, suggested [14] Environment gas
based Vehicle Monitoring System uses the Pic sensors, Vehicle units, which resides in a vehicle consists
microcontroller to estimate the level of pollution. If we're of CO2, LPG GAS sensors, RFID fabricators and GSM.
using Pic, we must utilize Pic kit to connect to the Remote monitoring garçon area holds the garçon unit,
computer. Because of the increased costs and variables, we GSM and PC.
decided to include snap in our design.
Ghewari M.U,Tejaswini, Mahamuni, suggested [15]
D.Arunkumar presented [5] Smart Air Pollution Vehicular Pollution Monitoring Using IoT, Reduction of
Detection and Monitoring Using IOT The vehicle, the wild CO and CO2 emissions from two-wheel motorcycles This
fires, and the produced pollutants are all being addressed. article describes an adsorption-based technique for
Jeer Pi is being used to increase efficiency. removing CO and CO2 from two-wheeler motorcycle
Microcontrollers are being used to cut costs. exhaust gases.
Fames D. Thakre approached [6] Minimization of CO III. PROPOSED WORK
& carbon dioxide through Exhaust of Two-Wheeler
Motorcycle, Reduction of CO and CO2 emissions from This proposed system focuses on tracking and
two- wheel motorcycles This article describes an detecting the amounts of individual vehicle exhaust gases
adsorption- based technique for removing Carbon and alerting the driver if the level of vehicle pollution
monoxide and CO2 from motorcycle exhaust gases. exceeds the legally permitted limit. The proposed method
attempted to give the CO2 (Carbon di-oxide) sensor
Y. J. Jung proposed [7] Air pollution monitoring intelligence by storing the CO2 level in the car. This
system based on geo sensor network geo sensor-based method includes a gas detector that can sense CO2 and a
pollution in the atmosphere monitoring system in order to voice sensor that can measure noise level. These sensors
understand the environment contamination position in the must be placed close to the vehicle's exhaust system.
current and impending pollution zone, this article employs
a geo sensor- based monitoring of air quality method. In order to see the output value, an LCD display is
currently linked to the PIC. From the PIC, a Wi-Fi module
Abu Jayyab et al. suggested [8] Air Pollution and is attached for messaging. Updates to the sensor value are
Insured Reliant Vehicle tracking System: this system using made possible by the PIC attached to the sensors When
ATmega processor to manage the vehicle engine ESP8266 linked to net, data will be saved in the cloud. The
depending on sensor data and a controller-set date. The owner's cloud storage receives constant updates with the
circuit was designed to off a vehicle's engine automatically value. Thing Speak has kept the data in the cloud so that it
once it exceeds the harmful emissions cut off level in a may alert the Pollution Under Control and the owner of the
certain place. car whenever real time sensed pollution level will exceeds
the government approved limit.
A.Kadri, E presented [9] Monitoring of Air Pollution in
Real Time Using a Wireless Sensor Network In this study, a. System Architecture
a framework for monitoring the condition of the The block diagram of Pollution Monitoring System is
surrounding air in contemporaneous fashion is described. shown in the figure 1. The block diagram is separated into
The network comprises of several dispersed monitoring some parts like Sensors, ThingSpeak cloud, Alerting
stations that link wirelessly to a backend server via Circuit, LCD display. The MQ135, MQ2, Noise Sensors
machine-to-machine. were connected to the 16F877A PIC Microcontroller to
Vishal V. Pande, Rupesh A. Kale, approached [10] sense the amount of pollution were released in the vehicle
Online Vehicular Pollutants detecting System using GSM, when it crosses the threshold level the sensed value is
output pin is connected to Arduino UNO. All we want to stored in the ThingSpeak cloud using Node MCU’s Wi-Fi
do is to attach the 4 inputs at the relay board to 4 virtual module and also the circuit will indicate through the buzzer
Input or Output pins of Arduino. Distinctive connection and lamp which is connected to the PIC Microcontroller.
discovered with inside the circuit diagram. The Real time sensed value will be showed in the display.
Famesh D. Thakre proposed [11] Minimization of CO The chosen work entails turning on monitoring for
& CO2 from Exhaust of Two-Wheeler Motorcycle This hydrocarbon using mq2, carbon monoxide using mq7, and
data is stored in the database for analysis. In this work nitrogen using the mq135 sensors positioned at the value
using wireless detector it provides a frame for collecting emitted exhaust of the vehicle. The comparable value that
the detector data at any location using Internet of Things. the sensors provided was handled through the controller
over an internet. With the help of the sensor data, the
Y. J. Jung suggested [12] Air pollution monitoring dashboard and cloud are often updated. The real time
system based on geo sensor network Wireless sensor pollution level data obtained through the pollution
through with active RFID used in the proposed wireless detecting circuit is exceeds the government approved set
sensor system to cover the vehicle pollution grounded on limit, the system will alert the driving person via the
IoT. Display and their own database. With the help of the
Abu Jayyab presented [13] Air Pollution mapper for Internet of Things, the system changes the value in the
cities Pollution information is displayed on LCD and cloud. The AT instructions are used by the Wi-Fi module.
Communication indicate transferred to vehicle for We must issue the required commands in order to operate
exceeding pollution level. the module. The input from the detectors that is consistent
with the temperature and carbon dioxide values in real
time is presented on the Screen.

