Groundwater Potential
Groundwater Potential
Groundwater Potential
WG, 0000-0001-8530-7383
Quantitative estimates of amount of groundwater resources are required in the transboundary Tuli Karoo Basin to better
manage and promote sustainable conjunctive use of the aquifer. Unfortunately, such important data and information are lack-
ing. The aim of this study was to map groundwater potential zones and model groundwater recharge as well as groundwater
flow in the Tuli Karoo Basin (12,164 km2) using geospatial techniques. To delineate groundwater potential zones, nine thematic
maps of groundwater conditioning factors were computed and weighted using Saaty’s Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). To
validate the groundwater potential map, a Kruskal–Wallis test was performed. Groundwater recharge and groundwater flow
direction were estimated in a coupled Geographic Information System (GIS) and modelling environment using the soil–
water–balance model (SWB) and British Geological Survey (BGS) groundwater tool, respectively. Results for groundwater poten-
tial mapping showed that the area is dominated by high ground water potential which covers about 57.8% (6,915.1 km2) of the
basin. The Kruskal–Wallis test showed that the median values of the borehole yields vary significantly between the different
groundwater potential zone classes (P-value ,0.0001). Estimated groundwater recharge using SWB model showed that the
maximum annual potential recharge for the Tuli Karoo Basin was 13.2 mm/year for the 10-year period from 2010 to 2020.
Results from the BGS tool for groundwater flow show that the dominant groundwater flow direction is southeast. The results
showed that there is no link between groundwater flow direction and surface water flow direction. This study is relevant in
water development policy, water-related development aid, community planning and technical decision making for hydrogeol-
ogists, catchment managers, water planners and non-specialists alike.
Key words: AHP, conditioning factors, geospatial techniques, hydrogeology, soil–water balance
• GIS and remote sensing can be used to map groundwater potential zones.
• Tuli Karoo basin has high groundwater potential.
• Study is relevant for water development policy, water-related development aid, community planning and technical decision
making for hydrogeologists, catchment managers, water planners and non-specialists alike.
• More research is needed using field based data.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY 4.0), which permits copying,
adaptation and redistribution, provided the original work is properly cited (
The current increasing demand for water to satisfy cultural, societal and economic needs in the world can be ful-
filled by either groundwater or surface water sources. However, comparing the two, groundwater is the wider
distributed and relatively safer (Guppy et al. 2018). Groundwater, as a key component of the global water
cycle, is an important resource of fresh water supply for agricultural, industrial, and domestic development in
many parts of the world (Frappart & Ramillien 2018), particularly in arid and semi-arid areas (Arshad et al.
2020). Uses of groundwater in irrigation accounts for 43% of the total consumptive irrigation water use world-
wide (Frappart & Ramillien 2018; Masocha et al. 2020). Groundwater also provides 50% of the world’s
drinking water and 40% of the world’s industrial water (UNESCO 2015; Rajmohan et al. 2021). It is the primary
source of drinking water for more than 1.5 billion people around the world (Frappart & Ramillien 2018). More-
over, groundwater is also used in desalination for domestic and industrial purposes (Panagopoulos 2021, 2020).
In Africa, groundwater is the major source of drinking water and its use for irrigation is forecast to increase
substantially to combat food insecurity, particularly in northern and southern Africa (Calow et al. 2010). In
southern Africa about 62% of the population depend on groundwater some of which are transboundary catch-
ments. On the mainland of Africa, 72 transboundary aquifers (TBAs) have been identified, underlying 40% of
the continent off which 33% of the population lives on TBAs (Nijsten et al. 2018). Of the 72 TBAs in Africa,
14 are in the Southern African Development Community region (SADC) (Davies et al. 2012). An assessment
was done by Davies et al. (2012) to determine the degree to which these 14 transboundary aquifers could
pose a threat to international relationships and would benefit from shared management through international
cooperation. The Tuli Karoo Basin was one of the two aquifers that were identified to benefit from collaborative
inter-sate management.
