Torsional Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Squared Beams
Torsional Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Squared Beams
Torsional Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Squared Beams
Engineering Structures
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Article history: This paper presents experimental results on the torsional behavior of ultra-high performance concrete
Received 23 October 2012 (UHPC) beams. Thirteen beam specimens with 300 300-mm cross section were cast from UHPC with
Revised 9 May 2013 the compressive strengths greater than 150 MPa. The experimental parameters were the specimens’ vol-
Accepted 14 May 2013
ume fraction of steel fibers, transverse reinforcement ratio, and longitudinal reinforcement ratio. The test
Available online 11 June 2013
results indicated that the beams’ initial cracking and ultimate torsional strength increased as the volume
fraction of steel fibers increased. The ultimate torsional strength and torsional stiffness after initial crack-
ing increased as the stirrup ratios increased, and ultimate torsional strength increased as the longitudinal
Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC)
Steel fiber
rebar ratios increased. The effect of the quantity of transverse and longitudinal reinforcement on the
Crack angle of the diagonal compressive stresses was investigated. The results of this study provided valuable
Torsional strength data that could be used in future studies to develop computational models of the torsional behavior of
Diagonal compressive stresses UHPC beams and predict their ultimate strength.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0141-0296/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I.-H. Yang et al. / Engineering Structures 56 (2013) 372–383 373
Therefore, more information is needed to explore the structural Water- Cement Silica Filler Fine Water- Steel fiber by
behavior of UHPC beams subjected to torsion. binder fume aggregate reducing volume of
With this need in mind, the purpose of this study was to explore ratio admixture concrete
the torsional behavior of UHPC beams with compressive strengths 0.2 1.0 0.25 0.3 1.1 0.02 0%, 1.0%, and
greater than 150 MPa, and this paper describes the experiments 2.0%
and failure patterns, cracking torsional strength, and ultimate tor- Specimen 3
sional strength of ultra high-performance concrete beams with Specimen 4
20 Specimen 5
squared solid sections when subjected to torsion. The experimental
data presented in this paper provide valuable information on 0
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
understanding the strength and structural behavior of ultra-high-
strength concrete squared beams reinforced with steel fibers. Strain
These data could also be useful for the development of design (a) UHPC containing a steel fiber volume fraction of 1%
equations that can predict the torsional strength of UHPC beams 200
in the future.
Compressive Stress (MPa)
3. Material properties
3.1. Materials and mix proportions 120
The UHPC investigated in this study was a type of reactive pow-
80 Specimen 1
der concrete [27]. Coarse aggregates were not included, and the
fine aggregates consisted of sand with a diameter of less than 60 Specimen 2
0.5 mm, which was the largest component of the UHPC. Portland 40 Specimen 3
cement was used as the binder, and the filler material was crushed
20 Specimen 4
quartz with an average diameter of 10 lm and a density of
2600 kg/m3. The silica fume, which was the smallest of the UHPC 0
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
components, had a diameter sufficiently small to fill the interstitial
voids between the cement and crushed quartz particles. The work-
(b) UHPC containing a steel fiber volume fraction of 2%
ability provided by the low water-to-cement ratio of the concrete
was maintained by the addition of a high-performance water- Fig. 1. UHPC compressive stress–strain.
reducing agent, a polycarboxylate superplasticiser with a density
of 1060 kg/m3. The steel fibers used for this concrete were straight
steel fibers with a diameter of 0.2 mm, and two different lengths of
16.5 and 19.5 mm were used together for each batch. The fibers
had a density of 7500 kg/m3 and a yield strength of 2500 MPa,
and they were added in volumes of 1% and 2% of the total mix vol-
ume. The proportions of the components in this UHPC mixture are
expressed in terms of their weight ratios in Table 1.
this manner, the axial deformation of the cylinders was measured each batch and are presented in Fig. 2. These curves were subse-
accurately from the initiation of loading until failure. The loads and quently used for tensile constitutive material modeling by inverse
outputs from the three LVDTs were digitally recorded throughout analysis. The procedure of inverse analysis was explained in detail
testing. The loading was applied by a displacement control using in the work by Yang et al. [31]. The tensile behavior of the UHPC
a universal testing machine (UTM) with a 2000-kN capacity. was modeled with a linear elastic stress–strain relationship and a
The stress–strain curve of each batch of UHPC, shown in Fig. 1, softening relationship, as proposed by the AFGC design recommen-
was obtained based on the load–displacement relationship mea- dations [33]. As an example, the tensile stress–strain relationship
sured during the test, which was subsequently used to compute resulting from inverse analysis is shown in Fig. 3.
