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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region V- Bicol



Nabua, Camarines Sur



An analysis is presented to:


In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research 1


Factors Influencing Career choices among Grade 12 senior highschool students

Chapter 1

Choosing a career is a primary challenge that students encounter in their senior year.
Career decision making is no doubt one of the most difficult and challenging journey in a
student's life. As students continue to college, choosing of career wisely has a major impact on
their future career life in some instances, changing courses could be the cause a cost of having a
wrong decision to choose a career could lead to a waste of time, resources, and career failure.
Grade 12 senior high school students need a lot of professional advice especially when it comes
in choosing their careers. It is in this period, where student are advised to prepare for their future
career that will fit is one of the most important decision that every person has to make. This can
be one of the measures whether an individual will be successful in the future or not. At this stage,
self realization, vote try outs, occupational explorations in schools, and finding the first job is
tentative step. It is a stage when teenager needs a guidance in the proper selection of their desired
career (Truong Thi Hoa 2018).

Statement of the Problem

In today's rapidly evolving world, choosing a career path is one of the most critical
decisions that high school seniors face. This decision not only shapes their future livelihood but
also impacts their personal growth, fulfillment, and contribution to society. Understanding the
factors influencing these decisions is crucial for educators, policymakers, and parents to provide
adequate support and guidance to students navigating this important transition. In context of
grade-12 senior high school students, several factors influence their career choices.
Understanding these factors is crucial for educational institutions, policymakers, and career
counselors to provide adequate support and guidance to students as the navigate their
transition from high school to higher education or the workforce. In the process of making
decisions for a career, students have many difficulties in self-awareness and self-evaluation,
finding information about the majors, training units, and the conflict between parents and
children in the career-making decision-making process.
However, the specific factors that significantly influence career choices among grade-12 senior
high school students remain unclear. It appears that grade-12 students. have unpleasant
experiences with their career choices.

Research Questions

Answer the following research question:

(1). What are the factors that Influence career choices?

Significance of the Study

This study significant to the following:

This study will be a great benefit to be aware in their choosing career especially the student who are
graduating in Grade 12.

Future Researchers:
The study aims to aid future researchers in expanding their resources of materials in dealing with the
same or related study.

They will help their child in choosing better career that suits for them.

They will understand and help to case the situation of their students which affects their career preference.

School Staffs:
This will be a good recommendation in the guidance office.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on the Factors Influencing Career choices that affect the Senior High School
career preference of Grade 12 Students of Nabua National High School year 2023-2024. In this study,
students' career preference refers to their pusued Senior High School strand/ specialization. The Grade 12
students of school year 2023- 2024 will be the respondents for the study as they have the most recent
experience on choosing the track and strands for senior high school. Thus, their responses are perceived
to be the most suitable for the study. Nabua National High School will be the locale of the study as it is
one of the schools where students are given the opportunity to choose various track and strands for Senior
High School. Especially, the research will focus on economic, social or environmental, and personal
factors economic factors pertain to the availability of jobs demands in the future. Social or Environmental
factors pertain to the influence of people that are around and the actual.