The exploration of groundwater is very much necessary for better development of groundwater resources and
improvement of techniques for its investigation (Basavarajappa et al. 2015). Nagarajan & Singh (2009), states
that deprived knowledge about groundwater, because of its hidden nature and its occurrence in complex subsur-
face formations, has been and is still a big obstacle to the efficient management of this important resource. To
achieve sustainability on groundwater resources, there is need for a serious protection and monitoring. There
are various ways of determining groundwater potential which includes geological and geophysical methods,
However, these methods are considered to be time consuming and they require heavy and expensive equipment.
Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing as well as hydrogeological modelling has been used as
powerful tools for monitoring and predicting the behaviour of groundwater potential in many parts of the world.
Studies have been done to delineate groundwater potential zones by a number of researchers in different parts of
the world (Magesh et al. 2012; Duan et al. 2016; Pinto et al. 2017; Shamuyarira 2017; Andualem & Demeke
2019; Ajay Kumar et al. 2020; Arshad et al. 2020). In Zimbabwe, a research study was done by Chikodzi &
Mutowo (2014) to model the groundwater potential using Geographical Information System. However, the
study was done on a larger scale and hence it provides results with a course resolution. Moreover, the study
was done at a national level hence not covering the other parts of the transboundary Tuli Karoo Basin.
Groundwater recharge is an important component in the completion of the water balance but it is very difficult
to quantify (Day & Simpkins 2018; Lekula & Lubczynski 2019). Understanding the spatial and temporal vari-
ation of groundwater recharge helps water managers achieve a better understanding of water availability and
aquifer stress (Mushtaha et al. 2019). When abstraction levels exceed the rate of groundwater recharge, ground-
water mining results (Custodio et al. 2016). This happened in southeastern peninsular Spain where groundwater
was said to have been depleted to such an extent that the aquifer reserves needed more than 50 years to recover
(Custodio et al. 2016). Groundwater recharge and groundwater flow models have become increasingly popular
nowadays in the management, monitoring, assessing and forecasting of groundwater resources worldwide
(Lekula et al. 2018; Smith & Berg 2020). There are some models that can be used to model groundwater
recharge, for instance, MODFLOW, MIKESHE, pyEARTH and soil–water–balance (SWB) model (Smith &
Berg 2020). SWB model estimates recharge based on the modified Thornthwaite–Mather soil–water accounting
method (Thornthwaite & Mather 1957). However, some of these models cannot be used in areas that have chal-
lenges of inaccessibility of historical data like the Tuli Karoo Basin. This study therefore aimed at using
hydrogeological modelling as well as GIS and remote sensing in assessing the groundwater resource in the trans-
boundary Tuli Karoo Basin making use of readily available data.
The Tuli Karoo Basin lies in a semi-arid region with high water stress and is characterised by low surface runoff
and high moisture deficits (Davies et al. 2012). There is little or no reliable and current quantitative information
on groundwater resources on the Zimbabwean side of the Tuli Karoo Basin. One of the major constraints in
attempting to understand the Tuli Karoo Basin is that there are often limitations on availability of groundwater
data. Quantitative, spatially explicit information on groundwater in the Tuli Karoo Basin is required to character-
ize this resource in ways that can usefully inform strategies to adapt to growing water demand associated not only
with population growth but also climate variability and change. The few past studies which have been done in the
system do not provide information on the occurrence, the quantity of groundwater recharge as well as ground-
water flow direction (Chikodzi 2013; Gomo & Vermeulen 2017; Ebrahim et al. 2019). In this regard, key
quantitative information outlining the dimensions of the groundwater resources to date remains unresolved.
This project seeks to address this significant knowledge gap by developing quantitative maps of groundwater
potential zones as well as modelling groundwater recharge and groundwater flow direction in the Tuli Karoo
The objectives of the study were to (i) to delineate groundwater potential zones in the Tuli Karoo Basin using
GIS and remote sensing, (ii) to determine the distribution of groundwater recharge in the Tuli Karoo Basin as
well as to determine the direction of groundwater flow in the Tuli Karoo Basin. This study is relevant to water
development policy, water-related development aid, community planning and technical decision making for
hydrogeologists, catchment managers, water planners and non-specialists alike. Produced maps for groundwater
potential zones can be used by institutes like Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA), Environmental
Management Agency (EMA) and SADC Groundwater Management Institute (SADC GMI) for development,
management as well as decision making. Moreover, this research is also important as climate change is reducing
availability of surface water due to increased evaporative demand and as such groundwater will become more
significant in dry areas.
and districts in Zimbabwe) (Ebrahim et al. 2019). These are, Bobirwa (Botswana), Beitbridge (Zimbabwe) and
Musina South Africa). In Zimbabwe, insignificant parts of the aquifer are also located within the Gwanda and
Mwenezi administrative areas. In Botswana, the aquifer covers almost half of the Bobirwa sub-district. In
South Africa, the aquifer area falls entirely within the Musina Local Municipality.