the sample’s compressive strength and elastic modulus. The FHWA Tensile stress–strain relationship for steel fiber-reinforced con-
[26] has suggested that the elastic modulus must be computed crete can be modeled by using direct tension test results. Karayan-
using the characteristic values that correspond to 10% and 30% of nis [24] approached the tensile response of steel fiber-reinforced
the ultimate compressive strength. concrete by two types of stress–strain curves resulting from direct
A series of tests was performed for each batch of UHPC prism tension test results. The first type was a tri-linear curve and was
specimens to determine their basic tensile behavior beyond the used for the case that the maximum post-cracking strength was
tensile strength. In the experimental program, a three-point bend- less than the cracking stress. The second type was an exponential
ing test was performed on notched prism specimens to investigate curve and was used for the case that the maximum post-cracking
the post-cracking behavior of the UHPC. This three-point bending strength was greater than the cracking stress.
test has been recommended by AFGC [33] for testing and modeling
the softening behavior of steel fiber-reinforced ultra-high perfor-
4. Test procedure
mance concrete.
The prism specimen had a height of 100 mm, width of 100 mm,
4.1. Test parameters, beam dimensions, and beam details
span of 300 mm, and length of 400 mm. A notch was cut into the
tension face of each beam to a depth of 10 mm before testing. Each
This experiment tested 13 UHPC beams with 300 300-mm
beam was rotated 90° from the casting surface and sawed through
cross sections, the details of which are listed in Table 2. The test
its width at midspan. The tests were controlled by the loading
parameters considered in the experimental program were the steel
point displacement method. The crack mouth opening displace-
fiber volume fraction, longitudinal reinforcement ratio, and trans-
ment (CMOD) was measured by a clip gauge with a 10-mm capac-
verse reinforcement ratio. The beams contained combinations of
ity attached to knife edges that had been epoxied to the bottom
two steel fiber volume contents (1% and 2%), while their longitudi-
face of the specimen on either side of the notch. In addition, the
nal reinforcement varied from 0% to 1.27% and their transverse
deflection of the prism was measured at midspan and the points
reinforcement varied from 0% to 0.70%. The ratios of steel rein-
measuring one third of the span’s distance from each support. In
forcement of the beams in Table 2 were calculated based on the
this manner, experimental load–CMOD curves were obtained for
following equations:
ql ¼ 100 ð%Þ ð1Þ
12 Ac
10 Ast pt
qt ¼ 100 ð%Þ ð2Þ
Ac s
Tensile stress (MPa)
where ql = longitudinal rebar ratio (%), qt = stirrup ratio (%), Ac = -
6 gross area of the beam cross section, Asl = total area of longitudinal
steel, Ast = area of one stirrup leg, pt = stirrup perimeter, and s = stir-
rup spacing.
The suggestion that beams in pure torsion should have a mini-
mum volumetric ratio of reinforcement greater than 1.0% is used in
the current ACI 318 minimum torsion provisions [34]. In the paper,
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 the total ratio of the stirrups and rebars varied from less than 1% to
Strain more than 1%. Finally, the total ratio of reinforcement ranged from
(a) Steel fiber content of 1% 0.56% to1.97%.
20 The beams in Table 2 were named to indicate the shape of their
cross section, steel fiber volume fraction, longitudinal reinforce-
ment ratios, and transverse reinforcement ratios. For example,
15 SS–F1–L56–S35 indicates that the beam has a square cross section
Tensile stress (MPa)
Table 2
Test beam material properties and experimental parameters.
Test beam Fiber volume Rebar volume Stirrup volume Compressive Elastic modulus Tensile strength
content (%) content (%) content (%) strength (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
SS–F2–L00–S00 2.0 0.00 0.00 192 45,090 18.8
SS–F1–L56–S00 1.0 0.56 0.00 174 43,550 9.8
SS–F1–L56–S35 1.0 0.56 0.35 174 43,550 9.8
SS–F1–L56–S70 1.0 0.56 0.70 174 43,550 9.8
SS–F2–L56–S00 2.0 0.56 0.00 192 45,090 18.8
SS–F2–L56–S35 2.0 0.56 0.35 192 45,090 18.8
SS–F2–L56–S70 2.0 0.56 0.70 178 40,810 15.4
SS–F2–L88–S00 2.0 0.88 0.00 178 40,810 15.4
SS–F2–L88–S35 2.0 0.88 0.35 184 45,010 13.4
SS–F2–L88–S70 2.0 0.88 0.70 184 45,010 13.4
SS–F2–L127–S00 2.0 1.27 0.00 182 44,050 13.6
SS–F2–L127–S35 2.0 1.27 0.35 182 44,050 13.6
SS–F2–L127–S70 2.0 1.27 0.70 182 44,050 13.6
cracks to occur along the beams and accommodated the test-rig of the beam to allow beam failure to occur in its middle test region
length of 0.7 m at each end. Further details on the beam specimens of the beam.