This research will not examine the long-term outcomes or career paths of students post-course selection,
as it focuses solely on the factors guiding their decision-making process during Grade 12. Additionally,
the perspectives of parents, teachers, and other stakeholders will not be explored, as the primary emphasis
is on the experiences and perceptions of Grade 12 senior high school students themselves.
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Parental Influence on Career Choices:
The development of career adaptability is influenced by internal and external factors.
Internal factors include personality variables such as emotional stability, anxiety, internal
control, and vocational identity. External factors include support from the environment or
social support, such as support from the school, peers, and family. For an adolescent, family or
parents play an important role in career adaptability as they are the major figures who have
attachments and emotional bonds throughout his/her life. The role of family or parents in an
adolescent's career adaptability is to provide information and advice, help identify his/ her
talents, provide him/her freedom to make decisions, and support his/her activities that are
connected to future plans.
According to Armsden and Greenberg (1987) define a parental attachment as an
enduring bond of affection from parents who convey a feeling of safety to adolescents.
Nawaz and Gilani (2011) found that the relationship between career decision-making
and parental attachment is stronger than that with peer attachment. Support and emotional
closeness that comes from parents can help adolescents to explore themselves and their
environment. As expressed by Ryan et al. (1996), parental attachment is conceptualised as a
feeling of safety that encour- ages individuals to actively explore and gather experience. Good
parental attachment can create a feeling of security that underlies adolescent exploring and
engaging in the develop- ment of behaviour. Parental attachment consists of three dimensions:
communication, trust, and alienation.
These studies collectively highlight the multifaceted nature of factors influencing career
choices among Grade 12 senior high school students, encompassing personal preferences,
parental influence, educational background, and societal perceptions.
Socio-demographic factors such as gender, age, and socioeconomic status are among
the factors that influence the career track choice. In the study by Kim (2011), men and women
may differ in their ways of thinking when making a choice, men are more liberal and
progressive, while women engage more in hierarchical thinking. Age alongside gender is a
significant predictor, especially in the students' perceived career anchori (Schein 1978).
Socioeconomic status, such as the family's monthly income and parents' educational
attainment and occupation, motivates students career choices (Eccles 2009, Wang and Degol
2013). If financial resources are limited, students tend to choose a career requiring a short
education period (Ngesi 2003). Moreover, stadents with lower family income resort to career
decisions requiring minimal investments but resulting in an immediate reward. Students
belonging to the high-income class, on the other hand, tend to seek careers needing relatively
bigger investments but with better returns (Sanz et al. 2007).
Academic performance is also one of the factors deemed significant in choosing a coreer
path. In the study of Fizet (2013), students have shown to possess the ability to perform well in
the field, as shown by their good high school grade point averages. They also suggested that
students with the ability to manage heavy academic academic workloads tend to choose a career
path that would lead to a career demanding long years of education. Meanwhile, students who lack
sufficient intellectual aptitude may be more suitable for career fields requiring less extensive and
challenging academic work. Interest is one of the personality factors playing a significant role in career
decision-making. Individuals who choose a career that matches his/her interests are likely to feel more
satisfied and motivated, Interests promote career choice goals, such as having career intentions,
developing career plans, and choosing a carcer direction to engage in (Lent et al. 1994). Spokane (1985)
showed that congruence between an individual's.
Factors Associated with Career Choice:
The choice of career is a delicate issue for students which requires caution and serious
considerations factors affecting their choices. The kind of career the youths pursue can affect their lives in
many ways. Hence, the following studies revealed some of their factors affecting students' decision in
career selection.
In Shumba and Naong (2012) found out that the family is a significant factor in determining
children's career choice, the ability of the learner self to identify his preferred career choice, and teachers
influence career choice of their learners. These findings are consistent with the findings of other studies
that have examined the influences of each parent on the career choices of their sons or daughters and have
found that mothers tend to have more influence on the career decision and aspirations of their children
than fathers. Similarly Leppel, Williams and Waldauer (2001) revealed that parental education, family
income, and family head's occupational status were found to be positively associated with offspring's
educational achievement. Rababah (2016) family members and peers have an influence in the students'
choice of the major including personal interests, gender, career opportunity and availability of jobs are
some of the factors that affect the students' decision making in this matter.
According to Khoo, Ban, Neng, Hooi and Joan (2015) showed that college students and non-
college students who were involved in this study agreed that parents are the most influential or important
person when choosing their choice of college or university and course of study because parents perceive
as their main source of finance and normally seek advice from them due to the perception that parents
have the relevant information or experience with regards to higher education, and hence, parents are
viewed as a credible source of advice.
In addition, Kaneez and Medha (2018) supported that parental influence have significant effect on
the career choice of their children. Al-Rfou (2013) explored that the parents have a significant influence
on the major selection, siblings and friends also consider important source to select the major, while
teachers and media are the least amongst the selected factors. Umar (2014) showed that although parents
have influence on the choice of career of their children so also other factors such as peer group, employer
and relatives.
Identically. Dagang and de Mesa (2017) identified the results which point to the strong influence
of parents on their children choice of tertiary school. It is deeply rooted in the consciousness of the
Filipino people the respect for elders, hence the strong influence of parents on children decision. In a