More than 120,000 people stay in the Tuli Karoo Basin and almost half of the population falls within Zim-
babwe. According to Ebrahim et al. (2019), Botswana is the wealthiest on a per capita basis of the three
countries, nationally. Both Botswana and South Africa are middle-income countries with GDP per capita
above US$6,000 per year. The Tuli Karoo Basin covers a number of economic activities in the fields of
mining, agriculture and ecotourism (Masundire et al. 2016). The area contains significant deposits of coal and
other minerals. Commercial irrigation exists in Botswana and South Africa. Communities are also involved in
small-scale agriculture, both rain fed and irrigation, especially in Zimbabwe. Related, livestock is important,
especially in parts of Botswana and Zimbabwe in the Tuli Karoo Basin (Sinthumule 2020).
More than 40% of water in the Tuli Karoo Basin is stored in large dams which are increasing significantly. The
majority of this water is extracted and used (Ebrahim et al. 2019). In the Tuli Karoo Basin, irrigation is the main
water user (.80%), followed by mining (6.5%), environmental flows (5.3%), water supply service comprising
domestic use (2.5%), cattle (0.9%), and industrial use (0.9%), The Tuli Karoo Basin is part of the larger Karoo
Super group and is made up of four types of aquifers. It consists of the sandstone aquifer, overlain by Karoo
basalts and underlain by low permeability mudstones and fine-grained formations (Gomo & Vermeulen 2017).
The aquifer may be confined and semi-confined in some parts of the basin.
Soil texture 250 250 m resolution ISRIC world soil information.
Soil type 1 km 1 km resolution
home?uuid ¼ 446ed430-8383-11db-b9b2-
SRTM Digital Shuttle Radar Topography (30 30 m resolution) to SRTM.
elevation model determine slope, topographic wetness index and
drainage density.
Processed Prototype landuse/landcover (20 m 20 m resolution) European Space Agency.
landcover image ¼ node/164
Precipitation 1981 to 2020 (5 km 5 km resolution) Climate Hazards Group InfraRed
Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS)
Landsat 8 Landsat 8 image (30 30 m resolution) was USGS Earth explorer
downloaded (four tiles)
Borehole locations Onsite
Shape files Boundaries, rivers, roads Surveyor general
Modelling extend A raster file (1 km 1 km resolution) showing the Literature (Ebrahim et al. 2019)
aquifer extend. A shape file of the aquifer was
georeferenced and digitized and later on converted
to raster.
Transmissivity A GIS raster layer. Single values for different place in Literature (Ebrahim et al. 2019)
the study area were obtained and then converted to
Groundwater A GIS raster layer (1 km 1 km resolution) of Output GIS raster layer from the SWB model.
recharge spatially distributed recharge values for the study
area from 2010 to 2020
layer was 3.27%. The highest rank was given to soils that have a higher probability of groundwater potential,
that is lithosols, because they are defined as shallow soils which lack a defined horizon and consists of imper-
fectly weathered rock fragments. This then implies that they have high permeability and high infiltration
capacity. The least rank was given to cambic arenosols because they have a lower infiltration rate than litho-
sols. The average weightage given to soil lithology layer was 3.42%.
Drainage density is the total length of all streams or rivers in a drainage basin divided by the total area of the
basin. It expresses the closeness of spacing of stream channels (Arshad et al. 2020). Drainage density plays an
essential role in runoff distribution and infiltration because of its inverse relationship with permeability
(Andualem & Demeke 2019). The less the permeability of a rock, the lesser the percolation of rainfall. This there-
fore shows that drainage density is crucial for the occurrence of groundwater potential since its computations
show important hydrogeologic factors such as infiltration and permeability (Owolabi et al. 2020). To obtain a
drainage density map of the Tuli Karoo Basin, a STRM digital elevation model (30 30 resolution) was used.
