Experimental Comparison of Vibration and Acoustic Emission
Experimental Comparison of Vibration and Acoustic Emission
Experimental Comparison of Vibration and Acoustic Emission
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Dept. of Mechanical & Material Eng. (1), Dept. of Electrical, Electronic & Systems Eng. (2)
Streszczenie. W artykule przedstawiono porównanie dwóch metod statystycznych, kurtozy oraz I-kaz używająnych do diagnostyki łożyskowania
maszyn elektrycznych. Jako sygnały diagnostyczne wykorzystuuje się pomiar wibracji i emisji akustycznej.(Eksperymentalne porównanie drgań i
analizy sygnałów emisji akustycznej do monitorowania stanu łożysk).
1. Introduction 3
1 N
Bearing is one of important components in rotating
machines that enable smooth acceleration and reduce N
friction. Ball and roller bearing are common type of bearing
(3) Sk n 1 .
used in induction motors. Normally, an induction motor has 4
1 N
two bearings supporting the rotor shaft; at the fan-end side,
and at the drive-end side. The faulty bearing can cause N
y n
major defects to motor if not fixed in a timely manner. The (4) Kur n 1 .
common failure observed in bearing elements are inner s4
race fault and outer race fault. where s, is the square root of the variance, or the standard
Vibration analysis is the most widely used technique for deviation as stated in Eq. 5.
fault detection of rotating machineries and components (5) s .
such as bearings and gears. As vibration can be The usage of kurtosis for bearing fault detection was
represented by the displacement, velocity or acceleration, first proposed by Dyer and Stewart in 1978 [8]. For a good
any sensor that measure any of these variables can be condition bearing with normal or Gaussian distribution, the
used. Piezoelectric accelerometer is the most popular kurtosis value is close to 3. However, when the fault is well
detector used to measure vibration because of rugged, advanced, the kurtosis value was reported to come down to
small and relatively inexpensive [1]. Therefore, this study the same value as undamaged bearing which is 3.
focused on acceleration measurement using an Therefore, to solve this issue they have suggested to
accelerometer. Acoustic emission (AE) is the phenomena of measure kurtosis in selected frequency bands.
transient elastic wave generation as a result of fast strain Furthermore, kurtosis also have been applied in Spectral
energy discharge from deformation or localised damage Kurtosis analysis [9], [10], or also known as kurtogram
within or on material surface [2], [3]. Combination of method [11], [12] for detection of bearing fault in frequency
vibration and AE measurement in bearing diagnostics has domain. Another great kurtosis-based method is the
been done by Al-Ghamd and Mba [4], Eftekharnejad et al. integrated kurtosis-based algorithm for z-filter technique (I-
[5], and Liu et al [6] using various methods. kaz) proposed by Nuawi et al [13]. This method provides an
Statistical analysis is one of the earliest approaches for I-kaz coefficient and a three dimensional graph with low,
bearing fault detection in time-domain. The calculation of high, and very high frequency range which are represented
crest factor, which is the ratio of peak value to the root in x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis respectively. Detail of signal
mean square (RMS) value of signal data have been the decomposition process is as follows:
simplest approach to detect bearing faults in time domain
analysis [7]. However, this method had limited success in Low frequency range (L): 0 to 0.25 fmax
the detection of localized defects. Generally, most of High frequency range (H): 0.25 to 0.5 fmax
parameters used in the time domain are derived from Very high frequency range (V): 0.5 fmax to fmax
statistical moment of data. The first and second moments
are well known, being the mean and the variance where fmax is the half value of the data sampling rate. I-kaz
respectively. For N numbers of data set (y1,y2,…,yn), the coefficient, Z is derived from the kurtosis and standard
mean, and the variance, can be calculated as: deviation from all frequency ranges, as in Eq. 6.
1 N 1
y .
4 4 4
(1) (6) Z KurL sL KurH sH KurV sV .
N n 1
2 The I-kaz method have been successfully applied for
1 N
n 1
. condition monitoring of car engine bearing [14], engine
block [15], suspension system [16], machine cutting tool
The third and fourth moments, the skewness (Sk) and the [17]–[19], and charpy impact tester [20].
kurtosis (Kur) respectively, defined as
Data acquisition
Fig. 3: Tested bearing with artificial localized defect at (a) inner
race and (b) outer race.
Vibration signal AE signal
The motor has been tested with different tork applied
started with 0 Nm and increased 1 Nm until reach full load
(3 Nm). The motor shaft speed were measured and
Waveform and spectrum analysis
recorded as tabulated in Table 2.
I-kaz analysis Table 2: Motor shaft speeds at different tork.
Tork 0 Nm 1 Nm 2 Nm 3 Nm
Comparative analysis Speed 1450 rpm 1430 rpm 1420 rpm 1380 rpm
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Fig. 9. Scatter plot of I-kaz coefficient vs Kurtosis for the motor
running at 1450 rpm (no load).
(a) (b)
(e) (f)
Fig. 10. Scatter plots of I-kaz coefficient vs Kurtosis for the 4 pole
motor running at 1380 rpm (full load).
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Fig. 8. Comparison of I-kaz graphic and coefficient for changes in acoustic emission waveform for varying seeded
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all recorded data (32 files) have been performed. Scatter 2006.