Filipino family children. are financially dependent on their parents, hence their submission to their
parents decision, thus explaining the moderate influence of others such as the peers, friends and
relatives. Another factors were affordability of tuition, followed by scholarship. Ibrahim (2017) revealed
that family members have the highest contributions in influencing students to the profession of
medical laboratory science due to the fact that family is usually who provided financial supports
to them.
According to Eremie and Okwulehie (2018) indicated that factors such as environmental,
opportunity and personality can influence the choice of career among secondary school
students. In terms of environmental factors, it revealed that family, socioeconomic status and
peer groups have significant influence of the students' choice of career while in opportunity
factors such as education and mentorship also had influence to the choice of career as well as
the personality factors such as the students' interest, values and skills in choosing their courses.
According to Hoai, Thi and Thanh (2016) in their study factors influencing students
choice of accounting as a major shows that social norm has a great influence on students choice
of major including advice and orientation of International Journal of Scientific and Research
Publications. Volume 9. Issue 1. January 2019 acquaintances, friends, teachers, parents which
had a significant influence on their decisions in the selection of specific discipline. It also
revealed some significant differences between average level of male and female students
through perceptions of input scores, major pressure and suitability for the people good at
math, job availability, average income and advancement opportunity.
In comparison, study of Kazi and Akhlaq (2017) an individual environment, talents, skills
and academic achievements exert an influence on career choice. Olaosebikan and Olusakin
(2014) indicated that parental influence will not have significant effect on adolescents career
choice, and that perception of parental occupational satisfaction will not have effect on career
aspirations of adolescents based on the following intervening variables such as sex, and type of
Moreover, Ming (2010) stated that college or university location can be a major factor
for potential students' decision to apply and enroll. Some students maybe looking for a school
close to their hometown or place of work for convenience and accessibility. It is therefore
concluded that location, academic programme college reputation, educational facilities, cost,
availability of financial aid, employment opportunities. advertising are institutional factors that
influence students' college choice decision.
Malubay, Mercado and Macasaet (2015) noticed the primary factor affecting the
decision of freshmen students in taking up specified courses or programs is the economic
factors that include economic stable wages and in-demand jobs.
Uyar, Gungormus and Kuzey (2011) revealed that 12 factors affecting the decision of
students including career opportunities, interest in the subject, instructor, money, parents,
enjoyment, previous experience, lifestyle offered because of the career, challenge, prestige,
usefulness in operating a business, and other students. It also discover the top 5 reasons for
choosing a major where: interest in a career associated with the major, good job opportunities,
abilities, a desire to run a business someday, and projected earnings in the related career. The
least selected reasons for choosing a major were the reputation of the major at the university, the
perceived quality of instruction, the parents' influence, the amount and type of promotional
information, and the influence of friends. Utilized factor analysis and determined the following
seven main factors in deciding career choice: high earnings expectations, career expectations, job
experience, knowledge and ability, family environment, social status, and education environment
Interest in the subject, guaranteed employment, and expected earnings after graduation are the
most influential factors for college major choice (Malgwi, Howe and Burnaby, 2005; Yazici and
Yazici, 2010).
Ahmed, Sharif and Ahmad (2017) which revealed that interest in subject has strong and positive
relationship while ease in grades, financial outcomes, and future job opportunities had minor impact on
students' decision for particular field and subject. It was also stated that the career choice of the students
was also influenced by the level of their social status, financial resources, affordability and future
Edwards and Quinter (2011) showed that Religion was also mentioned as one of the factors that
influenced students' career choices. For those with religious commitment, faith plays a critical role in
important life decision such as career choice.
Okiror and Otabong (2015) revealed that students' choices were base on their perceived
availability of career and scholarship opportunities in a given department and the grade point averages
marks earned by the student at the time selecting the options.
Sabir, Ahmad, Sharif and Ahmad (2013) revealed that students rank university reputation, interest
in subject and employment prospectus as the most important determinants, whereas, the factor of course
being easy and career guidance from schools the least important factors in choosing course.
Malgwi, Howe and Burnaby (2005) revealed that the most influential factor overall was interest
in the subject followed by the potential for career advancement and the major's potential job
Pascual (2014) showed that the students' first consideration in choosing a course in college is the
availability of possible work.
Kusumawati (2013) presented one of the important factors that influenced Indonesian students'
perceptions of their university choice process was total expenses (cost). It was stated that students took
into International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2019 ISSN
2250-3153 consideration cost and affordability which made them a rational decision by considering their
social economic factor before making a choice, which is consistent with economic models of choice.
Su, Chang, Wu and Liao (2016) showed that students' career decision-making is most deeply affected by
"personal factor", next are "group factor" and "career exploration factor", and "school factor" has lowest
affecting level to them. Students of large-sized schools with taking household affairs courses who will be
easily affected by personal factor of career decision-making.
Olamide and Oluwaiye (2013) observed that while students aim at such prestigious occupations
when still in secondary school, it has not been possible for many to achieve their aims for one reason or
the other. Such reasons often include among others; poor academic performance, poor choice of
subjects for the school certificate examination, lack of financial support to pursue their education which
makes it impossible for such boys and girls to get their required training that would qualify them for the
jobs of their choice.