DEM hydro-processing was done to extract streams for the study area which were then used for the creation
of the drainage density map.
The topographic wetness index (TWI) also known as the Compound Topographic index presents the spatial
distribution of wetness conditions or area with a tendency of water accumulation in the catchment. It was devel-
oped by Beven & Kirkby (1979). It is commonly used to control hydrological processes and predicts local
variations in water table, and hence important for mapping groundwater potential (Forkuor et al. 2013). The com-
putation of TWI gives the total influence of topographic roughness, foothill on lateral groundwater flow and
hillslope (Owolabi et al. 2020). Areas that have a higher TWI allows us to identify areas that have soil accumu-
lation as well as infiltration potential peculiar to foothills The higher the TWI, the higher the groundwater
potential (Andualem & Demeke 2019). For this study a TWI map was created using a 30 30 m STRM Digital
Elevation Model. At first, flow direction and flow accumulation were determined using spatial analyst tools. Slope
radians were then calculated using raster calculator Equation (1) (Machiwal et al. 2011):
Tan slope (1)
The occurrence and development of groundwater is also determined by landuse/landcover (LULC) (Day &
Simpkins 2018). It controls the rate of infiltration and surface runoff, hence playing a significant role in the devel-
opment of groundwater potential zone map. To add more, the classification of LULC provides crucial
environmental insight into areas of groundwater accumulation based on human and interaction with natural set-
tings (Misi et al. 2018). Dense forest area and agriculture have an excellent capability of recharge and
groundwater storage, while exposed surfaces as well as bare and built-up areas are the least suitable for infiltration
(Arshad et al. 2020). For this study, a prototype LULC was downloaded from the European Space Agency (ESA)
and was processed in a GIS environment. The pre-processed prototype LULC map downloaded from ESA has
nine classes which are shown on the LULC map in Figure 3.
Rainfall distribution is one of the most considered groundwater condition factors (Arshad et al. 2020). It is con-
sidered the major source of recharge hence showing its importance in groundwater potential zone mapping
(Rahmati & Samani 2015). Satellite-based annual rainfall data for 1981 to 2020 were downloaded from the
CHIRPS database. It incorporated 0.05° resolution. Because of the limitation of rain gauge stations, the study
only used two rain gauge stations with rainfall data at daily time step which were cumulated to annual rainfall
to validate the satellite-based rainfall estimates. The two stations used were Mzingwane and Bubi. Geology has
a significant influence on both groundwater and subsurface fluxes and they should be taken into consideration
when mapping groundwater potential zones (Rahmati & Samani 2015). Areas with high permeable subsoil are
favourable for infiltration, hence promoting recharge, while areas with impermeable rocks hinder precipitation.
Because of this, therefore, geology has become one of the factors to be considered for groundwater potential. In
this study, a geology map was downloaded from the Geology of Africa website (
data/apps/world-maps/, access date:13/12/2020) and it was clipped to the study area in a GIS environment.
Lineaments are geomorphic features that express the zones of weakness or structural displacement of the sur-
face of the Earth (Shebl & Csámer 2021). Lineaments can be identified from satellite imagery by their linear
alignments (Arshad et al. 2020). It is a very important hydrogeological factor in determining groundwater poten-
tial since they provide pathways for the movement of groundwater potential. Their representation of faulting and
fracturing zones increases the rate of secondary porosity and permeability (Dar et al. 2020). This therefore shows
that lineament density influences the potential of groundwater and areas with high lineament density are good for
groundwater potential. A Landsat image (30 30 m) resolution was used to automatically extract lineaments
using an algorithm for multi-stage line detection of Canny edge and contour detection. Contour detection enables
filtering of edge and curves (Owolabi et al. 2020). Line detection enables a four-stage transformation which
includes speculation of maximum error, minimum of length of curves, maximum angle between polylines seg-
ments and the minimum distance between two polylines (Owolabi et al. 2020). A lineament density map was
then created in a GIS environment.
