Microdyn Bio-Cel MBR Design Guidelines - Revc

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Design Guidelines

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 About this Document ...................................................................................................6
Glossary ..........................................................................................................................6
1.1.1 Membrane Separation Process .........................................................................6
1.1.2 Biology ...............................................................................................................9

2 Mechanical Pretreatment of Wastewater ..................................................................11

Coarse Screening .........................................................................................................11
Grit Removal .................................................................................................................11
Fat, Oil & Grease (FOG) Removal ................................................................................12
Primary Clarification ......................................................................................................12
Flow Equalization ..........................................................................................................12
Fine Screening for MBR ...............................................................................................12

3 Basic Description of Biological Processes ..............................................................14

Biological Processes in Waste Water Treatment .........................................................14
Municipal versus Industrial MBR Applications ..............................................................15
3.2.1 Textile ...............................................................................................................15
3.2.2 Food and Beverage .........................................................................................15
Basic Biological Design Requirements .........................................................................16
Oxygen Transfer ...........................................................................................................18

4 Process Design for MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Modules ......................................19

Design Flux Rates & Calculation of Required Membrane Surface ...............................19
4.1.1 Design Net Flux (Municipal) .............................................................................20
4.1.2 Design Net Flux (Industrial) .............................................................................20
Filtration-Backwash-Relaxation Cycles ........................................................................20
Membrane Cleaning......................................................................................................22
Membrane Aeration ......................................................................................................26
4.4.1 SMF and Aeration Requirements.....................................................................27
4.4.2 Cyclic aeration..................................................................................................27
4.4.3 Diffuser Cleaning..............................................................................................28
Antifoam Use ................................................................................................................28
Achievable permeate quality .........................................................................................28
Mechanical Cleaning Process (MCP) ...........................................................................29

5 Membrane Tank & Train design ................................................................................32

General Filtration Line Design ......................................................................................32
5.1.1 External Configuration of the Module inside the Filtration Tank ......................32
5.1.2 Gravity-Fed Configuration of the Module inside the Filtration Tank ................33
5.1.3 Internal Configuration of the MICRODYN BIO-CEL® Module inside the
aeration tank ....................................................................................................33
Mixed Liquor Entrance & Recirculation Outlet ..............................................................34
“Pump-To” Versus “Pump-From” Designs ....................................................................34
Filtration Tank Cover.....................................................................................................34
Membrane Tank Sloped Bottom & Clearances ............................................................35
Membrane Tank Sizes & Module spacing ....................................................................36
Liquid Operating Levels between Different Trains ........................................................37
Mixed Liquor Recirculation ...........................................................................................37

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
Table of Contents

6 Modules Installation Options.....................................................................................38

General Information on Module Installation ..................................................................38
MICRODYN BIO-CEL® - Installation in Filtration Tank .................................................38
6.2.1 Option 1 – Tank Wall Fixation with Fixed or Adjustable Legs .........................39
6.2.2 Option 2 – Lifting & Guiding System for Tank Wall Fixation ............................40
6.2.3 Option 3 - Hanging ...........................................................................................41

7 PLC Description & Instrumentation ..........................................................................42

Instrumentation .............................................................................................................43
7.1.1 TMP Measurement ..........................................................................................43
7.1.2 Flow Measurement ..........................................................................................43
7.1.3 Temperature & pH Measurement ....................................................................43
7.1.4 Turbidity Measurement ....................................................................................43
7.1.5 Level Measurement .........................................................................................44
Tank and Permeation Equipment .................................................................................44
7.2.1 Operational Modes ..........................................................................................45
7.2.2 Plant Flow Demand ..........................................................................................46 Control based on Biological Level..................................................46 Control based on Influent Flow Signal ...........................................47
7.2.3 Process Permeate Pump .................................................................................47
7.2.4 Filtration Tank ..................................................................................................48
7.2.5 Filtration Tank Isolation Gate ...........................................................................48
7.2.6 Standby Filtration Tank ....................................................................................48
7.2.7 Drain Pump and Excess Sludge Removal .......................................................48
7.2.8 Aeration ............................................................................................................48 Membrane Aeration Control ...........................................................48 STANDBY Aeration ........................................................................48 Blower Low Airflow .........................................................................49 Air Compressor Control .................................................................49
7.2.9 Backwash Equipment Control ..........................................................................49 Backwash Sequencing ...................................................................49
7.2.10 Relaxation ........................................................................................................49
7.2.11 Turbidity Measurement ....................................................................................49
7.2.12 Recirculation Control ........................................................................................50 Recirculation Flow Control .............................................................50 Recirculation/Drain Pumps ............................................................50 Standby Recirculation ....................................................................50
7.2.13 Temperature and pH Measurement .................................................................50
7.2.14 Venting .............................................................................................................50
7.2.15 MICRODYN BIO-CEL®-MCP MBR ..................................................................50
Monitoring Parameter ...................................................................................................51
7.3.1 Monitoring Parameter Membrane ....................................................................51 Trans-Membrane Pressure (TMP) Calculation ..............................51 Flow and Flux .................................................................................53 Temperature Corrected Permeability .............................................53
7.3.2 Monitoring Parameter Diffuser .........................................................................53
Chemical Cleaning ........................................................................................................53
7.4.1 Clean in Place (CIP) Controls ...........................................................................53

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Table of Contents

7.4.2 Maintenance Cleaning .....................................................................................54 Maintenance Cleaning Sequence ..................................................54 Calculation of Chemical Concentrations ........................................54
7.4.3 Recovery Cleaning ...........................................................................................55
7.4.4 Neutralization ...................................................................................................56
Triggers & Alarms ..........................................................................................................56
7.5.1 Plant Operating Interface .................................................................................58
7.5.2 Password Access & Privileges ........................................................................58
7.5.3 Screen Color-Coding .......................................................................................58
7.5.4 Loss of Communication Alarm with Plant SCADA ...........................................59
7.5.5 Signals for Communication ..............................................................................59
7.5.6 Plant PLC to the MBR Module PLC Signals ....................................................59
Standard Operational Parameters ................................................................................59
Data Recording .............................................................................................................61

8 Auxillary Equipment ...................................................................................................63

Cross-Flow Blowers ......................................................................................................63
Permeate Pump ............................................................................................................63
Permeate Pipes & Valves .............................................................................................63
Permeate Tank .............................................................................................................64
Venting System .............................................................................................................64

9 Appendices ..................................................................................................................66
Appendix: Sieve Test Procedures ................................................................................66
Appendix: Abrasion Test & Limits for Use with Immersed Membranes .......................68
Appendix: Mixed Liquor Sieve Test ..............................................................................70
Appendix: Cyclic Valve .................................................................................................70
Appendix: Approved Antifoam Agents ..........................................................................71
Appendix: Device List ...................................................................................................72

Figure Index
Figure 1. Overview biological configurations ........................................................................ 15
Figure 2. MCP granulat in filtration tank ................................................................................ 30
Figure 3. Example schematic of MCP operation in the MBR plant ....................................... 31
Figure 4. External configuration ............................................................................................ 32
Figure 5. Gravity flow ............................................................................................................ 33
Figure 6. Internal configuration ............................................................................................. 33
Figure 7. Sump pit and sloped tank ...................................................................................... 35
Figure 8. Tank wall fixation with fixed legs ............................................................................ 39
Figure 9. Lifting and guiding system with fixed legs .............................................................. 40
Figure 10. Hanging installation of two modules .................................................................... 41
Figure 11. Schematic representation of MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR process................... 44
Figure 13. Influent Flow, Level Control & Permeate Flow Control Chart .............................. 47
Figure 14. TMP and flow during automatic operation mode ................................................. 51
Figure 15. TMP calculation ................................................................................................... 52
Figure 16. Scheme of venting cycle ...................................................................................... 65

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Table of Contents

Figure 17. Pouring the mixed liquor through the sieves ........................................................ 66
Figure 18. 2mm sieve residue ............................................................................................... 67
Figure 19. 1mm sieve residue ............................................................................................... 67
Figure 20. Gold number ........................................................................................................ 69
Figure 21. Sand particles ...................................................................................................... 69

Table Index
Table 1. FOG limits ................................................................................................................ 12
Table 2. Sludge characteristics of a well working biology ..................................................... 16
Table 3. Effluent characteristics of a good working biology .................................................. 17
Table 4. Standard Operation Cycle ....................................................................................... 21
Table 5. General Guidelines for Membrane Chemical Cleaning ........................................... 23
Table 6. Membrane Chemical Cleaning Frequencies ........................................................... 23
Table 7. Maintenance Cleaning Procedure ........................................................................... 24
Table 8. Recovery Cleaning Procedure ................................................................................. 25
Table 9. Diffuser Data ............................................................................................................ 26
Table 10. Aeration Design Parameters for MICRODYN BIO-CEL® Modules....................... 27
Table 11. Achievable Permeate Quality ................................................................................ 29
Table 12. Membrane Module Clearances ............................................................................. 36
Table 13. Horizontal Deviation .............................................................................................. 38
Table 14. Components (pumps, blower and valves) according to Figure 11 ....................... 44
Table 15. Instruments according to Figure 11 ...................................................................... 45
Table 16. Flow level dependent on level in biology ............................................................... 46
Table 17. Standard Maintenance Cleaning Procedure ......................................................... 54
Table 18. Recovery Cleaning Procedure ............................................................................... 55
Table 19. Neutralization procedure ....................................................................................... 56
Table 20. Tank alarms with warning, shut-down, standby .................................................... 57
Table 21. HMI Color Code Devices Charts ........................................................................... 59
Table 22. Standard Operational Parameters ......................................................................... 60
Table 23. Logged data for process monitoring ...................................................................... 62
Table 24. Permeate Tank Volume ......................................................................................... 64

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
1 About this Document
This document describes the general idea of how to design a membrane bioreactor (MBR)
plant with MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR membrane modules and is written for the designer.
Please note that this document is primarily intended for municipal wastewater; designs for
industrial wastewater may vary significantly.
Detailed plant specific data can be found in the Basic Design Sheet, which is provided by
MICRODYN-NADIR for every quotation as a separate document.


1.1.1 Membrane Separation Process

Average Annual Flow (AAF)
• Average daily flow rate that occurs over a 365-day period with the highest flow based
on annual flow rate data.

• Permeate flow from permeate to feed side (reversal of flow direction in contrast to
filtration) for removal of cake layer built up on membranes.
• Also known as backflush or back pulsing.

• Layer of organic substances that forms on the membrane surface.

• Stack of laminate membrane sheets inside the module housing.

Chemical Enhanced Backwash (CEB)

• A chemical cleaning solution that is added to backwash in defined periods.

Clean Water
• Water free of any particles and debris.
• TSS < 2mg/L, COD < 30mg/L

• Feed component which is retained by the membrane and accumulated in the
• Also known as retentate or reject.

Cross-Flow Aeration
• The constant turbulent flow along the membrane surface that prevents the
accumulation of matter on the membrane surface.
• High velocity is generated transversely to the filtration area providing high shear

Production Cycle
• Sequence of steps among filtration, relaxation and/or backwash.

Dead-End Filtration
• Filtration mode where the feed water is forced through the membrane surface via an
applied pressure without any tangential cross-flow.
• Comparable to filtration through a coffee filter.

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• Influent to membrane process.

Filtration Line
• Number of membrane modules that are connected to a shared periphery (permeate
pump, aeration blower, etc.) and located inside the same filtration tank.

Filtration Tank
• Tank that contains only submerged membrane modules. A tank may contain more
than one filtration line.

• Refers to the specific flow rate through the total active membrane area, usually in
units of L/(m 2*h) [LMH] or gal/(ft2*day) [GFD].

• Membrane surface area is covered with organic and inorganic matter
• Typically results in a decline in membrane performance
• May be partly removed by chemical cleanings
• Distinction between inorganic (see Scaling) and organic fouling (see Biofouling)

Gross Flux (GF)

• Measured as the attainable flux during filtration phase.

Irreversible Fouling
• Foulants that cannot be removed by cleaning; membrane performance is
compromised and may not be recoverable.

Laminate Sheet
• Two membrane layers glued from both sides onto a spacer used as a permeate
drainage layer.
• Sheets are laminate cut to formats of different size.
• Able to be backwashed due to unique drainage layer.

Maintenance Cleaning
• Regular chemical cleaning for removal of fouling.
• Scaling removal by acidic solutions (e.g. citric acid).
• Biofouling removal by alkaline and oxidative solutions (e.g. sodium hypochlorite).

Maximum Day Flow (MDF)

• Average flow rate that occurs over a 24 hours period with the highest flow based on
annual flow rate data.

Maximum Month Flow (MMF)

• Average daily flow rate that occurs over a 30-day period with the highest flow based
on annual flow rate data.

Maximum Week Flow (MWF)

• Average daily flow rate that occurs over a 7-day period with the highest flow based
on annual flow rate data.

Mechanical Cleaning Process (MCP)

• Mechanical Cleaning Process with granulate inside membrane bioreactor for better
mechanical cleaning efficiency and reduction of chemical consumption.

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• Selective barrier which is responsible for retention of solids bigger than the pore size.

Membrane Surface Area

• Area available for filtration process.

• Unit comprising membrane and housing as well as diffuser and base frame.
• One or more cassettes mounted to a module.

Net Flux (NF)

• Gross flux subtracted by regeneration modes relaxation and/or backwash.

Peak Hourly Flow (PHF)

• Maximum flow rate sustained over a one-hour period based on annual flow rate data.

• Calculated as the flow through a specific surface divided by the applied pressure
and required time, taken as flux divided by TMP and usually in units of LMH/bar or
• Indicator of filtration performance and is used as the optimum monitoring parameter.

• Water treated by membrane process; clean water.
• Also known as effluent or filtrate.

• Recycling of concentrate to the feed (e.g. filtration tank to aeration tank, aeration
tank to anoxic tank for denitrification).

Recovery Cleaning
• Cleaning inside filtration tank or in an external tank.
• Chemical can be added by backwash or directly into the tank.
• Also known as intensive cleaning

Regeneration Mode
• Physical cleaning of membrane by backwash, relaxation, etc. to increase
permeability again after filtration.
• Part of production cycle.

Reversible Fouling
• Fouling that is removable by regeneration modes.

• Inorganic precipitants that accumulate on the membrane surface membrane
• Typically results in a decline in membrane performance
• May be removed by chemical cleanings

Soaking Time
• Period where the entire operation is stopped to allow chemical cleaning agents to
diffuse into denser fouling layers to break it up.

Temperature Corrected Permeability

• Permeability considering the effect of temperature on viscosity.

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TransMembrane Pressure (TMP)
• Pressure difference between the outside (feed/concentrate) and inside (permeate)
of the membrane.

• Cloudiness of fluid that is used as a permeate quality indicator.

• Removal of air from the permeate line.

• Calculated based on gross and net flux and taking operational cycle into account.
• Also termed recovery.

1.1.2 Biology
Aerobic Zone
• A zone in the bioreactor that is characterized by high levels of dissolved oxygen.
• In this zone, the oxygen level is measured using DO meter and maintained at an
optimal level by adding air.
• Zone where nitrification takes place.

Anoxic Zone
• A zone in the bioreactor that is characterized by low levels of dissolved oxygen.
• Zone where denitrification takes place.

Bioreactor System
• A system which supports a biologically active environment having both anoxic and
aerobic zones used for treatment of wastewater.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

• Quantitative test measuring the amount of oxygen that is needed and consumed by
the biology during digestion and is proportional to the number of organics in the
wastewater sample.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

• Quantitative test measuring the oxygen equivalent to the organic material in the
wastewater that can be oxidized chemically.

Food to Microorganism Ratio (F/M ratio)

• Parameter used for biological design showing the ratio of substrate present and
available biomass and biological volume required for degradation of organic matter.
• Also termed organic loading rate.

Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT)

• Retention time of water (permeate) inside the system.

Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)

• Combination of membrane separation process and biological treatment.
• Decoupling of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and sludge retention time (SRT) due
to membrane barrier.

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Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS)
• Weight of solids found in the sludge in biological and membrane tanks

• The solids portion of the wastewater in biological and membrane tanks.
• Also termed mixed liquor.

Sludge Retention Time (SRT)

• Retention time of sludge inside the system.

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2 Mechanical Pretreatment of Wastewater
The selection of appropriate pretreatment processes is essential for the efficient operation of
the downstream processes in any wastewater treatment plant. In membrane bioreactors
(MBRs), the pretreatment processes are especially important as certain materials may
exacerbate the fouling processes or even cause immediate damage to the membrane.
Specific site parameters, such as size of plant, wastewater characteristics and variations in
wastewater flow, determine the type and amount of pretreatment necessary for successful
operation of the MBR. The complexity associated with additional pretreatment processes must
be weighed against the advantages and possible disadvantages for the downstream
processes, especially with respect to membrane fouling and membrane life.
Typical pretreatment processes include:
1. Coarse Screening
2. Grit Removal
3. Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) Removal
4. Primary Clarification
5. Flow Equalisation
6. Fine Screening
Usually a combination of one or more pretreatment processes will be used depending on the
size of the plant and the specific wastewater characteristics.
A proper pretreatment will ensure very low levels of trash and other harmful material in mixed
liquor. The quantity of debris and trash in mixed liquor can be measured by an analytical
method known as “Sieve Test”. Routine sieve tests of mixed liquor are used to assess the
performance of pretreatment systems. The sieve test should be used initially to commission
and test the sludge before exposing the membranes to mixed liquor. It should also be routinely
used to monitor sludge.
The Sieve Test procedure is provided in Appendix: Sieve Test Procedures.