Ferrer and Dela Cruz (2017) revealed the significant correlations of the students'
performance in Science, Mathematics and English which were found consistent from NCAE to
Grades 10 and 11 is indicative of: (1) a proper career assessment conducted that guide the
learners in choosing the academic track where they have better aptitude or potential; (2) a
sensible screening criteria set in selecting students to be admitted in the STEM track; and (3) an
evidence of quantified judgments on the learners' academic achievements per grade level as a
product of the design of the spiral curriculum.
Sidin, Hussin and Soon (2003) revealed the five factors, explaining 61% of the total
variance were identified. Factors were named 'Personal', 'Academic Quality and Facilities',
'Factors', 'Campus', 'Socialization', and 'Financial aid and procedures. A ranking of means
revealed that friends and schoolmates, parents and relatives were some of the sources of
influence on students' college choice decision making. Gender and ethnicity are proven not likely
to affect students' college choice decision while the income of the student's immediate family is
likely to affect the college choice decision in terms of public-private institutions. Thus, factors
such as facilities, procedures and policies and entry requirements are some of the significant
factors influencing college choice.
Agarwla (2008) disclosed the means and standard deviations of the factors that
influenced the career choice of Management students in India for the total sample and by gender.
Management students from India rated their "skills, competencies, and abilities" as the most
important career choice influencing factor, followed by "education and training" and "financial
rewards in this career". In terms of gender showed that male and female Indian management
students differed in the factors they rated as the most important in influencing their career choice.
For male students rated "financial rewards in this career" as the most important factor in their
career choice decision followed by "Quality of life associated with this career" and "skills,
competencies, and abilities" while female students, "skills, competencies, and abilities" and
"education and training" were the most important factors. Soria and Stebleton (2013) studied the
relationships between students' intrinsic and extrinsic motivations with choosing a major,
satisfaction with educational experience, and sense of belonging. Internal extrinsic motivations
positively associated with satisfaction include students' motivation to choose a major because the
selected option allows time for other activities, prepares students for a fulfilling career, prepares
students for graduate/ professional school, and provides international opportunities. One internal
extrinsic motivation choosing a major because it complements students' desire to study abroad
was negatively associated with students' satisfaction. Additionally, students who had external
extrinsic motivations for choosing a major because of denial of their first choice of college
major, easy requirements, and parental desires for choice of major are negatively associated with
students' satisfaction. All internal extrinsic motivations for selecting a major are positively
related to sense of belonging, except for choosing a major because it leads to a high paying job,
which is negatively associated with students' sense of belonging.
Therefore, students choose their course in college based on their perceive exits. Students
choose their courses in relation to how productive a course is and if it needed in the industry.
High paying jobs too are also considered as a factor in choosing courses. On the contrary,
students also have a misconception bout the professions due to lack of information it prevents
from choosing them.