Slope is also one of the principal groundwater potential controlling factor. This is because it controls the down-
ward movement of water into the subsurface (Andualem & Demeke 2019). Slope is directly proportional to
runoff amount and inversely proportional to the infiltration of surface water to groundwater storage. Steep
slopes result in a quick runoff, and greater soil erosion rates with reduced infiltration (Arshad et al. 2020). For
this study, an SRTM digital elevation model (30 30 m resolution) was downloaded from USGS Earth Explorer
( and was processed to produce an elevation map of the Tuli Karoo Basin. According to
Andualem & Demeke (2019), gently sloping areas favour the infiltration and recharge of groundwater, while
the steep slopes facilitate surface runoff and therefore relatively less infiltrations. This class was given a weightage
of 6.7%.
the most influential factors based on expert knowledge. In AHP, a pairwise comparison of different layers is done
(Legesse Kura et al. 2021). This means that the layers were compared in pairs for example lineament density and
geology. A pairwise comparison uses a consistence ratio to check and identify judgement errors. It is important to
determine the consistence ratio for measuring accuracy (Saaty 2008). The recommended consistency ration is
0.10, values greater than that should be re-evaluated (Saaty 2008) the consistency ration was calculated using
the Equation (2) (Owolabi et al. 2020):
CR ¼ (2)
where CI is the consistency index which is the derivation of degree of consistence calculated using Equation (3):
lmax –n
CI ¼ (3)
λmax ¼ is the largest eigenvalue of the pairwise comparison matrix
n ¼ groundwater potential zone factors:
lmax ¼ Wi n (4)
Wi ¼ weight for each thematic layer
Pi ¼ priority of the alternative i
RI is Saaty’s ration index or the random consistency index obtained from Saart’s 1 to 9 scale.
The stronger the influence of one factor the greater the relative importance, which results in larger weight (Dar
et al. 2020). A Saaty scale 1 to 9 (Table 2) was used to resolve the relative significance of each thematic layer,
where 1 represents equal importance and 9 represents extreme importance.
Intensity of
importance Definition Explanation
AHP has been used in similar studies of mapping groundwater potential zones (Chikodzi & Mutowo 2014;
Pinto et al. 2017; Arshad et al. 2020; Dar et al. 2020). Expert knowledge from the published literature was
used to prepare the inputs of the groundwater potential map and also to provide a pairwise comparison of the
selected groundwater conditioning factors. This was done based on hydrogeological and climatological charac-
teristics of the study area. In this study, drainage density was given the highest rank of 24.1% followed by
lineament density and rainfall which had 20.7% and 16.8% respectively. The least weightage was given to landuse
and landcover (2.14%). Weights assigned to different groundwater conditioning factors are shown in Figure 2.
where: R ¼ recharge, P ¼ gross precipitation, I ¼ interception, SNmelt ¼ snowmelt, DRin ¼ direct runoff into
the grid cell from upslope grid cells, DRout ¼ direct runoff out of the grid cell, ETsm ¼ soil moisture ET, ΔS ¼
changes in soil moisture.
According to Day & Simpkins (2018) the term for soil moisture ET, ETsm, is used to account for evaporative
losses of soil moisture and plant transpiration. Therefore, total ET, ETtot, was computed as shown in Equation (6):
The model is physically based, deterministic and quasi three dimensional (Smith & Berg 2020). Recharge is
calculated separately for each grid cell in the model domain (Westenbroek et al. 2010). For model inputs, climate
data and landscape characteristics were used to determine sources and sinks of water within each grid cell.
Recharge is calculated as the difference between the change in soil moisture and these sources and sinks.
@ @h @ @h
Tx þ Ty ¼ QA þ QR R (7)
@x @x @y @y
(2021) in a semi-arid midlands Manyara fractured aquifer which was also dominated by shrub cover areas. The
minimum rainfall for the study area was found to be 202 mm with some parts of the basin having 477 mm.
Areas like Toporo have low rainfall while some areas have high rainfall (314 to 357 mm). The rainfall results
coincided with a observation that semi-arid regions in Africa fall within the 200 to 600 annual rainfall belt
(Martiny et al. 2006). The Tuli Karoo Basin is also dominated by mesozoic extrusive and intrusive rocks.