Coarse Screening
Coarse screening refers to screens of 6 mm or larger and are available in different types and
configurations. Systems using MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR membrane modules don’t have
specific requirements for coarse screening. However, the use of coarse screens upstream of
the plant may be beneficial, for example:
1. Systems using BIO-CEL MBR modules require fine screening before membranes.
Most fine screen suppliers require coarse screening ahead of their screen to
minimize risk of frequent blinding of fine screens and overloading. This may also
allow using smaller and less expensive fine screens.
2. When a primary clarification is used ahead of MBR systems, coarse screens are
often recommended by engineers before clarification.

Grit Removal
Grit and sand are inert material and are removed using physical processes such as aerated
grit chambers. The need for grit removal and its design is based on an assessment made by
engineers for the entire wastewater treatment plant.
However, fine screen suppliers may require grit removal ahead of their fine screens to
minimize wear and tear. This should be discussed with fine screen supplier. In some rare
cases, wastewater may contain very abrasive and sharp-edged material that are often
considered the same as grit and sand and are damaging to membranes. The method to
characterize the abrasive nature of wastewater is called “Gold Number”.
The mixed liquor entering membrane filtration tank should have an acceptable “Gold Number”.
The details are provided in Appendix: Abrasion Test and Limits for Use with Immersed
Membranes. Again, this is not a common occurrence, but if wastewater is considered abrasive

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to membranes, then special attention should be given to grit removal to ensure these materials
are removed as part of physical pretreatment.

Fat, Oil & Grease (FOG) Removal

Wastewater may contain a certain amount of FOG and most municipalities have discharge
limits for FOG. Systems using MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR modules may handle the typical
FOG content found in municipal wastewater. However, significantly higher amounts of free oil
may be fouling to membranes and should be removed prior to membrane filtration stage.
FOG entering the MBR plant will normally form a scum layer in the biological tanks. This scum
layer in biological tanks does not impact membrane performance. What is important is the
leftover FOG and mostly free oil after the biological tanks entering the membrane filtration
tank. It should be noted that FOG may also blind fine screens and the FOG content upstream
of the plant is higher and the issue needs to be discussed with the fine screen supplier. The
limits for FOG entering the MBR plant are listed below:

Table 1. FOG limits

FOG Limit Recommended

FOG limit headwork - <150 mg/L
FOG limit filtration tank <10 mg/L

Primary Clarification
Although a number of benefits are offered, primary clarification is usually only economical for
larger applications. Implementation of primary clarification depends on the scope and
specifications of a project.

Flow Equalization
Similar to conventional plants, flow equalization may be used in MBR plants to better respond
to flow variations due to large short-term peak conditions. Flow equalization is suitable for
large peak hourly to peak daily flow rates in small to medium size plants, but it is not practical
for large plants (e.g. more than 50,000 m 3/d) or when handling peak flow conditions for more
than a day.
In such cases, the alternative to equalization is to use additional membranes for peak events.
This is a suitable option when there is not enough space for equalization tanks or when peak
events are for longer periods such as seasonal peaks. The choice between flow equalization
and extra membranes is an economical decision based on capital and operating costs based
on engineering evaluation.

Fine Screening for MBR

The fine screening is the most critical component in the MBR pretreatment process. The fine
screens must be selected, designed, installed, operated and maintained properly to ensure
sufficient protection of membranes over the life of the membranes. It is important to test and
verify the performance of the fine screening system for both hydraulic performance and
removal efficiency to ensure they meet design specifications.
The fine screening requirements for systems using BIO-CEL MBR modules are as follows:
• Minimum: screens with ≤ 2 mm (0.08 inches) square shape mesh or round hole
• Strongly preferred: screens with ≤ 1 mm (0.04 inches) square shape mesh or round
hole openings.

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• The screen design, installation and operation should not allow overflow or bypass of
unscreened wastewater to the MBR system.
• Rotating brush screens are the preferred type of screens. In this design, the screen
surface is attached to the screen frame and does not move. The wastewater passes
through the holes of the screen and the rejected materials are removed from the
screen surface using a set of rotating brushes. As the screen media does not move
in this design, these types of screens do not have the problem that is often seen in
regard to the failure of sealing of the gaps between moving parts. This is an important
feature that prevents any bypass of unscreened wastewater through the moving
parts of the screen.
• It is best to add a flanged overflow connection to an upstream pump station or off-
line facility. This should not be connected to the MBR system. This is used to allow
a controlled diversion of unscreened wastewater in case of a problem with the screen
• It is recommended to install a sufficient number of screens where maximum wet
weather influent wastewater flow can be treated with at least one screen out of
The screening requirements for industrial applications may be different from those for
municipal applications depending on the nature of solids in wastewater and what needs to be
removed prior to membranes.
The purpose of fine screening is to remove the trash and other material that may accumulate
within the membranes and on membrane aeration system causing severe solid build up and
potential damages. A proper pretreatment ensures longer membrane life and less need for
membrane maintenance. The mixed liquor sieve test is an essential test to ensure the
concentration of trash and other harmful material in mixed liquor is sufficiently low and
acceptable for membrane filtration.

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3 Basic Description of Biological Processes

Biological Processes in Waste Water Treatment

The main biological processes used in MBR systems are as follows:
Anoxic Zone: The primary function of the anoxic process is denitrification or nitrate reduction.
In the absence of dissolved oxygen, the biomass oxidizes organics using available oxygen
molecules from nitrate (NO3-). The reaction reduces nitrate to nitrogen gas which is stripped
out in the subsequent aerobic processes under aeration.

Nitrate reduction (denitrification):

NO3- + Organic Carbon (e.g., Sucrose) → N2 + CO2 + H2O + OH-

A mixer is installed in the anoxic tank to mix incoming screened wastewater with the mixed
liquor returned from the aerobic tank at a predetermined recycle rate. This recycle rate is
chosen to achieve an optimal bioreaction within the anoxic zone.

Aerobic Zone: After anoxic zone, the denitrified wastewater enters into the aerobic tank.
Process air blowers feed fine bubble diffusers installed at the bottom of the aerobic tanks to
provide oxygen for biomass in the aerobic zone. Air is dissolved and used by biomass under
aerobic reactions. MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR modules should always filter mixed liquor from
the aerobic zone.

A properly installed (as per manufacturer’s specification) and functioning dissolved oxygen
(DO) sensor must be used to ensure the required level of oxygen in the aerobic tanks is
present for the aerobic digestion. In this oxygen-rich environment, organic materials (as
measured by BOD testing) and ammonia are biologically oxidized to carbon dioxide, nitrate
and water.

BOD reduction:
Organics + O2 → CO2 + H2O + New Cells + Energy

Ammonia reduction (nitrification):

NH4+ + 2O2 → NO3- + H2O + Loss of Alkalinity

From the aerobic tank, wastewater is pumped or fed under gravity to the membrane filtration
tanks to separate water from biomass. Return activated sludge (RAS) overflows or is pumped
from the membrane tanks into the anoxic zone (when applicable). This circulation flow is used
to maintain a moderate level of mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) concentration in the
membrane tanks. In some cases, membranes are installed in the same aerobic zone and
mixed liquor is circulated from aerobic tank back to anoxic zone (when applicable).

Anaerobic Zone: In some applications, anaerobic reactors (no oxygen) are used to digest
very high organic loading wastewater and reduce it to levels that can be further treated in
aerobic bioreactors before being filtered by membranes. Anaerobic processes might also be
used ahead of aerobic bioreactors with proper recirculation to remove phosphorous in a
biological process.

Phosphorous Removal: Phosphorous removal can be achieved either biologically or by

adding coagulants. The biological processes involve anaerobic bioreactors. The coagulant use
is the most common method for phosphorous removal. There are different coagulants and
they are dosed based on phosphorous content and desired removal rate. The coagulant and
adsorbed phosphorous result in higher MLSS values, but act as inert in overall biological
reactions. While their contribution to MLSS should be considered for solid mass flux (SMF)
calculation, aeration and cleaning requirements, they should be excluded from total MLSS for
biological activities of the mixed liquor.
The most common biological configurations before membrane filtration step are as follows:

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BOD / Nit Aerobic

BOD / Nit / Denit Anoxic Aerobic

BOD / Nit / Denit Anoxic Aerobic

Figure 1. Overview biological configurations

In any biological configuration, the membranes should always filter mixed liquor from aerobic
bioreactor. The mixed liquor is then recirculated and returned from membrane tank (in external
configuration) or from aerobic tank back to the other zones depending on overall process
configurations. However, from the membrane point of view, the design considerations are
always related to aerobic bioreactors.

Municipal versus Industrial MBR Applications

For municipal applications, pertinent national standards must be considered (e.g. the German
Standard ATV-DVWK A131 or the EPA 625/4-73-003a standard). A typical municipal MBR is
a wastewater that has less than 20% industrial effluent and the rest is common municipal
effluent. The biological design basis and considerations are similar for different municipal MBR
with some variations mostly related to factors such local climates, desired MLSS content,
nutrient removal and discharge requirements.
On the other hand, industrial wastewater can vary greatly from application to application. The
design basis and considerations vary greatly between them. The presence of solvents, high
levels of inorganic, highly loaded wastewater and specific chemicals alter the biology and its
design basis. Therefore, piloting is recommended to ensure proper degradation of
contaminants and chemicals that are degrading to membranes and to confirm flux rates and
cleaning requirements. MICRODYN-NADIR has extensive experience for a wide range of
industrial applications and should be contacted to provide support for biological designs,
membrane operational conditions and pilot testing.

3.2.1 Textile
Waste water from textile industry is typically characterized by high temperatures (30-40°C [86-
104°F]), medium to high organic pollution (~4000mg/L COD) and often dissolved dye.
Depending on the process, the water may also contain TN in concentrations >10% of COD.
The pH is usually high and needs to be neutralized.
Pretreatment is a must, minimum is a flotation to reduce the SS and COD, better is a flotation
with coagulation and flocculation.
Recommended Flux despite the high temperatures is around 15LMH (8.82 GFD).
Reuse may be challenging, as the dye is not removed by the MBR treatment and will lead to
a colored permeate.

3.2.2 Food and Beverage

Food and Beverage waste water is divers, it can come from many different sources like dairy,
breweries, meat processing, fruit processing and potato chips manufacturing to give some

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The waste water typically has a very high BOD and COD concentration, ammonia and
phosphorus can be high as well and TSS and FOG are often present in large quantities. The
BOD/COD is generally readily biodegradable. Pretreatment should be able to reduce the
BOD/COD, TSS and FOG to acceptable levels for the MBR process.
The main motivation to use MBR technology in F&B plants is water recovery and reuse.
Flux rates applied in F&B application can vary but are in general on the lower end of the scale,
typically around 10-15LMH (5.88 – 8.82 GFD).

Basic Biological Design Requirements

While there are several different biological processes and system configurations, one thing
remains constant – the sludge must be separated from the liquid phase. The MICRODYN BIO-
CEL® MBR membrane modules can work with a variety of MBR systems provided they result
in a biology that is working properly.
The performance of systems using BIO-CEL MBR modules depends on the whole process
including biological treatment process and mixed liquor quality. The mixed liquor filtered by the
systems using BIO-CEL MBR modules must meet the quality requirements listed in Table 2.
This list is intended for municipal wastewater treatment and additional criteria may be required
for other applications. The specific effluent quality requirements may also require additional
mixed liquor qualites that are not listed here. MICRODYN-NADIR should be consulted for
specific cases.

Table 2. Sludge characteristics of a well working biology

Parameter Required Recommended Comments

MLSS Biology <12 g/l 6-10 g/l -

MLSS Filtration <15 g/l 8-12 g/l - Consider the SMF

Tank limitations (see 4.4.1)
Sludge Loading 0.1-0.22 0.10 to 0.16 - This assumes the
Rate (F/M Ratio) kgCOD/(kgMLSS·d) kgCOD/(kgMLSS·d) sludge has a typical
MLVSS/MLSS ratio of
0.75-0.8. In case of
high inert content, the
lower F/M-ratio should
be used. Alternatively,
the F/M-ratio can be
expressed as
recommended range
of 0.13-0.19 kg
Dissolved >0.5 mg/L ≥1.0 mg/L -
Oxygen (DO)
Redox Potential >-50mV >0mV -

Sludge Time to < 200 s <100 s -

Filter (TTF)
The Sludge < 20 mg/L <10 mg/L -
Colloidal TOC
Sludge Volume < 200 ml/g < 150 ml/g - Values higher than
Index (SVI) 200 ml/g will require

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Table 2. Sludge characteristics of a well working biology

Parameter Required Recommended Comments

Sludge Retention > 15 d 16-22 d - A sludge age of 10
Time (SRT) days is acceptable for
tropical systems with
complete nitrification
and denitrification.
Hydraulic >6h -
Retention Time

1. The sludge must be aerobically biodegraded until all residual BOD is removed and
only a residual COD is present as hard COD (non-biodegradable).
2. While complete nitrification and denitrification processes are not required for
membrane operation, better membrane performance is seen in systems with
complete nitrification and denitrification.
3. Diluted sludge volume index (DSVI) values must be achieved without addition of
special polymers. These polymers should only be used if the biological process is

In order to maintain good operating conditions for the membranes, the effluent of the biological
treatment should fulfill the following requirements:

Table 3. Effluent characteristics of a good working biology

Parameter Required Recommended Comments

- Lower temperatures will
5 - 40ºC inhibit the bacteria and
(41-104°F) cause insufficient
BOD/COD removal
pH 6-8 7 -

Soluble BOD5 < 5 mg/L < 1 mg/l -

Soluble COD < 50 mg/L 10-30 mg/L -

Soluble - Must be < 2mg/L 100% of

< 2 mg/L < 1 mg/L
ammonia the time
- Should not scale,
Total hardness
- - influences cleaning
(as CaCO3)
< 1 mg/L of material
greater than 2 mm Tested monthly as per
Trash content Sieve test instructions
< 10 mg/L of material
greater than 1 mm

1. Soluble COD for industrial applications may be higher. These limits are for municipal
wastewater treatment and required permeate quality.
2. Trash content measurement is discussed in the pretreatment requirement chapter
2.6 and details are provided in Appendix: Mixed Liquor Sieve Test.

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3. Scaling due to hardness is a function of water chemistry, temperature and pressure.
More details and guidelines are provided under chapter 4.3.
4. For optimal membrane performance, shorter filter time is desired. Other sludge
characteristics such as colloidal TOC may also be measured and monitored as part
of mixed liquor management and achieving best membrane performance. Details on
mixed liquor quality management is provided in Appendix: Mixed Liquor Sieve Test
along with test methods.
5. Allowable FOG values are listed in chapter 2.3.
The MBR system should have proper pretreatment, as discussed in the pretreatment chapter
(chapter 2), to remove sufficient amounts of FOG, sand and coarse materials, and trash using
fine screening. These are not part of the biological design but will impact the overall sludge
quality and membrane performance.

Oxygen Transfer
The alpha factor (defining the oxygen transfer in activated sludge compared to the clean water
transfer) decreases with increasing MLSS concentrations. In standard MBR systems
(municipal wastewater), operated with MLSS concentrations between 8,000 and 12,000 mg/L,
an alpha factor of 0.5 for fine bubble diffuser systems may be used to calculate the effective
oxygen transfer. The alpha factor may be increased if the MBR is operated with lower MLSS
concentrations. Industrial applications with a high salinity may show lower alpha factors, even
lower than 0.5.
The MICRODYN BIO-CEL cross-flow diffuser system can extensively contribute to the oxygen
supply of the biology. A specific standard oxygen transfer rate (SSOTR) of about 12
goxygen/(m³air∙m diffuser depth) has been proven under standard conditions. The SSOTR is
increased if the air supply is being reduced. This is always contingent on the application.
Please get in touch with your MICRODYN-NADIR representative for further information.
The maximum oxygen transfer strongly depends on the specific installation conditions. The
lowest oxygen transfer may be achieved if the modules are installed in separate filtration tanks.
The maximum transfer may be achieved if the modules are installed in larger tanks where the
introduced DO can be easily consumed by the biomass.
The DO in the filtration tank is typically higher than the DO in the aeration tank, allowing the
usage of the filtration tank as additional biological treatment. Designs made for plants located
in Germany will not include the volume of the filtration tank to the total aeration volume. The
German design rules (DWA-M 227) do not allow this. For plants outside Germany, the volume
of the filtration tank is factored in to the total aeration volume.