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to be adjusted; in addition, humidity and other
environmental elements may have an impact on the
sensor's performance.
d. MQ-135 Sensor
MQ-135 gas sensor is frequently used to find highly
harmful pollutants in air including benzene, nitrogen
oxides and ammonia The sensor measures the air’s
electrical conductivity, which varies in the presence of
multiple pollutants. The mq-135 sensor is a versatile gas
sensor module with a wide range of uses, including air
pollution monitoring, which is cost-effective compact, and
simple to use. Analysing indoor environment and also the
industrial process control. It is a popular option for gas
sensing application because it responds quickly and has a
good accuracy to a certain gas. When the target gas is
heated, a metal oxide semi-conductor material reacts with
it to change the electrical resistance of the mq-135 sensor.
e. Sound Sensor
Fig. 1. Block Diagram of Pollution Monitoring System A basic sound sensing module called sound sensor can
detect audio waves and produce electrical signals. It is
Both detectors will provide input to the PIC. In the made up of a mic and a circuit that amplifies the
Mikro C software, the factors must be put together and the microphones output. In order to determine whether there is
legislation must be finished. To create essential variables sound present, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) on a
with data types, void setups, and void circles, we must micro-controller can read the amplified signal. DIY
display appropriate library lines throughout the coding projects involving sound-activated lights, alarms, and
process. We should execute and check the software for musical instruments frequently incorporate the KY-038
offences after codifying the coding When the offences in sound sensor. For beginners and hobbyists, it is a perfect
the software have been examined and fixed, a string is option because it is compact, inexpensive, and simple to
linked from of the PC to PIC and selects the habitat for connect to microcontrollers like the pic. It is appropriate to
many species in the snap software. Put the programme on use this sensor in applications like voice recognition and
the PIC board at this point. The data collection tool audio sensing because it has a high accuracy and can
compares the carbon dioxide value to the allowed level of recognize sounds from a distance.
pollution. If the detector's readings are normal, there won't
f. PIC 16F877A Microcontroller
be an issue with the car. If the numbers are advanced
beyond the usual range, however, the snap will control the The most commonly used microcontrollers in the world
ESP8266 module and send communication to the RTO is the PIC PIC16f877a. It is very easy to use and
(Regional Transport Office). programme in this microcontroller, and it is very pleasant
to use. The fact that it employs FLASH memory
b. LCD Display techniques is one of it is advantages since it allows for
Alphanumeric liquid crystal displays (LCDs) of the unlimited write erase cycles. There seem thirty-three input
16x2 variety may show 16 characters on each of its two and output pins out of a total of 40 pins on it Several
lines. For showing straightforward textual information, it is applications with PIC microcontrollers use the
frequently used in electronic devices like calculators, PIC16F877A.
digital clocks, and consumer electronics. The display uses
g. NODE MCU’S Wi-Fi Module
a grid of pixels that can be turned on or off to form
characters, numbers, and symbols. It can be controlled The built-in Wi-Fi module is one of the key features of
using a microcontroller or other similar electronic devices the NodeMCU, which makes it an ideal platform for IoT
and can be used in a wide variety of applications. (Internet of Things) and smart home applications. the wi-fi
module supports both the 24ghz and 5ghz bands and offers
c. MQ-2 Sensor a quick and dependable wireless connection to the internet
It is a tiny electronic gadget that uses the idea of gas Using the NodeMCU's Wi-Fi module, you can easily
conductivity to function. A small ceramic tube covered in a connect to a Wi-Fi network, transmit data over the internet,
layer of metal oxide serves as the sensor's sensing material. and receive data from other devices. The NodeMCU also
The electrical conductance of the material is altered when provides a large number of libraries and APIs that make it
the targeted smoke comes into contact with the metal oxide easy to program the device and interact with other devices
coating, changing the sensor's resistance. Then it on a network. With the help of the NodeMCU, you can
transforms this change in resistance into an electrical create a variety of works, such as home automation
signal that can be measured and evaluated by a systems, remote data logging, and even a simple web
microcontroller or other electronic circuit. server.
The MQ2 sensor's affordability and simplicity of use
h. Buzzer
are two benefits. It is an easy-to-integrate device that is
straightforward and dependable for use in electronic In vehicles, home appliances like microwaves, and
circuits. To verify accurate readings, the sensor may need game shows, buzzers or beepers are signalling devices,