The results also showed that, generally, the Tuli Karoo Basin is dominated by low lying areas, covering
about 27.2% and 38.5% of the basin.
The results for this study on the Zimbabwean part, are similar to findings by Chikodzi & Mutowo (2014). The
study was carried out in order to model the spatial variability of groundwater potential in Zimbabwe using GIS
and remote sensing. Their results showed that there is high and moderate groundwater potential in the western
and some parts of the southwestern parts where the Tuli Karoo Basin is located. However in a study done by
Nijsten et al. (2018), the Tuli Karoo Basin was classified in areas of moderate and low groundwater potential
with yields ranging from 0.5 to 5 l/s. This coincides with the results obtained from validation which were
done using borehole yield data from SADC-GIP. Boreholes with yield that ranges from 0.1 were found in the
low potential class. At the same time there are some areas classified as high which have borehole yield ranging
from 40 to 250 l/s. The difference between the results from Nijsten et al. (2018) and the ones for this study might
be attributed to the difference in spatial resolution. The latter used 30 m 30 m resolution while the former used
5 km 5 km resolution. Classification of groundwater potential zones is important for developers as it helps in
identifying areas to prioritise for groundwater development, for example selecting areas of high water insecurity
during droughts.
class decreases as the borehole yield increases, that is 26.9% for borehole yield less than 2 l/s, 7.1% for 2 to 10 l/s
and 1.1% for borehole yield that ranges from 100 to 250 l/s.
The results for the Kruskal–Wallis test showed that the median values of the borehole yields vary significantly
between the different groundwater potential zone classes (P-value ,0.0001 Kruskal–Wallis statistic 124.7). This
means that the statistical test was highly significant. Although the groundwater conditioning factors used in this
study might not be thorough, and the addition of other factors may improve the validation results, the ground-
water potential zone map looks to be a reasonable reflection of the situation in Tuli Karoo Basin.
The simulated results for the study suggested an annual average of almost 0–530 mm over the Limpopo Basin.
The difference between the model used by Mosase et al. (2019) and the model used in this study is that the
former is an integrated hydrological model that couples SWAT land surface processes with spatially explicit
groundwater flow processes, while the latter uses readily available data on soil, topography, and land cover,
based on simple mass balance calculated at a daily time step.
Figure 9 | Groundwater flow direction and groundwater heads for Tuli Karoo Basin.
Table 5 | Relationship between groundwater flow and surface water flow direction
GW flow direction
Surface flow direction South Southeast East Northeast North Northwest West Southwest Grand total
South 3 4 7 6 4 2 3 3 32
Southeast 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 5
East 5 0 0 3 1 2 3 2 16
Northeast 1 0 5 1 3 0 1 0 11
North 1 0 1 4 2 5 3 1 17
Northwest 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 2 10
West 3 1 1 1 0 2 3 2 13
Southwest 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 4 12
Grand total 17 7 16 20 11 14 17 14 116
surface flow patterns. However, some studies have shown that groundwater flow directions may be controlled by
pumping wells in basins that have extensive pumping of groundwater (Barackman & Brusseau 2002). Barackman
& Brusseau (2002) also stated that groundwater flow directions may also fluctuate in lowland areas near surface
water as they respond to changes in surface water levels. The latter might be the reason why the groundwater flow
direction in the Tuli Karoo Basin differs from that of surface water. However, it should be noted that, due to the
inaccessibility of field-based data, this map was not validated.
3. The study showed that groundwater in the Tuli Karoo Basin flows towards northeast and in some parts of the
basin, groundwater flows from northwest towards southeast where there is the Limpopo River.
It is therefore recommended that:
1. Reliable hydrogeological data such as borehole drilling logs, stratigraphic data, streamflow data and historical
borehole water levels should be provided to promote a better understanding as well as sustainable manage-
ment and monitoring of groundwater as a resource.
2. Further studies should be done on estimation of groundwater recharge in the Tuli Karoo Basin using other
groundwater recharge techniques such as base flow separation that uses field-based data.
The authors declare there is no conflict.
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First received 16 December 2021; accepted in revised form 2 August 2022. Available online 11 August 2022