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4 Process Design for MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Modules

Design Flux Rates & Calculation of Required Membrane Surface

There are two critical parameters to consider when calculating the required membrane surface
• Net flux rate
• Solid mass flux (SMF)

The net flux rate is the net amount of permeate produced over a period of time divided by
membrane surface area. Solid mass flux represents the amount of solids that are being filtered
by membrane over time. SMF is the product of net flux (l/m²h) and the MLSS in the membrane
tank (g/L) and is expressed in g/m2/h.
The required membrane surface area is calculated based on different net design fluxes (e.g.
annual average, max month, max week, etc). The calculated required membrane surface area
may be different, but the highest amount is chosen to ensure the plant can meet all different
operational conditions.
The design flux is affected by the following factors:
• Type of wastewater such as municipal, industrial, etc.
• MLSS concentration in the membrane tank
• Mixed liquor temperature; minimum temperatures are more critical
• Peak flow rates (e.g. peak hour, maximum day, maximum week, maximum month);
definitions of these peak flow rates are provided in the Glossary, chapter 1.1.
• Duration of peaking conditions
• Number of trains or modules going offline during cleaning or maintenance, duration
and frequency of such events and required flow rates when trains or modules are

The minimum temperatures are the most critical as fluxes are lower and the required
membrane area should be checked for lowest temperatures as well. A more accurate flux
design is possible if a yearly temperature and flow profile is available. The typical requirement
for cleaning and maintenance is to ensure plant capacity is met while one train is offline (e.g.
n-1). This means the remaining membranes should have net fluxes that are still acceptable as
per this design guidelines or more membranes might be required to meet the net design fluxes.
Additionally, if the wastewater flow varies greatly, a buffer tank should be considered in order
to reduce the required membrane area. A buffer tank might be a more economical option than
adding more membranes. Selecting the design flux requires experience and detailed project
information. As such, flux selection might be a balance between capital and operating costs
and risks.
Low water temperature consideration: low mixed liquor temperatures impact the biological
efficiency and water viscosity in a negative way. As such, it is important to ensure sufficient
membranes are installed to meet plant capacity during low temperatures.
High salt concentrations (salinity): high salinity in mixed liquor can negatively affect the
system since the biological community might be different. Landfill leachate can show a
conductivity up to 50,000 µS/cm corresponding to a TDS of 25,000 ppm (depending on the
wastewater composition).
When designing a system using MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR membrane modules, there are
two flux values which must be considered: Gross Flux and Net Flux. Gross flux is the
instantaneous, “real” flux through the membranes, and the net flux is the average flux with
consideration of relaxation and backwash. The higher gross flux must be considered when
sizing the permeate pump and the net flux is the determining factor when dimensioning the
membrane surface area. The gross flux is dependent on the net flux (NF), filtration time (FT),

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relaxation time (RT), backwash time (BT), and backwash flux (BF). The formula below can be
used to calculate the gross flux:

(FT + RT + BT) × NF + BF × BT
GF = [LMH]

4.1.1 Design Net Flux (Municipal)

MICRODYN-NADIR is using net flux tables to determine the plant size. Each table contains
net fluxes for different temperatures.
Please note that the maximum design fluxes do not apply to the following cases:
• Industrial wastewater application
• Municipal applications where industrial wastewater contribution exceeds 25% of the
mass load of COD

There are three different flux tables for different operation conditions:
a. Small plants with minimal automation
b. Customer focus on minimizing chemical cleanings
c. Energy demand not an issue

a. Standard design flux for most plants
b. Max flux level for BIO-CEL 104, BIO-CEL 52 and BIO-CEL XS

a. Larger plants with full automation
b. Customer focus on low energy demand
c. Customer focus on minimizing membrane surface
d. Fully automated chemical maintenance cleaning
e. Only applicable for BIO-CEL L-2 and BIO-CEL XL-2

Separate flux tables are provided for industrial wastewater treatment.

The flux can be increased under certain environmental and operational conditions. But any
design using higher numbers than stated above requires the approval of the Global Technical
Service Manager.

4.1.2 Design Net Flux (Industrial)

The design flux for industrial applications is much more difficult to determine, due to the vastly
different sources and compositions of the wastewater. One of the most important factors is the
biodegradability of the wastewater. Accurate flux rates may have to be determined by piloting.

Filtration-Backwash-Relaxation Cycles
The main operation of MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR membranes involve repeated cycles of
filtration followed by a short interval of mechanical cleaning that may consist only of backwash,
relaxation or a combination of the two.
Filtration refers to the pulling of feed water through the membrane (from the outside of the
membrane to the inside) to produce permeate. During filtration, there is a net flow of mixed
liquor or feed water solids towards the membrane surface. Some of this solid accumulation at
membrane surface is reduced by utilizing membrane aeration.
Relaxation refers to a short period when filtration is stopped (by stopping the permeate pump
or closing the permeate valve), but membrane aeration is continued. During relaxation, there

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is a net flow of mixed liquor or feed water solids away from membrane surface due to the
effects of membrane aeration and lack of filtration.
Backwash refers to a short period when permeate flow is reversed through the membrane so
that permeate flows from inside of the membranes to the outside. During backwash, there is
a net flow of mixed liquor or feed water solids away from membrane surface due to the
combined effects of the membrane aeration and the backwash of permeate.
The backwash cleaning uses permeate produced during the production mode and is returned
either from a permeate collection manifold or directly from a CIP/backwash reservoir.
Permeate is pumped back through the membranes at low pressure and high flow rates. The
duration of the filtration cycle is the sum of the filtration duration plus the relaxation/ backwash
duration and the time required for valve switch-over.
Backwash or relaxation (depending on operation type) occurs automatically during a normal
production cycle. The duration and frequency is an input depending on types of operation.
The duration can be fine-tuned by the operator to address varying operational conditions.
The following table shows the range of acceptable durations for filtration, relaxation and
backwash as well as recommended durations.

Table 4. Standard Operation Cycle

Standard Standard Range: Standard Range:

Standard Range
Operational Cycle Backwash Only Relaxation Only
570 s 540 s
Filtration 510 s
(480 to 720 s) (480 to 720 s)
60 s
Relaxation 30 s -
(30 to 120 s)
30 s
Backwash 30 s -
(15 to 60 s)
Relaxation 30 s - -

• The values in the table above are standard values to start with. If the performance
is not within acceptable ranges, the filtration, relaxation and/or backwash cycle time
may be increased/ decreased accordingly. Be sure to consider that the net flux will
increase if filtration time is increased.
• A too short backwash and/or relaxation time may reduce physical cleaning efficiency
and may cause excessive or irreversible fouling. The chemical cleaning frequency
may also increase.
• Backwash affects the system’s efficiency since produced permeate is returned into
the process fluid and must be re-extracted.
• It is important to allow enough time for the pump to ramp up and ramp down during
backwash only cycles. This will prevent the membranes from experiencing sudden
pressure shocks. More details may be found in the PLC description in chapter 7.

Use of Relaxation Alone

The use of filtration/relaxation allows for similar performance as the use of filtration/backwash
for most MBR applications under normal operating conditions. The benefits of relaxation
include a reduction in the amount of permeate used for membrane maintenance, an increase
in system recovery and a reduction in the capital costs associated with backwash. Because of
this, the default design for systems using MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR modules will only have
the option for filtration/relaxation cycles.

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BIO-CEL MBR membranes are designed to have the ability to be backwashed, providing
additional capability to ensure stable operation. The following situations are examples where
backwash may provide more process stability:
• During plant seeding and start-up
• During plant upset conditions
• MBRs treating difficult industrial wastewaters
Adding backwash may be decided upon cost and risk analysis and depends on the specific
application. In the case that the designer decides to include backwash, the following guidelines
are recommended.

Backwash Guidelines
The backwash system is designed to be able to deliver a backwash flux of 10 lmh (5.88 gfd)
for all types of wastewaters. The maximum TMP during backwash should not exeed 150 mbar
(2.2 psi).
If the backwash system is also used for membrane chemical cleaning purposes, the backwash
system may have to fulfil higher material standards than if used for water alone.
The backwash system, like other parts, should be designed considering the future plant’s
needs such as expansion and potentially higher flow rates. For example, the tank may be
sized for additional modules for future expansion. This needs to be taken into account when
sizing system components.

Operational Considerations
In actual operation, the operator has the ability to adjust most parameters in the PLC.
Operational sequences and plant specific water levels will be set during the commissioning.
For more detailed information about this, please refer to chapter 7.

Membrane Cleaning
Depending on the type of fouling and required cleaning, a sodium hypochlorite solution, citric
acid solution or combinations of the two may be required. Sodium hypochlorite is used to
remove organic and biological fouling from the membrane while citric acid is used to remove
mineral scaling such as iron, metal salts or calcium salt and other scaling compounds.
For more severe fouling, MICRODYN-NADIR may be contacted for alternative chemical
cleaning solutions and procedures. These approved cleaning chemicals and procedures
should be used in accordance with the procedures provided by MICRODYN-NADIR.
During normal operation, membrane surfaces may be fouled with particulate material including
biomass, salt precipitates and insoluble organics (such as oil). These deposits may build up if
not adequately controlled through use of mechanical cleaning procedures (e.g. relaxation,
backwash and aeration). The continued growth of such deposits may eventually result in a
decline in membrane performance (e.g. loss of membrane permeability). Please note that
permeability may also drop if the process temperature drops; this decrease does not
necessarily indicate membrane fouling.

Chemical Cleaning Procedure

MICRODYN-NADIR recommends two types of chemical cleaning procedures. General
guidelines for membrane cleaning is summarized in Table 5.
• Maintenance Cleaning: performed once or several times a week using lower
concentrations of chemicals for short periods of time (e.g. an hour). This cleaning is
intended to maintain a sanitized system and to prevent significant growth of fouling
deposits on membrane surfaces. It is recommended to set up the systems to perform
maintenance cleaning automatically.
• Recovery Cleaning: performed once or few times a year using higher
concentrations of chemicals for several hours. This cleaning is intended to remove
all fouling residuals from membrane surfaces and “recover” membrane permeability

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close to its initial or acceptable value. Such cleaning is recommended at least on an
annual basis to ensure membranes are not irreversibly fouled or damaged and
should be done even if membranes are performing adequately. It is recommended
to use warm water for a higher efficiency of the cleaning.

Table 5. General Guidelines for Membrane Chemical Cleaning

Chemical Target Species Concentration Backwash Flux Cleaning Time

Standard Maintenance Cleaning in-situ (with mixed liquor in tank)
Organic & 10 L/m2/h 60 minutes, 1-2
Hypochlorite 200 mg/L
Biofouling (5.88 gfd) times per week
(e.g. 12%)
60 minutes,
Inorganic 10 L/m2/h
Citric Acid 2000 mg/L 0-1 time per
Scaling (5.88 gfd)
Standard Recovery Cleaning (in chemical solution)
Sodium 2000 mg/L
Organic &
Hypochlorite 30°C < T < 40°C n/a 12-16 hours
(e.g. 12%) (86°F < T < 104°F)
5000 mg/L
Citric Acid 30°C < T < 40°C n/a 12-16 hours
(86°F < T < 104°F)

The frequency of cleaning depends on several factors such as:

• Type of wastewater
• Chemistry of feed water
• Scaling potential
• Operating temperature
• Pretreatment efficiency
• Completeness of biological degradation
• Permeate flux rates
• Aeration intensity
• Membrane conditions (extent of fouling)

For all municipal and most industrial applications with systems using MICRODYN BIO-CEL®
MBR modules, the chemical cleaning frequencies of membranes are provided in the following

Table 6. Membrane Chemical Cleaning Frequencies

Coagulant Permeate Maintenance Cleaning Recovery Cleaning

Addition Alkalinity (# per week) (# per year)
Sodium Sodium
Citric Acid Citric Acid
Hypochlorite Hypochlorite
No < 70 mg/L 1-2 0 1-2 1-2
No > 70 mg/L 1-2 1 1-2 1-2
Yes < 70 mg/L 1-2 1 1-2 1-2
Yes > 70 mg/L 1-2 1 1-2 1-2

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The above recommended chemical cleaning frequencies are typical for most MBR
applications. However, in special cases (e.g. high fouling wastewater, low flux operation), the
frequency of cleaning and nature of chemical cleaners may be changed. In such cases, please
contact your MICRODYN-NADIR representative.

Maintenance Cleaning Procedures

This cleaning can be done for a biomass/process fluid. The standard maintenance cleaning is
60 minutes long. The maintenance cleaning procedure is summarized below:

Table 7. Maintenance Cleaning Procedure

Steps Procedure
• Stop filtration of membrane train scheduled to be cleaned. Continue to aerate
membranes and recirculate mixed liquor for 10 minutes.
• Shut off mixed liquor recirculation and isolate membrane tank. Shut off
membrane aeration system.
Backwash membranes in the train for 540 seconds while dosing appropriate
chemical (200 mg/L sodium hypochlorite or 2,000 mg/L citric acid).
Backwash membranes in the train for 20 seconds while dosing appropriate
chemical (200 mg/L sodium hypochlorite or 2,000 mg/L citric acid).
5 Relax membranes for total of 280 seconds.
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 for total of 7 backwash and relax cycles.
Backwash membranes in the train for 300 seconds (or longer if needed for
larger systems) without adding chemicals to flush out the chemicals from piping.
.8 Open the valves that isolate the membrane tank/train.
9 Turn on mixed liquor recirculation pump and membrane aeration for 5 minutes.
10 Resume normal operation.

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Recovery Cleaning Procedures

The procedure for membrane recovery cleaning is discussed in this chapter. Note that the
recovery cleaning procedure can be completely automated and controlled through PLC
allowing all cleanings to be scheduled in advance.

Table 8. Recovery Cleaning Procedure

Steps Procedure
• Stop filtration of membrane train scheduled to be cleaned. Continue to aerate
membranes and recirculate mixed liquor for 60 minutes.
• Shut off mixed liquor recirculation and isolate membrane tank. Shut off membrane
aeration system.
3 - Drain the membrane tank manually or using the recirculation pump.
- Fill the membrane tank with permeate water using an external pump. Note that
4 other membrane trains are required to stay in operation mode in order to keep the
permeate tank full of permeate during this process.
5 - Aerate membranes for 60 minutes.
- Drain the membrane tank again to remove all excess sludge removed from
7 - Fill up the membrane tank with permeate to 80% of the cleaning level.
- Backwash membranes in the train for 600 seconds while dosing appropriate
chemical (2,000 mg/L sodium hypochlorite or 2,000-5,000 mg/L citric acid).
- Backwash membranes in the train for 20 seconds while dosing appropriate
chemical (2,000 mg/L sodium hypochlorite or 2,000-5,000 mg/L citric acid).
10 - Relax membranes for total of 120 seconds.
- Repeat steps 9 and 10 until membrane tank liquid level is 100 % of the cleaning
- Soak membranes in the cleaning solution (2,000 mg/L sodium hypochlorite or
2,000-5,000 mg/L citric acid for 12-16 hours.
- Continue to backwash membranes without adding chemicals until the membrane
tank liquid level is at the cleaning level.
14 - Open the valves that isolate the membrane tank/train.
15 - Turn on mixed liquor recirculation pump and recirculate mixed liquor for 15 minutes.
- Turn on membrane aeration and continue to recirculate mixed liquor for additional
15 minutes.
17 - Resume normal operation.

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Membrane Aeration
Membrane aeration is a critical part of MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR operation. Air bubbles
remove the solids accumulated on membrane surface and prevent membrane fouling. The
amount of delivered air should match the prescribed design values in this manual; insufficient
air may result in membrane fouling.
The air delivered by the blower must be free of oil, dust, condensate and solvents, dust filters
in the inlet port of the blower are required. The air temperature must not deviate from the range
described in the table below.

Table 9. Diffuser Data

Parameter Material / Dimensions - Notes

Material Diffuser
Polyurethane -
Material Diffuser
Polypropylene -
Support Tube
- No standard slot; adapted
Slot Diameter 1.5 mm (0.06 inches)
Nominal Diameter 63 mm (2.5 inches) -

Stainless steel (IN-OX)

Clamps -
1.4301 = AISI 304
Diffuser Sealing EPDM -

Connector ¾” -

Distributor Drillhole 45 mm (1.77 inches) with adapter,

40 mm without (1.57inches)
Inflow Temperature 5 to 90 °C (60 °C for BIO-CEL XS) - BIO-CEL XS with PVC
Range 41 to 194°F (140°F for BIO-CEL XS) piping
- Same as for membrane
pH Range 2-11

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The required aeration rate is a function of solid mass flux (SMF) and sludge quality. The
aeration rate should match those specified in the following table.

Table 10. Aeration Design Parameters for MICRODYN BIO-CEL® Modules


Parameter Unit
XL-2 L-2 416 208 104 52 XS

# of Diffusers - 32 8 7 7 4 4 1
Pressure Loss mbar 80 80 70 70 70 70 60
Diffuser @
Recommended psi 1.16 1.16 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 0.87
Air Flow Rate
Blow in Depth mm 2630 2630 2950 2550 1500 1500 1465
@ min. Water
Level (Standard inches 103.5 103.5 116.1 100.4 59.1 59.1 57.7
Total Pressure mbar 343 343 365 325 220 220 206
Loss at min.
Water Level psi 5.0 5.0 5.3 4.7 3.2 3.2 3.0

Maximum m³/h 460 115 105 52.5 60 30 6

Aeration Rate in
Operation1 SCFM 268 67 61 30 35 17 3.5

1 Air flow rate refers to Vn, which is defined at standard conditions according to DIN ISO

Note: Changes of the water levels have an impact on the aeration rate!