Synthesis of the Study

The career choices of students are influenced by other/variety of factors, including internal factors
like personality and external factors like family, peers, and socioeconomic status. Students' career choices
can be influenced by these things. Like their personality, their family, their friends, and even their
financially support and etc. The support and advice they get from their family, especially their parents, are
really important and also has a big impact on a child's/adolescent development that can affect their careers
by a lack of support from their parents, even how well they do in school, what they're interested in, and
the opportunities around them are also matter. People around them, like teachers and friends, can also
have an impact. In the end, family, and social factors affects what students choose to do for their career.

Your family also has a strong influence to any decision you make. Your exposure to them and the manner
they support you to pursue whatever path you take affect your decision in many manners. This gives
confidence in your own ability to explore and select a career path that may or may not be what your
family influence you to become. Aside from your family, you may be spending much of your time with
your peers. Adolescence is a period when you start spending quality time with friends and classmates,
influencing you in many matters. One such influence is with career choice. Choosing career is one of the
major issues you need to face. It involves an interaction of many factors which are quite complex. It is not
a one time-shot task and it takes a process before arriving at a final career decision. Career choice
preparedness creates confidence in career decision-making.
Theoretical Framework

Factors influencing career choices among Grade 12 senior high school students are diverse and
can be understood through various theoretical frameworks. Research has shown that factors such as career
maturity, encompassing career planning and exploration tasks, are pivotal in shaping students' career
decisions (Rogers & Creed, 2010). The Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) has been applied to
comprehend influences on career choices, particularly in fields like medicine (Brooker et al., 2018).
Moreover, personal ambitions, academic standards, job prospects, and job security have been recognized
as significant influencers of career choices among students (Adinkrah & Rev, 2020). Additionally,
academic performance, family communication, parental expectations, peer pressure, prestige of
occupations, school subjects, and teacher influences have been identified as key determinants positively
affecting career choices (Kaneez & Medha, 2018). The impact of peers, self-esteem, and peer pressure
has been noted, with girls often being more inclined towards their peers in making career decisions
(Abomah, 2021). Furthermore, the role of influential figures such as high school music teachers
has been consistently acknowledged as positively contributing to students' career choices
(Thornton, 2013). Studies have also delved into the influence of internal locus of control, self-
concept, and career maturity on high school students' career decisions (Munawir et al., 2018).
Furthermore, the influence of religion and spirituality on career choices has been acknowledged,
although the specific mechanisms through which these factors affect occupational decisions
remain less understood (Hernandez et al., 2010). In conclusion, the career choices of Grade 12
senior high school students are shaped by a complex interplay of internal factors such as personal
ambitions, academic standards, and self-concept, as well as external factors like peer pressure,
parental expectations, and teacher influences. Understanding these diverse influences through
various theoretical frameworks like SCCT and exploring the role of significant individuals in
students' lives can offer valuable insights into the factors influencing students' career decisions.
Conceptual Framework

Personality, Ambition and Aptitude

Life Goal and Aspirations

Peer and Family Influence

Educational Environment

Job Salary Levels

Influencing Career Choices

Personality traits and aptitudes shape one's preferences, strengths, and areas of interest,
influencing career choices and life goals. Personal ambitions and aspirations drive individuals
towards certain career paths and achievements, often guided by their values and desires for fulfillment.
Social environment, including peer groups and family, plays a significant role in shaping an individual's
perceptions of success, values, and career choices through direct influence, advice, and societal norms.
The quality of education, access to resources, and support systems in educational institutions can impact
an individual's skills, knowledge, and opportunities for career development.External factors such as
cultural, societal, and economic conditions can influence career choices and aspirations by shaping
available opportunities, societal expectations, and lifestyle preferences. Government policies related to
education, employment, and economic development can affect job availability, salary levels, and career
prospects, thereby influencing career choices and aspirations. Economic considerations, including job
stability, earning potential, and cost of living, significantly impact career decisions and aspirations, as
individuals seek financial security and upward mobility. A combination of personal preferences, societal
influences, economic considerations, and educational opportunities contribute to the career choices of
students, reflecting their individual goals and aspirations within the broader social and economic context.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding and clarification of the terms used in our research study, The following terms are
defined conceptually and operationally.

In this study, “decision-making“ refers to decision making is the process of identifying and
selecting alternatives based on your unique preferences. Successful career planning requires you to make
many decisions, an ability to set goals and then to know how to reach them. Knowing what is important to
you (your values), what you enjoy (your interests), and what you do well (your skills) will make it easier
for you to make a career decision. Think of values, interests, and skills as the three legs of a stool. You
will sit more comfortably with your decision if each leg is equally strong. While “Influencing” refers to
the act of exerting an effect or having an impact on something or someone. When something is
influencing another thing, it is affecting its behavior, choices, or development in some way. “Career” is
the pursuit of professional goals and objectives over an extended period, typically involving employment,
education, training, and advancement in a particular field or occupation. It encompasses the series of jobs.
roles, and experiences that an individual engages in throughout their working life. It refers to the complex
and significant task that individuals face during their lifetime. It is influenced by various factors such as
social and parental influences, personal disposition, and the availability of information and technology.
“Students”abilities and career aspirations are the most important factors influencing their career decisions,
followed by traditional and cultural values, career guidance, parental support, and external consultation
(Qiu, Dooley & Palkar, 2017). According to our research, a person's career choice is influenced by their
homes, schools, and social environment. Men's work decisions are influenced by their financial situation
since they must support their families, but women place more importance on social ideals and utility (Sax,

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