Risk Analysis and Optimization of Fishing Port Waste Water Treatment Plant Using Fault Tree Analysis Method
Risk Analysis and Optimization of Fishing Port Waste Water Treatment Plant Using Fault Tree Analysis Method
Risk Analysis and Optimization of Fishing Port Waste Water Treatment Plant Using Fault Tree Analysis Method
This research will analyze the potential risks that will jeopardize the performance of fishing port Waste Water
Treatment Plant (WWTP) and propose an optimization strategy. The variables of the analysis are human
resource capacity, machinery and tools, and wastewater treatment process. The operations of WWTP will be
analyzed using Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) to discover the factors of potential risks. The risks will
then be scrutinized to find out the true causes of the problems using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method and be
calculated on the value of probability and its consequences to determine into which category in the risk matrix
that they will fall. Pursuant to the risk matrix, an optimization will be strategized by mitigating the risks.
Optimization priority will be given to those with the category of Severe and High. The major causes of
decremental effluent quality reside on the factor of machinery and tools i.e. defective flow meter and
hydroextractor; the factor of wastewater treatment process i.e. the value of BOD loading, recirculation ratio,
airflow, and the substandard efficiency of the aeration tank; and the factor of human resource i.e. the inadequate
capacity of the technicians due to absence of training on wastewater treatment and WWTP operations.
KEYWORDS: Risk Analysis, Failure Mode Effect Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, Wastewater Treatment Plant
(WWTP), Optimization.
Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Nizam Zachman Jakarta is the largest fishing port in Indonesia of
which industrial zone is packed with small- to large-scale fish processing business entities. Their wastewater
contains high organic matter [1], and the level of pollution very much depends on the type of processing and of
the processed raw material [2]. The fishing port Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) applies biological
treatment using activated sludge technology, with the maximum treatment capacity of 1.000 m3/day, the
wastewater contains maximum BOD 500 mg/l and TSS of 500 mg/l [3]. Data of periodical inspection on the
quality of the WWTP effluent from 2013 to 2015 demonstrate that 87% of the effluent do not meet the standard
quality. A number of factors have caused the failure and measures have been taken to address the issue, however
they have yet to increase the WWTP performance as targeted.
Therefore, methods for risk identification and analysis are needed. Some of the commonly used ones
are Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). Both can be used as an instrument to
develop a process, product, or service [4]. To obtain an optimum condition, the identified risk will be analyzed
to determine and measure, as well as assess each of the elements of problem-causing factors [5]. Fault Tree
Analysis has ability to analyze system failure and to determine risk-causing factors from the smallest element
[5], [6], [7], [8] and [9]. The risk factors will be measured and assessed by considering their probability and
consequences. Risk assessment is important in determining risk category based on risk matrix [10].
The objectives of this research are evaluating the WWTP operations and identifying factors that have
caused the failure; and analyzing risk category and determining priority for optimization in order to optimize the
WWTP treatment and operation performances. If the WWTP operations and treatment performances are
optimum, the effluent quality will meet the standard quality and reduce the level of pollution in the receiving
In this research, the risk analysis and performances optimization are carried out using descriptive
quantitative method. Research activities include field observation on the WWTP operations, effluent sample
testing, questionnaire and interview, evaluation of the WWTP performances, and data analysis and
interpretation. The data collected for risk identification and determination are:
*Corresponding author: Diki Indra Perdana, Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and
Planning, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia.
Email: [email protected]
Perdana and Karnaningroem,2017
The obtained risk value will be evaluated based on the category of risk level [9] and cross-checked in
the risk map. Risk of highest level will be given priority for optimization.
A. Risk Identification
The purpose of risk identification is to recognize any possible risks so that the system can be optimized
by preventing or minimizing the event. Based on data, interview, and observation, it can be identified that
risk factors are human resource, machinery and tools, and wastewater treatment process. The benchmark for
WWTP performance failure is the decremental effluent quality which goes below the standard quality [11].
In each of the risk factors, there are several risk subfactors that influence the value of risk factor.
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 7(2)134-141, 2017
P : Probability
Fp : Frequency of Process
Fk : Frequency of Event
The result of the probability calculation on each factor and subfactor will then be plugged into a
mathematical formula which is an expression of quantitative logic of Fault Tree qualitative analysis to have
the value of likelihood.