4.4.1 SMF and Aeration Requirements

The MBR system should always operate under the conditions where there is a balance
between solids accumulating on the membranes and solids removed. If there is excess solid
accumulation, membranes will sludge up. It is obvious that as MLSS increases more net air is
needed to keep the membranes clean. The aeration method has to be designed properly to
ensure air is doing the job at a given air flow. The correction discussed here can not include
the aerator issues. If aerator is plugged and not functional, the aerator has to be fixed.
The proper parameter to use for MLSS impact is called Solid Mass Flux (SMF) which is a
product of membrane flux and MLSS, it can be expressed in units such as g/hr/m 2 of
membrane. This is the actual mass flux of solid that is filtered by membrane. Therefore, SMF
can be increased not only by increasing MLSS but similarly by increasing the flux. The impact
of MLSS is discussed in terms of increase in SMF.

4.4.2 Cyclic aeration

For gross fluxes less than 20 lmh (11.76 gfd) cyclic aeration is possible:
1. The filtration units must be divided into two equal groups and each unit equipped
with a proper cyclic valve to accommodate for these cycles. The filtration units may
be in two tanks or different modules in the same tank.
2. Use 61 second air on and 61 second air off for total of 122 seconds.
3. Use this protocol only for gross fluxes less than 20 lmh (11.76 gfd).
4. The air flow rate will be the same as currently used in terms of Nm 3 air/h (scfm) per
module. During on-time, only half of the membranes will get air and the rest will not.
This will cycle through.
5. Recommended valves can be found in Appendix 9.4 Cyclic Valve.

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Continuous aeration is recommended for systems with gross fluxes higher than 20 lmh (11.76

4.4.3 Diffuser Cleaning

It is important to monitor diffuser performance and clean them regularly to avoid damages to
the membranes. Please contact MICRODYN-NADIR for details on diffuser cleaning.

Antifoam Use
MBR systems may generate foam depending on wastewater characteristics and presence of
oil, fat, grease and surfactants. Foam generation is normal and typically occurs at low enough
levels that it is manageable without the need for any additional considerations. However, if
there is excessive foam, the foam may be removed mechanically or suppressed chemically
through the use of antifoam product. It is recommended that the use of antifoam should meet
the following main conditions:
1. The antifoam should be effective for the type of foam that is generated in the plant.
2. The antifoam should be compatible with MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR modules.
3. The antifoam should not cause fouling of the membranes.
Additional considerations for use of antifoam products include:
• Antifoam are high in BOD/COD and this additional load must be taken into account.
• Antifoam change the small and stable air bubbles into larger bubbles which will in
turn, reduce the oxygen transfer efficiency.
• If antifoam product is not biologically degraded, the left over may be found
downstream affecting other processes such as RO or ion exchanges.
Most antifoams have the potential to severely foul the membranes. The antifoam products that
contain any of the following compounds should not be used in systems using BIO-CEL MBR
• Organic silicone
• Petroleum hydrocarbon (oil)
• Petroleum solvent (light paraffin)
• Polymer additives with molecular weight < 50,000 Daltons (Da)
• Polymer additives with molecular weights of 100,000 to 200,000 Da
• Polymers dissolved or part of a white oil-based products
On the other hand, chemical compounds found within an antifoam product that are desirable
include those where the active ingredient is:
• Glycerin with a molecular weight < 5,000 Da
• Polyether polyol with a molecular weight of < 5,000 Da
A list of apporoved antifoam agents can be found in Appendix: Approved Antifoam Agents.

Achievable permeate quality

MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR membranes produce very high permeate water quality. The pore
sizes of the BIO-CEL MBR membranes are selected such that all particulate materials (e.g.
suspended solids) are rejected by membranes.
However, dissolved and soluble materials such as dissolved organics, dissolved phosphorous
or nitrates must be converted to a solid form in order to be removed by the membranes. This
can be achieved using biological treatment, precipitation or other methods.

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
The following table summarizes the permeate quality that can be achieved using BIO-CEL
MBR modules for municipal applications considering that the systems are designed, built and
operated according to MICRODYN-NADIR guidelines.

Table 11. Achievable Permeate Quality

Effluent Quality Expected Permeate Achievable Permeate

Parameter Quality Quality
Equal to soluble BOD5
BOD5 - < 5 mg/L
concentration in mixed liquor
TSS < 5 mg/L < 2 mg/L
Turbidity < 0.5 NTU < 0.2 NTU,
SDI <3 <3
Equal to soluble BOD
Total Phosphorous < 0.1 mg/L
concentration in mixed liquor
Equal to soluble ammonia
Ammonia < 0.1 mg/L
concentration in mixed liquor
Equal to soluble TN concentration
Total Nitrogen < 3 mg/L
in mixed liquor
Bacteria Removal > log 6 > log 6
E.coli > log 5 > log 5
Fecal coliform Removal > log 5 > log 5
Total coliform Removal > log 5 > log 5

1. BOD5 level is achievable only with appropriate biological system design and
2. Ammonia level is achievable only with appropriate biological system design and
3. Total nitrogen level is achievable only with appropriate biological system design and
4. Total phosphorous level is achievable with appropriate coagulant addition system.
5. The standard analytical method used for measuring total suspended solids (TSS)
lacks precision at < 5 mg/L. A more precise method is to use continuous online
turbidity measurement. This is more accurate for the low turbidity ranges expected
for permeate quality.
6. Sampling procedures, volume and location to be determined in detail.
7. Accurate microbiological results require weekly (at least) permeate piping
disinfecting and proper permeate piping design.

Mechanical Cleaning Process (MCP)

The MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR membrane module may also be cleaned mechanically
through the use of the patented BIO-CEL® MCP (Mechanical Cleaning Process), to help
reduce operating costs. This innovative process using inert, organic material (MCP granulate),
supported by cross-flow aeration, reduces the formation of a fouling layer. Long term
experiences show, that a chemical reduced operation is possible, but there is still a need of
regular chemical disinfection of permeate piping.

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
Continuous Membrane Cleaning During Operation of the BIO-CEL MBR Module
The MCP granulates are added directly into the activated sludge. The airflow induced by the
module aeration system pushes the MCP granulates up between the membrane sheets. As
the MCP granulates rise, the membrane area is continuously cleaned through the direct
contact of the granulates with the sludge on the membrane surface.
The fouling layer formed during the filtration process may be removed reliably without
compromising the functionality of the membrane. In the downstream area outside the
membrane modules, the current causes the granulates to sink back to the base of the module
where it enters again into the upstream flow. The MCP granulates have been designed for
permanent use. They are retained in the filtration tank by suitable separation systems.
Advantages of retaining MCP granulates in the filtration tank:
• Reduced costs for MCP granulates due to lower mixing volume (compared to having
MCP granulate in aeration tank and filtration tank)
• The crossflow aeration or a mixer that prevents granulates from settling at the bottom
of the tank may be smaller as the membrane aeration is providing the majority of the
required crossflow.

Retention from MCP granulate from return sludge

Permeate Crossflow
Screen aeration
Aeration tank

DN N Effluent


Figure 2. MCP granulat in filtration tank

Retention of MCP from Return Sludge

To prevent the MCP granulates from entering the return sludge stream, a screen for the
filtration tank is required. MICRODYN-Nadir recommends the following design:
• The screen should be made of a stainless steel wedgewire or bar screen type installed
with a slight slope.
• An air diffuser at the foot of the screen ensures a constant cross-flow over the screen
surface and keeps the screen free of blocking by sludge particles. MICRODYN-NADIR
recommends membrane tube diffusers with relatively big slots (it is highly
recommended to avoid using coarse bubble diffusers since blocking of diffusers is
• The screen must be able to withstand a possible blockage and the resulting
mechanical stress because of a level increase before the screen.
• To protect screens from mechanical damage, MICRODYN-NADIR recommends
automated control of the level difference at the screen to set levels:
o Alarm level: screen is getting blocked and has to be cleaned
o Shut off level: protect screen from irreversible damage by stopping the
operation in the affected tank

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
o Steel grades: 1.4301/304 or 1.4404/316L & 1.4571/316Ti
o Screen slope: 0 - 3°
o Screen gap size: 2.5 - 3.0 mm (0.09 - 0.12 inches)
o Total opening ratio: ≥ 50%
o Effective screen size:

Ascreen =

AScreen = effective screen size [m²]

QSludge = sludge throughput [m³/h], e.g. return sludge from filtration tank to biology

Return sludge or
excess sludge

modules Slope screen

3 mm

Crossflow diffusors Small screen diffusor

Figure 3. Example schematic of MCP operation in the MBR plant

Screen diffusers
• Gap between diffuser and screen: 20 – 30 mm (0.79 – 1.18 inches)
• Membrane tube diffusers: slots with >1mm (>0,04 inches)
• Length of diffuser perforation: same as screen length
• Screen diffuser air flow rate: Vn = 10 - 15 m³/(h*m diffuser length)
• The air flow rate of the screen diffusers must be independent from other operation
equipment; changes in other parts of the plant should not affect the air flow rate of
the screen diffusers.

Tank design
• MCP granulate concentration: 4 – 10 kg per m³ of activated sludge
• It is important to avoid any dead zones in the tank which may cause sedimentation
of MCP beads.
• If a free space is available inside the tank, appropriate mixing needs to be performed.
• It is recommended to use the RAS inflow to obtain additional mixing. The RAS sludge
may be distributed over the length inside the filtration tank by a peforated pipe.

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
5 Membrane Tank & Train design

General Filtration Line Design

The membrane filtration process may be designed according to one of the following

5.1.1 External Configuration of the Module inside the Filtration Tank

• Modules installed inside the filtration tank
• Recycle feed control
• Module(s) do not need to be removed from the tank for recovery cleaning

Figure 4. External configuration

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
5.1.2 Gravity-Fed Configuration of the Module inside the Filtration Tank
• Permeate production is gravity controlled
• Backwash of modules by gravity flow (alternatively by pump)
• Pump necessary for filling permeate tank
• Module(s) do not need to be removed from the tank for recovery cleaning

Figure 5. Gravity flow

5.1.3 Internal Configuration of the MICRODYN BIO-CEL® Module inside the

aeration tank
• Modules installed inside the aeration tank
• Maximum oxygen transfer
• Low energy demand
• Module to be removed for recovery cleaning

Figure 6. Internal configuration

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
Mixed Liquor Entrance & Recirculation Outlet
The membrane tank should include features designed to prevent damage to the membranes
when filling or feeding the tank with mixed liquor. The liquid must not directly impact the
membrane or module frame. Instead, the liquid must first impact a tank wall, tank floor or a
deflector plate in order to adsorb the kinetic energy prior to contacting the membranes or
modules. This is especially important for all MICRODYN BIO-CEL® L installations.
In cases where feed enters at the beginning of the tank, it is highly recommended to have a
feed sump running along the short length of the tank at the bottom of the tank. Feed may also
enter from the top through a distribution channel overflowing from the bioreactors.
It is important to prevent a short circuit flow from the mixed liquor entry point to the recirculation
outlet point. In order to achieve this, the two should always be on opposite ends of the tank.

“Pump-To” Versus “Pump-From” Designs

Typically, the transfer of mixed liquor between bioreactors and the membrane tanks is
achieved by pumping in one direction and flowing by gravity in the other direction. Given this
situation, the designer must choose whether to:
• “Pump to” the membrane tanks and return to bioreactors by gravity
• Flow to the membrane tanks by gravity and “pump from” the membrane tanks back
to the bioreactors
Several considerations for each of these options are given below:
• “Pump-To” also known as “Feed Pump” option:
o The liquid level in the membrane tanks is higher than the level in the
o A higher pump flow is required (e.g. the pump needs to supply the recycle flow
and permeate flow).
• “Pump-From” also known as “Return Pump:
o The liquid level in the membrane tanks is typically lower than the level in the
o A lower pump flow is required (e.g. the pump needs to supply the recycle flow
only). There is a risk of emptying the membrane tank in case of no flow from
the bioreactor and pump switch-off failure.
The optimal design regarding in which direction to pump the mixed liquor will vary from plant
to plant. Factors such as plant layout, grading, site topography, retrofit, etc. will influence which
design is preferred. Considering the lower cost of pumping and if the plant layout allows for
this, the “pump-from” option is the preferred method.

Filtration Tank Cover

Foliage or other materials entering the system may block the space between the membrane
sheets. Sludge circulation, cross-flow and oxygen supply will be inhibited due to the blocked
channels. The embedded activated sludge will be dewatered by further filtration and will
thicken. The blocked membrane surface will become inactive and will not be available for
filtration. Additionally, blocked channels may lead to structural damage to the membrane
In order to avoid this potential damage, all tanks (not only the filtration tanks) and channels
should be covered to prevent entry of foliage or other materials that may block the cross-flow
channels or damage the membranes. Any materials from the plant assembly (e.g. cable clips)
and sharp particles which could block the cross-flow channels or damage the membranes
must be removed and it must be ensured that no particles ≥ 2 mm are in the tanks. A cleaning
of the filtration tank once a year is strongly recommended.

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
Membrane Tank Sloped Bottom & Clearances
There are several designs for sloping the bottom of the membrane tank. The most common
designs include:
1. Gradual slope from the feed end to the reject end with a simple sump or trench at
the reject end; trench runs along the short end of the tank (along the tank wall).
2. Length-wise trench down the center of the tank bottom; floor slopes from each side
wall to the center trench.
3. Length-wise trench down one side of the tank bottom; floor slopes only from the
opposite wall; this design is particularly simple to build as two tanks are side by side
and the common wall is located in the sump.
The more common option for MBR is gradual slope from feed end to the reject end.
MICRODYN-NADIR recommends this option for the following reasons:
• Least expensive to build since it requires the least amount of concrete forming.
• Mixed liquor feed can be used to flush solids that collect at the bottom of the tank.
With the length wise trench designs, the feed would naturally flow into the trench and
the solids at the opposite end would not be effectively flushed out.
• The drain trench or sump may also be used for RAS recycle (if RAS overflow out of
the membrane tank is not employed).
The disadvantage of the gradual slope design is that on longer trains, the clearance under the
module becomes significant and more excavation is required during construction and more
chemicals are needed during intensive cleanings.
The membrane aeration provides significant mixing under the modules. The recommended
clearances are as follows:
1. The minimum and maximum distance between the bottom of the module frame and
the floor of the tank varies for different module types and can be seen in Table 12.
2. The recommended slope is 2%. Therefore, on extremely long tanks where a 2%
slope would result in too high clearance under a module, the length-wise trench
should be considered.
3. The modules must always be levelled inside the tank. The maximum deviations are
listed in Table 13.


Sloped tank

Figure 7. Sump pit and sloped tank

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
Membrane Tank Sizes & Module spacing
To ensure proper aeration and mixing of sludge within the tank with proper flow pattern, the
membrane tank should be designed with certain limitations as follows. The table below shows
the required operating levels in the membrane tank for MBR applications using concrete
membrane tanks. For other cases, please contact MICRODYN-NADIR for assistance.

Table 12. Membrane Module Clearances


Parameter Units
XL-2 L-2 416 208 104 52 XS

mm 250 - 1000 250 - 1000 400 - 800 250 - 800 200 - 400 200 - 400 155 - 400
Top clearance
inches 9.8-39.4 9.8-39.4 15.7-31.5 9.8-31.5 7.9-15.7 7.9-15.7 6.1-15.7

Ground mm 250 - 600 250 - 600 400 - 800 200 - 800 200 - 400 200 - 400 155 - 400
clearance inches 9.8-23.6 9.8-23.6 15.7-31.5 7.9-31.5 7.9-15.7 7.9-15.7 6.1-15.7
Module height mm 2675 2675 2963 2763 1563 1563 1515
with feet &
without eyelets in 105 105 117 109 62 62 60

m² ≥ 12.25 ≥ 2.9 ≥ 3.1 ≥2.2 ≥ 1.8 ≥ 1.2 ≥ 0.54

Tank footprint
ft² ≥ 131.8 ≥ 31.2 ≥ 33.4 ≥ 23.7 ≥ 19.4 ≥ 12.9 ≥ 5.8
% 47 57 51 41 53 42 18

Maximum mm 3675 3675 3800 3350 1950 1950 1915

operation level inches 144.7 144.7 149.6 131.9 76.8 76.8 75.4

Minimum mm 2925 2925 3400 3000 1750 1750 1670

operation level inches 115.1 115.1 133.9 118.1 68.9 68.9 65.7

1. Typically, trains are recommended to have one row of modules when there are up
to 12 modules per train, and two rows of modules (twin module) when there are 10
or more modules per train.
2. Too low top clearance may cause sludge accumulation inside the module, too high
top clearance increases pressure loss for aeration.
3. High ground clearances may cause sedimentation issues.
4. Feet are not included in the scope of supply of BIO-CEL® XL-2, BIO-CEL® L-2 and
BIO-CEL® 416 modules.
5. Minimum tank footprint is calculated considering minimum side clearances for each
6. Ground coverage is the module footprint divided by the tank footprint.
7. The maximum operation level may be adjusted to allow the required head for gravity
operation at the discretion of MICRODYN-NADIR
8. All operation level values are in reference to the distance above the tank floor at the
shallow end of the membrane tank.
9. Dimensions simplified; exact dimensions according to approved drawings.
Clearances may be reduced.