are provided in Fig. 4. The transverse and longitudinal reinforce- The placement of the UHPC was performed vertically in steel
ments were arranged according to test variables. Stirrups with a forms when fabricating the beam specimens, and it was compacted
nominal diameter of 10 mm (D10) were used for transverse rein- using external vibrators. The beam specimens were covered with
forcement, and four rebars with a nominal diameter of 13 (D13), plastic sheets upon completion of the UHPC casting and then
16 (D16), or 19 mm (D19) were used for longitudinal reinforce- steam-cured for 3 days at 90 °C. After 4 days of setting, the beam
ment. The rebars used were ribbed bars identified as SD 400 specimens were demoulded and air-cured until testing.
(400 MPa). To obtain the actual mechanical properties of the yield
stress, tensile strength, yield strain, and elastic modulus, four rebar 4.2. Test setup and instrumentation
specimens of each diameter were tested. The average yield stress
was 445 MPa, and the average tensile strength was 508 MPa. The The beam specimens were subjected to the test setup shown in
average yield strain was 2210 106, and the average elastic mod- Figs. 5 and 6. Steel frames were mounted at both ends of the
ulus was 198,000 MPa. Additional stirrups were placed at each end beams. The steel frame gripping the west end of the beam was
(Unit : mm)
Beam specimen
Steel frames
of the beam was allowed to slide in the longitudinal direction. The
vertical load was applied using a 1000-kN actuator with a torsional
arm to produce the torque. The torsional arm extended 800 mm
from the centroidal axis of the beam. All specimens were tested
under ram displacement control.
The instrumentation used for the beam specimens is shown in
Shim plates
Fig. 7 and consisted of linear variable differential transformers
Arc-bearing (LVDTs), strain gauges, and Demec gauges. An LVDT was used to
measure the deflection of the torsional arm at the east support
Note : and to calculate the rotation of the cross section of the beam spec-
Not to scale
imens. An aluminum frame was attached to the beam 525 mm
from the east support with an LVDT to estimate the rotation of
West support East support the cross section of the specimen.
(b) Section Electrical resistance strain gauges were used to measure the
concrete strain and were mounted on the surface of the rear side
Fig. 5. Details of the test set-up for the beam specimens. of the specimen at 45° and 135° to the beam axis, as shown in
Fig. 7. The length of the strain gauges mounted on the concrete
connected to the laboratory’s strong floor, and the frame gripping was 60 mm. These strain gauges were bonded with epoxy after
the east end of the beam was supported by an arc-bearing support. the concrete surface had been ground for planeness. Individual
This arc-bearing support allowed the beam to rotate while the gauges were used until their readings became unreliable due to
beam was loaded. To avoid longitudinal restraint, the east support cracking in the underlying concrete and were capable of detecting
East Support
(Unit : mm) West Support
strain due to small crack openings at each location. However, the 140
readings of the concrete strain gauges became unreliable when a
localised macrocrack developed. 120
The test was performed until beam failure, and a remarkable
loss of load-carrying capacity and increased deformation were ob- 100
C4 C6
Torque (kN-m)
served. The applied load, angle of twist of the beam axis, strain in
C1 80
the concrete surface, development and propagation of cracks, and C2
width of each crack were recorded until beam failure. C5 60
5. Test results
5.1. Cracking behavior
The propagation of cracks and failure patterns were observed as -10000 -5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
part of this study, and the test results indicated tensile cracking Microstrain
behavior and tensile fiber pullout behavior around the UHPC. No
cracks were observed when the load increased linearly at the Fig. 8. Torque–strain curve (beam SS–F2–L127–S70).
Table 3
Test results for cracking parameters.