Mathematical formula for factor of human resource (HR) is as follows:
P HR = P quantity + P quality + P job description + P guidance & supervision
= {P operator + P technician + P analyst} + {P education + P expert + P operation} + {P SOP + P unfeasible of SOP +
P implementation of SOP} + {P person in charge + P work report + P assestment of performance}
= {P operator + P technician + P analyst} + {P education + P expert + (P training x P literature)}+ {P SOP+ (P tools x
P method) + P implementation of SOP} + {P person in charge + P work report + (P evaluation+ P sanction)}
Perdana and Karnaningroem,2017
The following is the mathematical formula for the factor of machinery and tools:
P Machinery &Tools = P manhole pump + P flowmeter + P blower + P diffuser + P lift pump + P sludge circulation pump +
P hydroextractor
= {P condition/function+ P spare part+ P lifetime + P maintenance} + {P condition/function + P spare part +
P repair} + {P condition/function + P capacity + P spare part + P lifetime + P maintenance} +
{P condition/function + P placement + P maintenance} + {P condition/function + P spare part + P lifetime +
P maintenance} + {P condition/function + P spare part + P lifetime + P maintenance} + {P condition/function +
P spare part + P repair}
= {P condition/function + P spare part + P lifetime + P maintenance} + {(P jammed x P out of order) +
P spare part + P repair} + {P condition/function + P capacity + P spare part + P lifetime + P maintenance} +
{(P clogged x P out of order) + P placement + P maintenance} + {P condition/function + P spare part + P lifetime
+ P maintenance} + {P condition/function + P spare part + P lifetime + P maintenance} + {(P nonoperational x
P out of order) + P spare part + P repair}
Determination of Consequence
Consequence is an effect/impact of an event that is usually expressed as a loss caused by that event.
The value of Consequence is obtained from the calculation of each of the factors in the Fault Tree Diagram.
The result will then be categorized according to the range of value attained from the value of
Consequence/the largest impact with the category of Extreme observed in the factor of Machinery and
Tools (Flowmeter and Hydroextractor components) and factor of Treatment Process (Aeration Tank
Risk Mapping
The results of the calculation of Likelihood and Consequence are plotted into a matrix of risk level category
with Consequence on the X-axis and Likelihood on the Y-axis. The plotting will then become the risk map
which will serve as the basis for designing strategy for optimization action.
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 7(2)134-141, 2017
Perdana and Karnaningroem,2017
Spare Parts &
Maintenance (Lift Pump)
High Major Significant Moderate Trivial
Aeration Time Expert Lifetime (Inlet Pump) Effluent
Lifetime (Blower) Discharge
Out of Order, Placement
& Maintenance
Moderate (Diffuser)
Lifetime (Lift Pump)
Spare Parts, Lifetime &
Maintenance (Sludge
Circulation Pump)
Major Significant Moderate Low Trivial
Jammed (Flowmeter) Tank Volume
Out of Order (Buffer Tank)
Significant Moderate Low Trivial Trivial
C. Optimization Action
The method that will be used for optimization is risk mitigation. Risk mitigation is risk management
with the strategy to reduce the frequency of risk events and prevent the emergence of other risks. The
optimization is focused more on the last level of subfactor (minimal cut set), or on the problem-causing root as
identified with FTA method.
Mitigation strategy is carried out by taking into account the scale of priority. The recommendations are
actualized starting from the highest risk criterion (Severe) which imposes the largest potential in decrementing
the WWTP performances. Next, the optimization is performed gradually for risks with the category of High and
Major by of course considering availability of budget.
Table 5. Recommendation and Estimation of Optimization Cost (Risk Category of Severe and High)
Recommended Mitigation Plan Requisite/Investment Cost (IDR) Outcome
Routinely sending relevant - Training of Wastewater Increased proficiency
personnel to technical training of Treatment and WWTP 30,000,000 and skill of the
WWTP operations Operations (6 personnel @ personnel which will
once/year) result in better
- Courses for Mechanic and performance
Electrician (6 personnel @ 15,000,000
Replacing Flowmeter with the - Sewage Hi-Flowmeters (1 unit Known effluent
one needed and specifically for reserve) 30,000,000 intake so that WWTP
designed to endure the WWTP treatment load is
environment assessable
Supplying fast-moving spare - Flowmeter maintenance
parts of the Flowmeter (quarterly) 600,000
Conducting periodical
maintenance and repair of
Flowmeter every month
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 7(2)134-141, 2017
Risk factors which influence the operations of WWTP are human resource, machinery and tools, and
treatment process. Risk with the category of Severe can be observed in the following subfactors: absence of
training for personnel, damaged Flowmeter without further repair and availability of spare parts, nonoperational
and unmaintained hydroextractor, BOD loading exceeding WWTP capacity, unqualified air required and sludge
circulation ratio, and low processing efficiency of aeration tank. Optimization action is prioritized for risk with
the category of Severe and High with estimate cost of IDR 532.150.000,-.
Perdana and Karnaningroem,2017
The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries of the
Republic of Indonesia, for granting the scholarship and fund for this research.
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