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Liquid Operating Levels between Different Trains
When multiple tanks or trains are aerated using the same common membrane aeration blower,
it is critical that the operating level in different trains is the same. If the liquid levels are different
in different trains operating from the same air header pipe, the air will go to the diffusers that
have the lower liquid level on top of them (e.g. lower resistance). This will cause uneven air
distribution. This is not an issue if each membrane train has its own dedicated air blower, then
this is not an issue.
For a common air header feeding multiple trains, it is critical to ensure:
• The liquid level in all tanks remain the same over time.
• Hydraulically connect all membrane tanks by using a common feed channel and
submerged or partially submerged sluice gates. Make sure the gates are sized large
enough to avoid any significant head losses between channel and membrane tank.
• For the pump-to option using an overflow weir, make sure the crest of the overflow
weir is set at the same level for all tanks and liquid flows to all tanks at the same

Mixed Liquor Recirculation

If membranes are installed in a separate tank, mixed liquor must be recirculated back to
bioreactors. This may happen either by pumping from the membrane tank or into the
membrane tank. The flow of recirculated activated sludge (RAS) may be between 3 to 6 times
that of the membrane permeate flow.
The RAS flow rate in MBR system depends on two factors:
• Solid mass flux to the membranes and required RAS flow to ensure MLSS build up
in membrane tank is within acceptable range
• Total Nitrogen removal considerations

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
6 Modules Installation Options
There are different options for mounting MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR modules in the tank. In
all cases the modules must be fastened in a way that they cannot move and that the minimum
ground clearance and minimum head on top of the modules meet recommended guidelines.

General Information on Module Installation

Lateral Pressure / Application of Force on Frame & Piping
All lateral pressure on the body of the module frame/structure is to be avoided. The frame is
not intended to be load bearing.
The installation of the membrane equipment must be completed without any force on the frame
or the air and permeate piping.
The installed equipment must rest comfortably within the basin, and all attachments must be
accurately aligned, avoiding pressure on the equipment.
Lateral pressure on the connections or the associated pipe can cause breaches which will
result in contamination of the membrane or diffuser unit and the permeate liquid.

Leveling the Modules

For all installation options, a proper leveling of the module is mandatory. The following
specifications must be considered:

Table 13. Horizontal Deviation


XL-2 L-2 416 208 104 52 XS
Maximum mm 10 5 5 2,5 5 2.5 - 2.5
Deviation inches 0.4 0.2 0.2 0,1 0.2 0.1 0.1

The above specifications may be met by:

• Leveling the tank floor
• Leveling the module with additional leveling feet at the module legs
• In both cases the leveling equipment must be able to bear the maximum possible
load of the modules.
• Hanging the modules.

MICRODYN BIO-CEL® - Installation in Filtration Tank

If modules are installed in a separate filtration tank, the tank should be big enough to install
the modules and allow for the correct circulation of cross-flow aeration (please refer
When having a separate filtration tank, fixed installation is the preferred installation method.
Once the modules are installed, they remain there until the end of their lifetime. That means
for any inspection or maintenance reason, the filtration tank must be emptied. If the modules
must be removed during their lifetime for servicing, it is important to have flanges in the air and
permeate lines above the water level.
The modules must be fixed in the tank to prevent lateral movement and floating. MICRODYN-
NADIR recommends hanging module fixation.
Important note for all installation options: The air hose has to be fixed to the tank wall to prevent
damage to the diffuser unit.

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
6.2.1 Option 1 – Tank Wall Fixation with Fixed or Adjustable Legs
Fixed Legs
Fixed legs, or standard legs, are used for this option of module installation. The additional
metal rods slide into the existing hollow pipe and are locked using a lock bolt. The module
must be centered, levelled and adjusted inside the tank. Once leveling has been completed,
the appropriate wall brackets may be marked and installed in the wall by using the metal rod
as guiding.
Lock the metal rods with the bracket and the provided bolts. Make sure the module is not
hanging from the wall brackets which may introduce additional stress.
Refer to Figure 8 for wall bracket installation.

Wall bracket

Figure 8. Tank wall fixation with fixed legs

Adjustable Legs
Alternatively, adjustable legs may be used to level the module easily without additional parts.
The additional metal rods slide into the existing hollow pipe and are locked using a lock bolt.
The module must be centered, levelled and adjusted inside the tank. Once leveling has been
completed, the appropriate wall brackets may be marked and installed in the wall by using the
metal rod as guiding.
Lock the metal rods with the bracket and the provided bolts. Make sure the module is not
hanging from the wall brackets which may introduce additional stress.

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
6.2.2 Option 2 – Lifting & Guiding System for Tank Wall Fixation
Fixed Legs
Standard legs are used for this option.
The additional guide brackets should be installed to help guide the module. The guide bracket
is installed on top and bottom of the module structure with an L-angle bar and angle bar
Refer to Figure 9 for wall-guiding installation.
The module must be centered, levelled and adjusted inside the filtration tank. Once the leveling
has been completed, the guide pole should be inserted into the brackets. The guide pole
should be adjusted and levelled before fixing into the wall using module guide. Once the guide
poles and bracket have been adjusted and fixed, a locking mechanism must be installed to
prevent the module from floating.

Guide pole

Guide bracket

Figure 9. Lifting and guiding system with fixed legs

Adjustable Legs
Adjustable legs adjustable legs are used to level the module easily in this option.
The additional guide brackets should be installed to help guide the module. The guide bracket
is installed on top and bottom of the module structure with an L-angle bar and angle bar
The module must be centered, levelled and adjusted inside the filtration tank. Once the leveling
has been completed, the guide pole should be inserted into the brackets. The guide pole
should be adjusted and levelled before fixing into the wall using module guide. Once the guide
poles and bracket have been adjusted and fixed, a locking mechanism must be installed to
prevent the module from floating.

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
6.2.3 Option 3 - Hanging
A lifting and hanging frame is fastened to the top of the module and secured with bolts.
Refer to Figure 9 for hanging installation.
The module must be centered, levelled and adjusted with the hanging frame outside the
filtration tank. Once the leveling has been completed, the should be inserted into the filtration
tank and fastened to the wall brackets.

Hanging frame

Wall bracket

Figure 10. Hanging installation of two modules

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
7 PLC Description & Instrumentation
This chapter provides a standard description for a programmable logic controller (PLC) for
MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR operated in municipal and industrial wastewater. The target
groups are the designer and programmer.
This chapter contains recommendations to design PLC of a membrane bioreactor (MBR)
consistent of biology and filtration tank. Please note that this is not warranty related and all
information needs to be validated for the individual process and cannot be directly adopted.
The design of special industries and for gravity flow operation may vary, but in general these
PLC guidelines cover the most important parts of PLC design.

Applicable Documents
• MICRODYN BIO-CEL® Operation&Maintenance Manual (will give you and idea of
maintenance and operation and some parts can be beneficial to understand this document
• MICRODYN BIO-CEL® Standard Piping & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) (in addition the
individual P&ID it is a help for designing a plant and is a basis for this document)
• MICRODYN BIO-CEL® Operation Sequence Control Chart (OSC) (directly related to this
document and is required to understand this document).

Please note that the following parts are NOT included in this chapter:
• Detailed PLC of gravity flow application
• PLC of total wastewater treatment plant
• Details of how to control biology (in responsibility of system integrator)
• PLC for individual project design

In the documentation, the Programmable Logic Controller is referred to as the PLC. The
PLC follows specific steps to automatically control valves, pumps and other devices during
the operating states of the treatment plant. These steps are listed and described in the
The PLC provides:
• Automated control of the BIO-CEL equipment. All the programming for the control of
the BIO-CEL plant is stored in the PLC.
• Modes are a series of steps the tank follows to perform various operations, such as a
cleaning. A specific mode discussed in this document is shown in capital letters, such
as MAINTENANCE CLEANING. Buttons displayed on the HMI (Human Machine
Interface) screen that the operator can press to initiate a mode or other operation are
shown with the first letter capitalized. For example, one button that is used to put a tank
to OFF mode is the OFF button.
• Set points, alarms, and calculated parameters are assigned tags in the PLC code.
When tags are used in the Control Narrative, they are identified by an alpha-numeric
• The Standard Operational Parameters are adjusted in the HMI for plant control and are
listed in Table 22. These parameters are reffered to in this document as R1, R2 etc.
• Specific data is stored for plant monitoring and it is also recommended to store manual
taken offline data in the PLC.

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019

7.1.1 TMP Measurement

Transmembrane pressure (TMP) is an extremely important operational parameter that must
be continuously monitored. We recommend using a precise digital gauge that can continuously
provide accurate measurements. Calibration according to the manufacturer’s
recommendations is very important for the safe operation of the membrane module. The PLC
should be programmed to ensure that the pressures never exceed the critical values that may
lead to membrane damage. Effects of pressure losses in the piping system should also be
considered. Therefore, the probe should be installed as close to the modules as possible to
measure the negative pressure accurately.
The TMP signal should be transferred to the PLC every second. The TMP measurement
should be recorded at least once per minute.
Note: Changes on the levels of water in the tank may have an impact on the TMP

7.1.2 Flow Measurement

Other important parameters of the system include permeate and air flow.

Permeate Flow
The flow and the membrane area determine the system flux. The flow sensor monitors the
amount of water the system is treating and can indicate potential issues within the system if
design values are not achieved. We recommend using electromagnetic flow meters to ensure
the most accurate readings are collected. Please ensure that the chosen device can measure
both flow directions (filtration and backwash). Both flow directions must be transferred to the
PLC with the correct prefix (+/-).

Air Flow
Air flow measurement for each individual module is important to ensure that the maximum
aeration rate is not exceeded at any time and to monitor the equal flow distribution throughout
the system. We recommend using digital air flow meters.
The flow measurements should be continuously recorded and reported in coordination with
the TMP.

7.1.3 Temperature & pH Measurement

The temperature affects various system parameters and must be continuously monitored. The
temperature affects viscosity which in turn has an effect on sludge filterability. An accurate
temperature is imperative when setting flux levels and calculating costs associated with energy
It is important to be able to measure the pH in the MBR tank as well as the pH in the pipes
during chemical cleanings. To monitor both, the sensor should be installed between the
membranes and the dosing point of the chemicals. In this case, the permeate quality
represents the pH in the MBR tank.

7.1.4 Turbidity Measurement

While a turbidity measurement of the effluent is not mandatory to ensure a stable process, it
is an accurate and simple way to determine the separation performance of the system. High
turbidity in the effluent indicates that there may be leaks. It is highly recommended to stop the
system and investigate the source of failure immediately. For best results it is recommended
to install the turbidity sensor after the venting tank.

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
7.1.5 Level Measurement
Level measurement is essential for the operation of the pumps and blowers. Level sensors
used in tanks with mixed liquor should be hydrostatic or ultrasonic.

Tank and Permeation Equipment

A schematic representation of the process is illustrated in Figure 11. Please note that this
schematic representation is based on the standard P&ID of MICRODYN-NADIR and
nomenclature is taken over. Figure 11 is a simplified illustration of the MBR process,
whereas an entire plant consists of several filtration lines with several membrane modules
included in each filtration line.


04-005 04-004
B06 Vx2-02 02-001
(Venting) P02



Vx1-01 Vx2-01 03-001

(acid cleaner)


(filtration tank) 04-003



04-001 04-003

(biology) B05
pH, T (permeate tank)


01-001 04-008
P06 04-007 04-008

Figure 11. Schematic representation of MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR process

A list of all all components and instruments according to Figure 11 is given in the tables
Table 14. Components (pumps, blower and valves) according to Figure 11

Nomenclature Description
G01 Blower for biology
G02 Blower for filtration tank
P01 Inflow pump to biology (project specific)
P02 Dosing pump for chemicals (alkalinic cleaner)

P03 Dosing pump for chemicals (citric cleaner)

P04 Process permeate pump (reversible for filtration and backwash)
P05 Recirculation pump (in filtration tank, not required if membrane modules are
installed in biology)
P06 Drain pump (removal of excess sludge)
Vx1-01 Permeate header valve to permeate pump (open/closed)

Vx2-01 Valve chemical line (citric cleaner)

Vx2-02 Valve chemical line (alkalinic cleaner)

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
Nomenclature Description
Vx4-01 Venting eject valve (open/closed)

Vx4-02 Filtration tank drain valve

Vx4-03 Membrane aeration valve

Table 15. Instruments according to Figure 11

Nomenclature Description Unit

FI 02-001 Flow control chemical pump P02 l/h (gpm)

FI 03-001 Flow control chemical pump P03 l/h (gpm)

FI 04-006 Flow Control sludge draining Nm³/h (gpd)

FICR 01-001 Flow Control Recirculation Nm³/h (gpd)
FICR 04-004 Flow Control Permeate Nm³/h (gpd)

FIR 01-001 Flow control process air biology Nm³/h (SCFM)

FIR 04-007 Flow Control crossflow aeration Nm³/h (SCFM)
LAL 02-001 Low level alarm B2 (min) -
LAL 03-001 Low level alarm B3 (min) -
LIC 05-001 Level measuring min for P04 (min) meter (feet)
LISA 01-001 Level measuring biology (min and max) meter (feet)
LISA 04-003 Level measuring filter tank (min and max) meter (feet)
PISA 04-008 Pressure sensor for crossflow pipe filtration tank mbar (psi)
PISAR 04-005 Pressure indicator permeate pipe mbar (psi)
QIC 01-001 Oxygen sensor mg/l
QIC 04-001 pH and T sensor -; °C (°F)
QIC 04-003 MLSS sensor g/l

7.2.1 Operational Modes

The tank has separate mode buttons. There are several modes for the tank, these modes are:
Using the tank mode buttons on the HMI, the operator can put the tank into a different mode.
There are some interlocks present to prevent the user from proceeding to one mode from
another. These interlocks are for membrane protection. Not all modes are selectable. Consult
the OSC for further details on the modes.
For the tank to operate automatically the operator needs to have all devices set to AUTO and
ON button for the tank. Pressing the ON button places the tank into VENTING and then into
STANDBY mode. When a start trigger is active, the tank proceeds to FILTRATION and then
either BACKWASH or RELAXATION modes.
The tank will continue in the FILTRATION cycle, alternating between FILTRATION and either
BACKWASH or RELAXATION modes, until the plant flow demand to treat wastewater
decreases placing the tank to STANDBY. A scheduled MAINTENANCE CLEANING will

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automatically interrupt the production cycle. An alarm may also place a tank to STANDBY or
The operator may interrupt the FILTRATION cycle by pressing either the MAINTENANCE
CLEANING or BACKWASH button. The tank will proceed to the selected mode once the
resources are available. There should be interlocks preventing more than one tank from
entering the same mode at the same time. Consult the OSC for details on the interlocks.
It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that if the OFF button is pressed when a tank
is in the MAINTENANCE CLEANING or RECOVERY CLEANING modes, the membrane
tank’s contents are suitable for a tank to proceed to another mode. Neutralization may be
required, or the membrane tank may need to be drained.
Manual operation (ON/OFF/MANUAL mode) is just recommended for experienced operational
staff via the PLC. All devices are switched manually. Initial position is OFF.


7.2.2 Plant Flow Demand

There are two favored options to control the process permeate pump and operation of the
filtration lines. Permeate flow can bei either controlled by level in the biology or by influent flow
signal. A control based on biological level is simpler. But in case of highly varying flow
conditions (like high peak flow factors or small buffer capacity), a control based on influent flow
may be favoured. The advantage of influent flow signal control is that the systems reacts
sooner especially in case of peaking conditions. Control based on Biological Level

The process permeate pump and operation of the filtration tank can be controlled by level in
biological tank (see Table 16). At first, the permeate process pump ramps up to low flow
conditions at minimum level in biology. Secondly, When the optimum level is exceeded,
permeate process pump ramps up to medium flow. Thirdly, the peak flow is attained as soon
as the peak level in biology is exceeded.
Table 16. Flow level dependent on level in biology

Level in Biology Permeate Process Pump

R16 Min. level biology Low flow
R17 Medium level biology Medium flow
R18 Peak level biology Peak flow

The communication of several lines is possible in different ways. However, it needs to be

avoided that the maximum level in biology is exceeded.
For smooth operation of the filtration lines, all lines go to low flow at first. Afterwards all lines
to go medium and then finally to peak flow condition. A timer is set when the next line goes
online. At the same time the flow needs to be maintained during this time.
For energy efficient operation, it is possible to first ramp up one line from low to medium and
then to peak flow at first. If the level is still increasing, the next line goes online.