Test beam ql (%) qt (%) fly (MPa) fty (MPa) (ql/qt) (fly/fty) wcr (mm) scr (mm) h (deg)
SS–F2–L00–S00 0.00 0.00 – – – – – 44
SS–F1–L56–S00 0.56 0.00 442 – – 0.53 20.6 50
SS–F1–L56–S35 0.56 0.35 442 445 1.59 0.49 19.2 38
SS–F1–L56–S70 0.56 0.70 442 445 0.79 0.47 15.3 49
SS–F2–L56–S00 0.56 0.00 442 – – 0.43 15.9 27
SS–F2–L56–S35 0.56 0.35 442 445 1.59 0.38 15.1 38
SS–F2–L56–S70 0.56 0.70 442 445 0.79 0.37 13.0 39
SS–F2–L88–S00 0.88 0.00 442 – – 0.35 14.9 34
SS–F2–L88–S35 0.88 0.35 442 445 2.50 0.33 14.5 52
SS–F2–L88–S70 0.88 0.70 442 445 1.25 0.25 13.8 49
SS–F2–L127–S00 1.27 0.00 442 – – 0.27 14.7 35
SS–F2–L127–S35 1.27 0.35 442 445 3.60 0.25 13.2 46
SS–F2–L127–S70 1.27 0.70 442 445 1.80 0.24 12.2 52
The experimental values of the mean crack width (wcr) and crack spacing. These results showed that the fiber contents in the
crack spacing (scr) at the ultimate state are given in Table 3. Both beams were effective at promoting multiple cracking behaviors
the mean crack width and crack spacing were measured in the and stress redistribution after the initial cracking.
middle region of each beam. The UHPC beams consistently exhib- A comparison of the cracking and failure patterns in beams with
ited small crack widths for the ultimate torque level. It was shown different stirrup ratios of 0.0%, 0.35%, and 0.70% is shown in Fig. 10.
that the higher fiber content corresponded to a smaller crack The figure indicates that more tightly spaced cracks occurred as the
width. This result was because the steel fibers across the cracks re- stirrup ratio increased. These results suggest that stirrups in beams
duced the stress in the tensile steel reinforcement. It was also were effective at promoting multiple cracking behavior and the
shown that the higher fiber content corresponded to the smaller redistribution of stresses after initial cracking.
60 rup ratio of 0.70% and longitudinal rebar ratio of 0.56% had a crack-
ing torsional strength of 79.2 kN m when it contained 2% steel fiber
content, while beam with 1% steel fiber content had a cracking tor-
40 sional strength of 66.4 kN m. In comparison, the ultimate torsional
30 strength of beam with 2% steel fiber content was 109.8 kN m, while
20 that of beam with 1% steel fiber content was 86.7 kN m. However,
the cracking and ultimate torsional strength of beam SS–F2–L56–
S00 were less than those of beam SS–F1–L56–S00. The torque–
0 twist relationship for beam SS–F2–L56–S00 is shown in Fig 12b.
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
The torque of this beam suddenly decreased after the peak torque,
Angle of twist (rad/m) whereas the other beams that included steel fibers did not show
Fig. 11. Torque–twist curve (beam SS–F2–L00–S00).
5.2. Contribution of steel fibers to the post-cracking behavior
The torque–twist relationship for beam SS–F2–L00–S00 is
Torque (kN-m)
shown in Fig. 11. The beam did not contain conventional torsional
reinforcement, such as stirrups and longitudinal rebars. As ex-
pected, the torque–twist curve was linear before the beam cracked. 30
Its cracking torsional strength was 79.1 kN m. The initial cracking
torsional strength was calculated with the torque at the end of
the initial linear zone in the torque–twist curve. After the initial 10
cracking, the torsional capacity increased to the ultimate torsional 0
strength of 88.5 kN m, which was the peak torque on the curve. 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
The test results indicate that the UHPC beam showed significant Angle of twist (rad/m)
improvement in its post-cracking behavior, particularly after the (a) Beams with ρl = 0.56% and ρ s = 0%
peak torque. The post-cracking behavior of the UHPC beam was
different from that of the conventional concrete beam without
steel reinforcement, which failed abruptly by crushing. The addi- 90
Table 4
Test results for cracking and ultimate torque.