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which allows you to send and receive data from your LCD display. Every 15 seconds, pollution levels are
devices in a secure and efficient manner. The buzzer measured through the PIC microcontroller.
basically consists of several type of switches else sensors The purpose of tracking the amount of vehicular
these are all joined to a control unit whether the switch was pollution the controller transmits the specifics of the
pressed and if, which button, as well as whether a pollutant data to the ThingSpeak cloud server the green
predetermined length of duration has ended. The control light means the level of pollution is normal the red light
unit then commonly illuminates the area around the begins to glow if the pollution level rises beyond the
appropriate button or control panel and beeps or buzzes threshold.
continuously or irregularly to signal danger. This device is
nearly similar to a normal household bell and it’s working
functions also similar to the household calling bell. These
devices typically attached themselves to a wall or ceiling.
Some AC-connected devices were used to establish a
circuit that transforms alternating current into noise and it
is sufficient to operate a normal speaker. The circuit was
connected to inexpensive less than eight-ohm loud speaker.
Now more often utilized is a high-pitched piezoelectric
sounder with a ceramic base for alerting purpose.
i. ThingSpeak
Numerous options provided by a platform called
ThingSpeak are intended specifically for those developing
Internet - of - things operations. The ability to collect data
in a form real-time, visualize the data in the form of maps,
and create widgets and web applications for interacting
with digital services, social networks, and other
Application Programming Interfaces are all included.
Anyone can create a channel in ThingSpeak to store data
from your connected bias and view it in real-time maps
and graphs. The platform can also be used to start
conditioning based on specific conditions or conditions,
much like sending an SMS (Sort message service) or
dispatch when a target threshold is reached. Additionally,
MQ Telemetry Transport MQTT), a popular IoT device
communication protocol that enables you to shoot and
admit data, is supported by ThingSpeak.
The designed system monitors the vehicle's exhaust of
harmful gases, and the exhausted gas level is indicated to Fig. 3. Dashboard from the ThingSpeak cloud
the vehicle owner and pollution control board. This work
consists of low-cost sensor inbuild and vehicles can have The sensed pollution value will be stored in the
its pollution status. ThinkSpeak cloud the table 1 shows it clearly, and the
values are depicted as a graph as shown in the figure 3,
which changes every 15 seconds as the pollution level is
measured during that duration.




14.50 200 220 250 YES

15.00 18 15 17 NO
15.10 20 28 30 NO

Fig. 2. Output of the vehicle Pollution Monitoring System

This system is attached near to the pollution emitting Design this new method of work vehicle pollution
place. The MQ2 and MQ135 gas sensors are sensing the monitoring use this reduce the testing timing for increasing
pollutant gases emitted by the vehicle. The vehicle’s production. With this system, which is equipped with
emitted pollution level is continuously displayed on an several gas sensors that can identify dangerous pollutants

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released by moving automobiles, it can take care of this
issue. The cloud is used to store data gathered regarding
car pollution emissions. Using the acquired data, graphs of
car emissions are plotted as well. If a vehicle's emissions
exceed a certain standard level, a warning is issued. The
transportation authority, or RTO, can use this technology
to identify defaulter vehicles and pursue legal action
against them. By limiting the hazardous vehicle pollutant
emissions, this contributes to a reduction in vehicle
pollution. Which is economical and Simple real-time
implementation one.
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