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019 Control based on Influent Flow Signal

The influent flow signal is used in the calculation of the plant flow demand, which controls the
speed of the process permeate pump. As the influent flow increases the plant flow demand
(or permeate flow) increases, causing the process pump to speed up. To prevent standby and
overflow conditions, the average level in the filtration tank is used to trim the plant flow demand.
Level control is accomplished with proportional control. The PLC performs these calculations.
The plant flow demand is the net permeate flowrate required from the tank and does not
include additional permeate the tank produces for non-filtration operations, such as
BACKWASH. The production cycle for a tank is FILTRATION followed by either BACKWASH
The trim flowrate, which is a calculated flow, is added to or subtracted from the influent flowrate
according to the average level in the filtration tank and the difference from the level set point.
As the level increases above the set point in the filtration tanks, the trim increases causing the
overall plant flow demand to increase.
When the plant flow demand increases, the process pump for the tank operation is ramped up
to increase the plant permeate production which brings the level down in the filtration tanks.
Conversely, if the filtration tanks are below the set point, the calculated trim flowrate is a
negative flow and the overall plant flow demand decreases. The process pump is ramped
down, decreasing permeate production, and the filtration tank level increases because of the
decreased permeate production. In general, the minimum level in the filtration tank needs to
be maintained and fluctuations in level needs to be reduced to a minimum.
The flow set point for tank with a manual flow set point is subtracted from the plant flow demand
which includes the level trim. This value becomes the net filtration flow set point for the tank.
A correction factor is calculated to account for the time when the tank is not producing water
(i.e. RELAXATION or BACKWASH) and to produce additional water required for backwashing
the membrane. The net filtration flow set point multiplied by the correction factor is then used
to calculate the instantaneous flow set point for the tank. This value controls the process pump
speed through the flow PID loop.
A flow setpoint may also be entered for each tank manually. The supervisor can do this by
setting the FILTRATION flowrate on the HMI. The PLC will maintain the entered FILTRATION
flowrate or PLC calculated FILTRATION flowrate up to a maximum Trans-Membrane Pressure
(TMP) or a minimum filtration tank level.


Level set Total of all

point Actual tank
flow from
entered flow


Divide net control output

Plant flow Substract Revised Convert FILTRATION
Influent flow by the numbers of tanks
demand supervisory plant flow flow setpoint per tank to
in a production cycle
entered flow the instantenous
without a supervisory
from plant flow FILTRATION setpoint
setpoint Process
pump speed

control loop

Figure 12. Influent Flow, Level Control & Permeate Flow Control Chart

7.2.3 Process Permeate Pump

The process pump draws permeate through the membrane modules. In FILTRATION, a
permeate flow set point (R3) controls the speed of the process pump.

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7.2.4 Filtration Tank
The filtration tank is described as the tank containing the membrane modules. During
FILTRATION the process pump draws water through the membranes and delivers it to the
permeate header and to the backwash membranes or discharge.

7.2.5 Filtration Tank Isolation Gate

Filtration tank isolation gate is used to isolate the membrane tank from the influent flow during
RECOVERY CLEANING S. The OSC will provide the details on gate positions.

7.2.6 Standby Filtration Tank

Several triggers may cause a tank to go to STANDBY rather than going to SHUTDOWN.
These triggers include a low membrane tank level (R20), low plant flow demand, or a loss of
compressed air. If a low membrane tank level occurs, the tank will immediately proceed to
STANDBY. If the STANDBY triggers no longer exist and a start trigger is active, the tank
proceeds into FILTRATION. A detailed list of all triggers is provided in chapter 7.5.

7.2.7 Drain Pump and Excess Sludge Removal

The drain pump does not run during FILTRATION and BACKWASH and it is used to drain the
membrane tank to the sludge holding tank during DRAIN.
Excess sludge needs to be removed to control the Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS,
also termed sludge) inside the tank. The standard solution is to discharge the MLSS in certain
intervals (R29 & R30). The operator should analyze the sludge to ensure the required mixed
liquor concentration in the tank.

7.2.8 Aeration
The membranes are aerated using continuous aeration in VENTING, FILTRATION,
BACKWASH and RELAXATION and intermittent aeration in STANDBY. The membrane tank
is not aerated while it is being drained. Membrane Aeration Control

The blower supplies low pressure air into the air header. This air header then delivers air into
the diffusers. For further details on blower operation, refer to the OSC. There might be more
than one blower for multi-train system. The PLC determines the number of blowers required
to run and the flow setpoint for these blowers.
Membrane trains are aerated in FILTRATION, BACKWASH, RELAXATION, intermittently in
NEUTRALIZATION. The blower operates at a constant speed. The PLC starts, stops or
adjusts the speed of the membrane blower as necessary based on the aeration demand which
is set in the HMI (R10).
If an aeration isolation valve is required to close and fails to close, aeration continues and the
train does not proceed to Standby due to an active Standby Trigger. An alarm is triggered. If
the aeration isolation valve fails to open, the train goes to the fault step to prevent membrane
fouling due to insufficient aeration. STANDBY Aeration

In STANDBY, the tank is aerated at its lowest acceptable air flow rate intermittently. The blower
starts to aerate for a couple of minutes (R27 Run time for Interval crossflow aeration standby)
to provide mixing and then stops for a certain interval (R26 Interval between crossflow aeration

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019 Blower Low Airflow

A low flow switch is located on the discharge of blower. If the switch is active, an alarm occurs
and the PLC shuts down tank until there is sufficient aeration capacity. If all blowers are faulted,
all tanks are shut down. Air Compressor Control

Local control panels control the compressors (blower for crossflow aeration). There should be
a low-pressure switch on the common discharge piping which is used to alarm and callout.
When this alarm is active, tank in any state will switch to STANDBY.

7.2.9 Backwash Equipment Control

The membranes are backwashed using process pump. Treated water is periodically reversed
back through the membranes to maintain stable transmembrane pressures.
The PLC controls the pump speed to BACKWASH the membrane module at a set flow rate
(R4) up to a maximum TMP (R15). A transmitter on the membrane header is used to calculate
the BACKWASH TMP. This provides membrane protection against over-pressurization. If the
TMP is too high, the TMP high trigger is active and the flow control PID loop output is captured.
This value becomes the maximum value for the output of the flow control PID loop.
When the TMP high trigger becomes active, the PLC gradually reduces the maximum for the
flow PID loop output until the TMP high trigger is not active, (i.e. TMP is less positive). When
the TMP high trigger becomes inactive, the maximum value is then gradually increased until
the TMP high trigger is active again or continues to increase until the maximum value for the
flow control PID loop output equals 100 %. This control strategy allows the PLC to vary the
pump speed to maximize flow while avoiding excessive TMP across the membranes. The
BACKWASH duration, production cycle duration, TMP setpoint and flow setpoint can be set
through the HMI. Backwash Sequencing

The filtration tank is given a fixed scheduled time in the master production cycle timer to begin
either a BACKWASH or RELAXATION or a combination. The tank is always backwashed at
the same time slot of the master FILTRATION cycle timer. But this time can be adjusted as
needed (R5 to R8). In addition, there is an option to do a BACKWASH in a interval for every
few cycles, setting this interval at 1, BACKWASH will be carried out each cycle.
The master production cycle timer starts when there is no FILTRATION and it starts once is
requested to start FILTRATION. The timer restarts every time it times out. The operator can
initiate a BACKWASH from the HMI by pressing the BACKWASH button. This button is
disabled if the tank is in BAKCWASH.

7.2.10 Relaxation
RELAXATION control is an alternative to backwashing. If a BACKWASH failure occurs and no
pump is available, the PLC will place the tanks into RELAXATION mode.
In RELAXATION mode, the PLC will stop permeating and the membranes sits for an operator
entered duration before continuing FILTRATION. During this time solids that have
concentrated around the membrane will be distributed away from the membrane surface by
the aeration.

7.2.11 Turbidity Measurement

An accurate and simple way to determine the separation performance of the system is to
monitor the turbidity in the effluent. High turbidity in the effluent indicates that there are leaks,

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and the system should be stopped immediately and the source of the failure should be
investigated. A turbidity measurement is not mandatory to ensure a stable process.

7.2.12 Recirculation Control Recirculation Flow Control

The recirculation/drain pumps circulate RAS at an operator adjustable ratio based on the
required plant flow demand and to keep the MLSS within the required range. As the plant flow
demand increases the recirculation flow demand increases, causing the recirculation/drain
pump(s) to speed up. The PLC performs these calculations. Recirculation/Drain Pumps

Filtration tank has a dedicated recirculation/drain pump. Recirculation/drain pumps will operate
during all modes of operation excluding MAINTENANCE CLEANING and NEUTRALIZATION.
In RECOVERY CLEANING, the recirculation/drain pump drains the membrane tank. In
DRAIN, the recirculation/drain pump drains the membrane tank. Standby Recirculation

When tank in STANDBY is aerated, the recirculation/drain pump will operate for the Standby
aeration duration.

7.2.13 Temperature and pH Measurement

The temperature affects various system parameters and must be continuously monitored. The
temperature affects viscosity which in turn has an effect on the sludge filterability. An accurate
temperature is imperative when setting flux levels and calculating costs associated with energy
It is important to be able to measure the pH in the MBR tank as well as the pH in the pipes
during chemical cleanings. To monitor both, the sensor should be installed between the
membranes and the dosing point of the chemicals. In this case, the permeate quality
represents the pH in the MBR tank.

7.2.14 Venting
A venting tank is installed at the highest point of piping and venting is conducted automatically
after a certain amount of production cycles which can be entered in the HMI. This process is
detailed in the OSC.
After a certain number of filtration cycles (R22), an automatic venting (also termed de-aeration
or degassing) of the permeate piping system is conducted. The permeate pump is running in
reverse mode (BACKWASH) and filling up the venting tank during this period. The flow can be
adjusted in the HMI (R23). This VENTING is mandatory since air is accumulating inside the
piping due to crossflow-aeration. If air is not properly removed, TMP calculation and thus
permeability may be distorted. There is a pressure limit for VENTING (R24) where the plant
goes to STANDBY to avoid bursting of equipment.


The Mechanical Cleaning Process (MCP) is used for enhanced mechanical cleaning and
reducing the chemical consumption. Please read the MICRODYN BIO-CEL® Design
Guideline for more information regarding design of MCP plants.
A schematic representation of the MCP process is illustrated in Figure 3 whereas the MCP
beads are illustrated as red dots and the air as blue dots.

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The MCP process design and operation is more complex and providing several challenges:
• The MCP must be retained inside the filtration tank and the proper function of the MCP
screen needs to be monitored closely to avoid overflow of filtration tank or an increased
MLSS concentration.
• The operation is stopped and operation goes to SHUTDOWN with recirculation pump OFF
as soon as the alarm level is obtained in one of the following conditions:
o The pressure difference between both sides of the MCP screen is exceeded and
damage of screen is possible.
o Max. level in filtration tank is exceeded due to blocked screen.
o Max. MLSS exceeded due to blocked screen.

In case an emergency occurs the MCP screen needs to be cleaned either by aeration or

Monitoring Parameter

7.3.1 Monitoring Parameter Membrane

The main operation modes are the FILRTRATION, BACKWASH, RELAXATION and
VENTING. The sequence of these steps is termed production cycle. The TMP and Flow curve
is illustrated in Figure 13. TMP and flow during automatic operation mode.






Figure 13. TMP and flow during automatic operation mode Trans-Membrane Pressure (TMP) Calculation

TMP is calculated by using the equation below. During FILTRATION the value is negative, for
BACKWASH and CIP, it is positive. A schemtic representation of TMP factors is in Figure 14.

𝑇𝑀𝑃 = 𝑃𝑃 (𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒) – 𝑃𝑆 (ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒)

• Pp is the pressure measured by pressure transmitter in the permeate header

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• Ps is the hydrostatic pressure due to corresponding water height above the pressure
transmitter. This value is considered a positive number when pressure transmitter is below
the water level and a negative number when it is above the water level.

For TMP calculation the varying water level needs to be taken into account and therefore the
hydrostatic pressure PS is calculated based on the following equation.
𝑃𝑆 = 𝑃𝐿 (𝑙𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙) – 𝑑𝑝 (𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑚)

• PL is the pressure at the liquid level
• dP is the correction factor between the pressure gauge and the bottom of the tank.

In FILTRATION, an increased TMP value means a larger pressure differential because the
pressure inside the membranes is lower than outside the membranes. This corresponds to a
lower number as expressed in engineering units. Therefore, a high FILTRATION TMP is
actually expressed as a Pressure Differential Alarm Low.


pL Permeate





Figure 14. TMP calculation

When a pressure loss higher than 10 mbar (0.15 psi) is expected due to piping, this pressure
loss needs to be determined and implemented in the PLC.
The PLC continuously calculates the TMP value while in FILTRATION. If the TMP is too low
(i.e. too negative) the TMP low trigger is active and the flow control PID loop output is captured.
This value becomes the maximum value for the flow control PID loop output.
When the TMP low trigger becomes active, the PLC gradually reduces the maximum for the
flow PID loop output until the TMP low trigger is not active, (i.e., TMP is less negative). At the
moment when the TMP low trigger becomes inactive, the maximum value is then gradually
increased until the TMP low trigger is active again, or continues to increase until the maximum
value for the flow control PID loop output equals 100 %. This control strategy allows the PLC
to vary the pump speed to maximize flow while avoiding excessive TMP across the

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019 Flow and Flux

The permeate flow rate is positive during FILTRATION and negative during BACKWASH and
is transferred to PLC with the respective signs plus and minus. Make sure that the flow device
can measure in both directions.
The flux is the area-specific flow through the membrane surface area and needs to be
calculated for monitoring of permeability:
𝐿 gal
𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 [ ] Flow rate [ ]
ℎ min
𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑥 [𝐿𝑀𝐻] = 𝑜𝑟 Flux [gfd] =
𝑀𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 [𝑚2 ] Membrane area [ft 2 ] Temperature Corrected Permeability

The temperature corrected permeability is taking temperature compensation into account and
is calculated based on the Flux and TMP. This monitoring parameter is added to the HMI for
monitoring of the process. For calculation please take a positive value for TMP.
𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 [ ]
𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑥 [𝐿𝑀𝐻]
= ⋅ 1.024(20−𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 °𝐶) 𝑜𝑟
𝑇𝑀𝑃 [𝑏𝑎𝑟]
𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 [ ]
𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑥 [𝑔𝑓𝑑]
= ⋅ 1.024(20−𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 °𝐶)
𝑇𝑀𝑃 [𝑝𝑠𝑖]

7.3.2 Monitoring Parameter Diffuser

The diffuser system needs to be monitored and therefore it is recommended to track the
pressure loss of the diffuser, temperature and air flow.
For proper monitoring of the pressure loss, the liquid level inside the filtration tank needs to be
substracted. Please find details regaring the depth of standard tanks in the MICRODYN BIO-
CEL® Design Guideline.
The temperature and flow rate are additionally monitored for the blower.

Chemical Cleaning

7.4.1 Clean in Place (CIP) Controls

The membranes require cleaning to maintain peak performance. There are two types of
cleaning chemical is either citric acid or sodium hypochlorite for MAINTENANCE CLEANINGS
RECOVERY CLEANINGS are operator initiated from OFF and should have the operator
present during the majority of this clean. MAINTENANCE CLEANING is scheduled through
HMI and is automatically initiated by PLC based on preset schedule.

Sodium Hypochlorite Cleaning Equipment

Sodium hypochlorite is used to remove organic contaminants from the membranes. The
sodium hypochlorite pumps are often air diaphragm pumps. The PLC requests a sodium
hypochlorite valve which needs to be defined (referred in the following as TBD) for
pump in specific steps during the cleaning procedure. Consult the OSC for these steps.

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Citric Acid Cleaning Equipment
Citric acid is periodically used to remove inorganic contaminants from the membranes such
as calcium carbonate, manganese and iron compounds. The citric acid pumps are often air
diaphragm pumps. The PLC requests a citric acid valve (TBD) for MAINTENANCE
CLEANINGS or valve (TBD) for RECOVERY CLEANING to open to run the pump in specific
steps during the cleaning procedure. Consult the OSC for these steps.

7.4.2 Maintenance Cleaning

MAINTENANCE CLEANINGS are scheduled through the HMI and are automatically initiated
by the PLC based on a 24 hour clock. The operator is able to schedule one MAINTENANCE
CLEANING per day. Operator enters the starting time and selects the cleaning chemical for
the clean.
When it is time to perform a MAINTENANCE CLEANING, the PLC compares the current plant
flow demand with the available capacity if one tank is not in service. If the plant permeate flow
demand exceeds this capacity, then scheduled MAINTENANCE CLEANING is skipped or
aborted, an alarm occurs to inform the operator.
If the plant permeate flow demand does not exceed the available capacity, the
MAINTENANCE CLEANING starts after the tank has completed its production cycle. If a tank
is in STANDBY, it directly goes to MAINTENANCE CLEANING. Maintenance Cleaning Sequence

This cleaning can be done in biomass/process fluid. The standard MAINTENANCE

CLEANING is 60 minutes long. The MAINTENANCE CLEANING procedure is summarized
Table 17. Standard Maintenance Cleaning Procedure

Steps Procedure
1 • Stop filtration of membrane train scheduled to be cleaned
Continue to aerate membranes and re-circulate mixed liquor for 10 minutes (R33)
2 • Shut off mixed liquor re-circulation and isolate membrane tank
Shut off membrane aeration system
3 BACKWASH membranes in the train for XXX seconds as set in R39 Initial chemical
dosing time while dosing appropriate chemical (sodium hypochlorite or citric acid)
4 BACKWASH membranes in the train for XXX seconds (R40 Repeat dosing time) while
dosing appropriate chemical (sodium hypochlorite or citric acid)
5 Relax membranes for total of XXX seconds (R41 Repeat soaking time)
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 for total of 7 BACKWASH and RELAXATION cycles (R42)
7 BACKWASH membranes in the train for XXX seconds (R47, or longer if needed for larger
systems) without adding chemicals to flush out the chemicals from piping (R47)
8 Open the valves that isolate the membrane tank/train
9 Turn on mixed liquor re-circulation pump and membrane aeration for 5 minutes (R48)
10 Resume normal operation Calculation of Chemical Concentrations

The flow of chemical pumps can be calculated according to the following equation based on
the target chemical concentration divided by the source chemical concentration multiplied by
the permeate flow.