Test beam Initial cracking Ultimate state
Torque, Tcr Twist, hcr Torque, Tu Twist, hu 80
Torque (kN-m)
sudden decrease after the peak torque. The post-peak behavior of corresponding torsional stiffnesses of 618 and 784 kN m2, respec-
the UHPC beams is affected by the tensile resistance of the fiber tively, whereas beams SS–F1–L56–S35 and SS–F1–L56–S70, de-
crossing the crack plane, and the tensile resistance is also affected signed with a steel fiber content of 1%, had corresponding
by the fiber distribution during the mixing process and the place- torsional stiffnesses 373 and 575 kN m2, respectively. These results
ment of the UHPC. The non-uniform fiber distribution of beam SS– show that the cracked torsional stiffness increased as the steel fiber
F2–L56–S00 might decrease the cracking and ultimate torsional content increased. However, the torsional stiffness of beam SS–F2–
strength of the beam. L56–S00 was 1956 kN m2, whereas the torsional stiffness of beam
The torque–twist curves of the beams with different steel fiber SS–F1–L56–S00 was 2650 kN m2. This result shows that the
content (1% and 2%) are shown in Fig. 12. The torque–twist rela- stiffness of beam SS–F2–L56–S00 was less than that of beam SS–
tionship was linear until initial cracking occurred. These linear F1–L56–S00. As mentioned previously in this section, it might be
characteristics may have resulted from the linear compressive due to the non-uniform fiber distribution of beam SS–F2–L56–S00.
stress–strain relationship of the UHPC beam, as shown in Fig. 1,
and the linear tensile stress–strain relationship of the UHPC beam,
as shown in Fig. 3. The curves even showed an almost linear rela-
5.4. Effect of stirrup ratio on torsional behavior
tionship between the torque and twist after initial cracking had oc-
curred. Furthermore, the linear curve between the initial cracking
The torque–twist curves for beams with different stirrup ratios
and the maximum torque may have resulted from the linear tensile
are shown in Fig. 13. A comparison of the torque–twist curves of
stress–strain relationship after cracking, as shown in Fig. 3. The
beams with steel fiber content of 1% and a longitudinal rebar ratio
twist of the beam with 2% steel fiber content at failure was not sig-
of 0.56% is shown in Fig. 13a, which indicates that the ultimate tor-
nificantly different from that of the beam with 1% steel fiber con-
sional strength increased as the stirrup ratio increased. The in-
tent. It resulted from the similarity between the stress–strain
crease in the ultimate torsional strength of beams with stirrup
relationship of UHPC with 2% steel fiber content and that with
ratios of 0.35% (SS–F1–L56–S35) and 0.70% (SS–F1–L56–S70) was
1% steel fiber content.
3% and 18% of the ultimate torsional strength of a beam without
After cracking, the cracked torsional stiffness (kcr) is defined as
stirrups (SS–F1–L56–S00), respectively. A comparison of the tor-
que–twist curves of beams with steel fiber content of 2% and a lon-
T u T cr gitudinal rebar ratio of 0.56% is shown in Fig. 13b, which also
kcr ¼ ð3Þ indicates that the ultimate torsional strength increased as the stir-
uu ucr
rup ratio increased. The increase in the ultimate torsional strength
where Tcr is the measured cracking torque of beam specimen, Tu the of beams with stirrup ratios of 0.35% (SS–F2–L56–S35) and 0.70%
measured maximum torque of the beam specimen, ucr is the (SS–F2–L56–S70) was 29% and 66% of the ultimate torsional
measured angle of twist at initial cracking, and uu is measured strength of a beam without stirrups (SS–F2–L56–S00), respectively.
the angle of twist at maximum torque. Beams SS–F2–L56–S35, These results indicate that the increase of the ultimate torque of
and SS–F2–L56–S70, designed with a steel fiber content of 2%, had beams with steel fiber content of 2% at various stirrup ratios was
100 140
70 100
Torque (kN-m)
Torque (kN-m)
60 80
30 40
0 0
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
Angle of twist (rad/m) Angle of twist (rad/m)
(a) Beams with F = 1.0% and ρl = 0.56% (c) Beams with F = 2.0% and ρl = 0.88%
120 140
100 120
Torque (kN-m)
Torque (kN-m)
20 20
0 0
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
greater than that of the ultimate torque of beams with steel fiber 100
content of 1%. 90
A similar phenomenon was observed in the test results for
beams with a steel fiber content of 2% and longitudinal rebar ratios
of 0.88%, and 1.27%, as shown in Fig. 13c and d. These figures indi-
Torque (kN-m)
cate that the ultimate torsional strength of the UHPC beams in- 60
creased as the stirrup ratio increased. In addition, the torsional 50
stiffness of the beams after initial cracking increased as the stirrup 40
ratio increased. As an example, the increase in torsional stiffness
after initial cracking of a beam without stirrups (SS–F2–L88–S00)
was insignificant. However, the increase in torsional stiffness after
initial cracking of beams with stirrup ratios of 0.35% (SS–F2–L88– 10
S35) and 0.70% (SS–F2–L88–S70) was more significant than that 0
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
of beam without stirrups.