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Please take into account that sodium hypochlorite is degraded very fast appr. 1 g/l/d at 20 °C
for a new batch with 150 g/l. Therefore, the source and target chemical concentration should
be changeable in the HMI (R35 to R38).

𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 = 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 ⋅
𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑐𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

7.4.3 Recovery Cleaning

RECOVERY CLEANING can only be carried out if it is in RECOVERY CLEANING mode. The
cleaning chemical is either citric acid or sodium hypochlorite. The operator turns the tank OFF
and then selects either the Recovery Clean with Citric Acid button or Recovery Clean with
Sodium Hypochlorite button for the cleaning to begin.
During a RECOVERY CLEANING there are several prompts which the operator must address.
Consult the OSC for further details. As a result, it is suggested to have the operator present
during the RECOVERY CLEANING so that these prompts can be responded to in a timely
The steps of cleaning are in line with the MAINTENANCE CLEANING and the parameters can
be adopted for the RECOVERY CLEANING. Otherwise an additional parameter set can be
programmed in the PLC as can be found in Table 22 (R33 to R48).

The steps for RECOVERY CLEANING are:

Table 18. Recovery Cleaning Procedure

Steps Procedure
1 • Stop filtration of membrane train scheduled to be cleaned
- Continue to aerate membranes and re-circulate mixed liquor for 60 minutes
2 • Shut off mixed liquor re-circulation and isolate membrane tank
- Shut off membrane aeration system
3 - Drain the membrane tank manually or using the re-circulation pump

4 - Fill the membrane tank with permeate water using an external pump. Note that other membrane
trains are required to stay in operation mode in order to keep the permeate tank full of permeate
during this process
5 - Aerate membranes for 60 minutes

6 - Drain the membrane tank again to remove all excess sludge removed from membranes

7 - Fill up the membrane tank with permeate to 80 % of the cleaning level

8 - BACKWASH membranes in the train for 600 seconds while dosing appropriate chemical (2,000
mg/L sodium hypochlorite or 2,000-5,000 mg/L citric acid)
9 - BACKWASH membranes in the train for 20 seconds while dosing appropriate chemical (2,000
mg/L sodium hypochlorite or 2,000-5,000 mg/L citric acid)
10 - Relax membranes for total of 120 seconds

11 - Repeat steps 9 and 10 until membrane tank liquid level is 100 % of the cleaning level

12 - Soak membranes in the cleaning solution (2,000 mg/L sodium hypochlorite or 2,000-5,000 mg/L
citric acid for 5-12 hours
13 - Continue to BACKWASH membranes without adding chemicals until the membrane tank liquid
level is at the cleaning level
14 - Open the valves that isolate the membrane tank/train

15 - Turn on mixed liquor re-circulation pump and re-circulate mixed liquor for 15 minutes

16 - Turn on membrane aeration and continue to re-circulate mixed liquor for additional 15 minutes

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
Steps Procedure
17 - Resume normal operation

The cleaning level is the level where the cleaning needs to stop to avoid overflow of filtration
tank and is considered to use the maximum level available in the filtration tank.

7.4.4 Neutralization
The goal of NEUTRALIZATION is to remove residual chlorine. Recirculation from filtation tank
to biology is stopped. If several repetitions of aeration and soaking time are not sufficient,
please refer to the MICRODYN BIO-CEL® O&M Manual for additional information of
The operator selects the Neutralization button to proceed to NEUTRALIZATION mode. The
Neutralization button is available in OFF and in the last step of RECOVERY CLEANING.
The steps for NEUTRALIZATION are:
Table 19. Neutralization procedure

Steps Procedure
1 - Fill the filtration tank to defined level from the membrane distribution channel.

2 - Aerates the membrane tank.

3 - Soaking time period f o r a defined duration and then either proceed to next step if the clean
was with sodium hypochlorite or proceed to step 5 if the clean was with citric acid.
4 - The operator manually checks the residual chlorine concentration. The operator selects
the Confirm Neutralization button to proceed to next step when the residual chlorine
concentration is less than 10 ppm. The operator selects the Resume Neutralization button
when the residual chlorine concentration is greater than 10 ppm. The PLC will proceed to
5 - BACKWASH without chemical.

6 Proceed to OFF.

Consult the OSC for specific details on the steps and set points used in this mode.
The NEUTRALIZATION is initiated by the operator after the extended chemical soak step in
RECOVERY CLEANING. The operator is then responsible for confirming the
NEUTRALIZATION if the clean was with sodium hypochlorite.

Triggers & Alarms

A trigger is a normal event that can clear an alarm or be one of several points in a sequence
of events.
Alarms are used to identify a problem with the system. Depending on the nature of the problem
the alarm may either shutdown the tank, place the tank to STANDBY, and initiate a callout to
notify the operator that there is a problem. It is understood that the operator will acknowledge
the alarm and address the situation. If the problem is not corrected, production quality and
quantity will drop off quickly.
An alarm that is activated by an instrument, pressure transmitter, flow transmitters, or level
instrumentation, typically requires a pump or another device to be on to generate the required
flow or pressure. Otherwise, the alarm will be ignored if the device to be protected is off.
All alarms are indicated with a message on the screen. The operator cannot reset the alarm
without the correct password. All alarms and the time they occurred are recorded on the alarm
history screen.

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Some alarms can shutdown the tank. These alarms close appropriate valves and stop the
pumps. The shutdown alarm puts the tank to SHUTDOWN mode. Restarting after a shutdown
will require the alarm to be reset. Devices which are being controlled remotely cannot have
their status changed by the PLC. Typical alarms that SHUTDOWN a tank and alarms that put
the tank to STANDBY are listed inTable 20.
Please note that just the most important membrane-related errors are described below and it
is in the responsibility of the system integrator to properly implement all required errors for safe
operation of the entire system.
Standard operational parameters which are used in the PLC and can be altered in HMI are
given in Table 22.

Table 20. Tank alarms with warning, shut-down, standby

Error no. and description (possible cause) SHUT DOWN STANDB

1. Power failure or inproper shut-down X
(manual shut-down during FILTRATION)
2. Overflow biology tank X
(level sensor broken)
3. Overflow filtration tank X
(level sensor broken)
4. R16 Minimum level biology X
(no inflow)
5. R20 Minimum level filtration tank X
(recirculation pump down)
6. Minimum level permeate tank X
(no FILTRATION of other tanks during cleaning of other tank)
7. R14 Min. FILTRATION pressure (negative value) undershot X
(membrane fouled/ scaled)
R15 Max. BACKWASH pressure exceeded during production X
cycle (membrane fouled/ scaled)
8. R15 Max. BACKWASH pressure exceeded during chemical X
cleaning (membrane fouled/ scaled)
9. R24 Pressure limit for venting exceeded X

10. R32 Decreased permeability value undershoot and cleaning X

11. P04 on and both valves Vx1-01 and Vx4-01 are closed X
(valves broken and protection of bursting)
12. Error voltage X
(Malfuntion in energy supply)
13. Motor protection P04 permeate pump X
(pump damaged)
14. Frequency inverter (F) P04 with malfunction, max. temperature X
(no proper cooling of FI)
15. Motor protection P05 recirculation pump X
(pump damaged)
16. Error analog signal flow meter FIC 01-001 X
(air in piping)

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Error no. and description (possible cause) SHUT DOWN STANDB
17. Error analog signal flow meter FICR 04-004 X
(air in piping)
18. PLC Error X
(Tripped breaker inside panel)
19. Archieving not functioning
(storage full)
20. Low flow blower G02 X
(blower damaged)
21. R11 Max. pressure for G02 achieved X
(diffuser plugged, sludge inside diffuser/ piping)
22. R28 Max. MLSS in filter tank (QIC 04-003) exceeded X
(too low sludge discharge or low recirculation flow)
23. Compressed Air-Low pressure valves RECOVERY CLEANING X
(Insufficient Compressed Air Supply to operate pneumatically
actuated valves)
24. Compressed Air-Low pressure valves FILTRATION, X
(Insufficient Compressed Air Supply to operate pneumatically
actuated valves)
25. Just for MICRODYN BIO-CEL®-MCP process: R49 Pressure X
difference MCP screen exceeded

7.5.1 Plant Operating Interface

To accommodate the above operational requirements and all other control, display, and
monitoring requirements, the plant needs a HMI for access to plant controls. The HMI
communicates with the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), which in turn controls the plant.

7.5.2 Password Access & Privileges

The entire plant is controlled from the PLC through a HMI. The ability to silence the horn and
acknowledge alarms does not require a password, but alarms cannot be reset. To gain access
to make changes on the HMI, the operator is required to enter the correct password.
A screensaver blanks the screen after a set amount of time of inactivity. The screen is
reactivated by a single touch. Reactivation cannot select a device or operating mode.
In order to access the control screens, the individual must enter a correct password then press
Enter. There are two levels of password protection; Operator and Supervisor. The operator
password is factory set; consult the CLSC for the operator password.
The supervisor password can be modified from the HMI. There is no limit to the number of
times another password can be attempted. The password must be re-entered after a set
amount of time of inactivity.

7.5.3 Screen Color-Coding

The color-coded status indicates whether the device is either running automatically, shutdown,
in STANDBY, OFF. Manually overridden, etc.
The HMI uses the color-coding shown below.

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Table 21. HMI Color Code Devices Charts

Color Valve Pump


Power Interruption / Power Up

When a loss of power occurs, the tank will immediately proceed to POWER OFF mode. After
power returns, the plant powers up common equipment and then the tank will start-up
Loss of Communication Alarms
During operation of the MICRODYN BIO-CEL® system, there are ‘heartbeat’ signals
generated by each PLC. Each ‘heartbeat’ signal is a counter that increases by one unit each
second. When the communication with a PLC is lost, the PLC that is monitoring the “heartbeat”
counter detects that the value of the counter has not changed for a preset time, e.g. few
seconds, and alarms. When the counter reaches for example 20,000 it restarts counting from

7.5.4 Loss of Communication Alarm with Plant SCADA

When there is a loss of communication with the plant SCADA, the tank proceeds to

7.5.5 Signals for Communication

For the BIO-CEL membrane system to maintain optimal performance, information must be
communicated between the plant SCADA and the PLC.
Operating parameters of the BIO-CEL system such as flowrates, pressures, tank modes, etc.
are available for communication, if necessary, when the plant SCADA is required to only
monitor these parameters. The MBR system operates in a continuous automatic mode
controlled by PLC, which shall interface with the plant SCADA system.

7.5.6 Plant PLC to the MBR Module PLC Signals

The list given below shows the signals that are communicated from the plant SCADA over the
network to the MBR module PLC to operate the membrane system.
1. Feed Flowrate
2. Permissive to run the tank
3. Running signal for blower
4. Running signal for process pump
5. Running signal for recirculation drain pump

Standard Operational Parameters

The standard operational parameters are implemented in PLC and can be altered in HMI
according to the recommended range detailed in the table below.

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Table 22. Standard Operational Parameters

Parameter Basic setting Range

R1 Membrane area Project design (m2, ft2) 0..99999

R2 Correction factor TMPdp Project design (mbar, psi) -999..999

R3 FILTRATION flow Project design (m3/h, gpm) 0..999

10-15 l/m2/h/bar (6-8.9

R4 BACKWASH flow 0..999

R5 FILTRATION time 510 sec 0..999

R6 RELAXATION time 1 30 sec 0..99

R7 BACKWASH time 30 sec 0..99

R8 RELAXATION time 2 30 sec 0..99

R9 BACKWASH interval 1 0..999

Project design (Nm3/h;

R10 Crossflow air flow 0..9999

R11 Max. pressure air flow line Project design 0..999

R12 Recirculation flow Project design 0..999

R13 Min level Permeate tank Project design 0..999

R14 Min. FILTRATION pressure (negative value) -400 mbar (-5.8 psi) 0..-400

R15 Max. BACKWASH pressure +150 mbar (+2.2 psi) 0..150

R16 Min. level biology Project design 0..999

R17 Medium level biology Project design 0..999

R18 Peak level biology Project design 0..999

R19 Max. level biology Project design 0..999

R20 Min. level in filtration tank Project design 0..999

R21 Max. level in filtration tank Project design 0..999

R22 Interval between VENTING 2 to 5 0..99

R23 BACKWASH flow for VENTING Project design 0..999

R24 Pressure limit for VENTING Project design 0..999

R25 Time of VENTING 30 sec 0..99

R26 Interval between crossflow aeration standby 25 min 0..99

R27 Run time for Interval crossflow aeration standby 5 min 0..99

R28 Max. MLSS in filter tank 15 g/l 0..999

R29 Interval surplus sludge pump on Project design 0..999

R30 Interval surplus sludge pump off Project design 0..999

R31 Duration of decreased permeability range 10 days 0..99

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130 LMH/bar (5.2
R32 Decreased permeability value 0..9999

R33 Time Crossflow aeration before

10 min 0..99

R34 Timer between two MAINTENANCE

14 d 0..99

R35 Source chemical concentration bleach 150 g/l 0..999

R36 Target chemical concentration bleach 250 mg/l 0..2000

R37 Source chemical concentration citric acid 450 g/l 0..999

R38 Target chemical concentration citric acid 2000 mg/l 0..10000

R39 Initial chemical dosing time 540 sec 0..9999

R40 Repeat dosing time 40 sec 0..99

R41 Repeat soaking time 280 sec 0..99

R42 number of re-pulses R40 Repeat dosing time 7 0..99

R43 BACKWASH flow permeate pump

Project design 0..999

R44 BACKWASH flow chemical dosing pump

Project design 0..999
alcalinic cleaner

R45 BACKWASH flow chemical dosing pump acid

Project design 0..999

R46 BACKWASH flow without chemicals Project design 0..999

R47 Time BACKWASH without chemicals 300 sec 0..99

R48 Time Crossflow aeration after MAINTENANCE

15 min 0..99

R49 Pressure difference MCP screen exceeded Project design 0..999

Data Recording
The following data must be recorded by the system automatically or should be logged by the
operators manually in a digital logbook. The online data needs to be archieved by PLC and
provided to MN preferably analysed in a report form. The minimum requirement is a CSV data
format to analyze data afterwards.
In general, it is recommended to implement the following online measured parameter into the
general overview page of the PLC.
It is recommended to add the option that laboratory measurements can be added to the PLC
and saved together with online data.

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Table 23. Logged data for process monitoring
System Frequency of Measurement
Component Online Laboratory
pH - 3/week
COD in mg/l - 3/week
BOD5 in mg/l - 1/week
Total Suspended Solids in g/l (TSS) - 3/week
Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids in g/l (MLSS) Hourly* 3/week
Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids in mg/l
- 1/week
Mixed liquor (MLVSS)
(sampling in Filterability (e.g. TTF or CST)
- 1/week
filtration Sedimentation properties (ISV)
tanks) Fat, oil, grease in mg/l (FOG) - 1/week
pH Hourly 3/week
Temperature in °C or °F Hourly
Level filtration tank in m or ft Hourly
Transmembrane Pressure in mbar or psi (TMP) Hourly -
Transmembrane Pressure during backwash in
mbar or psi
Flow rate per line in m³/h or gpm Hourly -
Flux in L/m2/h/bar or gfd
Temperature in °C or °F (effluent or mixed liquor) Hourly -
Normalized permeability (temperature corrected) in
Modules Hourly -
L/m2/h/bar or GFD/psi
Temperature corrected permeability based on
Hourly -
TMPmid in L/m2/h/bar or GFD/psi
Cross-flow air scour rate per line in Nm³/h or SCFM Hourly -
Air pressure in mbar or psi in air header corrected
Hourly* 3/week
by level
Air temperature in air header in °C or °F Hourly* 3/week
Concentration in mg/l and pH of cleaning solution
Chemical fill volume in m³ or gal (amount of
Chemical chemical solution per line) Note date and required data
Cleaning Soaking time from start backwash till end of for each chemical cleaning
soaking in hours
Consumption of source chemicals in L or gal
Total Suspended Solids in mg/L - 1/week
Turbidity in NTU orFNU Hourly* 3/week
COD in mg/l - 3/week
pH Hourly 3/week
*Recommended alternative measurement data and frequency; all others (without *)
are required data for warranty purposes.

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8 Auxillary Equipment
In addition to the instrumentation mentioned previously in chapter 7, other auxiliary equipment
may be needed to monitor the system appropriately. Instruments measuring dissolved oxygen,
MLSS and tank levels are recommended to ensure the system is operating at optimal
conditions. A complete list of suggested auxiliary equipment may be found in Appendix: Device

Cross-Flow Blowers
Another important aspect of a system using MICRODYN BIO-CEL ® MBR modules is the
supply of air. The air cross-flow creates turbulence on the membrane surface to curb short
term fouling while continuously supplying oxygen to the sludge to maintain healthy biological
Aeration information for all modules is listed in Table 10.
Generally, one blower is needed per filtration line, but it is suggested that either reserve
blowers are stored in case of failure or the system is designed with redundancy so that
adequate air can be supplied at all times. Additionally, pressure losses associated with piping,
water level differences and pressure loss from the diffusers should be considered when
designing the aeration system.

Permeate Pump
Once the permeate is physically separated from the sludge in the filtration tank, the permeate
collection system transfers the clean water from the filtration tank to a permeate storage tank.
Ideally, the permeate pumps are reversible in their flow direction and have a pressure range
of -500 to +500 mbar (-7.25 to +7.25psi) (e.g. an eccentric screw pump or a rotary piston
pump). It is important that the pump has the described qualities to ensure that the pump can
both extract permeate from the sludge during filtration (through the permeate channel) and
conduct the reverse module backwashing.
Each individual filtration line should be assigned to a separate permeate pump. The pump is
sized based on the maximum gross flux and the membrane area (see chapter 4.1).
Additionally, it is suggested that the pumping system is designed, in coordination with piping
and valve schemes, with redundancy so that multiple pumps have the capability to provide
adequate power to multiple lines, or that spare pumps are stored on site to ensure minimal
downtime in the event of unexpected failure. Troubleshooting may be simplified if the plumbing
system allows for the isolation of single trains and modules.
The preferred operation of the BIO-CEL MBR modules includes permeate pumps and
backwashing, however operation via gravity flow (e.g. without permeate pumps) in
combination with or without backwashing is also possible. Please consult your MICRODYN-
NADIR sales representative if you consider operating your BIO-CEL system with gravity flow.

Permeate Pipes & Valves

A series of pipes, valves and fittings connect the permeate pump (and the permeate tank) to
the modules. A clever plumbing system configuration is imperative to ensure that the entire
MBR system operates properly while maintaining the flexibility and redundancy mentioned
earlier in chapter 8.2. A short permeate piping system also helps minimize the overall pressure
Small amounts of air are carried through the pipes along with the permeate as a result of the
slight vacuum needed to facilitate filtration. The captured air will accumulate at high points
along the piping system and form air pockets which will interfere with the pressure
measurement in the system. To counteract formation of air pockets, the piping system should
only have one high point with a venting tank mounted in this position (see chapter 8.5).
Additionally, the pipes should be sized so that the permeate velocity is below 1 m/s (3.3 ft/s)
(Vp << 1 m/s) throughout the system.

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The venting tank is not needed if the only high point of the piping system is the permeate tank
at the end of the permeate extraction system. All air will be exhausted in the permeate tank
and does not cause any misreading of the TMP sensor.

Permeate Tank
Another important component of the permeate collection system is the permeate tank. Once
the clean water is separated from the sludge by the membranes the permeate pump transfers
permeate through the piping system to the permeate tank. It is important that the tank is sized
so that it contains enough clean water for a chemical backwash at any time. If the system is
configured with multiple filtration lines, the volume of the permeate tank may be smaller. This
is because as one permeate line is cleaned, the other lines will continue to supply permeate.
It is very important to cover the permeate tank and to disinfect it regularly to avoid the formation
of a biofilm. Please also avoid direct sunlight since both issues lead to an algae growth in the
tank. Please contact MICRODYN-NADIR to discuss the right size of your permeate tank.
The tank should be operated in overflow mode so that once an adequate amount of permeate
is stored for backwashing, the excess is discharged or reused.

Table 24. Permeate Tank Volume

Permeate Tank
Single Train Plants Multiple Train Plants
- Volume for one intensive cleaning
3 liters for every m² membrane
Minimum Volume minus Volume of the produced
surface (0.07 gal/ft²)
permeate of other trains
5 liters for every m² membrane
Maximum Volume Volume for one intensive cleaning
surface (0.12 gal/ft²)

Venting System
As mentioned in chapter 8.2, the vacuum needed to extract permeate through the membranes
also introduces air into the permeate pipes which must be expelled. To counteract the
tendency for air accumulation, the piping system should only have one high point, and a
venting tank should be located at this point. To ensure that the tank is at the highest point,
there should be an incline in the piping between the venting tank and the membranes and a
decline in the piping from the venting tank to the permeate tank (at a minimum the pipes
between these points in the system should have no slope at all).
The optimum size of the venting tank depends on a multitude of parameters. Please consult
with your MICRODYN-NADIR representative for questions or additional information. In
general, the following equation may be used as a rough estimate for the tank size:

Amembrane [m2 ]
= Venting Tank Volume [L]

The minimum size of the venting tank should be 10 L (2.6 gal) and the maximum, for economic
reasons, should be limited to 100 L (26.4 gal). It is favorable if the tank is transparent or has a
window so that the operator can visually monitor the level of gas accumulation and optimize
the venting process. However, the algae growth issue, as mentioned in the previous chapter
8.4, should also be considered.
The frequency of the venting process strongly depends on the amount of air accumulated.
Attributes such as dissolved oxygen (DO) content and TMP determine the amount and rate of
air accumulation. High DO in the activated sludge and high TMP exacerbate air accumulation.
Additionally, the size of the venting tank dictates the frequency of venting cycles (e.g. a smaller

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
tank can store less air and must be degassed more frequently). The automatic venting cycles
may be coupled with normal backwashing cycles. MICRODYN NADIR recommends a venting
cycle every 3-4 cycles.
The diagram below outlines a typical schematic of a venting cycle. For venting, V01 closes
after V02 is opened and the permeate pump is put into backwash mode. The air collected in
the venting tank will be discharged via V02 from the system. The outgoing pipe can discharge
the air/water into the permeate tank (preferred solution) or into the filtration tank.


Figure 15. Scheme of venting cycle

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
9 Appendices

Appendix: Sieve Test Procedures

Sludge trash in MBR applications is measured and monitored using sieve tests. The sieve test
can be used to determine the amount of material that is contained in the mixed liquor of an
activated sludge wastewater treatment plant. It can be used to quantify the effectiveness of
the pretreatment and screening equipment of the plant.

Materials Required
• Pail or bucket to collect, measure and the mixed liquor volume through the sieve
• Stack of sieves
• Clean wash water (garden hose with spray nozzle)
• Analytical balance (scale)
• Aluminum trays
• Oven (105C)

1. Assemble a stack of sieves of the following sizes (largest sieve on top)
o 2.00 mm (ASTM # 10)
o 1.00 mm (ASTM # 18)
2. Pour a known volume (60-200 L) of representative mixed liquor through the sieves
(see Figure 17). Rinse through with clean water periodically if necessary, but take
care not to lose any screenings by spraying out of the sieves.

Figure 16. Pouring the mixed liquor through the sieves

3. Shake the sieves gently and wash through with clean water to rinse away the
biomass and to clean the collected screenings.
4. Separately collect the screenings from each sieve, and transfer to pre-weighed
aluminum trays.
5. Dry the trays of screenings in an oven at 105°C (221°F) for a minimum of 8 hours,
or overnight.
6. Weigh the trays again to determine the dry weight of the screenings (Figure 17 and
Figure 18).
7. Enter the results into the spreadsheet to calculate the mass concentration of dry
screenings in the mixed liquor (mg of dry screenings per L of mixed liquor).

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Example of what is collected on the 2-mm sieve:

Figure 17. 2mm sieve residue

Example of what is collected on the 1-mm sieve:

Figure 18. 1mm sieve residue

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Appendix: Abrasion Test & Limits for Use with Immersed Membranes
Water and wastewater entering immersed membrane systems may contain different types of
particulates of varying sizes and abrasion capacities. Due to sedimentation, the concentration
of such particulates will increase in membrane tank. Such material may cause severe damage
to the membranes and potentially to the point where the membranes may need to be replaced.
The purpose of this chapter is to present a simple test method to analyze feed water to show
its abrasiveness characteristics and to recommend limits for use with immersed membranes.

Test Method
Abrasive characteristics are due to a complex relationship between chemical and mechanical
actions on a wear block or wear specimen. The Miller Number abrasivity is a relative rate of
wear index of the combined effects of both corrosion and mechanical erosion on a 27%
Chrome Iron Wear Block (ASTM G075-01). The Gold number abrasivity is a relative rate of
wear index of the mechanical erosion on a 24K Gold wear Block. The Gold Number is designed
for water with a Miller Number below 20 and is a more accurate continuation in the low
abrasivity range of the Miller Number Scale. The Gold number scaled to the Miller Number
provides an accurate low abrasivity index.
A standard part of conducting the Miller Number is to conduct a test with erosion-inhibited
slurry using Calcium Hydroxide to raise pH to 12 plus to reduce or eliminate erosion. Miller
Number abrasivity difference between the regular slurry and the inhibited slurry is the result of
corrosion or the synergetic effect of corrosion and mechanical wear. Mechanical wear relates
to properties of solids and fluid as well as the solid concentration and load applied to the wear
block or wear specimen. Particle mineral composition, hardness, size and shape are the main
contributing wear factors for the solid components of the slurry. Hardness of minerals, as
measured by Mohs Scale, is identified numerically by standard minerals, from 1 (softest) to 10
1. Talc
2. Gypsum
3. Calcite
4. Fluorite
5. Apatite
6. Orthoclase
7. Quartz
8. Topaz
9. Corundum
10. Diamond
Miller Number abrasivity (rate of wear) correlates with the Mohs Hardness for a particular
mineral tested. Rate of wear increases as hardness of the particle tested increases. The size
of particles in the slurry has a major effect on the degree of wear, similar to the action of
sandpaper. The larger grains on the sandpaper create more wear. Particle shapes ranging
from spherical to sharp and angular determine the degree of wear. Beach sand worn to a
rounded shape by wave action is much less abrasive than newly fractured quartz of the same
general size.
Mechanical wear directly relates to the concentration of the solids at the wear interface and
the load that is applied. Increasing the concentration of the solids increases the rate of material
loss from the wear block or wear specimen until the wear interface is saturated.

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
Examples of Different Sources
The following chart summarizes the Gold number for different types of slurry and wastewater
and water sources from different plants. The Gold numbers for higher values are scaled from
Miller test. In the case of MBR Plant B, the sand found in filtration tank was extremely abrasive
and has actually resulted in serious membrane damages.

Figure 19. Gold number

The high abrasivity of this sand is due to its silica hardness, large quantity of large particles
and sharp and angular material. The following picture shows these particles with a 200 micron
photo Dot in the center.

Figure 20. Sand particles

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
Water Abrasion Limit
Based on previous experiences, it is recommended to ensure wastewater entering the
immersed membrane system has a Gold Number less than 30 and preferably less than 20.
More abrasive slurries will reduce membrane life and in the case of higher Gold numbers (e.g.
gold numbers greater than 50), membranes will be damaged in the matter of a few months
depending on aeration rates and frequencies.
If the aeration rate is reduced and is used on an infrequent basis, the membrane life may be
improved. The actual life expectancy and risk depends on several factors such as the product
itself, aeration process, filtration sequences and tank hydraulics.

Appendix: Mixed Liquor Sieve Test

A proper pretreatment will ensure very low levels of trash and other harmful material in mixed
liquor. The quantity of debris and trash in mixed liquor can be measured by an analytical
method known as “Sieve Test”. Routine sieve tests of mixed liquor are used to assess the
performance of pretreatment systems. The sieve test should be used initially to commission
and test the sludge before exposing the membranes to mixed liquor. It should also be routinely
performed routinely to monitor sludge.
For example, if the sieve test results are stable and acceptable after commissioning, but then
increase, it is a likely an indication that the pretreatment systems are not working properly.
The sieve test procedure is provided in Appendix A.
It is recommended to perform the sieve test during commissioning and before exposing
membranes to mixed liquor. After that, the test is used once per month to monitor the quality
of sludge. The mixed liquor sample should be taken from the membrane tank. The following
guidelines should be used for sludge quality based on the sieve test:
• Material / trash > 2-mm: less than 1 mg/L
• Material / trash > 1-mm: less than 10 mg/L
If the sieve test results are higher than these limits, then it is likely that the fine screens are
allowing material to overflow or bypass into the MBR tank and the fine screens and overall
pretreatment process should be reviewed for corrective actions. Any overflow or bypass must
be eliminated and the performance of the system should be improved to meet these

Appendix: Cyclic Valve

Use the following cyclic valve (from Tyco) or similar.:

Butterfly valve, LUG, High performance, 3” or other sizes (e.g. 4”), TYCO, K-LOK, PT#F362-
SEAT,316SS DU BEARINGS, C/W F79B-006 DA, Double acting pneumatic actuator Morin B
Series Scotch Yoke Style, Ductile iron actuator body ad end caps, SS cylinder C?W 2 AVID
ZR-112D4N Position monitor C/W with Built-in120VAC SOLENOID energized to close, Power
loss opens, rated 120 VAC, NEMA 4, 4,4X

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
Appendix: Approved Antifoam Agents
Some of the commercially available antifoam agents that are compatible with MICRODYN
BIO-CEL® MBR membrane modules include:
• Nalco IL08
• Nalco, 7465
• Air Products, Surfynol DF-110L
• Air Products, DF-110D
• Pelron Corporation, P-463
• Nalco, 72028
• Dow, Polyglycol 45-200
• Dow, Polyglycol FR-530
• Dow, Polyglycol P-1200
• Dow, Polyglycol 112-2
• Dow, Polyglycol P-1000TB
• Dow, Polyglycol P-2000
• Dow, Polyglycol P-4000
The following agents are not compatible and should not be used:
• O’Brien Products/Zinkan Enterprises, O’B No Foam 24
• Surpass Chemical Co, Nofoam AK
• Ultra Additives Inc, Foamtrol WT-2
• Ultra Additives Inc, Foamtrol WT-73
• Ultra Additives Inc, Foamban MS-5
• Brose Chemical C, BCC-336
• Drew Chemical, Drewplus L-674
• Betz, Foamtrol AF1660
• Betz, Foamtrol AF3550
• Betz, Foamtrol AF3551

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MICRODYN BIO-CEL® MBR Design Guidelines // Revision: C // Date: March 06, 2019
Appendix: Device List
The following is a list for recommended devices for:
• pump driven permeate extraction:

1. Permeate pump reversible + VFD controlled (serves for the backwash process and
MCP cleaning)
2. Permeate flow meter (bidirectional)
3. Pressure sensor in permeate line (digital with display)
4. Air blower for MBR cross-flow + VFD controlled
5. Air flow meter (digital)
6. Pressure sensor in air line (digital with display)
7. Temperature sensor in air line
8. pH / temperature sensor filtration tank
9. MLSS sensor filtration tank
10. Level sensor in filtration tank (pressure or ultrasonic)
11. Pump for sludge recirculation (not required for internal configuration)
12. Venting tank
13. Permeate tank
14. Motor control valve for permeate line
15. Motor valve for backwash and degassing
16. Chemical storage tank (NaOCl)
17. Chemical storage tank (citric acid)
18. Chemical dosing pump (DP) NaClO
19. Chemical dosing pump (DP) citric acid
20. Manual valve with hand operation for the permeate line (one per module)
21. Manual valve with hand operation for the air line (one per module) - steel
22. Motor/solenoid valve for chemical (NaClO) dosing pipes
23. Motor/solenoid valve for chemical (citric acid) dosing pipes
24. Level sensor for permeate tank
25. Turbidity sensor for permeate tank

• pump operated permeate extraction:

1. Permeate flow meter (bidirectional)

2. Pressure sensor in permeate line (digital with display)
3. Air blower for MBR cross-flow + VFD controlled
4. Air flow meter (digital)
5. Pressure sensor in air line (digital with display)
6. Temperature sensor in air line
7. pH / temperature sensor filtration tank
8. MLSS sensor filtration tank
9. Level sensor in filtration tank (pressure or ultrasonic)
10. Pump for sludge recirculation (not required for internal configuration)
11. Venting pipe
12. Permeate tank
13. Motor control valve for permeate line
14. Motor valve for backwash and degassing
15. Chemical storage tank (NaOCl)
16. Chemical storage tank (citric acid)
17. Chemical dosing pump (DP) NaClO
18. Chemical dosing pump (DP) citric acid
19. Manual valve with hand operation for the permeate line (one per module)
20. Manual valve with hand operation for the air line (one per module) - steel
21. Motor/solenoid valve for chemical (NaClO) dosing pipes
22. Motor/solenoid valve for chemical (citric acid) dosing pipes
23. Level sensor for permeate tank
24. Turbidity sensor for permeate tank

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