Angle of twist (rad/m)
(a) Beams with stirrup ratio of 0% ( ρs = 0%)
5.5. Effect of longitudinal rebar ratio on torsional behavior
The torque–twist curves used to compare the characteristics for
beams with different longitudinal rebar ratios are shown in Fig. 14. 120
Beams SS–F2–L00–S00, SS–F2–L88–S00, and SS–F2–L127–S00 con-
tained longitudinal rebar ratios of 0%, 0.88%, and 1.27%, respec- 100
Torque (kN-m)
tively, but no stirrups. The ultimate torsional strengths of these
beams were 88.5, 95.1, and 85.2 kN m, respectively, as shown in 80
Table 4, which indicates that the ultimate torsional strength did
not increase significantly as the longitudinal steel ratio increased.
The increase of the ultimate torsional strength of beam SS–F2–
L127–S35 was 28% of the ultimate strength of beam SS–F2–L56–
S35, and the increase of the ultimate torsional strength of beam 20
SS–F2–L127–S70 was 9% of the ultimate strength of beam SS–F2–
L127–S70. The increase of the ultimate torsional strength ranged 0
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
between 9% and 28% as the longitudinal rebar ratio increased from
0.56% to 1.27%, while the increase of the ultimate torsional Angle of twist (rad/m)
strength ranged between 18% and 66% as the stirrup ratio in- (b) Beams with stirrup ratio of 0.35% ( ρs = 0.35%)
creased from 0% to 0.70%, as mentioned in the previous section.
A comparison between these values indicates that the influence
of the stirrups ratio on the ultimate torsional strength was greater
than that of the longitudinal rebar ratio.
The post-cracking behavior of the beams was affected by the 100
Torque (kN-m)
longitudinal rebar ratios, as shown in Fig. 14a. The twist at the ulti-
mate state increased as the longitudinal rebar ratio increased, and 80
the increase in twisting after cracking was more significant in
beams SS–F2–L88–S00 and SS–F2–L127–S00 than in beam SS– 60
F2–L00–S00. A similar phenomenon was observed in the beams
with stirrup ratios of 0.35% and 0.70%. Considering beams with a 40
stirrup ratio of 0.35%, the twist at the ultimate state of the beam
with a longitudinal rebar ratio of 1.27% (SS–F2–L127–S35) was
much greater than that of the beam with a longitudinal rebar ratio
of 0.56% (SS–F2–L56–S35), as shown in Fig. 14b. Considering 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
beams with a stirrup ratio of 0.70%, the twist at the ultimate state Angle of twist (rad/m)
of the beam with a longitudinal rebar ratio of 1.27% (SS–F2–L127– (c) Beams with stirrup ratio of 0.70% ( ρs = 0.70%)
S70) was much greater than that of the beam with a longitudinal
rebar ratio of 0.56% (SS–F2–L56–S70), as shown in Fig. 14c. Fig. 14. Torque–twist curves of beams with different longitudinal rebar ratios.
(a) SS-F2-L88-S00
(b) SS-F2-L88-S70
(c) SS-F2-L127-S00
(d) SS-F2-L127-S70
Fig. 15. Angle of major diagonal cracks.
compressive stresses from the beam axis increased as the quantity longitudinal steel ratio increased, the twist at the ultimate state
of stirrups increased. increased and the ultimate torsional strength did not increase
6. Conclusions 5. The angle of the diagonal compressive stresses to the beam axis
was affected by transverse and longitudinal reinforcement.
This paper presents an experimental study on the torsional Major diagonal cracks were observed at angles measuring 27–
characteristics of UHPC beams reinforced with steel fibers. The fol- 53° from the beam axis.
lowing conclusions were drawn from the test results of the beam
specimens. Acknowledgements
1. Initial cracking was observed to be diagonal and spiral along the This research was supported by a grant from a Strategic Re-
beam spans. Additional diagonal cracks propagated as the search Project (Design Technology for Ultra-High Performance
applied torque increased. One major crack became significantly Concrete) funded by the Korea Institute of Construction
wider than any other cracks in the beam when the torque Technology.
approached its ultimate value. The addition of steel fibers was
essential to the improvement of the post-cracking behavior of References
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